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Ms Karabi Doimary
C/O Satyen Doimaary,Jhargaon,Tapesia N.C,
Kamrup Metro Assam -782402

Dear Karabi Doimary,

Subject: Offer cum Appointment Letter

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet with you and discuss possible employment with Birla Sun Life
Insurance (“Company”). On basis of our discussion and understanding we are pleased to appoint you with the
Company as “Agency Manager”.

The terms and conditions of your appointment are as follows:

1. Your Fixed Pay will be Rs. 234,000/- (Rupees. Two Lakh Thirty Four Thousand Only) per annum.
Further, you will be entitled to Benefits as applicable in your grade. The components of your Fixed
Pay and details of Benefits are provided in Annexure ‘A’ and will be governed by Company policies
as amended from time to time.

2. In addition to your Fixed Pay above, you will be covered for Sales Incentive Scheme. The payout will
be based on your performance and dependent on the parameters that are defined under the Sales
Incentive Plan from time to time.

3. You will be governed as per Company’s Sales Progression Plan, as applicable in your grade and will
be communicated to you on your joining. A copy of the same is also available on Company’s intranet
for perusal and understanding.

4. You will be required to provide the Company all documents and information as set forth under
Annexure ‘B’.

5. Your date of joining with the Company will be on or before 15-Feb-2021.

6. Your initial place of work will be Guwahati 2. The Company is a part of the Aditya Birla Group and
the companies in the Aditya Birla Group are affiliates of the Company. The Company will have the
right to transfer/second you, as the case may be, to any function or business group, any other
location within India or overseas, or to its affiliate and subsidiary organizations, at any time in the
future. While on transfer, you will be governed by the rules, regulations and service conditions of that
business and location.

7. On joining, your services will deem to be under probationary review. Your services will be confirmed
on successful completion of New Hire Goal sheet, as applicable in your grade and will be
communicated to you on your joining. Unless your services are confirmed in writing by the Company,
you will continue to be on probation. Please refer to Annexure C for further details.

8. Your services may be terminated by party, giving notice in writing for Fifteen (15) days (during
probation period) and Thirty (30) days (post confirmation) or payment of notice pay for the balance
period in lieu thereof. The Company reserves the right not to accept notice pay in lieu of notice and
enforce completion of full or partial notice period. For the purpose of calculation, notice pay would
refer to “Basic Salary” only.

9. The Company reserves the right to terminate your employment immediately without notice, at any
time, in case:

 You are found guilty of misconduct, dishonesty or you fail to observe the Company’s Code of
Conduct, business, disciplinary and ethical code guidelines and policies.

 You are absent from the services for a period of Three (3) days (including overstay of
sanctioned leave/training) without prior intimation and approval. You will then be deemed to
have abandoned employment voluntarily and the provisions of clause 8 above will apply in
respect of the notice payable by you.

10. You will retire from the services of the Company on attaining the superannuation age of Sixty (60)
years. Your date of birth as recorded at the time of your appointment with the Company will be
considered as the authenticated date for all relevant purposes throughout your employment.

11. You will be entitled to leaves and other paid holidays as per Company policy subject to prior
approval by your supervisor(s). Accumulation / carry-forward of leave will be governed as per the
existing Company policy on the subject.

12. Whilst employed by the Company:

 You will work exclusively for, and in the interest of the Company. You will not engage yourself
in any other business/profession (part-time or otherwise) without written permission from the

 You will be required to effectively carry out all duties and responsibilities assigned to you by
your supervisors and others authorized by the Company to assign such duties and

 You will maintain the highest standards of conduct and act with the highest ethical principles.
You must not do anything that may be a conflict of interest with your responsibilities as an
employee. You will be governed under the Company’s Code of Conduct. It is your responsibility
to read and understand it. If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor or Human
Resources representative.

 You may have access to or acquire client information and other business information from the
Company or from its employees, clients or customers that is unique and which cannot be
lawfully duplicated or easily acquired. You understand and agree that you have a continuing
obligation not to use, publish or otherwise disclose either during or after your employment with
the Company, any trade secrets, confidential or proprietary information belonging to, or
concerning or referring to the Company, or any client or customer of the Company. You
acknowledge that should you breach this provision, the Company will suffer immediate and
irreparable harm and that money damages will be inadequate relief. Therefore, you agree that
should you breach this provision; the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief to enforce this
 You confirm that there is no litigation /conviction against you before any Court of law which
involves criminal offence or offences involving moral turpitude.

 You confirm that you have disclosed fully all of your business interests, whether or not they are
similar to or in conflict with the business (es) or activities of the Company, and all
circumstances in respect of which there is, or there might be perceived, a conflict of interest
between the Company and you or any immediate relatives. Also, you agree to disclose fully
and immediately to the Company any such interests or circumstances which may arise during
your employment.

 At BSLI we believe strongly in leveraging technology to enhance customer experience &

thereby increasing sales productivity. As a part of our sales process, we have developed sales
tools to achieve the above objective & facilitate you in achievement of your goals. You will need
to pre-own or purchase a tablet for the above purpose. In case you do not pre own the same,
the Company will provide you with a new tablet, the cost of which will be recovered from you
through a process of deduction from your monthly salary. A detailed scheduled for the same
will be intimated to you separately post your joining.

 In case of cessation of your employment with the company for reason(s) whatsoever, before
the complete deduction of the full recovery amount as mentioned at Clause (a) above and if
any amount is still balance and pending, you shall be liable to pay the balance amount left to
be deducted on the date of cessation from the full and final settlement of your services or shall
be liable to pay the balance amount to the Company in case the full & final amount fall short in
covering the same.

 The responsibility of maintenance & up keeping of the equipment (Tablet) so provided will rest
with you & any damages or loss will be recovered accordingly from your monthly salary/FFS as
case may be.

13. During the period of your employment with the Company and Six (6) months thereafter, you agree:

 not to directly or indirectly induce or solicit any person employed or engaged by the Company or
its affiliate companies (whether as an employee, consultant, advisor or in any other manner) to
terminate their contractual relationship with the Company; and become an employee of, or
directly or indirectly offer services in any form or manner to any other company, person or entity.

 To keep the Company indemnified in respect of any loss that may be caused to it as a result of
breach of this covenant by you.

 To refrain from directly or indirectly soliciting any customer to remove its business from or
reduce its business with the Company or its affiliates.
14. In the event of separation from the services of the Company, you will immediately return all the
Company property in your possession to the Company. You will be relieved from services only after
a satisfactory handover of responsibilities, settlement of outstanding dues, service of notice period,
and clearance from your immediate supervisor.

15. All terms and conditions will be governed by the Company’s policies as stated from time to time and
the Company may, in its sole discretion as it deems fit, revoke or change such policies.

16. The terms of this appointment will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
India, and the courts in Mumbai will have jurisdiction in relation to any dispute or difference that may
arise under the terms of this employment.

17. The terms of this offer must be kept strictly confidential. You agree not to disclose it to any person
and entity except as required by law or legal process and except for disclosure to your attorneys,
accountants, and immediate family.

18. This appointment is contingent upon all information, facts and figures provided by you to the
Company’s representatives at any point in time, being accurate and true. The Company will, at
its discretion, conduct background and reference checks as per Company policy. In the event the
results of such background and/or reference checks are unsatisfactory on any account, the
Company may, in its sole discretion, revoke this offer at any time.

Kindly sign and return a copy of this letter. Please initial each page in acceptance of the terms and conditions set
out herein latest by 15 days of the issuance of the letter else this appointment letter stands automatically

We wish you an enjoyable and rewarding association with Birla Sun Life Insurance.


________________________ _________________
Shobha Ratna Agreed and Accepted
Head – Human Resources & Training Karabi Doimary
Annexure ‘A’

Fixed Compensation
Monthly Annual
Salary 6825 81900
Basic Salary 6825 81900
Allowances & Reimbursements 10808 129699
Housing Rent Allowance 3413 40950
Education Allowance 200 2400
Statutory Bonus 1400 16800
Special Allowance 5796 69549
Gross Salary 17633 211599
Retirals 1867 22401
Provident Fund (Company Contribution) 1538 18462
Gratuity 328 3939
Fixed Compensation 19500 234000

 The payment of Salary and Benefits will be subject to deduction of Income Tax as per the prevailing
Income Tax rates and other statutory deductions, as may be required in accordance with applicable
legislation in force from time to time.

 All figures mentioned are annualized value and prorated according based on your date of joining.

 Advance against Statutory Bonus is paid monthly in lieu of Statutory Bonus as per the provisions

 Gratuity is payable as per the provision of applicable Gratuity Act.

 Company reserves the right to amend the Compensation structure as it may deem fit.
Annexure ‘B’

Please submit photocopies of the following documents, as applicable, at the time of joining. Please also bring the
original copies of your certificates and testimonials for verification.

 Copy of Latest Resume

 Copy of Permanent Account No. (PAN)/Copy of PAN application (in case PAN is not available)

 SSC / HSC certificates with Mark-Sheets

 Graduation / post-graduation Degree / Diploma with Mark-Sheets

 Professional Degree / Diploma with mark-sheets

 Proof of Age (Ration Card/ Driving License/ Passport/ Voter’s Id/ College ID card/ Bank Pass Book)

 Resignation acceptance letter need to be submitted , if you require time to produce the relieving letter
Note: Relieving Letter is a must and needs to be submitted within 30 days from your date of joining
failing which your appointment will stand cancelled.

 Affidavit for Gap in employment (in case the gap is greater than or equal to 6 months)

 Proof of your last drawn Salary with details (Last 3 months salary slip/ Salary Annexure from previous
employer/ Bank Statement as a proof of salary credit/ Affidavit for Salary Declaration)

 Four passport Size Colored photographs

 Three professional references (with complete address and telephone number)

On joining you will also be required to furnish the following:

 PF Nomination Form
 Family dependent details
 Any other relevant information that may be required

Please Note that Submission of all the above-mentioned documents and completion of all the forms given in your
joining kit are mandatory. Any non-compliance may result in your joining kit being declared as incomplete, for
which you would be solely responsible, and thus consequently delay/impact:

 the generation of Employee Code and Salary pay-out

 Your coverage under mediclaim, Group Protection Cover, etc.

 Settlement of claims etc., were they to come up

Your present and permanent addresses, as mentioned in your application form, are recorded in Company’s
record. You are required to inform the Company about any change in your address and telephone numbers.
Annexure C:

New Hire Goal Sheet

On your joining, you will be governed by the following Goal sheet as given below:
1st Milestone Goal Sheet On Achievement

License 8
GSG Confirmation in the services of the company
Active License 6

Period Scenario Action Scenario Action Confirmation Bonus

with fast-track Confirmation
bonus and new period
By M4 20% of NAC
AM goal sheet extension to
to start from M6
Confirmation Non-
Confirmation Achievement Confirmation
with bonus and Achievement
of GSG period
By M6 new AM goal of GSG 10% of NAC
Target extension to
sheet to start Target
from M7
with NIL bonus
By M9 and new AM Nil
from service
goal sheet to
start from M10
*Active License – License with at least 1 NOP by M1

Please note that your annual goal sheet targets will be governed by the Sales Progression scheme as designed
& communicated by the Company from time to time.

*Evaluation/Achievement Period:
 If FLS joins between 1st and 15th of the month, the same month will be considered as 1st month of
joining (M0). For e.g if the FLS is hired between 1st and 15th of June, June will be his/her M0 and July
will be M1.

 If FLS joins between 16th and 30th/31st of the month, the same month + next month will be considered
as 1st month of joining (M0). For e.g. if the FLS is hired between 16th and 30th of June, June + July will
be his/her M0 and August will be M1.

In case you fail to achieve the goals as defined above; your services will be terminated effective the last date of
applicable evaluation period which is at the end of 10 months.

I hereby accept the above mentioned terms and conditions

Employee Signature

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