0 Initial Test 5th Grade Intensive Classes

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I. Chose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.
1. All ………… dresses in the other room belong to my sister.
a) those b) these c) that
2. Listen! Sarah …………….. .
a) is singing b) sings c) sing
3. My mother reads me fairytales ………. night.
a) at b) in c) on
4. How ……….. legs ………… a ladybug have?
a) many / do b) much / does c) many / does
5. You …………. do your homework right now. Afterwards you ……… go to the park.
a) must / must b) mustn’t / may c) must / may
6. Karen …………………. everything she hears.
a) is believing b) is believeing c) believes
7. You can see ……….. zebras at the zoo.
a) much b) some c) any
8. ……………. money is Mary’s.
a) Those b) These c) This
9. A: ……………. car is this?
B: It’s Derek’s.
a) What b) Whose c) Who’s
10. Emma usually eats apples in the morning, but she ............ at the moment.
a) are eating b) is eating c) eats

20 points
II. A. Each sentence contains one mistake. Rewrite the sentences correctly on your answer
1. The school is at the corner of that street.
2. I am writting a letter at the moment.
3. All the rooves in this town are green.
4. Angela studies at an university in France.
5. My grandma always sits on the purple armchair.
10 points
III. Put the words in the correct order to form sentences; write the sentences on your answer
1. for / waiting / the / Jones / taxi / is / sisters / the / yellow.
2. teacher / novels / loves / afternoon / the / in / Physics / reading / the.
3. to / Easter / go / grandparents’ / we / our / place / always / at .
4. music / go / to / piano / am / generally / to / I / class / listening / I / now / but / my.
5. his / Saturday / house / and / Jackson / the / mornings / clean / often / on / brother.
10 points
IV. Complete each gap with one word. Use the words given in the box. There is one example:
Example:Many (0)people say
has must kind for about their may many have amazing there

Many (0)people say that dogs are ……..(1) best friends. ……….(2) are people who prefer cats. But Caroline
just really wants a pet. She goes to her mother and asks her:
“Mom, ………..(3) I get a pet?”
“Yes, but what kind of pet do you want?”
“I don’t really know. Helen ………(4) a cat, but the Jones brothers ……….(5) a dog. I like all of them.”
“You can read ………..(6) them and decide which one you want.”
Caroline soon finds out that dogs are very loyal animals and that their intelligence is…………(7).They can
save people from drowning; they can help blind people and policemen.
One day, Caroline meets a puppy on her way home. His eyes are very ……….(8) and she brings him home
with her. She ……..(9) take him .……..(10) walks and feed him, but he is her best friend.
20 points
V. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Lui Mark îi place să citească seara.
2. Apa fierbe la 100 oC.
3. Robin merge la grădina zoologică de două ori pe lună.
4. Acum le înţeleg problemele.
5.Ştii să găteşti?
6. Căprioarele trăiesc în pădure.
7. Prietenii mei pleacă în Buenos Aires mâine.
8. Mătuşa mea face cumpăraturile sâmbătă dimineaţă.
9. Familia ta merge de obiceila teatru in weekend?
10. Biblioteca se deschide la 9 zilele astea.
30 points

NOTA: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.

Timp de lucru: 50 minute.

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