RegBook Arrc22

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Regulations 2022

Promoted by Sanctioned by

Please read these regulations carefully to ensure that your entry is not liable for
disqualification or declared null and void.

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This book (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Asia Road Racing Regulations” has been
printed on 31.12.2021.

Successive editions can be printed for supplementing and/or amending. The new editions will be
numbered (2nd edition, 3rd edition, etc.) dated and issued to all relevant bodies.


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P.O.Box 8090 Dasmarinas Village,
Makati City, 1222 Manila, Philippines
Tel: +63 9063733386
Attn: Mr.Rommel Panganiban ([email protected])


Lot: 12 Jalan 9/7, Seksyen 9
Kawasan Perusahaan Bandar Baru Bangi,
43650 Bangi, Selangor.
Tel: 603 87338787
Fax: 603 89261122
E-mail: [email protected]

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The FIM Asia, the Asia Road Racing (ARRC) Permanent Bureau may at any time amend any or all provisions
of the Regulations.

Any subsequent changes that take place after the printed versions are completed will be make
electronically, and the on-line versions will be the prevailing versions..
The Permanent Bureau consists of:
• One Representative of the Federation International de Motorcyclisme Asia (FIM Asia)
• One Representative of Two Wheels Motor Racing (TWMR)

Which shall meet on a regular basis to discuss and decide on all issues of the ARRC pertinent to the
respective interests of the members.

The procedures of the calling of meetings of the Permanent Bureau and for procedures during such
meetings (which may be held by telephone or other electronic means) and for the appointment and/or
vacancy of representatives and all procedures for their deliberations shall be as mutually agreed by both
members from time to time. The decision from the permanent bureau is final.


These Regulations derogate and supersede all and other previous regulations in place before the date of
publication of these regulations.

All riders, team personnel, officials, promotors/organizers and all the persons involved in any capacity
whatsoever participating in the Asia Road Racing Championship (hereinafter collectively referred to as
the “Championship” undertake, on behalf of themselves, their employees, and agents, to observe all the
;provisions of:-


As supplemented and amended from time to time (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Regulations”).
All the persons mentioned above may be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the regulations.
Whilst the regulations may be translated into other languages, in case of any dispute regarding
interpretation the Official English text will prevail. .

It is the responsibility of the team to ensure that all persons concerned with its entry observe all the
requirements of the Regulations. The responsibility of the rider, or any other person having charge of an
entered machine during any part of the Event with respect to observance of the Regulations is joint and
several with that of the team. All persons concerned in any way with an entered machine or present in any
capacity whatsoever in the :Paddock, Pit, Pit land or Track, must wear an appropriate pass at all times during
the Event.


All the persons concerned must at all times observe the FIM Anti-Doping Code and may be penalized

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1.1.1 A series of motorcycle races counting toward the Championship for Riders and Teams
will be organized.

1.2.1 The event shall be deemed to commence at the scheduled time for technical and
Sporting Checks and finish after all the races at the expiry of the deadline for the
lodging of the protest and the time at which technical or sporting verifications have
been concluded, whichever is the latest. The race control must remain operative with
all equipment in place until the end of the period provided for the lodging of a protest,
and all officials and marshals much remain at the circuit available to the Race Direction
and FIM Asia Stewards during that period.

1.2.2 Events must be staged on race circuits that have been approved by The FIM Asia for the

1.2.3 Events must not include any other races except for support races approved by TWMR
which may not alter the event schedule (1.12.)

1.2.4 Any activity involving 4 wheels racing vehicular use of the track during the vent,
including “demonstrations”, displays or the such like must receive prior approval.

1.2.5 Organisers will be nominated by TWMR.

1.2.6 The Organiser is responsible for providing the facilities and personnel to ensure the
smooth and efficient running of the event.

1.2.7 TWMR shall obtain or shall arrange for the provision by each organizer of any
insurance for third party liability for each meeting to cover TWMR liability and that
of all participants, the manufacturers, riders, sponsors, teams, service companies and
officials in case of accidents to third parties during a meeting or during the practices.
The insurance policy shall also cover any possible liability of the FIM Asia and the
organizer to third parties. A copy of the policy written in English shall be made
available to the organizers, TWMR and to the FIM Asia Executive Secretariat not
later not later than 20 days prior to the event. The cover provided for each event shall
be a minimum of USD500,000. The validity of the insurance must start at 08.00hrs, on
the Wednesday (or Tuesday in the case of Saturday races) before the race and finish at
24.00hrs on Monday (or Sunday in the case of Saturday races) after the race.
In case the organizer subscribes his own Third Party Liability Insurance in full
conformity with the above specification on the present art.1.2.7, the organizer may
send the certificate of insurance duly filled in, signed and stamped by an authorized
Representative of the Insurance Company, to TWMR and to the FIM Asia Executive
Secretariat. This original declaration (form to be provided by TWMR shall be sent to
TWMR by mail or courier at least 20 days before the event.

1.2.8 At least 30 days prior to the Event, the Organizers of the event must submit the
following information to the FIM Asia and TWMR:
• Confirmation of the name and address of the Promoters Organisers, including
telephone and facsimile numbers for correspondence.
• The date and place of the Event.

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• A detailed plan of the circuit, its direction, clockwise or anti clockwise, and Length.
• The location at the circuit on the rider information centre and the official notice
• The name and address of the company providing the third party liability insurance
cover and the number of the policy.
• Name and address of FMNR.
• The name of the Clerk of the Course (with FIM Clerk of the Course license)
• The name, address and telephone number of the Chief Medical officer.
• The name, address and telephone number of the hospital designated for the event.
N.B. The organizer is not required to produce or publish any Supplementary
Regulations for the event.

1.2.9 At least 14 days before the Event, TWMR must publish the above information and post
it to all teams with an entry for the Event.


1.3.1 The Paddock, pit boxes and all other facilities must be available to teams at least on
the Tuesday prior to a Sunday race and remain available to competitors for until
0500hrs the day after the event.

1.3.2 Access must be available for teams arriving to set up between the hours of 07:00 and

1.3.3 At all times that the Paddock is occupied there must be 24 hours attendance at the
gates providing vehicular access to the circuit and paddock.

1.3.4 When the Paddock is occupied there must be an adequate medical and fire fighting
service available to all riders, teams, manufacturers, sponsors, service companies,
officials, FIM ASIA, TWMR, etc.

1.3.5 Full security must be supplied to the Paddock area from at least midnight of the
Wednesday prior to a Sunday race until ,midnight of Sunday following the race.

All the following Officials must be present and available at the time Necessary to ensure smooth
and efficient running of the Event
1.4.1 Permanent Officials
All permanent officials shall be appointed for the Championship by the Permanent
The following officials will be appointed to perform supervisory and executive roles.
Except in care of illness or Force Majeure the Officials will be expected to be present at
each event.

Race Director
Responsible for ensuring proper observance of the Regulations and efficient running
of the practice and races. The Race Director has no competence for the application of
The Clerk of the Course shall work in permanent consultation with the Race Director.
The Race Director shall have overriding authority in the following matters and the Clerk
of the Course may give orders in respect of them only with his express agreement:
• The control of practice and the race, adherence to the timetable and, if he deems it
necessary, the making of any proposal to the Race Direction to modify the
timetable in accordance with the Sporting Regulations.

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• The stopping of practice or the race in accordance with the Sporting Regulation if
he deems it unsafe to continue and ensuring that the correct restart procedure is
carried out.
• The starting procedure.
• The use of medical cars/fast interventions vehicles.

Technical Director
Responsible for ensuring that technical Regulations are correctly enforced and
supervising scrutineering and protests of a technical nature. The Technical Director has
the power to disallow the use of any parts based on safety concerns at his/her sole
judgement and discretion. The Technical Director may from time to time issue and
update general design guidelines which are considered as part of the technical

Medical Director
Responsible for liaison with the Chief Medical Officer appointed by the Organizers to
ensure compliance with the Medical Code.

Safety Officer
Responsible for the supervision of all aspects of safety.

Responsible for the start procedure.

1.4.2 Individual Event Officials

All Individual Event Officials shall be appointed for each event. They are:
A) Officials appointed by FIM Asia
1) The Jury President and two members of the International Jury (with FIM
Sporting Steward license). They are responsible for ensuring that the event is
conducted according to the Regulations.
B) Officials appointed by the FMNR/Organiser.
2) Clerk of the Course (with FIM Clerk of the Course license)
Responsible for:-
a. Ensuring that the circuit is suitably prepared for and maintained during the
Event and that all legal requirements applicable for the running of the
event have been complied with.
b. Ensuring that all officials and services are in place. The stationing of all track
personnel and equipment (ie: marshals, doctors, ambulances, flags, etc)
alongside the Circuit no later than 30 minutes prior to the beginning of All
practice sessions and warm ups. The Race Director, the FIM Asia Safety
Officer, the Clerk of the Course and the Medical Director will; make the final
inspection prior to the beginning of the all practice sessions and warm ups.
During the final inspection lap, the yellow flag must be waved at each flag
marshal post together with the display of other flags and equipment
requested by the FIM Asia Safety Officer.
c. Taking decisions to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the event.
d. Ensuring that the Event is run within the Regulations.
e. Notification of protests to the Race Direction.
f. Immediate approval and signature with time of provisional results (practices,
Superpoles, warm ups, starting grids and races) and presentation of reports
to the International Jury.

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Responsible for:
a. During the event effecting communications between the various officials.
b. Providing secretarial support for the International Jury, the Race Direction
and the FIM ASIA Jury.
Other Officials
Marshals, Technical Scrutineer, Security Personnel, Medical Staff etc as.
required for the efficient running of the event. All communications between the
individual Event Officials must be made via the relevant Permanent Officials.

1.4.3 The Race Direction

The Race Direction shall be appointed for the Championship by the Permanent

1.4.4 The FIM Asia Jury

The FIM Asia Jury shall be appointed for each event by the FIM ASIA.


1.5.1 The management of the event will be carried out by the Jury Members which will
comprise the following delegates:
• The Jury President appointed by the FIM Asia – who will chair the meetings.
• One Jury Member appointed by the FIM Asia. One Jury Member appointed by host
• The Delegate appointed by TWMR
• The Race Director
• The Technical Director
• The Clerk of Course
• The FIM Asia Safety Officer

1.5.2 At any time the duties of the Members of the International Jury are
To ensure the smooth and efficient running of the event.
To make recommendations to the Race Direction concerning any matter that is in
contradiction to the Regulations.
To report to the Race Direction any infringements of the Regulations.

1.5.3 The International Jury will meet at any time required during the event, but at least:
Prior to the first practice session.
At the end of each practice day.
At the end of the event.

1.5.4 The quorum for a meeting of the International Jury is three persons.

1.5.6 The Technical and Medical FIM Asia Observer as well as the Environmental Steward
may attend the Meetings of the International Jury.
The International Jury President may also invite the participation of Officials or other
persons to assist in the Meetings.

1.5.7 The duties of the International Jury are:

To receive reports from the various Officials concerning scrutineering, practice and
To make recommendations to the Organiser to improve the smooth and efficient
running of the event.

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1.6.1 The Race Direction will comprise the following persons:
The FIM ASIA Representative – who will chair the Meetings is the Safety Officer
The TWMR Representative
The Race Director

1.6.2 The quorum for the Meeting of the Race Direction is two persons.

1.6.3 Each Member has one vote. Decisions are based on a simple majority.

1.6.4 The Race Direction will meet at any time required during the event.

1.6.5 The duties of the Race Direction are:

a) To take decision as provided in the Regulations.
b) To impose penalties for any infringements of the Regulations.
c) A change in conduct and/or format of the race and/or practice session based on
safety considerations and provided that such decision is absolutely necessary to
resolve a situation not foreseen in the Regulations. In such exceptional cases such
decision may prevail over specific provisions of Regulations.
d) Provided that it is absolutely necessary to resolve a situation not foreseen in
the Regulations, the Race Direction may issue pre-race instructions or clarifications
and in specific cases even crate-pre-race Regulations. However such actions may
only be taken within the limits set out by Regulations.
e) To impose penalties on organizers for having been unable the ensure the smooth
and efficient running of the event or for serious breaches of the Regulations.
f ) To adjudicate on any protest relating to infringements of the Regulations.


1.7.1 There will be a panel of three FIM Asia Jury ( with FIM Sporting Stewards licence)
supervised by Jury President who will chair the Meetings.

1.7.2 The Jury President and other Stewards are responsible for enforcing the Regulations.
All Jury officiating at more than four events in any year shall be approved by the
Permanent Bureau.

1.7.3 The quorum for a Meeting of the FIM Asia Jury is two persons.

1.7.4 If the Jury President is indisposed during the Event then the second FIM Asia Jury will
fill the vacancy.

1.7.5 Each Member has one vote. Decisions are based on simple majority. In the case of a tie,
the Chairman will exercise a casting vote.

1.7.6 The FIM Asia Jury have no Executive role in the running of the event.

1.7.7 The FIM Asia Jury will meet at any time required during the event.

1.7.8 The FIM Jury is responsible for:
a) Ensuring that the event is conducted according to the Regulations and reporting
any infringement to the Race Direction.
b) Adjudicating on any appeal against the decisions of the Race Direction.

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1.7.9 All the decisions of the FIM Asia Jury must be communicated in writing to the Race
Direction and all affected parties.


1.8.1 The calendar of races counting for the Championship will be, in principle, published by
no later than 1st December of the preceding year.

1.8.2 The Permanent Bureau reserves the right to propose the inclusion, substitution or
cancelation of events in the provisional calendar.

1.9.1 Classes will be for the following categories:
• Asia Superbike 1000
• Supersports 600
• Asia Production 250
• Underbone 150

The rider must be in possession of the adequate FIM Asia License (Underbone, Asia Production,
Supersport and Asia Superbike) issued by FMN. Licenses are issued to Riders designated by FIM
Asia and TWMR can in certain circumstances, be for a single event. To receive a license, the
Rider must be in possession, of a national license of FMN at no additional cost to the rider. .
Licenses for Underbone, Asia Production, Supersport and Asia Superbike riders are issued only
when the minimum age has been attained as below:
• Underbone : 13 years
• Asia Production : 13 years
• Supersport : 16 years
• Asia Superbike : 18 years

The limit for the minimum age starts on the rider’s birth year. The limit for the maximum age
finishes at the end of the year in which the rider reaches the age of 50.


1.11.1 Each team, must submit to the Secretariat of TWMR, by 1st February of the year in
question, an entry form for their team which will, except when special dispensation
is granted, be valid for all races in the Asia Road Racing Championship Underbone.
Asia Production or Supersport or in the FIM Asia supporting event Cup. At the same
time, the team must indicate the riders designated and the class in which they will
participate together with the Testing Circuits designated by the team. The Underbone,
Asia Production, Supersport and Asia Superbike tyre development teams approved by
the FIM Asia and TWMR must designate, amongst their testing circuits, the circuits
designated by the Official Tyres Supplier.

1.11.2 Each entry must specify, for each rider, the insurance company providing the minimum
cover specified by FIM, the number of policy and the expiry date of the policy.

1.11.3 Each entry commits the team to compete in all the events of the FIM Asia, the
Underbone, Asia Production, Supersport and Asia Superbike Championship and of the
Supporting event Cup in the chosen class. Exceptions can only be made as follows:
• A team may withdraw a rider from an event which has already started due to injury
of the rider, irreparable damage to the motorcycle(s) or in the case of “Force

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• A withdrawal for medical reasons must be supported by a letter from the Chief
Medical Officer of the meeting or the Medical Director.
• A team may withdraw a rider from additional events in the Asia Road Racing
Championship Underbone, Asia Production, Supersport and Asia Superbike
Championship or in the FIM Asia Sporting event Cup only for Medical reasons or
other reasons of “Force Majeure”.
Withdrawal for medical reasons must be supported by a letter from a qualified
Teams must make every reasonable effort to provide a Qualified substitute rider,
approved by FIM Asia and TWMR, to fulfil their entry obligations.
• For reasons not being medical reasons and not being reasons of “Force Majeure”,
and subject to the team obtaining the approval of FIM Asia and TWMR (neither of
whom shall be obliged to give reasons for any reasons to approve) a Team may
replace a rider which that team has entered in the Asia Road Racing. Championship
Underbone, Asia Production, Supersport and Asia Superbike or in the FIM Asia
Supporting event Cup with another rider (“replacement rider”) for remaining
rounds of The Asia Road Racing Asia Championship Underbone, Asia Production,
Supersport and Asia Superbike or in the FIM Asia Supporting event Cup. Only one
replacement of a rider will be permitted per season. Exceptional circumstances will
be examined by the FIM Asia and TWMR.

1.11.4 If a team is unable to provide a substitute rider, then the FIM Asia and TWMR may
decide to allow another team to enter a rider, on an event by event basis, to reach the
required number of entries. Article 1.10 will apply to all replacement and substitute

1.11.5 Each Event Host Federation (FMNR) may nominate 4 wild card and 4 more
nominations (2 by TWMR and upon approval from the Promoter 2 by hosting circuit).
The same conditions apply for the Underbone 150cc and Asia Production250 cc Class
If FMNR or the Host Circuit does not fulfill the Wild entries, the promoters can utilize
the unused wild cards.
Wildcard riders must be holders of an FIM Asia “one event Road Racing or FMNR
license of the host country.
Supporting event classes” license issued by any FMN and entries made must be
submitted by the FMNR to the FIM Asia, on the official entry form issued by the FIM
Asia, at least 30 days before the event. These entries will be submitted to the
approval of the Race Direction
Wild card entries are subject to the insurance requirements under 1.11.2. Insurance
of wild card riders is the responsibility of the FMNR (Federation organizing the event).

1.11.6 The FIM Asia may nominate 2 wild card entries for the Suportsport 600cc class and Asia
Superbike 1000cc Wild card riders must be holders of an FIM Asia “one event Road
Racing license issued by any FMNR license of the host country and entries must be
submitted to the FIM Asia, on the official entry form issued by the FIM Asia, at least 30
days before the event.
These entries will be submitted to the approval of the Asia Road Racing Commission.
Wild card riders designated by the FIM Asia are subject to the insurance requirements
stipulated under article 1.11.2.

1.11.7 Riders must compulsorily attend any briefings organized by the Race Director and the
Race Direction.

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The riders will be previously informed in writing through their own Team about the
place, date and time of the briefing.
Failure to attend the briefing in full will result in disqualification from the next practice
session or race.
A waiver can be granted by the Race Direction.

1.11.8 A compulsory briefing will be held for all the riders who will be participating for the
first time in the current Championship, at 17.00hrs on the day scheduled for the first
briefing session. Failure to attend the briefing in full will result in disqualification from
the event. A waiver can be granted to a rider by the Race Direction.

1.11.9 A rider shall be deemed to have taken part in the event when he enters the race track
in at least, one practice session.

1.11.10 A rider shall be deemed to have started a race when he participates in, at least, the
first lap of the race.

1.11.11 All riders must ensure that they have the relevant insurance coverage in
respect of participation in the Championship and the minimum coverage
requirements (in USD or its equivalent in other currencies) shall be as follows:

a) On Death = USD 35,000.00

b) Permanent Disablement = USD 65,000.00
c) Repatriation = USD 3,500.00
d) Medical expenses = USD 13,000.00

Every rider during registration must provide a copy of their insurance & Start
Permission letter from their respective FMN to the promoters. Any rider that does
not provide either one of the document their entry will be rejected.

1.11.12 Public Pronouncements by Team and Riders.
a) Teams and Riders must avoid any public declaration or press release which could
damage or negatively affect the Asia Road Racing Championship. Accordingly, it is
an obligation for all Riders, Teams and Teams’ directors and/or personnel and/or
representative thereof, to refrain from releasing any public pronouncement which
may irresponsibly harm the lawful interests of the ARRC Members or which may be
contrary to the integrity of ARRC or the sport.

b) Public pronouncements which harm irresponsibly the lawful interest of ARRC or

which are contrary to the integrity of ARRC or the sport shall include, but not be
limited to:
- Public statements or comments to the media that irresponsibly attack,
disparage, disrepurte or damage the ARRC Members.
- Public comments that members and Riders of the Team know, or should
reasonably know, will irresponsibly harm the reputation, image or best interests
of the sport and/or any of the ARRC Members are expressly covered by this
- It is understood that responsible expressions of legitimate disagreement with
the ARRC Members and/or ARRC policies are not prohibited.

1.12.1 The Provisional Event schedule will be as follows:

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1000 - 1230
Rider Registration All Classes
1400 - 1630
1330 – 1430 (60min) Technical & Sporting Checks UB150 Only
1430 – 1530 (60min) Technical & Sporting Checks AP250 Only
1530 – 1615 (45min) Technical & Sporting Checks SS600 Only
1615 – 1700 (45min) Technical & Sporting Checks ASB1000 Only
1700 Briefing All Riders
0830 – 0900 (30min) UB150 Practice 1
0910 – 0940 (30min) AP250 Practice 1
0950 – 1020 (30min) SS600 Practice 1
1030 – 1110 (40min) ASB1000 Practice 1
1120 – 1150 (30min) UB150 Practice 2
1200 – 1230 (30min) AP250 Practice 2
1240 – 1310 (30min) SS600 Practice 2
1340 – 1420 (40min) ASB1000 Practice 2
1430 – 1500 (30min) UB150 Qualifying
1510 – 1540 (30min) AP250 Practice 3
1550 – 1620 (30min) SS600 Practice 3
1630 – 1710 (40min) ASB1000 Practice 3
0830 – 0840 (10min) UB150 Warm Up
0850 – 0920 (30min) AP250 Qualifying
0930 – 1010 (40min) SS600 Qualifying
1020 – 1050 (30min) UB150 Top 15 Riders SuperPole
1100 – 1140 (40min) ASB1000 Qualifying
1305 UB150 Race 1
1400 AP250 Race 1
1455 SS600 Race 1
1600 ASB1000 Race 1
0930 – 0940 (10min) UB150 Warm Up
0950 – 1000 (10min) AP250 Warm Up
1010 – 1025 (15min) SS600 Warm Up
1035 – 1055 (20min) ASB1000 Warm Up
1305 UB150 Race 2
1400 AP250 Race 2
1455 SS600 Race 2
1600 ASB1000 Race 2

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1.12.2 The above schedule can only be verified as follows:
• Prior to the event by the FIM Asia and TWMR;
• During the event by the Race Direction.
• The Race Programme / Race schedule may change from time to time to
accommodate “LIVE TV” or due to force majeure.


1.13.1 All motorcycles should be checked by the Technical Stewards prior to first
participation on safety aspects, according to the published schedule. Teams may
present more than one motorcycle per rider for Technical Control which will be
specially identified by the Technical Controllers.
Unless a waiver is granted by the Race Direction, teams who do not comply with the
schedule for technical or medical controls will not be allowed to take part in the event.

1.13.2 The procedure for Technical Control is described in the Technical Regulations, articles
2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

1.13.3 Any rider to be tested for doping control must report to the doping control room in the
Medical Centre with sufficient identification within one hour of notification. One
associate may accompany the rider.

1.14.1 Practice & Testing Restriction for UB150, AP250, SS600 and ASB1000
a. Testing by riders in the calendar, 21 days before the Saturday of the race day unless
agreed by the promoters.
• Any activities within the 21 days must be approved by the Race Direction,
TWMR and FIM Asia.
b. Exceptions to this rule may be granted, with the approval of the FIM Asia due to
reasons of force majeure. For example, where a team recruits a qualified rider to
replace a injured rider, the qualified rider could possibly have practiced unwillingly
at a circuit included in the Championships.
c. During the four days preceding the beginning of the official practices, non-
motorised vehicle in which the riders participating in the event, are allowed to ride
on the track.
Exceptions may be granted with the approval of the TWMR and FIM Asia. In the
case of an infraction to the above rules, the rider’s entry will be Refused or the rider
will be refused from the event of the circuit concerned, depending on the date of
the confirmation of the infraction.

1.14.2 Practice Sessions (warm-up inclusive)

a. Riders will commence practice from the pit lane when the green light is displayed
at the exit of the pit lane.
b. The duration of practice will commence from the illumination of the green light. A
visible board or count-down will be shown in the pit lane to indicate the minutes of
practice remaining.
c. At the end of practice will be indicated by the waving of the two chequered flag at
which time the pit exit will be closed. A rider’s time will continue to be recorded
until he passes the finish line after the allotted time has elapsed. After the
chequered flag riders may complete one additional lap prior to entering the pits.
When practice is restarted, the time remaining will be that shown on the count-
down device in the pit lane and on the monitors of the official timekeepers at the
moment the red flags were waved, unless otherwise adjusted by Race Direction.

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After practice has started, the condition of the racing surface of the circuit should
not be altered except on instruction from the Race Director and the FIM Asia Safety
Officer in response to a localised change in conditions.

1.14.3 Motorcycles
A rider is only allowed to utilise one motorcycle providing that all such motorcycles
have been scrutineered in the name of his/her team and in the next
session provided the first machine has been damaged and is verified by the technical

1.14.4 Lap time

All laps of the riders will be timed.

1.14.5 Qualifying practices results

The results will be based on the fastest time recorded by the riders in all qualifying
In the case where all qualifying practices have been cancelled, the results will be based
on the fastest time recorded by the riders in all free practices.
In the event of a tie, rider’s second and subsequent best times will be taken into


To qualify for the race, a rider must achieve a time at least equal to 107% of the time recorded by
the fastest rider of his class. Any rider who fails to achieve a qualifying time will be permitted to
take part in the race provided that in any of the free practice sessions and/or warm up he has
achieved a time at least equal to 107% of the fastest rider in the same session. Such riders will
start the race from the back of the grid.
Any rider who has not qualified at the end of the last qualifying practice cannot take any further
part in the event unless allowed by the Race Director
(For UB150 an Additional Supplementary Regulations (ASR) will be provided for SuperPole


1.16.1 The pole position, allocated to the faster rider, will be determined during the
homologation of the circuit.

1.16.2 The Grid will be arranged in the 3-3-3 configuration “in echelon” for all classes.
Each line will be offset.
There will be a distance of 9 meters between each row.

1.16.3 Grid positions for ASB1000, SS600 and AP250 Race 1 and Race 2 will be based on the
fastest time required by the rider in the qualifying practice.
For UB150 for final grid position will be based from the top 15 of the Superpole

1.16.4 In the event of a tie, riders second and subsequent best times will be taken into

1.16.5 The final grid will be published at the latest one hour before the start of each race.

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1.17 RACES
1.17.1 The length of races must be according to the following parameters :
• UB150 : minimum 25km / maximum 50km
• AP250 : minimum 30km / maximum 60km
• SS600 : minimum 45km / maximum 75km
• ASB1000 : minimum 55km / maximum 85km

And will be determined by the FIM Asia and TWMR after publication of the calendar.

1.17.2 The length of the race may only be verified by the Race Direction.

1.17.3 A visible countdown board will be shown to indicate the number of remaining laps in
the race.

1.17.4 If the time keeping rooms are fed by normal power (electricity) supply, they must also
be permanently connected to the U.P.S.
(Uninterruptable Power System) and to a generator if possible.


1) Only riders who have completed at least one sighting lap will be permitted to start the
race from their position published on the final grid. Under no circumstances may they
push their machine onto the grid from the pit lane.
2) Approximately 15 minutes for UB150,AP250 and SS600 (20 minutes for ASB1000 only)
(Except in the case of a restarted or rescheduled) before the Start of the Race – Pit lane
exit opens for sighting lap. Green Lights on and Green Flag waved at the pit lane exit.
Count-down boards of 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 minute are shown at the pit exit. Rider may
complete more than one sighting lap by passing through the pit lane where they may
make adjustments, change tyre outside the pit box. No adjustment to be done inside
the pit box. Any rider found doing this infringement will be penalized with a
disqualification of race.
3) Approximately 10 minutes UB150,AP250 and SS600 (15 minutes for ASB1000 only)
(Except in the case of a restarted or rescheduled) before the Start of the Race – Pit lane
exit closes. Red light on the pit lane exit.
4) Riders who do not go on the grid may start a warm up lap from the pit lane under the
instructions from the marshal positioned at the pit lane exit.
Riders starting the warm up lap from the pit lane must start the race from the back
of the grid. If such rider do not respect the “back of the grid position” they will be
penalized by a ride through. In the case of a restarted race within less then 3 laps, the
riders will take their original grid position but the ride through penalty will be applied.
5) When the riders reach the grid after the sighting lap they must stop at the rear of the
grid and turn off the engine. The motorcycle will then be pushed at walking pace by a
team member to the grid position. The rider may dismount or remain on the
motorcycle to take up their positions.
Riders may be attended by up to five persons, one of whom may hold an umbrella. All
attendants on the grid must wear a “ Grid Pass“. Having taken up their grid position, the
riders must take off their helmets except in the case of a restarted race.
Officials will display panels at the side of the track, indicating the row of the grid, to
assist riders in locating their grid position.
6) There will not be any declaration of wet or dry race. Please refer to Art 1.20
7) Riders on the grid may, at this stage, make adjustments to the machine or change
tyres to suit the track conditions.

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Tyre warmers may be used on the grid. No batteries or other electrical supplies are
permitted on the grid. Riders may use a generator to power tyre warmers and air
blowers on the grid.
Only one generator per machine may be used. The generator must be of the “hand
carried” type and have a maximum output capacity of two kilowatts. The noise limit of
the generator is 65dB/A.
Starter engines may also be used on the grid. Generators and starter engines should
be located to the rear of the motorcycles.
All adjustments must be completed by the display of the 3 minute board. After this
board is displayed, riders who still wish to make adjustments must push their machine
to the pit lane. Such riders and their machines must be clear of the grid and in the pit
lane before the display of the 1 minute board, where they may continue to make
Such riders will start warm up lap from the pit lane and will start the race from the
back of the grid.
8) Refueling or changing fuel tank on the grid is forbidden.
9) 5 minutes before the start of the Warm Up Lap – Display of 5 Minute Board on the grid.
10) 3 Minutes before the start of Warm Up Lap – Display of 3 Minute Board on the grid.
Generators mush to disconnected and removed from the grid as quickly as possible.
Trolleys and air blowers must be removed from the grid as quickly as possible.
Removable of tyre warmers from the machine on the grid.
At this point, all persons except maximum two mechanics per machine, the person
holding the umbrella for the rider, the television crew of the host broadcaster and
essential officials must leave the grid.
Riders must put their helmets on.
No person (except essential officials) is allowed to go on the grid at this point.
11) 1 minute before the start of the Warm Up Lap – Display of 1 Minute Board on the grid.
At this point, all team personal except the mechanics will leave the grid. The
mechanics will, as quickly as possible, assist the rider to push start the machine and
will then vacate the grid.
12) 30 Seconds before Warm Up Lap – Display of 30 Second Board on the grid.
All riders must be in position on the grid with engines running. No further assistance
from the mechanics is permitted. Any rider who is unable to start his machine must
remove it to the pit lane, under the control of grid marshals, where he may make
further attempts to start it or change machine. Such riders may start with warm up lap
from the pit lane and will start the race from the back of the grid.
13) Estimated 2 minutes before the Start of Race – Green flag waved to start the warm up
Any rider who stall their engine on the grid or who has other difficulties must
signal by raising an arm. Attempting to restart the motorcycles on the grid is not
permitted. Under the supervision or assistance of an official the rider and machine will
exit the grid to the pit lane as quickly as possible where the pit lane and will start the
race from the back of the grid, provided they exit before the pit lane closed and reach
the grid before the Safety Car. If they do not exit before pit lane is closed, they will start
the race from pit lane.
Team Personnel are not permitted to re-enter the grid after it has been cleared, unless
instructed to do so by an official.
The riders will make one lap, at unrestricted speed, followed by a safety car. The safety
car will overtake the slow riders.
Any rider who arrived at the pit lane entry after the safety car must enter the pit lane
and start the race from there.
As soon as the riders have passed the pit lane exit Light will be turned green, and any
rider waiting in the pit lane will be permitted to join the warm up lap.

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Thirty seconds later, the light will turn red and the marshal will display a red flag
closing the pit lane exit.
On returning to the grid the riders must take up their positions which the front wheel
of their motorcycle up to or behind the front line and between the sidelines defining
the grid position and keep their engines running. If two or more riders must start from
the back of the grid, they will take up position in the order in which they qualified for
the race.
An official will stand at the front of the grid holding a red flag motionless.
Any rider who encounters a problem with his machine on the warm up lap may return
to the pit lane and make repairs.
Any rider who stalls his engine on the grid or who has other difficulties must remain on
the motorcycle and raise his arm. It is not permitted to attempt to delay the start by
any other means. Attempting to restart the motorcycle on the grid is not permitted.
Under the supervision or assistance of an official the rider and machine will exit the
grid to the pit lane where mechanics may provide assistance.
As each row of the grid is completed, the officials will lower the panels indicating
that their row is complete. Panels will not be lowered when a rider in that row has
indicated that he has stalled his motorcycle or has other difficulties.
When the panels have been lowered and the safety car has completed its lap, an
official at the rear of the grid will wave a green flag.
The Starter will then instruct the official at the front of the grid, displaying the red flag,
to walk to the side of the track.
14) A red light will be displayed between 2 and 5 seconds. The red light will go out to start
the race.
A safety car will follow behind the motorcycles for the whole of the first lap. The Safety
Car will overtake slow rider.
If the red lights device is fed by normal power (electricity) supply, it must also be
connected to a set of car batteries of to an U.P.S. (uninterruptable Power System) to
provide power to the starting lights device if the electric line breaks down just at the
moment of the start.
Any rider who anticipates to start or who is deliberately not place in starting box will
be required to carry out the ride through procedure.
The motorcycle must be stationary at the time the red lights are turned off.
Anticipation of the start is defined by the motorcycle moving forward at the time the
red lights are turned off. In the case of a minor movement and subsequent stop whilst
the red lights are on, the race director will be sole judge of whether as
advantage has been gained.
The Race Direction will decide if a penalty will be imposed and must arrange for the
team to be notified of such penalty as soon as posible.
15) If, after the start of the race, a rider stalls his machine, then he may be assisted by
being pushed along the track until the engine starts. If, after a reasonable period, the
engine does not start, then the rider will be pushed into the pit lane where his
mechanics may provide assistance.
16) After the riders have passed the exit of the pit lane, the official situated at this exit will
display a green light to start any riders still in the pit lane.
17) Should there be a problem that might prejudice safety at the start, the Starter will
invoke the Start Delayed procedure as follows:
• A red flag is waived from the Starter’s rostrum and the red light stays on.
• The “Start Delayed” board is displayed from the Starter’s rostrum and a marshal will
waive a yellow flag at each row and the starting grid from the signaling platform.
• Riders must stay in their grid position with helmets on, engines may be switched

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• The machine(s) that caused the Start Delayed procedure may be removed to the pit
lane regardless what work is needed to restart the machine. If they can be
restarted the rider may start the warmup lap from the pit lane, and will start the
race from the back of the grid
• After display of the Start Delayed board, a maximum of 2 mechanics per rider are
allowed on the grid. Only tyre warmers, stands, started engines and hand carried
tools are allowed, no generators are allowed on the grid.
• Only essential officials are allowed on the grid, no media, guests, umbrella-holders
or other team personnel will be permitted, with the exception of camera crew(s)
authorized by the Organisers.
• The start procedure will be re-commenced at the 3 minute board, which the Starter
will order to be displayed as soon as possible (normally as soon as all riders on the
grid are attended by their team.
• Following the 1 minute and 30 second boards, the riders will complete an
additional warm up lap. The race distance will be reduced by one lap.
• Any person who, due to his behavior on the grid is responsible for a “start delayed,
and may be penalized with one of the following penalties:
Fine - ride through – disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points.

18) Quick Start or Restart Procedure

When a race is stopped, riders must return to the pit lane, unless otherwise instructed
by officials. If there is to be a restart, the following procedures will apply as follows:
• Upon arrival in the pit lane, repairs and adjustments may be made to the
• Refueling is not permitted. Any bike that enter into the pit box will be considered
retired and won’t be allowed to restart.
• When all riders have entered the pit lane the Race Director will announce the time
remaining to the re-opening of the pit lane, which will be a minimum of 5 minutes
• When the time period has lapsed, the pit lane exit will be opened for SIXTY
SECONDS only. Riders will make one lap at unrestricted speed to the starting grid
followed by a Safety Car. Any rider delaying the progress of the sighting lap will be
overtaken by the Safety Car. Any rider arriving behind the Safety Car must go into
the pit lane. Such rider will have to start the warm up lap from the pit lane and will
start the race from the back of the grid.
a) Any riders remaining in the pit lane after it has been closed will have to start
the warm up lap from the pit exit and start the race from the back of the grid.
b) One mechanic only, per rider, may go into the grid (without tools) to primarily
indicate to his rider his position on the grid. In the case that the restarted race
involves new grid position, the mechanic should avail himself to his rider’s new
grid position ( from the classification displayed on the timing screen or from
officials who will be positioned at the entry point to the grid with the revised
starting grid information.
c) Riders will arrive back on the starting grid and stop in their grid position, with
engines running, no adjustments may be made. Any rider requiring repairs or
adjustments on the sighting lap from the pit exit must enter to the pit lane.
d) As soon as the Safety Car arrives on the back of the grid, a 30 seconds board
will be displayed at the front of the grid. At this point the mechanics must
immediately leave the grid by the quickest route. The 30 seconds may be
reduced at the discretion of the Race Direction when the grid is cleared and it is
considered safe.
e) After 30 seconds have elapsed and/or the grid is cleared, a green flag will be
shown to start the warm up.

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f ) The riders will make one warm up lap at unrestricted speed, followed by a Safety
Car. When the last rider has passed the pit exit it will be opened for a period of
30 seconds o released any rider waiting. After 30 seconds, the pit lane exit will
remain closed until after the start of the race. Any rider not able to leave the
pit exit whilst it is open will start the race from the pit exit. Any rider delaying
the progress of the warm up will be overtaken by the Safety Car.
g) Upon arrival back at the starting grid the normal start procedure will be
followed, with the start signal given in the normal manner.
h) Riders who started the warm up lap from the pit lane must start the race from
the back of the grid as directed by officials. In the case of two or more riders,
they will take up the last grid positions in order of their grid positions. Any rider
arriving at the pit lane entry point after the Safety Car must enter the pit lane
and start the race from the pit lane exit.
i) After the start signal has been given and the last rider has passes the pit exit, the
pit exit will be closed. Any riders still in the pit lane may then start the race.
j) The Quick Start procedure may be involved by Race Direction as necessary in
cases other than an interrupted race (for examples a delayed start procedure).


During the race, the rider will be requested to ride through the pit lane, stopping is not
He may then join the race. The rider must respect the speed limit (Art.1.21.14) in the pit lane.
In case of infraction of this speed limit, the ride through procedure will be repeated; in case of a
second infraction of this speed limit, the black flag will be shown to the rider.
In the event of a restarted race, the above regulations will also apply. In the case of a race
interrupted prior to the penalty being complied with, and if there is a second part, the rider will
be required to ride through after the start of the second part of the race.
In the case of a rider carrying forward a penalty for anticipation of the start into the second part
of an interrupted race and subsequently found to have anticipated the second start, the rider will
be shown the black flag.
A yellow board (100cm Horizontal x 80cm Vertical) displaying the riders number (black colour)
will be shown at the finish line and the information will also be displayed on the time keeping
Failure by the relevant rider to ride through,having been shown the board 3 times, will result in
that rider being shown the black flag.
In the case where the organization has been unable to carry out the Ride through penalty before
the end of the race, the relevant rider will be inflicted with a time penalty of 20 seconds.


There will not be any declaration of wet or dry race. The decision of using wet or dry tyres is solely
up to the team or rider decision. A race will not be interrupted for climatic reasons except for
extraordinary events and riders who wish to change tyres must enter the pits and do so during
the actual race.
Only Supersport 600,ASB 1000 and UB 150 if during the ‘WARM UP’ before the race 1 or race 2 it
starts to rain and up to the discretion of the race direction to decide if it is dangerous to race the
slicks, the race direction will then instruct all course marshals to show the red flag. At this time all
riders must enter the pits to change their tyres from slick to wet. When the last bike enters the pit
lane a 7 minute countdown will start. All bikes must finish changing their tyres within the 7
minutes and must exit the pits before the 7 minutes is over. A restart will be done and there will
be minus of laps depending on the circuit venue. The start of the race will then be a quick start
procedure (please refer to Art.1.18 from point 3 onwards.). No refueling is allowed.
Only 3 crew members is allowed to work on the bike in the pit lane.

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1. Riders must obey the flag signals, and the boards which convey instructions. Any
infringement to this rule will be penalized according to the provisions of article 1.22
2. Riders must ride in a responsible manner which does not cause Danger to other
competitors or participants, either on the track or pit lane. Any infringement of
this rule will be penalized as below During practice, qualifying and warm-up:
A Fine or Fastest Lap time Cancel or start back of the grid During race :
Disqualification or Ride Through in the following race or Fine or withdrawal
of 10 Overall Championship Points or Suspension.

3. Riders should use only the track and the pit lane. However, if a rider accidently leaves
the track then he may rejoin it at the place indicated by the officials or at a place which
does not provide an advantage to him.
Any infringement of this rule during the practices or warm up will be penalized by the
cancellation of the lap time concerned and during the race, by a penalty decided by
the Race Direction.
If a change of position penalty is imposed a board will be displayed for the rider on the
finish line during a maximum of 3 laps. If the rider did not go back after the board has
been presented 3 times, he will be penalized by a ride through.
Any infringement of this rule on the last lap of the race that may have affected
a race result must indicate that the rider in question was disadvantaged by
exceeding the track limits. If the Race direction decide that there is no clear
disadvantage, the rider will be penalised with a change of position or time
penalty decided by Race Direction. Additional penalties (such as penalty points –
fine – ride through – disqualification – withdrawal of Championship points) may also
be imposed.
4. Any repairs or adjustments along the race track must be made by the rider alone with
absolutely no outside assistance. The marshal may assist the rider to the extent of
helping him to lift the machine and holding it whilst any repairs or adjustments are
The marshal may then assist him to restart the machine.
5. If the rider intends to retire, then he must park his motorcycle in a safe area as
indicated by the marshals. Should a rider crash during any practise or qualifying
session and wish to re-join the session, then at the discretion of the track marshals, he
may re-join the track and must proceed directly to the pit lane. The rider is responsible
of the safety with his machine until he reaches the pit lane. His bike will be checked in
the pit lane, for safety reasons, by the Technical Director (or his appointed deputy).
6. If the rider encounters a problem with the machine which will result in his retirement
from the practice or the race, then he should not attempt to tour at reduced speed to
the pits, but should pull off the track and park his machine in a safe place as indicated
by the marshals.
7. Riders who are returning slowly to the pits for remedial work should ensure that they
travel as far as possible off the racing line.
8. Riders may enter the pits during the practice & qualifying & race but taking the
motorcycle inside the pit box is not permitted. Infringement of this rules will be
penalized with a disqualification.
9. Riders who stop their engines in their pits may be assisted to restart their motorcycle
by the mechanics.
10. Riders are not allowed to transport another person on their machine or to be
transported by another rider on his machine (exception: Another rider or by another
rider after the chequered flag or red flag).

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11. Riders must not ride or push their motorcycles in the opposite direction of the circuit,
either on the track or in the pit lane, unless doing so under the direction of an Official.
12. No signal of any kind may pass between a moving motorcycle and the riders team
or anyone connected with the motorcycle’s entrant or rider, save for the signal from the
time keeping transponder, from on-board cameras, or legible messages on a pit board
or body movements by the rider.
13. Riders in the top 10 position may be required to carry two “on-bike” cameras on their
The cameras and associated equipment will be carried during all Practice sessions and
the race where it is impractical to supply cameras and associated equipment for every
motorcycle being used by the rider in practice or racing, then the company
designated for the supply of the equipment of equivalent weight, size and mounting
location to the functioning equipment.
Cameras and other equipment, functioning or dummy, will be supplied to the
designated Teams by, at the latest 1400hrs on the day proceeding the first day of
practice at an event.
Teams must give reasonable access and assistance to the company designated for the
for the supply of the camera equipment to facilitate the mounting of the equipment.
14. A speed limit of 60km/h will be enforced in the pit lane at all times during the event.
Riders must respect the speed limit from where the sign 60km/h is placed up to where
the sign 60km/h crossed out is placed.
Any rider found to have exceeded the limit during the practice will be subject to the
prevailing fine of for the first offence. Repeat offences at the same event will incur a
higher fine each time, and any rider committing 3 offences at a single event may also
be subject to further penalties from the Race Direction. Excessively high speed, in the
judgement of the Race Direction, and multiple repeat offences during the season may
incur higher fines and may also be subject to further penalties.
Any rider who exceeds the pit lane speed limit during the race will be penalized
with a ride through.
The Race Direction must communicate offence to the pit of the rider after having
received the information from the Official in charge.
15. Slowing Down for no reason and Stopping on the track during practice,
qualifying and race is forbidden.
16. During practice sessions and warm ups, practice starts are permitted;
a) When it is safe to do so, at the pit lane exit before joining the track or
b) After passing the chequered flag at the end of practice sessions and warm ups
when it is safe to do so, of the racing line and only in the designated Practice
Start Zone(s) and following the procedure as communicated to teams prior to the
first practice session. Infringement of this rule will incur an instant fine of USD100
and further penalties may be applied.
17. If any rider wishes to parade a flag or engage in any celebration after the chequered
flag, they must ride to the side of the racing surface location to collect the flag and/or
perform any celebrations and then rejoin the circuit when it is safe to do so. It is
forbidden to stop or slow down on the start-finish straight after the chequered flag for
any celebrations of any kind.
18. Riders are strictly not allowed to change directions more than once when coming out
of the last corner on the last lap before the chequered flag. A time penalty of 20
seconds will be added to the total rider’s total time if the above is not observed.
19. Change of direction more than one time to defend a position is strictly prohibited.
However if the rider decides to change course from left to right or right to left
depending on the circuit may do so only one time.

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Any infringement of this rule will be penalized with the following penalties: fine,
change of position, time penalty, drop of any number of grid position at the rider’s next
race, withdrawal of Championship points, disqualification and or suspension.
Decision of penalty by Race Direction is final and not subject to protest and/or appeal.
20. Riders are forbidden to stop, slow down or block any other rider on the track
during practices and qualifying. Any infringement of this rule will be penalized
with one of the following penalties: 15 sec. added to their total best time being
taken during Qualifying or Start the race from pit lane in Race 1 or fine of
21 After the chequered flag, riders riding on the track must wear a safety helmet
until they stop on the pit lane/parc ferme.
22 Any rider or team whose motorcycle spill oil on the track causing interruption of
practice, warm up or race twice in the same event will be penalised with heavy
penalty by the Race Direction.
23 Any rider whose machine enters the pit box or in the paddock during a race will
be considered to have finished the race and CANNOT re-enter the track.
24 Any rider who enters the pit lane twice during the race, to make adjustment (for
other reason than changing tyre), may be forbidden by Race Direction to re-join
the race.
25 Riders are forbidden to cross white line after exiting pit exit at any time and will
be penalised by Race Direction.
26 Crossing Chequered flag more than once after being shown will be penalised by
Race Direction.


Marshal and other officials display flags or lights to provide information and/or convey
instructions to the riders.
All flags are presented waved.
1.22.1 Flags and Lights Used to provide Information.
• Green Flag
The track is clear.
This flag must be waved at each flag marshal post for the first lap of each practice
session and of the warm up, for the sighting lap and for the warm up lap. This flag
must be waved at the flag marshal post immediately after the Incident that
necessitated the use of one or more yellow flags.
When the pit lane exit is open, this flag must be waved at the pit lane exit.

• Green Light
This light must be switched on at the pit lane exit to signal the start of each practice
session and of the warm up, the start of the sighting lap and the start of the warm
up lap.
Be affected by any reason other than rain.
This flag must be waved at the flag marshal post.

• Yellow and Red Striped Flag

The Adhesion on this section of the track could be affected by any reason other
than rain.
This flag must be waved at the flag marshal post.

• White Flag with diagonal red cross

Drops of rain on this section of the track. The flag must be waived at the flag
marshal post.

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• White Flag with diagonal red cross + Yellow and Red Striped Flag
Rain on this section of the track. The flag must be shown together waved at the
flag marshal post.

• Blue Flag
Shown waved at the flag marshal post, this flag indicates to a rider that he is about
to be overtaken.
During the practice sessions, the rider concerned must keep his line and slow
down gradually to allow the faster rider to pass him.
During the race, the rider concerned is about to be lapped. He must allow the
following rider(s) to pass him at the earliest opportunity.
Any infringement of this rule will be penalized with one of the following penalties:
fine – disqualification – withdrawal of the Championship points.
At all times, this flag will be shown waved to the rider leaving the pit lane if the
traffic is approaching on the track.

• Chequered Black/White Flag

This flag will be waved at the finish line on the track level to indicate the finish of
race or practice session.

• Chequered Black/White Flag and Blue Flag

This chequered Black/White flag will be waved together with the Blue flag
presented motionless at the finish line on track level when the rider)s) precedes
closely the leader during the final lap before the finish line (see Art.1.24.1)

1.22.2 Flags Which Convey Information and Instructions.

• Yellow Flag
Waved at each row at the starting grid, the flag indicates that the start of the race is
A single yellow flag waved at the flag marshal post indicates that there is a danger
ahead beside the track. Two yellow flags waved together at the flag marshal post
indicate that there is a hazard wholly or partly blocking the track.
The riders must slow down and be prepared to stop. Overtaking is forbidden up
until the point where the green flag is waved.
Any infringement of this rule during the practice & qualifying session will result in
the cancellation of the current lap time lap during which the infraction occurred.
In case of infringement of this rule during the race,
i) The rider must go back to the original positions. A board will be displayed
for the rider on the finish line during the maximum of 3 laps. If the rider
did not go back after the board has been presented 3 times, he will be
penalized by a ride through.
ii) During the final lap, the penalty will be a 20 second time added to the total
In both cases, further penalties (such as penalty points, fine – suspension) may also
be imposed.
If immediately after having overtaken, the rider realizes that he did an infraction, he
must raise his hand and let pass the rider(s) that he has overtaken. In this case, no
penalty will be imposed.
During the final inspection lap, this flag must be waived at the exact place where
the flag marshal will be positioned during the practices, the warm ups and races.

• Flashing Blue Lights

Will be switched on at the pit lane exit at all times during practices and races.

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• Red Flag and Red Lights
When the race or practice is being interrupted, the red flag will be waved at each
flag marshal post and the red lights around the track will be switched on. Riders
must return slowly to the pits.
When the ;pit lane exit is closed, this flag will be shown at the pit lane exit and the
light will be switched on. Riders are not allowed to exit the pit lane.
Any infringement of this rule will be penalized with one of the following penalties:
fine - disqualification – withdrawal of Championship points – suspension.
The red flag will be shown motionless on the starting grid at the end of the sighting
lap and at the end of the warm up lap.
The red flag may also be used to close the track.
The red lights will be switched on at the start line for between 2 and 5 seconds to
start each race.

• Black Flag
This flag is used to convey instructions to one rider only and is displayed waved at
each flag marshal post together with the rider’s number. The rider must stop at the
pits at the end of the current lap and cannot restart.
This flag will be presented only after the rider’s team has been notified.
Any infringement of this rule will be penalized with one of the following penalties:
fine – disqualification - withdrawal of Championship points – suspension.

• Black Flag with orange disk (40cm)
This flag is used to convey instructions to one rider only and is displayed waved at
each flag marshal post together with the rider number. This flag informs the
rider that his motorcycle has mechanical problems likely to endanger himself or
others, and that he must immediately leave the track.
Any infringement of this rule will be penalized with one of the following penalties:
fine – disqualification – withdrawal of Championship points – suspension.

1.22.3 Flag Dimension

The flag dimension should be 80cms in the vertical and 100cms in the horizontal. The
flag dimension will be checked the day preceding the day of the first practice session.

1.22.4 Flag colour

The Pantones for the colours are as follows:
Orange : Pantone 151C
Black : Pantone Black C
Blue : Pantone 298C
Red : Pantone 186C
Yellow : Pantone Yellow C
Green : Pantone 248C
The flags colours will be checked the day preceding the day of the First practice

1.22.5 Rider’s number board

Black board (70cm horizontal x 50cm vertical) which enables the race number of
a rider to be attached with a set of numbers in white, whose stroke width is minimum
4cm and height minimum 30cm. This board must be available at each flag marshal

1.22.6 Flag Marshals posts

The location will be fixed during the circuit homologation.

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1.22.7 Marshals Uniforms
It is strongly recommended that marshals’ uniforms to be in white or orange (Ref.
Pantone 151C) and the raincoat to be transparent.


The medical cars, if they are to go on the track, must be equipped with yellow flashing lights.
The words “ MEDICAL CAR” should be clearly indicated on the back and the sides of the car.


1.24.1 When the leading rider has completed the designated number of laps for the race, he
will be shown a chequered flag and by an official standing at the finish line.
The chequered flag will continue to be displayed to the subsequent riders. When the
chequered flag is shown to the leading rider, no other rider will be permitted to enter
the track from the pit lane.
As soon as the chequered flag is shown to the leading rider, the red light will be
switched on at the pit lane exit and a marshal showing a red flag will stand in the pit
lane exit.
If a rider(s) closely proceeds the leader during the final lap before the finish line, the
official will show to the rider(s) and to the leader simultaneously the chequered flag
and the Blue flag. That means that the race is finished for the leader while the rider(s)
closely proceeding to the leader has (have) to complete the final lap and take the
chequered flag.

1.24.2 In case of a photo – finish between two or more riders, the decision will be taken in
favour of the competitor whose front wheel leading edge crosses the plane of the
finish line first.

In case the rider is not in contact with the machine, the finish time is determined
by the front part of the rider or machine that crosses the finish line

In case of ties, the riders concerned will be ranked in the order of the best lap time
made during the race.

1.24.3 The results will be based on the order in which the riders cross the line and the number
of laps completed.

1.24.4 To be counted as a finisher in the race and be included in the results a rider must:
a) Complete 75% of the race distance.
b) Cross the finish line on the race track (not in the pit lane) within 5 minutes of the
race winner. The rider must be in contact with his machine.

1.24.5 The riders placed in the first three positions in the race will be escorted by officials, as
quickly as possible, to the podium for the awards ceremony. Participation in the
podium ceremony by the first three riders is compulsory.

1.24.6 A new lap record for the circuit can only be established by a rider during a race.

1.24.7 Both for the practice and the race, the lap time is the substraction of the time between
two consecutive crossings of the finish line painted on the track.

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1.25.1 If the Race Director decides to interrupt the race at any point from the start of the
warm up lap onwards, when red flags will be displayed at the finish line and at all
marshals post and around the circuit. Riders must immediately slow down and return
to the pit lane.
The results will be the results taken at the last point where the leader and all other
riders on the same lap as the leader had completed a full lap without the red flag being
Exception: if the race is interrupted after the chequered flag, the following procedures
will apply:
• For all the riders for whom the chequered flag was shown before the interruption, a
partial classification will be established at the end of the last lap of the race.
• For all the riders for whom the chequered flag was not shown before the
interruption , a partial classification will be established at the end of the
penultimate lap of the race.
• The complete classification will be established by combining both partial
classifications as per the lap/time procedure.
At the time the red flag is displayed, riders who are not actively participation in the
race will not be classified.
Within 5 minutes after the red flag has been displayed, riders who have not entered
the pit lane, pushing and riding on their motorcycle, will not be classified.

1.25.2 If the results calculated show that less than three (3) laps for ASB1000 & SS600,
two (2) laps for AP250 & UB 150 have been completed by the leader of the race and
by all other riders on the same lap as the leader, then the race will be null and void and
a completely new race will be run. The Race Direction will inform the teams and riders
the new number of race laps.
If it is found impossible to re-start the race, then it will be declared cancelled and the
race will not count for the Championship.

1.25.3 If three (3) laps for ASB1000 & SS600, two (2) laps for AP250 & UB 150 or more
have been completed by the leader of the race and all other
riders on the same lap as the leader, but less then two-thirds of the original race
distance, rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps, then the race will be
re-started according to article 1.26.4. if it is found impossible to re-start the race, then
the results will count and half points will be awarded in the Championship.

1.25.4 If the results calculated show that two thirds of the original race distance rounded
down to the nearest whole number of laps have been completed by the leader of the
race and by other riders on the same lap as the leader, then:
The race will have deemed to be completed and full Championship points will be

1.25.5 For the purpose of these regulations “active” and “actively competing” are
defined as the rider riding on track, or attempting to repair/restart the machine,
or to rejoin the track or return to pit lane. Race Director will be the sole judge of
whether a rider is actively competing, and no appeal is possible against the Race
Director decision.

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1.26.1 If a race has to be re-started, then it will be done as quickly as possible, consistent with
track conditions allowing. As soon as the riders have returned to the pits the Race
Director will announce a time for the new start procedure to begin which, which
conditions permitting,

1.26.2 The results of the first race must be available to teams before the second part of a race
can be started.

1.26.3 The start procedure will be the same for all classes and will follow the Quick Restart
Procedure, Article 1.18 unless informed by Race Direction.

1.26.4 Condition for the re-started race will be as follows:

i) In the case of situations described in article 1.25.2 above:
• All riders may start, including riders who may not have completed the sighting
or warm up lap for the original start.
• Motorcycles may be repaired. Refueling is not permitted.
• The number of laps of the second race will be the number of laps required to
complete two thirds of the original race distance rounded down to the nearest
whole number of laps with a minimum of 4 laps.
• The grid position will be as for the original race.

ii) In the case of situation described in article 1.25.3 (less than two thirds
completed) and article1.25.4 ( two third completed) above;
• Only riders who are classified as finishers in the first race may restart.
To be able to re-start the rider must enter pit lane, riding or pushing
their motorcycle, within 5 minutes after the red flag was displayed in the
interrupted race.
• Motorcycles may be repaired and Refueling is not permitted
• The number of laps of the second race will be number of laps required to
complete two third of the original race distance rounded down to the
nearest whole number of laps with a minimum of 2 laps.
• The grid position will be based on the finishing order of the first race.
• The final race classification will be established according to the position
and the consolidated number of laps of each rider at the time he crossed
the finish line at the end of last part of the race. Provisions of Art 1.25.4 will

1.26.5 Any start position penalties applying to a rider in the first race, e.g. a drop of grid
position or starting the race from pit lane, will be considered to have been served at
the original race start and will not apply to the restart race.
In case of Art.1.26.2 (race Interrupted with less than 2 laps completed) the new start
will be completely new race so therefore existing start position penalties will apply.

1.26.6 Should a re-started race be interrupted and Race Direction deems it possible to
re-started, then the conditions for a further re-start will follow Art.1.26.4 (ii),
with the race distance and results defined as follows:
For all classes
• If the re-started race is interrupted when 4 or more laps for ASB1000 & SS600,
more three (3) laps for AP250 & UB 150 have been completed, the
race will be deemed to have been completed and full Championship points
awarded. The race classification will be according to Art.1.28.

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• If the re-started race is interrupted when less than 4 laps for ASB1000 & SS600
have been completed, the race would be re-started a further time if possible,
and Race Direction will determine the number of laps with a minimum of
four(4) laps for ASB1000 & SS600, The grid will be based on the results of this
interrupted race provided 3 or 4 full laps were completed ( a race of less than
3 laps will be null and void and will not determine the grid or eligibility for a
restarted race).
For AP250 & UB150 when less then 3 laps have been completed, the race will
not be re-started for the third race. Half Championship points will be awarded.
The race classification will be according to Art.1.28. If the second race is
re-started and non of the races ( original or subsequent re-starts) have
completed 2 or more laps, then the race is deemed to be cancelled and no
Championship points will be awarded.
• If that further re-started race (third race) for ASB1000 & SS600 is interrupted
when less then 4 laps have been completed, no further restarted will be
made. The race results will then be determined by the first part of the race
and full Championship points awarded, provided that in the first part of the
race 4 laps or more have been completed.
• If the first race is re-started and non of the races ( original or subsequent
re-starts) have completed 5 or more laps, then the race is deemed to be
cancelled and no Championship points will be awarded.
• Race Direction may reschedule re-started races in the programmed as


At the end of the race, or the final part of the race that has been interrupted, all the classified
motorcycles must be removed to a check area pending inspection by the Technical Stewards or
potential protests. Machines will normally be released from the check area 30 minutes after the
finish of the race.


1.28.1 Riders and Teams will compete for the Asia Road Racing Championship points.

1.28.2 For riders, the points will be those gained in each race.

1.28.3 For Teams, only the highest placed motorcycle of a team will gain points, according to
the position in the race.

1.28.4 For each race, Championship points will be awarded on the following scale:
1st 25 points 9th 7 points
2nd 20 points 10th 6 points
3rd 16 points 11th 5 points
4th 13 points 12th 4 points
5th 11 points 13th 3 points
6th 10 points 14th 2 points
7th 9 points 15th 1 points
8th 8 points

1.28.5 All races will count for the Asia Road Racing Championship Underbone or Asia
Production or Supersport or Asia Superbike for the FIM Asia Supporting event Cup

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1.28.6 In the event of a tie in the number of points, the final positions will be decided on the
bases of the number of best results in the races (number of first places, number of
second places etc.,). In the event that there is a tie, then, the date in the
Championships at which the highest place was achieved will be taken into account
with precedence going to the latest results.

1.28.7 In the case where the rider participates on different machines, it is the make of the
machine with which he obtained the most points that will appear next to his name in
the final classification, without, however, modifying the calculation for the
Constructors’ classification.

1.28.8 The Asia Championships in each category or winner of the FIM Asia Championship are
obliged to attend an official FIM Asia ceremony.


1.29.1 Instructions may be given by the Race Director and/or Clerk of the Course to Teams
and/or Riders by means of special circulars in accordance with the Regulations.
Circulars will be posted on the official notice board and given to each team

1.29.2 All classifications and results or practice and the race, as well as all decisions issued by
the officials, will be posted on the official notice board.

1.29.3 Any communication from the Race Direction, the Permanent Officials of the Clerk of
the Course to a team or rider must be communicated in writing. Similarly, any
communication from a team or rider to the Race Direction, Permanent Officials or the
Clerk of Course must also be in writing.


Riders may enter the pit lane ( but must not cross the line into the pit box) during the race.
Refueling is strictly prohibited. Any infringement of this rule will be penalized with a
For the ASB1000 & Supersports 600cc class only, the following procedure will also apply for all
i) Riders who wish to change tyres in the pit lane must stop in front of their garage and
turn off the engine. The use of power tools (maximum two at the same time, electric
or pneumatic ) is allowed.
ii) Stands of lifts must operate manually and cannot be power assisted.
iii) The use of an auxiliary starter and/or or a booster battery is not allowed to restart the
iv) A marshal will monitor the situation and report any infringement of this rule which will
be penalized by the Race Direction with a ride through.
v) During the pit stop, adjustments to the motorcycle are allowed.
vi) Only 3 crew members are allowed to change the tyres. Infringement of this rule will be
penalized by Race Direction.
vii) A pit stop without a tyre change is not affected by this rule.


For safety reasons, the following rules must be strictly respected:
1.31.1 Team personnel will not be permitted in the pit lane during practice, warm up and
race of another class unless they are making adjustments to their motorcycle.

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1.31.2 The maximum number of team personnel per rider in the working area in front of the
pits is limited to:
- 6 for SS600cc and ASB1000cc
- 4 for AP250cc and UB150cc

1.31.3 The maximum of team personnel per rider on the signaling platform is limited to 4 for
all the classes.


The deposit in case of dismantling and reassembling a machine to measure the cylinder capacity
or etc., following a protest, is USD800. –( material included) If the party who makes the protest is
the losing party, the deposit will be paid to the winning party.
If the party who makes the protest is the winning party, the deposit shall be reimbursed.


Any rider who enters an event must inform the organizer if, subsequently, he decides not to
participate in the event. A rider who has submitted and entry form and fails to participate will be
reported by the International Jury to the FIM Asia, who will impose the following penalties:
1.33.1 First offence: fine of USD200.

1.33.2 Subsequent offences in the same season: suspension from the next event counting
towards the Championship

Upon receipt of the International Jury’s Report, the Executive Secretariat will sent a letter to the
riders FMN asking the reasons for then on-participation; a reply should be sent within 15 days at
the latest and a decision will be taken regarding the penalty.
A suspension could also be pronounced against a rider who takes part in another event on the
same day.

PROTEST Within 1 hour after result or 30 minutes after
Caution / Deposit USD500 notification of Race Direction decision


30 minutes
Caution / Deposit : USD1,000

FIM Asia JURY HEARING Immediately


5 days
Caution / Deposit: USD1,000



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Amendments to the technical regulations may be made by the FIM Asia Road Racing (ARRC) Technical
Committee at any time.
During practices: If a motorcycle is found not to be in conformity with the technical regulations during
or after the practices, its rider will be given a penalty for the event such as a ride through, a drop of any
number of grid positions for the next race, suspension and/or withdrawal of Championship or Cup
After a Race: If a motorcycle is found not to be in conformity with the technical regulations after a race,,
its rider will be given a penalty such as a time penalty or disqualification.

2.1.1 Motorcycles for the ARRC must be motorcycles with valid road homologation in one
of the following areas: Asia Oceania or EU. These motorcycles must be available for
sale to the public in the shop and the dealerships representing the manufacturer in at
least one of the above areas before the third event of the current Championship to be
allowed to be used in the remaining Championship events.

• The production based racing classed will be designated by engine capacity and
level of technical freedom.


• Materials
The use of titanium in the construction of the frame, the front fork, the handlebars,
the swing arms, is forbidden. The use of titanium alloy nuts and bolts is allowed in
certain classes.
a) Titanium test to be performed on the track: Magnetic test (titanium is not
b) The 3% nitric acid test (titanium does not react. If metal is steel, the drop wil
leave a black spot.
c) Specific weight of titanium alloys is between 4.5 and 5.0 kg/dm3 vs. over 7.48
kg/dm3 of steel and can be ascertained by weighing the part and measuring its
volume in a calibrated glass filled with water (intake valve, rocker, connecting
rod, etc )
d) In case of doubt, the test must take place at a Materials Testing Laboratory.

2.1.4 Handlebars and Control Levers Exposed Handlebar ends must be plugged with a solid material or rubber
covered. The minimum angle of the rotation of the steering on each side of the centre
line or mid position must be of 15˚ for all motorcycles. Whatever the
position of the handlebars, the front wheel, tyre and the mudguard must
maintain a minimum gap of 10mm.
Solid stops (other than steering dampers) must be fitted to ensure a
minimum clearance of 30mm between the handlebars and levers and the
tank, frame or other bodywork when on full lock to prevent trapping the
rider’s fingers.

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REGULATIONS 2022 REGULATIONS Repair by welding of light alloy handlebars is prohibited. Composite
handlebars are not allowed in any class. All handlebar levers (clutch, brake, etc.) must be ball ended (diameter of
this ball to be at least 16mm). This ball can also be flattened, but in any
case the edges must be rounded (minimum thickness of this flattened part
14mm). These ends must be permanently fixed and form an integral part of
the lever. Each control lever (hand and foot levers) must be mounted on an
independent pivot. The brake lever, ( if pivoted on the footrest axis, must work under all
circumstances, such footrests being bent or deformed. Modified rider controls will be considered for the mobility subject to a report
by the Medical Director, the ARRC Technical Director’s decision is final.

2.1.5 Compulsory Safety Items All drain plugs must be locked wired (safety wired. External oil filter(s),
screws and bolts that enter the oil cavity must be safety wired (ie. on
crankcases). The oil filter may optionally have a secondary retention
mechanism. Where breather or overflow pipes are fitted they must discharge via existing
outlets. The original closed system must be retained; no direct atmospheric
emission is permitted.

2.1.6 Wheel and rims Modification of tyre retention screws sometimes used to prevent tyre
movement relative to the rim is permitted. If the rim is modified for these
purposes bolts, screws etc. must be fitted. Rim Width Measurement: The distance between the rim walls is measured
inside the flange walls in accordance with ETRTO (European Tyre and Rim
Technical Organisation).

2.1.7 Ballast The use of ballast is allowed to stay over the minimum weight limit. The use
of ballast must be declared to the ARRC Technical Director at the preliminary
checks. The ballast must be made of solid metallic piece/s, firmly and
securely connected, either through an adapter or directly to the main frame
or engine, with a minimum of 2 steel bolts (min. 8mm diameter, 8.8 grade or
over). Other equivalent technical solutions must be submitted to the ARRC
Technical Director for his approval. Fuel and fuel tank can be used as ballast. Nevertheless, the verified weight
may never fall below the required minimum weight.

2.1.8 Homologated Parts Homologated parts are the OEM parts supplied fitted to the machine during
manufacture and as delivered. Unless stated otherwise these parts may not
be remade, refinished, treated. Coated or modified in any way. Parts from the different homologations may
not be used on the machines from another homologation including when
sharing the model name but excepting when the part is superseded for
production reasons and also accepted by the FIM and FIM Asia.

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2.1.9 Rear Safety Lights All motorcycles must have a functioning red light mounted at the rear, this
light must be switched on when the motorcycle is on the track ONLY during
poor visibility, ie: rain, fog, haze. “LIGHTS ON” board will be shown at
the start of finish line and all riders on track MUST turn on their lights. All
lights must comply with the following: Lighting direction must be parallel to the machine centre line (motorcycle
running direction), and be clearly visible from the rear at least 15 degrees to
both left and right sides of the machine centre line. The red light must be mounted near the end of the seat/rear bodywork
and approximately on the machine centre line, in a position approved by the
Technical Director. In case of dispute over the mounting position or visibility,
the decision of the Technical Director will be final.
a) Power output/luminosity equivalent to approximately: 10 – 15
(incandescent), 0.6 – 1.8W (LED).The output must be continuous & no
flashing light whilst on track, flashing is allowed in the pit lane when pit
speed limiter is active.
b) Safety; light power supply may be separated from the motorcycle’s main
battery. The minimum size is 4cm X1cm and the maximum size is 8cm X
c) The Technical Director has the right to refuse any light system not
satisfying this safety purpose.

2.1.10 Sound Level Control

Sound limit in force:
The maximum sound level, shall be measured at a mean piston speed of 11 m/sec. The
fixed RPM specified in Art.2.1.11 may be used
• With the microphone placed at 50cm from the exhaust pipe at an angle of 45
measured from the centre- line of the exhaust end and at the height of the exhaust
pipe but at least 20cm above the ground. If this is not possible, the measurement
can be taken at 45 upwards.
• During a sound test, motorcycles not equipped with a gear-box neutral must be
placed on a stand. Motorcycles should be on neutral- gear selection and be placed
on the stand during the sound test.
• The rider shall keep his engine running out of gear and shall increase the engine
speed until it reaches the specified Revolutions Per Minute (RPM). Measurements
must be taken when the specified RPM is reached.
• The RPM depends upon the mean piston speed corresponding to the stroke of the

The RPM will be given by the relationship:

N = 30,000 x cm
In which:
N = prescribed RPM of engine
Cm = fixed mean piston speed in m/s
l = stroke in mm

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2.1.11 Noise control
• Noise control – ASB1000 *refer article 2.2.24
Due to the different of the piston stroke engine configurations within the capacity
classes, the noise test will be conducted at the following RPM. For reference only,
the mean piston speed at which the noise text is conducted is calculated at 11 m/
• Noise control – SS600 *refer article 2.3.22
Due to similarity of the piston stroke in different engine configurations within the
capacity classes, the noise test will be conducted at a fixed RPM.
• Noise control – AP250 *refer article 2.4.22
Due to the different of the piston stroke engine configurations within the capacity
classes, the noise test will be conducted at the following RPM. For reference only,
the mean piston speed at which the noise text is conducted is calculated at 11 m/
• Noise control – UB150 *refer article 2.5.20
Due to the similarity of the piston stroke in different engine configurations within
the capacity classes, the noise test will be conducted at a fixed RPM. For reference
only, the mean piston speed at which the noise test is conducted is calculated at 11

2.1.12 The maximum sound level for engine with more than one cylinder will be measured
on each exhaust end.

2.1.13 A motorcycles which does not comply with the maximum sound limits may be
presented several times at ore-race control.

2.1.14 The surrounding sound must not exceed 90 dB/A within a 5 metres radius from the
power source during tests.

2.1.15 Apparatus for noise control must be in to international standard IEC 651, Type 1. The
sound level meter must be equipped with a calibrator for control and adjustment of
the meter during periods of use.

2.1.16 The “slow response” setting must always be used.

2.1.17 Sound control after the competition

In a competition which requires a final examination of motorcycles before the results
are announced, this examination must include a sound control measurement of at
least the first three motorcycles listed in the final classification.
At the final test, there will be a 3 dB/A tolerance.

2.1.18 Noise control during competition
In a competition which requires noise control tests during the event, motorcycles
must comply with the noise limits without tolerance in Article in Ref of Exhaust rules of
each classes.

2.1.19 Guidelines for Use of Sound Level Meters

a) Sound level measuring equipment must include a complete calibrator, which must
be used immediately before resting begins and always just prior to a re-test if.
a disciplinary sanction may be imposed. Two sets of equipment must be available
in case of failure of tachometer, sound level meter or calibrator during technical

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b) Tests may take place in rain or excessively damp conditions. Motorcycles
considered excessively noisy must be individually tested if conditions allow.
c) In other than moderate wind, motorcycles must face forward in the wind direction
(Mechanical noise will blow forward, away from microphone)
d) “Slow” meter response must be used.
e) “A” weighted setting on sound level meter.
f ) No rounding down of the meter reading, that is: 110.9 dB/A = 110.9 dB/A.
g) Corrections
Type 1 meter : deduct 1 dB/A
h) Precision of the method (tolerances)
i) All corrections are accumulative. Actions and decisions will depend on the Sporting
Discipline concerned, and decisions taken during prior discussions with the ARRC
Technical Director.

2.1.20 Protective Clothing And Helmets

• Riders must wear a complete leather suit with additional leather padding or other
protection on the principal contact points, knees, elbows, musters, hips etc.
• Linings or undergarments must not be made of a synthetic material which might
melt and cause damage to the riders’ skin.
• Riders must also wear Leather Gloves and Boots, which with the leather suit provide
complete coverage from the neck down.
• Leather substitute materials may be used, providing they have been checked by the
Technical Committee.
• Use of a Chest and Back Protector is compulsory.
• Riders must wear a helmet which is in good condition, provides a good fit and is
properly fastened.
• Helmets must be of the full face type (integral) and conform to one of the
recognised international standards:

EUROPE ECE 22-05 (only “P” type)

JAPAN JIS T 8133:2015 (only “Type 2 Full face”)
FIM FRHPhe-01 - 2018 (FIM Racing Homologation Programme helmet)

• Visors must be made of a shatterproof material.
• Disposable “tear-offs” are permitted. Any question concerning the suitability or
condition of the riders clothing and/or helmet shall be decided by the Technical
Director, who may, if he so wishes, consult with the manufacturers of the product
before making a final decision.

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Examples of labels are reported below (for Europe, the country numbers which have granted the approval
are also indicated):

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The following rules are intended to permit limited changes to the homologated Motorcycle in the
interests of safety and improved competition between various Motorcycle concepts.


If a change to a part or system is not specifically permitted in any of the following articles, then it is

ASB1000 motorcycles require an FIM homologation as listed in current Listing of FIM homologated
motorcycles for Superbike category. If a FIM homologation is not available for a specific motorcycle
due to unavoidable circumstances (e.g. Covid-19 Pandemic) and FIM Homologation has been
submitted than, the following may be used as a remedy.

- Homologation from in the Country of Origin (of the motorcycle Make)

- Homologation from the FIM ARRC Technical Committee.

All motorcycles must comply in every respect with all the requirements for road racing as specified in
this Technical Specifications (Regulations), All Motorcycles must be normally aspirated.

Once a motorcycle has obtained the homologation, it may be used for racing in the corresponding class
for a maximum period of 8 years or until such time that the homologated motorcycle is disqualified by
new rules or changes in the technical specifications of the corresponding class.

The appearance from the front, rear and tge profile of ASB1000 motorcycles must (except when
otherwise stated) conform to the homologated shape (as originally produced by the manufacturer). The
appearance of the exhaust system is excluded from this rule.

2.2 General Motorcycle Specifications.

All parts and systems of the Motorcycle not specifically mentioned in the following articles must
- As originally produced by the manufacturer.
- As originally fitted or equipped on the homologated Motorcycle.
Interchange of parts between the Motorcycles within same model name and or same frame VIN
(Vehicle Identification Numbers) where they are homologated separately and at different years
are NOT PERMITTED, except when it is specifically mentioned in another part(s) of this regulation
that it can be interchanged between the Motorcycles within same model name and or same
frame VIN. (E.g. Wheels)

2.2.1. Eligible Motorcycles

These rules are intended for production road Motorcycles only. If the Motorcycles
included in the FIM Superbike homologation list does not meet the requirement
of this Technical Specifications here, then the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee
has the right to decide which Motorcycles will be eligible or NOT eligible be used
in the ASB1000 class. The displacement capacity, bore and stroke, must remain as the
homologated size. For 2022 the following Motorcycles are approved to compete: BMW S1000RR BMW M1000RR

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REGULATIONS 2022 Ducati Panigale V4R Honda CBR1000RR SP2 Honda CBR1000RR-R (2020-Current) Honda CBR1000RR-R SP (2020-Current) Kawasaki ZX10R Kawasaki ZX10RR (2019-Current) Suzuki GSX-R 1000 Yamaha YZF-R1 Yamaha YZF-R1M (2017-Current)

Note: This list can be amended at any time by The FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Committee.

2.2.2. Balancing Various Motorcycle Concepts
In order to equalise the performance of motorcycles of different makes and models,
different engine configurations and other specifications, changes in the minimum
weight may be applied according to their respective racing performances. The
decision to apply the handicap will be taken by the The FIM Asia ARRC Technical
Committee at any time deemed necessary to ensure fair competition.

2.2.3. Minimum weight

At any time of the event, the weight of the whole Motorcycle including the tank and its
fuel contents must not be lower than the minimum weight.
i. The minimum weight is 170 kg
ii. There is no tolerance on the minimum weight of the motorcycle.

During the final technical inspection at the end of the race, the selected motorcycles
will be weighed in the condition they finished the race, and the established weight
limit must be met in this condition. Nothing may be added to the motorcycle. This
includes all fluids.

During the practice and qualifying sessions, riders may be asked to submit their
motorcycle to a weight control. In all cases the rider must comply with this request.

The use of ballast is permitted to stay over the minimum weight limit. The use of ballast
must be declared to the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director whenever it is installed or
used and re-inspected whenever there is a change.

2.2.4. Numbers and number plates

Each rider accepted for the Asia Road Racing Championship will be able to choose
their own starting number which will be valid for the whole championship. The
numbers “1” until “10” will be reserved for the previous year’s competitors according to
their overall championship points standing. The background colour is white and the numbers are black or dark colours The sizes for all the front numbers are:

i. Minimum height: 140 mm
ii. Minimum width: 80 mm
iii. Minimum stroke: 25 mm
iv. Minimum space between numbers: 10 mm

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REGULATIONS 2022 The sizes for all the side numbers are:
v. Minimum height: 120 mm
vi. Minimum width: 60 mm
Minimum stroke: 25 mm
viii. Minimum space between numbers: 10 mm The allocated number (& plate) for the rider must be affixed on the motorcycle as
i. Once on the front, either in the centre of the fairing or slightly off to one side. The
number must be centred on the background with no advertising within 25 mm in
all directions.
ii. Once, on each side of the motorcycle. The preferred location for the numbers on
each side of the motorcycle is on the lower rear portion of the main fairing (belly
pan) near the bottom. The number must be centred on the background. The approved font types for the numbers are as following;
i. Futura Heavy and Futura Heavy Italic
ii. Univers Bold and Univers Bold Italic
iii. Olivers Med and Olivers Med Italic
iv. Franklin Gothic and Franklin Gothic Italic Any numbers not using these fonts must have the design of the numbers and the
layout pre-approved by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director a minimum of 2 weeks
before the first race. All digits must be of standard form. Any outlines must be of a contrasting colour and the maximum width of the outline is
3 mm. The background colour must be clearly visible around all edges of the number
(including outline). Reflective or mirror type numbers are not permitted. Numbers cannot overlap.
In case of a dispute concerning the legibility of numbers, the decision of the FIM Asia
ARRC Technical Director will be final.

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2.2.5. Fuel
All ASB1000 Motorcycles must use only normal unleaded fuel provided by Organiser or
the Event Promoter and without any additional additives.

2.2.6. Tyres Tyres will be one make and provided by Dunlop, the Official Tyre Supplier. A maximum of 8 front and 1 extra Rear of Slick tyres is only allowed
for the race weekend. The extra Rear tyre can only be used during
qualifying session. This is the maximum number of tyres permitted during a race weekend. If
allocation is to be changed the entrants will be advised. A maximum of 4 sets of Wet tyres will be provided for the race weekend. All used and unused tyres supplied for the race weekend MUST be return to
the Official Tyre supplier after the race. Any modification or treatment (cutting, grooving) is forbidden. The dry-weather tyres used in the free practices, qualifying practices, warm
up and race must be marked with adhesive sticker with a number allocated
by the Official Tyre Supplier, At the discretion of the rider or team, dry-weather or wet-weather tyres may
be used for the Race weekend. The allocation of tyres will be made on a random basis by the representative
from the Official Tyre Supplier. The tyres identified may not be exchanged
between riders including between team mates and may not be exchanged
by the tyre supplier after the allocation except with the permission of the
Race Direction. The stickers will show an identification number for each rider and it will have
a different colour on each allocation The stickers must be applied to the right sidewall of the tyre. Officials or Personnel nominated by the FIM ARRC Technical Director will
check that all the Motorcycles in the pit lane are fitted with tyres carrying the
sticker. The use of Motorcycles with unmarked tyres (e.g. without the official
stickers) will be immediately reported to the Race Direction which will take
appropriate action. In exceptional cases, should the sticker be damaged or applied in the wrong
way, up to 1 extra sticker may be provided at the sole discretion of the FIM
ARRC Director. However, the damaged sticker must be returned to the FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Director and/or the tyre it was applied to must be absolutely
intact. In case of a red flag, a damaged tyre found on motorcycles checked in pit
lane, may be replaced with a new tyre. The damage must be confirmed by
the Official Supplier.

2.2.7. Engine A maximum of 2 engines is permitted for each race weekend. Engines will be
sealed before the start of the first practice of race weekend during the
scrutineering and safety checks Any engine change must be accompanied by a written request stating the
reason for change, all engine seals must not be removed without
permission from the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director. The FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Director may request to examine the retired engine.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Apart from the above requirement, engines will be requested to be sealed at
any time during the event by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director when the
need arises.

2.2.8. Fuel Injection System The fuel injection system must be the originally fitted and homologated
system with no modifications permitted. Fuel injection system refers to the
throttle bodies, fuel injectors, variable length intake tract devices, fuel pump
and fuel pressure regulator. The injectors must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications permitted. The number (quantity) of injector must remain as in
the homologated Motorcycles. Variable intake tract device may only be used if the homologated Motorcycle
model is equipped with such system and they must remain identical and
operate in the same way as the homologated system. The throttle bodies must be as originally produced by the manufacturer for
the homologated Motorcycle. Butterfly valves must be the originally fitted and homologated part with the
following change(s) permitted; Secondary throttle valves and shafts may be fixed in the open
position and the electronics may be disconnected or removed. Electronically controlled throttle valves, known as “ride-by-wire”, may only be
used if the homologated model is equipped with the same system. Air and air/fuel mixture can go to the combustion chamber exclusively
through the throttle body butterflies. Throttle body clamp may be changed. Air Funnels or Bell Mouths must be as originally produced by the
manufacturer for the homologated Motorcycle.

2.2.9. Fuel Supply Fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator must be the originally fitted and
homologated part with no modifications permitted. The fuel pressure must be remain same as in homologated Motorcycle Fuel lines from the fuel tank to the delivery pipe assembly (excluded) may be
replaced. Fuel vent lines may be replaced. Fuel filters may be added Quick connectors may be used or added. E.g. Dry Break connectors

2.2.10. Cylinder Head Cylinder head must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications permitted. The head gasket is free The valves, valve seats, guides, springs, tappets, oil seals, shims, cotter valve,
rocker arms, spring base and spring retainers must be the originally fitted
and homologated part with no modifications permitted. and in the original
position as supplied by the manufacturer of the homologated motorcycle. Valve spring shims are not permitted. Valve lapping as in normal service maintenance is permitted

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2.2.11. Camshaft
The camshaft must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications permitted.

2.2.12. Camshaft Sprockets or Gears Cam Sprockets may be slotted to allow the adjustment of cam timing. Pressed-on cam sprockets may be replaced with an adjustable boss and cam

2.2.13. Cylinders (Cylinder Blocks)

Cylinders must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications

2.2.14. Pistons, Piston Rings, Pins and Clips Pistons, Piston Rings, Pins and Clips must be the originally fitted and
homologated part with no modifications permitted. All piston rings must be fitted.

2.2.15. Connecting Rod Assembly

Must be the homologated part with no modifications permitted. However, for
reliability purposes it is permitted to change titanium connecting rods to steel
connecting rods from the same motorcycle manufacturer with the same or similar
model name or VIN number PROVIDED that the mentioned parts are

2.2.16. Crankshaft
Must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications permitted.

2.2.17. Crankcases/Gearbox Housing It is not permitted to add a pump used to create a vacuum in the crankcase. If a vacuum pump is installed on the homologated motorcycle then it may
be used only as homologated.

2.2.18. Lateral Covers (Engine Side Covers) and Protection Lateral covers may be altered, modified or replaced. If altered or modified,
the cover must have at least the same resistance to impact as the original
one. All lateral covers containing oil and which could be in contact with the
ground during a crash, must be protected by an additional cover made from
metal, such as aluminium alloy, stainless steel, steel or titanium The additional cover must cover a minimum of 1/3 of the original cover. It
must have no sharp edges to damage the track surface. These covers must be fixed properly and securely with a minimum of three
(3) case cover bolts that also mount the original covers/engine cases to the
crankcases. Stick-on ‘type’ additional covers are NOT permitted. Oil containing engine covers must be secured with steel bolts. FIM approved covers will be permitted without regard of the material or its
dimensions and The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director has the right to refuse any lateral cover
and protection covers not satisfying this safety purpose.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Plates or crash bars made from aluminium or steel also are permitted in
addition to these covers. All of these devices must be designed to be
resistant against sudden shocks, abrasions and crash damage.

2.2.19. Transmission and Gearbox The Transmission and Gearbox must be the originally fitted and
homologated part with no modifications permitted. Gear ratio and number of speeds must be exactly the same as homologated
with no variation permitted. Only FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee approved or the homologated
Quickshifter systems are permitted (including wire and potentiometer) Shift rod sensor may be added Additions of auto selector mechanism to the gearbox is not permitted. Electronic or hydraulic actuated shifters are not permitted. Countershaft sprocket, rear wheel sprocket, chain pitch and chain size
maybe altered. The countershaft sprocket cover must be fitted and may be modified but if
additional holes are made it must be smaller than 15mm for safety reasons. Top chain guard as long as it is not incorporated in the rear fender may be

2.2.20. Clutch Dry Clutch can only be used if it is equiped as standard in the homologated
motorcycle. Clutch must remain as the “Wet Type” and it is probihited to convert it into a
“Dry Type” Hydraulic Clutch can only be used if it is equiped as standard in the
homologated motorcycle. Clutch operation (actuation) must remain cable operated and
it is probihited to convert into the hydraulic actuation system Back torque limiting or slipper clutch is permitted to be used Clutch springs are free and pre-load can be changed by adding shims. Clutch plates are free. Clutch cable type is free.

2.2.21. Oil Pumps and Oil Lines Oil Pumps must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications permitted. Oil lines may be modified or replaced. Oil lines containing positive pressure, if replaced, must be of metal reinforced
construction with swaged connectors. Oil Pan can be changed to an aftermarket unit or another production

2.2.22. Cooling System, Radiator and Oil Cooler Only water is permitted to be used inside the radiator and the entire cooling
system. No additives, Antifreeze, “Radiator Coolant” or any other liquid is
permitted. Radiator cap is free. Radiator and mounting brackets can be changed, however the mounting
point must remain at the original point as in the homologated Motorcycle.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Extra radiator and Oil Cooler can be added but it must not change the
appearance of the front, the rear and the profile of the Motorcycle. The original heat exchanger (oil/water) may be replaced by an oil cooler and
its tubes separated from the cooling circuit. The original oil radiator (if fitted)
may be replaced.” Additional radiator shroud and inner air ducts to improve the air stream
towards the radiator is permitted but the appearance of the front, the rear
and the profile of the Motorcycle must not be changed. Protective meshes may be added in front of the oil and/or water radiator(s). Cooling system hoses and catch tank may be changed.

2.2.23. Air Box The air box must be the originally fitted and homologated part with the
following modifications permitted The air filter element is free. Air Box Drainage Holes/Exits MUST be sealed. All engines must have a Closed Breather System. All breather
lines must be connected, may pass through an oil catch tank
and MUST exclusively discharge into the airbox. The original air ducts running between the fairing and the air box must be
the originally fitted and homologated part with the following modifications
permitted; Particle grilles or “wire-meshes” originally installed in the
openings for the air ducts may be removed.

2.2.24. Exhaust System Exhaust pipes and silencers may be modified or changed. Material of
exhaust pipes and silencers are free. The silencer(s) must be on the same side(s) or location of the homologated
Motorcycle model. For safety reasons, the exposed edges of the exhaust pipe(s) outlet must be
rounded to avoid any sharp edges. Catalytic converters must be removed. Wrapping of exhaust systems is not permitted; except in the area of the
rider’s foot or an area in contact with the fairing for protection from heat. The noise limit for ASB1000 will be 107 dB/A (with a 3 dB/A tolerance after
the race only). Noise level will be measured at; 4 cylinder motorycyles at 5,500rpm 2 cylinder motorcycles at 5,000rpm

2.2.25. Electrics and Electonics Ignition/Engine Control Unit (ECU) All Engine Control Unit (ECU) must be pre-approved by the FIM
ARRC Technical Committee. A special connector/adaptor may be used to connect the
ECU(s) and the original wiring harness. The combined retail price of the full system including software,
tuning tool, download/connection cable(s), any activation,
wiring harness(s) and upgrades must be a declared common
price and is available for purchase to all race teams in this 


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REGULATIONS 2022 The ECU (with software and activations) and harness parts
must be individually priced and available separately. The software and the firmware must be supplied and approved
by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee. The FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Committee must be supplied with the software/
firmware and it must be added to the approved parts list
before it may be used. The manufacturer must provide the FIM Asia ARRC Technical
Director with the tools/software to perform software checks. Throughout the season the manufacturer may update the
software and the updates must be made available
simultaneously to all users of the system with no charge,
updating by a team is not compulsory. Engine Control Unit (ECU) may be relocated. Corner by corner or distance/position based adjustments are
not permitted. Optional equipment sold by the motorcycle Manufacturer for
the homologated model is considered not homologated with
the motorcycle and must follow the requirements for approved
electronics/data loggers. During an event the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director has the
right to ask a team to substitute their ECU or external module
with the sample received from the manufacturer. All team
must accept this interchange. No extra sensors may be added for control strategies except
shift rod sensor, wheel speed sensors and lambda sensors. Any
of these sensors must be included in the ECU Kit and Harness
package if required for strategies (including closed loop
lambda). Other additional electronic hardware equipment not on the
original homologated motorcycle cannot be added with the
exceptions noted below. Resistors/load may be added to replace the parts of the
electrical system that have been removed (including lights and
lambda sensors), to prevent ECU errors. An ABS replacement/bypass may be fitted and or the ABS unit
may be dismantled to leave just its ECU. If it is a standalone unit, the Data Logger unit must be available
for sale to all race teams in this Championship and on the list of
FIM ARRC approved data loggers. The characteristics of approved data logging systems must be
the following: Retail price must be a declared common price and is available
for purchase to all race teams in this Championship. The following data logging only sensors (connected to the
additional data logger) may be added to the original sensors
on the motorcycle. The sensors must be from the following list:
i. Fork position
ii. Shock position
iii. Front brake pressure
iv. Rear brake pressure
v. Fuel pressure (not temperature)
vi. Oil pressure

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Oil temperature
Transponder/Lap time signal
ix. GPS Unit (Lap timing and track position) The sensors must be simple-function. No inertial platforms are

permitted to be added if an inertial platform is not installed
originally on the homologated motorcycle. CAN (or other data protocol, k-line, lin) communication from
the ECU to an approved data logger is permitted without any
limitation in CAN channel logger number. The data logger may
not act to control any strategy or setting in the ECU - except
to replicate the original dashboards signals if the original
dashboard is removed. The logger may not automate these
setting changes. The maximum total price of other active/control/calculation
units such as lambda driver modules, Quickshifter and
analogue to CAN must be a declared common price and is
available for purchase to all race teams in this Championship.
These devices must be approved by FIM ARRC. Telemetry is NOT permitted. No remote or wireless connection to the motorcycle for any
data exchange or setting is permitted whilst the engine is
running or the motorcycle is moving. To be approved, samples of the ECU kits, kit harnesses and
external modules with their tuning tools must be sent by
the Manufacturers to the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee
at least 3 weeks before the beginning of the Championship,
with technical data and selling price. The Motorcycle
Manufacturer must provide the FIM Asia ARRC Technical
Committee with the tools to control the ECU software or work
with the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee to achieve this
control. External modules may not alter any sensor signal relating to
the ride by wire system or control/actuate any part of the
Motorcycle excepting the ignition coils and fuel injectors. No external module may add traction control strategies unless
originally fitted to the homologated Motorcycle. External downshift blip modules are can be added ONLY if
it is not available as standard permitted. The dashboard is free, however it may only replace the
functions of the standard dashboard (including switch logic
and display) and may not perform any other logic function
on the motorcycle unless included in the ECU Kit. If essential
for the operation of the electronics it must be included in the
ECU Kit. It may also contain the datalogger. There must remain
a working Tachometer display. Spark plugs may be replaced. Battery is free and can be relocated. Harness: The main wiring harness may be replaced by the kit wire
harness as supplied for the Kit ECU model, produced and/or
approved by the manufacturer of the motorcycle and by FIM.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The Kit wiring harness may incorporate the data logging
harness. A kit harness that incorporates the data logging harness may
only accommodate 9 additional sensors. The key/ignition lock may be relocated, replaced or removed. Cutting of the original main wiring harness is permitted. Data logger Harness: The Data Logger wire harness cannot
include any other sensors with the exception of the 9 sensors
that are permitted. The only function of the approved Data
Logger wire harness is to connect the seven sensors to the
Data Logger, to transmit the data and supply the power. Generator, Alternator, Electric Starter. The generator (ACG) must be the originally fitted and
homologated part with no modifications permitted. The stator must be fitted in its original position and without
offsetting. The electric starter must operate normally and always be able
to start the engine during the event. During parc fermé the starter must crank the
engine at a suit able speed for starting for a
minimum of 2 seconds without the use of a

2.2.26. Main Frame Body and Rear Sub-Frame In case the frame will need to be replaced the rider or the team must request
the use of a spare frame to the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director. The frame must be the homologated part with minor modification
permitted stated in the following; Holes may be drilled on the frame only to fix approved components (i.e.
fairing brackets, steering damper mount, sensors). The sides of the frame-body may be covered by a protective part made of a
composite material. These protectors must fit the form of the frame. Crash protectors (protective cone) may b.e fitted to the frame, using existing
points, or pressed into the ends of the wheel axles. Without exception, the
axles cannot be modified. Nothing may be added or removed from the frame body with exception of
the installation of a steering damper. All Motorcycles must display a vehicle identification number (VIN) punched
on the frame or a metal plate on the body or subframe. Engine mounting brackets or plates must remain as originally produced by
the manufacturer for the homologated motorcycle. Front sub frame/fairing mount may be changed or altered, but the use of
titanium and carbon (or similar composite materials) is forbidden. Rear sub-frame may be changed or altered and the type of material is free. Additional seat brackets may be added, non-stressed protruding brackets
may be removed if they do not affect the safety of the construction or
assembly. Bolt-on accessories to the rear sub-frame may be removed. Brackets or mounting points cannot be welded onto the frame. Bolt on type brackets may be replaced or modified or removed Bolt-on accessories may be removed.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The paint scheme is not restricted but polishing the frame body or sub frame
is not permitted.

2.2.27. Pre-Assembled Spare Frame and Spare Motorcycle

In case the frame needs to be replaced, the rider or the team must make a request to
the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director to use the spare frame. The pre-assembled spare
frame must be presented to the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director to receive the
permission to rebuild the Motorcycle. The pre-assembly of the frame shall be strictly limited to:
i. Main frame assembly
ii. Bearings (steering head bearings upper and lower triple clamps, swing-
arm and etc.)
iii. Swing-arm
iv. Rear suspension linkage and shock absorber
v. Upper and lower triple clamps
vi. Wiring harness The rebuilt Motorcycle must be inspected before its use by the technical
stewards for safety checks and a new seal will be placed on the Motorcycle
frame. Complete spare Motorcycle may be used if the registered main motorcycle is
damaged causing the competitor to miss a session or DNS/DNF a race. The
team(s) must write-in a request to the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director for
the damaged Motorcycle to be changed and the replacement motorcycle
will need to go through to the technical scrutineering first. For the remainder of the event the Motorcycle will be impounded and no
part of that Motorcycle may be used for spare parts.


- Only one (1) complete Motorcycle may be presented for the preliminary technical
checks and it will be the only Motorcycle permitted on the track and in the display
area of pit box during the practices, qualifying, warm up and race.
- When a team decides that a crashed or damaged Motorcycle requires a change
of frame it must inform the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director. If the Motorcycle is
damaged in a crash or in any other incident, it is permitted to use the pre-
assembled spare frame to rebuild the Motorcycle.
- Once the assembly of the replacement Motorcycle is completed the Motorcycle
must undergo technical and safety checks and it will be officially sealed.
- The seal on the damaged Motorcycle will be destroyed by the technical staff and
the chassis of this Motorcycle must not be used for the remainder of the event.
- The new serial number will be recorded by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director.
- Parts may be transferred from the damaged Motorcycle for the assembly of the
replacement motorcycle
- The replacement Motorcycle may be used on the track only after the end of the
practice and qualifying sessions or race in which the damage occurred.
- The damaged Motorcycle must be removed from the pit box as soon as possible
and put in storage outside the display area of the pit box.
- After the pre-assembled spare part frame has been used should it become
necessary to replace the frame again because of a further crash or damage the
assembly work must be done using a bare frame -with no components attached.

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- The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director must inspect the bare frame and give his
authorisation before work can start.
- Any actions contrary to these procedures will result in a penalty as described in the
Sporting Regulations

2.2.28. Suspension – General Electronic Suspension: No aftermarket or prototype electronically-controlled
suspensions may be used. Electronically-controlled suspension
may only be used if already present on the production model
of the homologated motorcycle. The electronically-controlled valves must remain as
homologated. The shims, spacers and fork/shock springs not
connected with these valves can be changed. The ECU for the electronic suspension must remain as
homologated and cannot receive any motorcycle track
position or sector information; the suspension cannot be
adjusted relative to track position. The electronic interface between the rider and the suspension
must remain as on the homologated motorcycle. It is
permitted to remove or disable this rider interface. Front - Forks and Steering Damper. Steering stem pivot position must remain in
the homologated position (as supplied on the
production bike).
If the standard motorcycle has inserts then the
orientation/position of the original insert may be
changed but the insert cannot be replaced or
modified. Dust seals may be modified, changed or removed
if the fork remains totally oil-sealed. The original surface finish of the fork tubes
(stanchions, fork pipes) may be changed.
Additional surface treatments are permitted. Electronic forks: The electronic front suspension (including the
upper and lower fork clamp) may be replaced
with a mechanical system from a similar
homologated model from the same
manufacturer. Electronic forks may have their complete
internal parts (including all electronic control)
replaced by conventional damping system
and it will be considered as a mechanical fork. Mechanical forks: Forks (stanchions, stem, wheel spindle, upper
and lower crown, etc.) must be; the originally
fitted or homologated parts with the
following modifications permitted: Original internal parts of the homologated
forks may be modified or changed.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The upper and lower fork clamps (triple
clamp, fork bridges) must remain as originally
produced by the manufacturer on the
homologated motorcycle. Fork caps on the mechanical forks may only
be modified or replaced to allow external
adjustment. (This does not include the
mechanical fork leg that is part of the
homologated electronic fork set). A steering damper may be added or replaced
with a “non-electronic after market steering
damper” . The steering damper cannot act as a steering
lock limiting device. Electronic controlled steering damper cannot
be used if not installed in the homologated
model for road use. However it must be
completely standard (any technical or
electronic part must remain as in
homologated model). Rear Swingarm (Rear fork) The Rear Swingarm must be the homologated
part with the following modifications permitted. A solid protective cover (shark fin) shall be fixed
to the swing-arm, and must always cover the
opening between the lower chain run, swingarm
and the rear wheel sprocket, irrespective of the
position of the rear wheel to prevent any rider’s
body part that may become trapped between
the lower chain run and rear wheel sprocket. Rear wheel stand brackets may be added to the
Rear Swingarm by welding or by bolts. Brackets
must have rounded edges (with a large radius).
Fastening bolts must be recessed. An anchorage
system or point(s) to keep the original rear brake
caliper in place may be added to the rear
swing-arm. The sides of the swing-arm may be protected
by a thin vinyl cover only, no composite or
structural covers are permitted. (E.G hard
bonded/attached carbon fibre covers) Rear swingarm pivot bolt must be the
homologated part with no modification
permitted. Rear swingarm pivot position must remain in the
homologated position (as supplied on the
production Motorcycle). If the standard
Motorcycle has inserts then the orientation/
position of the original insert may be changed
but the inserts cannot be replaced or modified.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Rear Shock Absorber (Rear Suspension Unit) Rear Shock Absorber may be replaced but the
original attachments to the frame and rear fork
(swing arm) (or linkage) must be as
homologated. All the rear suspension linkage parts must be the
homologated part with no modification
permitted. Removable top shock mounts must be the
homologated part with no modification
permitted. A nut may be made captive on the top
shock mount and shim spacers may be fitted
behind it to adjust ride height. Mechanical suspension: Rear Shock Absorber
unit and spring may be changed. Electronic suspension: If the standard
system has no facility for ride height adjustment
the standard shock may be modified to allow
shock length changes if no hydraulic parts are
modified. The electronic shock absorber can be
replaced with a mechanical one.

2.2.29. Wheels All wheels must be the homologated part or wheels from another
motorcycle of the same model or within same frame VIN will be taken as
compatible and permitted to use. No Carbon (or similar composite materials) Wheels are permitted for all
situations. If a Motorcycle is originally equiped with carbon wheels
as standard than it MUST be changed to non-carbon
wheels. The wheels may be overpainted but the original finish cannot be removed. Bearing spacers must remain as homologated The speedometer drive may be removed and replaced with a spacer. Wheel spacers and collars may be modified, added or replaced. Wheel balance weights may be discarded changed or added to. Any inflation valves may be used. Front and rear wheel axles must remain as originally produced by the
manufacturer for the homologated Motorcycle.

2.2.30. Brakes Brake discs may be replaced by aftermarket discs which comply with
following requirements: Brake discs and carrier must retain the same material as the
homologated disc and carrier or steel (max. carbon content 2.1
wt%) (nb all homologated discs are steel). Non-floating or single piece discs may be replaced with
floating discs. The disc carrier must be the same material as the
homologated carrier, steel or aluminium. The outside and inner diameters of the brake disc must not be
larger than the ones on the homologated disc.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The thickness of the brake disc may be increased but the disc
must fit into the homologated brake caliper without any
modification. The number of floaters is free. The fixing of the carrier on the wheel must remain the same as on the
homologated disc. The front brake caliper (including: mount, carrier, hanger) must be
homologated part with no modification permitted. The rear brake caliper (mount, carrier, hanger) must be the homologated
parts with no modification permitted. In order to reduce the transfer of heat to the hydraulic fluid it is
permitted to add metallic shims to the calipers, between the pads and
the calipers, and/or to replace light alloy pistons with steel pistons. (E.G.
titanium piston change to steel piston) The rear brake caliper bracket may be mounted fixed on the swingarm, but
the bracket must maintain the same mounting (fixing) points for the caliper
as used on the homologated motorcycle. The swing-arm may be modified for this reason to aid the location of the rear
brake caliper bracket, by welding, drilling or by using a helicoil. The front master cylinder and its brake fluid reservoir can be changed and
the attached hand and foot brake levers are free. Rear master cylinder must be the originally fitted and homologated part
with the following modifications permitted. Front and rear hydraulic brake lines may be changed. The split of the front
brake lines for both front brake calipers must be made above the lower fork
bridge (lower triple clamp). “Quick” (or “dry-break”) connectors in the brake lines are permitted. Front and rear brake pads may be changed. Brake pad locking pins may be
modified for quick change type. Front brake system Cooling Ducts or Brake Air Scoops are permitted. Fully enclosed disc covers are not permitted. *Refer
illustration - ASC 02. It must be fabricated from non-metallic material e.g. nylon,
plastic, CRP & etc. The Front Fender can be slightly modified to facilitate the
implementation and installation of the Cooling Ducts or Brake
Air Scoop. The ARRC Technical Committee reserves the right to refuse
any Brake Cooling Ducts or Brake Air Scoops assy. that are
deemed as dangerous. The Antilock Brake System (ABS) may be used only if installed in the
homologated model for road use. However, it must be completely standard
(any mechanical or electronic part must remain as homologated, brake discs
and master cylinder levers excluded), and only the software of the ABS may
be modified. The Antilock Brake system (ABS) can be disconnected and its ECU can be
dismantled. The ABS rotor wheel can be deleted, modified or replaced. Brake pads are free. Brake pad locking pins may be modified for a quick-
change type.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Motorcycles must be equipped with brake lever protection, intended to
protect the handlebar brake lever from being accidentally activated in case
of collision with another motorcycle. Composite guards are not permitted.
FIM approved guards will be permitted without regard of the material. The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director has the right to refuse any guard not
satisfying this safety purpose.

2.2.31. Handlebars and Hand Controls. Handlebars may be replaced Handlebars and hand controls may be relocated. (except for the brake
master cylinder). Throttle controls must be self-closing when not held by the hand. Throttle assembly and associated cables may be modified or replaced
but the connection to the throttle body and to the throttle controls must
remain as on the homologated motorcycle. Cable operated throttles (grip
assembly) must be equipped with both an opening and a closing cable
including when actuating a remote drive by wire grip/demand sensor. Clutch and brake lever may be replaced with an after-market model. An
adjuster to the brake lever is permitted. Switches may be changed but the electric starter switch and engine stop
switch must be located on the handlebars. Motorcycles must be equipped with a functional ignition kill switch or
button mounted on the right hand handlebar (within reach of the hand
while the hand is on the grips) that is capable of stopping a running engine.
The button or switch must be RED.

2.2.32. Foot Rest and Foot Controls Foot rest and foot controls may be relocated but brackets must be mounted
to the frame at the original mounting points. Foot controls; gear shift and rear brake must remain operated manually by
foot. Footrests may be of a rigid type or folding type. All folding type footrest
must be fitted with a return mechanism.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The end of the foot rest must have at least an 8 mm solid spherical radius. Rigid type metal footrest must have an end plug which is permanently fixed
made of plastic, nylon or an equivalent type material. The plug surface must
be designed to reach the widest possible area. The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director has the right to refuse any plug not
satisfying this safety aim.

2.2.33. Fuel Tank Fuel tank can be modified to hold an extra 3 litres of fuel if the stock ECU
(non-kit ECU) is being utilised. All fuel tanks must be completely filled with fire retardant material (open-
celled mesh, i.e. Explosafe®). Fuel tanks with tank breather pipes must be fitted with non-return valves
that discharge into a catch tank with a minimum volume of 250cc made of a
suitable material. Fuel caps may be changed. Fuel caps when closed must be leak proof.
Additionally they must be securely locked to prevent accidental opening at
any time. A rider spacer/pad may be fitted to the rear of the tank with non-permanent
adhesive. It may be constructed of foam padding or composite material. The tank may not have a cover fitted over it unless the homologated
Motorcycle also features a full cover. The sides of the fuel tank may be protected with a cover made of a
composite material. These covers must fit the shape of the fuel tank.

2.2.34 Fairing and Body Work Fairing and bodywork may be replaced with exact cosmetic duplicates of
the original parts, but must appear to be as originally produced by the
manufacturer for the homologated motorcycle, with slight differences due
to the racing use (different pieces mix, fixing points, fairing bottom, etc.).
Headlights must be included even when considered external. For all bodywork material, paint and decal design is free. Overall size and dimensions must be the same as the original part, with a
tolerance of +10 mm, respecting the design and features of the
homologated fairing as far as possible. The overall width of the frontal area
may be +10 mm maximum. The decision of the FIM Asia ARRC Technical
Director is final. Fairing brackets may be altered or replaced. Wind screen may be replaced with an aftermarket product. The height of
the windscreen is free, within a tolerance of +15 mm referred to the
vertical distance from/to the upper fork bridge. The screen must conform
to the same profile from the front as the original – no double bubble or wide
types. From a top view the length of the windscreen may be shortened by 25
mm to allow clearance for the rider. The edge of the screen must have no
sharp edges. The ram-air intake must maintain the originally homologated shape and
dimensions. The lower fairing must to be constructed to hold, in case of an engine
breakdown minimum 6 litres. The lower edge of all the openings in the
fairing must be positioned at least 70 mm above the bottom of the fairing.
The upper edge of the rear transverse wall of the lower fairing must be at
least 70 mm above the bottom. The angle between this wall and the floor
must be ≤ 90°.

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REGULATIONS 2022 There may be no exit air vents in the front half of the lower fairing below a
line 40 mm below line between the wheel axles of the Motorcycle. The FIM
Asia ARRC Technical Director may give permission for the lower
fairing to have additional vents added if vents have been filled to meet the
these and the oil containment requirements. Any added vents will not allow the exit of air in the front half of the fairing
lower if they are behind a water or oil radiator. Exceptions may be made to ( with the sole agreement of the FIM
Asia ARRC Technical Director if a manufacturer produced and FIM approved
close fitting, oil containing engine shroud is fitted in addition to the
bellypan. In this case OEM shaped air vents will be permitted in the front
lower half of the fairing. Any vents in the fairing lower must have their inner surface finish in-line with
their outer surface or overlap to reduce the risk of liquid spraying from the
Motorcycle. Original openings for cooling in the lateral fairing/bodywork sections may
be partially closed only to accommodate sponsors’ logos/lettering. Such modification shall be made using wire mesh or perforated plate. The material is free but the distance between all opening centres, circle
centres and their diameters must be constant. Holes or perforations must
have an open area ratio > 60%. Motorcycles may be equipped with a radiator shroud (inner ducts) to
improve the air stream towards the radiator but the appearance of the front,
the rear and the profile of the motorcycle must not be changed. The lower fairing must incorporate a single opening of Ø 25 mm diameter in
the front lower area. This hole must remain sealed in dry conditions and
must be opened only in wet race conditions as declared by the Race Director. All exposed edges must be rounded. The original combination instrument/fairing brackets may be replaced but
the use of titanium and carbon (or similar composite materials) is forbidden. Motorcycles that were not originally equipped with streamlining are not
permitted to add streamlining in any form, with the exception of a lower
fairing (bellypan). This device cannot exceed above a line drawn horizontally
from wheel axle to wheel axle. Front fender/mudguards may be replaced with a cosmetic duplicate of the
original part and may be spaced upward for increased tyre clearance. Rear mudguard fixed on the rear fork (swingarm) that incorporates the chain
guard may be modified to accommodate larger diameter rear sprockets. The chain guard may be separate from the rear mudguard

2.2.35. Seat The seat, seat base and associated bodywork may be replaced with parts of
similar appearance as originally produced by the manufacturer for the
homologated Motorcycle. The top portion of the rear bodywork around the seat may be modified to a
solo seat. The material is free. The appearance from both front rear and profile must conform to the
homologated shape. The homologated seat locking system (with plates pins rubber pads etc.)
may be removed. All exposed edges must be rounded.

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2.2.36. Wings and Aerodynamic Aids Wings and other aerodynamic aids will only be considered legal if originally
fitted to the homologated road specification Motorcycle of Asia, Oceania
or EU. For race use the wings must follow the dimensions and profiles
homologated shapes exactly (+2mm). The leading edges (including end plates) must have a minimum
circumference edge of 3mm All wings must have a rounded end (8mm radius) or be enclosed/integrated
into the fairing. Alternatively the originally fitted and homologated wings may be used from
the street motorcycle without modification except to their fairing mounting. The position of the wings must be +5mm, angle of attack +2degrees.

2.2.37. Fasteners Standard fasteners may be replaced with fasteners of any design and
material; except when there is a specific mention that titanium or other
specific light alloy fasteners are not permitted in a specific paragraphs of this
technical rule. The strength and design must be sufficient, equal to or exceed the strength
of the standard fasterner it is replacing. Fasteners may be drilled for safety wire but intentional weight-reduction
modifications are not permitted. Fairing/bodywork fasteners may be replaced with the quick disconnect type. Aluminium fasteners may only be used in non-structural locations. The use of any type of special or custom fabricated Fasteners with intention
to increase or tune engine performane is strictly not permitted.

2.2.38. The following items MAY BE ALTERED or replaced from those fitted to the
homologated Motorcycle Any type of lubrication, brake/clutch or suspension fluid may be used. All gaskets and its materials is free Material for brackets connecting non original parts (fairing, exhaust,
instruments, etc) to the frame (or engine) cannot be made from titanium or
fibre reinforced composites excepting the exhaust silencer hanger that may
be in carbon. Protective covers for the frame, chain and footrests may be made in other
materials like fibre composite material if these parts do not replace original
parts mounted on the homologated model. External paintwork decals and colour scheme is free Instruments, instrument bracket(s) and associated cables.

2.2.39. Following Items MAY BE Removed Emission control items (anti-pollution) in or around the air box and engine
(O2 sensors air injection devices). Bolt-on accessories on a rear sub frame. Instrument and instrument bracket and associated cables. Radiator fan and wiring. Thermal switches, water temperature sensor and thermostat may be
removed inside the cooling system. Redundant handlebar switches.

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2.2.40. The Following Items MUST BE Removed Head lamp rear lamp and turn indicators must be removed but profile and
frontal appearance must be retained. The openings must be covered by a
suitable material. Rear-view mirrors. Horn. License plate bracket. Toolkit. Helmet hooks and luggage carrier hooks Passenger’s foot rests and it’s removable mounting brackets (if any) Passenger’s grab rails. Safety bars, centre and side stands must be removed (fixed brackets must
remain). Catalytic convertors

2.2.41. The Following Items MUST BE Altered To prevent any oil spilling onto the track, all Motorcycles must have an oil
catch tanks. Where breather or overflow pipes are fitted, they must discharge via existing
outlets. All engines must have a closed breather system. All oil breather pipes/lines
must be connected and pass through an oil catch tank and MUST exclusively
discharge into the airbox. No direct atmospheric emission is permitted. The airbox drains must be sealed. The following items must be securely safety wired
i. Oil drain plug
ii. Oil filler cap
iii. External Oil filter
iv. All wheel axle nuts (or alternately being appropriately attached with
safety pins)

2.2.42. Additional Equipment Data loggers can be used and Telemetry is NOT permitted. No remote or wireless connection to the bike for any data exchange or
setting is permitted whilst the engine is running or the bike is moving.

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The following rules are intended to permit limited changes to the homologated Motorcycle in the
interests of safety and improved competition between various Motorcycle concepts.




SS600 motorcycles require a FIM homologation as listed in current Listing of FIM homologated
motorcycles for Supersport/Superstock category If a FIM homologation is not available for a specific
motorcycle due to unavoidable circumstances (e.g. Covid-19 Pandemic) and FIM Homologation has
been submitted than, the following may be used as a remedy;

- Homologation from in the Country of Origin (of the motorcycle Make).

- Homologation from the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee.

All motorcycles must comply in every respect with all the requirements for road racing as specified in
this Technical Specifications (Regulations). All Motorcycles must be normally aspirated.

Once a motorcycle has obtained the homologation, it may be used for racing in the corresponding class
for a maximum period of 8 years or until such time that the homologated motorcycle is disqualified by
new rules or changes in the technical specifications of the corresponding class.

The appearance from the front, rear and the profile of SS600 motorcycles must (except when otherwise
stated) conform to the homologated shape (as originally produced by the manufacturer). The
appearance of the exhaust system is excluded from this rule.

2.3 General Motorcycle Specifications

All parts and systems of the Motorcycle not specifically mentioned in the following articles must
- As originally produced by the manufacturer.
- As originally fitted or equipped on the homologated Motorcycle
Interchange of parts between the Motorcycles within same model name and or same frame
VIN (Vehicle Identification Numbers) where they are homologated separately and at different
years are NOT PERMITTED, except when it is spefically mentioned in another part(s) of this
regulation that it can be interchanged between the Motorcycles within same model name and
or same frame VIN . (E.g. Wheels)

2.3.1 Eligible Motorcycles

These rules are intended for production road Motorcycles only. If the Motorcycles
included in the FIM Superbike homologation list does not meet the requirement
of this Technical Specifications here, then the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee has
the right to decide which Motorcycles will be eligible or NOT eligible be used in
the SS600 class. The displacement capacity, bore and stroke, must remain as the
homologated size. For 2022 the following Motorcycles are approved to compete. Honda CBR 600RR (PC40, 2013k) Honda CBR 600R3 (2021) Kawasaki ZX-6R (2009k)

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REGULATIONS 2022 Suzuki GSX-R L1 (2011k) Yamaha YZF-R6 (2012k) Yamaha YZF-R6 (2017k)

Note: this list can be amended at any time by The FIM ARRC Technical

2.3.2 Minimum Weight

At any time of the event, the weight of the whole Motorcycle including the tank and its
fuel contents must not be lower than the minimum weight. The minimum weight is 160 kg There is no tolerance on the minimum weight of the motorcycle. During the final technical inspection at the end of the race, the selected
motorcycles will be weighed in the condition they finished the race, and
the established weight limit must be met in this condition. Nothing may
be added to the motorcycles. This includes all fluids. During the practice and qualifying sessions, riders may be asked to
submit their motorcycle to be a weight control. In all cases the rider must
comply with this request. The use of ballast is permitted to stay over the minimum weight limit.
The use of ballast must be declared to the FIM ARRC Technical Director
whenever it is installed or used and re-inspected whenever there is a

2.3.3 Numbers and number plates

Each rider accepted for the Asia Road Racing Championship will be able to choose
their own starting number which will be valid for the whole championship. The
numbers “1” until “10” will be reserved for the previous year’s competitors according to
their overall championship points standing. The background colour is Black with White or bright numbers The sizes for all the front numbers are: Minimum height: 140 mm Minimum width: 80 mm Minimum stroke: 25 mm Minimum space between numbers: 10 mm The sizes for all the side numbers are: Minimum height: 120 mm Minimum width: 60 mm Minimum stroke: 25 mm Minimum space numbers: 10 mm The allocated number (& plate) for the rider must be affixed on the
motorcycle as follows: Once on the front, either in the centre of the fairing or slightly off to one
side. The number must be centred on the background with no advertising
within 25 mm in all directions. Once, on each side of the motorcycle. The preferred location for the
numbers on each side of the motorcycle is on the lower rear portion of the
main fairing near the bottom. The number must be centred on the

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REGULATIONS 2022 The approved font types for the numbers are as following; Futura Heavy and Futura Heavy Italic Univers Bold and Univers Bold Italic Olivers Med and Olivers Med Italic Franklin Gothic and Franklin Gothic Italic Any numbers not using these fonts must have the design of the numbers
and the layout pre-approved by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director a
minimum of 2 weeks before the first race. All digits must be of standard
form. Any outlines must be of a contrasting colour and the maximum width of the
outline is 3 mm. The background colour must be clearly visible around all
edges of the number (including outline). Reflective or mirror type numbers
are not permitted. Numbers cannot overlap. In case of a dispute concerning the legibility of numbers, the decision of the
FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director will be final.

2.3.4 Fuel
All SS600 Motorcycles must use only normal unleaded fuel provided by Organiser and
without any additional additives.

2.3.5 Tyres Tyres and it’s compound type will be provided by Dunlop, the Official Tyre
Supplier A maximum of 5 sets of Slick Tyres is allowed for the race weekend.
Additionally, 1 piece of Qualifying Slick Tyre will be provided to be used
specifically on the Qualifying Session ONLY. This is the maximum number of tyres allowed during a race weekend. If
allocation is to be changed the entrants will be advised. A maximum of 3 sets of Wet tyres will be provided for the race weekend. All used and unused tyres supplied for the race weekend MUST be return to
the Official Tyre supplier after the race.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Any modification or treatment (cutting, grooving) is forbidden. The dry-weather tyres used in the free practices, qualifying practices, warm-
up and race must be marked with adhesive sticker with a number allocated
by the Official Tyre Supplier, At the discretion of the rider or team, dry-weather or wet-weather tyres may
be used for the Race weekend. The allocation of tyres will be made on a random basis by the representative
from the Official Tyre Supplier. The tyres identified may not be exchanged
between riders including between team mates and may not be exchanged
by the tyre supplier after the allocation except with the permission of the
Race Direction. The stickers will show an identification number for each rider and it will have
a different colour on each allocation The stickers must be applied to the right sidewall of the tyre. Officials or Personnel nominated by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director will
check that all the Motorcycles in the pit lane are fitted with tyres carrying the
sticker. The use of Motorcycles with unmarked tyres (e.g. without the official
stickers) will be immediately reported to the Race Direction which will take
appropriate action. In exceptional cases, should the sticker be damaged or applied in the wrong
way, up to 1 extra sticker may be provided at the sole discretion of the FIM
ARRC Director. However, the damaged sticker must be returned to the FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Director and /or the tyre it was applied to must be absolutely
intact. The tyres identified may not be exchanged between Riders including
between team mates and may not be exchanged with or by the tyre supplier
after the allocation except without the permission of the Race Direction.

2.3.6 Engine A maximun of 2 engines is allowed for each race weekend. Engines will be
sealed to the chasis at the start of each race weekend during the
scrutineering and safety checks. Any engine change must be accompanied by a written request stating the
reason for change, all engine seals must not be removed without permission
from the ARRC Technical Director. The ARRC Technical Director may request
to examine the retired engine. Apart from the above requirement, engines will be requested to be sealed at
any time during the event by ARRC Technical Director when the need arises.

2.3.7 Fuel Injection System Fuel injection system refers to the throttle bodies, fuel injectors, variable
length intake tract devices, fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator. The injectors must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications allowed. Quantity of injector must remain as the homologated or originally
manufactured Motorcycle. The throttle bodies must be the originally fitted and homologated part with
no modifications allowed. Bell mouths must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications allowed. Variable intake tract devices cannot be added if they are not present on the
homologated or originally manufactured Motorcycle.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Variable intake tract device may only be used if the homologated or
originally manufactured model is equipped with such system and they must
remain identical and operate in the same way as the homologated or
originally manufactured system. All the parts of the variable intake tract device must be the originally fitted
and homologated part with no modifications allowed. Secondary throttle valves but not the shafts may be removed or fixed in the
open position and the electronics may be disconnected or removed. Air and air/fuel mixture must go to the combustion chamber exclusively
through the throttle body butterflies. Ride By Wire - Electronically controlled throttle valves, known as ‘ride-by-
wire’, may only be used if the homologated or originally manufactured
model is equipped with the same system. Ride by wire system including its
software cannot be modified and must remain as homologated or originally
manufactured. Throttle body clamp may be changed.

2.3.8 Fuel Supply Fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator must be the originally fitted and
homologated part with no modifications allowed. The fuel pressure must be the original and homologated pressure with no
modifications allowed Fuel lines from the fuel tank to the delivery pipe assembly (excluded) may be
replaced. Fuel vent lines may be replaced. Fuel filters may be added. Quick connectors may be used or added. E.g. Dry Break connectors

2.3.9 Cylinder Head Cylinder head must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications allowed. No material may be added or removed from the cylinder head. No additional welding is permitted. The head gasket is free. For only Honda CBR600RR (PC40, 2013k): Valve springs can be changed to
similar springs of a different spring rate. The valves, valve seats, guides, springs and retainers must be the originally
fitted and homologated part with no modifications allowed. Valve lapping as in normal service maintenance is permitted.

2.3.10 Camshaft The camshaft must remain as homologated or originally manufactured part
with no modification permitted. For all camshaft replacements; only the genuine camshaft or
strengthened version of exactly the same lobe profile and phasing
produced by the original motorcycle manufacturer can be used. The strengthened camshaft along with their part number must
be pre-approved for use by the ARRC Technical Committee.
This is strictly approved to prevent camshaft breakage and
NOT for engine performance upgrade by any means.
The replacement camshaft must be of equal weight or heavier
than the homologated part.

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2.3.11 Camshaft Sprockets or Gears Camshaft Sprockets or Gears can be changed or modified for the purpose for
cam timing adjustment. Camshaft Sprockets or Gears can be mounted in the originally available
slotted (elongated) holes. The cam chain must remain as homologated or originally manufactured part
with no modification permitted.

2.3.12 Cylinders (Cylinder Blocks)

Must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications allowed

2.3.13 Pistons, Rings, Pins and Clips Must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications
allowed. All piston rings must be fitted.

2.3.14 Connecting Rod Assembly

Must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications allowed

2.3.15 Crankshaft Assembly

Must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications allowed

2.3.16 Crankcases Engine Covers and Gearbox housing Must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications
allowed. All crankcases or engine covers containing oil which could be in contact with
the ground during a crash must be protected by an additional cover The additional cover must cover a minimum of 1/3 of the
original cover. It must have no sharp edges to damage the
track surface. These covers must be fixed properly and securely with a
minimum of three (3) case cover bolts that also mount the
original covers/engine cases to the crankcases. Stick-on ‘type’ covers are NOT permitted. Oil containing engine covers must be secured with steel bolts. The Technical Director has the right to refuse any lateral cover
and protection covers not satisfying this safety purpose.

2.3.17 Transmission and Gearbox Must be the originally fitted and homologated part with the following
modifications allowed For safety purpose: Transmission gear material can be changed
for the purpose of improving structural strength only. Gear ratio and number of speeds must be exactly the same as
homologated or originally manufactured with no variation
permitted. No other modifications are permitted for the transmission and
gear box. Mechanical Quickshifter can be added. Additions to auto selector mechanism to the gearbox is not permitted. Electronic or hydraulic actuated shifters are not permitted.

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REGULATIONS 2022 No other modifications are permitted for the transmission and gear box Front and rear sprockets, chain pitch and chain size maybe altered. Top chain guard as long as it is not incorporated in the rear fender may be

2.3.18 Clutch Clutch must remain as the “wet” type and it is probihited to convert into
a ‘dry’ type. Clutch operation (actuation) must remain cable operated and it is
probihited to convert into the hydraulic actuation system Back torque limiting or slipper clutch is permitted to be used. Clutch springs are free and pre-load can be changed by adding shims. Clutch plates are free. Clutch cable is free.

2.3.19 Oil Pumps and Oil Lines Oil Pumps must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications allowed Metal oil lines may be welded or strengthened. Oil lines containing positive pressure, if replaced, must be of braided
reinforced construction with swaged or threaded connectors.

2.3.20 Radiator, Cooling System and Oil Cooler Only water is allowed to be used inside the radiator and the entire cooling
system. No additives, Antifreeze, “Radiator Coolant” or any other liquid is
allowed. Radiator cap is free. Radiator and its mounting brackets can be changed, however the mounting
point must remain at the original point as in the homologated Motorcycle. Additional radiator shroud and inner air ducts to improve the air stream
towards the radiator is allowed but the appearance of the front, the rear and
the profile of the Motorcycle must not be changed. Protective meshes may be added in front of the oil and/or water radiator(s). Cooling system hoses and catch tank may be changed.

2.3.21 Air Box The air box must be the originally fitted and homologated part with the
following modifications allowed The air filter element is free. All engines must have a closed breather system. All oil breather
lines must be connected, may pass through an oil catch tank
and MUST exclusively discharge in the air box. Air box drains MUST be sealed. Original air duct at between the fairing and the air box may be modified or
changed. Carbon composite and Kevlar material is not permitted for this

2.3.22 Exhaust System Exhaust pipes and silencers are free. Titanium and carbon exhaust and silencers are allowed. Wrapping of exhaust systems is not permitted except in the area of the
rider’s foot or an area in contact with the fairing for protection from heat.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The noise emissions sound of the exhaust system must not exceed 105db/A.
A tolerance of +3db/A is permitted after the race. This test will be conducted
at 5500rpm. For safety reasons, the exposed edges of the exhausts pipe(s) outlet must be
rounded to avoid any sharp edges.

2.3.23 Ignition/Engine Control System ECU is free and may be replaced. The following Electronic Riding Aids are permitted: 2-way Quickshifter, including Downshift Blipper. Traction Control and Launch Control. These Electronic Riding Aids and its related Harware may
be added if the Machine(s) does not have them as
standard. Pit Lane speed limiter is permitted. ECU map selection switch can be added. ECU may relocated. Resistors/load may be added to replace the parts of the electrical system
that have been removed (including lights and lambda sensors) to prevent
ECU errors. Ignition coils may be replaced Spark plugs may be replaced. Corner by corner or distance/position based adjustments are not allowed.

2.3.24 Generator, Alternator, Electric Starter. The generator (ACG) must be the originally fitted and homologated part
with no modifications allowed. The stator must be fitted in its original position and without offsetting. The electric starter must operate normally and always be able to start the
engine during the event. During parc fermé the starter must crank the engine at a suit able speed for
starting for a minimum of 2 seconds without the use of a boost battery.

2.3.25 Wiring Harness The wiring harness and connectors are free. The key/ignition lock may be relocated, replaced or removed.

2.3.26 Battery Battery is free and can be relocated.

2.3.27 Main Frame Body and Rear Sub-Frame In case the frame will need to be replaced the rider or the team must request
the use of a spare frame to the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director. The frame and rear sub frame must be the originally fitted and homologated
part with the following modifications allowed. The sides of the frame-body may be covered by a protective part made of a
composite material. These protectors must fit the form of the frame. Holes may be drilled on the frame only to fix approved components (i.e.
fairing brackets, steering damper mount, sensors). Nothing may be added or removed from the frame body with exception of
the installation of a steering damper.

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REGULATIONS 2022 All Motorcycles must display a vehicle identification number (VIN) punched
on the frame or on a metal plate attached to the body or subframe. Engine mounting brackets or plates must remain as originally produced by
the manufacturer for the homologated motorcycle. Additional seat brackets may be added, non-stressed protruding brackets
may be removed if they do not affect the safety of the construction or
assembly. Bolt-on accessories to the rear sub-frame may be removed. The paint scheme is not restricted but polishing the frame body or sub frame
is not allowed. Brackets or mounting points cannot be welded onto the frame. Bolt on type brackets may be replaced or modified or removed Bolt-on accessories may be removed. Crash protectors (protective cone) may be fitted to the frame, using existing
points, or pressed into the ends of the wheel axles. Without exception, the
axles cannot be modified.

2.3.28 Pre-Assembled Spare Frame During the entire duration of the event, each rider can only use one (1)
complete Motorcycle, as presented for Technical Control, with the frame
clearly identified with a seal. In case the frame needs to be replaced, the rider or the team must make a
request to the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director to use the spare frame. The pre-assembled spare frame must be presented to the FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Director to receive the permission to rebuild the Motorcycle. The pre-assembly of the frame shall be strictly limited to: Main frame assembly Bearings (steering head bearings upper and lower triple
clamps, swing-arm and etc.) Swing-arm Rear suspension linkage and shock absorber Upper and lower triple clamps Wiring harness The rebuilt Motorcycle must be inspected before its use by the technical
stewards for safety checks and a new seal will be placed on the Motorcycle
frame. Complete spare Motorcycle may be used if the registered main motorcycle is
damaged causing the competitor to miss a session or DNF a race. Teams
must write-in a request to the ARRC Technical Director for the Motorcycle
change. For the remainder of the event the Motorcycle will be impounded and no
part of that Motorcycle may be used for spare parts. EXPLANATION OF THE PROCEDURES Only one (1) complete Motorcycle may be presented for the
preliminary technical checks and it will be the only Motorcycle
permitted on the track and in the display area of pit box during
the practices, qualifying, warm up and race. When a team decides that a crashed or damaged Motorcycle
requires a change of frame it must inform the FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Director. If the Motorcycle is damaged in a crash or in
any other incident, it is permitted to use the pre-assembled
spare frame to rebuild the Motorcycle.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Once the assembly of the replacement Motorcycle is
completed the Motorcycle must undergo technical and safety
checks and it will be officially sealed. The seal on the damaged Motorcycle will be destroyed by the
technical staff and the chassis of this Motorcycle must not be
used for the remainder of the event. The new serial number will be recorded by the FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Director. Parts may be transferred from the damaged Motorcycle for the
assembly of the replacement motorcycle. The replacement Motorcycle may be used on the track only
after the end of the practice and qualifying sessions or race in
which the damage occurred. The damaged Motorcycle must be removed from the pit box as
soon as possible and put in storage outside the display area of
the pit box. After the pre-assembled spare part frame has been used
should it become necessary to replace the frame again
because of a further crash or damage the assembly work must
be done using a bare frame with no components attached. The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director must inspect the bare
frame and give his authorisation before work can start. Any actions contrary to these procedures will result in a
penalty as described in the Sporting Regulations.

2.3.29 Front Forks and Steering Damper The front suspension system (including but not limited to stanchions stem,
wheel spindle, upper and lower crown etc.) must be the originally fitted and
homologated part with no modifications allowed. Front fork Inner tube size must remain the originally fitted and
homologated size with no modifications allowed. The upper and lower fork clamps (triple clamp, fork bridges) must be the
originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications allowed. The following standard original internal parts of the forks can be modified Shims, dampers, hydraulic piston, oil passages, spring and
spacers. After market damper kits or valves may be installed. Fork oil type and oil volume is free. The Front Fork caps can be modified or changed. The height and position of the front fork in relation to the fork crowns is free. Steering damper may be added or replaced with an after-market damper. After market non-electronic steering damper is permitted. The steering damper cannot act as a steering lock limiting
device. Electronic controlled steering damper cannot be used if not installed in the
homologated or originally manufactured model for road use. However it
must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no modifications
allowed. Dust seals may be modified changed or removed.

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2.3.30 Shock Absorber (Rear Suspension Unit) The shock absorber unit and spring is free. The mounting points and links/linkages must be the originally fitted and
homologated part with no modifications allowed. Electronically-Controlled Shock Absorbers are not permitted and it must be
replaced with a conventional shock absorber.

2.3.31 Rear Swingarm (Rear fork) The Rear Swingarm must be the originally fitted and homologated part with
the following modifications allowed Rear wheel stand brackets may be added to the Rear Swingarm
by welding or by bolts. Brackets must have rounded edges
(with a large radius). Fastening bolts must be recessed. An
anchorage system or point(s) to keep the original rear brake
calliper in place may be added to the rear swing-arm. All Motorcycles are required to install a chain guard (Shark Fin)
fitted to rear section of the swingarm adjacent to the rear
sprocket to prevent any rider’s body part that may become
trapped between the lower chain run and rear wheel sprocket. Rear swingarm pivot position must remain in the homologated or originally
manufactured position (as supplied on the production Motorcycle) with no
modifications allowed. If the standard Motorcycle has inserts then the orientation/position of the
original insert may be changed but the inserts cannot be replaced or

2.3.32 Wheels All wheels must be the originally fitted and homologated part with
no modifications allowed or wheels from within same frame VIN and same
model name are taken as compatible and allowed to use. Wheel diameter and rim width must be standard as in homologated
Motorcycle. Wheel spacers and collars may be modified, added or replaced. If the original design included a cushion drive for the rear wheel, it must
remain as originally produced for the homologated Motorcycle. Wheel balance weights may be discarded changed or added to. A non-slip coating/treatment may be applied to the bead area of the rim. Any inflation valves and valve cap may be used. Front and rear wheel axles must remain as originally produced by the
manufacturer for the homologated Motorcycle. The speedometer drive may be removed and replaced with a spacer.

2.3.33 Brakes If homologated or originally manufactured Motorcycle has ABS, it may be
deactivated. An ABS replacement/bypass may be fitted and or the ABS unit may be
dismantled to leave just its ECU. Front and rear brake discs may be replaced with aftermarket brake discs
that must fit the original calliper and mounting. However, the outside
diameter, offset, wheel mounting and the ventilation system must remain

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the same as the originally fitted and homologated part with
no modifications allowed. Internally ventilated discs are not allowed if not
present on the homologated motorcycle. Only Steel (max. carbon content 2.1 wt%) brake discs is allowed for
replacement. The thickness of the brake disc rotor may be increased but the disc must fit
into the homologated or originally manufactured brake caliper without any
modifications. The front and rear brake caliper must be the originally fitted and
homologated part with no modifications allowed The front master cylinder can be changed and the attached hand and foot
brake levers are free. Rear master cylinder must be the originally fitted and homologated part
with the following modifications allowed Front and rear hydraulic brake lines may be changed. The split of the front
brake lines for both front brake calipers must be made above the lower Fork
Bridge (lower triple clamp). Brake pads are free Brake pad locking pins may be modified for a quick-change type. In order to reduce the transfer of heat to the hydraulic fluid it is allowed to
add shims to the calipers Additional air scoops or ducts are NOT permitted. The technical director has the right to refuse any guard not satisfying this
safety purpose.

2.3.34 Handlebars and Hand Controls Handlebars may be replaced Handlebars and hand controls may be relocated. (except for the brake
master cylinder). Clutch and brake lever may be replaced with an after-market model. An
adjuster to the brake lever is allowed. Switches may be changed but the electric starter switch and engine stop
switch must be located on the handlebars. Throttle assembly and associated cables may be modified or replaced
but the connection to the throttle body and to the throttle controls must
remain as on the homologated motorcycle. Cable operated throttles (grip
assembly) must be equipped with both an opening and a closing cable
including when actuating a remote drive by wire grip/demand sensor. Motorcycles must be equipped with a functional ignition kill switch or
button mounted on the right hand handlebar (within reach of the hand
while the hand is on the grips) that is capable of stopping a running engine. The button or switch must be RED. Throttle controls must be self-closing when not held by the hand. Motorcycles must be equipped with brake lever protection intended to
protect the handlebar brake lever from being accidentally activated in case
of collision with another Motorcycle.

2.3.35 Foot Rest/Foot Controls Foot rest/foot controls may be relocated but brackets must be mounted to
the frame at the original mounting points. Footrests may be of a rigid type or folding type. All folding type footrest
must be fitted with a return mechanism.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The end of the foot rest must have at least an 8 mm solid spherical radius. Rigid type metal footrest must have an end plug which is permanently fixed
made of plastic, nylon or an equivalent type material.
The ARRC Technical Director has the right to refuse any plug not satisfying
this safety aim.

2.3.36 Fuel Tank Fuel tank must be the originally fitted and homologated part with no
modifications allowed. Fuel caps may be changed. Fuel caps when closed must be leak proof.
Additionally they must be securely locked to prevent accidental opening at
any time. Fuel tanks with tank breather pipes must be fitted with non-return valves
that discharge into a catch tank with a minimum volume of 250cc made of a
suitable material. Tank pad may be fitted to the rear of the tank with non-permanent adhesive.
It may be constructed of foam padding or composite material.

2.3.37 Fairing and Body Work Fairing and body work may be replaced with exact cosmetic duplicates of
the original parts, but must appear to be as originally produced by the
manufacturer for the homologated Motorcycle, with slight differences due
the racing use (different piece mix, attachment points, fairing bottom, etc.). The material may be changed, however the use of carbon fibre or carbon
composite materials is not permitted. Overall size and dimensions must be the same as the original part. Fairing brackets may be altered or replaced, however, titanium and carbon
fibre or similar composite materials are forbidden. The original air shroud on the fairing channelling air to the engine may be
removed. The lower fairing must to be constructed to hold in case of an engine
breakdown a minimum 4 litres of oil/fluid. The lower edge of all the openings in the fairing must be positioned at least
70 mm above the bottom of the fairing. The upper edge of the rear transverse wall of the lower fairing must be at
least 70 mm above the bottom. The angle between this wall and the floor must be ≤ 90°. The lower fairing must incorporate a single opening of Ø 25 mm diameter in
the front lower area. This hole must remain sealed in dry conditions. All exposed edges must be rounded. Windscreen may be replaced with a duplicate but it must be made with
transparent material The height of the replacement windscreen cannot vertically higher of more
than 15mm compared to the original unit. The vertical distance will be
measured from the top of upper fork bridge to the lips of the windscreen The original combination instrument/fairing brackets may be replaced but
the use of titanium and carbon (or similar composite materials) is forbidden. Machines that were not originally equipped with streamlining are not
allowed to add streamlining in any form, with the exception of a lower
fairing (belly pan). This device cannot exceed above a line drawn horizontally from wheel axle
to wheel axle.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Front fender/mudguards may be replaced with a cosmetic duplicate of the
original part and may be spaced upward for increased tyre clearance. Rear mudguard fixed on the rear fork (swingarm) that incorporates the chain
guard may be modified to accommodate larger diameter rear sprockets. The chain guard may be separate from the rear mudguard

2.3.38 Seat The seat, seat base and associated bodywork may be replaced with parts of
similar appearance as originally produced by the manufacturer for the
homologated Motorcycle. The top portion of the rear bodywork around the seat may be modified to a
solo seat. The appearance from both front and rear and profile must conform to the
homologated shape. All exposed edges must be rounded. The homologated or originally manufactured seat locking system (with
plates pins rubber pads etc.) may be removed.

2.3.39 Fasteners Standard fasteners may be replaced with fasteners of any design and
material, except when there is a specific mention that titanium or other light
alloy fasteners are not allowed in specific paragraphs of this technical rule. The strength and design must be sufficient, equal to or exceed the strength
of the standard fasterner it is replacing. Fasteners may be drilled for safety wire but intentional weight-reduction
modifications are not permitted. Fairing/bodywork fasteners may be replaced with the quick disconnect type. Aluminium fasteners may only be used in non-structural locations.

2.3.40 The following items MAY BE ALTERED or replaced from those fitted to the
homologated or originally manufactured Motorcycle Any type of lubrication brake or suspension fluid may be used. Any type of spark plug is permitted. All gaskets and its materials is free External paintwork decals and colour scheme is free The bolts and nuts may be change or replaced. But material must be kept
same as originally manufactured unless it is specifically mentioned or
allowed in the above rules. Instruments, instrument bracket(s) and associated cables. Material for brackets connecting non original parts (fairing, exhaust,
instruments etc.) to the frame (or engine) can be made from titanium or fibre
reinforced composites Protective covers for the frame, chain and footrests may be made in other
materials like fibre composite material if these parts do not replace original
parts mounted on the homologated or originally manufactured model. Fuel tanks can be completely filled with fire retardant material (open celled
mesh i.e. Explosafe).

2.3.41 Following Items MAY BE REMOVED Instrument and instrument bracket and associated cables. Tachometer and speedometer. Radiator fan and wiring.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Thermal switches water temperature sensor and thermostat may be
removed inside the cooling system. Bolt on accessories on a rear sub frame. Redundant handlebar switches Emission control items (anti-pollution) in or around the air box and engine
(O2 sensors air injection devices). Top chain guard as long as it is not incorporated in the rear fender. Bolt-on accessories on a rear sub frame.

2.3.42 The Following Items MUST BE REMOVED Head lamp rear lamp and turn indicators must be removed but profile and
frontal appearance must be retained. The openings must be covered by a
suitable material. Rear-view mirrors. Horn. License plate bracket. Toolkit. Helmet hooks and luggage carrier hooks Passenger’s foot rests and it’s removable mounting brackets (if any) Passenger’s grab rails. Safety bars centre and side stands must be removed (fixed brackets must
remain). Catalytic convertors

2.3.43 The Following Items MUST BE Altered To prevent any oil spilling onto the track, all Motorcycles must have an oil
catch tanks. Where breather or overflow pipes are fitted, they must discharge via existing
outlets. All engines must have a closed breather system. All oil breather pipes/lines
must be connected and pass through an oil catch tank and MUST exclusively
discharge into the airbox. No direct atmospheric emission is allowed. The airbox drains must be sealed. The following items must be securely safety wired Oil drain plug Oil filler cap External Oil filter All wheel axle nuts (or alternately being appropriately attached with safety

2.3.44 Wings and Aerodynamic Aids. Wings and other aerodynamics aids will only be considered legal if originally
fitted to the homologated road specification Motorcycles of Asia, Oceania or
EU. For race use the wings must follow the dimensions and profiles
homologated shapes exactly (+-2mm). The leading edges (including end plates) must have a minimum
circumference of 3mm. All wings must have a rounded end (8mm radius) or be enclosed/integrated
into the fairing. Alternatively the originally fitted and homologated wings may be used from
the street bike without modification except to their fairing mounting. The position of the wings must be +/-5mm, angle of attack +/-2 degrees.

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2.3.45 Additional Equipment
Data loggers can be used and Telemetry is NOT allowed. No remote or wireless
connection to the bike for any data exchange or setting is allowed whilst the engine is
running or the bike is moving.

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The following rules are intended to permit limited changes to the homologated Motorcycle in the
interests of safety and improved competition between various Motorcycle concepts.




AP250 motorcycles requires the homologation FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee. All Motorcycles
must be normally aspirated. All motorcycles must comply in every respect with all the requirements for
road racing as specified in these Technical Specifications (Regulations), unless they are already equipped
as such on the homologated model.

Once a Motorcycle has obtained the homologation, it may be used for racing in the corresponding class
for a maximum period of 8 years or until such time that the homologated motorcycle is disqualified by
new rules or changes in the technical specifications of the corresponding class.

The appearance from the front, rear and the profile of AP250 Motorcycles must (except when otherwise
stated) conform to the homologated or originally manufactured shape (as originally produced by the
manufacturer). The appearance of the exhaust system is excluded from this rule.

2.4 General Motorcycle Specifications

All parts and systems of the Motorcycle not specifically mentioned in the following articles must
- As originally produced by the manufacturer.
- As originally fitted or equipped on the homologated Motorcycle
- All Motorcycles must be normally aspirated.
- Interchange of any parts between the Motorcycles within same model name and or
frame VIN (Vehicle Identification Numbers) where they are homologated separately
and at different years are not allowed. Wheel rims are excluded from this rule.

2.4.1. Eligible Motorcycles

For 2022 the following Motorcycles are approved to compete:
i. Honda CBR250RR (2016 onwards)
ii. Kawasaki Ninja 250R
iii. Yamaha YZF-R25
iv. Honda CBR300R
v. TVS Apache RR310

These rules are intended for production road Motorcycles only. Production street
enduro / motocross based off-road Motorcycles are specifically excluded. The FIM Asia
ARRC Technical Committee has the right to decide which Motorcycles will eligible be in
the class.

Note: this list can be amended at any time by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee

2.4.2. Minimum Weight Limit

At any time of the event, the *Motorcycle Weight and the *Combined Weight must
not be lower than the following minimum weight limit; *Definitions;

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Motorcycle Weight – is defined as the whole motorcycle weight including the fuel
inside the tank.
Combined Weight – is defined as the Motorcycle Weight plus the rider’s weight while
wearing their full racing gear. Twin Cylinder Motorcycles Honda CBR250RR and Kawasaki Ninja 250R Minimum Motorcycle Weight : 135kg Minimum Combined Weight : 200kg Yamaha YZF R25 Minimum Motorcycle Weight : 130kg Minimum Combined Weight : 195kg Single Cylinder Motorcycles Minimum Motorcycle Weight : 127kg Minimum Combined Weight : 192kg The use of ballast is permitted to conform to the minimum weight limits
stated for each motorcycle model. The use of ballast must be declared to the ARRC Technical Director at the
preliminary checks. If the Combined Weight is below its minimum limit although after the
motorcycle weight has been increased to 5kg above of the Minimum
Motorcycle Weight limit than there will not be any additional
weight penalty. During the final technical inspection at the end of the race, the selected
Motorcycles will be weighed in the condition they finished the race, and
the established minimum weight limits must be met in this condition.
Nothing may be added to the Motorcycle. This includes all fluids. There is no tolerance on the minimum weight of the Motorcycle.

2.4.3. Numbers and number plates

Each rider accepted for the Asia Road Racing Championship will be able to
choose their own starting number which will be valid for the whole
championship. The numbers “1” until “10” will be reserved for the previous
year’s competitors according to their overall championship points standing. The background colour is white and the numbers are black or dark
colours The sizes for all the front numbers are: Minimum height: 140 mm Minimum width: 80 mm Minimum stroke: 25 mm Minimum space between numbers: 10 mm The sizes for all the side numbers are: Minimum height: 120 mm Minimum width: 60 mm Minimum stroke: 25 mm Minimum space between numbers: 10 mm The allocated number (& plate) for the rider must be affixed on the
motorcycle as follows:

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REGULATIONS 2022 Once on the front, either in the centre of the fairing or slightly off to one
side. The number must be centred on the background with no
advertising within 25 mm in all directions. Once, on each side of the motorcycle. The preferred location for the
numbers on each side of the motorcycle is on the lower rear portion of
the main fairing near the bottom. The number must be centred on the
background. The approved font types for the numbers are as following; Futura Heavy and Futura Heavy Italic Univers Bold and Univers Bold Italic Olivers Med and Olivers Med Italic Franklin Gothic and Franklin Gothic Italic Any numbers not using these fonts must have the design of the numbers
and the layout pre-approved by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director a
minimum of 2 weeks before the first race. All digits must be of standard
form. Any outlines must be of a contrasting colour and the maximum width of the
outline is 3 mm. The background colour must be clearly visible around all
edges of the number (including outline). Reflective or mirror type numbers
are not allowed. Numbers cannot overlap. In case of a dispute concerning the legibility of numbers, the decision of the
FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director will be final.

2.4.4. Fuel
All AP250 Motorcycles must use only normal unleaded fuel provided by the Organiser

2.4.5. Tyres Tyres will be one make and provided by Dunlop, the Official Tyre Supplier 4 sets dry-weather tyres and 2 sets wet-weather tyres will be assigned
for each race weekend. This is the maximum number of tyres permitted
during a race weekend. If allocation is to be changed the entrants will
be advised.

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REGULATIONS 2022 All used and unused tyres supplied for the race round must be return to the
Official Tyre Supplier after the race. No other tyres are allowed. Any modification or treatment (cutting, grooving) is forbidden. At the discretion of the rider or team, dry-weather or wet-weather tyres may
be used for the Race weekend. The allocation of tyres will be made on a random basis by the representative
from the Official Tyre Supplier. The tyres identified may not be exchanged
between Riders including between team mates and may not be exchanged
by the tyre supplier after the allocation except with the permission of Race
Direction. The dry-weather tyres used in the free practices, qualifying practices, warm-
up and race must be marked with adhesive sticker with a number allocated
by the Official Tyre Supplier. The stickers will show an identification number for each rider and it will have
a different colour on each allocation. The stickers must be applied to the right sidewall of the tyre. Officials or Personnel nominated by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director will
check that all the Motorcycles in the pit lane are fitted with tyres carrying the
sticker. The use of Motorcycles with unmarked tyres (e.g. without the official
stickers) will be immediately reported to the Race Direction which will take
appropriate action. In exceptional cases, should the sticker be damaged or applied in the wrong
way, up to 1 extra sticker may be provided at the sole discretion of the FIM
ARRC Director. However, the damaged sticker must be returned to the FIM
ARRC Asia Technical Director and/or the tyre it was applied to must be
absolutely intact. The tyres identified may not be exchanged between Riders including
between team mates and may not be exchanged with or by the tyre supplier
after the allocation except without the permission of the Race Direction.

2.4.6. Engine(s) All engines will be sealed after the end of the Qualifying session and may not
be changed except in the case of engine damage. Any engine changes after qualifying must be accompanied by a written
request stating the reason for change, the engine seals may not be removed
until approved, the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director may request to
examine the engine. Apart from the above requirement, engines will be requested to be sealed at
any time during the event by FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director’s when the
need arises.

2.4.7. Fuel Injection System

Fuel injection system refers to the throttle bodies, fuel injectors, variable length intake
tract devices, fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator. Injector may be replaced but it must be mass production type. Quantity of injector must remain as the homologated or originally
manufactured Motorcycle. Injector cannot be relocated and must be fitted at same location as the
homologated or originally manufactured Motorcycle

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REGULATIONS 2022 Air funnel, Bell Mouths, Velocity Stacks are free. Variable intake tract devices cannot be added if they are not present on the
homologated or originally manufactured Motorcycle. Variable intake tract device may only be used if it is originally fitted or
homologated with such system and they must remain identical and operate
in the same way as the originally fitted or homologated system. All the parts
of the variable intake tract device must remain exactly as the originally fitted
or homologated system with no modifications allowed. Fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator must be the originally fitted or
homologated system with no modifications allowed. The fuel pressure must remain the same as the originally fitted or
homologated system modification allowed. Fuel lines from the fuel tank up to the injectors (fuel hoses, delivery pipe
assembly, joints, clamps, fuel canister) may be replaced and must be located
in such a way that they are protected from crash damage. Fuel vent lines may be replaced. Fuel filters may be added. Quick connectors may be used or added. E.g. Dry Break connectors. Throttle Body
Unless specifically mentioned in the following articles, all Throttle
bodies must be the originally fitted or homologated parts with no
modifications allowed. Aftermarket or custom build throttle bodies are not allowed. Ride By Wire - Electronically controlled throttle valves, known
as ‘ride-by-wire’, may only be used if the homologated or
originally manufactured model is equipped with the same
system. Ride by wire system including its software may be modified
but all the safety systems and procedures, designed by the
original manufactured model is equipped with the same
system. Secondary throttle valves but not the shafts may be removed
or fixed in the open position and the electronics may be
disconnected or removed. The maximum diameter at the venturi adjacent to the
throttle valve (butterfly valve) spindle is: Honda CBR250RR and Kawasaki Ninja
250R: 32mm Yamaha YZF-R25: 34mm (Only allowed to
modify stock throttle body) The stock spindle shaft can be modified. The throttle valve plate (butterfly valve) of
can be modified or replaced. The fasterner screws of the throttle valve
plate (butterfly valve) of can be modified
or replaced.

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REGULATIONS 2022 TVS Apache RR310 and Honda CBR300R:
46mm. Only Throttle Bodies from other production
motorcycles can be adapted to be installed
for Single Cylinder Machines. Other directly
related parts for this adaptation can be
changed. E.g Rubber Spigot Mounts, Hose
Clips, TPS and etc. All throttle bodies from other production
Motorcycles must be declared (to the FIM Asia
ARRC Technical Team) and provide its detailed
information and part numbers of the throttle
bodies’ origin motorcycle model.

2.4.8. Cylinder Head Cylinder Head must be the originally fitted or homologated part with the
following modifications allowed; Machining cylinder head deck surface is permitted to modify compression
ratio Porting and polishing is allowed. Modifying the intake and exhaust ports
is permitted by removing material and adding epoxy to change port shape. No additional welding is allowed. Valves must be the originally fitted or homologated part with no
modifications allowed. Valve springs can be changed to similar springs of a different spring rate and
the number of springs must remain as originally fitted or homologated part
with no changes permitted. Valve lapping (the valves and valve seats) as in a normal service maintenance
is allowed. The head gasket is free.

2.4.9. Camshaft The camshaft must be the originally fitted or homologated part with no
modifications allowed. Protrusion(s) at the end camshafts can be removed to facilities acces for
dialling the cam timing. No other modifications are permitted. Refer to
Illustration below. For all homologated camshaft replacements; only the genuine camshaft
or their strengthened version of exactly the same lobe profile and phasing
produced by the original motorcycle manufacturer can be used. The strengthened camshaft along with their part number must be
pre-approved for use by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee. This is strictly approved to prevent camshaft breakage and NOT for engine
performance upgrade by any means. The replacement camshaft must be of
equal weight or heavier than the homologated part.

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2.4.10. Camshaft Sprockets or Gears Camshaft sprockets or gears can be modified for the purpose for cam timing
adjustment. The cam chain must be the originally fitted or homologated part with no
modifications allowed. Cam chain tensioner must be the originally fitted or homologated part with
no modifications allowed.

2.4.11. Cylinders (Cylinder Blocks) Cylinders must be the originally fitted or homologated part with the
following modifications allowed. Machining the cylinder block deck or base surface is permitted to modify
compression ratio.

2.4.12. Pistons Twin Cylinder Motorcycles Pistons must be the originally fitted or homologated part with
no modifications allowed. Single Cylinder Motorcycles For reliability purposes, aftermarket Piston is permitted and
must adhere to the following; Shape must be similar or same as the standard unit. It must be weigh equal or heavier than the standard unit. Piston material and fabrication method is free (forged, billet, etc.) Surface treatment must be as per the standard piston These pistons, along with their part numbers and specifications must be
submitted to the ARRC Technical Committee for approval to use.

2.4.13. Piston Rings, Pins and Clips Piston Rings, Pins and Clips must be the originally fitted or homologated
part with no modifications allowed. All piston rings must be fitted.

2.4.14. Connecting Rod Assembly Connecting Rod Assembly must be the originally fitted or homologated part
with no modifications allowed.

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2.4.15. Crankshaft
Must be the originally fitted or homologated part with no modifications allowed.

2.4.16. Crankcases, Engine Covers Must be the originally fitted or homologated part with the following
modifications allowed. The mating surface of the crankcases to the cylinder block may be machined
to allow changing of compression ratio. Oil containing engine covers must be secured with steel bolts. All engine covers (lateral covers) containing oil and which could be in
contact with the ground during a crash, must be protected by an additional
cover made from metal, such as aluminium alloy, stainless steel, steel or
titanium. The additional cover must cover a minimum of 1/3 of the original cover. It
must have no sharp edges to damage the track surface. These covers must be fixed properly and securely with a minimum of 3 case
cover bolts that also mount the original covers/engine cases to the
crankcases. Stick-on ‘type’ additional covers are NOT permitted. FIM approved covers will be permitted without regard of the material or its
dimensions and The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director has the right to refuse any protection
covers not satisfying this safety purpose If the fairing covers a minimum of 1/3 of the original engine cover, no
additional cover is required Plates or crash bars made from aluminium or steel also are permitted in
addition to these covers. All of these devices must be designed to be
resistant against sudden shocks, abrasions and crash damage.

2.4.17. Transmission and Gearbox The transmission and gearbox must be the originally fitted or homologated
part with the following modifications permitted for safety purpose: Redesigning of the gears Transmission gear material can be changed for the purpose of improving
structural strength only. Gear ratio and number of speeds must be the originally fitted or
homologated with no variation allowed. Quick Shift systems are allowed. Electronic or hydraulic actuated shifters are not permitted and gearshift
must remain operated manually by foot. Front and rear sprockets, chain pitch and chain size maybe altered. Top chain guard may be removed as long as it is not incorporated in the rear

2.4.18. Clutch Clutch must remain as the “wet” type and it is probihited to convert into a
‘dry’ type. Clutch operation (actuation) must remain cable operated and it is probihited
to convert into the hydraulic actuation system. Back torque limiting or slipper clutch is permitted to be used Clutch springs are free and pre-load can be changed by adding shims. Clutch plates are free. Clutch cable is free.

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2.4.19. Oil Pumps and Oil Lines Oil Pumps and Oil Lines must be the originally fitted or homologated part
with no modifications allowed. Oil Pan can be changed to an aftermarket unit or from another
production model.

2.4.20. Radiator, Cooling System and Oil Cooler Only water is permitted to be used inside the radiator and the entire cooling
system. No Additives, Antifreeze, “Radiator Coolant” or any other liquid is allowed. Protective meshes may be added in front of the oil and/or water radiator(s). The radiator may be changed with an aftermarket radiator or an additional
radiator added that fits in the standard location and does not require any
modifications to the main frame. Extra mounting brackets to accommodate the additional radiator are
allowed. Radiator cap is free. Additional oil cooler may be added. For any additional oil coolers that are fitted to the Motorcycles with flexible
oil line connections, all oil lines must be of a reinforced type and externally
shielded material and of high quality standards matching original factory
fitment standards. All oil line connections must be swaged type. Screw clamps type is
prohibited. Where the oil line runs in close proximity to a frame member, bolt or other
protrusion it must be retained by a strap, clamp or other mechanical device. All cooling system hoses and catch tanks may be changed.

2.4.21. Air Box The air box can be modified to incorporate a Ram Air system The air filter element is free and is permitted to be removed All Motorcycles must have a closed breather system. All oil breather lines
must be connected, may pass through an oil catch tank and exclusively
discharge in the airbox. The airbox drains must be sealed.

2.4.22. Exhaust System Exhaust pipes and silencers are free For safety reasons, the exposed edges of the exhausts pipe(s) outlet must be
rounded to avoid any sharp edges. Wrapping of exhaust systems is not permitted except in the area of the
rider’s foot or an area in contact with the fairing for protection from heat. The noise emissions of the exhaust system must not exceed 115db/A. A tolerance of +3db/A is permitted after the race. The noise test RPM is as the following; Yamaha YZF-R25 7,500 rpm Kawasaki Ninja 250R 7,500 rpm Honda CBR250RR 7,500 rpm Honda CBR300R/TVS RR310 5,000 rpm

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2.4.23. Ignition and Engine Control Unit (ECU) ARRC Technical Committee has approved ONLY the aRacer System listed
below and it must be used by all competitors. The following are the
approved parts; aRacer RC Super2 ECU aRacer Quick Shifter Module and Sensor aRacer Spec SpeedTuning Super2 – Calibration Tool aRacer Link – Communication Cable for ECU & PC aRacer Race Function Module – GPS and Gyro Module aRacer Monitor Logger – Data Logger. At any time during the event, the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee or
their authorised ECU technician has the right to request for: Data log download to check for irregularity. To adjust rev limit of the machine for the purpose of equalising
performance. To exchange the ECU hardware and related parts. To change or update ECU software. To change to another ECU supplier of hardware or
software. If such a change is required, all competitors ECU hardware or software will
be similarly changed Wiring harness and wiring connectors must be the originally fitted part
with the following modifications allowed. Permitted to be modified to connect to the approved ECU, Quickshifter and
all the approved module/sensors. Unused and/or redundant wire harnesses and connectors may be
removed/disconnected. ECU map switch can be added Ignition coils and Spark Plugs are free. The key/ignition lock may be relocated, replaced or removed.

2.4.24. Generator, Alternator, Electric Starter These components must be the originally fitted or homologated part with
no modifications allowed. The stator must be fitted in its original position and without offsetting. The electric starter must operate normally and always be able to start the
engine during the event. During parc fermé the starter must crank the engine at a suitable speed for
starting for a minimum of 2 seconds without the use a boost battery.

2.4.25. Battery
The Battery is free

2.4.26. Main Frame Body and Rear Sub-Frame The frame must be the originally fitted or homologated part with the
following modifications allowed. Crash Protectors may be fitted to the frame, using existing mounting points
or pressed in to the ends of the axles The main frame reinforcement is permitted by adding gusset or tubes. Welding is permitted for this purpose.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Holes may be drilled on the frame only to fix approved components (i.e.
fairing brackets, steering damper mount, sensors). The sides of the frame-body may be covered by a protective part made of a
composite material. These protectors must fit the form of the frame. Engine mounting brackets or plates must be the originally fitted or
homologated part with no modifications allowed Brackets or mounting points cannot be welded onto the frame. Bolt on type brackets may be replaced, modified or removed. Bolt-on accessories may be removed. Additional seat brackets may be added, non-stressed protruding brackets
may be removed if they do not affect the safety of the construction or
assembly. Subframe is FREE on both the removable or fixed type. Subframe is defined as - The triangular and the twin parallel steel tubes
beneath the seat, the rear seat cowling and the rear part of fuel tank,
attached or welded to the main frame at points near to the shock absorber
top mount and near to the swingarm pivot. The use of carbon composite material to construct or fabricate the subframe
is allowed. All Motorcycles must display a vehicle identification number (VIN) punched
on the frame or a metal plate on the body or subframe. In the case of changing or modifying the subframe under approved rules,
motorcycles with original VIN located at the original subframe can be
removed and reposition to the new subframe to within a position of 30 cm
from original location and must be visible from the same angle and side
during inspection.

2.4.27. Pre-Assembled Spare Frame During the entire duration of the event, each rider can only use one (1)
complete Motorcycle, as presented for Technical Control, with the frame
clearly identified with a seal. In case the frame needs to be replaced, the rider
or the team must make a request to the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director to
use the spare frame. The pre-assembled spare frame must be presented to the FIM Asia ARRC
Technical Director to receive the permission to rebuild the Motorcycle. The pre-assembly of the frame shall be strictly limited to: Main frame assembly Bearings (steering head bearings upper and lower triple clamps, swing-arm
and etc.) Swing-arm Rear suspension linkage and shock absorber Upper and lower triple clamps Wiring harness The rebuilt Motorcycle must be inspected before its use by the technical
stewards for safety checks and a new seal will be placed on the Motorcycle
frame. For the remainder of the event the Motorcycle will be impounded and no
part of that Motorcycle may be used for spare parts.

2.4.28. Complete Spare Motorcycle Changing to a Complete Spare Motorcycle is NOT allowed.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Complete motorcycle can only function or serve as spare parts to be
removed individually for replacement to the registered Race Motorcycle.

EXPLANATION OF THE PROCEDURES Only one (1) complete Motorcycle may be presented for the preliminary
technical checks and it will be the only Motorcycle permitted on the track
and in the display area of pit box during the practices, qualifying, warm up
and race. When a team decides that a crashed or damaged Motorcycle requires a
change of frame it must inform the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director. If the
Motorcycle is damaged in a crash or in any other incident, it is permitted to
use the preassembled spare frame to rebuild the Motorcycle. Once the assembly of the replacement Motorcycle is completed the
Motorcycle must undergo technical and safety checks and it will be officially
sealed. The seal on the damaged Motorcycle will be destroyed by the technical staff
and the chassis of this Motorcycle must not be used for the remainder of the
event. The new serial number will be recorded by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical
Director. Parts may be transferred from the damaged Motorcycle for the assembly of
the replacement Motorcycle. The replacement Motorcycle may be used on the track only after the end of
the practice and qualifying sessions or race in which the damage occurred. The damaged Motorcycle must be removed from the pit box as soon as
possible and put in storage outside the display area of the pit box. After the pre-assembled spare part frame has been used should it become
necessary to replace the frame again because of a further crash or damage
the assembly work must be done using a bare frame with no components
attached. The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director must inspect the bare frame and give
his authorisation before work can start. Any actions contrary to these procedures will result in a penalty as described
in the Sporting Regulations.

2.4.29. Front Forks and Steering Damper The front suspension system (including but not limited to Inner tube, wheel
spindle, etc.) must be the originally fitted and homologated or originally
manufactured part with the following modifications allowed; The forks can be internally modified to adjust damping Internal dampers can be modified, replaced or added. Internal fork spring(s) can be changed to other similar springs of a different
rate. Internal fork spring(s) can be added or removed. The upper and lower fork clamps (triple clamp fork bridges) may be replaced
or modified. Fork caps (on the top of the forks) can be modified or replaced to allow for
external adjustment of spring pre-load and/or damping. Electronic Control Steering Damper cannot be used if not originally fitted (or
homologated) by the manufacturer for road use. It must remain as the originally fitted or homologated system with no
modifications allowed.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Aftermarket non-electronic steering damper is allowed. The steering damper
cannot act as a steering lock limiting device. Dust seals may be modified changed or removed. Oil seals must remain intact and the front forks must be properly oil-sealed.

2.4.30. Shock Absorber (Rear Suspension Unit) The shock absorber unit and spring is free. The mounting points and links/linkages must remain as the originally or
homologated location with no modifications allowed. Electronically-controlled Shock Absorbers are not permitted and it must be
replaced with a conventional shock absorber

2.4.31. Rear Swingarm (Rear fork) The rear swingarm must be the originally fitted or homologated part with
the following modifications allowed. Swing arm reinforcement by adding gusset or tubes is allowed. Welding is permitted for this purpose Rear swingarm pivot position must remain in the original or homologated
position If the standard Motorcycle has inserts then the orientation/position of the
original insert may be changed but the inserts cannot be replaced or
modified. Rear wheel stand brackets may be added to the rear swingarm by welding or
by bolts. Brackets must have rounded edges (with a large radius). Fastening
bolts must be recessed. An anchorage system or point(s) to keep the original
rear brake calliper in place may be added to the rear swing-arm. A solid protective cover (shark fin) must be fixed to the swing-arm, and must
always cover the opening between the lower chain run, swingarm and the
rear wheel sprocket, irrespective of the position of the rear wheel.

2.4.32. Wheels Wheels can be replaced. Aftermarket wheels must be made of aluminium
alloys Wheel diameter must be the originally fitted size or homologated size with
the following variations allowed Maximum permitted wheel rim width is as following; Front wheel maximum width : 3.0 inch Rear wheel maximum width : 4. 5 inch Wheel spacers may be modified or replaced. Wheel balance weights may be discarded changed or added to. The original sprocket carrier may be replaced. A non-slip coating/treatment may be applied to the bead area of the rim. Any inflation valves may be used.

2.4.33. Brakes If originally fitted or homologated motorcycle has ABS, it may be
deactivated. Front and rear brake discs may be replaced with aftermarket brake discs that
must fit the original calliper and mounting. However, the outside diameter, offset, wheel mounting and the ventilation
system must be the originally fitted or homologated dimensions and system
with no modifications permitted.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Internally ventilated discs are not permitted if not originally fitted or
homologated. Only Steel (max. carbon content 2.1 wt%) brake discs is permitted for
replacement The thickness of the brake disc rotor may be increased but the disc must fit
into the homologated or originally manufactured brake caliper without any
modifications. The number or quantity (single or double) of brake disc rotor must be same
as the originally fitted or homologated Motorcycle. The front and rear brake calliper must be the originally fitted or
homologated part with no modifications allowed. The front and rear master cylinder must be the originally fitted or
homologated part with no modifications allowed. Front and rear hydraulic brake lines may be changed. The split of the front
brake lines for both front brake calipers must be made above the lower Fork
Bridge (lower triple clamp). Brake pads are free Brake pad locking pins may be modified for a quick-change type. In order to reduce the transfer of heat to the hydraulic fluid it is permitted to
add shims to the callipers Additional air scoops or ducts are NOT allowed. Motorcycles must be equipped with brake lever protection, intended to
protect the handlebar brake lever from being accidentally activated in case
of collision with another motorcycle. The technical director has the right to refuse any guard not satisfying this
safety purpose.

2.4.34. Handlebars and Hand Controls Handlebars may be replaced Handlebars and hand controls may be relocated. Clutch perch, clutch lever and brake lever may be replace with after-market
parts. To adjust the lever travel an adjuster to the brake lever is permitted Switches may be changed but the electric starter switch and engine stop
switch must be located on the handlebars. Throttle assembly and associated cables may be modified or replaced but
the connection to the throttle controls must be the originally fitted or
homologated system with no modifications allowed Cable operated throttles (grip assembly) must be equipped with both an
opening and closing cable, including when actuating a remote ride by wire
sensor. Throttle controls must be self-closing when not held by the hand. Motorcycles must be equipped with a functional ignition kill switch or
button mounted on the right hand handlebar (within reach of the hand
while the hand is on the grips) that is capable of stopping a running engine.
The button or switch must be RED.

2.4.35. Footrest and Foot Controls Foot brake pedals are free. Footrests, brackets and their fasteners may be replaced and relocated but
the brackets must be fitted to the original mounting points. Footrests may be of a rigid type or folding type. All folding type footrest
must be fitted with a return mechanism.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The end of the foot rest must have at least an 8 mm solid spherical radius. Rigid type metal footrest must have an end plug which is permanently fixed
made of plastic nylon or an equivalent type material. The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director has the right to refuse any plug not
satisfying this safety aim.

2.4.36. Fuel Tank Fuel tank must be the originally fitted or homologated part with no
modification allowed. Tank pad may be fitted to the rear of the tank with non-permanent adhesive.
It may be constructed of foam padding or composite material. Fuel tanks with tank breather pipes must be fitted with non-return valves
that discharge into a catch tank with a minimum volume of 250cc made of a
suitable material. Fuel caps may be changed. Fuel caps when closed must be leak proof. Additionally they must be securely locked to prevent accidental opening at
any time.

2.4.37. Fairing/Bodywork Design and shape of the Fairing/Bodywork is FREE. Design and shape of the windscreen is FREE. The use of carbon fibre or carbon composite materials is not allowed. Original air ducts may be removed or replaced Specific reinforcements in Kevlar® or carbon-fibre are permitted locally
around holes and stressed areas. The original combination instrument/fairing brackets may be replaced but
the use of titanium and carbon (or similar composite materials) is forbidden. All other fairing brackets may be altered or replaced. The lower fairing must be constructed to hold in case of an engine
breakdown a minimum 4 litres of oil/fluid. The lower edge of all the openings
in the fairing must be positioned at least 70 mm above the bottom of the
fairing. The upper edge of the rear transverse wall of the lower fairing must
be at least 70 mm above the bottom. The angle between this wall and the
floor must be ≤ 90°. The lower fairing must incorporate a single opening of Ø 25 mm diameter in
the front lower area. This hole must remain sealed. Front fender/mudguards may be replaced with a cosmetic duplicate of the
original part and may be spaced upward for increased tyre clearance. The rear mudguard may be replaced or removed The chain guard may be separate from the rear mudguard.

2.4.38. Seat The seat base and associated seat bodywork may be replaced The top position of the rear bodywork around the seat may be modified to a
solo seat. The seat locking system (with plates, pins rubber pads etc.) may be removed.

2.4.39. Fasteners Standard fasteners may be replaced with fasteners of any design and
material, except when there is a specific mention that titanium or other light
alloy fasteners are not permitted in specific paragraphs of this technical rule. The strength and design must be sufficient, equal to or exceed the strength
of the standard fastener it is replacing.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Fasteners may be drilled for safety wire but intentional weight-reduction
modifications are not allowed. Fairing/bodywork fasteners may be replaced with the quick disconnect type. Aluminium fasteners may only be used in non-structural locations.

2.4.40. Following items MAY BE ALTERED or replaced from those originally fitted or
homologated by Motorcycle manufacturer. Any type of lubricants, brake or suspension fluids may be used. Any types of spark plugs are allowed. All gaskets and its materials are free. External paintwork decals and colour scheme is free. Instruments, instrument bracket(s) and associated cables. Material for brackets connecting non-original parts (fairing, exhaust, etc.)
to the frame (or engine) can be made from titanium or fibre reinforced
composites. Protective covers for the frame, chain and footrests may be made in other
materials like fibre composite material if these parts do not replace original
parts mounted on the motorcycle. Fuel tanks can be completely filled with fire retardant material (open celled
mesh i.e. Explosafe).

2.4.41. Following Items MAY BE REMOVED Instrument and instrument bracket and associated cables. Tachometer and speedometer. Radiator fan and wiring. Thermostat, thermal switches or water temperature sensor Bolt on accessories on rear subframe. Redundant handlebar switches. Emission control items (anti-pollution) in or around the air box and engine
(O2 sensors air injection devices). Top chain guard as long as it is not incorporated in the rear fender.

2.4.42. Following Items MUST BE REMOVED Head lamp, tail lamp and turn indicators lamps must be removed but
profile and frontal appearance must be retained. The openings must be
covered by a suitable material. Rear-view mirrors. Horn. License plate bracket. Toolkit. Helmet hooks and luggage carrier hooks Passenger’s foot rests and it’s removable mounting brackets (if any) Passenger’s grab rails. Safety bars, centre and side stands must be removed (fixed brackets must
remain). Catalytic convertors.

2.4.43. Following Items MUST BE Altered To prevent any oil spilling onto the track, all Motorcycles must have an oil
catch tanks.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Where breather or overflow pipes are fitted, they must discharge via existing
outlets. All engines must have a closed breather system. All oil breather pipes/lines
must be connected and pass through an oil catch tank and MUST exclusively
discharge into the airbox. No direct atmospheric emission is allowed. The airbox drains must be sealed. The following items must be securely safety wired Oil drain plug Oil filler cap External Oil filter All wheel axle nuts (or alternately being appropriately attached with safety

2.4.44. Additional Equipment Data Logging connectors are permitted. All motorcycles must be installed
with aRacer Monitor Logger module for data download purposes by the
FIM Asia ARRC Technical crew or appointed aRacer technicians The recommended installation point is at dashboard. The module needs to
be installed at an easily accessible location to facilitate swift download from
all motorcycles after Qualifying & Race sessions. The aRacer Monitor Logger module remains the property of the ECU
Supplier/Vendor must be returned to the them respectively upon request. Telemetry is NOT allowed.

2.4.45. Balancing Various Motorcycle Concepts

FIM Asia together with ARRC Technical Committee reserves the right to apply
balancing methods to the Motorcycles in the class as they see fit in order to
maintain equality amongst Motorcycles Makes. FIM Asia together with ARRC
Technical Committee will review the position of the performances between the
Motorcycles Makes.

The following are the methods assigned for 2022. Weight. Throttle Body Size Balancing.
*Refer to Article

Throttle Body Size Limit.

Machine Size (mm)
Kawasaki Ninja 250R 32
Honda CBR250RR 32
Yamaha YZF R25 34
Single Cyclinder Machines 46 Base Maximum RPM Limit (by adjusting via ARRC aRacer Spec ECU

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Base Maximum RPM Limit.
Machine RPM
Honda CBR250RR 14,600
Kawasaki Ninja 250RR 14,750
Yamaha YZF R25 15,200
Single Cylinder Machines Unlimited Maximum RPM Limit Concession Adjustment.

*Note: Refer to following articles for more details.

Maximum RPM Limit Concession Adjustment.

Trigger Race 1 & Race 2 of Round 1.

If and when “The Machine Make with 15,200
Base Maximum RPM Ceiling Limit” collects
maximum points (50) after Round 1.
Limit Adjustment These Machines’ Maximum RPM Ceiling Limit
will be adjusted to 14,750 rpm.
When This Concession will be executed at Round 2.
Duration Until the end od the race season.

2.4.46. Rider Equaliser. First Equaliser.
The First Equaliser will be executed; TRIGGER: Once a 25 points lead is acquired by Rider(s)
in the top 5 (ranking) over the other competitors (6th &
lower) in the Championship. ADJUSTMENT: The said Competitor(s) Motorcycle(s) will be
applied a 500rpm reduction to its’ Maximum RPM Ceiling
Limit on the next Championship Round. DURATION: The adjusted Maximum RPM Ceiling Limit will
stay throughout the race season or to be further adjusted if
they affected by the Second Equaliser where they will be
adjusted accordingly. Second Equaliser.
The Second Equaliser will be executed; TRIGGER: Once a 50 points lead is acquired by Rider(s) in
the top 5 (ranking) over the other competitors (6th &
lower) in the Championship. ADJUSTMENT: The said Competitors(s) Motorcycle(s) will
be applied a 500rpm reduction to its’ Maximum RPM
Ceiling Limit on the next Championship Round. DURATION: The adjusted Maximum RPM Ceiling Limit
will stay throughout the race season or to be further
adjusted if they are affected by the Secong Equaliser where
tey will be adjusted accordingly.

* Note: There will be NO Third Equaliser.

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The following rules are intended to permit limited changes to the homologated Motorcycle in the
interests of safety and improved competition between various Motorcycle concepts.




All UB150 motorcycles requires the homologation FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee. All
Motorcycles must be normally aspirated. All motorcycles must comply in every respect with all
the requirements for road racing as specified in these Technical Specifications (Regulations),
unless they are already equipped as such on the homologated model.

Once a Motorcycle has obtained the homologation, it may be used for racing in the corresponding class
for a maximum period of 8 years or until such time that the homologated motorcycle is disqualified by
new rules or changes in the technical specifications of the corresponding class.

The appearance from the front, rear and the profile of UB150 Motorcycles must (except when otherwise
stated) conform to the homologated or originally manufactured shape (as originally produced by the
manufacturer). The appearance of the exhaust system is excluded from this rule.

2.5 General Motorcycle Specifications

- All parts and systems of the Motorcycle not specifically mentioned in the following
articles must remain;
- As originally produced by the manufacturer.
- As originally fitted or equipped on the homologated Motorcycle
- All Motorcycles must be normally aspirated.

2.5.1 Eligible Motorcycles

The following Motorcycles are approved to compete:
- 136cc to 150cc Underbone Motorcycles with 4-Stroke vertical-inclined engine.

These rules are intended for production road Motorcycles only. Production street
enduro / motocross based off-road Motorcycles are specifically excluded. The FIM Asia
ARRC Technical Committee has the right to decide which motorcycles will be eligible in
the class.

2.5.2 Weight Control

At any time of the event, the weight of the whole Motorcycle including the tank and its
fuel contents must not be lower than the minimum weight. The use of ballast is permitted to conform to the minimum motorcycle
- Ballast may be added to conform to the combined target weight; a total
maximum of 5kg may be added. Minimum Motorcycle weight: 98 kg Maximum Motorcycle target weight: 103kg Total *Combined Target Weight: 158 kg

* Combined Target Weight is defined as: the Motorcycle weight plus the rider’s
weight while wearing their full racing gear.

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REGULATIONS 2022 If the combined weight is less than 158kg and when maximum motorcycle
weight is already 103kg or more, there will not be any additional weight
penalty During the practice and qualifying sessions, riders may be asked to submit
their Motorcycle to the weight control. In all cases the rider must comply
with this request. During the final technical inspection at the end of the race, the selected
Motorcycles will be weighed in the condition they finished the race, and the
established weight limit must be met in this condition. Nothing may be
added to the Motorcycle. This includes all fluids. There is no tolerance on the minimum weight of the Motorcycle.

2.5.3 Starting Numbers

Each rider accepted for the Asia Road Racing Championship will be able to choose
their own starting number which will be valid for the whole championship. The
numbers “1” until “10” will be reserved for the previous year’s competitors according to
their overall championship points standing. The background colour is Black with White or bright coloured numbers The size for all the Front numbers is:
i. Minimum height: 140 mm
ii. Minimum width: 80 mm
iii. Minimum stroke: 25 mm
iv. Minimum space between numbers: 10 mm The sizes for all the Side numbers are:
i. Minimum height: 95 mm
ii. Minimum width: 55 mm
iii. Minimum stroke: 12 mm
iv. Minimum space between numbers: 6 mm Recommended Fonts types are;
i. Futura Heavy and Futura Heavy Italic
ii. Univers Bold and Univers Bold Italic
iii. Olivers Med and Olivers Med Italic
iv. Franklin Gothic and Franklin Gothic Italic The allocated number for the rider must be affixed on the Motorcycle as
follows: Once on the front, either in the centre of the Front Panel or slightly off to one
side; the number must be centred to their background. Once, on each side of Lower Fairing (Belly Pan). The number must be centred
to their background. Any outlines must be of a contrasting colour and the maximum width of the
outline is 3mm. Numbers cannot overlap. The background colour must be clearly visible around all edges of the
number (including outline). Reflective or mirror type numbers are not
permitted. In case of a dispute concerning the legibility of numbers, the decision of the
FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director will be final.

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2.5.4 Fuel
All UB150 Motorcycles must use only normal unleaded fuel provided by Organiser

2.5.5 Tyres Tyres will be one make and provided by Dunlop, the Official Tyre Supplier. A maximum of 2 front and 3 rear pieces of Slick tyres is permitted for the race
weekend. A maximum of 1 front and 2 rear pieces of Wet tyres is permitted for the race
weekend. This is the maximum number of tyres permitted during a race weekend. If
allocation is to be changed the entrants will be advised. All used & unused tyres supplied for the race weekend MUST be return to the
Official Tyre supplier after the race. Any modification or treatment (cutting, grooving) is forbidden. The dry-weather tyres used in the free practices, qualifying practices, warm-
up and race must be marked with adhesive sticker with a number allocated
by the Official Tyre Supplier, At the discretion of the rider or team, dry-weather or wet-weather tyres may
be used for the Race weekend. The allocation of tyres will be made on a random basis by the representative
from the Official Tyre Supplier. The tyres identified may not be exchanged
between riders including between team mates and may not be exchanged
by the tyre supplier after the allocation except with the permission of the
Race Direction. The stickers will show an identification number for each rider and it will have
a different colour on each allocation The stickers must be applied to the right sidewall of the tyre. Officials or Personnel nominated by the FIM Asia ARRC Technical Director will
check that all the Motorcycles in the pit lane are fitted with tyres carrying the
sticker. The use of Motorcycles with unmarked tyres (e.g. without the official
stickers) will be immediately reported to the Race Direction which will take
appropriate action.

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REGULATIONS 2022 In exceptional cases, should the sticker be damaged or applied in the wrong
way, up to 1 extra sticker may be provided at the sole discretion of the FIM
Asia ARRC Technical Director. However, the damaged sticker must be returned to the FIM
Asia ARRC Technical Director and/or the tyre it was applied to
must be absolutely intact. The tyres identified may not be exchanged between Riders including
between team mates and may not be exchanged with or by the tyre supplier
after the allocation except without the permission of the Race Direction.

2.5.6 Engines Type of Engine: 4-Stroke Vertical Inclined layout. Engines MUST be sealed after the end of the Qualifying sessions. The
seal points are the cylinder head, head cover to the chassis frame.
Note: LH & RH crankcase (mahneto and clutch cover) will not be sealed. All machines must have holes (drilled or otherwise) to facilitate the
attachment of the seal wires. For situation or repair that requires removal of the seal, the
Competitor(s) or their Team Manager must write a letter of
request for seal removal to ARRC Technical Director. For such seal removal permission the Competitor
will be charged a fee of USD50.00 ARRC Technical Director may request for a re-seal
after the repair or the situation has been
resolved. Engine seals must not be tempered or removed without
permission from ARRC Technical Director’s until the end of
the race. If for ant reason or whatsoever & when any of the
engine seals are tempered or removed without a written
permission from Organiser that Competitor will be
DISQUALIFIED. Apart from the above requirement, engines will be requested to be sealed at
any time during the event by ARRC Technical Director’s when the need

2.5.7 Fuel Injection System Fuel injection system refers to the throttle bodies, fuel injectors, variable
length intake tract devices, fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator. Only butterfly valve type throttle bodies are permitted. Maximum throttle body size is 32mm.The measuring point is at venturi
adjacent to the butterfly valve. Throttle bodies from other production Motorcycles and aftermarket
butterfly valve type throttle bodies are permitted. Custom build or prototype throttle bodies are not permitted. Air and air/fuel mixture must go to the combustion chamber exclusively
through the throttle body butterflies. Quantity of injector must remain as the homologated or originally
manufactured Motorcycle. Injector may be replaced but it must be mass production type. Air Funnels or Velocity Stacks are free.

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REGULATIONS 2022 The ECU controlling the fuel delivery system and ignition system is free. Fuel
map is free. Wiring harness to the fuel pump is free. Intake pipe or intake manifold its’ insulator plate is free. Variable length intake track devices are not permitted.

2.5.8 Fuel Supply Fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator must be the originally fitted and
homologated or originally manufactured part but can be modified. Fuel lines from the fuel tank up to the injectors (fuel hoses, delivery pipe
assembly, joints, clamps, fuel canister) may be replaced and must be located
in such a way that they are protected from crash damage. Fuel vent lines may be replaced. Fuel filters may be added Quick connectors may be used or added. E.g. Dry Break connectors

2.5.9 Cylinder Head Cylinder Head must be the originally fitted and homologated part with the
following modification permitted; Cylinder head surface can be machined to adjust compression
ratio. Compression ratio is free. Modifying the intake & exhaust ports is permitted by removing
material (porting & polishing) and adding epoxy to change port
shape. Position of both intake and exhaust port may be altered and/or
changed. No welding is permitted. Valve seats material is free. Valve angles cannot be altered. Cylinder heads’ nuts and washers are free. Valve cotter pin and its’ material must remain standard. Maximum permitted valve size is: Intake valve : 22 mm Exhaust valve : 19 mm Valve material is free and its’ weight must not be lighter than 13 grams Valve inspection caps (intake and exhaust) are free. Both Intake and Exhaust Valve Seals may be replaced and must be installed. Valve springs can be changed to similar springs of a different spring rate. Valve guides must be the originally fitted and homologated part but it is
permitted to be cut and ground.

2.5.10 Camshaft and Camshaft Sprockets or Gears Camshaft is free. Camshaft cover or cam sprocket inspection cap can be modified or changed. Camshaft chain guide and tensioner are free. Camshaft sprockets or gears is free Camshaft bearings are free.

2.5.11 Rocker Arm and Rocker Arm Shaft

Rocker arm and rocker arm shaft is free.

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2.5.12 Timing Chain and Timing Chain Guide
Timing chain and timing chain guide is free

2.5.13 PAIR Valve (To Air Cleaner Box) - (Closed Air breather system)
“PAIR Valve” may be dismantled or sealed

2.5.14 Cylinders (Cylinder Blocks) Cylinders must be the originally fitted and homologated or originally
manufactured part with the following modification permitted. Skimming cylinder block deck or base surface is permitted to
increase compression ratio. Material and thickness of cylinder gasket is free

2.5.15 Piston and Piston rings Piston surface and the dimensions are free, except the diameter which must
remain as the homologated specification. Piston and ring material is free and piston must have three (3) ring grooves. Piston ring type is free and all them must be fitted. Piston pin & circlips are free.

2.5.16 Connecting Rods Assembly. Connecting Rod Assembly must be the originally fitted and homologated or
originally manufactured part with the following modification permitted. Connecting rod small - end hole may be modified to fit a bigger Piston Pin. Connecting rod bearings are free and can be replaced. Big-End Pin (Crank Pin) must be the originally fitted and homologated or
originally manufactured part.

2.5.17 Crankshaft Assembly Crankshaft must be the originally fitted and homologated or originally
manufactured part with no modification permitted. No machining or polishing is permitted on the crankshaft flywheel. Crankshaft balancer gear may be remove or modified

2.5.18 Crankcases Engine Covers Must be the originally fitted and homologated or originally manufactured
parts with the following modifications permitted. Additional protective covers to the crankcase cover is highly recommended. The mating surface of the crankcases to the cylinder block may be machined
to allow changing of compression ratio. Magneto/stator engine cover may be drilled. However for safety reasons, the
holes must not be bigger than 10mm in diameter. The ignition timing inspection cap may be removed. Magneto/stator engine cover may be replaced a similar part from a different
model of the same engine series. All drain plugs (engine oil release screw) must be properly & tightly safety

2.5.19 Front Sprocket Protective Cover For safety reasons, the originally fitted and homologated or originally
manufactured front sprocket cover must be installed

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REGULATIONS 2022 The cover may be drilled or machined with holes not bigger than 10mm in

2.5.20 Oil Seal

All Oil Seals attached to the crankcase are free.

2.5.21 Bearings
All Bearings are free.

2.5.22 Transmission and Gearbox Gear ratio is free The maximum number of speed is six (6) only. Kick starter assembly may be removed. Kick starter shaft hole at the engine cover may be sealed. Starter motor may be removed. Starter one way clutch may be removed. Starter gear and bearing may be removed. Construction of gearshift forks and gearshift shafts are free. Construction and material of countershaft is free. Construction and mechanism of gearshift cam is free Mechanical quick-shifter can be added. Electronic or hydraulic actuated shifters are not permitted Front and rear sprockets, chain pitch and chain size maybe altered. Top chain guard as long as it is not incorporated in the rear fender may be

2.5.23 Clutch Clutch system must remain as the “wet type”. Hydraulic clutch system is not permitted. Slipper clutch or back torque limiting systems is permitted. Other clutch components are free.

2.5.24 Primary Drive Primary drive ratio cannot be changed Machining or skimming down the primary drive & driven gears to reduce
weight is permitted

2.5.25 Oil Pump Internal Oil Pump can be modified and or replaced with an aftermarket
type. External Electric Pump is NOT permitted. Oil filter is free.

2.5.26 Radiator and Cooling System Radiator size, location and mount point may be changed. An additional water radiator may be fitted but the appearance of the front,
the rear and the profile of the motorcycle must not be changed. Radiator cap is free. Protective meshes may be added in front of the radiator(s). Water pump can be changed Electrical water pump can be fitted to replace original water pump Plumbing and fitment adaptors can be fabricated for this

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REGULATIONS 2022 Wiring harness can be modified for this purpose Only water is permitted to be used inside the radiator & the entire cooling
system. No additives, antifreeze, “radiator coolant” or any other liquid is
permitted. Radiator fan is free Extra mounting brackets to accommodate the additional radiator are
permitted. Motorcycles may be fitted with a radiator shroud and inner ducts to improve
the air stream towards the radiator and as a result of these fittings, the
appearance of the front, rear and side profile of the Motorcycle must not be

2.5.27 Air Box Ram Air System is not permitted. No Protruding Ducts are permitted from and at the air box. Air Box must not have any air ducts connected except to the throttle body. Air Box construction or shape is free and must adhere to the above

2.5.28 Exhaust System Exhaust pipes and silencers are free Material to construct the exhaust is free. Titanium is permitted. The discharge of the exhaust must be backward and in a position as not to
annoy other riders. For safety reasons, the exposed edges of the exhausts pipe(s) outlet must
be rounded to avoid any sharp edges. The rear edge of the exhaust pipe must not exceed the rear wheel. The orientation of the exhaust pipe must remain original. The exhaust must be securely mounted. The material for mounting stays/brackets of the exhaust and muffler are free. The noise emissions of the exhaust system must not exceed 130db/A
(6,000rpm) A tolerance of +3 db/A is permitted after the race.

2.5.29 Ignition & Engine Control System (ECU) Magneto (rotor) system and charging system is free CPU/ECU is free. Fuel and Ignition maps are free Traction and launch control system is permitted. Ignition coil and its’ lead wire is free. Spark plug and spark plug cap is free. The key/ignition lock may be relocated, replaced or removed. All other components must be the originally fitted and homologated or
originally manufactured part with no modification permitted.

2.5.30 Electrical Wire harness is free.
- For safety reasons, the wire harness must be securely routed and check
for any current leakage.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Battery type is free it must be securely mounted and must not be externally
exposed. Regulator/rectifier is free.

2.5.31 Chassis Chassis frame must be the originally fitted and homologated part Chassis frame may be strengthened. Unused Stays may be cut and removed Head set bearing may be changed. Modification for relocation of rear absorber mounting is permitted. Modification to facilitate the installation of a bigger diameter rear
shock absorber and shock spring is permitted The rear part of the bike chassis frame may be cut and removed for the
purpose of reducing weight. Holes may be drilled in the frame for the purpose of mounting approved
components (i.e. fairing, steering damper, sensors)

2.5.32 Complete Spare Motorcycle Changing to a Complete spare motorcycle is NOT permitted. Complete motorcycle can only function or serve as spare parts to be
removed individually for replacement to the registered Race Motorcycle

2.5.33 Front Forks and Steering Damper Only conventional “RWU - Right Way UP” front forks are permitted. Machines that have “USD - Up Side Down” front fork fitted
as standard must change to production type conventional
“RWU - Right Way Up” fork type. These parts can only be
“source and fitted” from machines produced and sold in
the South East Asian region. Fork oil type and fork oil volume is free. Internal spring and dampers system can be modified or changed. Original (Stock) Cap Bolt/Upper Spring Seat can be modified to facilitate
spring preload and damping adjustment. Alternatively, the Original (Stock) Cap Bolt/Upper Spring Seat can be
replaced with an aftermarket item that provides additional spring
preload and damping adjustment functions only. Additional external damper units are not permitted. Dust seals may be modified changed or removed. All forks must be properly oil-sealed The wheel spindle shaft hole at the lower front fork outer tube may be
machined to accommodate bigger spindle shaft. For Half Front Fork Motorcycle Models
i. The “Under bracket complete” (fork clamps) is free including custom
fabrication of a whole fork clamp comp. unit.
ii. Maximum fork inner tube diameter is 31mm.
iii. 31mm front forks from another Asian production make and models can
be used. For Full Front Fork Motorcycle Models
i. The front fork assembly (top bridge, fork yoke, inner tube and outer
tubes) must be the originally fitted and or originally manufactured part.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Aftermarket non-electronic steering damper is permitted, can be clamp and
mounted directly on the front fork inner tube but it cannot act as a steering
lock limiting device.

2.5.34 Shock Absorber (Rear Suspension Unit) The shock absorber unit and spring is free Top & bottom shock absorber mounting can be relocated There should be only one mounting point at any time. Adjustable mounting points are not permitted.

2.5.35 Swing Arm Attachment of stabilizer or Brace to strengthen the swing arm is permitted. The dimension limitation of the added material(s) (of brace) must not be
larger than that of the original swing arm. Reinforcement by adding ferrous material gussets and tubes is permitted.
Welding is permitted for this task. Modification to the swing arm by relocating of rear absorber mounting is
permitted. Modification to the swing arm to facilitate the installation of a bigger
diameter rear absorber and shock spring is permitted Swing arm bushes & collar is free. The diameter of the swing arm pivot shaft must remain standard as
homologated. Modification to chain adjustment slot to adjust wheel base is permitted. Final drive chain guide may be altered, removed or replaced.

2.5.36 Wheels Wheels can be changed to aftermarket wheels of cast aluminium type must
be of the homologated diameter and adhere to the following width; Front - minimum is 2.15 and maximum 2.50 inches. Rear – minimum is 3.00 and maximum 3.50 inches. The minimum weight of the wheel assy. (wheel assy. is inclusive of wheel,
tire, inner tube (if any), air inflation valve, brake disc/rotor, pre-installed
wheel balance weights and bearings) are; Front is 6 kg. Rear is 7.5 kg. Apart from cast aluminium type wheels, spokes type wheels may be used. Wheel hubs may be changed or altered for spokes type wheels. Wheel diameter must remain as the originally fitted and
homologated. The Cushion Drive (Sprocket Damper) must be retained, may be changed or
altered but NOT totally removed (except if it is not incorporated originally). For the purpose of wheel balancing, wheel balance weights may be added,
discarded or changed. The balancing lead weights must be securely installed & safety taped A non-slip coating/treatment may be applied to the bead area of the rim. Any inflation valve type and valve cap may be used. The speedometer drive may be removed and replaced with a spacer. Wheel spacers & collars may be modified, added or replaced.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Front wheel spindle shaft size is free and must be of ferrous material,
including sus (stainless steel). Wheel bearings and the wheel bearing sizes are free.

2.5.37 Brakes Aftermarket non-ceramic type brake disc rotor and aftermarket disc carrier is
permitted. The quantity of the brake disc (single or double) must be same as the
homologated or originally manufactured motorcycle. Front discs can be made floating, using original rotors and mounting points. The number of floaters is free. The dimensions of the disc rotors are free. Front brake system Cooling Ducts or Brake Air Scoops are permitted. Fully enclosed disc covers are not permitted *Refer
Illustration - UB150 - 3.0 It must be fabricated from non-metallic material e.g. nylon,
plastic, CRP & etc. The Front Fender can be slightly modified to facilitate the
implementation and installation of the Cooling Ducts or Brake
Air Scoop. The FIM Asia ARRC Technical Committee reserves the right to
refuse any Brake Cooling Ducts or Brake Air Scoops assy. that
are deemed as dangerous.

2.5.38 Handlebars and Hand Controls Handlebars may be replaced. Handlebars and hand controls may be relocated. (Except for the brake
master cylinder). Brake and clutch levers may be replaced. However, the edge of the lever
should be round with a minimum diameter of 16mm and a minimum
thickness of 14mm. The length of the brake and clutch levers should not be more than 200mm
measuring from centre of pivot point.

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REGULATIONS 2022 To adjust the lever travel an adjuster to the brake lever is permitted Throttle cable may be replaced. For safety reasons, the throttle cable must be routed neatly as not to
endanger the rider or other competitors. Quick-throttle type of throttle systems is permitted. Throttle controls must be self-closing when not held by the hand. Switches may be changed but the engine stop switch must be located on
the handlebars. Motorcycles must be equipped with a functional ignition kill switch or
button mounted on the right hand handlebar (within reach of the hand
while the hand is on the grips) that is capable of stopping a running engine. The button or switch must be in red colour. Motorcycles must be equipped with brake lever protection intended to
protect the handlebar brake lever from being accidentally activated in case
of collision with another Motorcycle.

2.5.39 Foot Rest and Foot Controls Footrest may be relocated but the bracket must be rigidly mounted. Footrests must be of a rigid type. All types of folding footrest are not permitted. End of footrest must maintain a minimum 15mm in diameter without any
sharp edges. Footrest must have an end plug which is permanently fixed made of plastic,
nylon or an equivalent type material. The end plug should have a minimum of 8mm radius.
- The ARRC technical director has the right to refuse any plug not satisfying
this safety aim. Rear brake pedal is free. Gear shift lever is free. Quick shift systems are permitted.

2.5.40 Fuel Tank Fuel tank must be the originally fitted and homologated or originally
manufactured part with no modification permitted. Relocation of the fuel tank is not permitted. Modification to the existing fuel tank to bigger volume size is permitted. Fuel caps may be changed. Fuel caps when closed must be leak proof. Additionally they must be securely locked to prevent accidental opening at
any time. Fuel tanks with tank breather pipes must be fitted with non-return valves
that discharge into a catch tank with a minimum volume of 250cc made of a
suitable material. Addition of fins is permitted in the fuel tank to reduce fuel sloshing. Fuel hose and its’ clips may be replaced. The size and length of the fuel hoses
is free. For safety reasons, the hoses must not disrupt the rider’s
movement any time. “Quick connectors” may be use along with the fuel hose.

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2.5.41 Bodywork (Covers, Panel, Leg Shield and etc.,) A single-seater cover may be added. It is permitted to combine single seater cover with the tailpiece, LH & RH side
panels to form a single unit. Carbon Fibre and Kevlar are NOT permitted to be utilised for the
construction of bodywork. The outlook of the replaced bodywork should look the same as production
motorcycle. All bodywork (including leg shields, body panels, handle covers) can be
replaced, slightly trim, drilled or cut, while maintaining the original
silhouette & outlook. The seat unit is free. The front fender may be replaced with a similar duplicate. All edges of covers must be rounded for safety reasons. Front Visor Screen may be added to handle cover.

2.5.42 Fasteners Standard fasteners may be replaced with fasteners of any design and
material (including Titanium). The strength and design must be equal to or exceed the strength of the
standard fastener it is replacing. Fasteners may be drilled for safety wire but intentional weight-reduction
modifications are not permitted. Fairing/bodywork fasteners may be replaced with the quick disconnect type. Aluminium fasteners may only be used in non-structural locations.

2.5.43 The following items MAY BE ALTERED or replaced from those fitted to the
homologated or originally manufactured Motorcycle Any type of lubrication brake or suspension fluid may be used. Any type of spark plug is permitted. Wheel balance weights may be discarded changed or added to. All gaskets and its materials are free. External paintwork decals and colour scheme is free. The bolts and nuts may be change or replaced. But material must be kept
same as originally manufactured. Instruments, instrument bracket(s) and associated cables. Material for brackets connecting non-original parts (fairing, instruments etc.)
to the frame (or engine) cannot be made from titanium or carbon fibre or
similar composites unless it is clearly stated they can - E.g. exhaust. Protective covers for the frame chain and footrests may be made in other
materials like fibre composite material if these parts do not replace original
parts mounted on the homologated or originally manufactured model. Fuel tanks can be completely filled with fire retardant material (open celled
mesh i.e. Explosafe).

2.5.44 Following Items MAY BE REMOVED Instrument and instrument bracket and associated cables. Tachometer & speedometer. Radiator fan and wiring. Thermal switches water temperature sensor and thermostat may be
removed inside the cooling system. Bolt on accessories on a rear sub frame.

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REGULATIONS 2022 Redundant handlebar switches Emission control items (anti-pollution) in or around the air box and engine
(O2 sensors air injection devices). Top chain guard as long as it is not incorporated in the rear fender. Bolt-on accessories on a rear sub frame. Small secondary covers that does serve any function or purposes may be
removed; however it must not affect the outlook or silhouette of the

2.5.45 The Following Items MUST BE REMOVED Head lamp and turn indicators must be removed but profile and frontal
appearance must be retained. The openings must be covered by a suitable
material. Rear-view mirrors. Horn. License plate bracket. Toolkit. Helmet hooks and luggage carrier hooks. Passenger’s foot rests & its removable mounting brackets (if any). Passenger’s grab rails. Safety bars centre and side stands must be removed (fixed brackets must
remain). Catalytic convertors.

2.5.46 The Following Items MUST BE Altered All Motorcycles must be equipped with a functional ignition kill switch or
button mounted on the right hand handlebar (within reach of the hand
while on the hand grips) that is capable of stopping a running engine the
button or switch must be RED. All drain plugs (engine oil release screw) must be tightly lock-wired. External oil filter(s) bolts that enter an oil cavity must be safety wired (i.e. on
crankcases). Where breather or overflow pipes are fitted they must discharge via existing
outlets. The original closed system must be retained: no direct atmospheric
emission is permitted. Breather & overflow pipes must be clamped with a hose clip. To prevent any oil spilling onto track all Motorcycle must have oil catch
tanks. This oil catch tank shall hold a minimum of 250ml of oil. Refer to the
following picture - Illustration OCT-1.0 All Motorcycles are REQUIRED to install a Belly Pan (Lower Fairing) and it
must be constructed to hold in case of an engine breakdown a minimum
1 litre of oil/fluid. The lower edge of all the openings in the fairing must be positioned at least
50 mm above the bottom of the fairing. The upper edge of the rear transverse wall of the lower fairing must be at
least 50 mm above the bottom and the angle between this wall and the floor
must be ≤ 90°. The lower fairing must incorporate a single hole of Ø 15 mm diameter in the
front lower area and this hole must remain sealed in dry conditions This seal must be removed when WET RACE or WET PRACTICE is declared

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REGULATIONS 2022 All Motorcycles are REQUIRED to install a chain guard fitted to rear section of
the swingarm adjacent to the rear sprocket to prevent any rider’s body part
that may become trapped between the lower chain run and the rear wheel

2.5.47 Additional Equipment Data loggers are permitted Telemetry is NOT permitted. No remote or wireless connection to the bike for any data exchange or
setting is permitted whilst the engine is running or the bike is moving.

2.5.48 Balancing Various Motorcycle Concepts FIM Asia together with ARRC Technical Committee will review the position of
the performances of the Motorcycles after Round 3 and Round 6 The ARRC Technical Committee reserve the right to applying balancing to
the Motorcycles in the class as they see fit in order to maintain equality
amongst Motorcycles. Methods may include but are not limited to the following: Engine Rev Limit. Motorcycle weight-limit change. Engine mechanical dimension limits e.g. valve size or valve lift
restrictions. Intake size limits or restrictors. The decision to apply the balancing concept will be taken by the FIM Asia
ARRC Technical Committee at any time deemed necessary to ensure fair

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Disciplinary and Arbitration
The obligations incumbent upon the participants, officials and organisers are set out in these
Regulations published by the FIM Asia.
Proven violation or non-observance of these obligations will be subject to the penalties laid
down in this chapter.

The penalties are:
• warnings.
• fines
• ride through
• change of position
• time penalties
• disqualification
• withdrawal of Championship points
• suspension
• exclusion

3.2.1 Definition and application of penalties

• warnings: can be made privately or publicly
• fines: cash penalty from USD50.-up to USD10’000.
• ride through (see Art.1.19).
• change of position (see Art.1.22.2)
• time penalties: the imposition of time affecting the rider’s.
• actual result up to 2 minutes and the cancellation of time.
• disqualification: disqualification from an event, practice sessions (black flag, black
flag with orange disc), race (black flag, black flag with orange disc) or from its
• withdrawal of championship: the loss of points from the points: Championship
races already run.
• suspension: the loss of rights to participate the Championship may be applied to
one or more races.
• exclusion: the final and complete of all rights of participation in any activity under
FIM Asia control.

3.2.2 Plurality of penalties

Any offender may have several penalties pronounced against him according to the

3.3 The Disciplinary and Arbitration Bodies

The disciplinary and arbitration bodies of the FIM Asia, qualified to deal with disciplinary and
arbitration matters are:
• The Race Direction.
• The FIM Asia Jury.
• The FIM Asia Disciplinary Court (CDI).

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3.3.1 The Race Direction
• Constitution.
The Constitution of the Race Direction is in accordance with the requirements laid
down in Article 1.6.
• Authority and Competence.
The Race Direction has the authority to penalize automatically riders, teams’
personnel, officials, promotors/organisers and all the persons involved in any
capacity whatsoever in in an event or in the Championship for:
Infringements of the Regulations.
Any voluntary or involuntary action or deed accomplished by a person or a group
of persons during a meeting, contrary to the current regulations or instructions
given by an official of the meeting.
Any corrupt or fraudulent act, or any action prejudicial to the interest of the
meetings or of the sport, carried by a person or a group of persons occurring
during an event.
The Race Direction is competent to adjudicate upon a protest relating to
infringements of the Regulations.
• Penalties that may be pronounced by the Race Direction.
The following penalties may be pronounced by the Race Direction:
a) a warning
b) a fine
c) a ride through
d) a change of position
e) time penalty
f ) a disqualification
g) a withdrawal of Championship points.
h) a suspension.

Furthermore, the Race Direction can refer the case to the International Disciplinary
Court (CDI) in order to impose a higher penalty than the Race Direction is empowered
to do.

3.3.2 The FIM Asia Jury Panel

• Constitution.
The Constitution of the FIM Asia Jury Panel is in requirements laid down in Article
• Competence.
The FIM Asia Panel will hear any appeals against decisions taken by the Race
• Penalties that may be pronounced by the FIM Asia Jury Panel only following an
a) a warning
b) a fine
c) a time penalty
d) a disqualification
e) a withdrawal of Championship points.
f ) a suspension

Furthermore, the FIM Asia Jury Panel can refer the case to the FIM Asia Disciplinary
Court (CDI) in order to impose a higher penalty than the FIM Asia Jury Panel is
empowered to do.

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3.3.3 FIM Asia Judicial Panel
The FIM Asia Judicial Panel (CJI) is composed of qualified persons from which the
members of the CDI are nominated.
• Constitution
The FIM Asia Judicial Panel shall consist of members nominated by FMNs
Each FMN may nominate one or several members having the nationality of that
FMN. The appointments shall be confirmed by the General Assembly for 4 year
• Qualifications.
In order to qualify for appointment to the International University level. He must
be able to express himself in at least one of the official languages of the FIM. H
cannot however be an officer or a license holder of the FIM.

3.3.4 The FIM Asia Disciplinary Court (CDI)

• Appointment of the Members.
The President of the International Judicial Panel of the FIM Asia will appoint, each
time, the President and the members who will constitute the CDI.
• Procedures
The names of the members appointed must be communicated to all interested
parties in the case, who have the right to make a duly documented objection
to the composition of the Court, either in total or in part, within three days
after having received the information. If the Executive Board of the FIM Asia
considers that a reasonable objection is made, he must appoint the necessary
Otherwise he rejects the objection and fixes the date for the hearing.
The Court may request the opinion of an expert or summon a witness who it
considers useful.
• Authority and Competences.
The CDI will hear any appeals against decisions taken by the FIM Asia Stewards.
The CDI adjudicates upon request or the Race Direction or the FIM Asia Steward
After a meeting, the President of the FIM Asia, the Executive Board or the
Management Council may, within 5 days refer to the CDI all matters of violation or
infringement of the FIM Asia Regulations.

3.3.5 The FIM Asia as a Party in the Legal Proceedings

• Function.
For all the appears to the CDI, the FIM Asia is entitled to assets its interests or to
explain its position by means of a prosecution address.
• Appointment.
The Executive Board shall appoint in each case, the person who will represent the
FIM Asia.
• Procedure.
The intervention of the FIM Asia is optional and is left to the appreciation of the
Executive Board.
As a party, the FIM Asia enjoys the same rights and obligations as the other parties.
The FIM Asia may present in person at a hearing or may present its claims in writing.

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3.4.1 Right of protest
Any natural or juridical person rider, team, manufacturer , official, etc.
• Affected by a decision taken under the authority of FIM Asia, has the right to
protest against that decision.
No protest may be lodged against a Statement of Fact of the Race Direction
entailing or not.
• A change of position.
• A ride through.
• A disqualification from the practice sessions or races by means of a black flag or
black flag with orange disc.
• A fine for speeding in the pit lane.
No protest may be lodged against a Statement of Fact of the Race Direction based
on a photo finish.

3.4.2 Right of appeal

The rules concerning appeals against FIM Asia disciplinary decisions are:
Against the decision of the Race Direction upon a protest only, to the FIM Asia
No appeal may be lodged against a decision of the FIM Asia Stewards if they confirm
the previous decision of the Race Direction. Their decision is final.
Penalties Which cannot Be Protest Or Appealed.
• A fine for speeding in the pit lane, pit exit line violation, or practice start violation.
• A change (drop) in position.
• A time penalty given in lieu of either: a ride through penalty, of a change (drop) of
position penalty.
• A ride through (Stop and Go in Endurance).
A cancellation of the lap time concerned for a rider exceeding the track limits
during practices.
• A disqualification from the practice sessions or races by means of a black flag or
black flag with orange disc.
• A grid penalty for the race of event.
Against the decision of the FIM Asia Stewards if they do not confirm the decision of
The Race Direction to the CDI shall be final.

3.4.3 Procedure and time limit for protests

All protests must be submitted and signed only by the person directly concerned.
Each protest must refer to a single subject only and must be presented within 1 hour
at the latest after the publication of the results nor the notification of a Race Direction
decision. Protests must be handed to a responsible official (Clerk of the Course, Race
Director or Secretary of the Meeting) together with the security deposit of USD500
– or equivalent. Teams and riders contracted to compete in the Championship may
submit a Letter of Guarantee from TWMR in lieu of payment.
A protest against the eligibility of a rider, team or a motorcycle entered, must be made
before the start of the official practice.

3.4.4 Hearing of a protest

After a hearing, the Race Direction must make a decision on any protest presented.
The protest has to be judged according to the provisions of the Regulations.

3.4.5 Effect of a decision upon a protest

The decision of the Race Direction of determination of penalty is immediate.

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3.4.6 Time limits for the lodging of an appear
The time limit for the lodging of a statement of appear is:
• against the decision of the Race Direction - 30 Minutes
• against the decision of the FIM Asia Stewards - 5 days
• Statement of Appeal before the Court of - 5 days
Arbitration for Sports (CAS)

The time limits shall be taken from the date and time of receipt of the decision by
the appellant.

3.4.7 Lodging of an appeal
To be admissible, the Statement of Appeal must be submitted by letter ( appeal before
the FIM Asia Stewards) or sent by registered letter or special Courier to the FIM Asia
Executive Secretariat and post marked (appeal before the CDI). The correct security
deposit for the appear must be handed to the FIM Asia Chief Steward (appeal before
the FIM Asia Stewards) or paid in to the FIM Asia Executive Secretariat (appeal before
the CDI), as the case may be. Within 10 days following the Statement of Appeal before
the CDI the appellant assigns to the FIM Asia Executive Secretariat a brief of appear
stating the facts.
If the appeal was not lodged and/or the security deposit for appear not paid within the
deadline specified in Article 3.4.6, the appeal with be declared inadmissible without
• Security deposit appeals.
The amount of the security deposit is USD1,000.
Teams and riders contracted to compete in the Championships may submit a Letter
of Guarantee from TWMR in lieu of payment.
• Security deposit payable upon an adjournment if an adjournment to call further
witnesses is ordered upon the request of one of the parties involved, this party
must provide an additional financial Guarantee within a time limit to be fixed by
the disciplinary body. The hearing will not be continued until this Guarantee has
been paid. In case of no provisions of the Guarantee within the time limit, the
disciplinary board will make a determination on the appear based on the evidence
of the original witness.
• Time limits to be observed for appear hearings.
The FIM Asia Stewards must be convened to examine an appear immediately after
the Brief of Appear is received.
The CDI must be convened to examine an appeal not later than 6 weeks after the
Brief of Appeal is received.
• The FIM Asia Stewards and the CDI must in all cases pronounce a decision.

3.4.8 Effect of an appeal

On request of the appellant, the FIM Asia Stewards Panel may decide a stay of the
provisional execution adjudicated by the Race Direction or in its decision.
On request of the appellant, the International Disciplinary Council (CDI) may decide a
stay of the provisional execution adjudicated by the FIM Asia Stewards Panel by
Injection or its decision.


3.5.1 Right to a hearing
It shall be the unquestionable right or any person or body charged with any offence
under the Regulations to defend themselves, either in person or by proxy.
Any party convened before a disciplinary or arbitration body has the right to be
represented by one Defence Counsel of its own choice and at its own expense.

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Adequate notice of this intention must be given in order that this may also be notified
to all other parties in the case.
Failure to do this may result in the disciplinary or arbitration body upholding an
objection to such representation.
If any of the parties duly convened do not appear, Judgment can be rendered by
The disciplinary or arbitration bodies may decide that the hearing take place by
means of a telephone conference call or through any other means or communication
using telephone or electronic device. Such a method of conducting a hearing shall
only take place with the consent of all parties involved.

3.5.2 The hearing

The hearing shall be public unless the disciplinary or arbitration body itself decided
otherwise in exceptional circumstances.
The hearing shall be conducted in one of the official languages of the FIM Asia.
Should one of the parties wish to use another language, it shall provide the necessary
interpreters at its own costs.
The appellant must be duly present or duly represented, failing which, the protest will
not be admissible and the costs shall be borne by the appellant.
Once the President has opened the proceedings, he will invite the parties involved to
state their respective cases without the witnesses being present.
After statements of the parties concerned, the disciplinary or arbitration body shall
hear the various and experts in order to complete the evidence. The parties involved in
the case shall have the right to question all witnesses and experts on their evidence.
Any member of the disciplinary or arbitration body may, at any time during the
hearing and with the President’s approval, question any of the parties involved, the
witnesses and experts.

3.5.3 Witness and Experts

Each party is responsible for the convening an appearance of its own witnesses, as well
as their expenses unless decided otherwise by the Court.
The disciplinary or arbitration body has no authority to oblige with witnesses to swear
on oath,; therefore, testimony shall be given freely.
The witnesses may only testify to the facts they know and shall not be allowed
to express an opinion. Unless the disciplinary or arbitration body should regard them
as experts on a particular subject and should ask them to do so.
After having made their statements, the witnesses may not leave the Courtroom and
shall not be allowed to speak to any other witness who has still to give evidence.
The Court may summon experts.

3.5.4 Judgement
Decisions of all disciplinary or arbitration bodies will be reached in camera by a simple
majority of votes (exception: see Article 1.6.4 “Race Direction”). All members will have
equal voting rights which must be exercised when a decision is required.
Abstention is not permitted.
Each member disciplinary or arbitration body binds himself to keep all deliberations

3.5.5 Notification of Judgements

The decisions of the Race Direction or of the FIM Asia Stewards must be notified
directly at the event venue, of failing that, addressed by Registered letter with
acknowledgement of receipt.

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All Judgements of the International Disciplinary Court (CDI) must be notified in writing,
by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt in order to inform all the parties

3.5.6 Publication of Judgements

The disciplinary or arbitration body imposing a penalty or adjudicating a protest or
an appeal must have its findings published and quote the names of all parties
concerned. The persons or bodies quoted in these statements have no right of action
against FIM Asia nor against any person having published the statement.
Furthermore, final decisions will be published in the Media Centre and in the FIM Asia
Magazine unless the Court itself decides otherwise.


The costs of the disciplinary or arbitration decision will be assessed by the FIM Asia Executive
Secretariat and will be awarded against the losing party, unless the Court decides otherwise.
3.6.1 Payment of fines and costs
If the penalty is definitive, all fines and costs must be paid to the FIM Asia Executive
Secretariat within 30 days of notification of the judgment decision according to Article
The person or body affected by the decision shall be automatically suspended from
participation in all FIM Asia activities, until time as full payment has been received.


As a consequence of the agreement of reciprocity concluded on April 30th, 1949, between the 4
organizations controlling motorized sports internationally, i.e. in addition to the FIM, namely
• the Federation International del’ Automobile (FIA)
• the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI)
• the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM)

Penalties or suspension or exclusion may also be applied to one or another of the sports
represented by the above organizations, up0n request of the FIM.


The Management Council , after consultation with the CJI President or upon his proposal, may
mitigate or completely forgive the penalty of a person or group of persons after having
exhausted all the appeal procedures.


Final decisions handed down by the disciplinary bodies or the General Assembly of the FIM Asia
shall be referred to the Court of Arbitration for Sport within the time limit of appeals as laid down
by Article 3.4.6 which shall have exclusive authority to impose a definitive settlement in
accordance with the Code of Arbitration applicable to sport.

Circuit standards will be defined by the “FIM Standards of Road Racing Circuits” (SRRC) Road Racing

4.1 Title and General

The FIM Asia holds an Asia Road Racing Championship, Asia Dream Cup and Suzuki Asian
Challenge is organized each year by the FMN which riders and manufacturers compete which is
promoted by Two Wheels Motor Racing Sn Bhd.

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4.2 Motorcycle and Classes
4.2.1 Motorcycles
The races are open to motorcycle as defined in Appendix of the ‘Asia Road Racing
Championship Technical Rules’.

4.2.2 Classes
The classes will be as follows:
• Underbone 150cc
• Asia Production 250cc
• Suppersports 600cc
• Asia Superbike 1000cc

4.3 Riders
4.3.1 License
Riders must be a holder of a valid continental license issued by Continental Union
(CONU). FMNR riders in host country can participate with their FMNR License. Riders
holders of annual Grand Prix (MotoGP class only), Superbike World Championship (SBK
class only) License will not be allowed to participate, with the exception of riders
holders of licenses of FMNR without gaining any points but prizes.

4.3.2 Riders under Contract

30 days before each event, the FIM Asia and the promoter will publish a list of riders
under contract.

4.3.3 Acceptation and refusal of entries

The riders must be made according to the following priorities:
• Riders under contract
• Riders having obtained points in the Championship.
• Rider appearing on the national grading lists.
• Other riders.

4.3.4 Back Protector and a Chest Guard

All riders are compulsory to use a “Full Scale” hard plastic back protector and a Chest

4.4 Time Table

The time table will be published in the supplementary regulations of each event, in accordance
with the following scheme, however, please note that the following are just guidelines and may
be subjected to change.
Arrival and setting Up of Teams
1400 – 1700 Technical and Sporting Checks and other formalities
Scrutineering and other formalities
Friday Free Practice (Morning)
Qualifying Practice (Afternoon)
Free Practice (Morning)
Saturday Qualifying Practice (Afternoon & Evening)
Races (Afternoon)
Warm Up (Morning)
Races (Afternoon)

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4.5.1 Admission to the Start
The maximum qualification time must be equal to the best time plus 7%.

4.5.2 Race Distances

Races must be run according to the following:
• Underbone : minimum 25 km - maximum 50 km
• Asia Production : minimum 30 km - maximum 60 km
• Supersport 600 : minimum 50 km - maximum 90 km
• ASB1000 : minimum 55 km - maximum 95 km

4.5.3 Start of Races

The start is made with engine running in accordance with the FIM Road Racing Rules.

4.5.4 Track close

Circuit closed to all participants participating in the race weekend from Monday of the
week of the race.

4.6.1 The prizes are as follows for each race for the riders:-
Underbone 150cc
1. USD 300.00 +Trophy
2. USD 200.00 +Trophy
3. USD 125.00 +Trophy
4. USD 75.00
5. USD 50.00

Supersports 600cc
1. USD 500.00 +Trophy
2. USD 375.00 +Trophy
3. USD 250.00 +Trophy
4. USD 150.00
5. USD 75.00

Asia Production 250cc

1st Placed Finisher = USD 400.00 & Trophy
2nd Placed Finisher = USD 300.00 & Trophy
3rd Placed Finisher = USD 200.00 & Trophy
4th Placed Finisher = USD 125.00
5th Place Finisher = USD 75.00

Asia Superbike 1000cc

1. USD 1,500.00 +Trophy
2. USD 900.00 +Trophy
3. USD 500.00 +Trophy
4. USD 300.00
5. USD 200.00
6. USD 125.00
7. USD 75.00

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4.6.2 The prizes are as follows for each race for the Teams Contracted to the following series.
Only teams that has paid their deposit to follow the series will get the rewards.
Underbone 150cc
1. USD 300.00 +Trophy
2. USD 200.00
3. USD125.00
4. USD 75.00
5. USD 50.00

Supersports 600cc
1. USD 500.00 +Trophy
2. USD 375.00
3. USD 250.00
4. USD150.00
5. USD 75.00

Asia Production 250cc

1. USD 400.00 +Trophy
2. USD 300.00
3. USD 200.00
4. USD 125.00
5. USD 75.00


The entry fee, non-refundable is as follows: Contract Riders/Team
1. Underbone 150cc - USD 350.00 /per entry
2. Supersports 600cc - USD 1,500.00 /per entry
3. Asia Production 250cc - USD 1,070.00 /per entry
4. Asia Superbike 1000cc - USD 2,350.00 /per entry

Non-Contract Riders/Teams
1. Underbone 150cc - USD 650.00 /per entry
2. Supersports 600cc - USD 2,550.00 /per entry
3. Asia Production 250cc - USD 1,650.00 /per entry
4. Asia Superbike 1000cc - USD 3,650.00 /per entry


Points will be awarded only for each respective race of the Championship. The total points from
all rounds of the championship with each race awarding points.
In the event of a tie in the number of points, the final positions will be decided on the basis of the
number of best results in the races (number of first places, number of second places, etc).
In the event there is still a tie, than the date in the championship at which the highest place was
achieved will be taken into account with precedence going to the earliest result.
In the event if the entries is less than 12 for any class the promoter will have the right to change
the prize money.
4.8.1 Championship Prize Money
Underbone 150cc - Riders Classification
1. USD 900.00 +Trophy +Overall Trophy
2. USD 500.00 +Trophy
3. USD 350.00 +Trophy
4. USD 200.00
5. USD 125.00

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Underbone 150cc - Teams Classification
1. USD 900.00 +Trophy
2. USD 500.00 +Trophy
3. USD 350.00 +Trophy
4. USD 200.00
5. USD 125.00

Asia Production 250cc - Riders Classification

1. USD 1,200.00 +Trophy + Overall Trophy
2. USD 700.00 +Trophy
3. USD 500.00 +Trophy
4. USD 350.00
5. USD 125.00

Asia Production 250cc - Team Classification

1. USD 1,200.00 +Trophy
2. USD 700.00 +Trophy
3. USD 500.00 +Trophy
4. USD 350.00
5. USD 125.00

Supersports 600cc - Riders Classification

1. USD 1,500.00 +Trophy +Overall Trophy
2. USD 900.00 +Trophy
3. USD 500.00 +Trophy
4. USD 375.00
5. USD 200.00

Supersports 600cc - Team Classification

1. USD 1,500.00 +Trophy
2. USD 900.00 +Trophy
3. USD 500.00 +Trophy
4. USD 375.00
5. USD 200.00

Asia Superbike 1000cc - Rider Classification

1. USD 4,500.00 +Trophy +Overall Trophy
2. USD 2,000.00 +Trophy
3. USD 1,500.00 +Trophy
4. USD 1,000.00
5. USD 500.00

Asia Superbike 1000cc - Team Classification
1. USD 4,500.00 +Trophy
2. USD 2,000.00 +Trophy
3. USD 1,500.00 +Trophy
4. USD 1,000.00
5. USD 500.00

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