Intership Report Do Khanh Ha

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Faculty of English Language



Submitted by

Student: TRẦN ĐỖ KHÁNH HÀ- 1811202895

Intership Period: March 03rd, 2022 to June 03rd, 2022
Position: Business Interships
Company: Albushomes Trading and Service Real Estate
Firm Limited
Company supervisor: Manh Van Nguyen (Mr.)

Submitted to

University supervisor: Di Ba Thanh Duong (Mr.)

University lecturer – Faculty of English Language
Faculty of English Language



Submitted by

Student: TRẦN ĐỖ KHÁNH HÀ- 1811202895

Position: Business Interships
Company : Albushomes Trading and Service Real Estate Firm
Company supervisor: Manh Van Nguyen (Mr.)

Submitted to
University supervisor: Di Ba Thanh Duong (Mr.)

University lecturer – Faculty of English Language

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................... 4
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 5
Internship Objectives ................................................................................................ 5
2. COMPANY DESCRIPTION .......................................................................... 6
Mission: ..................................................................................................................... 6
Vision: ....................................................................................................................... 6
Core value: ................................................................................................................ 6
Ethics: ........................................................................................................................ 6
3. Intership Description ....................................................................................... 7
3.1. Job Position ..................................................................................................... 7
3.2. Responsibilities ............................................................................................... 7
4. Knowledge and Skills applied during the internship .................................... 8
4.1. Knowledge ...................................................................................................... 8
4.2. Skills................................................................................................................ 8
5. Knowledge and Skills learned from the internship ....................................... 9
5.1. Knowledge ...................................................................................................... 9
5.2. Skills................................................................................................................ 9
6. Shortfalls in Knowledge and Skills ............................................................... 10
6.1. Knowledge .................................................................................................... 10
6.2. Skills ................................................................................................................. 10
7. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 11


During the period of internship, had the opportunity to work directly at Albushomes
Trading and Service Real Estate Firm Limited, I received a plenty of enthusiastic help and
support that guide and encourage me to overcome all difficulties and finish this hard but
meaningful time.
First of all, I sincerely thank to the Board of Director of Ho Chi Minh City University of
Technology and Faculty of English Language creating the best conditions for forthcoming
students like us to exposure to reality, learn more about the knowledge only learned in books and
be able to complete the internship report well.
Secondly, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my deepest thanks to Mr.
Di Ba Thanh Duong for his wholehearted guidance in the field of expertise. I have learned from
his a dedicated advice about life experience.
Thirdly, I would like to express gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Manh Van Nguyen,
Sales Leader, who gave me chance to learned and improved the necessary skills, applied basic
knowledge of commercial English. Despite my internship and work experience is not long, I
firmly believe that what I have learned from these real environment will be the first step for me
to have more suitable orientations for my future career.
Last but not least, it is impossible not to mention the instructions and suggestions of
all my friends for sharing their experiences, time and commitment particularly during
finishing this internship program. I am grateful because I have lots of friends who were always
stand by my side to assist and support me throughout the course of completing the internship
Ha Do Khanh Tran
June 2nd , 2022

Internship Objectives
The objective of the internship program is to give students the opportunity to:

- To come constantly into contact with reality, applying knowledge and theories learned
in school to the actual business and production environment at enterprises and updating new
knowledge and skills to serve service for work.
- Students have the opportunity to improve their professional working style through the
process of learning, training the ability to work independently, teamwork spirit, problem
solving skills and effective communication skills in the field.
- Gaining new relationships would greatly help an individual's coming.
- Penetrate into the real environment, better understand what the company culture is
- Raise awareness of roles and responsibilities for the profession they are pursuing.
- Approach and familiarize yourself with jobs related to the field of study.
- Participate in tasks assigned by the internship unit.
- Learn about agencies and units along with activities related to their major.
- Knowing how to organize individual and group work.

Subsequently, complete an internship, students will learn many valuable lessons to add to
their knowledge and skills and help them identify and choose the best for their future career.
This is the beginning of your career path. It can be clearly seen that most of the students who
successfully complete the internship are often invited to work at the company after the internship

The company name is Albushomes Real Estate Services and
Trading Co., Ltd, known as Albushomes (or Albus ), currently
distributing more than 1000 apartments and rooms in District 7
– Ho Chi Minh City.

Brand Albushomes, taking the corporate mission: "For the
living space of each of us" as the ideal for the current Albus
collective's striving!

To become a leading prestigious corporation in connecting motel rooms globally.
- In 2020: Become the leading prestigious accommodation association company in Ho Chi Minh
- In 2022: Become the leading prestigious unit in the field of room rental nationwide.
- In 2025: IPO on HOST with market capitalization of VND 20,000 billion.
- In 2035: IPO on NasDag with a market capitalization of 50 billion USD.

Core value:
Albus aspires to become a distributor of rooms for long-term rental with the best
criteria for customers in Vietnam. We always take honesty, prestige and enthusiasm to help
customers find the most satisfactory and fastest apartments / rooms, helping to connect lessors
and tenants.


Always support and be responsible to customers by always diversifying products and

services for customers to choose. Ensure honesty, credibility, responsibility and competitive
prices, respect business ethics and obey the law.

3. Intership Description
3.1.Job Position

Respond to messages and contact customers in need through social networking platforms. Albus
customers are most often seen through Facebook ads and websites.

- Step 1: Message customers on Fanpage and get customer's general data through customer
phone number mining script (Texting with Clients)
- Step 2: Receive phone number information, make a call and become a Consultant to ask
about customers' demands. (Consulting Clients)
- Step 3: Send pictures of rooms, manage project costs to guests and show them the rented
rooms (Guide Clients to view the rented room)
- Step 4: Make a rental contract and hand over the customer to the landlord (Make a


- Promptly correct errors, supplement and fix problems affecting service operations in the
shortest time, limiting the impact on customer.
- Ensure the current state of equipment and furniture as committed according to the annex to
the list of apartment utilities attached to this contract.
- Ensure confidentiality of personal information provided by customers in accordance with
State regulations, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.
- Support to answer questions, receive feedback and problems through the support channel.

4. Knowledge and Skills applied during the internship
- Translation Practice: Translate documents or sales consulting scripts from Vietnamese
into English
- Interpretation Practice: Interpreter, apartment consultation, deposit policy for
- Introduction to Information Technology: Make use of Word to write scripts to get
clients data, utilize Excel to save customers information and make daily reports

- Presentation and Job Seeking Skills: Direct skills of writing CV, cover letters. Put on
present a topic, an idea in front of a whole supervisor and coworkers.
- Debating Skills: Direct reflexive skills in all situations whereas dealing with work, in
internal meetings.
- Innovative Thinking and Time Management Skills: Considering how to best
recommend the apartment to clients and room visitors for the day. Allocate reasonable time
for product research, going to daily projects, taking pictures, making documents, making
daily work reports and customer reports.

5. Knowledge and Skills learned from the internship

- Learning plenty about a CXM (Customer Experience Management) training course to

understand the clients and see the customers as someone who needs help.
- Change the way sales consultants, ought not to merely focus on making profits from
customers. As a consultant, you first need to learn to listen to what your client demands and
- Reading supplementary books. Read books on topics: how to inquire questions, propose
pain points, and communicate to customers such a friend


- Observation skills and perceptive skills. While it comes to a particular project, always take
a close look at the living environment internal and external. Regarding to consider which
customer segments it will be suitable for.
- Writing skills, taking notes in meetings, storing new information and knowledge are all
written in Excel.
- Skills when communicating with customers: Style, gestures, tone, practical knowledge,
geographical knowledge, experience, feng shui and so on. All of the above must be understood
very well.

6. Shortfalls in Knowledge and Skills

- Lack of knowledge of geography, location of a particular area, not being able to know
which districts might border, how long it takes to get there, roads or bridges to go outside the
central district .
- The presentation of the report is not aesthetic, the main items are messy when presented in
Excel. Understand the problem but do not know how to summarize, so the presentation is often
very long, causing misunderstanding.
- Learn more about requesting questions that aim at customers demand. Put yourself as the
clients, what will you need, understood the customer.

6.2. Skills

- It is difficult to capture the emotions of customers. There is still a lack of questioning skills
to elicit needs, lead a story for customers to answer their own questions.
- Communication skills when meeting fastidious customers, experienced elders are still not
confident, appear unprofessional, are anxious supposed to say the wrong thing. The clients are
not unwilling to choose me as a consultant
- Occupational skills, experience and how to cummunicate to customers even inquire
training are all in need of improvement. Clients are more and more, demand and circumstances
are besides different. We still and all need a lot of specialised knowledge that not all books can

7. Conclusion

On the whole, working in an Albushomes firm was one of my career goals when I was
an under-graduatelevel student. I am so happy that, I could complete the last phase of my
undergraduate life working in such a real estate company. For a young blood like me working
with the flexible environment and professionals definitely was a great experience for
me. The office and coworkers there were great like home. We used to have the most
unforgettable memories, work lately with high encouragement because we felt like, we are
working not only for the client but also for the nation and its people.
Even though three months attachments are not enough for a person to learn all those,
the relationship shave created lifetime asset in which teammates are willing to support and teach
me a number of things. It was a great journey working with lots of local and international clients.
I have achieved several of my learning goals and got insight into professional practice.

Once again, I would like to thank all the staffs and employees in Albushomes Trading
and Service Real Estate Firm Limited for helping me complete this internship report. I also thank
to Mr. Di Ba Thanh Duong has helped me complete this coursework, I hope to receive your
comments and feedback on this report in order to promptly correct the shortcomings and
complete them.


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