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PROGRAMME: Bachelor in Engineering Technology: Electrical




INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 2
ENERGY OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 2
ENERGY AUDIT ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Major management principles. ............................................................................................................... 3
Planning .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Organizing ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Leading .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Staffing .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Controlling............................................................................................................................................... 6
All major aspects of individual work are substantively carried out effectively, strategically and on
time. ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
All major individual contributions made to team activities substantively support the output of the
team ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 8
Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 8
Steps for conducting the detailed audit ......................................................................................... 9
Facility Description ............................................................................................................................... 9
Product or service and materials flow: .......................................................................................... 9
Size, construction, facility layout, and hours of operation .......................................................... 9
Equipment list, with specifications ................................................................................................. 9
Energy Bill Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 10
Utility rates and structures ............................................................................................................ 10
Tables and graphs of energy consumptions and costs ............................................................ 11
Discussion of energy costs and energy bills .............................................................................. 11
Energy Management Opportunities................................................................................................. 11
Cost and Saving Analyses ................................................................................................................ 12
Economic evaluation...................................................................................................................... 13
Energy Action Plan............................................................................................................................. 13
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 14
All major team leader functions are substantively demonstrated ....................................................... 16
Effective communication is substantively carried out in the context of individual and teamwork. .... 17
Apendix ................................................................................................................................................. 22

The source of energy or energy supply is the most important part of human
development on earth. Different countries are faced with the demand in energy supply
due to different factors such as an increase in population, infrastructural development,
a change in human beings living standards but the most important one being the
economic developments (i.e. the world economic developments are mostly dependent
on the energy supply meeting the energy demands). (ENERGYPEDIA, n.d.).There are
different measures that can be taken in order to meet energy demands for an example
South Africa is faced with the challenge of being unable to meet the energy demands
hence there’s load schedules in different parts of the country every week. There are
measures that can be taken mitigate this challenge such as an energy audit

An energy audit its an analysis of an energy flow or the use of energy in a building or
facility it can be industrial, residential etc. The objective of this would be to have a full
understanding of how the energy is used being able to account for energy used as it
would be indicated in the bill and also to ensure efficiency of energy using. The goal
of performing an energy audit is to find ways or look at the opportunities to reduce the
amount of energy used in the facility or building without necessarily improvising the
quality of life or health.

The energy audit aims helps assess different appliances/load and then quantity the
amount of energy used as per the function of the appliance or equipment this is relative
to the monthly bill of the energy used in the building or facility. One of the important
aspects when performing an energy audit is how to reduce the energy
usage/consumption but still maintaining the comfortability of people in the
building/facility, human health, safety, this becomes an important first point of enquiry
when people are suggested for an energy audit. In most instances an energy audit
looks into prioritizing the use of the energy usage according to high-cost savings and
high energy saving to the least energy savings and costs savings (EEE, 2014).

It is important to continuously make analysis, this will help in making a comparison at

different times so to pick up/spot the trends and be able to spot opportunities to save
energy and cut down costs. The results will change every time when performing an
performing an energy auding dure the change in tariffs in the region and the energy
demands in the building or facility.

Major management principles.

The energy audit involves a series of steps to be followed and carried as a guide to
effectively perform the energy audit. Working as a group the major principles of
management were used to follow the steps of energy audit.

The major management principles which were used as a guide in doing the energy
audit process (Davis, 2021):

Planning in management requires the team have a look at the scope of work
this mean the team needs to set goals to be achieved. Then outline the action
plan to be able to achieve those goals this includes listing the resources
required to achieve those goals and also effective strategies which are required
to effectively achieve all the goals set by the team.

The group adopted the steps of energy audit as part of the action plan to follow
through, below is the list process of the energy audit followed by the group:
• Initial meeting
The group meet and agreed on the building or facility to be audited. The
group reached on the decision of the facility based on the amount of
data available. The energy audit took place in once of the group
members apartment therefore there was no formal meeting required
hence all group members knew what was expected.
• Site inspection
The group had to choose from list of their own different apartments
based on the possibilities of energy audit. Then based on that, the group
whose apartment has been chosen will the give more inspection details
based on what needs to done for the audit to take place.

• Tools for the audit

Digital instruments were handed to the group by the lecturer.
• Data collection
The collection of the history data this was essential for the group
because it helped in properly understanding and assessing the energy
consumption in of the apartment. This data was sourced out from the
energy bills, meter readings for comprehensive for energy consumption
• Survey and measurements.
The measurements or field survey measurements are essential after the
data has been analyzed. This has a potential of improving the energy
efficiency in the apartment this looks into the windows the apartments
have. The amount of lighting required in all rooms in the apartment.
• Safety consideration
The group received a brief from the lecture on how to us the digital
meters given and on what is expected from the team.
• The audit reports
The group divided the energy report format into different parts and
shared the responsibilities amongst the group members.

Organising it is when management develops a strategy or a structure and
allocating together all the resources needed accomplish the goals set by the
management this ensures that all goals are meet. The agreed-on structure must
be documented and a form of a chart or formal document and distributed to all
parties involved this will act as a guide to everyone who is part of the team. This
also must include a chain of command or hierarchy structure for ease of
communication within the team internal or external correspondence.

The principle of organization involves the following characteristics:

• Division of lab our
• Co-ordination
• Accomplishment of goals or objectives
• Authority responsibility structure
Application of organizing principle in the group project:

• Division of labour
After the discission in a group and understanding of what is expected as
per the group project there was a agreed shard of responsibilities.
• Co-ordinaiton
After a shared of responsibilities, a series of activities were caried out
towards the attainment of the goal set by the group.
• Accomplishment of goals or objectives.
A spreadsheet was created to monitor and evaluate the progress of the
group to ensure that the agreed goals are achieved
• Authority responsibility structure
The group members acted as decision makers in a team therefore all the
decisions made was a collective decision in a group.

Leading in management principle involve an informal source of influence that a
manager may use to encourage colleagues or team members in taking action
to meet a certain objective or organizational goals. In common scenarios a
manager understands the follow colleges better to understand what strategies
to apply to be able to effectively have a greater encourage, motivate etc.

Characteristics of leading principle in management:

• Leadership
• Decision making
• Communication
• Influencer
• Motivation
• Encourage
• Effective communication skills etc.

The application of leading in the project:

• Each group member demonstrated a management leading principle at
different instances of the energy audit project. Instances such as
carrying out different responsibilities, during brainstorming meetings.

It’s when a company needs new or extra human resource which requires a
company to hire new employees it permanent or temporarily employees.

Application to the energy audit project:

• This principle was not applied to this project hence there was no extra
help that was required to achieve the goal of the project.

The control principle the last of the major principle of management which is
used by management to ensure that the organization meats it goals, and
objectives set during the planning phase. This principle compares the actual
outcome with the anticipated outcomes to assist the organization if it has met
its meet its goals however if the goals are not meet or the organization
backtracks from its mandate then strategic plans need to take place to help the
organization to be in line with intended goals.

The application of controlling in a group project:

• The group used the given rubric and the project description to ensure
that goals are meet and there are no deviations.
All major aspects of individual work are substantively carried out
effectively, strategically and on time.

The figure below shows the Gantt chart that the group used to perform the major
aspects of the individual work, this was effectively followed as a guide by the team
completed the tasks on time to due date of the report can be meet.

Figure 1:Gantt Chart

All major individual contributions made to team activities substantively
support the output of the team

Below its all the different parts contributions made by the team members put together.

Executive Summary
Over a 10-day period, the residential home on 6 Dolf van Niekerk Street, Langenhoven
park, Bloemfontein, used a total of 82.69kWh of electricity that cost R224.09. It is
estimated that in a normal month this will increase to 248.07kWh that cost R672.27
This equates to a total carbon emission of around 248 070kg per year.

The reduction of energy usage in residential homes are not only beneficial to yourself
but to the nation as well as the demand for energy will drop. Two of the largest energy
usages in residential homes are geysers and refrigerating units. Reducing the usage
of the largest power consumers in your home will already show a reduction in your

Some areas for energy savings in homes:

• Air leaks and Insulation.

• Heating and Cooling of open spaces in your house.
• Water heating methods.
• Ventilation.
• Lighting.
• Appliances and home Electronics.
• Renewable Energy.

This Energy Audit report was conducted on 31 October 2021. The energy audit report
is to calculate all the energy usage of a small apartment. An energy audit consists of
all relevant information such as the size of the apartment, power output measurement
of appliances, historical data and electricity tariffs.
Steps for conducting the detailed audit
Do a walk-through observation of the apartment. It includes familiarising with all the
appliances and then calculating the energy consumption of electrical devices within
the apartment.

Review and analyse energy usage history to create a baseline for measuring savings.

Calculate, identify and determine what steps can be taken to reduce energy
consumption inside the apartment. It includes researching different appliances that are
energy savers and reducing the on-time of appliances.

Apply an energy meter that will give accurate energy consumption results and
compare it with the electricity bill.

Facility Description
Product or service and materials flow:
Residential 3-bedroom apartment.

Size, construction, facility layout, and hours of operation

Room Dimensions (𝑚) Area (𝑚2 )
Bedroom 1: 3.4 x 5.2 22.88
Bedroom 2: 3.2 x 3.5 11.2
Kitchen: 2.5 x 3 7.5
Bathroom: 2.1 x 3.2 6.72
Office: 3.7 x 3.5 12.95
Living room: 4.1 x 5 20.5
Total 81.75

Equipment list, with specifications

Room Equipment Specifications
Bedroom 1: Light 30w
Light 10w
Aircon 900w
Hair dryer 1200w
Curling iron 100w
Bedroom 2: Light 15w
Light 10w
Fan 70w
Kitchen Fridge 120w
Oven 2500w
Kettle 2000w
Espresso machine 1000w
Microwave 1500w
Toaster 800w
Light 50w
Light 15w
Bathroom Geyser 1000w
Washing machine 500w
Light 15w
Office Laptop 65w
Laptop 65w
PC 500w
Screen 40w
Screen 40w
Screen 26w
Screen 50w
Fan 70w
Light 30w
Living room Fan 70w
Light 60w
Screen 50w

Energy Bill Analysis

Utility rates and structures
Pay as you go meter at R2.71 per kW at the time of measuring.
Tables and graphs of energy consumptions and costs

Timestamp Energy_82.69_kWh
2021/10/21 10.70
2021/10/22 8.01
2021/10/23 6.59
2021/10/24 7.39
2021/10/25 9.32
2021/10/26 12.44
2021/10/27 7.34
2021/10/28 6.11
2021/10/29 7.31
2021/10/30 7.48

Discussion of energy costs and energy bills

Here follows a general discussion of the energy cost and bills on the 21st and the 26th
the aircon in bedroom one was on for extended periods of time due to excessive
ambient temperatures, on all other days the aircon was either off or on for short periods
of time.

The outside light is on 24h per day and has a wattage of 15w, the geyser is not
controlled manual or by a timer and is on throughout the entire day. All the screens,
laptops and computer are never switched off at all.

Energy Management Opportunities

The facility which is being analysed for this audit has some room for improvements.
These improvements can make the facility more efficient and thus save power and
Lighting accounts for around 15% of an average home’s energy usage. By replacing
all the lights in the apartment with energy efficient LED lights one would use up to 90%
less energy.

One can put the geyser on a timer allowing it to only switch on in the morning and in
the evening and not allowing the geyser to run all day.

Outside lighting, that is currently running for 24 hours a day can be controlled by a
day-night switch which will allow the lights to only be turned on at night.

Airconditioning can be set on a timer to run for only 1-hour intervals and not for 6 hours

Computers and laptops can be switch off at night as they are currently running during
the night while they are not in use.

Cost and Saving Analyses

At a price of R2.71 per kWh

Using the lights for an average of 7 hours a day.

Original lights: (2*30*7) + (2*10*7) + (3*15*7) + (1*50*24) + (1*60*7) = 2.495 kWh per

= R 6.76 per day

LED lights: (2*3*7) + (2*1*7) + (3*1.5*7) + (1*5*24) + (1*6*7) = 0.2495 kWh per day

= R 0.68 per day

Saving R 6.08 per day

Geyser runs on average about 6 hours a day

Current geyser usage: 1000*6 = 6 kWh per day = R16.26 per day

Geyser on a timer: 1000*3 = 3 kWh per day = R8.13 per day

Saving R 8.13 per day

Outside light on for 24h a day: 50*24 = 1.2 kWh a day = R 3.25

Outside light on only at night: 50*12 = 0.6 kWh per day = R 1.63

Saving R 1.62 per day

Airconditioning running continuously: 900*6 = 5.4 kWh per day = R 14.63 per day

Airconditioning running in intervals: 900*1*3 = 2.7 kWh per day = R 7.32

Saving R 7.31 per day

Computers running 24 h = (65+65+500+40+40+26+50)*24 = 18.864 kWh per day = R


Computers switched off at night = (65+65+500+40+40+26+50)*12 = 9.432 kWh per


= R 25.56

Saving R 25.56 per day

Economic evaluation
Thus, by implementing only these five suggestions one can save up to R 48.70 per
day while also saving power and in turn decreasing the impact that power generation
has on the environment. If one looks at a yearly savings this would be around R
17775.50 a year which means within a year the upgrades made to the facility would
have paid for themselves.

Energy Action Plan

For any energy audit to be effective and prove useful all the recommended energy
management opportunities must be implemented in a strategic way to ensure that the
end user benefits from doing an audit.

From the previous chapter it is clear there are 5 key EMO’s that will make a difference
in energy consumption that will help greatly in energy savings. From the cost and
saving analysis it is clear what EMO’s will have the greatest impact but might not give
an instant result and some that might.

The EMO’s that can be implemented immediately without additional costs:

• Turning of all computers when not in use.

• Reducing the runtime of the air conditioning unit.

The EMO’s that can be implemented as time goes on and from the savings from the
first changes (changes can be made in monthly intervals):

• Replace all lighting inside of the house with energy efficient LED lights.
• Install light sensing switches on all exterior lights to ensure they are only on
during the nighttime.
• Hire a qualified electrician to install a programmable timer for the geyser and
set key times the geyser needs to be on.

All these changes can easily be made without any major interference with the
homeowners’ daily operations. It is recommended that all the changes be done within
6 months to ensure all data collected remains relevant and to ensure the best possible
outcome for energy savings.

The homeowner will be provided an energy monitoring kit, the kit will be connected to
the auditor’s main network to ensure all the changes made are being monitored to see
the efficacy of the changes and suggest additional changes where needed.

The energy audit is effective mechanism which can be used to make an analysis on
the energy usage/consumption on the facility or building with the aim of finding
possibilities of improvement such as conserving energy and saving energy costs, in
this report an apartment was used as a case study for an energy audit for the period
of 11 days. The report shows the energy consumption in the apartment and makes
recommendation/ areas of improvements which are optimistic because they can save
energy costs and conserve energy and the life span of the devices and appliances
used in the apartment.

According to the analysis and recommendations made, the pay-back period is

attractive to implement the proposed recommendations/measures. The payback
period and the and the energy savings are dependent on the implementation of the
proposed recommendations.

It is important to note that the payback and savings prices may vary due to the tariff
changes and when the recommendations are implemented.
All major team leader functions are substantively demonstrated

All groups members showed leadership skills at different stages of the project and by
being active in making sure that the group achieve its goals.
Effective communication is substantively carried out in the context of individual and teamwork.

The figures below show the proof of effective communication amongst the group
towards the accomplishment of the project.

Figure 2
Figure 3

Figure 4
Davis, B. (2021, September 21). The Unniversity of Arozon Global Campus . Retrieved from The
Unniversity of Arozon Global Campus :

EEE. (2014). The context to build energy audit. Module 1, pp. 1-6. Retrieved from EEE:


Group Member Evaluation Form

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