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BSc (Hons) Business Management

Information Systems and Big Data Analysis
Assessment 1: Written Report

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Big Data represents the body containing information which appears enormous in quantity and
it always expanding dramatically. Neither among existing conventional data administration
technologies could effectively retain nor analyze this material due to its bulk as well as
diversity. Big data simply just facts, except this ’s actually much larger. A topic like how big
data and other information systems can be used to support company objectives, functions,
and decision-making will be briefly discussed in this paper (Roma et al., 2019).
How big data can be used to support business objectives and
Organizations must carry out both essential but also supplementary tasks in addition to meet
corporate ambitions. Therefore, in order to achieve corporate ambitions, organizations require
gather evidence as well as info through any variety of locations that enable employees
effectively carry out specific duties necessary for reach certain targets. Big data is pivotal
towards comprehending prospective personas as well as buyer behavior (Khelfaoui et al.,
2022). Professionals could potentially use data to foresee future requirements. All relevant
records must get accurately processed then displayed in a meaningful approach. It would aid
any commercial entity it achieving a number of objectives. Big Data usage had already
proven essential enabling countless top businesses that function better than their rivals.
Emerging newcomers or experienced rivals employ information tactics that negotiate,
conquer, and adapt across various sectors. Big data can be used to support business objectives
and functions in the following way (Liebowitz, 2013) .

Conversations with clients

Shoppers today generally wise or even aware of respective concerns. Customers shop online
and weigh their alternatives prior reaching their decision. They actively communicate with
companies via digital networks or request preferential consideration. Usually clients
appreciate being appreciated after choosing any business's goods. Any commercial entity can
characterize these clients through a comprehensive way thanks to big data. It enables a
company to have a direct, ongoing dialogue between customers. Consumers must be treated
fairly by organizations. Big Data is crucial for overcoming the barrier between conventional
and electronic purchasing. Zara builds a core circulatory network for its clients' clothing
using information gathered via Instagram, polls, and virtual public networks (Brown, 2016).

Update goods

Big Data is among very finest strategies for gathering as well as utilizing opinions. This aids
in overall comprehension of ways clients view business offerings. Professionals could
thereby update existing merchandise or implement any relevant modifications. Disorganized
online networking content analysis enables businesses to discover broad consumer opinion.
Much better, they may split down the comments among different regional but also cultural
categories. Additionally, Big Data enables developers to quickly examine any large number
of iterations of sophisticated microprocessor solutions. For instance, Apple leverages the
facts it gathers when determine the finest ways to approaching users by their innovative
goods & solutions (Wassouf et al., 2020).

Conduct a sensitivity assessment

Numerous variables influence effectiveness. It goes beyond whether people manage their
business. Their performances are significantly influenced by socioeconomic and interpersonal
circumstances. Big Data enables anticipatory forecasting, which enables businesses simply
evaluate and monitor press articles including online medium streams. As a result, businesses
could constantly stay current regarding marketplace tendencies as well as advancements
(Albright & Winston, 2020).

Data Security

Professionals can explore the complete resource environment within any firm using big data
methodologies. The above enables researchers properly assess various potential dangers.
Professionals could safeguard confidential data using the instructions provided. It is
adequately safeguarded as well as kept in compliance-compliant storage. As a result, the
majority of organizations had already started concentrating on Big Data to guarantee records
security plus preservation. It is more quite crucial for businesses which manage money,, visa
and payment chip data, as well as similar such things. For instance, Google provides
consumers with a thorough Privacy Protection Agreement which details their dedication
towards safeguarding personal privacy (Deyneko, 2020).

Streamlined processes for businesses

Employing big data could enhance various types of corporate operations. This aids inside
overall optimization of corporate procedures that provide budget reductions, enhance
performance, and promote buyer contentment. HR administration & recruitment could both
strengthen. Companies could lessen revenue damages but also remain protected from
prospective hazards to their functions with superior identity authentication, danger
administration, and firewall preparedness. Improving bodily processes is among big data
analytics’ greatest fascinating yet lucrative applications. Big data with machine learning are
used by the world ‘s largest café company, Starbucks, to influence promotion, revenues, and
economic strategies (Stubbs, 2014).

Earning a living
Big Data was not indeed simply concerning bettering judgments as well as procedures or
learning extra regarding consumers; it may also commercialized to improve revenues or
facilitate an unique channel of money. IBM keeps track of each bit of data pertaining to its
consumers in attempt to analyze whether clients are investing valuable cash around specific
commodities then adjust pricing that attract additional clients while increasing overall income
(Dietrich et al., 2014).

Different types of information systems that support management

decision making
Any mixture comprising technology, programming, and interaction channels make up an
information system, which typically used to gather meaningful data, particularly inside an
establishment. Businesses often utilized various categories or sorts of informational networks
throughout the earliest stages of computing innovation to specify ways data can get utilized,
handled, and evaluated (Tou, 2012). To determine which kind of Information system
facilities professionals might need for pumping up their company ‘s efficiency, this seems to
be extraordinarily helpful to comprehend the various metadata platforms used by trade
groups. Depending on the particular stage of administration, an organization typically uses
six different sorts of information systems, which significantly assist throughout managerial
judgement (Waring, 2015).
Knowledge Work System
Any enterprise may employ all variety of knowledge management systems to guarantee a
constant supply of fresh & current content throughout the business including related
procedures. One type of knowledge management system which makes it easier to incorporate
updated data or insights within organizational operations seems to be called knowledge work
system. Additionally, KWS provides assistance with materials regarding diverse information
generation methods, AI software, including workgroup interaction platforms for information
exchange (Tarkkanen, 2012).

Transaction Processing Systems

The highest fundamental or essential layer of informational technologies within a commercial
organization comprises transaction processing systems. It becomes so since using transaction
processing systems seems to be frequently a initial phase towards gathering quantitative data
which is then utilized through upper executives for generating more informed organizational
judgments. For instance, TPS are used in executing orders, maintaining inventory, & others.
The bottom grade personnel inside a company or organization handle most of such tasks
(Mahajan, 2019).
Management Information System
Recorded material in the Transaction Information Systems being integrated, filtered, and
categorized by Management Information Systems. Intermediate executives can yet use such
data to acquire a clearer understanding of way an organization manages content because it is
nevertheless generally neatly organized. Management, supervision, and administrative tasks
can get successfully completed by any firm thanks towards the precise yet quick knowledge
that MIS delivers. Asset tracking systems, marketing administration systems, HRM systems,
and others are a handful instances of MIS (Keith, 2013).

Decision Support System

Using the information researchers presently possess, decision support systems envision
remedies regarding problem regions through comprehensive research. Because technology
gets frequently employed with lower organized tasks inside any organization, it typically
includes gathering many sorts of input that demands very significant degree of engagement.
A decision support system under action might being used to compare revenue information
from 2 distinct durations. Top management may become able to use such material to
determine potential trends as well as ways to streamline their business's procedures (PETER,

Executive Information System

EIS primarily intended towards business directors. Executive Information Systems generally
superior to Decision Support Systems since it feature an easier-to-use layout and offer crucial
data enabling corporate judgement call. It frequently includes a "deep through" capability that
may been used to focus upon certain pieces of material while still giving a picture of whether
the organization is doing across multiple divisions as well as regions. Executive information
systems can frequently taken a shape that any computerized panel, diagnostic instrument,
monitoring scorecards, etc that generally utilized for evaluate, analyze, & concentrate on
various data (Olin, 2016).

Office Automation System

An informational technology known as an office automation system performs a variety of
operational tasks, including documentation, database processing, and workplace interactions,
between things. Administrative tasks are separated from supervisory tasks mostly in office
automation system. Following are several examples of commercial operations carried out
using such kind of information system including acquiring, keeping, processing, and
communicating workplace relevant material electronically in order to carry out fundamental
duties and objectives (GUPTA, 2020).

Businesses may leverage existing information as well as utilize big data analytics to find
unexpected possibilities. This results in wiser company decisions, greater effective
procedures, greater profitability, and pleased clientele. Every firm's judgement call procedure
usually aided by information systems. Making smarter judgments gets made simpler using an
information system that delivers exactly essential crucial facts. Additionally, an information
system enables optimal staff communication, which aids inside the effectual achievement of
organizational targets (Walker, 2015).
Albright, S.C Winston, W.L. (2020) Business analytics: Data Analysis and decision making.
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Brown, R.E. (2016) The new advertising: Branding, content, and consumer relationships in
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knowledge work activity framework perspective,” 2012 45th Hawaii International
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Walker, R. (2015) “Benefits of scale and velocity in Big Data,” From Big Data to Big
Profits, pp. 35–60. Available at:

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