Medical Handwashing

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Definition: is the mechanical removal of microorganisms after every contact with pt.,
object or before administering non-surgical procedures.

Assessment: Assess for:

· Availability of the equipment for frequent Handwashing
· Method of Handwashing that is most appropriate for assigned task
· Identify clients at risk for infection

· To provide appropriate equipment and techniques for preventive measures
· To prevent the spread of the microorganisms to health professionals
· To protect and reduce potential for transmission of microorganisms

Nursing Diagnosis:
1. Potential for infection related to inadequate primary defenses
2. Knowledge deficit related to insufficient knowledge to avoid exposure to

Expected Outcomes:
· Prevented spread of microorganisms from health care worker or environment to
· Decreased number of bacteria on hands from clients to clients.

· Soap (bar or liquid)
· Soap dish that drains and keep the soap dry (bar)
· Clean, dry towel
· Plastic container with faucet, sink


1. Roll sleeves above elbows and - Microorganisms can lodge in the

remove jewelry, nail polish. settings of jewelry.
- Nail polish does not appear to
increase the number of
microorganisms as long as the
polish is not chipped.
2. Do not touch outside or inside of - Sinks are dirty and prone to
sink. being a lodging place for
microbes. It can also cause

3. Turn on water and adjust flow and - Avoid splashing water into the
temperature. If there is no running clothes as it may result in
water, use dipper (tabo) to pour contamination as moisture
water on the hands at the beginning breeds microorganisms.
and when rinsing. - Warm water removes less of the
skin’s protective oil than hot

4. Use ½ squirts of liquid/foam soap. - Soaps promote lowering the

Lather hands with soap and scrub surface tension and act as
well from palm to palm. Count from emulsifying agents. It also
1-5. breaks lipids which are basically
what encloses the bacteria.

5. Scrub hands giving special attention - It aids in removing any

to areas between and around the contaminants present in the skin
fingertips. Count 1-5. that lodge in between and
around fingertips.

6. Hold hands and forearms lower than - Friction caused by firm rubbing
elbows. Scrub back of each hands helps to loosen dirt and
with palm of the other hand. Count organisms that can lodge
1-5. between the fingers, in skin
crevices of knuckles, on the
palms, and back of the hands.

7. Scrub fingertip of each hands in - Friction caused by firm scrubbing

opposite palm. Count 1-5. helps to loosen dirt and
organisms that can lodge
between the fingertips.

8. Scrub each thumb, clasp in opposite - It creates friction that helps

hand. Count 1-5. remove microorganisms
- Interlacing the thumb can
cleanse the interdigital spaces
9. Scrub each wrist clasp in opposite - Cleaning less the contaminated
hand. Count 1-5. areas such as forearms and wrist
prevents the spreading of

10. Rinse through under running water, - Running water rinses

wash elbow then the arms down to microorganisms and dirt into the
the hands. sink.

11. Pat hands dry with a paper towel - Patting the skin dry prevents
from wrists to fingertips. chapping.

12. Turn off water using same paper - Turning the faucet off with a
towel if faucet is hand operated. clean paper towel protects the
clean hands from contact with a
soiled surface.



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