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Written by Special Thanks to
Tim Huckelbery

Talisman Adventures
Created by
Ian Lemke

3D6 Adventures System © 2020 Pegasus Spiele. All rights reserved.

Published by Pegasus Spiele under licence of Games Workshop Limited. Talisman Adventures Fantasy Roleplaying Game ©
Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Talisman Adventures Fantasy Roleplaying Game, Talisman Revised 4th Edition, Talisman,
the Talisman logo, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer and all associated logos, illustrations, images, locations, characters, are either
® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. All rights reserved.

C haracter C reation
S upplement
Welcome, Heroes, to the Talisman Adventures Character Players are encouraged to use these as guidance in such
Creation Supplement! Here players can find additional situations, but of course adapt them as needed based
options to make their Heroes even more unique, on the exact characters involved. Olaf the Immense, for
plus provide inspiration for building their character example, might have quite a larger load value than the
backgrounds and memorable histories. These include average human.
appearance and minor physical peculiarities, beliefs
& superstitions, and mementos from their lives before
joining the party for adventure and excitement across Mementos
the Realm. These are in no manner a required part of
crafting a new character, but merely offer possibilities Often a Hero keeps a small trinket as a link to their
to aid and expand the process. homeland or background. Though it is often worthless
in cost, it is a priceless reminder of their past. Some
We’ll update this document as new Ancestries and
might date back to their childhood, others from scant
Classes are added to the game. And everyone is
weeks ago when they almost died.
encouraged to create additions for their own characters
and share them with others too! A player should think about how their Hero acquired
the item and what personal significance it may carry to
them. While mementos rarely have actual use in games,
Appearance they might be something a Hero might bring out in
times of stress or toy with when difficult decisions must
Appearance encompasses a Player Character’s outer be made.
traits, such as build, age, and physical quirks. While
it is fun to randomly generate an appearance, players
should feel free to alter any rolls on these tables as Superstitions, Sayings,
desired or simply use them as inspiration. Players can and other Beliefs
also make up new own entries based on the locales or
situations that are part of the Hero’s ancestry. No matter where they came from or what their
Also, don’t let these be the end! Green eyes could be background might be, it’s common for a Hero to have
flecked with gold that glimmer slightly when a storm some words they call upon or offer to the group. They
is coming, or that’s what you claim at least. Your beard might be grim, humourous, or enigmatic, but often such
might be braided, an unkept mess, or obsessively phrases might contain helpful advice to help the party
shaved away three times a day. Hair quickly pulled in a tough situation.
back with a simple clasp could be your norm, or woven Players may find adopting words such as these as
into an intricate braid that always takes too much time great ways to help establish their character and offer a
to do properly. Even your age could have a truthful more immersive roleplaying experience. Famous movie
value and the value you tell others when asked. Each characters have catch phrases, after all, so there’s no
of the appearance and detail notes can be the start of reason Kul the troll warrior or Lasse the ghoul thief
developing deeper details to aid in bringing your can’t have one or more too!
character to life.

A Note on Loads Rolling numbers from 11 to 66

Sometimes a hero needs some help! Broken legs, Some tables call for a “6+6” roll to generate a number
illness, unconsciousness, or even a very deep (possibly from 11 to 66. To do this, roll two dice, with one counting
magical) slumber–there are times when the party needs as the tens value and the other the ones value (so a roll
to move someone who isn’t able to make it on their of a 4 and a 3 would result in 43). If you roll doubles,
own. And so we’ve included an average load for each you can roll again for an additional result!
ancestry for times when one or more heroes want to
carry another character.

1d6 Height Weight (kg) ; Average Load = 8 Age (Years) Eye Colour Hair Colour
1 1.0m+2d6cm 60+2d6 60+2d6 Brown Yellow
2 1.1m+2d6cm 70+2d6 70+2d6 Dark Brown Brown
3 1.2m+1d6cm 80+3d6 80+3d6 Grey Black
4 1.2m+2d6cm 90+3d6 90+3d6 Green White
5 1.3m+1d6cm 100+2d6 100+2d6 Black Red
6 1.3m+2d6cm 110+1d6 110+1d6 Blue Orange

Noticeable Details
6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail
11-13 Bite mark on one ear 31-33 Scar along arm 51-53 Oddly shaved head
14-16 Small nose 34-36 Withered toe 54-56 Large mole
21-23 Loud cough 41-43 Dyed beard 61-63 Tattoo on cheek
24-26 Missing front tooth 44-46 Slight squint 64-66 Pierced nose

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Ancient earring Someone pushes you, you push back harder!
2 Frayed cloak Watch the stones, they reveal the truth.
3 Patch of chain mail The old ways are the best ways.
4 Small seashell Keep your axe as sharp as when your ancestors wielded it.
5 Bone chip Allow no stranger to pass – make them a friend or deal with them as an enemy.
6 Bloodstained kerchief Snowfall at dawn means blood before dusk

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Broken dagger Lies only fester like dung, while truth is as eternal as the mountains.
2 Small bag of ashes Ice in the sun lasts longer than alliances based on gold alone.
3 Silk ribbon (torn) Intent is always in the eyes.
4 Length of braided beard A dwarf who refuses the call is no more than a bearded elf.
5 Glistening pebble A horn that cracks means falling rocks from above.
6 Fragment of plate armour Better to slip off the crags than forget an oath.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Clearly fake coin The colors not used in your work say more than those used too often.
2 Chip of volcano glass What gold won’t buy, more gold will.
3 Small stone toad The creation knows if it was born of joy or labor.
4 String of beads Stamp your feet after a poor bargain to improve the next.
5 Burnt out candle A coin that falls in the shade is sure to multiply.
6 Broken hammer hilt The test of the tin is in the hammer blow.

1d6 Height Weight (kg) ; Average Load = 6 Age (Years) Eye Colour Hair Colour
1 1.5m+2d6cm 40+1d6 20+2d6 Grey Light Brown
2 1.7m+2d6cm 50+2d6 20+3d6 Amber Grey
3 1.8m+3d6cm 60+3d6 30+3d6 Blue White
4 1.9m+3d6cm 70+3d6 40+2d6 Dark Blue Yellow
5 2.0m+2d6cm 80+2d6 40+3d6 Green Red
6 2.1m+2d6cm 90+1d6 50+2d6 Hazel Black

Noticeable Details
6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail
11-13 Long fingers 31-33 Shaved head 51-53 Strong cheekbones
14-16 Thick eyebrows 34-36 Stained fingernails 54-56 No eyebrows
21-23 Scar on lip 41-43 Colourful tattoo 61-63 Perfect posture
24-26 Intricate braids 44-46 Large ears 64-66 Glistening hair

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Old flute All paths lead to court.
2 Gull feather Better a song on your lips than an arrow in your bow.
3 Chip of fool’s gold A favour only grows more difficult to repay with time.
4 Small wooden ball Glorious are the fey and the sun, yet the sun is also constant.
5 Rat skull Forget that it is truly their woods, and you may forget how to walk upright.
6 Dried ball of lichen A tale that never changes each telling is one that has died.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Lump of wax The pen should only fall when its wielder does the same.
2 Pressed leaf Lore shared is lore multiplied.
3 Small bag of sand Knowledge grows only more powerful with time.
4 Amber shard A page lost or destroyed will always find its own vengeance.
5 Ancient pendant Always start a page over if you run out of ink before finishing it.
6 Ribbon bookmark Ink of your own creation lasts longer than any other.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Cut bowstring The trees speak but only the respectful can hear.
2 Scrap of reptile hide Let sleeping trees lie.
3 Kobold’s tooth Beware when more leaves than fingers fall in your path.
4 Length of braided vine A trail too easy is a trail too many have followed.
5 Old sword pommel A quiet forest is deadlier than a roaring beast.
6 Etched rock Better a dead stranger than a fallen tree

1d6 Height Weight (kg) ; Average Load = 7 Age (Years) Eye Colour Hair Colour
1 1.5m+2d6cm 55+1d6 20+2d6 Black Bald
2 1.6m+2d6cm 60+2d6 25+2d6 Dark Green Bald
3 1.7m+2d6cm 75+2d6 30+3d6 Dark Grey Bald
4 1.8m+2d6cm 80+2d6 35+3d6 Grey Bald
5 1.9m+1d6cm 95+2d6 40+2d6 Brown Bald
6 2.0m+1d6cm 100+1d6 50+1d6 Dark Red Bald

Noticeable Details
6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail
11-13 Missing one ear 31-33 Extra finger 51-53 Very long fingernails
14-16 Long toenails 34-36 Burn mark on leg 54-56 Sunken eye sockets
21-23 Scars on head 41-43 Gleaming teeth 61-63 Large hands
24-26 Slight limp 44-46 Bony elbows 64-66 Missing nose

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Vial of shriveled eyeballs Darkness is always the most reliable ally.
2 Burnt tree root Those bodies aren’t going to rise on their own!
3 Thighbone horn You can explain your goals, or you can achieve your goals, but never both.
4 Knuckle-bone dice The best minions are always under your feet.
5 Leathery bookmark Disturbed graveyards yield the fiercest servants.
6 Bag of teeth (not yours) Trust only those you control. And even then, don’t trust them.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Old metal key Friendships and clouds both blow away with the breeze.
2 Leathery wristband Seven rats in fresh grave brings good luck the following day.
3 Stained cork A packed bag at the ready is never foolish.
4 Shinbone carving knife A large hat hides many things.
5 Chip of stained glass Shadows are safety.
6 Bag of toenails (yours?) An angry spirit can be calmed by placing a lost tooth into the well.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Handmade bone icon It’s not the journey but the destination.
2 Small glass bead Every soul is a story to be heard.
3 Vial of oil (empty) A shooting star heralds a great death to come.
4 Skull cup Treat the dead as you want to be treated when it’s your own time.
5 Broken link of chain Everyone deserves their final fate.
6 Bone wind chimes The end is never the end.

1d6 Height Weight (kg) ; Average Load = 8 Age (Years) Eye Colour Hair Colour
1 1.5m+1d6cm 60+2d6 20+2d6 Brown Black
2 1.6m+2d6cm 70+3d6 25+2d6 Amber Brown
3 1.7m+2d6cm 80+3d6 30+3d6 Green Sandy
4 1.8m+2d6cm 90+3d6 35+3d6 Grey Golden
5 1.9m+2d6cm 100+2d6 40+2d6 Blue Red
6 2.0m+1d6cm 110+1d6 50+2d6 Dark Blue White

Noticeable Details
6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail
11-13 Stubby fingers 31-33 Hairy knuckles 51-53 Perfect teeth
14-16 Flattened nose 34-36 Garish tattoo 54-56 Wispy hair
21-23 Discoloured nails 41-43 Scars along arm 61-63 Jutting chin
24-26 Torn ear 44-46 Freckles 64-66 Pox marks

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Shard from horseshoe Never trust anyone you meet before dawn.
2 Bootlace Three cracks from the fire means danger approaching.
3 Old candle What you carry is who you are.
4 Bag of teeth Solitude is its own reward.
5 Knotted leather strap The destination will always be in the distance if you stop to rest.
6 Chipped shell Only plants should put down roots.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Lead disc Nail the first fruit of the season under your bed for good luck that year.
2 Rat’s tail A deal that includes magic is one step towards the grave.
3 Torn quill There are no bad bargains, only bad bargainers.
4 Fragment of brick Nothing’s more suspicious than a stranger buying drinks.
5 Broken buckle Gold outlasts us all.
6 Faded pennant The woods are dark for a reason.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Cut bowstring Trust the tools you make, tolerate those made by others.
2 Scrap of reptile hide Offer leftover seeds to the spirits of the woods.
3 Kobold’s tooth Curdled milk means there are restless souls about.
4 Length of braided vine Hurried tilling yields only a broken plough and angry oxen.
5 Old sword pommel Well water red, bad days ahead.
6 Etched rock Never cut down a tree with gnawed bones under its roots.

1d6 Height Weight (kg) ; Average Load = 7 Age (Years) Eye Colour Hair Colour
1 1.8m+2d6cm 50+2d6 60+3d6 Red Brown
2 1.9m+2d6cm 60+3d6 80+3d6 Orange Bald
3 2.0m+3d6cm 70+3d6 100+3d6 Yellow Light grey
4 2.1m+3d6cm 80+3d6 150+3d6 Amber Bald
5 2.2m+3d6cm 90+2d6 200+3d6 Brown Sandy
6 2.3m+2d6cm 100+2d6 250+4d6 Dark Brown Bald

Noticeable Details
6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail
11-13 Unsymmetrical horns 31-33 Chest piercings 51-53 Curved fingernails
14-16 Twitching ear 34-36 Thick eyebrows 54-56 Elongated teeth
21-23 Large hooves 41-43 Broken horn 61-63 Pronounced nose
24-26 Heavily scarred leg 44-46 Braided beard 64-66 Furry arms

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Mossy rock Foul luck comes from passing through the same door three times.
2 Copper nugget Test the door before breaking it open.
3 Hoof fragment Not all keys can open a lock.
4 Wooden key Poor locks make for poor friends.
5 Bone flute A lock should never be defeated, only persuaded.
6 Metal file Keys must always be stronger than the lock.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Shard of chalk A route may be less traveled for very good reasons.
2 Sea glass pebble Stepping on a fallen branch angers the trees.
3 Ink-stained rag Sometimes the path is just a path.
4 Strip of bark The easiest way is rarely the best way.
5 Bloodstained fang Watch the road and you miss the sky.
6 Small whistle Let the path find you.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Seed husk Magic can be its own reward, for good or ill.
2 Lead crystal Some portals should stay closed.
3 Small barnacle Places with three lines crossing always means good fortune to come.
4 Chip of antler Bow before entering a portal to honour the space between.
5 Stoney eggshell Magic shared is magic multiplied.
6 Dried celery stalk Always study the line before calling on it.

1d6 Height Weight (kg) ; Average Load = 2 Age (Years) Eye Colour Hair Colour
1 .7m+1d6cm 10+1d6 50+4d6 Green Yellow
2 .8m+1d6cm 12+1d6 100+4d6 Grey Brown
3 .9m+1d6cm 14+1d6 200+4d6 Blue Black
4 1.0m+1d6cm 16+1d6 150+4d6 Violet Chestnut
5 1.1m+1d6cm 18+1d6 300+4d6 Amber Grey
6 1.1m+2d6cm 20+1d6 350+4d6 Brown Bald

Noticeable Details
6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail
11-13 Tear in one wing 31-33 Clipped ear 51-53 Mismatched eyes
14-16 Extended eyebrows 34-36 Elongated feet 54-56 Twitching wing
21-23 Button nose 41-43 Intricate tattoos on leg 61-63 Short neck
24-26 Sunken eyes 44-46 Missing fingertip 64-66 High forehead

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Vine headband Spores on the breeze, songs rising.
2 Bundle of gull feathers An Audience granted is a two-sided blade.
3 Stone ring Never be the last one to laugh.
4 Gnawed-marked bone A flute not repaired in the same day is forever broken.
5 Badly carved tusk Truth told does pain unfold.
6 Burnt parchment page The finest tales never have an ending.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Bent copper coin Roots are for trees.
2 Wooden bobbin Go where the magic wills.
3 Leather eyepatch A twitching wing draws the flies.
4 Arrow fletching Smile are but jaws ready to bite.
5 Dried snakeskin A good jape is its own reward.
6 Pouch of burnt seeds The trees speak louder than any legwalker.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Faded ribbon The leaves know when to fall.
2 Broken reed pipes Ill words always drift to the wrong ears.
3 Rusted cup A river crossed is a river crossed.
4 Lock of dyed hair While the birds argue, the predator approaches.
5 Frayed lute string No forest is every truly empty.
6 Cracked ivory die Sometimes it’s better not to know.

1d6 Height Weight (kg) ; Average Load = 14 Age (Years) Eye Colour Hair Colour
1 2.1m+1d6cm 120+2d6 20+2d6 Green Brown
2 2.2m+1d6cm 130+3d6 25+2d6 Dark Green Dark Brown
3 2.3m+2d6cm 140+3d6 30+3d6 Black Black
4 2.4m+2d6cm 150+3d6 35+3d6 Dark Blue Dark Green
5 2.5m+1d6cm 160+3d6 40+3d6 Brown Dark Grey
6 2.6m+1d6cm 170+4d6 45+3d6 Dark Red White

Noticeable Details
6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail 6 + 6 roll Detail
11-13 Broken tusk 31-33 Bent nose 51-53 Clefted chin
14-16 Shaved head 34-36 Extra toe 54-56 Wide shoulders
21-23 Piercing eyes 41-43 Tufted eyebrows 61-63 Impressive scar
24-26 Immaculate nails 44-46 Cropped hair 64-66 Bite mark on calf

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Smooth pebble A rumour heard is a rumour spread.
2 Driftwood branch Repairs made under a full moon last the longest.
3 Rusted nail My Bridge, My Rules.
4 Dried fish skin Sometimes, let them pass.
5 Pressed flower Toll paid, honour gained.
6 Broken joist Loud boots can always afford to pay.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Broken arrowhead Only frighten your enemies.
2 Torn wineskin A reputation should be earned, not bought.
3 Dented badge Travel sharpens the broadsword.
4 Fingerbone Fists are always an option.
5 Bent brass knuckles The desperate always pay the best.
6 Etched tusk An odd number of coins always leads to bloodshed.

1d6 Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
1 Polishing cloth Rushed smelting is never worth the time saved.
2 Chip of coal A chipped hammer makes for flimsy armour.
3 Shard of steel The hotter the fire, the stronger the steel.
4 Broken hammer head Anything hit enough times becomes a nail.
5 Paintbrush The simple jobs always take the longest.
6 Smelted icon lump The rocks remember all.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Broken needle The Guild always finds out.
14-16 Bloodstained ribbon Every life has a price.
21-23 Wooden button There’s always a weak spot.
24-26 Rabbit skin pouch The final moment always lasts the longest.
31-33 Fingerbone (not yours) Be sure to look them in the eyes.
34-36 Cracked icon It’s no sin, it’s an offering.
41-43 Dark leather cap A plucked hair makes the poison stronger.
44-46 Small flat rock Break the mirrors for they saw your actions.
51-53 Knotted necklace Measure once, cut twice.
54-56 Iron ring A quick blade solves many problems.
61-63 Fingerless glove (left) Your knife can never be too sharp.
64-66 Dull nail file Always leave a single drop of blood behind.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Pressed rose petal Eternity is in the grass.
14-16 Burnt leaf Let the trees make your path.
21-23 Pouch of dirt The wind leads, the leaves follow.
24-26 Fragment of fur Nature has no good or evil.
31-33 Shard of antler (yours?) Dawn rains, brighter days.
34-36 Tiny bird skull When the birds cry, the forest listens.
41-43 Sprig of old mint Let sleeping serpents lie.
44-46 Long feather To ignore nature is to embrace calamity.
51-53 Sandal strap Haste only multiples problems.
54-56 Old rusted coin The forest welcomes all but forgives little.
61-63 Large straw hat An unanswered howl summons ill fortune.
64-66 Resin carving The seasons know when end.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Bent fishhook Hum when alone, and soon you won’t be.
14-16 Cut-down quill It’s always bad luck to end a tale on an odd hour.
21-23 Fragile oud string Offer thanks when the string breaks, lest another follow.
24-26 Garishly dyed rag Never be the loudest singer.
31-33 Dulled scissors A melody on the wind never dies.
34-36 Short cape Applause is nice, but so is gold.
41-43 Lyre string The next town is always a better one.
44-46 Wool scarf A tale set to parchment is a tale entombed.
51-53 Worn leather vest The best lies are told in song.
54-56 Small bone baton If they’re not joining in by the third chorus, it’s time to run.
61-63 Wide linen belt A still tongue is easier to remove.
64-66 Shell castanet There’s always another verse.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Burnt incense stick Prayer is stronger when gold is offered.
14-16 Vial of dust Faith is enough.
21-23 Piece of limestone A prayer given is a prayer answered.
24-26 Faded linen cap The Light can never be denied.
31-33 Crushed metal cup A stranger helped is a favour gained.
34-36 Patched kerchief See two spirits, the third is hiding.
41-43 Fur belt Truths revealed when Darkness obeyed.
44-46 Thick shawl Share the pain so that others may learn.
51-53 Burnt locket of hair Listen, then decide.
54-56 Shard of amber Rare is the coin that lands on edge.
61-63 Thin leather vest Belief untested easily shatters.
64-66 Torn pennant The louder the prayers, the weaker the wills.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Small straw pillow Sometimes even the stars lie.
14-16 Piece of mica Even the crickets can sunder mountains.
21-23 Colourful rock Fate is easiest to change under empty skies.
24-26 Grey feather Strong visions lead to strong denials.
31-33 Dead compass needle All threads can weave the same patterns.
34-36 Woven horsehairs The first star gives the truest vision.
41-43 Piece of smoked glass There is no luck, only unseen Fate.
44-46 Torn parchment page Red sky at morning, soon to be mourning.
51-53 Shriveled fig All becomes clear given time.
54-56 Woolen scarf Thick fog makes for the sharpest sight.
61-63 Rope wristband Each dawn means new possibilities.
64-66 Wide brimmed hat Moonlight reveals many threads.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Single spur Nature never forgives a mistake.
14-16 Shard of forest glass There’s always more things in a cave than darkness.
21-23 Small bag of sand Leave behind an offering for a welcoming return.
24-26 Half a horseshoe You’re only a silent as the loudest follower.
31-33 Unusual seed casing Every shoreline is a beginning.
34-36 Overused snare Always start a fire with an odd number of branches.
41-43 Wooden ring Never make camp when shooting stars appear.
44-46 Long scrap of leather A trail grows coldest near its end.
51-53 Braided necklace Fresh water in the desert soon turns red.
54-56 Melted coin The next hill is always steeper.
61-63 Stitched leather cap The wilds know who will die next.
64-66 Whittling knife No such thing as being truly alone.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Faded ribbon A feigned apology deflects better than any blade.
14-16 Lock of hair (yours?) Secrets make for the finest weapons.
21-23 Old paintbrush Any lie can be twisted into a truth.
24-26 Cracked vial Few are the problems that a little magic can’t solve.
31-33 Stick of twisted wax Listen to familiars, but never fully trust them.
34-36 Hilt of small letter opener No spell is truly miscast.
41-43 Toad skull fragment Every tome needs a home.
44-46 Lead disk Everything is magic if you look hard enough.
51-53 Skullcap Never try a new spell indoors.
54-56 Necklace of brass rings Keep your mysteries close and your secrets closer.
61-63 Glistening pebble Every gift has a price.
64-66 Copper wrist band People can be replaced, an ancient tome cannot.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Plugged lock The best jobs are the ones never discovered.
14-16 Lump of coal The more locks present, the greater the value.
21-23 Melted signet ring Never let them see you coming.
24-26 Broken die Property invites theft.
31-33 Shard of terracotta tile Even if it’s nailed down, it’s still fair game.
34-36 Charred wooden coin The locks say so much about the owner.
41-43 Gaudy kerchief A full moon means an empty stomach.
44-46 Drab crystal shard Become rich, become the new target.
51-53 Brass earring An easy job means someone is lying.
54-56 Floppy cap Pay the Guild lest they pay a visit.
61-63 Braided leather belt A filled bag always weighs too much.
64-66 Rusted lockpick Higher the climb, the greater the find.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Bag of metal shavings Anyone left behind returns with anger.
14-16 Tooth (possibly yours) A good scar buys many rounds.
21-23 Dull whetstone Every fight teaches a lesson.
24-26 Scrap of scale armour Steel beats gold every time.
31-33 Single caltrop Never sheath an uncleaned blade.
34-36 Torn fletching A battle lasting past midday cannot end well.
41-43 Incomplete tattoo A broken sword should be buried in separate graves.
44-46 Shard of salt crystal You can’t enjoy being honourable if you’re dead.
51-53 Leather wristband Everything can be a weapon if you throw it hard enough.
54-56 Handle of wooden flagon Magic always fails you in the end.
61-63 Faded map Always demand at least half up front.
64-66 Bloodstained cloth bandage An odd number of turns in the grip makes the blade sharper.

6 + 6 roll Memento Superstition, Saying, or Belief
11-13 Cracked mirror Patience is for the weak.
14-16 Snapped nail Magic makes for a better Realm.
21-23 Scrap of velum A spell is only as good as the speed it is cast.
24-26 Vial of ashes A good staff can lead down many roads.
31-33 Shriveled potato A silent spell is the sharpest blade.
34-36 Lump of candle wax Change the world before changing yourself.
41-43 Velvet Magic is but a tool to be used.
44-46 Eyepatch (yours?) Knowledge always finds a purpose.
51-53 Ponytail/beard holder Never cast on a full stomach.
54-56 Woolen hat A cauldron never stirs itself.
61-63 Copper ear clasps Muscles always bow to magic.
64-66 Leather headband Spells don’t grow on trees, unless they do.


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