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Chapter IX



9.1 Joining time may be granted to a Government servant to enable him~

a) to join a new post to which he is appointed while on duty in his old post; or

b) to join a new post-

i. on return from leave on average pay of not more than four months' duration in
respect of Government servants subject to the leave rules in section II of Chapter
VIII, or from earned leave not exceeding 120, 90 or 30 days as the case may be, in
respect of Government servants subject to the leave rules in section III of Chapter
VIII; or

ii. (if) when he has not had sufficient notice of his appointment to the new post, on
return from leave other than that specified in sub-clause (i) ; or

c) to travel from the port of debarkation or, in the case of arrival by aircraft, from its
first regular port in Pakistan and to organise his domestic establishment when he
returns from leave out of Pakistan of more than four months' duration in respect of
Government servants subject to the leave rules in section II of Chapter VIII, or of
more than 120, 90 or 30 days' duration as the case may be, in respect of
Government servants subject to leave rules in section III of Chapter VIII; or


i. to proceed from a specified station to join a post in a place in a remote locality

which is not easy of access ; or

ii. to proceed on relinquishing charge of a post in a place in a remote locality which is

not easy of access to a specified station.

NOTE 1. ---The authority which granted the leave will decide whether
the notice referred to in clause (b) (ii) was insufficient.

NOTE 2.—Joining time is admissible to a Government servant under

clause (c) of this rule for organising his domestic establishment even
if he does not make any journey from the port of debarkation.

NOTE 3.—The joining time and travelling allowance of military officers

in civil employ are governed by the civil rules in virtue of the
provisions of paragraph 593 of the Regulations for the Army in
Pakistan and paragraphs 2 (iii) and 14 of the Defence Services
Regulations, India Passage Regulations, respectively read with
Fundamental Rule 3. These rules admit of the grant of joining time and
travelling allowance to military officers in civil, employ not only on the

occasions of their transfer to the civil employ .and retransfer to

military employ but also when they are actually serving in civil employ.
For the purposes of these rules, privilege leave under the military
leave rules should be treated as leave on average pay of not more than
tour months' duration.

NOTE 4.—The time reasonably required for journeys between the

place of training and the stations to which a Government servant is
posted immediately before and after the period of training should be
treated as part of the training period. This does not apply to
probationers holding "training posts" which they may be considered
as taken with them on transfer. Such probationers are entitled to
joining time when transferred.

NOTE 5.—When a Government servant holding a temporary post is

offered through his official superior another such post at some other
station at any time before the abolition of his post, he is entitled to
joining time.

NOTE 6.—No joining time, joining time pay or travelling allowance

shall be granted to a Provincial Government servant who is appointed
to a post under the Central Government out joins his new post after
termination of his employment under the Provincial Government by
resignation or otherwise, unless the employment of a particular
Government servant is in the wider public interest. The same applies
to a servant of the Central Government or of another Provincial
Government who, in similar circumstances, is appointed to a post
under the Punjab Government. Further, when a Government servant of
one department is appointed to a post in another department, both
departments being under the Punjab Government, but joins his new
post after termination of his employment under the old department no
joining time, joining time pay or travelling allowance shall be allowed
unless it is in the public interest to do so. If joining time is allowed in
any case it should be the minimum necessary and should in no case
exceed the transit period.

NOTE 7.--- Joining time, joining time pay and travelling allowance of
Government servants appointed to posts under the Punjab
Government on the results of a Competitive examination, which is
open to both Government servants and others, is regulated as under

a) travelling allowance, joining time and joining time pay should

ordinarily be allowed to all Government servants serving under
the Central or Provincial Governments who hold permanent
posts in a substantive capacity and that,

b) no travelling allowance, joining time pay should be granted in

the case of those who are employed in a temporary capacity

without the sanction of Government.

9.2. No joining time is allowed in cases when a Government servant is transferred from
one post to another in the same office establishment.


a) A Government servant on transfer during a vacation may be permitted to take

joining time at the end of the vacation.

b) When vacation is combined with leave on average pay or earned leave, joining
time shall be regulated under Rule 9.1 (b) (i) if the total period of leave on average
pay and vacation is not more than four months in the case of Government servants
subject to the rules in section II of Chapter VIII, or not more than 120, 90 or 30
days as the case may be, in the case of Government servants subject to leave
rules in section III of Chapter VIII, and under clause (c) if vacation combined with
leave out of Pakistan exceeds these limits.

9.4. If a Government servant takes leave while in transit from one post to another, the
period which has elapsed since he handed over charge of his old post must be
included in his leave, unless the leave is taken on medical certificate. In the latter
case, the period may be treated as joining time.

Calculation Of Joining Time

9.5. When transfer to a new post involves a change of station joining time is calculated
as follows, subject to a maximum of thirty days-

i. Six days for preparation, and, in addition thereto-

For the portion of the journey

which the Government
A day for each.
servant travels or might

By railway 250 miles.

By ocean steamer 200 miles. or any longer time actually

occupied in the journey.
By river steamer 80 miles.

By motor car or motor-lorry 80 miles.

By mail cart or other public

stage conveyance drawn by 80 miles.

In any other way 15 miles.



An extra day is allowed for any fraction of distance over that prescribed above.

ii. When part of the journey is performed by steamer, the days intervening between
the Government servant being set free from his office or, if he has no office,
receiving his orders, and the departure of the steamer or his start duly regulated to
catch the steamer shall be added.

iii. When air journeys on transfer are performed in the interest of public service by a
Government servant entitled to travel by air or specially authorised to do so by a
competent authority, 6 days for preparation and in addition, the number of days
actually taken in the air journey should be allowed as joining time.

NOTE.—The Administrative Secretary of the Department concerned

will be the competent authority in such cases.

NOTE 1.—Sundays are not included in the above calculations, though

they are included in the maximum limit of thirty days.

NOTE 2.—A journey by road of five miles or under, to or from a railway

station from or to the chief public office of the place, does not count
for joining time.

NOTE. 3.—In view of the uncertainty which exists as to the point of

departure of the ferry steamer from Ghazi Ghat during the flood
season, two days instead of one will be allowed as joining time for the
journey of about 29 miles between Dera Ghazi Khan and Ghazi Ghat
when the bridge of boats is not up. When this extra day is demanded
the claim should be supported by the certificate of the senior officer of
the Public Works Department in Dera Ghazi Khan.

9.6. Only one day is allowed for joining a post which does not-necessarily involves a
change- of residence from one station to another. A gazetted holiday counts as a
day for the purpose of this rule.

9.7. By whatever route a Government servant travels his joining time shall, unless a
competent authority specially permits otherwise, be calculated by the route which
travellers habitually use.


a) The joining time of a Government servant under clause (b) (i) and (ii) of Rule 9.1
will be counted from his old station or from the place where he receives the order
of transfer whichever calculation would entitle him to less joining time. If the leave
is being spent out of Pakistan and the order of appointment to the new post
reaches him before he arrives at the port of debarkation, the port of debarkation is
the place in which he received the order for the purpose of this rule.

b) A Government servant taking joining time under clause (b) (i) of Rule 9.1 who
receives, while on leave (whether spent in or out of Pakistan orders of transfer to a

station other than that from which he took leave, will be granted full joining time
admissible under clause (a) above, without reference to the authority which
granted the leave and irrespective of the date on which the orders of transfer are
received by him. Should he join his new appointment before the expiry of leave
plus the joining time admissible the period short taken should be considered as
leave not enjoyed, and a corresponding portion of the leave sanctioned should be
cancelled without any reference to the authority which granted the leave. If in any
case, the Government servant desires not to avail himself of the full period of
joining time admissible, the periods of leave and joining time should be adjusted
with reference to such option.

9.9. The joining time admissible under clause (c) of Rule 9.1 should be calculated from
the date of debarkation of the Government servant at the Pakistan port in the
manner prescribed in Rule 9.5; provided that it shall, if he so desires, be subject to
a minimum of ten days.

NOTE.—The joining time of a Government servant who returns from

leave out of Pakistan and disembarks, not at the first port of call in
Pakistan but at another such port, should be reckoned from the day of
arrival of the vessel at the second or subsequent port at which he
actually disembarks, whether the sea journey from the first port of call
in Pakistan to the subsequent port of disembarkation is made in the
same steamer which takes him to the first port of call or in some other

9.10. If a Government servant is authorised to make over charge of a post elsewhere

than at his headquarters, his joining time shall be calculated from the place at
which he actually makes over charge.

9.11. If a Government servant is appointed to a new post while in transit from one post to
another, his joining time begins on the day following that on which he receives the
order of appointment.

NOTE.—A second period of six days for preparation should not be

included in calculating the joining time of a Government servant
whose appointment is changed while he is in transit.

9.12. When a Government servant under the administrative control of the Punjab
Government is transferred to the control of another Government, his joining time
for the journey to join his post under that Government and for the return journey
will be governed by the rules of that Government.


9.13. A Government servant on joining time shall be regarded as on duty, and shall be
entitled to be paid as follows :-

a) If on joining time under clause (a) of Rule 9.1 he is entitled to the pay which he
would have drawn if he had not been transferred; or the pay which he will draw on



taking charge of his new post, whichever is less.

b) If on joining time under clause (b) or (c) of Rule 9.1 he is entitled-

i. when returning from extraordinary leave, other than extraordinary leave not
exceeding fourteen days granted in continuation of other leave, to no payments at
all; and

ii. when returning from leave of any other kind, to the leave salary which he last drew
on leave at the rate prescribed for the payment of leave salary in Pakistan.

c) If on joining time under clause (d) of Rule 9.1, he is entitled to pay as though he
were on duty hi his post.

NOTE 1.—A ministerial servant on transfer is not entitled to be paid

while on joining time unless his transfer is made in the public

NOTE 2. ---A military officer subject to the Military Leave Rules who
retains a lien on his civil post is entitled, on joining time, under sub-
clause (ii) of clause (b) above, to draw the same amount of leave salary
which he would have drawn had he taken leave under Civil Leave
Rules, provided that such leave salary shall not be less than that
which he actually drew during the last portion of his leave.

NOTE 3.—The words "if he had not been transferred" in clause (a) of
this rule should be interpreted in the sense, "if he had continued in his
old post".

NOTE 4.-—The words "in his post" occurring in clause (c) of this rule
mean the post in the remote locality even in the case of a Government
servant on straight transfer.

NOTE 5. ---See also Notes 1 and 2 under Rule 4.9 (a).

9.14. In the Public Works Department no extra pay (where the transfer involves the grant
of extra pay) can be drawn in any case by a relieving Government servant, until the
transfer is complete, but as far as ordinary pay and allowances are concerned an
exception may be made to the general rule in all cases in which the charge to be
transferred (whether a division, a sub-division or other charge) consists of several
scattered works which the relieving and the relieved Government servants are
required, by the orders of a superior officer to inspect together before the transfer
can be completed. The relieving Government servant will be considered as on duty
if the period taken in carrying out these inspections is not considered by the
Superintending Engineer to be excessive. While so taking over charge, the
relieving Government servant will draw :--

i. if he is transferred from a post which he holds substantively, his presumptive pay in

that post;



ii. if he is transferred from a post which he has held in an officiating capacity, the
officiating pay admissible in that post provided it is not more than the pay he would
draw after the transfer is complete ; otherwise his presumptive pay in the
permanent post on which he had a lien prior to transfer ;

iii. if he returns from leave his presumptive pay in the post on which he retained a lien
during the leave.

NOTE.—The concession of house-rent allowance or free quarters

ordinarily admissible to a Government servant should be treated as
"ordinary pay and allowances" within the meaning of this rule and is
admissible to both the relieved and the relieving Government servants
during the period occupied by them in handing over and taking over

9.15 The application of Rule 9.14, which forms an exception to the general rule and
which concerns the Public Works Department only, has also been extended to the
transfer of charge specified in column 2 of the table below in the case of the
following departments. The authority noted in column 3 against each is to
determine whether the period spent in completing the transfer of charge is not

Authority competent
to determine whether
Name of the period spent in
Charge to be transferred.
Department completing the
transfer of charge is
not excessive.

1. Jail Department i. Deputy Superintendents and Store- Inspector-General of

keepers. . Prisons, Punjab.

ii. Assistant Store Keepers at the

following Jails

1. Borstal Institution & Juvenile Jail,


2. Jhelum.

3. Dera Ghazi Khan.

4. Campbellpur.

5. Jhang.

6. Gujrat.

7. Shahpur Camp.



8. Sargodha.

9. Sheikhupura.

10. Kasur.

2. Reclamation Assistant Managers, Adults and Borstal, Reclamation Officer.

Department. Reformatory Farms, Burewala.

3. Industries Teachers and clerks holding charge of

Department. stores in the Government Industrial
Schools and Institutes. Director of Industries.

Store-keepers in the Mayo School of Arts,

Lahore, Government Institute of Dyeing
and Calico Printing and Demonstration Ditto ditto.
Weaving Factory, Shahdara and Arts and
Crafts Depot, Lahore.

Lady Superintendent and Head Mis-

tresses who held charge of Stock and
Ditto ditto.
Stores in Government Zenana Industrial

Store-keepers and clerks in Marketing Ditto ditto.

Sections. Wool Section and Sericulture
Section Laboratory Assistants in the
Industrial Research Laboratory.
Demonstrators of all Demonstration
Parties in the Punjab.

4. Agriculture Store-keepers, Well Supervisors and Well Director of Agriculture.

Department. Borers in Workshops and Well Boring
Sections and Agriculture Assistants and
Clerks attached to Farms.

5. Judicial Ahlmads and Record-Keepers in the District and Sessions

Department. Courts of District and Sessions Judges Judge concerned up to
including Additional District and 10 days.
Sessions Judges.

Ahlmads, Execution Moharrirs. Guardian

Moharrirs in the Courts of Senior and Presiding Officer of the
other Subordinate Judges and court up to 7 days and
Administrative Subordinate Judges and District and Sessions
Readers to Administrative Subordinate Judges up to 10 days.

Ahlmads, Naib Sheriffs-in-charge of


execution work and insolvency clerks in

Small Cause Courts.
Ditto ditto.


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