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Department of Management Studies

A Project Report

D. Abhishek Pranay Kumar (13)

B. Praneetha (10)
Y. Sai Venkata Rami Reddy (51)
Ashwini. J (05)
D. Sai Manoj Reddy (14)
M. Niheeth (25)
A. Manasvini (07)

Submitted to:

Dr. Swathi Mathur



Recruitment means announcing job opportunities to the public and stimulating them in such a
way so that a good number of suitable people will apply for them. Recruitment is the process
of discovering the potential for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. It is a process
of accumulation of human resources for the vacant positions of the organization. Recruitment
refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an
organization or firm.

Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize

employee strength to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. In short,
Recruitment and Selection is the process of sourcing, screening, shortlisting and selecting the
right candidates for filling the required vacant positions.

The recruitment and selection process is concerned with identifying, attracting and choosing
suitable people to meet an organization’s human resource requirements. They are integrated
activities, and 'where recruitment stops and selection begins is a moot point'. It is the most
important process in any industry. Selection of candidates done during this process, further
strengthen as a team and are the main pillars for the company.

Selecting the right candidate for the profile is the key to the recruitment process. During the
interview, one comes across various types of candidates having varied educational
qualifications, professional experiences, expertise in a particular field, exposure to work in
different environments, emotional capabilities, problem-solving capabilities, leadership or
team leading skills, decision making under difficult times.

These all are required to run a company, you might have a person who can complete the
assigned work or project to him, but if the mentioned characteristics are there he/she would
be able to complete the work but along-with it may be able to teach its fellow members or
find a new way to complete things or maybe do it in an economical way. You may not know
what surprises you might get which might result is profit-making for the company. It could be
increasing production with the same number of man-power and machinery but utilizing it to
the maximum, or better planning that reduces the time consumed during a process. Same
ways a wrong selection can create a bad workplace environment or lead a bunch of people in
wrongdoings of other loss-making activities.
The main objective is to hire the best person out of the pool of applicants for the position to
fill the position. A major secondary consideration is to minimize the cost of doing so. This is
why recruitment typically endeavors to target and bring in highly qualified candidates, while
the selection is typically biased to minimize time wasted on unsuitable candidates.

To find suitable candidates that meet the job requirements or to filter out unsuitable
candidates early on. This is why many jobs have skill tests or aptitude tests. They can be
designed to either assess the skill of the candidate and their potential job performance or to
filter out unsuitable candidates and narrow down the selection, depending on how the test is
constructed and administered.

Recruitment decisions should not be based on the results of one selection method alone. Very
often you need to combine two or more techniques to assess a range of skills, knowledge, and
qualities in candidates. For example, work samples are an excellent way to assess what a
candidate is capable of, but they do not provide information on what the candidate does daily.

India is facing a lot of unemployment problems, as there is no proper recruitment and

selection process, although people possess good skills and knowledge they are unable to
secure their jobs due to inadequate and inefficient recruitment process.

As per the report given by world bank, India's Unemployment Rate increased to 5.36 % in
Dec 2019, from the previously reported number of 5.33 % in Dec 2018. India's
Unemployment Rate is updated yearly, available from Dec 1991 to Dec 2019, with an
average rate of 5.63 %. The data reached an all-time high of 5.72 % in Dec 2003 and a record
low of 5.28 % in Dec 2008.

Due to this most of the eligible candidates are choosing low cadder jobs like attenders, clerks,
and accountants, etc.

The main objective of the recruitment process is when a vacancy comes up the employer
needs to get the most suitable candidate available for the job. The objective, of the selection
process, is to get the best applicant available who meets all the selection criteria. An
advertisement is placed and applications received are screened and the top best candidates’
applications are chosen through an initial screening for an interview.

The candidates are called for an interview and they are objectively interviewed by a
committee. A list of all successful candidates is prepared according to the ratings achieved by
the candidates. The candidates from the top are chosen as per their ranks in the list prepared
and used to send appointment offers.

The objectives of the recruitment provide a framework for the implementation of the
recruitment program. It may involve the organization system to be developed for
implementing recruitment programs and procedures to be employed.

The following are the main objectives of the recruitment policy:

➢ To find and employ the best-qualified person for each job.

➢ To minimize the cost of recruitment.

➢ To offer promising careers and security.

➢ To provide facilities for growth and development.

➢ To retain the best and most promising ones.

➢ To reduce the scope of favouritism and malpractice.

The following are the organization objectives:

• To identify the requirement for the specific type of job,

• To identify the preferred source of recruitment,

• To identify the effective selection Criteria and preferences, and

• To identify cost and financial implications of recruitment


The scope of Recruitment and Selection is very wide and it consists of a variety of
operations. Hence, hiring the right resources is the most important aspect of Recruitment.
Every company has its pattern of recruitment as per their recruitment policies and procedures.

The scope of Recruitment and Selection includes the following operations:

• Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources

• Preparing the Recruitment policy for different categories of employees

• Analysing the recruitment policies, processes, and procedures of the organization

• Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of improvement

• Streamlining the hiring process with suitable recommendations

• Choosing the best suitable process of recruitment for effective hiring of resources

• To suggest any measures or recommendations for the improvement of requirement


• It extends to the whole organization. It covers corporate office, sites and works
appointments all over India

• It covers engineers, officers, clerks, and labour.

Any organization wants its future to be in good and safe hands. Hence, hiring the right
resource is a very important task for any organization.

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation is a CPSE, and a Forbes 2000 company. It had originally
been incorporated as a company under the Indian Companies Act 1913. The headquarters of
HPCL is located at Mumbai.

It is listed on the Bombay Stock exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE), HPCL
has the second-largest share of product pipelines in India with a pipeline network of more
than 3370 km for transportation of petroleum products and a vast marketing network
consisting of 14 Zonal offices in major cities and 128 Regional Offices facilitated by a
Supply & Distribution infrastructure comprising Terminals, Pipeline networks, Aviation
Service Stations, LPG Bottling Plants, Inland Relay Depots & Retail Outlets, Lube and LPG

Consistent excellent performance has been made possible by a highly motivated workforce of
over 10,500 employees working all over India at its various refining and marketing locations.

HPCL is committed to achieve the economic, ecological & social responsibility objectives of
sustainable development consistently through varied operations and activities. HPCL’s focus
areas are in the fields of Child Care, Education, Health Care, Skill Development &
Community Development, touching the lives of the weaker section of society.

Values of HPCL:

Building an ‘Enabling Culture’ is the key to realize our vision and fulfil our mission. Our
cultural motto ‘HP FIRST’ instils pre-eminence of HPCL’s vision and mission above all else
and guides in all our professional endeavours and engagements. ‘HP FIRST’ also crystallizes
our corporate values as an acronym where ‘F’ stands for Free, Frank and Fair, ‘I’ stands for
Integrity, ‘R’ for Respect for Individual, ‘S’ for Sustainable Performance and ‘T’ for Team

Our corporate values define who we are as well as who we will continue to be. Nothing less
will do. Considering that our vision is also an expression of our commitment to you. Our
customers, our stakeholders, our associate, our employee, and our well-wisher. After all, you
make us complete.
Vision Statement:

To be a World-Class Energy Company known for caring and delighting the customers with
high-quality products and innovative services across domestic and international markets with
aggressive growth and delivering superior financial performance.

The Company will be a model of excellence in meeting social commitment, environment,

health and safety norms and in employee welfare and relations.

Mission Statement:

"HPCL, along with its joint ventures, will be a fully integrated company in the hydrocarbons
sector of exploration and production, refining and marketing; focusing on enhancement of
productivity, quality, and profitability; caring for customers and employees; caring for
environment protection and cultural heritage.

It will also attain scale dimensions by diversifying into other energy-related fields and by
taking up transnational operations."

For millions of Indians, we are transforming the nation’s landscape with our energy solutions
across a spectrum of needs, every day. With our myriad solutions for myriad needs. With a
wide compass of offerings that touch your life. A world bursting with diverse solutions to
cater to your energy needs, every day.

A world steered by innovative technology to create value for you, in every way. Where we
consider it our duty to keep your kitchen stoves alight with clean and safe gas, all through the
day. Where we take the lead to extend personalized vehicle & customer care through our
retail outlets, round the clock. Where we provide the necessary thrust for your dreams to take
flight, quite literally! From the food you eat to the clothes you wear, from the cosmetics you
adorn to the CDs you love to listen to, there is a touch of HP in every facet of your life. We
are helping the nation move ahead by addressing its energy needs with our portfolio of
Power-packed & Turbocharged solutions. Ours is a world where we believe in erasing the
boundaries and welcoming everyone with open arms to be a part of our family – from
differently-abled children to the elderly away from home, from girls deprived of education to
youth who yearn for an opportunity for skill-building. We always consider it a privilege to
reach out to the communities that surround us and lend a helping hand in their development.

In our world, we walk hand in hand with nature and live the mantra of delivering happiness,
safety, and sustainable growth, night and day

Selection Process for engineers:

The company conducts a recruitment process every year to select new candidates. It also
selects candidates through the GATE exam. The selection process of the company consists of
3 rounds.

These rounds are as follows:

• Written Exam/GATE
• Group Discussion
• HR cum Technical Interview

Academic Criteria:

• 60 percent or above in B. Tech, Class X and XII.

• A gap of up to one year is allowed.

Pattern of Written Exam:

The HPCL written test pattern is categories as following:

Testing Areas No. of questions

Aptitude 10
Technical 55
Total 65

The total time allotted to the written exam is 180 minutes. There is 1/3rd negative marking.
Although, there is no negative marking in the case of Numerical Ability Question. The
aptitude section consists of questions based on data interpretation, graphs, blood relations,
statement reasoning, etc. Also, there are questions from basic mathematics like time, speed &
distance, algebra, arithmetic, probability, geometry, permutation & combination, etc. Further,
there are questions from the English language like grammar usage, fill in the blanks, etc.
The technical section consists of questions from the subjects of their academics. Overall, the
level of the paper is moderate to difficult. Only those candidates who clear the written exam
will qualify for the next round.


Minimum qualifying marks in Domain section: 50% for all categories • Minimum
qualifying Overall Marks (i.e. Domain + Aptitude) Marks: 60% for UR & 54%
(SC/ST/PWD/OBCNC) • Written Test scores are included in drawing Final Merit List


Minimum Qualifying Marks to be obtained (40% for UR, 33.33% for



Minimum Qualifying Marks to be obtained. 40% for UR; 33.33% for



Minimum qualifying Marks (60% for UR, 54% for SC/ ST/ OBCNC/ PWD) in
combined scores of Written Test + Work Experience + Group Task+ Personal


The selection process may comprise various shortlisting tools like written test, interview,
group task, the moot court (only for law officers), etc. Candidates fulfilling all the eligibility
criteria will be called for appearing in Written Test i.e. objective type with no negative
marking, comprising of two parts, I. General Aptitude consisting of Intellectual Potential test,
testing Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation, Quantitative Aptitude test & test of English
Language, II. Technical / Professional Knowledge comprising of questions related to
Qualifying degree / Educational background required for the position applied for.
Candidates qualifying in the Written Test will be called for Group Task (based on scrutiny of
the application and/or resume as submitted in the online application) in order of the category-
wise and discipline-wise merit list of the Written Test in a predetermined ratio. Only
candidates who qualify in the Group Task will proceed for the Personal Interview.

Candidates must secure minimum qualifying marks in each stage, Written Test, Group Task
and Personal Interview and also secure minimum qualifying marks w.r.t. combined scores of
Written Test + Group Task +Moot Court (only for law officers) +Personal Interviews to be
further considered for the selection process. A category & discipline-wise merit list will be
drawn for all the candidates who qualify in Written Test + Group Task +Moot Court (only for
law officers) +Personal Interviews +Work Experience & offer of appointment would be as
per the vacancy’s available category & discipline-wise.

Candidates belonging to SC /ST / OBC-NC & Pd.D. would be assessed under relaxed
standards during personal interviews. The selected officers will be on Probation for 1 year
from the date of Joining

Upon completion of the Probation period, the officers recruited in Salary Grade “A” will be
considered for confirmation subject to satisfactory performance during the Probation period,
qualifying in Technical Competency test, submission of Project Report up to qualifying
standards, required attendance, etc. The confirmation in the service would also be subject to
verification of antecedents, verification of caste status/certificate, experience certificates, etc.
Wherever applicable


Candidates fulfilling all eligibility criteria based on scrutiny of the application and resume
submitted in the online application, will be considered for the further selection process.
Depending on a number of candidates fulfilling all criteria, candidates will undergo a single
stage or multiple stage interview. In the event of a number of applications being large, the
Corporation will adopt shortlisting criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for
the interview. The shortlisting criteria will be based on any or all of the criteria i.e. Higher
relevant experience, higher qualification, number of patents (wherever applicable)/
publications in high impact journals, etc. Candidates are advised to upload their resume
• Education details such as educational qualifications from 10thstandard onwards, year
of passing, aggregate marks, Institute, etc
• detailed work experience
• list of patents filed and granted separately
• list of publications in journals with impact factor
• list of books/ book chapters
• list of papers presented in national/international conference
• overall citations and ‘h’ index wherever applicable.

Selection Process: The selection would comprise of a single-stage or multistage interview. A

category wise merit list of scores (Minimum qualifying Marks (60 % for UR& EWS, 54% of
OBCNC/SC/ST/Pd.D.) in scores of all Interviews) will be drawn for all the candidates who
qualify in all the selection parameters’-EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL EXAM Qualifying
candidates seeking employment with Hindustan Petroleum need to be medically fit as per
Hindustan Petroleum’s pre-employment medical standards. Reference for a medical
examination does not mean final

The offer of appointment would be extended subject to being declared as Medically Fit by
HPCL designated Physician and fulfilment of eligibility criteria w.r.t Academic
Qualification, Age, Work Experience, NOC, relieving letter from the previous employer, etc.
as may be applicable

Upon completion of the Probation period, the officers will be considered for confirmation
subject to satisfactory performance during the Probation period, complying with attendance
requirements, verification of antecedents, verification of caste status/certificate, experience
certificates, etc. wherever applicable. Retention Amount (Applicable to All Positions in S/G
“A”): An amount of Rs. 5000/-per month will be deducted as retention amount from the total
emoluments for the first six months during the probation period (as the case may be). The
amount will be refunded to the officers only after their confirmation in salary grade ‘A’.

Format of the Computer Based Exam will be as follows:

The test paper shall have subjective and/or objective questions with no negative marking.
Candidates have to choose one city as a test centre. No change in the test centre will be
allowed later. However, HPCL management reserves the right to change any of the test
centres at its discretion and also add or reduce the number of test cities/centres.


Appointment to the above posts will be subject to the candidate being medically fit as per the
standards prescribed for the post by the Company. Shortlisted candidates shall be required to
get their Pre-Employment Medical Examination done in HPCL nominated impanelled
hospitals. Reference for a medical examination does not mean final selection.


• HPCL is using probation period, but employees don’t feel employee safety they will
have an indirect effect on their motivation and production
• As of our observation the job intakes in HPCL are presently low
• As it is a public sector company, people will be ready to work on the cost of job
• The pre-employment medical exam conducted by HPCL is quite tough
• Hiring of Contract employees is very low in HPCL
• Though there are many branches all over India the employees working in the
company are quite low
• The average age of Employees working in HPCL is above 35 Years


• Instead of giving one job with high salary, they should give chance to more people
and decrease salary so that production can be increased

• HPCL should concentrate on increasing the job opportunities

• Youth are not willing to do government jobs; we should encourage them by
mentioning the facilities provided by government organisations
• Probation period used by HPCL is quite long for employees and doesn’t not provide
job security
• recruitment of contract employees needs to be increased in corporation so that the
permanent employees work gets simplified
• Few medical issues like Blood pressure, Sugar and thyroid should be excused in
medical test conducted by corporation as a part of recruitment and selection
• In HPCL the recognition and encouragement of young talent is low, and that should
be considered

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