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MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY(MIL) useful in building and developing people and

WEEK 1-2
Listed below are the roles of media and
Critical Thinking- the analysis of available information in effective communication.
facts, evidence, observations, and arguments
to form a judgement. -It makes the world a smaller place.

Enslavement- to make someone/something a -It makes communication convenient.

-It shapes public opinion.
Empowerment- authority or power given to
someone to do something. Four models in communication

- the process of becoming stronger and more 1. Harold D. Lasswell’s Communication

confident, especially in controlling one's life Model/Lasswell’s Communication Model
and claiming one's rights.
- Who(sender), Says what(message),
Communication- According to Cambridge Channel(medium), To whom(receiver), With
Academic Content dictionary, communication what effect(feedback)
is the process by which messages or
- one to many model of communication
information is sent from one place to another
or the message itself. 2. Claude Shannon-Warren Weaver’s
Communication Model/Shannon-Weaver’s
Communication as Influenced by Media and
Communication Model
- explain how messages can be mixed up and
Types of Communication according to
misinterpreted in the process between
sending and receiving the message, the
Verbal Communication- message is
“mother of all models".
transmitted verbally or done by word of
mouth and a piece of writing. - Sender(information source),
Non-verbal Communication- sending or Encoder(transmitter), Channel,
receiving of wordless messages; all about the Decoder(receiver), Receiver(destination),
appearance, sounds, and body language of the Noise
- more technological than other linear
Types of Communication according to models; one to one communication model,
purpose and style. only one sender and one receiver.
Formal Communication- mostly takes place in
professional settings. 3. Osgood-Schramm’s Communication Model
Informal Communication- most commonly
- known as a circular model because it
used form of communication; takes place in
indicates that messages can go in two
our daily interaction with one another.
directions; equal and reciprocal.
How does communication take place?
- once a person decodes a message, then they
- Communication transfers information from
can encode it and send a message back to the
the source or sender through a medium or
sender— a continuous cycle.
media. The intended audience or receiver will
receive this information and process it and - Encoder, Message, Decoder, Interpreter
eventually turns it into knowledge that is
4. Berlo’s SMCR Communication Model • Motion picture photography/projection
- Source, Message, Channel, Receiver (1890) • Commercial motion pictures (1913) •
Motion picture with sound (1926) •
- represents the process of communication in Telegraph • Punch cards
its simplest form; there is no feedback
Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and - During this period, printing flourished.
Technology Literacy Communication were developed like
telegraph, radio, and telephone.
Media literacy- the ability to access, analyze,
3. Electronic age(1930s-1980s)- The invention
evaluate, and create media in a variety of
of the transistor ushered in the electronic
forms. age. People harnessed the power of
Information literacy- the ability to recognize transistors that led to the transistor radio,
when information is needed, and to locate, electronic circuits, and the early computers.
evaluate, and effectively communicate In this age, long distance communication
information in its various formats. became more efficient.
- Thomas Alva Edison was able to invent a
Technology/ Digital literacy- the ability of an duplex telegraph which can transmit two
individual, either working independently or messages simultaneously in one wire and
print converted electrical signals to letters.
with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and
These messages from the telegraph were
effectively use technological tools. called telegrams. Morse code was used in
telegraphs to send messages.
Media and Information Literacy- the
- Alexander Graham Bell was the first who got
essential skills and competencies that allow the patent for the telephone.
individuals to engage with media and other - This age made great contribution in the
information providers effectively. development of radio, television (colored),
films (CD and DVD) and the telephone as
- empowers people to think critically about media of communication.
information and use of digital tools. • Transistor Radio • Television (1941) • Large
electronic computers - i.e. EDSAC (1949) and
WEEK 3 UNIVAC 1 (1951) • Mainframe computers -
i.e. IBM 704 (1960) • Personal computers - i.e.
The Evolution of Traditional to New Media Hewlett Packard 9100A (1968), Apple 1 (1976)
1. Pre-industrial age(before 1700s)- Oral • OHP, LCD projectors
language was the medium of communication.
4. Information age(1900s-2000s)- The
- People discovered fire, developed paper Internet paved the way for faster
from plants, and forged weapons and tools communication and the creation of the social
with stone, bronze, copper and iron. network. People advanced the use of
• Cave paintings (35,000 BC) • Clay tablets in microelectronics with the invention of
Mesopotamia (2400 BC) • Papyrus in Egypt personal computers, mobile devices, and
wearable technology. Moreover, voice,
(2500 BC) • Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC) •
image, sound and data are digitalized. We are
Dibao in China (2nd Century) • Codex in the
now living in the information age.
Mayan region (5th Century) • Printing press
using wood blocks (220 AD) - There were still pen and paper means of
communication (snail mails). Social
2. Industrial age(1700s-1930s)- People used networking sites became available for faster
the power of steam, developed machine means of communication. This is also known
tools, established iron production, and the as New Age or New Information Age.
manufacturing of various products (including
books through the printing press). - In the 1980s, the desktop computer arrived
• Printing press for mass production (19th in the Philippines. Wordstar was the first
century) • Newspaper - The London Gazette word processing, later it became Word
(1640) • Typewriter (1800) Telephone (1876) Perfect. (MICROSOFT)
- By 1998, the telephone has evolved into a wallpaper, packaging, and billboards.
portable gadget called cellular phone with Magazines- contain essays, stories, poems,
antenna and can only be used for oral etc. and often with photographs and
communication. drawings, usually specializing in a particular
- By 2000, cellular phone and computer subject.
became more compact and handy; camera Newsletters- provide information of interest
was an added feature. to the members of an organization or any
• Web browsers: Mosaic (1993), Internet institution (leaflets and newspapers).
Explorer (1995) • Blogs: Blogspot (1999), Journals- contain topic scholarly articles
LiveJournal (1999), Wordpress (2003) • Social and/or current information on research and
networks: Friendster (2002), Multiply (2003), development in a particular topic or subject.
Facebook (2004) • Microblogs: Twitter
(2006), Tumblr (2007) 2. Broadcast Media- It includes radio and
Traditional media- Media experience is television that reach target audiences using
limited; one-directional airwaves as the transmission medium.
Radio- source of news and other information,
- Sense receptors used are very specific (i.e. provides all kinds of musical entertainment,
print media- sense of sight, radio- sense of and enables people to listen to drama
hearing, TV and film- sight and hearing.) stations.
Transistor radio- a popular technology in the
New media- Media experience is more rural area because it is battery operated and
interactive; audiences are more involved and can be brought anywhere to listen to news
can send feedback simultaneously. and music.

- integrates all the aspects of old media. Television- became feasible in 1930. Early
television was in black and white in the 1950s
and colored by 1970s.
Types of Media
- source of news and other information,
1. Print Media- Printing started in China by provides entertainment, watch films while
the end of 2nd century AD. The Chinese travelling, generates a lot of job opportunities,
writing requires about 80,000 symbols while and effective medium for advertisements.
the European writing and others was based
Motion Pictures (Film or Movie)- These all
on the alphabet, which has a limited number
refer to the big screen which is an effective
of abstract symbols.
medium in conveying drama, comedy, action,
- The first major role of printing was the
science fiction, and other genres which consist
reproduction of books to spread literary
of the projection of luminous moving images
works and general information.
onto a screen.
- It is consisting of paper and ink, reproduced - These are a product of photographic and
in a printing process that is traditionally technological development in 1900 in
mechanical. practical devices for the recording of a moving
- In the Philippines, newspapers and image and its projection onto a flat surface.
magazines are printed in different languages.
3. New Media- In this type of media, content
The broadsheet uses English, while the
is organized and distributed on digital
tabloid or smaller size of newspaper uses local
languages like Filipino, Cebuano, Ilocano, and
- digital media that are interactive,
other local languages.
incorporate two-way communication and
- Printing does not only cover books,
involve some form of computing.
newspapers, magazines and comics. Textile
prints are also being done in plates,
• World Wide Web (www) • Social cultural riches, innovators of information-
networking sites • ATM (automated teller seeking practice, and facilitators of other
machine) • computer data based programs • activities.
CAI (computer assisted instruction) • e- Services a library can offer:
journals and e-books • online games 1. Books – most common information
The Internet- a global system of resources
interconnected computer networks that use 2. Magazines – preferred resource due to
the standard Internet Protocol Suite to serve enticing graphics
billions of users worldwide. 3. Newspapers – provide relevant information
Social Media - forms of electronic about timely issues
communication (such as web sites) through 4. Journals – research-oriented articles
which people create online communities to 5. Maps – visual representations of
share information, ideas, personal messages, geographical information
etc. 6. Digital Sources – CDs, tapes, films,
Media Convergence- The co-existence of computers, Internet
traditional and new media. These are often classified in four groups
- The ability to transform different kinds of namely:
media into digital code, which is then -ACADEMIC: contains information helpful to
accessible by a range of devices, thus creating general information
a digital communication environment. -PUBLIC: accessible to all (i.e. municipal
Digital Print Media- Print sector of media are libraries)
running online news sites to supplement their -SCHOOL: situated in educational institutions
daily prints. -SPECIAL: these are for persons with special
Teleradio- It is a program that combines the needs
visual aspect of television with AM or news Libraries of published books are often
radio. considered highly reliable, accurate, and
Stream Media- It refers to the transmission of valuable. Books and documents from the
television or radio content online. dominant sources are often peer reviewed.
Mass Media and Social Media ISSN or ISBN registration ensures that
- Social Media are forms of electronic standards were followed in producing their
communication (such as web sites) through materials.
which people create online communities to Internet Sources
share information, ideas, personal messages,
etc., and thus used by mass media to bring Internet is a global system of interconnected
their content to a wider audience. computer networks. It is commonly known as
Advertisement- Product Advertisement- Net and has been around since 1969. Online
Digitized print ads across different platforms services like web page – a multimedia
News- News Agency- Newspaper that still interface that was able to transmit text,
publishes through print and have online portal pictures, audio, and video together – and
Communication- Social Network- Facebook, search engine – computer program that is
Twitter Instagram, etc. used to look for information in the Internet –
WEEK 5-6 are offered.
Media and Information Sources-
The top search engines are the following:
Library Sources
1. Google – project by Larry Page and Sergey
Library was the first source of information Brin in 1990
that enticed people who yearned for 2. Yahoo – founded by David Filo and Jerry
knowledge. According to Krolak (2005), library Yang in 1994
is important because they are the facilitators 3. Bing – created by Microsoft in 2009 and
of information, custodians of natural and powered by Yahoo search
Information found in internet may be quite Traditional Cultural Expressions
varied in form and content. Thus, it is more Cultural expressions are ways of indigenous
difficult to determine its reliability and people in practicing different activities that
accuracy. Accessing information on the reflect their traditions.
internet is easy, but requires more discipline • music and dances • literature • weaving –
to check and validate. Factual and fictitious most visual representation of culture and
data are often merged together. tradition
Alternative Media- Other alternative forms of Related Genetic Resources
communication and distribution have been Since the Philippines is rich in natural
popular. These include social media, blogs resources, it is normal that it can actually offer
and flash mob performances. These not just a number of agricultural products, but
alternative forms provide greater freedom different variations for each product.
and power to ordinary individuals and are a Characteristics of Indigenous Media
quicker way of distributing information. The - oral tradition of communication
downside is that a lot of information being - store information in memories
passed around is biased and inaccurate. - information exchange is face-to-face
Indigenous Media- Indigenous knowledge - information are contain within the border of
(IK) is the local knowledge – knowledge that the community
is unique to a given culture or society. IK Understanding Indigenous Media and
contrasts with the international knowledge Information
system generated by universities, research
institutions and private firms. (Warren, 1991) • Popular media cannot reach some rural
Indigenous media and information is areas. While print, broadcast, and new media
originally created by a local group of people. have a wide reach, there are still areas that
This also refers to content about indigenous these forms of media have not reached.
people that may be distributed through • Indigenous media and information are highly
dominant forms of media or through forms of credible because they are near the source and
communication unique to their people group. are seldom circulated for profit.
It is the basis for local-level decision making • Indigenous media are channels for change,
in agriculture, health care, food preparation, education, and development because of its
education, natural-resource management, and direct access to local channel.
a host of other activities in rural communities. Ignoring indigenous media and information
(Warren, 1991). can result in development and educational
programs that are irrelevant and ineffective.
Traditional Medicines and Healthcare Forms of indigenous media and their local
dawak – Tingguian ritual intended for couples samples
to bear a child/children a. Folk and traditional media
ud-udong - Tingguian ritual which free a sick b. Gatherings and social organizations
person from spirits that inhabit his/her body c. Direct observations
Dumagat group believes in putting ashes in d. Records – may be written, carved, or oral
the umbilical cord of a newborn to help assist e. Oral instruction
the healing process. Qualities of Good Information
Traditional Agriculture
Even if modern technology has offered new Reliability – trustworthiness of source
and innovative methods of farming, these Accuracy - closeness of the report to the
ethnic groups still adhere to their traditional actual data
practices of selecting seeds, sowing, Value - making or improving decisions
harvesting, and preserving. Their practices are Authority - sources with established
inclined to their harmonious relationship with expertise
supernatural forces.
Timeliness - time produced or acquired Media message exists for the following
Media and Information Languages reasons:
- provide countless information
Genre- comes from the French word meaning - exhibit different portrayals
'type' or 'class‘. Horror, comedy, action - affect behaviors
comedy, sci-fi , action, inspirational or family, Media Audience
drama, tragedy and musical are examples of Audience - This refers to the group of
genre in films (also applicable to TV shows). consumers for whom a media message was
Genre can be recognized by its common set of constructed further as anyone else who is
distinguishing features (codes and exposed to the message.
conventions). According to Potter (2012), there are two
Codes- systems of signs, which create faces of audience:
meaning. Human minds as machines - receive and
decode information, and end up with
Types of Codes
negotiated meanings.
Technical Codes are ways within which Human minds as interpretative beings - have
equipment is employed to inform the story the liberty to conclude anything they want.
(camera techniques, framing, depth of fields, Uses and Gratification Theory (Elihu Katz)
lighting and exposure, etc.).
- It states that the audience has the power to
Symbolic Codes show what’s beneath the
choose the kind of media they want to
surface of what we see (objects, setting,
consume and what gratifies their needs.
visual communication, clothing, color, etc.).
Media Producers and Stakeholders
Written Codes indicate the use of language
style and textual layout (headlines, captions, Stakeholders - They are ones who
speech bubbles, language style, etc.). disseminate information using the codes,
conventions, and language of media.
Conventions are the generally accepted ways
Television Networks are one of what we
of doing things. These put sense to codes.
called media and information stakeholders.
These involve interpretations and inferences.
Producers - These are people engaged within
Media Languages
the process of making and putting together
Language - It pertains to the technical and media content to make a finished media
symbolic ingredients or codes and product. ABS-CBN is an example of producer
conventions that media and information of information.
professionals may select and use in an Media plays a major part in terms of reach
endeavor to speak ideas, information and vis-à-vis producers and stakeholders
knowledge. through…
- commercial organization;
Media Languages are codes, conventions, - business organization; and
formats, symbols and narrative structures - online opportunities.
that indicate the meaning of media messages WEEK 7-8
to an audience.
Codes are systems of signs, which create Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media
meaning while conventions are the widely and Information
accepted ways of doing something that put
Intellectual Property Right- the right of an
sense to codes.
individual who uses his creative intellectual
Media Message faculties to produce something
Messages - These are the data sent from a - Republic Act No. 8293 or the Intellectual
source to a receiver. Property Code of the Philippines states the
rights of authors to be recognized.
Copyright- a legal device that gives the - The writer provides inaccurate information
creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other regarding the sources, making it impossible to
creative work the sole right to publish and sell find them.
that work 3. “The Too-Perfect Paraphrase”
-Violation of a copyright is called - The writer properly cites a source, but
infringement. neglects to put in quotation marks on text
Fair Use- limitation to the exclusive right that has been copied word-for-word, or close
granted by copyright law to the author of a to it.
creative work. 4. “The Resourceful Citer”
-Examples include Commentary, Criticism, - The writer properly cites all sources,
News reporting, Research, Teaching, Library paraphrasing and using quotations
archiving, Scholarship. appropriately. The catch? The paper contains
Plagiarism- an act or instance of using or almost no original work.
closely imitating the language and thoughts 5. “The Perfect Crime”
of another author without authorization; the - The writer properly quotes and cites sources
representation of that author’s work as one’s in some places, but goes on to paraphrase
own, as by not crediting the original author. other arguments from those sources without
Types of Plagiarism: Sources Not Cited citation.
1. “The Ghost Writer” Digital Divide- an economic inequality
- The writer turns in another’s work, word- between groups in terms of access to, use of,
for-word, as his or her own. or knowledge of ICT.
2. “The Photocopy” Internet Addiction- the excessive or poorly
- The writer copies significant portions of text controlled preoccupations, urges, or
straight from a single source, without behaviors regarding computer use and
alteration. Internet access that lead to impairment or
3. “The Potluck Paper” distress
- The writer copies from several different Cyber bullying- bullying that takes place
sources, tweaking the sentences to make online, or using electronic technology such as
them fit together while retaining most of the cellular phones, computers and tablets over
original phrasing. communication tools including social media
4. “The Poor Disguise” sites, text messages, chat, and websites
- The writer has altered the paper’s Netizens- users of the different social
appearance slightly by changing key words networking sites in the Internet
and phrases. Bashing – using unpleasant exchange of
5. “The Labor of Laziness” comments
- The writer takes the time to paraphrase Responsibilities of a Netizen
most of the paper from other sources and
make it all fit together. • can make friends in the different social
6. “The Self-Stealer” networking sites but a netizen should observe
- The writer “borrows” generously from his or proper decorum
her previous work. • realize that the Internet is a public means of
Types Of Plagiarism: Sources Cited (But Still communication especially if he/she has blogs
Plagiarized) that can be read by other users
1. “The Forgotten Footnote” Virtual Self- an Internet user can be physically
- The writer mentions an author’s name for a alone in his room but he is interacting with
source, but neglects to include specific the virtual people he encounters in the
information on the location of the material Internet.
referenced. - the digital identity or assumed identity in
2. “The Misinformer” the virtual world.
Ethical issues are indispensable when it
comes to information.

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