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2MKTG-3 Financial Management
1. Research about the American International Group (AIG) Scandal. Provide a brief summary in
your own words.
The Office of the New York State Attorney General, the Superintendent of Insurance for the State of New
York, and the United States Department of Justice, who have all achieved agreements with AIG, worked
together to announce the settlement before the Commission. According to the terms of the settlement with
the Commission, AIG will make a total payment of $800 million, which consists of a disgorgement of
$700 million and a penalty of $100 million, as well as implement company measures aimed at preventing
future instances of the same type of misbehavior. The fine is calculated taking into account AIG's
significant assistance with the Commission's investigation. According to Linda Chatman Thomsen,
Director of the Commission's Division of Enforcement, "This significant settlement resulted from our
industry-wide inquiry into the abuse of finite insurance and reinsurance. While this agreement brings an
end to our examination of We have sought to balance AIG's historical misconduct - which was
significant - with its new approach to compliance and cooperation with regulators and law enforcement in
this settlement, according to Mark K. Schonfeld, Director of the Commission's Northeast Regional Office.
"AIG, our investigation continues with respect to others who may have participated in AIG's securities
laws violations," he added. Also included in the Commission's settlement

What Federal Law in 2002 was submitted in order to help and protect investors from fraudulent
financial reporting? Explain briefly.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a law the U.S. Congress passed on July 30 of that year to help protect
investors from fraudulent financial reporting by corporations. 1 Also known as the SOX Act of 2002, it
mandated strict reforms to existing securities regulations and imposed tough new penalties on

2. Say you are an investor and looking for two publicly listed companies, research and provide their
Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cash flows and Statement of stockholder’s equity.



Balance Sheet

Income Statement
Statement of Cash Flow
Statement of Stockholder’s Equity

3. Check and compare their financial statements. Highlight one area (liquidity, debt management,
asset management, market standing, profitability) and decide if you still want to invest. Explain
In order to get insights into profitability, liquidity, operational effectiveness, and solvency, ratio analysis
examines line-item data from a company's financial statements. Ratio analysis allows you to compare one
firm to another within the same industry or sector and track how one company has changed over time.
External parties who set standards frequently associated with risk may also demand ratio analysis. While
ratios can provide helpful information about a firm, they should be used in conjunction with other
measures to provide a more complete picture of that company's financial situation.Current ratio, gross
profit margin ratio, and inventory turnover ratio are a few examples of ratio analysis.

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