Exam Rules and User Guide - FIDIC Contract Manager Certification - FCL - 2022 - 2

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FIDIC Certified Contract Manager

Examination Rules: Conduct and User Guide

Exam rules
1. You are required to comply with the Invigilators’ instructions throughout the duration of the exam session.
2. You are permitted to use your own notes.
3. You are permitted to leave your seat during the exam and take a break.  Your break time will be deducted
from the total exam duration (the clock will not stop when you take your breaks).
4. You are not permitted to obtain assistance by any improper means or ask for help from or give help to any
other person. 
5. You are not permitted to ask for any clarifications on the exam content. Answer all questions to the best of
your ability and perception of the questions’ intent, make reasonable assumptions if necessary, to answer all
6. You are not permitted to take screenshots or photos, record the screen, copy or share questions or answers
or otherwise attempt to take any of the content of this exam out of the exam for any purpose. 
7. You are not permitted to share any information, record or copy any or all parts of the questions or answers
with any other person.
8. You are not permitted to allow access to any second person during the exam’s duration, even when you are
taking a break.
9. The entirety or parts of your exam session may be recorded and post-reviewed.
10. Throughout the entire duration of the exam, you should remain logged into the Zoom session and keep your
camera and microphone on.
Misconduct action will be taken against you if you breach any of the FCL rules. FCL reserves the right to disqualify
you from this or future exams or to withdraw your certificate if violations are identified either by the invigilators
of this session or during the post-review of your recorded exam session within the next 6 months.

Authorized material
1. One PC or laptop that you will use to access the online exam. It must include a camera and a microphone
which are in good working condition.
2. Any of the recommended reading material (e-copy or hard copy) that has been shared with you, namely:
a. FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction – Red Book (1999 and 2017 edition)
b. FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant & Design-Build – Yellow Book (1999 and 2017 edition)
c. FIDIC Conditions of Contract for EPC Turnkey Projects – Silver Book (1999 and 2017 edition)
d. FIDIC Golden Principles (2019)
3. Any personal notes

Unauthorized material
1. Mobile phones
2. Smart watches and bands
3. Additional monitors
4. Additional PCs/laptops/tablets/second screens
5. Earphones/headphones

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Candidate declaration
In attempting this exam, I accept that:

• I agree to be bound by FCL’s rules, codes of conduct, and other policies relating to examinations.
• I agree that my entire session will be recorded for FCL post review and auditing purposes.
• I have read and understood the examination rules for this exam.
• I am not in possession of, nor do I have access to, nor will I use any unauthorised material during this
• I have carefully read and understood the instructions and Exam Rules for this exam.
• I have carefully read and understood the User Guide of the exam.

In attempting this examination and submitting your answers, candidates are undertaking that the work they submit is
a result of their own unaided efforts and that they have not discussed the questions or possible answers with other
persons during the examination period. Candidates who are found to have participated in any form of cooperation,
collusion or any activity which could amount to misconduct in answering any questions in this examination will have
their marks withdrawn and disciplinary action will be initiated.

Before you start the exam

1. Set up your equipment in a quiet space with no interruptions. Remember that this is a 250-minutes exam and
during that time, no other person should enter this space.
2. Save this file on your desktop, so you can easily access it for any troubleshooting issues.
3. Make sure you only have the authorized exam materials near you.
4. Switch off your phone, tablet, and other electronic equipment.
5. Plug in your equipment if you are using a laptop. Do not rely on your laptop’s battery.
6. Make sure you have disabled all scheduled updates of your system, that could cause your system to restart
during the exam session.
7. Make sure you have disabled all “hibernate” and “sleeping” functions of your equipment, so that it does not
hibernate while you are taking a break.
8. Make sure you have closed all programmes running in your PC/laptop.
9. Make sure you have closed all instant messaging applications (i.e., Teams, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger,
Skype etc.).
10. Have some refreshments near you. Although you will be allowed to take breaks, the time of the breaks will be
deducted from the duration of your exam session.
11. You should allow adequate time to complete this exam in one sitting. Once you start your exam, you will have
250 minutes to answer all the questions.
12. Have your ID card or any other proof of identification available to show during the ID verification procedure.
13. Use the Zoom link provided to you to join the session to begin the exam.

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Examination environment rules and instructions

1. Once you join the Zoom session, an approved FCL invigilator will welcome you.
2. You will be then assigned in your own zoom breakout room; the invigilator will perform your ID
verification and ask you to use your camera for a 360-degree review of your room.
3. Once you pass the ID Verification procedure, the FCL invigilator will provide you with the exam link to
start your exam.
4. Use the exam link provided by the FCL invigilator. You will be automatically redirected to the
examination start page.

5. Press the “Start your exam” button at the top of your screen to start your exam.

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6. You will need to fill in the required credentials (your email address and personalized access code) that
an FCL invigilator will have provided you with. Then click the “Start your exam” button.

7. Before you start the exam, the invigilator will ask you to share your entire screen. Use the Zoom
application buttons to do so, by clicking the Share Screen button at the bottom of the Zoom

Then, in the pop-up window, select the option to share your entire screen and then click the “Share”

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8. You will then need to agree with the terms of the exam, by ticking the appropriate box. Then you can
press the “Start your exam” button.

9. Your exam starts when you will see the first question. You will have 250 minutes to complete your
exam and the time will start counting down once the first question appears on your screen.

10. Your exam consists of 82 questions. The first 80 questions are multiple-choice questions and the 2
last questions are essay questions. You will first be asked to answer the multiple-choice questions
and then the 2 essay questions.
11. When you answer the multiple-choice question number 80, the first essay question will appear
(number 81) on your screen. When you answer your first essay question (number 81), your second
essay question will appear (number 82) on your screen.
12. It is suggested to use 2 minutes for every multiple-choice question and 30 minutes per essay question,
but it is completely up to you to decide how you want to spend your available time to complete all 82
13. You can adjust the zoom percentage of your screen (press the ctrl button on your keyboard and
moving your mouse roller upwards - or any similar function which your equipment supports) so that
you can view the question and possible answers at your best convenience. You can re-adjust the zoom
percentage of your screen at any time during the exam.

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14. A timer bar is visible at the top right of your screen. Mouse over the timer to see the exact time
remaining for your exam session.

15. Carefully read the question and select the answer that you believe is correct to the best of your
knowledge. To assist you, you can use the recommended reading materials.
16. You will not be allowed to review and change any of your answers or skip any questions. Once you
submit your answer(s) and the system takes you to the next question, the answer(s) of your previous
question are automatically uploaded to our system.
17. Each question may have 2 to 6 possible answers. Select the one(s) which you believe to be correct by
clicking the appropriate button. To proceed to the next question, press the “Submit answer” button.
You must select an answer in order to proceed to the next question. If your answer is correct, you will
get 1 point. No negative scoring will be applied if you select an incorrect answer. Your score will not
be shown after you complete each question.

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18. If a question has more than one correct answer, this will be depicted at the end of the question (i.e.,
“2 correct answers”). Select the answers that you believe are correct. You need to select at least one
answer and press the “Submit answer” button in order to proceed to the next question. You will get
1 point for every correct answer which you select for this type of questions.

Make sure you only select the answers that you are confident are correct, because a guessing penalty
will be automatically applied to these types of questions (1 point for every incorrect answer selected).
In case you only select the incorrect answer(s), your total points for this multiple correct answer
question will be zero (0) and no negative scoring will be applied to your total point count from the
previous questions. Your score will not be shown after you complete each question.

19. If you cannot see the “Submit answer” button, you can scroll down the page or adjust the zoom
percentage of your screen (press the ctrl button on your keyboard and use the roller on your mouse
or any similar function that your equipment supports).

20. When you answer the Multiple-choice Question number 80, the first Essay Question will appear
(number 81).

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21. You will see the description of the first Essay Question you are required to answer.

22. At the bottom of the webpage, you will see a box field where you can type your answer. For your
convenience, you are allowed to use Microsoft Word or any similar word processing application to
type your answer first on your computer/laptop and once finished, copy your answer, and paste it
into the box field. Once you finish with your first Essay Question, press the “Submit answer” button.

23. Always make sure to check your remaining available time.

24. Make sure you submit your first Essay Question BEFORE your remaining time expires! If you do not
press the “Submit answer” button on time, your answer will not be uploaded to the system, you will
receive a zero (0) grade for this Essay Question and will not have the opportunity to see and answer
your second Essay Questions, resulting in receiving a zero (0) grade for the second Essay Question
25. If you submitted your answer for the first Essay Question on time, you will see your second Essay
Question (number 82). Repeat the above steps to submit your answer for the second Essay Question.
26. Make sure you submit your answer for the second Essay Question BEFORE your remaining time
expires! If you do not press the “Submit answer” button on time, your answer will not be uploaded
to the system and you will receive a zero (0) grade for the second Essay Question.

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27. Once you answer the second Essay Question, the system will automatically upload your entire exam

28. Type in the Zoom Chat “Exam finished”. Save your Zoom chat history and send it via email to
[email protected].
29. You can now close your browser and leave the Zoom session.
30. You will be notified for your results within a few weeks.

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Important Examination Information

1. Once you start your exam, DO NOT close your web browser, or turn off your PC/laptop, or leave the
Zoom meeting.
2. If you decide to take a break, type in the chat box; “Break start”. Take your break and when you return
type in the chat box “Break end”. While you are taking your break, DO NOT close your web browser,
or turn off your PC/laptop, or leave the Zoom meeting. Time spent on breaks will be deducted from
your total exam duration.
3. You can only attempt this exam once. Any additional attempts will only be possible in the event where
a serious technical issue has occurred. Evidence supporting this will be required, at a time and/or date
that FCL Secretariat is available.
4. If you experience any technical problems that causes your equipment to disconnect or restart, do not
panic. Use the Zoom invite that you used to join the exam session and an FCL invigilator will guide you
to the rest of the process in order to continue your exam session from the last question you answered.
5. If you experience any kind of difficulties during the exam session, press the “Ask for help button” and
an FCL invigilator will assist you as soon as possible.

6. The time spent while trying to reconnect or resolve any technical issues will be deducted from your
total available exam time.

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