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Orientation / Nursing Core Values as a Community Health Nurse. Filipino Culture, values and practices
in relation to Health Care of Individual and Family. Global and National Health Situations

1. D All of these are cultural attitude that still exist the “bahala” system
2. A When interacting with a patient who speaks a foreign language, having an interpreter is
the best practice to have better communication.
3. C Illness for Chinese people may be attributed to prolonged sitting or lying or to
4. D Seventh-day Adventist are prohibited for consumption of pork, shellfish, alcohol, coffee
and tea.
5. B It is important to have communication between patient to provide care thus interpreter
is needed
6. D Lifestyle is an important factor of health. Many people are following unhealthy lifestyle.
Hence it results more illness and disability. Early action to this can improve mental and
physical health status
7. D A census is the complete enumeration of a population or groups
8. B All of these are sign of cancer that must be disseminate for early prevention
9. A Around 45% of deaths among children under 5 years of age are linked to malnutrition
10. C Department of health provision the quality of health care and regulation of providers of
health goods and services.

Three things you learned:

1. The role and responsibilities of community health nurse

2. The core values of a community health nurse
3. Filipino’s beliefs and behaviors in terms of health care

Two things that you’d like to learn more about:

1. Health response to rural areas

2. Health beliefs and behaviors in rural areas

One question you still have:


Standards of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines and the Evolution of Public Health in the

What is the most important role of a community health nurse?

Community health nursing is to promote, protect and preserve the health of the public. This is
to educate community about managing chronic conditions and making healthy choices and evaluate a
community’s delivery of patient care and wellness.

1. ABD Option A, B, and D are true about PHN
2. D All of these and PHN’s responsibility to in providing care
3. A In selecting appropriate activities, focus on primary prevention. Emphasis is given on
strategies to promote optimal health and prevent disease and disability
4. B People are well-knit and having high degree of group feeling does not describe an urban
5. B According to DOH, UHC provision to every Filipino of the highest possible quality of
health care that is accessible, efficient, equitably distributed, adequately funded, fairly
financed, and appropriately used by an informed and empowered public
6. C The Fajardo Act (Act No. 2156) established Sanitary Divisions in 1912.
7. D In 1923, the government established a nursing school primarily intended to train on-
Christian women and prepare them to render service among their people namely the
Zamboanga General Hospital School of Nursing in Mindanao and Baguio General Hospital
in Northern Luzon.
8. A In 1930, the Section of Public health Nursing was converted into Section of Nursing due
to pressing need for guidance not
only in public nursing services but also in hospital nursing and nursing education.
9. B In 1953, the Office of Health Education and Personnel Training were established with Dr.
Trinidad Gomez as Chief
10. B In 1927, the office of District Nursing under the Office of General Inspection, Philippine
Health Services was abolished and supplanted by the section of Public Health Nursing

1. What was the most useful or the most meaningful thing you have learned this session?

Standards of care and professional performance as a public health nurse are important because
they recognize the trusted role that a nurse play. These standards are considered the baseline for quality
care. They must be developed while assessing the state and federal rules, regulations and laws that
govern the practice of nursing.

2. What question(s) do you have as we end this session?


Theoretical Foundation of Community Health Nursing

Discuss the duties of the nurse as mandated in section 28 of R.A No. 9173.

a. Nursing services wither singly or collaboratively to individuals, families and communities in any
health care setting.
b. Nursing care whether singly or collaboratively, during conception, labor, delivery, infancy,
childhood, pre-school, school age, adolescence, adulthood and old age.
c. Nursing action as independent practitioner for promotion of health and prevention of illness
d. Collaborative work with other health-care professionals for curative, preventive and
rehabilitative aspects of care, restoration of health, alleviation of suffering and when recovery is
not possible, towards peaceful death

1. D Theories are defined as concepts or propositions that project a systematic view of
2. A The focus is on the interactions and on the relationships between parts in order to
understand an entity's organization, functioning and outcomes.
3. C Economic position has an impact on a person's willingness to comply with treatment in
order to maintain or improve their health.
4. BC The nurse is better able to comprehend and anticipate how a client will comply with
health care therapy by concentrating on the client's perceptions of health.
5. AE Individuals and groups become more aware of and knowledgeable about healthy habits
as a result of this program.
6. A Promotion of general health and specific protection against diseases or accidents
affecting a specific population. This intervention occurs before the onset of disease or
dysfunction, and it is used on people who are typically healthy.
7. AB Health-promoting behaviors should result in improved health, enhanced functional
ability, and better quality of life at all development stages.
8. A The preparation stage means that a person has moved forward to planning and
preparing for carrying out changes
9. B It evaluates quality of person and population-based health services
10. C Conducting an infant car seat safety check is an example of primary goal of public health

In today’s session, what was least clear to you?


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