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1. How can managers create a readiness for change in their organisation?

Change is essential for the growth and development of an organization, regardless of the type of
industry. Therefore, the manager must effectively prepare for the change they would like to see.
Accordingly, the following are suggested actions for managers to achieve this. However, it is not
limited to planning short and long-term goals, increasing training for capacity-building, and
significant adjustments to the leadership structure.
At the outset setting goals and achieving them is the engine for growth in an organization. This is
the first step to creating a clear vision of what new you want to see in your organization. For
example, as the manager, you want to create a culture where employees can be empowered with
the opportunities to be innovative. Another goal could be to revisit the current work methods and
perhaps adopt new best practices, which is a great way to move upward as an organization.
Capacity-building is necessary for an organization which is about to undergo significant changes.
Capacity-building through training and technical assistance will take the organization a far way.
It prepares employees to adapt and perform well in the new and improved organization. (Sue
Heward et al., 2011) emphasized in their paper that organizational change is an essential but
under-recognized function for the sustainability of health promotion practice and a necessary
component of capacity-building frameworks.
Finally, leadership is what steers the organization in the direction it is moving. Therefore,
leadership styles and practices must suit the nature of the organization. As such, an organization
that will undergo structural change should improve its leadership practices to manage the new
systems in the organization effectively. UzmaRasool Khan et al. (2016) mentioned that “a leader
works as a change agent who can manage organizational process effectively.” This reiterates the
point that leadership structure is a critical factor for change in an organization.
Of course, efforts to make changes in an entire organization are not an easy task. Some
challenges may slow the progress. However, once managers have a clear vision and plan, they
would be able to set goals and identify new training activities and structural changes to

2. How can managers utilise their self awareness to assit their subordinates, teams and
Self-awareness is essential for a conducive working environment. Moreover, self-awareness
creates higher job satisfaction. Here employees have the authority over their actions. However,
as managers, a controlling factor of an organisation's operations should possess the necessary
self-awareness skills. However, it is essential for them to properly utilise these skills such that
they can effect change in the organisation through influence on subordinates, teams and the
entire organisation. Therefore, subordinates and team members not only follow their manager's
instructions but also look at managers' personal qualities, including good attitudes to work, pro-
empowerment, and humbleness, among other self-awareness skills an individual may possess.
These qualities could be a factor in boosting workers' morale and performance.

A manager who is kind to employees regardless of the kind of day they're having would
significantly boost employees' and teammates' morale. It is so good for the overall performance
of an employee when their manager is always showing kindness through teachings or simply
giving instructions. For instance, a positive manager would try to avoid creating stress for their
employees. This creates much inspiration for employees.

Another way managers can use their self-awareness skills to assist employees is by empowering
them. It does so much for employees and the organisation when managers are pro-empowerment.
Jessica Baker says, "A true leader will step back and let their team do their job without standing
over their shoulders. Allow them to make decisions, and don't second guess them."

Humbleness is the best quality a manager can have. Employees are motivated to be like their
manager, which positively affects the work culture. On the other hand, an arrogant manager
would negatively affect workers' performance as they would be discouraged from even
communicating with management. Communication in organisations is key to progressing and
improving the performance of an organisation. Ajmal Saleem said, "The best managers are the
ones who treat their employees as equals rather than as people who are beneath them.
Understand your employees' circumstances and treat each one fairly and equally."

In summation, self-awareness is necessary on and off the job. A manager with critical self-
awareness skills is bound to have an organisation that performs excellently. In addition, a
manager with an excellent attitude to work is pro-empowerment and humble will boost
employees' morale and productivity.

3. Explain how loss of control affects empowerment in organsiational members.

Employer empowerment is necessary for the development of the skills of employees. If a
manager does not empower this stagnates employees from being promoted because they have not
been exposed to making decisions on their own. However, some organisations are not pro-
empowerment because they see this as loss of control. In fact, its more about building a stonrger
team. However, loss of control may lead to low morale, loss prodcutivity and perhaps
helplessness. Therefore, losing control and its associated effects would discourage employees
from taking on additonal roles. Moreover, losing control creates situation where employees
routinely become worried and complains about the most insignificant matters regarding tasks
given. According to Schuler (2004), most people who experience low morale in the work
environment blame the leadership or their immediate supervisor.

Generally, as managers lose some control on the job , theyre are not inclined to empower others
as this would seen as a threat to their potential promotion on the job.

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