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1 Exercises

1.They____(bring) the musical instruments. If you____(ask) them

2.He____(understand) if you_______(explain) it.
3.If I found 100 usd in the street. I_____(keep) it
4.Tomy____(lend) you money. If he____(have) some.
5.If my favourite artist____(come) to my house. I_____(very please)
6.Would James be angry if I_____(Take) his guitar with out asking?
7.If she____(have sell) her car, she_____have (got) some money to
buy a ticket concert.
8.If they_____(study), they_____(have passed) the exam.

2 Answer the question using if clauses

1.What will you buy if you have a lot of money?
2.What will you do if you lost your money?
3.What would your father have done if you had not come to school?
4.what will you do if your favourite artist comes to your country?
5.What would you do if somebody stole your car?
6.What would you do if you won an idol contest?
7.what would you have done if you had became a member of famous
group band?
8.What will you do if a TV broadcast asks you to perform on
 1. Avatar will make peace the 4 worlds if Avatar … (master) 4 elements.

2. If you eat, you … (feel) full.

3. There will be no mercy if you always … (do) this again.

4. Will you marry me if I … (have) much money?

5. My laptop … (work) well if the battery is full charge.

6. If you close your eyes, you … (not; see) anything.

7. If we have good character, everyone … (like) us.

8. Shinta will not wear her dress if the tailor … (not;finish) it.

9. You (earn) money if you don’t have job.

10. It … (light) if you turn the light on.

4. 1. If you were a president, this country … (shatter).

2. Tiara would date you if you … (get) much inheritance.

3. Desy … (buy) many expensive sport cars if she won the lottery.

4. If Corona didn’t exist, the world … (keep) in peace.

5. If Dono … (have) a girlfriend, he would be vain.

6. My father would leave my mother if she … (cheat) from him.

7. The world war IV would happen if some countries … (fight) each other.

8. If we ate all the pizza last night, we … (get) stomacache.

9. I would lend you some money if I … (have) it.

10. Bill … (slap) Liza if she hung out with other guy.

5.1. If they had trained hard before, they … (win) the match.

2. Kelly would have cooked the soup if she … (not;sleep) in the living room.
3. If we … (publish) this, we would have been popular.

4. If my laptop had had high-end features, I … (download) all the big size game.

5. Beny would have joined that team if he … (pass) the test well.

6. If Dinda … (bring) an umbrella, she wouldn’t have got wet.

7. Your boyfriend … (reject) your calls if you had replied his text message fast.

8. Would you have given her apologies if she … (ask) forgiveness?

9. If Doni had seen the doctor, he … (feel) better now.

10. If we had passed this season, we … (go) for holiday.

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