Critical Analysis

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Bisma Haji Muhammad

UWTR 100

Michael Palagonia

February 26, 2020

The article 'A Chinese scientist has produced twins using powerful gene-editing technology'

by Dr. Katie Page, highlights the modification of twin girls who are associated with the

transmission of HIV. However, the idea is poorly executed due to following reasons. To begin

with, the Chinese researcher highlights that he had adjusted the DNA of twin baby girls to

change a quality engaged with the transference of HIV was a significantly stressing for various

reasons. Dr. Page did not list those reasons as to why it is stressful for various reasons. To make

the article strong, she needs to state her point clearly so that it will help the audience to

understand the concept and consequences of the process. Moving on, Dr. Page studied DNA for

20 years with her colleague, this highlights the experience, and the use of rhetorical devices

makes her argument look better. However, Dr. Page states that they have no clinical explanation

for what her colleague did. The audience is left out thinking about what her colleague did which

weakens her argument.

Dr. Page said that there is significant difference between the gene which is available in the body

and those which are in sperm or egg. Again, what are those differences? How will it help others

understand the idea about editing genes? The audience is left with doubts, and this enfeebles the

argument as no clear explanation is provided. Moreover, Dr.Page stated about how Dr. He

explains about the gene-editing technique and the predictions about future problems. This makes

the argument strong as the doctor is stating predictions such as problems associated with the
development of the babies and providing examples to support his thesis as well as what may

prevent their development. These assumptions and examples strengthen the argument.

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