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TELS: 3612 0901,3612 0902,3612 0903
[email protected]


O.C.: 85014/10950/CB-0119

11 1

1111 1111

Paquetes Hidroneumáticos de Servicios Agua de Mar y Agua Potable, Paquetes de Aire de Planta E Instrumentos,
Bombas Contra Incendio y Bombas Jockey, Trampas de Grasa, Filtros de Carbón Activado, Paquetes lnhibidores de Corrosión.
Translation of the original operating
Screw compressor

075 .. 0160 V2
0110RS .. 0160RS V2

@ ZS1101892 102- August 2013

Table of Contents CompAir

OF 5.2 Compressed a ir connection .................... 36

5.3 Cooling water connection ........................ 37
1 Foreword ........................................................ 4 5.4 Electrical connection ............................... 38
1.1 About these operating instructions ........... .4
6 Commissioning and operation .................. 40
1.2 Notes ......................................................... 4
1.3 Corree! usage ........................................... 5 6.1 lnitial commissioning ............................... 40

1.4 Foreseeable misuse .................................. 6 6.1.1 Cooling water adjustment for water-cooled
compressor systems ............................... 42
1.5 Service ...................................................... 6
6.2 Normal operation .................................... 43
1.6 Rating plate ............................................... 7
6.3 Routine commissioning ........................... 44

2 Safety requirements ...................................... 8 6.4 Commissioning after extended

downtime ................................................. 44
2.1 General safety instructions ....................... 8
6.5 Commissioning after a fault... ................. 44
2.2 Warnings about Special Types of
Hazard ....................................................... 8
7 Clearing a fault. ........................................... 45
2.3 Protective and safety devices ................... 9
2.4 Residual risks ............................................ 9 8 Maintenance and service ........................... 48
2.5 Labeling of safety instructions ................. 1 o
8.1 General notes ......................................... 48
2.6 Safety symbol. ........................................ 1O
8.2 Service .................................................... 49
2. 7 Transport and installation ........................ 13
8.3 lnspection of protective and safety
2.8 Normal operation .................................... 13 devices .................................................... 50
2.9 Special work ............................................ 14 8.4 Routine maintenance .............................. 50
2.1 O Modifications and changes to the 8.5 Maintenance plan .................................... 51
machine ................................................... 15
8.6 Maintenance work ................................... 54
8.6.1 Access doors .......................................... 54
3 Design and function ................................... 16
8.6.2 Cooling a ir inlet filler ............................... 55
3.1 General description ................................. 16
8.6.3 Electrical enclosure intake air filler (RS
3.2 Construction of the compressor .............. 17 compressor ) ........................................... 55
3.3 System schematic for air-cooled 8.6.4 Condensate drain .................................... 56
compressor .............................................. 21
8.6.5 Lubricating oil .......................................... 57
3.4 System schematic for water-cooled
compressor .............................................. 23 8.6.6 A ir vent system ejector........................... 59

3.5 Air circuit... .............................................. 26 8.6.7 Cooling system ....................................... 62

3.6 Externa! water circuit... ........................... 28 8.6.8 ................................................................ 63

3.7 Interna! water circuit... ............................. 29 8.6.9 Air filler .................................................... 64

3.8 Oil circuit... .............................................. 30 8.6.1 O Control a ir filler ....................................... 65

3.9 Air vent system ejector ........................... 31

8.6.11 Orive motor /lubricator ............................ 66

3.1 O Controls (automatic mode) ...................... 31 8.6.12 Control system ........................................ 67

9 Appendi:x: ...................................................... 68
4 Transport .and installation .......................... 33
9.1 Decommissioning .................................... 68
4.1 Transport ................................................. 33
9.2 Consumables and auxiliary materials ..... 68
4.2 Storage .................................................... 33
9.3 Disassembly ............................................ 68
4.3 lnstallation ............................................... 33
9.4 Disposal. .................................................. 69
5 Preparing for commissioning .................... 36 9.5 Limit val u es of dissolved matter .............. 70

5.1 Piping ...................................................... 36 9.6 Technical data ......................................... 71

2/100 USA August 2013

CompAir T able of Contents
9.6.1 075 + 090, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and
water-cooled "W" (European version) ..... 71
9.6.2 011 O + 0132, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and
water-cooled "W" (European version) ..... 72
9.6.3 0160, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W' (European version) ............... 73
9.6.4 011 O RS, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W' (European version) ............... 74
9.6.5 0132 RS, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W'' (European version) ............... 76
9.6.6 0160 RS, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W" (European version) ............... 77
9.6.7 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and
water-cooled "W" (European version) ..... 78
9.6.8 0110 + 0132, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and
water-cooled "W" (European version) ..... 80
9.6.9 0160, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W" (European version) ............... 81
9.6.1 O 011 O RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W'' (European version) ............... 82
9.6.11 0132 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W'' (European version) ............... 84
9.6.12 0160 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W" (European version) ............... 85
9.6.13 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and
water-cooled "W' (USA version) ............. 86
9.6.14 0110 + 0132, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and
water-cooled "W' (USA version) ............. 87
9.6.15 0160, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W" (USA version) ....................... 89
9.6.16 0110 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W' (USA version) ....................... 90
9.6.17 0132 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W" (USA version) ....................... 91
9.6.18 0160 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-
cooled "W' (USA version) ....................... 92
9.7 lnstallation plan ....................................... 94

-----·---------- ·----------
August 2013 USA 3/100
1 Foreword CompAir

1 The basis for these operating instructions are the

master instructions ZS11 01892 /02, relevant for
Gardner Oenver screw compressors are the prod- translations of the operating instructions.
uct of years of research and development. To-
gether with high quality requirements, these con- These operating instructions are part of the com-
ditions guarantee that the screw compressors are pressor and must be stored near the compressor
manufactured for long service life, high reliability, such that they are available at all times.
and economical operation.
These operating instructions contain all of the doc-
Of course they also meet high environmental pro-
umentation required for safe operation and main-
tection standards.
tenance of the compressor. These include:
1.1 operating ~ lnstalling and connecting the compressor
~ Commissioning and operating the compressor

These operating instructions apply to the following ~ Replacing wear parts and consumable materi-
compressors from Gardner Oenver: als, such as filters and oil
~ 075-BA V2 ~ ldentifying faults and clearing system malfunc-
~ 075-10A V2
&ii Performing regular visual inspections for dam-
~ 090-BA V2 age
~ 090-10A V2 ~ Cleaning, maintenance, and repair of the com-
~ 0110-BA V2 pressor

~ 011 ORS-8A V2 The dealer's or manufacturer's shop, with its quali-

fied and experienced personnel, is responsible for
~ O11 0-1 OA V2 all repair work that exceeds typical maintenance
~ 0110RS-10A V2 and requires specialized technical knowledge.
~ 0132-BA V2 All pressure values in these operating instructions
are gage pressures (positive pressure).
~ 0132RS-8A V2
~ 0132-1 OA V2 Target groups

~ 0132RS-10A V2 The target groups for these operating instructions

are the operators, maintenance personnel, and
0160-10A V2 electrical technicians.
~ 0160RS-10A V2 The operator may, after receiving instruction,
~ 075-8WV2 commission the compressor, switch it on and off,
and actuate the emergency stop.
~ 075-10W V2
The maintenance personnel may use the infor-
~ 090-8WV2 mation in these operating instructions to maintain,
~ 090-10WV2 repair, and commission the generator, switch it on
and off, and actuate the emergency stop.
~ 0110-8WV2
The electrical technicians may electrically in-
~ 0110RS-8W V2 stall the compressor, perform direction of rotation
~ O11 0-1 OW V2 checks, and perform electrical repair work.

011 ORS-1 OW V2 Safety requirements

~ 0132-8WV2 In addition to all the other information in these op-
erating instructions, the general safety instruc-
~ D132RS-8WV2
tions in the Chapter "Safety requirements" must
~ 0132-10WV2 absolutely be read.
~ 0132RS-1 OW V2
1.2 Notes
~ 0160-iOW V2
General notes
~ 0160RS-10WV2 · must be read and ap
The operating instructlo~s ed to work with a d -
plied by any person asslgn n on
These operating instructions are written for operat-
the compressor.
ing and maintenance personnel.

41 100
CompAir Foreword 1
------- ---·----·--
Regardless of these operating instructions, the Propagation or reproduction of this document, or
laws, regulations, directives, and standards in the sale and impartation of its contents, are pro-
force in the installed location and the country of hibited unless expressly allowed. lnfringement is li-
use must be followed. able to compensation. All rights are reserved with
respect to registration of a patent, utility patent, or
Training design patent.
Operator training at site is performed by autho-
rized service technicians. These operating instruc- Resale
tions serve as training documents, along with the lf the compressor is resold, these operating in-
repair instructions, which are provided only in con- structions must be provided to the new operator
junction with service training. along with the compressor. lf necessary, the oper-
These measures ensure that the assigned work ating instructions must be reordered from Gardner
can be completed reliably. Denver by providing the arder confirmation num-
ber. The compressor may not be resold without
Guarantee these operating instructions in any case.
Gardner Denver is not liable for the functional
1.3 Correct usage
safety of the compressor if any actions are taken
that are contrary to the intended use, or if used for The compressor uses the best available technol-
any other purpose than those listed in the operat- ogy and meets applicable safety requirements at
ing instructions. the time of sale, in the context of correct usage.

Gardner Denver refuses any guarantee or liability The design cannot prevent foreseeable misuse,
for cases of: nor all other residual risks, without limiting the
functionality of correct usage.
~ Operating errors.
The compressor is designed for compressing oil-
e11 Use of the compressor other than as intended. free atmospheric a ir (compressed air for powering
~ Damages resulting from foreseeable misuse or pressure equipment); the compressor is not suit-
failure to follow the operating instructions. able for compressing other gases.
~ Damages or injuries caused by third party com- The compressor is considered to be used correctly
ponents. if the following points are al so cave red:
* Use of replacement or wear parts or consum- Efl The compressor is used in accordance with
able materials that are not provided or recom- these operating instructions.
mended by Gardner Denver.
o The operator's work procedures and operating
e lnadequate maintenance. instructions are followed.
e Modifications to the compressor. Any other use, or use exceeding these limits, is
The guarantee and liability conditions of the gen- considered to be improper. The manufacturer is
eral terms and conditions of Gardner Denver are not liable for any resulting damages. The user
not expanded by the notes above. alone bears the entire risk.
Correct usage also includes following the operat-
Warranty ing instructions and complying with the inspection
Conditions and exclusions to the warranty by and maintenance instructions.
Gardner Denver are indicated in our general terms
and conditions, which were provided with the com- Other provisions
pressor. The document can also be sent again The use of the compressor can cause hazards to
upon request. life and limb of the user or third parties, or damage
to the compressor or other property, if the com-
These operating instructions are subject to copy-
• ls not used properly.
right law and m ay be used solely for the agreed
purpose, that is, as a reference for interna! pur- • ls operated oy untrained personnel.
poses. • ls modified or altered.
• The safety instructions are not followed.

August 2013 USA 5/100

1 Foreword CompAir

The following apply in addition to these operating ti Operation with detective, deactivated, or ma-
instructions: nipulated protective and safety devices, or
~t Applicable accident prevention regulations. safety values, or operation with other safety-re-
lated defects.
~t Generally recognized safety rules.
11 Use by prívate users or users without technical
Country-specific regulations. training.
~ Operation outside of industrial premises.
lnstallation site 1 altitude
Failure to comply with maintenance intervals.
The compressor is intended to be installed in a
suitable compressor room. The compressor is not ti Failure to perform maintenance and repairs.
suitable for outdoor installation.
~~; lncorrectly executed maintenance and repairs.
Depending on the operating pressure, ambient hu-
midity, and ambient temperature at which the com- limitations on use
pressor is operated, the permissible altitud e of the
installation site is limited. The permissible site alti- Operation of the compressor is not permitted:
tude is determined by Gardner Denver for each in- e Outside of the permissible ambient tempera-
dividual case in consultation with the customer. tures.

Work: environment
e Above the permissible elevation of the installa-
tion site.
The lighting intensity in the area of the compressor
must be ;::: 200 lx in normal operation.
e On a foundation that does not have sufficient
load capacity.
The lighting intensity must be ;::: 500 lx for inspec-
tion and maintenance work.
e In areas with explosive atmosphere.
The ambient temperature for operation: See 1.5 Service
"Technical data"
In case of questions or problems with compressor,
Pressure equipment consult your Gardner Denver representative.
A pressure safeguard (safety valve or the like) that Trained technicians provide fast, technically accu-
conforms to the applicable specifications must be rate assistance.
provided for the pressure equipment and systems
installed in the compressed air supply network, For questions
considering the weakest pressurized component. In case of questions or spare parts orders, please
provide the model, identification, and year built,
1.4 Foreseeable as indicated on the model rating plate. Providing
lncorrect usage ami abuse these data ensures that you will receive the cor-
rect information or spare parts.
The following rationally foreseeable applications
(incorrect usage) do not comply with the intended Your Gardner Denver representative
use: Use the following table to record data about your
• Compressing gases other than atmospheric air. local Gardner Denver representative.

• Operation outside of the permissible operating Name:

limits, even if exceeded for only a short time, or
if not immediately detectable.
~t Operation outside of the permissible ambient Address:
tempera tu res.
lntake of non-atmospheric air (overpressure or
• Use as a respiratory air compressor. Fax
• Manipulation of sensor signals. Email:
• Changing signals from sensors. Chart 1-1: Local Gardner Den ver representative
• Operation without protective and safety de-

6/100 USA August 2013
CompAir Foreword 1

1.6 Rating plate

Gardner Denver , In e
Quincy, lllinois
Gardner Denver Deutschland GmbH
Argenthaler Strasse 11
Model Serial Number
O - 55469 Simmern 1 Hunsrüch
1r lJ l
Balljahr; anno. annee: ano ldentlfizierunqs-Nummer: Re f.-No. Type
lzlc________jl J J
o Machine
0 úesamtg~wicht. Weight
~~t~~ ~~r;~~~ ·
pesotolale: 61 1 kg Made in Germany ~ 1
HadeinGerrnan¡ CE 7LI_ __j
si 1

Einbauverdichler; air end:bloc(Ompresseur Order Mumber

91 1
avis; vile;cabezal compresor al 1
Compression Medium
Auftraqs-Nr.: order number: numéro de íommande: 101 1
numero- di commessa:numero de pedido V 1 Ph 1
Voltage 1 Phase 1 Frequency "'
111 1
Flow )cFM

VolumerJStrom: vo\ume rate of flow;debit-

Stage Pressure 130[~~}sig
~olume, portal a eflelliva; caudal electivo
Suction Pressure 1psi
Slufendruecke:slagepressures.pression 141
AnsaugOruck:sudiOnpre~sure;presston o Full Load Curren!
151 lA o
Speed lrpm
O ¡:~~:~i!t~oP~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~r~~::t~~s~:~:aP~~~~~arharge:
lnstalled Motor Capaclty lKW
Drehzahl:speeds<vitme:nunlerogiri: lmin-1
rev!llucioneo 161
lnst~UierteMntorteistung;instalted mntor capacily;
puissance moteurinstanee: potenzams.tallala del motare:
potencia instalada de! mot~r
ni IKW

ZS1048646 Fíg. 1-2: Rating plate

Fig. 1-1: Rating p/ate

August 2013 USA 7/100


2 Personnel selection and qualification; basic

Every person involved with the operation, main-
Only relíable, authorized personnel may work on
tenance, and repair of the compressor musí read
the compressor.
and follow !he safety requirements.
Gardner Denver takes no responsibility for prop- The authorized personnel must:
erty damage or injuries that result from failure to Be trained by Gardner Denver.
follow the safety requirements
e Be instructed with respect to his responsibili-
2.1 General safety instructions ties, tasks, and activities and informed about
the compressor.
Organizational measures
• Have the physical and mental abilities required
The following organizational measures support the to execute the responsibilities, !asks, and activ-
safe operation of the compressor: ities on the compressor.
111 Only assigned personnel may work on the e Have understood the operating instructions
compressor. Personnel are trained and in- with respect to the responsibilities, tasks, and
structed on the compressor. activities on the compressor, and be able to im-
plement them in practice.
111 Personnel must have read the operating in-
structions and particularly the Chapter "Safety
Warnings about Special Types
requirements". During the assignment is too
late. This applies in particular to personnel who of Hazard
are in action only occasionally, such as for Electricity
111 The responsibilities of personnel for operation,
maintenance, and repair must be clearly de-
fined. Electric shock

• Personnel should be checked regular to ensure Deadly electrical voltage

they are conscious of safety and hazards when 9 Exercise extreme caution when
working. working with electrical equipment.
111 Personnel in training, under instruction, being 9 Befare starting maintenance work,
taught, or taking part in a general training pro- disconnect the compressor and lock
gram may work with the compressor only un- it out to vent restartin .
der the continuous super\Íision of an authorized
For all work on the compressor's electrical equip-
ment, the 5 safety rules for working on electrical
o For safety-related changes to the compressor systems must be followed.
or its operating behavior, the compressor must
be stopped immediately and the fault must be The following instructions must also be followed:
reported to !he responsible area or person. • Work on the electrical equipment of the com-
111 Faults, especially those that can compromise pressor may be done only by an electrician in
safety, musí be corrected immediately. Other- accordance with electrical rules.
wise the compressor must not be operated. 1!11 The electrical equipment of the compressor
o All hazard warning signs on and near the com- must be inspected regularly. Defects, such as
pressor must be checked regularly for com- loase connections or scorched cables, must be
pleteness and legibility. Missing hazard warn- corrected immediately.
ing signs must be replaced immediately. Only original fuses with the specified current
The time frames from tests and inspections rating may be used.
must be adhered to.
Only for RS compressors:
The operating instructions must be updated to
include instructions for supervisory or reporting Due to residual voltage in the capacitors, the elec-
obligations in reaction to special operating con- trical enclosure must not be opened until at least
ditions, such as with respect to work organiza- 1O minutes after disconnecting (m a in disconnect
tion, process flows, responsibilities, etc. switch OFF). Follow the hazard warning sign on
the electrical enclosure! See the "safety symbols"

8/100 USA August 2013

CompAir Safety requirements 2

The sound pressure level without a sound-damp-
ening enclosure is about 11 O dB(A). Long-term ex- Operation of the compressor is permitted only
posure to the compressor without a sound-damp- with complete, functional protective and safety
ening enclosure can cause irreversible hearing devices in ace.
The compressor may be operated without a Emergency stop
sound-dampening enclosure only for test runs.
The emergency stop button can be used to bring
Wear personal hearing protection.
the compressor to a safe condition in dangerous
The sound pressure level with sound-dampening situations.
enclosure is about: See "Technical data"
For normal operation, the compressor may be run Emergency stop buttons are mounted:
only when the sound protection cover is closed. e On the control panel of the compressor
Oil, grease, and other chemical substances 1111 Optionally in a pedestal (control console)
Follow the applicable safety requirements when
Using the emergency stop
handling oils, greases, and other chemical sub-
stances. 1 Press the <E-stop> button.
The compressor is brought to a safe condition.
Use caution when handling hot materials, as there
is a risk of burning or scalding. 2 Correct the fault that was the reason for the
emergency stop.
Explosive hazard areas See the "fault correction" chapter.
3 Unlock the <E-stop> button.
Turn the button counterclockwise.
4 Start up the compressor.
See the paragraph "Commissioning after a
The compressor is not designed for op-
fault" in the chapter "Commissioning and oper-
eration in explosion hazard areas.
~ Operation of the compressor in ex-
plosion hazard areas is not permit- Safety valves 1 check valve
Safety valves protect the compressor against ex-,
ceeding the permissible operating pressure. The
Legionella growth in water-cooled compres-
safety valves open at 3.5 bar (1st compressor
sors with open-loop cooling circuits
stage) and 11.4 bar (2nd compressor stage).
The compressor is protected against backpressure
from the compressed air network by means of a
Contamination with Legionella check valve on the pressure side.
Health hazard with open-loop cooling
systems. Protective covers and enclosure

~ Continuous monitoring of water The cooling air fans are covered with protective
quality and germ count in the cool- mesh.
circuit. The coupling between the drive and the compres-
sor is protected by a mesh guard.
2.3 Protective and safety devices The housing of the compressor is designed so that
The compressor is equipped with the following any broken parts that may be thrown off are re-
protective and safety equipment. tained within the compressor.

Prior to commissioning, particularly after mainte- The compressor housing serves as a sound pro-
nance and repair work, all protective and safety tection cover.
devices must be installed and checked for proper
function. 2.4 Residual risks
In addition, the inspection intervals required in the Hot surfaces
country of use must be complied with. Some compressor components become very hot
during operation (up to 235 oC). A hazard warning
sign on the compressor enclosure warns of this

August 2013 USA 9 /100

2 Safety requirements CompAir

Befare beginning maintenance and repair work, '

the compressor must have cooled off sufficiently.
Hazard {consequences of haz-
Personal protective equipment ard)
We recommend wearing the following personal Description of the hazard
protective equipment: Protective measure (protection
e Safety shoes against hazard)

e Safety glasses whenever working with com- Components of safety instructions

pressed air and open enclosure
Hazard (consequences of hazard): The hazard
Hearing protection when the sound protection sequence tells the type of hazard.
cover is open
Description of the hazard (hazard source ): The
2.5 Labeling of safety instructions hazard source indicates the cause of the hazard.
Protective measure (protection against haz-
Safety instructions are used as special warning
ard): The protection against the hazard describes
notices in the operating instructions, using the fol-
the measures for preventing the hazard.
lowing names and symbols.
Alert word: The alert word classifies the severity
These special warning notices serve to protect of the hazard into four levels, emphasized graphi-
against hazards and are clase to the potential haz- cally with different colors. The alert word is used in
ard in space and time: the safety instructions as described below.
e On the system, near the source of hazard DANGER lndicates an immediate dangerous sit-
e In the operating instructions, befare a se- uation that, if not prevented, will result in death or
quence of actions or activities to be performed extreme (irreversible) injury.
is described WARNING lndicates a potential dangerous situ-
ation that, if not prevented, can result in death or
Structure of safety instructions extreme (irreversible) injury.
The special warning notices in the operating in- CAUTION lndicates a potential dangerous situa-
structions are structured as follows: tion that, if not prevented, can result in slight or mi-
nar (reversible) injury.
CAUTION lndicates information or recommenda-
tions that directly or indirectly relate to the safety
of persons or equipment protection.
Safety symbol
The safety symbols (hazard warning signs) can be used in the operating instructions and in the environ-
ment around the compressor.

Warning of a general hazard.

Follow the warning and proceed with the
tion (e.g., protective clothing) and care.

Slip hazard Warning of a slip hazard.

Use caution when walking, stepping, or climbing.

Component or system of devices or ar.eas in which the air pressure is

under pressure higher than in the normal atmosphere.
not open devices or chambers until the pressure has

Chart 2-1: Safety symbol

1o /1 DO USA August 2013

CompAir Safety requirements 2

Do not operate with open lt is not permitted to run the compressor with open doors
doors or loase clothing. or loase clothing, except for test runs. High sound pres-
sure level, risk of injuryl
Normal operation requires the enclosure to be closed.

Do not breathe in the lt is not permitted to use the compressed air produced by
compressed air from this this compressor for breathing. lndrawn materials can be
unit dangerous to health.
Do not use compressed airas breathing air.

Electrical voltage Warning against dangerous electrical voltage.

Work on the electrical equipment of the compressor may
be done only by an electrician in accordance with electri-
cal rules.

System continues to run compressor continues to run for 30 second after the
button <O> is pressed.
not open the compressor enclosure until the com-
pressor has stopped.

Follow the instructions Labeling of instructions to the user that additional infor-
for use mation can be found in the (manufacturer's) operating
Befare the machine is operated, the user (operator)
must have read and understood the instructions for use
(manufacturer's instructions for use).
Use hearing protection Label for areas with elevated sound pressure leve!.
Enter the area only with suitable hearing protection.

Warning about industrial Warning of industrial trucks traveling within the plant
trucks (e.g., forklifts) when transporting.
Do not perform any work in traffic lanes with limited visi-
bility that are not secured or blocked off. Use or crossing
of this traffic lane requires great caution.
Warning of suspended Warning of suspended loads during transport.
loads During transport, no persons may be present in the haz-
ard area. In particular, do not reach in or allow the feet to
pass beneath the suspended compressor.

Warning of moving When performing maintenance work, it is necessary to

machine parts. check some functions with the enclosure open. lnjury
hazard dueto rotational or translational motion.
Maintenance work ma_y be performed only by specially
trained technicians.
Chart 2-1: Safety symbo/

August 2013 USA i 1 /100

2 Safety requirements CompAir

Hazard that the hands may be crushed, drawn in, or oth-

injuries erwise injured.
Keep clear.

1 Warning of automatic In normal operation the compressor can start automati-
1 l~art cally at any time. Operational readiness of the compres-
sor is indicated by the green LEO on the control panel.

1 1 Do not perform any work on the compressor when the

green LEO is lit.
~--------~ Wa;ni~g of hot surfaces
' 1

Parts of the compressor beco me very hot during opera-

tion (up to 235 oc). Risk of injury from hot surfaces.
Before beginning maintenance and repair work, the com-
pressor must have cooled off sufficiently.

Suffocation warning Suffocation hazard dueto insufficient ventilation and

~~:a~;:~t::emc:s~~~:~~d ~ :::~~~nt ventilation and

1 exhaust of the compressor room.

~~----~~;~~;~~-~¡;-;;;~~¡:;¡~;----- ~~.~i:gm0:c~i~:~ :~~~r~dc~u~~lac~~~~~~~~~~.~.~:~vers,

1 enclosures, guards, fences) during transport.
· vy~rking at the labeled workstations requires increased
,1 -\- VIQIIance.
~--------------,Do not g-;;beneath u;- Do not ~-o-b-e-ne-ath a s~spended load~--r:;:;;d·;¡~er ¡;~-;t-
I Jload allowed to drive the industrial truck if a person is located
j ¡ beneath the load. The driver must also make su re that
¡ 1 no one stands or walks under the load.
¡ 1
The load must be transported close to the floor (max.
0.5 m above the ground). (See also AGV 027 "Industrial
1 1
trucks"). The driver is responsible for all travel and load

movements of an industrial truck.

Ufting point Labeling of lifting points.

Only the labeled lifting points may be used for transport.
·~~=¡'.,/ ""'7" 1

~rtyv~ Opening pressure of the safety valve (for val ue "xx" see
the sticker on the control panel).

XX bar 1

1Check connection ter- Warning of loosened clamp connections. Clamping pres-
f minals and retighten if su re can fade after so m~ time.
1needed. For additional Check the clamps regularly according to the safety
1instructions, see the guidelines and tighten as needed.
¡operating instructions.
Chart 2-1: Safety symbol

12 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Safety requirements 2

Electrical voltage
Residual voltage on the Warning of stored energy in the form of capacitors. They
capacitors carry deadly electrical voltage.
Do not open the electrical enclosure (RS compressor) for
1O minutes after disconnecting the compressor.
Check the OC bus voltage of the frequency inverter
at the grid terminal strip of the frequency inverter. The
exact position of the "OC+" and "OC-" terminals can be
found in the included operating instructions for the fre-
quency inverter.
Work on the electrical equipment of the compressor may
be done only by an electrician in accordance with electri-
cal rules.

Warning of springs under tension in the interior of the

intake regulator.
Befare opening the intake regulator, read the repair man-
Bacteria! contamination Warning of the presence of Legionella in the cooling
hazard water in an open-loop cooling water circuit
Continuous monitoring of the cooling water by mainte-
nance personnel.

Caution: hot liquid Warning of hot oil or hot coolant.

Allow the compressor to cool befare opening the fluid cir-
cuit lines.

Chart 2-1: Safety symbol

All hazard warning signs must be present and in legible condition.

LCheck regularly and replace when needed.

2.7 Transport and installation lnstallation 1 installation site

Transport The compressor must be installed with full contact

on a foundation with sufficient structural strength.
A suitable forklift with sufficiently long forks must
be used to transport the compressor. The com- The installation site (compressor room) must be
pressor weighs up to 3,800 kg (gross), depending sized so that the compressor is sufficiently acces-
on the model. sible and the required cooling is ensured.

lnsert the forks only at the lifting points provided. No flammable or explosive materials may be
stored near the compressor.
The compressor, even in its packed state, may not
be transported by crane. Non"f\al operation
During transport, no persons may be present in
The compressor may be used only if it is in a tech-
the hazard area. In particular, do not reach in or
nically pristine state, and it must be used as in-
allow the feet to pass beneath the suspended
tended, with awareness of safety and hazards, by
following the operating instructions.

August 2013 USA 13 /100

2 Safety requirements CompAir

Operate the compressor only if all protective and Maintenance and repair work may be performed
safety devices, sound dampeners, ventilation and only under supervision, or by a person qualified for
exhaust devices, and cooling water supply (for this work.
water-cooled compressors only) are present and Secure an ample working area, if needed.
Workshop equipment suitable for the work is ab-
Check regularly that: solutely required to perform maintenance and re-
~ All hoses and pipelines are in good condition pairwork.
and securely attached.
Safety measures
there are no leaks (oil, coolant, or cooling wa-
Personnel must not wear open, long hair, loose
clothing, or jewelry, including rings. When the
~ The electrical connection lines are in good con- compressor is running, there is an injury hazard,
dition. such as dueto jamming or drawing in. lf needed
~ cooling water supply is provided (for wa- or required by regulations, use personal protective
ter-cooled compressors only). equipment!
Perform only those maintenance and repair works
Behavioral rules for using compressed air.
for which yo u have sufficient training and where
~ Do not use any method that involves question- you feel comfortably su re of your ability.
able safety.
Do not use machine parts as climbing aids. For
~ Never play around with compressed air. maintenance work at greater heights, use fall pro-
~ Never direct compressed air at the skin or at tection.
other person.
Maintenance/fault clearing
~ Never use compressed air to clean clothing.
Perform any maintenance and repair work only
~ When using compressed air to clean equip- when the compressor is switched off and the
ment, use great care and also wear safety power grid supply is disconnected. Secure the
glasses as eye protection. compressor against being turned on accidentally.

Safety measures Before opening the compressor enclosure:

Operate the compressor only when the enclosure ~ Allow the compressor to come to a stop.
is closed.
~ Wait for automatic pressure relief.
Check the compressor at least once per shift for
~ Wait until the residual energy from the capaci-
externally visible damage and defects. Report any
tors has dissipated.
changes (including to the operating performance)
to the responsible location or person immediately. ~ Cool the compressor down to room tempera-
Stop and secure the compressor immediately, if ture.
needed. Have faults repaired immediately.
Do not switch off or remove the exhaust and vac-
uum devices when the compressor is running. Always pay attention to cleanliness during mainte-
nance and repair work. Keep dirt away by cover-
Remote control ing parts and exposed openings with a clean cloth,
paper, or tape.
lf there is a remate control, the compressor must
bear a clearly visible sign with the following in- Oilloss causes the floor to be slippery. Clean the
scription: "Caution! The compressor is remotely work area thoroughly after completing the mainte-
controlled and could start without warning." nance and repair work.
In addition, safety precautions must be taken to Cleaning agents
ensure that no one is working on the compressor
when it is remotely controlled. Never use solvents or cleaning agentsthat can
corrode the materials to clean the parts.
2.9 Special work Take preventive-action against vapors of solvents
or cleaning agents that are hazardous to health.
The maintenance work and intervals are speci-
fied in the operating manual, including information
about replacing parts/partial equipment.

14/100 USA August 2013
CompAir Safety requirements 2
Weight /lifting gear Damage arising from the use of non-original parts
Carefully attach and secure heavy individual com- or special equipment precludes the liability of the
ponents and assemblies when replacing, so that manufacturer. This also applies to the installa-
they do not presenta hazard. Use only suitable tion and adjustment of safety devices and valves,
lifting gear that is in technically perfect condition, and for the welding of load-bearing or pressurized
and a load handling device with sufficient load ca- parts.
pacity. Do not stand or work beneath suspended

Spare parts
Use only original spare parts.
Spare parts must comply with the technical re-
quirements stipulated by the manufacturer. This
is guaranteed only when original spare parts are
u sed.

After completing maintenance and repair

After maintenance and repair work is completed,
ensure that no tools, loase parts, or rags have
been left behind in the compressor (particularly in
the drive motor or the drivetrain).
Rotate the drive severa! times in arder to make
su re that there is no mechanical fault in the com-
pressor or the drivetrain.
Tighten all bolt connections that were loosened for
the maintenance and repair work. Also check all
the other bolt connections.
Befare releasing the compressor for operation af-
ter maintenance and repair work, ensure that the
operating pressures, temperatures, and time set-
tings are correct, and that the control and shutoff
device work perfectly.
lf safety or protective devices must be removed,
then they must be re-installed and checked for
perfect function immediately after completing the

2.1 O Modifications and changas to

the machina
Do not make any modifications, additions, or re-
configurations of the compressor without prior con-
sultation with Gardner Denver.
Unauthorized changes to the machine are not al-
lowed for safety reasons.
Original parts are specially conceived for the ma-
chine. We explicitly give notice that parts and spe-
cial equipment not provided by us are also not ap-
proved by us. The installation and/or use of such
producís can therefore degrade active and/or pas-
sive safety.

----------- ·-----·-----
August 2013 USA 15 /i 00
3 Design and function CompAir

3 DESIGN FUNCTION Principie of compression

The compressor stages consist of a main rotor
3.1 General description
and a secondary rotor with spiral teeth that mesh
The compressor is a screw compressor that com- with each other. A synchronized gearbox in each
presses without oil, and has a sound-dampening stage of the compressor ensures that the rotors do
enclosure. not make contact with each other. Compression
The main components are the drive motor, the chambers bounded by the flanks of the teeth and
compressor stage unit, the cooling and lubrication by the compressor housing are formed. By rotating
system, and the electronic controls. the rotors, the vol ume of the chambers is continu-
ously reduced, until the compressed air is torced
The compressor stage unit consists of the drive out the outlet port of the staged housing. Screw
gearbox and the first and second compressor compressors are rotary forced displacement com-
stages. pressors, with no oscillating mass but with pulsat-
The parts of the compressor stage through which ing output.
air passes have a special coating that reduces In arder to minimize the power requirements of the
wear and resists corrosion. compressor stage unit, and to keep the final com-
The rolling bearings and gearbox are lubricated pression temperature within technically permissi-
with oil. ble limits, compression takes place in two stages
The air and oil systems are designed so that oil with intermediate cooling. In addition, the housings
cannot penetrate to the air circuit. The ejector of the stages are cooled by an interna! water cir-
bleeding system generales a defined vacuum cuit.
pressure in the area of the compressor stage unit
Electronic controls
that is lubricated with oil, and thus prevents oil
from escaping to the environment. The main components of the electronic control
system are a microprocessor, a touch screen, flat
panel keys, and LEOs.
Detailed description operating manual for elec-
tronic controls

16 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Design and function 3

( 3.2 Construction of the compressor



4 5 6 7

Fig. 3-1: Overview Part 1

[1] Condensate drain (intermediate cooler) [10] Sound barrier with filter mesh
[2] Oil/water cooler [11] Aftercooler
[3] Oil filter [12] lntermediate cooler
[4] Pulsation/noise suppressor [13] Water cooler
[5] Air service unit [14] Blow-off sound damper
[6] Compressor unit [15] Condensate trap (intermediate cooler)
[7] Control air filter [16] Safety valves (intermediate pressure)
[8] Ultrafine filter [17] Compensating tank (coolant)
[9] Pulsation damper

August 2013 USA 17/100
3 Design and...........
-----·-·-·-·---- function
, __ ____________________________________________________________ CompAir

18 18 17 16 15



7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 3-2: Overview Part 2

[1] lntake regulator [1 O] Orive motor

[2] Motor lubrication system [11] Oil pump
[3] Check valve [12] Water pump
[4] Safety valve (max. network pressure) [13] Air filter
[5] Connection flange [14] lnlet filter, electrical enclosure cooling air
[6] Condensate trap [15] <Emergency stop> button
[7] Condensate connections [16] Electronic controls
[8] Condensate drain [17] Electrical enclosure
[9] Solenoid valve (Y3) [1 8] Fan

i 8 1 i 00 USA August 2013

CompAir Design and function 3


14 13

6 7

[1] Condensate drain (intermediate cooler) [10] Sound barrier with filler mesh
[2] Oil/water cooler [11] Cooling water header
[3] Oil filler [12] Aftercooler
[4] Pulsation/noise suppressor [13] lntermediate cooler
[5] Air service unit [14] Cooler (interna! cooling circuit)
[6] Compressor unit [15] Blow-off sound damper
[7] Control air filler [16] Condensate trap (intermediate cooler)
[8] Ultrafine filler [17] Safely valve (intermediate cooler)
[9] Pulsation damper [18] Compensating tank (coolant)

August 2013 USA 19 /100
3 Design and function CompAir

16 15

[1] lntake regulator [1 O] Orive motor

[2] Motor lubrication system [11] Oil pump
[3] Check valve [12] Water pump
[4] Safety valve (max. network pressure) [13] Air filler
[5] Connection flange [14] lnlet filler, electrical enclosure cooling
air(Speed-cGntrolled system)
[6] Condensate trap [15] <Emergency stop> button
[7] Condensate connections [16] Electronic controls
[8] Condensate drain [17] Electrical enclosure
[9] Solenoid valve (Y3) [18] Fan

----~~-~ ---~~·---------

20 1 100 USA August 2013


CompAir Design and function 3

3.3 System schematic for air-cooled compressor

S1e't~ ' 27


E:B 28


Fig. 3-3: Functional schematic

air Water

Charl3-1: Unes

August 2013 USA 21 /100

3 Design and function CompAir


No. iDes~..,,¡;tlvo, ' No. ,.... _..,.J, ' :.;.

iNo. Dt;;<>vl 1pí.ivu
'--~-------- '
1 lntake air filter 11 ,Afterco' 22 Temperature control val~~
(oil circuit)
2 lntal reg 12 Pressure relief valve 23 Heat exchanger

3 Compressor, first ¡ge 13 Water trap (aftercooler) 24 011 filler

4 IP damper 14 8afety valve (final pres- 25 Cooler, interna! cooling
SI ~) ' water circuit

5 lntermediate cooler 15 Filtered water trap 26 Temperature control valve

(interna! cooling water cir-
:Water 16 8huttle valve 27 Compensation tank
16 ¡cooler)
r-- 8afety valve (intermedi-
ate pressure)
1 81ow-off sound damper
--------------- 1-----------------------------------------------
28 Cooling water pump

8 Compressor, second Air service unit i?Q IULÜr

stage IV'""
9 8ound and pulsation 19 , Vacuum generator 30 1Speed control (inverter)
damper 1
_.,._,,_,_.,,m_._,,,_., .. .................. ,
,..__, ._ __ ...... ................ ...- .. -·-·----·-···....-..-.....

11 Check valve ,20 Ultrafine filler 31 Radial fan

21 ¡oil pump 32 Radial fan
Chart 3-2: Components

Measurement ancl control systems

Pressure at inlet to first 812 Oillevel

compressor stage
1-----------·------------í -------·--------------------------------------·---------------~---------+-----------------··· +----------------------------------------------------------- - ---+------·-------------·
82 Pressure at outlet from 818 Water level
first compressor stage

83 1 Pressure at inlet to sec- M1- Orive motor PTC thermis-

!ond compressor stage PTC tor

84 Pressure at outlet from R4 lntake controller solenoid

second compressor second compressor valve
stage stage

Network pressure Network temperature Y2 lntake controller solenoid


Oil pressure Oil temperature Gearbox housing vent

solenoid valve

Water pressure, jacket ater temperature, Compensation pistan, first

cooler inlet ·acket cooling outlet compressor stage

Chart 3-3: Measurement and control systems

22 1 iDO USA August 2013

CompAir Design and function 3

Chart 3-3: Measurement and control systems

3.4 System schematic for water-cooled compressor

S18 y
..... ,.•:


' rz[IL]M




Fig. 3-4: Functional schematic

Chart 3-4: Lines

August 2013 USA 23/i 00

3 Design and function CompAir

Cooling water (externa!)

Chart 3-4: Unes


2 13 trap (aftercooler)
3 Compressor, first stage 14 valve (final pres- Cooler, infernal cooling
su re) water circuit
4 Pulsation damper i5 Filtered water trap 26 :r~~~-~~;1~~~----~-~~-~;~;~;¡~~-1
(interna! cooling water cir-
5 lntermediate cooler 27 Compensation tank
6 Water trap (intermediate damper 28 Cooling water pump
7 29 Orive motor

8 second 19 Vacuum generator 30 Speed control (inve

9 Ultrafine filter 31 adial fan

10 Oil pump 32 hrottle valves for exter-

nal cooling water circuit
11 Temperature control 33 Dirt catcher screen
valve (oil circuit)

valve (externa!

Chart 3-5: Components

Measurement and control systems

Temperature at outlet
from first compressor
Pressure al inlet to first R3 Temperature at inlet S12 Oillevel
compressor stage to second compressor
82 Pressure at outlet from R4 Temperature al outlet 818 Water level
first compressor stage from second compressor
83 Pressure at inlet to sec- R5 Network temperature Orive motor PTC thermis-
ond compressor stage tor

84 Pressure at outlet from R6 Oil temperature lntake controller solenoid

second compressor valve

Chart 3-6: Measurement and control systems

24 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Design and function 3

86 !Oil pressure R8 lnlet cooling water tem- Y3 Gearbox housing vent

l perature (externa!) solenoid valve

87 lWater pressure, jacket

!cooler inlet
1R9 Outlet cooling water te m- Y4 Cooling water solenoid
__j----- -----------+--·------f-----------·--·--··---·----·---··--1
perature (externa!)
88 1Vacuum in gearbox E1 Condensate drain control' L Compensation pistan, first
1 housing compressor stage
RO· !Ambient temperature E2 Condensate drain control H Compensation pistan,
1 second compressor stage
Ri !Temperature at inlet to E4 Motor lubrication system G
ltirst compressor stage
---·--·-t:-----------·--·-·-·--------- ·------ - - - -
1 ES Motor lubrication system
Chart 3-6: Measurement and control systems

August 2013 USA 25/i 00

3 Design and function CompAir

Air circuit



Fig. 3-5: A ir circuit (air-cooled)

[1] Sound and pulsation damper [5] Blow-off sound damper

[2] Safety valves [6] lntake regulator
[3] Aftercooler [7] Blow off valve
[4] lntermediate cooler [8] Pulsation damper

26 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Design and function 3

Fig. 3-6: A ir circuit (water-cooled)

[1] Sound and pulsation damper [5] Blow-off sound damper

[2] Safety valve [6] lntake regulator
[3] Aftercooler [7] Blow off valve
[4] lntermediate cooler [8] Pulsation damper

Air is drawn in through an intake filter and passes through the intake regulator into the first compres-
sor stage. Here the air is compressed to the intermediate pressure and then cooled in the intermediate
cooler. lt is then compressed in the second stage to the final compression pressure desired by the cus-
tomer. The compressed air passes through the aftercooler and into the compressed air network. The con-
densate produced during cooling is precipitated by automatic condensate traps.
When the compressor is running in idle mode, the compressed air outlet of the second stage is released
to atmosphere vi a a blow-off valve integrated in the intake regulator.
A pulsation damper after the first compressor stage ensures that the air flows smoothly to the second
stage and the reduces pressure variations. After the second compressor stage, a combined sound and
pulsation damper reduces pressure variations and dampens the sound.
To protect the machine components and for safety reasons, safety valves are installed downstream of the
intermediate cooler and the aftercooler.
To protect the compressor against backflow from the compressed air network, a check valve is installed in
the pressure line within the compressor. •

August 2013 USA 27 /100

3 Design and function CompAir

3.6 water circuit

Fig. 3-7: Externa! water circuit

[1] Water stop valve [3] Dirt catcher (screen)

[2] Safety valve (externa! water circuit)

Scalding hazard from escaping steam and escaping hot cooling water.

The intermediate cooler, aftercooler, and heat exchanger (interna! water circuit) are supplied with cooling
water vía the externa! cooling water circuit.

28 /100 USA August 2013

CompAir ___________ ____
Design _
and function
, 3

3.7 Interna! water circuit

Fig, 3-8: Interna/ water circuit

[A] Air-cooled system [4] Compensation line

[W] Water-cooled system [5] Compensation tank with filllevel indicator
[1] Water pump [6] Cooling water drain
[2] Temperature control valve [7] Oil/water cooler
[3] Water/air (A) coolerWater/water (W) cooler

The two compressor stages are cooled by the interna! cooling water circuit in the housing, and the lubri-
cating oil is cooled in the oil/water cooler.
The water pump circulates the water to the second compressor stage, the first compressor stage, the oil/
water cooler, and then back to the water/air cooler.
Temperature control is provided by the cooling water temperature control valve. Variations in the water
are compensated for the by the compensation tank.

August 2013 USA 29/100

3 Design and function CompAir


Fig. 3-9: Oil circuit

[1] Oil/water cooler [5] Oil fill connector

[2] Oil temperature control valve [6] Oil fílllevel índicator
[3] Oil filter [7] Oil pan
[4] Oíl pump [8] Oil draín

The gearbox and bearings are lubrícated by the compressor stage unit.
Oil is drawn in from the oíl pan and círculated through the oíl cooler or bypass (temperature control),
through the oíl fílter, and ínto the gearbox and bearíngs of the compressor stage unít. The used oíl returns
to the oíl pan. Q

Temperature control ís provided by the oil temperature control valve.

The oíl ís distributed to the two compressor stages and returns directly to the oil pan.

30 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Design and function 3
------ ------------------------
3.9 Air vent system ejector e The compressed air outlet is correctly con-
nected to the compressed air network.
111 The oil and cooling water filllevels are OK.

e The compressor room has sufficient ventilation

and exhaust.
5 e The cooling water supply is provided (for wa-
4 ter-cooled compressors only).
• The direction of rotation of the drive motor has
been checked.
e All protective and safety devices are installed
and functionaL
111 The electronic controller shows [Ready to
2 start].
111 Pressure is demanded by the compressed air

111 Switch on the cooling water supply (for wa-
ter-cooled compressors only).
Fig. 3-1 O: Air vent system ejector
• Press the start button < 1 > on the control
[1] Condensate trap for the second stage paneL
(aftercooler water trap) The compressor switches on.
[2] Compressed air connection, air vent • The electronic controller checks the starting pa-
system ejector rameters (temperatures, pressures, sensors,
·. [3] Solenoid valve Y3 cooling water leve!).
[4] Air service unit (water trap, pressure 111 lf the starting parameters have been met, the
regulator, pressure gag e) cooling water pump and oil pump are switched
on in sequence; the water and oil start to circu-
[5] Ejector (vacuum generator)
[6] Exhaust
• At the same time, the solenoid valve Y3 is actu-
[7] Ultrafine filter ated. This starts the venting system ejector.
[8] Oil return 111 lf the water and oil pressure are OK, the drive
motor is started.
The ejector bleeding system generales a defined • After the drive motor runs up to speed, the so-
vacuum pressure in the area of the compressor lenoid valves Y1 and Y2 are switched on after
stage unit that is lubricated with oil, and thus pre- a delay. The intake regulator opens. The two
vents oil from escaping to the environment fans are switched on. The compressor is now
The ejector venting system uses compressed air running under load.
from the compressed air network. The air passes 111 The compressor runs under load until the max-
through the air service unit to the vacuum genera- imum network pressure [max. network pres-
ter. sure] is reached.
The air drawn off from the oil system is filtered and 111 When the maximum network pressure [max.
discharged to the atmosphere, and the precipi- network pressure] has been reached, the so-
tated oil is returned to the oil pan. lenoid valves Y1 and Y2 are deenergized. The
intake regulator is closed, the blow-off valve
3.10 Controls (automatic mode) is opened, and the compressor is relieved of
Prerequisites pressure. Tl;le compressor is in idle mode. Fan
2 is switched off.
The following prerequisites must be met for auto-
111 The compressor runs in id le mode until the net-
matic operation:
work pressure falls below the mínimum network
111 All preparations for commissioning are met pressure [min. network pressure] or until the
e The compressor is correctly connected to the programmed idle time has expired.
power grid.

August 2013 USA 31 /100

3 Design and function CompAir

- When the network pressure falls below the

mínimum network pressure [min. network
pressure]: Fan 2 is switched on, the sole-
noid valves Y1 and Y2 are energized, the
blow-off valve is closed, and the intake reg-
ulator is opened. The compressor starts
to run under load until the maximum net-
work pressure [max. network pressure] is
reached. Automatic mode
- When the idle time has expired: The drive
motor is switched off, fan 1 continues to run
for 30 seconds, and the solenoid valve Y3
is closed after 30 seconds. This takes the
venting system ejector out of service.
As soon as the drive motor stops, the oil
and water pumps are switched off.
~ Press the stop button < O > on the control
The compressor switches off.
The compressor goes into "Ready to
start" (stand-by) mode.
~ When the compressor is switched off, then the
cooling water supply can also be switched off
(for water-cooled compressors only).

321 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Transport and installation 4

4 TRANSPORT ANO INSTAL- Transporting the compressor

4.1 Transport
The compressor is bolted down to a shipping pal-
let and covered in plastic sheet packaging.
The center of gravity and lifting points are marked
on the packaging.

When received, check for sliipping damagé.
1 Check the delivery for visible damage.
Fig. 4-1: Lifting points
2 Use the packing list to check the delivery for
completeness. 1 Remove bolts from the transport pallet.
3 lmmediately inform the freight forwarder, insur- 2 Lift the compressor off of the transport pallet.
ance, and Gardner Denver of any missing parts
or damage.
3 Transport the compressor to the destination
are a.
Weight 4 Align the compressor and place it down.
The compressor weighs up to 3,800 kg (gross),
depending on the model. The weight is shown on Storage
the rating plate and is visible from the exterior. Storing compressors.
Transport The compressor should be stored in a dry area,
heated if possible. This applies especially to the
winter months.

Danger to life
"ElE Danger to life from tipping or falling
Damage to property
Damage to property dueto exceeding the per-
e:> A suitable forklift with sufficiently
missible temperature range
long forks must be used to transport
the compressor. e:> lf there is a risk that the temperature will
be outside of the permissible limits of +2 ...
e:> Use forks only at the labeled lifting
+65 oc, consult Gardner Denver.
e:> The compressor, even in its packed Corrosion protection
state, may not be transported by All compressors are protected at the factory
crane. against corrosion for shipping and short-term stor-
e:> During transport, no persons may age prior to commissioning. lf compressors are
be present in the hazard area. In stored for longer than 6 months, additional preven-
particular, do not reach in or allow tive measures must be taken.
the feet to pass beneath the sus- Compressors that will be out of service for an
ded ressor. extended period of time must also be protected
against corrosion.

Requirements 'for the installation site
The compressor must be installed with full contact
on a foundation with sufficient structural strength.
Deviation from flat must not be greater than 3 mm.

August 2013 USA 33/100

4 Transport and installation CompAir

The installation site (compressor room) should lf local conditions are unfavorable, insta!! air duct-
be of sufficient size that there is clearance of 1 m ing. The flow speed of the cooling air should not
("A" and "B") on al! sides, and clearance of 1.5 m exceed 5 m/s. We recommend a mínimum pas-
above the compressor. There should also be ap- sage cross section of about 1.2 m2 (for air-cooled
propriate access space for maintenance work. compressors) and 0.45 m2 (for water-cooled com-

In arder to ensure good heat dissipation, the in-

stalled auxiliary fans should be designed for air
volume about 15 to 20% greater than the re-
quired coolirig air vol ume for the compressor.
When installing severa! compressors in one
compres sor room, use the su m of the required
cooling air volumes foral! the compressors in
The following illustration shows the recommended
ventilation requirements.

Fig. 4-2: lnstallation 1 clearances 1

11111 Set up the compressor so that there is suffi-

cient access and that the required cooling is
en su red.
11111 Do not block the air inlet.
11111 Avoid moisture.

Ventilation and exhaust


Danger of asphyx:iation
Danger from asphyxiation dueto insuffi-
cient ventilation and exhaust.
r:::> The operator must provide sufficient
ventilation and exhaust of the com-

In arder to be able to dissipate the heat produced

during operation, the compressor room must have
sufficient volume and good ventilation.
The recommended mínimum size of the compres-
sor room is 60m 3 .
The air inlet and outlet openings should have a _J._

mínimum area of 1.2 m 2 (for air-cooled compres-

sors) or 0.45 m 2 (for water-cooled compressors).
The fresh air opening should be located as low as =
possible. The exhaust opening should be located
as high as possible.
Fig. 4-3: Compressor room ventilation
Cover ventilation openings with screens in arder to
prevent dirt from entering the compressor room.
The design of ventilation system is based primarily
on the required amount of cooling air. See "Tech-
nical data".

341 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Transport and installation 4
lnstall compressor

Risk of injury
Danger from improper installation
~ Consider the permissible load ca-
pacity of the foundation.
~ Make su re the foundation is salid
and flat
~ The compressor must be installed
with full contact on a foundation with
sufficient structural strength.
r:;> The compressor must not be oper-
ated on the transport pallet
~ No flammable or explosive materials
may be stored near the compressor.
1 Place the compressor down at the correct loca-
2 Ensure that the support surface is flat, within a
tolerance of 3 mm. (The compressor does not
have any leveling features.)

August 2013 USA 35/100

5 Preparing for commissioning CompAir

5 PREPARING FOR Compressed air connection

5.1 Piping
Remove all blank flanges, stoppers, caps, and
desiccant bags befare installing the piping.
Distributor piping and pipe connections must be
the correct size and designed for the correspond-
ing operating pressure.
Label the compressed air and water lines accord-
ing to local requirements.
Support all piping appropriately. Pipes must not
bear any loads.
lf compressed air hoses are used, they must be of
the correct size and must be suitable for the oper-
ating pressure and temperature. Do not use worn,
damaged, or substandard hoses. Fig. 5-1: Compressed a ir and condensa te connection

A shutoff valve should be installed in the supply [1] Compressed air connection
line, so that the compressor can be isolated for [A 1] Automatic aftercooler condensa te drain
maintenance purposes. No additional check valve
may be installed. An additional check valve would [A2] Aftercooler condensate drain via ball valve
prevent the vacuum generator from being supplied (used if the automatic condensate drain is
with air. not working)

lf excessive condensate is expected, then the [A3] Automatic intermediate cooler condensate
compressed air connection for the vacuum gen- drain
erator ejector must be connected to a conden- [A4] lntermediate cooler condensate drain
sate-free compressed air supply. In case of doubt, vi a ball valve (u sed if the automatic
consult Gardner Denver. condensate drain is not working)
The two automatic condensate drains must be
provided with separate lines that run to waste-
water discharge orto a collecting tank.
The drain lines running away from the condensate Burst hazard
connections must be pitched at no greater than 5 The outlet temperature of the com-
m. pressed a ir can be as high as 95°C.
An air tank of sufficient volume should be installed 9 The pressure rating of the down-
(as a buffer) between the compressor and the stream components in the supply
compressed air network. As a guideline for the line (customer network) must be
tan k capacity, selecta size that is 10% of the sup- suitable for these res.
ply volume. For example, a compressor with a
supply vol ume of 1O m3/min requires a tank with a
volurne of 1 m 3 .
Risk of injury dueto hot supply line
The outlet temperature of !he com-
pressed air can be as high as 95°C.
9 The supply line must be protected

36/100 USA August 2013

CompAir Preparing for commissioning 5

5.3 Cooling water connection

Risk of injury
lf incorrectly connected, the connection
can come loase and the open connec-
tion can cause severe personal injury.
e:> When connecting the compressor
to the compressed air network, in
addition to the operating tempera-
tu res and pressures, the connection
flange requires special
. .
. ......
e:> When connecting hoses, suitable 2
measures must be taken to prevent
dangerous "whipping" of a free end.

Check the connection flange

Fig. 5-2: Cooling water connection (1)
The pressure connection consists of a DIN flange.
[1] Externa! cooling water inlet
The connection is indentified by a stamp on the
outside of the flange plate: [2] Externa! cooling water outlet

DN80, PN16
1 Read the connection ID.
2 Ensure that the connection and the flange Contamination with Legionella
match each other. Health hazard with open-loop cooling
Connect the compressor to the compressed
air network. e:> Continuous monitoring of water
quality and germ count in the cool-
The compressor is fully assembled at the factory.
The connection to the compressed air network
should be made with a flexible line, that is, a com- Connect the compressor to the cooling water
pressed air hose or compensator. network
Use only hose couplings and connectors of the The compressor is fully assembled at the fac-
corred type and size. tory. The connection to the cooling water network
1 Ensure that the supply line can be connected should be made with a flexible line, that is, a com-
with no tension. pressed air hose or compensator.
2 Connect the connection line to the compressed Use only connections that are the correct size.
air connection of the compressor. 1 Ensure that the lines can be connected with no
3 Secure hose lines. tension.
2 Connect the connection line to the cooling wa-
ter inlet and outlet of the compressor.
3 Shutoff valves must be installed at the cooling
water inlet and cooling water outlet.
4 Secure hose lines.

Cooling water inlet and cooling water outlet

" European v~rsion: EN 10226-1 Rp 1 1/4
" USA/GANADA version: 1 1/4- 11 1/2 NPT

Permissible cooling water data

" Max. cooling water pressure:
8 bar 1 115 psi

August 2013 USA 37 /100

5 Preparing for commissioning CompAir

.. M in. cooling water inlet temperature: The compressor system is completely finished at
5 oc 141 OF the factory according to EN 60204 (Industrial Ma-
" Max. cooling water inlet temperature: chinery).
42 oc 1 107 OF ® The power supply to the compressor must be
" Max. cooling water outlet temperature: suitable for industrial equipment and mus! meet
57°C/134°F all requirements of EN60204-1 /IEC60204-1.
lf the installation conditions deviate from the
conditions as described in EN 60204, consult
Cooling water requirement at maximum power and Gardner Denver.
(.llT = 15 K, .6.p = 0.7 bar 113 psi) ® Provide the electrical connection and protec-
.. 75KW = 89 1/min./ 23 gal/min tive measures according to VDE, BS, or local
requirements. As a rule, additional regulations
.. 90KW = 111 1/min 1 29 gal/min from the corresponding power company must
" 11 OKW = 132 1/min 1 35 gal/min also be complied with.
.. 132KW = 155 llmin 141 gallmin ® A main disconnect switch (if not already in-
" 160KW = 170 1/min 1 45 gallmin stalled as a special option at the factory) must
be connected ahead of the compressor (DI N
EN 1012 - 1). The main disconnect switch must
.6.T: meet the requirements of the safety standard
EN 60 204-1 (Eiectrical Equipment for Machin-
Cooling water outlet temperature =
ery) andEN 60947-2 (Low Voltage Equipment).
Cooling water inlet temperature + 11T
® The compressor must be protected by suitable
Llp: line fuses according to EN 60269-1 (Low Volt-
Cooling water outlet pressure = age Directive).
Cooling water inlet pressure -/1p ® lf other electrical circuits are run to the elec-
tronic controller afterward, such as lighting,
The values are based on freshwater quality with-
heating, or the like, that are not disconnected
out additives (e.g., antifreeze). lf the cooling water
by the main disconnect switch, then these ex-
quality deviates from this, please consult Gardner
cepted electrical circuits must be labeled and
run separately per EN 60204. Warning labels
Adjust the volume of cooling water according to must also be installed near the main disconnect
the description "Cooling water adjustment for wa- switch and near these circuits.
ter-cooled compressor systems".
® lf the electrical connection is made to a non-
grounded three-phase grid (IT grid), then follow
the instructions in the included documentation
for the frequency inverter (only RS compres-
The cooling water outlet temperature should be
below 57 oc, if possible, in arder to preven! ex-
cessive lime sediment.

5 Electrical cormection

Disturbances in the electrical supply grid

Speed-controlled (RS) compressor systems can
cause disturbances in low-voltage grids. For this
reason, this drive system is not intended for use
on the public low-voltage grid that feeds residen-
tia! areas.

38 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Preparing for commissioning 5

Electrically connect the compressor Check the settings of the control transformer

Electric shock
Deadly electrical voltage
2 e:> Work on the electrical equipment
may be performed only by autho-
3 rized electrical technicians.
e:> For models 011 ORS- D160RS
there is a risk of electrical shock
from charged capacitors.
Disconnect the compressor and wait
1O minutes befo re touching electri-
cal components.
e:> Check the OC bus voltage.
Fig. 5-3: Supply fine openings
e The control transformer is preset to the rated
[1] Compressed air connection voltage at the factory.
[2] Cooling air inlet filter e In practice, it has been found that the actual
[3] Condensate drain supply voltage can deviate from the rated volt-
[4] lnlet cover
e In arder to adapt to local conditions, the cor-
rect setting must be made on the control trans-
former when the compressor is under load, by
measuring the control transformer output volt-
ages and adjusting them as needed.
e Severa! taps are provided for this purpose (see
Work on the electrical equipment wiring diagram).
may be performed only by autho-
rized electrical technicians.
1 Remove the factory cover.
Property damage
2 lnstall a customer supply line cover.
lncorrect control transformer settings can cause
3 Run the supply lines through the openings in
problems in operation.
the electrical enclosure.
e:> Checking the control transformer settings is
4 Connect the supply lines; see wiring diagram.
part of commissioning and periodic inspec-
5 Tighten the cable screws. tion and maintenance, because grid voltage
conditions can
Check the setting of the fan circuit breaker.

Electric shock
Deadly electrical voltage
e:> Work on the electrical equipment
may be performed only by autho-
rized electrical technicians.
1 Check the setting of the circuit breakers for the
two fan motors; see wiring diagram.
2 Set the circuit breakers for the correct grid volt-
age and frequency; see wiring diagram.

August 2013 USA 39/100

6 Commissioning and operation CompAir

6 COMMISSIONING 9 Check the factory settings for target pressure

OPERATION (mínimum network pressure [min. network
pressure] and maximum network pressure
6.1 lnitial commissioning [max. network pressure] ) and adjust if neces-
1 O Switch on the cooling water supply (for wa-
ter-cooled compressors only).
Property damage
11 Press the start button < 1 >.
Although every compressor has already under-
gone a test run at the factory, and has been 12 Check the direction of rotation of the drive mo-
checked thoroughly again prior to shipping, the tor (non- RS compressors) or the fans (RS
possibility of transport damage cannot be elimi- compressors ). See the description below.
nated. 13 Check the output voltages of the control trans-
e:> Check the compressor again for damage former under load.
befare commissioning and observe it during
the first few hours of operation. Check the direction of rotation of the drive
motor (for non- RS compressors )
e:> lf the compressor is connected to the power
grid again and started, the direction of ro-
tation of the drive motor and/or the fan ab-
solutely must be checked, depending on the Risk of injury
version. The direction of rotation of the drive mo-
- Orive motor for non- RS compressors tor can be checked only if the coupling
- Fan for RS cover is removed.
e:> Befare switching on, ensure that
Preparations there is no one in the hazard zone.
® Check al! electrical and electronic components e:> Keep a safe distance away from ro-
and devices for water that may have pene- tating parts of the machine.
trated or condensed. lf any is found, contact
e:> Wear hearing protection.
Gardner Oenver.
lf the compressor has been stored for an ex- e:> Operate the compressor only when
tended period of time (up to 2 years), then the enclosure is closed, except for
switch on the main disconnect switch at least test runs.
one hour prior to starting. This ensures that the
capacitors are functional and prevents them
from being damaged.
® lf the compressor has been stored for longer
than 2 years, consult Gardner Oenver.

Perform initial commissioning as follows

Check the cooling water leve! (interna! water
2 Check the oil leve!.
3 Check the settings of the fan motor protection
4 Check the settings of the control transformer.
5 Check al! connection terminals on the elec-
tronic controller, and tighten if needed.
6 Switch on the main disconnect switch.
- Al! three LEOs on the control panellight up.
7 Set the display language. Fig. 6-1: Check the direction of rotation of the drive mo-
8 Acknowledge the faults shown on the display.
[1] Protective cover (removed)
- The message [Ready to start] appears on
the display.

40 /100 USA August 2013

CompAir Commissioning and operation 6

1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
2 Open the enclosure.
3 Remove the protective cover from the coupling.
4 Switch on the main disconnect switch.
5 Press the start button < 1 >.
6 Check the direction of rotation.
7 lf the direction of rotation is incorrect: lmmedi-
ately shut down the compressor by means of
the emergency stop button <emergency stop>,
not the stop button <O>, because otherwise
severe damage can occur to the compressor,
even for a very brief period.
8 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
9 Correct the direction of rotation. Change the ro-
tating field on the compressor.
10 Mount the protective cover on the coupling.
11 Glose the enclosure. Fig. 6-3: Check the direction of rotation of the fan motor
(water-coo/ed systems)
Check the direction of rotation of the fan mo- The direction of rotation of the fan motors can be
tors (for RS compressors ) checked while the enclosure is closed.
1 Place a suitable ladder next to the compressor
and climb up.
Falling hazard 2 Check the direction of rotation.
The direction of rotation of the fan mo- The direction of rotation arrow can be seen
tors can be checked only "from above." through the protective cover.
>==:> Provide a safe means of climbing 3 lf the direction of rotation is incorrect: Switch off
u p. the compressor.
4 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
5 Correct the direction of rotation. Change the ro-
tating field on the compressor.

Start-up temperatura safety device

The compressor will not run at ambient tempera-
tures less than +2 oc.

Fig. 6-2: Check the direction of rotation of the fan mo-

tors (air-cooled systems)

[1] Direction of rotation indicator

August 2013 USA 41/100

6 Commissioning and operation CompAir

6.1.1 Cooling water adjustment for

water-cooled compressor systems NOTE
Coolers for water-ca oled compressor sys- The cooling water vol u mes of the individual cool-
tems ers are pre-adjusted at the factory and secured
with lead

Adjusting the manual valves

Fig. 6-5: Oisp!ays Delcos XL

Fig. 6-4: Cooler arrangement
The manual Valves A, B and C are pre-adjusted.
[A] Jacket 1 oil cooling Further adjustment is normally not necessary. lf
[B] lnterrnediate cooler the values listed below cannot be achieved, then
readjustment is possible.
[C] Aftercooler

The values listed below apply only after a pe-

riod of at least 45 minutes of fullload opera-
" Oil temperature "1" approxirnately 25°C 145°F
above the cooling water inlet temperature "4" .
., Air inlet temperature, second stage "2" approx-
imately goc 1 16.2°F to 1ooc 1 18°F above the
water inlet temperature "4".
" Temperature difference between cooling water
outlet "3" and cooling water inlet "4" is approxi-
mately 15°C 1 27T

42 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Commissioning and operation 6
----·---------·----- ----------
6.2 Normal operation
Electronic controls
Property damage

Operating canditians to be maintained befare 2

making adjustments
e> Open manual valves A- C completely be- l
fare starting the system.
e> Make sure the caaling water supply is on.
-----~~ /í 1f.,•-~
\ 3
/ 1 \
1 i \
e> Run the system under fullload far at least / ! \
1 ..
45 minutes. 6 5 4 7
o Maximum pressure and maximum speed
for speed-controlled systems. Fig. 6-6: Control panel

o Maximum pressure for systems withaut [1] Touchscreen display

speed control. [2] Start button < 1>
These adjustments may be performed only by [3] Stop button < O >
trained maíntenance personnel. [4] Red LEO
" Slowly clase manual valve A Uacket 1 ail caoler) Slowly blinking: Warning
until the oil temperature "1" has risen by 1oc 1 Rapidly blinking: Fault
1.8T [5] Yellow LEO
" Slowly close manual valve 8 (intermediate Slowly blinking: Maintenance required
cooler) until the air inlet temperature of the sec- [6] Green LEO
ond stage "2" is about goc 1 16.2oF to 1ooc 1 Steady light: System in operation
18°F above the water inlet temperature. Blinking: System in standby
Far water inlet temperatures well below the am-
[7] <Emergency stop> button
bient temperature, the air inlet temperature of
the second stage " 2" should be approximately
soc 1 9°F to 1O"C 1 18°F above the ambient
temperature (to prevent condensate formation).
Risk of injury
• Slowly close manual valve C (aftercooler) until
the temperature difference between the cooling When the compressor is in standby
water outlet "3" and the cooling water outlet "4" mode, the green LEO flashes, and the
is approximately 15oc 1 27"F. compressor can start automatically at
any time.
e> Do not perform any work on the
compressor when the green LEO is

Switching on
1 Press the start button < 1 > on the control
- The compressor switches on.
- The compressor runs automatically (auto-
matic m ode). Se e the sequence descrip-
tion in the "Sequence" section of the chapter
"Structure and function."

Operating sta\es

During automatic mode, the compressor can be in

one of the following operating states:
• Ready to start (Stand by) [Ready to start]
• Loaded operation (On-Load]

August 2013 USA 43/100

6 Commissioning and operation CompAir

11 Partially loaded operation (running under load 6.4 Commissioning after extended
at reduced speed, only for RS compressors ) downtime
[O n-Load]
For commissioning after an extended idle period,
® ldle [Off-Load]
consult Gardner Denver.
Observations during operations
6.5 Commissioning after a fauit
During operation, the compressor should be
checked regularly for seal tightness in the cooling
water circuit and the oil circuit.
Property damage
Condensate drain
Avoid switching on the compressor multiple
The condensate drains for the intermediate cooler times without clearing the fault, as this can lead
and aftercooler are actuated by sensors. to significant machine damage.

Switching off >=:> Switch on the compressor only after the

fault has been cleared.
1 Press the stop button < O > on the control
panel. Recommissioning after a fault (automatic
- The compressor continues running for 30 shutoff)
seconds (soft stop). Faults are shown in the "Fault memory" display
After this time, the drive motor and fan 1 are memory.
switched off.
1 Switch off the main disconnect switch and se-
- After the drive motor has stopped, the oil cure it against switching on again.
pump, water pump, and fan 2 are switched
2 Clear the fault.
See the "fault correction" chapter.
Emergency stop 3 Switch on the main disconnect switch.
The emergency stop button can be used to bring 4 Acknowledge the fault in the Fault memory
the compressor to a safe condition in dangerous men u.
5 After acknowledgement, the message [Ready
Emergency stop buttons are mounted: to start] appears on the display, as long as no
other fault is present.
" On the control panel of the compressor
6 Press the start button < 1> on the control
.. Optionally in a pedestal (control console)
Using the emergency stop - The compressor switches on.
1 Press the <E-stop> button. - The compressor runs in automatic mode.
The compressor is brought to a safe condition. See the sequence description in the "Se-
quence (automatic operation)" section of the
2 Correct the fault that was the reason for the
chapter "Structure and function."
emergency stop.
See the "fault correction" chapter.
3 Unlock the <E-stop> button.
Turn the button counterclockwise.
4 Start up the compressor.
See the paragraph "Commissioning after a
fault" in the chapter "Commissioning and oper-

Routine commissioning includes commissioning
after maintenance.
1 Open the shutoff valves between the compres-
sor and the compressed air network.
2 Then proceed as described in the "lnitial com-
missioning" section.

441 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Clearing a fault 7

lnstructions for clearing a fault
Potential causes and solutions are listed in the fol- Property damage
lowing tables. Property damage dueto incorrect/unsuitable
The measures listed in these operating in- meas u res for fault clearing.
structions for clearing faults may be performed ti> lf the solutions listed he re are not sufficient
only by specially trained personnel. Any other to clear the fault. Contact Gardner Denver.
work beyond thís must be performed by the ti> For fault and warning messages that are
manufacturer's service personnel! Work on the displayed on the display of the electronic
electrícal equípment may be performed only by au- controller, follow the instructions in the
thorized electrical technícians. chapter ."Fault clearing" in the operating in-
Solutíons are described in detaíl in repair ínstruc- for the electronic controller.
tions, which are transmitted as part of the operator

Fault: Unit will not start

not acknowledged

Compressor detective
Ambient temperature < +2 oc Ensure that the ambient temperature is
otherwise provide idle heaters
Chart 7-1: Fault cleared by: Unit wi/1 not start

Fault: Unit remains stopped during the run-up phase.

detective fuses.
Loase terminal connections terminal connections and tighten if needed.
Switching on and off by hand has exceed the maxi- switching on and off frequently by han d.
mum number of motor switching cycles.

lntake regulator does not close completely

Chart 7-2: Fault cleared by: Unit remains stopped during the run-up phase.

Fault: Unit does not reach the set network. pressure.

, Check the network pressure sensor, re place if

lneeded. ·

Too much aír captured Throttle the removal, or switch on and use addi-

Chart 7-3: Fau/t cleared by: Unit does not reach the set network pressure.

August 2013 USA 45 /100

7 Clearing a fault CompAir

Potentia.l root cause

Air filter dirty
Severe leaking Check compressor. For example:
Check for leaks.
~ Safety valve after checking is detective or open.
~ Condensate drain on test function.

regulator does not open completely Make the intake regulator mni!P.Oih

Check solenoid valves (Y1 and
Charl 7-3: Fault cleared by: Unit does not reach the set network pressure.

Fault: Unit switches off.

! r\,P~t;U! root cause ¡Cv, ."'"'"'' ''">
Water inlet temperature too high Check cooling water feed.
(for water-cooled compressors only)
Ambient temperature too high Ventilate the compressor room.
Electric motor detective Check the electric motor and posistor.
Fan is defective Check fans, replace if needed.
Sensor, connections, or lines detective Check sensors, connections, and lines.
Supply cable cross section too small for electrical Measure current draw; replace lines if needed.
Compressor detective Replace compressor
Charl 7-4: Fault cleared by: Unit switches off

Fault: ldle pressure too high

does not give relief lnspect intake regulator, blow-off noise damper,
check valve, and replace if needed.
regulator does not close completely Make the intake regulator moveable,
Check solenoid valves (Y1 and Y2).
Charl 7-5: Fau/t cleared by: Id/e pressure too high

Fault: Safety valve opens

Potentlal root cause ' 'Correction

Safety valve detective Replace safety valve.
Network pressure sensor defective Replace network pressure sensor.
Electronic controls detective Replace electronic controller.
Charl 7-6: Fault cleared by: Safety va/ve opens

461 100 USA Au~ust 2013

CompAir Clearing a fault 7

lntake regulatar daes nat clase campletely Check membrane in intake regulatar.
Check salenaid valves (Y1 and Y2).
Check the changeaver valve befare entry inta the
twa salenaid valves.
Check that the blaw-aff valve apens.

Chart 7-6: Fault cleared by: Safety va/ve opens

Clearing the fault: Lubricator

lf faults accur during operation of the lubricatar, check far potential root causes using the following table.

Lubrication system does nat func- e Cable connected incarrectly

~ No valtage

e Cable broken

Lubrication system signals "Sys- ~ "VOL" switch settings full grease cartridges.
tem working" (green LEO), even
~ Partially filled grease car-
though the grease cartridges are
tridge, installed
Lubrication system signals e Line and/or connection paint
"Fault" (red LEO) clogged
e Counterpressure is too

The lubricatian system signals ·e "VOL" switch settings full grease cartridges.
"end of dispensing" (red and
e Nearly empty grease car-
green LEO), although the grease
tridges replaced with partially
cartridges are nat empty.
filled grease cartridges.
Chart 7-7: Troubleshooting and clearing faults on the lubricator

Also note the fault messages on the display of the aperatar panel.
The corresponding actions ta clear the faults are described in the operating instructions for the elec-
tronic contrals.

August 2013 USA 47 /100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir


Maintenance and service are decisive factors for
the compressor to be able to meet the challenges
of trouble-free operation and service life that it
faces. Compliance with the specified maintenance
interval and the careful performance of mainte-
nance and care tasks are therefore mandatory. 1
Help is available from your responsible Gardner
Denver representative, who can create an individ-
ualized maintenance plan.

8.1 General notes

Target group
The measures listed in these operating instruc-
Fig. 8-1: B/eeder va/ve position for air-cooled compres-
tions for clearing faults may be performed only by sor systems
specially trained personnel.
[1] Bleeder valve
Any other work beyond this must be performed by
the manufacturer's service personnel!

F ollow the safety instructions in the safety require-
ments chapter.

Deadly electrical voltage
9 Exercise extreme caution when
working with electrical equipment.
9 Befare starting maintenance work,
disconnect the compressor and lock
it out to revent restartin
Fig. 8-2: Bleeder va/ve position for water-cooled com-
pressor systems

[1] Bleeder valve

Risk of injury from hot bleeder valve
The outlet temperature of the com- Protective measures for safe maintenance
pressed air can be as high as 90°C. (Safety routine)
9 Allow the compressor system to For al! maintenance work, if not expressly other-
cool down before opening the wise stated:
bleeder valve.
1 Switch off the compressor and secure it against
9 Do not work on the compressor sys- switching on again.
tem when it is hot
2 Allow the compressor to cometo a stop.
3 Wait for automatic pressure relief.
4 Clase the shutoff valve (customer provided) in
the supply fine.
5 Wait until the residual energy of the con-
densers has dissipated (only RS cornpressors
6 Cool the compressor down to room tempera-
7 Wear personal protective equipment.

48 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Maintenance and service 8

8 Follow instructions regarding hazardous materi- Checking the OC bus voltage of the frequency
als. inverter
The OC bus voltage is measured at the grid termi-
Manual pressure relief
nal of the frequency inverter. The exact position of
the "OC+" and "OC-" terminals can be found in the
included operating instructions for the frequency
Pressurized components inverter.
Even when the compressor is relieved of 1 Measure the voltage between terminals OC+
pressure, the aftercooler remains pres- and OC-.
surized. 2 Measure the voltage between the terminal OC+
e:> Perform pressure relief manually, and the chassis.
befare maintenance work is per- 3 Measure the voltage between the terminal OC-
formed near the aftercooler. and the chassis.
1 Clase the shutoff valve (customer provided) in The voltage must be zero for all three measure-
the supply line. ments.
2 Switch off the m ain disconnect switch.
8.2 Service
3 Open the enclosure, create access.
The worldwide spare parts and field service net-
4 Unscrew the sealing screw on the closed vent
work of Gardner Oenver is available to our cus-
valve (ball valve on the aftercooler).
5 Relieve the pressure in the aftercooler by care- For any spare parts needed, the local Gardner
fully opening the pressure relief valve. Denver branch or representative retailer is avail-
6 Clase the vent valve and screw in the sealing able.
screw. lt is important to provide the model name and se-
7 After maintenance work is complete, open the rial number of the compressor in all communica-
shutoff valve in the supply line. tions.

Test run Spare parts orders

After any maintenance work, a test run should Send spare parts orders to:
be performed to locate any leaks, among other
things. For each test run, proper and quiet perfor- AME RICAS
mance of the compressor should also be ensured. COMPAIR USA
1301 North Euclid Ave.
Electrical components
Princeton, lllinois 61356
Telephone: (866) 606-6131
e-mail.: [email protected]
Electric shock
Deadly electrical voltage
Gardner Oenver
e:> Work on the electrical equipment
may be performed only by autho-
rized electrical technicians. lm Boorstück 9
0-55469 Simmern
e:> For models 011 ORS - D160RS
there is a risk of electrical shock Tel.: +49 (0)6761/832-136
from charged capacitors. Fax.: +49 (0)6761/832-411
Oisconnect the compressor and wait Fax.: +49 (0)6761 /12746
1O minutes befo re touching electri- e-Mail:[email protected]
cal components.
e:> Check the OC bus voltage.
Order spare parts on the basis of the separately ¡
provided spare parts list. ________________¡

August 2013 USA 49/100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

lnspection of protective and

Protective covers and enclosure
Ensure that all protective covers and enclosures of Burning/scalding hazard dueto dis-
the compressor are installed correctly. charged hot condensate or hot com-
pressed air.
Protective cover for cooling air fans
Wear suitable protective clothing.
* Protective cover of the coupling between the
drive and compressor Slowly unscrew the knurled cap.
Heat protective covers of the pulse damper and r::> Do not unscrew the knurled cap too
piping. far out of the housing.
Compressor housing; here especially the open- r::> Tighten the knurled cap to the stop
ings (doors) after functional test.
Safety valves and !he intake regulator/blow-off
valve mus! be in perfect condition; for example,
they must not be blocked by dirt or paint. 2
Emergency stop button/Emergency stop func-
The switching function of the contacts can be
checked by an electrician.

The emergency stop function may be actu-

ated only in dangerous situations. Otherwise in-
creased wear, up to and including damage to
the can be
The switching function of the contacts can be
checked by an electrician. Fig. 8-3: Safety va/ves

[1] Safety valve

Functional check of the safety valves
[2] Valve cap
The functional check of the safety valves must be
performed by a safety technician. The result of the 4 Rotate the valve cap counter-clockwise until a
functional check must be documented. clear blow-off is heard.
1 Switch off the main disconnect switch. 5 Turn the valve cap back in the clockwise direc-
2 Open the enclosure, create access. tion to the stop.
The valve must close again completely.
3 Press !he start button < 1>.
Run the compressor under load.
All maintenance work and testing listed in the
maintenance plan must be performed and docu-
Hearing damage mented at the intervals listed.
lncreased sound pressure level when operated All maintenance, repairs, and service work per-
without noise-reducing enclosure. formed on the compressor must be documented.
r::> Wear hearing protection. Service and maintenance work should be per- '\
formed by the local Gardner Denver representa-

The compressor room and the environment of the
compressor must always be kept clean.
The compressor must be checked regularly for
damage and excessive wear.

50/100 USA August 20i3

CompAir Maintenance and service 8

Spilled oil must be wiped up immediately. Oil • lf a leak is suspected, check the appropriate
traces must be removed immediately. area for leaks.
• lmmediately repair or replace damaged or leak-
ing pipe and hose connections.
Never allow oil to enter the air intake, the com-
Emission or leakage of consumable materials
ponents, or the pipelines of the compressed air
Üne~~~------·-----------~---1 The following consumables are used in the com-
Electrical connections e Cooler corrosion protectant and antifreeze
The condition of cables and terminals must be (hazardous to health)
checked regularly. • Lubricating oil (non-hazardous for normal han-
• Watch for loose connections or worn wires. dling)
• All connections must be clean and tight. In case of accident orextended contact with con-
sumable materials, follow the instructions on the
• Replace worn or damaged wires or cables im-
material safety data sheets.
Avoid leaking consumable materials.
Leak points lmmediately clean up any discharged consum-
Follow the instructions on the material safety data

>=:.> Do not use the hand to search for Oil coking in the lubricating oil system.
leaking points in the system. High oil temperatures reduce the service life of the
>=:.> Always use paper or cardboard for oil, which can lead to oil coking in the oillubrica-
this se. tion system. Deposits of oil coke can cause dam-
age to bearings and gearboxes.

8.5 Maintena.nce plan

Maintenance work should be performed regularly, as recommended in the following maintenance plan.
The maintenance plan is suitable for most cases, but some detail changes may be needed under certain
conditions. The maintenance plan should always be used as a guideline, but if a change is needed on the
basis of experience, this should be discussed with Gardner Denver.

Maintenance plan: Weekly inspections

lnspect, clean, and replace as

lnspect and replace as Maintenance personnel
intake filter (only RS compres- needed.
Condensate drain lntermediate cooler, functional

Lubricating oil

Cooling system Check fill level and add if Maintenance personnel


Electronic controls heck for displayed mainte- Operator

nce reminders.

Chart 8-1: Maintenance plan: Weekly inspections

August 2013 USA 51 /100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

Maintenance plan: Maintenance A - every 4,000 hours or 6 months, weekly inspections plus the
following tasks:

Meas ure
Check and preserve operating
Check error statistics.
Air filter Check air filter and filter car-
tridge, replace if needed.
Hoses and piping Check for leaks or any dam-

Electrical wiring Check connections and condi- Electrician

Compressor Keep the compressor room Operator
and surrounding area

irt catche. r (for water-coole ve and clean the personnel
ompressors only)
Chart 8-2: Maintenance plan: Maintenance A

Maintenance plan: Maintenance B- every 8,000 hours or 12 months, weekly inspections plus
Maintenance A, plus the following tasks:

Maintenance personnel
Replace oil filter. Maintenance
Replace filter element. Maintenance
Replace membrane (1st com- Trained service person-
pressor stage). nel
Replace membrane (2nd com- Trained service person-
pressor stage). nel

Maintenance personnel

Maintenance personnel
Electronic controls stop func- Operator

Chart 8-3: Maintenance plan: Maintenance 8

Maintenance plan: Maintem.mce C- every 16,000 hours or 24 months, weekly inspections plus
Maintenance A and B, plus the following tasks:

Chart 8-4: Maintenance plan: Maintenance C

52 /100 USA August 2013

CompAir Maintenance and service 8

Replace solenoid valve Y2. Trained service person-

Replace sealing washers. Trained service person-

Check valve Replace entire valve. Trained service person-


Orive coupling and replace Trained service person-

inserts if needed. nel
Pulse damper (1st compres- Replace gaskets. Trained service person-
sor stage) nel
Sound and pulse damper (2nd Replace gaskets. Trained service person-
compressor stage)
lntermediate cooler Replace intake gasket. service person-

Aftercooler service person-

Blow-off sound damper eplace the noise damper.

Condensate drain Replace the complete con- service person-

densate drain.
Chart 8-4: Maintenance plan: Maintenance C

Operating parameters: The current settings, such as the maximum network pressure [max. network
pressure] and mínimum network pressure [min. network pressure] should be documented in the customer
operating log. The operating log should also contain records and results of maintenance work and inspec-
tions. This will enable Gardner Denver to determine the specific service that your compressor needs.
Maintenance word:The individual maintenance tasks that the maintenance personnel are permitted to
perform are described in detail in the next chapter. All other maintenance work must be performed by
trained service personnel using the repair manual.
Maintenance schedules:The earlier time applies in each case. That is, if the operating hours are
reached befare the calendar date, the maintenance task is due.
Oil change intervals: Oil change intervals can be extended to 16,000 operating hours or 24 months, if
the oil analysis permits. Oil analyses are performed in a lab contracted by Gardner Denver throughout the
warranty period.
Coolant change:The coolant (cooling fluid) for the interna! cooling circuit must be changed every 32,000
operating hours or after 48 months. The mixing ratio is 33% glycol (Havoline XLC- ethylene glycol (ba-
sis)) to 67% water.
Maintenance kits: To identify the corree! maintenance kit, see the following table, "part numbers for
maintenance kits."


Chart 8-5: Part numbers for maintenance kits

August 2013 USA 53 /100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

........ ..,,,., item number '

Chart 8-6: Part numbers for consumab/es

The compressor is supplied with Renolin AC68.
The following types of oil can be used as an alternative:
,. Shell Turbo T68
Mobil Rarus 426
Es so T eresso 68
Castrol Perfecto T68

Pressure accumulator (pulse damper)

The pressure accumulator (pulse damper) must be inspected according to national regulations.
We recommend the following inspection intervals for pulse dampers:
11 Externa! inspection: 2 years
Interna! inspection: 5 years
e Strength test: 1O years

Electronic controls
lnformation regarding maintenance points for the electronic controller are found in the operating instruc-
tions for the electronic controller.

8.6 Access 1 provides access to:

e Cooling water compensation tank
8.6.1 Access doors
e Oil leve! indicators and oil filler neck
The components in the compressor can be
reached via the access doors in the enclosure e Condensate drain, 1st compressor stage
listed below. 11 Blow-off sound damper
• lntake regulator
Ultrafine filler
e Oil filler
e Compensation pistan
e Air service unit
e Control air filler
Shuttle valve
e Solenoid valves Y1 and Y2

Access 2 provides access to:

Orive coupling
e Pulsation damper
Fig. 8-4: Access 1 - 3 Access 3 provides access to:
[1] Access 1 e Orive motor
[2] Access 2 e Solenoid valve Y3
[2] Access 3

541 100 USA August 2013
CompAir Maintenance and service 8
The condition of the filter mat must be checked
with regular visual inspections.
1 Loasen the fastening screws.
2 Remove the filter mat.
3 Check the condition of the filter mat.
5 - Replace the filter mat if damaged.
4 Clean the filter mat.
- Brush off the filter mat.
- Wash out the filter mat with a mild cleaning
Thoroughly rinse the filter mat and allow to
5 Replace the filter mat.
Fig. 8-5: Access 4 - 5
6 lnstall the fastening screws.
[4] Access 4
[5] Access 5
8.6.3 Electrical enclosure intake air filter
(RS compressor)
Access 4 provides access to:
11 Air filter
11 Aftercooler
11 Check valve

Access 5 provides access to:

11 Electrical enclosure

8.6.2 Cooling air inlet filter

Fig. 8-7: lntake filler (only RS compressors)

Fig. 8-6.- Sound barrier with filler mat in front

[1] Compressed air connection

[2] Cooling air inlet filter
[3] Condensate drain
[4] lnlet cover
Fig. 8-8: Open the intake filler
The compressor is equipped with a coarse mesh
filter mat. The filter mat is for pre-filtering the in-
take air_

August 2013 USA 55 /100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

Check the function of the condensate drain


Fig. 8-9: lntake filter, opened

The electrical enclosure is equipped with four in-

take filters.
The filter mat in the intake filter cannot be cleaned.
lt must be replaced when dusty.
1 Open the mesh cover on the intake filter.
2 Remove the filter mat.
3 Check the condition of the filter mat. Fig. 8-10: Condensate drain
- lf necessary, replace the filter mat. [1] Condensate trap
4 Place the filter mat back in the mesh cover. [2] Condensate drain
The soft side ("A") of the filter mat must face
[3] <Test> button
outward (toward the mesh cover).
[4] Connecting screw
5 Stick the mesh cover on the filter housing.
[5] Electrical connections
8.6.4 Condensate drain
Check the condensate drain.
Automatic condensate drain
1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
Moisture in the compressed air condenses in the
air coolers (intermediate cooler and aftercooler) 2 Open the enclosure, create access.
and is separated out by the cyclone separator. 3 Switch on the main disconnect switch.
The condensate drain installed on the cyclone 4 Press the <Test> button.
separator automatically discharges the conden- Condensate drains out.

the piping is transparent, the condensate flow

can be checked directly. lf not, it can be "n'"""'"'"
at the
- Replace the condensate drain if no condensate
drains out.
5 Clase the en~losure.

56 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Maintenance and service 8

8.6.5 Lubricating oil Addoil

Check filllevel

2 8

Fig. 8-12: Lubricating oi/ system

[1] Oil/water cooler

[2] Oil temperature control valve
[3] Oil filter
[4] Oil pump
[5] Oil fill connector
Fig. 8-11: Fi/1/eve/ display
[6] Oil fill leve! indicator
The fill level should be checked about 30 minutes
[7] Oil pan
after the compressor is turned off, as the oil will
have settled by then. [8] Oil drain
1 Switch off the m ain disconnect switch.
2 Open the enclosure, create access.
3 Check the filllevel on the fill level indicator.
The fill level must be between the "min." and
"max." markings. 1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
The oil volume is about 3 L between the "min"
and "max" markings. 2 Open the enclosure, create access.

- Add oil if the oil level is too low. 3 Remove the cover from the oil filler neck.
4 Add oil in small quantities and wait until the oil
4 Glose the enclosure.
in the system has settled.
This will prevent overfilling.
5 Place the cap on the oil filler neck and clase it.
6 Clase the enclosure.

August 2013 USA 57/100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

Changing the oil

Dispose of the oil in accordance with regula-

Do not discard any oil.
Ensure that it is sealed.
3 1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
2 8 2 Open the enclosure, create access.
i 3 Place a suitable container below the oil drain.
4 Remove the cover from the oil filler neck.
5 Open the drain valve and allow oil to drain out
completely. Dispose of the lubricating oil.
- Ghange the oil filter.
Fíg. 8-13: Lubrícatíng oí/ system
6 Glose the drain valve.
[1] Oil/water cooler 7 Add oil in small quantities and wait until the oil
[2] Oil temperature control valve in the system has settled.
[3] Oil filter This will prevent overfilling. Quantity of oil: See
"Technical data"
[4] Oil pump
8 Glose off the oil filler neck.
[5] Oil fill connector
9 Glose the enclosure.
[6] Oil fill level indicator
[7] Oil pan Changing the oil filter
[8] Oil drain

Oil can be drained out vía the oil drain. Fresh oil is
added through the oil filler neck.
Drain out the oil when it is warm, if possible, so
that it can flow out easily.

e:> Ghange the oil only when the com-

pressor is stopped and not pressur-
e:> Use caution when draining out the
hot oil.

Drain out the used oil as completely as possi-
ble, because the used oil will severely reduce
the serví ce life of the added oil.

Fíg. 8-14: Oí/ tí/ter

The oil filter must be replaced whenever the oil

is changed. The oil filter must also be changed
whenever the message [Service due] or [oil filter]
is shown on the electronic controller.

58 /100 USA August 2013
CompAir Maintenance and service 8

1 Switch off the m ain discon nect switch.

2 Open the enclosure, create access.
3 Unscrew the old oil filter and dispose of it.
4 Apply a thin film of oil to the gasket on the new 7
oil filter. 8
5 Screw on the oil filter by hand and tighten it. 3
Follow the instructions on the oil filter. 4
S Tighten the oil filter another quarter turn. 5--w~~::;

7 Glose the enclosure.

8.6.6 Air vent system ejector

Functional check 1 setting the vacuum


Fig. 8-16: A ir vent system ejector

[1] lntake regulator

[2] Blow off valve
[3] Air service unit
[4] Control air filter
[5] Vacuum sensor
[S] Solenoid valve Y1
[7] Solenoid valve Y2
Fig. 8-15: Air vent system ejector, schematic
[8] Shuttle valve
[1] Condensate trap for the second stage
[9] Ultrafine filter
( aftercooler water trap)
[2] Compressed air connection, air vent 1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
system ejector 2 Open the enclosure, create access.
[3] Solenoid valve Y3 3 Switch on the main disconnect switch.
[4] Air service unit (water trap, pressure 4 Press the start button < 1>.
regulator, pressure gag e) Run the compressor under load.
[5] Ejector (vacuum generator)
[S] Exhaust
[7] Ultrafine filter
[8] Oil return lncreased sound pressure leve! when operated
without noise-reducing enclosure.
The check of the a ir vent system ejector includes
Wear hearing protection.
a functional check of the ultrafine filter and the set-
ting of the pressure regulator. 5 Check wtfether air is being discharged from the
vent housing.
No oil film is allowed to form at the air dis-
6 Check the vacuum on the vacuum sensor dis-

August 2013 USA 59/100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

7 Set the pressure regulator so that -5 mbar is 4 Unscrew the filler holder with the filter element.
displayed on the vacuum sensor. 5 Remove the deflector plate and the housing
8 Glose the enclosure. gasket.
6 Remove the filter element.
7 Loasen the knurled screw and remove the float
leve! of vacuum generated in the oil system arrester in the bottom of the housing.
depends on the flow rate in the vacuum gener- 8 Clean the bottom of the housing and the float
ator. Therefore, the vacuum cannot be set pre- arrester with mild cleaning agent and then blow
in advance using the pressure regula- out with compressed air.
described setting is sufficient for trou-
Change the filter element in the a ir service Risk of injury
Eye injury hazard.
e:> Wear safety glasses.

9 Place the float arrester in the bottom of the

6 housing and secure with the knurled screw.
7 1O lnstall the new filter element.
9 11 Replace the deflector plate and the housing
12 Screw in the filter holder with the filler element.
13 Screw on the top of the housing and tighten by
han d.
14 Glose the enclosure.

Fig. 8-17: Air vent system ejector

[1] lntake regulator

[2] Blow off valve
[3] Air service unit
[4] Control air filter
[5] Vacuum sensor
[6] Solenoid valve Yi
[7] Solenoid valve Y2
[8] Shuttle valve
[9] Ultrafine filler

The filter element in the air service unit in the ejec-

tor vent system must be changed regularly.
1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
2 Open the enclosure, create access.
3 U nscrew the lower part of the housing.

601 i 00 USA August 2013
CompAir Maintenance and service 8

Changing the ultrafine filter element Changing the solenoid valve Y3


Fig. 8-18: Air vent system ejector Fig. 8-19: Solenoid va/ve Y3

[1] lntake regulator [1] Condensate trap for the second stage
{ [2] Blow off val ve (aftercooler water trap)
[2] Compressed air connection
[3] Air service unit
[3] Solenoid valve Y3
[4] Control a ir filler
[5] Vacuum sensor The so len oid valve Y3 in the ejector vent system
[6] Solenoid valve Y1 must be changed regularly.

[7] Solenoid valve Y2 1 Switch off the t'nain disconnect switch.

[8] Shuttle valve 2 Open the enclosure, create access.

[9] Ullrafine filler 3 Disconnect the electrical connections on the

solenoid valve.
The filter element in the ultrafine filter in the ejector 4 Remove the solenoid from the valve body.
ven! system must be changed regularly.
5 Remove the valve body.
1 Switch off the m a in disconnect switch.
6 lnstall the new valve body. Use the existing
2 Open the enclosure, create access. screws and seal with thread sealer.
3 Remove the drain line on the bottom of the filler 7 lnstall the solenoid on the valve body.
8 Connect the electrical connections to the sole-
4 Unscrew the filter housing. noid valve.
5 Unscrew the ultrafine filter element and dispose 9 Clase the enclosure.
6 Apply a thin film of oil to the gasket on the new
ultrafine filter element.
7 Screw on the ultrafine filter element and tighten
by hand.
8 Screw on the filter housing.
9 Connect the drain line.
10 Glose the enclosure.

August 2013 USA 61 /100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

8.6.7 Cooling system Adding cooling water

Check fill leve!

Fig. 8-21: Interna/ coo/ing water system

Fig. 8-20: Interna/ cooling water system [A] To water/air cooler

[A] To water/air cooler [B] >From water/air cooler

[B] >From water/air cooler [1] Water pump

[1] Water pump [2] Temperature control valve
[2] Temperature control valve [3] Water/air cooler
[3] Water/air cooler [4] Compensation line
[4] Compensation line [5] Compensation tank with filllevel indicator
[5] Compensation tank with fill leve! indicator [6] Cooling water drain
[6] Cooling water drain [7] Oil/water cooler
[7] Oil/water cooler

The filllevel should be checked about 10 minutes

after the compressor is turned off, as the cooling ratio of the cooling water is 33% gly-
water will have settled by then. water.

1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.

2 Open the enclosure, create access.
Scalding hazard
3 Check the cooling water level at the filllevel in-
dicator on the compensation tank. Scalding hazard from escaping hot cool-
The fill leve! must be between the "min." and ing water.
"max." markings. e:> Do not open the cap of the compen-
The cooling water vol ume is about 0.6 L be- sation tank until the interna! cooling
tween the "min" and "max" markings. water system has cooled off suffi-
- Add cooling water if the fill leve! is too low. ciently.
e:> Carefully open the cap slightly to let
4 Glose the enclosure.
off some pressure.
e:> Do not open the cap completely until
1 Switch off'l:he main disconnect switch.
2 Open the enclosure, create access.
3 Remove the cap from the compensation tank.

62 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Maintenance and service 8

4 Add cooling water until the required filllevel Adding cooling water
has been reached. 1 Remove the cap from the compensation tank.
Add cooling water in small quantities and wait
until the cooling water in the system has set- 2 Add cooling water until the required filllevel
tled. This will prevent overfilling. has been reached.
Add cooling water in small quantities and wait
5 Place the cap on the compensation tank. until the cooling water in the system has set-
6 Clase the enclosure. tled. This will prevent overfilling.
3 Place the cap on the compensation tank.
Changing the cooling water
4 Switch on the main disconnect switch.
5 Press the start button < 1>.
Allow the compressor to run under load for
about 5 minutes, until the cooling water has
been distributed in the system.
6 Press the stop button <O>.
7 Check filllevel.
8 Add cooling water if needed.
9 Clase the enclosure

Clean the dirt catcher

Fig. 8-22: Interna/ cooling water system

[A] To water/air cooler

[B] >From water/air cooler
[1] Water pump
[2] Temperature control valve
[3] Water/air cooler
[4] Compensation line
[5] Compensation tan k with filllevel indicator
[6] Cooling water drain
[7] Oil/water cooler

Cooling water can be drained out through the cool-

ing water drain. Add fresh cooling water through
[1] Safety valve
the compensation tank.
[2] Dirt catcher
Draining the cooling water [3] Water stop valve
1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
2 Open the enclosure, create access.
3 Place a suitable container below the cooling
water drain.
4 Open the cap on the compensation tank.
5 Open the drain valve and allow cooling water
to drain out completely. Dispose of the cooling
6 Close the drain valve.

August 2013 USA 63/100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

Clean the dirt catcher 8.6.9 Air filter

Scalding hazard
Scalding hazard from escaping hot cool-
ing water. 2
9 Do not open the cap of the compen-
sation tank until the interna! cooling
water system has ca oled off suffi- 3
9 Carefully open the cap slightly to let
off some pressure.
9 Do not open the cap completely until

Contamination with legionelia

Health hazard with open-loop cooling
9 Continuous monitoring of water
Fig. 8-23: A ir filler
quality and germ count in the cool-
circuit. [1] Air filler
1 Switch Off the main disconnect switch and se- [2] Air filter cover
cure it against restarting. [3] Filter element (installed)
2 Lock out the cooling water inlet and outlet.
The compressor is equipped with an air filler. The
3 Open the enclosure, create access. air filler serves to filter the intal<e air. The condition
4 Prepare a catch basin. of the air filter must be checl<ed with regular visual
5 Carefully loosen the cover of the dirt catcher
(2). The air filter element must be changed if the mes-
6 Capture the coolant that flows out. sage [Service due) oder [Air filter) is shown on the
electronic controller.
7 Clean the dirt catcher screen.
8 lnstall the dirt catcher screen. Check the air filter
9 Glose the enclosure. 1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
10 Open the cooling water inlet and outlet again. 2 Open the enclosure, create access.
11 Check for leaks. 3 Remove the air filter cover.
4 Check the filter element.
- Replace the filter element if it is very dirty.
5 lnstall the air filter cover.
6 Clase the enclosure.

64/100 USA August 2013

CompAir Maintenance and service 8
Change the air filter element Replacing the filter element of the control a ir

Property damage
Operating the compressor without an air filter,
even for a short time, can cause severe damage 6
to the compressor. 8
e> Never operate the compressor without an 9
air filter.
e> Dirt must not be allowed to enter the clean
air si de of the air filter!
1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.
2 Open the enclosure, create access.
3 Remove the air filter cover.
4 Change out the filter element.
5 lnstall the air filter cover.
6 Clase the enclosure.

8.6.1 O Control a ir filter

The control air filter re moves moisture and solids
from the control air system.

[1] lntake regulator

[2] Blow off valve
[3] Air service unit
[4] Control air filter
[5] Vacuum sensor
[6] Solenoid valve Y1
[7] Solenoid valve Y2
[8] Shuttle valve
[9] Ultrafine filter

1 Switch off the main disconnect switch.

2 Open the enclosure, create access.
3 Unscrew the lower part of the housing.
4 Unscrew the filter holder with the filter element.
5 Remove the deflector plate and the housing
6 Remove the filter element.
7 Clean the bottom of the housing with mild
cleaning agent and then blow out with com-
pressed air.

Risk of injury
Eye injury hazard.
e> Wear safety glasses.

August 2013 USA 65/100

8 Maintenance and service CompAir

8 lnstall the new filter element. 9 Remove the seal plug from the grease car-
9 Replace the deflector plate and the housing tridge.
gasket. 1O Screw the lubricator into the lubrication point
10 Screw on the top of the housing and tighten by and tighten by hand.
hand. 11 1nsert the plug into the drive.
11 Clase the enclosure.
Functional check of the lubricator
8.6.11 Orive motor /lubricator
The drive motor is equipped with an automatic mo-
tor lubrication system.
Maintenance of the motor lubrication system is
limited to replacing the grease cartridges. Empty
grease cartridges ora fault in the lubricator are in- 3
dicated on the electronic controls with the mes-
sage [Warning: Mot.Lubricator] (see also the oper-
ating instructions for the electronic controller). 4
Replacing the grease cartridge

Fig. 8-25: Lubricator indicator elements

[1] Functional indicator (2 LEOs)

[2] "TIME" switch
[3] Plug connector
[4] "VOL" switch

1 Check function using the LEOs.

OK. "System
Fig. 8-24: Lubricator working".
[1] Cable with plug Red Oispensing cycle
[2] Lubricator drive
[3] Grease cartridge Red signa! Fault/error
> 30 seconds
[4] Orive motor
Green Constant signa! Grease cartridge
1 Switch off the main disconnect switch. and red empty, replace
2 Open the enclosure, create access.
Chart 8-7. LEOs
3 Pull the plug from the lubricator.
4 Unscrew the lubricator (grease cartridge with
drive and cover) from the lubrication point.
5 Unscrew the cover from the grease cartridge.
6 Remove the drive from the grease cartridge.
7 Place the drive on the new grease cartridge.
The teeth of both parts must engage each
8 Screw the cover onto the grease cartridge arid
tighten by hand.

66/100 USA August 2013

CompAir Maintenance and service 8

8.6.12 Control system

Test emergency stop button


1 1/'~o ""·· 3
'-~~-~/ / \
/ í \
1 / \
6 5 4 7

[1] Touchscreen display

[2] Start button < 1 >
[3] Stop button < O >
[4] Red LEO
Slowly blinking: Warning
Rapidly blinking: Fault
[5] Yellow LEO
Slowly blinking: Maintenance required
[6] Green LEO
Steady light: System in operation
Blinking: System in standby
[7] <Emergency stop> button

The emergency stop function may be actu-

ated only in dangerous situations. Otherwise in-
creased wear, up to and including damage to
the can be
Test the emergency stop button only when the
compressor is stopped.
1 Press the stop button <O>.
- The status message of the electronic con-
trols is [Ready to start].
1 Press the <E-stop> button.
- The electronic controller displays the fault
message [Emergency Stop Activated].
- The "Fault memory" register card blinks.
2 Unlock the <E-stop> button.
Turn the button counterclockwise.
3 Reset fault message.
Todo so, press the [RESET] button on the
"Fault memory" register card in the electronic
- The "Fault memory" register card stops

August 2013 USA 67 /100
9 Appendix CompAir
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9 APPENDIX 9.3 Disassembly

9.1 Decommissioning
Routine decommissioning
Routine decommissioning includes, for example,
Risk of damage to health from consurn-
decommissioning for maintenance work.
ables and auxiliary materials
1 Switch OFF the main disconnect switch and se-
cure it against switching on again.
Consumables and auxiliary materials
can cause irreparable damage to health,
2 Glose the shutoff valves between the compres-
sor and the compressed air network.
induce allergies, or irritate mucous mem- ¡
3 Relieve the pressure in the aftercooler by care- e> Follow the locally applicable oper-
fully opening the pressure relief valve. ating instructions and hazardous
material safety data sheets when
Decommissioning for an extended period of handling consumables and auxiliary
time. rnaterials.
For decommissioning for more than six months, e> Avoid direct contact with consum-
contact Gardner Denver. ables and auxiliary materials. Wear
personal protective equipment.
Final decommissioning
e> In case of injuries associated with
In order to prevent renewed commissioning of the
consumables and auxiliary materi-
compressor or misuse by unknown persons, the
als, consult a physician and indicate
compressor must be rendered unusable.
the material involved.
The compressor is made unusable by removing Keep the material safety data sheet
the electronic controller. Consult Gardner Denver. for the causative material available.

9.2 Consumables and auxiliary .&. CAUTION

Slip hazard
There are about 20 L of oil in the compressor for
Slip hazard dueto spilled
lubricating the gearbox and the bearings of the
compressor stage unit. e> Clean up escaped consumable ma-
terials immediately.
There are two grease cartridges in the lubricator of
the drive motor. e> Avoid direct contad with consum-
ables. Wear personal protective
A water-glycol mixture (approx. 70% water and
30% glycol) is present in the interna! water circuit.
Material safety data sheets
e The compressor is shut down.
When handling consumables and auxiliary mate-
rials, the associated material safety data sheets The compressor is electrically disconnected.
must be adhered to. - The main disconnect switch is switched to
o Lubricating oil: OFF and secured against restarting.
Lubricating grease: - The compressor is not pressurized.
o Cooler anti-corrosion and antifreeze agent: - Liquids and greases are removed to the
greatest extent possible.

Remove the electrical cormection

Electric shock
Oeadly electrical voltage
e> Work on the electrical equipment
may be performed only by autho-
rized electrical technicians.

68 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

1 Disconnecl the feed cables. See wiring dia- - Air filler cartridge
1 gram. - Filter mat
2 Remove lhe feed cables. - Electrical enclosure cooling air inlake filter
3 Apply sea! plugs to the feed line openings. (only RS compressors)
- Control air filter
Removing the pipework
1 Disconnect the compressed air connection. 9.4 Disposal
2 Disconnect the condensate drain lines. General
3 Allow the condensate to drain out completely. The compressor must be dismantled and removed
4 Clean up any escaped condensate immedi- by technicians. The applicable local safety and en-
ately. vironmental protection regulations must be com-
plied with.
Draining the cooling water
When disposing of materials that are hazardous to
1 Open the enclosure, creale access. health, the instructions on the corresponding ma-
2 Place a suitable container below the cooling terial safety data sheets must be followed.
water drain. Packaging materials, cleaning agents, and used or
3 Open the drain valve and allow cooling water residual consumables must be fed to recycling in
to drain out completely. Dispose of the cooling accordance with the regulations applicable at the
water. installation site.
4 Clase the drain valve. WEEE Directive
5 Clase the enclosure. In accordance with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/
EG), Gardner Denver agrees to support the recla-
Draining the lubricating oil
mation and recycling electrical and electronic de-
1 Open the enclosure, create access. vices. Consult Gardner Denver.
/ 2 Place a suitable container below the oil drain.
\ Disposal
3 Open the drain valve and allow oil to drain out
completely. Dispose of the lubricating oil. The compressor should be dismantled into its
componen! parts for disposal "according to con-
4 Clase the drain valve. slituent materials", such as base metals, plastics,
5 Clase the enclosure. and textile products.
Biodegradable parts should be fed to the normal
Remove the oil filter
industrial wasle disposal process. Plastics, rubber,
1 Remove all oil filters in the lubrication system. or composile materials must not be disposed of by
Dispose of the filters. incineration.
- Oil filler Allliquid waste materials, such as lubricating oils
- Ultrafine filter and greases, antifreeze agents, cooling fluids, or
corros ion inhibitors must be disposed of sepa-
Remove the drive motor lubricator grease rately through licensed waste disposal or recycling
cartridges system. lt must be ensured that these materials do
1 Open the enclosure, creale access. not enter the wastewater system.

2 Pul! the plug from the lubrication system. The following table gives an overview of the dis-
posal of used substances and materials.
3 Unscrew the lubricator (grease cartridge with
drive and cover) from the lubrication point.
4 Sea! off the lubrication point.
5 Glose the enclosure.

Remove ~he air filter

1 Remove all filter elements and filter mats. Oís-
pose of filter elements and filter mats.

August 2013 USA 69/100

9 Appendix CompAir

Recycling Resíd~ Haz~
ual wasté ardous

Chart 9-1: Substances and materials used and their dis-


1 lf possible
2 Dispose of in accordance with the material
safety data sheet or manufacturer's infor-

Limit values of dissolved matter

The data listed below are guidelines that may deviate under certain operating conditions.
composition and operating temperature are the critica! factors. This cannot be used to

matter 1 key values Flow-through water


< 50 mg/1 (2.8 °dH)

< 0.5 mmol/1

< 200 ppm <50 ppm
<11.5°dH < 2.8 °dH
< 20 °fH < 5 °fH

<50 mg/1
<50 mg/1

< 100 mg/1

< 25 mg/1 < 10 mg/1

< 20 mg/1 < 20 mg/1

< 10 mg/1 < 10 mg/1

< 4 mg/1

< 2 mg/1
Ammonia < 1mg/l

!ron < 0.2 mg/1

Manganese < 0.1 mg/1 < 0.1 mg/1

Chart 9-2: Umit values of dissolved matter

701 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9
·---- ----------·------------·----------·----------------·----


Chart 9-2: Limit va/ues of dissolved matter

9.6 Technical data

9.6.1 075 + 090, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

.ozs ..
•··.···· ·. " p?,l . .· :Ji),~O)
50.ti~~Ait:~;().olec;Arf:~~~·F~~tl1~at~f,.cooled .. :;.::x,··¡:·
!'¿J; '
··,!·.~,§··;: •.
. .. ; > .. :; ~ .•
·. [[bar] 10,0 8.0 10,0
Minimum operating pressure [[bar] 4,0
·-·------~---.- --·--·--·--
Ambient temperature ¡¡oc¡ 2 1 45 2 14 1 45 2 1 40
Volumetric flow rate [m 3/min] 12.91 10.63 15.65 13.79
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "A" ¡oc¡ 7 8
---·----------·N---·------·~-~·-·N~·---·~~0 --·---·---·-----·---
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W"[oC] 7 8
Sound pressure level (ISO 2151) "A" [dB(A)] 1 75 74 76 75
-¡ -
Sound pressure level (ISO 2151) "W" [dB(A)] 72 70 73 72
1 Nominal power of drive motor [kW] 75 90
Total current draw at load max. (400V) [A] 175 199

Electric motor IP55 (IE3)- lEC

60034-2-1 ECA Qualifying
Nominal speed of drive motor [rpm] 2970
Nominal power of fan motor [kW] = 2 x 1.25 (IP54)};
{"W''= 1 x1.1 (IP54)}
Nominal power of oil pump '[kW] 0.55 (IP54)
Nominal power of cooling water pump '[kW] 0.75 (IP54)
Recommended cable cross section (400V) [mm 2 ] 3 x 70 PE35 3 x 95 PESO
Recommended fuse size (time-delay) •¡,\] 3 X 200 3 X 250
Cooling a ir volumetric flow 3
.[m /mi11] ("A" = 255) ; ("W'' = 85)
Cooling air outlet temperature [o' "A"= 19 "A"= 23
··"~~- -·-"~~

Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A" [Pa] 45/20 45/35 40/15 40/30
[35.°C 1 (35 oc 1 [35 oc 1 (35 oc 1
45 °Cj 40 °Cj 40 oc] 40 oc]
Interna! cooling fluid volume [1] "A" = 30 ; "W" = 20
Externa! cooling water volume (@6.T=15K) [1/min] 89 @6.p=0.7 bar 111 @6.p=0.9 bar

Chart 9-3: Technica/ data; 075 + 090, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

August 2013 USA 71 /100

9 Appendix CompAir

075 + 090' 075 090

air..cooled "A" and water-cooled
ll't'>IC\<"::ln verslon)

min. = 5 ; max. = 42


EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DIN 2999-R 1 1/4)

Flange EN 1092-1 1131
81 /DN80x8/PN16

Chart 9-3: Technica/ data; 075 + 090, 50Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W' (European version)

9.6.2 011 O + 0132, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)
. ·---·-··-·--
0110 + 0132,
50Hz, air~cooled "A" and water-cooled
¡ 0132

•"W" (European version)

Ma operating pressure [bar] 8.0 0.0
M in operating pressure [bar] 4,0

IAm! temperature ¡oc] 2145 2140 2145 2140

Volumetric flow rate [1 1] 19.51 17.39 22.39 20.50

Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient ", =¡oc] 9 7 11 10
tempera tu re
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W"= [°C] 8 8 7 8
Sound pressure leve! (ISO 2151) "A" [dB(A)] 77 77 78 78
Sound pressure leve! (ISO 2151) "W' [dB(A)] 75 74 77 76

Nominal power of drive motor [kW] 110 132


Total current draw at load max. (400V) [A] 249 285

-····----···----""' ·--·····-··-·····-······-···-···· ................................. .......................... .........................._.. '''"""'""<>'•'"'m'"'"''"'""""' ..............
Electric motor IP55 (IE3)- lEC
60034-2-1 ECA Qualifying

No1 speed of drive motor [rpm) 2970

N1 power of fan motor [kW] {"A"= 2 X 3.2 (IP54)};
* {"W" = 1 X 1.1 (IP54 )}

Nominal power of oil pump [kW] 0.55 (IP54)

Nominal power of cooling water pump [kW] 0.75 (IP54)

---·-------.........- ..................................................._..... ................- .............- ............ ______________ ,
,__________. ___________. ___________. _____r·-----·-----------............._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recommended cable cross section (400V) [mm 2 ] • 2 x 3 x 50 PESO 2 x 3 x 70 PE70

Chan' 9-4: Technical data; 0110 + 0132, 50Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

72 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

Cooling air volumetric flow rate [m 3/min] ("A"= 338) ; ("W" = 85)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient "A"= 22 "A"= 25
Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A"[Pa] 120 1 40 120 1 85 11 o 1 80
[35 oc 1 [35 oc 1 [35 oc 1
45 OC] 40 OC] 40 oc]

Interna! cooling fluid volume [1] "A" = 30 ; "W" = 20

Externa! cooling water volume (@fl. T=15K) [1/min] 132 @fl.p=1.0 bar
Externa! cooling water inlet temperature
xternal cooling water outlet temperature 57
ooling water pressure [bar] 8

Cooling water connections EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1

1/4 (DIN 2999-R 1 1/4)
Total oil volume [1] 24
Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1 1 13 1
81/ DN80x8 1 PN16
Condensate drain 5 X G1/2"
[kg] "A"=3265; "A"=3432;
"W"=3465 "W"=3632
LxWx H [mm] 2597 X 1744 X 2001
Chart 9-4: Technical data; 0110 + 0132, 50Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

9.6.3 0160, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

Ambient temperature [OC] 2140

Volumetric flow rate [m /min]

Aftercooler outiet temperature above ambient "A"= ¡oc] 11
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W" =¡oc] 9
Sound pressure leve! (ISO 2151) "A" [dB(A)]

Sound pressure leve! (ISO 2151) "W' [dB(A)]

Chart 9-5: Technical data; 0160, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

August 2013 USA 73/100
9 Appendix CompAir

ID11 0160
¡soHz, ... _, "A" and water~cooled
"W" (European versíon)

Nominal power of drive motor [kW] 160

e----·----- --------·--·----·

Total current draw at load max. (400V) [A] 340

Electric motor IP55 (IE3)- lEC

60034-2-1 ECA Qualifying
~-nai·~~~~d--~f·d;¡~~- ~~tor [rpm] 2970
-- ---
\Jominal power of fan motor [kW] {"A" = 2 x 3.2 (IP54)} ;
{"W' = 1 X 1.1 (IP54)}
Nominal power of oil pump [kW] 0.55 (IP54)
Nominal power of cooling water pump '[kW] 0.75 (IP54)
1 Recommended cable cross section (• ') [mm 2 ] 2 X 3 X 95 PE95
Recommended fuse size (time-delay) [,\] 6 X 250

Cooling air volumetric flow rate [m3, 1] ("A"= 338) ; ("W' = 85)

Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient ¡oc) "A"= 27

tempera tu re
Residual pressure at ambient temperatu "· [Pa] [3 oc)

Interna! cooling fluid volume [1] '

Externa! cooling water volume (@ll- iK) [1/min] @ñp=
Externa! cooling water inlet temperature [oC] min. = 5 ; max_ = 42

Externa! cooling water outlet temperature [oC] 57

Cooling water pressure [bar] 8
._, .... -~~~~-~-~-~----~----~-~----~---~--~-~~~-----~ -
Cooling water connections EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DI N 2999-R 1 1/4)

Total oil volume [1] 24

Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1 /13/
81/ DN80x8/ PN16
Condensate drain 5 X Gi/2"
Weight l[kg] "A"=3644 ; "W"=3844
Dimensions L x W x H ¡¡r 1] 2597 X 1744 X 2001
Chart 9-5: Technical data; 0160, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

9.6.4 0110 RS, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" ami wa.ter-cooled "W" (European version)

RS 0110 RS
air-cooled "A" and water-cooled

Chart 9-6: Technica/ data; D 11 O RS, 50Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

74/ i 00 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

Ambient temperature [oC] 2/45 2/40

Min. Max. Min. Max.
speed speed speed speed
Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m 3 /min] 9,06/6 19.42/6 10.7716 7.58 1 6
Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m 3/min] 8,9717 19.3717 10.7641 17.4718
Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m 3 /min] 8.8918 19.32/8 10.51 1 17.37 1
10 10
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "A" [oC] 8 7
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W'' [oC] 7 8
Sound pressure leve! (ISO 2151) "A" [dB(A)] 76178 76178
d pressure leve! (ISO 2151) "W' [dB(A)] 72175 71/74
[kW] 110
otal current draw at load max. (380V 1 400V) [A] 262/249

power of fan motor [kW] {"A" = 2 X 3.2 (IP54 )} ;

{"W' = 1 X 1.1 (IP54)}
Nominal power of oil pump [kW] 0.55 (IP54)
Nominal power of cooling water pump [kW] 0.75 (IP54)
Recommended cable cross section (380V + 3 x 95 PESO
Recommended fuse size (time-delay) (380V + [A] 3 X 300
Cooling air volumetric flow rate ("A"= 338); ("W' = 85)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient "A"= 22
esidual pressure at ambient temperature "A"[Pa] 120 140 [35 120185 [35
oc 145 OC] oc 140 °C]
cooling fluid volume [1] "A" = 30 ; "W" = 20

cooling water volume (@LH=15K) [1/min] 132 @Llp=1.0 bar

Externa! cooling water inlet temperature min. = 5; max. = 42
Externa! cooling water outlet temperature 57
Cooling water pressure [bar] 8

Cooling water connections EN 10226-11/4 Rp 1

1/4 (DI N 2999-R 1 1/4)

Charl 9-6: Technica/ data; 0110 RS, 50Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

August 2013 USA 75/100

9 Appendix CompAir

D· 10 RS, D11Q D110 RS

50Hz, alr-coo!ed "A" and water~cooled
"W" (European verslon)
Total oil volume ![1] 24
Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1 1131
81 1 DN80x8 1 PN16
Condensate drain 5 X G1/2"
Weight [kg] "A"=3278; "W"=3478
Dime1 LxWxH .[mm] 2597 X 1744 X 2001
Chart 9-6: Technical data; 0110 RS, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

9.6.5 0132 RS, 50Hz, airmcooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)
D132 RS, D132 RS D132 RS
150Hz, air-cooled "A" and wateN:;ooled
I"W" (European version) 1
Maximum operating pressure [b; r] 8.0
Minimum operating pressure [bar] 4.0
Ambient temperature [o, ;¡ 2145 2140

Min. Max. Max.
speed speed
·-·~~eed speed

V! flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] l[m 3/min] 9.13/6 22.8216 10.81 16 21.02/6
Volu1 flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] l[m 3lmin] 9.03 1 7 22.7517 10.66/8 20.93 1 8

flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m /min]

3 8.95 18 22.68 1 8 10.51 1 20.851
10 1 10
¡, =¡oc¡
IA1 outlet temperature above ambient 12 10

iA1 outlet temperature above ambient i" =¡oc] 8 9

,801 preSSI leve! (ISO 2151) i" (dB(A)] 77179 77/79
.Sol pre: leve! (ISO 2151) i"W"[1 i(A)] 73178 72176
---~ .....··------·-~·~--~-~~-·-~"
No1 power of drive motor ![kW] 132
TI draw at load max. (380V 1 400V) ¡[A] 2691255
El motor IP55 (IE3)- lEC
60034-2-1 ECA Qualifyi 19
Nominal speed of drive motor [rpm] 15501

1 Nominal power of fan motor [kW] {"A"= 2 X 3.2 (IP54)}

{"W" = 1 X 1.1 (1 l )}
Nominal power of oil pump [kW] 0.55 (IP54)
Nominal power of cooling water pump [kW] 0.75 (IP54)
Recommended cable cross section (380V + [mm 2]
3 x 120 PE70

Chart 9-7: Technica/ data; 0132 RS, 50Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

76/1 DO USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

Recommended fuse size (time-del ay) (380V + [A] 3 X 300

Cooling air volumetric flow rate [m 3/min] ("A"= 338) ; ("W" = 85)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient [oC] "A"= 26
······· ··--------- .... --·······+-- - ········+·········· ---------,~-------···················]

Residual pressure at ambient temperature . "A" [Pa] 11 o 1

oc 1
Interna! cooling fluid volume [1] = 30; "W" = 20
Externa! cooling water volume (@LlT=15K) (1/min] 155 @Llp=1.2 bar
ater inlet temperature C] min. = 5 ; max. = 42
[OC] 57
[bar] 8
ooling water connections EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DIN 2999-R 1 1/4)
Total oil volume [1] 24
Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1 1 13 1
81 1 DN80x8 1 PN16
Condensate drain 5 X G1/2"

Dimensions L x W x H
Chart 9-7: Technical data; 0132 RS, 50Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

9.6.6 0160 RS, 50Hz, air~cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

Mínimum operating pressure bar] 4.0

Ambient temperature 2 140
Min. speed Max. speed
Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure (bar] (m 3/min] 10.70/6 23.41/6
Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m 3/min] 10.5518 23.30/8
Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] 10.40/10 23.19110
"A"= [oC]
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient 12
tempera tu re
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient 9
····--·-···-·-······..--......-...- ................................- ..................._.......--......................+-----·----------·--+----------·--·------------·-----------·--··---------·---·------·--..-·--···-1
Sound pressure leve! (ISO 2151) "A" [dB(A)] 77179
Chart 9-8: Technica/ data; 0160 RS, 50Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

August 2013 USA 77/100

9 Appendix CompAir

Total current draw at load max. (380V /400V) [A] 304/289
---------··------------..---·--..-----------+--·------t-·-........._.,______,..........._,,________. ,________.________. ,____ -1
Electric motor IP55 (IE3)-
60034-2-1 ECA

Nominal speed of drive motor [rpm] 1687/3320

..............................-.. .--···-· .................................. ...¡-...-.....- ....., ........................+...........................................,_,. ,. . -.. . . . . . . . . ._, . _, . . . . . . . . . _,.._, ............._,...........-.........................,.....-.....-.. ¡
Nominal power of fan motor [kW] {"A"= 2 x 3.2 (IP54)};
{"W" = 1 X 1.1 (IP54)}

al power of oil pump [kW] 0.55 (IP54)

[kW] 0.75 (IP54)

3 x 150 PE95

Recommended fuse size (time-delay) (380V + [A] 6 X 355


Cooling a ir volumetric flow rate [m 3/min] ("A"= 338); ("W' = 85)

Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient ¡oc] "A"= 26
temperature _________... _____
Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A" [Pa]
"""'"'"''""'""'"'"'""" ............................................................,. "'"""''""'"'"'"''"""'-""""""'"""'"'"'___ .... _ ..................... "' ·---+·-""""'''"'"""""""'""'""''"""'"!"'" .............................., .................................................._, ................._, ........- ...... _, ......... _,_, ............._, ........... _, ...... --1
Interna) cooling fluid volume ] "A" = 30 ; "W" =
-------------·----·---------r----.. --J~------------------------~
Externa! cooling water vol ume (@6.T=15K) [1/min] 170 @6.p=1.3
Externa! cooling water inlet temperature ¡oc] min. = 5 ; max. = 42

Externa! cooling water outlet temperature ¡oc] 57

------+------~-------- ..---------------------4
Cooling water pressure [bar] 8

EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DIN 2999-R 1 1/4)

[1] 24
---..·--·--··------·-·-·-----------------·-·--·-----·--·--+---..-----""'"'-+---·-"·--·--------.. - .......,,_.____"""'_'_"_____________...¡
Flange EN 1092-1/13/

drain 5 x G1/2"
"A"=3688 ; "W"=3888

LxWx H 2597 X 1744 X 2001

Chart 9-8: Technica/ data; 0160 RS, 50Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

9.6.7 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

075 090
. ~ir~<;><>l~d "A" ~nd wate.r~ooler.t .
[bar] 8.0 10.0 10.0

Chart 9-9: Technical data; 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W' (European version)

78 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

(oC] 2145 2140 2145 2140

12.39 10.85 15.92 13.15

outlet temperature above ambient "A" [oC] 7 8


Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W"[oC] 6 7 7 8

Sound pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) "A" (dB(A)] 76 75 77 76
Sound pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) "W'' [dB(A)] 73 71 74 73
Electric motor nominal power rating [kW] 75 90
Total current draw at load max. (380V 1 460V) 198/152 225/173

Electric motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)

Nominal speed 3560

Nominal power of fan motor {"A"= 2 x 1.4 (IP54)} ·

{"W" = 1 x 1.8

Nominal power of oil pump 0.66 (IP-54)

Nominal power of cooling water pump 1.1 (IP-54)

Recommended cable cross section (380V 1 3x PE50 1

460V) 3x PE35
Recommended fuse size (time-delay) (380V 1 /3 X 200
Cooling air volumetric flow rate ("A" = 225) ; ("W" = 95)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient "A"=19 "A"=23
Residual pressure at ambient temperature 45120 45135 401 15 40130
[35 oc 1 [35 oc 1 (35 oc 1 [35 oc 1
45 oc] 45 oc] 45 oc¡ 40 oc]

Interna! cooling fluid volume "A" = 30 ; "W" = 20

Externa! cooling water vol ume (@LlT=15K) 89 @Llp=0.7 bar 111 @Llp=0.9 bar

Externa! cooling water inlet temperature min. = 5 ; max. = 42

Externa! cooling water outlet temperature 57

Cooling water pressure [bar] 8

Cooling water connections EN 10226-11/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DIN 2999-R 1 1/4)
Total oil volume [1] 24

Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1 1131

Bi /DN80x8/PN16

Condensate drain 5 X G1/2"

Chart 9-9: Technica/ data; 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

August 2013 USA 79 /100

9 Appendix CompAir

Dimensions L x W x H [mm] 2597 X 1744 X 2001
Cha/19-9: Technical data; 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-cooled "W'' (European version)

9.6.8 D110 + D132, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)
~~~:~~:~~led . ~'
'· ... ·.
·. P11 P132 ~-· .:
_:.~e- · . :. -.. -'
-::;- - .. ;_:~ i'?t: - -- f:
_ Wú _(European verJ;ion) ... : .... ·..
Maximum operating pressure [bar] 8.0 10.0 8.0 1
Minimum operating pressure (bar] 4.0

Ambient temperature ¡oc] 2/45 2/40 2/45 2/

Volumetric flow rate· [m /min]
____________ ______________
18.99 16.89 22.59
···-··-·· ..···--····..···-""'" ........................... ..·-·· ...... ..........
''''''"''"'''"'"'"''_'_"''<•m••-'""'"""''_' ... ''' ___ ,______ ,,..,.,._..,,_,,.,.,,., ~ ._

Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "A" ¡oc] 9 7 11 1

----~.,·~---- ---
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W"[oC] ¡ 7 8 8 8
temperature ¡

Sound pressure level (per ISO 2151) "A"[< I(A)] 78 78 78 78

¡s, pressure level (per ISO 2151) "W' [dB(A)] 76 75 78 77
Electric motor nominal power rating [kW] 11 o 132
Total current draw at load max. (380V /460V) [[A] 291 /227 331 /257
Electric motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)
Nominal speed [rpm] 3560
Nominal power of fan motor [kW] {"A"= 2 X 3.9 (IP54 )} ;
{"W' = 1 X 1.1 (IP54)}
Nominal power of oil pump [kW] 0.66 (IP-54)
·'"·-··--·---~---··-··--------..----- ........__., ______, _______________ --~--------····--- ..--··-·-·"··-----····-·-··-······· .............
Coolant pump nominal rated power [kW] 1.1 (IP-54)
Recommended cable cross section (380V 1 [mm 2 ] 2 X 3 X 70 PE70 1 x 3 X 70 PE70 1
¡400V) 2 X 3 X 50 PE50 2 x 3 x 50 PESO

Recommended fuse size (time-delay) [A] 6 X 200 / 6 X 160 6 X 200 f 6 X 160

.......... ______ _____ ___________ ______
............ . ............... ________.,
.._ ._. __ ................._ ...........................
, ,_, ., ,. _, '" ____

1 Cooling air volumetric flow rate 3

[m /min] ("A"= 349); ("W' = 95)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient ¡oc] "A"=22 "W"=25
Residual pressure at ", 120/41 120/85 11 o /25 10/80
[35 oc 1 [35oc 1 [35°C 1 [35°C 1
45 oc] 40°C] 45°C] 45°C]
Interna! cooling fluid [1] "A" = 30 ; "W" = 20

Chart 9-10: Technica/ data; 0110 + 0132, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W' (European version)

801 100 USA August 2013
CompAir Appendix 9

min. = 5 ; max. = 42

xternal cooling water outlet temperature 57

EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DIN 2999-R 1 1/4)

Total oil volume 24

Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1 1131
81 1 DN80x8 1 PN16
Condensate drain 5xG1/2"
Weight [kg] "A"=3265; "A"=3432;
"W"=3465 "W"=3632
Dimensions L x W xH 2597 X 1744 X 2001

Chart 9-10: Technical data; 0110 + 0132, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

9.6.9 0160, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

Af!ercooler outlet temperature above ambient 11


Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient 8


Sound pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) 78

Sound pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) 78
Electric motor nominal power rating 160
Total current draw at load max. (380V 1 460V) 399 1306
Electric motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)

Nominal speed 3560

Nominal power of fan motor {"A"= 2 X 3.9 (IP54)};

{"W" = 1 X 1.8 (IP54)}

Nominal power of oil pump 0.66 (IP-54)

Coolant pump nominal rated power [kW] 1.1 (IP-54)

Chart 9-11: Technical data; 0160, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo!ed "W' (European version)

August 2013 USA 81 /100

9 Appendix CompAir

ecommended cable cross section (380V 1

6 X 250 f 6 X 200

Cooling air volumetric flow rate

Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient ¡oc] "A"=27
Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A"[Pa] 90 1 50 [35 oc 1 40°C]
Interna! cooling fluid voluine [1] A" = 30 ; "W" = 20

Externa! cooling water volume (@LH=15K [I/mi 170 @L'l.p=1.3 bar

@L'l.p=0.7 bar)
Externa! cooling water inlet temperature min. = 5; max. = 42
Externa! cooling water outlet temperature [oC] 57

Cooling water pressure [bar] 8

Cooling water connections EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DI N 2999-R 1 1/4)
Total oil volume [1] 24
Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1 /13 1
81/ DN80x8/ PN16
Condensate drain 5 X G1/2"
Weight [kg] "A"=3644 , "W"=3844
Dimensions L x W x H [mm] 2597 X 1744 X 2001
Chart 9-11: Technical data; 0160, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

9.6.10 0110 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" andwater-cooled "W" (European version)

4.0 4.0
2/45 2/40
Min. Max. Min.
speed speed speed

flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m 3 /min] 9,06/6 19.42/610.77/6

[m 3 /min] 8,97 17 19.37 17 10.64/ 8
/min] 8.89 1 8 ! 19.32 1 8 10.51/ 17.371
~ 10 10
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "A" [oC) 8 7

Chart 9-12.· Technical data; 0110 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W' (European version)

82/100 USA August 2013
CompAir Appendix 9

Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W' [oC] 7 8

Sound pressure level (per ISO 2151) at 70% "A" [dB(A)] 76178
load 1 100% load
Sound pressure level (per ISO 2151) at 70% "W' [dB(A)] 73176
load /1 00% load
Electric motor nominal power rating [kW] 110
Total current draw.atload max. (380V /460V) [A]
Electric motor
Nominal speed min./max. 19091
Nominal power of fan motor {"A"= 2 X 3.9
{"W" = 1 X 1.8
Nominal power of oil pump [kW] 0.66 (IP-54)
Coolant pump nominal rated power [kW] 1.1 (IP-54)
Recommended cable cross section (380V + [mm 2 ] 3 x 150 PE95 1 3 x 95 PE95
Recommended fuse size (time-delay) (380V + [A] 3x315/3x250
Cooling a ir volumetric flow rate ("A" = 349) ; ("W" = 95)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient "A"=22
Residual pressure at ambient temperature 120/40 120185 [35
oc /45 oc 140 oc]
ternal cooling fluid volume A" = 30 ; "W" = 20
Externa! cooling water volume (@ll.T=15K) [1/min] 132 @ll.p=1.0 bar
Externa! cooling water inlet temperature ¡oc] min. = 5 ; max. = 42
Externa! cooling water outlet temperature [OC] 57
Cooling water pressure [bar] 8
Cooling water connections EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DIN 2999-R 1 1/4)
Total oil volume 24
Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1/131
81 /DN80x8/PN16
Condensate drain 5 X G1/2"
Weight [kg] "A"=3278 ; "W"=34 78
Dimensions L x W x H [mm] 2597 X 1744 X 2001
Chart 9-12: Technical data; 0110 RS, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

August 2013 USA 83 /100

9 Appendix CompAir

9.6.11 0132 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

¡p~~~ ./ •i··v. ~;~; .Q13~&~s~'{ . .<.

i~PJ:i:~'- .t ;., "A" and water-coóled
•''W'' (Eurvt-'"'"'', version) ··.· 1
imum operating pressure [bar] 8.0 10.0
Mínimum operating pressure [bar] 4.0

Ambient temperature ¡oc¡ 2 2140

M in. Max. M in. Max.

speed speed speed speed
-----0-.MOMmom-omM '' '"'Mo~O#O"M-<M•moo~ .. , , . . ,,,,,,,

Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] 1 [m 3/min] 9.13 1 6 22.82 1 6 10.81 16 21.02 /6

Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m 3/min] 9.03/7 22.7517 ..,_10.6618
..______ ,. ____ 20.93/8
,_,.,,.. ,,.,,,_,., __ M•>••<•""'-''-"''''''''''"'"''"''''-' ...................... ...... ... ........... ............................................... ............
._ ._
••mm'"''''''''"'"'"' ---····-··-------·-··-· -~·•~•~••m~-··-• ~ .. -•-•u<o-••u•••w .. -•••--•

Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m /min] ' 8.9518 22.6818 10.51 1 20.851
10 10
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient ·"A" ¡oc¡ 12 10
tempera tu re
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W"(oC] 8 9
--------------~--------···------- _
..... -._..... ...,.,,_,,.................. .......................... ..............................................
~ ~----------·· ............ _.
. --~~-~---- ... ·-~·--»>--- . - ···--·--··
Sound pressure level (per ISO 2151) at 70% "A" [dB(A)] 77/79 77/79
load /1 00% load
-~------ - --
Soundpressure level (ISO 2151) al 70% load 1 "W' [dB(A)] 74/79 72176
100% load

Electric motor nominal power rating [kW] 132

...... .
~·-·""--~----a~--.w .
~-- -·-~··~~·""·~v.-- .....,~--.--•••"""~""""~'""-~~-·--

Total curren! draw at load max. (380V /460V) [A] 302 1226 /227
Electric motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)
rN·;;;al speed min./max. [rpm] 1550

Nominal power of fan motor .[kW] {"A"= 2 X 3.9 (IP54)};

{"W" = 1 X 1.8 (IP54)}

Nominal power of oil pump [kW] 0.66 (IP-54)

Coolant pump nominal rated power [kW] 1.1 (IP-54)

Recommended cable cross section (380V + [mm 2 ] 3 x 150 PE95 1 3 x 95 PE95

f--· -------·-------~-"·

Recommended fuse size (time-delay) (380V + [A] 3 X 315 / 3 X 250

----.. ..
-~-~·-··---·----- ··----~----------------~-----.,---~~-~---- ....-·--·
Cooling a ir volumetric flow rate [m3, l] ("A"= 349); ("W" = 95)

Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient [oC] "A"=26

tempera tu re

Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A" [Pa] 11 o 1 25 [35 o

11 1 80 [35
0/45 oc]
oc 140 oc¡
------ - .
Interna! cooling fluid volume [1] A" = 30 ; "W" = 20

Externa! cooling water volume (@6.T=15K) [1/min] 155 @Llp=1.2 bar

Externa! cooling water inlet L"''''fJ"'' e11 j[oC] min. = 5 ; max. = 42

Chart 9-13: Technica/ data; 0132 RS, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W' (European version)

84/100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DIN 2999-R 1 1/4)
[1] 24
EN 1092-1 1131
1 DN80x8 1 PN16
5 x G1/2"
kg] "A"=3476 ; "W"=3676
[mm] 2597 X 1744 X 2001
Chart 9-13: Technical data; 0132 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled '~" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version)

9.6.12 0160 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

Min. speed Max. speed

flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m 3/min] 10.70/6 23.41/6
flow rate 1 Final pressure [bar] [m 3/min] 10.5518 23.3018

[m 3/min]
outlet temperature above ambient "A" [°C] 10

outlet temperature above ambient "W' [°C] 9

Sound pressure level (ISO 2151) at 70% load 1 "A" [dB(A)] 77/79
100% load
Sound pressure level (ISO 2151) at 70% load 1 "A" [dB(A)] 74/79
100% load
power of drive motor 160
385 1258
Electric motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)
Nominal speed of drive motor [rpm] 1687 13320
Nominal power of fan motor [kW] {"A"= 2 X 3.9 (IP54)};
{"W' = 1 X 1.8 (IP54)}
Chart 9-14: Technical data; 0160 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (European version}

August 2013 USA 85/100

9 Appendix CompAir
------------·---------.. --~--

Nominal power of cooling water pump [kW] 1.1 (IP54)

Recommended cable cross section (380V + 3 x 185 PE95/3 x 150 PE95
Recommended fuse size (time-delay) (380V + [A] 3 X 400 / 3 X 315
("A"= 349) ; ("W' = 95)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient "A"= 29
Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A"[Pa] 90 1 50 [35 oc 140 OC]
Interna! cooling fluid volume A" = 30 ; "W" = 20
xternal cooling water volume (@/H=15K) 170 @Llp=1.3 bar
xternal cooling water inlet temperature min. = 5 ; max. = 42
Externa! cooling water outlet temperature 57
Cooling water pressure 8
Cooling water connections EN 10226-1 1/4 Rp 1
1/4 (DI N 2999-R 1 1/4)
Total oil volume 24
Compressed air connection Flange EN 1092-1 1 13 1
81 1 DN80x8 1 PN16
Condensate drain 5 X G1/2"
Weight "A"=3688;
Dimensions L x W x H 2597 X 1744 X 2001
Chart 9-14: Technical data; 0160 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (European version)

9.6.13 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)

36/113 361 104 36 1 113 36 1 104

metric flow rate [cfm] 438 383 562 464
rcooler outlet temperature above ambient "A" (oF] 13 15

¡Aftercooler outlet temperature above [oFJ 11 13 13 14

Sound pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) "A" [dB(A)] 76 75 77 76
---------------·-------------~-----------------.--------------~------·-····-····· ..·· -------------·-··--··- -
................... ....·-------
ound pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) "W'[dB(A)] 73 71 74 73
Chart 9-15: Technica/ data; 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)

861 iOO USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

Electric motor nominal power rating [hp] 100 125

Total current draw at load max. (460V /575V) [A] 152/128 173 /155

Electric motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)

Nominal speed [rpm] 3560

Nominal power offan motor [hp] {"A"= 2 X 1.9 (IP54)};

{"W" = 1 X 2.5 (IP54)}

Nominal power of oil pump [hp] 0.9 (IP-54)

Nominal power of cooling water pump [hp] 1.5 (IP-54)

Recommended cable cross section (460V 1 AWG 3/01 AWG AWG 4/01 AWG
575V) 2/0 (Single Supply) 3/0 (Single Supply)

Recommended fuse size (time-delay) (460V 1 [A] 175/150 225/175


Cooling air volumetric flow rate cfm] ("A"= 7946); ("W" = 3354)

Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient "A"=34 "A"=42


Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A"[Pa] 45/20 45/35 40/15 40/30

[95 aF 1 [95°F 1 [95 aF 1 [95QF 1
113 aF] 104°F] 113 aF] 104QF]

Interna! cooling fluid volume 1] "A" = 8 ; "W" = 5.3

Externa! cooling water volume (@LH=15K) [gal/min] 23 @.6.p=1 Opsi 29 @.6.p=13psi

Externa! cooling water inlet temperature min. = 41 ; max. = 107

Externa! cooling water outlet temperature 134

Cooling water pressure [psig] 115

Cooling water connections 11/4-111/2NPT

Total oil volume 6.4

Compressed air connection Flange 3" ANSI 816.5

Condensate drain 5 x 1/2 NPT

Weight "A"=6665; "A"=7125;

"W"=7105 "W"=7546

WxH 102.2 X 68.7 X 78.8

Chart 9-15: Technica/ data; 075 + 090, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (USA version)

9.6.14 0110 + 0132, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)

inimum operating pressure [psig]

Chart 9-16: Technica/ data; 0110 + 0132, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (USA version)

August 2013 USA 87 /100

9 Appendix CompAir

. ··.

º1 i[""'lj, [~s,,~%l~l~~J
1 ·.·.··..·
0119; 132, .
"..L.'" .í."' ·:~·¡·
~~~~{Jl:;t'"': ~ ·' and ; • .},' '!'!
·,~. -~ii" . .··· ;. '· i •. ,.· .· .~·; •

Am temperature [oF] ···•·· 36/113 /1

VoiUI flow rate [cfm] 671 596 798 742

Afte¡ outlet temperature above ambient "A" [oF] 20 18

jAfte1 outlet temperature above ambient "W''[oF] 13 14 14 14
¡s, pi level (per ISO 2151) J·:~:'.f.?_B(A)] 78 78 79
.................. u. ... . - · - · - · · -

¡s. pressu re level (per 1SO 2151 ) "W" [dB(A)] 76 J 78 1

Electric motor nominal power rating [hp] 150 180
-- --
Total curren! draw at load max. (460V /575V) I!A] 227/189 257/214

Electric motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)

Nominal speed [rpm] 3580

.,,..,,._,,,._,,,.,, .. ,,,.,,,, _ _ .,,,,, .. ,,.,,,~m.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,.,_,,,

........................................ ·---··..-···---······-·..·- ...............,..._...,...........................

Nominal power of fan motor [hp] {"A" = 2 X 5.3 (IP54)} ;
{"W' = 1 X 2.5 (IP54)}

1 Nominal power of oil pump [hp] 0.9 (IP-54)


Coolant pump nominal rated power i[hp] 1.5 (IP-54)

Recommended cable cross section (460V 1 AWG 2/01 3/01 AWG

575V) 1/0 (Double >upply) i2/0 (Do1 Supply)

fuse size (time-delay) (460V 1 [A] 150/125 175/150

c. ing air volumetric flow rate .[cfm] ("A"= 12325); ("W" = 3354)

c. air outlet temperature above ambient [' "A"=40 "A"=45

te1 1pe1

Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A" [Pa] 120/40! 120/85 11 o125 11 o /80
[95 °F 1 [95°F 1 [95 OF 1 [95°F 1
113 °F] 104°F] 113 °F] 104 °F]

11 cooling fluid volume [gal] "A" = 8 ; "W" = 5.3

Externa! cooling water vol u me (@.6.T=15K) [gal!min] 35 @.6.p=15psi 41 @.6.p=18psi


Cooling water inlet temperature (of] min. = 41; max. = 107

..........., ................... --~---~------~-~-~-~-···--·-·---·---··-·--·-··-·---

,Cooling water outlet temperature -
[of] 134

Cooling water pressure [psig] 115

................................ .- ..... ...................................... ...... ..................... ·······-····..-···-····· ................ ·······-······· .................. ......... .................... .................... ......
_. -.

Cooling water connections 11/4-111/2NPT


Total oil volume [gal] 6.4

Compressed air connection • Flange 3" ANSI 816.5
--·----------- ----·-·------------··----·-----
Condensate drain 5x1/2NPT

Weight [lbs] "A"=7198; "A"=7566;

"W"=7639 "W"=8007

Charl 9-16: Technica/ data; O 11 O + O 132, 60Hz, air-coo/ed '1'\" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)

88 1 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

Chart 9-16: Technical data; 0110 + 0132, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W' (USA version)

9.6.15 0160, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)
¡o~~~~~~-" ·. . _,. .·.,. .· .-.•. . '·r .::.ii:i:fi[''} '.~:, .•.
~~c7 ·;; • ;

ll1!d wat.r·cooled
.·· .. ',. ¡;~:,~il~.:,,,x. ,.,·, . . · ¡~·• · i h
i.. ¡i•.

m operating pressure [psig]

Mínimum operating pressure [p•;ig] 58
¡;;;-------·-·----·----..-..--..-·-·---------·- [oF]
mbient temperature 36/104
Volumetric flow rate Jcfm] 796
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "A" [°F] 20
,,,0.. ,,-... , ..,,_,.. w,--., ..,_.....,,..,_,,,,,.. ,,,m, .. u<><>H<<••-•·--·•••-··•-•..........,,,,.. ................................... ............. ..................................- ......
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "W'[oF] 14
Sound pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) "A" [dB(A)]
Sound pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) ''W'[d :(A)]
Electric motor nominal power rating [hp] 215
- -
Total current draw at load max. (460V /575V) [A] 306/258
Electric motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)
Nominal speed l!rpm] 3560
Nominal power of fan motor l!h {"A" = 2 X 5.3 (IP54 )} ;
{"W' = 1 X 2.5 (IP54)}
Nominal power of oil pump l!hp] 0.9 (IP-54)
Coolant pump nominal rated power [[hp] 1.5 (IP-54)
Recommended cable cross section (460V 1 4/0 1 AWG 3/0 (Double Supply)
Recommended fuse size (time-delay) I!A] 200/175
Cooling air volumetric flow rate i!( 1] ("A" = 12325) ; ("W' = 3354)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient ¡¡· "A"=49
Residual pressure at ambient temperature " [Pa] _ . 90150 [95 OF /104 °F]
Interna! cooling fluid volume [gal] "A" = 8 ; "W" = 5.3
Externa! cooling water vol ume (@Ll T=15K) [gal/m11] 45 @Llp=19psi

Cooling water inlet temperature (oF] min. = 41 ; max. = 107
Cooling water outlet temperature (oF] 134
Cooling water pressure [psig] 115
Chart 9-17: Technica/ data; 0160, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)

August 2013 USA 89/100

9 Appendix CompAir

Flange 3" ANSI 816.5
Weight [lbs] "A"=8034; "W"=8475
Dimensions L x W x H [in eh] 102.2 X 68.7 X 78.8
Chart 9-17: Techníca/ data; 0160, 60/-/z, aír-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (USA version)

9.6.16 011 O RS, 60Hz, air~cooled "A" and water~cooled "W" (USA version)

58 58
Ambient temperature 36 /113 36/104
M in. Max. Min. Max.
speed speed speed
Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure 320 1 87 686 1 87 380 1 87

317/102 684/102 375/116 617/1

314/116 682/116 371/145 613/145
14.4 12.6


ercooler outlet temperature aboveamme·nt 1 --~·v· 13 14

pera tu re
"A"[dB(A)] 76/78 76/78
............................................................................................._. ____________________________________... _.............- ...--............... f---------------------·----------- .¡ ...................,.................................................. ¡.................................................................................. ...¡
pressure leve! (per ISO 2151) "W'' (dB(A)] 73/76 72/75
motor nominal power rating [hp] 150
[A] 200 199
motor IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)
speed min./max. 1909/3600 2417/3630
{"A" = 2 X 5,3 (IP54 )} ;
{"W' = 1 X 2,5 (IP54)}
power of oil pump 0.9 (IP-54)

Recommended cable cross section (380V + MCM 250 (Single Supply)

Recommended fuse size (time-delay) (460V) 225

Chart 9-18: Technícal data; 0110 RS, 60Hz, aír-cooled "A" and water-coo/ed "W" (USA version)

90 /100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

Cooling air volumetric flow rate [cfm] ("A"= 12325); ("W' = 3354)

Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient (oF] "A"=47

Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A"[Pa] 120/40 [95 120/85 [95
OF /113 °F] OF /104 °F]

Interna! cooling fluid volume [gal] "A" = 8 ; "W" = 5.3

Externa! coolíng water vol ume (@LlT=15K) [gal/min] 35 @Llp=15psí

xternal coolíng water ínlet temperature (oFJ mín. = 41 ; max. = 107

xternal cooling water outlet temperature
Coolíng water pressure
Cooling water connections 11/4-111/2NPT
Total oil volume 6.4
Compressed air connectíon Flange 3" ANSI 816.5

Condensate draín 5x1/2NPT

Weíght [lbs] "A"=7227 ; "W"=7668
Dimensíons L x W xH [in eh] 102.2 X 68.7 X 78.8
Charl9-18: Technical data; 0110 RS, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-cooled "W' (USA version)

9.6.17 0132 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)

58 58
Ambient temperature 36 /113 36/104

Min. j Max. 1 M~~

speed speed spee~l-~~-
so6 3s2··/-87 , --742-1 87
31 9
V ~~~~;r¡o-w-rat~Í-F¡;;;~~ess~~~-[~~;;·l·----------+--------------+---3__2_:..2.._1___ 8
_ ____7___+- J

Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [psíg] 1 102 8 03 1 102 376 1 116 739 1 116
Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [psíg] [cfm] 316/116 /116 371 /145¡736/1451
Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambíent "A" [°F] 21.5 18

Aftercooler outlet temperature above ambient "WTFJ 16

Sound pressure level (per ISO 2151) at 70% "A" [dB(A)] 77 /79
load /1 00% load
Sound pressure level (per ISO 2151) at 70% ''W'' 74/79 73/77
load 1 100% load
Charl9-19: Technica/ data; 0132 RS, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-coo/ed "W' (USA version)

August 2013 USA 91 /100

9 Appendix CompAir

Electric motor nominal power rating [hp] 180

Total curren! draw al load max. (460V) [A] 226

Electric motor
Nominal speed min./max. [rpm] 155013380
Nominal power of fan motor [hp] {"A"= 2 X 5.3 (IP54)};
{"W' = 1 X 2.5 (IP54)}
Nominal power of oil pump [hp]
oolant pump nominal rated power p]
ecommended cable cross section (380V + MCM 300 (Single Supply)
ecommended fuse size (time-delay) (460V) [A] 250
Cooling air volumetric flow rate [cfm] ("A" = 12325) ; ("W" = 3354)
Cooling air outlet temperature above ambient [oF] "A"=47
Residual pressure at ambient temperature "A"[Pa]

Interna! cooling fluid volume [gal] "A"= 8 ; "W" = 5.3

Externa! cooling water vol u me (@ll T=15K) [gal/min] 41 @llp=1
Externa! cooling water inlet temperature [oF] min. = 41 ; max.
al cooling water outlet temperature [oF] 134
Cooling water pressure [psig] 115
Cooling water connections 11/4-11 1/2 NPT
Total oil volume [gal] 6.4
Compressed air connectíon Flange 3" ANSI 816.5
Condensate drain 5x1/2NPT
Weight [lbs] "A"=7663; "W"=8104
Dimensions L x W xH 78.8
Chart 9-19: Technica/ data; 0132 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)

9.6.18 0160 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA version)

um operatíng pressure
m operatíng pressure [psig]

Chart 9-20: Technica/ data; 0160 RS, 60Hz, air-cooled "A" and water-cooled "W' (USA version)

92 1 100 USA August 2013
CompAir Appendix 9

Volume flow rate 1 Final pressure [psig] 373/116

Volume f!ow rate 1 Final pressure [psig] 367 1 145 8191145

Aftercooler outlet temperature above 18


Aftercooler outlet temperature above 16


Sound pressure level (per ISO 2151) at 77/79

load 1 100% load

Sound pressure level (per ISO 2151) at 74179

load 1 100% load

Electric motor nominal power rating [hp] 215

Total current draw at load max. (460V) [A] 258

IP55 , EISA 2007 (IE3)

rpm] 1687 13320

offan motor [hp] {"A"= 2 X 5.3 (IP54)};

{"W' = 1 X 2.5 (IP54)}
[hp] 0.9 (IP-54)

[hp] 1.5 (IP-54)

cable cross section (380V + MCM 400 (Single Supply)

fuse size (time-delay) (460V) [A] 300

[cfm] ("A" = 12325) ; ("W" =

[oF] "A"=52

"A"[Pa] 90150 [95 OF 1104 °F]

[gal] "A"= 8 ; "W" = 5.3

[gallmin] 45 @llp=19psi

cooling water inlet temperature [oF] min. = 41 ; max. =107

cooling water outlet temperature [oF] 134

water pressure [psig] 115

water connections 1 1/4 - 11 1/2 NPT

[gal] 6.4


Chart 9-20: Techníca/ data; 0160 RS, 60Hz, aír-coo!ed "A" and water-cooled "W" (USA versíon)

August 2013 USA 93/100

9 Appendix CompAir

Chart 9-20: Technical data; 0160 RS, 60Hz, air-coo/ed "A" and water-cooled "W'' (USA version)

9.7 lnstallation plan

. 141(A)

1 11
i 1¡

i Jt
-~11 ~-

;:_¡r,x 1
!.~\ o
f¿'-}- ..
-=r 1210(8) ~

105(E) f+ 92(E)


[A] Compressed air connection, 3" DIN flange [E] Opening for feed cables
[B] Cooling air inlet [F] Condensate drain, G %"
[C] Cooling air outlet [CG] Center of gravity
[D] Cooling air inlet (speed control) [Option]

94 f 100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

)\ \

'J '-~ e ',< •.

1'~ "1
1 i

45(A) . 1265(CG)
---'--'--; -- ---------¡
¡' . ---;::::¡-¡-

-------¡ :?51

51- ._ --- - - - +·------tii--~'-~L


! .,¡-j
1--T--~+-~--~ ~~


1 e

c-- ~-- ~ __]!)~~-- ----~


[A] Compressed air connection, 3" DIN flange [E] Opening for feed cables
[B] Cooling air inlet [F] Condensate drain, G Yz"
[C] Cooling air outlet [G] Cooling water connection
[O] Cooling air inlet (speed control) [Option] [CG] Center of gravity

August 2013 USA 95 /100

9 Appendix CompAir

~..- min. 1000 --..j

. . . ~----·-····· .---+-··-~T


96/100 USA August 2013

CompAir Appendix 9

. i
. 1
1 l
. 1
-r-· 1
i 1



[A] Compressed air connection, 3 NPT flange [E] Opening for feed cables
[8] Cooling air inlet [F] Condensate drain, female 1/2 NPT
[C] Cooling air outlet [CG] Center of gravity
[D] Cooling air inlet (speed control) [Option]

August 2013 USA 97 /100
9 Appendix CompAir


~~ 49.8(CG)
O' '
022 Lñ'!

---~ ._ N'
ro·' 1


: 1 i7.9(C)

L--~--- 102.3___________ .!

[A] Compressed air connection, 3 NPT flange [E] Opening for feed cables
[B] Cooling air inlet [F] Condensate drain, female 1/2 NPT
[C] Cooling air outlet [G] Cooling water connection
[O] Cooling air inlet (speed control) (Option] [CG] Center of gravity

98 /1 DO USA August 2013


¡----------------------------~-~----~ = =-= -=-= = - =-=- =-=-=-=A=p=pe=n~d=-ix=-=-~9


min. 39.4



'\ '-t¡} i ' ""oí


·:_l? i
. 1

August 2013 USA 99/100

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