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® TM

la Wor
Violence and the Supernatural
The fictional World of Rifts is violent, deadly and filled with supernatural monsters. Other dimensional
beings, often referred to as "demons," torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien life forms,
monsters, gods and demigod, as well as magic, insanity, and war are all elements in this book.

Some parents may find the violence and supernatural elements of the game inappropriate for young
readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.

Please note that none of us at Palladium Books condone nor encourage the occult, the practice of magic,
the use of drugs, or violence.

® ™
A supplement for the Rifts RPG and Triax .
® ®
Compatible with the entire Palladium Books Megaverse !
Dedicated to all my soggy fans.

Kevin Siembieda

PDF Edition - August 2015

First Printing - June 1995

Copyright 1995 Palladium Books Inc.

Copyright 1995 by Kevin Siembieda

All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention, World Wide . No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or
by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and
people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is strictly coincidental.

Rifts®, Palladium Books®, and Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.
Whale Singers, Naut'yll, The Lord of the Deep, Triax, Mindwerks, Naruni Enterprises, Splugorth, Kittani, Aliens Unlimited, Coalition States, Erin Tam
and other names and titles are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

World Book Seven: Rifts® Underseas™ is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court,
Westland, MI 48185. Printed in the USA.
Palladium Books@ Presents:

Written By: Kevin Siembieda

Contributing Writer: C.J. Carella

Additional Concepts:
Steve Sheiring
Kevin Long
Julius Rosenstein

Senior Editor: Alex Marciniszyn

Editors: James A. Osten
Kevin Kirsten
Julius Rosenstein

Cover Painting: John Zeleznik

Interior Artists:
Kevin Long
Vince Martin
Randy Post
Scott Johnson
Earl Geier
Scott Rosema
Kevin Siembieda

Art Direction & Keylining: Kevin Siembieda

Typography: Maryann Siembieda
Mike O'Connor

Special Thanks to c.J. for his wild ideas, great characters, and writing a hunk of this books. Steve,
Julius, Kev and Val for their suggestions and contributions (you 'll be seeing more of their stuff in future
Undersea supplements, like the Lemuria World Book). John Zeleznik for a dynamic cover painting and
waiting almost a year to see it in print. Kevin Long for some truly outstanding designs and artwork.
Vince who ain 't no slouch either and who did some standout artwork. To Maryann and her quest to find
the perfect scanner (she did too). To Gary Sibley for his help and suggestions. To Randy Post, Scott
Johnson, Mike (for his help keeping Maryann calm during scanner quest), Jim, Alex, Kirsten, and the
usual gang of Palladium swabbies for their hard work on another bold addition to the Rifts Megaverse.
Contents Ocean Magic . ...................................... 63
Ocean Magic Descriptions 63

From the Deep ..................................... 8 Dolphin Magic. ..................................... 70

Mysteries of the Seas . ............................... 9 Dolphins & C etaceans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Ocean Depth Zones .................................. 9 The Dolphins of Rifts Earth............................ 73
Some Quick Facts (about the Ocean) .................... 9 Dolphins & Conflict ................................. 74

Human Limitations .................................. 10 Dolphins & the Human Language ....................... 75

The Abyss - Deep Ocean............................. II Dolphin Speak ...................................... 76

Seas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Dolphin R.C.C. ..................................... 77

Dolphin Ley Line Channeling.......................... 80

Magic Triangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Dolphin & Orca Power Armor ......................... 81

Random Encounters on the Surface of Magic Triangles...... 13 Killer Whale R.C.C................................... 85

Surface Ley Line Storms. ............................. 15 Sperm Whale R.C. c.................................. 88

Dangers Underwater ................................. 16 Humpback Whale R.C.C. ............................. 90

Underwater Ley Line Storms........................... 16

Shimmering Water................................... 17 Tritonia ........................................... 93
Time Flux.......................................... 18 Foreign Relations.................................... 95

A note about Sea Monsters ............................ 18 Tritonian O. c. c.s & R.C.C.s........................... 96

Dead Pools......................................... 19 Tritonian Sea Wolf................................... 96

Tritonian Scientist ................................... 97

C reatures of the Deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Amphib ........................................... 98

Dragon Ray ........................................ 20

Lorica Wraith....................................... 24 Weapons & Equipment of Tritonia .................... 100

Sharks............................................. 29 Merbot ............................................ 101

Shadow Shark ...................................... 31 "Bottom Feeder" T-23 Mini-Sub........................ 102

Storm Riders ....................................... 31 Sea "Fin" Combat Sled ............................... 103

Stidjron............................................ 35
Rurlel Eel People .................................... 37 Nemo-2 & The New Navy ............................ 106
Origins ............................................ 106

Gene-Splicers & Sea Monsters ........................ 38 Foreign Relations.................................... 108

Ley Line Mutations .................................. 40 Captain Nemo-2..................................... 110

Navy Seaman O.C. c.. ................................ III

The Lord of the Deep................................ 41 Marine O.C.C....................................... 112

The Lord of the Deep 41 Sea Titan R.C.C. .................................... 113

Reachers From the Deep .............................. 44

Devil Shark ........................................ 45 Weapons & Equipment of the New Navy ............... 1 1 5
Sea Doppleganger ................................... 46 "Semper Fi" Power Armor ........................... . 118

Cult of the Deep..................................... 47 Merovingian Amphibious Tank ........................ 120

Sea Inquisitor O. c. c.................................. 48 Iwo-Jima Class MIFV Transport........................ 121

S-14 Sea Hawk VTOL Jet Fighter....................... 122

The Whale Singers . ................................. 50 Striker Attack Helicopter.............................. 124

Origins ............................................ 50 Manta Ray Attack Ship ............................... 126

Dolphin Pneuma-Biform .............................. 51 Trident Submersible Carrier ........................... 127

Killer Whale Pneuma-Biform .......................... 53 The Ticonderoga Submersible Carrier 128

Whale Pneuma-Biform ............................... 55 Attack Submarines................................... 132

Whale Singer O. c.c.................................. 56

Whale Singer Spellsongs .............................. 57 Human Info & Equipment . .......................... 133
Salvage Expert ...................................... 133

Ocean Wizard O.C.C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Some Basis Boats.................................... 135

Sea Druid O. c.c..................................... 61 Environmental Wet Suit .............................. 137

Aqua-Tech Orca-50 Power Armor ...................... 140
UB-300 Mini-Sub ................................... 143
Basic Underwater Sled................................ 144

Naut'YlI C ivilization . ............................... 144

Foreign Affairs...................................... 146
Naut'YlI R. c.c...................................... 148
Naut'YlI Soldier R.C.C................................ 149
Naut'Yll Devastator R.C.C............................. 150
Naut'Yll Koral Shaper R. c. c........................... 150
Spells of Korallyte Shaping. ........................... 151

Kreel-Lok Nomad R.C.C. ............................. 152

Naut'YlI Weapons & Technology ..................... 153

Sonic Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Particle Wave Rifle .................................. 154
Energy Trident ...... . ............................... 154
Dual-Purpose Self-Propelled Explosives.................. 155

Korallyte Armor..................................... 155

Techno-Wizard Power Armor .......................... 157
Deathbringer........................................ 158
Red Trident Attack Sub ............................... 160

Horune Pirates . .................................... 162

Foreign Affairs...................................... 163

Horune Pirate R. c.c.................................. 164

Ship Dreamers ...................................... 165
Horune Weapons & Technology ........................ 166
Horune Dream Ship. ................................. 170

Atlantis Undersea................................... 173

Weapons of Atlantis.................................. 173
War Urchin Power Armor ............................. 175
Kittani Destroyer Power Armor......................... 176

Kittani War Fish Power Armor ......................... 179

Kittani War Crab .................................... 181
Kittani War Shark ................................... 183

Splugorth Sea Skimmer (The Ark) ...................... 185

Top Secret - NGR Military Data . .................... 190

Underwater Bionics .................................. 191
Marine Weapons & Armor ............................ 191
TXD-I00 Ultra Deep-Sea Power Armor.................. 195

VX-20,000 Barracuda ................................ 196

Triax Submarines & Navy Sea Craft..................... 199
XS-120 Interceptor................................... 204

The NGR Poseidon .................................. 207

Underwater Skills................................... 2 1 0 'i;: � _- ..",,���

- -
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Experience Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 4 \

Quick Find Table Ley Line Stonns: Underwater Random Encounters ......... 16

Armor of Note Lord of the Deep .................................... 41

Altantean Destroyer Power Annor ...................... 176 Monsters: Creatures of the Deep ........................ 20

Atlantean War Fish .................................. 179 Monsters: Lord of the Deep & Minions .................. 41

Atlantean War Urchin Power AnnoL .................... 175 Naut'Yll ........................................... 144

New Navy Body AnnoL .............................. 118 Ocean: Dead Pools................................... 19

New Navy "Semper Fi" Power Annor ................... 118 Ocean: Deadman's Sea ............................... 19

New Navy Tanks .................................... 120 Ocean: Depth Zones.................................. 9

Human: Light Annor................................. 137 Ocean: Human Limitations ............................ 10

Human: Aqua-Tech L EA-50 Power Annor ............... 138 Ocean: Illustration of Depth Zones ...................... 11

Human: Aqua-Tech Orca (heavy) ....................... 141 Ocean: Ley Line Stonns .............................. 15

Triax Frogman Annor ................................ 193 Ocean: Ley Line Stonns Underwater 16

Triax Ultra ......................................... 195 Ocean: Shimmering Water ............................ 17

Triax Barracuda (cyborg) ............................. 196 Ocean: Some Quick Facts ............................. 9

Tritonian S C UB A .................................. . 100 Pirates: Horune...................................... 164

Tritonian Amphib 101 Rune Weapons (Atlantis).............................. 174

Tritonian Merbot ................................... . 101 Skills (new) ........................................ 210

USS Ticonderoga: New Navy .......................... 128
Magic of Note
Triax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Atlantean Rune Weapons ............................. 174
Tritonia............................................ 96
Dolphin Magic. ..................................... 70
Dolphin Ley Line Channeling.......................... 80 Monsters
Ley Line Storms..................................... 15 Dragon Ray ........................................ 20

Minions of Lord of the Deep........................... 45 Gene-Splicer Monsters ............................... 38

Naut'Yll ........................................... 151 Gene-Splicer Monster Creation Tables................... 39

Ocean Magic (spells)................................. 63 Giant Octopus ...................................... 23

Ocean Wizard ...................................... 60 Giant Squid ........................................ 24

Sea Druid .......................................... 61 Kreel-Lok Nomad/Warrior ............................ 152

Sea Triangles ....................................... 12 Ley Line Mutations .................................. 40

Shimmering Water................................... 17 Lord of the Deep (stats) ............................... 43

Spellsongs ......................................... 57 Minion: Cultist ...................................... 43

Time Flux.......................................... 18 Minion: Devil Shark ................................. 45

Underwater Ley Line Stonns .......................... 16 Minion: Monster Naut'Yll............................. 45

Minion: Psiren ...................................... 46

Maps of Note
Minion: Reachers from the Deep........................ 44
Horune's Main Areas of Activity ....................... 165
Minion: Sea Doppleganger ............................ 46
Lord of the Deep Main Areas of Activity ................. 44
Minion: Servants of the Deep .......................... 47
Magic Triangles. .................................... 12
Horune Pirate ....................................... 162
Marianas Trench .................................... 44
Horune Dolphin Combat Drone......................... 167
Tritonia............................................ 95
Horune Land Shark Drone............................. 169
Miscellaneous Ley Line Mutants.................................... 40

Aqua-Tech (human equipment)......................... 139 Lorica Wraith ....................................... 24

Bionics (New) ...................................... 191 Naut'Yli ........................................... 144

Captain Nemo-2..................................... 110 Picasso Magic Fish .................................. 27

Dolphin Ley Line Abilities ............................ 80 Rurlel Eel People .................................... 37

Dolphin Magic...................................... 70 Sea Maw........................................... 28

Erin Tarn: Intro ..................................... 9 Shark: Great White .................................. 29

Erin Tarn: Lorica Wraith .............................. 26 Shark: Shadow. ..................................... 31

Experience Points ................................... 214 Shark: Tiger ........................................ 30

Ley Line Storms..................................... 15 Stidjron.. .......................................... 35

Ley Line Storms: Surface Random Encounter ............. 15 Stonn Riders ....................................... 31

Zomba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Navy Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Navy Seaman. . ..................................... 111

Ocean Wizard . ..................................... 60
Salvage Expert 133
Sea Druid .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Sea Inquisitor. ...................................... 48
Tritonian Scientist ................................... 97
Tritonian Sea Wolf................................... 96
Whale Singer ....................................... 56

Amphib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Dolphins (stats) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 77
Dragon Ray (optional) ................................ 20
Gene-Splicer Mutants (optional)

Horune Pirate (optional) .............................. 164

Humpback Whale . . ................................. 90
Killer Whale. . ...................................... 85
Kreel-Lok Nomad/Warrior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Naut'Yll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Naut'Yll Soldier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Naut'Yll Devastator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Naut'Yll Koral Shaper................................ 150
Pneuma-Biforms/Whale Singers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Pneuma Biform: Dolphin.............................. 51

Pneuma Biform: Killer Whale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Pneuma Biform: Whale............................... 55

Rurlel Eel People (optional) ........................... 37

Sea Titans. . ........................................ 113

Sperm Whale . . ..................................... 88

AtlantislKittani. . .................................... 173
Bionics (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Dolphin & Orca Power Armor . ........................ 81
Human: Conventional Boats & Ships . . .................. 135

Human: Weapons & Armor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Horune: Weapons & Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Naut'Yll ........................................... 153

New Navy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Triax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Tritonia............................................ 100

ing buried with other work (what else is new, eh), I agreed to let ' em do
it, got John Zeleznik to whip up a cover, and waited. Unfortunately,
when the manuscript arrived in the fall of 1 994, it fell flat. The ideas
seemed pedestrian and just didn 't have the flavor or magic of Rifts.
With regret, I rejected it. Thankfully, those involved on the project were
professional and understanding about the situation, and there were no
hard feelings one way or the other.
At this point, I decided that the fans had waited long enough and that
"I" would finally step in and write the dam book. This would be rela­
tively easy since I had a million ideas, my problem was finding the time
in my schedule with all my other commitments.

Enter C.J., Long, Steve, and Julius.

I mentioned my dilemma to C.J. who proclaimed that he' d love to

work on the project and pointed out that his involvement would reduce
the amount of work that I would have to do. I agreed. A wise move, be­
cause C.J. ' s contributions were both excellent and inspiring. He is the
madman behind such "things" as the Lord of the Deep and the Naut' Yll
invaders, and such heroes as Captain Nemo-2, Sea Titans and the Whale
As it approached my designated time to write Rifts Underseas,
Kevin Long started to submit concept drawings for various submarines,
ships and armor. "Do you think you might include Triax and the NGR
in this book?" he asked. "I might . . . yeah, probably;" I mumbled.
"Good," he said with grin, "what do you think of these?" and he laid be­
fore me a pile of incredible sketches. Over the weeks that followed he
created the Horune, a bunch of Triax subs and armor, the Atlantean
ships, and tons of great designs. Personally, I think these are some of
the best designs and artwork that Kev ' s produced in years. I can hardly
wait to see his efforts on the Juicer Uprisings™ which he' s currently
developing (with more data on the Great Lakes area, the Lakes, North­
ern Gun, the CS, and others).
Steve Sheiring came up with so many unbelievable ideas that I ' ve
given him his own Rifts® Underseas World Book: Lemuria, which
will deal with the Lemurians, Easter Island, strange beings and tons of
great stuff (probably out early 1 996). Only his Sea Druid, some magic
spells and some suggestions about monsters and magic made it into this
Julius and his buddy, Val, had tons of concepts, characters and mate­
rial, some of which has found its way into this book but much of it will
appear in a future book. Thanks guys.
Meanwhile, Vince Martin got into the act, submitting (at my re­
quest) several designs of his own for power armor and vehicles, as well
as knocking out excellent art for the rest of the book. I also let Palla­
dium newcomer, Randy Post, fool around with whipping up some crit­
ters . Heck, all of our artists did a bang-up job.
Ironically, once I finally sat down to write this book, I found myself
filling far more pages than I had allotted for it. There are so many cool
and bizarre things one can put in the underwater realm of Rifts® that
we could easily fill three books and still have more ideas. In fact, I ten­
tatively have plans to release two additional world books over the next

From the Deep year or so, Steve ' s Lemuria being the first. Not only that, but some of
the material in Rifts® Japan includes underwater characters, monsters
and concepts !
Some Words from Siembieda
The best part of all this is that the end result is an incredible excur­
Rifts Underseas seems to have been plagued by one delay after an­ sion into an unique and exciting playing environment as alien as any
other, yet from my behind the scene perspective, each delay only served Dimension B ook. Rifts Underseas is jam-packed with new magic, he­
to make the book better. roes, villains, undersea civilizations, tons of high-tech ships, subma­
I had been kicking around my own ideas for an undersea book since rines, equipment, cyborgs, and power armor, as well as the Kittani,
the inception of the Rifts RPG. Julius and his friend, Val, liked the idea Splugorth, Triax, Gene-Splicers, the New Navy, the Lord of the Deep,
of life and adventure under the waves and began playing with concepts world information, zillions of adventure ideas and page after page of
in 1 993, but somehow things never got finished (some of their work dynamic artwork. Whew !
will appear in future Rifts Underseas World Books). I ' m proud of this book. I hope you get as much enjoyment playing
Then, at the end of 1 993 , I was approached by some creative gents underseas as we did producing it.
who seem fired up about the project and offered to write the book. Be- Kevin Siembieda

thing is familiar, although you are seeing itfrom a different perspective.
You know up from down and have at least some idea of what to expect
beyond the next hill. Underwater, your world is different. There is no
sun in the sky, instead the water overhead glows like an infinite shim­
mering ceiling. No not ceiling. The word "ceiling" is too flat and hard.
It doesn' t leave you with a feeling of the depth that exists. This "layer"

of liquid light is more like a realm or "stratum" filled with color and
life that seems to stretch for infinity. A ll manner of aquatic life is drawn
to the light: schools offish, thick like a cloud, rolls overhead or darts at
your side; tiny shrimp and living particles dance in the light, chased by
an octopus, squid or larger fish.
Below you is the shadow realm where the lightfrom the sun and sky

Mysteries of the Sea above is filtered through the water and diminished to create a twilight
stratum. Here too there is life, but not in the same abundance.
Ponderings by Erin Tarn Below the twilight is the abyss. The undersea world of eternal dark­
ness. A liquid darkness that plunges miles below the strata of light and
twilight. Amazing that life, as we know it, abounds in the two narrow
On sleepless nights when my mind wanders, I have often wondered
"stratums" of the ocean so close to the sky, leaving more than two­
what mysteries lie beneath the sea. Even with the appearance of A tlan­
thirds of the ocean a dark, frightening pit. The word "abyss," has been
tis, over 60% of the Earth ' s surface is covered by water. I have seen
used to describe the depths of the sea since before the Rifts, I cannot
and heard so many amazing things in my world of land and air that it
think of one more appropriate.
seems impossible to imagine what may lay hidden beneath the waves.
My imagination began to run wild as I imagined giant squid, jelly
There is a vast underwater world that rolls at our feet on every
fish, sharks and mutants rising from the darkness like demons from hell.
beach. Waves roll in and out as if motioning for us land-lubbers to
Recollections of tales about the Lord of the Deep sent a chill up my
come on in and join the adventure. From somewhere just below the
spine. I had been warned not to swim too deep, because the unprotected
waves a pair of eyes may be watching us and wondering what lies be­
human body could not survive a depth greater than 200 feet (61 my. To
yond the beach.
dive any deeper, one would suffer from the "bends," a state of oxygen
The sea is an alien world that has coexisted with our own since the
decompression and liquefaction caused by sea pressure, and die. Of
formation of the planet. Unlike other worlds, we don' t need to step
course, there is magic and body armor that can protect ourfrail bodies
through a Rift or travel through space to reach its (although in some
from greater depths, but I had neither. Peering into the dark depths be­
ways it is just as inaccessible). We can gaze across its expanse, touch
low, I was glad to be bathed in the comforting light and wondered why
its liquid atmosphere, ride it currents and even bathe in its waters, but
anybody would want to plum that domain of constant night. Of course, I
for most of us surface dwellers, its real secrets are denied us; hidden
have travelled into many a place fraught with danger, so who am I to
just out of sight. We can only gaze at the water' s surface, or stick our
judge or condemn the curiosity of others. Still, the abyss is one place
heads under the waves to see just a tiny fragment of that world and
that does not call to me.
wonder what lies beyond our reach.
From the Diaries of Erin Tarn - Circa 79 PA
I imagine talking to beings like the legendary Whale Singers and
riding on the back of a playful dolphin. I imagine brightly colored fish ,
living rock, and swirling colors. I marvel at the colorful fishes and
strange aquatic creatures known to us and wonder what beings must
exist that we know nothing about. I imagine alien visitors and kingdoms Ocean Depth Zones
of aquatic humanoids struggling against their own breeds of monsters Upper Stratum - to 200 ft (6 1 m) deep
and danger. Middle Stratum - to 1 000 ft (305 m) deep
Many are the rumors and legends of the sea. Stories abound about Ocean Twilight Zone - to 3500 ft ( 1 066 m) deep
the dreadful Lord of the Deep, frightening mutants, D-bees, sea ser­ Deep Ocean or Abyss - from 3500 ft ( 1 066 m) to the ocean floor
pents, ghost ships, and dead pools, as well as the fabled Whale Singers,
aquatic dragons, intelligent dolphins, pre-Rifts survivors, sunken treas­
ure, ancient Lemuria, underwater Rifts , and so many stories that I could The stratums or "zones" of the ocean can be thought of as zones or
fill a dozen books about them. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing layers of light. The more light, the more life. The less light, the less hos­
which are real and which are fantasy. So many things sound impossi­ pitable for life - but never devoid of it.
ble, yet I have seen with my own eyes so many outlandish and impossi­ The ocean water absorbs the individual colors of sunlight. At just a
ble things that I cannot discount them. few inches below the surface, the red end of the light spectrum begins
I do have some personal experience with the sea. On more than one to be absorbed. By 200 feet (6 1 m) deep, green and blue are the only
occasion, I have been magically enchanted with the ability to breathe colors still present. In the clearest waters, blue light penetrates as deep
without air and to swim like a fish. So empowered, I have dived into the as 3 500 feet ( 1 066.8 m) deep; however this is incredibly faint and
ocean shallows and skirted its uppermost reaches. The experience was would be undetectable to the human eye. Since most of the ocean lies
exhilarating! beyond this point it is pitch black to humans and commonly known as
the deep ocean or the abyss.
How can I find the words to describe the sensation of not being an­
chored to the ground or trapped on the water' s surface, but to soar
through the water like a bird in the air. For us land creatures there is Some Quick Facts
only up and down. We are stuck down on the ground where we crawl • The average ocean depth is roughly 2.4 miles (3.84 krn). The At­
across the surface, but in the water there is up, down, side to side, and lantic Ocean is comparatively shallow with typical depths of 1 .8 to
in between. There is "ground" but one floats above it, not chained to it. 2.5 miles (2.8 to 4 km), but has rougher and colder waters than the
I had experienced a similar sensation when I was magically enchanted Pacific Ocean.
with the ability offlight, but flying was different. When you fly, you can • The North Pacific Ocean has the largest area of deep ocean; typi­
still see the ground and the sun. It is still the world you know and every- cally two to four miles (3.2 to 6.4 km).

• Only the great ocean trenches are dramatically deeper, 5 to 1 0 miles The Upper Stratum
(8 to 16 Ian).
• The average sea is located on a Continental Shelf and is roughly 700 aka High Waters
to 2000 feet (2 1 3 to 6 1 0 m) deep. However, some are as deep as the
This zone is known as the euphoric zone and goes from the water' s
Pacific Ocean. surface t o about 300 feet (9 1 .5 km) deep. Fishermen and sailors o f Rifts
• The Seven Seas are only four: The Pacific Ocean (49%), Atlantic
Earth often call it the high waters. This stratum of ocean is the most
Ocean (26%), Indian Ocean (2 1 %), and the Arctic Ocean (4%). All abundant with warmth, light and life. The great amount of sunlight that
others are marginal seas or extensions of the four great seas listed
bathes these waters is ideal for photosynthesis, producing life forms in­
above. The percentage in parentheses represents each ocean ' s share cluding algae, plankton, and krill; most of which are microscopic and
of the Earth ' s total sea area.
unicellular. They are eaten by thousands of different sea creatures, who
• 94% of the Earth ' s water is salt sea water.
are in tum eaten by a variety of large fish and sea mammals. Even the
• Most of the fresh water is underground; 6%.
B aleen whales and manta ray subsist on a diet of krill and microscopic
• Tidal waves or "tsunamis" are created by earthquakes or volcanic
eruptions. At the point of the tremor or explosion, the waves gener­
ated may be barely a foot high (0.3 m), but these sea waves travel at Kelp, sea grass, seaweeds and other smaller plant species are most
hundreds of miles per hour and create waves 60 to 1 20 feet ( 1 8.3 top common to continental shelves and serve as the habitat for hundreds of
36.6 m) high. These giant waves strike land with devastating force. different sea animals including shrimps, crabs, starfish, snails, worms
Small ships along the coastline are dashed on dry land and the coast­ and sea urchins. They also provide tasty morsels of food for large fish
line is hammered up to a mile inland. Vessels heading away from and sea mammals like the otter.
land, at least 50 miles (80 km) out to sea should be able to weather Coral reefs are created by the build up of millions of tiny animals
waves of only 1 0 to 20 feet (3.0 to 6. 1 m). Japan, the Philippines and known as "coral polyps" (to a surface dweller they may be reminiscent
Hawaiian Islands are randomly struck by tsunamis on a regular ba­ of plants or small sea anemones) and plants known as "coralline algae."
sis, but are only struck by a terrible one every 2D4+6 years - varies The remains of creatures calcify, collect and stick like a sort of organic
with earthquakes in the region. cement and slowly builds into miniature underwater mountains, walls
• Gale Waves and Swells are tall, fast moving crests created by wind. and ridges.
They can attain a height of 20 to 30 feet (6. 1 to 9. 1 m). Coral grows best in an environment where there is ample sunlight,
• Hurricanes/Typhoons: Rainstorms with damaging winds of 90 to clean water, a warm, stable temperature of around 68 degrees Fahren­
1 50 mph ( 1 44 to 240 kmph) and gale-sized waves; boats and even heit, plenty of oxygen, and a good food supply. These conditions are
ships can be capsized, become waterlogged and sink, or literally tom ideal in the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Although coral reefs are a
apart. Hurricanes are common in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean common feature of tropical seas, coral does not grow well in waters that
Sea, Bay of Bengal, South China Sea and Philippines, the coast of are too warm.
Japan, the Hawaiian Islands and all magic triangles like the Demon The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is probably the most famous
Sea. reef in the world. It extends from off the Queensland coast for over
• 65% of the human body weight is comprised of water (0.9 saline 1 ,440 miles (2,300 km) and is up to 1 25 miles (200 km) wide in places.
content) - roughly the same percent of the Earth is covered by However, coral reefs of various sizes can be found in both the Atlantic
water. and Pacific oceans and shallow seas like the Red Sea. They are common
to the Caribbean islands, Hawaiian islands, the Philippines, and other
places. Coral reefs around islands are known as "fringing" reefs, which
form around islets as circular or doughnut-shaped coral atolls develop.
These are most common in remote areas of the Pacific Ocean.
Animals common to coral reefs include mussels, clams, oysters,
starfish, sea snails, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sea fans, sponges,
worms, sea anemones, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, nautilus, squid, cuttle­
fish, octopus and a large variety of coral, invertebrates and fish.
The coral reef is also home to a wide range of small, colorful fish of
Human Limitations amazing diversity. They include algae, zooplankton and invertebrate
Humans cannot swim deeper than 50 feet ( 1 5 . 2 m) without special eaters like tangs, clown, snappers, puffers, triggers, angel, and butterfly
equipment or magic. fishes, as well as fish that prey on other fish, like sharks, groupers, bar­
Divers and snorklers breathing oxygen are limited to depths of 30 to racudas and moray eels. Coral reefs will also attract sea birds and mam­
50 feet (9 to 1 5 .2 m), because under pressure, oxygen has a poisonous mals.
effect. The depth of a coral reef will vary from two to ten feet (0.6 to 3 m)
Using basic diving equipment (or simple magic), skin divers can in shallow areas to 80 to 1 60 feet (24.4 to 48.7 m) at its deepest, outer
reach depths of 1 00 to 1 60 feet (30.5 to 48.7 m) for brief periods of edges .
Deep sea divers wearing helmeted environmental suits and breath­ Middle Stratum
ing a mixture of helium and oxygen can reach depths of 850 feet (259
m). & Coastal Zones
Most deep-sea power armor and cyborgs can reach depths of This stratum of ocean is the next most abundant with life, but is al­
1 000 to 2000 feet (305 to 6 1 0 m), while normal borgs and power armor ready becoming a twilight world of dim light.
can survive depths of about 450 feet ( 1 37 m). It is typically considered to extend from about 200 feet (6 1 m) below
Most commercial submarines can reach depths up to 1 800 feet the ocean ' s surface to 1 000 feet (305 m) deep. The upper and middle
(548.6 m). stratums contain the vast majority of plants, plankton, krill, fish, sea
Advanced, military submarines of the 2 1 st Century (and many mammals and sea life in the ocean. Countless varieties of animals and
post-Rifts and D-bee subs) can reach depths of one to two miles ( 1 .6 to sea life come to hunt, feed, live and breed in these richly lit and warm
3 . 2 km; over 5280 feet! 1 609 m). waters; animals such as dolphins, porpoises, whales, rays, sharks,

swordfish, tuna, mackerel, sea turtles, octopus, squid, mussels, sea­
snails, nautilus, crabs, lobsters, shrimp, jellyfish, starfish, coral, crusta­
ceans, invertebrates and hundreds of other plants , fish and animals. In
addition to sea mammals who may come to feed (often affected by sea­
sonal migration and mating patterns), a variety of birds, including sea
gulls, pelicans, albatross, petrels, penguins and eagles, will nest on
shore and hunt prey in the waters. Of course, humans and other land
dwelling predators fish and hunt these waters as well.
The Continental Shelf: The greatest abundance and variety of fishes
and sea life are found in the comparatively shallow waters of the conti­
nental shelf; rarely deeper than 900 feet (274.3 m) and can stretch for
1 000 miles ( 1 600 km) away from a continent. The Atlantic continental
slope gently declines into deeper waters. The Pacific slope is typically a
sharp drop-off that plunges into an ocean trench. Beyond the Continen­
tal Shelf is thousands of miles of deep ocean.
Coral reefs form in the shallows around continental shelves and
crown the tops of undersea mountains poking above the surface to cre­
ate islands.
Note: Depths up to 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) are accessible to all high-tech
submarines, spaceships, robots, and even most power armor and cy­
borgs. Human beings cannot travel more than 200 feet (61 m) without
danger of getting the bends. Special armor or deep-sea vessels are re­
quired by humans to plumb depths greater than 250 feet (76.2 m).

Twilight Ocean Zone

aka Dim Waters
This is a twilight world of dim, cool water even during the brightest
day. This zone begins around 1 000 feet (305 m) to about 3000 feet (9 1 4
m ) below the surface.
Most of the fish and animals that live in the twilight ocean zone de­
rive their nutrition from the upper zones. The animals found in this zone
include the great white shark and other sharks, dolphins, porpoises,
whales, squid, giant squid, jellyfish, swordfish, tuna, spot fish, hatchet­
fish, photostomias, krill, crustaceans, invertebrates and a variety of
other fish and sea creatures. In fact, the sperm whale regularly hunts
these waters for its favorite prey, the giant squid, while sharks and other
deepsea predators rise from this zone, and from below, to hunt in the
upper levels - usually at night.
Notes: Remember, the average depth of the world ' s oceans is 2.4
miles (3.8 km). The North Pacific has the largest area of deep ocean,
typically two to four miles (3.2 to 6.4 km) ! Only marine trenches are
deeper. The Atlantic ocean is a bit shallower with typical depths of 1 . 8
to 2.5 miles (2.8 to 4 km) .
Except for some alien and D-bee technology, most submersibles
cannot endure the pressure beyond two miles (3.2 km) deep. The super­
high-tech spaceships of the gene-splicers can endure even the pressure
of the deepest ocean trench. Thus, these mysterious aliens often hide or
use their ships as a base of operations on the inaccessible ocean floor.
Most sharks can survive depths of three miles (4.8 km) and deeper.
They can be found anywhere from the deepest oceans to the compara­
tively shallow continental shelf, coral reefs, and water as shallow as two
feet (0.9 m) deep !

The Abyss - Deep Ocean

The deepest waters are eternally black and known as the abyssal
zone. These waters typically start around 3500 feet ( 1 066.8 m) and ex­
tend to the bottom of the ocean. The temperature of the ocean twilight
zone is cool but beyond one mile ( 1 .6 km) deep to the ocean floor, the
water is icy cold.
Until the late 20th Century, many scientists believed there was no
life at these depths. However, it was discovered that a variety of sharks,
fish and other life forms thrived at these incredible depths. Since hu-

mans could not penetrate this liquid darkness, it was unknown exactly

Mag i c
how many or what kinds of sea creatures inhabited these waters. It was
believed that most of these fish were tiny predators or scavengers, only
a few inches/millimeters long.
The life in the upper, sunlit stratums are key to the survival of the
"deep" ocean. Without the continual "rain" of particles and the descent

of dead plants and animals, there would be insufficient food to support
many of the creatures who thrive in the ocean depths. Many of these
animals come prowling from their dark depths into the upper stratums
in search of fish and other prey, particularly in the evenings and at
Life forms at these depths include sharks, deepsea squid, giant squid,
deepsea eels, tripod fish, brotulid fish, angler-fish, chimaera, sacco­ aka Sea Triangles
pharynx, jellyfish, starfish, sea-cucumber, crinois, and others . Since the Magic Triangles are places where three powerful ley lines connect to
Coming of the Rifts, even more bizarre, alien and dangerous deep-sea create a giant triangular shape. The length of these lines of mystic en­
predators have inhabited our oceans. ergy can run for hundreds, even thousands of miles, and encompass
Ocean Trenches: Ocean trenches are geological formations created thousands of square miles of sea. At each "point" of the triangle is a
where an oceanic plate is being submerged under a continental plate. powerful nexus. Each of these three powerful junctions are connected to
They also form where one oceanic plate is moving over another. These each other via ley lines and creates a mystic circuit of immense power.
collisions and movements in the Earth ' s crust also create island chains, The pyramid configuration only adds to the magnitude of power gener­
undersea mountain ranges and coastal/offshore mountains. ating along the lines, and within the area enclosed by them.
Ocean trenches are typically five to eight miles deep, but since the The sea enclosed by this configuration is subjected to frequent
Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts, some are 1 0 miles ( 1 6 surges of mystic energy, dimensional anomalies, time fluxes, astral dis­
km) deep ! A typical trench i s 1 000 to 5000 miles ( 1 600 to 8000 km) turbances, ley line storms, natural storms and random Rift activity at the
long . three nexuses. These seas are usually filled with monsters and D-bees
Ocean Ridges: These are lines along which oceanic plates are being that have popped in from other worlds or who are attracted to the other
slowly pulled apart, and creating a fracture. Volcanic activity causes features of these locations, such as dead pools.
"pillow" lava and other materials to form a ridge - a subtly sloping hill It is interesting to note that while a portion of these Magic Triangles
or mountain that can be one to two miles ( 1 .6 to 3.2 km) tall. The width sometimes overlap onto dry land, the vast majority of them extends
of a slow-spreading ridge might be 1 250 miles (2000 km), while a fast over the sea. Although there are numerous triangular configurations on
spreading ridge could stretch as much as 2500 miles (4000 m) ! At the dry land, they do not exhibit any of the dimensional anomalies or time
center of most newly forming ridges is a soft, volcanic fissure. Seismic distortions that occur at Sea Triangles. Many practitioners of magic
and volcanic activity is common along these ridges; so are ley lines ! have speculated that the unpredictable energy surges, storms, distortions
Ocean Hot Springs: The water temperature in the immediate area of and random Rifting is due to the direct influence of the moon and plan­
ridge fissures can be two to four times warmer than the surrounding ets on the tides. However, this is pure speculation.
water (42 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit), but cool or even icy (35 degrees) The infamous Demon Sea, once known as The Bermuda Triangle, is
only 200 feet (6 1 .5 m) away . the most famous of the "Magic Triangles," but there are actually a total
Vents along the ridge may spew even hotter water (500 to 700 de­ of six.
grees Fahrenheit ! ) and are often accompanied by clouds of black smoke 1. The Demon Sea, located in the North Atlantic, off the coast of
caused by burning hot sulphides of iron, copper, and zinc. "White Florida and sandwiched between North America and Atlantis.
smokers" are plumes of white vapors caused by the release of barium 2. The South American Triangle, located in the South Atlantic, off
sulphide particles. the coast of Argentina.
Mini-underwater oases of life often from around these warm springs, 3. The Mediterranean Triangle, which covers that entire sea, ex­
attracting crabs, shrimps, giant tube worms, bacteria and other life cept for the most eastern and western edges.
forms. 4. The African Triangle, located in the Indian Ocean off the East
Volcanic Mountains & Islands: There are an estimated 25 ,000 vol­ coat of South Africa and Southern tip of Madagascar.
canoes on the sea floor, although only a comparatively small percentage 5. The Japanese Triangle, located in the North Pacific, between Ja­
have crested above the ocean ' s surface to create islands. Some sea vol­ pan, Guam and Hawaii.
canoes are scattered, while others appear in chain formations. 6. The Australian Triangle, situated in the Tasman Sea between
Guyots are flat-topped volcanoes rising up from the ocean floor. Australia and New Zealand.
Most are dormant volcanoes upon which a coral reef once grew, but has Note: A mini-triangle is located in Lake Michigan and is believed
since risen above the water to create a crater-like island. Of course, to be the only "fresh water" magic triangle in the world.
some dormant volcanic islands can become active in the future.
Atolls are circular or semi-circular coral reefs growing around the
submerged rim of an underwater volcano.

A sea is a partially enclosed area of saltwater connected to an ocean.
Generally speaking, there are two types of sea: shallow seas known as
Shelf seas, which are similar to an ocean continental shelf (e.g. the
North Sea) and a Deep basin sea which can be as deep as three miles
(e.g. the Black Sea). A large percentage are Shelf seas and are typically
about 700 feet (2 1 3 m) deep.

The Dangers of
Magic Triangles
Travelers passing through a magic triangle may find the sea calm
and the trip uneventful or endure a harrowing experience from which
they may not survive. Those on the surface are subject to sudden thun­
der stonns, ley line stonns, time distortions, dimensional anomalies
(phasing from one time to another, or from one place to another), di­
mensional Rift activities and monsters. The worst sea serpents, the most
that they are edible. Eating non-edible fish will cause the eater to suffer
gigantic squids, the meanest pirates and all manner of danger seems to
from stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea for 6D6 hours (reduces
reside at these places of magic.
speed and attacks by half, -2 to strike, parry, dodge and on initiative).
The fish do no damage, although small vessels may be in jeopardy of
sinking from too much weight (I D4x I 00 pounds every 10 minutes).
Random Encounters on the The only other negative aspect to this shower is that the vessel and char­
Surface of Magic Triangles acters smell of fish for 2D4 days. Note: If the fish are not removed
from the vessel they will die and bake in the sun which will create a ter­
Note: This is just a basic encounter table. Individual Game Masters
rible stench. The stench is likely to cause headaches and nausea and the
can modify or add to it as they see fit. Faerie folk, poltergeist, entities,
vessel and the characters will stink for 2D4+4 days even after numerous
demons, gargoyles, ghouls and alien monsters can all appear to bother
showers .
travelers through the Demon Sea or any of the Triangles.
76-8S Metal shavings and tiny chunks. It ' s almost as if an aircraft
was blown into a million tiny pieces. Metal shavings and bits of pebble
01-15 Ley Line Storm. See the ley line storm description elsewhere sized metal fill the air. Damage from falling debris is minimal: I D4
in this section. Most storms in any of the triangles are as severe as those S .D.C. per minute (4 melees), but the thick and persistent shower of
at a ley line nexus and there is a I -SO% chance of a dimensional rift particles causes the following penalties: Exposed characters must shield
opening (whether or not something bad comes out of it I leave the GM their eyes or suffer triple damage and temporary blindness from getting
- don' t be too vicious). hit in the eyes (-S to strike, - 1 0 parry and dodge if blinded). Visibility is
16-30 Debris Showers. Virtually anything can fall from the sky dur­ reduced to about SO feet ( l S.2 m), characters lose one melee attack,
ing one of these storms. Presumably the debris was swept up from an­ speed is reduced by one-third, and all are -3 on initiative.
other dimension or time and falls to Earth from the sky, like rain. The real danger is to people who breathe the particles. Characters
Fortunately, these storms are comparatively brief, typically lasting 3D4 wearing gas masks, air filters, or environmental helmets are safe. Those
minutes. Damage varies with the type of debris. Roll on the following with only a rag covering their nose and mouth have a I -SO% per minute
table for the most common types of debris showers. of breathing damaging particles. Characters without anything covering
0 1 -20 Giant Rocks ! Chunks of stone weighing 2D4x l 00 pounds their nose and mouth have a 1 -8S% likelihood of breathing damaging
( 1 00 Ibs equals 4S kg) plummet from the sky. The speed of impact com­ particles per minute of exposure. Breathing the shavings will cause an
bined with the weight inflicts great damage; 1 00 S .D.C or one M.D.C. additional I D6 S.D.C./H.P. damage and there is a 1 -60% chance of per­
per every hundred pounds (4S kg). Aircraft and S.D.C. watercraft can manent damage to the lungs. If lung damage occurs the character will
be torn to pieces from a rock shower (G.M.s might want to indicate spe­ find himself tiring faster and breathing heavily. Penalties: Reduce melee
cific locations of damage, like the wings). Small vessels may also sink actions/attacks by one after every five minutes of combat or heavy exer­
from the weight of several rocks. The number of stones that will strike a tion, speed is reduced by 20% due to shortness of breath, and the char­
vessel per every minute varies with the size of the vessel : Small : one acter is -2 to save vs gases. The individual could eventually develop
rock per minute, medium: two, large: I D4+ I , and huge vessels: 2D4 asthma and may cough up blood. The tiny particles have caused block­
rocks per minute. age, punctures, and minor hemorrhaging in the lungs. A brief hospital
stay ( l D6 days) and laser surgery can correct the problem (no more
2 1 -40 Flaming balls of ash ! Softball size chunks of flaming ash rain
penalties). Hey, maybe it is time for that bionic lung?
down from the sky. Damage is 6D6 S .D.C. per I S seconds (one melee)
or One M.D.C. per minute. Wooden, S.D.C. vessels have a 1 -64% 86-00 Alien . . . slimy things! Soft, icky, slimy, foul smelling, alien . . .
chance of catching on fire, forcing the crew to try to extinguish the fires things drop from the sky o r suddenly cover the deck. They could be
or lose the vessel. worms, or larva, or fish, or slugs . . . god knows what! They are about the
size of a man ' s hand and most are still alive and squiggling around.
4 1 -S0 Pebbles, smaller than a dime. Causes minimal damage ( I D6
There is only a 1 -20% chance that they are edible. Eating non-edible
S.D.C. per melee/ I S seconds), but the thick and persistent shower of
"things" will cause the eater to suffer 4D6 hit point damage from poison
tiny rocks inflicts the following penalties : Characters out in the shower
and suffer from severe stomach cramps, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea
must shield their eyes or suffer triple damage and temporary blindness
for 1 04+ I days. Penalties: Reduces speed and melee attacks by half, -4
from getting hit in the eyes (-S to strike, - 1 0 parry and dodge if
to strike, parry, dodge and on initiative, and -20% on all skills.
blinded). Visibility is reduced to about SO feet ( l S.2 m), characters lose
one melee attack, speed is reduced by one-third, and all are -3 on initia­ The slimy things do no physical damage to people or vessels, al­
tive. The real danger is to small sea vessels that might capsize or sink though tiny vessels may be in jeopardy of sinking from too much
from the weight of the stones. I D4x l O0 Ibs ( 1 00 Ibs equals 4S kg) is weight (2D4x l O pounds every 10 minutes). The only other negative as­
deposited per every 10 foot (3 m) radius. Characters are likely to have pect to this shower is that the vessel and characters stink for 2D6 days.
to pull out shovels and buckets to throw the debris overboard lest they 31-35 Electromagnetic storm/interference. 1 -90% likelihood that
sink ! Small aircraft must reduce speed by half, visibility is reduced to electronic equipment that is not shielded will go temporarily haywire !
about SO feet ( 1 S . 2 m), aerial maneuvers are -4S % , and combat penal­ Compasses spin in a circle, wristwatches stop (even if powered by a
ties: -3 on initiative, -2 to strike and dodge. battery), the memories of portable computers are wiped clean, record­
S I -7S Living fish, frogs or snails. Live fish about the size of a man ' s ings on magnetic tape are also wiped clean, radio broadcasts and recep­
hand fall out o f the sky (if frogs, they are dead) . There i s a SO% chance tion are garbled with static and radio range is reduced to one-third

normal. Radar and most sensors are temporarily useless, showing a These are stupid, predatory animals without human intelligence;
blank screen crackling with static electricity. most will swim away after losing half their mega-damage points ( 1 -
Shielded equipment is also affected: The reliability of readings from 80%). Cruising swim speed i s 3 5 mph (56 kmph) but they can easily
instrument panels (radar, sensors, etc .) are -25 % , and reduce their effec­ swim at 90 mph ( 1 44 kmph) for 1 D4 hours.
tive range by half. Radios have half range and sound is garbled. Com­ 63-66 Lethal Toxic Cloud or fog. A deadly cloud or vapor covers
puters and other controls will respond sluggishly, about half as fast as the area. Environmental suits, vehicles, or compartments are the only
normal. Even bionic clocks and gyro-compasses may stop or become safeguard from the cloud. Characters must roll to save vs poison for
temporarily unreliable. In all cases, the penalties disappear the moment every minute exposed. A failed roll means 506 S .D.C ./hit point dam­
the storm ends - the equipment is fine. age. A successful roll means only 1 06 damage. Even mega-damage
36-40 Alien lightning bugs! These are golf ball-sized spheres of creatures will suffer 206 M.D. for every five minutes of exposure; not
crackling energy that seem to have a life of their own. They zip around likely to be lethal but is very painful. Visibility is also reduced by half.
like crazy, giant fireflies. Anything they touch is zapped with 1 04 67-72 Sea Monster! A giant octopus or squid or any one of the mu­
points of S .D.C. damage. Even mega-damage creatures and those in tants and monsters presented in this book rises from the sea and attacks.
mega-damage armor feel a disturbing jolt (although no damage is done If a small or comparatively weak monster, there may be an attack force
to them). Sails, clothes, cloth, and rope made from S.D.C. fabrics bum. of 1 04+ I attackers.
Unfurled sails will be riddled with a hundred or more golf ball-size 73-77 Space Warp! The vessel is caught in an unescapabIe thunder­
holes (ruined) . When the storm stops, the lightning bugs disappear. storm (aircraft cannot fly above it) . The sky is an odd color, the instru­
41-46 Monsters from the sky ! Most likely peryton, pterodactyl, or ments go crazy, then completely blank. After what seems to be only
dragondactyl, but the monster can include dragons or anything the 406 minutes, the storm is suddenly over, and the skies are clear and
Game Master wants to whip up. sunny (even if the characters were just out at night) . No damage has
Peryton (see Rifts Conversion Book One Revised, page 1 7 0) have been done to the vessel, but it is 2D4x l 00 miles off course and 204
3D6x l O+ l 0 M.D.C., five attacks per melee, +2 to strike, bite does 1 0 6 hours have passed (only 406 minutes has past for the characters) !
M.D., front l e g kick 1 D6+2 M.D., rear kick 306 M.D., power kick or
flying charge/ram 606 M.D. (both count as two attacks). Their favorite
ploy is to snatch sailors from their vessels and carry them away to be
slain and eaten. The bad news is they frequently travel in small flocks of
1 06+ I . G.M.s may send one, two, or as many as seven to attack air or
water vessels. Survivors of shipwrecks floating on a raft are in serious
trouble. Peryton are common all around Atlantis ! Average flying speed
80 mph ( 1 28 km) and track by sight 77%.
Pterodactyl: There are eight known varieties of pterosaurs that stalk
the skies over the Demon Sea, Atlantis, and the Gulf of Mexico. B asic
stats: 3D6x l O+20 M.D.C., three attacks per melee, +3 to strike, bite
does 206 M.D., tiny wing claws 1 04 M.D., talons of the legs 406
M.D., flying charge/ram 606 M.D. (counts as two attacks). They often
attack small air and sea vessels and snatch sailor from their vessels. The
bad news is they frequently travel in small flocks of 204. G.M.s may
send two or as many as eight to attack. Pterosaurs are common all
around Atlantis. Average flying speed 80 mph ( 1 28 kmph) and track by
sight 74%; hawk-like vision.
Dragondactyl (see Rifts Conversion Book One Revised, page 1 43)
have 4D6xl 0 M.D.C., four attacks per melee, +2 to strike and parry, +4
to save vs magic. Bite does 1 0 8 M.D., claws 206 S.D. C., front leg kick
1 D4 M.D., rear kick 204 M.D., fire breath 406 M.D. (males only).
Dragondactyl have become a recent addition to Rifts Earth thanks to the
Splugorth slave market and a recent Rifts over the Bermuda Triangle.
They are far less common than other flying monsters around Atlantic and
are NOT known in any other part of the world. Typically only one or two
are encountered at a time. Average flying speed 60 mph (96 km) and
have hawk-like vision.
47-52 Hail Storm. Chunks of ice the size of grapefruit fall from the
sky. The damaging storm causes 506 damage per 15 seconds (one me­
lee) or 1 00 S.D.C. damage per minute (4 melees/60 seconds) and even
mega-damage structures suffer the equivalent of one M.D. per minute.
The hail storms can last a few minutes to an hour; 1 D6x I 0 minutes.
53-62 Sea Serpent! A giant dragon-like serpent snakes its way
through the water like a torpedo. 53 different varieties have been re­ 78-81 Monster i n the Hold! Some kind of horrible creature has
corded, but all have the same basic features and abilities. The monster is
been dimensionally Rifted into the cargo area (or deck) of the vessel !
huge, measuring I D6x l OO feet (30.5 to 1 83 m) long, has a the size of a "It" is as surprised by this tum of events as the characters. Frightened,
fishing boat and a maw filled with two foot (0.6 m) long teeth. The
the creature is hostile and lashes out at the passengers and crew. There
creature has 2D4x l O M.D.C. per every hundred feet (30.5 m) of length.
is little chance of quieting the beast. Game Masters can select any type
Four attacks per melee. Bite does I D6x l 0 M.D., swat with flipper, ten­
of animal or supernatural creature that seems appropriate (typically a
tacle, or stubby leg 206 M.D., swat with tail 606 M.D., head butt 406
being with low or animal intelligence). It can be a demon, poltergeist, or
M.D., full body ram 2D4x l O M.D. (counts as two melee attacks). Many
any of the aquatic monsters presented in Underseas and other Rifts ti­
have stubby legs or short tentacles for crawling on land and climbing
onto sea vessels.
82-85 Monster Shark ! These can be one of the sharks or mutants 81-00 Magic discharge. Every time a spell is cast or a magic weapon
described elsewhere in this book or even a devil shark! is used, there is the sound of thunder and the magic user is knocked off
86-89 Acid Rain. A burning rain pours from the sky. It inflicts his feet from a sudden explosion in his face ! Loses initiative and one
I D4x l O S .D.C damage to all organic substances and clothes, 2D6 melee attack and suffers 2D6 S .D.C. damage (2D6 M.D. if a mega­
S.D.C. to wood and plastic, and I D4 S .D.C. to metal, stone and glass, damage creature).
per every minute (4 melees) of rain. Mega-damage creatures and struc­ • The extra P.P.E. available at ley lines and nexuses cannot be tapped
tures suffer 4D6 M.D. for every ten minutes of rain. Visibility is re­ during a storm (it is being burned up by the storm).
duced to about 20 feet (6. 1 m) and there is a stench in the air. • B olts of ley line energy are attracted to anything magic in the area,
90-94 Dimensional Flux! One minute the ship or group is on Earth, including practitioners of magic, creatures of magic, (like dragons
the next moment they are in limbo. Everything is white and wispy as if and tattooed men), magic talismans, amulets, techno-wizard devices,
floating inside a cloud. An occasional flash of light can be seen in the and magic weapons. The energy bolt looks like a blue-white bolt of
distance, but there is no sign of a storm. After what seems to be I D4 lightning. Humans and D-bees struck by the bolt suffer the follow­
hours (although only I D4 minutes of fuel will have been used) , the ves­ ing consequences : I D4 S .D.C. damage, lose initiative and one melee
sel is back in the same general area they were when the flux occurred attack, lose I D6 P.P.E. points , and is teleported 2D6x l O yards/me­
(within I D6x l O miles) . However, 2D4x l O hours have passed. G.M. ters down the ley line (instant and disorienting) . True creatures of
Note: The characters can be warped to any dimension you may desire, magic, like the dragon, sphinx , faerie folk, elementals, many de­
it' s your option. Just give people a way back eventually. This can be a mons/godlings, alien intelligences, etc., lose initiative and two melee
fun way to send characters on adventures in other dimensions. attacks, suffer 4D6 mega-damage and lose 6D6 P.P.E. as the storm
95-00 A dimensional Rift opens. I leave it to the Game Master as temporarily drains them of energy.
to whether anything bad, troublesome or annoying comes slithering out • Creatures disguised by metamorphosis or magic suddenly appear to
of it (don't be too rough on the characters). grow or shrink and their features become distorted. Getting hit by a
ley line bolt may ( 1 -44% chance) transforms them into their true
• Psi-stalkers, dog boys, all psionic characters and similar creatures
Surface Ley Line Storms suffer from headaches (-3 on initiative, - 1 to strike, parry and dodge)
® and their psionic/sensing powers are scrambled; reduce by half.
Taken, in part, from Rifts Atlantis
• Magic illusions disappear.
Although ley line storms are compared to conventional rainstorms, • Existing dimensional portals close.
there is seldom rain during them and they are anything but conven­ • All forms of ley line communication during a storm is impossible.
tional . The sky turns a dark green-grey color, with dark grey to black • Ley line teleportation is possible, but risky. Costs twice the normal
clouds rolling along the ley line and wind gusts at around 35 mph (56 amount of energy, but there is only a 50% chance that teleports will
kmph) as a chill fills the air. Bluish white bolts of electrical energy send one to the desired location. Roll percentile dice: 1 -50% means
shoot down from the sky and everything in the area of the storm crack­ arrived at the right location, 5 1 -75% means the teleport ended half­
les with a halo of magical energy. way, 76-00 means the person appears 2D4x l O miles off course and
away from the ley line !
Mystic scholars speculate that the storms recycle ley line energy
• Plus random occurrences .
and help to maintain an even flow of potential psychic energy up and
down the line. When there is an overload or surge of energy, storms oc­
cur, redirecting the excess energy and distributing it elsewhere. Ley line
storms often proceed the opening of a dimensional Rift, particularly Random events that can
random Rifts. happen during a ley line storm
A ley line storm can occur at any time along any ley line, on land or
Roll once for every 30 minutes of the storm when along a ley line or
at sea. They occur more often at magic sea triangles than anywhere else
magic triangle. Once every 15 minutes at a nexus. Unless stated other­
because the fluctuation of mystic energy is generally more powerful and
wise, there are no saving throws for any of these occurrences.
less stable than ley lines on dry land. A typical storm will last 3D6x l O
minutes, while the worst storms occur at the nexus points and Triangles
and last twice as long. The storm always has a strange and often terrible 01-15 Air Lift. Everybody (vehicles too) crackles with energy and
effect on practitioners of magic, creatures of magic and spell casting. rises 1 0 feet (3.0 m) above the ground or water. They are pushed by the
wind along the ley line for 2D6 minutes before dropping back down.
The power of magic flight will not work under this circumstance. Char­
Constant occurrences during a ley line storm acters in power armor or vehicles with jet propulsion can fly away and
• The effect of magic within the storm area is distorted. Roll percentile out of the storm area.
each time magic is used or a spell is cast (this includes the use of 16-30 Rolling Thunder! A huge black cloud races low to the
techno-wizard devices and magic weapons) . ground along the entire width of the ley line. Speed is about 60 mph
01 -20 Magic powers are increased ! Double range and damage (dura­ (96.5 kmph). Everybody hit by the thundercloud are drenched with
tion is not increased). The spell caster cannot regulate damage or range. water, temporarily deafened by the sound of the rumbling thunder, lose
The magic is more powerful but less controllable. all attacks/actions for one full melee ( 1 5 seconds), and are swept off
21-40 Magic powers are decreased ! Reduce range and damage by their feet with the same consequences as a wind rush spell.
half (duration is not decreased) . 31-55 Euphoria. Everybody feels good, happy and cheerful. Many
41-60 Magic powers are completely negated ! ! The P.P.E. is ex­ will start to laugh, sing or act silly, as if intoxicated. Those who are
pended but completely absorbed by the storm ! NOTHING magical wounded will have 2D6 hit points restored (2D6 M.D.C. if a mega­
works (a temporary predicament). damage creature), and minor illnesses will disappear. On the downside,
61-80 Magic powers are completely wrong! The GM can switch the characters feel no fear or hostility toward anything, including
spells at will (anything goes) . It is wise not to use magic under these cir­ known enemies. They will not attack unless attacked first, at which
cumstances. Otherwise the range, damage, effects, and duration of the point all combat bonuses are half and they lose one melee action/attack.
spell are normal. Euphoria typically lasts 2D4 minutes.

56-64 Alien, slimy things accompany a light rain. Squishy, icky, sky. Underwater, there is little difference, except the blue light and en­
slimy, foul smelling, alien ... things rain from the sky. They could be ergy radiates about one to 1 .5 miles ( 1 .6-2.4 km) high. This means most
worms, larva, or slugs . . . god knows what ! They are about the size of a ocean ley lines cannot be tapped unless the person is underwater. Ley
man ' s hand and most are still alive and squiggling around. The slimy lines located in the comparatively shallow Atlantic Ocean, shallow seas,
things do no physical damage except make the characters stink for 2D6 and along continental shelves, radiate from the sea floor and above the
days. surface of the water; in some cases, thousands of feet above. These ley
There is only a 1 -20% chance that the things are edible. Eating non­ lines are accessible to surface dwellers as well as underwater beings.
edible "things" will cause the eater to endure 4D6 hit point damage However, most (90%) sea ley lines seem to be located in the deep
from poison and suffer from severe stomach cramps, fever, vomiting, oceans. Roughly 40% of the ley lines in the Atlantic Ocean poke above
and diarrhea for I D4+ 1 days. Penalties from eating "things": Reduces the waves, while less than 1 0% radiate from the Pacific (many are miles
speed and melee attacks by half, -4 to strike, parry, dodge and on initia­ below the surface).
tive, and -20% on all skills. Like the magic sea triangles, ocean ley lines surge with a bit more
65-72 Dimensional Flux! One minute the characters are on Earth, power than the land based ones, and are more easily affected by the po­
the next moment they 're in limbo. Everything is white and wispy as if sition of the moon and planets. This means ley line storms above and
inside a cloud. An occasional distant flash of light can be seen in the below the sea are more common, although they do not necessarily occur
sky, but there is no sign of a storm. After what seems to be only I D4 simultaneously. However, even weak ley lines may be visible from the
minutes (that ' s all the fuel that will have been used) , they appear back surface of the water at night, glowing an eerie blue from below. Sailors
in the exact same spot where they had been when the flux occurred. The and sea mammals have come to use these ley lines like signposts or illu­
storm is over and 2D6 hours have passed. minated highways to mark their travels.
73-80 Massive ley line energy bolt! Humans and D-Bees struck by The light of underwater ley lines shines from the sea floor, cutting
the bolt suffer the following consequences: 2D6 S.D.C. damage, lose through the eternal night of the deep ocean abyss to bring illumination
initiative and three melee attacks, lose 4D6 P.P.E. points, and are tele­ where none has been known before. The soft glow of magic is not so
ported 4D6x l O yards/meters down the ley line (instant and disorient­ glaring as to frighten or blind deep-sea creatures, so their life is unaf­
ing) . fected, and much of the abyssal zone remains locked in darkness. How­
True creatures of magic, like dragons , faerie folk, elementals, and ever, some of the creatures more accustomed to light will gather in
alien intelligences, lose initiative and all attacks for one full melee ( 1 5 greater numbers along these pale blue lines of energy. This is especially
seconds), suffer l D4x l O mega-damage and lose l D6x l O P.P.E. as the true of certain fish, squid, invertebrates (starfish, jellyfish, etc.) and
storm temporarily drains them of energy. crustaceans (shrimps, crabs, lobsters, etc.). This also attracts predators
who feed on the abundant animals, as well as practitioners of magic,
81 -00 A dimensional Rift opens! I leave it to the Game Master as
to whether anything bad, troublesome or annoying comes slithering out Whale Singers, dolphins, demons, supernatural entities and other inhu­
of the rift. Don't be too rough on the characters. This can be played for man forces in search of magic. Note: See the Ley Line Mutation charts
in the Monster section for some additional fun ideas.
humor as well as drama.

Underwater Ley Line Storms

Note: The same effects and penalties apply as described under the
surface ley line storm under: Constant occurrences during a ley line
storm, plus the following:
• ID4 Storm Riders pop in every 10 minutes of the storm and draw
on its energy (double their M.D.C., damage and magic capabilities)
as long as it lasts. Thankfully, half of the storm rides who "pop in"
during the storm vanish when the storm subsides. Of the remaining
half, some swim into the ocean to plunder both surface and under­
water people, while about 50% will linger in the area or establish
lairs either near the ley line or at dead pools. Storm riders are at­
tracted to ley lines and particularly ley line storms, leaping right into
the full fury of the storm. See the storm rider' s description in the
monster section.

Random events cause by

an underwater ley line storm
Roll once for every 30 minutes of the storm when along a ley line or

Dangers Underwater magic triangle, and once every 1 5 minutes at a nexus. Unless stated oth­
erwise, there are no saving throws for any of these occurrences.
01-10 Massive ley line energy bolt! Humans, D-Bees and S.D.C.
Underwater Ley Lines animals struck by the bolt suffer from 4D6 S.D.C. damage, loss of in­
Ley lines are streams of magiaIc energy radiating from the Earth. itiative, loss of three melee attacks that round, 4D6 P.P.E. points, and
They crisscross the planet on land and in the sea. The only thing differ­ are teleported 4D6x l O yards/meters down the ley line (instant and dis­
ent about sea ley lines is that the lines of mystic energy may be covered orienting).
by thousands of feet of water. True creatures of magic, like the dragons, elementals, alien intelli­
The average land line radiates light blue energy that is most visible gences, lose initiative and all attacks for one full melee ( 1 5 seconds),
at night. These energy lines can be miles wide, tens to hundreds of take 2D4x l O mega-damage and lose 2D4x l O P.P.E. as the storm tem­
miles long and typically radiate about a half mile to one mile into the porarily drains them of energy.

11-20 Sudden current. Everybody (vehicles too) crackles with en­ 81-85 1 D 4 pools o f Shimmering Water appear. Each lingers for
ergy and rises 1 0 feet (3.0 m). They are pushed by a powerful current of 4D6x l O minutes before vanishing. Described in this section.
water along the ley line for 2D6 minutes before dropping to normal . 86-90 A Time Flux. Lasts for the duration of the storm. Described
The power of magic swimming will not work under this circumstance. in this section.
Characters in power armor or vehicles with jet propulsion can pull away 91 -95 Whirlpool ! A whirlpool appears at either end or the center of
and out of the storm area. the ley line. It reaches from the bottom of the sea to the surface. Basi­
21-30 Rolling Thunder! A huge black cloud rolls through the cally the same as the spell ( 1 0th level in power) . The suction underwa­
water along the entire width of the ley line. Speed is about 60 mph (96.5 ter is nearly as great as on the surface.
km). Everybody hit by the thundercloud suffers from an electrical shock 96-00 A dimensional Rift opens! I leave it to the Game Master as
and sonic boom that temporarily knocks out communication and sen­ to whether anything bad, troublesome or annoying comes slithering out
sory equipment, distorts the character' s sense of direction and depth, of it. Don 't be too rough on the characters. This can be played for hu­
and lose all attacks/actions for one full melee ( 1 5 seconds). They are mor as well as drama.
also swept up in the blast with the same consequences as a water rush
spell .
31-40 Euphoria. Everybody feels good, happy and cheerful. Many
will start to laugh, sing or act silly, as if intoxicated. Those who are
Shimmering Water
wounded will have 2D6 hit points restored (2D6 M.D.C. if a mega­
damage creature), and minor illnesses will disappear. On the downside, Shimmering Water are patches of light that shimmer like a million
the characters feel no fear or hostility toward anything, including diamonds beneath the surface. They can be located at any depth under­
known enemies. They will not attack unless attacked first, at which water but never appear above water. In the darkness of the abyss, they
point all combat bonuses are half and they lose one melee action/attack. are like shimmering beacons that attract scores of inquisitive creatures
Euphoria typically lasts 2D4 minutes. to their doom. Likewise, surface dwellers who don 't know better are
41-50 Underwater shock waves bombard a I D6x l O mile radius frequently lured into its magic embrace. Entire submarines have unwit­
around the ley line for its entire length. The water is turbulent, making tingly dived into these magic waters, with frightening consequences.
travel difficult and forcing speed to be reduced by half. The range and The diameter of these areas can be as small as 1 00 feet (30.5 m) or as
reliability of sonar and echo-location systems are also cut by half. Fish large as two miles (3.2 krn) !
and sea animals are frightened and flee. Monsters or predators may be Entering into Shimmering Water always fills the visitor(s) with a
disturbed and angered. The disturbance lasts for the duration of the sense of beauty and euphoria, time seems to stand still, all sense of di­
storm. rection and depth are lost, and the character(s) forgets about his trou­
51-60 Null zone. The entire length of the ley line and l D4 miles be­ bles, even if he was under attack only moments ago; transfixed by the
yond its edges is in the Null Zone. Anything in its sphere of influence is lights. Many survivors report travelling for hours or traversing hundreds
concealed from all known forms of detection. Even magic and psionic of miles (instruments will confirm this), unable to find their way out of
probes are done at half range and half their normal proficiency/skill lev­ the cursed waters. Exiting this anomaly is usually sudden and unex­
els. Sensory, sonar, and communication devices are blocked or register pected.
as dead. Likewise, those inside the Null Zone have dead equipment and Those who enter the Shimmering Water vanish from sight and dis­
don 't know what lies beyond it. appear from ALL forms of detection ! Radio contact, sonar, psionics,
61-70 Electromagnetic storm/interference. 1 -90% likelihood that mystic link, etc, are all lost; almost as if those inside the light have
electronic equipment that is not heavily shielded will go temporarily ceased to exist, at least in our dimension. Furthermore, the Shimmering
haywire ! Compasses spin in a circle, wristwatches stop (even if pow­ Water does NOT appear on any sensors and cannot be detected by
ered by a battery), the memories of portable computers are wiped clean, magic or psychic means - it can only be seen.
recordings on magnetic tape are also wiped clean, radio broadcasts and
Game Masters: Roll once on the following random table to deter­
reception are garbled with static and radio range is reduced to one-third
mine an effect or pick one.
normal. Radar and most sensors are temporarily useless, showing a
blank screen crackling with static electricity. 01-05 The Shimmering Water vanishes, leaving those affected by it
Shielded equipment is also affected: The reliability of readings from 2D4 years younger! 2D4 minutes have passed.
instrument panels (radar, sensors, etc.) are -25 % , and their effective 06- 10 The Shimmering Water vanishes, leaving those affected by it
range is reduced by half. Radios have half range and sound is garbled. 2D4 years older ! Injuries or sickness will also be healed. 2D4 hours
Computers and other controls will respond sluggishly, about half as fast have passed.
as normal. Even bionic clocks and gyro-compasses may stop or become 11-15 The Shimmering water vanishes, leaving magic characters
temporarily unreliable. In all cases, the penalties disappear the moment temporarily super-charged. All spells and magic related abilities are one
the storm ends - the equipment is fine. level higher than normal and the character has l D4x l O M.D.C. points !
Undersea animals and D-bees who have electromagnetic senses will Duration: I D4 hours. All others are unaffected.
become disoriented and lost. They cannot find magnetic north and sud­ 16-20 After a while, those inside begin to feel lost and panicky.
denly can't see the electromagnetic energy of the earth. Panic follows, They try to find a way out (swim, in a sub, etc.) but the shimmering
with the following penalties: -3 on initiative, -2 on all combat moves, - 1 water seems endless, regardless of the size it originally appeared. After
attack/action per melee round and may bump into obstacles or swim off what seems like hours, they finally find a way out, leaving the Shim­
course. mering Water behind them (it remains for l D4 hours) . However, they
71-80 Dimensional Flux! One minute they are on Earth, the next are off course the number of miles they travelled while inside the water
moment they are in limbo. It is as if they have gone into a giant cloud. and either 2D6 minutes have passed (01 -50) or 2D6 hours have passed
Everything is white and wispy. An occasional flash of light in the sky (5 1 -00).
can be seen in the distance but there is no sign of any storm. After what 21 -25 Reappear in a different ocean or sea (G.M. ' s choice) . Only
seems to be only l D4 minutes (that ' s all the fuel that will have been seconds have passed.
used) , they appear back in the exact same spot where they had been 26-30 Reality distortion. The characters find their way out of the
when the flux occurred. However, the storm is over and l D6 hours have Shimmering Water in a few minutes. Everything seems fine until they
passed. realize that they have been miniaturized to one-twentieth their normal

size. Range, attributes, M.D.C./S .D.C. are all reduced appropriate to 71-75 The Shimmering Water vanishes, leaving those affected at the
size ! This means they may suddenly be seen as prey to otherwise small location in which they entered it. They face one of their greatest ene­
and non-threatening sea animals. The distortion can last a few minutes mies or fears (it is best to pit one thing against the entire group rather
or a few hours (G.M. ' s discretion; make it short if dull or too disruptive than each individual). They are attacked or engulfed by it! G.M. Note:
to the adventure). Going back into the shimmering waters does NOT re­ The ensuing battle or conflict should be played out as normal . Charac­
store them to size and requires a new roll or selection of an anomaly. ters may be triumphant, live or die. When the scene has been played out
31-35 Reappear 2D4x l O0 miles off course. Only seconds have sufficiently or reaches a critical juncture, it ends! Everybody involved
passed. remembers the event(s) as it happened, but everybody is uninjured, as if
36-40 Reappear at that exact location I D4 weeks later, although it it were all a dream. Only I D6 minutes have passed and the shimmering
seems only a few minutes have passed. water is gone.
41-45 The characters are affected in subtle but strange ways. Each is 76-80 All psychic characters get a clairvoyant flash. This can be a
10% taller or short, thinner or heavier, hair may have turned 50% single image, a brief vision, a word, phrase, or a feeling. The "flash" of
lighter or darker (0 1 -50), or the eyes are an unusual color (red, orange, insight may be the same for everyone or different. G.M. Note: This
violet, iridescent, completely white or black; etc . ; 5 1 -00). Furthermore, "flash" can be a helpful tip, a warning of things to come, a warning of
physical injuries will have healed by 50%. danger, and other elements to help your story/campaign along. Non­
46-50 Temporal Rift ! Or is it a parallel Earth of the past or future psychics will have a positive or uneasy feeling depending on the situ­
representing one of a thousand possibilities? The characters appear 200 ation.
years in the past (01 -50) or the future (5 1 -00). Somehow they instinc­ 81-85 The Shimmering Water vanishes after 2D6 minutes, leaving
tively know that they can get back to their own time by entering into an­ everybody who experienced it feeling fine. Nothing has changed.
other Shimmering Water. G.M. Note: Play this out for as long or as 86-90 The vessel or water is shaken by a violent tremor or vibration
short as you ' d like. The characters can return automatically to their own that seems to last several minutes. Lights and colors flash and energy
reality by entering another body of Shimmering Water (automatically systems threaten to fade out. Then it stops as suddenly as it began and
returns them to where they started from), but that ' s not the only way. A the Shimmering Water is gone. However, a strange being stands among
powerful shifter, temporal raider or god can send them home or they the characters ! This can be a new player or NPC character, villain, de­
can plunge into a non-aligned Rift (has no set destination) which will mon, godling, alien (from anywhere) or any of the races presented in
"pop" them back. In all cases, one week will have passed. the Rifts RPG series. The character may have amnesia, be weak, fright­
51-55 Reappear in an alien ocean ! No idea where they are. Monsters ened, sickly, or need our heroes' help in some way. G.M. Note: Play
or other hostile forces attack or try to capture them. After a period of this out for as long or as short as you ' d like.
time (minutes or days), the Shimmering Water suddenly reappears
91-95 The experience lasts only a few moments and seems harmless.
around them and whisks them back to the exact location where they en­
However, as time passes, half (0 1 -50) will realize that they are attuned
countered it. Either I D6 minutes have passed (01 -50) or I D6 months
to dimensional anomalies and can sense ley line storms, the opening
have passed (5 1 -00) back on Earth.
and closing of Rifts, dimensional portals, the presence of Shimmering
56-60 The anomaly disappears, leaving everybody feeling cheerful Water, stone pyramids and similar things within a one mile ( 1 .6 km) ra­
and well. Any injuries are completely healed and illnesses cured (does dius. While the other half (5 1 -00) will find that they do not appeal' to
not apply to insanities or machinery). 4D6 minutes have passed on age and their natural life span is increased by 1 5 %.
Earth. 96-00 Those inside the Shimmering Water suddenly find themselves
61 -65 The anomaly disappears, leaving everybody feeling tense and transported to 20 feet (6. 1 m) below the water' s surface, but remain in
nervous. Any vessel or equipment they may have had is in useable con­ the same basic area. There are no ill effects from the sudden change in
dition but all inanimate objects have aged 4D4x l O years, are dusty , cor­ water pressure and everything else is normal.

roded and are at half M.D.C. and capacity due to extreme age. Living
beings have not aged.
Time Flux
Note: Percentile numbers are provided for random determination of

the flux, if desired.
01-50 Time seems to be moving too quickly. What seems to be five
minutes is really 10 or 1 5 . Skill performance, duties, travel time/dis­
tance covered, and similar takes twice as long to do than it should. The

character(s) will feel frustrated and behind schedule.
51 -00 Time seems to be moving slowly. What seems to be 10 or 1 5
minutes i s really five. Skill performance, duties and travel time/distance
travelled takes half the time they would normally. The character will
///<�'/$'/�/ / I /1 I ii \l \ .\\"\�" �" " � feel like a dynamo who ' s ahead of schedule.
66-70 Transported to an alien world! G.M. Note: Play this out for as
long or as short as you ' d like. The world could be Palladium (fantasy;
any time period) , Wormwood, Phase World or any of the worlds associ­ A note about Sea Monsters
ated with Phase World, or any of the worlds presented in Aliens Unlim­ The same sea monsters, entities and dimensional anomalies that
ited, Robotech or any of Palladium ' s games. The characters can return plague the surface also stir up trouble down below. Sea serpents, Lorica
to Rifts Earth via a dimensional gate on Phase World or through any wraiths, zombas, poltergeists, and other monsters and D-bees brought
properly prepared and calibrated Rift, nexus or stone pyramid, assum­ by the Rifts often stay in the area, or lash out at those they encounter on
ing somebody in the group knows how or somebody who knows how their way to other seas.
can be convinced to help them (including gods, godlings, great demons, Underwater ley line storms, shimmering water, and dead pools are
adult dragons, Splugorth, Prometheans, powerful shifters, etc.). The not only dangerous in themselves but also attract pirates, ruthless sal­
amount of time that has passed can be real time, minutes, weeks, vage teams, sea monsters, entities, and dark forces.
months or years - G.M. ' s choice.

Dead Pools may hang in the water for hours or even days and attract predators and
scavengers to pick at them and spread the debris field a greater distance.
aka Deadman 's Sea The abundance of fish, crustacean and invertebrate scavengers picking
at the rotting flesh, bones, and floating particles, attracts even more
Dead Pools are located at ley line nexus points, where two or more predators who prey on them - and anybody else who may get in the
ley lines intersect. The nexus is most susceptible to random Rift activ­ way or seems like an easy lunch/snack. Sharks, giant squids and octo­
ity. At these locations random Rifts open frequently and send hundreds, pus, shadow sharks, storm riders, sea maws, Lorica wraiths, stidjron,
even thousands to a watery grave every year and can amass an impres­
mutants, and monsters infest these waters. Many establish lairs in this
sive amount of debris. These underwater graveyards are known as Dead
bountiful area. Most are aggressive, and will attack anybody or any­
Pools or Deadman's Seas. Dead Pools typically have I D4+ 1 ley line
thing they believe edible. Others are territorial and attack invaders of
nexuses that randomly link to other worlds. Some are water worlds
their realm. Some are cunning hunters or malicious killers laying in
while others are linked to the surface. Note: The water from Earth and
wait for ill-prepared prey ; humanoids are among their favorites. Haunt­
other planets do NOT spill into each other. The nature of the Rifts are
ing entities are attracted to the strong emotions of those who died, and
such that air and fluids do not spill or mix from one environment to the
the scent of death may also attract ghouls, banshees, zomba, devil
other, even when people pass through it.
sharks, demons, the Lord of the Deep, and other supernatural horrors.
Experienced dimensional travelers will seldom step into a Rift with­ Tectonic entities and possessing entities are less common than ghosts,
out knowing where it leads. However, the inexperienced, foolhardy or but more numerous at Dead Pools than at other parts of the world.
desperate traveler m:1y take dangerous risks and leap into a random por­
tal to parts unknown. Inevitably, a certain number of these unsuspecting Surface dwellers are also counted among the scavengers of the Dead
travelers will find themselves stepping out of a Rift at the bottom of the Pools and can be as deadly as any monster. Pirate ships often scan these
sea. Characters not prepared for entering a water environment, espe­ waters, not necessarily to excavate treasures from below (although
cially deep seas, are likely to drown or succumb to water pressure, hem­ some do), but to prey on survivors who make it to the surface, or to at­
orrhage and die. Even airtight vehicles may leak or crack under tack poorly armed salvage and reclamation vessels, other pirates, ex­
pressure, fill with water and sink. Even many deep-sea vehicles, robots plorers, adventurers, and merchants in the area. Pirates may attack from
and cyborgs have their limits and will be crushed by the pressure at ships, submersibles or marine aircraft, or a combination of them all.
great depths (often anything over two miles/3 .2 km below the surface). Ships that fight to the last man will see their corpses join those already
The wreckage of these vehicles and the remains of these travelers sink on the sea floor, or see their vessel sunk.
to the ocean floor, creating a graveyard of debris, bodies and bones. Ocean salvage operations conducted by freelance privateers, corpo­
As is so often the case, tragedy for some is a windfall for others. rations or governments are less likely to plunder other seafarers or Rift
Sunken ships and vehicles create artificial reefs with scores of caves survivors, but some are as bad as pirates. The worst of these cutthroats
and hiding places to build a nice home. B odies and lightweight items will sabotage competitors, scuttle ships, offer misleading information,

steal from each other, or even capture their rivals and sell their posses­ turned sunken vessels into their home or may have selected an item of
sions as salvage and the crew as slaves ! Salvage teams and slavers from value as a building block in that home, or as a favorite bauble or toy,
Atlantis are known to plumb the depths of the Sargasso Dead Pools and and they aren't going to like their lair being disturbed.
locations in the Demon Sea.
The Sargasso Sea, named after Sargasso seaweed, is located in a
Aquatic humanoids, sea mammals and other marine beings may
large area of the North Atlantic (between latitude 20 degrees and 35 de­
come to Dead Pools to hunt for fish, slay monsters or rummage through
grees North and longitudes 30 degrees and 70 degrees west). Ocean cur­
the debris of the dead in search of weapons and treasure. Some are
rents sweep clockwise around it, leaving its center relatively still. Here,
friendly and helpful, others cruel and murderous. The naut 'yll, stidjron,
the bodies of helpless people transported to the crushing ocean depths
Lord of the Deep, and others may use the promise of treasure and the
near the bottom of the sea, die and float upward. Many get caught in the
greed of others to lure unsuspecting rivals and enemies into an ambush
dense tangle of seaweed common to this area and dangle like lifeless
or trap.
puppets until they are eaten by fish or slowly rot. The tangle of weeds
Dead Pools frequently offer salvageable body armor, weapons, also snag weapons, clothing, and floating debris. The ocean currents are
equipment, magic items, vehicles and artifacts. Some of the items re­ also such that much of the debris is kept from drifting outside of the
covered may be in working condition or require minor repairs or clean­ Sargasso Sea (less than 20% is swept away from ocean currents).
ing. In other cases, the items may be valuable only as parts or scrap
However, the web of seaweed only holds 30% of the real harvest in
metal that can be melted and reused. Sometimes the artifacts being sal­
this so-called Deadman ' s Pool, the majority settles on the bottom of the
vaged present a danger. Alien weapons, magic items, bots and vehicles
sea floor.
may have self-destruct mechanisms, automated defense systems, curses,
or supernatural or mechanical protectors that are activated when they Rumors tell of a vast Dead Pool where the dead (and undead) are
are disturbed. Toxic chemicals, radiation and explosive materials are al­ said to have built a city of bones. This domain of the damned is said to
ways a danger. Meanwhile, zombas and other creatures may have exist in or near the Indian Ocean.

C reatures of the Deep

The oceans and seas of the Earth are filled with thousands of differ­
ent types of fish, crustaceans, and invertebrates, as well as hundreds of
different sharks and sea mammals. The ocean has been so vast, deep
Dragon Ray
The creature known as the dragon ray is an elegant and graceful un­
and unattainable to humans, that even in the 20th and 2 1 st Century, new
derwater being that resembles a serpentine dragon with leathery wings
species of life were being discovered. For example, the Megamouth
for arms. A bony ridge runs along the spine from the back of the head to
shark was not discovered until November, 1 976, off the coast of Hawaii
the tip of the tail, and ends in a flat, spatchla shaped fin. The underside
when it became tangled up with the anchor of a research vessel. Many
of the tail is rimmed with a pair of similar bony protrusions which helps
sharks and other deep sea fish living in the ocean ' s deepest recesses re­
to dissuade giant predators from taking a bite of it.
mained hidden from human eyes for centuries.
The destruction of the surface world gave the oceans of the world Despite the name, the dragon ray is equally at home underwater,
over 300 years to heal and replenish themselves without humans fish­ soaring in the air, and on dry land. The ray has adapted well to his Earth
ing, killing or polluting its waters . It has only been during the last 50 environment which is very similar to its homeworld. Dragon rays can
years since the Great Cataclysm that humans and D-bees have begun to be any alignment but the vast majority seem to be good or selfish. They
return to the oceans for food and industry. are very inquisitive and social creatures, but tend to avoid others of their
own kind - one rarely sees more than two or three at any given time.
Since the Coming of the Rifts, thousands of new alien species have
been added to the wildlife. In many cases, these creatures are small and However, they often join adventurers and like to congregate with scores
harmless to humans, although some have damaged or changed the ecol­ of other beings. Some coastal towns and fishing villages have adopted
ogy in some seas. In other instances, especially around dead pools and them as members of their communities where the dragon ray usually be­
ley line nexuses, horrific sea monsters, mutants and alien predators have comes an active (and often beloved) member.
become part of the Earth ' s ecology. These creatures include giant These gregarious creatures contribute to the community in whatever
sharks and squids, serpentine sea monsters and a host of others. ways they can. This may entail delivering messages to ships at sea or
The following ar� some of the most notable and terrible of creatures neighboring villages, guiding ships through treacherous waters or fog,
that inhabit the ocean depths. Other monsters may inhabit specific seas , locating schools of fish, chasing away predators, flying high and ahead
lakes and areas of the ocean and will be described in future Rifts® ti­ to watch for storms or pirates, assisting in rescue missions and searches,
tles. aiding in village defense, and most of all, telling stories.
Dragon rays seem to have an unlimited library of yams about the
Alphabetical List of Sea Monsters of Note sea, exotic underwater creatures, Whale Singers, the Lord of the Deep,
Dragon Ray Shark: Great White their homeworld, legends, rumors , funny stories, and epic adventure.
Giant Octopus Shark: Shadow Some are humorous, some dramatic, but all are entertaining; though sel­
Giant Squid Shark: Tiger dom very informative. Most dragon rays love to chat and tell stories so
Lorica Wraith Stidjron much that they will cheerfully do so at the drop of a hat. The slightest
Picasso Magic Fish Storm Riders amount of encouragement can keep these affable creatures talking for
Rurlel Eel People Zomba hours. This can be a problem when they are supposed to be on guard
Sea Maw duty or doing some other chore, because they are easily distracted and
forgetful when in storyteller mode.

Many obviously exaggerate but spin such spellbinding yarns that no­ Evil dragon rays may conquer and rule a community through lies,
body cares. Telling tall-tales for laughs and amusement is one thing, but treachery or fear. They may work alone, looking for power and/or
those with selfish or evil alignments can tum into compulsive liars. The wealth, or work with other brigands, such as pirates, unscrupulous sal­
most cunning and foul-hearted are confidence artists, thieves and assas­ vager teams, mercenaries and monsters.
sins who use their masterful story telling abilities to win people ' s trust, Dragon rays are not true dragons, but mega-damage creatures who
trick them, hurt them or to weasel out of trouble. may learn magic and possess psionic powers. On land they can "snake"

along the ground with relative ease, their wings folded and tucked be­ Magic: About 7% of the dragon rays learn some form of magic, but
hind them. Their wing-arms are surprisingly strong and articulated, with most find the study of magic to be too demanding and time consum­
a single, pointed tip on each that can be used like a finger. This "fin­ ing to be fun, so they tend to avoid it.
gers" can be used to operate computers (they love electronics and com­ Psionics: All dragon rays are major psionics. All have bio-regeneration
puters) and are also strong enough to enable the character to climb or (super), ectoplasm (which they use to form hands to manipulate ob­
perch on a branch. Underwater, the wings and tail are used to glide on jects, use weapons and operate machines), resist fatigue, mind block,
the currents, swim and dive with the same grace as the manta-ray. total recall, speed reading, and two of choice from sensitive or
Note: The dragon ray can be any NPC, villain or optional player physical.
character - Game Master' s decision. I.S.P.: M.E. number plus 606 and 1 06+2 per level of experience.
Average Life Span: 900 years, but some have lived as long as 3000.
Alignment: Any, but most are scrupulous, unprincipled, or anarchist.
Slave Market Value: Valued by some alchemists and occasionally cap-
Attributes: LQ. 306, M.E. 306+6, M .A. 406+6, P.S . 206+ 1 6, P.P.
tured and sold as slaves or pets.
306+6, P.E. 306+6, P.B. 306, Spd. on Ground : 206+ 1 2; Underwater:
206+30 (roughly 22 to 30 mph/35 to 48 kmph or 30 to 4 1 knots) ; Fly­
ing: 206+76. P.S. is considered to be supernatural.
Size: 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6. 1 m) long from the snout to the tip of the
tail, with a wingspan of 20 to 25 feet (6 to 7.6 m).
Weight: 600 to 900 Ibs (270 to 405 kg) .
Hit Points: Mega-damage creature.
M.D.C. : P.E. number x I 0 plus 206 points per level of experience.
Horror Factor: 9 when attacking or angry.
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, fly, impervious to cold (no damage) ,
prehensile tail, heals two times faster than humans and can regener­
ate lost fins, parts of the tail, and limbs within 304 weeks. Also see
psionics and combat.
Depth Tolerance: I mile ( 1 .6 km)
Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin
Hold breath: Can hold his breath for 204x l O minutes. Habitat: They can live in the sea indefinitely like dolphins or on the
Combat Attacks per Melee Round : Three physical or psionic attacks land indefinitely, but most divide their time about 60/40 between the
at level one, + I at levels three, six, nine, twelve and fifteen ! sea and the land. Consequently, they are most commonly found liv­
Special moves include: ing along the coastlines of large, deep lakes, deep rivers, seas or
Tail Parry & Strike: +3 to parry and +2 to strike. oceans, or living on islands, in sea cliffs, on beaches or in coastal
Mid-Air leap: 20 feet (6. 1 m) +2 feet (0.6 m) per level of experience villages. Dragon rays can be found throughout the world.
out of the water without actually flying. Counts as two melee ac­ Enemies: None per se.
tions. Allies: None per se, although they like humans, surface and aquatic hu­
Mid-Air Precision Leaping: 20 feet (6 m) +2 feet (0.6 m) per level of manoid O-bees and most friendly, intelligent beings.
experience out of the water. Performed to startle or attack beings in Dragon Ray R.C.C. Skills: The typical dragon ray has the skills pre­
vehicles flying close to the surface of the water, or to grab or knock sented here. Characters who select a magic O.C.e. use the skills and
an item out of a hand. Basically the same as the dolphin. abilities of that O.e.e., but reduce the related O.e.e. skill selections
Quick Turns & Stops : Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic by half and continue to use the Dragon Ray Experience Table.
dodge or parry. A roll of 1 2 or higher means success. A failed roll Swim 98%
means the character couldn ' t turn or stop in time and either shoots Advanced Fishing (+1 0%)
by or slams into something/somebody; does 406 impact damage to Language : Oragonese 94%
himself. Language: Two of Choice (+30%)
Speed Burst: Can swim or fly at double his normal speed for 1 04+ 1 Literacy: One of Choice (+20%)
minutes. This maneuver can be performed six times per hour before Ocean Geographic Surveying (+20%)
tiring the character too much to try it again. This move is performed Underwater Navigation (+ 1 5 %)
for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or a quick strike Undersea Survival (+ 1 0%)
(+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to move toward or away from Lore: Monsters and Demons (+ 1 0%)
somebody or someplace quickly.
R.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight other skills, plus one additional
Tight circle/turn: Can make reasonably tight circles and turns in an
skill at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen.
area as small as 1 5 feet (4.6 m ) i n diameter.
Communication: Any (+ I 0%)
Dive: Up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) at triple normal speed.
Domestic : Any (+ 1 0% to sing)
Damage: Electrical : Any (+5 %)
Jab with wing-arm tips : 1 06 M.D. Espionage: None
Swat with arm & wings : 206 M.D. Mechanical : None
Head B utt: 1 06 M.D. Medical : None
Bite: 306 M.D. Military : None
Tail slap: 1 06 M.D. Physical: Any , except boxing, wrestling and gymnastics.
Tail Strike: 306 M.D. Pilot: Only simple vessels like sailboats.
Tail Power Strike : 606 M.D., but counts as two attacks. Pilot related: Any
Bonuses: +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to dodge, +1 to pull punch, +4 to Rogue: Any( +5 % on computer hacking).
roll with impact, a natural roll of 19 or 20 is a critical strike, + I to Science: Any (+5 %)
save vs magic and poison, +2 to save vs disease, +3 to save vs horror Technical : Any (+ 1 0%)
factor. All are in addition to attribute or special combat maneuver W.P. : Any
bonuses. Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: The character gets to select one additional skill from M.D.C. : 2D4x l O plus P.E. number.
those listed above at levels one, three, five, eight, and eleven. These Horror Factor: 1 2
are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, climb 95% (sometimes climbs out of
any bonuses . All secondary skills start at the base skill level. water or onto boats), prowl 70%, nightvision 3000 feet (9 1 4 m),
Standard Equipment: A belt and/or harness, backpack or I D4 sacks, a keen color vision, impervious to cold (no damage), and bio-regen­
hand-held computer, language translator, and a handful of personal eration 5D6 M.D.C. per day and can regenerate lost body parts
items. within 3D4 weeks.
Money : None to start. Many don 't really need or want money, but most Depth Tolerance: 3 miles (4.8 km)
do like jewelry, gems and magic items, and may accumulate a mod­ Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin.
est treasure trove. Evil and greedy dragon rays will hoard vast treas­ Chemoreceptors in the mouth and tentacles enable the creature to
ures of gems, jewelry, precious metals, magic and other items detect minute changes in the salinity and chemical components of
perceived to have value in the human world. the water. Identify chemicals by taste: 65 %, track by taste: 5 5 % ;
Cybernetics: None; avoid it. range : One mile ( 1 .6 km) .
Note: The dragon ray ' s favorite food is fish, squid, and crustaceans, Ink Cloud: Can spray a cloud of ink that covers a 60 foot ( 1 8.3 m)
but they can also eat vegetables, fowl and insects . radius - dissipates in 3D4 minutes.
Breathing: Aquatic, cannot survive out of water for more than 2D4
Giant Octopus Chameleon Color Change: Can instantly change color at will; pri­
marily blotchy browns, tans, grays, white and grayish reds. Prowl
This is a real-life creature that lives in the deepest parts of the ocean.
becomes 90% when hiding.
A sea predator, the creature rises into the upper strata of the ocean (and
Combat Attacks per Melee Round : Six.
even to the surface) to hunt the abundant fish and other easy prey found
Special moves include:
there. As a measure of protection, the octopus often hunts during the
Quick Turns & Stops: Can stop on a dime even in the most violent
night and twilight light hours. In turn, they are preyed upon by whales
and aquatic D-bees. Most octopuses leave humanoids alone unless they
Dive: Up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) at double normal speed.
are injured, cornered or feel threatened.
Carry: 10 times its own weight.
Alignment: Considered to be anarchist or evil predators. Damage:
Attributes of Note: I.Q. I D6+4, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 2D6+40, B ite: 4D6 M.D.
P.P. 2D6+ 1 2, P.E. 2D6+ 1 2 , P.B. I D6, Spd. swimming : 15 mph (24 Punch with Tentacle: 4D6 M.D.
kmph or 1 3 knots). Has supernatural strength. Power Punch with Tentacle: I D6x l O M.D., but counts as two melee
Size: 50 to 60 feet ( 1 5 . 2 to 1 8 .3 m) long. attacks.
Weight: One ton B ody Butt/Short Ram: 4D6 M.D.
Hit Points: Mega-damage. Full Strength Ram (flying or swimming): I D6x l O M.D., but counts
as two melee actions.

Bonuses : +2 on initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 to Special moves include:
save vs horror factor. All bonuses are in addition to attribute or spe­ Quick Turns & Stops: Can stop on a dime.
cial combat maneuver bonuses. Speed B urst: Can swim at double its normal speed for 1 04+ I min­
Magic: None utes. This maneuver can be performed eight times per hour. This
Psionics: None move is performed for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bo­
Average Life Span: 90 to 1 20 years . nuses) or a quick strike (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to move
Market Value: None toward or away from somebody or someplace quickly.
Habitat: The ocean floor around the world. Comparatively rare. Dive: Up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) at double normal speed.
Enemies: Sperm whales and frightened humans. Damage:
Allies: None; lone hunters or mated pairs. Bite: 1 04x I O M.D.
Punch with Tentacle: 306 M.D.
Power Punch with Tentacle: 606 M.D., but counts as two melee at­
Body B utt/Short Ram : 306 M.D.
Full Strength Ram (flying or swimming): 1 06x I O M.D., but counts
as two melee actions.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +6 to strike, +6 to parry, +2 to dodge, +1 to
save vs magic, +8 to save vs horror factor. All bonuses are in addi­
tion to attribute or special combat maneuver bonuses.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span : 80 to 1 20 years.
Market Value: None
Habitat: Oceans and seas around the world, but most commonly found
in ocean depths and cold waters.

Giant Squid Enemies: Sperm whales.

Allies: None; lone hunters.
The giant squid is a real-life monster of the deep. Even in pre-Rifts
days, they measured 40 to 50 feet ( 1 2.2 to 1 5 .2 m) long, with rumors of
squids reaching up to 70 feet (2 1 . 3 m). Scientists knew relatively little
about these giants other than that they fed on fish and in turn were eaten
Lorica Wraith
by sperm whales.
The giant squid feeds primarily on fish and crustaceans, but will The Lorica wraith is a frightening monster from the ocean planet
consider any easy prey, including sick and injured sea mammals and Lorica. It resembles a collection of bones strung together like display
turtles. With the proliferation of aquatic O-bees in the seas of the world, skeletons found in museums. However, this monster is very much alive
the giant squid has added humanoids to its diet. However, unless hun­ and dangerous. It has snaking, tentacle-like arms, covered with "V"
gry, startled or antagonized, the giant squids will not usually attack hu­ shaped spikes which end with a three-pronged claw that it uses like a
mans. However, according to sea druids and Whale Singers, giant squid dagger. The claws are used to poke, stab and tear apart its prey. The tail
who have fed on humans or other humanoids can acquire a taste for is a similar looking appendage that is fully articulated and used like a
them and become "man-eaters." Somehave even been known to crack third arm and hand. Its upper torso is bulky and covered with thick,
open mini-subs to get at their favored prey. Man-eaters seem to be most mega-damage plates.
common among giants over 50 feet ( 1 5.2 m) long. The mouth is large, with a bony outcropping that resembles a nose
Alignment: Considered to be anarchist or evil predators. (it is not) . Eight razor sharp teeth are used to bite and tear its food while
Attributes of Note: I.Q. 1 06+2, M.E. 206+6, M.A. 1 06, P.S. 206+30, a set of horns on the upper and lower parts of the mouth are used for
P.P. 206+ 1 4 , P.E. 206+20, P.B. 1 06, Spd. swimming: 25 mph (40 gouging and tearing. A set of spines rim what can only be defined as its
kmph or 2 1 .5 knots). Has supernatural strength. snout, to protect its long, flexible neck. The neck muscles look like a
Size: 40 to 70 feet ( 1 2.2 to 2 1 .3 m) long mass of man-made cables and enables the snout/mouth section to move
Weight: One ton from side to side, up and down, 1 80 degrees , to better strike at its prey.
Hit Points: Mega-damage Thus, it might be thought of as a fourth, short tentacle that ends in a bit­
M.D.C.: 3 04x I O plus P.E. number. ing maw . A creature of the deep, the Lorica wraith has no eyes. It uses
Horror Factor: 1 3 chemoreceptors, psionics and ultrasonic abilities similar to the dolphin.
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, climb 85%, nightvision 3000 feet (9 1 4 Most consider it to be an animal predator like the shark, but while
m), keen color vi!iion, see the invisible, impervious t o cold (no dam­ driven by a need to hunt and feed on living prey, it is intelligent, re­
age), and bio-regeneration 1 04x I O per day and can regenerate lost sourceful and diabolical. The monster most enjoys hunting humanoids
body parts within 204 weeks. and intelligent life forms because they represent the greatest challenge.
Depth Tolerance : Unlimited It may even set traps, using treasure, sunken vessels and captives as
Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin. bait. It delights in cat-and-mouse games and often targets the same
Chemoreceptors in the mouth and tentacles enable the creature to ships, communities, and characters to prey upon or to match wits with.
detect minute changes in the salinity and chemical components of They also enjoy torture and often torment their injured or cornered prey
the water. Identify chemicals by taste: 65 %, track by taste: 5 5 % ; before killing it.
range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) . The skeletal serpents frequently associate with other evil and de­
Ink Cloud: Can spray a cloud of ink that covers a 60 foot ( 1 8.3 m) monic beings, including the Lord of the Deep, Splugorth, pirates, sor­
radius - dissipates in 304 minutes. cerers, necromancers, demons and others, although they are likely to
Breathing: Aquatic, cannot survive out of water for more than 204 have their own secret agenda. The clever beasts sometimes pretend to
hours. be a pet or slave of a less powerful being, but this is likely to be a ruse.
Combat Attacks per Melee Round : Eight! Erin Tarn writes of one such encounter:

... a motley group of sailors entered the town with much fanfare. I later learned, that a troop transport was on its way hack to Chi­
They claimed to have recently survived a journey through the Demon Town from com hat maneuvers, when they noticed a commotion and
Sea and had estahlished the Carnival of Deep Sea Wonders. We were came to investigate. This was not the first time, nor the last, that the
only a few hundred miles from the Atlantic ocean, hut I douht any of Coalition would inadvertently rescue me from almost certain death. We
these simple farmers had ventured to that dangerous coastline. Carts slipped away into the woods without further incident.
and hover trucks hlaring music entered the town. Memhers of the town From the diaries of Erin Tarn, circa 98 P.A.
militia tried to stop the cavalcade at the edge of town hut the parade
pushed through them. I helieve the authorities suspected, as we did, that Note: The Lorica wraith is an evil NPC monster and is not available
these hrigands were pirates or, at hest, confidence men, which meant as a player character.
their presence could only lead to trouhle. We stepped back into the
shadows to watch from a distance. My companions gathered our gear Alignment: Evil only.
and Sir Thorpe checked his weapons. Attributes: I.Q. 306, M.E. 306+6, M.A. 1 D6, P.S. 1 D6+30, P.P.
306+6, P.E. 306+ 1 0, P.B. 1 D4, Spd. Ground: 306+ 1 2; Underwater:
The poorly painted coverings of these trucks proclaimed to contain
206+30 (roughly 22 to 30 mph/3 5 to 48 kmph or 30 to 4 1 knots) ; can­
all manner of exotic animals and exhihits within their covered trailers.
not fly; considered to be a supernatural monster.
The parade stopped at the town square. A voice announced over a loud­
Size: 36 to 40 feet ( 1 1 to 1 2.2 m) long from the snout to the tip of the
speaker that the entire town was invited to see the "Wonders of the
tail. Each tentacle arm has a length/reach of 1 5 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6. 1
Ocean. " Children were drawn to them like a magnet, running with wild
m). The snout has a four foot ( 1 . 2 m) reach from the trunk of its
ahandon to get a glimpse at the promised "wonders" - their parents
body, and the tail approximately 20 to 30 feet (6. 1 to 9. 1 m).
chasing behind them. The gathering crowd drew a single hreath and
Weight: 2.5 tons
stepped hack as a young woman led a giant animated skeleton on a
Hit Points: Mega-damage supernatural creature.
thread of leash, connected to a golden ring in its nose. The light of the
M.D.C.: P.E. number +406x I 00 !
setting sun danced across the nose ring with every gesture the monster
Horror Factor: 1 6
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, impervious to cold and disease (no dam­
I only half heard the announcer descrihing the "thing " as a "Lorica
age), impervious to depth pressure, prehensile tail and tentacles, bio­
Wraith, " with a brief monologue about how deadly it was. I found my­
regeneration I D4x 10 per minute, and can regenerates lost
self studying the creature as it swayed with the music. It struck me that
appendages within 1 04 weeks. Also see psionics and combat.
the heast looked almost content and confident ... too much so to be a
Depth Tolerance: Unlimited
slave. Sir Thorpe hroke my gaze hy grabhing my shoulder and pointing.
Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin
Memhers of the carnival had already positioned themselves around the
Sonic Echo-Location: Same as the dolphin.
crowd. All had weapons, some in hand. "Slavers, " whispered Sir
Ultrasonic Probe: Same as the dolphin.
Thorpe, my cyher-knight companion, and punctuated his word with the
Chemoreceptors in the mouth enables the creature to detect minute
click of his weapon.
changes in the salinity and chemical components of the water. Iden­
As if on cue, the voice on the loudspeaker hegan to issue instructions tify chemicals by taste : 80%, track by taste : 78%; range: One mile
to the crowd. They were told nobody would he hurt if they surrendered ( 1 .6 km) .
without a fight. A second later gunfire and screams fllled the air, thun­ Speech : The Lorica wraith can learn t o speak i n a similar way a s the
dering over the cheelful carnival music. The horrible creature, identi­ dolphin, except it has a hoarse, rasping voice befitting of a wraith.
fied as a Lorica Wraith, now seemed to he directing the activity of the Breathe Underwater & Survive Out of Water (special): The Lorica
pirate-slavers like the demonic conductor of a macahre orchestra. Mu­ wraith is a supernatural deep-sea creature that can breathe without
sic still drihhled over the loudspeakers, although it could barely he water or in a vacuum. It can survive on dry land or in a vacuum for
heard ahove the commotion. A group of militia men in the crowd near 206 days without ill-effect, but it is a creature of the sea, so after
the Lorica wraith drew their weapons and vaporized a pirate molesting that time it begins to weaken. Reduce M.O.C. by 1 00 points per day
a young maiden. Before any of us knew what happened, blood was fly­ when the creature cannot completely soak its body in water for at
ing ' I looked up in time to see the wraith rip a man in half with the slice least two hours per day. This damage cannot be regenerated without
of one of its trident-like claws. A second man was impaled as the mon­ water (can regenerate 1 00 M.D.C. per each two hours of soaking.
ster' s right tentacle punched through hoth him and his light mega-dam­ Also reduce speed and all combat abilities by half, until fully recov­
age armor. The mouth, suspended on a tentacle-like neck of its own, ered) . When all M.D.C. are gone, it dies.
whipped around like a snake, snapping at two people who managed to Combat Attacks per Melee Round : Supernatural : Seven
evade it. The tai/ lashed out like a living whip to snare the throat of the Special moves include: .
other militia man in a strangle hold. The girl who held its leash only Automatic Dodge: Can dodge without using up a melee action.
moments ago, crouched and exchanged fire with those who dared to re­ Tail Parry & Strike: +2 to parry and +3 to strike.
sist their raid. The Lorica wraith now swayed to a dance of death , its Mid-Air leap: 20 feet (6. 1 m) out of the water. Counts as two melee
limhs whipping and flailing with astonishing speed and accuracy. Al­ actions.
though pelted hy gunfire, the hlasts seemed to have no effect, houncing Mid-Air Precision Leaping: 20 feet (6. 1 m); performed to startle or
off its thick bone plates. attack beings or vehicles flying close to the surface of the water, or
Sir Thorpe sniped at a pair of slavers, dropping them hath with ex­ to grab or knock an item out of a hand. B asically the same as the
pertly aimed shots and giving a family a chance to escape. To my hor­ dolphin.
ror, I glanced back at the monster to see it shriek and point at our Quick Turns & Stops: Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic
location. A quartet of henchmen trained their weapons at us, hut hefore dodge or parry. A roll of 1 2 or higher means success. A failed roll
they could fire, they were engulfed in a rain of hot metal. Even the means the character couldn 't turn or stop in time and either shoots
Lorica wraith recoiled this time in ohvious surprise and pain. A squad­ by or slams into something/somebody; does 406 impact damage to
ron of SAMAS streaked out of the sky, weapons hlazing. Behind them himself.
came a pair of sky-cycles. Within minutes, Coalition soldiers and skele­ Speed Burst: Can swim at double his normal speed for 1 04+ I min­
hots had overwhelmed the pirates and were locked in brutal combat utes. This maneuver can be performed eight times per hour. This
with the monster. Overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers and fire­ move is performed for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bo­
power, the beast perished, hut the battle lasted long enough for three nuses), or a quick strike (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to
soldiers to die at its hands. move toward or away from somebody or someplace quickly.

Tight circle/tum: Can make reasonably tight circles and turns in an
area as small as 1 5 feet (4.6 m) in diameter.
Dive: Up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) at triple normal speed.
B lunt Strike with Tentacles or Tail: 5D6 M.D.
Picasso Magic Fish
Stabbing or Cutting Strike with Tentacles: 6D6 M.D.
Stabbing or Cutting Power Strike with Tentacles: I D6x 1 O M.D., but
It is unknown whether the Picasso magic fish is a mutant or from an­
counts as two melee attacks.
other dimension. The fish absorbs and feeds on ley line energy and car­
Stabbing or Cutting Strike with Tail: 1 04x 1 O M.D.
ries it with him. Right after feeding, the ley line energy causes the fish
Body Butt/Short Ram: 5D6 M.D.
to light up like a multi-colored neon light bulb. When lit up, they can
Bite: 5D6 M.D.
hold as much as 24 points of P.P.E. (406), but bum up one point every
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +6 to strike, +9 to parry, +3 to dodge (auto­
1 5 minutes as they digest the energy. While filled with mystic energy,
matic), +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, a natural roll of 1 9
the fish can create an illusion that makes it appear to be five times larger
or 20 is a critical strike, + I to save v s psionic attack and illusions, +2
than it really is, have 1 04 additional heads and fins, and to be a flat,
to save vs magic, +8 to save vs horror factor. All bonuses are in ad­
one-dimensional image like a Picasso painting, hence its name. This is
dition to attribute or special combat maneuver bonuses.
done to frighten away predators. In reality, it is a small, gold colored
Magic: P.P.E . : P.E. x5. Possesses the dolphin ley line abilities :
fish with pale blue eyes and measures about two feet (0.6 m) in length.
1. Ley Line Charged: Same a s the dolphin.
2. Ley Line Energy Blast: Same as the dolphin. Also while energized, the fish can bio-regenerate, tum invisible at
3. Ley Line Speed Doubler: Same as the dolphin . will (invisibility lasts for I D4 melee rounds), swim at double its normal
4. Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy : Same as the ley line walker. speed, +3 to save vs magic, and becomes a mega-damage creature (2D6
5. Read Ley Lines: Same as the ley line walker. M.D.C.).
Psionics: All Lorica wraiths are considered master psionics with the Alchemists and bio-wizards use the fish as living P.P.E. batteries, as
following abilities : Telepathy, presence sense, object read, sense well as use their eyes and blood for various concoctions. Techno-wiz­
evil, sense magic, detect psionics, deaden pain, psychic surgery ards and bio-wizards sometimes use Picasso fish in magic devices, in­
(used to torture), one super-psionic power of choice. I.S.P.: M.E. cluding liquid light bulbs and P.P.E. batteries. Furthermore, a tank full
number plus 6D6, and I D6+2 per level of experience. of fish recently taken to a ley line will absorb and contain ley line en­
Average Life Span : 6000+ years. ergy that the sorcerer can tap into for blood sacrifices.
Slave Market Value: 50,000+ credits in good condition. Valued by Eating them is not recommended. They taste absolutely terrible and
some alchemists for its teeth, bones and internal organs; its bony ar­ creatures of magic, including wizards, will feel ill and temporarily lose
mor can be used to make M.D.C. armor and its claws can be turned I D6 P.P.E. per mouthful (recovers as normal).
into mega-damage weapons ( 1 D6 per blade, 3D6 for a triple claw), Alignment: Animal, effectively an anarchist.
and is occasionally captured and sold as slaves or gladiatorial warri­ Attributes of Note: Spd. Underwater 20 mph (32 kmph).
ors. Size: Two feet (0.6 m) long.
Weight: 10 Ibs (4.5 kg) .
Hit Points: 5D6 - becomes a mega-damage creature only when
charged with P.P.E . : 2D6 M.D.C.
Horror Factor: None
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, impervious to cold (no damage) .
Depth Tolerance: One mile ( l .6 km)
Chemoreceptors in the mouth enables the creature to detect minute
changes in the salinity and chemical components of the water. Iden­
tify chemicals by taste: 86%, track by taste: 8 8 % ; range: Two miles
(3.2 km) .
Gills : Cannot breathe air. Dies in 3D6x 1 O minutes out of water.
Combat Attacks per Melee Round : One
Special moves include:
Automatic Dodge: Can dodge without using up a melee action.
Mid-Air leap: 6 feet ( l .8 m) out of the water. Counts as one melee
Habitat: They can live in the sea indefinitely and are found around the
Quick Turns & Stops: Automatic.
Enemies: A cruel monster without regard for others. Most surface
Speed B urst: Can swim at double his normal speed for one minute.
dwellers and aquatic people will attack it on sight.
Damage: Bite: I D4 S.D.C.
Allies: May ally itself with other black-hearted fiends, like the Stidjron,
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +5 to dodge .
but often hunts alone or in pairs.
Magic: See description above about P.P.E. absorption and powers.
R.C.C. Skills of Note: Swim 98%, language: Demongogian 98%, lan­
Psionics: None
guage of choice 80%, underwater navigation (90%), lore : monsters
Average Life Span : 20 years.
and demons 80% , and lore: magic.
Market Value: 50,000 credits per fish to alchemists and bio-wizards,
Standard Equipment: May keep the bones, skulls and select items (es­
but is very rare and difficult to catch, especially when charged with
pecially magic) of its victims as part of its treasure or as mementos.
magic energy.
Money : Don 't really need or want money, but most will collect a treas­
Habitat: Near ley lines in oceans and seas around the world.
ure with weapons, jewelry, gems and magic items. They also use
Enemies: Natural predators and humanoids.
parts of their treasures to set traps.
Allies: None
Cybernetics: None; not possible.

Sea Maw small prey into shallow water. They have rammed boats and been seen
lunging out of the water in pursuit of leaping dolphins !
aka Gulper A gulper can wreak havoc to a fishing village, destroying nets, dam­
aging boats and eating all the fish; not to mention an occasional fisher­
The sea maw is not a fearsome predator, but is still a dangerous
deep-sea monster from another dimension. It finds shelter in the deepest
ocean depths, but comes to the higher strata in search of food. As its Note: The sea maw is a dull-witted animal .
"gulper" nickname might suggest, this giant creature "gulps" down its Alignment: Effectively anarchist or evil; a predator.
prey in one or two bites, usually whole. It is a stupid beast that has been Attributes: I.Q. 1 06 (low animal), M.E. 1 06, M.A. 1 06, P.S. 1 06+60,
known to attack anything that comes too close to its mouth: fish (large P.P. 1 06+ 1 2, P.E. I D6+20, P.B . 1 04, Spd. Underwater/swimming:
and small), giant squid, dolphins, porpoises, seals, floating debris, 1 06+ 1 2 (roughly 9 mph/ l 4 kmph or 7.7 knots); cannot tly or function
corpses, garbage, clumps of seaweed, skin divers, power armored divers on dry land. Considered to have supernatural strength and endurance.
and even mini-subs ! Once swallowed, its prey is engulfed in powerful Size: 70 to 1 00 feet (2 1 .3 to 30.5 m) long from the snout to the tip of
stomach acids. There have been a number of reports of explorers in the tail. The mouth is approximately 20 to 30 feet (6. 1 to 9. 1 m) in
power armor blasting their way out of the stomach and escaping ! How­ diameter!
ever, even power armor will be slowly eroded (about I D6 M.D. a min­ Weight: 80 tons or more.
ute) by this incredible digestive system and it takes a minimum of 90 Hit Points: Mega-damage creature
M.D. to punch a man-sized hole in the gullet to escape. If the character M.D.C. : P.E. number x 1 000 ! Each fin is approx. 70 M.D.C.
doesn 't act quickly, the wound will heal shut in I D4 melee rounds. Horror Factor: 10 when attacking.
The sea maw has no eyes in its head, but has 12 to 20 "eyes" run­ Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, impervious to cold (no damage) , imper­
ning along each side of its body. These eyes are near-sighted, seeing vious to disease and poisons, impervious to depth pressure, bio-re­
only about 200 feet (6 1 m), and can only distinguish shadowy shapes , generation 1 D4x 10 per melee round, and can regenerates lost
light and movement. However, they can see i n complete darkness. It appendages within I D4 weeks.
also has chemoreceptors in its huge mouth to locate potential food. Depth Tolerance: Unlimited
When prey is seen, or "smelled/tasted" via chemoreceptors, the mon­ Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin.
strosity lunges toward it and swallows. It is because of its poor senses Chemoreceptors in the mouth enables the character to detect minute
and voracious appetite that the dumb animal may gobble up torpedoes, changes in the salinity and chemical components of the water. Iden­
depth charges, floating debris and small submarines by mistake. It is tify chemicals by taste : 60%, track by taste: 46%; range: One mile
often attracted by lights on vehicles and some suits of armor, which it ( 1 .6 km) .
can see from up to 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) away. Gills: Can breath air for only 30 minutes before dying.
Combat Attacks per Melee Round : Three
The sea maw is not particularly aggressive, but can be very persist­
Special moves include:
ent. Mini-subs and divers on sea scooters have been reported being
Automatic Dodge : Can dodge without using up a melee action.
chased for as long as three hours, until some other prey catches the
Tail Parry & Strike: +2 to parry and +3 to strike.
monster's attention or it finally gives up. Sailors have seen these behe­
Mid-Air leap : 20 feet (6. 1 m) out of the water. Counts as two melee
moths stranding themselves on reefs, rocks or beaches when they chase
Mid-Air Precision Leaping: 20 feet (6. 1 m); basically the same as solute darkness; range 200 feet/6 1 m plus 1 0 feet/3 .0 m per level of
the dolphin. Counts as two melee actions. experience) . Nightvision 500 feet ( 1 52 m), +1 to save vs horror fac­
Quick Turns & Stops: Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic tor and + I on initiative. All abilities are applicable only when under­
dodge or parry. A roll of 1 8 or higher means success. A failed roll water !
means the character couldn 't turn or stop in time and either shoot by Penalties: The primitive, predatory senses of the shark sends it into a
or slams into something/somebody; does I D6x l O impact damage to feeding and killing frenzy from the taste of blood (automatically
himself and to whatever it hit. tastes any blood in the water). Roll to determine (or maintain) a
Speed Burst: Can swim at double his normal speed for 1 04+ I min­ feeding/fighting frenzy for every minute of exposure to blood. The
utes. This maneuver can be performed eight times per hour. This odds of falling into such a frenzy are 1 - 1 5 % from small amounts of
move is performed for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bo­ blood, 1 -45% from large amounts of blood, and 1 -80% if en­
nuses), or a quick strike (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to gulfed/bathed in blood. When in a frenzy, the shark will not retreat
move toward or away from somebody or someplace quickly. even against overwhelming odds and will attack, bite and feed until
Dive: Up to 5000 feet ( 1 524 m) at triple normal speed. it has its fiII of food or is slain.
Bite: I D6x 1 O M.D.; snapped by the outer edge of the maw.
Swat with Tail: I D4x 1 O M.D. Great White Shark
Body Butt/Short Ram: I D4x l O M.D.
Alignment: Considered to be anarchist or evil predators.
Full Strength Ram: 2D6x I 0 M.D., but counts as two melee actions.
Attributes of Note: I.Q. I D6+ 1 , P.S. 206+30, P.P. I D6+ 1 6, P.E.
Swallowed Whole ! Prey up to 20 feet long (6. 1 m) is swallowed 206+20, Spd. swimming: 10 mph ( 1 6 kmph or 8.6 knots), but typically
whole and lands inside the beast ' s stomach. Digestive acids inflict cruises at a leisurely one or two miles per hour ( 1 .6 or 3 . 2 km) .
206 M.D. per minute to mega-damage metal or M.D. skin (like Size (average): 20 to 40 feet (6. 1 to 1 2.2 m) long; some ancient ones
dragons); 2D6x l O S.D.C. to flesh and materials. and mutants can reach up to 70 feet (2 1 .3 m) .
Bonuses: +2 to strike, + I to or dodge (no parry bonus), +3 to roll with Weight: 2-4 tons
impact,+2 to save vs magic and mind control, +8 to save vs horror Hit Points & S.D.C. (typical) : I D6x 1 00 total points.
factor (too blind and stupid) . All bonuses are in addition to attribute M.D.C . : Some ancient sharks and mutants can have I D6x 1 O M.D.C.
or special combat maneuver bonuses. Horror Factor: 14
Magic: None Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, fair vision, impervious to cold (no dam­
Psionics: None age) and nightvision 3000 feet (9 1 4 m); can see and follow electrical
A verage Life Span: 1 000+ years. impulses and energy released by the earth (electro-magnetic), ma­
Market Value: 1 50,000+ credits alive or recently slain at Atlantis and a chines, electrical cable/conduit, and muscle movement - no blind­
few other ocean communities . This whale of a D-bee monsters tastes ness penalty to strike, parry or dodge even in absolute darkness;
delicious and Splugorthian alchemists have recently developed a range 3000 feet (9 1 4 m).
way to treat and turn its skin into mega-damage leather armor and Depth Tolerance: Unlimited
wetsuits (60 M.D.C. for human-sized characters, but blunt, explo­ Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin.
sive, and impact attacks still inflict half damage to the person inside Chemoreceptors/Blood Scent: Can taste blood up to two miles (3.2
the suit) . Without the special treatment the skin quickly rots. km) away, track the blood scent/trail to its source 80% and recog­
Habitat: Oceans and seas round the world. nize other chemicals at 60% .
Enemies: None per se. although some pirates, whalers and minions of Sense Magnetic North : Same as the dolphin.
Splugorth have taken to hunting them. Electromagnetic Sensitivity: Basically the same as the dolphin but
Allies: None per se. with 30% greater range.
R.C.C. Skills of Note: None Ultrasonic Probe: B asically the same as the dolphin, with a base skill
Standard Equipment: None of 60% .
Money : None Breathing: Aquatic, cannot survive out o f water for more than
Cybernetics: None; not possible. 2D4x l O minutes.
Special moves include:
Quick Turns & Stops: Can stop on a dime.

Sharks Speed Burst: Can swim at double its normal speed for 1 04+ I min­
utes. This maneuver can be performed eight times per hour. This
move is performed for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bo­
nuses) or a quick strike (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to move
There are over 340 different species of shark, ranging from those no
toward or away from somebody or someplace quickly .
larger than a human hand to giants up to 60 feet ( 1 8 . 3 m) long! Most
Tight circle/turn: Tight circles and turns in an area as small as 1 5
sharks have a gestation period of 7 to 9 months and give birth to one to
feet (4.6 m) in diameter.
four live young (small species may give birth to up to 1 00 young).
Dive: Up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) at double normal speed.
Sharks are unique fish with flexible spines and cartilage and can Combat Attacks per Melee Round: Three
bend in a complete "U" shape to turn in small areas, or to make quick Combat Maneuvers & Damage:
turns to attack prey. The tiger shark and great white shark are the two Bite : 206 S.D.C. points from a nip or 606 S.D.C. from a full
largest and most aggressive of Earth sharks. Both tend to be lone hunt­ strength bite. Some ancient ones do 206 M.D. while some mutants
ers. The great white may hunt in small groups of I 04 while the tiger inflict 506 M.D. !
may hunt in slightly larger groups of 204. Other, smaller sharks are Body B utt/Short Ram : 1 06 S.D.C. damage.
also likely to be in the area. Tail slap: 306 S.D.C. damage. Some ancient ones do 1 06 M.D.
Basic senses and bonuses of the typical shark : Taste blood up to two while some mutants inflict 206 M.D.
miles ( 1 6 km) away. Track the blood scent/trail to its source 80%. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +4 to strike, +2 to dodge, +3 to save vs poi­
See and follow electrical impulses and energy released by the earth son and disease, + I 0 to save vs horror factor. All bonuses are in ad­
(electromagnetic), machines, electrical cable/conduit, and muscle dition to attribute or special combat maneuver bonuses.
movement (no blindness penalty to strike, parry or dodge even in ab- Magic: None

Psionics: None Enemies: None per se.
Average Life Span: 1 50 to 300 years. Allies: None; solitary hunters or small groups.
Market Value: None per se.
Habitat: Oceans and seas around the world, but most commonly found
in the Pacific Ocean, especially off the coasts of California, Austra­
lia and Japan.
Enemies: None per se.
Allies: None; solitary hunters.

Tiger Shark -----

Alignment: Considered to be anarchist or evil predators.

Attributes of Note: LQ. I D6+2, P.S. 2D6+20, P.P. I D6+ 1 6, P.E.
2D6+20, Spd. swimming: 20 mph (32 kmph or 1 7 .2 knots) , but typi­
cally cruises at a leisurely one or two miles per hour ( 1 .6 or 3 . 2 kmph).
Size (average) : 12 to 20 feet (3.6 to 6. 1 m) long; some ancient ones and
mutants can reach up to 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m).
Weight: 1 -2 tons
Hit Points & S.D.C. (typical) : I D4x l O0 total points.
M.D.C. : Some ancient sharks and mutants can have I D4x l O M.D.C.
Horror Factor: 12
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, nightvision 1 000 feet (305 m), fair vi­
sion, resistant to cold (half damage). The shark can also see and fol­
low electrical impulses and energy released by the earth
(electro-magnetic), machines, electrical cable/conduit, and muscle
movement - no blindness penalty to strike, parry or dodge even in
absolute darkness; range 1 000 feet (305 m).
Depth Tolerance: Unlimited
Sense Magnetic North : Same as the dolphin.
Chemoreceptors/Blood Scent: Can taste blood up to two miles (3.2
km) away, track the blood scent/trail to its source 80% and recog­
nize other chemicals at 60% .
Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin.
Electromagnetic Sensitivity: B asically the same as the dolphin.
Ultrasonic Probe: B asically the same as the dolphin, with a base skill
of 55%.
Breathing: Aquatic, cannot survive out of water for more than
2D4x 10 minutes.
Special moves include:
Quick Turns & Stops: Can stop on a dime.
Speed B urst: Can swim at double its normal speed for one minute.
This maneuver can be performed eight times per hour. This move is
performed for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or a
quick strike (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to move toward or
away from somebody or someplace quickly .
Tight circle/tum: Tight circles and turns in an area as small as 1 5
feet (4.6 m) in diameter.
Dive: Up to 1 000 feet (305 m) at double normal speed.
Combat Attacks per Melee Round: Three
Combat Maneuvers & Damage:
Bite: I D6 S.D.C. points from a nip or 4D6 S.D.C. from a full
strength bite. Some ancient ones do I D6 M.D. while some mutants
inflict 4D6 M.D. !
Body Butt/Short Ram: I D6 S.D.C. damage.
Tail slap: 2D6 S.D.C. damage. Some ancient ones do I D6 M.D.
while some mutants inflict 2D6 M.D.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +2 to dodge, +8 to save vs poi­
son and disease, + 10 to save vs horror factor. All bonuses are in ad­
dition to attribute or special combat maneuver bonuses.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 1 00 to 200 years.
Market Value: None per se.
Habitat: Oceans and seas around the world, preferring warm waters .
Most commonly found in the Pacific Ocean, especially off the coasts
of California, the Caribbean, Australia and Philippines.

Shadow Sharks Storm Riders
aka Ley Line Beasts
These vicious predators are actually supernaturals creatures that re­
semble tiger sharks, only they are dark grey in color, twice as big and
The storm rider or ley line beast is most commonly encountered at
can disappear in shadows ! The creature actually becomes invisible in
or near ley lines, magic triangles and dead pools, but they can be found
shadows and is virtually invisible in the darkness of the abyss ! Light of
anywhere in the world, including freshwater rivers, lakes and swamps.
any kind will expose them, but they are extremely fast and cunning. Un­
They are murderous supernatural monsters who feed on the P.P.E. en­
like regular sharks, these shadow beings typically hunt in pairs or in
ergy of living beings and who enjoy inflicting terror and pain.
groups of four. They prey on sea mammals and humanoids of all kinds;
dolphins, killer whales, humans, Lemurians, Whale Singers, and Rurlel They derive their name from the fact that they are known only to ap­
eel people seem to be their favorites. pear during ley line storms at sea. I D4 storm riders pop in every 1 0
minutes of the typical storm and draw on its energy (double their nor­
Alignment: Evil, supernatural predators. mal M.D.C., damage and magic capabilities). Half of those who "pop
Attributes of Note: I.Q. I D6+6, P.S. 2D6+30, P.P. I D6+ 1 6, P.E. in" during the storm vanish when the storm subsides. Those who remain
2D6+20, Spd. swimming: 40 mph (64 kmph or 34.4 knots), but typi­ swim away to reap mayhem both on the surface and underwater. The
cally cruises at a leisurely one or two miles per hour ( 1 .6 or 3 . 2 kmph).
biggest, most powerful ley line storms in the Demon Sea and at other
Size (average) : 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) long. magic triangles, may see as many as 3D4 storm riders appear every 1 0
Weight: 3 tons minutes. These creatures have also appeared during ley line storms over
Hit Points: Mega-damage creature. Lake MichiRan, which is believed to be the sight of a mini-triangle. The
M.D.C. : 4D6x l O M.D.C. lake is also as big and deep as some seas so it is possible. Once in the
Horror Factor: 1 6 lake, the stonn riders can reach any of the Great Lakes or smaller lakes
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, nightvision 3000 feet (9 1 4 m), fair vi­ through connecting rivers.
sion, impervious to cold (no damage), turns invisible in shadow.
Most scholars insist that ley line storms must create a link to the
Bio-regenerates 3D6 M.D. per melee round and can speak !
beast ' s home dimension which hurls them from one plane of existence
Depth Tolerance: Unlimited
to another. These creatures have never appeared through a dimensional
Chemoreceptors/Blood Scent: Can taste blood up to two miles (3.2
Rift or at a nexus . Nor can they be summoned through a Rift. To add to
km) away, track the blood scent/trail to its source 80% and recog­
the mystery, even the most knowledgeable travelers of the Megaverse
nize other chemicals at 60% .
have no idea where the homeworld, or even home dimension of the
Electromagnetic Sensitivity : Basically the same a s the dolphin but
storm riders might be. No demon or dark god claims them as their min­
with 30% greater range.
ions and no history of them as a race can be found. If the storm riders
Breathing: Aquatic, cannot survive out of water for more than
know the answers to these questions, they aren ' t saying, and they are
2D4x l 0 minutes, half that time in sunlight.
impervious to psionic probes. Sea druids believe they are creatures of
Vulnerabilities: Sunlight blinds it and hurts (reduce combat bonuses by
magic born in the chaos and carnage of the ley line storm itself and a
half). Fire, lasers, and plasma do double damage; magic and magic
physical manifestation of destructive magical energy. A tiny handful of
weapons do full damage.
mystics on a distant world known as Palladium, warn that the storm rid­
Special moves include:
ers are the living nightmares of the Old Ones .
Quick Turns & Stops: Can stop on a dime.
Speed B urst: Can swim at double its normal speed for I D4+ I min­ These supernatural horrors are not satisfied with killing to feed, they
utes. This maneuver can be perfonned eight times per hour. This crave torture and destruction. During ley line storms, they leap into the
move is performed for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bo­ wind to ride the fury of the storm on a rampage of destruction. When
nuses) or a quick strike (+2 in addition to other bonuses) , or to move the storm is over, they go to spread terror and death wherever they
toward or away from somebody or someplace quickly. travel. Although seemingly the embodiment of chaos and primal in­
Tight circle/turn: Tight circles and turns in an area as small as 1 5 stincts, they are instilled with an intelligence that makes them cunning
feet (4.6 m) in diameter. and patient. Many will wait and plot before launching a campaign of de­
Dive: Up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) at double normal speed. struction or stepping out of the shadows to kill. However, they do not
Combat Attacks per Melee Round: Four hand to hand or two by work well with others, seldom have minions, and are feeble at manipu­
magic . lating others . Instead, they strike like thieves in the night, waiting for
Combat Maneuvers & Damage: the right moment to attack and inflict the greatest pain, or cause the
Bite : 5D6 M.D. greatest amount of destruction. Like a storm, they may appear during
Body Butt/Short Ram: 2D6 M.D. another moment of catastrophe to add to the chaos and death. Some be­
Full speed ram: 6D6 M.D., but counts as two melee actions. come serial killers who play a deadly game with the authorities and ter­
Tail slap: 3D6 M.D. rorize a community. Others simply blow through a town like a tornado,
Bonuses : +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to dodge, +2 to save vs poi­ barely pausing but striking at all in their path.
son and disease, +8 to save vs horror factor. All bonuses are in addi­ Note: The ley line beast has a human intelligence, but is also a su­
tion to attribute or special combat maneuver bonuses. pernatural creature of instinct. They live to create terror and to kill and
Magic: This supernatural monster has 5D6x l O P.P.E. and the following destroy - drawing life from those they slay.
ocean maRie spells : Black water, change current, sonic blast, water Alignment: Always miscreant or diabolic.
pulse, tongues and I D4 of choice. Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+6, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. I D6, P.S. 2D6+ l 2, P.P.
Psionics: None 2D6+ 1 2, P.E. 2D6+ 1 2, P.B. I D4, Spd. Underwater, flying and on land:
Average Life Span: Immortal 40 mph (64.3 kmph or 34.4 knots). Has supernatural attributes.
Market Value: None per se. Size: 1 0 to 1 2 feet (3 .0 to 3 .6 m) long.
Habitat: Oceans and seas around the world. Weight: 800 Ibs (362 kg).
Enemies: None per se. Hit Points: Mega-damage supernatural creature.
Allies: Other shadow sharks and creatures of evil, including the Lord of M.D.C.: 4D4x l O plus P.E. number; double at ley lines or in magic tri­
the Deep, demons and Stidjron. angles and triple during ley line storms !

Horror Factor: 1 4 Combat Attacks per Melee Round : Four by physical attack or two by
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, fly, climb 75%, nightvision 1000 feet magic.
(305 m), keen color vision, see the invisible, impervious to cold (no Special moves include:
damage), impervious to poison and disease, and bio-regeneration Tail Parry & Strike: + 1 to parry and strike.
I D4x l O per melee round and can regenerate lost body parts within Mid-Air leap: 20 feet (6. 1 m) out of the water. Counts as two melee
I D4 hours. actions.
Depth Tolerance: Unlimited Mid-Air Precision Leaping : 20 feet (6. 1 m); basically the same as
Breathe Without Air: Can breathe without air in any environment in­ the dolphin.
definitely. Quick Turns & Stops: Can stop on a dime even in the most violent
Ley Line Boost: Double their normal M.D.C., speed, hand to hand storms.
attacks, damage and magic capabilities (range, duration, damage) Dive: Up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) at double normal speed.
whenever on a ley line or in a magic triangle. Also see magic and Damage:
psionics. Bite: 6D6 M.D.
Vulnerabilities: Fire/plasma, rune and holy weapons, Millennium Tree Punch: 3D6 M.D.
weapons, dragons and other creatures of magic inflict double dam­ Power Punch: 6D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.
age. Swat with Tail: 4D6 M.D.
Head Butt: 2D6 M.D.
B ody Butt/Short Ram: 3D6 M.D.
Full Strength Ram (flying or swimming): I D4x l O M.D., but counts
as two melee actions.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +6 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +1 to
save vs magic, + 1 2 to save vs horror factor. All bonuses are in addi­
tion to attribute or special combat maneuver bonuses.
Magic: 3D6x l O0 P.P.E. - their auras look like pure mystic energy.
Knows all spell magic, levels 1 -3 , plus repel animals, ley line trans­
mission, energy disruption, call lightning, wind rush, life drain, dis­
pel magic barrier, tongues, and 10 ocean magic spells of choice. All
spells are equal to a sixth level wizard.
Psionics: None, but is impervious to psionic probes, mind control, te-
lepathy, empathy, mind bond, mind wipe and illusions.
Allies: None per se. Occasionally join forces with other evil and chaotic
A verage Life Span: Immortal, but can be destroyed.
beings, including Lorica wraiths, and shadow sharks. They have
Market Value: None; uncontrollable.
never been known to attack alien intelligences and seem to recog­
Habitat: Oceans and seas around the world, but most commonly found
nize their minions and essences.
in magic triangles and near ley lines.
R.C.C. Skills of Note: None
Enemies: All life forms, especially creatures of good alignment and/or
Standard Equipment: None
dedicated to peace and order.
Money : None Cybernetics: Not possible.

aka Silicon Sea Snake

The zomba is a devouring sea predator that resembles a legless cat · tify chemicals by taste : 86%, track by taste: 88%; range: Two miles
erpillar made of stone, hence its nickname, the silicon sea snake. The (3.2 km) .
head is larger than the rest of its body and has a gaping maw full of jag­ Gills & Lungs: Can breathe air for u p t o I D 4 days before feeling
ged teeth the length of short swords. This beast feeds primarily on com­ weak and dehydrated (half speed and bonuses when dehydrated; dies
paratively slow moving sea mammals, crustaceans and humanoids . in l D4 weeks without water) .
They are known to plunder the nets, cages and fisheries of fishermen Combat Attacks per Melee Round : Three
and to leap on board ships low in the water or slither up anchor chains
to board vessels in search of easy prey. Special moves include:
Automatic Dodge: Can dodge without using up a melee action.
The boarding of ships is most common among fishing boats and ves­
Tail Parry & Strike: + I to parry and +2 to strike.
sels carrying food (or slaves). If the zomba catches wind of a delectable
Mid-Air leap: 20 feet (6. 1 m) out of the water. Counts as two melee
cargo, they may climb on board and stuff themselves. Finding one or
more zomba feeding on the day ' s catch in a cargo hold is a deadly situ­
Mid-Air Precision Leaping : 20 feet (6. 1 m); performed to startle or
ation. These monsters are not easily frightened and will stand their
attack beings or vehicles flying close to the surface of the water or to
ground against man and magic. However, most will flee if their M.D.C.
grab or knock an item out of a hand. Basically the same as the dol­
has been reduced to below half or if the leader of the pack flees - they
tend to hunt and gather in small groups of I D4+2.
Quick Turns & Stops: Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic
Note: The zomba has a modest animal intelligence, is incredibly dodge or parry. A roll of 15 or higher means success. A failed roll
lazy, but also a surprisingly resourceful predator. means the character couldn 't tum or stop in time and either shoots
Alignment: Effectively an anarchist or evil predator. by or slams into something/somebody; does 4D6 impact damage to
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6 (animal), M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 2D6+ 1 2, P.P. himself.
2D6+ I 0, P.E. 4D6+ 1 0 , P.B. I D4, Spd. Underwater and on land: Speed Burst: Can swim at double his normal speed for 2D4+2 min­
1 D6+ 1 2 (roughly 9 mph/ 1 4 kmph or 7.7 knots); cannot fly. utes. This maneuver can be performed eight times per hour. This
Size: 1 0 to 20 feet (3.0 to 6. 1 m) long from the snout to the tip of the move is performed for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bo­
tail. The mouth is approximately 3 feet (0.9 m) in diameter. nuses) or a quick strike (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to move
Weight: 800 lbs (362 kg). toward or away from somebody or someplace quickly.
Hit Points: Mega-damage supernatural creature. Dive: Up to 1 000 feet (305 m) at triple normal speed.
M.D.C. : P.E. number x l O plus 10 points for every foot (0.3 m) of Damage: Bite : 1 D4x l O M.D.
length. Average around 260 M.D.C. Swat with Tail: 4D6 M.D.
Horror Factor: 1 0 Head Butt: I D6 M.D.
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, impervious to cold (no damage), bio-re­ Body Butt/Short Ram: 3D6 M.D.
generation I D4x l O per day (24 hours) and can regenerate lost body Full Strength Ram: l D4x l O M.D., but counts as two melee actions.
parts within 2D4 days. Blast wounds and gashes are covered by sili­
Bonuses: + I on initiative, +5 to strike, +2 to or dodge (no parry bonus),
con looking lumps or patches. Three tiny eyes, one on each side and
+3 to roll with impact, + I to save vs magic, + I 0 to save vs horror
one on the top, are virtually unnoticeable among the other little
factor. All bonuses are in addition to attribute or special combat ma­
lumps and rocky bumps of its skin; nightvision 1 000 feet (305 m)
neuver bonuses.
and has good day vision.
Depth Tolerance: One mile ( 1 .6 km) Magic: None
Chemoreceptors in the mouth enables the creature to detect minute Psionics: None
changes in the salinity and chemical components of the water. Iden- Average Life Span : 1 50 years.

Market Value: 1 5 ,000 to 50,000 credits among some who keep them
as pets or watchdogs. They are relatively smart, and because they are
so lazy, they are easy to train with bribes of food. However, they
may get into their master' s own food, cause mischief and attack him
if angered. The horune pirates often train zomba as attack and guard
animals. They are also used in gladiatorial arenas as both combatants
and guard animals.
Habitat: Oceans and seas around the world.
Enemies: None per se.
Allies: None per se, although some pirates, slavers and minions of Splu-
gorth have taken to using them as pets and guard animals.
R.C.C. Skills of Note: None
Standard Equipment: None
Money: None
Cybernetics: None; not possible.


The stidjron (pronounced stid jer ron) is a hideous predator that
lives at the bottom of the deepest oceans. It is vaguely humanoid and
presumably from another dimension. It has adapted well to the seas of
Rifts Earth and has become one of the terrors of the deep. This horror
has a high animal intelligence (or perhaps a human-like intelligence that
thinks in such a way that it is too "alien" to be recognized as human)
and exhibits great cunning and trickery. Stidjron can eat fish and squid,
but their favorite prey are humans, humanoids (including Lemurians,
naut' yll, eel men and amphibs), dolphins, porpoises and killer whales. power armored divers, and small to medium-sized submersibles! They
The stidjron love to hunt and fight and do so for pleasure as well as have even climbed on board slow moving or anchored ships and at­
for food. To this end, they will swim to the upper strata of the ocean tacked the crew before retreating back into the comforting water to hide
where life is much more plentiful and varied to find suitable challenges . or regroup. Especially malicious ones will attack singly, or in a group,
The monsters are so bold and powerful that they have been known to at­ retreat, and attack again repeatedly. Another favorite tactic is to snatch
tack naut ' yll outposts, groups of Lemurians, Killer whales, Whale Sing­ crew members one by one and drag them into the water where they are
ers and giant squid for the sheer challenge and entertainment. Small slaughtered, or drowned and eaten or fed to the sharks. The occasional
hunting parties of 2D4 stidjron also attack Sperm whales, lorica wraiths, "ghost ship," a vessel in perfectly good condition but missing its crew

(with or without signs of a struggle), but no valuables or cargo has been Combat: Five attacks per melee round.
removed, is likely to have fallen victim to a stidjron assault. Special moves include:
The stidjron are the one creature that sharks never seem to attack. Parry with Tentacle or Tail: Standard parry.
Exactly why remains a mystery, but it would appear that the shark has Mid-Air leap: Same as the dolphin.
developed a symbiotic relationship with the stidjron. Even solitary hunt­ Mid-Air Precision Leaping: Same as the dolphin.
ers like the Great white will gather around stidjron lairs and communi­
Quick Turns & Stops: Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic
ties and frequently follow hunting parties. The reason is, in part, that
dodge or parry. A roll of 1 2 or higher means success. A failed roll
wherever the stidjron goes, there is sure to be food. Indeed, the murder­
means the character couldn't tum or stop in time and either shoots by or
ous warriors enjoy tossing their victims, especially surface dwellers, to
slams into something/somebody; does 4D6 impact damage to himself.
the sharks. The monstrous angler-like people like sharks and consider
them pets, like humans do cats. They also feed them scraps and tend to Speed Burst: Can swim at double his normal speed for one minute.
their wounds, and occasionally protect them ! This maneuver can be performed six times per hour before tiring the
character too much to try it again. This move is performed for a quick
Stidjron live in the absolute blackness of the ocean abyss, so they
dodge (+ 1 in addition to other bonuses) or get-away, or a quick strike
have no eyes and are completely blind. Thus, they rely entirely on
(+2 in addition to other bonuses) or to move toward or away from
psionics, echo-location and chemoreceptors to locate and capture prey.
somebody or some place quickly .
Indeed, they are so adept at using these senses that an opponent will
find it hard to believe that they are blind. In a sense they aren 't, because Tight circle/tum: Can make reasonably tight circles and turns in an
their sonar sense of echo-location provides them with a clear and accu­ area as small as 1 5 feet (4.6 m) in diameter.
rate sound picture of their environment. The chemoreceptors and Damage:
psionic abilities only serve to enhance its "world" picture and make the B ite: 5D6 M.D. for afull strength bite.
wretched humanoid as dangerous as the largest shark. Surface dwellers Claw Strike: 2D6 M.D. restrained or 6D6 M.D. full strength.
and sighted opponents often find the absence of eyes makes fighting the Power Claw Strike: I D6x l O M.D., but counts as two attacks.
stidjron unnerving. Flipper Strike: 2D6 M.D. with its feet-like appendages.
Like the angler-fish, the stidjron has a long antenna with a luminous Tail Slap: 3D6 M.D.
tip that lures animal and fish prey to its light. Even surface explorers are Tail Strike (with spines) : 6D6 M.D.
sometime, attracted by its bright luminescence and fall to their doom Tentacle Whip: I D6 M.D.
when they go to investigate it. However, the antenna is more than a sim­ Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll
ple lure, it is a prehensile tentacle that can grab and encircle its prey and with impact, +8 to save vs horror factor. All are in addition to attrib­
pull it into its gaping maw. It seems that everything about the cunning ute bonuses.
monster is related to hunting and killing. Its fingernails are the length Magic: None.
and sharpness of short swords, its huge maw is filled with dagger-like Psionics: Presence sense, sense evil, sense magic, sixth sense and em­
teeth, and its feet-like flippers (and fins) end with sharp spines that can pathy. LS.P.: M.E. x3.
to slash and tear at combatants in close combat. Average Life Span: 300 years.
Slave Market Value: None per se. Occasionally captured and sold as
Note: The stidjron are intended to be NPC villains and not player
exotic animals.
Alignment: Diabolic, miscreant or anarchist.
Attributes: LQ. 2D6+4, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. l D6, P.S. 5D6+8 , P.P.
3D6+6, P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. l D4, Swimming Spd. 2D6+20; roughly 15 to
22 mph (4.6 to 6.6 kmph or 1 3 to 19 knots). P.S. is considered to be su­
perhuman and inflicts mega-damage.
Size: 25 to 33 feet (7.6 to 10 m) long from the top of its head to the tip
of its tail. The antenna is 15 feet (4.6 m) long, its arms about the
same lengths and the bulk of its body (between the head and its fins
in the center) is also about 1 5 feet (4.6 m) long.
Weight: One ton.
Hit Points: Mega-damage creatures.
M.D.C. by Location:
Fingernail blades/claws (8; four per hand) - 30 each
Habitat: The oceans and seas of the world, but they seem to be most
Head Tentacle ( 1 ) - 25
plentiful in the Pacific Ocean. Stidjron are most at home at depths
Fins (7) - 50
beyond two miles (3.2 km) below the surface, but they hunt wher­
HeadIMaw - 1 00
ever they can find food (see description) . They can be encountered
Main B ody - 3D4x l O+60
as small groups of 2D4, in pairs or as a solitary individual. Stidjron
Horror Factor: 1 6
communities are usually tiny, loosely associated and scattered along
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, underwater navigation 90% , track &
the ocean floor. These communities seldom exceed more than 30 in­
hunt sea animals 90%, underwater survival 90%, impervious to cold,
dividuals. Many live alone or in tiny groups of 2-4. Fewer than
impervious to poisons/toxins, heals three times faster than humans
40,000 are believed to exist worldwide.
and regenerates lost limbs within 2D4 months.
Enemies: Most life forms are perceived as prey or enemies, including
Depth Tolerance: 10 miles ( 1 6 km)
humans, naut' ylls, amphibs, Lemurians, Eel people, dolphins and
Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin
cetaceans. Hate gene-splicers and attack them on sight, but they are
Sonic Echo-Location : Same as the dolphin.
not the creation of splicer' s genetic games.
Ultrasonic Probe: Same as the dolphin.
Allies: Some associate with or serve the Lord of the Deep, pirates and
Gills : Can only breathe air for 3D4 minutes before beginning t o choke supernatural evil beings.
and suffocate. Possessions: Has no need for any, but is smart enough to recognize
Chemoreceptors in the mouth enables the character to detect minute things humans and D-bees find precious. Stidjron may collect or
changes in the salinity and chemical components of the water. Identify steal such items to use as "bait" in traps set to lure their prey into
chemicals by taste: 66%, track by taste : 78%; range: one mile ( 1 .6 km) . their clutches.
Rurlel Eel People
The Rurlel (pronounced rule el) is a warrior race of D-bees who
have made their home off the coast of Chile and Peru in the Pacific
Ocean. Although they venture into the depths of the ocean, they are ac­
customed to the comparatively shallow depths of the continental shelf
where an abundance of aquatic wildlife can be found. They hunt fish,
crustaceans and invertebrates, grow and eat seaweed, and have fisher­
ies where they cultivate their own aquatic livestock.
The Rurlel are a simple people who enjoy life and respect the ocean.
They live in harmony with the natural ecology of the sea and try to
avoid contact or trouble with surface people. They are also aloof and
casual toward other aquatic beings, preferring to keep to themselves in
quiet, little communities along coastal waters. Except for the occasional
Rur1e1 adventurer, explorer or rogues, the eelmen have never allied
themselves with any group.

They fight only to defend themselves and their people and count the
stidjron, minions of the Lord of the Deep and sea monsters among their
enemies. They tend to be indifferent toward all others. As hunters and
warriors, they are quite accomplished and can be considered undersea
wilderness scouts.
Note: The Rur1e1 eel people can be NPCs, villains or optional player
Alignment: Any, but approximately 1 5 % are scrupulous, 35% unprinci­
pled, 20% anarchist and 30% other.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+6, P.P. 3D6+6,
P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. 2D6, Swimming Spd. 2D6+30; roughly 22 to 30 mph
(35 to 48 kmph or 30 to 4 1 knots) underwater or on the surface.
Size: The upper torso is humanoid and about the size of a human. The
overall length is 25 feet (7.6 m) long, of which 75% is the tail.
Weight: 400 Ibs ( 1 80 kg)
Hit Points: Mega-damage creature.
M.D.C. : P.E. number +2D4x l O
Horror Factor: 9
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, resistant to cold (does half damage) ,
heals two times faster than humans and regenerates lost fins, parts of
the tail, and limbs within 4D4 months.

Depth Tolerance: 1 .5 miles (2.4 km) Communication: Any
Sense Magnetic North : Same as the dolphin. Domestic : Any (+5 %)
Gills: Can only breathe air for 4D4 minutes before beginning to choke Electrical: None
------an d suffocate, unless special breathing equipment is used. Espionage: Any (+5%)
Combat: Hand to hand: expert plus the following: Mechanical: B asic only .
Special moves include: Medical : Any (+ 1 0% for Sea Holistic Medicine only).
Tail Parry & Strike: +2 to parry and + 1 to strike. Military: None
Quick Turns & Stops: Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic dodge Physical : Any
or parry. A roll of 1 2 or higher means success. A failed roll means the Pilot: Power armor (if designed to accommodate their body and
character couldn 't tum or stop in time and either shoots by or slams into needs), water scooter and skiing and surfing only.
something/somebody; does 4D6 impact damage to himself. Pilot related: Any
Speed Burst: Can swim at double normal speed for one minute. This Rogue: Any, except computer hacking and pick locks (+2%).
maneuver can be performed six times per hour before tiring the charac­ Science: Any
ter too much to try it again. This move is performed for a quick dodge Technical: Any (+5 %).
(+1 in addition to other bonuses) or get-away, or a quick strike (+2 in W.P.: Any
addition to other bonuses) or to move toward or away from somebody Wilderness: Underwater only.
or someplace quickly. Secondary Skills: The character gets to select one additional skill from
Tight circle/tum: Can make reasonably tight circles and turns in an area those listed above at levels two, four, eight, and twelve. These are
as small as 1 5 feet (4.6 m) in diameter. additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of any
Damage: Punch: I D4 M.D. at full strength. bonuses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level.
Power Punch : 2D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks. Standard Equipment: Three weapons of choice, belt and or harness,
Power Tail Strike: 4D6 M.D., but counts as two attacks. backpack, small net, two sacks woven from seaweed, and a handful
Tail slap: 2D6 M.D. of personal items.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to roll Money : None to start. Don't really need or want money, but do like
with impact, +4 to save vs horror factor. All are in addition to attrib­ jewelry, body armor, energy weapons and magic.
ute bonuses and hand to hand combat skills. Cybernetics: None; avoid it.
Magic: 1 0% of the Rurlel are ocean mages rather than warriors. Create
as a Ocean Wizard O.C.C., described in the magic section.
Psionics: None.
Average Life Span : 1 00 years.
Slave Market Value: None per se. Occasionally captured and sold as
Gene - Splicers
& Sea Monsters
By Steve Sheiring & Kevin Siembieda

Europe is believed to the home of a race of mysterious and malevo­

lent aliens known as Gene-Splicers. The NGR believes that the aliens
may visit other places on Earth, but have one or more key outposts in
Germany and Poland. They are wrong. Gene-splicers have an equally
strong presence in the Earth' s seas. There are two known, long-time
gen'e-splicer bases that predate the one in Europe. One is currently lo­
cated in the Black Sea, the other is a mobile base operating in the
Habitat: South Pacific along the continental shelf of Chile and Peru,
North Pacific. Both create hideous mutants and monsters (for reasons
but can be found throughout the world.
unknown) that are dumped into the sea where they prey on indigenous
Enemies: The Lord of the Deep, his minions and sea monsters. life (including humans). Many (about 45%) can produce off spring and,
Allies: None per se; keep to themselves. Most surface dwellers don ' t as a result, represent new, menacing life forms that could eventually
even know they exist. threaten the oceans ecology.
Rurlel Warrior R.C.C. Skills: Captain Nemo-2, his New Navy, Tritonia and Lemuria actively seek
Swim 98% out and destroy gene-splicers and their monstrous mutations. In fact, the
Advanced Fishing (+ 1 0%) USS Ticonderoga and the 2nd Fleet were assisted by a surprise appear­
Marine B iology (+ 10% ) ance of Lemurian warriors, to successfully destroy a huge, undersea,
Language: Native Tongue 94% gene-splicer base hidden near the Hawaiian Island of Kure. Dolphins,
Language: One of Choice (+ 1 0%) Whale Singers, aquatic D-bees, and sailors frequently encounter their
Ocean Geographic Surveying (+20%) mad handiwork and try to kill these abominations whenever they can.
Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+ 1 0% ) Note: See Rifts Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks for more details about
Underwater Navigation (+ 1 5 %) gene-splicers.
Undersea Survival (+ 1 5 %)
W.P. Harpoon Gun
W.P. Two of choice
Hand to Hand: Expert
R.C.C. Related Skills: Select seven other skills, plus one additional
skill at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen.

Random Creation of Gene-Splicer Monsters
Ever since the coming of the Rifts, the gene-splicers have visited Number of heads
Earth. They capture animals and abduct sentient life forms for genetic 01 -60 One
experimentation, often with hideous results. Totally lacking any sense 61 -80 Two
of compassion or morals, at least by human standards, these malignant 81 -90 Three
beings deliberately create monsters and mutants and release them into 91 -00 Four
the world to study. In other cases, they simply discard their (living)
gene-trash when they are done, with no regard to the pain and suffering Type of Head
the creature has already endured, or the pain it may inflict upon others . Roll for each if the monster has multiple heads.
The oceans of Rifts Earth have been experimental sites and biological 01 -35 Same as the natural animal.
dumping grounds for centuries. 36-40 Fish
Whenever a genetic or biological experiment fails or is no longer 41 -45 Tiger or Great White Shark
worth pursuing, the gene-splicers simply "flush" the creatures into the 46-50 Squid or Octopus
ocean and forget about them. Other monsters and mutants are the prod­ 51 -55 Lobster or Shrimp
uct of deliberate experimentation and study. As a result, the seas are 56-60 Turtle
now populated by some very unique and strange sea creatures. The least 61-65 Sea Horse
of which are the nefarious gene-splicers themselves. 66-70 Crocodile
71 -75 Eel or Lamprey
Imagine a giant penguin coming towards the characters. At first, the
76-80 Sea Lion or Walrus
sight might invoke a few chortles of laughter. Then, all of a sudden,
81 -85 Hammerhead Shark
their amusement turns to horror as the penguin grabs a character with its
86-90 Dolphin or Beaked Whale
tentacles and bites his head off. Only then do the other characters real­
91-95 Human (50% look normal/50% look monstrous)
ize the true peril they face.
96-00 Other: G.M. ' s choice of any kind of strange critter, polar bear,
penguin, whale, deep-sea fish, alien animal, or aquatic or surface D­
Roll once on each of the following tables
Random Body Type/Appearance Intelligence & Aggression
The gene-splicers may have attempted to provide increased, even
human intelligence for these creatures, making gentle creatures into
All of these creatures have complete underwater breathing capabili­ predators and predators into docile fish eaters.
ties and senses that come with that type of body, but all are mega-dam­
01 -20 I.Q. ID6+10 human intelligence. Curious and resourceful, not
age creatures, and full-size to giant-size.
particularly aggressive; similar to a dolphin. Eats fish, crustaceans
01-10 Sea Snake, Oarfish or Eel : M.D.C . : I D6x 10, Size: 1 5 -20 ft and invertebrates.
(4.6-6. 1 m) long. Two attacks per melee round and +2 to dodge. 21 -40 I.Q. ID4+10 human intelligence. A very aggressive and cruel
1 1 -20 Large Fish like a tuna, mackerel, sailfish, swordfish, etc. , predator who kills humanoids, mammals and fish for pleasure as
M.D.C . : 2D4x l O, Size: 4+ I D4 feet ( 1 .2 t o 2 . 4 m) long. Two attacks well as for food.
per melee round and +2 to dodge. 41-60 I.Q. 2D4 human intelligence. Predator, always looking for easy
21-30 Humanoid/bipedal : Two legs, feet, arms and hands, M.D.C. : prey, including humanoids and sick or weak animals.
3D4x l O, Size: 6 feet ( 1 . 8 m) tall. Three attacks per melee round, + I 61 -80 I.Q. ID6+8 high animal intelligence. A ruthless predator.
to strike and +2 to parry. 81 -00 I .Q. ID4 low animal intelligence. A predator that works on in­
31 -40 Tiger or Great White Shark : M.D.C. 5D6x l O, Size: 20-30 feet stinct and brute strength - otherwise dull witted and may try to eat
(6-9 m) . Two attacks per melee round and +2 to strike and dodge. iust about anything, but gives up on prey that is too big or puts up
41-50 Dolphin or Porpoise: M.D.C.: 3 D4x l O, size: 7- 1 1 feet (2. 1 -3 . 3 too much of a fight.
m) long. Two attacks per melee round and +2 t o parry and dodge.
51 -55 Giant Squid or Octopus: M.D.C.: 4D4x l O, size: 40-50 feet Depth Tolerance
( 1 2.2- 1 5 . 5 m). Three attacks per melee round and +8 to parry. May be greater or less than the original creature ' s ability.
56-60 Manta Ray : M.D.C.: 2D4x l O, size: 1 0- 1 5 feet (3-4.6 m). One 01-10 500 feet ( 1 5 2 m)
attack per melee round. 1 1-20 1 000 feet (305 m)
61 -65 Lobster or Crab : M.D.C.: 4D6x l O, size: 3-5 feet (0.9- 1 .5 m) 21-30 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
long. Three attacks per melee round and +4 to strike, parry and 31-50 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
dodge. 51 -70 I mile ( 1 .6 km)
66-70 Crocodile: M.D.C.: 4D6x l O, size: 20 feet (6. 1 m). Two attacks 71 -80 2 miles (3.2 km)
per melee round and + I to strike. 81 -90 3 miles (4.8 km)
71 -75 Sea Lion or Walrus: M.D.C. 2D4x 1 00, size: 1 2- 1 5 feet (3.6 to 91 -00 Unlimited !
4.6). Two attacks per melee round and + I to strike.
76-84 Sea Turtle: M.D.C.: 3D6x l O, size: 6 feet ( 1 . 8 m). Two attacks Additional appendages
per melee round. All are proportional to the size of the creature.
85-90 Aquatic Bird: M.D.C.: l D6x l O, Size: 5 feet ( 1 . 5 m) long. Two 01 -20 I D6 tentacles; each pair adds one attack per melee round, + I on
attacks per melee round and + I to strike. initiative and + I to parry.
91-95 Sea Horse: M.D.C.: I D6x l O, Size: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) long. Two at­ 21 -40 Two (extra for humanoids) arms with clawed hands and webbed
tacks per melee round and +2 to dodge. fingers.
96-00 Other: G.M. ' s choice of any kind of strange critter, polar bear, 41-50 Spiked, prehensile tail at least half the length of the body; does
sea lamprey, whale, deep-sea fish, alien animal, or aquatic or surface 2D6 M.D. and is + I to parry.
D-bee. 51-60 I D4 rhino-like horns used for stabbing and impaling; does I D6
M.D. each.
61-71 A pair of crab claws that do 3 D6 M.D. damage per strike, adds 41-50 Obsessive imprint: The creature will choose to imprint itself
one additional attack per melee round and a +2 to parry. upon a particular person (ideally a player character) and follow him
72-80 Fish tail or extra fish fins, adds to maneuverability underwater; or her around for the next 3 D6 month s ! After that, it will choose
+ 1 to dodge, + 1 2 to the creature ' s normal speed attribute. again, possibly the same person, but likely somebody new. All it
81-90 I D4 antennae that are chemoreceptors able to detect minute does is follow the person around and observe. It will neither attack
changes in the salinity and chemical components of the water. This or defend the subject of its attraction, although it may leave him or
enables the character to taste oil, fuel, sulfur and nitrates from explo­ her tiny gifts (food) like eyeballs, entrails, fish, occasionally stolen
sions, pollution, and blood that has entered the water. Identify items and knickknacks, shiny stones (rarely valuable) , and similar
chemicals by taste: 68% and track by taste: 64% Range: One mile worthless (and smelly) items. Otherwise, it merely follows him
( 1 .6 km). around, but the creature is likely to be noisy, big, get in the way, and
91 -00 Giant maw with I D6 tentacle-like tongues used for swallowing is a definite attention getter, so the person being followed is -30% to
prey whole. Each pair adds one attack per melee and + 1 to strike. prowl, -2 on initiative and is likely to be the butt of jokes and even
avoided by others who are afraid of, or disgusted by his monstrous
admirer. Note: If the creature is attacked or feels threatened, it will
Additional Features & Abilities
fiercely defend itself, even against the object of its attraction.
01-10 Ley Line Power: Has ley line charging ability the same as the
51 -60 Energy sponge: The creature is pretty harmless in the wild, but
his body soaks up energy (feels soothing) and disrupts electrical de­
1 1 -20 Silent: Prowl at 80% and is +2 on initiative, does a critical strike
vices. If this critter clings onto a submarine or boat, the lights will
(double damage) from sneak attacks.
flicker, radio communications will be garbled, and the range of ra­
21 -30 Teeth : The mouth is filled with razor sharp, shark like teeth (for
dios and sensors will be reduced by 50% . The overall power of the
each head) and bite does 2D4 M.D. If the creature has naturally
vessel will drop 20% and continue to drop at I % an hour until the
sharp teeth, they are extra large and inflict 3D6 M.D.
creature is chased away. Furthermore, the beast is impervious to
31-40 Sonic blast: 4D6 M.D. underwater or 1 06 M.D. damage above
electrical energy and most other forms of energy do half damage, in­
water. Range : 1 20 feet (366 m). This sonic attack can be used only
cluding plasma and magic. Explosives and projectiles do full dam­
once per melee, but counts as an extra melee attack.
41 -50 Incredible underwater speed : Up to 1 20 mph ( 1 92 kmph; 1 03
61 -70 Too big! And growing. 2D4x 1 O% bigger and heavier than nor­
knots) underwater and on the surface of water.
mal. Add 2D4x 1 O to M.D.C. but reduce normal speed by half. This
51 -60 Regeneration : The creature regenerates 3D6 M.D.C. per melee
also means it eats twice as much as normal. Will grow an additional
1 0% for 2D6 months.
61-70 Turn self invisible and see the invisible at will: B asically the
71 -80 Spasmatic Shape-changer: Every four hours the creature meta­
same as the spells but there is no limit to the duration or how often
morphs into a variation of itself: shrinks or grows I D4x 1 O%, is cov­
the powers can be used.
ered in blotches or boils, changes color, spines appear or disappear,
71 -80 Echo-location : Same as the dolphin.
teeth grow or shrink 1 00%, mucus drips from its nose and eyes or
81 -90 Psionic empathy: Telepathy, empathy and empathic transmis­
slime drools from the mouth (chalky pink, vomit yellow, green or
sion. I.S.P.: 3D4x 1 O points and equal to a third level psychic, but
grey in color) . The metamorphosis takes one minute and is such an
double the normal range.
ugly sight that a save versus horror factor 1 6 must be made. Each
91 -00 Super regeneration: The creature regenerates I D4x 1 O M.D.C.
transformation is unique and equally terrible to look at.
per melee round and will grow back severed limbs and appendages
81-90 Stinks! ! Natural secretions from body oils create a repugnant
within 3D4 days.
odor that cannot be stopped, covered or disguised. The odor can be
smelled within a 500 foot ( 1 52 m) radius in the air and 4000 foot
Genetic Defect Table ( 1 220 m) radius underwater. Those who associate or travel with the
This is likely to be at least one of the reasons for dumping the crea­ character will find people avoid them, enemies and predators notice
ture. them (unless downwind/downstream), sneak attacks are impossible,
and they are likely to be the butt of jokes.
01-10 Insatiable hunger: Needs to consume 10 times its normal body
91-00 Psychopathic killer: The creature is nothing more than a killing
weight in food in order to survive. Very aggressive; + 1 on initiative.
machine that cannot be reasoned with. It spends all its time hunting,
1 1-20 Magic: Select I D6 Ocean magic spells. The creature can cast
killing or torturing, eating, or waiting for its next victim. Knows no
these spell at random periods, usually when hunting, fighting or cor­
fear and will attack anything, fleeing only when its M.D.C. is down
nered, but it can happen at almost any time (G.M . ' s choice, be fair) .
by 85%. Reduce intelligence by 25 % .
The spells are of varying degrees of power, so roll for equivalent
level whenever one is unleashed; I D6 level strength. The creature
tends to be jumpy and unstable.
21 -30 Garbage eater: Can metabolize anything for food, ranging from
Ley Line Mutations
valuable bone sculptures, plastic appliances, and computer disks to Some sea creatures that are born from parents that live in and around
spoiled food, plastic bottles, and clothing. Favorite foods include or­ ley lines, nexus junctions and deep pools have exhibited strange, magic
ganic food of all kinds (fresh or spoiled), bones, teeth, plants, energy induced mutations. Sea mammals and intelligent life forms don 't
leather, rubber, plastic, cloth, and paper products of all kinds (photo­ seem to be affected, only sharks, rays, some deep sea fish, octopus,
graphs, cardboard, etc.). The only things it can ' t eat are gems, stone, squids, eels and crustaceans (crab, lobster, etc.) are susceptible. These
clay, metals, ceramic compounds, and electronics devices. The crea­ mutants will have two of the following properties (pick two or roll per­
ture seems to have a knack for finding and eating the most valuable centile dice) :
item(s) first. It must consume the equivalent of its own body weight 01-10 Predator. A normally non-aggressive creature becomes as aggres­
daily. sive as the tiger shark, + 1 on initiative, +3 to strike, + I attack per
31-40 Bad luck aura: Anyone within twenty feet is -2 on all die rolls melee, + I D6 to damage and has blood scent.
and for the next 2D4 hours after the creature leaves the area. Anyone 1 1-25 Five times larger than normal with 5x the S .D.C. and inflicts tri­
actually touching the creature is -2 on all die rolls for twice as long. ple the normal damage inflicted by this animal.
Anyone actually eating part of the creature is -2 on all die rolls for 26-40 Mega-damage creature. Change its S .D.C. into M.D.C. and the
the next I D6 days. beast inflicts mega-damage from bites and punches/claws.

41 -55 Wounds instantly heal, regenerating 4D6 S .D.C./M.D.C. points
per minute !
56-70 Severed partes) transforms into an identical copy of the original
creature within one minute ! A permanent creation.
71 -80 Magic resistant: Magic attacks do half damage, duration and pen­
alties are also half.
81-90 Can ley line phase at will, like a ley line walker.
91 -00 Low human intelligence, aggressive and dangerous; may know
2D4 humanoid skills or know l D4 ocean magic spells (has 3D4x l O
P.P.E. ).

The Lord of the Deep

By C.J. Carella & Kevin Siembieda

A Sailor 's "I almost did it. I knew that Sunny would be dragged underwater,
and that if the legends were true, he would be magically kept alive until
Tale of Horror he reached the Lord of the Deep, somewhere in the darkest pit beneath
the waves. I almost used my rail gun to put an end to his horror! B ut I
"Our sonar picked it up before we even knew what was happening. didn ' t ! God help me, I just stared transfixed by the horror in front of
As our tech started bleating out a warning, I saw schools of fish racing me, while the huge tentacle disappeared into the sea.
madly towards the surface. Shark or killer whale, I thought, but just in "You see, if I had killed Sunny, it might have decided to take me
case, I released the safety on the pintle-mounted rail gun. Sharks can be next.
the least of a sailor' s worries this close to the Triangle. "So, that ' s why I came to work on my uncle ' s farm. I never go near
"Suddenly, the fish began dashing about the water near the surface, the sea anymore. Not the Great Lakes either, they 're almost as bad as
some even leaped out into the air as if to escape the danger below. I the damn ocean.
could feel a lump grow in my throat and adrenaline begin to flow. This "So where ' s that drink you promised me?"
couldn 't be good. Sunny' Rodriguez joined me on deck. ' Keep yer eyes

peeled, Gunner, ' he told me. 'Something big is coming from down be­
low. We 're trying to outdistance it. ' I felt the boat lunge at flank speed,
and that ' s when I began to feel really scared. The Undaunted was a The Lord of the Deep
well-armed patrol boat. Whatever the captain had seen on the sonar had
convinced him we didn ' t stand a chance if we stayed and fought. The Lord of the Deep is a supernatural entity of godlike power who
"A loud thump, thump, thump to my right sent a jolt through my resides in the depths of the Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean. It
jangled nerves like an electric shock. It was the depth charge dispenser, lives in the middle of a triangular mystical configuration, similar to the
dropping our entire load on top of the rising phantom below. I steadied more infamous Bermuda Triangle (also known as the Demon Sea). It
my nerves and grabbed a hand-hold. The detonations rocked our ship as rules a Rifts-ridden undersea kingdom, and is slowly growing in size,
we sped away. Surely this would be enough to buy us the time to make both physically and by increasing the area of its dimensional triangle.
our escape. 'Sunny ' started to move his lips in silent prayer, while I The goals of this monster are unknown (and perhaps unknowable).
tracked the now motionless waters with my gun. I don 't know which Maybe it wishes to consume the entire planet, or it lives off the psychic
action was more useless. pain that it and its minions inflict on other beings . Those who know
"Water exploded in front of The Undaunted! And ... this thing ap­ about the Lord of the Deep, fear that the alien intelligence seeks to con­
peared in front of the ship ! ! The wake ' it' caused was enough to nearly sume every living thing on the planet before moving on to other worlds .
overturn our vessel. All I could do was hang tight and join Sunny in The gigantic entity lives over 30,000 feet (48,300 m; over five and a
prayer. Any delusions I had of a sane world were shattered the instant I half miles) below the surface. Its size and power are such that mere
saw the thing hovering above the ship. mortals may be driven mad simply by looking at it. Its tentacles, known
"It was a single, huge tentacle, thicker than our entire ship. The part as the Reachers from the Deep, can stretch to span lengths of up to
above the waves was three times longer than our vessel. Daring to 2000 miles (3200 km) ! Thus, enabling the monster to snare victims
glance into the water, the tentacle seemed to continue endlessly below from great distances and allowing it to remain safely nestled in the
the surface, disappearing into the depths. It had to be thousands of feet trench, miles beyond the reach of any human weapon. Lucky victims
long. Dozens of smaller tentacles, each the width of a large man and are killed outright, their death agonies feeding the monster' s psychic es­
hundreds of feet long, writhed from the central trunk that towered be­ sence. The least fortunate are fused with two or more living beings and
fore us. Sunny screamed an animal sound of pure abject fear. I whis­ transformed into one of its predatory minions.
pered to myself, ' The Lord of the Deep . The legends are true, then. '
"Thankfully, it didn 't want all of us that day. One of the tentacles Origins
lashed out like a whip. I turned to my left where Sunny had stood, but Some occultists believe that the Lord of the Deep has lived on Earth
he was gone. An eyeblink later I saw him, squirming in the coils of the for uncounted millennia. They theorize that the planet' s low magical en­
tentacle as it pulled him toward the gigantic one. His clothing and skin ergies caused it to slumber for most of that time, occasionally sending
were tom everywhere as he was gripped by the suction-cups. He out one of its Reachers to snag a random victim, giving rise to the leg­
howled. ends of the Kraken, an enormous sea monster that could sink ships.

When magic returned to the planet with a vengeance, the monster was
fully awakened. A second school of thought believes that the Lord of
the Deep arrived through a giant Rift somewhere in the ocean depths.
In either case, the alien intelligence has been active for at least two
hundred years. Thousands of unfortunates from all species have been
killed or mutated into monstrous forms. The Reachers from the Deep
have attacked whales, dolphins and fish, as well as seagoing vessels,
coastal towns, and, sometimes, even crawled onto the mainland looking
for a new morsel. Humans, Minions of Splugorth, True Atlanteans, D­
Bees, and all forms of animal life have been victimized by the monster.
Many are devoured, others are transformed to become predators who in
tum, reap their own brand of misery and destruction.

Allies and Enemies

Whale Singers : The main enemy of the Lord of the Deep are the
Whale Singers. This loose-knit magic society is made up of former
minions of the Lord of the Deep (who could not be turned to evil), inde­
pendent champions, heroes, and ocean wizards (aquatic and human)
who have joined forces to stop the monster and hopefully, destroy it.
They know as much about the entity as anyone can and may be the only
ones who can eventually destroy it. See the Whale Singer O.C.C. for
more details.
Tritonia: Tritonia has been attacked several times by the Reachers
from the Deep and its minions. So far, the floating island' s defenses
and/or assistance from the New Navy have been enough to repel all at­
tacks. However, some of the Sea Titans fear the Lord of the Deep may
only be toying with them and that it must be destroyed before it de­
stroys them. Contact with the Whale Singers has provided the inhabi­
tants of Tritonia, the New Navy, and Captain Nemo-2 with valuable
information and insight about the monster. They have also unofficially
agreed to join forces, when the time is right, to launch a united attack
against the fiend and destroy it once and for all (this is probably decades
away). For the time being, they search for a weakness or power that will
assure a victory (none of them are suicidal). In the meanwhile, they do
what they can to keep the monster in check, thwart its efforts, and de­
stroy its minions and Reachers whenever they can .
Captain Nemo-2 & The New Navy: These defenders o f the oceans
have had many encounters with Reachers and minions of the Lord of
the Deep. In many instances, they have won with minimal casualties
and have destroyed hundreds of minions. Other encounters have seen
scores of noble sea titans and sailors perish and hundreds more injured.
Captain Nemo-2 is determined to destroy the fiend, but cannot yet find
a way to do so. Thus, he takes great satisfaction in rescuing people from
its clutches and inflicting what damage he can. Also see Tritonia above.
The Naut' Yll: The naut' yll fear and hate the Lord of the Deep and
have suffered greater losses from it than any human civilization. The
alien intelligence is also one more impediment to their domination of
the Pacific Oceans and their quest to conquer the Earth. On several oc­
casions, Reachers from the Deep have come into one of their cities or
snared a submarine, killing and kidnapping dozens or even hundreds of
people. The monstrous creations of the alien intelligence also plague
their settlements. Their hatred for the monster is so great that they might
even consider making a temporary alliance with other undersea civiliza­
tions in order to destroy it, but not with Captain Nemo-2, the New Navy
or the Lemurians.
Lemuria & Aquatic D-Bees: The Lemurians and other aquatic races
also suffer great catastrophes and constant danger from the Lord of the
Deep; much more than any surface people could imagine. However, of
all the aquatic people, the Lemurians probably fare the best, due to their
own unique culture, size, antiquity, and strengths. Like most everybody
else, Lemurians would like to see the menace removed, but currently
lack the power to do so. This may serve as additional impetus to form
an alliance with the New Navy in the future.
Surface Civilizations: Most surface civilizations, with the exception
of Atlantis, are for the most part, unaware of the Lord of the Deep.

The Cult of the Deep: The Cult of the Deep is composed of beings S.D.C.lHit Points: In the Astral Realm, the Lord of the Deep manifests
of all races, as well as the minions of the Lord of the Deep. It is a death itself as an immense mound of flesh, even uglier than its material
cult whose followers worship the alien intelligence as a god of death form. This astral form has 30,000 S.D.C. and 20,000 hit points.
and chaos. They engage in wanton acts of destruction, blood sacrifices, Horror Factor: 1 8
murder, assassination, necromancy, brutality and decadence. They are P.P.E.: 1 0 ,000
most common in South America, but the cult is beginning to make in­ Experience Level: 1 5 th level alien intelligence.
roads in North America and Europe. Currently, factions of the Cult of Natural Abilities: Impervious to normal cold, heat, fire, disease, radia­
the Deep can be discovered in the American West along the Pacific tion, and pressure. Can breathe without air indefinitely, swim at a
Coast, Central America, the Yucatan, and in the last decade, around the speed of 6, astral project, climb 60%/50%, and can understand all
Great Lakes in North America. The latter is inspired by the original languages.
South American cult and legends about the monster as told by sailors. Energy Vampire: The monster feeds on P.P.E., so every time a
However, this sub-group is comparatively, tiny, inexperienced, and are living being is killed by one of its tentacles, slain by a minion, or
not directly linked to the alien intelligence or its minions in any way. sacrificed by one of its cultists, the Lord of the Deep gains half the
These murderous fanatics believe unrelated lake monsters and strange P.P.E. of the victim. This P.P.E. helps it grow in size (currently gain­
phenomena are the works of the Lord of the Deep. They are wrong, but ing about a foot (0.3 m) of height per month ! } . Note that the Lord of
dedicated to the monster none the less. the Deep does NOT have a mouth, so it does not chew-up and eat
The nations of Colombia, Maga Island, and B ahia (see Rifts South people, despite legends to the contrary. It can kill people with its
America Book One) have all outlawed the worship of the Lord of the tentacles via physical blows, strangulation, drowning, and ocean
Deep and actively hunt and kill cultists and the monster' s minions. It is pressure, as well as by magic. The monster may also let its minions
only a matter of time before members of this cult come to the attention kill and/or feed on the corpses of its catches. It communicates via
of such nations as Lazlo, Tolkeen, the Coalition States, the Japanese Re­ magic, empathy or telepathy.
public, and the NGR. Special : Mystically sense its surroundings (2000 ft/6 1 O m ra­
The Splugorth: Lord Splynncryth is aware that an alien intelligence dius) . This incredible ability enables it to see in every spectrum of
is operating in the depths of the Marianas Trench. He suspects that light, detect the invisible, sense the presence and general location of
some of the strange sea monsters popping up in the oceans might be its those who are shadow-melded and even sense and see fourth-dimen­
handiwork and minions, although it is hard to determine, since the sional characters !
Gene-Splicers are also fond of creating monsters, and undersea Rifts Special: Long-range Nightvision: Can see in total darkness, to a
drop their share of alien creatures into Earth ' s waters. For the time be­ range of 2000 feet (6 1 0 m).
ing, the Marianas Trench Intelligence, as it is known in formal Splu­ Special: Regeneration: I D4x l 00 M.D.C. every melee round. It
gorth reports, is not a major concern; Lord Splynncryth has a great can regrow small appendages within 1 D4 hours and regrows severed
many, more pressing matters to worry about. If the Lord of the Deep Reachers of the Deep in I D4 days.
continues to grow in both physical strength and power over the seas, the Special: Magically modify and transform non-supernatural living
Splugorth will realize the extent of its threat and will try to stop it. things : This incredible magic is used to create new races of monsters
to serve as minions of the Lord of the Deep. The effects of this
Other Alien Intelligences: Zazshan, an alien intelligence that is be­
magic transformation are permanent and can only be reversed via
hind much of the corruption in England (see Rifts World Book Three:
the Transformation Ritual at double the normal P.P.E. cost (see Rifts
England) , seems to know a great deal about the Lord of the Deep. It is
Book of Magic, page 1 53) or by killing the Lord of the Deep. Fur­
possible that the Zllyphans (Zazshan ' s species) may have encountered
thermore, these transformed beings can mate with a creature of the
the monster somewhere else in the Megaverse. Zazshan ' s chief minion,
same type and 50% of the time, bear offspring ! This means the ter­
Mrrlyn, is seeking more information about the Lord of the Deep, but
rible creatures can actually perpetuate their race; offspring typically
has taken no action against it, nor the monster against England.
reach maturity in 10 years and live for 2D6+40 years.
The vampire intelligences and other similar beings have taken no in­
VulnerabilitieslPenalties: Magic spells, circles and wards do double
terest in the Lord of the Deep. As long as it does not interfere with their
damage; rune weapons do triple damage, and holy weapons and Mil­
plans, they could care less about its activities (besides, vampires are
lennium Tree weapons do ten times damage ! Furthermore, the re­
vulnerable to moving water).
generative powers of the Lord of the Deep are hampered by magic.
Thus, damage inflicted by magic of any kind regenerates at a rate of
I D4x 1 00 per hour (not in a matter of seconds). Likewise, any limb
The Lord of the Deep destroyed or severed by magic will require I D4 weeks to regrow.
M.D.C. weapons, explosives and psionic attacks inflict full dam­
Alien Intelligence Disposition: Nobody is known to have communicated with the Lord of
the Deep. Pleas, threats and flattery are all equally useless on the
monster. It does what it wants to do, and only responds to the use of
Real Name: Unknown. Also known as the Kraken and the Leviathan. force (by attacking back ! ) . If it has any even remotely human-like
Alignment: Diabolic emotions or thoughts, it keeps them to itself.
Attributes: I.Q. 30, M.E. 30, M.A. 22, P.S. 60, P.P. 20, P.E. 24, P.B. 2, Psionic Powers: Knows all sensitive powers, equal to an 1 1 th level
Spd. 6 (crawling or swimming); also see Reachers from the Deep, its psionic. Considered to be a master psionic for save purposes.
miles long tentacles . I.S.P.: 4,000
Size: The main body is 500 feet ( 1 5 2 m) tall and 700 feet (2 1 0 m) wide Magical Knowledge: Knows all magical spells, levels 1 - 1 0 (see Rifts
at the base. Its eight main tentacles (see the Reachers from the Deep, RPG), plus calm storms, summon entity, summon storm, close rift,
below) can stretch/reach from a minimum length of 200 feet (6 1 m) dimensional portal, and teleport: superior. Odd as it may seem, the
to a maximum of 2000 miles (3200 km) ! Lord of the Deep does not possess knowledge of ocean magic or
Weight: 1 0,000 tons! whale singer abilities.
M.D.C.: 500,000 main body (also see the Reachers from the Deep) ! ! Combat abilities: Supernatural.
Given its powerful regeneration capabilities, it is virtually impossi­ Attacks Per Melee Round: Three magic attacks or by main tentacle
ble to destroy the Lord of the Deep with conventional weapons. (Reachers from the Deep). The monster usually has one or two of its

Reachers from the Deep (tentacles) nearby for self-defense; the drown or are slain by minions of the Lord of the Deep, and their be­
other tentacles are usually hundreds or thousands of miles away and longings scavenged by the minions or bold aquatic adventurers. The
need hours to respond to danger (see Reachers for combat info) . least fortunate are transformed into the monstrous minions of the
Damage: As per magic or the Reachers from the Deep. deep.
Bonuses: Main B ody : Cannot dodge attacks, +8 save vs magic and
psionics, + 1 5 to save vs horror factor, also see natural abilities. For
tentacle combat, see the Reachers from the Deep. Reachers from the Deep
O.C.C. Skills of Note: Most skills are meaningless to the alien intelli­
gence. Magically knows all languages, and has the equivalent of all The Limbs of the Lord of the Deep
medical skills, land navigation, and magic lore, all at 90% . The giant, main tentacles of the Lord of the Deep are so long and
Alliances and Allies: None known. May be in contact with such enti­ huge that they must be treated like separate entities. The monster has
ties as the Old Ones, the Conqueror (see Rifts Mercenaries), and eight Reachers and usually keeps one or two nearby for self-defense.
some of the beings imprisoned by the gods (see Rifts Conversion The others are sent out into the ocean to capture or kill live prey up to
Book 2: Pantheons of the Megaverse). There are also rumors that 2000 miles (3200 km) away ! The Lord of the Deep can stretch the giant
the D-bee pirates known as the Horune have become allies or wor­ tentacles for thousands of miles, spanning continents and reaching deep
shippers of the foul creature, because they never seem to be attacked into the ocean ! Each tentacle has hundreds of smaller sub-tentacles
and a number of them are members of the Cult of the Deep . which are used to grab or lash out at small prey like humans.
Minions: The Lord o f the Deep has created thousands o f monsters and
The Reachers from the Deep are relatively independent from the
released them into the oceans to kill in his name. In an emergency, it
main body of the alien intelligence and can be considered independent
could summon I D4x l OO diverse monsters every hour for I D4+ 1
life essences or extensions of the monster itself. They can somehow
hours. If given several days, The Lord of the Deep could gather ten
sense prey, although they have no apparent sensory organs. Eerily, they
times that number!
can choose to attack and take only one victim, or seize hundreds, seem­
ingly at random. Once a victim(s) has been selected, the Reacher will
follow him or her for several hundred miles or until the giant tentacle
becomes bored and gives up or is severed or destroyed. The Reacher
tentacles are so far away from the body of the alien intelligence that the
Lord of the Deep will not even sense that a limb has been attacked or
hurt for 1 D6 minutes for every ten miles ( 1 6 km) of distance separating
them. This gives characters a chance to flee after destroying a tentacle;
given the reaction times of the Reachers, it might take hours or days be­
fore another giant tentacle arrives at the battle zone.
A Reacher that has been severed will retreat back to the main body
and will regenerate/regrow I D4 days later.
M.D.C. by Location :
Main Tentacle - I D4x l OOO (this is the amount needed to sever or
Main Area of Activity: The Lord of the Deep is himself most active in destroy the limb)
the Pacific Ocean, especially along the Marianas Trench which Sub-Tentacles (3D6x l O per each giant tentacle) : 200 each.
serves as its refuge. It seldom leaves the deepest parts of the ocean, Size: Typically 40 to 1 00 feet ( 1 2 to 30.5 m) wide; they taper toward
but does occasionally enter the comparatively shallow waters of the the tip and get thicker near the base of the body. The main tentacles
Atlantic Ocean and continental shelves. Here the monster is at its can reach up to 2000 miles (3200 km) .
most vulnerable because it can be attacked by humans and other be­ Combat: Six different "sets" or groupings of sub-tentacles can simulta­
ings who cannot otherwise survive the crushing, black depths the neously attack six different opponents/prey. As many as I D4+ 1 sub­
monster normally calls home ! tentacles will be part of the "set" attacking a single target/prey. Each
"set" of sub-tentacles can attack six times per melee round. Types of
attacks include punch/tentacle strike, power punch/strike, entangle
and simultaneous attack. All tentacles are M.D.C. structures.
The main tentacle can attack only once per melee round, and dur-
ing that round the sub-tentacles cannot attack.
Range/Reach of Sub-Tentacles: 200 feet (6 1 m).
Range/Reach of Main Tentacle: 2000 miles (3 .2 km).
Sub-Tentacle Strike - I D6x l O M.D.
Sub-Tentacle power strike - 2D6x l O M.D. (counts as two melee
Main tentacle strike - I D4x l OO M.D. against ships, buildings or
other large structures; less damage, 3D6x l O M.D., to targets less
Its minions are also most active in the Pacific Ocean, along the than 20 feet (6. 1 m) tall.
western coasts of North America, Mexico, Central America, and Bonuses: Sub-tentacles : +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +4 to pull punch.
South America, as well as what ' s left of Samoa and the other Each tentacle strikes as if it had eyes and a mind of its own (or si­
Oceania Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Caroline Islands, New Guinea, multaneously, like a team). Both the main tentacle and sub-tentacles
Indonesia, Philippines, and the Japanese Islands. However, they can are impervious to horror factor except when dealing with magic
be encountered anywhere in the world. weapons (H.F. 9), creatures of magic like dragons, demigods, and
Also note that there is a dead pool located in the ley line triangle godlings (H.F. 1 1 ) , or gods and alien intelligences (H.F. 1 3) .
where the Lord of the Deep resides. This random Rifts location Main Tentacle: + 1 t o strike, + 2 t o dodge.
draws beings from other dimensions to their doom. The lucky ones Vulnerabilities/Penalties: S ame as the Lord of the Deep.
are aquatic beings who flee the area quickly. The less fortunate Natural Abilities: Same as the Lord of the Deep.

Devil Shark R.C.C. Monster Naut'YII
Minion of the Lord of the Deep Minion o f the Lord o f the Deep

These monsters are created by The Lord of the Deep through its A combination of a naut' yll and a barracuda, the Monster Naut' Yli
transformation magic. It is used to fuse a human or humanoid with a have become the bogey-men of that alien species. At a distance, the
large shark, usually a great white, tiger or hammerhead. Devil Sharks creatures appear to be normal naut' yll, albeit slightly disheveled in ap­
have the body and features of a shark with a pair of clawed arms and pearance. Closer up they reveal themselves to have huge mouths with
show human-like facial expressions of anger, happiness and fear (imag­ three rows of sharp teeth, hidden under their facial tentacles. The nor­
ine a toothy smile or menacing sneer). The monster does not need to mally weak face tentacles of aliens are altered by the transformation
eat, drink or breathe, but it is ravaged by hunger pangs and a taste for into a serpentine mass of tentacles (nine total) that can magically grow
blood anyway. These cravings encourage it to hunt, kill and devour all and stretch to 1 0 feet long (3.0 m). They are used to ensnare, entangle
manner of living beings, from fish and sea mammals to humans and D­ and/or whip opponents and to pull them into their deadly maws. The
bees. The Devil Shark keeps gorging himself, but is seldom satisfied for hands end in ultra-sharp claws, and their strength is greatly augmented.
more than a few hours. The flesh of humans, D-bees, dolphins, and in­ What is worse is that the naut' yll retains his intelligence, now combined
telligent creatures is more fulfilling and can satisfy their blood lust for with the relentless predatorial instincts of a barracuda and cannibalistic
an entire day (4D6 hours), so the creature will seek them out in prefer­ urges !
ence to normal fish and animals. Monster Naut ' Yli do not limit their attacks to their former fellows;
The monster can attack with a savage bite or it can claw or grapple they also hunt dolphin, killer whales, humans, D-bee sailors, kreel-Iok,
with its arms. It is not suicidal, so if reduced to half its M.D.C. points, it whale singers, Lemurians and other intelligent beings, both underwater
will try to flee and attack another day. Although no longer fully intelli­ or on the surface. They have been known to leave the seas and raid
gent, Devil Sharks have high animal cunning, low human intelligence coastlines, dragging children or other helpless victim(s) into the ocean
and sometimes work in groups or with others to plan ambushes and at­ to be massacred, eaten or transformed into monsters.
tacks, especially against powerful foes or groups. Although they have Alignment: Diabolic or miscreant.
no need for money, weapons, or personal possessions, many (about Attributes: I.Q. 1 06+ 1 0, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. 2D6+6, P.S. 1 06+32,
60%) keep a secret treasure trove of trinkets from their victims, buried P.P. 2D6+ 1 O, P.E. 2D6+ 1 2, P.B. I D6, Spd. 6D6 underwater, 3D6 on
on the bottom of the ocean floor, hidden under rocks, or stowed away in land.
caves. These so-called "treasures" are likely to include the skulls and Size: 6 to 7 feet ( 1 . 8 to 2. 1 m)
bones of victims as trophies, along with weapons, jewelry, parts of body Weight: 1 80 to 300 lbs (82 to 1 36 km).
armor, and other odds and ends. Rarely is there more than a few items M.D.C. : Triple normal M.D.C. (see Naut' Yli R.C.C.)
that are salvageable or worth more than 2D6x 1 00 credits. Horror Factor: 1 3
Alignment: Diabolic or miscreant. Average Life Span: 40 years from the moment of transformation.
Attributes: I.Q. 1 06+4, M.E. 1 06+ 1 0, M.A. 1 04+4, P.S. 1 06+40, Natural Abilities: Able to breathe underwater and on dry land, nightvi-
P.P. 1 06+20, P.E. 1 06+ 1 8 , P.B. 1 04+ 1 , Spd. I D6x l O swimming un­ sion 200 ft (61 m; able to see in near-total darkness), excellent hear­
derwater; it can only crawl on dry land at a maximum Spd of 8 . ing (equivalent to bionic) . Magic facial antennae (described above,
Size: 1 2 t o 30 feet long (3.6 to 9. 1 m) also see combat) and regenerate I D4x 1 O M.D.C. per minute.
M.D.C.: 3D6x l O +70 Psionic Powers: Has the equivalent of mind block auto-defense, and
Horror Factor: 1 5 can sense all living things psionically via a form of super presence
P.P.E. : I D6x l O ; considered to be a supernatural being. sense (Special): Sense all living things within 5 00 feet ( 1 52 m) of it.
Average Life Span: 25 years from the moment of the transformation. Magic Powers: Only if a magic practitioner before bring transformed.
Natural Abilities: All the senses of a normal shark (excellent hearing Combat: Supernatural with six attacks per melee either from tentacles,
and sense of smell, but poor eyesight; see shark description for de­ claws or bite; plus entangle and simultaneous attack. Rarely uses
tails), regenerate I D6x 1 O M.D.C. every 10 minutes, and can survive weapons, but can use one or two old favorites.
the cold and depths of up to four miles (6.4 km) . Damage: Claws inflict 4D6 M.D. plus P.S. bonus. A tentacle strike
Psionic Powers: None does 2D6 M.D. and a bite inflicts 4D6 M.D.
Magic Powers: None Bonuses: +3 on initiative (underwater only), +5 to strike and parry (+7
Combat: Supernatural. Five hand to hand attacks per melee round. underwater), and +2 to dodge and roll/pull punch. All these are in
Damage: addition to attribute bonuses.
Bite - 6D6 M.D. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Same as normal naut'yll, plus double dam­
Claw Strike - 4D6 M.D. age from rune and Millennium Tree weapons.
Power Claw Strike - I D4x l O M.D. (counts as two attacks) R.C.C. Skills: Same as it had in life, except frozen at half the level of
Tail Slap - 3D6 M.D. experience from the moment of transformation. See the Naut' Yli
Head B utt - 2D4 M.D. R.C.C. and O.C.c.s. New skills and growth in experience are NOT
Body Slam - 4D6 M.D. and has a 62% chance of stunning and possible.
knocking an opponent back. Victim is - I on initiative and loses one Note: Have no need or desire for possessions.
melee action.
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative underwater, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to
dodge, +4 to roll with impact, +4 to pull punch, +4 vs horror factor.
All these are in addition to attribute bonuses.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Takes double damage from M.D. fire and
plasma, as well as rune, holy and Millennium Tree weapons.

Alignment: Diabolic or miscreant.
Attributes: LQ. l D6+ 1 0 , M.E. l D4+ 1 0, M.A. l D4+6, P.S. 2D6+20,
P.P. l D6+ 1 2, P.E. l D4+20, P.B. 1 D6+20, Spd. 2D4x l O underwater,
3D4 on land.
Size: 9 to 1 2 feet (2.7 to 3 .65 m) from head to tail.
Weight: 800 lbs (362 kg).
M.D.C. : P.E. plus 3D4x l O
Horror Factor: 1 2 when their carnivorous nature i s revealed.
P.P.E.: 20+ l D6
A verage Life Span: 50 years from the moment of transformation.
Natural Abilities: Supernatural attributes, does not need to breathe or
eat to survive; can swim 90% , dive, leap up to five feet ( 1 .5 m) into
the air, nightvision 500 feet ( 1 52 m), impervious to cold and can sur­
vive ocean depths of up to 1 .5 miles (2.4 km) .
Psionic Powers: Considered to be master psionics. Powers include em­
pathic transmission but limited to love/peacefulnesslbeauty, trust
and confusion, but at l Ox the range (600 feet/1 83 m) and potential
victims get to save vs psionic attack as usual. Plus hypnotic sugges­
tion, mind bolt, psi-sword, mind block, empathy, telepathy, and I D4
powers of choice from the sensitive category.
I.S.P.: 3D4x 1 O+40
Magic Powers: None.
Combat: Supernatural abilities. Can engage in hand to hand combat or
use psionic attacks four times per melee round.
Psiren R.C.C. Damage: Claws inflict 2D6 M.D. plus P.S. damage bonus, tail slap I D6
M.D., bite: 3D6 M.D. or by handheld weapon (but rarely use them).
Minion of the Lord of the Deep Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +4 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 to roll with
impact, +2 to pull punch, +6 to save vs horror factor and +3 to save
In Greek mythology, the songs of the mermaids (also known as si­
vs disease. All these are in addition to attribute bonuses.
rens) would entice sailors to sail to their doom in rocky waters, or to
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Can only crawl on land; takes double dam­
leap off their ships to be with them, only to be drowned and devoured.
age from rune and Millennium Tree weapons; and all bonuses are
Such is the foul nature of the psiren created by the Lord of the Deep.
reduced by half when on dry land.
The Psiren is a grotesque mockery of the mermaid legend. Like the
R.C.C. Skills: The creature can speak I D4 tongues (as known before
legendary creatures of myth, these beings have the torso of a human
the transformation) and select six secondary skills from the vaga­
(90% are female) and the lower body of a fish (60%) or seal (40%).
bond O.C.C.; new skills and growth in experience are NOT possible.
They are beautiful and bewitching even when the fish or seal lo,,:, er Note: Have no need or desire for possessions, but will wear jewelry and
body is evident. They are strangely attractive and can seem allunng some bits of clothes that humans and other humanoids might find al­
with beckoning eyes and sweet songs or helpless, needy and mnocent luring (mainly gold and gems). Rarely needs or uses any weapons.
- until a victim falls into their embrace or the monster lunges forward,
mouth open wide to reveal huge, sharp teeth.
The psiren has a powerful version of the empathic transmission
power that transmits feelings of love, peacefulnesslbeauty, or t�st. Its Sea Doppleganger
"song" is only heard in the mind of the victim(s) it selects, and IS used
as a powerful lure along with their beguiling beauty and apparent mno­ Minion of the Lord of the Deep,
cence. The victim who succumbs to the monster will usually leap into as well a non-allied NPC Monster
the water or take a smaller boat and rush to the beast' s embrace. Some
become so enamored that they will steer their ship into dangerous wa­
A combination of a jellyfish and human, the doppleganger' s body is
ters or onto rocks without regard for their personal safety, their crew or
shaped like a giant jellyfish/man o ' war. It has the power to temporarily
the ship. Once in the water, the psiren may wait until the mesmerized
assume a human form, sometimes the shape of someone the victim
victim climbs into its arms or pounce, using its claws and teeth to tear
knows or knew (by reading the victim ' s mind), or more often, the shape
away armor and rip the poor soul apart. The psiren may also drag the
of a human or D-bee it has recently killed and consumed ! The human­
victim into the depths to be drowned or crushed by sea pressure.
oid form usually has a slightly-too-big, fixed smile on his or her face
Most psirens hunt alone or in pairs, but the occasional "pod" of 4- 1 6 and may seem pale or act strange, as if drunk or drugged. It also never
(4D4) may gather or prowl for victims together, going after entire ships speaks in any form ; these small clues can save the lives of potential vic­
or groups of unwary beings. If surrounded or attacked, the psiren can tims, although sometimes drunken sailors have been shot by mistake
use a variety of psionic powers in self-defense. when they wouldn 't stop smiling !
It is interesting to note that these creatures are found throughout the The Sea Doppleganger attacks with a deadly poison sting, or by en­
oceans and seas of the world and occasionally even in freshwater lakes gulfing a victim' whole and "digesting" him with powerful acid secre­
and rivers that are connected to the ocean. Although vile creations of tions. To engulf a humanoid, the true form of the Doppleganger must be
the Lord of the Deep, their human nature is sometimes touched by revealed. This entails the terrifying transformation from humanoid to an
beauty and acts of bravery, self-sacrifice or compassion. Occasionally, amorphous transparent blob !
they take pity on such and will release them, or even att�mpt to re �cue
The creature can operate both in and out of water. A typical tactic is
them. On rare occasion, the psiren may even fall madly m love with a
person - which can be beneficial in the short term (especi �lly i the� to slither aboard a ship, attack and devour a victim, take its form, ap­
proach the next watchman and attack and devour him, and so on;
person leaves the area, never to return), but ultimately the pSlren IS an
I D4+ I victims usually satisfy the monster' s hunger for 48 hours, al­
evil predator given to extreme jealousy, murderous possessiveness and
though it can go for a week without eating if absolutely necessary.
acts of brutality.
Sea Dopplegangers hunt alone most of the time. Sometimes a band Not content with releasing its abominations into the oceans of Rifts
of 2D6 creatures are sent on missions for the Lord of the Deep, or by Earth, the Lord of the Deep has begun infecting coastal lands with its
one of the Cultists of the Deep. madness. A number of human sensitives (psychics and mystics) have
Alignment: Diabolic caught visions of the monster in dreams or while traveling on the astral
Attributes: LQ. 1 D6+5 (high predatory animal intelligence), M.E. planes. Some die from shock or go hopelessly mad. Most of the rest
1 D4+8, M.A. 1 D4+8, P.S. 4D6+6, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 1 D6+20, P.B. cannot forget the terrible vision and become obsessed by the creature
I D4/up to 20 in human guise, Spd. I D6x 1 O underwater, 3D6 on land. and its seemingly limitless power. Some of these people dedicate their
Size: Varies; typically three times the size of a human in its natural jel- lives to fighting the terror and destroying its cultists and minions. Oth­
lyfish form. ers worship the monster! These diabolic men and women are insane, but
Weight: 1 00-300 Ibs (45 to 1 36 kg) . they hide their madness from their fellows and are granted a number of
M.D.C.: 3D6x l O supernatural powers in return for human sacrifices. Sacrificial victims
Horror Factor: 1 4 when its true nature i s revealed. are either killed in unholy rituals, or given over to minions, or one of
P.P.E.: 20+ 1 D6 the Reachers from the Deep.
Average Life Span: 1 80 years. The cult does not have to many followers. The typical cult organiza­
Natural Abilities: Limited shape-shifting (see description above), im­ tion has about a half dozen "Servants" (psychics who worship and are
pervious to cold, impervious to pressure (can descend to any depth), empowered by the alien intelligence), less than a dozen monstrous min­
bio-regeneration of 3D6 M.D.C. per melee round, and has the same ions, and seldom more than 10 to 50 cult members/worshippers. As a
keen sense of smell as the shark. death cult, they tend to attract murderers, assassins and anarchists. Their
Psionic Powers (Special): Limited telepathy (no LS .P. cost) that allows numbers are slowly spreading around the world, although the Cult of
the creature to pick the shape of someone the victim knows; stopped the Deep is strongest in South America (see the Lord of the Deep de­
by mind block. Plus presence sense with an incredible 1 200 foot scription for additional details). In some places, entire villages have
(366 m) radius, and can differentiate between fish and humanoids. fallen under the sway of the Lord of the Deep, led by a charismatic Ser­
Considered a minor psionic, although both psionic abilities are in­ vant of the Deep, or terrorized by cultists and monstrous minions. The
nate, constantly "on" and do not require the conscious use of LS .P. most worthy and loyal "servants" find themselves slowly mutating into
Magic Powers: None. inhuman shapes - a "blessing" from their horrific master.
Combat: Supernatural. Three by sting or one engulf attack per melee.
After engulfing one victim, it can attack others with its sting.
Damage: Punch: Only in humanoid form; I D6 M.D. Servants of the Deep
Poi sonsti ng: 3D6 M.D. plus 4D6 M.D. from poison (half dam­
NPC Villain R.C.C.
age from a successful save vs magic) . Characters clad in armor suf­
fer only stinger damage. These lost souls have willingly given themselves to the service of
Engulf: +4 to strike (target can only dodge). On a successful en­ the Lord of the Deep. They are similar to the witch character described
gUlfing, the victim is completely swallowed and takes 3D6 M.D. of in Rifts® D a r k C o nv e r s io n s . M o st of them were simple fi shermen,
acid damage immediately and at the beginning of each melee round. sailors or villagers until the fateful day when they encountered one of
Furthermore, those without an independent oxygen supply will suf­ the Reachers of the Deep, or were haunted in dreams by the Lord of the
focate within three minutes. The only way to break free is to inflict Deep. As many as one-third of all the unfortunates contacted by the
30 M.D.C. to the insides of the creature in one round or for others to alien intelligence via dreams die of fright, became catatonic, or are af­
kill it from the outside. flicted by phobias about water, serpents, octopus, darkness and aquatic
Bonuses: +3 to strike (+4 with engulfing attack), +2 to parry and humanoids. The strong-willed and principled are able to reject the hide­
dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +3 to save vs poison and disease, and ous suggestions of the dreams to join the monster. Some go on to lead
+ 10 to save vs horror factor. All these are in addition to attribute bo­ normal lives, but many of those eventually became the Sea Inquisitors
nuses. who hunt and destroy the evil cults and minions of the Deep. The rest
VulnerabilitieslPenalties: Takes triple damage from rune and Millen­ are seduced by the promise of power or a lust for destruction, and often
nium Tree weapons; double damage from fire and plasma. become insane in the process.
Skills: None. These creatures have about as much in common with hu­
Those who embrace evil become cultists of the Deep: human and D­
mans as real jellyfish; they are simply supernatural predators.
bee minions of the terrible monster. As they perform rituals and blood
Habitat: The Marianas Trench, dead pools, the Demon Sea and other
sacrifices for their master, the Servants start gaining powers. These
dimensional triangles, and encountered infrequently throughout the
"gifts" prompt them to perform more extreme actions for the cult and
oceans and seas of the world.
their master, sometimes murdering relatives and loved ones as "proof'
Note: Although the sea doppleganger is counted among the minions of
of their loyalty. They also start gathering followers, usually misfits or
the Lord of the Deep, they are supernatural beings from another di­
outcasts who want to find a group to belong to or use this joining as a
mension, so there are many of these predators wandering the seas of
means to extract revenge. As the cult grows in numbers, weapons and
Earth who are not servants to any master. They never use weapons
equipment are gathered to defend it from outsiders . A strong cult might
and have no need for possessions or treasure.
even have one or two ships, or be affiliated with pirates and criminals,
and go on raiding expeditions in search of loot and more sacrificial vic­
The Cult of the Deep After ten years or more of service, the Servant loses every last shred
of humanity. H is appearance becomes utterly demonic, with leathery
You who are called Leviathan, the Kraken, the Lord of the Deep, skin, boils and warts, and sharp teeth like that of a shark or barracuda.
Are my Lord and Master. Eventually, his arms and legs become writhing tentacles, and the crea­
I shall Serve You, and Keep You Fed. ture must consume the living flesh of intelligent beings to survive, as
You rule the oceans from the bottomless depths. well as becoming a P.P.E. vampire who draws on the mystic life energy
I shall see your Kingdom come to the lands of my people. of living beings at the moment of their death. By the twentieth year, the
- Written prayer found among the possessions of Sea-Witch Indigo Servant, totally transformed into a monster, leaps into the ocean and
Cortez, killed by a lynch mob after his twelfth, known, act of murder. swims towards its Master, where as final reward, he is devoured whole,
adding its body and energy (P.P.E.) to the growing Lord of the Deep.

Note: The typical cultist is not a full-fledged Servant. "Rank and At this point, the needs for the death energy, its lust for human
file" cultists can belong to any O.c.c. (most are vagabonds, city rats, flesh and uncontained murderous desires often leads to the cult' s
sailors , pirates, and assassins). Typically only their leader and l D4 aco­ discovery. B y this time, the cult i s certain t o have a reputation and
lytes are Servants with supernatural powers . The rest of the cult make be blamed for mysterious deaths, disappearances and particularly
do with weapons, fanaticism and cunning. brutal murders whether it is responsible or not. It is also likely that
Attribute Requirements: None the Servant becomes so ravenous and insanely murderous that it
Alignment: Diabolic, miscreant, or anarchist. goes out hunting every night (usually along canals, sewers or water­
ways) and may even kill and feed on cult members when sacrifices
R.C.C., Magic, and Mutant Abilities and Bonuses: The powers of the are slow in coming or when angered! A few continue to grow in
Servant of the Deep change with the length of service. Whether they power.
know it or not, service to the Lord of the Deep is for life; there is no 7. On the Twentieth Year, the Servant feels an irresistible urge to
going back, except for the release of death. All bonuses are cumula­ leap into the ocean and join the Lord of the Deep. Once it gets there,
tive. it is devoured, body and soul, by the alien intelligence - some re­
1 . After One Year of Service: During the first year, the Servant tirement plan !
becomes a minor supernatural creature, with supernatural strength O.C.C. Skills: Servants of the Deep can come from any walk of life,
and P.E. x2 M.D.C., instead of hit points and S.D.C. The character but all will have some degree of psionic power, at least minor. Pick
also gains four spells selected from levels 1 -3 (see the Rifts RPG ; any O.C.C. for skill selections and determine what the character' s
ocean magic and songs are not available). These spells, and all sub­ level o f experience was before h e became a Servant. All skills are
sequent spells, are treated as if being cast by a 5th level magician, frozen at that level. By the 1 0th year of servitude the changing mon­
regardless of the character' s actual level of experience. P.P.E. is ster forgets half of these skills. By the 20th year he barely remem­
raised by 3D6x l O ! A greenish-blue mark appears somewhere on the bers 1 5 % .
Servant' s body; this is the Sign of the Deep and proof that the Ser­ Psionic Powers: 60% have minor psionics, 20% major, 1 0 % master
vant is in the thrall of the alien intelligence. (mind melters or mind bleeders) and 1 0% are mystics. Their follow­
2. After Three Years of Service: M.D.C. is increased by 2D6x l O, ers usually don ' t have any sort of psychic ability.
and the servant gains +6 P.S. and P.E., plus an additional four spells Areas of Activity : Cults of the Deep can be found in South America,
selected from levels 1 -4 are gained. Add I D4x 1 O P.P.E. Central America, the Yucatan, and the American West along the Pa­
3 . After Five Years of Service: Add +50 M.D.C., +50 P.P.E. and cific Coast. A few small cults can also be found cropping up in
six spells selected from levels 1 -5 . The Servant loses all body hair, China, Indonesia and the occasional Pacific island. Groups that wor­
and his skin becomes grayish, coarse and wrinkled; appearing much ship the Lord of the Deep and call themselves Cultists of the Deep
older than he should be. P.B. is reduced by four points. Some Ser­ have appeared around the Great Lakes in North America. These fa­
vants try to hide this by wearing wigs, make-up, or concealing robes natics are not genuine and do not have a Servant or minion among
and clothing but most don ' t care. them. However, they are definitely ripe for "official" conversion and
4. After Seven Years of Service: Add +50 M.D.C., +50 P.P.E., union with the monster.
and four spells selected from levels 1 -6. Boils and warts start ap­
Note: The "call" for servants by the Lord of the Deep occurs in a
pearing on the character' s face during the last six months of the sixth
limited part of the world (usually a 1 000 mile/ 1 600 km strip or diame­
year (reduce P.B. by half). The Servant ' s voice becomes an inhuman
ter) once or twice a year. Ironically, this is an innate ability that the
rasp, and his eyes start glowing green or black whenever he is an­
Lord of the Deep has little control over. The area is typically a place
gered. The Servant cannot stomach anything but raw flesh, and it
where the alien intelligence knows he already has a stronghold, like
starts getting cannibalistic impulses (most will act on them sooner or
South America, or a place he has been thinking about recently. Only
later) .
those with psionic abilities are susceptible (standard saving throw vs
5 . After Ten Years of Service - The Great Change: Add +50
psionic attack; G.M. ' s can elect to make player characters and key
M.D.C., +6 to P.S . , + 1 00 P.P.E. and four spells selected from levels
NPCs automatically save) . The "calling" is usually one week of reoc­
1 -8 . The Servant' s arms and legs become tentacles that do I D6 M.D.
curring visions or dreams.
in addition to supernatural hand to hand damage and P.S. bonuses.
The skin becomes dark gray or green, and even coarser and more
boil-ridden. The creature gains 200 lbs (90 kg) of weight, becoming
bloated and slow (speed is reduced by 6 on land, but can swim at a
speed of 5D6, can hold its breath for 4D6 minutes, and survive
Sea Inquisitor O.C.C.
depths of up to 500 feet/ 1 5 2 m). Normal communication is no longer Enemies of the Cult of the Deep
possible. Not only is the creature incapable of speech (grunts, groans
and howls only), its mind is so twisted that even telepathic probes
will reveal no meaningful images, just an insane jumble of alien Humans who have heard the calling of the Lord of the Deep and
lusts, hungers and murder. have managed to retain their sanity and reject the monster' s call, fre­
The Servant must consume P.P.E. as well as the flesh of intelli­ quently become obsessed with destroying the monster and its minions.
gent beings to survive (a minimum of 20 P.P.E. per week). Only the Likewise, sailors and adventurers who have beheld the Lord of the
P.P.E. of a dying being will satisfy it (animals will do in a pinch, but Deep in all its horror may also resolve to destroy it. These people be­
humans and intelligent beings are preferred) . At this point, the Ser­ come sworn enemies of the alien intelligence and all its followers. Their
vant must be taken care of by his cult. Typically, the monstrous be­ brush with the supernatural has awakened special powers within them,
ing is kept hidden at the cult ' s "temple" and brought "offerings." which they use ro hunt down all cults and creations of the hellish mon­
6. B y the Fifteenth Year, the Servant grows by a foot (0.3 m) and ster. They are known as Witch Finders or Inquisitors, because they are
gains an additional 200 Ibs (90 kg) . It also gets +50 M.D.C., +50 usually most active along seacoasts and islands, and travel the seas
P.P.E. and gains an additional four spells selected from levels 1 - 1 0, (where cultists and minions can be found), they are typically referred to
and its energy requirements grow to 50 P.P.E. per week. The beast is as the Sea Inquisitors.
not recognizable as ever having been human and requires being in These men and women come from all walks of life, and usually lead
water at least half the time. It can now hold its breath +20 minutes, fairly normal lives until their chance encounter with the evil of the Lord
swimming speed is + 10, and it can survive depths of up to 2000 feet of the Deep. Some are survivors of its minions' attacks. Most (with
(6 1 0 m) and it has the predatory senses and desires of a shark. psionics) were touched by the monster in dreams or visions when

"called" and offered great power in return for their humanity. Those 3. Shield of Inner Spirit: The Inquisitor can summon an aura of in­
with strong wills, good alignment and/or high principles refused the ner energy around him, protecting him from harm. The shield has 1 00
"call," often paying a terrible price in painful headaches and temporary M.D.C. plus 1 0 M.D.C. per level of experience ! It can be brought forth
insanity that lasts 2D6 days after the last dream. When they recover, for one hour, one time a day per level of experience.
they are transformed ! Because they had the power to mentally and emo­
4. Sense Supernatural Evil : This power is very similar to the psi­
tionally fight the Lord of the Deep, they realize that they can fight the
stalker' s ability. The character can sense supernatural beings without
horror in all its manifestations and extensions (followers and minions).
consciously using their power, at a range of 50 feet ( 1 5 . 2 m) per level of
Abandoning their former lives, they have gone out into the world to
experience (does not use I.S .P.), or 1 000 ft (305 m) plus 1 00 ft (30.5 m)
fight the evil forces that are threatening it.
per level of experience if the entity is using its powers to locate evil;
Sea inquisitors tend to operate alone or in small groups. They do not costs 2 I.S .P. per use and lasts for five minutes per level of experience.
have any global organization or even a central base. Somehow, they all
Furthermore, the sea inquisitor can sense whether or not the super­
have similar powers and goals. Some have speculated that they may be
natural creature is evil, or a servant or minion of the Lord of the Deep,
empowered by a Higher Force who opposes the Lord of the Deep. Yet,
with a base chance of 3 5 % plus 5% per level of experience.
there is not a flicker of supernatural energies around these heroic men
and women, despite their mystical powers. This raises the question of S. Destroy the Supernatural: In the hands of the sea inquisitor, all
whether the source of their power is a supernatural essence so strong weapons and attacks do extra damage against evil supernatural crea­
and subtle that no one can detect it, or that they are simply empowered tures. This includes minions of the Lord of the Deep, demons, vam­
by their own inner strength and convictions. No one knows. pires, entities, dragons, godlings and any other being with supernatural
Sea inquisitors soon become experienced witch and demon-hunters. attributes. Any M.D.C. or S .D.C. weapon (including punches and kicks)
Not only do they combat the minions and servants of the Lord of the inflicts double damage directly to the creature' s M.D.C. or hit points
Deep, but other foul, inhuman creatures in a quest to destroy all forms (depending on the nature of the beast) ! This includes not only melee
of supernatural evil. They often join forces with whale singers, undead weapons but ranged weapons like laser rifles ! Example: A sea inquisitor
slayers, cyber-knights, adventurers and other champions of good. shooting a .45 pistol (normally 4D6 S.D.C. damage) will inflict 4D6x2
M.D. to a creation of the Lord of the Deep, demon, or evil dragon. If his
o.c.c. Abilities and Bonuses punch damage is normally 1 04+6, he would do 2D4+ 1 2 against a su­
1. Will of Iron : After their encounter with the Lord of the Deep, pernatural creature like a gargoyle or a vampire!
those who become sea inquisitors get +8 to their M.E. attribute, with a 6. Bonuses: +2D6x l O S.D.C., +2 to P.S., +2 to P.E. , +2 to spd, + 1
minimum M.E. of 1 8 ; plus +8 to save vs horror factor and + I to save vs to M.A., and + 1 o n initiative when fighting supernatural beings. Can
all magic, including potions, circles, wards, and mind control. hold breath underwater twice as long as normal (about four minutes).
2. Magical and Psionic Dispersal: A previously unknown aura
around the character dispels most magical and psionic energies directed Alignment: Must be principled or unscrupulous.
against him ! Only if he allows it will a spell or psionic ability have its Attribute Requirements: None, but see O.C.C. bonuses.
full affect on him. Whether this aura is based on psionics or magic is Psionics: Those who become sea inquisitors as a result of visions of
unknown; it cannot be duplicated by other psychics or practitioners of "calling" from the Lord of the Deep, must have at least minor psion­
magic. ics. Of those, about 1 0% are mind melters, mind bleeders (see Rifts
Every melee round, the sea inquisitor can dispel an equivalent of 1 0 Africa for the latter) or are mystics. However, non-psionic people
P.P.E. or I.S.P., per experience level, of a spell or psi-power that i s di­ who have encountered the alien intelligence (probably via Reachers
rected at him. If the spell or psionic attack had more energy than the from the Deep or one of its minions or cultists) can also become a
amount dispelled, the magic or psionics is not completely dispelled, but sea inquisitor. Roughly 45 % have no psionic powers, 50% have mi­
is half as powerful (half damage, duration, effects, etc.). If the sea in­ nor or major psionics and 5% have master psionic or magic abilities
quisitor can dispel more P.P.E. or I . S .P. than was put into the spell or (in addition to the inquisitor abilities). 80% are human or very hu­
psionic attack, the magic or psionics fizzles to nothing and has abso­ man-looking D-bees, 20% are other races.
lutely no affect. Example: A sorcerer is casting a fire ball spell at a 4th O.C.C. Skills: Due to the fact that sea inquisitors may have a number
level sea inquisitor. The spell costs 10 P.P.E., and the inquisitor can dis­ of different backgrounds, only a few R.C.C. skills apply.
pel 40 points, so the fire ball directed at him vanishes a second after it Demon and Monster Lore (+20%)
appeared; no damage. During the same round, two other spell casters Streetwise (+4%)
are attacking the same Inquisitor, one with an agony spell, the other Two Languages of Choice (+20%)
with another fire ball. The Inquisitor can still dispel another 30 points of One Pilot Vehicle of Choice (+5 % )
energy. The agony spell costs 20 P.P.E. and the fire ball 1 0; both spells Two W.P. of Choice
also fail! If a fourth spell was cast against the sea inquisitor during that Hand to Hand: B asic
round, however, it would inflict FULL damage because the character Hand to hand: basic can be changed to expert at the cost of one
has momentarily used up all his dispelling power for that round. The "other" skill or to martial arts at the cost of two "other" skills.
next round, he starts again with 40 anti-magic and psionic points. Other Skills : To determine other skills, the player selects the O.C.c.
Note: The character cannot dispel magic or psionic attacks that are Related Skills and Secondary Skills from any of the following
directed at other people around him, even if the target of the attack is O.C.C.s or R.C.C.s:
standing at his side or held in his arms. However, area affect magic (in­ Any Scholar or Adventurer O.C.c.
cluding wards) intended to afflict everybody within its diameter can be Any Psychic R.C.C.
dispelled if the sea inquisitor is included in that area. The inquisitor can­ Or any of the following: sailor, pirate, grunt/foot-soldier or simple
not dispel/deactivate, negate or de-energize magic circles, permanent warrior, and mystic - must be of a good alignment.
wards, talismans, amulets, potions, scrolls, cursed items, rune weapons, Standard Equipment: Suit of light M.D.C. armor, one energy weapon
Millennium Tree items and most permanent magic weapons and items, and one S .D.C. weapon of choice, two sets of clothing, a knapsack
but can dispel any magic or psionic attacks from these things that are of backpack for personal possessions. Inquisitors don 't have much
directed at him. Likewise, he cannot deactivate or de-energize techno­ in the way of property.
wizard items, but can dispel any magic spells or mystic energy bolts Money : I D6x 1 00 in credit and 2D4x l 00 in trade items.
fired by them. Cybernetics: None.

The Whale S i nger s
By C .J. Carella
& Kevin Siembieda

Mystical Undersea Society

A Band of Warriors, brave and strong. single individual with dolphins or whales, the result was the creation of
A Circle of Wizards, wise and clever. a being with an indomitable will, much stronger than the sum of its
The One Eye of Eylor. parts. Two minds and two spirits became one, and that one was able to
The Eternal Flame Blade. survive any horror the Lord of the Deep could throw at him/them.
The Fires of the Cosmic Forge.
Pneuma-biforms basically means "multiple souls" or "multiple
The Largest War Machine.
life." Although the Lord of the Deep ' s transformation magic always
The Strength of an Unbeliever.
fuses two different life forms together, in all other cases there is only
And a Hundred Years ' War.
one evil predatory mind behind the monster. The spirits or life essence
All these Must Be, and the Lord Shall Fall.
of both the human and the cetacean survive in the pneuma-biform as
- The Prophecy ofBlind Current-Rider
two vibrant halves of a greater whole. Nobody, not even the Lord of the
Deep, understands why this happens. The answer to this inexplicable
The Prophecy phenomenon may lay in the fact that dolphins, whales and humans seem
One of the first Whale Singers was Current-Rider, the product of the to share some sort of bond on a spiritual level, particularly humans, dol­
melding of a human mystic with an old blue whale. It is said that it was phins and killer whales.
Current-Rider who discovered and taught the secret of the spellsongs. Almost every pneuma-biform has escaped the clutches of their de­
He also performed the first and most powerful Song of Prophecy, with monic creator. Eventually, these refugees found one another through
which he tried to discover a way to destroy the Lord of the Deep. The their songs. The transformation also gave them an innate talent for
spell song caused a devastating psychic backlash that killed all partici­ magic whale singing. Over the decades, they have joined forces with
pants except Current-Rider, who was struck blind. Nobody knows other escapees, Whale Singers, and fighters, first for self-defense
whether the backlash was caused by the Lord of the Deep ' s mystical de­ against the minions sent against them, but later to actively oppose the
fenses or whether the spellsingers saw something not meant for mortal Lord of the Deep and to protect innocent beings from all the evils of the
eyes. All Current-Rider could remember was the words to the prophecy, Deep.
written above.
Over the last century, the Whale Singers have established a loose
The prophecy is the driving force for a sub-cult within the brother­
network in every ocean and sea on Earth. This group is less formal or
hood of whale singers who call themselves the Seekers. The Seekers
structured than an organization and is more like a global fraternity or
traveled through Rifts Earth (and, recently, through the Megaverse),
brotherhood who share similar views, beliefs and goals. They do not ac­
searching for the answers and mysterious weapons mentioned in the
tively recruit followers but welcome anyone who shares their views.
prophecy. So far, Captain Nemo- 2 ' s USS Ticonderoga has been tenta­
Besides pneuma-biforms, ocean wizards, dolphins, whales, champions
tively identified as the Largest War Machine. Some Seekers have also
of light, and heroes of all races have joined this fraternity. Most dream
discovered that the Eyes of Eylor are slaves of the Splugorth (see Rifts
of making the oceans (and the world) a better, safer place to live, and all
Atlantis), and they are now trying to discover the mysterious living
are dedicated to destroying the Lord of the Deep.
world of Eylor to rescue or capture the "One Eye." Nobody is sure
about the Eternal Flame Blade, the Strength of an Unbeliever, or the
Fires of the Cosmic Forge (although visitors to Phase World might be Population Breakdown
able to shed light on the last one; see Rifts Dimension Book Two:
Phase World for details). Population Breakdown of Whale Singers : An estimated 4,876,600
total, spread over the world. The population estimates of each specific
race and total could be plus or minus 1 0% .
Whale Singers
Pneuma-Biform Dolphins: 4,788
& Pneuma-Biforms Pneuma-Biform Killer Whales: 3,000
The Whale Singers are living proof that power, even diabolical, dis­ Pneuma-Biform Humpback Whales: 5 1 2
figuring power with evil intent, can be reforged into a force for good. Pneuma-Biform Other Whales: 1 , 1 00
Many members of the Whale Singers are the former victims or creations Dolphins : 2.9 million
of the Lord of Deep. They have endured the horror of being dragged Porpoises : 400,000
into the deepest reaches of the ocean, the agonies of mystical Killer Whales: 1 million
shapeshifting, and the madness of the Lord of the Deep. Somehow, they Humpback Whales: 1 4,600 (about half of the known population)
have broken free from the control of the monster and now fight for its Other Whales : 50,000
destruction. Kreel-Iok: 4 1',000
Others: 62,000 - Including humans (9%), surface D-bees ( 1 2%),
amphibs (2%), naut ' yll ( 1 %) , Lemurians ( 1 0%) and aquatic D-bees
Origins (66%).
Many Whale Singers are pneuma-hiforms (pronounced new-mah The pneuma-biforms have grown in numbers, with current estimates
buy-forms), dolphins or whales who were captured and fused into one at over nine thousand scattered around the world. Most travel in small
with a human being by the Lord of the Deep. Dozens of the pneuma-bi­ groups of 4-24 (4D6), or are members of other groups, some large,
forms were created and released into the oceans to spread death and de­ some small. Others are loners or travel in pairs, associating with adven­
struction, but something went wrong. When humans were fused into a turers they encounter only for short periods before they move on.

A few kreel-lok communities have also forged alliances and friend­
ships with the Whale Singers. A number of kreel-lok have joined them
in their fight against the Lord of the Deep.
The naut' yll, horune and other menaces in the sea are viewed with
contempt and hostility. In fact, some bands of Whale Singers have tem­
porarily abandoned their struggle against the Lord of the Deep to deal
with these other threats to the oceans of Earth. A few members of the
fraternity are renegade naut' yll who have taught their brethren some of
the mystic secrets of Korallyte shaping spells and the psionic techniques
of the naut' y 11.
Note: The Whale Singers will be friendly to any people, organiza­
tion or civilization that does not try to damage the oceans or conquer its
people, including dolphins and whales. They will oppose and fight
against those who carelessly or deliberately pollute the waters, kill in­
discriminately, or otherwise threaten the people of the ocean and their
watery environment.

Pneuma-Biform R.C.C.
A union of human with dolphin, combines the traits and personali­
Allies and Enemies ties of the two. This pneuma-biform combines the gentleness, compas­
Whale Singers are the sworn enemies of the Lord of the Deep, his sion and playfully irreverent personality of a dolphin with human
minions, servitors and any who ally themselves to him or similar dark ingenuity, resourcefulness and knowledge of the surface world. H oth
forces, including the occasional evil pneuma-biform and rogue Whale share a keen sense of awareness, personal expression, a lust for free­
Singer. Fifty years ago, six hundred Whale Singers attempted to destroy dom, curious and imaginative natures, and a sense of justice which have
the Lord of the Deep in an all-out attack. Tragically, the alien intelli­ made them all the stronger from the merging. Pneuma-biform dolphins
gence summoned a much larger army of minions and servitors and all (PH-dolphins) tend to be the most light-hearted, inquisitive and playful
but 97 of these champions were slaughtered. Since then, no direct at­ of the Whale Singers. As such, they are helpful in lifting the dark de­
tacks have been made against the Lord of the Deep; instead, they try to pression that often accosts the PH-whales.
hunt down and destroy the Reachers from the Deep and its monstrous These creatures can mate with other PH-dolphins, normal humans,
predatory minions. or normal dolphins (the pneuma-biform must be in the appropriate form
The Whale Singers are often outcasts, unable to fit into normal to do so, of course). Unions between a pair of PH-dolphins that produce
whale or dolphin "society ." Their supernatural auras cause apprehen­ off spring will always bear pneuma-biform dolphins. Mating with a nor­
sion and discomfort among common dolphins and whales. Even when mal being of either species only produces children 1 1 % of the time and
they know that the Whale Singers are good, they remain uneasy or the children of these unions will almost always be PH-dolphins (90%).
scared of them. Likewise, surface dwellers and some aquatic D-bees The birth rate among all pneuma-biforms is very low, accounting for
fear these mystical beings. It is the great tragedy of these heroes that their relative rarity. A mature female can only give birth once every
they are feared by the very beings they are trying to protect. In some nine years, producing one young (twins are very rare). The young
cases it is simply a fear of the unknown, in others it is because the reaches full physical maturity within 10 years but cannot produce off
Whale Singers seem forever linked to the Lord of the Deep and danger spring until 25 years old. The gestation period is 1 2 months. Young will
is said to follow them. For others like the naut' yll, horune and Minions usually stay with their mother and/or father for the first 9- 1 2 years of
of Splugorth, the Whale Singers are correctly seen as an enemy who their lives before venturing off on their own. Pneuma-biform dolphins
will oppose them for acts of conquest, murder, brutality, slavery, and mate for life.
destruction. Like all pneuma-biforms, these dolphins can assume either the shape
The Whale Singers are recognized by most aquatic and seafaring of a dolphin (their natural aquatic form) or that of a human being (for
people as forces of good and protectors of the innocent. They are fre­ visiting the surface world). They can also assume what they call a
quently joined by other champions of good, both from the sea and the "combat" form which seems to transform them into a sleek, smooth,
surface world. Many Sea Inquisitors, amphibs, Lemurians, Tritonians metallic silver version of whichever body shape they are using (see
and others accept the Whale Singers as trustworthy allies, although Natural Abilities for complete details). The bodies of the PH-dolphins
some may feel uneasy around them. are exactly like that of the average dolphin, only slightly larger. The hu­
The Whale Singers have an informal alliance with Captain Nemo-2 man shape is slender, wiry and graceful, resembling a ballet dancer or
and the New Navy. Thus, members are often seen working with or in acrobat. These beings rarely wear clothing except when disguised as a
the company of sea titans, the USS Ticonderoga and members of the human and tend' to rely on their magical and natural powers rather than
New Navy. A pod of 30 Whale Singers inhabit the waters around Ref­ mechanical devices or weapons. Likewise, they have little use for the
uge base and 50 protect the city of Salvation. The two groups have valuables and possessions so often coveted by surface dwellers and
fought together against the Lord of the Deep many times. aquatic D-bees like the naut' yll. However, they may keep a small cache
The Floating City of Tritonia has offered sanctuary to these beings, of items, including 1 to 4 weapons, a water scooter, set of clothes, pre­
and the pneuma-biforms are always welcomed there. Some amphibs cious metals and gems, trinkets and other odds and ends, for use when
and humans have learned the secrets of spellsongs and have become they walk among men, or for the occasional bribe.
Whale Singers themselves. A similar camaraderie exists between Whale
Singers and Lemurians.

articulated hands and fingers to use weapons and tools, operate ma­
chinery, survive on land without fear of dehydration, walk, run,
climb, speak in a deep human voice, and so on. However, while in
human form the character loses the physical and natural abilities of
the dolphin, including sonic abilities, electromagnetic sensitivity,
dolphin magic, and ley line abilities. Swimming speed is the same as
running speed, breath can only be held for I D4+2 minutes, and
maximum depth tolerance is 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) without diving gear
or turning back into dolphin form. Retains whale spellsongs but at
half range. Ocean magic can be used as normal. Duration: One hour
per level of experience.
Special : Metamorphosis Combat form: Size increases by one foot
(0.3 m), the skin gets a hard, gray, metallic appearance that resem­
bles chrome or polished metal, + 1 0 M.D.C. per level of experience,
+6 M.D. is inflicted from all physical attacks, + 1 attack per melee
round, + 1 on initiative, + 1 to strike, + 1 to roll with impact, +2 to pull
punch, and the character has a horror factor of 1 0. This transforma­
tion can be used in dolphin or human form. All bonuses are in addi­
tion to attribute and skill bonuses. Duration: 30 minutes per level of
experience and can be performed three times per 24 hour period.
Psionic Powers: Same as the normal dolphin.
Magic Powers:
1 . Spellsongs: Select one whale spellsong per each level of expe­
rience, starting at third level.
2. Ocean Magic : The PB-Dolphin who is the most articulate
when it comes to human speech can also cast ocean magic. Select
one spell for each level of experience.
3. Dolphin R.C.C. Magic : The character also possesses dolphin
Pneuma-Biform Dolphin RoCoCo
magic and all ley line abilities common to all dolphins.
Note: This creature o f magic possesses some attributes and abilities
4. Spell strength (the number others must save against from the
equal to those of both dolphins and humans, but also has a variety of
character' s magic): + I at levels three, seven, and 1 1 .
different and additional abilities as a result of their supernatural crea­
Combat: Supernatural. Four physical attacks/actions per melee round
tion. Also, because of their strong will and independence, they will re­
in human form or three attacks per round in dolphin form; two via
main a pneuma-biform even if the Lord of the Deep is slain. The only
magic or psionics when in either form. Note: Do not add the melee
exceptions are characters who want to become a normal human and/or
round attacks from the hand to hand combat skill, only use it for bo­
dolphin again, but most (88%) of PB-dolphins like being what they are.
nuses and fighting techniques (kicks, flips, etc.) when in human
Once the magic fusion is broken, it can never be restored.
Alignment: 70% are scrupulous or unprincipled; the rest tend to be Damage: Supernatural strength inflicts mega-damage when in either
principled, anarchist, or aberrant. Diabolic or miscreant PB -dolphins are human or dolphin form (see Conversion Book 1, Revised, p. 1 0- 1 1 ) .
almost unknown. I n human form, punches, kicks and other combat moves ar e possi­
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+3 , M.E. 3D6+ 1 O, M.A. 3 D6+6, P.S. 4D6+6, P.P. ble, but special moves like wrestling, body flips and leap kicks re­
3D6+6, P.E. 3D6+6, P.B. 3D6+6, Spd. in human form 3D6+6. quires knowledge and training in the appropriate human combat
Strength and endurance are considered to be supernatural. skill(s). See the dolphin R.c.c. for fighting abilities when using that
Supernatural Swimming Speed: Underwater: I D4x l O+60 in dolphin form; does mega-damage.
form, I D4x l O+20 in dolphin combat form and 3D6+6 in human
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to dodge, +4 to save vs disease, +6 to
form (combat or normal).
save vs horror factor, +4 to save vs illusions and mind control, and is
Size: 6-7.5 feet ( 1 .8 to 2.25 m) in combat form; see dolphin descrip­ impervious to cold.
tions for the swimming form; PB-dolphins are about 20% larger Vulnerabilities/Penalties: In human form, the character will be uncom­
than the average dolphin. fortable if not near water (salt or fresh; at least a bathtub full), be­
M.D.C. : P.E. plus 2D6x l O. Add 2D6 M.D.C. per level of experience. cause he needs to immerse himself in water when he turns back into
Horror Factor: 10 only when in combat form. a dolphin.
P.P.E.: P.E. plus 3D6x l O. Add 3D6 P.P.E. per level of experience. In dolphin form, the character dehydrates quickly, unless im­
Average Life Span: At least 400 years; no pneuma-biform has died of mersed in water or constantly sprinkled with water. Every hour on
old age yet. dry land without being able to soak in water, the character will lose
Natural Abilities: Same as the normal dolphin, except maximum depth 4D6 M.D.C. and cannot heal or regenerate until he can soak for six
endurance is four miles (6.4 km), plus mystically regenerates hours. Furthermore, after five hours without water, the character will
I D4x l O M.D.C. per minute and has human intelligence, resourceful­ become weak; reduce attacks per melee round and all combat bo­
ness and communication abilities (voice is high-pitched and guttural nuses by halfJ
as a dolphin, deep and clear when in human form). R.C.C. Skills:
Special : Metamorphosis Human: The normal form of this Swimming 98%
pneuma-biform is that of a dolphin, however, it can transform into Dolphin/Whale Language 98%
an attractive human with light skin (gender depends on the charac­ One human language 98%
ter ' s sex) twice a day. Two languages of choice (+ 1 5 %)
Limitations: Can only be performed two times per 24 hour period Demon and Monster Lore (+ 15 % )
and always has the same human appearance; cannot assume other Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+ I 0% )
human guises, age, or gender. The human body shape provides the Underwater Navigation (+20%)
mobility and abilities of a human, such as the advantages of having Sing (+ 1 5 % )

Acrobatics Secondary Skills: Select five secondary skills from the previous list,
One W.P. of choice (applicable when human) excluding those marked "None." These are additional areas of
Hand to Hand: basic (applicable when human) knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in pa­
Hand to hand: basic can be changed to expert for the cost of one rentheses.
other skill selection or to martial arts for two other skills. Alliances and Allies: Besides the Whale Singers, PB-dolphins often
R.C.C. Related Skills: Select five "other" human skills. Plus select one team up with nonnal dolphins, whales, humans, sea titans, amphibs,
additional skill at levels four, eight and twelve. All new skills start at sea inquisitors and people of a good alignment or good intentions.
level one proficiency. Weapons: Typically rely on their natural powers, especially when in
Communications: Any dolphin fonn. The character may have one or two weapons and
Domestic: Any (+ 1 0%) some personal items for use when it takes human shape. A few have
Electrical: None magical, techno-wizard or rune weapons/items.
Espionage: Any, except forgery and sniper. Body Armor: Usually none; occasionally magically-woven kelp armor
Mechanical: None (90 M.D.C.) created from the Song of Weaving.
Medical: First aid and Holistic Medicine (+5 %) only. Money: May keep a small cache of items, including I to 4 weapons, a
Military: None water scooter or surf board, set of clothes, some precious metals and
Physical: Any Science: None gems, trinkets and other odds and ends for use when they walk
Pilot: None Technical: Any (+ 1 0%) among men. Typically I D6x 1 000 worth of credits in gold and gems,
Pilot Related: Any W.P. : Any I D4x l OOO in other odds and ends
Rogue: Any Wilderness: Any (+5 %) Cybernetics: Never use any.

Killer Whale Pneuma-Biform R.C.C.

The Lord of the Deep must have thought that fusing together hu­ tations as frightful as any dragon or sea witch. A few have even en­
mans and killer whales would produce superior predators. After all, or­ slaved underwater and/or surface communities, or encouraged lesser
cas are known to be ferocious hunters and humans, resourceful and beings to worship them as gods or accept them as their leader. For ex­
treacherous. However, like all the pneuma-bifonns, the PB-killer ample, a crusty, mean PB-killer, known as Knife Fin ( 1 2th level), is the
whales rebelled against their overlord; most joined the Whale Singers. leader of a fonnidable band of horune pirates who not only accept her
Although killer whales are known to hunt and eat dolphins, porpoises as their leader but worship her as a god. Two of her foul off spring (4th
and other whales, most (75 %) of the pneuma-bifonns are tolerant of and and 7th level; both are adult males) are also respected and feared mem­
friendly toward all intelligent life fonns, including nonnal dolphins and bers of this small pirate fleet. However, PB-rogues are just as likely to
all cetaceans. Only rogue PB-killer whales continue to feed on their work alone or in small groups and shun the adoration of humans and
smaller cousins. The most vile of these rogues (always of an anarchist other lesser beings. Note: Even these renegades have never been known
or evil alignment) have little regard for any life other than their own and to return to the service of the Lord of the Deep.
are savage and conniving monsters who attack Whale Singers, humans Despite their disquieting reputation, most pneuma-bifonn orcas are
and anybody they please. Sadly, these PB-rogues seem to have kept the dependable, trustworthy, and fiercely valiant champions. They are the
worst traits of both humans and orcas. front-line warriors in the battle against the Lord of the Deep and defend
The ferocity and power of these creatures, has made the killer whale the weak and innocent against brutality and evil wherever they find it,
the most feared of all the pneuma-bifonn cetaceans. They are consid­ regardless of racial differences. They are especially loyal and friendly
ered to have the most comparatively explosive and violent tempers and toward other bifonns, humans, cetaceans and Whale Singers. They tend
aggressive, predatory nature of all the bifonns - although no worse to be headstrong and impulsive, preferring direct confrontations to the
than humans. Some of the most evil or self-serving have garnered repu- diplomatic and often mystical ways of the PB-whales, or the clever

trickery of PB-dolphins. They are the least magically inclined of the Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience and can be per­
pneuma-biforms and Whale Singers, but are good strategists, resource­ formed four times per 24 hour period !
ful and superior fighters with great strength, M.D.C. and combat skills. Psionic Powers: Same as the normal killer whale.
The disastrous expedition that sought to do combat with the Lord of the Magic Powers: Limited: Can select two whale spellsongs at level one
Deep was led by PB-orcas. Despite any failings, these heroic and com­ and one additional for each subsequent level of experience, starting
passionate beings continue to be very influential among the Whale with second level. Plus ley line abilities are the same as the Dolphin
Singers. R.C.C.; does not have dolphin magic.
Spell strength (the number others must save against from the
character' s magic) : + 1 at levels four, eight, and 1 2.
Pneuma-Biform Killer Whale R.C.C.
Combat: Supernatural. Six physical attacks/actions per melee round in
Note: This creature o f magic possesses some attributes and abilities
human form and five in killer whale form; two via magic or psionics
equal to those of both the orca and humans, but also has a variety of dif­
when in either form. Bite does I D4x l O M.D. Note: Do not add the
ferent and additional abilities as a result of their supernatural creation.
melee round attacks from the hand to hand combat skill, only use it
Also, because of their strong will and independence, they will remain a
for bonuses and fighting techniques (kicks, flips, etc.) when in hu­
pneuma-biform even if the Lord of the Deep is slain. The only excep­
man from.
tions are characters who want to become a normal human and/or orca
Damage: Supernatural strength inflicts mega-damage when in either
again, but most (83%) of PB-killer whales like being what they are.
human or orca form (see Conversion Book 1, Revised, p. 1 0- 1 1 ) . In
Once the magic fusion is broken, it can never be restored.
human form, punches, kicks and other combat moves are possible,
Alignment: 60% are scrupulous or unprincipled; the rest tend to be but special moves like wrestling, body flips and leap kicks requires
principled or anarchist, but can be any alignment, including evil.
knowledge and training in the appropriate human combat skill(s).
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+ 1 , M.E. 4D6+3, M.A. 3 D6+3 , P.S. 5D6+20, P.P. See the Killer Whale R.C.c. for fighting abilities when using that
3D6+6, P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. 3D6+4, Spd. in human form 3D6. Strength
form; does mega-damage.
and endurance are considered to be supernatural. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, + 1 to strike, + 1 to dodge, +4 to save vs dis­
Supernatural Swimming Speed : Underwater: I D4x l O+30 in whale ease, +7 to save vs horror factor, +3 to save vs illusions and mind
form, I D4x l O+ 1 O in whale combat form and 3D6 in human form control, and is impervious to cold.
(combat or normal). VulnerabilitieslPenalties: In human form, the character will be uncom­
Size: Biform males average 30 to 40 feet (9. 1 to 1 2.2 m) long; females fortable if not near water (salt or fresh; at least the size of a swim­
20 to 25 feet (6. 1 to 7.6 m) long. The upright angular fin is 7 to 1 0 ming pool), because he needs to immerse himself in water when he
feet (2. 1 to 3 .0 m ) tall. turns back into a killer whale.
Weight: 4 to 7 tons for a full-sized adult. The male is approximately In orca form, the character dehydrates quickly, unless immersed
twice the size of the female. in water or constantly sprinkled with water. Every hour on dry land
M.D.C.: P.E. plus I D4x 1 00. Add 4D6 M.D.C. per level of experience. without being able to soak in water, the character will lose 4D6
Horror Factor: 1 1 when angry or attacking, but 14 when in combat M.D.C. and cannot heal or regenerate until he can soak for six hours.
form. Furthermore, after five hours without water, the character will be­
P.P.E.: P.E. plus 2D6x l O. Add 2D6 P.P.E. per level of experience. come weak; reduce attacks per melee round and all combat bonuses
Average Life Span: At least 400 years; no pneuma-biform has died of by half!
old age yet. R.C.C. Skills:
Natural Abilities: Same as the normal killer whale, except maximum Swimming 98%
depth endurance is four miles (6.4 km) , plus mystically regenerates Dolphin/Whale Language 98%
I D6x 1 O M.D.C. per minute and has human intelligence, resourceful­ One human language 98%
ness and communication abilities (voice is high-pitched and guttural One language of choice (+ 1 5 %)
as an orca; deep and clear when in human form). Demon and Monster Lore (+ 1 5 %)
Special: Metamorphosis Human: The normal form of this Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+ 1 5 %)
pneuma-biform is that of a killer whale, however, it can transform Underwater Navigation (+ 1 5 %)
into a tall (6 to 7 foot/ 1 . 8 to 2. 1 m), attractive human with dark skin Sing (+ 1 0%)
(gender depends on the character' s sex) twice a day. Two W.P.s of choice (applicable when human)
Limitations: Can only be performed two times per 24 hour period Hand to Hand: expert (applicable when human)
and always has the same human appearance; cannot assume other Hand to hand: expert can be changed to martial arts (or assassin if
human guises, different ages, or different gender. The human body evil) for the cost of one other skill selection.
shape provides the mobility and abilities of that form, such as having R.C.C. Related Skills: Select four "other" human skills. Plus select one
articulated hands and fingers to use weapons and tools, operate ma­ additional skill at levels four, eight and twelve. All new skills start at
chinery, can survive on land without fear of dehydration, walk, run, level one proficiency.
climb, and so on. But the limitations of being a human also means Communications : Any
the character loses the physical abilities of the killer whale; swim­ Domestic : Any (+5%)
ming speed is the same as running speed, breath can be held for only Electrical: None
I D4+2 minutes, and maximum depth tolerance is 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) Espionage: Any
without diving gear or turning back into orca form. Retains whale Mechanical: None
spellsongs but range is reduced by half. Duration: One hour per level Medical : Fir �t aid and Holistic Medicine only.
of experience. Military: None
Special: Metamorphosis Combat form: Size increases by 1 0%, Physical: Any
the skin gets a hard, glossy, black, metallic appearance that resem­ Pilot: None
bles chrome or polished metal, +20 M.D.C. per level of experience, Pilot Related: Any
+ 10 M.D. is inflicted from all physical attacks, + I attack per melee Rogue: Any
round, +2 on initiative, + I to strike, +2 to roll with impact, +3 to pull Science: None
punch, and the character has a horror factor of 1 4 . This transforma­ Technical : Any (+ 1 0%)
tion can be used in killer whale or human form. All bonuses are in W.P. : Any
addition to attribute and skill bonuses. Wilderness: Any (+5 %)

Secondary Skills: Select four secondary skills from the previous list, I D6x l O0 and add I D4x l O M.D.C. per level of experience. Beaked
excluding those marked "None." These are additional areas of and medium-sized whales : P.E. plus I D4x l O0 and add 4D6 M.D.C.
knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in pa­ per level of experience.
rentheses. Horror Factor: I I when angry, attacking, or in combat form.
Alliances and Allies: Besides the Whale Singers, PB-killer whales P.P.E.: P.E. plus 4D6x l O. Add 4D6 P.P.E. per level of experience.
often team up with normal dolphins, whales, humans, sea titans, am­ A verage Life Span: At least 400 years; no pneuma-biform has died of
phibs, sea inquisitors and people of a good alignment or good inten­ old age yet.
tions. Natural Abilities: Same as per that particular species of whale (most
Weapons: Typically rely on their natural powers, especially when in are roughly equivalent to the normal killer whale), except maximum
orca form. The character may have as many as a dozen weapons and depth endurance is five miles (S km; 9 miles/I 4.4 km for the sperm
some personal items for use when it takes human shape. A few have whale), plus mystically regenerates I D6x l O M.D.C. per minute and
magical, techno-wizard or rune weapons/items. has human intelligence, resourcefulness and communication abilities
Body Armor: Usually none, except when in human disguise; occasion­ (voice is high-pitched and guttural as an whale; deep and clear when
ally uses magically-woven kelp armor (90 M.D.C.) created from the in human form).
Song of Weaving. Special: Metamorphosis Human: The normal form of this
Money : May keep a small cache of items, including I to 4 weapons, a pneuma-biform is that of a whale, however, it can transform into a
water scooter or surf board, set of clothes, some precious metals and tall (6 to 7 foot/ I . S to 2. 1 m), attractive human (gender depends on
gems, trinkets and other odds and ends, for use when they walk the character' s sex) twice a day.
among men. Typically I D6x l O00 credits in gold and gems, Limitations: Basically the same as the killer whale, except they
I D4x l O00 in other odds and ends can cast ocean magic and use psionic powers as normal. Retains
Cybernetics: Never use any. whale spell songs too, but range is reduced by half.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience and can be per­
formed twice per 24 hour period.
Special: Metamorphosis Combat form: Size increases by 10%,
Whale the skin gets a glossy, silver or white metallic appearance that re­
sembles chrome or polished metal, +20 M.D.C. per level of experi­

Pneuma-Biform R.C.C. ence, +6 M.D. is inflicted from all physical attacks, + I attack per
melee round, + 1 on initiative, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull
punch, and the character has a horror factor of 1 1 . This transforma­
The mystics of the cetacean order of marine mammals are the tion can be used in whale or human form. All bonuses are in addi­
pneuma-biform whales, who have the strongest magic powers of all the tion to attributes and skill bonuses.
Whale Singers or any creation of the Lord of the Deep. They are the Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience and can be per­
leaders and guides of all the other pneuma-biforms and the deepest formed two times per 24 hour period !
thinkers. Sometimes, the dolphins and orcas criticize them for being too Psionic Powers: Master psionic : Group mind block and select four
thoughtful, and too slow to move to action until the right answer to a powers from the sensitive category and two powers from both the
problem is found. To this, the PB-whales reply: "The Lord of the Deep physical and healing categories. At subsequent levels of experience,
was here before we were born. It is likely it will still be here after we select one additional power from all categories except super.
are gone - unless we think things through ! " I.S.P.: M.E. plus 2D4x l O. Add 2D6 I.S.P. per level of experience.
Magic Powers: 1 . Whale spell songs: Select five spell songs at level one
Pneuma-Biform Whale R.C.C. and one for each subsequent level of experience, starting at second
Note: This creature o f magic possesses some attributes and abilities level.
equal to those of both the whale and humans, but also has a variety of 2. Ocean magic: Select any three ocean magic spells or gets dol­
different and additional abilities as a result of their supernatural crea­ phin magic at level one and two ocean magic spells for each sub­
tion. Also, because of their strong will and independence, they will re­ sequent level of experience, starting at level two.
main a pneuma-biform even if the Lord of the Deep is slain. The only 3 . Ley line magic abilities (dolphin): The PB-whale can also se­
exceptions are characters who want to become a normal human and/or lect one ley line magic ability as described under the Dolphin R.C.C.
whale again, but most (S3%) of PB-whales like being what they are. at levels two, six, ten and fourteen.
Once the magic fusion is broken, it can never be restored. 4. Spell strength (the number others must save against from the
Alignment: Any, but typically principled and scrupulous. character' s magic) : + I at levels three, six, nine, I I and 1 4 .
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+5 , M.E. 4D6+3, M.A. 3D6+6, P.S. 4D6+20, P.P. Combat: Supernatural. Two physical attacks/actions per melee round
3D6+3, P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. in human form 2D6. Strength and in human or whale form, or two via magic or psionics when in either
endurance are considered to be supernatural. form. The bite of the Sperm whale does 5D6 M.D.; 3D6 M.D. for
Supernatural Swimming Speed: Underwater: I D4x l O+30 in whale most others. Note: Do not add the melee round attacks from the
form, I D4x l O+ 1 O in whale combat form and 3D6 in human form hand to hand combat skill, only use it for bonuses and fighting tech­
(combat or normal). niques (kicks, flips, etc.) when in human from.
Size & Weight: The size of a whale can vary dramatically depending Damage: Supernatural strength inflicts mega-damage when in either
on its species. The Blue whale is SO to 1 00 feet (24.4 to 30.5 m) long human or whale form (see Conversion Book 1, Revised, p. 1 0- 1 1 ) .
and weighs 1 20 to 1 60 tons, the Sperm whale is 36 to 66 feet ( I I to I n human form, punches, kicks and other combat moves are possi­
20 m) long and weighs 30 to 40 tons, the Humpback whale is 46 to ble, but spec ial moves like wrestling, body flips and leap kicks re­
62 feet ( l 3 . S to I S .9 m) long and weighs 35 to 40 tons , the Gray quires knowledge and training in the appropriate human combat
whale is 39 to 47 feet ( 1 0.0 to 1 4 . 3 m) long and weighs 30 to 34 skill(s). See the dolphin R.C.c. for fighting abilities when using that
tons, while the average beaked whale is 20 to 30 feet (6. 1 to 9. 1 m) form; does mega-damage.
long and weighs 4 to 16 tons. The male is usually 50% larger than Bonuses: +2 on initiative, + I to strike, + 1 to dodge, +4 to save vs dis­
the female. Note that most pneuma-biform whales tend to be their ease, +7 to save vs horror factor, +3 to save vs illusions and mind
maximum size. control, and is impervious to cold.
M.D.C. : Blue whale : P.E. plus 2D4x l O0 and add I D6x l O M.D.C. per Vulnerabilities/Penalties: In human form, the character will be uncom­
level of experience. Sperm and other large whales: P.E. plus fortable if not near water (salt or fresh; at least the size of a swim-

ming pool) , because he needs to immerse himself in water when he
turns back into a whale.
In whale form, the character dehydrates quickly, unless im­
mersed in water or constantly sprinkled with water. Every hour on
dry land without being able to soak in water, the character will lose
4D6 M.D.C. and cannot heal or regenerate until he can soak for six
hours. Furthermore, after five hours without water, the character will
become weak; reduce attacks per melee round and all combat bo­
nuses by half!
R.C.C. Skills:
Swimming 98%
DolphinlWhale Language 98%
One human language 98%
One language of choice (+ 1 5 %)
Basic Math (+ 1 5 %)
Demon and Monster Lore (+ 15 % )
Magic Lore (+ 1 0%)
Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+ 1 0% )
Underwater Navigation (+ 1 5 %)
Sing (+ 1 0% ; +20% for the Humpback)
One W.P. of choice (applicable when human)
R.C.C. Related Skills: Select five "other" human skills. Plus select one
additional skill at levels four, eight and twelve. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.
Whale Singer O.C.C.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any (+5%) Whale singers can include humans, simvan, dog boys, sea titans,
Electrical: None amphibs, naut ' ylls, Lemurians and other races, both aquatic and under­
Espionage: Intelligence, detect ambush, detect concealment and wil­ sea, although the vast majority are dolphins, porpoises, whales and
derness survival only . pneuma-biforms.
Mechanical: None Whale Singers who are human or humanoid, are often regarded with
Medical: First aid and Holistic Medicine only. respect by sailors and sea communities. Depending on the circum­
Military: None stances and the people involved, passage costs on ships are typically re­
Physical: Any* duced by 50 to 80 percent for Whale Singers (especially if trouble with
Pilot: None sea monsters is anticipated or the captain is feeling unlucky), and in
Pilot Related: Any some coastal communities, meals, drinks, and room and board are dis­
Rogue: Any counted by 10 to 25 percent. Lodgings, food, travel expenses and basic
Science: None needs may also be used as trade for the Singer ' s services or help. The
Technical : Any (+ 1 0% ) same is true, to a somewhat lesser degree, of ocean wizards and sea dru­
W.P.: Any ids.
Wilderness: Any
*Physical : Hand to hand: basic costs as one skill selection, expert Whale Singer Abilities
costs two, and martial arts cost three skill selections. Boxing, wres­ Note: These abilities are available to beings who are not cetaceans
tling and other combat skills count as one skill selection. or pneuma-biforms. Only number one, the ability to recognize each
Secondary Skills: Select five secondary skills from the previous list, other, is common to all Whale Singers.
excluding those marked "None." These are additional areas of
knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in pa­ 1. Sense Other: Recognizes other Whale Singers within 1 00 feet
rentheses. (30.5 m) per level of experience, regardless of race, form or disguise.
Alliances and Allies: Besides the Whale Singers, PB-whales often 2. Sense Water Purity: Requires the character to be within 1 0
team up with other biforms, sea druids, ocean mages and normal yards/meters (30 feet) o f any body o f water t o detect i f i t i s fresh- or
dolphins and whales. They tend to avoid regular contact with surface saltwater, drinkable, pure, contaminated, poisoned or tainted in any
dwellers and aquatic humanoids, but will work with or befriend hu­ way. In addition, the character can sense the general nature of the dan­
mans, sea titans, amphibs, sea inquisitors and all people of a good ger or cause of the pollution, such as magic, poison, biological waste,
alignment or good intentions. garbage, radiation, natural causes, etc. This ability does not warn about
Weapons: Typically rely on their natural powers in both human and dangers from predators or intelligent life forms.
whale form. A few have magical or rune weapons and items. 3. Underwater navigation is the underwater version of land naviga­
Body Armor: Usually none, except when in human disguise; occasion­ tion. The character develops an understanding of underwater terrain,
ally uses magically-woven kelp armor (90 M.D.C.) created from the land markings, and the movement of currents and tides to find his way
Song of Weaving. around, and to j\ldge direction, distance and depth. Base skill : 45%+5%
Money : May keep a small cache of items, including 1 to 4 weapons, per level.
some simple articles of clothing, and other odds and ends for use 4. Enhanced underwater abilities: Can hold breath underwater for
when they walk among men. Typically 2D4x 1 Ooo credits in gold 2D4+4 minutes, survive pressure at depths of 200 feet ( 6 1 m) plus 1 0
and gems, I D6x 1 Ooo in other odds and ends. feet ( 3 .0 m ) per level of experience without diving gear or air tanks, and
Cybernetics: Never use any. swims with minimal fatigue.
S. Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy: Same as the ley line walker.
6. Read Ley Lines: Same as the ley line walker.
7. Ley line Transmission: Same as the ley line walker.

8. Ley Line Rejuvenation: Doubles natural healing ability the same
as the ley line walker ability.
9. Whale Spellsongs: Select any four at level one, two at level two Whale Singer Spellsongs
and one additional with each subsequent level of experience.
By Siembieda, Carella & Conder
10. Spell Casting Abilities: The Whale Singer can also learn ocean
magic . Starts with water pulse, speak underwater, float underwater,
float on water, armor of Neptune and any two of choice. Shortly after they rebelled against the Lord of the Deep, a number of
11. Learning New Spells: Additional ocean magic spells and rituals pneuma-biforms discovered that the ancient songs of the cetacean race
of any magic level can be leamed and/or purchased at any time, regard­ (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) had magical properties. The blind
less of the wizard ' s experience level. See The Pursuit of Magic in the prophet Current-Rider was the first Whale Singer to learn all the known
Rifts RPG. Dolphin magic is not available. songs and develop many into spellsongs which could be used by
pneuma-biforms and normal cetaceans alike. This unique form of magic
12. Magic Bonuses: + I to save vs magic and + 1 spell strength (the
is known to all true Whale Singers.
number others must save against from the character' s magic) at levels
four, eight and 1 2; +3 to save vs horror factor. In most cases, humans and surface dwelling D-bees not adapted to
speaking and living underwater, must use spellsongs only as Ritual
13. P.P.E.: 2D4x 1 O +P.E. number and 2D6 per each level of ad­
Magic (see Rifts Ult. E d page 1 87). and have only 1 0% the normal
vancement above first.
range of the songs. The Whale Song rituals must be performed under­
Attribute Requirements: LQ. and M.A. must be 1 1 or higher. water, and last l D6x l O minutes, before the spell is activated. Most
Alignment: Any, but tend to be good or selfish. aquatic D-bees, unless otherwise noted, can perform spellsongs but with
O.C.c. Skills: half the range of cetaceans and pneuma-biforms. At the GM ' s discre­
Basic Math (+20%) tion, other D-Bee races who communicate like whales and dolphins
Swim (+20%) might also be able to learn and cast spellsongs at half or full range.
Sing (+ 1 5 %)
Alphabetical List --------­

Fishing (+ 1 5 %)
Pilot: Sailboat (+20%) of Spellsongs
Pilot: Two of Choice (+ I 0%) Song of Calling (20) Song of Severing ( 1 1 0)
Underwater Navigation (+ 1 5 %) Song of Danger (4) Song of Sleep (30)
Demon and Monster Lore (+ 1 5 % ) Song of Doubt (6) Song of Strength ( 1 5)
Two languages o f choice (+ 1 5 %) Song of Fear ( 1 0) Song of Summoning (200)
One W.P. of choice. Song of Grief (2) Song of Weaving ( 1 50)
Hand to Hand: B asic Song of Joy (4) Sonic Boom (40)
Hand to hand: basic can be changed to expert for the cost of one Song of Life (750) Sound Blast ( 1 0)
other skill selection, martial arts (or assassin if evil) for the cost of Song of Protection (35) Sound Spike ( 1 5)
two. Song of Revenge (400) Stormsong (250)
O.C.C. Related Skills : Select five other skills, plus one additional skill Song of Reversal (500) Valorsong (50)
at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen. Song of Sea Sickness (50)
Communication: Any (+5 %)
Note: No more than two whale songs can be used in the same listen­
Domestic: Any (+ 1 0% to musical instruments only)
ing area, with the exception of the sonic boom, sound blast and sound
Electrical: None
spike (when used against living beings). Any songs started after the first
Espionage: Escape artist and intelligence only (+5%)
two are nullified and only serve to confuse the magic signals, reducing
Mechanical: Automotive or Basic Mechanics only.
the range of the first two by half.
Medical: Any (+5 %)
Military: None Having more than one Whale Singer sing the same spell song may be
Physical: Any, except acrobatics and boxing. spooky for the listener but does not have any cumulative effects - use
Pilot: Any, except robots, power armor, tank, or spacecraft. the power level, duration, etc., of the most experienced and powerful
Pilot related: Any (+5%) singer.
Rogue: Any (2%) A singing character cannot cast other types of magic until he or she
Science: Any (+5 %) is done with the spellsong. Unless otherwise stated, the magic and ef­
Technical : Any (+ 1 0%) fects of most spellsongs cease the moment the magic song stops.
W.P. : Any
Wilderness: Any (+ 1 0%)
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select five secondary skills
from those listed. These are additional areas of knowledge that do
Song of Calling
not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses. All sec­ Range: 3 0 0 miles (482 km) per level o f experience.
ondary skills start at the base skill level. Duration : 5 minutes.
Standard Equipment: One or two weapons of choice, a scaling knife, Saving Throw: Standard
fishing pole, line and reel, a dozen fishing hooks and lures, a couple P.P.E.: 20
of sacks, a small backpack, some rope, basic food provisions, can­ A modified �ersion to the ancient whale songs by which the ceta­
teen, sunglasses or tinted goggles , air tank (if needed) , wet suit, and cean community kept in touch over long distances, this ritual allows the
S .C.U.B.A. gear or light environmental armor suitable for use under­ song caster to communicate with a friend or ally, hundreds and even
water. Most have a set of clothing for sailing and traveling on dry thousands of miles away. The caster must know the name of the person
land and a set for swimming/underwater travel. The character may he is calling and that person must be willing to "accept the call," or the
have a small boat or underwater scooter (G.M. ' s discretion), other­ spell will automatically fail. Two way communication lasts only five
wise uses his magic or books passage on a boat to travel. minutes per casting, so only a short conversation is possible.
Money: 3D4x 1 000 in credits, l D4x l 000 in gems and precious metals.
Cybernetics: None; artificial enhancements are avoided.

Song of Danger This cheerful melody evokes feelings of happiness, joyous anticipa­
tion, and safety. It is often sung after a triumphant battle, birth, and
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) distance and radius per level of experience;
other joyous occasions, as well as to welcome friends, allies and
x l O (roughly two miles/3 .2 km) for Humpback whales.
friendly visitors. It cannot be sung to lure enemies to their doom or
Duration : Lasts for as long as the song is sung.
when danger, death or sorrow is present.
Saving Throw: None
These happy songs may be accompanied by underwater dancing, ac­
P.P.E. : 4
robatics and games, and will repel sharks, entities, ghouls, animated
This frantic sounding melody warns other whale singers and cetace­
dead, and lesser demons who find such happiness repUlsive and go to
ans of danger. The song tells whether the danger is immediate, minor or
find less boisterous waters. Minions of the Lord of the Deep are - I on
terrible and which direction it is heading. Whale singers can also tell
initiative and all combat moves.
what the danger is; i.e. hunters, D-bees, monsters, minions of the Lord
of the Deep, Reachers and so on.

Song of Life
Song of Doubt Range: 1 0 feet (3.0 m)
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) distance and radius per level of experience; Duration: The ritual takes 20 minutes to one hour; the restoration is in­
double for Humpback whales. stant.
Duration : Lasts for as long as the song is sung. Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.: 750
P.P.E.: 6 This song is a variation of the mourning chants of the whales . The
Everybody who hears this haunting melody becomes nervous and music is a powerful ritual used to heal all damage and remove the ef­
uncomfortable. Those affected lack confidence and are likely to want to fects of any curse, crippling injury, or disease in any one person, hu­
hang back for a while or take a different route away from the song. man, D-bee or cetacean. It can even raise the dead, provided the
They are also -2 on initiative and -20% on all skill performance. deceased has not been dead for very long ! The base chance for resurrec­
tion is 40% plus 5% per experience level of the spell caster. Reduce this

Song of Fear chance by 5% for every day after the death of the victim.

Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) distance and radius per level of experience;
double for Humpback whales.
Duration: Lasts for as long as the song is sung. Song of Protection
Saving Throw: Standard Casting Time Required: One melee round
P.P.E. : 1 0 Range: Self
A long, deep moaning that sends shivers u p and down the spine of Duration: As long as the song is sung and for up to 15 minutes per
even those who make a successful saving throw. level of the singer after the song has stopped.
Characters who fail to save are nervous and will beg their compan­
Saving Throw: None.
ions or officers to retreat from the dreadful sounds. If attacked by
P.P.E.: 35
Whale Singers, pneuma-biforms, killer whales, whales or frightening Originally a short warning call, this song grants the recipient a pow­
erful aura of protection. The aura protects with 60 M.D.C. against all
looking non-humans, victims of this magic are petrified: No initiative
forms of damage. Additionally, the recipient will be invulnerable to
and reduce attacks per melee, combat bonuses, and skill performance by
half. Furthermore, their attackers have a horror factor of 1 5 and there is deep sea pressure, extreme cold and heat, and any and all environmental
a 1 -50% chance that those affected will panic and flee; roll to save hazards short of being in a star ' s corona!
again. A successful save at this point means victims have found new
courage, stand their ground and suffer only half the penalties previously
noted. Song of Revenge
Casting Time Required : 1 06 hours.
Song of Grief Range: Unlimited !
Duration : Permanent
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) distance and radius per level of experience;
Saving Throw: 1 8 or higher on an unmodified, "natural" roll .
double for Humpback whales.
P.P.E.: 400
Duration : Lasts for as long as the song is sung.
Saving Throw: Standard This is another mourning song, but one with angry and bitter under­
tones. The song is a powerful curse directed against someone who has
P.P.E.: 2
committed a grave crime against the pneuma-biforms, whales, dolphins,
A torture song that sounds like a combination of crying and scream­
or the sea. The identity of the culprit must be known and he must be,
ing. All who hear this song, even surface dwellers, know it tells of death
without a doubt, responsible for the crime. The song calls on the spirits
or terrible tragedy and the gut-wrenching sorrow of loved ones or survi­
of every whale that has ever lived to punish the transgressor.
vors. Compassionate characters, even those with selfish or evil align­
If the intended victim fails his saving throw, he takes 306 damage
ments, will not trouble these mourning singers and say a quiet prayer
directly to his hit points (606 if he is an M.D.C. creature) . Furthermore,
for loved ones they have lost in the past. Of course, truly evil and heart­
the victim is matked with a purple blemish in the shape of a whale (usu­
less villains will take this opportunity to strike or gain some advantage.
ally located on the face, neck or hands where others can see it) and is - I
on all combat rolls, and -5% on all skill rolls until the curse is lifted
Song of Joy (usually requires an act of atonement).
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) distance and radius per level of experience; The damage and penalties cannot be healed by any scientific, magi­
double for Humpback whales. cal or psionic means, nor can the blemish be removed; all will forever
Duration: Lasts for as long as the song is sung. haunt the character unless the song caster can be convinced to lift the
Saving Throw: Standard curse. Many Whale Singers have tried to use this curse on the Lord of
P.P.E.: 4 the Deep, but he is impervious to it.

Song of Reversal sleep. Characters who manage to stay awake, or save vs magic are so
relaxed that they are -2 on initiative, skill performance is - 1 0% and
Range: 1 0 feet (3.0 m) takes twice as long as usual, and the characters are not very alert or ob­
Duration : Permanent servant.
Saving Throw: Special
Those who fail to save vs magic will fall into a deep sleep within
P.P.E.: 500
1 04 minutes. Once asleep they can only be roused by being violently
This powerful transformation ritual will actually change back one of shaken. If forced awake, the victims will function in a groggy state,
the Lord of the Deep ' s minions into the original creatures that it was. with the following penalties: Reduce attacks per melee, combat bo­
The song requires at least four singers and 500 P.P.E. The minion re­ nuses, and skill performance by half, reduce spd by 75%, and has no in­
sists at +3 to save (in addition to any normal bonuses). On a success, the itiative (always last to strike in an attack sequence).
two or three beings that were fused into one will reappear and swim
away. The reversal of the monstrous transformation lasts for one day
per level of the chief spellsinger, with a 1 -67% chance of being perma­
Song of Strength
nent ! Humans will have only faint memories of their experience, al­ Range: Self and select others within 1 000 feet (305 m).
though they may acquire one or more insanities due to their ordeal. Duration: Five minutes per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
The song does not work on pneuma-biforms, beings transformed via
P.P.E.: 1 5
the Transformation ritual in Rifts Book of Magic, changed by the gods,
or natural shapeshifters. However, it can be used to safely separate magic A drumming and spirit lifting song with a lot of bass and pulses. It
symbiotes from a host body ! It is best if the separated symbiote is de­
increases the physical strength of the singer and one other person per
stroyed or captured before it can find a new host body. This ritual must
level of experience by 10 points, can lift, carry or pull 10 times their
be performed underwater, although the creature being affected can be
normal weight capacity, plus those enchanted do not suffer from fa­
floating on the surface of the water. tigue.
A variation of this song will turn away animated dead, zombies,
Song of Severing poltergeists and haunting entities from a 1 000 foot (305 m) radius
around the singer.
Casting Time: 1 06+2 melee rounds.
Range: I mile ( 1 .6 km) per level of the spell caster.
Duration: Instant.
Song of Summoning
Saving Throw: Standard. Range: 50 miles (80 km) per level of experience.
P.P.E. : 1 1 0 Duration: Instant.
This song is the victory chant of the Sperm whale after a battle with Saving Throw: Special.
a giant squid, and can be used against the Reachers from the Deep. The P.P.E.: 200
spell must be cast while in visual range of one of the Reachers, which This is a variation on the song of calling, but used to teleport the per­
means that the spell caster' s friends and companions must defend him son with whom contact is made to the location of the caller! The spell
while he completes the ritual (the GM should secretly roll for the time caster must personally know the character to contact him. If the person
the ritual takes to cast, so the players won ' t know how long they have to is willing to be teleported, it happens in an instant. If the character re­
fight the Reacher). If successful, the ritual will destroy the gigantic ten­ sists/refuses, he must make a standard saving throw. If one character is
tacle and it now requires three times the normal period to regrow. This an enemy of the other, the one to be teleported is +6 to save vs magic
magic will also inflict 2D6x l 000 M.D. on the Lord of the Deep. The summoning/teleportation. If the save is successful he cannot be sum­
ritual was used several times during the ill-fated attack on the alien in­ moned again for a week.
telligence, causing injury but not enough damage to destroy it.
Song of Weaving
Song of Sea Sickness Range: Touch
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) distance and radius per level of experience; Duration: Permanent
double for Humpback whales. Saving Throw: None
Duration: While the song is sung and for 206 minutes after it has fin­ P.P.E.: 1 50
ished. This ritual creates a set of magically woven kelp that acts as body ar­
Saving Throw: Standard mor. Furthermore, the armor can be worn both in humanoid and ceta­
P.P.E. : 50 cean form, changing shapes to fit the wearer. The suit of magical
This song has a wide range of sound from a deep, "bloop, bloop," to clothing protects with 90 M.D.C. When the M.D.C. is depleted, it falls
a high-pitched, throbbing pulse. Both seem to affect the head and stom­ away and a new one must be woven.
ach of the listener, creating a feeling of sea sickness in anybody who
fails to make a saving throw. A failed roll means the victim has a throb­ Sonic Boom
bing headache (to the beat of the music), a queazy stomach, and finds it
Range: 200 feet (6 1 m) plus 1 00 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience.
difficult to concentrate. Reduce skill performance by 1 0% , speed by
Duration: Instant
30%, and has no initiative; feels like vomiting, especially when moving
Saving Throw: None
fast or making sudden movements.
P.P.E.: 40
A powerful underwater sonic boom that can be directed against a
Song of Sleep single target as small as a man. The boom inflicts I D4x l O M.D.C. plus
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) distance and radius per level of experience; 10 M.D. per every level of experience to the main target and 406 M.D.
double for Humpback whales. to everything within a 1 00 foot (30.5 m) radius around the target. Con­
Duration : While the song is sung and for 206 minutes after it has fin­ sequently, the user of this spell song must be careful not to injure or
ished. damage allies who might be caught in the blast radius. Furthermore,
Saving Throw: Standard even mega-damage creatures and characters in power armor, body ar­
P.P.E. : 30 mor, or who are bionic suffer from a ringing in the ears and dizziness,
A deep, rolling sound that calms the listener and slowly puts him to with the following penalties : -I to strike, parry and dodge, -20% to

swim, climb, run, or navigate, and reduce speed by 1 0%, all for 1 D6
melee rounds. Subsequent blasts do additional damage and the duration
for penalties is cumulative (roll for each blast) . Ocean Wizard O.C.C.
In an air environment, the range is half, the boom only does a total
of 5D6 M.D. to the main target and 1 D4 M.D. to a 1 0 foot (3 m) radius Ocean wizards, also known as ocean mages, are fundamentally the
around it, and penalties last for 1 D4 melee rounds. ley line walkers and sorcerers of the sea. Many intelligent aquatic races
and a handful of human and surface dwelling D-bees living on islands,
Sound Blast along coastlines, or near oceans and seas have learned this water spe­
cific mystic art. Surface dwelling ocean wizards (and air and water war­
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience.
locks) are sought after by sailors, owners of ship lines, sea merchants
Duration : Instant
and businessmen to help protect vessels from danger, as well as for un­
Saving Throw: None
dersea salvage operations, exploration, mining, building and rescue.
P.P.E.: 1 0
A n ultrasonic blast o f sound that hits with the force o f a torpedo. A
light blast does 1 D6x l O S .D.C. and can be fired twice per spell ( 1 0 Ocean Wizard Abilities
P.P.E. cost) . A mega-damage blast does 1 D6 M.D. per level o f the spell
caster; only one M.D. blast per spellsong. Note: These abilities are available only to beings who are not ceta­
cean or pneuma-biforms.
Sound Spike 1. Enhanced underwater abilities: Humans and surface dwellers
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience. can hold their breath underwater for 2D4+4 minutes and can survive
Duration : Instant when used against living creatures, two minutes per pressure at depths of 200 feet ( 6 1 m) plus 10 feet (3.0 m) per level of
level of experience when used against electronic equipment. experience, without diving gear or air tanks, and swim with minimal fa­
Saving Throw: Standard tigue. Aquatic beings with lungs rather than gills can hold their breath
P.P.E.: 1 5 for twice as long as usual and endure depths 1 0% greater than normal
An ultrasonic blast o f sound that sends a spike o f pain into the head. (minimum depth of 220 feet (67 m) .
The pain is so severe that the victim screams or groans in pain, loses 2. Ley Line Speed Doubler: Doubles the character' s natural swim­
two melee attacks/actions, loses initiative, and suffers 2D6 points of ming speed the same as the speed doubler spell, but only works when
damage (S.D.C. or M.D.C. depending on the physiology of the victim). travelling directly along ley lines and does NOT cost the wizard any
Characters who make a successful saving throw, have a bionic sound P.P.E. to use.
filtration system, ear plugs or are inside power armor, a robot or vehi­ 3. Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy: Same as the ley line walker.
cle, suffer half damage, lose only one melee attack/action and do not 4. Read Ley Lines: Same as the ley line walker.
lose initiative.
5. Ley line Transmission: Same as the ley line walker.
A humming version of this song can be used to disrupt radio trans­
6. Ley Line Rejuvenation: Doubles natural healing ability the same
missions and electronic equipment, rather than living beings. Radios
as the ley line walker ability.
and television transmitters and receivers are filled with white noise and
7. Spell Casting Abilities: Starts with breathe without air, speak un­
all intelligible sounds are destroyed for the duration of the song; thus
derwater, float underwater, float on water, ride the waves, and five
blocking communication. Sonar and echo location systems and any sen­
ocean spells of choice; limited to selections of spells from I -5th level.
sors that rely on sound waves are temporarily knocked out of service;
Each additional level of experience, the character will be able to figure
white screen, no data until the song stops. Computers, monitors, TV
out/select one new spell equal or below his own experience level.
screens and other electronic devices may flicker or buzz, but are other­
wise unaffected. 8. Learning New Spells: Additional ocean magic spells and rituals
of any magic level can be learned and/or purchased at any time regard­
Stormsong less of the wizard' s experience level. See The Pursuit of Magic in the
Rifts RPG. Dolphin magic and spell songs are not available.
Range: One square mile (2.59 sq. km) per level of experience.
9. Magic Bonuses: + 1 to save vs magic, induding spellsongs, and
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience.
+ 1 spell strength (the number others must save against from the charac­
Saving Throw: None
ter ' s magic) at levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen. Also +3 to save
P.P.E.: 250
vs horror factor.
Originally a song of warning against rough weather, this powerful
10. P.P.E.: 2D6x l O +P.E. number and 3D6 P.P.E. per each level of
ritual can change the weather conditions over a patch of ocean, turning
advancement above first.
a sunny day into a raging storm, and vice versa. Waves can swell up to
20 feet (6. 1 m) and driving rain can reduce visibility to less than 10 feet
(3.0 m). Small boats and life rafts may be capsized, while larger boats
Attribute Requirements: LQ. and P.E. of 1 1 or higher.
and ships will see their speed reduced by 75% and 2D4x lO% of the
Alignment: Any, but tend to be good or selfish.
crew will become sea sick! Ineffective against underwater opponents
O.C.C. Skills:
B asic Math (+20%)
deeper than 1 00 feet (30.5 m) below the surface.
Swim (+20%)
Pilot: Sailboat (+20%)
Valorsong Pilot: Two of Choice (+20%)
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) distance and radius per level of experience; Underwater Navigation (+ 1 5 %)
double for Humpback whales. Demon and Monster Lore (+ 1 0% )
Duration: While the song is sung and for 2D6 minutes after it has fin­ Two languages of choice (+ 1 5 %)
ished. Literacy in one language of choice (+20%)
Saving Throw: Standard Hand to Hand: Basic
P.P.E.: 50 Hand to hand: basic can be changed to expert for the cost of two
Bolsters the morale of all those on the caster ' s side who hear it, +4 other skill selections, martial arts (or assassin if evil) for the cost of
to save vs horror factor, +2 to save vs poison or disease, + 1 to save vs three.
illusions and mind control.
Pilot: Any, except robot, power armor, tank, o r spacecraft.
Pilot related: Any (+ 1 0% )
Rogue: Any
Science: Any (+ 1 0% )
Technical: Any (+ 1 0%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select five secondary skills
from those listed. These are additional areas of knowledge that do
not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses. All sec­
ondary skills start at the base skill level.
Standard Equipment: One or two weapons of choice, a survival knife,
a couple of sacks, a small backpack, some rope, basic food provi­
sions, canteen, tinted goggles, air tank (if needed), wet suit and
S .C.U.B .A. gear, or light environmental armor suitable for use un­
derwater. Most have a set of clothing for sailing and traveling on dry
land and a set for swimming/underwater travel. The character may
have a small boat or underwater scooter (G.M. 's discretion), other­
wise he uses his magic or books passage on a boat to travel.
Money: 3D4x l OOO in credits, I D4x l OOO in gems, precious metals or
Cybernetics: None; artificial enhancements are avoided.

Sea Druid O.C.C.

By Steve S heiring and Kevin Siembieda

Sea druids are surface dwellers concerned with using the valuable
resource of water as an important part of their life. They do not neces­
sarily want to change the environment, but prefer to work with it. The
nature of their skills and abilities is more passive and defensive in na­
ture. They tend to alter the natural flow of water only to protect and im­
prove the lives of others and, even then, only temporarily.
Sea druids are excellent sources of information once you befriend
one. They are sensitive to the surrounding environment and are capable
of knowing everything going on in the immediate water environment.
They do not value money and items as much as nature itself.
Each sea druid selects a sea creature as their totem animal, which
they can transform into at will. The totem sea creature must be a com­
mon sea creature and not a supernatural sea monster or creature of
magic. The sea druid has all the abilities of his totem animal, including
swimming and breathing underwater. Of course, only the sea druid ' s
body changes and not his clothes, weapons, possessions, etc.

Sea Druid O.C.C. Abilities

Note: These are innate abilities that require no P.P.E. and can be
used at any time.

1. Sense water: This ability enables the character to sense the gen­
J<S . "IS"
eral location and direction of the nearest sources of water (one mile/ 1 . 6
k m per level o f experience) and what type o f body o f water i t i s , such as
an ocean, lake, river, stream, swamp, underground spring, well, man
made aqueduct, and so on. It also tells the character the general compass
direction and distance, but does not provide an exact mental map.

D.C.C. Related Skills: Select six other skills, plus one additional skill 2. Sense Water Purity: Requires the sea druid to be within 1 0
at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen. yards/meters of any body of water. The sea druid can detect i f the water
Communication: Any is fresh or salt, drinkable, pure, polluted, contaminated, poisoned or
Domestic : Any (+5 %) tainted in any way. In addition, the druid can sense the general nature of
Electrical: None the danger or cause of the pollution, such as magic, poison, biological
Espionage: Escape artist, forgery and intelligence only (+5 %) waste, garbage, radiation, natural causes, etc. This ability does not warn
Mechanical: None about dangers from predators or intelligent life forms.
Medical: Any (+5 %) 3. Sense elemental: The druid can sense the presence of water ele­
Military: None mentals and can tell whether it is a major or minor force. He can also
Physical: Any, except acrobatics and boxing. tell whether it is close by, or in what general direction it can be found.

4. Sense underwater danger is a sixth sense that tells the druid to 7. Spell Casting abilities: The sea druid also knows magic and can
stay alert since there is imminent danger within a 1 00 yard (300 ft) ra­ select any two ocean magic or dolphin spells per level of experience or
dius of the sea druid. Possible dangers include but are not limited to: one Whale Singer ' s spellsong.
predatory sea creatures, hostile sea druids, natural disasters, powerful 8. P.P.E.: 2D4x l O+P.E. number and 2D6 P.P.E. per each level of
spells, underwater traps, and underwater battles that are occurring advancement above first.
nearby. Unfortunately, it does not provide details other than the general 9. Magic Bonuses: + 1 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs whale spell­
compass direction of the danger. songs and + 1 spell strength (the number others must save against from
S. Enhanced underwater abilities: Hold breath underwater for the character' s magic) at levels three, eight and 1 2; +4 to save vs horror
I D4+4 minutes, survive pressure at depths of 200 feet (6 1 m) plus 1 0 factor.
feet (3.0 m ) per level of experience without diving gear or air tanks, and Attribute Requirements: I.Q. and M.A. must be I I or higher.
swim with minimal fatigue. Alignment: Any, but tend to be good, selfish, or aberrant.
Racial Restrictions: Humans and surface dwelling races only !

O.c.c. Skills:
B asic Math (+20%)
Swim (+ 1 5 %)
Fishing (+ 1 0%)
Marine Biology (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: Sailboat (+20%)
Pilot: Skiing and Surfing (+ 1 0%)
Sea Holistic Medicine (+20%)
Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+ 1 0%)
Underwater Navigation (+5 %)
Two languages of choice (+20%)
One W.P. of choice.

O.c.c. Related Skills: Select five other skills, plus two additional
skills at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen.
Communication: Any
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: None
Espionage: Escape artist and intelligence only (+5 %)
Mechanical: None
Medical: Any (+5 %)
6. Summon and Control Totem Sea Creature: This is the only Military: None
druid ability that works like a magic spell. Physical: Any, except acrobatics and boxing.
Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) radius; duration: One hour per level of Pilot: Any, except robot, power armor, tank, or spacecraft.
experience; saving throw: none; P.P.E. cost: 20. Pilot related: Any
The sea druid can summon and control one, and only one, totem sea Rogue: Any
creature within a one mile ( 1 .6 km) radius. If no totem sea creature is S cience: Any (+5 %)
within range at the time of the summoning, the spell is wasted. For this Technical: Any (+ 1 0%)
reason, most sea druids will select a reasonably common animal, includ­ W.P.: Any
ing large fish (the sailfish, for example, is the fastest fish in the sea; 62 Wilderness: Any (+ 1 0%)
mph/1 00 km), barracudas, sharks, manta rays, sting rays, giant squid
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four secondary skills
and octopus, eels, sea snakes, marine iguanas, sea turtles, sea lions,
from those listed. These are additional areas of knowledge that do
seals, walruses, sea otters, polar bear (the most aquatic bear in the
not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses. All sec­
world), various common mutants, monsters and D-bee animals. Most
ondary skills start at the base skill level.
dolphins, porpoises and whales are too intelligent to be summoned by
this magic. Standard Equipment: Very limited. One weapon of choice, a scaling
knife, fishing pole, line and reel, a dozen fishing hooks and lures, a
The totem sea creature will obey the sea druid completely and com­
small fishing net, a couple of sacks, some rope, basic food provi­
municates via a sort of telepathy and empathy. Likewise, it will protect
sions, waterskin or canteen, sunglasses or tinted goggles, and a small
and defend the druid, let him ride on its back, and so on. Even when this
backpack. Tends to wear loose fitting robes and tunics, or light
spell is not in force, the totem animal will never attack the character.
clothing. May wear light armor, but tends to rely on magic; heavy
The sea druid and the summoned sea creature can be separated up to
armor and equipment would negate the usefulness of being able to
one mile, but the creature will not travel beyond this point until the
swim underwater and tum into ones totem animal.
summoning period lapses. If the sea creature or sea druid somehow
does go beyond this range (is kidnapped, teleported) then the spell is Money: 4D4x l O00 in credits, I D4x l O00 in gems and precious metals.
broken and the creature is free to leave. Cybernetics: None; artificial enhancements are never considered.

Ocean Mag i c
By Kevin Siembieda & Steve Sheiring
Special thanks to Val Conder for his spell suggestions.

Sound Sponge (30)

Notes about Speak Underwater ( 1 0)
Magic Underwater Strength of the Whale (20)
Summon Sea Friend (40)
• Ocean magic does require the spoken word or a series of sounds Transmute Water ( 1 5 or 25)
suitable for use by dolphins, whales and aquatic D-bees who can Travel Above Water (30)
speak or communicate through clicks , groans, and whistles . Walk Like a Humanoid (30)
• Humans and creatures like humans who normally use the spoken Water Envelope ( 1 0)
word to cast magic may find it difficult to cast spells underwater, but Water Nourishment ( 1 0)
not impossible. Surface dweller characters clad in environmental Water Pulse (2)
suits or power armor, can speak via radio and/or loudspeaker to cast Water Rush ( 1 5)
magic as usual. Likewise, aquatic D-bees and cetaceans who can Water Seal ( 1 0)
speak underwater, and those magically endowed with the ability to Water Spout ( 1 2)
speak underwater, can also cast spoken magic without difficulty. Water Wall ( 1 0 or 25)
• Characters who cannot speak aloud can concentrate very deeply, Weed Snare (8)
saying the incantation in their mind, but can only cast one spell per Whirlpool (50)
melee round and it counts as three melee actions. The spoken word
is really a means of focus and delivery, the magic energy is present Additional Spell Magic
in the spell caster no matter what the environment may be. for Ocean Wizards
• Spell casters inside vehicles can only cast spells that work inside the
The following spells common to surface dwellers are also counted
vehicle. Only ranged or area effect spells can be cast outside the
among ocean magic and can be learned by sea wizards and whale
confines of the underwater vessel, but only if the spell caster has a
pneuma-biforms. See descriptions in Rifts Ultim ate Ed., or as noted.
window or portal from which he can see his target; line of vision,
view screens don 't count. Animate/Control Dead (20) - page 2 1 1
• Some surface magic may be limited by or useless in an underwater Anti-Magic Cloud (140) - page 22 1
environment, such as most fire spells, air spells, flight magic and Astral Projection ( 10) - page 99 of Rifts Book of Magic
others. These spells are not suitable for use underwater, while others Banishment (65) - page 2 1 8
like sense magic, fear, chameleon, see the invisible, magic net, etc., Blind (6) - page 204
work perfectly well. Breathe Without Air (5) - page 202
• Also see Warlocks and their elemental magic in the Rifts Conver­ Calm Storms (200) - page 223
sion Book One. Water warlock spells can be found on pages 78-83. Chameleon (6) - page 1 99
Water elementals can be found on pages 20 1 and 202. Close Rift (200+) - page 224
Concealment (6) - page 200
Alphabetical List of Ocean Spells Death Trance (1) - page 1 98
Abilities of a Snail (20) Escape (8) - page 208
Air Swim ( 1 5) Fool' s Gold (10) - page 205
Armor of Neptune (20) Globe of Daylight (2) - page 1 98
B lack Water (5) Heal Wounds ( 10) - page 208
Breathe Air (without gills; 5) Impervious to Poison (5) - page 202
Calm Waters ( 1 50) Invisibility: Simple (6) - page 203
Change Current ( 1 5 ) Invisibility: Superior (20) - page 2 1 2
Communicate with Sea Creature ( 1 0) Ley Line Transmission (30) - page 205
Coral Armor ( 1 0 or 45) Magic Net (7) - page 1 73 205
Float on Water (3) Mask of Deceit ( 15) - page 2 1 0
Float Underwater (5) Metamorphosis: (sea) Animal (25) - page 2 1 3
Flying Fish (8) Mystic Portal (60) - page 2 1 9
Grow Tentacles (30) Negate PoisonlToxins (5) - page 203
Healing Waters ( 1 5) Repel Animals (including sea animals; 7) - page 206
Impervious to Cold ( 1 0) Restoration (750) - page 224
Impervious to Electricity (20) Sanctum (390) - page 224
Impervious to Ocean Depths (75) See the Invisible (4) - page 1 99
Metamorphosis Crustacean (60 or 1 20) Sickness (50) - page 2 1 7
Metamorphosis Fish (50) Speed of the Snail (50) - page 2 1 8
Metamorphosis Shark (90 or 1 60) Summon and Control Storm (300) - page 1 49 o f Rifts Book o f Magic
Mystic Sea Horse ( 1 5 ) Summon Fog ( 140) - page 1 43 of Rifts Book of Magic
Ride the Waves ( 1 0) Tongues ( 12) - page 2 1 1
Sense Direction Underwater (4) Transformation (2000) - page 1 53 of Rifts Book of Magic
Senses of the Shark ( 1 5) Turn Dead (6) - page 20 1
Sonar Hearing ( 1 0) Water to Wine (40) - page 2 1 8

Ocean Magic Descriptions
Abilities of a Snail This spell turns an area of water into an ominous looking black
Range: Self or another person by touch. color. Fish and animals, including sharks and other predators, will avoid
Duration: Two minutes per level of the spell caster's experience. the black water, preferring to swim around it rather than through it. In­
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist. telligent humanoids, dolphins and other life forms will also find the
black waters to be unnatural and tend to avoid it. Those entering the
P.P.E. : 20
Level: 7th black waters will be temporarily blinded (cannot see in the blackened
area) and become disoriented, unable to tell what is up, down or any di­
This powerful enchantment causes a pair of magical antennae to
rection or depth while in the black water and for 1 04 melee rounds after
grow out of the character' s forehead and instills the following abilities
leaving it. The disorientation also causes a sense of panic, so the victim
common to snails:
has no initiative, and attacks per melee, combat bonuses and skill per­
• Adhesion: Can stick to/cling on, and climb on all surfaces, including formance are all reduced by half.
metal, glass and other smooth surfaces, and even submarines and
vessels travelling at speeds of up to 1 00 mph ( 1 60 km) ! HOW­
EVER, the character' s running and climbing/crawling speed is re­
Breathe Air (without gills)
duced by 60% , and by 80% when crawling along a moving object. Range: Self or two others.
• Sensor Antennae: Can determine precise water temperature, direc­ Duration: 10 minutes per level of the spell caster ' s experience.
tion of current, smell/taste blood and foreign chemicals in the water Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist.
up to a half mile (8 km) away, and sense movement within a 20 foot P.P.E.: Five
(6. 1 m) radius (+1 to dodge). The antennae can also be used as feel­ Level: 3rd
ers in absolute darkness (reduce blindness penalties by 75%). An enchantment that enables fish and gilled creatures to breathe air
• Carry two times its own body weight without fatigue. like mammals. This is especially helpful when on dry land.
• Survive depths of up to 1 000 feet (305 m) .
• + 1 0% to prowl skill. Calm Waters
Range: One mile ( 1 .6 m) radius per level of experience.
Air Swim Duration: One hour per level of experience
Range: Self or one other by touch. Saving Throw: None
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience. P.P.E.: 1 50
Save: None Level: 1 1 th
P.P.E.: 1 5 Similar to the calm storms spell, this allows the character to calm
Level: 6th any body of water and make it completely still. The water is not frozen
This magic lets the character swim through the air as if it were or altered in any way. Water currently in the process of falling from a
water; same speed and agility as underwater! The spell can be espe­ waterfall will continue to fall, and waves gently roll across the ocean,
cially useful in fleeing an underwater foe who cannot fly, breathe air or but water is comparatively calm and slow moving. This spell affects
survive out of water. Maximum height is 10 feet (3 m) above the water spouts/tsunamis, underwater explosions and earthquakes, and will
water ' s surface per level of experience. Characters, like dolphins, who even cause an angry water elemental to become calm and passive (the
need to stay wet can dive in an out of the water to stay wet, although water elemental will still defend itself if attacked, but immediately be­
they will begin to feel ill and dehydrate after more than 20 minutes out comes passive once the attackers are killed or retreat).
of the water. The center of this spell is from where the spell caster is standing, al­
though once cast, he can move out of the area and the spell still remains
Armor of Neptune in effect. Beyond the radius of the spell, any turbulence continues un­
Range: Self or another person by touch.
Duration : Three minutes per level of the spell caster's experience.
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist.
P.P.E. : 20
Level: 6th
Magically provides the wearer with air to breathe (as long as the
magic lasts), makes him impervious to cold (magical cold attacks do
half damage), impervious to great depths/pressure (no limit to depth),
and provides an invisible armor with 15 M.D.C. per level of the spell Change Current
caster' s experience ! Range: Current nearest the spell caster; affects 1 000 foot (305 m) ra­
dius per level of experience.
Black Water Duration : 5 minutes per level of the spell caster's experience.
Saving Throw: None.
Range: Can be cast up to 1 00 feet (30.5 m) plus 10 feet (3.0 m) per
P.P.E. : 1 5
level of experience.
Level: 6th
Duration : One minute per level of the spell caster ' s experience.
Saving Throw: Standard (fish and dumb animals need an 1 8 or higher The character can reverse or redirect the ocean current in an isolated
to save). A successful saving throw means the water seems less threat­ area, at least for a short period. This can be used to send ships and
ening and the disorienting magic has no effect. wreckage that is adrift in a particular direction, push away pollution or
P.P.E. : Five Level: 2nd toxins, confuse fish and sailors, and so on.

Communicate with Sea Creature 20 feet (6. 1 m) above the waves at a speed of approximately 40 mph
(64 km) , for a distance of 1 00 feet (30.5 m) per level of the spell caster.
Range: 1 00 ft (30.5 m)
Thus, a second level spell enables the character to glide 200 feet (6 1 m),
Duration: Ten minutes per level of experience.
before dropping back into the water. I D4 seconds later, the character
Saving Throw: None
leaps back out and glides another 200 feet (6 1 m), and so on until the
P.P.E.: 1 0
spell ' s duration elapses. An 8th level spell means the character can glide
Level: 5th
800 feet (240 m), 9th level 900 feet (270 m), 1 0th level 1 000 feet (305
Allows the characters to speak telepathically with any sea creature, m) and so on. Rate of speed is roughly 40 miles per hour (64 km) .
including fish and sea mammals, and many aquatic predators from other
worlds, but not with underwater plants, invertebrates or intelligent be­
ings. This ability to have a dialogue exchange does not mean the sea
Grow Tentacles
creature will obey, cooperate, or provide accurate information. Range: Self or one person by touch.
Duration: Two minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient resists the magic.
Coral Armor P.P.E.: 30
Range: Self Level: 8th
Duration: Five minutes per level of spell caster
A pair of tentacles magically appears as part of the character' s body .
Savings Throw: None
Each pair adds one attack per melee round, a bonus of + 1 to strike and
P.P.E.: 10 for S .D.C. armor or 45 for M.D.C. armor.
parry and + 1 on initiative. Each tentacle has 60 M.D.C. The spell can be
Level: 7th
used repeatedly to add as many as three pair (six tentacles); all bonuses
A spell that creates a lightweight, noiseless, full suit of armor made are cumulative.
from living coral that not only protects the character, but is spiky and so
sharp that opponents cannot touch it without cutting themselves (2D4
S.D.C. damage). The armor has 15 S.D.C. or M.D.C. per level of expe­
Healing Waters
rience. Lightning, cold, and water based attacks do one-third damage. Range: 3 feet (0.9 m) per level of experience.
Note that coral armor is not air- or water-tight and has no environmental Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
features. Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 1 5
Level: 6th
Float Underwater
Instantly changes a three foot (0.9 m) radius of water, per level of
Range: Self or two others.
experience, into a warm bath water which soothes all aches, pains, and
Duration: 15 minutes per level of the spell caster ' s experience.
bums, and heals I D6 points of damage (S.D.C. or M.D.C. depending on
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist.
the creature) per minute. Once the healing affect dissipates, the water
P.P.E.: Five
returns to normal.
Level: 2nd
Characters affected by this spell become buoyant enough to float un­
derwater, but not so much as to rise completely to the surface. Those af­
Impervious to Cold
fected simply float along with the current without sinking any lower Range: Self o r one other b y touch.
than 1 000 feet (305 m). Characters who can swim can alter their direc­ Duration : 20 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
tion and swim at their maximum speed at half the normal exhaustion Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist.
rate. P.P.E.: 1 0
Level: 4th
Float on Water Those affected by this magic are impervious to cold, including the
freezing temperatures at great depths.
Range: Self or two others (can be cast on others up to 30 ft/9. 1 m
Duration : 30 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
Impervious to Electricity
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist. Range: Self or one other by touch.
P.P.E. : Three Duration: 15 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
Level: 1 st Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist.
This spell makes the enchanted person so buoyant that he rises to the P.P.E.: 20 Level : 7th
surface and floats on the waves like a stick of wood. This spell does not Those affected by this magic are impervious to electricity; no dam­
endow the ability to swim, although those who can swim can alter their age. Magic lightning and electricity does half damage.
direction, try to swim against the current, and swim on the surface at
their maximum speed at half the normal exhaustion rate. Impervious to Ocean Depths
Range: Self or two others by touch.
Flying Fish Duration: 10 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
Range: Self or two others by touch. Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist.
Duration: 10 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience. P.P.E.: 75
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient resists the magic. Level: 1 0th
P.P.E. : Eight This enchantment makes the character impervious to the deadly
Level: 3rd pressures of the ocean ' s depths. This means he can travel to the bottom
This spell enables the character, whether a humanoid, dolphin, of the deepest ocean trench without ill effect. Note, however, that if the
whale or other type of creature, to dive in and out of the water at great spell wears off while at great depths, the character will be crushed and
speeds and glide through the air similar to a flying fish or a flat stone die instantly ! For humans without deep sea armor, that would be any
skipping across the water. When airborne, the character can soar up to depth over 250 feet (76.2 m) ! !

Metamorphosis Crustacean
Range: Self or one person (can be cast up to 30 ft/9 m away). The metamorphosis into a monster crustacean transforms the
Duration: 10 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience. mage into a giant and frightening looking crab or lobster-like beast. As
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient tries to resist. always, the character retains his own LQ., memory, knowledge, hit
P.P.E.: 60 or 1 20 for a monster crustacean. points and S .D.C.IM.D.C. (plus monster bonuses and abilities); how­
Level: 1 1 th ever, the performance of human skills is impossible. Likewise, speaking
The mage can transform himself into any variety of crab, lobster, or and casting magic is impossible in this form. The metamorphosis can be
shrimp that is no smaller than a half inch ( 1 2.7 mm) and no longer than cancelled at will.
three feet (0.9 m). This is an excellent means of disguise, although the The following abilities apply to monsters:
character may be vulnerable to attack from fish and other natural preda­ • Horror Factor 1 3
tors. • M.D.C. bonus o f 1 5 per level o f experience.
While in this animal form, the character retains his own LQ., mem­ • Running speed of 22 ( 1 5 mph/24 km) .
ory, knowledge, hit points and S .D.C.IM.D.C.; however, the perform­ • Swim at a speed o f five miles per hour (8 km).
ance of human skills is impossible. Likewise, speaking and casting • Swim in short bursts that last I D4 minutes at speeds of 50 mph (80
magic is impossible in this form. The metamorphosis can be cancelled km)
at will. • Breathe and function underwater and on dry land.
The following are some of the abilities common to these creatures: • Dig and bury self under loose sand and rocks.
• Run at a maximum speed of three mph (4.8 kmph). • Climb skill: 80%/70%
• Swim at a speed of one mile per hour ( 1 .6 kmph). • Prowl skill: 3 5 %
• Swim in short bursts that last I D4 minutes at speeds of 20 mph (32 • Carry three tons.
km) • Four attacks per melee round with pincer/claw. Inflicts 3D6 M.D.,
• Breathe and function underwater and on dry land. while a body block or stomp does I D6 M.D.
• Dig and bury self under loose sand and rocks. • Survive depths of up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m).
• Climb skill : 80%/70%
• Prowl skill: 75%
• Carry three times its own body weight.
• Two attacks per melee round with pincer/claw. Tiny and small crus­
taceans do one S.D.C. point while large ones do I D4 S .D.C.
• Survive depths of up to 1 000 feet (305 m).

Metamorphosis Fish Mystic Sea Horse
Range: Immediate area.
Range: Self or one person (can be cast up to 30 ft/9 . 1 m away). Speed : Up to 40 mph (64 km) maximum.
Duration : 10 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience. Duration: Ten minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist. Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. : 50 P.P.E.: 1 5
Level: 9th Level: 6th
A transformation spell that turns the spell caster into any type of The spell creates a giant, magical sea horse that humanoids can ride
large to medium-size fish. Abilities are fundamentally the same as the and other creatures can hold onto, or be swept up by and carried away.
fish selected. Does not include jellyfish or star fish, both of which are The creature is really a minor water elemental composed entirely of
NOT in the fish family; their names are misnomers. Likewise, sea mam­ water and has a head and body shape resembling a sea horse. The
mals such as dolphins, whales and sea lions, are not possible. While in mount has a low intelligence and serves only as a riding/pulling animal.
this animal form, the character retains his own I.Q., memory, knowl­ Can travel up to 4 miles (6.4 km) deep, which is probably much deeper
edge, hit points and S .D.C./M.D.C.; however, the performance of hu­ than its riders can survive.
man skills is impossible. Likewise, speaking and casting magic IS
impossible in this form. The metamorphosis can be cancelled at will. Ride the Waves
The following are some average ahilities common to most fish: Range: Self and/or two others.
• Breathe underwater via gills. Speed : Up to 40 mph (64 km) maximum.
• Swim at a speed of 15 miles per hour (24 km). Duration: Ten minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
• Swim in short bursts that last I D6 minutes at speeds of 40 mph (64 Saving Throw: None
km). P.P.E.: Ten
• Two attacks per melee round by bite ( 1 D4 S .D.C. points for me­ Level: 5th
dium-sized fish while large ones do 2D4 S.D.C., 2D6 from barra­ The spell caster creates a magical wave on the surface of the water
cuda) or tail slap ( 1 D6 S.D.C. for medium-sized fish, while large, and rides it (standing, kneeling, or laying prone) like a surfer, but with­
swordfish or marlin-sized fish do 2D6) . out a surf board. This spell can be cast on others, but only the spell
• + 1 on initiative and +2 to dodge. caster can control its speed and direction. Likewise, the magic wave can
• Survive depths of up to two miles (3.2 km). be used to carry a raft, life boat or other type of small boat and all occu­
pants on board, but at half the normal speed (20 mph/32 km).

Metamorphosis Shark Sense Direction Underwater

Range: Self
Range: Self or one person (can be cast up to 30 ft/9 m away).
Duration : Ten minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
Duration: 1 0 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist.
P.P.E.: Four
P.P.E. : 90 or 1 60 for a monster shark.
Level: 1 st
Level: 1 2th
This enchantment provides the character with a flawless sense of di­
The character is transformed into a large shark! While in this animal rection (north, south, east, west, up, down, etc.), the direction of ocean
form, the character retains his own I.Q., memory, knowledge, hit points currents, changes in the current, approximate current speed, and an ac­
and S.D.C./M.D.C.; however, the performance of human skills, speak­ curate idea of depth, even in total darkness.
ing and spell casting is impossible while in this form. The metamorpho­
sis can be cancelled at will. Note: There are 350 types of sharks, all
members of the strap-gilled fish family, known as elasmobranch, with a
Senses of the Shark
different physiology than most other fish. Range: Self
Duration: Ten minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
The following are the average ahilities common to most sharks : Saving Throw: None
• Horror Factor 1 2 ( 1 6 if monster shark) P.P.E.: 1 5 Level: 6th
• Breathe underwater via gills.
• Swim at a speed of 20 miles per hour (32 km) . Basic Senses and Bonuses: Taste blood up to two miles (3.2 km) away.
• Swim in short bursts that last I D6 minutes at speeds of 50 mph (80 Track the blood scent/trail to its source 80%. See and follow electrical
km). impulses and energy released by the earth (electro-magnetic), machines,
• Can make incredibly sharp, 1 80 degree turns and can twist its body electrical cable/conduit, and muscle movement (no blindness penalty to
into a "U" shape. strike, parry or dodge even in absolute darkness; range 200 feet/6 1 m
• Can see the electrical impulses of muscle movement and electricity plus 1 0 feet/3 .0 m per level of experience). Nightvision 500 feet ( 1 5 2
in machines and conduit. m ) , + 1 t o save vs horror factor and + 1 o n initiative. A l l abilities are ap­
• B lood scent: smell blood up to two miles (3.2 km) away and track plicable only when underwater!
the scent to the source 80%. Penalties: The primitive, predatory senses of the shark makes the
• Nightvision 500 feet ( 1 52 m) character -20% to perform all skills and there is a chance that the taste
• Three attacks per melee round: bite does 4D6 S.D.C., power bite of blood (automatically tastes any blood in the water) will send the
(and rip) does I D6x l Q S .D.C. but counts as two melee attacks, or character into a fighting frenzy : Compels the character to fight against
tail slap doing 2D6 S .D.C. (M.D.C. damage if a monster shark). overwhelming odds, fight to the death, fight without mercy and strike to
• +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to dodge, and +4 to save vs horror kill ! While in the frenzy, the character may ( 1 -50%) accidentally strike
factor. at a friend or ally before he recognizes his friend and stops. Roll to de­
• +3D6x l O bonus S.D.C. (M.D.C. if a monster shark) termine (or maintain) a fighting frenzy for every minute of exposure to
• Survive depths of up to three miles (4.8 km). blood. The odds of falling into such a frenzy are 1 - 1 5 % from small

amounts of blood, 1 -45% from large amounts of blood, and 1 -80% if Summon Sea Friend
engulfed/bathed in blood.
Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) radius.
Duration: One hour per level of experience.
Sonar Hearing Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 40
Range: Self or two others by touch. The range of sonar hearing is 300
Level: 8th
feet (9 1 .5 m) plus 1 00 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience.
Summons any one of the following animals who are friendly and
Duration: Two minutes per level of the spell caster.
Saving Throw: None helpful to humans, humanoids and Whale Singers : 0 1 -20 dolphin, 2 1 -30
P.P.E: 1 0 killer whale, 3 1 -50 sea otter, 5 1 -70 grey seal, 7 1 -80 manta ray, 8 1 -00
sea turtle; no sea monsters or sharks. The summoning call will make the
Level: 4th
creature aware that character is injured, or in need of assistance and will
This spell provides the character with the ability to "see" underwater
allow the summoner to pet them, ride on their backs, be pulled along or
even if blinded or in muddy water via sonar and sound pulses. Like a
be taken to the surface or to a specific place or vessel, retrieve an item,
bat, the character can determine the size and shapes of objects, their dis­
and so on. They will obey simple commands that are not aggressive or
tance, direction of movement, approximate speed and location by
hostile in nature, or puts them in serious danger. All communication is
bouncing sound waves off of them and hearing their reflection. This
telepathic. If the sea creature ever goes beyond the one mile radius ( 1 .6
ability is not as precise or complex as the dolphin and whale, so crea­
km) , the spell is broken.
tures used to seeing with their eyes are - I on initiative, - 1 to strike and -
2 to parry and dodge when completely blind and relying on sonar
Transmute Water
Range: Touch or up to 3 feet (0.9 m) away per level of experience.
Duration : Instant
Sound Sponge Saving Throw: None
Range: Can be cast up to 500 feet ( 1 53 m) away. P.P.E.: 1 5 to change from one to the other, 25 to completely purify.
Duration : Five minutes per level of experience. Level: 7th
Save: None This spell enables the character to transform 1 0 gallons of water per
P.P.E.: 30 level of experience from saltwater to freshwater, or vice-versa. An addi­
Level: 7th tional 10 P.P.E. enables the spell caster to remove all harmful toxins,
Creates a bubble 20 feet (6. 1 m) in diameter per level of experience, poisons, pollution, bacteria, etc. from the water. This spell is especially
that absorbs all sound, including the sonar signals and sonic probes used useful on dry land and when a water creature needs either saltwater or
by some marine creatures, ships and submarines. The area will appear freshwater to survive.
as a void spot - suggesting something may be concealed but is unable
to be "seen" by sonar and sonic probes. At great depths where there is Travel Above Water
no light, some other means of detection will be necessary to investigate Range: Self and 1 00 Ibs (45 kg).
the cloaked area. The spell is like an expanded version of globe of si­ Duration : One hour per level of experience.
lence. Savings Throw: None
P.P.E.: 30 Level: 8th

Speak Underwater This spell is rarely taken by aquatic beings but can be very useful for
surface dwellers. It allows the character to travel one to twelve inches
Range: Self or two others by touch.
(the spell caster' s discretion) above the waves at a speed equal to the
Duration : 10 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
character' s normal ground speed. The humanoid can run or walk with
Saving Throw: Standard, but only if the recipient resists.
or against the current (no penalty) as if he were walking on dry land. He
P.P.E.: 1 0
can also drift with the current laying on his stomach, side, or back, hov­
Level: 4th
ering a few inches above the waves. The amazing part is that the spell
This spell enables surface dwellers to speak underwater with the
caster and his possessions will remain completely dry from the ocean
same relative ease as they do in the air. Their words can be heard at a mist and spray, and can ride the highest waves and barely feel the mo­
range of 1 00 feet (30.5 m) + 1 0 feet ( 3 .0 m) per level of the spell caster. tion. The character can carry up to 1 00 Ibs (45 kg).
Note: The spell caster can be dragged under the water by a com­
Strength of the Whale bined strength of 30 or more. However, the spell will still be in effect
and the magic buoyancy of the spell will attempt to cause the character
Range: Self
to surface. If forced underwater, all his possessions will get wet.
Duration: Five minutes per level of the spell caster ' s experience.
Saving Throw: Standard, if the recipient desires to resist.
P.P.E.: 20 Walk Like a Humanoid
Level: 7th Range: Self or one creature by touch.
This magic instills the following powers : Duration: 20 minutes per level of the spell caster' s experience.
• Doubles the character' s normal strength and is the equivalent of su­
Saving Throw: Standard if the recipient of the magic tries to resist.
pernatural P.S . (punches inflict M.D.). P.P.E.: 30 Level: 8th
• Doubles the maximum depth tolerance of surface dwellers. For hu­ A sort of modified or partial metamorphosis spell that gives the spell
mans, such an increase would be approximately 500 feet ( 1 52 m). caster or an aquatic creature, including dolphins and other sea mam­
• Doubles the character' s S.D.C. (if a mega-damage being, the spell mals, a pair of functioning, magic legs that enables it to walk and run on
increases M.D.C. by 50%). dry land. Speed is 4D6. Of course, other physiological concerns may
• Fatigues at half normal rate. need to be addressed, such as dehydration, the ability to breathe air,
• Can leap out of the water up to 20 feet (6. 1 m) into the air. food, etc.

Water Envelope fall from his belt, holster, backpack, etc. - they slowly sink to the
ocean floor (it takes 2D4 melee rounds to retrieve them) .
Range: Self or two others by touch
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience. The water rush be directed a t one, specific target, o r fired in a wide,
Save: None 20 foot (6. 1 m) swath.
P.P.E.: 1 0
Level: 4th Water Seal
Creates a magic enclosure or envelope of water around aquatic be­ Range: Touch or up to 3 feet (0.9 m) away.
ings and animals who need water to survive when out of the water. The Duration: One hour per level of experience; triple for sea druids.
magic creates a force field-like envelope that holds circulating fresh or Saving Throw: None
salt water. Creatures such as dolphins who need to breathe air are able P.P.E.: 1 0
to do so as part of the magic. The Field can take 20 M.D.C. before col­ Level: 5th
lapsing and releasing all the water. A water envelope cannot be cast Allows the character to make any container, regardless of the mate­
around humans or other surface dwelling life forms ! rial it is made from (paper bag, cardboard box, plastic, wood, metal,
etc.), completely airtight and water resistant, keeping whatever is inside
Water Nourishment perfectly dry until the spell expires or the container is opened. The spell
Range: Touch or up to 3 feet (0.9 m) away. can cover up to two cubic feet (0.6 m) per level of experience. This
Duration: Instant spell can also be used to seal leaking doors, hatches and portholes.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 1 0 Water Wall
Level: 5th
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) plus 1 0 feet ( 3 .0 m) per level of experience.
Converts eight fluid ounces of salt or fresh water into a healthy nec­ Duration : One minute per level of the spell caster ' s experience.
tar that provides enough nourishment to sustain a person or man-sized Saving Throw: None per se; dodge only.
sea animal for one day. P.P.E.: 1 0 for an S .D.C. wall or 25 for an M.D.C. wall.
Level: 7th
Water Pulse A wall of water five feet ( 1 .5 m) tall and 10 feet (3.0 m) long per
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) level of experience, rises from the water and hangs suspended in the air.
Duration: Instant Hitting an S.D.C. wall does I D6x l O S.D.C. damage and temporarily re­
Saving Throw: None duces speed by one-third. Hitting an M.D.C. wall inflicts I D6x l O
P.P.E.: Two M.D.C. and temporarily reduces speed b y half.
Level: 1 st The wall will also stop S .D.C. or M.D.C. bullets, projectiles, and en­
A powerful blast of water that inflicts minor damage (2D6 S.D.C.) ergy blasts, per each respective wall type, and deflect laser beams and
and knocks human-sized and smaller targets/items back/away I D4x l O large missiles, knocking them off course (-5 to strike). Of course, mega­
yards/meters (30 to 1 20 feet). The blast can be used to startle an oppo­ damage weapons will punch right through an S .D.C. wall.
nent, scatter fish, push away sand, knock a weapon or tool out of a char­ The wall is drawn from the ocean itself and is constantly flowing
acter' s hand (requires a called shot), and similar. and renewing itself. Thus, after a vessel crashes through it, there is no
evidence of its passage (it ' s like passing through a waterfall). Conse­
Water Spout quently, neither wall has any sort of damage capacity and cannot be de­
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) + 10 feet ( 3 .0 m) above the waves. stroyed. Instead, it melts back into the ocean once the spell is cancelled
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience. or the duration has elapsed.
Saving Throw: None A water wall can be created underwater does half damage and has
P.P.E.: 1 2 half the duration.
Level: 5th
A magic spell that creates a tower or spout of water shooting into the Weed Snare
air. It can be used to signal vessels and flyers, to carry the spell caster
Range: Can be cast up to 1 00 feet (30.5 m) away.
into the air (standing at the top of the spot; great vantage point and/or
Duration: Two melee rounds per level of experience.
opportunity to attack opponents on the water' s surface or in the air), or
Saving Throw: Roll to save by managing to pull out of the weed snare.
to rock or capsize boats : 1 -50% chance of tipping over a small boat or
P.P.E.: Eight
raft, 1 -30% chance against a medium-sized vessel, 1 - 1 0% against a
Level: 4th
large vessel, no chance against carrier sized ships.
This magic animates seaweed to clutch, entangle and hold onto a
character. The weeds are S .D.C. material but so dense and ensnaring
Water Rush that even mega-damage beings and bots will lose two melee attacks/ac­
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) tions struggling to get free or trying to shred the weeds.
Duration: Instant S.D.C. creatures, including normal humans and dolphins, roll to save
Saving Throw: None against the attack by ripping or wiggling out of the tangle of weeds. A
P.P.E. : 1 5 successful save means they slip the snare within I D4 melee rounds. A
Level: 5th failed roll means they are stuck until the spell is cancelled or elapses.
A powerful jet or stream of underwater currents magically appears While ensnared, the captive can fire weapons, try to fight and use psion­
to sweep away anything in its path, similar to the wind rush spell. Vic­ ics or magic, but is -2 to strike, -4 to parry, -6 to dodge, and cannot
tims caught in this powerful current are swept 30 feet (9. 1 m) away per move more than a few feet from the spot where the weeds have grabbed
level of the spell caster and must roll a sort of parry (needs a 1 5 or him. The spell can also be used to capture fish and small sea animals.
higher) to hang onto all of their possessions. A failed roll means the Real seaweed must be in the area for this spell to work. One spell af­
character either drops something from one of his hands or I D4 items fects one person/captive.

Whirlpool Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Range: 1 20 foot (36.5 m) radius; can be cast up to 500 feet ( 1 5 3 m) Range: 1 0 feet (3.0 m) per level of experience.
away. Duration: Instant
Duration: One minute per level of the spell caster. Saving Throw: Special
Saving Throw: Not applicable. P.P.E.: 1 2
P.P.E. : 50 Level: 5th
Level: 9th The spell caster can direct a strong electromagnetic pulse against
This powerful spell conjures forth a great, spinning whirlpool in an electronic equipment. Used against underwater scooters, sleds, and jet
ocean, sea or large lake. The watery funnel pulls and sucks all objects packs, there is a 1 -60% chance of stalling the vehicle or disrupting the
on the water into its whirling center, crushing and dragging them down gyroscopic controls (it swerves all over the place; cannot be controlled)
into the depths. for I D6 melee rounds. Any onboard compass, computer, scanner, or ra­
Objects caught in the outer edge will be drawn toward the center in a dio will be rendered useless for 3D6 melee rounds.
spiralling circle, at the rate of ten feet (3.0 m)per melee round. Victims Used against environmental diving suits, exoskeletons, body armor,
on boats will become dizzy and disoriented; 30% will get sea sick. Indi­ cyborgs and power armor, it will temporarily knock-out any onboard
viduals in the water are helpless to escape and drown (50% chance in targeting systems, computer display, and scanners for I D4 melee
2D4 minutes) unless they are thrown a line or otherwise rescued (air rounds, and compass or radio for 2D4 melee rounds.
pickups are the safest) . Most medium to large ships and submersibles Used against deep sea probes, mini-subs, large to giant robots, and
can pull out of the outer edge and escape. Small vessels and life rafts sensor arrays on big ships, will temporarily knockout any onboard tar­
only have a 50% chance of escape. The outer whirlpool has a 1 20 foot geting systems, scanners, compasses, or radio for I D4 melee rounds.
(36.5 m) radius. Special shielding, insulation and sheer bulk gives these targets an auto­
The center of the whirlpool is 20 feet (6. 1 m) in diameter and does matic saving throw. A successful save means any disruption lasted only
I D4x l O M.D. each melee round to any small object in its grip. Large for a micro-second and was barely noticeable.
ships, subs and bots suffer 2D6x l O M.D. and will be pulled underwater
when the vessel hits dead center (usually takes I D4 melee rounds). Get­
ting pulled down the whirlpool inflicts I D6x l O M.D. to small
items/people and 2D6x 1 00 M.D. to large vessels, plus a 90% chance
Psi -Flash Warning
that any vessel that rides the surface of the water is sunk and 90% of its Range: 1 000 miles ( 1 600 km) plus 300 miles (482.7 km) per level of
crew drowns ! 50% chance of rupture, sinking and drowning for sub­ experience.
mersibles. Note: A dispel magic barrier spell will destroy a magic Duration : Instant
whirlpool instantly. Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 20
Level: 7th
The spell caster can transmit an instantaneous telepathic warning to
Dolphin Magic any one person within range; usually somebody known to the sender,
but a general transmission can also be sent to a group or place.
Dolphin magic is a range of specialized magic powers known to dol­ The psionic communication is an extremely brief but unmistakable
phins, porpoises and some whales. It is exclusive to these races and not warning of danger or trouble, such as: "So and so (an enemy) has cap­
known by ocean wizards, humans and non-cetaceans. Note: Dolphins tured . . . whoever." Or, "Run ! So and so (an enemy or dangerous force)
can also learn some Ocean Magic or Whale Singer spellsongs. See the is coming." Or, "So and so (an enemy or dangerous force) has killed or
appropriate character classes for details. struck down the spell caster (or whoever) ! " "I'm dying" or "help me"
can also be sent, along with a solid idea of a specific location. An image
Alphabetical Spell List of the danger, or the face of the enemy is usually accompanied with the
Air Doubler ( 1 0) warning. The sender of the message can allow his identity to be known
Electromagnetic Pulse ( 1 2) or conceal it.
Psi-Flash Warning (20)
Ride Ley Lines ( 1 0)
Sense Food (6)
Sense Predator (8)
Ride Ley Lines
Sense Weather ( 1 0) Range: Self or one other; can be cast on a person up to 1 00 feet (30.5
Sonic Blast ( 1 5 ) m) away.
Sonic Stun (20) Duration : Special
Speed Doubler (8) Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 1 0
Level: 5th
Air Doubler
Quadruples the enchanted character' s normal swimming speed and
Range: Self or one other; can be cast on a person up to 1 00 feet (30.5
ability to hold breath as long as he soars along a ley line or network of
m) away.
ley lines. Leaving the ley line cancels the magic. While traveling along
Duration: Special
these lines of energy, the rider is also aware of ley line storms and Rifts
Saving Throw: None
opening and closing. Furthermore, the speeding character is +2 on in­
P.P.E.: 1 0
itiative and +2 to dodge.
Level: 4th
Enables the character affected to hold his breath twice as long as
usual. Not applicable to air tanks, only air held in the lungs of living

approximately when it will h i t h i s current position. Likewise, the char­
acter will sense calm weather and hence, calm waters, a sunny day , and
so on.

Sonic Blast
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience.
Duration : Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 1 5
Level: 5th
A powerful, narrowly focused blast of sound that strikes with the
impact of a torpedo, but has a small impact point and no blast area. It
inflicts 1 06 M.D. per level of the spell caster. The M.D.C. structure
Sense Food takes the brunt of the damage, but the equivalent of one-third (33%)
damage in SD.C. points is also inflicted to the pilot of light or small­
Range: Self or one other; can be cast on a person up to 1 00 feet (30.5
sized bots, power armor, body armor, and small vehicles. That means a
m) away.
blast that inflicts 22 M.D.C. would also inflict 7 S.D.C./hit point dam­
Duration: Special age to the pilot inside the mega-damage structure. A blast that did 40
Saving Throw: None M.D.C. would also do 1 3 S.D.C. to the pilot. Large or heavily armored
P.P.E.: 6 robots and vehicles absorb all damage and no S.D.C. residual waves
Level: 2nd penetrates their shielding.
The spell caster can sense the general location and distance (near or
far) of food. Since this is "dolphin" magic, jood is schools of small (for
the ocean) fish, squid, shrimp, invertebrates and krill .
Sonic Stun
Range: 50 feet ( \ 5 . 2 m) per level of experience.
Sense Predator Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Save vs non-lethal poison/attack : 16 or higher. A suc­
Range: Self; sensing area is a 200 foot (61 m) radius per level of expe­
cessful save means no physical damage to the living character and the
only side-effects are ringing ears, -3 on initiative, -2 to strike, parry and
Duration: Five minutes per level of experience.
dodge for 1 04 melee rounds ( \ 5 to 60 seconds).
Saving Throw: None for animals, but intelligent creatures (including
P.P.E.: 20
other cetaceans, aquatic D-bees, Minions of the Lord of the Deep, de­
Level: 6th
mons, and many monsters) roll to save v s psionic probe. A 15 or higher
An ultra-sonic blast that is intended to stun rather than kill. A failed
is needed to save. A successful save means the intelligent predator' s
saving throw means the character is affected in the following way :
presence is concealed from the spell caster, s o this is not a fool proof
means of detection against all predators. • Damage: 306 S.D.C. underwater o r 1 06 o n dry land, o r an air envi­
P.P.E.: 8 ronment.
Level: 3rd • Stun Effect from an unsuccessful saving throw : 1 -65 % likelihood of
being knocked unconscious for 1 04 melee rounds . If the victim
This magical "sixth sense" warns the spell caster of any animal
manages to remain conscious he has a splitting headache, ringing
predators in the area such as sharks, deep sea fish, giant squids, giant
ears and is -6 on initiative, -6 to strike, parry and dodge, and speed,
octopus, polar bears, animal predators from other worlds, mutant ani­
attacks per melee round and performance of skills are reduced by
mals and similar animal predators. It also gives the character some idea
half. Note: Sonic "stun" blasts are S.D.C. attacks and do not damage
of how many are present (one, a pair, a few, many) and how close they
mega-damage body armor, vehicles or structures. However, they
may be (immediate area/attack is imminent, not far, very far) .
will affect characters in half armor, without environmental helmets
This magic may also alert the character about human, D-bee, super­
and even those clad in a full suit of SD.C. armor. Furthermore, half
natural being, or other intelligent life forms hunting in the area, espe­
the S.D.C. damage will penetrate most M.D.C. body armor, robots
cially if they are hunting for creatures like the spell caster (or him
vehicles and light vehicles, to hit and hurt the person inside ! One­
specifically) . However, these beings get a saving throw and may avoid
third of the S.D.C. damage will penetrate and hit the wearers of
detection. If the intelligent predator is missed by one spell caster, he is
M.D.C. body armor and power armor, while one-quarter will pene­
+6 to save from any additional magical sense predator spells cast by
trate and hit the pilots of small robots and M.D.C. vehicles. A sonic
anybody within the next 10 minutes.
stun blast will not penetrate heavily armored structures or vessels
larger than 50 feet ( \ 5 .2 m) .
Sense Weather
Range: Self; weather conditions within a 200 mile (320 km) radius,
plus 1 00 miles ( 1 60 km) per level of experience. Speed Doubler
Duration: Instant knowledge. Weather conditions should not change Range: Self or other (can be cast on a person up to 1 00 feet/30.5 m
for at least 1 04 hours and more likely, for 1 2 hours. away)
Saving Throw: None Duration : Five minutes per level of the spell caster.
P.P.E.: 1 0 Saving Throw: None
Level: 4th P.P.E.: 8
The spell caster can sense the weather conditions on the surface for a Level: 4th
radius of several hundred miles. If a fog, light rain, rainstorm, hurri­ The spell enables the enchanted character to swim at twice his nor­
cane, ley line storm or other atmospheric force is even beginning to de­ mal speed without fatigue ! Does not work for running on dry land or
velop or arrive within his area of sensing, the character will know it and fl ying in the air.

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Dolph i ns & C etaceans

Design Note: For those readers who look to our books for factual and 17 genera within that family of animal, including the Common dol­
data, please be aware that much of this material is fictional, even though phin, Bottle-nosed dolphin, Spotted dolphin, Killer whale, Pilot' s whale
it may sound factual. The text is inspired by real world scientific evi­ and Melon-headed whale. Dolphins are the most common sea mammals
dence and research, but applied to the fictional world of Rifts where we in the world, with tens of millions of common dolphins alone and hun­
can adjust reality any way we desire. Consequently, the degree of intel­ dreds of millions when one accounts for all the members of the dolphin
ligence, subjective reasoning and natural abilities of cetacean RPG char­ family (the Common, B ottle-nose, Spotted, and Atlantic white-sided
acters have been extrapolated upon and taken to the extreme, with dolphins are the most common). Porpoises are cousins from the Pho­
magic and psionic powers thrown into the mix. Still, playing such a coenidae family and share many of the traits and abilities of dolphins,
character makes you wonder about these amazing mammals and what but more closely resemble small whales, are not as numerous, avoid
their life in the ocean must be like. contact with humanoids and are much more aloof.
Dolphins are highly intelligent! They are very observant, alert, cu­
Background : rious, intuitive, resourceful, cooperative, compassionate and quick to
action, especially in helping and protecting other dolphins and humans.
Before the Rifts In fact, there seems to be some magical link or racial memory that
Dolphins and whales are members of the same scientific animal or­ bonds humans and dolphins in some way that neither race can explain
der of Cetacea. This means that all cetaceans are cousins. There are or understand. Human scientists had recognized this relationship for
nine different families, 1 8 genera, and 76 different species. Dolphins decades and by the late 20th Century, had done extensive studies on
are toothed whales in the family of Delphinidae. There are 3 2 species them. If dolphins could be trained, the potential applications for these

intelligent animals would be tremendous, and much more far reaching
than entertainers at marine aquariums. The Dolphins of Rifts Earth
Civilian research focused on studies and development of dolphins
and killer whales in communications, task training and medical therapy.
Since the Coming of the Rifts and the appearance of magic, dolphins
Communications/speech was a quest to develop the dolphins ' under­
have exhibited an increased level of intelligence, and are even believed
standing of and ability to speak the human language. Humans also tried
to wield their own brand of magic. They were terribly distressed to see
to learn the dolphins ' language of squeals, clicks and whistles, but there
the near obliteration of humankind and are delighted to see humans
was much greater success with dolphins learning the human language
making a comeback even though their return to the oceans makes the
than vice versa. Task training was an attempt to teach dolphins to per­
seas a more dangerous place for all gentle cetaceans.
form simple tasks and routines. If successful, the animals could be used
It is interesting to note that the devastation that crushed the surface
in a way similar to training dogs helping the blind, sniffing out drugs
world had much less impact on the oceans and seas. Of course, violent
and bombs, herding sheep, etc. Marine scientists and engineers hoped
hurricanes, ley line storms, earthquakes and tidal waves shook the
dolphins could someday help them with excavation, exploration and
oceans, and the appearance of Atlantis and other anomalies altered the
colonization of the seas. The coast guard hoped they might be able to
seas with its havoc, but the undersea world survived with comparatively
help in sea rescue and search missions.
minor casualties. In fact, the greatest dangers came later from dimen­
Medical therapy was another area of civilian research that showed sional Rifts, dead pools, magic triangles like the Demon Sea (Bermuda
great promise. Dolphins could use their keen senses to recognize physi­ Triangle) and the alien monsters attracted to such places. From these lo­
cal and genetic disabilities in humans. They showed a consistent ability cations came supernatural forces and new, alien predators that hunted
to identify individuals with brain tumors, cancer, mental retardation, dolphins and in some cases , threatened the entire world. Yet, in the
physical impairments, and so on. In addition, the compassionate dol­ vastness of the oceans, even these dangers could be avoided. Without
phins lavished these people with attention and showed them incredible humans plundering the seas for fish, fuel and sport, the population of
patience, nurturing and gentle playfulness. The sick and disabled re­ cetaceans and most aquatic life forms exploded. Dolphin numbers are
sponded to the dolphins ' attention and games in such a positive way back into the tens of millions and even endangered species like the
that the people became more confident and hopeful, and excelled in Humpback whale number into the thousands.
physical and emotional therapy. There was even some evidence of bio­
feedback recovery and spontaneous remission of disease. It was also
hoped that dolphins, especially if they could learn to speak, could work The Dolphin Community
with doctors to accurately diagnose and locate the cause of internal and
Dolphins are by nature gregarious, friendly and sympathetic crea­
neurological problems.
tures who not only enjoy life, but have a great respect for it. They are
The military also worked with dolphins and killer whales, particu­ very social animals who cooperate and share. B ands of 1 0 to 1 00 hunt­
larly in the areas of communication and task training. A dolphin who ers will leave the community in search of prey. They work as a team,
could speak and follow orders would be the ultimate underwater opera­ cleverly chasing fish into the waiting jaws of other dolphins, or into
tive. They could ferret out enemy submarines, mines and ships and re­ shallow water or cave where they are more easily caught. They will also
port their location, or sabotage, cripple and destroy the enemy with encircle prey and coordinate their actions to capture it.
explosives, or simply spy on them. Such military dolphins could also When danger threatens, the entire community unites. Females,
assist and defend skin divers, escort navy vessels and perform recon­ young and the old are protected by the males and the strong. The weak
naissance. Unfortunately, dolphins and the so-called killer whale lacked or helpless are never abandoned, except by accident. If a loved one is
the aggressive and violent nature to become such a warrior. Most re­ discovered missing, a group of 2D4 (sometimes as many as 2D4x l O)
belled against training that focused on hunting or hurting humans. The will go searching for him. Similar groups will try to defend against
cetaceans were too intelligent to be tricked into cooperating and after a sharks, killer whales and other predators, although many of these fero­
while, many wouldn ' t have anything to do with bombs, weapons or cious monsters do not give up easily and are likely to kill and devour
military vessels. Their playful and compassionate personalities also one or two of the noble defenders.
made it difficult to hold their attention for long periods of time. The largest gatherings of dolphins can number as many as two mil­
During mankind' s golden age of science, the persistent military con­ lion, although they are more commonly divided into smaller communi­
ducted experiments on dolphins and killer whales in an attempt to mold ties of 1 ,000 to 40,000. These groups should be considered communities
them to fit their needs. To this end they experimented with cybernetic like a band of human nomads rather than a school of fish. Smaller fam­
implants, bionic reconstruction, M.O.M. alterations, dolphin power ar­ ily groups, hunting parties, and adventuring dolphins will leave the
mor and even genetic engineering. For a while, cybernetic implants and larger community to go on their own travels, foraging and adventures,
genetic mutations seemed to hold the most promise. In the latter case, it but can return to the community at any time. Such excursions and side
was believed that the creatures could be genetically redesigned for trips are commonplace. The smallest splinter groups can be as few as a
greater speech capacity and be much more aggressive, yet loyal and pair (dolphins are not solitary creatures and rarely travel alone) to 4D6
obedient. The secret Lone Star Genetics Facility in Texas was already members. Medium-sized groups range from I D6x l O0 to 2D4x 1 00,
showing incredible success with mutant dogs (the Coalition' s Dog while large groups may have I D6x 1 000. Note: Porpoises and killer
Boys) and other animals. How far this research went with cetaceans is whales congregate in much smaller groups of I D6x l O and the biggest
unknown and lost with the advent of the Great Cataclysm - which community seldom exceeds 500 members.
begs the questions: Did any cetacean mutants survive the Coming of the Furthermore, if one or two dolphins get separated from their fellows
Rifts? Do their descendants exist in the seas of Rifts Earth? And if they they will cheerfully associate with humans, sometimes staying with
do, are they the friends or enemies of human beings? Questions that are them for years . With the appearance of magic energies, a heightened
yet to be answered. sense of unity and intelligence and an abundance of food, killer whales
have become more accepting of their smaller dolphin cousins and don ' t
hunt them in the wild a s much a s they once did. Strangely, dolphins and
killer whales are quick to accept each other when they are members of a
team or community of humans, pneuma-biforms or Whale Singers.
Even the presence of one or two humans or Whale Singers will make
the killer whales more accepting and benevolent toward dolphins. In

this situation, they will associate and befriend each other with little dif­ sonic senses enable them to see differences beneath the D-bees' outside
ficulty. Once a dolphin and killer whale become friends, they are likely appearance and are even able to identify shape shifters who may appear
to remain so for life. However, dolphins and killer whales who are completely human. Thus, dolphins tend to avoid contact and association
friends never associate with larger communities of other cetaceans un­ with non-humans; many are regarded as enemies.
less they are Whale Singers or part of a human community. Thus, when
away from humans or Whale Singers, dolphins and killer whales typi­ Technology
cally hang out in groups of 4 to 20 and never in a group with more than
The average, ordinary dolphin, porpoise, and whale is a simple crea­
200 members.
ture at home in his world and one with nature. They hunt, swim, play ,
love, and enjoy the splendor and beauty of life and the companionship
Dolphins & Conflict of friends. Most have no use for personal possessions, wealth or power.
Although they have come to recognize and understand the potential
Although predators, dolphins and porpoises feed on fish, squid, krill,
danger of human and D-bee ships, submarines, power armor, weapons
crustaceans, and invertebrates. They do not prey on other cetaceans or
and machines, they have no desire to use, own, or build them in order to
mammals . The only exception to this rule is the killer whale, who will
oppose them.
hunt and eat dolphins, porpoises, seals and other sea mammals, as well
Most dolphins (and to a lesser degree, killer whales) consider the use
as fish, squid and invertebrates. However, the killer whale never hunts
of machines and the desire for material things, power, and such emo­
or feeds on other killer whales or humans, although they may engage
tions as greed, jealousy, and envy, as "unenlightened" thinking, and one
them in combat to defend themselves, they seldom fight to the death or
of the things that holds humans back from becoming a truly great peo­
kill in anger. As for non-humans, while the notoriously friendly dol­
ple. In this regard, they view humans, with their machines and weapons,
phins avoid them, the killer whale has no remorse about fighting, killing
as reckless children playing with dangerous toys. However, they have
or preying on them.
high hopes that one day, humans will become enlightened and forsake
As a rule, dolphins and most cetaceans do not conduct wars, al­
such foolishness and "things." D-bees who use weapons and machines
though they will fiercely defend themselves or loved ones from preda­
are considered savage barbarians and/or invaders with little hope for en­
tors. If necessary, they will kill animal predators like the shark, and
even aquatic D-bees, monsters, and supernatural beings. However, even
in a life and death combat situation, most dolphins and porpoises are
satisfied with chasing an opponent away or accepting a surrender, rather
Foreign Relations
than slaying him. This is not true of the killer whale who will gladly Most races regard dolphins and other cetaceans with indifference.
fight to the death and extract lethal vengeance against cruel or dishonor­ Except for the more intelligent mutants, like the pneuma-biforms and
able foes. Whale Singers, generally speaking, cetaceans won ' t bother or interfere
with you if you don ' t bother them.
Dolphins rarely fight or even quarrel among themselves and are un­
believably tolerant and forgiving of humans. If a human is attacked, it is The Splugorth and Atlantis : The Splugorth and their minions find
in self-defense and only with enough force to escape and flee. A dol­ dolphins to be amazing and delightful creatures. However, since most
phin would rather suffer or die himself than take a human ' s life. Fur­ dolphins will not associate with them, they sometimes capture and use
thermore, these gentle beings are seldom vindictive or vengeful against them as pets, or force them to entertain and fight in aquatic arenas (pit­
other dolphins or humans, no matter how horrible an atrocity may have ting aquatic beings against each other in gladiatorial combat is a new
been committed against them. The rare, bitter and mean-spirited dolphin idea that has met with cool interest as a blood sport). Bio-wizards have
may never trust or willingly associate with humans, but seldom go after also done some experimentation with cetaceans, but for the most part,
revenge by harming them. Typically, a bitter dolphin character will treat the Splugorth like dolphins and whales and leave them alone. Dolphins
humans rudely, question their every motive, anticipate their betrayal, on the other hand see them as dangerous monsters and barbarian invad­
criticize their actions, insult them, and may act threatening or belliger­ ers, especially to their friends, the "Land People" (humans).
ent, even to the point of nipping and butting them, but will seldom actu­ The Naut' Yll: These expansionist aliens have found normal cetace­
ally fight or seriously hurt them. Only the most evil and tormented soul ans to be a potential food stock but, for the time being, have left most
would lead humans or other dolphins to their doom, or willingly con­ unmolested. However, they hate dolphins and whales who are Whale
tribute to their demise in any way. Only under the most extreme circum­ Singers or members of human communities like Tritonia and the New
stances (one in a million) will a dolphin, porpoise or killer whale slay a Navy. These cetaceans have actively fought against them and continue
human being. Most avoid even quarre lling with them. to thwart their expansion into other oceans. They loathe pneuma-bi­
Dolphins and killer whales are loyal to their friends, family and forms (most of whom are Whale Singers) and killer whales, both of
community, and will rarely abandon them in a time of need. They will whom actively combat them and organize with other beings to destroy
bravely face danger at the side of a friend, including humans, rather them. Many killer whales regard naut 'yll as an enemy to be destroyed,
than flee to save themselves. In fact, a dolphin may come to the rescue and some hunt them as food.
of "people" it doesn 't know. Throughout history, human sailors have re­ The Lord of the Deep: Dolphins and all cetaceans regard the alien
ported infrequent incidents where a dolphin or pair of dolphins ap­ intelligence as a natural enemy and a menace to their homes and the en­
peared out of nowhere to rescue them from a threatening shark, butting tire world. As such, they actively oppose it and fight its predatory min­
the monster with their nose and chasing it away, before vanishing into ions whenever they are encountered. The Lord of The Deep and its
the ocean depths. In many ways, dolphins possess all the best human minions are some of the few living creatures that dolphins will fight to
traits and have been called The Paladins of the Sea (the more aggres­ the death with the slightest provocation. Porpoises and less aggressive
sive killer whale may be considered an honorable knight but is no Pala­ whales try to avoid these monsters . Killer Whales, pneuma-biforms and
din; before the Coming of the Rifts, there were no reports of whales or Whale Singers strike whenever the opportunity is right and are a con­
porpoises coming to a human ' s rescue). stant source of dismay and frustration for the alien. Such attacks are
Since the days of the Great Cataclysm, the dolphins of Rifts Earth usually brutal and designed to destroy these abominations.
have become close friends and allies with numerous human colonies in The Coalition States: With the possible exception of ancient research
or near the sea. They have also befriended a handful of human-like D­ files at the Lone Star Genetics Complex (if they still exist), the CS
bees and mutants, yet it is with humans that dolphins (and killer whales) doesn 't know or care about dolphins and whales.
feel the most comfortable. By contrast, dolphins are leery and suspi­ Triax and the NGR: The NGR has conducted some scientific re­
cious of alien life forms, including aquatic humanoids. Their keen ultra- search on cetaceans and have even had some success with befriending

and training some normal dolphins. They are considering possible mili­ sea (at least as far as dolphins are concerned) . This is a big distinction to
tary applications for these sea mammals and have toyed with develop­ dolphins, because they tend to consider land people more helpless on
ing dolphin power armor and bionic implants; mainly voice, internal the high seas than boat people, and therefore need more of their atten­
oxygen tanks, and gill implants. However, they have more pressing tion and help.
concerns to deal with, so ventures into oceanology and experimental de­ Many dolphins who live among or associate with humans have
vices are on the back burner. They are aware that Whale Singers exist learned to understand one or two human languages, at least to some de­
but know virtually nothing about them. gree. Of course, their vocal cords and different perceptions limits the
Lemuria: Dolphins and Whale Singers get along well with Lemuri­ range of their abilities.
ans. This ancient race has been acknowledged and accepted by cetace­
ans for millennia. The Dolphins ' ability to speak in words
Tritonia & The New Navy: The artificial island, Captain Nemo-2,
Most ordinary dolphins will use whistles, clicks and body language
the New Navy and the cities of Refuge and Salvation have large groups
to communicate with each other and humans. However, dolphins show
of dolphins and a small number of killer whales, pneuma-biforms and
an outstanding ability to understand the human language. Those trained
Whale Singers as members of their community and as neighboring al­
by humans can manage to speak in single words that can be strung to­
lies. Among these "Land People," the dolphins and killer whales are re­
gether to make a short phrase or statement roughly equivalent to a three
garded as valuable allies and treated with kindness, honor and respect.
or four year old human child. Although verbal skills are roughly equiva­
The cetaceans have an equally high regard for them and cheerfully
lent to that of a young child, the dolphin can think in a much more com­
work with them in building and defending their tiny nations. Many, es­
plex and mature way. The average dolphin can learn the meaning of
pecially killer whales and Whale Singers, are members of the New
300 to 400 words. Most will develop their own vocabulary with their
Navy because of its dedication to destroying the Lord of the Deep, rid­
favorite and easiest words. One and two syllable words, or words that
ding the seas of the naut' yll and other invaders, and their commitment
sound like one, are the easiest for them to say. Words that carry a visual
to defending the weak and innocent.
image, or that they can relate to are the quickest to be learned and most
These humans have even developed power armor that some cetace­
likely to be remembered.
ans are willing to use, particularly killer whales and pneuma-biforms
(described elsewhere in this section). The Tritonians have also devel­
oped an advanced cybernetic implant that enables dolphins and killer
whales to speak the human language with superior clarity and ease.
Only cetaceans who request this operation are given it.
Others: Many D-bees and surface dwellers, including humans, still
think of the dolphins, porpoises and whales as dumb animals and may
hunt them for food or sport. The horune are an especially vicious D-bee
people who hunt and torture dolphins and whales for sport, as well as
capture and sell them into slavery.
Dolphins and other cetaceans also tend to get along with sea druids,
ocean wizards, simvans, dog bogs, wolfen, zembach, amphibs (mutant
humans), sea titans (mutant humans), and other mutant humans and ce­

Dolphins & The Human Language

Dolphins, killer whales and even porpoises are very intelligent, the
problem is that they just think differently than humans or "land people,"
as they call humans. Dolphins tend to think in different terms, needs,
spacial relations and, most importantly, in images. They are very visual
creatures who think in pictures rather than words or numbers. Their
term for humans as "land people" is an excellent example. The term
evokes a descriptive image, especially to dolphins who remember when
humans were the only surface "people" on Earth, so the name "land
people" was at once very clear and appropriate. With the appearance of
numerous other D-bee surface dwellers, "land people" might seem
vague, but to dolphins only humans are "land people." For example: "No." "Not." "Yes. "Yeah." "Good ! " "Bad." "Look."
D-bees are typically referred to as "the others" or "bad others." The "Now." "Give," "Take." "Come." "Go." "No go." "Stop." "Fast."
absence of the word "people" is an important distinction. To the dol­ "Slow." "Far." "Not far." "Deep." "Rest." "Big." "Not big." "Many."
phin, all cetaceans are "ocean people" and Lemurians are the "good "Not many ." "Home." "Go home." "Fun." "Play ! " "Fish ! " "Food."
people." The absence of "people" indicates disdain and/or alienness. "Eat." "More." "Sky." "Air." "Water." "Dolphin (Doll ... fin)." "Whale."
Referring to D-bees as "the others" although vague by human standards "Shark." "Squid." "Octo (short for octopus)." "Monster." "Sub (short
(specifically which others?), clearly refers to alien life forms not indige­ for submarine)." "Boat." "Boat People." "Me." "You" "Friend." "Peo­
nous to Earth (and not welcomed). Dolphins don 't consider them "peo­ ple." "Land." "Land People." "Others ." "Fire." "Hot. " "Cold." "Swim."
ple." The "people" aspect also reflects the dolphins ' acceptance of Dive." "Leap." "Fly." "Fight." "Hurt." "Dead." "Kill."
humans as equals and brethren. Thus, a playful dolphin who doesn 't want his human playmate to
Dolphins also like wolfen and dog boys, to the point that some have leave, might say, "No ... go. Play ... fun." or string together words and
started calling them "dog people." Likewise, dolphins will refer to hu­ phrases like, "Go home." "Give . . . more fish." "Shark bad . . . kill you."
man sailors and ship ' s crew men as "boat people." This term indicates "Come . . . now. Land people . . . trouble. B ad. Go now."
that these "people/humans" are familiar with the ocean, sailing and sea Proper use of grammar, tenses, and sentence structure are beyond
life. "Land people" live on dry land and do not know or understand the them; either that or they just don 't care to learn them.

Those trained through the use of telepathy and/or given cybernetic The best humans have been able to decipher is very rudimentary im­
vocal implants can speak in a more clear voice and put together short pressions rather than actual words. For example, certain sounds and
phrases and simple sentences, like: "Come now. Alex need you." "I go body gestures will indicate when a dolphin is angry or up set, others in­
get Mike. He know how to help." dicate feelings of sorrow, loneliness, happiness, playfulness, hunger and
They also recognize specific people (humans and cetaceans) and so on. No surface dweller has been able to speak to cetaceans using the
can learn to say simple or abbreviated names like Tom, Bob, Kev, Larry dolphin/whale language; magic and telepathy is much easier.
(Lar-ree), Nemo (Nee-moe), Ann, Flo, Kay, Kate, Mary (Mare-ree) and
similar. Dolphin Gestures - Body Language
Learning to Read: Some dolphins can be taught to read some Dolphins, killer whales and, to a lesser degree, porpoises are frisky
words, but they are far better at recognizing "symbols" because they and animated creatures who make gestures, nod, splash, flip, dance,
think in a very visual way. Since, they think in "pictures" they remem­ clown around and perform water and aerial acrobatics to get people ' s
ber "images" rather than words or numbers. Consequently, they are attention o r t o make a point. Humans have actually made more progress
quicker to remember the image of a flag, insignias, silhouettes (espe­ figuring out the meaning of dolphin body language than their spoken
cially in regard to submersibles, ships and robots) and features (faces, tongue. The following is a quick list of gestures and typical meanings.
tattoos, fins, spines, eyes, etc.). • B ackward Swimming, usually accompanied by squeals or chatter­
Numbers: Like learning to think in "words," dolphins have diffi­ ing and repeated over and over: Typically means to come quick and
culty thinking in numbers. They can easily learn to count to ten, but follow me. Or warning, trouble - time to leave or flee. Loud
rarely higher. Likewise, they may be able to do very simple math (addi­ squeals or chattering may indicate urgency, danger or fear.
tion and subtraction roughly equal to a First or Second Grade school • B ackward Swimming, ending in a dive, side ways flop or somer­
child) but dislike it immensely. They 'd rather think in terms of numbers sault: Typically means the dolphin is happy and/or wants to play.
from one to ten, or few, many, and very many. • B iting or nipping : Means "leave me alone," or "I'm mad at you."
Judging Distances and Locations: Dolphins can determine and • B lowing bubbles or gargling with mouth: Slow, lazy bubble making
judge distances with absolute precision through echo-location. How­ means contentment. Rapid bubbling or noisy gargling means frustra­
ever, they have great difficulty articulating distances, locations and tion.
speed in human terms. They tend to think in the arnount of time it will • B lowing water noisily through blow hole or mouth: Pissed off or
take to swim someplace rather than in any kind of measurements (miles, strongly disagrees.
kilometers, feet, etc.). • Body bobbing : Rapid bobbing typically means happy, excited or
Immediate Location or Short Distance (Less than a mile/l .6 anxious. Slow bobbing means the dolphin is deeply concerned, wor­
km/5000 feet/1 524 m): Usually referred by dolphins as "near," "quick ried, depressed, or feeling ill, depending on the situation.
swim," "very not far," or "come quick." • Chasing its tail or swimming in circles: Feels silly, playful and/or
Close Location or Short Distance (Less than a 1 00 miles/ 1 60 km) : mischievous. Garnes, pranks or splashing may follow. The dolphin
Usually referred by dolphins a s "short swim," "not far," o r "over the tends to be distracted, careless and uncooperative when in this rarn­
ridge." bunctious mood.
• Flipper splash/slap water: Wants attention, look over here, "Hey ! "
Far (300 to 600 miles/480 to 960 km) : A day to three days' travel is
• Flipper paddling: Several rapid slaps against the water: Agitated,
commonly identified as a "one day," "long swim," or "short days."
worried, troubled, or concerned.
Very far (900 to 1 5 00 miles/ 1 440 to 2400 km) : Four to eight days' • Head bobbing in a quick up and down manner: Means yes, agrees or
travel is frequently called "many long swim," "very far," "many days." is happy.
Long distances (2000 miles/3 2oo km or more) : This is a trip that • Head slapping to one side: Means something to the effect of, "Oh
would take a dolphin 10 days or more to reach as the dolphin swims Brother, I can ' t take any more." or "shut up already, I ' ve heard
(which is about 30 mph/48 kmph at maximum speed, so a dolphin can enough." It can also be meant as silliness.
swim 1 50 to 250 miles/240 to 400 km a day at a good pace, with time • Head shaken side to side: Means no.
to rest, eat and being careful). Such a great distance is typically referred • Hide and Seek: A playful game.
to as "long journey," "long travel," "beyond far," "far, far," "way far," • Kiss or Peck with mouth: A sign of love and affection, arguably
or even "too far" if over 2000 miles (3200 km) away . Of course, dol­ learned from humans, but dolphins in the wild also nuzzle and touch
phins may swim from one side of the ocean to another, and beyond, but frequently as a sign of affection, support, love and friendship.
these swims and migrations are casual, relaxed and may take months. • Leap and full body splash : A "big Hey" or "Look ! " or warning !
In the alternative, a dolphin may try to explain distance with a de­ Sometimes it can also mean happy and playful depending on the
scription of a location such as : "Quick swim ! Near cave." Or, "Bad boat situation.
near. Hide ! " Or, "Long swim to mountain of fire water (undersea vol­ • Nuzzle with nose or body: A sign of affection, or to show support,
cano) . . . then . . . short swim . . . wreckage. " or "In warm waters . . . near comforting or friendship.
spitting island" (surface volcano in a warm, ocean climate). • Nudge or tap with head or nose: Wants to play or to get one ' s atten­
Trained dolphins can also learn basic directions of north, south, east tion.
and west. Some will also remember the names of a handful of military • Pull or Jerk away sharply : Angry, mad at you and wants to be left
bases, surface ports, underwater cities, and the occasional island, but alone.
these places must be in the dolphin ' s underwater domain/territory or • Rolling on back: Wants a belly rub or other sign of affection.
hold some great significance (typically fun, friends, or dangerous/bad) ; • Rolling on side and languishes: Sign of feeling sad, tired or ill.
i . e . "Long journey North. Beyond Hawaii." • Toss and catch objects: A playful game.
• Tossing fish or object at another being : Feels silly and/or mischie­
vous, or wants to play. Tossing fish, lobsters, crabs, garbage, and
Dolphin Speak similar items at a person or slipping them in a shoe, backpack, etc. ,
Songs and noises: The language of dolphins and most cetaceans is a prank/practical joke o r playful revenge.
sound like a secret code or out of tune songs consisting of clicks, chirps, • Tail Splash: Angry, stay away .
chattering, grunts, groans, honks, humming, squeals, snorts and whis­ • Taking a personal item and swimming around with it or even bring it
tles. These sounds are high-pitched among dolphins and porpoises and backing and then pulling away before a person can get it typically
deeper, more resonant in whales. means "let ' s play catch me if you can" or other fun and games.

• Swimming in circles : Typically means bored. If the dolphin ignores
calls to it or food, he ' s really angry or upset.
• Wiggle: A gesture usually performed underwater: Content, happy or

Dolphin R.C.C.

Playing a dolphin or killer whale as a player character can be a blast ! Undersea Survival
There ' s something magical about playing such an alien, yet so familiar One Human language of choice (+20%; probably American/English)
creature (also see bi-form Whale Singers). The character can be espe­ Combat: See natural abilities
cially dynamic and interesting if the player tries to portray the dolphin R.C.C. Related Skills: Select three other skills, plus two additional
in character, with their different view of life, thinking in pictures rather skills at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen.
than words, high morals, innocence, and broken speech patterns. Also Communication: Radio: B asic only (- 1 0%).
don 't forget that through advanced technology and magic, dolphins and Domestic : Sing, dancing and fishing only.
other sea creatures can travel and survive on dry land for short periods Electrical : None
of time (long periods if water and the right magic are constantly avail­ Espionage: Only detect ambush, detect concealment, escape artist,
able) . intelligence, and pick pockets .
Mechanical: None
Dolphin R.C.C.
Medical: Sea Holistic Medicine only.
Alignment: Any, but usually good. Typically 45% are scrupulous, 25%
Military: None
principled, 15% unprincipled, 1 0% are anarchist and 5 % others. Dia­
Physical : None
bolic and miscreant dolphins are uncommon.
Pilot: None, except specially designed power armor.
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+4, M.E. 3D6+ 1 O, M.A. 3 D6+ 1 O, P.S. 4D6+6,
Pilot related: None
P.P. 3D6+ 1 0, P.E. 3D6+6, P.B. 3D6+6, Swimming Spd. 2D6+45;
Rogue: Any, except computer hacking and pick locks (+4%).
roughly 3 2 to 38 mph (5 1 . 2 to 60.8 kmph; over 26 knots).
Science: Basic math only (- 1 0%)
Swimming Speed note: The typical dolphin can maintain a maximum
Technical : Language, lores, and underwater skill only.
speed of around 25 to 30 mph (40 to 48 kmph); max. Spd. can only
W.P. : None
be maintained for an hour or two. This means a dolphin can swim
Wilderness: Underwater only.
1 50 to 250 miles (240 to 400 km) a day at a good pace, with time to
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select one additional skill from
rest, catch food and being careful - perhaps as many as 350 miles
those listed above at levels two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve and four­
(560 km) if swimming to the point of exhaustion and without watch­
teen. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the ad­
ing out for danger. A day ' s or more travel at maximum speed will
vantage of any bonuses. All secondary skills start at the base skill
completely exhaust the character and reduce the speed and range of
subsequent days of travel by 50%. The dolphin will need a day or
Standard Equipment: None. Dolphins and most cetaceans don ' t need
two of rest (light swimming) to regain his full strength.
or want for material possessions. Occasionally, they will keep a
Size: 5-7 feet ( 1 .5 to 2. 1 m) long for most; 6 to 8 feet ( 1 . 8 to 2.4 m) for
piece of artwork (usually sculptures and carvings), a magic item or
the Bottle-nosed dolphin and Pygmy killer whale, 8 to 20 feet (2.4 to
keep sake (toy, tool, weapon, article of clothing, photograph) to re­
6. 1 m) for most other toothed whales in the dolphin family (also see
mind himself of a friend or special event.
Killer Whale R.C.C., the largest species of dolphin).
Money : None; see Standard Equipment above.
Weight: 150 to 300 Ibs. (67.5 to 1 35 kg). Add 1 00 Ibs for the Bottle-
Cybernetics: None; although some humans and D-bees conduct experi­
nose dolphin and Pygmy killer whale.
ments on dolphins with implants and bionics.
Hit Points: P.E. number +6D6 and + I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 2D4x l O (+ 1 0 for the Bottle-nose dolphin) .
Horror Factor: None
Average Life Span: 50 to 1 00 years.
Habitat: Dolphins are found world wide.
R.C.C. Skills:
Swim 98%
Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+20%)
Underwater Navigation (+ 1 0%)

5. Sonic Echo-Location : B y bouncing sounds (clicks, whistles, etc.)
Natural Dolphin & Porpoise Abilities: off an area and interpreting the bounced back signal, dolphins, por­
poises and whales can see by creating sound images. The echo-location
Alphabetical Listing
sound system enables the character to accurately see and understand its
Depth Tolerance
environment better than vision alone (in fact, some river dolphins are
Dolphin Combat & Maneuvers
virtually blind), and can "see" in total darkness, identify and locate ob­
Dolphin Sonic Blast
jects, fish, humans and other creatures even in mixed groups, identify
Dolphin Sonic Stun
power armor, ships, submarines, and other sea vessels, obstacles and
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
land formations (underwater mountains, ravines, trenches, shipwrecks,
Hold Breath Underwater
seaweed, underwater cities, etc.), determine the speed a vessel or animal
Recognize Family Heritage
is travelling, dodge attackers, navigate, measure depth, determine the
Sense Magnetic North
speed and direction of the ocean current, and make precision maneu­
Sonic Echo-Location
vers .
Ultrasonic Probe
This ability is so sensitive and precise that it can identify and locate
Note: River dolphins are more primitive than their ocean cousins.
each and every species of fish (animal or humanoid) in the area being
Porpoises and big whales are not quite as intelligent, perceptive, social
probed, determine the approximate number of fish in the school, their
or friendly as most dolphins. Consequently, reduce the I.Q. attribute by
relative size and speed, and current direction. To belabor the point, a
2 points and reduce the range of all natural abilities by half, unless spe­
dolphin can pinpoint the location of a S mm copper wire on the ocean
cific descriptions or R.C.C.s state otherwise.
floor. Base Skill : 20% +S % per level of experience; +20% for dolphins,
+ I S % for killer whales and porpoises, + 1 0% for most other whales.
1. Depth Tolerance: Dolphins can survive the pressure and cold at Range: 1 000 feet (30S m) for maximum accuracy. Up to 2000 feet (6 1 0
depths of up to one mile ( 1 .6 kIn), but normally seldom swim more than m) but at a skill penalty of -20%.
2000 feet (6 1 m) deep. Note that the ocean ' s average depth is roughly 6. Ultrasonic Probe: This is a sonic probe that works very similar to
2.4 to 3 miles (3.84 to 4.8 km) and the great ocean trenches are dramati­ ultrasound scanners used in hospitals and by scientists. The probe is so
cally deeper (S to 8 miles/8 to 1 2 km) . Of all the cetaceans, only the precise that it can detect the thickness of walls, locate weak spots (thin
Sperm whale can dive to the ocean floor and swim at depths of two to or damaged areas), locate heat sources, sonar and communication ar­
three miles deep (3.2 to 4.8 km). rays, engine rooms, and pinpoint crew locations (-40% skill and range
2. Hold Breath Underwater: Most dolphins and porpoises can hold when probing large ships or thickly armored vessels).
their breath for 2D4+ 10 minutes (roll once to determine a specific char­ When used on living beings, ultrasound can detect whether or not an
acter' s ability). The physiology of these sea mammals is such that they animal or humanoid is pregnant, has a cancer or tumor and its location,
can survive much greater depths than humans and most D-bees. Note: as well as locate bullets, foreign objects , blood clots, and scar tissue; de­
Most large whales (20 to 40 feet/6. 1 to 1 2.2 m) can hold their breath for tect and locate bionics or brain/M.O.M. implants, cybernetic append­
2D6+ 1 4 minutes. The Rorqual whales (Blue, Fin, Humpback, Minke, ages and even recognize bio-systems and artificial skin. This also
Sei, Bryde ' s), Grey whales, and Sperm whales can hold their breath for enables the character to make positive identification of a species by de­
2D6+24 minutes. termining the physiology of the subject being scanned, identify crea­
3. Sense Magnetic North : Dolphins and whales, unless injured or tures of magic and supernatural beings, identify shape-changers in dis­
sick, can always tell where magnetic north is precisely located. This is guise (not applicable to magic metamorphosis). An amazing ability !
an immense help in navigating the oceans. A powerful blow to the head Base Skill : 20% +S % per level of experience; + I S % for dolphins,
may temporarily (3D4 minutes) knockout this ability. + 10% for porpoises, and +S % for killer whales, but not available to
most other cetaceans. Range: 1 00 feet (30.S m) or closer for maximum
4. Electromagnetic Sensitivity : This sensitivity is another reason
accuracy. Up to 200 feet (6 1 m) but at a skill penalty of -20%. Note:
dolphins are so compassionate and caring toward other intelligent be­
Half range for porpoises and killer whales.
ings. Their ability is so acute that they can sense the electromagnetic ac­
tivity in the brain and neural circuitry in living beings, including 7. Dolphin Sonic Blast: A powerful, narrowly focused blast of
dolphins, whales, humans and most D-bees. Like a living E.E.G. and sound that strikes with the impact of a sledgehammer. The blast is used
E.K.G. machine, the dolphin can detect signals from the brain, recog­ as a means of self-defense and to hunt, kill fish and chasing away
nize deficiencies and aberrations and pinpoint the cause, such as blood predators, especially sharks and giant squid.
clots, tumors, brain or spinal damage, heart problems, paralysis, physi­ Range: 4 feet ( 1 . 2 m) plus 1 foot (0.3 m) per level of experience.
cal and internal injury, fatigue, and pain. They can also detect brain im­ Damage: I D6 S.D.C. per level of the dolphin against small- to me­
plants and the presences of psionic abilities and whether the creature is dium-sized fish and other small sea creatures. Half damage against
a minor, major or master psionic ! mammals, humans and creatures man-sized or bigger. No damage
The ability also helps them to sense and actually see electromagnetic against metal, stone, clay, wood and most man-made materials, includ­
energy that is invisible and often undetectable by humans and D-bees. ing glass, plastic, rubber, ceramics, concrete, steel, etc.
This enables them to see, feel, recognize and follow energy trails in the Attacks per melee : Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of
earth like highways or roads with identifying markers to better navigate the character.
the oceans and seas even in complete darkness. This ability also enables Note: Not applicable on dry land, or an air environment. See the
them to follow electromagnetic trails left by ships and submarines (trail magic version of sonic blast in the Ocean Magic section for an M.D.C.
disappears after 20 minutes and cannot be followed after that time) and sonic attack and sonic stun. Half range for porpoises and not available
to recognize the "signature" of specific types of marine vessels by their to the killer whale or other cetaceans.
E.M. signature alone. Range: 30 feet (9. 1 m) when scanning people, 8. Dolphin Sonic Stun: An ultrasonic blast that is intended to stun
300 feet (9 1 .S m) when scanning or trailing E.M. signatures of vessels rather than kill. The blast is used as a means of self-defense and to hunt
(triple for flying saucers), and 3 miles (4.8 km) when reading the E.M. - killing and stunning fish.
lines in the earth.
Range: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) plus 2 feet (0.6 m) per level of experience.
Note: Most sharks have a similar ability, only they don 't care about Saving Throws: Potential victims get to save vs stun attack. A suc­
physical or mental damage in others, using it instead to select the most cessful save means no damage or effect. The number listed is the num­
vulnerable prey as their primary target! Half range for porpoises. ber the creature must reach or surpass to save vs stun attack.

• Small fish and crustaceans must roll a 1 9 or higher to save. Speed Burst: Can swim at double his normal speed for one minute.
• Medium-sized fish: 17 or higher to save. This maneuver can be performed six times per hour before tuckering
• Man-sized fish and sharks : 10 or higher to save the fellow out too much to try it again. This move is performed for a
• Giant fish, squid, sharks and other giant aquatic animals ( 1 4 feet/4. 3 quick dodge (+2 in addition to other bonuses) or get-away, a quick
m o r bigger) : 7 o r higher t o save. strike (+ I in addition to other bonuses) or to move toward or away from
• Aquatic birds and mammals (sea lions, etc.): 4 or higher to save. somebody or someplace quickly.
• D-bees of a fish or amphibian physiology: 6 or higher to saves (9 if Swim Breaching/Skimming : This is when the dolphin swims in an
smaller than 5 feetl1 .5 m tall/long). up an down motion, breaking the water in short, full body leaps, plung­
• Humans, humanoids, and most intelligent life forms: 3 or better to ing back into the water and leaping out again in a fast forward motion.
save (7 if smaller than 5 feet/I .5 m tall/long). This is usually considered fun and playful. Dolphins often pace ships in
• Other cetaceans are impervious. this fashion and have been known to play escort with strangers for as
• Dragons, giants, creatures of magic, supernatural beings and most long as two hours . Reduce maximum speed by 20% and speed bursts
mega-damage creatures are impervious. are not possible when skimming the surface.
A failed saving throw means the creature is affected in the fol­ Swim backwards: A maneuver performed on the surface of the
lowing way: water, where the dolphin can support 50-75% of its body out of the
Damage: 2D6 S.D.C. damage underwater or I D4 on dry land or an water and swim backwards. Usually done to attract attention or clown­
air environment. Plus stun effect. ing around.
Stun Effect: 1 -60% likelihood of being knocked unconscious for Backward Flip: A maneuver performed on the surface of the water,
I D4 melee rounds. If the prey/victim manages to remain conscious but where the dolphin flips out of the water and either lands flat with its full
fails to save, it has a splitting headache and is disoriented: -6 on initia­ body (usually to splash somebody - 2D4x l O gallons of water splashes
tive, -6 to strike, parry and dodge, and speed, attacks per melee round a 10 foot/3 m radius) or makes a head-first dive (usually just having
and performance of skills (if applicable) are reduced by half and the fun/clowning around or showing off) .
creature ' s equilibrium is temporarly fried: can't tell direction, depth, Tight circle/turn: Dolphins can make reasonably tight circles and
speed or which way is up or down. Lasts for I D4 melee rounds. turns in an area as small as 1 2 feet (3 .65 m) in diameter.
Note: The dolphin ' s sonic "stun" blasts are S .D.C. attacks and do
not damage or penetrate mega-damage body armor, vehicles or struc­ Combat Maneuvers & Damage:
tures. However, it may affect smaller than human-sized S.D.C. charac­ Bite : One S.D.C. point from a warning nip, l D4 from a full strength
ters in half armor or without environmental helmets. Only dolphins and bite.
porpoises have the sonic stun powers ! The porpoise ' s blast is half the Nose Jab: Similar to a punch, does I D4 S.D.C. damage.
range. Head or Nose Strike: I D4 S.D.C. restrained or 2D4 S.D.C. damage
9. Recognize Family Heritage: Most dolphins can recognize their at full strength.
family relatives and descendants through their song, appearance/physi­ Power Strike: A high-speed, precision underwater attack with the
cal traits and ultrasonic probes. Base Skill : 50%+3% per level of expe­ dolphin ' s nose. 3D6 S .D.C. and victims of this attack are likely (70%)
nence. to lose initiative and one melee attack/action. Counts as two melee at­
tacks/actions. Can also be used to knock items out of the hands of an
10. Dolphin Combat & Maneuvers: opponent, but the player must call out his intentions before the dice are
rolled. Roll to strike as usual; opponent may try to parry or dodge.
Attacks per Melee Round: The character starts with two attacks or
actions per melee round ( \ 5 seconds) + I at levels two, four, six, ten, Tail slap : I D6 S.D.C. damage. Can be used to knock items out of the
and fourteen. Porpoises start with two, large whales with one. hands of an opponent (see above) .
Automatic Dodge : Can dodge without using up a melee action. 1 1 . Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to dodge, +2 to pull
punch, +2 to roll with impact, + I to save vs disease, +2 to save vs mind
Parry with nose or tail: Standard parry.
control, +4 to save vs horror factor, and is resistant to cold (half dam­
Dive: A high-speed dive straight down, or at a slight angle, at double
age). All are in addition to attribute bonuses and special combat maneu­
normal speed. Maximum depth is 500 feet ( \ 52 m) + 1 00 feet (30.5 m) vers.
per level of experience. Roll to strike if the character is trying to dive
12. Limitations: Dolphins dehydrate quickly when taken out of
and hit or grab something.
water and are virtually immobilized (can only flop and squirm like a
Mid-Air leap: Six feet ( 1 .8 m) + I foot (0.3 m) per level of experi­
fish). They can survive out of water for about 1 5 minutes before their
ence. Performed to show off, do tricks and to play.
skin begins to dry and the character begins to feel weak and sick. With­
Mid-Air Precision Leaping : Six feet ( 1 .8 m) + I foot (0.3 m) per out water, they will die in 30+3D4 minutes! If continuously
level of experience. Performed to grab a fish or object flying close to bathed/sprinkled in water, the dolphin can survive for 60+6D6 minutes.
the surface of the water or to grab or knock an item out of a humanoid ' s If kept in a container of saltwater, ideally with enough room to swim,
hand. The player must announce this leap before the dice are rolled and and provided with food, the character can live indefinitely - at least in
must announce whether his character is trying to grab or knock the item theory, but many will stop eating in such confining captivity and die af­
away. Then roll a 20 sided die to strike as normal (+2 to strike in addi­ ter 6D6 days (unless the character has a desire to live). They can only
tion to other bonuses). The character holding the item can use a parry be kept alive for long periods if kept in large, deep pools of water like
roll to try to pull the item away. The dolphin can also try to slap an item those at aquarium parks.
away or strike a person with his tail while in mid-leap, but gets no bo­
nuses to do so. This move can also be used to leap through hoops, win­
dows, onto boats, etc. Counts as three melee actions.
Mid-Air Somersault: Can leap and somersault in mid-air; an impres­
sive trick.
Quick Turns & Stops : Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic
dodge or parry. A roll of 14 or higher means success. A failed roll
means the character couldn ' t turn or stop in time and either shoots by or
slams into something/somebody; does 2D6 impact damage to himself.

Dolphin Magic Powers (Innate) :
Ley Line Channelling

In many respects, the dolphin is a natural ley line walker with some
different and superior abilities. Ley line channeling is the ability to ab­
sorb and channel or redirect/use ley line energy in the following ways.

1. Ley Line Charged: The dolphin absorbs ley line energy to the 4. Ley Line Speed Doubler: Doubles the dolphin ' s natural speed
point that the character even glows with the same blue energy and looks the same as the speed doubler spell, but only works when travelling di­
luminous. Swimming speed is increased by 25%, air capacity (how long rectly along ley lines and does NOT cost the dolphin any P.P.E. to use ! !
one can hold his breath underwater) is increased by 50%, and the crea­
5. Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy : Same as the ley line walker.
ture temporarily becomes a mega-damage being ! Every currently avail­
able S .D.C. point and hit point is converted to M.D.C. at the rate of two 6. Read Ley Lines: Same as the ley line walker.
M.D.C. to every one S.D.C./H.P. For example: A dolphin with 54
S .D.C. and 40 hit points (94 total points) gets 1 8 8 M.D.C . ! If that same 7. Ley line Transmission: Same as the ley line walker.
dolphin is injured, has no S.D.C. points left and only 23 hit points, he 'll 8. Ley Line Rejuvenation : Doubles natural healing ability same as
have 46 M.D.C. points from the charging process. the ley line walker ability.
Preparation Time: It takes 1 04 melee rounds ( 1 5 to 60 seconds) to
mentally focus and become charged with mystic energy. 9. Spell Casting abilities: Dolphins can cast a handful of spells
Duration: The "charge" lasts for the entire period while travelling unique to Dolphins (not available to porpoises). Pick two at level one,
along a ley line and for 304 melee rounds (45 to 1 80 seconds) after and one additional at levels two, four, six, eight, 1 0, 1 2, 1 4. Dolphin
leaving a ley line. Magic is described in the Ocean Magic section.
Limitations: The character can only "charge" himself with ley line Air Doubler ( 1 0)
energy twice per hour. After that, the character must wait a full hour be­ Electromagnetic Blast ( 1 2)
fore being able to charge up again. Psi-Flash Warning (20)
Ride Ley Lines ( 1 0)
Penalties: While charged, the dolphin loses one melee attack/action,
Sense Food (6)
and all of his ultrasonic abilities are diminished by 40% . However, the
Sense Predator (8)
character can draw on other ley line channeling abilities.
Sense Weather ( 1 0)
Magic B onuses: While charged, the dolphin is + I to save vs all Sonic Blast ( 1 5)
types of magic and all magic that does affect him is at half its normal Sonic Stun (20)
potency (half damage, penalties and duration are all half). Speed Doubler (8)
P.P.E. Cost: The dolphin must expend 5 P.P.E. points to use this Note: If a dolphin wants to, it can learn two Ocean Magic spells or
ability. one whale spellsong at levels three, six, nine and I I . Selections can be
2. Ley Line Energy Blast: The dolphin can mentally create and fire picked from any level . If the character chooses not to learn additional
mystic energy bolts. magic (many don 't) add I D4x 1 O to S.D.C., + 1 to initiative, + 1 to strike
and dodge, + I to pull punch and roll with impact and 1 06 to Spd attrib­
Preparation Time : Counts as one melee action/attack.
Duration: Instant.
Limitations : The character can only create energy bolts as long as he 10. P.P.E.: 2D4x 1 O +P.E. number and 1 06 per each level of ad­
is on a ley line. vancement above first.
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) +400 feet ( 1 22 m) per level of experience. 11. Magic Bonuses: + I to save vs magic, +2 to save vs whale spell­
Damage: The dolphin can create S .D.C. or M.D.C. bolts as desired. songs and + I spell strength (the number others must save against from
He can also regulate the amount of damage in increments of 1 06. Dam­ the character' s magic) at levels three, seven and I I .
age is up to 206 points (S.D.C. or M.D.C.) plus an additional I D6 for
every two levels of additional experience; i.e. 206 at levels one and
two, 306 at 3rd level, 406 at 5th level, 506 at 7th level, 606 at 9th, and Dolphin Psionics (Special)
so on.
P.P.E. Cost: One for S .D.C. bolts or five for M.D.C., regardless of
Like humans, some portion of the dolphin community possesses
the total amount of damage inflicted.
psionic powers; roll on the following table:
3. Ley Line Hopping: A dolphin swimming at top speed can men­
0 1 -77 No psionic powers.
tally create a small dimensional Rift that pops him from one ley line to a
78-88 Minor Psionic: select 1 04+ I abilities from healing or sensi­
neighboring one. In this way, the dolphin and one passenger (a young
one nuzzling against the body or one person holding on to a fin) can
hop from one ley line to the next, sometimes spanning miles in a matter 89-97 Major Psionic: select a total of I D4+3 abilities from healing,
of seconds. The dolphin can also "rift" from one location to another on sensitive and/or physical.
the same ley line. 98-00 Master Psionic : select one psionic category (any of the three
Preparation Time : It takes 1 04 melee rounds ( 1 5 to 60 seconds) to lesser abilities) and 1 04+ I super-psionic abilities.
mentally focus and create the mini-Rift.
Special: Psychic Family Imprint: Psychic dolphins can recognize
Limitations: The neighboring ley line cannot be more than one mile
family/pod members, offspring and descendents.
( 1 .6 m) away per level of the character' s experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 10

Dolphin & Orca Power Armor

Sea-Snake Class
Fast Scout Power Armor

This is a one-man . . . well, a one dolphin suit of power armor manu­

factured by Tritonia and the New Navy. They are given away for free to
any dolphin who works at their side (not necessarily fights at their side; The dolphin operator can only be hit from behind, but even then the
rescue, exploration and reconnaissance are important and dangerous as­ attacker is -5 to strike and must make a called shot.
signments too) . After a few years of service or as a reward for a heroic Speed :
feet, the dolphin is allowed to keep the armor if he so desires. About Ground: Not possible.
50% who have used it, do. An estimated 32,400 suits of Sea-Snake Flying: Not possible.
scout armor are believed to be in service outside of Tritonia and the water Surface: 60 (96.5 kmph; 5 1 .6 knots)
New Navy. Underwater: 70 mph ( 1 1 2.6 kmph; 60.2 kmph)
The dolphin can easily slip in and out of the armor, and is held in Range: Unlimited
place by retaining clamps activated by sonic signals. The Sea-Snake is Depth : 1 .2 miles ( 1 .9 km).
not an environmental suit, so it allows water to flow through it and over Bonuses: All the dolphin ' s natural bonuses are applicable, +2 to dodge.
the dolphin ' s body. However, one of its special features is an air system Statistical Data:
that allows the dolphin to breathe underwater without having to resur­ Height: 5 feet ( 1 .5 m)
face. The air supply is 90 minutes. Of course, the character can surface Width : 5 feet ( 1 .5 m)
as often as needed or desired. Many dolphins like to save the armor' s Length : 1 0 feet (3.0 m)
air supply for emergencies and prolonged underwater combat. Conse­ Weight: 350 Ibs ( 1 57 .5 kg)
quently, they surface at regular intervals to breathe sea air until a situ­ Cargo: None
ation arises that requires them to stay underwater for longer than usual.
Power System: Powered by a nuclear battery or solar powered, with a
Many dolphins love the armor as a plaything as much as a means of 1 2 year life.
defense or combat. The armor is jet propelled and can rocket its pilot up Market Cost: 900,000 credits for nuclear, 560,000 credits solar.
to speeds of 70 mph ( 1 1 2.6 kmph). Since dolphins are the speed de­ Standard Sensors Include: Short-range sonar (2 miles/3 .2 km), radiation
mons of the ocean ' s mammals, they love going fast! The armor itself is detector, laser distancing system (4000 foot/ 1 220 range), homing bea­
lightweight, padded and reasonably comfortable, although it prevents con ( 1 2 hour, 400 mile/640 km range) and a medium-range, directional
the character from engaging in many of its acrobatics and maneuvers radio (300 miles).
like leaping, somersaulting, breach swimming, etc . The armor protects
90% of the character' s body and has a small laser gun mounted on the
Weapon Systems
front. Most dolphins have learned that they can use laser guns as tools
or as a means to wound and frighten an opponent rather than kill him. 1 . Forward Blue-Green Laser Turret: Can rotate 1 80 degrees.
As a result, most have accepted it as a standard part of the armor. The Primary Purpose: Defense
gun and various features of the armor are activated by sonic signals Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per blast
emitted by the dolphin pilot. Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
RateOf Fire: Each shot counts as one melee action/attack.
Model Type: TD-70
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Class: Dolphin Scout Power Armor
Crew: One dolphin or porpoise. 2. Optional Mini-Torpedoes: As many as 1 2 mini-torpedoes can be
M.D.C. by Location : mounted on the supports of the jet thrusters. However, unless facing
Forward Laser Gun ( 1 ) - 25 the Lord of the Deep, its minions, horune pirates or the naut ' yll,
Jet Thrusters (4; two on sides & one on top & bottom) - 1 00 each most (82%) dolphins refuse to use them.
* Main B odylPiiot Area - 1 45 Mega-damage: I D6x l O
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the armor. De­ Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km)
stroying one jet reduces speed by 20%, two by 40% , three by 75%. Payload: 1 2

Man-O-War Class
Dolphin & Orca Combat Armor

This power annor suit is similar to the Sea-Snake scout armor in ba­ Statistical Data:
sic design and general function, however there is no doubt that this is a Height: Dolphin: 1 0 feet ( 3 .0 m), Orca: 1 4 feet (4.2 m)
war machine. It sacrifices speed for weapons and armor, and even looks Width: Dolphin: 1 2 feet (3.6 m), Orca: 20 feet (6 m)
menacing. It is available in dolphin and Killer whale sizes, but less than Length: Dolphin : 8 feet (2.4 m), Orca: 28 feet (8.5 m)
1 7 % of all normal dolphins ever agree to wear this armor except when Weight: Dolphin: 600 Ibs (270 kg), Orca: 1 .2 tons
fighting the Lord of the Deep and its minions. However, it is extremely Cargo: None
popular among Killer whales and pneuma-bifonns . Power System: Powered by a nuclear battery or solar powered with
Model Type: TDO-45 a 1 2 year life.
Class: Dolphin & Orca Combat Power Armor Market Cost: 1 .5 million credits for nuclear, one million credits for
Crew: One solar; add one million for killer whale-sized.
M.D.C. by Location:
Standard Sensors Include: Short-range sonar (2 miles/3 .2 km), radia­
* Forward Lasers (7) - 1 0 each
tion detector, laser distancing system (4000 foot/ l 220 range), homing
* Blade Fins (4) - 40 each
beacon ( 1 2 hour, 400 mile/640 km range) and a medium-range, direc­
* Rail Guns (2; sides) - 45 each
tional radio (300 miles) .
Lower Fin ( I ; bottom) - 90
Jet Thrusters (3; two on each side & one on top) - 1 70 each Weapon Systems
* * Main Body/Pilot Area - 225 Dolphin size 1. Forward Blue-Green Laser Turret: Seven tiny lasers rim the
330 Killer Whale size top of the head section . All face forward and can only be fired in a for­
* Indicates small or difficult targets to hit and require a called ward direction/line of sight.
shot at -4 to hit. Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the armor. Secondary Purpose: Defense
Destroying one jet reduces speed by 30% and two by 60% . The dol­ Mega-Damage: A single shot does I D6 M.D., or a simultaneous volley
phin or orca operator can only be hit from behind, but even then the of blasts doing from 2D6 to 7D6 M.D.
attacker is -5 to strike and must make a called shot. Range: 1 200 feet (366 m)
Speed : RateOf Fire: Each shot or volley counts as one melee action/attack.
Ground: Not possible. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Flying: Not possible. 2. Rail Guns (2) : A pair of rail guns are mounted on either side of the
Water Surface: 40 mph (64.3 kmph; 34.4 knots)
power armor.
Underwater: 45 mph (72 kmph; 38.7 knots) Primary Purpose: Anti-Annor & Anti-Personal
Range: Unlimited Secondary Purpose: Defense
Depth: 1 .2 miles ( 1 .9 km). Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and does I D4x l O M.D.; a single
Bonuses : All the dolphin ' s or orca's natural bonuses are applicable and round does I D4 M.D.; same damage on ground or underwater.
+ I to dodge and +3 to strike with ranged weapons. Rate of Fire: A short burst counts as one melee action/attack.

Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater, 3000 feet M.D. with a single blade or I D4x l O M.D. with a pair! A power strike
(9 1 0 m) in an air environment. does 2D4x l O M.D. but counts as three melee actions/attacks.
Payload : 1 20 short bursts, 60 per each gun (4800 total rounds).
3. Blade Fins (4) : Four, long, wicked blades are mounted on the rear of 4. Mini-Torpedoes: As many as 10 mini-torpedoes can be mounted on
the armor. They can rotate front or back 1 80 degrees and can be the lower fin (five on each side) and two others on each of the two
used as impaling lances (ideal for high-speed charges) or as raking support bars . Most (82%) dolphins opt not to have missiles unless
swords. facing the Lord of the Deep, its minions, horune pirates or the
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel naut ' yll.
Secondary Purpose: Defense Mega-damage: I D6x l O
Mega-Damage: A raking cut does I D6 M.D. from a single blade or 2D6 Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km)
for two, or 4D6 M.D. from all four. A lunging stab or charge does 3D6 Payload: 14 total.

Sea Tiger Class

Killer Whale Combat Armor
This is a power armor suit that has the same basic features of the
S �a-Snake scout but has much heavier armor and a battery of weapons. Weight: 2.3 tons
� lller whales love it because it gives them much greater speed and a va­ Cargo: None
Power System: Powered by a nuclear battery or solar powered, with a
nety of weapons.
1 2 year life.
Model Type: TO-40
Market Cost: 2.6 million credits for nuclear, 1 .7 million credits for solar
Class: Orca Combat Power Annor
Crew: One Killer whale or pneuma-bifonn.
Standard Sensors Include: Short-range sonar (2 miles/3 .2 km), radiation
M.D.C. by Location:
detector, laser distancing system (4000 foot/1 220 range), homing bea­
* Forward Lasers (2) - 35 each
con ( 1 2 hour, 400 mile/640 km range) and a medium-range, directional
* Rail Guns (2; top and bottom) - 50 each
radio (300 miles).
* Ram Fin ( 1 ; top) - 1 5 0
Side Jet Thrusters ( 2 ; one o n each side) - 200 each Weapon Systems
Rear Jet Thruster ( I ) - 1 80
1. Forward Blue-Green Pulse Laser: A double-barrelled laser in a
** Main BodylPiiot Area - 430
fixed forward position.
* Indicates small or difficult targets to hit and requires a called Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
shot at -4 to hit. Secondary Purpose: Defense
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the armor. Mega-Damage: A single shot does 2D6 M.D., a double blast 4D6 or a
Destroying one jet reduces speed by 30% and two by 60% . triple pulse that does 6D6 M.D.
The dolphin o r orca operator can only b e hit from behind, but Range: 2500 feet (762 m) underwater, or in the air.
even then the attacker is -4 to strike and must make a called shot. Rate of Fire: Each shot or multiple burst counts as one melee action/at­
Speed : tack.
Ground: Not possible. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Flying : Not possible.
Wirtef Surface: 35 mph (56 kmph; 30 knots) 2. Rail Guns (2) : A rail gun is mounted on the top and bottom of the
power armor, just above and below the head.
Underwater: 40 mph (64.3 kmph; 34.4 knots)
Primary Purpose: Anti-Annor
Range: Unlimited
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Depth: 1 .2 miles ( 1 .9 km).
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and does I D4x l O M.D.; a single
Bonuses : All the orca' s natural bonuses are applicable and + 1 to dodge
round does I D4 M.D.; same damage on ground or underwater.
and +3 to strike with ranged weapons.
Rate of Fire: A short burst counts as one melee action/attack.
Statistical Data:
Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater, 3000 feet
Height: 1 6 feet (4.9 m)
(9 1 0 m) in an air environment.
Width: 1 5 feet (4.6 m)
Payload: 240 short bursts, 1 20 per gun (9600 rounds).
Length: 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m)

3. Ram Fin (1): A tall, artificial back fin reminiscent of its own, is Speed :
mounted on the back. The whale can use it to ram, butt, and punc­ Ground: Not possible.
ture ships and vehicles . Flying: Not possible.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel Water Surface: 32 mph (5 1 kmph; 27.5 knots)
Secondary Purpose: Defense Underwater: 38 mph (60.8 kmph; 32.6 knots)
Mega-Damage: A raking cut or butt does 2D6 M.D., a stabbing strike Range: Unlimited
does 4D6 M.D. and a power strike does I D6x l O M.D. (but counts as Depth: 1 .5 miles (2.4 km).
three melee attacks). Bonuses: All the orca's natural bonuses are applicable and + 1 to dodge
4. Mini-Torpedo Tubes (3) : In the belly of the armor are three mini- and +2 to strike with ranged weapons.
torpedo launch tubes. Statistical Data:
Mega-damage: 1 D6x 1 0 Height: 16 feet (4.9 m)
Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) Width: 1 4 feet (4.3 m)
Payload: 21 total; seven per tube. Length: 35 feet ( 1 0.7 m) for the main body and an additional 1 5 feet
S. Power Armor Jaw: The orca' s lower jaw is enclosed in a powerful (4.6 m) for the lance.
exoskeleton that can inflict mega-damage from a bite. Weight: 2.5 tons
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. Cargo: None
6. Physical Combat (Special): The killer whale can engage in other Power System: Powered by a nuclear battery or solar powered with a 1 2
forms of physical combat as follows: year life.
Nose Jab: Similar to a punch: I D6 M.D. Market Cost: 2.4 million credits for nuclear, 1 .5 million credits for solar
Head or Nose Strike: 2D4 M.D. restrained or 3D6 M.D. at full strength. powered.
Power Strike: A high-speed, precision underwater attack with the killer Standard Sensors Include: Short-range sonar (2 miles/3 .2 km), radiation
whale ' s snout/head. I D6x l O M.D. detector, laser distancing system (4000 foot/ 1 220 range), homing bea­
Bonuses: +2 to strike, + 1 to dodge, and + I to roll with impact. All are in con ( 1 2 hour, 400 mile/640 km range) and a medium-range, directional
addition to attribute and R.C.C. combat bonuses and special combat ma­ radio (300 miles).
Weapon Systems
1. Forward BIue-Green Pulse Laser (1): A laser in a fixed forward
position above the Unicorn Lance.
Unicorn Scout Class Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Killer Whale Power Armor Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: A single shot does 2D6 M.D. or a double pulse blast
does 4D6 M.D. The laser can be fired simultaneously with the ion gun
Actually, this armor can be used by Killer whales and other small at close-range targets ( 1 200 ft/6 1 O m) and inflicts 7D6 M.D. (double
whales (20 to 35 feet/6 to 1 0.7 m). It is inspired by the Narwhal, but the pulse is not possible when both guns are fired) .
unicorn-like hom on this power armor can be used like a lance to im­ Range: 2500 feet (762 m) underwater, or in the air.
pale an enemy; the Narwhal whale ' s hom is delicate and brittle, it can­ Rate of Fire: Each shot or multiple burst counts as one melee action/at­
not be used as a weapon. Like the Sea Tiger Class combat armor, this tack.
armor offers heavy armor protection, but has light weapons, and re­ Payload: Effectively unlimited.
duced speed. It has all the basic features of the other armor. 2. Forward Ion Blaster (1): A powerful ion blaster is located in a fixed
Model Type: TO-3 8 forward position underneath the Unicorn Lance.
Class: Orca Scout & Light Combat Power Armor Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Crew: One Killer whale, small whale or pneuma-biform. Secondary Purpose: Defense
M.D.C. by Location: Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. per blast, or 7D6 when fired simultaneously
* Forward Laser ( 1 ; top) - 35 with the laser gun.
* Lower Ion Cannon ( 1 ; bottom) - 50 Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater or 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) in the air.
* Unicorn Lance ( 1 ; front) - 1 20 RateOf Fire: Each shot or multiple shot counts as one melee action/at­
* Rear Spines (5) - 35 each tack.
Top Jet Thruster ( 1 ) - 200 Payload: Effectively unlimited.
B ottom Jet Thruster ( 1 ) - 1 80 3. Unicorn Lance (1): A long, lance-like appendage that is used for
** Main Body/Pilot Area - 450 parrying and stabbing. A favorite tactic is for the whale to impale an
* Indicates small or difficult targets to hit and requires a called enemy and then blast him at point-blank range with the ion and laser
shot at -4 to hit. guns (add 2D6 M.D. as a point-blank damage bonus) .
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the armor.
Destroying one jet reduces speed by 50% and two leaves the armor
without thrusters. Only the whale operator' s tail is partially exposed.
It can only be hit from behind, but even then the attacker is -6 to
strike and must make a called shot.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage : A glancing blow does 206 M.D., a stabbing strike does
506 M.D. and a power strike does 2D4x l O M.D. (but counts as three
melee attacks).
B onuses : + I to parry, +2 to strike.

ers of marine aquarium parks clearly demonstrated that the orca was a
Killer Whale R.C.C. smart, gentle and playful giant who liked humans. The orca went from
being considered a dangerous "killer" to being a loveable "friend" and
Also Known as the Orca entertainer at amusement parks.
There are two immediate misnomers about the name "Killer Whale." The Killer whale is an intelligent, cunning, resourceful and coopera­
First, the orca is in the Delphinidae family and is basically a big dol­ tive predator. They frequently travel in small family groups of 50 to 300
phin. Second, they are as gentle, caring and intelligent as their smaller, individuals known as "pods." When they hunt, Killer whales frequently
dolphin cousins and have never been known to attack humans as a work together, prowling in pods of 20 to 50 individuals spread apart as
source of food. The name "Killer" was given to this giant dolphin (or close as 60 feet ( 1 8 .3 m) or as far apart as half a mile (0.8 km), in a line
small whale depending on one ' s viewpoint) by pre-Rifts whalers and or crescent shape when searching for prey. They have been known to
fishermen who saw the Killer whale preying on sea mammals. This herd schools of fish or prey into each others clutches or into shallow
deadly and masterful predator of the deep feeds on dolphins, porpoises, waters where the fish cannot maneuver or escape, as well as attack
penguins, water fowl, seals, large fish (like salmon and tuna) and, occa­ larger prey like Baleen whales or Gray whales as a pack, chasing, encir­
sionally, even larger whales (usually the sick and/or defenseless). The cling and striking from all sides. They also play cat and mouse games
sight of one or more Killer whales tearing apart a seal or Grey whale with prey, use tricks, cut off escape routes, comer or herd prey, pretend
can be a gruesome sight and send one ' s imagination wondering what to lose interest in the hunt, make tiny "spy-hops" to look at the sur­
such a beast might do to a human. rounding area or into boats, and use coordinated attacks and maneuvers
Just like dolphins, the Killer whale seems to share some bond with - with a whistle and a honk signal from one of the male hunters, all
humans. Although a bit more aloof than the friendly and curious dol­ pod members suddenly submerge and attack, or take a strategic posi­
phin, Killer whales never attack humans without extreme provocation tion.
and even then, never fight to kill, only to protect themselves or escape. Killer whales have also been known to dive a thousand feet (305 m),
A Killer whale has NEVER been known to kill a human being! Ancient race toward the surface and shatter the edge of an ice floe (and other
fishermen and whalers observing the predator in action against other S.D.C. structures, three feet thick ( 1 meter) , sending unwary prey rest­
animals, assumed the orca would attack humans with the same ferocity ing at the edge (typically seals and penguins) flying into the air and into
(which wasn't true) . This fear of the so-called "Killer" whale persisted the water where the Killer (or others) can catch and devour them. Such
for decades until the late 20th Century when marine biologists and own- power and ferocity is awesome to behold.

In the world of Rifts Earth, and with hundreds of years without km) a day at a good pace, with time to rest, catch food and being
commercial fishing and whaling, the mighty Killer whale has regained careful. If swimming to the point of exhaustion and without watch­
its place as a powerful force in the oceans of the world. Although they ing out for danger, the orca may be able to travel 1 50 miles (240
do not prey on humans for food, they tend to be aloof and suspicious of km). A day ' s or more travel at maximum speed will completely ex­
them. However, once a specific Killer whale has befriended a particular haust the character and reduce the speed and range of subsequent
human or group of humans, it will show that person(s) the same kind of days of travel by 50%. The orca will need a day or two of rest (light
loyalty, playfulness and affection it gives its own kind. Other members swimming) to regain his full strength.
of the creature ' s pod observing this friendship are also likely to be more Size: Males average 25 to 33 feet (7.6 to 1 0 m) long; females 1 4 to 2 1
accepting, friendly and cooperative with these "friends ." The Killer feet (4.2 to 6.4 m) long. The upright, angular fin is 5 to 7 feet ( 1 .5 to
whale has also shown similar friendship to O-bees and mutants who are 2. 1 m) tall; larger than any other whale.
extremely human-like, including sea titans, True Atlanteans, psi-stalk­ Weight: 2 to 5 tons for a full-sized adult. The male approximately twice
ers, kittani, changelings, ogres, elves and dwarves. They are also ac­ the size of the female.
cepting of dog boys, wolfen, simvan and Lemurians. Natural A.R.: \ 04+3
Surprisingly , they view aquatic humanoids and most O-bees, in­ Hit Points: P.E. number + 1 04x 1 O for females and young and 404x l 0
cluding amphibs, with great suspicion and even animosity. While a Kil­ for full-grown males, + 1 0 per level of experience for each.
ler whale has never slain a human, they often bite and kill aquatic S.D.C .: 206x 1 O for females and young; 406x 1 O for full-grown males.
humanoids, O-bees, aliens, and mutants . Lone individuals and entire Horror Factor: 14 when angry or attacking.
pods have been known to attack O-bee divers and even their vessels, Average Life Span: 60 to 1 00 years. Reach maturity between 8- 1 2
submersibles and surface boats ! The naut ' yll, horune, gene-splicers, years old.
gene-splicers mutants, sea monsters, minions of the Lord of the Deep, Gestation Period: 1 5 months, giving birth to one live young every
demons, and other alien beings seem to be regarded as natural enemies three years. Nursing lasts for one year and though a calf may be
or prey, and have been attacked, slain and eaten, often without the weaned, it is likely to closely accompany its mother for 3 to 6 years .
slightest provocation ! Killer whales also regard many surface O-bees
with the same aggressive disdain, including gargoyles, gurgoyles, de­
mons, Iizardmen, kydians, and most Minions of Splugorth.
Among their own kind, the orca is an intelligent, compassionate,
gentle behemoth similar in many ways to its smaller dolphin cousins.
They protect the young and sickly, work together in groups, show affec­
tion and emotions, seldom fight amongst themselves (although they
may fight members of other pods), and never feed on other orca (they
are not cannibals),
Killer whales have a tight social foundation. A typical pod has 50 to
300 members and they usually stay together for life. If a pod gets much
larger than this, it will split into two or three smaller (but associated)
groups of 8 to 50 members which will grow into a larger pod itself over
the years. Although these splinter groups are now separate family clans, Habitat: Coastal waters in the North Pacific, arctic and antarctic oceans
they may travel and hunt with or near the other (original) pods, or go are their favorites, but they can be found throughout the oceans and
their separate ways, meeting every so often every few years. Although seas of the world. There are an estimated 1 1 million on Rifts Earth.
the pods may be separated, family ties remain for life and are passed on R.C.C. Skills:
from generation to generation. As unbelievable as it may seem, a Killer Swim 98%
whale can recognize immediate family members, members of his pod, Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+20%)
members of other pods, rogues and even relatives he has never seen be­ Underwater Navigation (+ 1 0%)
fore (born in captivity or in another part of the world). This is made Undersea Survival (+ 1 0%)
possible through the specific "accents" of each pods ' language and from One Human language of choice (+ 1 5 % ; probably American/English)
physical characteristics and marks common to that group. Combat: See natural abilities
Remember, Killer whales are natural predators and the only cetacean R.C.C. Related Skills: Select three other skills, plus one additional
that preys on warm-blooded animals; all other sea mammals (whales, skill at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen.
dolphins, porpoises, seals, otters, etc.) feed on fish and invertebrates. Communication: Radio: Basic only (- 1 0%).
Although they are related to dolphins and other whales, they hunt and Domestic : Sing, dancing and fishing only.
eat dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, penguins, and sea birds, as well Electrical : None
as fish, squid, and invertebrates on a regular basis. A hunting pod or Espionage: Only detect ambush, detect concealment, intelligence.
pair of orcas occasionally prey on other whales, most notably Baleen, Mechanical: None
Beluga, Narwhal, and Grey whales. Those who settle in a particular Medical : Sea Holistic Medicine only.
area will have a hunting range that will span 200 to 600 miles (320 to Military: None
960 km). Physical: None
Pilot: None, except specially designed power armor.
Killer Whale (aka Orca) R.C.C. Pilot related: None
Alignment: Any, but usually good. Typically 45% are scrupulous, 2 5 % Rogue: Any, except computer hacking and pick locks (+4%).
principled, 1 5 % unprincipled, 1 0% are anarchist and 5% others . Dia­ Science: B asic math only (- 1 0%)
bolic and miscreant orca are uncommon. Technical: Language, lores, and underwater skill only.
Attributes: I.Q. 206+4, M.E. 306+ 1 0 , M.A. 3 06+ 1 0, P.S. 406+6, W.P.: None
P.P. 306+ 1 0, P.E. 3 06+6, P.B. 306+6, Swimming Spd. 206+ 1 4 ; Wilderness: Underwater only.
roughly 1 2 t o 1 6 mph ( 1 9.2 t o 2 5 . 6 kmph o r 1 0 t o 1 4 knots). Secondary Skills: The character gets to select one additional skill from
Swimming Speed note: The typical Killer whale can maintain a speed those listed above at levels two, seven, twelve and fourteen. These
of around 1 0 to 1 2 mph ( 1 6 to 1 9 .2 kmph; about 9 knots) for hours. are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of
This means a Killer whale can swim 1 00 to 1 20 miles ( 1 60 to 1 92 any bonuses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level.

Standard Equipment: None, but of all the dolphins and whales, the Mid-Air leap : Three feet (0.9 m) + 1 foot (0.3 m) per level of experi­
Killer whale is the most likely to collect a small cache of valuables ence, above the surface of the sea and covers a distance of up to 45 feet
and memorabilia, including weapons and armor. Many love Tri­ ( 1 3 .7 m). Performed to show off, play, or get at prey.
tonian power armor, but the armor is generally available only to orca Mid-Air Precision Leaping : Three feet ( 1 .8 m) + I foot (0.3 m) per
who befriend and work with humans. In addition, they ' ll keep the level of experience. Performed to grab a fish or object close to the sur­
occasional piece of artwork (usually sculptures and carvings), magic face of the water, or to grab or knock an item out of a humanoid ' s hand.
items, and other keepsakes (toys, tools, humanoid body annor, bro­ The player must announce this leap before the dice are rolled and must
ken weapons, articles of clothing, photographs, etc.) to remember a announce whether his character is trying to grab or knock the item
friend, special event or battle. Some collect the skulls of those away. Then roll a 20 sided die to strike as nonnal (+2 to strike in addi­
they ' ve defeated, especially monstrous and valiant opponents, as tro­ tion to other bonuses). The character holding the item can use a parry
phies. roll to try to pull the item away. The killer whale can also try to slap an
Money : None to start but can gather small amounts of treasure and/or item away or strike a person with his tail while in mid-leap, but gets no
memorabilia (see Standard Equipment above). bonus to do so. This move can also be used to leap through hoops, win­
Cybernetics: None; although some humans and D-bees conduct experi­ dows, onto boats, etc. Counts as three melee actions.
ments on Killer whales with implants and bionics. Quick Turns & Stops: Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic
dodge or parry. A roll of 14 or higher means success. A failed roll
Natural Killer Whale Abilities : means the character couldn' t turn or stop in time and either shoots by or
slams into something/somebody; does 5D6 impact damage to himself.
Alphabetical Listing
Depth Tolerance Speed B urst: Can swim at double his normal speed for one minute.
Orca Combat & Maneuvers This maneuver can be perfonned six times per hour before tiring the
Electromagnetic Sensiti vity character too much to try it again. This move is performed for a quick
Hold Breath Underwater dodge (+ 1 in addition to other bonuses) or get-away, or a quick strike
Recognize Family Heritage (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to move toward or away from
somebody or some place quickly .
Sense Magnetic North
Sonic Echo-Location Swim Breaching/Skimming: This is when the killer whale swims in
Ultrasonic Probe an up and down motion, breaking the water with his back (does not usu­
ally leap entirely out of the water like the dolphin or porpoise). This
1. Depth Tolerance: Killer Whales can survive the pressure and maneuver is done when searching for prey on the surface of the water
cold at depths of up to one mile ( 1 .6 km), but normally seldom swim or to see what ' s going on at the water' s surface. Reduce maximum
more than 2000 feet (6 1 m) deep. Note that the average ocean depth is speed by 20% and speed hursts are not possible when skimming the
roughly 2.4 to 3 miles (3.84 to 4.8 km). surface.
2. Hold Breath Underwater: The killer whale can hold his breath B ackward Flip: A maneuver perfonned on the surface of the water.
for 2D6+ 1 4 minutes (roll once to determine a specific character' s abil­ The orca leaps out of the water and either lands flat with its full body
ity). (usually to splash somebody - 3 D6x l O gallons of water splashes a 20
3. Sense Magnetic North : Unless injured or sick, killer whales can foot/6. 1 m radius) or dives. This maneuver is done to catch prey, show
always tell where magnetic north is precisely located. This is an im­ off or just for fun/playing.
mense help in navigating the oceans. A powerful blow to the head may Tight circle/turn: Orcas can make reasonably tight circles and turns
temporarily (3D4 minutes) knockout this ability. in an area as small as 30 feet (9. 1 m) in diameter.
4. Electromagnetic Sensitivity : Same as the Dolphin. Range: 30
feet (9 m) when scanning people, 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) when scanning or Combat Maneuvers & Damage:
trailing E.M. signatures of vessels (triple for flying saucers), and 3 Bite: One S.D.C. point from a warning nip, 2D6 S .D.C. from a re­
miles (4.8 km) when reading the E.M. lines in the earth. strained bite and 5D6 S .D.C. from a full strength bite.
S. Sonic Echo-Location: Same as the dolphin. Base Skill : 20% Nose Jab: Similar to a punch, does 1 D6 S.D.C. damage.
( + 1 5%) +5% per level of experience. Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) for Head or Nose Strike: 2D4 S .D.C. restrained or 3D6 S .D.C. damage
maximum accuracy. Up to 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) but at a skill penalty of - at full strength.
20%. Power Strike: A high-speed, precision underwater attack in which
6. Ultrasonic Probe: B asically the same as the dolphin. Base Skill: the killer whale strikes with his snout or head. I D6x l O S.D.C., plus vic­
20% (+5 %) and an additional +5% per level of experience. Range: 1 00 tims of this attack are likely (80%) to lose initiative and two melee at­
feet (30.5 m) or closer for maximum accuracy. Up to 200 feet ( 6 1 m) tacks/actions. Counts as three melee attacks/actions. This tactic can also
but at a skill penalty of -20%. Note: Half range for porpoises. be used to knock items out of the hands of an opponent, but the player
7. Recognize Family Heritage: Killer whales can recognize their must call out his intentions before the dice are rolled. Roll to strike as
family relatives and descendants through their song, appearance/physi­ usual; the opponent may try to parry or dodge.
cal traits/fins, markings and ultrasonic probes , without ever having seen Tail slap : 3 D6 S . D . C . damage. Can b e used t o knock items out o f the
them before. Base Skill: 70%+3% per level of experience. hands of an opponent (see above).
8. Orca Combat & Maneuvers: 9. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, + 1 to dodge, +3 to pull
Attacks per Melee Round: The character starts with three attacks or punch, + 1 to roll with impact, +2 to save vs mind control, +6 to save vs
actions per melee round ( 1 5 seconds), + I at levels two, five, seven, ten, horror factor, and is resistant to cold (half damage). All are in addition
and thirteen. to attribute bonuses and special combat maneuvers.
Automatic Dodge: Not applicable 10. Limitations: Killer whales dehydrate quickly when taken out of
Parry with nose or tail: Standard parry. water and are virtually immobilized (can only flop and squinn like a
Dive: A high-speed dive straight down or at a slight angle at double fish) the same as the dolphin.
nonnal speed. Maximum depth is 800 feet ( 1 82 m) + 1 00 feet (30.5 m)
per level of experience. Roll to strike if the character is trying to dive
and hit or grab something (+2 diving strike bonus).

Killer Whale Magic Powers (Innate) : to themselves and prefer to work in small groups or be sent on solo mis­
Ley Line Channelling
Like their small cousins, the Sperm whale exhibits teamwork, re­
Like the dolphin, the killer whale is a natural ley line walker with sourcefulness and compassion, especially toward other Sperm whales.
some different and superior abilities . Ley line channeling is the ability Females are fiercely protective of their young and the bull male will de­
to channel and use ley line energy in the following ways. fend every member of his group with equal vigor. When one is injured,
1. Ley Line Charged : Same as the dolphin. the entire group will often surround it in a tight circle, with heads to­
2. Ley Line Energy Blast: Same as the dolphin. ward the center and tails outstretched. Whalers have come to call this
3. Ley Line Hopping: Same as the dolphin. the "marguerite flower" formation. Anybody who dares to come within
range is battered by their tails.
4. Ley Line Speed Doubler: Same as the dolphin.
Sperm whales communicate with a series of clicking patterns called
5. Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy: Same as the ley line walker.
"codas." Other sounds produced by these giants sound like low roars
6. Read Ley Lines: Same as the ley line walker. and the creaking of rusty hinges.
7. Ley line Transmission: Same as the ley line walker.
The whale' s diet primarily consists of squid (80%; including giant
8. Ley Line Rejuvenation: Doubles natural healing ability the same squid), the remainder being octopus, fish and crustaceans, mostly
as the ley line walker ability. shrimp and crabs. There are an estimated 650,000 Sperm whales thriv­
9. Spell Casting abilities: The orca can learn ocean magic, dolphin ing in the oceans of Rifts Earth. This number does not include the com­
magic or whale spellsongs in any combination. Pick two at level one, paratively tiny Pygmy sperm whale ( 1 2 ft/3 .6 m) or the Dwarf sperm
and one additional at levels two, four, six, eight, 1 0, 1 2, 1 4. Dolphin whale (9 ft/2.7 m).
Magic and Ocean Magic are described in the Ocean Magic section,
spellsongs in the Whale Singer section. Sperm Whale R.C.C.
10. P.P.E.: I D6x l O +P.E. number and 2D6 per each level of ad­ Alignment: Any , but usually good. Typically 35% are scrupulous, 1 0%
vancement above first. principled, 20% unprincipled, 25% are anarchist and 1 0% others.
11. Magic Bonuses: + I to save vs magic, +3 to save vs whale spell­ Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+4, M.E. 2D6+ 1 O, M.A. 2D6+6, P.S. 4D6+34,
songs and + I spell strength (the number others must save against from P.P. 3 D6+6, P.E. 3 D6+ 1 0, P.B . 2D6, Swimming Spd. 2D6+ 1 6; roughly
the character' s magic) at levels four, eight and 1 2. 1 2 to 1 7 mph ( 1 9.2 to 25.9 kmph or 1 0 to 1 5 knots; but is 5x faster dur­
ing a dive into the deep).
Swimming Speed note: The typical Sperm whale can maintain a speed
Killer Whale Psionics (Special) of around 10 to 1 2 mph ( 1 6 to 1 9 . 2 kmph; about 9 knots) for
Like humans, some portion of the orca community possesses psionic hours. This means the whale can swim 1 00 to 1 20 miles ( 1 60 to 192
powers; roll on the following table: km) a day at a good pace, with time to rest, catch food and being
o 1 -77 No psionic powers . careful. If swimming to the point of exhaustion and without watch­
78-88 Minor Psionic : select I D4+ I abilities from physical or sensi­ ing out for danger, the whale may be able to travel 1 50 miles (240
tive. km). A day ' s or more travel at maximum speed will completely ex­
89-97 Major Psionic: select a total of I D4+3 abilities from healing, haust the character and reduce the speed and range of subsequent
sensitive and/or physical. days of travel by 50%. The whale will need a day of rest (light
swimming) to regain his full strength.
98-00 Master Psionic : select one psionic category (any of the three
Size: Males average 60 to 70 feet ( 1 8 .3 to 2 1 .3 m) long; females 38 to
lesser abilities) and I D4+ I super-psionic abilities.
45 feet ( 1 l .5 to 1 3 .7 m) long.
Special: Psychic Family Imprint: Psychic orcas can recognize fam­ Weight: 50 to 70 tons for a full-sized adult. 1 5 to 30 tons for a full­
ily/pod members, offspring and descendants. sized female.
Natural A.R.: 2D4+6
Hit Points: P.E. number x l O for females and young and P.E. number

Sperm Whale R.C.C. x20 for full-grown males, +20 per level of experience for each.
S.D.C . : 3D6x I 0 for females and young; 6D6x I 0 for full-grown males.
Horror Factor: 13 when angry or attacking.
Average Life Span : 50 to 80 years. Reach maturity between I I and 1 6
The king of mammals in the Deep Ocean is the Sperm whale. This years old.
giant of the deep measures over 60 feet ( 1 8 . 3 m) long, can swim two Gestation Period : 1 5 months, giving birth to one live young every
miles (3.2 km) deep, dive even deeper and feeds on giant squid ! This three to five years. Nursing lasts for one year and though a calf may
whale is the famous, nightmarish monstrosity of Moby Dick and Pi­ be weaned, it is likely to closely accompany its mother for 3 to 6
nocchio. Its head, which accounts for 33% of its body, is always cov­ years.
ered with scars from its battles with squid, octopus and other denizens Habitat: The North Pacific, North Atlantic, arctic and antarctic oceans
of the deep. Although aggressive and powerful, these whales never at­ are their favorites, but they can be found throughout the oceans of
tacked humans or humanoids unless attacked, first, or if a Whale Singer the world.
on a mission of destruction. However, if attacked by pirates (like the R.C.C. Skills:
bloodthirsty horune who hunt them for sport and profit) or whalers, the Swim 98%
Sperm whale has been known to ram ships and power armor, shatter Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+ I 0%)
lifeboats, bite its attackers and pull surface attackers underwater and Underwater Navigation (+20%)
either hold them until they drown/suffocate or carry them to depths they Undersea Survival (+20%)
cannot survive ! One Human language of choice (+5 % ; probably AmericanlEnglish)
Adult males , especially those over the age of 50, are often solitary Combat: See natural abilities
hunters who congregate with others of their kind only during mating R.C.c. Related Skills: Select four other skills, plus one additional skill
season, and chance meetings with others. A school of Sperm whales is at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen.
either a harem with one, older bull and 4D4 females, or a family clan Communication: Radio: B asic only (- 1 0%).
with I D4x l O members. Even those who are Whale Singers tend to keep Domestic : Sing, dancing and fishing only.

Electrical : None
Espionage: Only detect ambush, detect concealment, escape artist,in­ trailing E.M. signatures of vessels (triple for flying saucers), and 3
telligence. miles (4.8 km) when reading the E.M. lines in the earth.
Mechanical: None S. Sonic Echo-Location: Same as the dolphin. Base Skill: 35%
Medical: Sea Holistic Medicine only. +5% per level of experience. Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) for maximum
Military : None accuracy. Up to 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) but at a skill penalty of -20%.
Physical: None
6. Recognize Family Heritage: Sperm whales can recognize their
Pilot: None, except specially designed power armor.
family, relatives and descendants through their song, appearance/physi­
Pilot related: None
cal traits, markings and psionic probes, without ever having seen them
Rogue: Streetwise and prowl only (+4%).
before. Base Skill: 60%+3% per level of experience.
Science: B asic math only (- 1 0%)
7. Impervious to Cold : About 3 3 % of the Sperm whale ' s body
Technical: Language, lores, and underwater skill only.
weight is blubber (another 3 3 % is muscle ! ) . Thus, the mammal is virtu­
W.P.: None
ally impervious to cold (no damage) .
Wilderness: Underwater only.
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select one additional skill from 8. Taste Receptors: Chemoreceptors in the mouth enable the whale
those listed above at levels two, seven, twelve and fourteen. These to detect minute changes in the salinity and chemical components of the
are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of water. This enables the character to taste oil spills, pollution and blood
any bonuses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. that has permeated the water. Identify chemicals by taste: 36% +4% per
Standard Equipment: None. Whales don 't need or want for material level of experience. Track by taste: 30% +4% per level of experience.
possessions. Occasionally, they will keep a piece of artwork (usually Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km).
sculptures and carvings), a magic item or keepsake (toy, tool, 9. Sperm Whale Combat & Maneuvers:
weapon, article of clothing, photograph) to remind himself of a Attacks per Melee Round: The character starts with one attack or ac­
friend or special event. tion per melee round ( 1 5 seconds) + I at levels two, four, seven, ten, and
Money : None; see Standard Equipment above. thirteen.
Cybernetics: None; although some humans and D-bees conduct experi­ Automatic Dodge: Not applicable
ments on whales with implants and bionics.
Parry with nose or tail: + I to parry.
Natural Sperm Whale Abilities : Dive: A high-speed dive straight down or at a slight angle at five
Alphabetical Listing times normal speed. Maximum depth is 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) + 1 00 feet
Depth Tolerance (30.5 m) per level of experience for females and young. 1 0,000 feet
Sperm Whale Combat & Maneuver:s (3048 m) + I 00 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience for the adult male.
_.....::; Roll to strike if the character is trying to dive and hit or grab something
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Hold Breath Underwater (+3 diving strike bonus).
Impervious to Cold Mid-Air leap: Five feet ( 1 .5 m) +2 feet (0.6 m) per level of experi­
Recognize Family Heritage ence, above the surface of the sea and covers a distance of up to 45 feet
Sense Magnetic North ( 1 3 . 7 m). Performed to show off, play, or get at prey.
Sonic Echo-Location Mid-Air Precision Leaping: Not applicable.
Taste Receptors Quick Turns & Stops: Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic
dodge or parry. A roll of 1 6 or higher means success. A failed roll
1. Depth Tolerance: Killer Whales can survive the pressure and means the character couldn 't tum or stop in time and either shoots by or
cold at depths of up to three miles (4.8 km) , but normally swim between slams into something/somebody; does I D6x l O impact damage to him­
half a mile (2640 ft/804 m) to two miles/ I O,560 feet (3.2 krn/32 1 8 .6 m) self.
deep. Note that the oceans average depth is roughly 2.4 to 3 miles (3.84
Speed B urst: Can swim at double his normal speed for one minute.
to 4.8 km) .
This maneuver can be performed ten times per hour before tiring the
2. Hold Breath Underwater: The young, and female Sperm whales character too much to try it again. This move is performed for a quick
can hold their breath for 4D6+40 minutes, but the adult male can hold dodge (+ 1 in addition to other bonuses) or get-away, or a quick strike
his breath underwater for I D4x 1 0+60 minutes (roll once to determine a (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or to move toward or away from
specific character' s ability). somebody or some place quickly.
3. Sense Magnetic North : Unless injured or sick, Sperm whales can Swim Breaching/Skimming: This is when the Sperm whale swims in
always tell where magnetic north is precisely. This is an immense help an up and down motion, breaking the water with his back (does not ac­
in navigating the oceans. A powerful blow to the head may temporarily tually leap out of the water like the dolphin or porpoise) . This maneuver
(3D4 minutes) knockout this ability. is done when searching for prey on the surface of the water, or to see
4. Electromagnetic Sensitivity : Same as the Dolphin. Range: 30 what ' s going on at the surface. Reduce maximum speed by 20% and
feet (9. 1 m) when scanning people, 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) when scanning or speed bursts are not possible when skimming the surface.

Backward Flip: A maneuver performed on the surface of the water
by leaping three-quarters of the way out of the water and landing flat Sperm Whale Psionics (Special)
with its full body (usually to splash somebody - 2D6x 1 00 gallons of All Sperm whales have some degree of psionic power. Roll on the
water splashes a 40 foot/1 2.2 m radius); a warning, an attempt to cap­ following table:
size rafts and small boats, or just being mischievous/playing. 0 1 -60 Minor Psionic : M.E. x2 determines base I.S.P. plus l D6 per
Tight circle/tum: Not applicable. level of advancement. Abilities are limited to see aura, see the invisible,
Combat Maneuvers & Damage: sense magic and mind block.
B ite: l D6 S.D.C. points from a warning nip, 4D6 S .D.C. from a re­ 6 1 -80 Major Psionic: M.E. x3 determines base I.S .P. plus I D6+2 per
strained bite and l D4x l O S .D.C. from a full strength bite (optional: level of advancement. Abilities are limited to see aura, see the invisible,
power bite counts as two melee attacks and does 2D6x l O or one M.D.). sense magic, mind block and I D4+ 1 abilities of choice from physical or
Head Jab : Similar to a punch, does 5D6 S .D.C. damage. sensitive categories.
Head Strike: 2D4x l O S .D.C. restrained or 2D6x l O S.D.C. damage at 8 1 -90 Major Psionic: M.E. x4 determines base I.S .P. plus l D6+2 per
full strength (equal to one M.D. point). level of advancement. Abilities are limited to see aura, see the invisible,
sense magic, mind block and l D4+2 abilities of choice from healing,
Power Strike: A high-speed, precision underwater attack in which
physical or sensitive categories.
the whale rams his opponent with his large, blubber padded head.
I D4x 1 00 S.D.C. or l D4 M.D. ! Humans and characters three times the 9 1 -00 Master Psionic: M.E. x8 determines base I.S .P. plus 2D6 per
size of humans are likely (80%) to lose initiative and two melee at­ level of experience. Select 1 2 psionic powers from any of the three
tacks/actions, plus are likely (80%) to be knocked out of a boat and sent lesser categories at level one and one additional ability from any cate­
flying l D6x l O yards/meters away (half that distance underwater) and gory, including super, for each subsequent level of advancement.
may have dropped whatever they were holding in their hand (roll a
parry vs a strike to hold on). Counts as two melee attacks/actions.
Furthermore, rafts, lifeboats and small sea vessels may be capsized
(50% chance).
+3 to strike large target 30 feet (9. 1 m) or larger.
Tail Slap: I D4x l O S.D.C. damage. Can be used to knock items out
Whale R.C.C.
of the hands of an opponent; +2 to strike. Roll to strike as usual; the op­
ponent may try to parry or dodge. Counts as one melee attack/action. There has always been something magical about the Humpback
Tail Strike: 2D6x l O S.D.C. or one M.D. for a full strength wallop whale and its haunting songs. No other whale has the same variety or
from the tail; +2 to strike. complexity of sounds. Furthermore, the songs of the Humpback are true
songs , consisting of an ordered sequence of themes , motifs and phrases
10. Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +3 to strike, + 1 to dodge, + 1 to pull
similar to those of a bird, and can be repeated exactly and taught to oth­
punch, +3 to roll with impact, +4 to save vs poison, disease and para­
ers. The sounds, which can be clicks, chirps, yups, cries, moans or
sites (tape worms, etc.), + 1 to save vs mind control, +8 to save vs horror
roars, usually range in the 40Hz and 5kHz. A single song will last 6 to
factor, and impervious to cold (no damage) . All these bonuses are in ad­
40 minutes and can be heard up to 1 1 6 miles away ( 1 85 km or 1 00 nau­
dition to attribute bonuses and special combat maneuvers.
tical miles) ! However, most sounds have a range of about 50 to 60
11. Limitations: Sperm whales dehydrate quickly when taken out of miles (80 to 96.5 km).
water and are virtually immobilized (can only flop and squirm like a
Since the development of Whale Singer spellsongs, the Humpback
fish) the same as the dolphin. The creature' s vast size is also a potential
has become one of its masters. Other than the Whale Singer pneuma-bi­
problem in some circumstances.
forms, the Humpback is the most powerful of the Whale S ingers.
Humpbacks, like all B aleen whales, are filter-feeders who strain
Sperm Whale Magic Powers (Innate) : their food out of water by means of baleen plates that grow down from
Ley Line Channelling either side of the roof of the mouth. The whale opens its mouth widely
to engulf large quantities of water filled with microscopic to small or­
The Sperm whale has a much more limited range of natural ley line ganisms like krill and shrimp. The tiny organisms get caught in the
abilities, but does possess a large amount of P.P.E. , perhaps as a result coarse baleen bristles as the water passes through, like a sieve.
of its large spherical brain. Ley line channeling is the ability to absorb,
channel and use ley line energy in the following ways.
Humpback Whale R.C.C.
1. Ley Line Charged : Same as the dolphin. Alignment: Any, but usually good. Typically 50% are scrupulous, 15%
2. Ley Line Energy Blast: Same as the dolphin. principled, 15% unprincipled, 1 0% are anarchist and 1 0% others.
3. Ley Line Speed Doubler: Same as the dolphin . Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+6, M.E. 2D6+ l O , M.A. 2D6+ l O, P.S. 3D6+30,
P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 3D6+ l O, P.B. 2D6, Swimming Spd. 2D6+ 1 4; roughly
4. Ley Line Rejuvenation: Doubles natural healing ability the
1 2 to 16 mph ( 1 9.2 to 25.6 kmph or 10 to 1 4 knots).
same as the ley line walker ability.
Swimming Speed note: The typical Humpback whale can maintain a
S. Spell Casting abilities: The Sperm whale knows the basics be­
speed of around 1 0 to 1 2 mph ( 1 6 to 1 9.2 kmph; about 9 knots) for
hind whale spellsongs. Select three spell songs at level one, and one ad­ hours. This means the whale can swim 1 00 to 1 20 miles ( 1 60 to 1 9 2
ditional at levels three, five, six, seven, eight, 1 0, 1 2, and 1 4. Spellsongs km) a day a t a good pace, with time t o rest, catch food and being
are described in the Whale Singer section. careful. If swimming to the point of exhaustion and without watch­
6. P.P.E.: 4D4x l O +P.E. number and 10 P.P.E. per each level of ad­ ing out for danger, the whale may be able to travel 1 50 miles (240
vancement above first level. km). A day ' s or more travel at maximum speed will completely ex­
7. Magic Bonuses: +1 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs whale spell­ haust the character and reduce the speed and range of subsequent
songs and + 1 spell strength (the number others must save against from days of travel by 50%. The whale will need a day of rest (light
the character' s magic) at levels four, eight and 1 2. swimming) to regain his full strength.
Size: Males average 60 to 70 feet ( 1 8.3 to 2 1 .3 m) long; females 40 to
48 feet ( 1 2.2 to 1 4.6 m) long.

Weight: 60 to 70 tons for a full-sized adult. 30 to 40 tons for a full­ Money : None; see Standard Equipment above.
sized female. Cybernetics: None; although some humans and D-bees conduct experi­
Natural A.R.: 1 D6+5 ments on dolphins and whales with implants and bionics.
Hit Points : P.E. number x8 for females and young and P.E. number
x I 0 for full-grown males, + 1 0 per level of experience. Natural Humpback Whale Abilities :
S.D.C. : 3D6x l O for females and young; 5D6x l O for full-grown males.
Alphabetical Listing
Horror Factor: 10 when angry or attacking.
Depth Tolerance
Average Life Span: 70 to 1 00 years. Reach maturity between I I and
Humpback Whale Combat & Maneuvers
1 3 years old.
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Gestation Period: 1 5 months, giving birth to one live young every
Hold Breath Underwater
three to five years. Nursing lasts for one year and though a calf may
Recognize Family Heritage
be weaned, it is likely to closely accompany its mother for 3 to 6
Sense Magnetic North
Sonic Echo-Location
Habitat: The North Pacific, North Atlantic, arctic and antarctic ocean
are their favorites, but they can be found throughout the oceans of
the world.
R.C.C. Skills:
Swim 98%
Track & Hunt Sea Animals (+5 %)
Underwater Navigation (+20%)
Undersea Survival (+ 1 0%)

One Human language of choice (+5 % ; probably American/English) 1. Depth Tolerance: Humpback whales can survive the pressure
Combat: See natural abilities and cold at depths of up to one mile ( 1 .6 km), but normally seldom
R.C.C. Related Skills: Select three other skills, plus one additional swim more than 2000 feet (6 1 m) deep.
skill at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen. 2. Hold Breath Underwater: The whale can hold his breath for
Communication: Radio: B asic only (- 1 0%). 2D6+24 minutes (roll once to determine a specific character' s ability).
Domestic : Sing, dancing and fishing only. 3. Sense Magnetic North: Unless injured or sick, Humpback
Electrical: None whales can always tell where magnetic north is precisely. This is an im­
Espionage: Only detect ambush, detect concealment, and intelli­ mense help in navigating the oceans. A powerful blow to the head may
gence. temporarily (3D4 minutes) knockout this ability.
Mechanical: None
4. Electromagnetic Sensitivity: B asically the same as the dolphin.
Medical : None
Range: 20 feet (6. 1 m) when scanning people, 200 feet (6 1 m) when
Military: None scanning or trailing E.M. signatures of vessels (triple for flying sau­
Physical: None cers), and 3 miles (4.8 km) when reading the E.M. lines in the earth.
Pilot: None, except specially designed power armor.
S. Sonic Echo-Location : B asically the same as the dolphin. Base
Pilot related: None
Skill : 30% +5% per level of experience. Range: 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) for
Rogue: Any, except computer hacking and pick locks (+4%) .
maximum accuracy. Up to 8000 feet (243 8 .4 m) but at a skill penalty of
Science: B asic math only (- 1 0%)
-20% .
Technical: Language, lores, and underwater skill only.
W.P.: None 6. Recognize Family Heritage: Humpback whales can recognize
Wilderness: Underwater only. their family relatives and descendants through their song, appear­
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select one additional skill from ance/physical traits, markings and psionic probes, without ever having
those listed above at levels three, eight, twelve and fifteen. These are seen them before. Base Skill: 5 3 %+3 % per level of experience.
additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of any 7. Humpback Whale Combat & Maneuvers:
bonuses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Attacks per Melee Round: The character starts with one attack or ac­
Standard Equipment: None. Humpback whales don' t need or want for tion per melee round ( 1 5 seconds) + I at levels two, five, eight, eleven,
material possessions. Occasionally, they will keep a piece of artwork and fourteen.
(usually sculptures and carvings), a magic item or keepsake (toy, Automatic Dodge: Not applicable
tool, weapon, article of clothing, photograph) to remind himself of a Parry with nose or tail: + 1 to parry.
friend or special event.
Dive: A high-speed dive straight down or at a slight angle at double
normal speed. Maximum depth is 1 000 feet (305 m) + 1 00 feet (30.5 m) Humpback Whale Magic Powers (Innate) :
per level of experience for females and young. 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) + 1 00 Ley Line Channelling
feet (30.5 m) per level of experience for the adult male. Roll to strike if
the character is trying to dive and hit or grab something (+ 1 diving The Humpback whale has a much more limited range of natural ley
strike bonus). line abilities, but does possess and incredible amount of P.P.E. Ley line
Mid-Air leap: Five feet ( 1 .5 m) +2 feet (0.6 m) per level of experi­ channeling is the ability to absorb, channel and use ley line energy in
ence, above the surface of the sea and covers a distance of up to 45 feet the following ways.
( 1 3 . 7 m). Performed to show off, play, or get at prey. 1 . Ley Line Charged : Same as the dolphin.
Mid-Air Precision Leaping: Not applicable. 2. Ley Line Energy Blast: Same as the dolphin.
Quick Turns & Stops : Roll as if this maneuver was an automatic 3. Ley Line Speed Doubler: Same as the dolphin.
dodge or parry. A roll of 1 6 or higher means success. A failed roll 4. Ley Line Rejuvenation: Doubles natural healing ability the same
means the character couldn ' t tum or stop in time and either shoots by or as the ley line walker ability.
slams into something/somebody; does I D4x l O impact damage to him­
5. Magic Abilities: The Humpback whale is the master of spell­
songs. Select 4 spellsongs at level one, 2 at level two, and one addi­
Speed Burst: Can swim at double his normal speed for one minute. tional spellsong for each subsequent level, starting with level three.
This maneuver can be performed ten times per hour before tiring the Spellsongs are described in the Whale Singer section.
character too much to try it again. This move is performed for a quick
6. P.P.E.: 4D4x l O +P.E. number and 20 P.P.E. per each level of ad­
dodge ( + 1 in addition to other bonuses) or get-away, or a quick strike
vancement above first level .
(+ 1 in addition to other bonuses), or to move toward or away from
7. Magic Bonuses: + 1 to save vs magic, +6 to save vs whale spell­
somebody or someplace quickly.
songs and + 1 spellsong strength (the number others must save against
Swim Breaching/Skimming: This is when the whale swims in an up
from the character' s magic) at levels two, five, eight and 1 2.
and down motion, breaking the water with his back (does not actually
leap out of the water like the dolphin or porpoise) . This maneuver is
done when searching for prey on the surface of the water or to see Humpback Whale Psionics (Special)
what ' s going on at the surface. Reduce maximum speed by 20% and
speed bursts are not possible when skimming the surface. All humpback whales have some degree of psionic power. Roll on
the following table:
B ackward Flip: A maneuver performed on the surface of the water
by leaping three-quarters of the way out of the water and lands flat with 0 1 -90 Minor Psionic: M.E. x2 determines base I.S.P. plus I D6 per
its full body (usually to splash somebody - 2D6x l OO gallons of water level of advancement. Abilities are limited to see aura, sense magic,
splashes a 40 foot/ l 2.2 m radius) ; a waming, an attempt to capsize rafts mind block, and one of choice from the sensitive category.
and small boats, or just being mischievous/playing. 9 1 -00 Major Psionic: M.E. x3 determines base I.S.P. plus I D6+2 per
Tight circle/tum: Not applicable. level of advancement. Abilities are limited to see aura, sense magic,
mind block and two abilities of choice from the healing or sensitive
Combat Maneuvers & Damage:
Bite: I D6 S .D.C. from a restrained bite and 2D6 S.D.C. from a full
strength bite.
Head Jab: Similar to a punch, does 4D6 S.D.C. damage.
Head Strike: I D4x l O S.D.C. restrained or 2D4x l O S .D.C. damage at
full strength (if G.M. allows it, equal to one M.D. point) .
Power Strike: A high-speed, precision underwater attack in which
the whale rams his opponent with his large, blubber paddedhead.
I D4x l OO S.D.C. or I D4 M.D. ! Humans and characters up to three
times the size of humans are likely (75%) to lose initiative and two me­
lee attacks/actions, plus are likely (80%) to be knocked out of a boat
and sent flying I D6x l O yards/meters away (half that distance underwa­
ter) and may have dropped whatever they were holding in their hand
(roll a parry vs a strike to hold on) . Counts as two melee attacks/actions.
Furthermore, rafts, lifeboats and small sea vessels may be capsized
(50% chance).
+3 to strike large target 30 feet (. 1 9 m) or larger.
Tail Slap: I D4x l O S.D.C. damage. Can be used to knock items out
of the hands of an opponent; + 1 to strike. Roll to strike as usual; the op­
ponent may try to parry or dodge. Counts as one melee attack/action.
Tail Strike: 2D6x l O S .D.C. or one M.D. for a full strength wallop
from the tail; + 1 to strike.
8. Bonuses: + 1 to strike, + 1 to dodge, + 1 to pull punch, +2 to roll
with impact, +2 to save vs poison, disease and parasites (tape worms,
etc.), +2 to save vs mind control, +5 to save vs horror factor, and is re­
sistant to cold (half damage). All bonuses are in addition to attribute bo­
nuses and special combat maneuvers.
9. Limitations: Humpback whales dehydrate quickly when taken
out of water and are virtually immobilized (can only flop and squirm
like a fish) the same as the dolphin. The creature' s vast size is also a po­
tential problem in some circumstances.

Tr i ton i a By C.J. Carella & Kevin Siembieda

Also known as : The Drifting Colony or the Artificial Island Tech, the other half, members representing all the participating govern­
Population Breakdown: 900,000 total ments. The installation consisted of thirty-six floating sections, each the
Humans: 73% size of a city block. The sections were tethered to each other with
Amphibs : 1 2% swivel attachments that gave flexibility to the whole array during rough
Naut' Yll: 5 % weather. A powerful thruster system allowed the complex to maneuver
Other 1 0% (assorted D-Bee races, mutant animals, and dolphins) against sea currents, and gave the city some degree of mobility in order
Does not include an additional l D6x l O,000 visitors, merchants and to float in specific directions and to avoid land masses. The original
sailors of diverse races and backgrounds. complement of the artificial island was 5 ,000 scientists, technicians, se­
Note: Tritonia drifts throughout the North and South Pacific oceans curity and support personnel.
and rarely comes closer than 1 000 miles ( 1 600 km) to any continent. The first trial tests were a resounding success. Tritonia' s ultra-tech
A triumph of pre-Rifts engineering, Tritonia is a floating city, a structure was able to weather a hurricane without suffering major dam­
drifting colony that follows the streams of the Pacific Ocean, avoiding age and its research facilities provided a great deal of new information
the monster-infested land masses. For twenty generations, most inhabi­ about the mysteries of the sea. Tritonia was expanded, with more mod­
tants of Tritonia have lived out their lives without setting foot on a real ules attached to the core structure. A large central section, triple the size
island or continent. The colony is a huge complex of interlocking of the normal squares, was built right onto the original facility, and the
barges covering an area of one square mile ( 1 .6 km) . The floating city ever expanding floating colony was arranged around it.
does not extend too far above the surface; the tallest buildings reach Two years after Tritonia was put into operation, the Amphib Scandal
only ten stories or so, with the one exception of the Control Center, a came to light. A ruthless South American corporation, ShaperCorp,
large domed structure that stands 200 feet (6 1 m) tall. The underbelly of had been caught engaging in illegal human experiments. Thousands of
the city is much larger, with 1 0 to 1 5 stories of building underwater. innocent people (many of them poor and illiterate peasants) had been
The floating city maintains a number of island bases, as well as un­ "volunteered" to undergo massive genetic alterations designed to allow
dersea mining, fishing and harvesting/farm settlements, but the bulk of humans to survive underwater. Most of the test subjects died after de­
the population dwells in Tritonia itself and most of the city ' s needs are veloping several strains of cancer, or by drowning during the grueling
taken from the sea. Food and clothing are processed from marine ani­ endurance tests the company forced upon them. The authorities discov­
mals and plant life. Factory barges make use of everything harvested by ered the corporation ' s doings and shut it down, imprisoning all of
Tritonia's fishermen. The energy needs of the city are met by using so­ ShaperCorp ' s researchers and executives. Note: Unknown to the gen­
lar collectors to supplement hundreds of small nuclear power plants eral public, most of these researchers ended up working for the Argen­
(some of them hundreds of years old). In fact, virtually every large tinean government in Project Achilles; for more information about the
building has its own power plant. Minerals are mined from the sea mutant animals that came about from that project, refer to Rifts South
floor, and artifacts, treasure and materials are salvaged from sunken America Two.
ships and abandoned coastal (or underwater) ruins. What little they can­ After the research was shut down, however, one question remained:
not get from the sea, the Tritonians acquire by trading with other civili­ What to do with the 1 20 survivors of the experiments, all of whom had
zations. mutated into a stable amphibian form. Tritonia seemed to be the ideal
About ten percent of the Tritonian population are descendants of a place for these aquatic misfits to lead productive, happy lives . The am­
genetically-engineered neo-human species, the amphibs (described phibs settled at the floating city and became valuable members of that
elsewhere in this book). The amphibs ' altered physical structure enables community .
them to breathe underwater and resist high levels of pressure and low Within a decade, Tritonia had grown in both size and importance. It
temperatures. The mutated humans are accepted by the rest of the popu­ was used as a port by ships that needed repairs or supplies, and became
lation, and many have become very important Tritonian leaders, explor­ important in the study of ocean storms, and scientific research. Even
ers and heroes. Two of the last five Directors have been amphibs. military fleets began to use it as a staging point for maneuvers . The lat­
ter was done over the protest of the scientific community, which wanted
the artificial island to be kept free of international squabbles, and it
Origins started a tradition of distrust for the armed forces. The base continued to
Tritonia was an experimental project sponsored by OceanTech Inc., perform all kinds of functions and services, becoming a major tourist at­
an Australian-American mega-corporation that specialized in undersea traction in addition to being an invaluable scientific asset. By every­
mining, harvesting and research. The idea was to create a giant floating one' s standards, the project had been an astonishing success.
habitat that would act as a base for fishing fleets, undersea mining op­
erations, scientific research, weather forecasting, and even a tourist at­
traction. The governments of several of the Pre-Rifts Empires also The Coming of the Rifts
contributed billions in credits, loans and tax deferments. If the prototype B y sheer providence, Tritonia was in an area almost entirely free of
was successful, self-sustaining habitats might have become a way to ley lines when the Great Cataclysm took place. From their relatively
deal with overpopulation. After all, over two thirds most of Earth ' s sur­ safe vantage point, far away from land and civilized areas, the 40,000+
face was covered by water, and having people settle on some of that inhabitants and visitors had a ringside seat to the destruction of civiliza­
surface would increase the total amount of living space. tion. The administrators tried at first to keep the worst news from the
As a prototype, Tritonia was stuffed with very advanced experimen­ rest of the facility, but given the advanced communications of the day ,
tal equipment, including mini-factories that could be programmed to this proved t o b e a n exercise i n futility. Panic broke out and hundreds of
manufacture different products, advanced nuclear power plants, and people died when they tried to flee the floating island. Soon the news
cutting-edge building materials. The city was under the control of a coming from the mainland slowed down to a trickle of desperate pleas
team of scientists and administrators, half were employees of Ocean- for help - and then stopped altogether. Shortly after that, the Tritoni-

The Administrators of the city became a formal council that ruled
with harsh practicality. Democracy was seen as a luxury that Tritonia
could not afford. The facility surrounded itself with a ragtag fleet of
refugees, fishing boats, merchant ships and a few military vessels . More
sections were added to the artificial island as needed. Sometimes, these
were improvised barges made from the shells of ships that were lashed
to the complex to provide more room for the growing community.
Other, later additions were more elegant and durable structures.
Despite several close calls (the last one being an attack by the Lord
of the Deep, whose minions killed one in ten inhabitants), Tritonia was
able to emerge from the Dark Ages. By 1 5 P.A. (Post Apocalypse cal­
endar), the "drifting colony" was a self-sufficient nation, with a popula­
tion in the hundreds of thousands, and able to defend itself against any
attack. Although survival is still the main concern of all Tritonians, a
large percentage of the population has become involved in peaceful ac­
tivities . Trade with other human and D-Bee civilizations started around
30 P.A., and by 1 00 P.A. Tritonia had become a major trading port in
the Pacific Ocean. Despite this, its contact with the outside world re­
mains limited and there are many places, like the growing forces around
the Japanese islands, that it knows nothing about. Likewise, they know
little about the underwater civilization of Lemuria (to be described in a
future sourcebook) and have little or no contact with civilizations in the
Mediterranean and Atlantic Oceans (including Atlantis, the NGR and
the Coalition States).

Before the Coming of the Rifts, Tritonia was managed as a business
by a number of Administrators, each in charge of a specific area or fa­
cility on the floating city. There were Scientific, Financial, Security and
Maintenance Administrators, all under the overall control of a Director.
Political infighting between the four administrative offices was com­
mon. When the Great Cataclysm broke out, the Security and Mainte­
nance Administrators had to deal with most of the day-to-day threats to
the city. The original Director, Rodney Wilzem, was unable to cope
with the catastrophe and committed suicide (to this day, "pulling a
Wilzem" means to act in a cowardly or dishonorable manner). The Se­
curity Administrator, Sheila Winters, took over the Director' s post.
Since she had armed forces at her command, the other Administrators
had no choice but to accept the situation. After her death, ten years later,
ans were able to see distant Rift eruptions, weathered incredible (un­ the Administrators appointed one of their number as the new Director.
natural) storms, and suffered their first attacks by transdimensional
The current government is based on the solutions and regime devel­
oped out of the desperate Post Rifts times and a need to survive. The
Again, luck was with the Tritonians. The presence of some military four Administrators and the Director hold office for life or until they
installations within the floating island provided the inhabitants with voluntarily resign. The Administrative Board elects new members. In
weapons to resist the invaders. The colony had manufacturing facilities addition to the Administrative Board, there is also the equivalent of a
that enabled them to retool and produce more weapons and ammuni­ parliament, a Board of Representatives who are elected by the votes of
tion. Tritonia was also able to avoid the worst outbreaks of Rift activity,
all Tritonians over the age of 1 6. The representatives have no powers,
which tended to concentrate at several different locations around the but act as an advisory board, and the Administrators have learned to lis­
world, like the Bermuda Triangle and on land. Already used to being a ten to their advice; whenever a Director or an Administrative Board has
self-contained, independent community, the Tritonians were able to tried to become tyrannical, the Tritonians have risen up and overthrown
work together and survive while chaos reigned elsewhere. Ships caught them.
at sea during the Coming of the Rifts came to the artificial island in
There is also a Hearing Board, which listens to complaints and
search of sanctuary. Realizing that strength lay in numbers, the Tritoni­
serves as a judicial branch dealing with crime and punishment. The
ans welcomed all the refugees they could; thankfully, they had enough
Hearing Board is a lot more informal than the Pre-Rifts courts of law,
room to spare, and a ready source of food and materials : the sea.
and dispenses justice in a straightforward and often brutal fashion. The
During the Post Apocalypse Dark Ages, Tritonia endured and sur­ Tritonian government would probably be a total failure under any nor­
vived. There were victories and defeats. During massive ley line storms, mal circumstances, but since all the citizens are united by their fear of
whole sections of the floating island were destroyed or sunk. Thousands perishing in a hostile world, and because the island is relatively isolated
died horribly at the hands of monsters, D-Bee and human raiders and from other cultures, it works well most of the time.
pirates, as well as during natural disasters and from strange, alien dis­
eases. The worst disasters happened when they approached land. Scout­
ing parties sent to investigate the ruins of ports and once great cities, Daily Life
often disappeared without a trace. The city became vulnerable to ley Tritonia is a close-knit community, where everybody is responsible
line activity and was battered by tidal waves and attacked by monsters for the well-being of the group. Life in what is essentially a giant boat is
and aliens. They quickly learned they were at their safest out at sea, rather regimented, with the good of the community being placed above
away from the old continents and ruins of civilization. the good of any one individual. In some ways, life in Tritonia resembles

that of Israel in the mid and late 20th Century : a nation in constant dan­ ily trapping people indoors in a particular section until the storm or
ger from outside forces. Thus, the people tend to accept an often mili­ disturbance passes.
tant and sometimes extreme life style. The Control Center: This large domed structure is the nerve center
Tritonians are among the best educated and trained people on the of Tritonia. This 200 foot (6 1 m) tall building is made of advanced
planet. All inhabitants are expected to help in the maintenance and de­ composite materials, (500 M.D. are required to breach a 1 0 ft/3 .0 m sec­
fense of the floating island. From childhood, Tritonians are educated in tion), and is defended by a formidable array of lasers and missiles. The
the history of their island, and are given a sense that they are special, Administrative B oard meets here.
survivors in a world that is hostile to all humankind. The average Tri­ Sensor systems watch over the integrity of the entire colony, con­
tonian will have one W.P., is fully literate in American (and 50% know stantly checking for structural flaws, problems with the life-support sys­
an additional language), and will have one communications, electrical tems, and monitoring weather conditions. A powerful radar and sonar
or mechanical skill in addition to their normal "civilian" skills. array constantly scans the area around the floating island, looking for
Most Tritonians lead normal and happy lives; at least, as normal as possible threats. Since destroying or crippling the Control Center would
possible under the circumstances. Dangerous missions are undertaken greatly reduce the colony ' s defenses, it is the best-defended area of Tri­
by the Sea Wolves, who are a combination of security officers, marines tonia, with a full company of heavily armored Sea Wolves and a squad
and salvage experts. The Sea Wolves are charged with the security of of magic users standing watch 24 hours a day.
Tritonia. This duty ranges from patrolling the waters around and below The Visitors ' Quarters & Harbor Area: Nine whole sections of the
the island, to undertaking search-and-destroy and surgical strike mis­ city are devoted to housing and entertaining visitors. Like most harbor
sions against possible enemies of the colony . The Sea Wolves also un­ areas, they are among the seedier and wilder sections of town. Hotels,
dertake rescue missions, salvage operations, and the exploration of inns, bars, nightclubs, dance clubs, casinos, stores, virtual reality cen­
sunken vessels and ruins of coastal cities that were flooded by tidal ters, tattoo parlors, drug dens, bionic reconstruction clinics, (less expen­
waves and the rising of the oceans. sive and riskier) body chop-shops, and a variety of sleazy places fill
Unlike most human-controlled communities on Rifts Earth, the aver­ these areas. Sailors from all parts of the world make stops here to eat,
age Tritonian is not prejudiced against D-Bees. Perhaps the fact that the drink and be merry. Adventuresome Tritonians also frequent the Visi­
amphib mutants have been an important part of the community has tors ' Quarter, looking for a break from their pedestrian lives and duties.
helped to make the Tritonians comfortable and appreciative of non-hu­ The harbor area also has several dry dock and ship repair facilities.
manoids living side by side with them. As long as they are not hostile, These stations are especially attractive to independent merchants, ex­
any intelligent life form is accepted and can live in Tritonia. All inhabi­ plorers, adventurers, D-Bees, pirates and freebooters. One can acquire
tants, human or not, are expected to be ready to defend and support the new sails and riggings, get additional armor, weapon systems, engine
community at all costs. The militaristic naut' yll (described elsewhere) repairs, parts and supplies (food and equipment necessary for sea voy­
who live in Tritonia have adapted to the regimented life of the floating ages).
island with ease. Naut' yll D-bees have frequently sacrificed their lives The Medical Center: This section has two hospitals, a clinic, and a
to protect the drifting colony, strengthening the idea that all beings, no laboratory. Due to the number of experiments conducted at Tritonia be­
matter what they look like, can become friends and allies. fore the Coming of the Rifts, the drifting colony has some of the most
Although most Tritonians do not understand or approve of magic, advanced medical equipment available on the planet, including ad­
enough D-Bees with mystical abilities live on the floating island to give vanced cybernetic facilities. Comatose characters are + 1 0 % to save vs
it some protection against supernatural threats. The Tritonian authorities coma/death at the Medical Center.
view magic as a force with the potential to do both good and evil, and B ionic augmentation, bio-systems, underwater cybernetics, repairs,
judge the actions of magic practitioners on a case by case basis. reconstruction, and full conversion are all available, under the most
sanitary and professional facilities in the world. In fact, an estimated
43% of the island' s population have received some type of artificial or­
gan, skin graft, prosthetic or minor cybernetic augmentation. 6% of the
population are partial reconstructed cyborgs and 4% are full conversion
borgs, usually modified for work undersea. Any cybernetic and bionic
part, especially those with underwater applications, can be found at Tri­
tonia. Prices are average for quality equal to anything Triax has to offer.

In addition to human medicine, the Tritonians are also experts in

marine biology, especially in the area of dolphins and whales. These hu­
mans have a close and friendly relationship with dolphins and regularly
treat and care for them. They have even performed corrective surgery,
installed bio-system replacement organs, fins, muscles and eyes, and
have experimented with dolphin bionics and power armor! Thousands
of dolphins live, hunt and play around the artificial island, with another
Places of Note few thousand acquaintances scattered throughout the world.

Getting Around: Tritonia is a strange combination of rigid and flex­

ible structures. The entire artificial "island" consists of a series of inter­ Foreign Relations
locking sections. On calm waters, the entire structure behaves like a
solid piece of land. A system of roads and monorails links the sections, Two facts color the relations between Tritonia and other organiza­
enabling people to walk or even drive small electrical automobiles from tions and nations: First, Tritonia is fiercely independent; in no way will
one place to the next. Each section is roughly shaped like a normal city the drifting colony acknowledge orders, laws, or impositions from out­
block, with streets and sidewalks. Underwater, the inner sections are siders, unless the Tritonians decide it is in their best interests.
traversed through enclosed passageways and elevators. During rough Secondly, there is no pro-human bias on the floating island. Tritoni­
weather, the links between those sections are loosened, enabling them ans of all races feel slightly superior to most outsiders, regardless of
to sway rather than break against the impact of tidal forces. Moving be­ their appearance or origins. So, if a D-B ee kingdom proved itself to be a
tween sections at those times is difficult, risky or impossible; temporar- valuable ally, Tritonia might take its side against a human-dominated

nation. They tend to see "people" as allies and enemies rather than Tritonia and may not even know it exists. Even the aggressive and curi­
along racial lines. ous NGR/Triax and Minions of the Splugorth' s Atlantis have had infre­
Nemo-2, USS Ticonderoga & The New Navy: The USS Ticon­ quent and unspectacular encounters with Tritonia; none in any official
deroga is a pre-Rifts super-carrier/submarine. Captain Nemo-2 and his or military capacity.
New Navy, like Tritonians, are the descendants of survivors from the
past, with some pre-Rifts technology at their disposal. Their similar ori­

Tritonian O . C . C .S
gin, kinship to the sea, and world view have made the two forces close
allies. A standing agreement between the two that insures trade, an ex­
change information and resources. The New Nav y ' s main resource is
military defense, but also cooperates in exploration, mapping, scientific
experiments and various other undersea operations. In return, the USS
Ticonderoga and all the ships of the New Navy can dock, get repairs,
& R.C . C .s
supplies or assistant at any time from Tritonia. Likewise, the Navy and
civilian people can seek shelter and support from their allies. In addition to the character classes described below, Tritonian player
characters can be naut' yll, dolphins, whale singers and many other life
Although this mutually beneficial alliance has been in place for dec­
forms described in this book.
ades without the slightest problem, the two groups have never enter­
tained the idea of uniting forces to become one large nation. Neither Other Rifts O.C.C.s applicable for use or origin on Tritonia include
side is willing to change enough to accommodate such a possibility. Is­ the Sailor O.C.c. (see Rifts South America), the cyborg, city rat, op­
sues like who would assume leadership, Tritonia ' s Administrative erator, rogue scholar, scientist, and any other scholar and adventurer
Board or the New Navy ' s fleet Command, is just one of many insur­ O.C.c.s from the Rifts RPG.
mountable obstacles to such notions. Another is the fact that, Captain Virtually any D-Bee races are all possible; see the various beings
Nemo-2 and his Navy are distrustful of D-bees, while Tritonians are ex­ noted in this book as well as Rifts Conversion Books, Phase World
tremely accepting and more trusting of nonhumans. However, the two and various Rifts World Books. Also note that Aliens Unlimited has
force are dedicated to the safety and freedom of each other and will rush many amphibian and marine races that would fit in Tritonia and the rest
to other' s aid or defend in times of trouble. of the Undersea milieu very nicely.
The Naut ' Yll: The militaristic D-Bee race is an enemy to Tritonia,
always seeking to capture or destroy the floating island. Fortunately, not
only have the aliens failed, but many naut' yll have joined forces with
Tritonia against their brethren. However, skirmishes, raids and counter­
raids are still common.
The Lord of the Deep: This alien intelligence is considered to be Tri­
tonia's greatest enemy. The battles against the Reachers from the Deep "Sea Wolf" O.C.C.
and the monster ' s inhuman minions have become legendary. Tritonians
often help the whale singers in their efforts to put an end to this super­ The Sea Wolves are a combination of troubleshooter, security offi­
natural threat. cer, underwater combat specialist, and marine soldier. B orn in Tri­
tonia' s floating habitat, the Sea Wolves are volunteers who show a
Lemuria: It regards the people of Tritonia as "surface dwellers," and
natural talent for dealing with danger. They are trained from their teens
as such, views them as a potential enemy (which is how they regard
in the arts of combat, counter-intelligence, and the dangers of the sea.
most surface dwellers) . The Lemurians also look upon Tritonia' s mu­
Many are injured or killed in the line of duty, but they do not regret or
tant and D-bee population with trepidation. As a result, Tritonia has ex­
resent the dangers. After all, the entire colony is in danger from outside
perienced a few conflicts, interference and incidental bloodshed from
threats, and they at least have the honor of doing something about it.
the ancient, underwater city of Lemuri a . N o t e : The undersea world
This also means that 48% have cybernetic prosthetics or bio-implants to
o f Rifts i s vast and spectacular. See Rift s L em u r i a for more
replace damaged limbs, eyes and organs.
detail s .
Typical missions involving the Sea Wolves include: Tritonia ' s secu­
Japan: The forces at work in and around Japan tend to be an ex­
rity, rescue (particularly underwater), commando operations, counter­
tremely secretive and paranoid people who have adopted an isolationist
terrorism, and act as sea scouts, city patrolmen and soldiers to find and
attitude. They tend to stay close to the Japanese islands and the East
eliminate any threats to the colony. As the artificial island' s defense
China Sea (although pirates and freebooters have been known to visit
force, they gather and use intelligence, maintain the law, keep the
Tritonia regularly; some even use it as their unofficial base of opera­
peace, and combat crime as police officers. They also engage in deep
tions). Other than stories about each other, the occasional freebooter,
sea investigations and salvage, investigating underwater anomalies and
and chance encounters with exploration teams, the two have rarely met
alien habitats/vessels/wreckage, searching wrecks and ruins for valuable
and have never clashed. Note: See Rifts Japan for more information
equipment, and similar.
about the islands of Japan and those who live there.
Attribute Requirements: P.E. 1 1 or higher. A high I.Q. and P.S. are
Others: Sailors, fishermen and pirates who operate in the Pacific suggested but not required.
Ocean include humans and D-Bees from North and South America At­ O.C.C. Bonuses: + 1 to dodge underwater.
lantis , and Australia. Many do a great deal of trade with Tritonia but O.C.C. Skills:
the floating island has little contact with their governments. This means, Radio: B asic (+ 1 0% )
rumors and questionably reliable stories about each other are all Tri­ Computer Operation (+ 1 0%)
tonia and other kingdoms know about each other. For example, the Swimming (+ 1 5 %)
Coalition States, Federation of Magic, New Lazlo, Pecos Empire, S.C.U.B .A. (+ 1 5 %)
Naruni Enterprises, and other forces in North America could care less Pilot: Advanced Deep Sea Diving (+ 1 0% )
about a floating city of a million people adrift far away, somewhere in Pilot: Robots and Power Armor
the Pacific Ocean. Pilot: Hovercraft (+ 1 0% )
Likewise, the New German Republic, New Phoenix Empire, Gar­ Pilot: Boats (+ 1 5 %)
goyle Empire, the monstrous beings of China and other land based civi­ Pilot: Submersible (Mini-Sub; + 1 0%)
lizations in Europe, Africa, and most of Asia have had no contact with Weapon Systems (+ 1 0%)

Read Sensory Equipment (+ 1 0% ) Science: Math and chemistry only (+5 %)
W.P. Energy Pistol Technical: Any (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Energy Rifle W.P.: Any
W.P. Heavy Wilderness: Any except land navigation, hunting and track animals.
Hand to Hand: Expert Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills
Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that
(or assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of one "other" skill. do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All sec­
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Plus select two additional ondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any,
skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at only, none) as previously indicated in the list.
level twelve. Standard Equipment: B lue-green laser pistol and rifle, vibro-knife,
Communications : Any (+5 %) SCUBA armor, laser communicator, and hand computer.
Domestic: Any Money : I D4x 1 000 in credit.s
Electrical : Any Cybernetics: May have I D4 cybernetic implants. Older characters (and
Espionage: Any (+5 %) NPCs) are likely to have additional bionic implants and prosthetics.
Mechanical: Any
Medical: Paramedic and First Aid only (+5%)
Military: Any (+ 1 0%)
Physical : Any Tritonian
Pilot: Any (+5 %)
Pilot Related: Any (+5 %)
Rogue: Any Scientist O.C.C.
This researcher/explorer is interested in the secrets of the sea as well
as in the preservation of Tritonia. A Tritonian scientist must be willing
and ready to pick up a laser and defend his home, or to follow a team of
Sea Wolves into the depths of the ocean to retrieve an ancient artifact,
or to investigate a supernatural occurrence. They specialize in one field,
but because they might be called on to deal with any number of prob­
lems, they must have a working knowledge of several others, especially
if assigned to a Tritonian Mini-Sub for some deep-sea exploring.
Like all Tritonian citizens, scientists undergo basic military training
during their teens. Upon receiving high scores on scholastic aptitude
tests, they are selected for higher education, and are exposed to several
scientific disciplines until each youngster selects one he enjoys or ex­
cels at. After six years of intensive studies, the young scientist spends
an additional year in several different internships before being assigned
to a specific duty. During these internships, the budding scientist also
gets to study mechanical and electronic trades in addition to theoretical
sciences. The goal is to get a well-rounded scholar, able to help fix a
broken vehicle as well as to understand the mysteries of life.
Scientists in Tritonia are given a great deal of respect by all citizens.
Many of them end up sitting on the Board of Representatives or become
Administrators. They are the lifeblood of the drifting colony, and they
know it. As a result, some become overbearing and arrogant. However,
most are hard working, dedicated and relatively humble. They accept
their accolades with good graces and realize that with the honors come
great responsibility. In the danger-ridden oceans of Rifts Earth, a re­
searcher is in as much danger as any adventurer.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 1 0 or higher.
O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy and fluency in two additional languages of choice (+20%)
B asic Math (+25%)
Computer Operation (+20%)
Swimming (+ 1 0% )
Pilot: Boats (+ 1 0% )
Pilot: Submersibles (+5 %)
Navigation (+ 1 0%)
W.P. of choice
Hand to Hand: B asic
Hand to Hand: B asic can be changed to Expert at the cost of one
"other" skill or to Martial Arts at the cost of two "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 14 other skills, but at least four must be
selected from science and two from technical, electrical or mechani­
cal . An additional skill can be selected at level four, eight and

Communications : Any (+5 %) Pilot: Any that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All
Domestic : Any Pilot Related: Any (+5 %) secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited
Electrical: Any (+5 %) Rogue: None (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.
Espionage: None Science: Any (+ 1 0%) Standard Equipment: Hand computer, electronic notebook, science
Mechanical: Any (+5 %) Technical: Any ( + 1 5%) kit (includes microscope, chemical analysis kit, and several comput­
Medical: Any (+ 1 0%) W.P.: Any erized sensor and analysis systems), laser sidearm, and a suit of
Military: None Wilderness: None. SCUBA Armor.
Physical : Any Money : 2D4x 1 000 in credit.
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select eight secondary Cybernetics: May have 1 04 cybernetic systems, especially sense aug­
skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge mentation (eyes, ears, etc.).

Amphib R.C .C.

The amphib race is the product of illegal genetic experiments that leverage. They treated the mutants as heroes and a symbol of the man­
date back before the Coming of the Rifts . They are mutations that re­ kind ' s new spirit of adventure, courage and commitment to the future.
sulted from mixing the genetic structure of humans and a number of They were given the best care and assigned to the great Tritonia project
aquatic animals, including frogs and fish. The scientists in charge to explore and harness the last great wilderness on Earth: the oceans.
wanted to produce beings that look totally human, with the ability to The PR campaign was a success on virtually every level and beings
breathe and swim underwater without the need of mechanical equip­ who might have been shunned as freaks or monsters were heralded as
ment or bionic augmentation. Unfortunately, the genetic mutations selfless pioneers.
turned out to be unstable and altered people in unpredictable ways.
Over the centuries, the amphibs have prospered and thrived on Tri­
Ninety percent of all the genetic strains produced during the original ex­
tonia. There are over 1 00,000 of them living in the floating city, where
periments turned out to be crippling and/or lethal. Hundreds of unfortu­
they serve the community as equals. The amphibs are fully accepted as
nate "volunteers" died horribly in the failed attempt to create aquatic
valued members of Tritonia and rarely face prejudice or persecution as
humans. When these inhumane atrocities of science became pUblic, the
they grow up on the artificial island. As children, they are often teased
project was shut down and those responsible were punished for crimes
and called "fish face" or "froggie" and similar names, but such teasing
against humanity. The crippled and dying were placed in special institu­
is given and accepted good-naturedly, without either contempt or hatred
tions to live out their days. The problem was, what to do with the re­
or any "politically correct" attempts to "protect" the amphibs from the
maining 1 0% of the successful mutated test subjects?
teasing and jokes. As a result, amphibs never feel like outsiders at Tri­
These 1 0% became highly capable undersea creatures, with superior tonia. Many hold positions of responsibility or power and many have
strength, resistance to pressure, and the ability to breathe both air and kept the tradition of "hero" alive through courageous actions in explora­
water. Most were humanoid, but many are not human looking. Most tion, rescue and defense of the artificial island.
were also capable of reproducing offspring, which meant mankind had
effectively created a new race, originally dubbed amphib-sapiens. If the When dealing with humans from elsewhere, however, amphibs real­
nightmarish mutation experiments had not become public, even these ize how strong prejudice can be against non-humans. Almost no amphib
"successes" might have been terminated to avoid embarrassment, scan­ willingly leaves Tritonia for fear of persecution. The few who do, either
dal and punishment, but with public disclosure, the media scrutinized cannot contain their desire to explore the "whole" world, or are wanted
the government' s every move. The government used the survivors to criminals with no choice but to leave to avoid punishment (and as a re­
salvage its tarnished image and the amphib-sapiens became political sult, they are often violent and bitter individuals).

Besides the human residents of Tritonia, amphibs get along reason­ Horror Factor: 8 for those not used to the more unusual specimens.
ably well with other non-humans. The naut' yll community of Tritonia P.P.E.: 3D6 unless a magic O.C.C.
has strong ties to the amphibs, and vice versa. In fact, the amphibs seem Average Life Span: 90 years
to get along with most intelligent creatures, but they have a special rela­ Natural Abilities: Amphibs who look human or have frog-like features
tionship with dolphins. To dolphins, the mutants are great friends and can hold their breath underwater for 5D6x3 minutes, but must even­
playmates who are closer to them than normal humans, able to swim at tually surface to breathe, like a dolphin. Whenever they use artificial
their side, and still keep all the best traits of humans. Some dolphins and breathing apparatus they use less oxygen, which effectively doubles
amphibs insist they are kindred spirits and children of the sea. The am­ the amount of breathable air and the time they can stay underwater.
phibs are often sent on exploring expeditions and rescue missions Scaly, fish-like amphibs have lungs to breathe air and gills to
alongside dolphins, and both will fight valiantly to protect the other. breathe underwater indefinitely, like a fish.
Since most amphibs do not need breathing equipment to function All amphibs have excellent vision and see clearly in the near, to­
underwater and can physically endure great depths, most of these mu­ tal absense of light (range 200 feet/6 1 m), are resistant to cold (can
tants have jobs that require deep sea diving, underwater construction, survive indefinitely at freezing or near freezing temperatures; take
exploration and other underwater activities. Many amphibs join the Sea half damage from cold-based attacks), and can endure the pressure
Wolves (they make great underwater scouts and explorers), others be­ at depths of one mile ( 1 .6 km; 5280 feet/ 1 609 m) +300 feet (9 1 .5 m)
come scientists, marine biologists, researchers, operators or scholars. A per level of experience without ill effect (don 't get the bends). They
few even learn the secrets of water magic from dolphins, whale singers also have an excellent sense of taste, hearing and smell, about four
and other aquatic races. times more acute than humans, when underwater. This enables them
Alignment: Any, but most tend to be good or selfish alignments. to taste or smell blood, death/decay and foreign chemicals in water
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 3 D6+ 12, P.P. 4D6, approximately 1 000 yards/meters + 1 00 yards/meters away per level
P.E. 4D6, P.B.varies with appearance (see below), Spd. 3D6 on land, of experience.
6D6 underwater (plus bonuses from appearance) . Psionic Powers: Normal, same as humans.
Appearance: Roll on the following table. Magic Powers: Only if a magic O.C.C. is selected.
01-20 Perfect Human! The character' s appearance is 1 00% hu­ Combat: Same as humans and depends on skill knowledge/training.
man-like, and although he/she is aquatic, the character has no obvi­ Damage: Restrained punch does 1 D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. attribute bonus,
ous unusual physical characteristics. P.B. is rolled on 3D6. No full strength punch inflicts 3D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus, and power
underwater speed bonus. An amphibian who can hold his breath.
21-40 Webbed Hands and Feet: Known as "flippers," the feet
of the amphib are flat and webbed, and the hands have webbing be­
tween the fingers. Shoes and armored footgear have to be custom­
made (Tritonia has facilities for just that purpose). Increase under­
water speed by 3D6 and another + 1 0 when swimming with little or
no clothing; P.B. is 3D4. Roughly 40% have gills and lungs, while
the remaining 60% are amphibians who hold their breath for inhu­
manly long periods.
41-60 Frog skin: The character is hairless and his skin is inhu­
manly smooth and slick, and commonly greenish-gray in color. Add
2D6 to swimming speed and another +6 when swimming with little
or no clothing. Also add 4D6 to S.D.C. The P.B. is 2D6. An amphib­
ian who can hold his breath.
6 1-70 Fish Face: The unfortunate mutant is born with a fish­
shaped head and features, such as large, round, dark eyes, large
mouth, etc. The head may have fine scales, but most of the body has
normal looking skin. Helmets and other headgear must be custom­
made. Add 2D6 to swimming speed and another +8 when swimming
with little or no clothing. Add 3D6 to S.D.C.; P.B . is 2D4. The mu­
tant can breathe air and has gills to breathe underwater.
71-80 Scaly Skin: The character is hairless and the skin is cov­
ered in scales . Add 2D6 to swimming speed and another +8 when
swimming with little or no clothing. Add 5D6 to S.D.C.; P.B. is
2D6. The mutant can breathe air and has gills to breathe underwater.
81-90 Scaly Skin and Fish Face: The character is hairless, cov­
ered in fish scales, has webbed hands and feet, and the head of a
fish, but is otherwise humanoid in appearance. Add 4D6 to swim­
ming speed and another + 1 0 when swimming with little or no cloth­
ing. Add 6D6 to S.D.C.; P.B. is 1 D6. The mutant can breathe air and
has gills to breathe underwater.
91-00 Oversized/Fish or Frog-Like: The character resembles
either a frog or fish more than a human. He is also large and heavy.
Height is 8 feet (2.4 m) plus 4D6 inches ( 1 0 to 61 cm), and weight is
300 ( 1 36 kg) plus 2D6x l O pounds (9 to 54 kg) . Add 4D6 to swim­
ming speed and another +20 when swimming with little or no cloth­
ing. Add 2D4x l O to S.D.C.; P.B. is I D6.
M.D.C. : By armor or magic only.
S.D.C./Hit Points: S.D.C. 3 D6x l O plus skill, O.C.C. and appearance
bonuses (see table) . Hit Points: P.E. x2 plus 1 D6 per level of experi­
punch does I D4 M.D. (counts as two attacks). O.C.c.s, however, reduce the number of available O.C.C. skills by
R.C.C. Bonuses: +2 to dodge underwater, + 1 to roll with impact and three.
pull punch underwater. All these are in addition to skill and attribute Experience: Use the Amphib R.C.C. experience table or the O.C.C. ta­
bonuses. ble, whichever is HIGHER.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None. Alliances and Allies: Tritonians, renegade naut ' yll, dolphins, orcas,
R.C.C. Skills: Select either the Sea Wolf or Tritonian Scientist O.C.C., and whale singers. They also get along well with the kreel-lok,
or any other appropriate O.C.C. (G.M. ' s call), including magic whom many superficially resemble, and most other aquatic D-Bees.

Weapons & Equipment of Tritonia

In addition to the weapons and equipment described below, Tritoni­
ans have access to most weapons manufactured in South America or by
Nemo-2 ' s New Navy, plus they may be able to obtain items from
around the world and other dimensions through trade or salvage.

BG-15 Blue-Green Laser Pistol BG-20 Blue-Green Laser Rifle

This laser uses a light frequency that allows it to fire unimpeded A larger, heavier version of the BG laser pistol, this rifle is the
through water. The weapon has the same range and damage above or standard issue of Tritonian security forces, including the elite Sea
under water. This pre-rifts design bears some similarity to the Wilk ' s Wolves. It is also a favorite of pirates, undersea explorers and fisher­
pistol, and amateurs often confuse them. men. It is made of black plastic and ceramic, making it easy to confuse
Weight: 2 lbs (0.9 kg) with the Wilk ' s 447 rifle.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 M.D. Weight: 6 lbs (2.5 kg)
Rate of Fire: Standard Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) above or under water. Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 1 5 shots. Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
Cost: 1 3 ,000 credits. Payload: 20 shots.
Cost: 20,000 credits.

M -80 "Stormbr inger"

Multi-Weapon Assault System Mega-Damage: Ion-Pulse Gun: Each energy burst inflicts 4D6 M.D.
The LAWS launcher can fire airborne mini-missiles or torpedoes; both
(MW AS) types inflict I D6x l O M.D. The vibro-bayonet inflicts I D6 M.D. in hand
This heavy weapon is a man-sized version o f the giant-sized M-90 to hand combat.
used by the Merbot. It consists of a powerful ion-pulse rifle over a Rate of Fire: Each attack mode counts as one melee action.
LAWS rocket launcher, tipped by a long vibro-bayonet. Maximum Effective Range: Ion pulse gun: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m). LAWS :
Weight: 2 1 lbs (9.45 kg); a P.S. of 20 or greater is suggested. Those 4000 feet ( 1 220 m). B ayonet: Close combat only.
with less strength are -2 to strike and will fatigue twice as quickly lug­ Payload: Pulse Gun: 1 2 shots from a standard E-clip or 25 from a long
ging this heavy weapon around. clip. The LA WS uses a drum magazine with five rounds.

SCUBA Body Armor would not normally let the wearer submerge. It also has all the standard
This suit can be worn like normal body armor, but it has the added features of body armor (see Rifts Ultimate E dition , page 267).
bonus of having an additional five hours ' worth of oxygen (for a total of • M.D.C. 70
1 0 hours), and special ballast compartments that enables the wearer to • Weight: 21 pounds (9.5 kg)
submerge and then float to the surface at the rate he desires - normal • Excellent mobility: -5% prowl penalty
armor would drag people to the bottom, and armor with floating devices • Market Cost: 65 ,000 credits

Merbot Power Armor

The Merbot is a type of power armor with a peculiar design meant to

allow fast underwater movement without sacrificing mobility on land.
Originally a pre-rifts military design, it is now used in a dual mili­
tary/sea exploration capacity. The blueprints of the bot survived only at
Tritonia, the only place where it is still being manufactured.
The Merbot has a basic humanoid shape from the waist up. From the
waist down, it has a fish ' s tail and two legs. While underwater, the legs
are tucked into compartments on each side of the tail, reducing water
drag and allowing free movement. On the surface, the legs are freed, al­
lowing normal walking and running speeds. The tail can also be used as
a powerful striking weapon.
The robot suit has only an integral laser and a mini-torpedo launcher
in terms of weapons, but it can be equipped with any rifle, rail gun or
similar hand weapon. The Merbots of the Sea Wolves are armed with
M-90 MWAS Rifles. They are produced at a rate of about a dozen a
month. Over the last six years, half of those produced have been sold on
the open market, for resale in South America, the North American West
Coast, and Europe.
Model Type: M- l OO0
Class: Amphibious Armored Exo-Skeleton/power Armor
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:
* Head - 1 1 0
* * * Tail - 1 5 0
Arms ( 2 ) - 1 00 each
Legs (2) - 1 20 each
** Main B ody - 300
* Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of
optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must rely on his
own human vision and senses. Any power armor combat bonuses to
strike, parry and dodge are lost. Furthermore, if underwater, the pilot
will only have an emergency air mask with one hour ' s worth of oxy­
gen. Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit, requiring a
called shot at -4 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
completely, making it useless.
*** Destroying the tail reduces water speed by half.
Speed :
Running: 40 mph (64 km) maximum.
Flying: Not possible.
SWiIiUning: Thruster-assisted swimming propels the suit at up to 50
mph (80 km) underwater (drops to 20 mph/40 kmph if the tail is de­
Maximum Depth: One mile ( 1 .6 km); suffers stress and may rupture
( 1 0% chance for every additional hundred feet).
Amphib Body Armor Statistical Data:
This is a heavier version of the SCUBA body armor, allowing for Height: 12 feet (3 .65 m) counting the tail; 8 feet (2.4 m) standing on its
the amphib' s greater strength. The extra armor is compensated by the legs.
fact that in many cases, no oxygen tanks are needed or smaller tanks Width: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m)
can be used for the same 1 0 hours of breathable air. For amphibs who Length: 3 feet (0.9 m)
can breathe air from water, the helmets are not air-tight and are de­ Weight: One ton
signed to let water through unimpeded while offering protection to the PhySiCal Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 40
head from other dangers. Likewise, the armor' s interior can be flooded Cargo: None.
with water without damaging its components. Since many amphibs Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 1 5 years.
have larger, misshapened heads than humans (especially those with fish Market Cost: 3 million credits.
heads) , many suits are custom made to best accommodate the person
using it. Of course, all amphibs can swim underwater without armor, at Weapon Systems
depths that would kill normal humans, D-bees and land creatures. 1 . Wrist Laser: A wrist-mounted blue-green laser used for self-de-
• M.D.C. 1 00 fense.
• Excellent Mobility : -5% prowl penalty (Amphibs only; a hu­ Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
man would be at -25%) Secondary Purpose: Defense
• Market Cost: 75 ,000 credits Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per blast.

Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks per
Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Torpedo Launcher: Two shoulder-mounted tubes fire mini-torpe­
does. On the surface, they can be replaced with mini-missiles. In ad­
dition to explosive ordnance, the launchers can fire nets, sonar
sensors, and decoys (meant to fool enemy torpedoes into attacking
them instead of the real target; 50% chance) .
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-monster.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1 D6x 1 O M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two or four.
Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km)
Payload: Four total; two per launcher.
3. M-90 "Beach Stormer" Multi-Weapon Assault System (MWAS):
This heavy weapon consists of a powerful ion-pulse rifle over a
LAWS rocket launcher, tipped by a long vibro-bayonet. This "beach
stormer" allows the wielder to engage any enemy, from tanks to in­
fantrymen and monsters, at any range, including close combat. Un­
derwater, the LAWS rockets are replaced by rocket-propelled
Mini-Harpoon missiles (same stats, but have half range and only
work underwater). Only the Sea Wolves have M-90s for use with
their Merbots. Giants and large cyborgs with a P.S. of 40 or greater
can also use this weapon. Humanoids who are smaller than 1 2 feet
(3.65m) tall and/or who have a P.S. less than 40 to about a P.S. of 30
will find the weapon awkward and difficult to use; -3 on all attacks.
Those with a P.S. of 30 to 24 are -7 on all attacks and those with a
P.S. of 23 or less cannot use the weapon at all.
Primary Purpose: Multi-purpose assault weapon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: Ion-pulse gun: Each multiple energy burst inflicts
I D6x 1 O+ 1 O M.D. The LAWS launcher can fIre either airborne mini­
missiles or torpedoes ; both inflict I D6x 1 O M.D. The large vibro-bayo­
net inflicts 3D6 M.D. in hand to hand combat.
Rate of Fire: Each attack mode counts as one melee action.
Maximum Effective Range: Pulse Gun and LAWS: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m).
B ayonet: Close Combat only.
Payload: Pulse Gun: Unlimited (connected by cable to armor' s power
supply) . The LAWS uses a drum magazine with 1 2 rounds.
4. Other Weapons: Any rail gun, robot or power armor weapon, or
other hand weapon can be used instead of the M -90.
S. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en-
gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat.
Restrained Punch: I D4 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 2D4 M.D.
Power Punch: 3D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks)
Tail Sweep: 3D6 M.D. (but -2 to strike on dry land)

"Bottom Feeder" T -23 Mini-Sub

This small vessel is used b y teams o f four t o ten (2D4+2) explorers,
soldiers or scientists doing underwater work. The sub is used in Tritonia
for a number of missions, from reconnaissance and repair to rescue and
transport. The T-23 is a tough and reliable vehicle, nicknamed "Bottom
Feeder" by some unkind souls due to its flat underside and ability to
travel great depths (up to one mile/ 1 .6 km underwater).
The vehicle can be confIgured for a number of missions. The model
described below is the T-23CS, a military version with four weapon
systems. The T-23BS scientific/research sub would only have two
weapon systems and a more advanced sensor array. While the T-23AS
has the advanced sensor array and a pair of mechanical arms and hands
for salvage, repair and rescue; no weapons other than the mini-torpedo

T-23s are on sale on the open market. Nemo- 2 ' s New Navy uses Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
them for light escort duties, with a dozen of these subs forming a picket Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
or skirmish line around larger submersibles or a carrier. A few coastal Payload: Effectively unlimited.
kingdoms have purchased them in twos or threes, for protection of their 3. Ion Guns: The ion pulse guns are purchased from the New Navy.
"territorial waters." They are used as secondary guns, mostly against torpedoes and close
Model Type: T-23CS range targets.
Class: Light Combat Submersible. Primary Purpose: Anti-Torpedo
Crew: Four, plus can accommodate up to six passengers. Secondary Purpose: Anti-monster
M.D.C. by Location: Mega-Damage: I D6x l 0 M.D. per pulse.
Forward Torpedo Tubes (2, front) - 1 20 each Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Laser Pods (2, on sides) - 80 each Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
Ion Guns (2, top and bottom) - 60 each Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Mini-Torpedo Tubes (2, front underside) - 50 each 4. Mini-Torpedo Tubes (2) : These underside tubes are included in
Pilot' s Compartment - 200 every submarine built, including those designed for civilian or scien­
* Main Body - 600 tific purposes. The light torpedoes are mostly useful for self-defense
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sub ' s struc­ or anti-torpedo missions.
tural integrity, causing it to flood; at great depths, water pressure Primary Purpose: Defense.
will instantly crush the crew, killing everyone instantly ! Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Note: The main bodies of non-combat models have 1 00 less Mega Damage: I D6x l O M.D.
M.D.C., but are 1 0% faster. The T-23BS does not have the ion guns; Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two; reloading a tube takes a
the T-23AS does not have the ion guns or laser pods, but does have melee round.
a pair of retractable arms (65 M.D.C. each arm, 25 each hand) . Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( l .6 km).
Speed :
Driving on the ground: Not possible.
Flying: Not possible.
water Surface: 50 knots (92.5 km/5 8 mph). Sea "Fin" Combat Sled
Underwater: 30 knots (54 km/34 mph)
Range: Can stay submerged for 5 days and carries enough supplies to
This is a one-man, underwater, jet propelled sea sled with a variety
keep 1 0 people alive for five weeks.
of weapons. It is used primarily by the Sea Wolves for exploration in
Depth: One mile ( 1 .6 km).
dangerous and uncharted areas, and in the defense of Tritonia. Six
Statistical Data:
dozen have also been sold to Nemo-2's New Navy and approximately
Height: 1 2 feet (3 .65 m)
two dozen have been "lost in action" over the last decade and presumed
Width: 22 feet (6.7 m) destroyed.
Length: 200 feet (6 1 m)
The underwater sled has two propeller jets, one on each side of the
Weight: 1 00 tons
vehicle. The human pilot slips into the center in a prone position. A har­
Cargo: Can carry or haul an additional 5 tons of cargo.
ness locks him in place and hand controls are placed in comfortable po­
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 10 years.
sitions. The pilot can see through the top, forward bubble or via camera
Market Cost: 5 million credits.
and viewscreen; a pair of turret like appendages in the front of the sled
are actually sensors and cameras providing recording and long-range
Weapon Systems viewing capabilities . Underneath the head bubble section is a short­
1. Torpedo Tubes (2) : These are medium torpedo launchers, used to range laser turret. Additional weapons are mounted in the fin-like por­
engage subs, ships or sea monsters. These mounts are only found in tions of the sled. The top fin also has two pair of handholds and the
the T-23CS; civilian subs would not have them. bottom fin, one pair for temporary passengers to grab hold and be
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship/Sea Monster pulled along (although this slows the sled ' s speed by 1 0 % per person).
Secondary Purpose: Defense Model Type: T- I O Sled
Mega-Damage: 3D4x l O M.D. (HE) or 2D6x l O M.D. (plasma). Class: Light Combat Underwater Sled.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two. Reloading a tube takes Crew: Four, plus can accommodate up to six passengers.
one melee round ( 1 5 seconds). M.D.C. by Location:
Maximum Effective Range: 10 miles ( 1 6 km). Forward Sensor/Camera Turrets (2) - 50
Payload: 12 total; two in the tubes and 10 in the cargo hold. Forward Mini-Torpedo Tubes ( 3 ; top fin) - 22 each
2. Laser Pods (2) : Each modular pod has a medium-power blue-green Forward Lower Laser ( \ ; bottom) - 28
laser. The weapon can engage vessels, sea animals, monsters, or en­ Rear Laser Turret ( I ; rear) - 65
emy torpedoes . Lower Forward Harpoon Gun ( 1 ; bottom fin) - 20
Primary Purpose: Anti-monster. Propeller Jets (2; side) - 1 1 0 each
Secondary Purpose: Defense. Top Fin ( 1 ) - 220
Mega-Damage: I D6x l O M.D. per single blast. The pods cannot attack Bottom Fin ( 1 ) - 1 80
the same target simultaneously. * Main Body/Pilot Area - 1 80

Weapon Systems
1 . Mini-Torpedo Tubes (3) : These weapons are mounted on the top fin
and are mostly used for self-defense or anti-torpedo missions.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Mega Damage: I D6x l O M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two or three; reloading a
tube takes a melee round.
Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km).
Payload: Six total; two mini-torpedoes per launch tube.
2. Forward Laser Turret (1): A light blue-green laser that can rotate
1 80 degrees to fire in a forward facing semi-circle. The weapon can
engage sea vessels, sea animals, monsters, or enemy torpedoes .
Primary Purpose: Anti-monster.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per single blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
3. Lower Forward Harpoon Gun: A rapid-fire harpoon gun is built
into the lower fin. It fires 12 inch (0.3 m) long metal spears. The
weapon is primarily used to fight sharks and other S.D.C. predators,
including humans.
Primary Purpose: Anti-shark.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. points per single harpoon.
Rate of Fire: Equal to an automatic weapon.
Maximum Effective Range: 600 feet ( 1 83 m)
Payload: 48 shots; automatic-loading.
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sled, but it is 4. Rear Laser Turret (1): A light, blue-green laser that can rotate and
small, so attackers must make a called shot and are -2 to strike; the point up and down 1 80 degrees to fire at enemies attacking from be­
top fin and two jets are actually easier targets to hit. Destroying one hind. The weapon can engage small vessels, sea animals, monsters,
jet reduces speed by half and makes the sled -2 to strike and dodge. or enemy torpedoes.
Destroying both jets renders the sled immobile (but it can be sal­ Primary Purpose: Anti-monster.
vaged and repaired). Destroying one fin reduces speed by 25 % , Secondary Purpose: Defense.
while destroying both fins reduces speed b y 5 0 % and the sled is -4 Mega-Damage: 3 D6 M.D. per single blast.
to dodge and - 1 5 % on piloting skills. Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
All weapon systems and sensor/camera turrets are small, can only be Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
hit with a called shot and are -3 to be struck. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
The pilot can only be hit from behind and even then the attacker is - S. Forward Sensor/Camera Turrets (2) : A pair of camera and sensor
4 to strike and must make a called shot. turrets are built into the side and front of the main body of the sled.
Each turret can rotate 360 degrees. Video zoom range is 4000 feet
Speed :
( 1 220 m; in clear water), with a l Ox magnification and each turret
Driving on the ground: Not possible.
can record up to 1 2 hours of film. The sensor system includes sonar
Flying : Not possible.
(range 5 miles/8 km) for tracking, targeting, and distancing, as well
Wirtef Surface: Not possible. However, the "fin" can skim near the sur­
as heat and radiation detectors, mini-computer, laser distancing sys­
face, but the main body remains underwater and only a small portion of
tem (4000 foot/1 220 range) , laser targeting, combat computer, HUD,
the top fin can be seen above water; maximum speed this close to the
and long-range directional radio (800 miles/ 1 290 km), and homing
surface is 40 knots (34 mph/54 km).
beacon ( 1 2 hour, 400 mile/640 km range).
Underwater: 56 knots ( 1 04 km/65 mph).
Range: Nuclear powered, with a five year life. The length of time it can
stay underwater is limited only by the air requirements of the pilot; hu­
mans typically have five to ten hours, amphibs and cyborgs with gills, Torpedo Sled
Depth: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m).
B onuses : +5% to piloting skill : can make quick turns, sharp dives, and This is a one-man, underwater, jet propelled sea sled built for ma­
the sled is +3 to dodge. Prowl rolls are minus 20% . neuverability and silence. Although originally designed for exploration
and marine biology (the quietness of the sled doesn't disrupt the envi­
Statistical Data: ronment and frighten sea animals), it has become equally popular as a
Height: 1 2 feet (3 .65 m) means of transportation, recreation and scouting. It gets its name from
Width: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) its sleek, torpedo-like shape. It is the most common underwater vehicle
Length: 5 feet (6 1 m) at Tritonia (there are at least a half million) and thousands have been
Weight: 5 00 Ibs (225 kg) sold or traded to other people, including Nemo-2's New Navy, various
Cargo: Can carry or pull an additional 1 000 Ibs (450 kg) . factions in South America, seamen, adventurers, and to innumerable
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life o f five years. visitors.
Market Cost: One million credits.
The underwater sled has two propeller jets, one on each side of the
vehicle, and a pair of large, transparent bubbles that resemble giant

eyes. The bubbles are one-way glass so the pilot can look out but cannot the top fin can be seen above water; maximum speed this close to the
himself be seen. The human pilot slips into the center of the vehicle in a surface is 40 knots (34 mph/54 km) .
prone position. A harness holds him in place and hand controls are Underwater: 43 knots (50 mph/80 km).
placed in comfortable positions. At slow speeds (under 20 mph) two or Range: Nuclear powered, with a five year life. The length of time it can
three other SCUBA divers can hold onto the vessel and be pulled along. stay underwater is limited only by the air and nutritional requirements
Model Type: T -06 Sled of the pilot; humans typically have five to ten hours, amphibs and cy­
Class: All-Purpose Underwater Sled. borgs with gills, indefinitely.
Crew: Four, plus can accommodate up to six passengers. Depth: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m).
M.D.C. by Location : Bonuses : +5 % to piloting skill: can make quick turns, sharp dives, silent
Propeller Jets (2; side) - 90 each (prowl rolls are only minus 1 0%) and is +5 to dodge underwater.
Top Fin ( 1 ) - 1 00 Statistical Data:
* Main B ody/Pilot Area - 1 45 Height: 5 feet ( 1 .5 m)
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sled. Destroy­ Width: 8 feet (2.4 m)
ing one jet reduces speed by half and makes the sled -2 to dodge. Length: 7 feet (2. 1 m)
Destroying both jets renders the sled immobile (but can be salvaged Weight: 350 Ibs ( 1 57.5 kg)
and repaired). Destroying the top fin reduces speed by 1 0 % . Cargo: Can carry or pull an additional 1 000 Ibs (450 kg) .
The pilot can only b e h i t from behind and even then the attacker is - Power System: Nuclear; average energy life o f five years.
4 to strike and must make a called shot. Market Cost: One million credits.
Speed: Weapon Systems : None
Driving on the ground: Not possible. Standard Sensors Include: Short-range sonar (2 miles/3 .2 km), radiation
Flying : Not possible. detector, mini-computer, laser distancing system (4000 foot/ I 220
Water Surface: Not possible. However, the "fin" can skim near the sur­ range), homing beacon ( 1 2 hour, 400 mile/640 km range) and medium­
face, but the main body remains underwater and only a small portion of range, directional radio (300 miles).

Nemo-2 & The New Navy :
Defenders of Humank i nd
By c .J. Carella & Kevin Siembieda Origins
The USS Ticonderoga was built three years before the Great Cata­
From the Report of Captain LeFevre, clysm in a secret shipyard of the American Empire. The vessel was to
be the flagship of a whole new breed of submersible carriers, and used
Quebec CS Navy, PA 102 : the most advanced stealth and propUlsion systems ever devised on
Earth. The Ticonderoga was meant to move underwater silently and
While on patrol in the North A tlantic, the CSS Redeemer was at­
nearly invisible, able to approach other vessels or enemy coastlines un­
tacked by an alien monster of enormous size and power. The creature
detected and to launch massive air and land strikes. Instead of an escort­
rose from beneath the water and floated over the ship, damaging it and
ing fleet, the ship had two integral submarines that could attach
attacking all personnel on deck (see attached casualty report) . In less
themselves to the hull to travel as a unit, and uncouple in an instant to
than a minute, both of our rail gun turrets had been destroyed, and the
fight separately as needed. A total crew of over 1 1 ,000 men, made the
monster was too close for us to use our missile batteries. I believe that
vessel a "floating Army Corp" (2 divisions), complete with amphibious
the vessel and all hands would have been lost if it hadn ' t been for what
tanks, fighters, bombers and missile systems.
happened next.
The super-ship had been built at a time of extreme tension, the "New
A wing of small vessels, each roughly the size of a fighter jet, Cold War" in which half a dozen industrial coalitions (known as "em­
emerged from the sea and engaged the creature with lasers and mini­ pires" by post Rifts historians) competed for supremacy. The Ticon­
missiles. The monster withdrew from ship to attack the fighters. A mo­ deroga, being the most powerful seagoing vessel ever built, would
ment later, a barrage of missiles rocketedfrom underwater to pound the become a prime target for destruction in case of war. If the ship could
creature. In my opinion, the missiles in the volley were larger and more not be found, any facilities where it could be repaired or resupplied
powerful than any ordnance currently produced by the CS, suggesting would be next on the list. Mindful of this fact, the US Navy built a
they may be Triax, alien or of pre-Cataclysm design. The creature, string of secret bases throughout the Pacific, bases with automated fac­
which had withstood the combined firepower of our Sea King seemingly tories that could, in an emergency, provide any spare parts and muni­
unscathed, was torn apart by that single volley. As the bridge crew and tions for the USS Ticonderoga and other combat ships. These bases
I tried to make sense of what had happened, I saw it. were placed in small uninhabited islands, built deep underground and
A vessel that dwarfed our cruiser in size rose from beneath the underwater; all mega-damage structures strong enough to withstand a
waves like a great whale. The most amazing thing was that the huge nuclear attack.
submarine was nearly invisible until it came to the surface. Our sonar The Great Cataclysm found the Ticonderoga at sea, conducting ma­
didn ' t detect its presence. It had a landing pad, and the fighters that neuvers in the Pacific Ocean. For several tense hours, Captain Karl
had attacked the creature landed on it in quick succession . I am aware Dobson thought that the unthinkable had happened and total nuclear
of Triax submersible carriers, but this vessel seems to be a great deal war had erupted. Waiting for confirmation to launch attacks against the
more advanced than any designs I have seen or heard about. A group of nation ' s enemies, the ship remained in hiding. Then Rifts started to ex­
humans in uniform stood on deck. I also saw the flag of the ancient plode around the ship, and hordes of alien underwater monsters
American Empire painted on the sides of the ship. The men on deck sa­ swarmed in and attacked.
luted me. At a loss for words, I saluted back. As soon as the fighters had The ensuing battle lasted over seventeen hours. The submersible car­
landed, the ship went underwater once more and disappeared. rier fought off wave after wave of monsters, losing hundreds of soldiers
I am convinced that the giant vessel is a pre-rifts relic, somehow and suffering some severe damage. When it was over, the survivors
preserved over the centuries. Crewed by humans, it might one day join found themselves alone in a world of chaos and anarchy. Captain Dob­
the Coalition States to rescue our race from the D-Bee threat. son ordered the ship to head to one of the secret bases. The first base
had been devastated by the seething Earth and D-Bee monsters; no sur­
Note: Captain LeFevre was court-martialed for not attempting to vivors were found and only a few supplies could be salvaged. The
capture or destroy the mysterious ship, but he was acquitted after a mili­ frightened and desperate shipmen were elated to discover that the other
tary court ruled that such an attempt would only have succeeded in de­ two bases, though slightly damaged, had survived relatively unharmed.
stroying the CSS Redeemer. Captain Dobson, the highest ranking officer present, ordered a general
This mysterious vessel has been sighted off the shores of Columbia evacuation of personnel from the smaller base to the largest. All the
in South America, and on both coasts of North America. It has been ships and personnel were moved there to make their stand against the
known to attack and destroy Splugorth ships, naut' yll raiders, pirates, forces that devastated civilization. This base would become known as
and monsters menacing human ships . In some places, it has become a The Refuge.
legend. The giant, submersible ship is named the USS Ticonderoga. Its In the ensuing months, Captain Dobson and his followers came to
captain calls himself Nemo-2. According to legend, Captain Nemo-2 believe that they were all that remained of the US Navy, and perhaps
and the USS Ticonderoga have fought for humankind ever since the the sole survivors of the entire country. They were on their own.
Great Cataclysm, three centuries ago. For most of those three centuries, It would have been very easy for order and discipline to break down
the ship and its associated bases and vessels have been led by the seem­ at that point. Many officers and enlisted men and women had families
ingly immortal Captain Nemo-2. According to one legend, in his youth, and friends on the outside; many clamored for a chance to go rescue
Nemo-2 was transformed by the energies of an underwater Rift. them. Others sunk into a deep depression, and some refused to obey or-

ders, since the US Navy no longer existed. Captain Dobson realized that Their bodies had undergone a radical transformation, becoming super­
if his command disintegrated he and his people would be easy prey for naturally strong, resilient, and able to regenerate damage almost as fast
the chaotic forces devastating the planet. He moved quickly and gave a as it was dished out. Furthermore, they no longer needed to eat or
talk in front of the assembled ranks. In a moving speech, he described breathe to survive ! Fearing that the changes might have affected his
the horrors that were happening on the outside, and told them how the mind, Nemo relinquished command and had himself and the others
Navy was the only thing holding them together. He too had lost family quarantined for several months, until he and the ship ' s doctors were
in the States. "Alone, we are victims," he said. "Together, we can make convinced that the transformation had been beneficial.
a stand." Finally, he said those who wanted to leave would be dis­ Back in command, Nemo, who started going by the nickname
charged from the Navy, given a sidearm, and sent to the shore of his Nemo-2, continued exploring. Just before returning home, he visited the
choice. Of the 1 8 ,000 people gathered at the base (including additional first base his father had evacuated. It was largely untouched, and fit to
survivors gathered from other bases and experimental underwater colo­ be populated once again. Other than the old base, he returned with the
nies), only two hundred took this way out. They were given a small sad news that there was nowhere to go to. North America and the sur­
supply ship to take them where they pleased and were never heard of face world in general was a wasteland. The secret bases and the USS Ti­
again. conderoga were their only homes.
For the next two decades, the Ticonderoga stayed near the base, act­ After several decades, a portion of the burgeoning population was
ing as a mobile defense platform and intercepting enemies before they taken to a second underwater base, resettled, and renamed it Salvation
could reach their new home. Rifted monsters, pirates, D-bee raiders and Base. A fleet of ships had been built and refitted, giving the two, large
numerous other threats were successfully fought off. Morale ebbed and and expanding island bases a powerful defense force.
surged like the ocean tide, but most persevered. During those years, the As the years went on, it became apparent that neither Nemo-2 nor
survivors formed new families and marriages, and tried to carry on the the other crew members affected by the Rift radiation showed any signs
best they could. As the children of those new unions grew up, they were of aging. In fact, they had been become immortal, or so long-lived as to
inducted into the Navy and given training. The automated factories seem immortal. This has caused a great deal of tension among some
were expanded with components and materials stripped from other members of the bases, whose paranoia has convinced them that their
Navy posts. This enabled them to produce more weapons and equip­ leader and the other immortals have become like the very inhuman
ment, which were then stockpiled for an emergency. Fishing and lim­ monsters or mutants that they fight against. However, the majority of
ited agriculture supplemented the huge food stores left at the bases in people, especially those who have served under him, are in awe of Cap­
case of war. No serious attempt to contact the outside world was made tain Nemo-2 and glad that he might always be there to provide guidance
for those years; given the dangers and chaos the base was suffering, it and leadership. Nearly three hundred years later, Nemo-2 is still doing
was obvious that the rest of the planet couldn 't be doing much better. his duty as captain of the Ticonderoga and leader of the Fleet Com­
On the twenty-third year after the cataclysm (still during the Dark mand. Nemo and the other immortal crew members have been nick­
Ages), the son of Karl Dobson, Nemo Dobson, sailed off in the USS Ti­ named the Sea Titans.
conderoga in search of other civilizations. The 20 year old Nemo The concerns of the USS Ticonderoga and the two bases have be­
(named after the fictional submarine captain of pre-Rifts science fiction) come more far-reaching than mere survival. Captain Nemo-2 and his
was an extraordinary seaman and natural leader who had learned every­ crew are committed to restoring humankind and protecting it from the
thing his father could teach him. He was given command at that un­ alien forces that threaten it. The fleet has been renamed, The New
precedented age because the conflicts of the past two decades had taken Navy, and is a powerful independent force that fights to keep the
the lives of many of the senior officers. The expedition found a ravaged oceans free from monsters, D-bees and tyrants.
world without any humanoid cultures worth contacting. The only ex­
ceptions were in the oceans, including the drifting city of Tritonia and a
few human underwater communities. Nemo made contact with Tritonia
and actually helped the artificial island fight off an attack by Naut' Yll
raiders. They also discovered the massive, but hostile underwater King­
dom of Lemuria, but quickly learned that these aquatic beings resented
surface dwellers and wanted nothing to do with them or any land dwell­
ers (Lemuria will be developed in a future book). Other than those few
exceptions, the rest of the world had descended into barbarism. Strange
underwater turbulence (ley line storms), earthquakes, time and space
anomalies and monsters kept them away from Japan, the Philippines ,
the China Seas and coasts of China and Russia. As far as the expedi­
tionary force could tell, all of civilization on the surface had collapsed
and was presumed destroyed. Contact with satellites was not possible
(presumed destroyed) and there was no response to broadcasts of any
kind. The handful of brief reconnaissance expeditions on land found
only absolute destruction, strange lines of energy and continuing tur­
moil in the way of disease, storms, anomalies and monsters. It was de­
cided large bodies of land were simply too dangerous to resettle.
Towards the end of the trip, an event that would change Nemo ' s life
occurred during a routine underwater mission. Captain Nemo (who
liked to lead on the frontline) and a team of 24 troopers were examining
the ruins of a large ship. Without warning, a Rift opened up. Two of the
crew members were swallowed by the swirling energies, never to be
seen again. The remaining twenty-two men and women were bathed in
strange energies radiating from the dimensional portal. They all passed
out and were rescued by other crew members after the Rift closed again.
Resulting medical tests showed that Captain Nemo and surviving crew
members had been completely altered by the transdimensional energies.

Life in the New Navy In addition to the Ticonderoga, there are hundreds of other ships in
the service of the New Navy . These ships are divided into Fleets. The
Population Breakdown: 800,000 total, (500,000 at The Refuge Base and First Fleet consists of the Ticonderoga and its two detachable subma­
300,000 at Salvation B ase, respectively). rines . The Second Fleet is a carrier group that operates in the Pacific
Humans: 90% Ocean to keep the oceans safe from naut' yll raiders. The Third Fleet
Others: 1 0% (includes about 2,000 Sea Titans) patrols the waters near the two bases and serves as their protector. The
Fourth Fleet goes on long-term expeditions, usually to distant parts of
The vast majority (65 % ) of the inhabitants at The Refuge (also
the world away from the Pacific Oceans.
known as B ase Prime) and Salvation Base are active members of the
Over the years, those discharged from service have helped to build
New Navy. Children are inducted into the Junior Navy from age five
two surface cities. One is named Refuge and the other Salvation (named
on, where they are educated in military matters along with regular edu­
after the bases). These cities have become important production and
cation. The civilian population (35%) at the bases is employed in such
trading centers, mostly catering to the New Navy, but lately they have
activities as agriculture and trade, most of which is directed to the New
started trading with other population centers, including Tritonia, and
Navy. All people on the island bases, military or civilian, are under
seafaring adventurers and merchants. However, the inhabitants keep the
martial law and criminals are tried and punished by naval courts.
existence and location of the military bases a carefully guarded secret.
Although this militaristic lifestyle might seem harsh, discipline out­
side the line of duty has been relaxed and people manage to lead rela­
tively normal lives most of the time. In fact, 80% of the New Navy
personnel perform noncombatant functions, from manufacturing, main­ The New Navy and its civilian counterparts are roughly as advanced
tenance and repair to communications and even entertainment. While as the Coalition States, with some areas of superior knowledge. These
serving aboard a ship, conditions are much more restrictive and regu­ areas include education and literacy ( 1 00%), advanced pre-Rifts sub­
lated. Although the Ticonderoga actually has movie theaters, a ballroom mersibles, underwater travel and combat technology, and automated
and several entertainment centers to provide relaxation for the 1 1 ,000+ factories for the repair and building of pre-Rifts submarines, combat
crew and troops, the crew is expected to obey strict military law and or­ ships, amphibious power armor and assorted weapons.
der. Medical facilities are good (Tritonia' s and The NGRITriax are supe­
Life on the Ticonderoga and its attached fleet is a special case. The rior). Robotics, manufacturing, building, communications, agriculture,
ship is rarely found at or near the bases. Most of the time, it is traveling and entertainment are roughly equal to the Coalition States. Fishing and
the oceans of the planet, performing two and three year missions to find undersea farming and mining are fair to good, but Tritonian, Lemurian,
and neutralize threats to humankind. Casualties during those trips are Naut' yll, and other aquatic civilizations are vastly superior. They are
frequently high (one disastrous expedition resulted in the deaths and in­ extremely weak in the areas of magic and cybernetics, while M.O.M.
juries of almost one-fifth of all the personnel in the fleet ! ) but there is conversion and Juicer technology is completely unknown and alien to
no lack of Navy volunteers . Even one tour of duty aboard the Ticon­ them.
deroga is seen as a badge of honor; all sailors, from Captain Nemo-2 to The society and culture is based on the Democratic Republic of the
the lowest swabbie, are considered heroes. old American Empire, so freedom of speech and expression, and civil

liberties are strong elements of their society, especially among the civil­ battles have also claimed thousands of human lives and hundreds of
ian populace, and is evident in their attitudes, communications, enter­ vessels. Captain Nemo-2 will not be satisfied until the alien invaders
tainment, art and products. have abandoned their plans to colonize the oceans of Earth and leave
the planet. This sentiment is shared by most of the people of the two cit­
ies and the Navy.
Bionics The Lord of the Deep: The New Navy has had its share of encoun­
Although the New Navy has some pre-Rifts submarines, weapons ters with this alien intelligence and its servitors. In the year 8 1 P.A., the
and technology, they have developed only the most basic understanding USS Ticonderoga actually carried the fight to the monster, reaching the
and technology for cybernetics. Bionics was simply one area this depths of the Mariana Trench and volleying specially prepared torp�­
branch of the old American military was not involved with. does into the Trench. The attack failed, however, because even the Ti­
Only the most basic artificial prosthetics and cybernetic systems are conderoga cannot withstand the incredible sea pressure at that depth,
available. They are also capable of extremely rudimentary repairs and and the submarine carrier had to retreat without severely damaging the
basic maintenance. Bio-systems, full bionic conversions and elaborate monster. Captain Nemo-2 is convinced that conventional weapons will
systems (including underwater bionics and artificial skin and transplants not work against the creature, so they have given up the idea of direct
of artificial organs) are not available at or possible by the New Navy or assaults. For the time being, his ships are content with locating and de­
their civilian counterparts. Likewise, complex repairs are also impossi­ stroying any Reachers of the Deep - the monster' s gigantic tentacles,
ble. Even partial reconstruction with basic cybernetics is an extremely and any other minions they can find.
difficult and grueling task for the medical teams of the New Navy; their The Coalition States: Nemo-2 and Fleet Command have studied the
cyber-docs are -25% on all bionic surgery, implants and repairs ! B ion­ Coalition States and have considered offering their services to the larg­
ics is just one area these people do not have an interest in developing, est government of what used to be the American Empire. Their intelli­
and consequently, they have a poor understanding, and capabilities are gence reports show that the CS would be too suspicious and also likely
limited. to demand that all the ships and technologies of the New Navy be sur­
Ironically, most underwater bionic systems, like gills and deep sea rendered to them outright. Wishing to preserve their independence and
bionic armor, are not possible through the New Navy. However, all this superior technology, the New Navy has not made direct contact with
technology is available from Tritonia and is one of the things the New the CS, preferring instead to assist them in secret, by protecting their
Navy trades for from them, mainly for medical purposes and the preser­ ships and destroying hostile sea monsters in shipping lanes and along
vation of life, not for military use. Note: Tritonia has advanced cyber­ the coast.
netic systems equal to anything that Triax has to offer, including The Coalition States is aware that some apparently benevolent force
underwater systems. that has assisted CS ships and human occupied vessels exists in the
It is interesting to note that to this day, both the New Navy and the oceans and have heard the legends of Captain Nemo-2, sea titans and a
civilians at the Refuge and Salvation cities have little interest in bionic super-submarine, but they have neither the interest or ability to investi­
or any other forms of artificial augmentation. They don 't look down at gate the matter. Unless this "force" should tum on them, the Coalition
other people who use bionics or other types of augmentation, it' s just States keep its focus on other more immediate issues and enemies.
not something they want for themselves. A.R.C.H.LE. Three: This insane, military computer has some pre­
Rifts files on the super-submarine project and will be able to surmise
Foreign Relations that the USS Ticonderoga could have survived and that descendants of
the original crew could have built a society someplace out at sea. How­
The New Navy does not advertise its presence to the outside world.
ever, like the Coalition and other land based forces, Archie-3 has little
Bad experiences with other nations, many of which tried to steal or
interest in these people or their technology, and turns his attention to his
swindle the navy ' s ships, has taught Captain Nemo-2 to keep a low pro­
own machinations and schemes.
file. He and his Navy have also earned the enmity of Atlantis, the
naut'yll and other inhuman menaces. As a result, most of the nations on Triax and the NGR: These two powerhouses have never formally
Earth are ignorant of the New Navy and the USS Ticonderoga, although met, although Captain Nemo-2 has made it a point to learn all that he
myths and stories about the super-submarine are commonplace among can about this beleaguered nation. He has also quietly observed the
sailors and coastal communities. NGR ' s secret field tests of there new ships and submersibles in the B al­
tic and Norwegian Seas. Only once has Nemo or the New Navy come to
The Splugorth and Atlantis : During an expedition in the Atlantic
the NGR ' s aid - and that was in the Pacific Ocean against the forces of
Ocean, the USS Ticonderoga engaged and destroyed a Splugorth Slaver
the Lord of the Deep. The USS Ticonderoga made an appearance,
Mothership (see Rifts South America) . They have also fought the Min­
helped the over-powered German reconnaissance force, and disap­
ions of Splugorth to rescue captives from slave ships, as well as having
peared. Nemo-2 was unable to save the two other NGR expeditionary
won several skirmishes with expeditionary forces from Atlantis. The
forces that fell to the monsters of the deep.
Minions of Splugorth are sworn enemies of the New Navy, and both
sides will attack and try to destroy any of the others ships on sight. In At some point, the New Navy may form an alliance with the NGR
fact, Captain Nemo-2 anticipates the day when the New Navy will join against the Gargoyle Empire and other inhuman fiends who prey upon
forces with other humans to force the Splugorth from Atlantis and back humankind, but for the moment it simply watches, makes assessments
to whatever hell-spawn dimension they came from. and waits.

The Naut ' Yll: These expansionist aliens are in a state of war with Lemuria: The ancient, underwater city of Lemuria has had its en­
the New Navy. Captain Nemo-2 and the New Navy see these beings as counters with Captain Nemo-2 and the New Navy. On a couple occa­
dangerous alien invaders. The enmity between these two forces is in­ sions, they have come to the humans' assistance, much like the New
tense and lethal. The war is fought mostly in skirmishes and raids, al­ Navy has come to the aid of the CS, but as soon as the danger passes,
though over the centuries, it has flared to full scale war, with fleet level the Lemurians depart. Likewise, Captain Nemo-2 has come to Le­
air and sea battles. Over the decades, the New Navy has destroyed thou­ muria's aid in combating naut' yll, other alien invaders, and monsters.
sands of naut' yll vessels and scores of small colonies and outposts. In There have also been a few friendly meetings and some sporadic and in­
every major engagement involving the USS Ticonderoga, it has been cidental trade among members of both cultures, but nothing "official"
human firepower that carried the day. Whether this is due to Captain between the governing bodies.
Nemo- 2 ' s superior tactics (after all, he ' s had centuries of experience) or Ironically, the Lemurians and the people of the New Navy view each
the superiority of the pre-Rifts super-sub is debatable. Of course, the other through similar eyes. Each recognizes the good the other does,

and each strives to protect Earth ' s oceans from monsters, alien invaders, recognize talent, and is always o n the lookout for competent soldiers
destructive monsters and villainous polluters/destroyers. Yet each views and secret agents (the player characters, perhaps?). Years of savage bat­
the other with suspicion and concern. Although they seem to champion tles against alien enemies has taught him to distrust D-bees and super­
the same causes and hold similar views, they fear that each is a potential natural beings, despite the fact that he himself is no longer human.
danger and cannot bring themselves to get to know or trust each other Although he tries to be fair, he will always be wary around non-hu­
enough to strike a meaningful alliance. Thus, each keeps a respectful mans.
distance from the other. Alignment: Scrupulous
In truth, these two powers would make trustworthy and powerful al­ Attributes: I.Q. 1 7 , M.E. 1 9, M.A. 24, P.S. 32, P.P. 22, P.E. 23, P.B .
lies who, together, could force the naut' yll and other threats to the 1 7 , Spd. 1 9
oceans back to their alien dimensions and dominate much of the Pacific M.D.C. : 1 63 ; Nemo-2 i s a supernatural mega-damage being of human
Ocean ! However, if such an alliance will ever become a reality, it is descent.
decades away. Note : The undersea world of Rifts is vast and spectacular. Horror Factor: None to most humans, but 1 0 to low ranking/inexperi­
See Rifts Lemuria for more details. enced naut'yll, intelligent sea monsters and aquatic D-bees who
Japan: The extremely active ley line energy, dimensional anomalies know the reputation of the USS Ticonderoga, the immortal Captain
and monsters in this part of the world have kept the New Navy away. Nemo-2, his Sea Titans, and the New Navy.
This means they know nothing about the survivors in that region. Fur­ P.P.E.: 27
thermore, the isolationist policies of these people have limited their con­ Level of Experience: 1 4th level Sea Titan R.C.C. (see below).
tact with anybody. However, these two forces are beginning to realize Natural Abilities: Does not need to breathe, drink or eat to survive ! He
that each other exists through stories and random sightings. It is only a is also immune to all normal (non-magic/supernatural) poisons and
matter of time before they meet. Exactly what will unfold from such a toxins, impervious to all known diseases, possesses supernatural
meeting is yet to be seen. Some sort of, loosely knit alliance is likely, strength and endurance, is able to regenerate 1 D4x l O M.D.C. per
but the two independent and driven Navies are likely to have strong and minute (4 melee rounds) and can regrow lost limbs and organs in
conflicting views regarding the war against nonhuman invaders and the 2D6 hours.
preservation of humankind that may keep them from working closely Disposition : Nemo-2 is a tough, stem commander, but he can demon­
together. strate enormous empathy and sensitivity. His piercing gray eyes al­
Others: Sailors, fishermen and seafaring adventurers who operate in ways seem to read what people are thinking or feeling. He is not
the Pacific Ocean include humans and D-bees from North and South below cracking a joke with his underlings, but during an emergency
America, Atlantis, Africa, Asia, China and Australia. Many are begin­ he fully expects people to obey to him without question - unless
the subordinate knows something he doesn 't, in which case he ex­
ning to trade with the cities of Refuge and Salvation and most human
pects his officers to show initiative. It is tough to satisfy him, but
operated ships have, at one time or another, enjoyed assistance or rescue
from the USS Ticonderoga or the New Navy. most people try to do their best in front of him, and often surprise

Only pirates, naut'yll, Lemurians, and hostile nonhumans are not

welcome at these cities. D-bees are generally regarded with great suspi­
cion and encouraged to stay away. In fact, vessels with predominately
D-bee crews are turned away by the Third Fleet or city defenders and
destroyed if they offer resistance or threaten the Fleet or the cities.

Captain Nemo-2

Captain Nemo Dobson (aka Captain Nemo-2) is a living symbol of

the New Navy. He is a ruggedly handsome man who appears to be in
his late twenties but is really close to three hundred! His immortality
and heroic actions, as commander of the Ticonderoga and his dealings
with all sorts of unexpected threats, have made him a legend. Most
Navy members regard him with a respect and reverence that borders on
Beneath the honor and glory, however, lies a tragic life. Captain
Nemo-2 is a man driven by a sense of duty that has carried him through
the centuries. His long-dead father instilled in him a feeling of responsi­
bility for the men and women under his command. A feeling that has
grown to encompass all of humankind. The captain hopes to restore
Earth to its former glory. Since he seems to be ageless, he is willing to
proceed slowly and carefully, concentrating on using the Ticonderoga
as a peacekeeping tool and defense mechanism to help the fledgling hu­
man civilizations around the world (particularly North America -
Nemo and most of his crew considers themselves to be Americans).
This is an epic task even for an immortal, and the thought of all the lives
that will be destroyed or ruined in the process gnaws at him. As a result,
the captain has had no personal life to speak of, dedicating himself en­
tirely to the goals he has set for himself and the leadership of the New
Nemo is a master tactician and strategist, able to make the most use
out of all the technological marvels at his disposal . He is also quick to

themselves. Despite his shows of camaraderie, Nemo-2 keeps his (minor), o r any communication or language skills can b e selected as mi­
distance from the rest of the world. He has relationships of mutual nor specialties.
respect with many people, but very few true friendships. Medical Specialist: Medical Doctor (special) maj or; includes all re­
Psionic Powers: None. quired skills, but none of the skills get the specialty bonus because of
Magical Knowledge: Knows several magic countermeasures and the the expansive and complicated areas of learning, and the character does
uses of magic in combat, but has no spell casting abilities. not get minor skill specialty selections.
Combat abilities: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Or the character can select paramedic (major), holistic medicine
Attacks per Melee Round: Six (major), marine biology (maj or) , holistic sea medicine (minor) , chemis­
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +6 to strike, + 1 1 to parry and dodge, +2 1 to try (minor) , chemistry : analytical (minor), biology (minor) or advanced
M.D. (supernatural P.S.), supernatural endurance, +4 to roll with im­
math (minor) .
pact, +3 to pull punch, +2 to save vs psionic attack, +5 to save vs
Military Police: Intelligence (major), computer hacking (major) ,
magic and poison/potions, 80% likelihood of evoking trust or intimi­
locksmith (major), surveillance systems (minor), streetwise (minor), pi­
dation, 3 5 % to impress/charm, Karate style kick ( l D8), jump kick
lot motorboat (minor), pilot jet pack (minor), any W.P. (minor) .
(critical strike), leap attack (critical strike), entangle, Judo style body
throw, critical strike or knock-out/stun on an unmodified 1 8, 1 9 , or Navy Pilot Specialist: Pilot: jet fighter (major), pilot: ship (major),
20. pilot submersible (minor), pilot amphibious power armor (minor), pilot
Skills of Note: Radio: basic, radio: scrambler, computer operation, ba­ any other aquatic or conventional vehicle (minor), navigation (minor),
sic and advanced math, detect ambush, demon and monster lore, astronomy (minor), and any pilot related skill (minor) .
swimming, SCUBA, pilot motorboats, pilot ships, pilot submersi­
bles, pilot robot: basic, pilot: robots and power armor, robot combat
elite: Semper Fi APA- 1 5 amphibious power armor, navigation, read
sensory equipment, and weapon systems, all at 98%; plus boxing,
astronomy 95%, land navigation 79%, intelligence 7 5 % , basic elec­
tronics 80%, magic lore 79%, and the following languages : Ameri­
can 98% (literate too), Chinese 8 3 % , Naut'yll 8 3 % , and Euro 5 8 % .
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. blunt ( 1 2th level), W . P . automatic pistol,
W.P. energy pistol, W.P. energy rifle, W.P. heavy (the last 4 W.P.s
are all at 1 4th level proficiency) .
Weapons & Armor: Has access t o ALL weapons and equipment o f the
New Navy, including power armor, weapons and vehicles. Com­
mands the USS Ticonderoga.
Note: Nemo and his people consider themselves to be Americans
and keep the American flag as their flag and a symbol of unity and

Navy Seaman O.C.C.

The crews o f the USS Ticonderoga and associated vessels combine

the skills of a Navy trooper with other technical or scientific specialties.
Thanks to the extensive computerized systems that survived the Great
Cataclysm, the crew members of the USS Ticonderoga are among the
best educated humans on Rifts Earth, with 1 00% literacy and a high
level of technical skills. Additionally, all Navy members are trained in
combat, although most operations are conducted by Marine units. The
reason for this is that on Rifts Earth, there are no "rear echelons;" mon­
sters can pop into the bridge of a ship just as easily as they can attack
troops on the front lines. The expeditions of the USS Ticonderoga and
other ships have often had encounters that were settled with hand to
hand combat aboard ships !

Areas of Special Navy Training

Most seamen (or women; there is no gender bias in the New Navy)
fulfill one or more functions aboard a ship, from communications or
maintenance to piloting a carrier-based fighter. These are the "spe­
cialty" skills mentioned in the O.c.c. Skill list below . When designing
a character, decide his or her area of specialty and assign one major
specialty skill and three minor ones, with the corresponding bonuses.
Note: The "major" specialty is + 1 5 %, the two minor skills + 1 0% .
Artilleryman Specialist: Mechanical engineering (major), weapons Sensors Specialist: Read sensory equipment (major), surveillance
engineer (major), basic electronics (minor), weapon systems (minor) , systems (major), TV/video (minor), optic systems (minor) , computer
demolitions (minor) , demolitions disposal (minor) , land navigation (mi­ programming (minor), or weapon systems (minor) .
nor). SEAL Special Forces: Intelligence (major), demolitions and demo­
Communication Specialist: Read sensory equipment (major), cryp­ litions disposal (combined as one; major), tracking (major), SCUBA
tography (major), computer repair (minor), and computer programming (minor), sniper (minor), disguise (minor), forgery (minor), escape artist

(minor) , land navigation (minor), and wilderness survival (minor) . Plus
the character automatically gets hand to hand: martial artist and can se­
lect any rogue and wilderness skills (+5 % ) as part of his "other" skill

SEAL Underwater Specialist: Intelligence (major) , demolitions

and demolitions disposal (combined as one; major), marine biologist
(major; includes all required skills), SCUBA (minor), deep sea diving
(minor), track & hunt sea animals (minor), land navigation (minor), and
wilderness survival (minor) . Plus the character automatically gets hand
to hand: expert and can select any rogue and wilderness skills (+5 %) as
part of his "other" skill selections.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. and P.E. 9 or higher.

O.C.C. Skills:
Major Skill Specialty (+ 1 5 %)
Minor Skill Specialty (3; + 1 0%)
Radio: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Computer Operation (+ 1 0%)
Swimming (+ 1 5 %)
Navigation (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: B asic can be changed to hand to hand: expert at the
cost of one "other" skill, or to martial arts (or assassin if an evil
alignment) at the cost of two "other" skills.

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills. Plus select two additional
skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, one at level
twelve and one at level 1 5 . All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5 %)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any (+5 %)
Espionage: None, unless Special Forces (see specialties)
Mechanical: Any (+5 % )
M edical: Any for medical officers and specialists (+5 % ) ; first aid or
paramedic only for the rest.
Military: Any
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any (+5 % )
Pilot Related: Any (+5 %)
Rogue: None, unless a SEAL. Marine O.C .C.
Science: Any (+5 %)
Technical : Any ( + 1 0%) These soldiers follow the ancient traditions of the US Marine Corps
W.P. : Any and bear the insignias and colors of that illustrious branch of service.
Wilderness: Land navigation and carpentry only, unless a SEAL. The Marines were soldiers trained to operate in military operations con­
ducted in the air, sea and land, with a special accent on amphibious
Secondary Skills: Select seven secondary skills from the previous list. combat. The pre-Rifts USS Ticonderoga had an entire division of Ma­
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advan­ rine troops on board, and these soldiers became the core of the New
tage of the bonuses listed in parentheses. All secondary skills are Marine Corps. Marines serve on board of every ship in the New Navy
limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. and also provide security for all its land installations, including the Sal­
vation and Refuge B ases and cities.
Standard Equipment: Navy Armor suit, M-20 1 1 pistol, and two
The current crop of "jarheads ," a pre-rifts slang term that exists even
pieces of luggage for personal effects. Special forces troops will get
in the New Navy, has been bloodied in fights against all manner of ene­
the same equipment as the Marine O.C.C. (see below) .
mies, from human outlaws and pirates to transdimensional monsters.
Money: 3D6x 1 00 i n credit t o start and a small monthly salary o f 1 000 Their training includes things that the Marines of the 20th century
credits a month (SEALs and medical officers get double); remember would have never imagined, such as "monster identification" and "re­
food, equipment, clothing, room and board is supplied by the Navy. sistance to mind control." Marines are equipped with advanced weap­
ons and armor, manufactured by the automated factories at the
Cybernetics: None to start. Usually limited to prosthetics after the loss Salvation and Refuge B ases. These weapons were cutting-edge before
of a limb. Remember, Salvation and Refuge Bases do not have ex­ the Rifts, and only the best products of Triax, the Splugorth, and Naruni
tensive cybernetic facilities. Only basic medical systems. Enterprises can surpass them.

Alignment Note: Can be any, but tend to be very disciplined; princi­ Espionage: Any (+5 % )
pled, scrupulous or aberrant alignments are most common. Mechanical: Any
Attribute Requirements: P.S ., P.E. and M.E. 10 or higher. Medical: Paramedic and First Aid only (+5 %)
D.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: + I on initiative, + I to roll with impact Military: Any (+ I 0%)
and + I to pull a punch. Physical : Any (+5 % where applicable)
D.C.C. Skills: Pilot: Any (+ 1 0% )
Radio: Basic (+ 1 0%) Pilot Related: Any (+5 %)
Computer Operation (+ 1 0% ) Rogue: Any
Detect Ambush (+ I 0% ) Science: Math and chemistry only (+5 %)
Demon and Monster Lore (identification only; + 1 0%) Technical : Any (+ 1 0%)
Swimming (+ 1 5 %) W.P. : Any
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor Wilderness: Any (+5 %)
Power Armor Combat: Elite (APA- 1 5) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills
Pilot: Tank or Hovercraft (pick one) (+ 1 0%) from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that
Weapon Systems (+ 1 5 %) do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in parentheses. All
Read Sensory Equipment (+ 1 0%) secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited
W.P. Energy Pistol (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.
W.P. Energy Rifle Standard Equipment: Marine Combat Armor, M-20 1 1 pistol and M-
W.P. Heavy 1 60 rifle, and four grenades. I in 1 0 also have a LAWS-3 rocket
Hand to Hand: Expert launcher. The armor has built-in communication equipment. Addi­
Hand to hand: expert can be changed to hand to hand: martial arts tionally, a survival kit with supplies for 7 days in the field is also
(or assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of one "other" skill. provided.
D.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Plus select two additional Money : 3D6x 1 00 in credits to start and a monthly salary of 1 800 cred­
skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at its a month (officers get double); remember food, equipment, cloth­
level twelve. ing, room and board is supplied by the Navy.
Communications: Any (+5 %) Cybernetics: Start with none. Remember, Salvation and Refuge B ases
Domestic: Any do not have extensive cybernetic facilities. Only basic cybernetic
Electrical: Any prosthetics and basic items for medical purposes.

Sea Titan R.C.C.

The original Sea Titans were th 22 crew members transformed into The children of Sea Titans continue to age like a normal human until
mega-damage, superhumans by strange transdimensional energies. The between the ages of 20 and 26 (20+ I D6) . Only the original Sea Titans
descendants of these sailors have inherited their parents ' incredible su­ may look older, because they stopped aging after they were exposed to
perhuman powers and apparent immortality (the surviving 22 have not the mysterious magic radiation.
seemed to age in over 250 years) . All Sea Titans are mega-damage be­ Over the last two hundred years, the Sea Titans' numbers have in­
ings who seem to be immortal, possess supernatural strength and endur­ creased to over 2,000, with perhaps an additional two or three hundred
ance, are resistant to poison and disease, inflict mega-damage with their in civilian life around the world.
bare hands, and can survive ocean depths of up to 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
Although their powers do not manifest themselves until their teen
down without special armor or equipment! Furthermore, they are able
years, the offspring of Sea Titans are singled out for special education
to live without breathing or eating, allowing them to work and fight un­
and training starting around age four. During their formative years, they
derwater without difficulty.
are taught that with their power comes a great deal of responsibility, and
Strangest of all, they always pass their superhuman abilities and ap­ that they must not abuse those who are "weaker" than themselves. For­
parent immortality to their offspring, even if one of the parents is an or­ tunately, most Sea Titans take their lessons to heart and are upstanding
dinary human. Furthermore, the offspring inherit ALL their parent' s citizens and soldiers. Many will become heroes, high ranking officers,
abilities, exhibiting an extremely consistent pattern o f abilities. This has scientists, explorers, philosophers, and leaders. Most people regard
made them very popular spouses, since their children will ultimately be­ them with respect and a good measure of awe. Even the envious are
come superhuman and are often considered to be the elite of the New glad that they are on their side. Even so, a number of "normal" humans
Navy and are highly respected by all (in some cases, feared). are resentful towards the "super jarheads," a term used since most
Children born of Sea Titans appear to be completely normal hu­ (75%) Sea Titans are inducted into the Marines or as SEALs and stay in
mans, the only differences are they are in perfect health, impervious to military service for decades or centuries. Note: Less than 1 2% of the
disease and most toxins, and possess S.D.C. equal to an athletic adult. Sea Titans never join the Navy or leave after a few years. Until they dis­
They are not mega-damage beings as children and must breathe, eat, tinguish themselves in some way, these characters are usually looked
learn, play and grow like any other human child. They become mega­ down upon and are often regarded as cowards, sissies, or unreliable and
damage beings and exhibit superhuman strength and lose the need to misanthropes.
breathe and eat toward the end of puberty, usually between the ages of A small number of Sea Titans ( 1 5 % ) have left the service of the
1 6 and 1 8 ; occasionally as early as 14 or as late as 20. This late "bloom­ New Navy. Some of them can be found in civilian life at the cities of
ing" into superhumans is important in their development as mature Salvation and Refuge, while other have scattered to the four corners of
adults who can understand and relate to ordinary humans. If Sea Titans the world (and in some cases, beyond, to other dimensions) to search
were born superhuman, they might view ordinary humans as inferior or for their destinies elsewhere. These Sea Titans can be found in small
even weak alien beings. As it is, they develop relatively normal rela­ bands of two to six members of their kind or among other humans, D­
tionships (friends, acquaintances, associates, romances, etc.) and bees, True Atlanteans, and supernatural creatures. Some become adven­
kinsmanship with the ordinary human population. turers, mercenaries or heroes, others, dedicate themselves to seeing the

1 13
wonders of the Megaverse, become students of philosophy, science or Damage: Supernatural P.S. See Rifts Conversion Book One, page 26.
magic, or become outlaws, pirates, conquerors, tyrants and godlings. R.C.C. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +3 save vs magic, in addition to at­
Sea Titans who tum to evil can be counted among the worst scoundrels tribute and skill bonuses.
on Earth.
Sixteen of the original Sea Titans have died in combat or accidents
over the centuries. Captain Nemo-2 and three others lead the New
Navy. One is currently president of Refuge City and another is a re­
nowned scholar, educator and social leader at the city of Salvation. The
last is a philosopher adventurer who has joined a small group of adven­
turers (among them a True Atlantean and an anti-monster) to explore
South and Central America. He vows to return some day, but to an im­
mortal Sea Titan, that could be decades in the future.

Sea Titan RoCoCo

Alignment: Any. Due t o the special focus o f their education and mili­
tary orientation, most Sea Titans are principled or scrupulous (60%),
with a few selfish alignments (25 %) and only a few hundred ( 1 5 % ) evil
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+ l 2, P.P. 3D6+6,
P.E. 4D6+4, P.B . 3D6+ l , Spd. 6D6 on land, half that speed swim­
ming underwater. All physical attributes are considered supernatural,
but these superhuman attribute bonuses do NOT manifest them­
selves until the character reaches some point in his or her teens (age
1 3 + 1 06).
Size: As a normal human. "Sea Titan" is a name and position in the
New Navy given to these superhumans. They have no kinship to the
traditional/mythical giants known as Titans.
S.D.C. : Sea Titan children have S.D.C. equal to their normal human
P.E. + I D4x l O, plus any physical skill bonuses for teenagers.
M.D.C.: P.E. plus 2D4x l O; add 2D6 M.D.C. per level of experience.
Sea Titans become mega-damage creatures at some point in their
teens (age 1 3 + 1 06). Once an M.D.C. being, hit points and S.D.C.
are not applicable.
Horror Factor: 9, but only for people who did not expect these human
looking characters to possess supernatural powers.
P.P.E. : 6D6
Average Life Span: Unknown. So far, Sea Titans have not aged notice­
ably for periods of almost 300 years. G.M. Note: Nobody, including
the Sea Titans, knows how long they may live. If they are truly im­
mortal they could live without aging for millions of years, however
this is not likely. They are more likely to have a life span similar to a
godling, with a maximum life of 1 00,000 years. Of course they can
be injured, slain, or driven insane.
Natural Abilities: Do not need to breathe, drink or eat to survive, im­
mune to all normal (non-supernatural) poisons and toxins, super­
natural strength and endurance, is able to regenerate l D4x l O
M.D.C. per minute (4 melee rounds) and can regrow lost limbs and
organs in 4D6 hours. They can also survive ocean depths of up to
4000 feet ( 1 220 m) below the surface. Remember, these abilities and
supernatural physical attributes do not appear until some point in the
character' s teens ( 1 3+ 1 D6).
Average Experience Level: Varies. Sea Titans who are 200 years or
older are typically l D6+7th level, those 50 to 1 90 years old average
l D6+4 1evels. Those under the age of 50 typically range from 1 st to
5th level ( 1 04+ 1 ) .
Psionic Powers: Twice a s likely t o have psionic powers ! T o determine
psionics, roll percentile dice:
0 1 - 1 8 The character is a major psionic
1 9-50 The character is a minor psionic
5 1 -97 No psionic powers
98-00 Master psionic!
Add l D4x l O to the base I.S .P. if either a minor or major psionic;
1 D4x 1 0+ 10 if a rare master psionic.
Magic Powers: None; only the occasional, older Sea Titans who have
left to explore the world study magic.
Combat: As per skill.

Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Magic and psionics do full damage and ment will b e different for Sea Titans who have left o r have never
some rune weapons (see Rifts Atlantis) do double damage. In gen­ joined the Navy and have gone off adventuring. Game Masters,
eral, any magic weapon that does double damage to supernatural be­ make the appropriate adjustments.
ings will have the same effect on Sea Titans. Additionally, their Money : 4D6x 1 00 in credits to start and a monthly salary of 2000 cred­
presence can be sensed by spells, psionic powers and abilities that its a month (officers get double) ; remember food, equipment, cloth­
detect supernatural beings. ing, and room and board is supplied by the Navy.
R.C.C. Skills: Cybernetics: Cannot get any ! Their regeneration powers expel all cy­
Radio: B asic (+ 1 0%) bernetic or bionic implants in 1 D4 minutes.
Computer Operation (+5 % ) Note: The strange anomaly that created the Sea Titans was the result
Detect Ambush ( + 1 0 % ) of a Lemurian ley line energy experiment that went awry. The experi­
Demon and Monster Lore (identification only) (+ 1 5 %) ment obliterated the Lemurian scientists, but as fate would have it,
Swimming (+ 1 5 %) transformed Nemo Dobson and some of his fellow crewmen. The ex­
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor periment went awry and cannot be recreated by the Lemurians or any­
Pilot: Two of choice (+ 1 0% ) body else.
Read Sensory Equipment (+ 1 0%)
Language & Literacy: American at 98%
Language: One of choice (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
Weapons & Equipment
W.P. Heavy
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
of the New Navy
(or assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of one "other" skill.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Plus select two additional The New Navy has access to pre-Rifts technologies that survived in
skills at level three, two at level six, and one at levels nine, 1 2, 1 5 , 1 8 their giant sub and the two secret bases in the Pacific Ocean. This
and 2 1 . equipment is as sophisticated as anything produced in the NGR -
Communications: Any (+5 % ) Triax Industries is just beginning to advance beyond pre-Rifts levels in
Domestic: Any some areas.
Electrical: Any The automated mini-factories at the Refuge and Salvation B ases can
Espionage: Any (+5 %) produce replacements for the great submarine and other Navy vessels
Mechanical: Any originally assigned to operate in that part of the world. However, quan­
Medical: Paramedic and First Aid only (+5 %) tities and the speed of production and repairs are very limited. Still, a
Military: Any (+ 1 0%) small surplus had been stockpiled by the Navy and some items are be­
Physical: Any ginning to be sold or traded to other people, most notably the people of
Pilot: Any (+5 %) Tritonia and trustworthy seafaring merchants and adventurers who visit
Pilot Related: Any (+5 %) the two cities. In the future, trade may possibly be expanded to include
Rogue: Any Lemuria, the Coalition States, the NGRffriax, and the human force
Science: Any based in and around Japan. Limited trade has allowed the members of
Technical: Any (+ 1 0%) the New Navy and the two cities to acquire weapons, equipment and
W.P. : Any technology from other nations.
Wilderness: Any (+5 %)
Although the New Navy and its civilian counterparts limit trade,
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary
making most military weapons, armor and vehicles unavailable, some
skills from the previous list at levels one and four, and two at levels
of this equipment may appear in the hands of mercenaries, adventurers
1 0, 1 3 , 1 6 , 1 9 , 2 1 , and 24. These are additional areas of knowledge
and pirates around the world. In most cases, these items have been sto­
that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All
len, captured, or salvaged. In some cases, these weapons may be
secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited
"knock-offs" made by other high-tech races like the Naruni or Splu­
(any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.
gorth/Kittani, and in a few cases, manufacturers like Wilk ' s , Iron Heart
Special Skills: A Sea Titan who is over 250 years old can select a sec­ Armaments , Northern Gun and others who have rediscovered pre-Rifts
ond O.C.C., however all previous skills stop advancing with experi­ technology to produce and market similar weapons in other parts of the
ence, he cannot select secondary skills normally available for that world. However, for the most part, the weapons that follow are exclu­
o . e . e . , and the advancement of all new O.C.C. and related skills is sive to the New Navy .
incredibly slow (requires two times the usual amount of experience
- just double the standard numbers to get to the next level of expe­
rience). Consequently, this second O.C.e. rarely advances beyond
5th level.
Odds & Ends
In addition t o the equipment described in this section, crew members
Experience Table: Use the same experience tables as the (young and
have limited access to equipment produced in other parts of the world.
ancient) dragon.
The most common items are from North and South America (see the
Standard Equipment: Marine Combat Armor with built-in communi­
Rifts RPG, Rifts Mercenaries and Rifts South America One and
cation equipment, M-20 1 1 pistol, M- 1 60 rifle and four grenades,
Two for full weapon descriptions) and Tritonia. Less common are items
and a survival knife. I in 1 0 also have a LA WS-3 rocket launcher.
from the NGRffriax, Atlantis, Lemuria and other parts of the world.
Many officers and experienced Sea Titans will also have one addi­
Remember, the New Navy tends to be aloof and avoids more than cas­
tional weapon of choice, including a magic item.
ual contact with other races, cultures and nations.
Additionally, a first-aid kit and additional equipment or squad
supplies may be assigned to this character; their supernatural
strength makes them the ideal candidates for carrying special equip­
ment, field radios, heavy weapons, and extra ammunition. Equip-

series o f ion discharging weapons. The M-20 1 l is a heavy ion blaster
with slightly less range than a laser pistol but more stopping power and
penetration. This is the standard sidearm of officers, pilots and vehicle
crews. In terms of size and weight, it more closely resembles a ma­
chine-pistol or small sub-machinegun than a regular pistol.

Weight: 5 lbs (2.25 kg).

Mega-[) amage: Two settings: l D4x l O S .D.C. and 3D6 M.D. per single

M-20 1 1 Energy Pistol Rate of Fire: Standard

Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (244 m)
The us Marines disdained lasers, but were forced to switch to en­ Payload: 20 shots with short E-Clip, 30 shots with long E-Clip
ergy weapons during the decade preceding the Rifts. Their choice was a Cost: 1 9 ,000 credits.

M-160 Assault Rifle Weight: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)

The M- 1 60 is an ion pulse rifle that was the standard issue of the US
Mega-D amage: 3D6 M.D. per single shot, or I D6x l O M.D. multiple
ion burst (three simultaneous shots).
Marines prior to the Great Cataclysm. The rifle fires energy "packets"
Rate of Fire: Standard.
that explode on contact with a solid object. The M- 1 60s can be fired un­
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
derwater without losing range or performance, and can inflict a great
deal of damage with a short burst. Both the standard and long E-clips Payload: 30 shots short E-Clip, or 55 shots long E-Clip.
can be used with this weapon. Cost: 38 ,000 credits

Rapid-Fire LA WS-3
Rocket Launcher
This Light Anti-tank Weapon System (LAWS) fires rocket-pro­ Mega-Damage: I D4x l O M.D. from armor-piercing (AP), I D6x l O from
pelled grenades from a six round, disposable clip. The LAWS rounds high explosive (HE) or 4D6 M.D. to a 20 foot (6 m) blast area for frag­
can be laser-guided (it has a laser designator built into the sight system) mentation. A three round burst does 3D4x l O M.D. for AP rounds,
or fired without guidance/line of sight. The launcher has a rapid fire 3D6x l O for HE rounds, and doubles the damage and blast area (40
system that allows for automatic fire, enabling the rocketeer to fire three feet/l 2 m) for fragmentation.
round bursts. The disposable plastic clip ejects automatically when Rate of Fire: One at a time or bursts of three rounds; burst or single
empty and can be reloaded in under three seconds by trained personnel shell fire counts as one melee attack.
(approx. six to 10 seconds for the uninitiated). Additional clips are usu­ Laser Targeting Bonus: +2 to strike; no bonus when shooting line of
ally carried in a bandoleer slung over the shoulder (a bandoleer holds sight without targeting enhancement.
five clips) in a medium-sized ammo satchel (holds 8 clips) or attached Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) for the laser guidance
to a belt, slung over the shoulder or hooked to a backpack. Two of these system. Rockets can be fired "dumb" beyond that to about 4000 feet
weapons are assigned to each ten man squad. The rockets can be either ( 1 220 m), but any attacks beyond 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) are at -2 to strike.
armor piercing warheads or fragmentation. Payload: Six round clip. Replacing a clip counts as one melee attack/ac­
tion and typically takes about three seconds.
Weight: 1 8 lbs (8.2 kg) fully loaded. Each ammo clip weighs 6 lbs (2.7 Cost: 45 ,000 credits for a launcher. Loaded clips cost 3 ,000 credits for
kg) . armor-piercing or 2, 1 00 credits for fragmentation.

M-20 Assault Rifle
This pre-Rifts weapon was one of the last, non-energy weapons still
in service when the Great Cataclysm struck the Earth. It resembles the
M- 1 6A I with a semi-automatic grenade launcher. It is primarily an
Typical Torpedoes
S .D.C. weapon although bursts of advanced armor piercing rounds can High-explosive and plasma torpedoes are the standard fair. A tor­
inflict minor mega-damage and the grenades can inflict mega-damage. pedo is fundamentally a missile designed for propUlsion through water
rather than air. High explosive (HE) torpedoes do more damage under­
Weight: 10 Ibs (5.4 kg) fully loaded. Each ammo clip weighs one lb.
water because water is a better conductor of concussion waves than air.
(2.7 kg).
Torpedoes are slower than missiles (about 300 mph/482 km) and can
Mega-Damage: Single normal round does 4D6 S.D.C., a single armor
usually be "seen" with the naked-eye at about 5 00 feet ( 1 53 m) away
piercing (AP) round does I D4x l O S.D.C.; a short burst of 8 normal
from its target and detected by sonar miles away. The further away the
rounds does one M.D. point of damage; AP rounds do three M.D.
torpedo is launched, the greater the chances it can be destroyed or
There are three types of grenades, all are smaller and inflict less evaded before it reaches its intended target.
damage than the LAWS . Fragmentation: 3D4 M.D. to a 10 foot (3 m)
blast area, plasma/napalm: 4D6 M.D. to a six foot ( 1 .8 m) blast area and
Torpedo Statistical Data:
sets flammable material on fire, AP: 3D6 M.D., or smoke (no damage;
Penalties: Torpedoes are -2 to strike at any range longer than one mile
creates a cloud of smoke that encompasses a 20 ft/6 m radius, last 2D4
( 1 .6 km). At a distance of 1 000 feet (305 m), the torpedo ' s tracking
system will follow and hit all but the nimblest targets and is +3 to
Rate of Fire: Bullets : one round at a time or short bursts of eight rounds, strike. The problem is that at 1 000 feet (305 m), the torpedo will be
automatically regulated by the weapon system for controlled bursts. A in range of almost every known weapon system, allowing the enemy
single shot or a controlled burst counts as one melee attack. at least two attempts at blowing it up before it strikes.
Grenades can only be fired one at a time; each grenade fired counts as Speed: All torpedoes travel at approximately the same speed of 300
one melee attack/action. mph (482 km).
Laser Targeting B onus: +2 to strike at targets within 1 200 feet (366 m); M.D.C. of Torpedoes: Mini-torpedo: 1 0 M.D.C., light: 15 M.D.C., me­
no bonus for shooting without targeting enhancement or beyond 1 200 dium: 30 M.D.C., heavy; 50 M.D.C., and depth charges have five
feet. M.D.C. points.
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) for rifle rounds; 1 200 Depleting the M.D.C. will cause the torpedo to detonate the in­
feet (366 m) for the laser guidance system and grenade launcher. stant it hits zero points. Thus, they can be prevented from reaching
Payload: Four round grenade capacity (loaded by hand, takes about their intended target. As a result, torpedoes are often launched in
five seconds). 64 round cartridge magazine/clip. Replacing a clip counts pairs or volleys. Detonating one has a 3 3 % chance of causing the
as one melee attack/action and typically takes about three seconds. others to explode as well.
Cost: 35 ,000 credits. Bullets cost about 90 credits a clip (64 rounds) Maximum Depth: Most torpedoes can function at depths of up to 3
for standard cartridges and 1 5 0 for armor piercing rounds. Grenades miles (4.8 km) - any deeper and they are crushed and sink.
cost 220 credits each for fragmentation or 350 credits each for AP or Depth charges can sink about 2 miles (3.2 km) before succumb­
plasma; 50 for smoke. This is one of the items commonly traded or sold ing to pressure and exploding or failing to explode, (50/50 chance) .
to outsiders. They are -5 to strike a target (even a stationary one) when launched
more than 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) away/above.

Cost & M.D.C. Damage

Deep Sea Depth Charges Inflicted by Torpedoes & Depth Charges:
B asically a bomb that is dropped into the water, sinks and detonates Mini-torpedo: I D6x l O M.D. (HE or Plasma). Range: One mile ( 1 .6
when it reaches a particular depth or hits an object. km) . Cost: 3500 credits each.
Maximum range/depth: Two miles (3.2 km or 1 0,560 ft/3 2 1 8 m) ­ Light Torpedo: 2D4x l O M.D. (HE) or I D6x l O M.D. (Plasma).
automatically explodes at two miles (or any depth between 200 and Range: 5 miles (8 km). Cost: 8000 credits each.
1 0,560 feet/6 l to 3 2 1 8 m). Medium Torpedo: 3D4x l O M.D. (HE) or 2D6x l O M.D. (Plasma).
Typical Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. to a 1 00 foot (30.5 m) radius and Range: 1 0 miles ( 1 6 km). Cost: 1 0,000 credits each.
4D6 M.D. to an additional 30 foot (9 m ) radius beyond that. High ex­ Heavy Torpedo: 4D6x l O M.D. (HE or Plasma). Range: 20 miles
plosive/concussion only; cost: 4500 credits each. (32 km). Cost: 20,000 credits each.
Note: -4 to strike its target (even a stationary target) when launched
more than a 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) above it.

US Marine Combat Armor
This heavy body armor has some superficial similarities to 20th
Century helmets and flack jackets, but it has the addition of a face
plate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant and has limited life sup­
port, as well as a built-in radio, insulation and all features common to
environmental body armor (as listed in Rifts Ultimate Ed., p . 267).
Comes in olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige­
brown desert camouflage pattern. Marine Combat armor is manufac­
tured at both bases (as are all energy weapons).
• M.D.C.: 85
• Weight: 21 Ibs (9.5 kg)
• Good Mobility: - 1 0% on the performance of prowl and other physi­
cal skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
• Market Cost: 50,000 credits outside Refuge and Salvation Bases.
Until the last year or so, trade and sale to outsiders had been infre­
quent, but the combat armor is becoming a major trade item, especially
among non-allied sailors and more primitive nations/kingdoms. A fair
number of these suits have reached the North American B lack Market
and Iron Heart Armaments, Inc. is looking into producing knock-offs
(see Rifts Mercenaries for details about Iron Heart).

"Semper Fi"
APA- 15 Amphibious Assault Power Armor

The Semper Fi APA- 1 5 is a suit of power armor typically assigned

to Marine assault units, and to "special" operatives such as SEAL and
reconnaissance teams. It can swim and function underwater with the
same ease that it can run and function on land. The Semper Fi is used to
spearhead infantry assaults underwater or land assaults from the sea,
seek and destroy, short-range reconnaissance, insertion and retrieval,
rescue, and small-scale artillery and armor support missions when heav­
ier support is not available.
The armor has several built-in weapon systems, from an ion-pulse
gun to mini-missiles. Additionally, the Semper Fi carries a heavy ion ri­
fle with a LA WS-3 mounted underneath, and an intimidating vibro­
blade bayonet protruding below both barrels. Its appearance is similar to
normal Marine Combat Armor, only larger and bulkier to accommodate
the exoskeleton, additional armor and weapon systems.
A few hundred of these suits have been traded to Tritonia, where
they are used by the Sea Wolf troopers. A few have been captured, sto­
len or salvaged and have made it to the west coasts of South and North
Navy Body Armor America.

The constant dangers of Rifts Earth are such that Navy personnel are Model Type: APA- 1 5
not safe even inside an armored juggernaut. To protect its people, the Class: Sea-Air-Land Tactical Assault Exoskeleton
New Navy has issued a version of the combat armor commonly used in Crew: One
pre-Rifts days. This body armor is lighter and more comfortable than M.D.C. by Location:
the Marine ' s combat armor which is issued to all combat personnel, but * Head - 90
it can mean the difference between life and death for a Navy sailor. Arms (2) - 1 00
The armor consists of a fully padded body suit with a helmet; not re­ Legs (2) - 1 20
quired on duty except while under threat of attack. The armor has spe­ MWAS "Rifle" - 80
cial flotation devices that add +5% to swimming rolls and serves as a Thruster System (on back) - 80
life jacket. It has all the features common to modem body armor (see * * Main Body - 300
Rifts RPG, page 209). * Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all
• M.D.C.: 45 forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must
• Weight: l l ibs (5 kg) rely on his own human vision and senses. Any power armor combat
• Excellent Mobility; -5% on the performance of prowl and other bonuses to strike, parry and dodge are lost. The head is a small and
physical skills such as gymnastics. difficult target to hit; requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4
• Maximum Depth: 1 000 feet (305 m); ruptures at greater depths. to strike.
• Market Cost: 40,000 credits outside Salvation and Refuge Bases . ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
This is one of the items commonly traded or sold outside the New completely, rendering it useless.

Running: 60 mph (96 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does Market Cost: 2.5 million credits for a new, undamaged suit of power ar­
tire out its operator, but at 1 0% of the normal fatigue rate thanks to the mor. Never traded or sold to outsiders (Tritonia is not considered an
robot exoskeleton. outsider).
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 12 feet (3.65 m) high
or lengthwise.
Weapon Systems
Flying: Not possible. 1. Wrist Ion-Gun: This is a back-up weapon that fires high intensity
SWirllin ing: The thruster system uses a turbine to propel the power ar­
bursts of ion energy.
mor at good speeds underwater. Maximum underwater or surface (semi­ Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
submerged) speed is 40 mph (64 km/34 knots) Secondary Purpose: Defense
Range: Restricted by the needs of the pilot. Typically the pilot can oper­ Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per burst.
ate the armor for 1 2 hours at maximum efficiency, for up to three to six
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
days without food (has a six day drinkable water supply). Air is purged
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) underwater or on land.
and recycled automatically and will last six days before becoming too
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
stale to breathe.
Maximum Depth : One mile ( 1 .6 krn). 2. Mini-Missile Launchers (2) : One launcher is mounted on each
Statistical Data: shoulder. Used mostly against low-flying aircraft/tlying monsters,
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m) submersibles, boats and other enemy vehicles.
Width: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) Primary Purpose: Anti-vehicle and anti-monster.
Length: 3 feet (0.9 m) Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 450 lbs (202.5 kg) Mega-Damage: Typically uses plasma/heat missiles ( l D6x l O M.D.)
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 30 Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two, four or six.
Cargo: None. Maximum Effective Range: About one mile ( 1 .6 krn).
Power System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 1 5 years. Payload: Six total; three per launcher.

3. M-90 Multi-Weapon Assault System (MWAS): This weapon con­ M.D.C. by Location:
sists of a heavy ion-pulse rifle over a LAWS rocket launcher, tipped Turret - 250
by a long vibro-bayonet. The "beach stonner" allows the Marine to Over-and-Under Cannon - 200 combined
engage any enemy, from tanks to infantrymen, at any range, includ­ Heavy Missile Launcher (on turret, left side) - 1 00
ing close combat. Underwater, the LAWS rockets are replaced by Mini-Missile Launchers (2, on each side of main body) - 40 each
rocket-propelled Mini-Harpoon missiles (same stats, but have half Laser Machinegun (on cupola over main turret) - 75
range and only work underwater). Laser Gun (main body) - 60
Primary Purpose: Multi-purpose assault weapon. ** Main B ody - 550
Secondary Purpose: Defense * * * Balloon Tires (6) - 75 each
Mega-Damage: Ion-Pulse Gun: Each multiple energy burst inflicts * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the tank
I D6x l O + 10 M.D. down completely, making it useless.
The LAWS launcher varies with grenade/torpedo type (see LAWS-3). *** Destroying one or two tires will slow the tank down by 30%,
The vibro-bayonet inflicts 406 M.D. in hand to hand combat. and all maneuvers will be at -30%. Destroying three or more tires
Rate of Fire: Each attack mode counts as one melee action. will immobilize the tank (or sink it if it is floating on a body of
Effective Range: Pulse Gun and LAWS: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m). Bayonet: water). Field repairs (taking 1 04 minutes) will restore 606 M.D.C.
close combat only. to a damaged tire once; damaging it again will require a full replace­
Payload: Pulse Gun: Unlimited (connected by cable to armor' s power ment.
supply). The LAWS uses a drum magazine with 1 2 rounds. Speed :
4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en­ Driving on the ground: 70 mph ( 1 1 2 km).
gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and elite Over Water: Floating and using the turbine system, it can navigate at 50
power armor combat training in the robot combat section of the mph (80 km)
Rifts Ult. Ed., p . 3 5 1 -352. All abilities are the same except as follows: Range: Effectively unlimited (nuclear power system) . Limited only by
Nonnal Punch or Kick - 1 06 M.D. the needs of the crew, although there is typically enough water and food
Power Punch - 206 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks. rations to last a crew of three for two weeks without additional supple­
Maximum Depth: The AMBT- 1 2x is NOT a submersible! It is designed

to ride on the surface of the water, not below it. If sunk, an undamaged
tank can be sealed airtight and will endure water pressure to a depth of
up to 600 feet ( 1 83 m). However, the recycled air supply will become
Amphibious Tank too stale to breathe within 72 hours (sooner if the tank is seriously dam­
aged or the air supply compromised).
Statistical Data:
A French design adopted by the US Navy shortly before the Great
Height: 20 feet (6. 1 m)
Cataclysm, the Merovingian is a 1 00% amphibious vehicle, able to act
Width: 14 feet (4.3 m)
like a light attack boat as well as a main battle tank. The US Marines
Length: 32 feet (9.7 m)
found it an ideal vehicle for sea-to-land operations, and it was issued to
Weight: 25 tons fully loaded
all Marine armored units.
Cargo: Minimal storage space; about four feet ( 1 .2 m) for extra cloth­
The Merovingian uses two propUlsion systems ; a wheeled system ing, weapons, and personal items . Three M- 1 60 ion burst rifles and two
(six balloon tires that can handle rough terrain equal to any tank) and a LAWS-3 rocket launchers with four loads are stored in a weapons
water turbine system. The vehicle is completely air and watertight. The locker behind the gunner' s seat. There is also a two week supply of de­
use of light M.D.C. alloys, coupled with the balloon tires, give it just hydrated food rations and water.
enough buoyancy to stay afloat. Its main turret has an over-and-under Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 1 5 years.
laser cannon, giving gunners a number of options for both anti-vehicle Market Cost: A new, undamaged Merovingian tank will go for 40 mil­
and anti-personnel missions. Two light laser systems are used instead of lion credits. Sold sparingly to distant forces with no significant Navy
machineguns, and the tank also has a long-range missile launcher and a (don 't represent a threat to the New Navy) .
mini-missile launcher, giving it the firepower of a 20th Century tank
platoon. In tenns of armor and mobility, the Merovingian was the match Weapon Systems
of any 2 1 st Century tank, and is as good as anything produced on Rifts 1. Over-And-Under Laser & Cannon : This two-barreled weapon
Earth. combines a heavy laser (top barrel) with a 200mm hyper-velocity
The USS Ticonderoga had an armored company of 72 tanks as­ gun (underneath) firing several types of shells. The pilot can only
signed to it. The ship ' s secret supply bases have the capability to repair activate one of these guns at a time. Usually, the conventional can­
damaged tanks and build new ones. This was originally a painfully slow non fires high-explosive shells to scatter infantry, while the laser is
process, but Salvation Base has expanded those facilities and can pro­ saved for attacks against tanks, robots and other large targets.
duce a dozen tanks a month. About a hundred of these tanks have been Primary Purpose: Anti-Annor and Anti-Personnel.
sold to humans in North America, where they are used by mercenaries Secondary Purpose: Artillery support.
or the armed forces of small human kingdoms on the West Coast. A few Mega-Damage: Laser Cannon: 2D6x l O+ 1 0 M.D. per high-intensity
hundred more are used by human kingdoms in the Pacific islands, South blast. 200mm Auto-cannon (varies with load) :
America and Asia. The cities of Refuge and Salvation both have a full High-explosive: 2D6x l O M.D. with a blast radius of 50 ft ( 1 5 .2 m).
company of 1 60 tanks as part of their defense force and the USS Ticon­ Anti-tank/HEAT: 3D6x l O M.D. with a blast radius of 12 feet (3.65 m).
deroga has its standard complement of 72. Annor-piercing, sabot-discarding, solid shot: 2D6x l O M.D., no blast ra­
Model Type: AMBT- 1 2x
Rate of Fire: Each cannon can be fired twice per melee round, for a total
Class: Amphibious Main Battle Tank
of four attacks (cannot exceed gunner ' s combined hand to hand attacks
Crew: Three; a commander/main gunner, a secondary gunner/loader,
per melee).
and a pilot. One or two more people could be squeezed in, but very
Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet ( 1 830 m) for direct fire; high ex­
uncomfortably and in danger of getting banged up (no seats or safety
plosive rounds can be fired indirectly up to five miles (8 km) away, but
requires a forward observer to direct the attack are is -4 to strike targets
beyond 6000 feet ( 1 830 m).
Payload: Unlimited for the laser; 60 rounds (any combination) for the 4. Laser Machinegun (1): A light laser is mounted on top of the turret,
cannon. for use by the gunner or the commander against infantry.
2. Heavy Missile Launcher (1): A box-shaped launcher is mounted on Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel.
the turret' s left side (reminiscent of the 20th Century Bradley IFV). Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft or anti-armor. Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. per blast.
Secondary Purpose: Defense. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks per
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. melee of the gunner.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of one, two or four missiles. Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile type. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Payload: Four long-range missiles. 5. Bow-Mounted Laser Gun (1): A heavier laser on a rotating mount
3. Mini-Missile Launchers (2) : These side-mounted launchers are used that can be used by the driver or secondary gunner. It is also a back­
for close range barrages or to intercept enemy missiles. up gun should the main gun be disabled or destroyed.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel. Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Secondary Purpose: Defense. Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Usually fragmentation (5D6 Mega-Damage: I D4x l O M.D. per blast.
M.D.) or plasma ( l D6x l O M.D.) are used. Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot or
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, 4 or 8 . gunner.
Maximum Effective Range: About one mile ( l .6 kIn) Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m).
Payload: 32 total; 1 6 per launcher. Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Iwo-Jima Class MIFV ships or at the Salvation and Refuge Bases. 250 more vehicles have
been sold over the past ten years to diverse groups and mercenary or­
Combat Troop Transport ganizations throughout Rifts Earth, usually away from the Pacific
The Iwo-Jima is a troop transport and fighting vessel, designed to
Model Type: MIFV-99
transport a ten-man squad from a ship to a land target, and to continue
Class: Marine Infantry Fighting Vehicle (MIFV)trroop Carrier
offering transport and support in any terrain. This Marine Infantry
Crew: Three: Pilot, gunner and commander/gunner.
Fighting Vehicle (MIFV) uses an air cushion, hovercraft system to float
Troop Capacity : 1 0 soldiers or 6 in power armor.
above water or on land. Although less well-armored than a tank, the
M.D.C. by Location :
Iwo-Jima has enough armor and weapons to inflict a lot of damage on
Weapon Turret - 1 80
its own, without counting the l O-man squad of marines in Combat ar­
Ion Pulse Cannon in Turret - 1 00
mor, or a six-man squad in Semper Fi power armor.
Heavy Missile Launchers (2, in turret) - 1 00
This vehicle is equipped with an ion pulse cannon and two heavy Light Missile Launcher ( l ) - 70
missile launchers on its turret. A secondary, short-range launcher and Light Ion Gun ( l ) - 45
ion pulse gun on the main body add to the firepower of the vehicle. In * Main B ody - 225
addition to its guns, the MIFV has six firing ports that allows the infan­ * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the tank down
trymen inside to fire their weapons while under cover. The limited visi­ completely, making it useless.
bility of these firing ports makes shooting difficult, however, so all
shots have a -2 penalty. The Ticonderoga Battle Group carries six
squads of Iwo-Jimas (60). Over 300 additional IFVs are used by other

Speed: 2. Heavy Missile Launchers (2) : These turret-mounted launchers are
Hovering on the ground: 1 00 mph ( 1 60 km) maximum speed. identical to the one used in the Merovingian tank, except the MIFV
Flying : Not possible. Maximum height is 20 feet (6. 1 m) above a sur­ carries two of them for double the capacity.
face. Primary Purpose: Anti-armor and anti-aircraft.
Water: Can hover above water, but cannot be launched underwater. Secondary Purpose: Defense
Maximum Depth: The MIFV -99 is NOT a submersible ! It is designed Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type (long or medium-range mis­
to ride on the surface of the water, not below it. If sunk, an undamaged siles).
vehicle can be sealed airtight and will endure water pressure up to a Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of one, two, four or eight.
depth of 500 feet ( 1 5 m). However, the recycled air supply will become Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile type.
too stale to breathe within 72 hours (sooner if it is seriously damaged or Payload: 8 total; four per launcher.
if the air supply is compromised) .
3. Light Missile Launcher (1): This forward facing launcher is built
Statistical Data:
into the front of the main body of the vehicle.
Height: 1 2 feet (3.65 m)
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor and anti-aircraft.
Width: 10 feet (3.0 m)
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Length: 25 feet (7.6 m)
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type (short-range).
Weight: 20 tons fully loaded.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of one, two or four.
Cargo: Instead of troops, the MIFV can carry up to 5 tons of cargo.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile type.
Power System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 1 5 years.
Payload: Four total.
Market Cost: 40 million credits for a new, undamaged Iwo-Jima.
4. Light Pulse Gun: This bow-mounted gun can be operated by the
Weapon Systems driver or gunner. It is used mostly against "soft" targets, such as in­
1. Ion Pulse Cannon : A heavier weapon designed to melt through ar­ fantry troops or lightly armored vehicles.
mor. Used mostly against "hard" targets like tanks, robots and power Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
armor. Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor Mega-Damage: I D6x I OM.D. per multiple ion burst (only fires bursts) .
Secondary Purpose: Defense. Rate o f Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks of
Mega-Damage: 3D4x 1 O M.D. per blast. the pilot or gunner.
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee round. Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet ( 1 830 m) Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

S - 14 Sea Hawk opt to jettison himself, seat and all. This makes him a smaller target for
enemies to locate, but also for rescue teams to locate. Furthermore,
VTOL Jet Fighter ejecting only the seat discards the mega-damage protection of the larger
The S e a Hawk is a pre-Rifts supersonic j e t fighter currently avail­ compartment. However, both the compartment and pilot seat are flota­
able only to the New Navy (it is not sold to others for any price, and tion devices, to keep the character(s), especially if wounded or uncon­
none have ever fallen into the hands of outsiders) . The aircraft' s Verti­ scious, safely floating on the surface of the water until help arrives. A
cal Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) capabilities makes it ideal for verti­ distress signal automatically activates four minutes after the pilot has
cal launching from the deck of the USS Ticonderoga, carrier ships, and been ejected. The signal device from the seat transmits for 36 hours,
small spaces unsuitable for conventional aircraft. Since it doesn ' t need while the one in the pilot ' s compartment can transmit nonstop for one
an airstrip to land and take-off, the Sea Hawk can land in small clear­ week - longer if shut off and on at intervals rather than constant trans­
ings, aboard the deck of suitable ships, floating structures, and islands, mission. The radio is also likely to remain intact ( 1 -79% chance) and
or even on the flat rooftops of sturdy buildings. Note: There may be a can also transmit for about a week before the battery goes dead (50
risk of the roof caving in ( 1 -6 1 % chance) unless the building is large, mile/80 km range; directional transmitter and receiver). A small first-aid
built to accommodate helicopters, or a mega-damage structure. The air­ kit, canteen with fresh water, survival knife, and a signal flare gun with
craft can take-off and land on any flat surface more than 40 feet ( 1 2. 2 three flares is stowed under the pilot ' s seat.
m) in diameter, but cannot hover and fl y a t l o w speeds; i t is a jet. Thus, Model Type: S - 1 4 Combat Aircraft or S - 1 6S Stealth Combat Aircraft
it can only hover when the VTOL system has been engaged, and then Class: Fighter Jet
only for the purpose of landing or taking off. Crew: One, with seats for two additional crew members; typically a
The Sea Hawk is equally versatile in combat, with a variety of bombardier and communications engineer, or passengers.
deadly weapons, capable of amazing bursts of speed and excellent mo­ M.D.C. by Location :
bility. It can engage in dogfights, bombing runs, strafe ground troops, Forward Mounted Laser Guns (2; nose) - 40 each
and aerial acrobatics. The Sea Hawk is equipped with energy weapons, Retractable Belly Gun ( 1 ; lower nose section) - 60
mini-missiles and smart bombs. This fighter is similar to the pre-Rifts Wing Mounted Long-Range Missiles (4) - 50 each
jet manufactured by Iron Heart Armaments in North America (see Wing Mounted Mini-Missile Launchers (2) - 60 each
Rifts Mercenaries for more details). The Grey Falcon is an earlier and * * * B omb Bay ( 1 ; hatch) - 60
variant design of an American VTOL jet fighter with an unique modular ** Large Wings (2) - 1 25 each
construction that allows crew members to disassemble the jet in a mat­ ** Small Forward Wings (2) - 90 each
ter of minutes for easy storage and transport; this is not a capability of * Main B ody - 2 1 0
the larger and faster Sea Hawk. Reinforced Pilot' s Compartment - 90
The Sea Hawk has a reinforced pilot ' s compartment and ejection Pilot' s seat ( 1 ) - 2
system to protect the pilot and crew, or passengers (maximum two hu­ * Destroying the main body knocks the aircraft out of the sky
man-sized people). The entire compartment can be jettisoned and safely and turns it into smoldering wreckage.
parachute to the ground or water below. If there is only a pilot, he can ** Destroying one of the small, forward wings reduces speed by

1 2% and piloting skill by - 1 0% on all maneuvers. Destroying both --", ..... ..

small wings reduces speed by 25% and the piloting skill by -25 % .
Destroying one o f the large, main wings (and one o f the VTOL
engines) will send the aircraft into a spin and rocketing to earth.
VTOL is impossible. The jet will crash and the pilot and passengers
will be killed unless they are ejected. The crash causes 2D4x 1 00
M.D. to a 300 foot (9 1 m) radius. Nothing is salvageable from the
* * * The bomb bay is part of the main body and virtually impos­
Power System: Nuclear.
sible to hit even when in a position/angle to hit and even with a
Features of Note: Equipped with ejection seat, parachute and flotation
called shot; - 1 4 to strike. When closed, the lucky shot will hit the
devices (described above), as well as a self-destruct system that can be
hatch (60 M.D.). When open, the lucky shot will hit the bomb
activated by the pilot or automatically engages five minutes after emer­
launcher (60 M.D.) and has a 1 - 1 0% chance of detonating I D4
gency ejection or impact, whichever comes first.
bombs, damaging the launcher and the main body of the jet.
B lack Market Cost: Not available. The Sea Hawk is available only to
Speed :
the New Navy, thus it is a rare aircraft seen only when the USS Ticon­
Driving on the ground: Only possible for conventional take-off and
deroga or one the Fleets of the New Navy are encountered. The jet has
landing, as well as parking/storage; 10 mph ( 1 6 km) .
never been recovered by enemies or mercenaries. Such an aircraft
Flying : The jet propulsion system enables the Sea Hawk to reach a
would sell for 50 to 80 million credits on the open market (add 30 mil­
maximum speed of Mach 3 . 2 (2 1 44 mph/3450 km) and climb to an alti­
lion for the S - 1 6S stealth version).
tude of 63 ,000 feet ( 1 9,200 m). The jet has a minimum glide-speed of
60 mph (96 km); if it goes any slower, it may stall completely and
Weapon Systems
crash, unless engaged in VTOL. Cruising speed tends to be between
250 mph (400 km) and Mach One (675mph/1 080mph). Attack speed 1. Wing Mounted Long-Range Missiles (6) : Three long-range mis-
can range from 250 mph to Mach 2 against ground targets and up to siles are mounted on each wing.
Mach 3.2, maximum speed, against aerial adversaries. Ground attacks Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship and Anti-Aircraft
can involve launching missiles or strafing runs. Secondary Purpose: Surgical Strikes
Range: Nuclear powered, giving it continual energy, but the jet engines Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type; typically cruise missiles, but
begin to overheat after 18 hours of continual use. Occasional rest stops any type of long- or medium-range missiles can be used.
every 4 to 6 hours, giving the engines an hour to cool down, will allow Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two missiles.
the aircraft to travel indefinitely. Effective Range: Varies with missile type.
Statistical Data: Payload: 6 total; three missiles per large wing.
Height: 1 2 feet (3.65 m) with landing pads out, 9 feet (2.7 m) air­ 2. Mini-Missile Launchers (2) : A small, mini-missile launcher is
borne/with landing gear retracted. mounted on each wing, near the fuselage of the plane. This weapon
Width: Wingspan is 45 feet ( 1 3 .7 m) is mostly used against enemy aircraft, missile volleys, and other aer­
Length: 65 feet ( 1 9.8 m) long ial opponents, or on strafing runs against troops and other ground
Weight: 16 tons empty, 20 tons fully loaded. targets.
Cargo: None, other than the seating for two behind the pilot, which can Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Personnel.
be used for storage when not occupied. Secondary Purpose: Defense

Mega-Damage: Varies per mini-missile type.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks per me­
lee. The missiles can be fired one at a time, or in volleys of two or four.
Striker Attack Helicopter
Effective Range: About one mile ( 1 .6 km) .
Payload: 4 8 total; 2 4 mini-missiles i n each launcher. The Striker is an advanced, mUlti-purpose combat helicopter that
3. Concealed Bomb Bay: This is a small, sliding hatch that reveals a was a work-horse in the Navy of the old American Empire. It is used
small bomb launching mechanism in the belly of the aircraft. Either for low altitude reconnaissance, rescue, insertion and extraction of
explosive bombs or depth charges can be "dropped" on targets be­ ground and sea troops, defense and attack. The ' copter is reasonably
low. These are not missiles but small bombs that fall to the ground well armored and has impressive firepower and maneuverability. A
and explode on contact. squadron of four to eight gunships can destroy small to medium ships,
Primary Purpose: Bombardment of ground targets. engage and counter enemy power armor or other helicopters, and en­
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel gage ground forces, stationary targets and giant bots . They are really in­
Mega-Damage: Bomb: 2D4x l O M.D. to a 1 00 foot (30.5 m) radius. effective only against large and heavily armed, medium-sized combat
Depth charge: 2D4x 1 O M.D. to a 1 00 foot (30.5 m) radius and 4D6 ships, such as carriers and destroyers, and heavily fortified, ground in­
M.D. to an additional 30 foot (9 m ) radius beyond that underwater - stallations/forts.
(80 ft/24.4 m) radius if dropped on dry land. As a multi-purpose helicopter for ground and nautical use, the
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in clusters of two or four. Each cluster Striker has a sonar system, pontoon runners to land on water, and a bat­
counts as one melee action. tery of weapons that include lasers, mini-missile launchers and torpedo
Effective Range: About one mile ( 1 .6 km) . launchers (used to hunt submarines, undersea robots and sea serpents).
Payload: 48 total; automatically reloads.
Model Type: IE- 1 5AH (nautical model is designated as IE-ITAH).
4. Forward Mounted Lasers (2) : A laser is mounted on each side of Class: Helicopter Gunship.
the nose. It serves as the last line of defense against enemy planes
Crew: Four: Pilot, co-pilot/gunner, communications technician and a
and missile volleys, although some pilots use it for strafing runs
secondary gunner. Two human-sized passengers can be squeezed in
against ground targets. Although facing forward, the guns can be po­
sitioned up and down 30 degrees.
M.D.C. by Location:
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
* * * Four-Blade Top Rotor - 92 (23 each blade)
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel and Defense.
** Rear Rotor - 75
Mega-Damage: A single blast is 5D6 M.D., or a simultaneous dual blast
Mini-Missile Launchers (2; wings) - 1 00 each
is I D6x 1 O M.D.
Medium-Range Missile Launchers (4, wing and top) - 50 each
Rate of Fire: Equal the pilot ' s number of hand to hand attacks.
Belly Gun ( 1 ) - 65
Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) Nose Lasers (2) - 3 5
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Pontoon Runners ( 2 ) - 9 0 each
5. Retractable Belly Gun (1): This is a small, but powerful laser lo­ * Main B ody - 275
cated in the belly of the aircraft in the nose section. It can rotate 360 Reinforced Pilots ' Compartment - 1 1 0
degrees, so it can fire at pursuing aircraft behind it, and has a 45 de­
* Destroying the main body knocks the helicopter out of the sky
gree arc of fire. This laser is used primarily against close-range tar­ and renders it completely useless.
gets and for strafing ground targets.
** Destroying the rear rotor or one of the main blades will cause
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel and Defense.
the helicopter to fly at half speed, wobble, and is -6 to dodge, -3 to
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
strike, and -50% on all piloting skill/maneuvers. Smart pilots will
Mega-Damage: A single blast does 4D6 M.D.; cannot fire bursts.
land as soon as possible.
Rate of Fire: Equal the pilot ' s number of hand to hand attacks.
* * * Destroying the main, top rotor (all four blades; 92 M.D.C.)
Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) will knock the bird out of the sky ! Roll under piloting skill -40% for
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
a successful crash landing. If successful, the chopper is wrecked, but
6. Combat Systems & Bonuses: The Sea Hawk has all the usual com­ crew and passengers are uninjured and crash damage is half.
munications, radar, targeting and other features common to ad­ A crash will do 4D6x 1 O M.D. to the helicopter and I D6x l O
vanced aircraft.
M.D. to a 5 0 foot ( 1 5 . 2 m) radius from impact, flying debris, etc.
B onuses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to strike with nose guns, +3 to dodge,
Note: The belly gun, nose lasers, winch, sensor clusters, and pon­
+5 % on piloting skill for aerial maneuvers and acrobatics.
toon runners are all small, narrow and difficult to hit. An attacker must
make a called shot, and even then is -4 to strike a hovering helicopter; -
7 against a moving target. The main rotor and weapon systems are -3 to
S- 16S Stealth Fighter Note strike (-5 when moving).

The Stealth version of the Sea Hawk is virtually identical with the Speed:
following modifications: Driving on the ground: Not possible.
Flying: The Striker can hover stationary, VTOL, and travel at a maxi­
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.2 ( 1 474 mph/2372 kmph)
mum flight speed of 300 mph (480 km). Cruising and attack speed vary,
Maximum Ceiling/Altitude: 50,000 feet ( 1 5 ,240 m)
but tend to be between 1 00 and 200 mph ( 1 60 to 329 km) and it has ex­
Stealth System: Invisible to radar and a light blue, matte, color to cellent VTOL capabilities.
blend in with the sky (or water when flying low), which makes visual Altitude: A maximum ceiling (altitude) of 20,000 feet (6096 m).
spotting difficult. Combat height (the height in which air to ground attacks are possible) :
Belly Gun Replaced with Sensor Cluster: Equipped with radio 3000 feet (9 1 4 m).
scrambler and a retractable sensor cluster with a full range of sensors, Range: The nuclear energy source gives the Striker continual power,
tracking capabilities and long-range communication. The sensor cluster but the jets overheat after 10 hours of continual use at speeds above 1 00
can even be used like a satellite, in a limited way, to "bounce" transmis­ mph, or four hours if going above 200 mph (329 km) . Going at 1 00
sions to increase range. mph or below with occasional rest stops will allow the helicopter to
travel for 40 continuous hours. A liquid fuel version is also available,
with a range of approximately 500 miles (800 km).

Statistical Data:
Height: 1 5 feet (4.6 m) 3. Forward Mounted Lasers (2) : A laser is mounted on each side of
Width: Body : 10 feet (3.0 m) wide; wingspan: 17 feet, 2 inches (5.23 the nose. They serve as an additional defense and combat measure
m); main rotors have a diameter of 50 feet ( 1 5 . 2 m). against the enemy. Although facing forward, the guns can be posi­
Length: 5 5 feet ( 1 6.8 m) tioned up and down 30 degrees.
Weight: 10 tons fully loaded Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Cargo: Limited; enough room to add six passengers or equivalent cargo. Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel and Defense.
POwer System: Nuclear or liquid fuel . Mega-Damage: A single blast is 4D6 M.D., or a simultaneous dual blast
Black Market Cost: Not available. Currently only available to the New is I D4x l O+8 M.D.
Navy. If the Striker was sold, it would cost around 30 million credits for Rate of Fire: Equal the pilot ' s number of hand to hand attacks.
nuclear, 2.4 million for liquid fuel, both with full weapon systems. Effective Range: 3000 feet (9 1 0 m)
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Weapon Systems
4. Belly Gun (1): This is a small, combat laser located in the belly of
1. Medium-Range Missile Launchers (4) : These heavier missiles are the helicopter, toward the nose. It can rotate 360 degrees so it can
used against ships, tanks, robots, aircraft and ground targets. They fire at enemies from behind and on the sides. It also has a 1 80 degree
can be launched by the co-pilot/gunner or pilot. Torpedoes can be arc of fire below the helicopter making it ideal for strafing ground or
substituted for missiles. water bound targets.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor and Anti-Ship. Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel and Anti-Boat.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Defense. Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile and Defense.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type; often cruise missiles. Mega-Damage: A single blast is 3D6 M.D., or a double "pulse" blast is
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two or four. 6D6 M.D. (- 1 to strike with the double pulse blast).
Effective Range: About 50 miles (80 km). Rate of Fire: Equal the gunner ' s number of hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 16 total; four per launcher. Effective Range: 3000 feet (9 1 4 m)
2. Mini-Missile Launchers (2) : These are multi-missile launchers lo­ Payload: Effectively unlimited.
cated at the end of the stubby wings (which are primarily weapon 5. Troops: This versatile aircraft can carry six troops in body armor or
mounts) . Each is able to release a volley of 24 missiles ! They can be four power armor units. These troops can be "inserted" into enemy
controlled by the pilot or the co-pilot/gunner. Mini-torpedoes can be territory, giving the helicopter an additional dimension in combat.
substituted for missiles. Furthermore, flying power armor troops can disembark in mid-air to
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor and Anti-Personnel. join aerial or strafing attacks.
Secondary Purpose: Defense 6. Depth Charges: If necessary, depth charges can be stowed in the
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. passenger area and pushed out the hatch by two crew members. 1 0
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of two, three, five, ten or twenty­ charges can be stowed i n this manner, but are - 2 to hit, due t o human
four. error.
Effective Range: About one mile ( 1 .6 km) 7. Features of Note: Doppler radar bounces a signal off the surface of
Payload: 48 total; 24 mini-missiles per launcher. water or land and measures the frequency shift produced by the rela-

tive movement of source and reflection. It can be used to track
storms and to compute the helicopter' s position.
A winch and hook is used to raise and lower people (especially in
rescue operations) or supplies. It can accommodate a maximum
weight of 700 pounds (3 1 5 kg) .
The helicopter also has all the standard sensors and features of
most aircraft, such as radar, long- and short-range communications,

Manta Ray * * Only a small tip protrudes from each of the wing-like sides of
the main body, so they are incredibly difficult targets to hit. Attack­
Multi-Environment Attack Ship ers must make a called shot and are -8 to strike; impossible to strike
if the vessel is travelling near Mach One.
The Manta Ray is a combination fighter plane and mini-submarine
Speed :
that is commonly called an "air-sub." The vessel uses a revolutionary
Driving on the ground: Not possible, but can hover at low heights; as
thruster system that works just as well underwater as in the air. Al­
little as 1 0 feet (3 m) above the ground.
though slower than an equivalent jet fighter (the Manta Ray is barely
Flying: Mach 1 .5 ( 1 005 mph/ 1 6 1 7 kmph) maximum speed. Cruising
able to go supersonic), its ability to jump in and out of water makes it a
speed is typically around 300 mph (482 km).
great companion to a submersible carrier. The weapon systems of the
Surface Water Travel: The vehicle can float or rocket above the waves
Manta Ray enable it to engage enemies on the ground, air, water surface
like a hydrofoil at speeds up to 300 mph (482 km).
and underwater. It can be sent out against submarines with the same
Underwater: 50 knots (92.5 km/58 mph) .
ease as it can attack a ship convoy or an enemy coastline.
Jumping in and out of Water: The ship needs to slow down a great deal
The multi-environmental vehicle is shaped somewhat like its name­
before diving into water (about 250 mph/400 km) .
sake, with a flat, aerodynamic shape, broken only by the slightly pro­
Maximum depth: Two miles (3.2 km)
truding weapon arrays. The vectored thrust system of the "flying sub"
Statistical Data:
not only allows it to travel underwater, but gives the fighter hover and
Height: 7 feet (2. 1 m), or 10 feet (3.0 m) with landing gear out.
vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities. Its ion pulse guns Width: 20 feet (6. 1 m)
have good range and penetration, and it can carry a variety of attack
Length: 20 feet (6. 1 m)
loads, from torpedoes to long-range missiles or even cruise missiles ! Its
Weight: 5 tons.
main disadvantage is its sensor system, which is fairly limited underwa­
Cargo: None.
ter. The best way for it to find a target is to remain in communication Power System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 10 years.
with the mothership/carrier, whose sonar can find targets and direct the
Market Cost: Not for sale. Would cost as much as 90 million credits on
fighters towards them. Communication underwater is achieved through
the black market.
a powerful laser transmitter that has a range of 1 00 miles ( 1 60 km) (but
can be blocked by solid objects like reefs or other ships). Weapon Systems
In the air, the Manta Ray works like any other fighter/bomber, en­ 1 . Ion Pulse Guns (2) : These weapons are built into the wing-like sides
gaging enemy ships, aircraft or land targets directly. Underwater, the of the vehicle and protrude only a couple of inches, making them al­
target is usually located by the submersible carrier and the pilot is then most impossible to hit. The guns work equally well above water as
given vectors and coordinates to guide him to it. Once it closes to underwater.
within a mile, the Manta Ray ' s laser range-finders can detect the enemy Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-ship.
submarine, enabling it to launch torpedoes or engage directly with the Secondary Purpose: Defense
ion guns . This tiny ship has been used with devastating effects against Mega-Damage: I D6x l O M.D. per single burst, or 2D6x l O M.D. per
the Naut'Yll and other submarine equipped forces. double burst (each counts as one melee attack).
Model Type: MEAS Mark I Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks of
Class: Multi-Environment Attack Ship the pilot.
Crew: One pilot. Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
M.D.C. by Location: Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Missile/Torpedo Pod - 1 20 2. Missile Pods: Depending on the mission, a variety of missile pods
Pilot' s Compartment - 1 00 can be carried. They include short-range missiles for anti-aircraft
** Ion Pulse Guns (2) - 30 each missions; medium- and long-range missiles for anti-ship or anti-ve­
* Main B ody - 250 hicle missions; torpedoes for anti-submarine warfare; or cruise mis­
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the ship, ren­ siles for anti-vessel missions.
dering it useless. The pilot can eject the whole pilot ' s compartment Primary Purpose: Varies
(if underwater, the compartment will slowly float to the surface to Secondary Purpose: Varies
avoid explosive decompression). Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.

Rate of Fire: Can typically fire one at a time, a volley of two or the en­ 4. Laser Communication and Targeting System: The Manta Ray car­
tire payload. ries a powerful laser transmitter used for instant (and amazingly
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile type. clear sounding) directional communication with ships and aircraft at
Payload: Can carry up to 16 short-range missiles, 8 medium-range mis­ sea. 50 mile (80 km) range, but can be blocked by solid obstacles. In
siles, 6 long-range, or one cruise missile, or equivalent in torpedoes, or an emergency, the laser can be used as a weapon, inflicting 206
any combination thereof (like 8 short-range and 3 long-range missiles, M.D., with a range of 2000 ft (6 1 0 m).
for example). With its targeting and distancing system, it offers a bonus of +2
3. Stealth System: The Manta Ray is made of radar-absorbent materi­ to strike with either of its weapon systems, + 1 on initiative, and +2
als, making it hard to detect in the air (- 1 5 % to sensor rolls). Under­ to dodge. No bonuses are available against underwater targets more
water it is very silent and sonar-absorbent (- 1 5 % to sonar sensor than 1 000 feet (305 m) away; too much diffusion by the water.

Trident Submersible Carrier

The Trident is a "small" submersible carrier that can b e manufac­ Torpedo Tubes (6; 4 in front, 2 in rear) - 1 00 each
tured by the mini-factories at Salvation B ase. Twenty-six of these ships, Long-Range Missile Launchers (4) - 1 50 each
each the size of a cruiser, have been produced. Twenty-one are evenly Cruise Missile Launchers (4) - 200 each
divided among the Second, Third and Fourth Heets. The other five are Depth Charge Launchers (2; rear) - 90 each
involved in independent exploration missions. * Bridge - 800
Unlike the Ticonderoga, the Trident class submersible carrier does ** Forward 1 /3 of the Ship/Launch Section - 1 ,000
not have a flight deck. Instead, it "fires" Manta Ray air-subs from spe­ * * * Main B ody (Rear 2/3 of the ship) - 1 ,500
cial launch tubes. Up to four Manta Rays can be launched in a minute * Destroying the bridge means the ship must now be operated
(one every 15 seconds). The ship uses scaled-down versions of all the from the engine room, but at -20% to piloting rolls and all weapon
weapons found on the Ticonderoga, including ion-pulse cannons, lasers, systems are disabled until a technician can jury-rig a set of controls
torpedoes and missile launchers. Each Trident carries a complement of (takes 1 06 hours; half that time if a successful weapons engineer
1 2 Manta Rays and 40 Marines in power armor. The ship can operate skill roll is made at -20%).
independently, or in battle groups of four or more vessels. * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the forward 1 /3 of the ship means
Note to the GM: A Trident Carrier could make a good centerpiece the hangar section is flooded and useless. Manta Rays can no longer
for a military campaign. The player characters could be officers or pi­ be deployed, nor can they return to the ship, until it is repaired.
lots aboard the carrier, encountering all kinds of danger in independent * * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the ship ' s
exploration missions or military ventures. structural integrity, causing i t t o sink. I f the vessel sinks below two
and a half miles (4 km) , the pressure will crush it, killing everyone
Model Type: EPC Mark I
inside - no survivors !
Class: Light Submersible Carrier
Crew: 24, including officers. Speed :
Troop Capacity : 60 total; 20 Manta Ray pilots and 40 Marines. Driving on the ground: Not possible.
M.D.C. by Location: Hying: Not possible.
Ion Pulse Cannons (2, forward 1 /3 of the ship) - 400 each water Surface: 60 knots ( 1 1 1 .3 krn/69 .6 mph)
Laser Cannons (2) - 200 each Underwater: 40 knots (73.6 km/46 mph)

Range: Can stay submerged for 24 months before needing to resurface; 6. Depth Charge Launchers (2) : This explosive device is used against
the power systems can release oxygen from water. vessels and monsters somewhere below the submarine.
Maximum Depth: 2.5 miles (4 km) Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Statistical Data: Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster
Height: 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) Mega-Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. - explosive canisters.
Width: 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of two. One or a pair can be
Length: 380 ft ( 1 1 5 .8 m) launched three times per melee round.
Weight: 8,200 tons Effective Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) depth.
Cargo: Can carry 60 tons of additional cargo. Payload: 80 total; 40 per launcher.
Power System : Nuclear; average energy life of 20 years. 7. Sensor Systems of Note:
Market Cost: Not for sale; many nations and organizations would pay I . Enhanced Radar: Can identify and simultaneously track up to 96
hundreds of millions for a new, undamaged craft. different targets. Range: 500 miles (800 km) .
2. Sonar: Can detect underwater targets. Range: 5 0 0 miles.
Weapon Systems 3. Sound Pulse System: Usde to detect obstacles, objects, vessels
1. Ion Pulse Cannons (2) : These beam weapons can be used against and fIsh (schools and large animals), as well as measure distances
underwater targets or fIred at surface vessels. They are also very and depth.
useful in detonating incoming torpedoes before they strike. 4. Long-Range Communications: Standard
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship 5. Independent weapon targeting systems.
Secondary Purpose: Defense 6. Life support monitoring systems.
Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D. per blast. The cannons cannot engage the 7. As well as a scores of underwater sea sleds, diving equipment,
same target simultaneously. wet suits, life rafts, sick bay, a brig (prison area), sonar, radar, long­
Rate of Fire: Two shots each per melee round. range communications, a full sensor array, life support, and similar sys­
Maximum Effective Range: Two miles (3.2 km) tems common to the USS Ticonderoga and most sea vessels.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Laser Cannons (2) : These lighter pieces are on the top of the subma­
rine and can be used both for anti-ship and, while on the surface,
anti -aircraft purposes.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-aircraft.
The Ticonderoga
Secondary Purpose: Defense Submersible Carrier
Mega-Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Four shots each per melee round.
The USS Ticonderoga was the most advanced warship on Earth,
Maximum Effective Range: 2 miles (3.2 km)
prior to the appearance of the Rifts. It used the most advanced, state of
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
the art technology of the time, including cutting-edge systems that most
3. Torpedo Tubes (6) : These tubes can fire a variety of torpedoes, from
nations didn' t even suspect existed. The "super" submersible aircraft
heavy ship-killers inflicting I D4x l O0 M.D. to "light" explosives do­
carrier could function as a combat submarine with cruise missiles and
ing I D6x l O M.D.
other weapons, a super-aircraft carrier with twice the aircraft capacity of
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
any previously known carrier (capable of fIrst strike or support opera­
Secondary Purpose: Defense
tions), amphibious assault transport with a full division of Marines
Mega-Damage: Ranges from I D4x l oo M.D. (super-heavy torpedoes)
aboard (armed with power armor, aircraft and amphibious tanks) , or as
to I D6x l O M.D. (light torpedoes).
a spy ship with cloaking and stealth systems to conceal its presence.
Rate of Fire: Up to four torpedoes can be fIred per melee round.
Maximum Effective Range: One mile (light) to 20 miles (super-heavy; The Ticonderoga was built after the Guada Marta incident (see Rifts
1 .6 to 32 km). Vlt. Ed., page 1 1 ). With the specter of war hovering over everyone ' s
Payload: 1 32 total : 12 super-heavy torpedoes, 20 heavy, 40 medium and heads, the idea o f having a self-contained attack force that could hide
60 light torpedoes. underwater and appear anywhere in the world to launch an air, sea,
4. Long-Range Missile Launchers (4) : These launchers are used to en­ and/or land assault sounded very good to American military leaders.
gage enemy aircraft or missiles as well as against surface ships or Funding was quickly approved, and the Ticonderoga class of submers­
land targets. All missile launchers can only be used on the surface, ible carrier was born. If the Great Cataclysm hadn 't erupted three years
or from up to 30 feet (9. 1 m) below the water ' s surface. after the ship' s maiden launch, four sister ships would have joined the
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-aircraft. USS Ticonderoga and might have been deterrent enough to put a stop to
Secondary Purpose: Defense the war. As fate would have it, the Ticonderoga's sister ships were
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. never completed and were lost in the upheaval that would reshape the
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 4 or 8 per launcher (32 to­ planet.
The huge multi-purpose vessel is twice as long as the largest surface
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile type.
carriers and is the largest submersible vessel ever created by pre-Rifts
Payload: 1 28 total: 32 per launcher. An additional 1 28 missiles are in
humans. It has a flat top deck used as a launching and landing pad for
its fleet of Manta Ray air-subs and other aircraft. The air-subs and
5. Cruise Missile Launchers (4) : Each launcher has one cruise missile
power armor troops can be launched underwater, but the submersible
that can engage targets as far as 1 ,000 miles ( 1 ,600 km) away. These
carrier must surface to launch conventional aircraft. The Manta Ray
ship killers have 50 M.D.C. and are smart bombs (+5 to strike).
Air-Subs are brought to the top deck via elevators and can take off in
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
waves of 20 at a time. As many as 60 power armor troops can also be
Secondary Purpose: Anti-city
Mega-Damage: 2D6x l O0 M.D. to the target and 2D6x l O M.D. to an
area of 1 00 feet (30.5 m) around it! In addition to the aircraft, tank and troop complements, the USS Ti­
Rate of Fire: One per launcher, for a maximum volley of four. conderoga has several weapon systems, including two powerful pulse
Maximum Effective Range: 1 000 miles ( 1 600 km) ! cannons, several torpedo tubes, depth charges, laser turrets for air de­
Payload: 8 total; two per launcher. Does not carry any extras. fense, and two missile systems.

The giant vessel is more than just a weapon, in many ways it is a M.D.C. by Location:
floating city with a population of 1 1 ,520 - two full Divisions ! To pre­ Laser CIWS Turrets (6) - 1 50 each
vent the crew and troops from going stir-crazy, a number of entertain­ Torpedo Tubes (6; 4 in front, 2 in back) - 800 each
ment systems, including three movie theaters, a ballroom/dance club, Ion Pulse Cannons (2, nose) - 500 each
and over a hundred game rooms and lounges are available at all times Cruise Missile Turrets (8) - 600 each
(except under combat alert) for the benefit of off-duty sailors and ma­ Counter-Missile Batteries (4) - 400 each
rines. On clear days, football or basketball games are conducted on the Depth Charge Launchers (4) - 50 each
flight deck; there are several Marine and Navy teams which play against Hull per 40 ft ( 1 2.2 m) area - 80
each other, and there is a TV station to cover the games live ! When not Flight Deck -8,000
on a combat mission, life can be pleasant and interesting aboard the * Bridge - 1 ,800
ship. ** Main Sensors and Communication Tower - 480
The post-Rifts crews and commanders have kept the mighty ship in * * * Secondary Sensor/Comm Arrays (3) - 2 1 0 each
tip-top condition. Even at the ripe old of 300+ years old, the USS Ti­ * * * * Main Body - 20,000
conderoga is in perfect fighting condition and is one of the most power­ * Destroying the bridge means the ship can be operated from the
ful ships on Earth ! The super-sub ' s commander for over 200 years has Main Sensors and Communication Tower without penalty or from
been the legendary Sea Titan, Captain Nemo-2. Under his leadership, the engine room at -20% to piloting rolls and all weapon systems are
the USS Ticonderoga has become the centerpiece of a powerful and disabled until a technician can jury-rig a set of controls (takes I D6
growing independent Navy. The soldiers and families of this "New hours; half that time if a successful weapons engineer skill roll is
Navy" consider themselves to be displaced Americans who fight not made at -20%).
only for survival, but to help and protect other humans from inhuman * * Destroying the Main Sensors and Communication Tower: see
invaders and tyrants. The vessel and three of the New Navy ' s four the description under number 9, System Notes, for complete details.
Fleets, are constantly on the move, quietly patrolling the oceans and *** Destroying the secondary bridge means the ships operations
seas. must be jury-rigged to the engine as describe above in *Destroying
the Bridge. Also see the description under number 9, below.
Most expeditions involve at least one or more skirmishes with many
* * * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the ship ' s
of the enemies of humankind. The Fleets also engage in ongoing battles
structural integrity, causing i t t o sink. I f the vessel sinks below two
with the forces of the Lord of the Deep, Naut' Yll, Gene-Splicers, and
and a half miles (4 km), the pressure will crush it, killing everyone
other alien threats of all kinds. Typical missions include storming pirate
inside - no survivors !
or monster havens on islands or coastal fortresses, finding and destroy­
Speed :
ing giant sea monsters, protecting a convoy of merchant vessels while
Driving on the ground: Not possible.
traveling on dangerous waters, defense of human strongholds (often
Flying : Not possible.
covertly, unless an ally such as Tritonia), punitive raids against
Water Surface: 50 knots (92.5 km/5 8 mph)
Naut' Yll settlements, gene-splicers, and other alien invaders, battling
Underwater: 30 knots (54 km/34.5 mph)
sea monsters and mutations, and even stopping a war (or choosing a
Statistical Data:
side in a war) between two human coastal kingdoms. This is in addition
Height: 200 feet (61 m)
to exploring the oceans, investigating alien ships and settlements (under
Width: 400 feet ( 1 22 m)
the seas and along coasts, including Atlantis and Lemuria), investigat­
Length: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
ing human kingdoms (usually in secret) , observing activities of others
Weight: 200,000 tons fully loaded.
in the ocean (human and D-bee), rescuing the shipwrecked or dimen­
Cargo: In addition to two battalions of armor and mechanized infantry,
sionally stranded, assisting disabled vessels (sometimes will even help
a brigade of regular infantry, and its aircraft squadron and ammo and
D-bees, especially saving them from sea monsters), and so on.
equipment, the Ticonderoga can carry an additional 1 8,000 tons of ex­
Model Type: CVN-87 traneous cargo. Crew members and passengers have a locker (4x4x4
Class: Submersible Air-Sea-Land Carrier feet/l .2 m) for personal effects.
Crew: 3 ,200 total ( 1 0,520 with troops) . Power System: Nuclear; average energy life 25 years (engine has been
Troop Capacity: 7 ,320 total. Can accommodate another 2000 people replaced no less than 1 0 times)
comfortably, more than that causes cramped and stressful conditions. Market Cost: Atlantis, the Coalition States or Triax would pay billions
One armored battalion: 360 amphibious tanks, 1 60 Semper Fi to anyone who captured this ship relatively intact.
APA- 1 5 power armor units (with jet packs), 40 Manta Ray air-subs,
Weapon Systems
and 640 troops, crew and support personnel.
1. Ion Pulse Cannons (2) : These heavy ion cannons can fire underwa­
Two Mechanized Infantry Battalions: 1 60 Merovingian amphibi­
ter against ships or enemy torpedoes, or can also engage surface ves­
ous tanks, 200 Iwo-Jima troop transports, and 1 920 troops.
sels and even ground targets.
Two Marine Infantry Brigades : 3840 troops, includes six compa­
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
nies of Semper Fi APA- 1 5 (960 power armor; 1 60 per company),
Secondary Purpose: Defense
one Glitter Boy platoon (40 GB ' s) , 20 Manta Rays, 40 transport ve­
Mega-Damage: I D4x 1 00 M.D. per blast, or 2D4x l 00 if both cannons
hicles and 50 small patrol/transport boats.
engage the same target simultaneously.
Four Air Wings : 60 Manta Ray air-subs, and 60 Sea Hawk
Rate of Fire: 2 shots per cannon.
VTOL combat jets, 10 S- 1 6S Stealth jets, 30 Striker attack helicop­
Maximum Effective Range: 4 miles (6.4 km)
ters, and 10 large transport helicopters (can hold 40 troops). 640
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
troops, pilots and support personnel are assigned to this mobile air
2. Laser CIWS Turrets (6) : These Close-In Weapon Systems fire
force. Note that the Ticonderoga is also designed to be able to ac­
rapid-pulse lasers against missiles or low-flying aircraft. The weap­
commodate conventional fighter aircraft, like the old F- 1 4 ' s .
ons are automated and track missiles with radar sensors (+3 to strike
Medical Company: 280 troops; 80 doctors plus medical support
missiles, +2 to strike aircraft).
Primary Purpose: Anti-missile.
Note: There are also two comparatively small submarines that
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft.
usually escort the USS Ticonderoga and can actually attach and de­
Mega-Damage: I D4x 1 O M.D.
tach from the super-ship. See the subs descriptions that follow.
Rate of Fire: Each turret has 6 attacks per melee round.

Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) 9. Systems Note:
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Targeting computer network & Bonuses: Calculates, stores and
3. Torpedo Tubes (6) : These tubes can fIre a variety of torpedo, from transmits data to all on board weapon systems, combat stations and
heavy ship-killers inflicting I D4x l 00 M.D. to "light" explosives do­ communications/sensor towers. Operators of all ship weapon systems
ing I D6x l O M.D. are + 1 to strike and + 1 on initiative! Tied to laser, radar and sonar sen­
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship. sor systems.
Secondary Purpose: Defense. Tactical Combat Network: Part of the communications and sensor
Mega-Damage: Ranges from I D4x 1 00 M.D. (super-heavy torpedoes) network, whose job is to coordinate and distribute combat and sensory
to I D6x l O M.D. (light torpedoes). data, strategies, tactics and communications to away-teams and combat
Rate of Fire: Up to 6 torpedoes can be fired per melee. troops in the fIeld (armored troops, power armor, subs and ships).
Maximum Effective Range: 1 to 20 miles ( 1 .6 to 32 km).
Long-range sonar (80 rniles/ l 28 km) that can simultaneously track
Payload: 1 00 torpedoes of each type.
200 separate targets and identify 9,000 different targets including un­
4. Cruise Missile Turrets (8) : Each launcher has four cruise missiles
derwater structures/bases, sea vessels, aquatic animals, monsters and
that can engage targets as far as 1 ,000 miles ( 1 ,600 km) away. These
mutants. Both long and short-range sonar also functions as a means of
ship killers have 50 M.D.C. and are smart bombs (+5 to strike) .
motion detection.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship.
Short-range sonar ( 1 0 miles/ 1 6 km) that can track 60 specifIc tar­
Secondary Purpose: Anti-city. gets and identify 2000 different vessels and key monsters.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x 1 00 M.D. to the target and 2D6x l O M.D. to an
Echo-location sound system: (4 mile/6.4 km range/depth with a
area of 1 00 feet (30.5 m) around it!
narrow echo scanning fIeld of about 1 00 feet/30.5 m radius) used to aid
Rate of Fire: One per launcher, for a maximum volley of four per melee
in navigation, accurately gauge depth, and locate and identify underwa­
ter terrain and formations, underwater vessels, robots, armor, wreckage,
Maximum Effective Range: 1 000 miles ( 1 600 km)
structures and sea animals.
Payload: 32 total; 4 per launcher. Carries an additional 64 missiles in
the cargo hold. Thermo-Imager: Range is 2000 feet (6 1 0 m). An optical heat sen­
S. Counter-Missile Batteries (4) : These missile turrets fIre volleys of
sor that allows the infrared radiation of warm objects and beings to be
medium-range missiles. They are designed to engage and destroy in­ converted into visible light. The operator can see in complete darkness,
coming missile attacks, but are also useful against aircraft, flying shadows, and through smoke.
monsters and ground and surface targets. Telescopic System : Range is one mile ( 1 .6 km); I -SOx magnifIca­
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile tion with a 50 to 1 00 foot ( 1 5 to 30.5 m) field of vision. A telescopic
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft. optical system that is linked to view screens, has a nightvison/passive
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type (medium-range missiles). light amplification system and is usually tied (80%) to a video recording
Rate of Fire: Each turret can fire a volley of as many as 8 missiles per system for making permanent records and later study and analysis.
volley (up to 32 missiles per turret per round, for a total of 1 28 missiles Most are located near the 24 spotlights.
in one round! ) . External audio pickUp: Range is 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater,
Maximum Effective Range: Varies. 300 feet (9 1 m) when surfaced. A sound amplifIcation system that can
Payload: 64 per launcher (256 total). An additional 5 1 2 missiles are pickup and listen to sounds outside and around the vessel.
stored in the cargo hold. Long-range radar: Range is 1 00 miles ( 1 60 km). Radar can track
6. Depth Charge Launchers (4) : Two launchers are located in the up to 200 aerial targets simultaneously and can identify 8 ,000 different
front and two in the back of the giant ship. These explosive devices targets including aircraft (pre and post-Rifts), spaceships, dragons, and
are used against vessels and monsters somewhere below the subma­ flying creatures.
rine. Short-range radar: Range is 30 miles (48 km) and can track 1 00
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship specific targets simultaneously and identify 2400 different aircraft and
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster key flying monsters.
Mega-Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. - explosive canisters.
Long-range communications: Range is 500 miles/804.5 km; wide
Rate of Fire: One or a pair can be launched three times per melee round.
band and directional, plus coordinated multi-com system.
Effective Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) depth.
Payload: 20 per launcher are available at a moment' s notice. An addi­ Short-range communications: Range is 50 miles (80 km) ; wide
tional 400 charges are stowed inside the ship. band and directional, plus coordinated multi-com system.

7. Stealth System: The Ticonderoga has a revolutionary anti-sonar sys­ Communications and Sensor Tower: A complex communications
network of radios, sensors, and computers that receives, collates, inter­
tem that made it nearly impossible to detect. While traveling under­
prets and distributes/sends sensor, communications, targeting and com­
water at no more than 20 knots (37 km/23 mph), the ship can create
bat data to the appropriate offIcers, ships, fIghters, and navigation and
an energy field designed to capture sonar signals and send back a
combat stations as quickly as possible; in many cases instantaneously to
false reading. The system is programmed to simulate several noises,
a hundred or more different recipients. Part of the job of the communi­
from a pod of whales to empty water (no reading) . A great sonar op­
cations network is to handles long-range, short-range, person to person,
erator has a small chance (20%) of noticing that the readings are a
internal ship communications and coordinated communications and
bit too regular (30% if he is aware of this stealth system; nobody on
combat, as well as information recording, storage and retrieval.
Rifts Earth is). With the system on, the Ticonderoga is virtually un­
detectable underwater at ranges of 1 mile ( 1 .6 km) or less. Without If the main communications and sensor tower is destroyed all opera­
the stealth system, however, the ship can be detected by anybody tions are less effective, delays and errors are more likely, and some
with sonar (a ship that big makes a lot of noise ! ) . long-range systems may be lost. There is also a 1 -50% chance that there
will be a I D4 melee round ( 1 5 to 60 second) period when all but inter­
8 . Vehicles: Don ' t forget that the U S S Ticonderoga carries a comple­
nal communication systems are down and the secondary tower takes
ment of Manta Ray attack ships, tanks, troop transports, jet fighters,
helicopters, power armor (see troop capacity listing described earlier
in the stat block), 50 small boats, and the two detachable submarines If the secondary tower is destroyed ALL long range systems, the tac­
(and their 1 00 man crews). tical combat network and targeting computer (and bonuses) are lost.
Only short range systems are working. Field troops and operatives more

than 50 miles (80 ian) way will loose communication with the main
ship. 2D4x l O % of stored files/information will be lost and communica­ * Knocking out the tail section immobilizes the engines and pro­
tions and data transmissions will be delayed 2D6 melee rounds (com­ peller. The submarine must surface or sink. It must be towed to get
puter response and data retrieval is slow), sound quality of extensive repairs or it will simply float aimlessly with the ocean cur­
communications may be poor or fade in and out, and errors are likely rent.
even for those within a 50 mile (80 km) radius. ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the subma­
Plus 1 200 underwater sea sleds, diving equipment, wet suits, life rine to sink. At depths greater than 2000 feet (6 1 0 m), the damaged
rafts, sick bay/hospital with an advanced medical facilities, quarantine hull of the submarine will rupture and fill with water; no water seals
area, marine biology laboratory, recreation and VR areas, combat simu­ will hold.
lation rooms (for combat simulations to keep combat skills sharp), a Speed:
brig (prison area), complete environmental system, emergency power Driving on the ground: Not possible.
and life support, emergency lighting, external spot lights/searchlights Flying: Not possible.
(24 scattered around the entire ship; each with 1 M.D.C.; 600 ft/1 83 m water Surface: 25 knots (29 mph/47 kmph)
range), sectioned with water and airtight sealable compartments, and Underwater: 45 knots (52 mph/84 kmph)
has two weapon and armor/power armor and three small vehicle repair Statistical Data:
stations (the latter is usually near vehicle hangers) . Height: 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m)
Width: 30 feet (9. 1 m)
Length: 360 feet ( 1 09.7 m)
Weight: 4,500 tons
USS Stingray & Seadragon Cargo: Minimal ; can carry up to 1 5 0 tons of additional cargo.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life 20 years.
Attack Submarines
Weapon Systems
These two ships are fleet submarines and are part o f the U S S Ticon­
1. Ion Pulse Cannon (1): This heavy ion cannon can fire underwater
against ships or enemy torpedoes, or, when on the surface, can en­
deroga' s armaments. The pair of submarines can actually attach to the
gage surface vessels and even ground targets.
sides of and be carried (pulled) by the much larger Ticonderoga. This
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
unique tactic prevents the submarines from being detected via sonar and
Secondary Purpose: Defense
other sensor systems - only the large submersible carrier is detected.
Mega-Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. per blast.
When under attack, the two full-sized submarines, the USS Stingray
Rate of Fire: 2 shots per melee round.
and USS Seadragon, are released, suddenly giving an attacker three en­
Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km)
emy submarines where their was only one moments ago (in addition to
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
a multitude of the Manta Ray air-subs) . The Stingray and Seadragon are
representative of the many submarines in the New Navy ' s Four Fleets.
2. Heavy Torpedo/Missile Launch Tubes (2) : A pair of torpedo tubes
are built into the front of the main body. Each can fire heavy or me­
This class of submarine has a typical complement of 1 00 sailors, of
dium torpedoes. The "tube" openings are small and difficult targets
which an optimum crew of 28 is needed to pilot the ship at maximum
to hit, thus attackers must make a called strike to hit, and even then
efficiency, but as few as 1 2 can pilot the vessel in an emergency (-20%
are -4 to strike. Depleting the M.D.C. of a torpedo tube means torpe­
on piloting skill and -2 on initiative). A platoon (40 marines) of Semper
does cannot be launched from that tube.
Fi power armor troops is included among the 1 00 crew members. They
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship, anti-armor.
serve as both crew and combat force. As soldiers, they can be released
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
through several watertight hatches throughout the vessel to engage the
Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D.
enemy, conduct reconnaissance or assist in rescue operations.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4.
The USS Ticonderoga deploys the smaller submarines as escorts, Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 ian) underwater.
advanced scouts and as strategic forces for coordinated defense and Payload: Internal magazine has a total of 40 torpedoes. Torpedoes can
combat, seek and destroy missions, rescue, exploration, reconnaissance, be routed to whichever launch tube is desired.
and transport of troops and supplies. 3. Mini-torpedo Launch Tubes (6) : Four mini-torpedo launch tubes
This class of submarine resembles the submersibles used by the old are built into the forward section and two in the rear.
American Empire in the late 20th and 2 1 st Centuries. The New Navy Primary Purpose: Anti-ship, anti-armor.
only has this class of medium-sized submarine at its disposal, other than Secondary Purpose: Defense.
the smaller air-sub and the USS Ticonderoga itself. Mega-Damage: I D6x l O M.D. (HE or Plasma) .
Model Type: FS-350 series Fleet Submarine Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2 or 4.
Class: Attack Submarine Maximum Effective Range: Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) .
Crew: 1 00 (60 crew, 40 marines/crew); a minimum of 1 2 crew mem­ Payload: 360 total; 60 mini-torpedoes per launch tube !
bers are needed to pilot the sub at a basic level. As many as 20 addi­ 4. MRS-AML Multi-Rocket Surface to Air Missile Launcher (1):
tional people can be accommodated in an emergency, but this makes for Nickname: Missus Amelee. This is a retractable launcher that pops
very cramped and uncomfortable quarters. out from the deck of the submarine to fire at aerial and/or land tar­
gets. It can only be used when the sub has broken the surface of the
M.D.C. by Location :
water. The multi-weapon can fire four medium range-missiles
Ion Pulse Cannon ( 1 ; nose) - 1 00
and/or 24 mini-missiles.
Torpedo Tubes (2; forward section) - 1 00 each
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Mini-Torpedo Tubes (6) - 60 each
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Retractable Missile Launcher ( 1 ; deck) - 1 20
Mega-Damage: 3D6x l O M.D. for medium-range missiles, or can fire
Deck Laser ( 1 ) - 90
cruise missiles. I D6x l O M.D. for mini-missiles.
Blue-Green Lasers (6) - 50 each
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of two or four.
* Tail Section ( 1 ) - 1 ,250
Maximum Effective Range: 50 miles (80 km) for medium-range mis­
* * Main Body - 3,200
siles, and one mile ( 1 .6 ian) for mini-missiles.

Payload: Four medium-range missiles and 24 mini-missiles. The fire at aerial and surface targets. The turret can rotate 360 degrees
launcher can be reloaded once with an additional four large missiles and and has a 1 80 degree arc of fire.
24 mini-missiles, but takes one full minute. Primary Purpose: Defense.
S. Blue-Green Lasers (6) : These secondary guns are used to attack en­ Secondary Purpose: Assault.
emy targets and torpedoes. Each can rotate 1 80 degrees and has a 90 Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. per single blast, I D6x l O M.D. per double
degree arc of fire. There are four in the forward section and two in blast. Simultaneous, double blasts count as one melee action.
the tail section. Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Primary Purpose: Defense. Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) when surfaced, 1 200
Secondary Purpose: Assault. feet (366 m) underwater.
Mega-Damage: 1 D4x l O M.D. per blast. Simultaneous blasts are not Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner 7 . Note: Don ' t forget that the submarines of the New Navy typically
(typically one gunner per laser). have 40 Semper Fi power armor on board, as well as a dozen under­
Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) water sea sleds, diving equipment, wet suits, life rafts, sick bay, a
Payload: Effectively unlimited. brig (prison area), sonar, radar, long-range communications, a full
6. Double-Barrelled Deck Laser (1): This weapon turret can be sensor array, life support, and similar systems common to the USS
manned or operated by remote control from inside the submarine to Ticonderoga and most sea vessels.

Human Info & Equipment

Salvage Expert O.C.C.
All salvage experts are trained in identifying, locating, and retrieving slavery (the Splugorth, Naut' Yll, Horune, and many pirates are always
artifacts, treasures, parts and scrap metal from the sea. If a sunken ves­ looking for slaves, especially if they are cheap). These brigands even
sel isn ' t too badly damaged, the character may be able to raise it to the measure the worth of human life by its salvage value.
surface and possibly repair it (or have repairs done) to make it sail Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 9 or higher, a high P.P. and P.S. are
again. Of course such a feat takes the proper equipment, crew and handy but not mandatory.
weeks of work; then repairs and restoration can take several weeks Alignment: Any
more. Racial Restrictions: None; but typically humanoid and predominately
In most cases, the salvage expert retrieves and sells the ship, metal surface dwellers.
and articles as soon as possible, in "as is" condition, and typically gets O.C.C. Skills:
1 0-20% of its original value. Scrap metal gets 1 D6% of its original B asic Math (+20%)
value. Restoration is typically reserved for items the character intends to Swim (+ 1 5 %)
keep, or that appear to have value and will be worth even more when re­ S.C.U.B.A. (+ 1 0% )
paired, cleaned or restored. Ocean Geographic Surveying (+5 %)
Salvage experts can also be hired or utilized for underwater excava­ Pilot: Advanced Deep Sea Diving (+ 1 0%)
tion, mining, demolitions, rescue, recovery of bodies from wrecks and Pilot: Submersibles (+ 1 0% )
disasters, exploration and mechanical repairs. In many ways, they are Underwater Navigation (+ 1 5 %)
the ocean version of the operator (in fact, operators are often key mem­ Underwater Demolitions (+ 1 6% )
bers of their crew or salvage team, especially if mechanical repairs are Underwater Salvage (+20%)
required). Underwater Survival (+ 1 0%)
The salvage expert can be a likeable rogue who pulls sunken treas­ Two languages of choice (+20%)
ure from the sea, a privateer/mercenary for hire, adventurer, pirate, or a Literacy in one language of choice (+20%)
foul-hearted villain who takes what he wants and crushes anybody who W.P. Torpedo
gets in his way, including the opposition and any innocent aquatic life W.P. of Choice ( 1 )
forms. Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to hand: basic can be changed to expert for the cost of one
The seas are vast and virgin territories. The influence of humans, D­
other skill selection, martial arts (or assassin if evil) for the cost of
bees, nations and laws are virtually non-existent. This freedom attracts
explorers, adventurers, colonists and treasure hunters. It also attracts
ruthless and murderous humans and D-bees who believe they can do as O.C.C. Related Skills: Select seven other skills, plus one additional
they please without repercussions. These misanthropes are pirates and skill at levels three, seven, eleven, and fifteen.
salvage teams who plunder the seas ' natural treasures as well as those Communication: Any
of surface and aquatic people. Most have little or no regard for the Domestic : Any
rights or well-being of people. They don 't care if they accidentally dam­ Electrical: Any (+5 %)
age or hurt indigenous life forms, the environment, or villagers. Ruth­ Espionage: None
less scavengers will sabotage, beat-up or kill their competitors or take Mechanical: Any (+ 1 0% )
dangerous chances (usually dangerous for those around them) . The Medical: First Aid only
worst will cripple or sink an ocean vessel or bombard an underwater Military: Any
community and then salvage whatever they can. Survivors are either Physical: Any, except acrobatics and wrestling.
abandoned to fend for themselves, slain, or taken captive and sold into Pilot: Any, except tank and spacecraft.

Pilot Related: Any (+ 1 0% ) Technical: Any (+ 1 0%) and turned the Earth into an alien wilderness. This means that with a
Rogue: Any W.P.: Any few exceptions, most human and D-bee coastal communities are low­
Science: Any (+5 %) Wilderness: Any tech and have comparatively simple, S .D.C. structures when it comes to
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select five secondary skills boat building, fishing and ocean technology.
from those listed. These are additional areas of knowledge that do The oceans, seas, North American Great Lakes and many large bod­
not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses. All sec­ ies of water around the world are havens for monsters, mutants, invad­
ondary skills start at the base skill level. ers, magic and strange phenomena. The Splugorth and their minions
Standard Equipment: Weapon of choice, a survival knife, portable come from the ocean (well, Atlantis actually, but they seem to have
tool kit, large tool kit, laser torch, acetylene torch, roll of wire, roll mastered the ocean as well) . The Demon Sea (aka Bermuda Triangle)
of duct tape, pen flashlight, large flashlight, 200 feet ( 6 1 m) of super lies off the coast of old Florida and touches the monster kingdom of At­
lightweight rope ( 1 0 Ibs/4.5 kg; test weight 500 Ibs/230 kg), portable lantis. The Lord of the Deep, naut' yll, talking dolphins, magic singing
language translator, hand-held computer, a couple of sacks, a back­ whales, pirates, slavers, aliens, sea serpents, giant squid, mutants and
pack, canteen, sunglasses, soldering goggles, snorkel gear, air tank, monsters of all kinds seem to come from the oceans and seas. All of this
wet suit and S.C.U.B.A. gear, or environmental armor/deep sea ar­ has prevented humans and other surface dwellers from exploring the
mor suitable for use underwater. A set of clothing for sailing and waterways that cover the planet.
traveling on dry land, swim trunks, and a set of work clothes. Addi­ The typical human community and many D-bee surface dwellers do
tional equipment may be purchased later. NOT have advanced ocean or boat building technology. Even the Coali­
The character starts with one of the following: two- to six-man tion States, Northern Gun and other powers have only recently begun to
submersible, sailboat (large), modest cabin cruiser, or power armor. build boats, ships and submarines. Most coastal communities have ship
Otherwise, he books passage on a boat or rents whatever he needs. building technology roughly equal to 1 7th to early 20th Century Earth
An employer is likely to provide large boats, submersibles, spe­ - mainly S.D.C. and light M.D.C. boats; no submersibles or deep sea
cial equipment and explosives. diving capabilities below 300 feet (9 1 .5 m). Consequently, there is little
Money : A lot of this character' s money goes into equipment and per­ specific deep sea equipment, submarines and vessels available in the
sonal luxuries. Starts with 2D4x l Ooo in credits, 2D4x l oo0 in sal­ Americas and many places in the world.
vaged metals and artifacts.
Cybernetics: None to start. Triax is secretly building a Navy and a powerful fleet with many
submarines and warships, but they are not available for trade or pur­

Human Ocean chase (see the Triax section in this book for details).

Civilizations growing in and around Japan have sea-going vessels

Equipment but they are isolated and unknown to much of the world. Likewise, the
New Navy, Tritonia, and many other ocean communities are isolated
One must remember that most of human civilization on Rifts Earth and wary of kingdoms on the continents. Most benevolent aquatic peo­
is found inland, away from dangerous seas and ocean coasts. This is es­ ple are fearful of surface dwellers, while others are aggressive invaders,
pecially true of North America and much of Europe. Remember too, so communication and trade with any of these people is infrequent and
that the decimation of the Great Cataclysm destroyed most human life regional at best.

The big suppliers of deep sea and ocean vessels, weapons, and Sailing Cutter: Length: 1 80 to 240 feet (54.8 to 73.2 m), Max .
equipment for humans, humanoids, Kittani and other races are the Splu­ Speed: 2 0 mph (32 kmph) sail or 1 0 mph ( 1 6 kmph) for a diesel engine
gorth of Atlantis, their competitor, Naruni Enterprises, pirates, and and sail version, Crew : 1 2 officers and 50 enlisted men and up to 1 50
distant regional ports. Iron Heart Armaments, Inc. (see Rifts Merce­ passengers or soldiers, S . D . C . : 3500 to 4000 wood. Cost: 5-7 million
naries, pages 1 07 to 1 20; several warships!boats are described) is mak­ credits.
ing a big push in the manufacturing and sale of marine vehicles which
has stimulated research, development and manufacturing by competi­ Motorized Vessels
tors and the Coalition States.
Mega-damage Note: The equivalent M.D.C. for each type of vessel
is given in parentheses.

Some Basic Boats Cost Note: Cost is for an average ship of good to very good quality
and includes basic sensors and features and only the weapon systems
listed. Magic M.D.C./construction or special features cost extra. The
Sailing & Rowing Vessels M.D.C. equivalent of the vessel will cost 2x the listed cost.

Mega-Damage Note: M.D.C. versions are possible via mega-dam­ Speedboat: Length: 15 to 25 feet (4.6 to 7.6 m), Speed: 40 to 50
age materials and/or magic. All stats are the same except for their dam­ mph (64 to 80 kmph; 34.4 to 43 knots), Crew/Passengers: 2-6, S.D.C.:
age capacity. To determine M.D.C. simply reduce the S.D.C. number by 250 to 350 (or 1 00 to 1 80 M.D.C.). Cost: 45,000 to 90,000 credits.
half and make it mega-damage. For example an M.D. frigate would
Racing Boat/Hydrofoil: Length: 20 feet (6. 1 m), Max . Speed: 1 40
have 1 7 00 to 2000 M.D.C., a large sailboat 850 to 1 000 M.D.C. and so
mph (224 kmph; 1 20 knots), Crew/Passengers : 1 or 2, S.D.C.: 200 (or
1 00 M.D.C.). Cost: 300,000 to 500,000 credits.
Cost Note: Cost is for an average ship of good to very good quality.
Commercial Hydrofoil: Length: 30 to 40 feet (9. 1 to 1 2.2 m), Max .
It does not include any special weapon systems, sensors, special fea­
Speed: 93 mph ( 1 48 kmph, 80 knots) ! Crew/Passengers: 5 t o 1 2 ,
tures or magic M.D.C./construction or features, all of which cost extra.
S.D.C.: 300 to 600 (or 220 M.D.C.). Cost: 1 00,000 to 1 5 0,000 credits.
Canoe (standard): Length: 1 0 to 1 2 feet (3.0 to 3.65 m), Speed: 1 -4 Cabin Cruiser or Inboard Motorboat: Length: 35 to 40 feet ( 1 0.7
mph ( 1 .6 to 6.4 kmph) paddling, Passengers: 2-4, S.D.C.: 50 wood or to 1 2.2 m), Max . Speed: 25 mph (40 kmph),CfeW/Passengers: 5 to 10,
85 aluminum. Cost: 500 to 1 000 credits. S.D.C.: 450 to 800 (or 200 to 350 M.D.C.). Cost: 40,000 to 1 20,000
Pacific Twin Canoe: Length: 1 8 to 20 feet (5.4 to 6. 1 m), Max . credits.
Speed: 6 mph ( 9 . 6 kmph) team rowing o r 1 t o 6 mph with sail, Passen­ Yacht (large) : Length: 60 to 1 00 feet ( 1 8.3 to 30.5 m), Max. Speed:
gefs7Crew: 6 to 1 0, S.D.C.: 1 50 wood. Cost: 30,000 to 45,000 credits. 30 mph (48 kmph), Crew/Passengers: 1 0 to 20, S.D.C.: 600 to 1 000 (or
Pacific War Canoe: Length: 40 to 60 feet ( 1 2.2 to 1 8 . 3 m), Max . 250 to 400 M.D.C.). Cost: 1 00,000 to 200,000 credits .
Speed: 8 mph ( 1 2.8 kmph) team rowing, Passengers/Crew: 1 0 t o 40, Fishing Boat (small) : Length: 24 to 40 feet (7.3 to 1 2. 2 m), Max .
S.D.C.: 340 wood. --
Cost: 50,000 to 70,000 credits. Speed: 1 2 mph ( 1 9 kmph) motorized, o r 1 -7 mph ( 1 .6 t o 1 1 kmph) with
Rowboat (standard): Length: 8 to 1 2 feet (2.4 to 3 .65 m), Speed: 1 - sail, Crew: 3 to 1 0, S.D.C.: 300 to 400 (or 1 00 to 200 M.D.C.). -- Cost:
2 mph ( 1 .6 to 3 . 2 kmph) paddling or 4 mph (6.4 kmph) with an out­ 25 ,000 to 50,000 credits.
board motor, Passengers/Crew: 2-6, S.D.C.: 1 1 0 wood or 1 50 Fishing Boat/Trawler (large) : Length: 60 to 1 20 feet ( 1 8 .3 to 36.6
aluminum. Cost: 600 to 1 200 credits. m), Max. Speed: 15 mph (24 kmph) motorized, or 1 - 1 0 mph ( 1 .6 to 1 6
Sailboat (small): Length: 16 to 30 feet (4.9 to 9. 1 m), Max. Speed: kmph) sailboat, Crew: 1 5 to 50, S.D.C.: 700 to 900 (or 300 to 400
6 mph (9.6 kmph), P assengers/Crew: two to six sailors and 4 to 8 pas­ M.D.C.). Cost: 1 00,000 to 200,000 credits.
sengers, S.D.C.: 250 wood. Cost: 1 0,000 to 40,000 credits. Tugboat: Length: 1 00 to 1 50 feet (30.5 to 45.7 m), Max. Speed: 1 5
mph (24 kmph; 1 3 knots) , Crew: 1 2 to 30, S.D.C.: 4,000 to 5,000 (or
Sailboat (large) : Length: 60 to 90 feet ( 1 8 .3 to 27.4 m), Max .
2,000 to 3 ,00 M.D.C. for modem mega-damage versions) . Construction
Speed: 1 2 mph ( 1 9.3 kmph), Passengers/Crew: 1 0 t o 20 (four mini­
Cost: 1 to 2 million dollars/credits. Weapon Systems of Note: Typically
mum), S.D.C.: 600 to 900 wood. Cost: 90,000 to 1 50,000 credits.
none, other than weapons in the hands of crew members. Most will
Sailing Corsair: Length: 70 to 90 feet (2 1 .3 to 27.4 m), Max .
have one or two heavy-duty cranes in the rear, a winch and tow line in
Speed: 1 6 mph (25 .7 kmph), Passengers/Crew: 6 t o 8 officers, 2 0 t o 2 6
the front and back, three lifeboats (each holds 14 people), long- and
sailors and 30 t o 4 0 passengers o r soldiers, S.D.C.: 1 800 t o 2200 wood.
short-range radio, and searchlights on the front and back. There may
Cost: 350,000 to 450,000 credits.
also be 1 D4 flying power armor and 2D4 deep sea power armor suits
Sailing Schooner: Length: 1 00 to 1 20 feet (30.5 to 36.5 m), Max. available.
Speed: 1 2 mph ( 1 9.3 kmph), Passengers/Crew: 8 officers, 20 to 40 sail­
Small Freighter: Length: 300 to 320 feet ( 9 1 to 97 m), Speed: 23
ors and 30 to 40 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 2 1 00 to 2600 wood.
to 30 mph (3.6 to 48 kmph; 1 9 to 25.8 knots), Crew: 10 to 1 2 officers,
Cost: 600,000 to 750,00 credits.
80 to 1 00 enlisted men. S . D . C . : 5 ,000 to 6,000 (or 2,500 to 3 ,500
Sailing Brigantine: Length: 1 00 to 1 40 feet (30.5 to 42.6 m), Max . M.D.C. for modem mega-damage versions). Construction Cost: 6 to 1 0
Speed: 20 mph (32 kmph), Passengers/Crew: 1 2 officers, 30 t o 4 0 sail­ million dollars/credits. Weapon Systems of Note: One - medium­
ors and 50 to 70 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 3000 to 3400 wood. range missile launchers ( 1 D4x l 00 M.D., 1 00 mile/80 km range, 60 mis­
Cost: 950,00 to 1 .4 million credits. siles);
Sailing Frigate: Length: 1 50 to 200 feet (45 .7 to 6 1 m), Max. 2-6 - 20 mm guns ( 1 D6x l O S.D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons
Speed: 1 6 mph (25 .7 kmph), Passengers/Crew: 1 2 officers, 40 to 60 ( 1 D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 feet/1 220 m), or mini-missile launchers;
sailors and 1 00 to 1 44 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 3400 to 4000
High-tech M.D.C. frigates may have a pair of torpedo tubes and are
wood. Cost: 2-5 million credits.
likely to have a complement of 5 to 10 flying and/or deep sea power ar­
Sail & Oar War Galley : Length: 1 80 to 200 feet (54.8 to 6 1 m), mor suits.
Max . Speed: 5 mph (8 kmph) with half oars, 10 mph ( 1 6 kmph) all
Large Commercial Freighter: Length: 400 to 500 feet ( 1 22 to 1 5 2
oars/team rowing, or 1 2 mph ( 1 9.3) with sails, Passengers/Crew: 1 20
m), Speed: 2 0 mph ( 3 2 kmph; 1 7 .2 knots), Crew : 1 0 t o 1 2 officers, 1 20
oarsmen, 40 sailors and 80 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 2400 to 3000
to 1 50 enlisted men. S.D.C.: 6,500 to 8 ,000 (or 3 ,500 to 5 ,000 M.D.C.
wood. Cost: 2-3 million credits.
for modem mega-damage versions). Construction Cost: 15 to 20 million

dollars/credits. Weapon Systems of Note:Two - medium-range missile Navy Frigate: Length: 400 to 500 feet ( 1 24 to 1 52 m), Speed: 3 5
launchers ( I D4x l 00 M.D., 1 00 mile/80 km range, 60 missiles); mph (56 kmph; 30 knots), Crew: 1 0 t o 1 2 officers, 1 20 t o 1 50 enlisted
2-6 - 20 mm guns ( I D6x l O S .D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons men. S.D.C.: 7 ,500 to 1 0,000 (or 3 ,500 to 6,000 M.D.C. for modem
( l D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 feet/1 220 m), or mini-missile launchers; mega-damage versions). Construction Cost: 40 to 50 million dol­
lars/credits. Weapon Systems of Note: Two - medium-range missile
High-tech M.D.C. frigates may have a pair of torpedo tubes and are
launchers ( I D4x 1 00 M.D., 1 00 mile/80 km range, 60 missile in each);
likely to have a compliment of 1 0 to 24 flying and deep sea power ar­
mor suits. Two - 40 mm guns (2D6x l O S .D.C.) or medium-range energy can­
Large Oil Tanker: Length: 700 feet (2 1 0 m), Speed: 20 mph (32 nons (2D6x l O M.D.; particle beam or ion cannons, 3000 feet/9 1 4 m
kmph; 1 7. 2 knots), Crew : 12 officers, 60 to 90 enlisted men. S.D.C.: range) ;
8,000 to 1 0,000 (or 4,000 to 6,000 M.D.C. for modem mega-damage 2-4 - 20 mm guns ( l D6x l O S.D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons
versions). Construction Cost: 10 to 16 million dollars/credits. Weapon ( I D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 feet/1 220 m) or mini-missile launchers;
Systems of Note: Varies; for self-defense. Typically one - medium­ High-tech M.D.C. frigates will have a pair of torpedo tubes and are
range missile launcher ( I D4x l 00 M.D., 1 00 mile/80 kmph range, 60 likely to have a complement of 24 to 32 flying and deep sea power ar­
missile in each) ; mor suits and I D4 mini-subs .
2-4 - 20 mm guns ( l D6x l O S.D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons Navy Multi-Purpose Missile Cruiser: Length: 500 to 600 feet
( I D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 feet/l 220 m), or mini-missile launchers; ( 1 52.4 to 1 83 m), Speed: 35 to 42 mph (56 to 67 kmph; 30 to 36
1 2 to 24 flying and deep sea power armor suits and one mini-sub. knots), Crew: 30 to 40 officers, 300 to 400 enlisted men. S.D.C.: 9,000
Commercial Submarine: Length: 200 to 300 feet (61 to 9 1 .5 m), to 1 4,000 (or 5 ,000 to 1 0,000 M.D.C. for modem mega-damagever­
Speed: 1 8 mph (28 kmph; 1 5 . 5 knots) surfaced and 20 mph (32 kmph; sions). Construction Cost: 50 to 75 million dollars/credits. Weapon Sys­
1 7 . 2 knots) dived, Max. Depth: One mile ( 1 .6 km), Crew: 8 to 1 0 offi­ tems of Note: Two long-range cruise missile launchers ( l D6x l 00 M.D.,
cers, 40 to 65 crewmen. S . D . C . : 5 ,000 to 6,000 (or 1 ,500 to 2,200 1 44 missiles in each);
M.D.C. for modem mega-damage versions). Construction Cost: 1 0 to Two - medium-range missile launchers ( I D4x 1 00 M.D., 1 00
15 million dollars/credits. Weapon Systems of Note: None. Of course mile/80 km range, 60 missile in each);
the vessel can be modified at extra cost and power armor may be on Two - Torpedo tubes for firing long and medium-range torpedoes.
board. Two - 40 mm guns (2D6x l O S.D.C.) or medium-range energy can­
Navy Submarine: See the subs described under the New Navy and nons (2D6x l O M.D.; particle beam or ion cannons, 3000 feet/9 1 O m
Triax. range) ;
Coast Guard Cutter: Length: 300 to 320 feet (9 1 to 97 m), Speed: Two - 20 mm guns ( I D6x l O S.D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons or rail
30 to 40 mph (48 to 64 kmph; 25.8 to 34.4 knots), Crew : 10 to 14 offi­ guns ( l D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 feet/1 220 m), or mini-missile launch­
cers, 1 00 to 1 50 enlisted men. S.D.C.: 5 ,000 to 6,000 (or 1 ,500 to 2,200 ers;
M.D.C. for modem mega-damage versions). Construction Cost: 2 to 8 High-tech M.D.C. cruisers are likely to have a complement of 1 44
million dollars/credits. Weapon Systems of Note: Two - five inch can­ flying and deep sea power armor suits, two helicopters, 2D4 mini-subs,
nons ( l D6x 1 00 S.D.C.), or M.D. dual cannon energy turrets ( I D4x 1 00 and possibly I D4 heavy combat robots.
M.D. high-powered laser beam, laser pulse or plasma, one mile/ 1 .6 km Navy Multi-Purpose Destroyer: Dimensions: 500 to 600 feet
range) or two long-range missile launchers ( l D6x l 00 M.D., 1 44 mis­ ( 1 52.4 to 1 83 m), 60 to 1 00 feet ( 1 8.3 to 30.5 m) wide, by 30 to 40 feet
siles in each); (9. 1 to 1 2.2 m) tall, Speed: 34 to 40.6 mph (54.4 to 65 kmph; 30 to 3 5
2-4 - 20 mm guns ( l D6x l O S .D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons or rail knots), Crew : 30 t o 4 0 officers, 400 t o 5 0 0 enlisted men, S.D.C.: 10,000
guns ( I D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 feet/ 1 220 m); to 1 5 ,000 (or 6,000 to 1 1 ,000 M.D.C. for modem mega-damagever­
2-4 torpedo tubes (medium or short-range) ;
sions). Construction Cost: 70 to 90 million dollars/credits. Weapon Sys­
High-tech M.D.C. patrol boats will have a pair of mini-missile tems of Note: 2 to 4 - five inch cannons ( l D6x 1 00 S .D.C.), or M.D.
launchers and are likely to have a complement of 24 to 48 flying and dual cannon energy turrets ( I D4x 1 00 M.D. high-powered laser beam,
deep sea power armor suits. laser pulse or plasma, one mile/ 1 .6 km range) or long-range missile
Navy Patrol Boat: Length: 80 to 1 00 feet (24.4 to 30.5 m), Speed: launchers ( I D6x 1 00 M.D., 1 44 missiles in each) ;
35 to 42 mph (56 to 67 kmph; 30 to 36 knots), Crew : 2 officers, 12 to 2 t o 8 - 4 0 m m guns (2D6x l O S . D . C . ) o r medium-range energy
20 enlisted men. S.D.C.: 6,000 to 7 ,000 (or 2,200 to 3,200 M.D.C. for cannons (2D6x l O M.D.; particle beam or ion cannons, 4000 feet/ 1 220
modem mega-damage versions). Construction Cost: 8 to 1 0 million dol­ m range);
lars/credits. Weapon Systems of Note: Two - 20 mm guns ( l D6x l O 2 to 8 - 20 mm guns ( l D6x l O S.D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons, rail
S .D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons or rail guns ( I D6x l O M.D.; range 4000
guns or mini-missile launchers ( I D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 feet/1 220
feet/1 220 m);
Two standard depth charge launchers ( 1 2 bombs each),
2 - Optional: About 40% have a pair of torpedo tubes for firing
High-tech M.D.C. patrol boats will have a pair of torpedo tubes (me­ long- and medium-range torpedoes.
dium or short-range), a pair of mini-missile launchers and are likely to
High-tech M.D.C. destroyers have two to four additional medium or
have a compliment of 6 flying and/or deep sea power armor suits.
long-range cruise missile launchers (60 missiles per launcher) and up to
Navy Hydrofoil Aero-Jet Patrol Boat: Length: 80 to 1 00 feet (24.4 10 mini-missile launchers ( 1 00 missiles per launcher), plus a comple­
to 30.5 m), Speed: 1 00 to 1 20 mph ( 1 60 to 1 92 kmph; 86 to 1 03 . 2 ment of 1 44 to 288 flying and deep sea power armor suits, 2D4 mini­
knots) ! Crew : 2 officers, 1 0 t o 1 2 enlisted men. S . D . C . : 5 ,000 t o 6,000 subs, and possibly 2D4 heavy combat robots.
(or 1 ,500 to 2,200 M.D.C. for modem mega-damage versions). Con­
Navy Battleship: Length: 800 to 900 feet (243 . 8 to 274.3 m),
struction Cost: 10 to 14 million dollars/credits. Weapon Systems of Speed: 35 mph (56 kmph; 30 knots), Crew : 70 to 90 officers, 1 500 to
Note: One - 20 mm gun ( l D6x l O S .D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons or
2000 enlisted men. S.D.C.: 1 4,000 to 20,000 (or 1 0,000 to 1 6,000
rail guns ( I D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 feet/1 220 m); M.D.C. for modem mega-damageversions). Construction Cost: 80 to
High-tech M.D.C. Aero-Jet patrol boats will have four mini-torpedo 1 00 million dollars/credits. Weapon Systems of Note: 6 to 9 - 16 inch
launch tubes, light laser turret (double barrel does 3D6 M.D. per single cannons (3D6x l OO S.D.C. 25 mile/40 km range), or M.D. cannon tur­
blast or 6D6 M.D. per double blast, 4000 foot/1 220 m range), and are rets (2D4x 1 00 M . D . ; 25 mile/40 km range) or heavy medium-range (or
likely to have a complement of 2 to 6 flying and/or deep sea power ar- even long-range) missiles ( I D4x 1 00 M.D., 1 00 mile/80 km range for
mor suits. medium missiles);
40 to 80 - 40 mm guns (2D6x l O S .D.C.) or medium-range energy M.D.C. versions). Construction Cost: 1 1 0 to 1 50 million dollars/credits.
cannons (2D6x l O M.D.; particle beam or ion cannons, 3000 feet/9 1 O m Weapon Systems of Note: 6 to 1 2 - 40 mm guns (2D6x l O S.D.C.) or
range); medium-range energy cannons (2D6x l O M.D.; particle beam or ion
20 to 40 - 20 mm guns ( 1 D6x l O S.D.C.) or M.D. auto-cannons, cannons, 4000 feet/1 220 m range) ;
rail guns or mini-missile launchers ( l D6x l O M.D.; range 4000 1 0 t o 2 0 - 2 0 m m guns ( 1 D6x l O S . D . C . ) o r M . D . auto-cannons,
feet/1 220 m; rail guns or mini-missile launchers ( I D6x l O M.D.; range 4000
Modem M.D. battleships are likely to have a complement of 64 to feet/1 220 m);
1 44 flying and deep sea power armor suits, and possibly 2D4 heavy
combat robots. High-tech M.D.C. aircraft carriers have two to four medium- or
long-range missile launchers (60 missiles per launcher) and 6 to 1 0
Navy Aircraft Carrier: Dimensions: 900 to 1 200 feet (274.3 to 366
mini-missile launchers ( 1 00 missiles per launcher).
m), 1 00 to 1 50 (30.5 to 45.7 m) wide, by 30 to 50 feet (9. 1 to 1 5 .2 m)
tall, Flight deck: 1 7 5 to 250 feet (280 to 400 m) wide, Max. Speed: 34 Aircraft: 40 to 90 fighter aircraft. High-tech, multi-purpose, M.D.C.
to 40.6 mph (54.4 to 65 kmph; 30 to 35 knots) , Crew : 1 00 to 1 20 offi­ aircraft carriers are likely to have a complement of 288 to 576 flying
cers, 1 200 to 1 600 enlisted men, plus 600 to 900 assigned to the air power armor and 1 44 to 288 deep sea power armor suits/troops, 2 to 6
group. S.D.C.: 1 6,000 to 22,000 (or 1 2,000 to 1 6 ,000 for modem mini-subs, and possibly 3D4 heavy combat robots.

Green Laser Rifle Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D.

It is a favorite of pirates, undersea explorers and fishermen. It is Rate of Fire: Standard
made of black plastic and ceramic, making it easy to confuse with the Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
Wilk' s 447 rifle. Payload: 20 shots.
Weight: 6 lbs (2.5 kg) Cost: 20,000 credits.

LEWS-9 Light
Environmental Wet Suit
LEWS-9 is a form-fitting wet suit with light insulation and full envi­
ronmental capabilities. The helmet completely seals the system, with a
built-in air regulator, short-range radio (3 miles/4.8 km), loudspeaker,
compass, and twin hoses to backpack air tanks, and Heads Up Display
(HUD) showing depth (digital), time, date, direction, and air gauge.
Shoulder plates offer protection, but also serve as small containers that
can hold as many as four of the following in each: an extra weapon E­
clip, underwater flare, a small knife, map(s), computer disc(s), pen
flashlight, or small tool kit.
Aqua-jet boots are standard with the LEWS-9. These are light­
weight jets made of plastic and ceramic parts that help to propel divers
at slow speeds through the water to reduce fatigue. Powered by a stand­
ard E-clip - good for four hours of use.
• M.D.C.: 25
• Weight: I l lbs (5 kg) suit; 4 lbs ( 1 . 8 kg) boots.
• Superior Mobility; No performance penalties.
• Aqua-jet boots ' speed: 3 mph (4.6 kmph; 2.6 knots).
• 3 hour air supply.
• Maximum Depth: 500 feet ( 1 52 m); ruptures at greater depths.
• Market Cost: 1 5 ,000 credits without jet boots, add 3 ,000 credits for
boots .

Aqua-Tech LEA-50 2. Mini-Missiles: As many as six mini-missiles can be attached to the
jet pack.
Deep Sea Power Armor Primary Purpose: Anti-vehicle and anti-monster.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
LEA-50, also known as Mermaid armor, is considered a light suit of Mega-Damage: Typically uses plasma/heat missiles ( 1 D6x l O M.D.).
underwater power armor with a detachable, interchangeable jet pack; Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four or six.
one type is for use underwater and another for air. Six mini-missiles can Maximum Effective Range: About one mile ( 1 .6 km) .
be mounted on the top of the jet pack and the forearms have blue green Payload: S i x total.
lasers. Comes with all the standard power armor features. 3. Hand-Held Weapons: Any underwater pistol, rifle, etc., can be car­
Model Type: LA-50 (Light Environmental Armor) ried and used by the power armor operator.
Class: Sea-Air-Land Tactical Assault Exoskeleton 4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en­
Crew: One gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and elite
M.D.C. by Location: power armor combat training in the robot combat section of the
* Head - 60 Rifts Vlt., page 3 5 1 -3 52. All abilities are the same except as follows:

Arms (2) - 70 each Normal Punch or Kick - l D6 M.D.

Legs (2) - 1 00 each Power Punch - 2D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.
Thruster System (on back) - 1 40
** Main Body - 200
* Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of
optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must rely on his
own human vision and senses. Any power armor combat bonuses to
strike, parry and dodge are lost. The head is a small and difficult tar­
get to hit; requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
completely, rendering it useless.
Speed :
Running : 40 mph (64 kmph) maximum. Note that the act of running
does tire out its operator, but at 1 0% of the normal fatigue rate
thanks to the robot exoskeleton.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 1 2 feet (3.65 m)
high or lengthwise.
Flying: With the proper jet pack is 1 00 mph ( 1 60 kmph) .
Swimming: 5 mph (8 kmph; 4.3 knots) without j e t pack and 4 0 mph
(64 kmph; 34 knots) surfaced or 50 mph (80 kmph; 43 knots) dived
with jet pack.
Range: Restricted by the needs of the pilot. Typically the pilot can
operate the armor for 1 2 hours at maximum efficiency, up to three to
six days without food. Air is purged and recycled automatically and
will last six days before becoming too stale to breathe.
Maximum Depth: 1 mile ( 1 .6 kmph) .
Statistical Data:
Height: 6 to 7 feet ( 1 . 8 to 2. 1 m)
Width: 3.4 feet ( 1 .0 m) - 8 foot (2.4 m) wingspan.
Length: 3 feet (0.9 m)
Weight: 450 lbs (202.5 kg)
PhySiCal Strength: Equal to a P.S. 28
Cargo: None.
PoWer System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 15 years.
Market Cost: 2.5 million credits. MEWS-tO
Manufacturers: Triax, Iron Heart Armaments, Northern Gun (a re­
cent addition to its line of knock-offs), Atlantis and the Black Mar­ Medium Environmental Wet Suit
MEWS - l O i s a heavier, but still comparatively lightweight, deep sea
Weapon Systems environmental suit. It has ALL the features of the LEWS -9, plus a full
1. Quad-Wrist Laser: Each forearm has a four barrel laser system used aqua-jet system (boots, shoulders and back jets) and a decompression,
as both a tool and a weapon. air recirculation breathing systems. Powered by a built-in power pack
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel - good for 1 2 hours of use.
Secondary Purpose: Defense • M.D.C . : 55
Mega-Damage: 1 D6 M.D. for a single blast, up to 4D6 M.D. per • Weight: 30 lbs ( 1 3 .6 kg) complete suit.
four simultaneous blasts. May be substituted for a vibro-blade (2D6 • Excellent Mobility; -5% on the performance of prowl and other
M.D.). physical skills such as gynmastics.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pi­ • Aqua-jet system: 6 mph (9.6 kmph; 5 knots) max. speed.
lot. • 8 hour recommended breathable air supply, but has been pushed up
Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater or on to 1 2 .
land. • Maximum Depth: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m ) ; ruptures a t greater depths.
Payload: Effectively unlimited. • Market Cost: 50,000 credits.

Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet ( 9 1 m) underwater or on land.
Aqua-Tech Orca-50 Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Shoulder Weapon System : An ion blaster with detachable vibro­
Deep Sea Power Armor swords. Can rotate 360 degrees and point side to side in a 30 degree
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
The Orca-5 , gets its name from its black and silver coloring and
Secondary Purpose: Defense
bulk. This is a medium suit of underwater power armor with a detach­
Mega-Damage: Ion Blaster: 3D6 M.D. per single blast or 6D6 M.D. per
able, underwater jet pack. An aerial jet pack can be used in its place for
double blast fired simultaneously at the same target.
flying, adding to its versatility, but this armor is not designed as a flyer.
Vibro-Swords (2): Each does 2D6 M.D. and can be used as part of the
It has a unique, twin shoulder weapon system that houses an ion blaster
armor to impale and rake!cut (add I D6 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km)
and detachable vibro-swords. The vibro-blades can be removed and
of speed or one or both can be detached and used as hand held swords.
used as paired weapons in hand to hand combat or to impale or rake
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
across an opponent when swimming or jetting underwater. The weapon
Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater or on land.
housing can rotate 360 degrees and move from side to side in a 30 de­
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
gree arc. Comes with all the standard power armor features.
3. Hand-Held Weapons: Any underwater pistol, rifle, etc. can be car­
Model Type: Orca-50 (Medium Environmental Armor) ried and used by the power armor operator.
Class: Deep Sea Tactical Assault Exoskeleton 4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en­
Crew: One gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and elite
M.D.C. by Location: power armor combat training in the robot combat section of Rifts
* Head - 75 Ult. Ed. , pages 3 5 1 -352. All abilities are the same except as follows:
Twin Weapon Systems (2) - 35 each Normal Punch or Kick - 2D4 M.D.
Arms (2) - 80 each Power Punch - 3D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.
Legs (2) - 1 20 each
Thruster System (on back) - 1 40
** Main Body - 280
* Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of
optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must rely on his
own human vision and senses. Any power armor combat bonuses to
strike, parry and dodge are lost. The head is a small and difficult tar­
get to hit; requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
completely, rendering it useless.
Speed :
Running: 40 mph (64 kmph) maximum. Note that the act of running
does tire out its operator, but at 1 0% of the normal fatigue rate thanks to
the robot exoskeleton.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high or
Flying: With the proper jet pack its top speed is 80 mph ( 1 28.7 kmph).
SWimmin g: 8 mph ( 1 2.8 kmph; 6.8 knots) without jet pack, with jet
pack: and 30 mph (48 kmph; 25 .8 knots) surfaced or 40 mph (64 kmph;
34.4 knots) dived with jet pack.
Range: Restricted by the needs of the pilot. Typically the pilot can oper­
ate the armor for 24 hours at maximum efficiency, up to eight days
without food. Air is purged and recycled automatically and will last
eight days before becoming too stale to breathe.
Maximum Depth: 1 .3 miles (2 kmph).

Statistical Data:
Height: 7 to 8 feet (2. 1 to 2.4 m)
Width: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) - 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) with weapons to the side.
Length: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) with jet pack.
Weight: 800 Ibs (360 kg)
PhySiCal Strength: Equal to a P.S. 3 5
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 15 years.
Market Cost: 4 million credits.
Manufacturers: Triax, Atlantis and the Black Market.

Weapon Systems
1. Laser Finger: Each hand has a laser finger used as both a tool and a
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: I D6 M.D. per single blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.

1 40
Aqua-Tech Orca- IOO
Deep Sea Power Armor Depicted on the following page. ----

The Orca- l OO is a heavy suit of deep sea power armor with incred­
Weapon Systems
ible strength and a huge, detachable, underwater jet pack, air supply and
decompression system. It has a heavy duty version of the unique, shoul­ 1. Head Laser (Blue-Green) : Located above the left eye is a short­
der weapon clusters that houses mini-missiles and energy weapons. The range laser used as both a tool and a weapon. A similar housing
weapon housing can rotate 360 degrees and move from side to side in a above the right eye is the thermo-imager.
30 degree arc. Comes with all the standard power armor features plus Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
short-range sonar, echo location, and a thermo-imaging optic system. Secondary Purpose: Defense
Model Type: Orca- l OO (Heavy Environmental Armor) Mega-Damage: 206 M.D. per single blast.
Class: Deep Sea Tactical Assault Exoskeleton Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
Crew: One Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater or on land.
M.D.C. by Location: Payload: Effectively unlimited.
* Head - 90 2. Right Shoulder Weapon Cluster: A mUlti-weapon system that can
Right Weapon Cluster ( I ) - 1 00 rotate 360 degrees and point side to side in a 45 degree arc. The
Left Weapon Cluster ( I ) - 1 20 three forward openings are particle beam blasters, the top one is a
Arms (2) - 1 70 each high-powered blue-green laser and the two similar housings on
Legs (2) - 260 each either side of the laser are echo location and targeting sensors.
Thruster & Air System (on back) - 300 Primary Purpose: Anti-sub and Anti-monster.
** Main B ody - 480 Secondary Purpose: Anti-personnel
* Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of Mega-Damage: Triple barrel particle beam blaster: I D6x l O M.D. per
optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must rely on his single blast, 2D6x l O M.D. per double blast or 3D6x l O M.D. per triple
own human vision and senses. Any power armor combat bonuses to blast fired simultaneously at the same target. A simultaneous multiple
strike, parry and dodge are lost. The head is a small and difficult tar­ blast counts as one melee attack. Top mounted laser: 306 per single
get to hit; requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike. blast.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
completely, rendering it useless. Maximum Effective Range: Particle Beams: 600 feet ( 1 83 m) underwa­
Speed: ter, 1 200 feet (366 m) on land/in air. Laser: 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) under­
Running: 40 mph (64 kmph) maximum. Note that the act of running water or on land.
does tire out its operator, but at 1 0% of the normal fatigue rate thanks to Payload: Effectively unlimited.
the robot exoskeleton. 3. Left Shoulder Weapon Cluster: A mUlti-weapon system that can
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 10 feet (3 m) high or rotate 360 degrees and point side to side in a 45 degree arc. The
lengthwise. three forward openings are mini-torpedo launchers, the two top ones
Flying: Not possible. are high-powered blue-green lasers and the two similar housings be­
SWiillm ing: 8 mph ( \ 2. 8 kmph; 6.8 knots) without a jet pack and 30
hind them are echo location and targeting sensors.
mph (48 kmph; 25.8 knots) surfaced or 40 mph (64 kmph; 34.4 knots) Primary Purpose: Anti-sub and Anti-monster.
dived with jet pack. Secondary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Range: Restricted by the needs of the pilot. Typically the pilot can oper­ Mega-Damage: Mini-missiles: I D6x l O M.D. per single blast. Twin top
ate the armor for 72 hours at maximum efficiency, up to ten days with­ mounted lasers (2): 306 M.D. per single blast or 606 M.D. per simulta­
out out food; indefinitely with food. Drinking water and a nutrient neous blast (counts as one melee attack).
(food) solution is available to the pilot; three day supply. Air is purged Rate of Fire: Mini-torpedoes: one at a time or in volleys of two or three.
and recycled automatically and will last weeks before becoming too Lasers are equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
stale to breathe. Maximum Effective Range: Mini-torpedoes: One mile ( 1 .6 km). Lasers :
Maximum Depth: 2 miles (3.2 km) . 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) underwater or on land.
Statistical Data: Payload: Mini-torpedoes six total. Lasers are effectively unlimited.
Height: 13 feet (3.9 m)
4. Hand-Held Weapons: Any large-sized weapon designed for use by
Width : 6 feet ( 1 . 8 m) - 7 feet (2. 1 m) with weapons to the side.
cyborgs or small robots, including most types of rail guns, can be
Length: 7 feet (2. 1 m) with jet pack and extended air and decompres­
carried and used by the power armor operator.
sion system.
5. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en­
Weight: 1 .4 tons
gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and elite
PhySiCal Strength: Equal to a P.S. 45 power armor combat training in the robot combat section of Rifts
Cargo: None.
Vlt. Ed. , pages 3 5 1 -352. All abilities are the same except as follows:
Po;er System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 1 5 years.
Normal Punch or Kick - 306 M.D.
Market Cost: 1 2 million credits.
Manufacturers : Triax, Atlantis and the B lack Market. Power Punch - 606 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.

UB -300 Mini-Sub Speed :
This small submersible i s used for exploration, reconnaissance, res­ Driving on the ground: Not possible.
cue and light combat. It can accommodate up to four people and re­ Flying : Not possible.
Water Speed: 50 mph (80.5 kmph; 43 knots) surfaced or 25 mph (40
quires only one pilot. They are especially popular among salvage teams
and adventurers. Several coastal kingdoms use a dozen or two for the kmph; 2 1 .5 knots) dived.
protection of their "territorial waters." Range: Can stay submerged for weeks and carries enough supplies to
keep four people alive for a month.
Model Type: UB -300
Depth: One mile ( 1 .6 km).
Class: Light All-Purpose Submersible.
Statistical Data:
Crew: One pilot and three passengers.
Height: 10 feet (3.0 m)
M.D.C. by Location:
Width: 25 feet (7.6 m)
Underbelly Laser Turret ( 1 ) - 80
Length: 30 feet (9. 1 m)
Mini-Torpedoes (6, three per fin) - 10 each
Weight: 20 tons
Medium-Range Torpedoes (2, one per fin) - 30 each
Cargo: Can carry or pull an additional one ton of cargo.
Fins (2) - 1 50 each Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 10 years.
Main Rear Thrusters (2) - 1 60 each
Manufacturers : Triax, Iron Heart Armaments, Northern Gun (a recent
Sensor Cluster ( 1 ; top) - 80
addition to its line of knock-offs), Atlantis and the Black Market.
Hatches (2) - 50 each
Market Cost: 6 million credits.
Infrared Spotlights (2; top) - 10 each
Forward Lights (2; bottom) - 5 each Weapon Systems
** Pilot' s Compartment (front) - 60 1. Laser Turret (1): A medium-powered blue-green laser in a turret
Inner Crew Compartment - 1 00 housing that can rotate 360 degrees. The weapon can engage vessels,
* Main Body - 525 sea animals, monsters, or enemy torpedoes.
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sub ' s struc­ Primary Purpose: Anti-monster
tural integrity, causing it to flood; at great depths, water pressure Secondary Purpose: Defense
will crush the crew, killing everyone instantly ! Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per single blast.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Pilot ' s compartment/observation Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
bubble will destroy the piloting mechanism and activate the emer­ Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
gency surfacing system and distress beacon. The pilot is exposed to Payload: Effectively unlimited.
further attacks and may be killed if not in an appropriate diving suit 2. Medium-Range Torpedoes (2) : One medium-range torpedo is
or power armor. The remaining crew is safe in the crew compart­ mounted on each fin and used to engage enemy subs, ships or sea
ment but it is vulnerable to continued frontal attack. monsters.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship Cargo: Can carry or pull an additional 500 Ibs (225 kg).
Secondary Purpose: Defense Power System: Liquid fuel or nuclear; average energy life of five years.
Mega-Damage: 3D4x l O M.D. (HE) or 2D6x l O M.D. (plasma) . Weapon Systems: None
Rate of Fire: One at a time or a volley of two. Standard Sensors Include: Radiation detector, mini-computer, laser dis­
Maximum Effective Range: 10 miles ( 1 6 km) . tancing system (4000 foot/1 220 range), homing beacon ( 1 2 hour, 400
Payload: Two total; reloading takes five minutes when docked. mile/640 km range) and short-range directional radio (20 miles/32 km).
3. Mini-Torpedoes (6) : Three mini-torpedoes are mounted on each fin Manufacturers : Triax, Iron Heart Armaments, Northern Gun, CS, Atlan­
and used for self-defense. tis and the Black Market.
Primary Purpose: Defense. Market Cost: Liquid fuel sled: 3 8 ,000 credits, nuclear: One million
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship credits.
Mega Damage: l D6x l O M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two.
Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) .
Payload: S i x total; reloading takes five minutes when docked.
4. Systems Note: Standard Sensors Include: Short-range sonar (2
miles/3 .2 km), radiation detector, mini-computer, laser distancing
system (4000 foot/ 1 220 range), distress/homing beacon ( 1 2 hour,
400 mile/640 km range), medium-range directional radio (300
Naut ' YII
C i v i l i zat i on
miles/480 km) , and infrared searchlights (200 foot/6 1 m range un­
derwater) .

Basic Underwater Sled

By C .J. Carella & Kevin Siernbieda
This is a one-man, underwater, jet propelled sea sled built for ma­
neuverability and silence. It is primarily used for exploration and ma­ Population Breakdown: 1 1 .7 million total, spread over seven cities and
rine biology (the quietness of the sled doesn't disrupt the environment including slaves.
and frighten sea animals). It has a vaguely motorcycle-like appearance, Naut' Yll Aliens: 6.3 million
with fins and directional thrusters. The mainpropeller jet is located in Kreel-Iok slaves: 1 .6 million
the rear. The pilot holds onto the handle bar controls, lays on top/above Humans slaves: 1 . 1 million
the many body of the vehicle and goes. At slow speeds (under 20 mph) Other slaves: 2.7 million; mostly aquatic or amphibian D-Bees, dol­
two or three other SCUBA divers can hold onto the vessel and be pulled phins and assorted transdimensional beings.
along. Many coastal communities and hundreds of ships throughout the
planet have been attacked by strange squid-like humanoids. Unknown
Model Type: UB -20 jet
to all but a few undersea cultures, these raiders have built half a dozen
Class: All-Purpose Underwater Sled.
cities under the oceans of Rifts Earth. These beings are aliens from an­
Crew: One
other dimension known as the naut' yll. They are masters of science and
M.D.C. by Location:
techno-wizardry who have a history of interdimensional conquest by in­
Propeller Jet ( 1 ; rear) - 70
vading the seas of the planets they visit. For the last two centuries, the
Side Fins (2) - 60 each
naut' yll have been quietly and slowly increasing their strength and
* Main Body/Pilot Area - 1 45
numbers on Earth. Even today their presence goes unrecognized by
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sled. De­
most surface dwellers.
stroying one jet reduces speed by half and makes the sled -2 to
dodge. Destroying the jet renders the sled immobile (but can be sal­ Naut ' Yll are aliens with a militaristic, imperialistic culture. As
vaged and repaired) . Destroying one fin reduces speed by 25 %, de­ aquatic invaders, they are seldom identified by surface dwellers until
stroying both, by 50%. they have established strongholds throughout the oceans of the world -
The pilot is a difficult target to strike. Attackers must make a called which is often a point at which their invasion cannot be stopped. This
shot and even then are -3 to strike. makes them incredibly insidious and dangerous. Although they have lit­
Speed: tle use for dry land, once they have established their underwater do­
Driving on the ground: Not possible. main, they like to plunder the wealth and technology of
Flying: Not possible. surface-dwelling civilizations. In some cases, they enslave coastal and
SillfaCe Water Speed: 20 mph (54 kmph; 1 7 .2 knots). island populations as laborers and/or for trade in the transdimensional
Underwater Speed: 1 5 mph (24 kmph; 13 knots) . slave markets. For the most part, encounters with the naut' yll are vio­
Range: Liquid fuel sleds have a range o f 800 miles ( 1 28 kmph) . Nu­ lent and dangerous.
clear powered sleds have a five year life. The length of time it can stay
underwater is limited only by the air and nutritional requirements of the History
pilot; humans typically have five to ten hours, aquatic D-bees and cy­ Naut' Yll are natives of Yllera, a planet covered in water. Only one­
borgs with gills, indefinitely. tenth of Yllera's surface is land, the rest is dominated by shallow
Depth: 3000 feet (9 1 4 m). oceans. The naut' yll evolved from amphibious creatures spawned on
Bonuses: +5% to piloting skill: Can make quick turns, sharp dives, si­ the shores of the scarce land masses on their planet. They grew into an
lent (prowl rolls are only minus 1 0%) and is +2 to dodge. intelligent but aggressive aquatic race. The early naut' yll civilization
Statistical Data: eventually developed a language, discovered fire, and mastered metal­
Height: 3 feet (0.9 m) working and other skills that had to be performed on land. To this day,
Width: 3 feet (0.9 m) the naut' yll words for dry land literally mean, "place to make fire" or
Length: 7 feet (2. 1 m) "place to forge metal." Shortly after the birth of the naut' yll civilization,
Weight: 250 Ibs ( 1 1 2.5 kg) they discovered magic.

1 44
At some point early in their cultural development, one tribe discov­ Furthermore, shortly after they had established their second underwater
ered a species of mollusk that was very susceptible to magic. These ani­ city in the South Atlantic, two thousand miles (3200 km) due west of
mals could be mystically manipulated to secrete an ultra-hard substance Guinea, Africa, they learned that the Splugorth had secured the conti­
called Korallyte, which could be "shaped" into weapons, tools and ar­ nent of Atlantis. The naut' yll have had unpleasant run-ins with the
mor through spells and mind commands. Korallyte was used to magi­ Splugorth in the past, and knew better than to attract the attention of
cally manufacture weapons and armor that were superior to the crude these powerful dimensional overlords. As a result, they kept their dis­
metal tools that had to be forged on dry land. Soon, Korallyte wielding tance and turned to the warm waters of the South Pacific.
naut' yll became the dominant culture and power on Yllera. It has been in the North and South Pacific Oceans that these silent
Thousands of years later, technology and techno-wizardry has en­ invaders have met their most damaging opponents. At first, their only
abled the amphibious race to build incredible underwater kingdoms, opposition came from the mysterious Lemurians, an ancient race who
conquer their entire planet and, with time, their mastery of magic re­ has secretly thrived in the oceans of Earth for a million years ! These ad­
vealed to them the secrets of dimensional travel. Magic has enabled the vanced people already claimed peaceful dominion over the South Pa­
naut' yll to join the fraternity of dimensional explorers, traders and con­ cific and can be encountered throughout all of Earth' s oceans. These
querors. These comparatively young dimensional travelers have estab­ people were quick to recognize the naut' yll as bloodthirsty invaders and
lished colonies on a dozen different worlds, trade with over two dozen have fought them for over 200 years. Almost single-handedly, they
races (including Naruni Enterprises) and invaded and conquered half a have prevented the naut 'yll from establishing more than a handful of
dozen planets. tiny outposts in the Pacific and have sent over a million invaders to a
A naut' yll shifter led an exploratory expedition to Rifts Earth not too watery grave.
long after the Coming of the Rifts. Earth' s dimensional instability and Other intelligent, aquatic life forms such as dolphins, whale singers,
vast mystic energy made it easy to travel to and establish outposts. The D-bees and sailors around the world have also engaged the naut' yll in
destruction and ensuing chaos that besieged the planet and devastated bloody encounters, but only the Lemurians, Captain Nemo-2 and his
the surface world, masked their arrival in the oceans, and helped to con­ New Navy, actively opposed them in open (underwater) warfare.
ceal their colonization efforts. At first a few hundred, then thousands of As the naut' yll forces grow in size, strength, and hostility they have
naut' yll began to arrive on Earth via underwater dimensional Rifts. The embarked on a more aggressive campaign against the people of Earth.
first city was built off the northern coast of South America, 60 miles They are responsible for damaging and sinking hundreds of ships, espe­
from the mouth of the Amazon River. Five years later, another city had cially along the coast of Africa, causing sudden storms to plague sailors.
risen in the depths of the North Atlantic. More followed. By 1 00 PA, In the last two decades, they have made hundreds of raids against
the naut' yll had erected seven cities with a combined population of over coastal villages and engaged in acts of piracy against surface vessels.
six million, plus millions of slaves. Their main area of power is the South Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea,
At first, the amphibians made little contact with the civilizations on however, they continue to push into the Pacific and don ' t seem to care
the planet' s surface, or with other underwater cultures. Instead they kept how many of their people and slaves perish in this crusade for conquest.
to themselves. Although they are aggressive and militaristic, the Raids against the Floating City of Tritonia, Lemuria and Captain
naut'yll ' s tactic is to remain hidden until their power base is secure. Nemo-2, the USS Ticonderoga and the New Navy have increased a
Culture & Government naut' yll "free thinkers" are found on Earth at Tritonia, Refuge City and
Salvation City. A handful of naut' yll can even be found among the
Naut ' Yll are an ancient warrior culture that arose from the ancient
members of the New Navy. Others are occasionally encountered in tiny
amphibians' need to fashion most of their tools and technology on dry settlements around the world (seldom more than a 1 00 members) or
land. Thus, competition for the small islands of Yllera was savage. among adventurers and mercenaries on Earth, as well as other worlds. A
Tribes warred against each other for control of the territorial waters
few of the more aggressive mavericks rise within the naut' yll military
around the islands. Over time, these tribes developed into nations, and
and may become radical, extreme or despotic Governor Generals. How­
then into a planetary government that crushed all independent kingdoms
ever, these renegades are the exception, not the rule. Less than 2% of
and absorbed all people into its web of power. As a result, the naut' yll
the naut' yll population share this desire for personal freedom, and of
are extremely warlike, preferring a military solution to all their prob­
those, many never dare to speak or act against the majority.
lems. Diplomacy is known to them, but they dislike it and aren 't very
The naut' yll are also a slave society. The most menial, laborious and
good at mediating quarrels peacefully.
dangerous work, including manufacturing, construction, sanitation and
As soon as they learn how to talk, the naut 'yll are taught that their
agriCUlture, is performed by slaves or machines. The naut'yll believe
race and culture are superior to all others. Even renegades tend to look
that the most worthy occupations are those that exercise the mind or in­
down on other species. Often such sentiments are not deliberately meant
volve war and conquest. Thus, all military occupations, as well as pro­
to offend other races, as the naut' yll just assume that their superiority is
fessions like medicine, law, engineering, or the mystic arts are
a fact of life and don 't care about those offended by the truth. Ironically
perceived as essential, elite, and to be held only by members of the
enough, this sense of superiority has helped some naut' yll fit into the
naut' yll race. Wealthy naut' yll will own one or more servants to take
floating city of Tritonia, because Tritonians also feel special and privi­
care of most personal needs.
leged. The naut' yll see kindred spirits in them and easily accept this
Slaves can include naut' yll free thinkers, criminals, debtors, and
"other" superior people as their new brethren.
children of slaves, as well as members of other races. However, naut' yll
There aren ' t family units among the Naut' Yll. Naut' Yll females
slaves only represent 1 0% of the overall slave population. Most slaves
have 1 -4 offspring after a seven month gestation period and give birth
are captured on raids against other races, aquatic and surface dwellers
to live young. Children are raised in community centers, and instilled
from other worlds. Slaves of surface-dwelling species frequently live in
with military values and regimen from an early age. Youngsters unfit
air-filled, domed buildings from which they cannot escape (most
for military duty and those unwilling to become soldiers are trained in
Naut' Yll vehicles are filled with water, so a fleeing escapee would have
civilian skills - many perish at the hands of the military and the brutal
no way to reach the surface). Many are the grandchildren or great
naut' yll society which demands conformity. The vast majority (85%) go
grandchildren of captured victims, and have never seen the open sky
on to serve in the armed forces. Half will serve the military until the day
above the seas.
they die, the other half will serve the military for 50 or 60 years before
old age, injury, or ailments force them into retirement. Thus, at any
given time, approximately 70% of the population are active members of Naut'YII Magic &
the military. Even after retirement, most naut' yll are obedient followers
of the militaristic government. Most civilians serve as part of the labor Techno-Wizardry
force or in menial positions. The best civilian jobs go to those retired
The Naut ' Yll have been practicing magic for over three thousand
from military service.
years. Many of their mystic arts and sorcerous schools are identical to
The naut' yll are ruled by a Military Council composed of the highest those found on Rifts Earth and other dimensions, including ley line
ranking officers in their armed forces. The head of the Military Council walkers, mystics and ocean magic. Additionally, they have combined
is a General-in-Chief, selected on the basis of his or her experience, magic and technology in several different ways, developing many
strengths and personal power. Each city on Yllera and those in other di­ techno-wizardry items for life underwater. They also have developed a
mensions have a Governor General who answers to the Military Coun­ curious blend of magic and psionics to manipulate Korallyte, the living
cil. Those who govern cities in other dimensions enjoy great autonomy matter that can be mentally shaped into weapons, armor and tools.
and independence, since the Council is on Yllera, a Megaverse away .
Naut' Yll children who show an aptitude for magic are segregated
As long as the Governor General doesn't make a mistake big enough to
from their peers and taken to special academies. Here they learn disci­
be noticed by the Council, or conspire against the naut' yll people, he
pline and mastery over the mind, body and magic. Training is often
can build a mini-empire and do pretty much as he pleases.
harsh and demanding, but with rewarding results.
The aliens' entire culture is based on military structure and combat.
To the chagrin of the military, naut'yll sorcerers include an alarming
Social classes are divided into ranks that correspond exactly to military
number of mavericks and free thinkers among their ranks. This is
ranks (private, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, and so on).
partly because to break the wills of young magicians is to diminish or
As a person advances in experience and recognition, he or she is pro­
ruin their magical talents. To master magic, the mages must develop
moted to the next rank, and so on. Seventy percent of the population are
their sense of self, draw upon their willpower, and hone the ability to
active members in the army and hold military ranks and positions; 50%
focus. Furthermore, the mysteries of magic reveal such wonders and
will serve for life.
knowledge that practitioners of magic have a much broader sense of the
Obedience is the most valued form of behavior. Naut' yll are ex­ Megaverse and their place in it - which encourages curiosity and
pected to obey their superiors at any cost. Initiative is rarely rewarded builds inquisitive, independent thinkers. The magic schools try to pre­
except at the higher levels of rank, and then only if that initiative proved serve the independent streak found in most sorcerers while instilling a
successful and valuable. Without specific orders, the soldier often be­ sense of duty and loyalty towards the naut 'yll race and culture. This
comes confused and hesitant until he can find a superior to provide process is successful most of the time, but a high percentage of rene­
guidance and direction. This is an interesting state of mind, because it gades and deserters are magicians.
means the vast majority of naut' yll seldom seek to advance in rank be­
yond lieutenant and are content to follow orders - they prefer to be
led, rather than lead. Foreign Affairs
A few mavericks have rebelled against this state of mind and have Although the Naut' Yll prefer to remain hidden from other species,
fled their cities to find a better home elsewhere. A place where the indi­ they have made contact with a number of civilizations, both in the seas
vidual is free to explore his own mind and desires, and is not obligated and on land. They wish to control the seas and regard all other maritime
to life-long military servitude and blind obedience. Such refuges for civilizations to be obstacles to their plans.

People of the Pacific Ocean: The naut' yll dominate the southern at­ lbese Monster Naut' Yll have become the bogey-men of the aliens '
lantic between South America and the African Continent, with addi­ Earth culture because they prey on normal naut' yll (Note: Whale sing­
tional underwater outposts in the Caribbean Sea, Bermuda Triangle and ers are also enemies of the Lord of the Deep).
Northern Atlantic. Their expansion into the Pacific has met with devas­ Gene-Splicers : These strange, cruel and chaotic beings are also
tating resistance from the Lemurians (to be described in great detail in a feared by the naut ' yll and avoided.
future sourcebook), Tritonia and the forces of Nemo-2.
The Splugorth of Atlantis: As a dimension traveling race, the
Early encounters with the naut 'yll by sailors and aquatic people had naut' yll have encountered the Splugorth on several worlds. Most of the
been uncommon, sporadic and away from major naut' yll communities
time, they have suffered humiliating defeats at the hands of the Minions
(to avoid discovery). Many who encountered the naut' yll mistook them
of Splugorth and have seen millions slaughtered and enslaved. The
for Splugorth raiders, small bands of D-bee pirates, mutants, or sea
Splugorth and their minion races, regard the naut' yll as troublesome
monsters. Even now, very few of the land powers realize that millions
newcomers into the arena of dimensional travel, trade and conquest.
of naut' yll dwell beneath the waves with tens of thousands more arriv­
They consider the aquatic aliens to be foolish and aggressive children,
ing every month. Human sailors and seafaring communities are just be­ easy to defeat. They also look upon them with disdain because the
ginning to realize that the monstrous aliens exist in large numbers and
naut' yll dare to associate with Naruni Enterprises. Consequently, the
may represent a serious threat. Even the Splugorth greatly underesti­ Minions of Splugorth take great pleasure in teaching the naut' yll hu­
mate their numbers - guessing that there are fewer than two million on
miliating lessons of respect for the Splugorth and "real" power. The
Earth. Splugorth have never lost a battle against the naut' yll and there is even
Nemo-2 & The New Navy: Nemo-2 and the New Navy have be­ talk among some Splugorth about enslaving or destroying the entire
come the naut 'yll ' s most relentless, deadliest and hated enemy . For the race (a much more difficult proposition than the Splugorth may antici­
moment, the Lemurians seem content with keeping the North and South pate).
Pacific free of naut'yll influence. Only occasionally do the Lemurians
The Kittani seem to take the most pleasure in fighting and humiliat­
wage a large-scale campaign against them in the Atlantic or elsewhere.
ing naut' yll. In fact, the new "water sport" among these warriors is to
However, Captain Nemo-2 has a vendetta against the alien invaders (as
hunt naut' yll in and around Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle (better
he does against all alien conquerors) , so he and his New Navy try to known as the Demon Sea) or whenever encountered. The Naut' Yll are
thwart their every move. Nemo-2 and the USS Ticonderoga are espe­ aware of the Splugorth ' s presence in Atlantis, but think that if they
cially active in the Atlantic Ocean, using hit and run, guerilla tactics and
manage to keep their presence hidden for a few more decades, they
striking without warning or mercy.
might be able to isolate and destroy Lord Splynncryth and conquer the
The military forces of the New Navy, led by Captain Nemo-2 and continent for themselves.
the Sea Titans, has dedicated itself to the protection of all human life,
Triax and the NGR: The naut'yll city in the North Atlantic has had
and the destruction of all aliens and monsters who threaten the Earth, several run-ins with NGR vessels. The Naut' Yll Military Council is
especially those who threaten humankind. This commitment has made
aware of the savage war going on between the NGR and the Gargoyle
them the sworn enemy of the naut'yll invaders. Captain Nemo-2 has
Empire and have considered making an alliance with one side or the
vowed that he and his Navy will force the aliens from the Earth or de­
other. They are worried that the NGR is too paranoid to trust aliens, and
stroy them - or die trying. Nemo and the New Navy have come to the suspect that the gargoyles have ties to the Splugorth, so they have yet to
defense of Tritonia and the rescue of sailors under attack by these mon­
make their move (they are right on both counts) .
sters. Over the centuries they have been responsible for destroying
The Brodkil Empire (see Rifts Mindwerks) and the Angel of Death
eleven naut 'yll outposts, slaying tens of thousands in combat, injuring
have received a delegation from the naut' yll city in the North Atlantic.
hundreds of thousands, and they even destroyed (with the help of the
The envoys are trying to work out a treaty with the Brodkil. In return
Lemurians) the only naut' yll city located in the North Pacific. Nemo-2,
for their assistance in the war against the New German Republic and the
the USS Ticonderoga and the New Navy are a scourge against the
Tarnow Kingdom, the naut' yll would be given all rights to the Baltic
naut' yll invasion force. If the New Navy and Lemuria can ever put
and North seas. The brodkil have no interest in the seas so they are fa­
aside their suspicions of each other and join forces, they could eradicate
vorably disposed to the plan. The Angel of Death is the only obstacle to
the naut'yll from the planet and become an incredible power for the
it. She doesn 't want to see the brodkil relinquish "all" their rights to the
forces of good around the world. However, if such an alliance is possi­
seas unless the naut' yll contribute more troops and support to the war
ble, it is decades away from fruition.
than they have already offered. If the amphibians agree, she will give
Tritonia: The floating colony is seen as a threat and competitor to
the alliance her stamp of approval. The naut ' yll would prefer to keep a
the naut'yll ' s conquest of the Pacific Ocean. They are also known to be
low profile and not sacrifice their people and resources on land battles
friends with Captain Nemo-2, which makes them an attractive target. for surface dwelling allies. Yet, despite their differences, an agreement
The aliens have launched several attempts to destroy the floating island,
seems likely. Of course, whether both sides live up to their end of any
but thus far, all have failed. Skirmishes between Tritonia and naut' yll agreement is yet to be seen and could lead to new conflicts . One can bet
raiders are common and fierce. that the Angel of Death will develop her own little scheme.
A number of naut 'yll renegades have been accepted in Tritonia,
Coordinated Brodkil-Naut' Yll attacks on both land and sea could
where they have developed a thriving community. These citizens are wreak havoc among the unprepared Germans and especially, the unsus­
loyal to the floating island city and have fought bravely against their pecting Tarnow Kingdom (which is overconfident of its supremacy of
brethren to defend it. A few enterprising naut' yll warlords have tried to the river and sea). The naut'yll are one of the few people on Earth who
infiltrate the renegades with spies, but so far the secret agents have been
know that the NGR has built itself a formidable Navy. However, their
discovered, killed or escaped. intelligence is much less complete than they believe and the NGR navy
Japan: Recently, the various forces around Japan and other human­ is three times larger and much more powerful than they imagine. Fur­
oids have begun to encounter the savage might of the naut' yll invaders. thermore, if the naut'yll ' s intervention ruins the NGR ' s plans for a sur­
However, they are largely ignorant about these aliens and most of the prise land and sea assault against the Gargoyle Empire, they will
other underwater civilizations in the world. become bent on revenge-filled enemy every bit as driven and relentless
The Lord of the Deep: This alien intelligence and its minions are as Captain Nemo-2 (this might eventually lead in an alliance with the
fl�ared and avoided by the naut' yll. The horribly deformed creations of New Navy to destroy the naut'yll, brodkil and the gargoyles ! ) . Note:
lbe Lord are destroyed on sight. This includes the unfortunate members The Splugorth will watch any alliances with the Brodkil or Gargoyle
of the naut'yll race who have been captured and transformed into the Empire, or Lagarto with great amusement and will not interfere until
half-naut'yll, half-barracuda monstrosities known as whale singers. they feel threatened or provoked.

The Coalition States: Other than the occasional coastal raid and as­ they are very resistant to deep water pressure, they are most comfort­
sault against military or cargo ocean vessels, the naut 'yll have had al­ able at depths above 3300 feet ( 1 000 m; maximum depth is two
most no contact with the Coalition States . The CS has little interest in miles/3 .2 km). Consequently, most of their cities are usually built on
events unfolding thousands of miles away in the oceans. They have continental shelves, comparatively shallow ocean waters and within 1 00
their own problems with plans of expansion, domination, war and to 3000 miles ( 1 60 to 4,800 km) from land.
threats on several different fronts. Naut 'yll have lungs to breathe air and gills to breathe underwater
South America: Naut 'yll engage in limited trade with Lagarto and and can adapt equally well to salt or fresh water. Although they can sur­
might be convinced to become more involved with the lizardmen and vive out of water, they dehydrate quickly, especially in hot and arid cli­
dragons who rule this kingdom (after all, these creatures are closer to mates (see vulnerabilities in the stat section).
them in nature than humans - they are not aware of the Splugorth ' s in­ As creatures that evolved in a P.P.E. rich world, the naut'yll became
volvement with this kingdom; see Rifts South America) . minor supernatural creatures, and tum into M.D.C. beings when on a
They also engage in limited trade with the Cibolans and have begun planet, or in a universe with a high magical energy background. Al­
to explore the Amazon River and the Yucatan Peninsula (see Rifts though their mega-damage bodies protect them against many dangers, it
Vampires Sourcebook for details about the latter). also makes them vulnerable to attacks from magic weapons, such as
rune and Millennium Tree artifacts, and easy detection by psychic sen­
sitives. The entire species is very magical and magically adept, with a
high percentage of magic practitioners and psychics.
Note: This character can be used as a player character or NPC vil­
lain. This first stat block is the general R.C.C. information for the race.
Some specific occupations common to the naut' yll race follow.
Alignment: Any, but lean towards aberrant evil (about 50%).
Attributes: I.Q. 4D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+8, P.P. 3D6, P.E.
3D6+4, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 6D6+ 10 underwater, 3D4 on land. * Supernatu­
ral strength and endurance.
Size: 6 to 7 feet ( 1 . 8 to 2. 1 m)
Weight: 1 50 to 300 lbs (67.5 to 1 35 kg) .
M.D.C.: P.E. plus I D4x l O ; add an additional l D6 M.D.C. per level of
Horror Factor: 8; 1 1 for naut' yll mages and mind melters.
P.P.E.: Standard
Average Life Span: 1 20 Earth years.
Natural Abilities: Able to breathe underwater and on dry land indefi­
nitely, without need of special apparatus; nightvision 300 ft (9 1 .5 m;
able to see in near total darkness), excellent hearing (equivalent to
bionic), bio-regeneration I D6 M.D.C. per six hours of rest or medi­
tation and can regrow small appendages like fingers, toes, webbing,
and nose tentacles in I D6 weeks. Likewise, damaged internal organs
are typically restored within I D6 weeks. A hand or foot regenerates
in 2D4 months, and an arm, leg, or eye in 4D4 months. Cold based
attacks do half damage and the creature can withstand freezing tem­
peratures without difficulty.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: 1 . Water Dependency : Naut' Yll can survive
outside the water as long as they are kept wet, but are prone to
rashes and other skin problems if exposed to dry air for prolonged
periods. They will die of dehydration if not kept wet for over a
week, and will die of thirst in 24 hours if no water (salt or fresh) is
After 1 2 hours out of water (but with drinking water), the am­

Naut'Yll R.C.C. phibian will begin to feel fatigued and uncomfortable; reduce speed
and skill performance by 1 0% .
After an additional 1 2 hours, the character will feel physically
Optional Player Characters
exhausted and have some minor difficulty breathing. Reduce speed
The Naut' Yll are amphibious humanoids able to survive both on and skill performance an additional 20%, reduce attacks per melee
land and in the oceans. They have two arms and legs, but the hands are by one, and all combat bonuses are reduced by half.
webbed and only have two thick fingers and a thumb. The feet have Each subsequent day, the naut' yll will lose 2D6 M.D.C. Double
three toes and are also webbed, like that of a frog. Their faces are the the damage and penalties in extremely hot, dry conditions like a de­
least human-like part of their bodies : three tentacle-like trunks protrude sert or savanna. Note: Bathing (or showering) in water for one or
from where the human nose would be. Each trunk ends in three tiny ten­ two hours per 1 2 hours prevents physical damage and life threaten­
tacles which contain taste and smell receptors far more acute than any ing dehydration. In fact, for the first hour after being immersed in
human ' s . When naut' yll eat, they lean over their plate and let the nine water, the character will be back up to full strength. However, after
tentacles grab and "taste" the food before bringing it to the half-hidden that hour, the amphibian quickly reverts to its exhausted state. In the
mouth. Over this tripod trunk are three eyes, all the same size, spread alternative, special, water-filled suits can keep the alien alive and
evenly over the front of the face. well for weeks, without penalty.
Underwater, the aquatic aliens swim quickly in an undulating, 2 Magic: As supernatural beings, they suffer double damage
snake-like fashion. Internal air/water bladders control their buoyancy, from most rune and Millennium Tree weapons, as well as from
allowing them to float to the surface or sink to the bottom. Although magical heat and fire attacks, as well as mega-damage plasma and
fires. Cold based magic does half damage.
3 . Water Pressure at Great Depths : The naut ' yll can survive the along the ocean floor with precision and structure. They are almost (but
cold and pressure at ocean depths of up to two miles (3.2 km) deep not quite) as good fighting on dry land, except that campaigns on the
without special diving suits or vehicles (2.5 miles/4 km in Korallyte surface require special considerations such as water-filled environ­
armor). For each 200 feet ( 6 1 m) beyond the limit, the character suf­ mental suits to keep the soldier's body from dehydrating, or allowing
fers I D6x 1 O M.D. and again for every five minutes of exposure to easy access to water to replenish their physical needs - just as surface
such depths. In addition, skills, speed, combat bonuses and at­ dwellers need special air-tanks, diving suits, armor, and equipment for
tacks/actions per melee round are reduced by 50% - the pain is ter­ operating underwater.
rible. Attribute Requirements: P.S. and P.E. 1 2 or higher is strongly sug­
Psionic Powers: 0 1 - 1 0% have minor psionics, 1 1 -24 major psionics, gested, but not an absolute requirement. Any naut ' yll with a fighting
25-30 master psionics (natural mind melter), 3 1 -50% are mystics spirit can j oin the military.
(psionics and magic abilities; standard Mystic R.C.C.). O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: + I D4x l O M.D.C. and add one addi­
Magic Powers: Only if a magical class (see below) or mystic. tional attack per melee round.
Combat: As per skill and occupation. O.C.C. Skills:
Damage: Based on supernatural P.S. (typically 306 S.D.C. on a re­ B asic Math (+ 1 0% )
strained punch, 1 06 M.D. on a full strength punch, and 206 M.D. Swimming 98%
on a power punch). Radio: Basic (+ 1 0% )
Bonuses (underwater only) : +2 on initiative, +1 to strike and parry, Navigation (+ 1 0%)
and +2 to dodge and roll/pull punch. Pilot: Submersible (+ 1 0%)
O.C.C.s: See the occupations below. Other possible O.C.C.s include Pilot Robots and Power Armor
mind melter, operator, wilderness scout and vagabond. For experi­ Power Armor Combat: Elite
ence purposes, use the Naut' Yll Undersea Soldier table, or the ap­ Weapon Systems (+ 1 0%)
propriate O.C.C., whichever is higher. W.P. Energy Rifle
Naut' Yll magicians can be ley line walkers (20%), techno-wiz­ W.P. Knife or Sword (pick one)
ards (20%), warlocks (water and earth mostly; 20%), shifters ( 1 0%), Additional W.P.s: Two of choice
mystics (5%), and koral shapers (see new O.C.C. below; 20%); the Hand to Hand: Expert
other 5% belong to exotic disciplines like temporal magic, diabolists Hand to hand: expert can be changed to martial arts or assassin at the
and others. cost of one "other" skill.
Alliances and Allies: The naut' yll tend to work only with members of O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 1 0 other skills. Plus select two additional
their species. They rarely make lasting alliances. The North Atlantic skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at
city has made some overtures to the Brodkil Empire and the Angel level twelve.
of Death. Communications: Any (+5 %)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: None
Espionage: Any
Naut'YII Soldier Mechanical: None
Medical: Paramedic only (+5%)
Military: Any (+5%)
The naut' yll are taught from birth to feel contempt and hatred for all Physical : Any
other intelligent life forms. The word for "outsider" or "foreigner" is Pilot: Any (+5%)
H' Keezh, which also means "enemy" and "evil." All other life forms are Pilot Related: Any (+5 %)
considered to be inferior or feared, and meant to be used and conquered Rogue: Any
by the amphibians. These are the sentiments that the typical naut' yll Science: Basic Math only (+ 1 0%)
"grunt" carries with him into the field of combat. Raised in the warrior Technical : Any (+5%)
society, most are inspired by tales of great heroism, honor and obedi­ W.P.: Any
ence, especially to great causes and one ' s leaders, even at the cost of Wilderness: None.
one ' s life. Most soldiers value bravery and loyalty above all else and Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary
thrive on danger and the acquisition of military power. This love of skills from the previous list at level two and two at levels six and 1 2 .
combat is reflected in their dedication to their profession and a genuine These are additional areas o f knowledge that d o not get the advan­
love of military weapons, armor, vehicles, tactics and fighting skills. tage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at
These troopers tend to regard their favorite gun with the same affection the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as pre­
a human might show his puppy or a favorite sports car. viously indicated in the list.
The duty of the soldier is to defend his race against the "H' Keezh" Standard Equipment: Suit of Shell Body Armor (for line troopers) or
and to build the naut 'yll people' s power and reputation. Soldiers feel Korallyte Body Armor (for officers and elite warbands), particle
they are fulfilling their duty when they raid a helpless human settlement wave rifle or harpoon rifle, webbing bag for personal effects , and
or enslave, or exterminate, a band of kreel-lok or D-bee nomads. After sound wave communicator.
all, any possessions acquired from the "H' Keezh" will help them grow Money : l D6x 1 Ooo Naut' Yll credits (worthless to anyone else). NPC
stronger, and slain or enslaved enemies no longer pose a threat to their officers may have 3D6x 1 000 universal credits ' worth of human arti­
empire. facts, gemstones, or precious metal.
Cybernetics: None. Naut' yll do not normally use cybernetics; see re­
Naut 'yll soldiers are well-trained and equipped. Small operations
generative abilities.
usually utilize squads of eight soldiers, called warbands. Warbands en­
gage in exploration, reconnaissance, intelligence, patrols, seek and de­
stroy missions, sabotage, defense and special forces operations. A
war-tribe is a company of 80 troops ( 1 0 warbands), a battalion (war-le­
gion) has 800 troops, a brigade (warjront) has 2400 troops, a division
(war-troops) has 4800 soldiers and a full war-troop corps (or field
army) has 32,000 troops. They execute fights undersea in the water or

magic weapons and other special equipment may be made available
for officers and special assignments.
Naut'Yll Devastators Money: 2D4x l O00 Naut' Yll credits (worthless to anyone else) . NPC
officers may have 6D6x 1 000 universal credits worth of human arti­
Soldier: Special Forces facts, gemstones, precious metals or magic items.
Cybernetics: None. Naut ' yll do not normally use cybernetics.

These stormtroopers are the Special Forces of the naut'yll military

troops. They are skilled, highly intelligent, resourceful, cunning and
usually possess magic or psionic powers.
Attribute Requirements: LQ., P.S. and P.P. 1 4 or higher.
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: + l D6x l O M.D.C., +2 on initiative, +3
to save vs horror factor, and add one additional attack per melee.
30% Mystics
1 0% Ley Line Walkers
1 0% Ocean Wizards/Magic
5% Shifters
5% Techno-Wizards
20% Major Psionic
1 0% Mind Melter
1 0% Other
Mystics, practitioners of magic and psionic naut ' yll Devastators
possess the special knowledge and/or abilities of that O.C.C., but se­
lect from the following military O.C.C. skills rather tahn the magic
O.C.C. skills :
O.C.C. Skills:
B asic Math (+20%)
Swimming 98%
Radio: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Navigation (+ 1 0%)
Pilot Robots and Power Armor
Power Armor Combat: Elite
Intelligence (+ 1 5 %)
Tracking (+ 1 0% )
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Knife or Sword (pick one)
Additional W.P.s: Two of choice
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to hand: expert can be changed to martial arts or assassin at the
cost of one "other" skill.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight other skills. Plus select two addi­
tional skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one
at level twelve. Naut'Yll Koral Shaper
Communications: Any (+5 %)
The koral shaper is the oldest and most revered among the magic
Domestic: Any
practitioners of the naut' yll race. A special breed of magician and
Electrical: None
psionic, these characters developed a unique relationship with the
Espionage: Any (+ 1 0% )
Korallyte species, a form of mollusk that secretes a metal-hard sub­
Mechanical: Any
stance called Korallyte. The early shamans and medicine men discov­
Medical: Paramedic only (+5 %)
ered that magic and psionic powers could "coax" Korallyte formations
Military: Any ( + 1 0% )
to grow and reform in different shapes. Even better, a form could be
Physical: Any
dissolved and "reshaped" into something else. A knife could be
Pilot: Any (+5 %)
reshaped into a digging tool, axe, spoon, or plate. Korallyte armor could
Pilot Related: Any (+5 %)
be made to repair itself or altered to form claws, spikes, blades and so
Rogue: Any (+4%)
on. This meant that even a few pieces of Korallyte could give a tribe all
Science: Any (+ 1 0%)
the tools and weapons it might need.
Technical: Any (+ 1 0%)
W.P. : Any As the naut'yll progressed magically and technologically, their use
Wilderness: Any of Korallyte became more sophisticated and deadly. It has been fash­
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary ioned into body armor, weapon casings, and the bodies of vehicles.
skills from the previous list at level two and two at levels six and 1 2 . Koral shapers possess an amazing degree of control over Korallyte and
These are additional areas o f knowledge that d o not get the advan­ can manipulate the substance in hundreds of ways, even turning it into
tage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at pure energy for devastating attacks. Although all magicians (except
the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as pre­ warlocks) can learn spells of Korallyte-shaping, only the koral shaper
viously indicated in the list. can get the most out of the wondrous living material.
Standard Equipment: Suit of Korallyte Body Armor, particle wave ri­ Koral shapers are an important part of the Naut' Yll Military. Most
fle or harpoon rifle, knife or sword, a weapon of choice, webbing stay behind the lines "shaping" weapons and armor, and repairing
bag for personal effects, and sound wave communicator. Explosives, Korallyte items. However, a koral shaper may be a member of a special

forces team and, on occasion, an entire warband of shapers may be sent 6. Psionic Powers : In addition to his Korallyte oriented psionic abili­
on special missions. ties noted above, the character can select six powers from any of the
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12 or higher. categories except super. Every subsequent level, the shaper can learn
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: one additional psionic power from those three categories. I.S .P. :
1 . Psionic Korallyte Shaping: By using I.S.P., the character can 2D6x l O plus M.E. attribute. Add 2D6 I.S.P. per level of experience.
cause Korallyte to assume the shape he mentally envisions. Each 5 O.C.C. Skills:
I.S .P. spent in this manner will affect 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of Korallyte or B asic Math (+20%)
up to 20 M.D.C. points. The shaper can create or modify body armor, Swimming 98%
repair vehicles, and shape hand weapons, sometimes seemingly out of a Radio: B asic (+5 %)
glob or block of (Korallyte) material. Demon and Monster Lore (+ 1 5 %)
2. Symbiotic Link to Korallyte and Absolute Control : The Koral Navigation (+ 1 0%)
shaper can actually make Korallyte grow on top of him like a second Pilot: Submersible (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Energy Rifle
layer of skin! This living armor can also be used to create a thin, flex­
One W.P. of Choice
ible suit of armor that makes the naut ' yll appear to be an elemental be­
Hand to Hand: B asic
ing of alien metal. Such suits can have as few as 15 M.D.C. points or as
much as 1 50; typically the amount varies between 40 and 80 M.D.C. Hand to hand: basic can be changed to expert at the cost of one
"other" skill, or to martial arts or assassin at the cost of two "other"
With a thought and the expenditure of 5 I.S.P., the koral shaper can
tum his armored fingers into razor sharp claws or knife-like blades (the
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills. Plus select two additional
pair inflicts 2D4 M.D.), or shape a short sword (2D6 M.D.) or long
skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at
sword (3D6 M.D.) from his armored forearm or hand. Likewise, the
level twelve.
character can cover his armored body with spikes or small blades (in­
Communications : Any
flict I D4 M.D. each). The face can be uncovered, covered, or trans­
Domestic : Any
formed into a frightening mask or helmet, usually with horns or spikes.
Electrical: None
Up to 15 M.D.C. worth of Korallyte, per level of experience, can be Espionage: None
symbiotically linked to the koral shapero Via psionic union, the armor Mechanical: None
can become truly alive and lash out at nearby targets in the form of Medical : Any
clawed whips or tentacles inflicting I D6 M.D. per strike and level of Military: None
experience (possesses half the combat bonuses of the shaper and one at­ Physical : Any
tack per melee round; two at level 10 or three if its master is rendered Pilot: Any (+5 %)
unconscious). Pilot Related: Any (+5 %)
The koral shaper can even fire energy blasts by burning off the en­ Rogue: None
ergy of the living Korallyte. By "burning off' some of the armor, the Science: Any (+5 %)
character can fire energy blasts that inflict I D4 M.D. per each M.D.C. Technical: Any (+ 1 0% )
point used up in this manner (a maximum of 15 M.D.C. can be used in W.P.: Any
one single blast) . Wilderness: Any
The Korallyte regenerates at the rate of I D6 M.D.C. per minute. If Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills
the M.D.C. of the living armor is depleted, the Korallyte has been killed from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that
and the koral shaper must re-establish the link with a new quantity of do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. Also,
Korallyte; a process that takes up five days of continual meditation, fo­ skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.
cus and concentration. Standard Equipment: Two energy weapons of choice, 20 lbs (9 kg) of
3. Sense Korallyte: The character can sense whether an object or "virgin" Korallyte, a sound wave communicator and a Korallyte
material is made of korallyte by touch or by sight, provided it is within hand weapon.
50 feet ( 1 5 . 2 m) from him. He also has a 30% +5 % per level of experi­ Money : 2D6x 1 000 Naut' Yll credits (worthless to anybody else) .
ence chance of sensing the organisms that create the Korallyte sub­ Cybernetics: None.
stance within a two mile (3.2 km) radius.
4. Gather Korallyte Producing Organisms : The shaper can psioni­
cally commune with and gather/collect the living organisms that secrete
Korallyte. This is done by finding a scattered deposit/breeding ground Spells of
of the koral mollusk and entering into a deep meditative trance. The
mollusks are then attracted to the mage and gather around him. When
the koral shaper emerges from his trance, he can carefully gather the
Korallyte Shaping
tiny creatures and place them in a contained (underwater) area where
Note: The following spells can be learned by students of ocean
the Korallyte can be more easily gathered, not unlike the breeding
magic, koral shapers, ley line walkers, mystics and techno-wizards (half
pens/hatcheries of fish and other aquatic life forms. The character is al­
range and potency when used by the latter).
ways careful to handle them with care; they are extremely valuable.
Note: The Korallyte creating mollusks are indigenous only to the
naut' yll homeworld and have NEVER been successfully transplanted to
Shape Koral (Level Four)
other worlds. Range: 30 ft (9. 1 m) per level of the spell caster
Duration: Permanent or until changed again
5 . Magical Abilities: The koral shaper starts out with six spells se­
Saving Throw: Special
lected from levels 1 -6, plus shape koral and koral blast (described be­
P.P.E.: Ten
low). At every level after the first, the koral shaper can learn an
The spell lets the magician affect up to 20 pounds (9 kg) of Korallyte
additional spell. These new spells cannot exceed the character' s current
per level of experience. Each 20 pounds has 40 +2D6 M.D.C. points .
level of experience. P.P.E. : 3D6x l O plus the P.E. attribute number. Add
This mega-damage material can be shaped into paper thin sheets, thick
10 P.P.E. per level of experience.
plates, blade and blunt weapons, tridents, weapon components, gaunt-

lets, helmets, armor, vehicles ' bodies, statues, containers, etc. There is the pod can find shelter or rest out of the open. The barges are also used
no saving throw, but the magician must have a clear idea of what he to store food, supplies, tools, weapons, and other odds and ends. They
wants the shape to be. The GM may require a skill roll for the character may also establish hidden caches of weapons, food or supplies along fa­
to get the shape perfect. A failed roll means the spell works but the miliar migration routes and favorite places to visit. The kreel-Iok never
shape is not exactly what the spell caster desired and is flawed in some have any permanent dwellings; the ocean is their home.
way; i.e. crooked, slightly misshapened, too thick, too thin, uneven, etc. Dolphins and whales are often found living with or traveling near
Base Shaping Skill: 20% +5 % per level of experience (+ 1 0% bonus for the kreel-Iok as faithful allies joining in work, defense and play. Sea
koral shapers). turtles and large sea creatures with animal intelligences are occasionally
used as work animals or pets, but are never mistreated.
Koral Blast (Level Six) Although these gentle, caring, aquatic people are generally of good
Range: Touch alignment, there is much hostility and mixed feelings towards surface
Duration: Instant dwellers. Surface people often abuse what the kreel-Iok regard as
Saving Throw: None "their" fishing waters. Many humans and D-bees consider them mon­
P.P.E. : Twenty sters (their appearance can be frightening) and attack and kill kreel-Iok
This spell is similar to the innate ability of the koral shaper. The
spell converts a portion of Korallyte into mystic energy. The spell caster
must be touching at least one pound (0.45 kg) of Korallyte. The magic
releases the potential energy in the Korallyte substance, which can then
be directed against a target in a high-powered beam. Every ounce con­
verted into energy does 2D6 M.D. so two ounces does 4D6 M.D., three
ounces and 6D6 M.D., and an entire pound (0.45 kg) can unleash a blast
of 3D6x l O+ 1 2 M.D. ( 1 92 points total). The energy blast is +3 to hit and
has a range of 500 feet ( 1 5 2 m); targets can try to dodge the blast but
are -3 to do so. Each blast counts as one melee action, but casting the
spell counts as two melee actions. Note: Converting small amounts of
Korallyte (up to five ounces) into energy will not destroy the substance
and it will regenerate at a rate of one ounce per I D6 minutes. Tuming
six or more ounces into energy permanently destroys the amount con­
verted. Using an entire pound will destroy all 16 ounces.

Kreel-Lok Nomad R.C.C.

Optional Player Character

The kreel-Iok are an aquatic race of intelligent creatures from an­

other dimension. They resemble a giant fish with two human-like arms.
Sometimes, they can be mistaken for Devil Sharks (see the Lord of the
Deep section) with tragic results, since this race is generally gentle and
peace-loving. Many kreel-Iok were accidentally Rifted to Earth after the
Great Cataclysm. Over the intervening centuries, they have multiplied
into several nomadic communities and are found around the world. Al­
though relatively harmless, they often resort to violence to resist en­
croachment from other races. Of late, the kreel-Iok have been enslaved
by the naut' yll in great numbers, to the point that almost 40% of all out of misguided fear; some for sport. Even before they were Rifted to
kreel-Iok on Rifts Earth are slaves ! The Splugorth, Lord of the Deep, Earth, these sea people viewed all surface creatures with suspicion.
and other races occasionally enlist the kreel-Iok as allies (they make Now that they are being hunted down by the naut' yll, and occasionally
great scouts and intelligence officers), but more often than not, they are the Splugorth and other aquatic races, the kreel-Iok often feel that they
enslaved by them rather than employed. have few friends. Only a few human communities, including Tritonia
Kreel-Iok live in a simple, yet open and cooperative society with a and Lemuria, have managed to form friendships and alliances with the
great sense of camaraderie. Food, basic supplies, weapons, equipment, kreel-Iok nomads.
and defenses are all shared. Males are generally the craftsmen, hunters Alignment: Any, but usually good.
and protectors. The females have an equal place in the community and, Attributes: LQ. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+6, P.P. 306, P.E.
although seldom warriors, females can take up any O.C.C., including 306+6, P.B. 206, Spd. 506+6 underwater, 1 06 on land (crawling). Su­
the pursuit of magic (usually ocean magic or ley line walkers). The pernatural strength and endurance.
smaller kreel-Iok communities generally have no permanent villages. Size: 6 to 8 feet long ( 1 .8 to 2.4 m).
Like dolphins and whales, they travel in "pods," small groups of 1 0 to M.D.C. : P.E.+ 1 06x l O M.O.C., plus 1 06 M.O.C. per level of experi-
1 00 members who swim the oceans and take temporary shelter in ence.
sunken shipwrecks, caves and reefs. In deeper water, they simply swim, Horror Factor: 1 5
play, hunt, live and sleep in the water, with male protectors taking turns P.P.E.: 206
to keep a watchful eye on the pod. Average Life Span: 1 00 years
Large kreel-Iok communities can range from 1 ,000 to 1 00,000. They Natural Abilities: +2 to save vs horror factor, nightvision 1 000 feet
may build a half dozen to several dozen underwater barges or shelters (305 m), keen sense of smell and taste, track by smell 80%, swim
that are towed along and serve as physical structures where members of underwater, breathe underwater, but can only breathe on land via

magic, artificial means or for brief periods ( 1 5 minutes maximum). Bonuses: + 1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, + 1 to save vs poison. All
Cold based magic does half damage. these are in addition to skill and attribute bonuses.
1 . Special' Increased Healing: In the magically-charged waters of R.C.C. Skills: Also see natural abilities.
Rifts Earth, the kreel-Iok heal at the rate of 5D6 M.D.C. per hour, Swimming 98%
wounds usually heal with little or no scarring, and damaged fins and Basic Math (+5 %)
webbing heal/grow back within 2D6 weeks . They are also +3 to save Advanced Fishing (+5 %)
vs disease, pollution and toxins . Sea Holistic Medicine (+ 1 0% ; this skill is for females only)
2. Special : Resistant to Cold and Water Pressure at Great Depths: track & hunt sea animals (+ 1 0% )
The kreel-Iok can survive the cold and pressure at ocean depths of Underwater Navigation (+ 1 0%)
up to four miles (6.4 km) deep without special diving suits or vehi­ W.P. Spear
cles. This means only the deepest trenches are inaccessible to them. D.C.C. Skills: Typically vagabond nomads (30%) or wilderness scouts
For each 200 feet ( 6 1 m) beyond their limit, the character suffers (40%) with underwater equivalencies. Other available O.C.c.s are
I D4x l O M.D. and again for every five minutes of exposure to such priest, shamanlhealer, and sorcerer (2% are ley line walkers, 2%
depths. In addition, skills, speed, combat bonuses and attacks/actions whale singers, 2% mystics (with ocean magic), 5 % water warlocks,
per melee round are reduced by 50% - the pain is terrible. and 5 % ocean wizards) . Most kreel-Iok tend to be very primitive
VulnerabilitieslPenalties: Limited ability to breathe air and they dehy­ compared to humans and don ' t care for technology, so high-tech
drate quickly when out of water ( 1 0 times faster than the naut' yll). O.C.C.s, skills, and equipment are not appropriate.
They suffer double damage from fire and heat attacks when out of Alliances and Allies: Dolphins, whale singers, and amphibs. They may
the water. On dry land, the kreel-Iok must pull themselves along also include surface dwellers and aquatic D-bees who prove to be
with their arms or use ocean magic, because they have a fish-like tail trustworthy.
in place of legs. Crawling speed is I D6. The character is also at a Weapons: Typically use S .D.C. clubs, spears, nets, and knives for de­
disadvantage in combat out of water (unless magic is used): - 1 to fense and to hunt fish and small animals. A few ( 1 5%) might have
strike and parry, -2 to dodge. captured or salvaged M.D.C. weapons, energy weapons or magic
Psionic Powers: Standard (same as humans). items.
Magic Powers: Per O.C.C. only. Body Armor: Usually none.
Combat: As per skill. Note: Most kreel-Iok don 't have much need for possessions that hu­
Damage: Claws add I D4 M.D. to hand to hand attacks, bite inflicts mans would consider valuable - they are children of the sea; no salary,
2D4 M.D. credits, or savings.

Naut ' YII Weapons & Technology

The naut 'yll have advanced technology, magic, and techno-wiz­ Maximum Effective Range: 2000 ft (6 1 0 m) .
ardry, especially in the areas of combat. In addition to the weapons de­ Payload: 30 sonic blasts and 20 sonic stuns. 60 P.P.E. or 1 20 I.S .P. are
scribed here, they also have access to any TW weapon or equipment required to recharge the weapon; 200 P.P.E. to make it.
described in Rifts, Vampires Sourcebook and other sourcebooks. Cap­ Cost: 80,000 credits outside naut' yll outposts. Not for sale to outsiders,
tured weapons and equipment from other civilizations are occasionally but captured weapons may be available from the Black Market, Atlan­
given to officers, special forces and champions as spoils of war or as a tis, pirates and sailors.
reward for acts of heroism. Note: The magic rifle has 1 00 M.D.C. points and is very durable and
never jams.
Sonic Wand (TW) c====���=�
This is a techno-wizard weapon that looks like a nightstick used by
police officers, with two small nodules near the tip and a coil of wire
near the handle. The user of the weapon must be psionic or a sorcerer
with P.P.E.
By channeling 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S .P. the user can fire three sonic
blasts inflicting 2D6 M.D. each or one powerful blast doing 6D6 M.D.;
600 foot ( 1 8 3 m) range. By channelling 15 P.P.E. or 30 I.S.P. into the
weapon, the character can fire two sonic stun blasts; same effects as Particle Wave Pistol
the dolphin magic spell sonic stun (potential victims get to save but
must roll a 14 or higher) . The weapon does 2D6 S.D.C. as a blunt These weapons fire a spiraling wave of charged particles, inflicting a
weapon and has 1 00 M.D.C. great deal of bum and energy damage to any solid target they hit. Their
range and damage are unchanged in or out of water.
Weight: 4 1bs ( 1 . 8 kg).
Sonic Rifle (TW) �Damage: 4D6 M.D. per shot.
This is a rifle version of the techno-wizard sonic wand with greater Rate of Fire: Standard
range and number of shots. In this case, the weapon can be charged and Maximum Effective Range: 1 000 feet (305 m)
ready to be used by anybody. Like a regular rifle, the shooter simply Payload: 20 shots per E-Clip equivalent (cannot use standard surface E­
aims and fires. However, only a techno-wizard, mystic or practitioner of Clips unless an armorer modifies their power couplings for use under­
magic can recharge the weapon. water).
Weight: 6 1bs (2.7 kg) . Cost: 20,000 credits outside naut' yll outposts. Not for sale to outsiders,
Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. sonic blast or can fire a sonic stun. but captured weapons may be found on sale in the Black Market, at At­
Rate of Fire: Single shot; each blast counts as one melee action. lantis, or from the occasional pirate or sailor.

Particle Wave Rifle
Basically the same as the pistol above, but with greater damage and
range. This is the standard issue of the naut'yll infantry.
Weight: 7 Ibs (3.2 kg).
Mega-""Damage: 6D6 M.D. per shot.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 ft (6 1 0 m).
Payload: 30 shots with an E-Clip equivalent (cannot use standard E­
Clips unless an armorer modifies their power couplings).
Cost: 40,000 credits outside naut' yll outposts. Not for sale to outsiders,
but captured weapons may be available from the Black Market, Atlan­
tis, pirates and sailors.

Harpoon Rifle
A rifle that fires hypervelocity barbed darts. It works much like a rail
gun, but is light enough to be carried by naut ' yll infantrymen. Issued to Cost: 50,000 credits outside naut' yll settlements. Not sold to outsiders,
about 1 /4 of the army to deal with energy-resistant enemies, and is but captured weapons may be available from the Black Market, Atlan­
available for special assignments. The barbs can be attached to the tis, pirates and sailors.
gun ' s barrel with a thin cable, enabling the shooter to "hook" or "spear"
a target and pull it in. A special reel attachment is available to use it as a
fishing pole. Of course, large or powerful prey may yank a cabled har­ Energy Trident
poon rifle from the character' s hands or drag him for miles until the Carried as a B adge of Office by naut' yll military leaders and heroes,
wounded beast tires, dies or turns to attack. The harpoon rifle (and reel) this powerful weapon can be used both in hand to hand combat and as a
is also used to snag rides from passing sea vessels and to board ships. ranged weapon. The Trident can be energized, firing particle waves or
Weight: 15 Ibs (6.8 kg) . delivering energy strikes in close combat.
Mega-Damage: I D6 M.D. per standard dart. The fish-hook "barbed" Weight: 1 2 1bs (5.4 kg)
end requires the dart to be surgically removed/cut out (one additional Mega-""D amage: Both the ranged particle wave attack and the energized
point of damage). Pulling it out will tear a hunk of flesh or material with strike inflict 5D6 M.D.
it and inflict an additional 1 D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the
Each explosive tipped round inflicts 4D6+6 M.D. underwater or wielder.
4D6 M.D. on land. Maximum Effective Range: Energy blast: 1 000 feet (305 m). Strike:
hand to hand combat.
Poison tipped rounds are sometimes used against whales, sea mon­
Payload: 30 energy blasts or close combat blows (every successful
sters, mutants, D-bees and M.D.C. creatures. Lethal poison inflicts 5D6
strike drains one charge). Changing E-Clips counts as one melee at­
additional M.D. when first struck and another 5D6 M.D. for I D6 melee
rounds afterwards. Neural poison does 3D6 M.D. when struck and af­
Cost: 70,000 credits outside naut' yll settlements.
fects the target' s motor response with the following penalties: reduce
speed, skill performance, attacks per melee and combat bonuses by half.
Note: Most supernatural beings are impervious to both types of poi­
sons; the standard saves vs poison are applicable: 16 or higher for non­ Energy Net
lethal, 14 or higher vs lethal. This a metal or Korallyte net with 20 M.D.C. and small weights
Smoke and flare rounds (suitable for use underwater or above) are along the edge to provide weight and control. The net is used to ensnare
also available. They last for about 2D4 minutes and inflict I D6 M.D. fish, animals and humanoid prey. The most unique aspect is that once
when used as a weapon. the prey is ensnared, the net can be activated by remote control to re­
Rate of Fire: Single shot only, so each shot counts as one melee ac­ lease an electrical pulse.
tion/attack of the shooter. Weight: 8 Ibs (3.6 kg)
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) without a cable attached. Mega-""D amage: 2D4 S .D.C. damage as a striking, whipping weapon,
Maximum range with an attached cable is limited to 500 feet ( 1 52 m). which can also be used to ensnare and entangle. The electrical burst can
Payload: 40 darts in a drum magazine or 20 darts in a smaller box be set to inflict I D6x l O S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D.; the charge affects every­
magazine. A "dart" is a small spear or projectile about eight inches long body inside the net and those within a 10 foot radius around the net.

Those beyond 1 0 feet (5.0 m), but within 30 feet (9 m) suffer a slight
shock that does I D4 points of damage (S.D.C. or M.D. depending on
the setting). There is also a 1 -35% chance that characters receiving the
shock will be stunned for I D4 melee rounds ( 1 5 to 60 seconds); roll for
each shock burst. Note that on dry land, damage is half and there is no
radius damage, only those inside the net are affected.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the
Maximum Effective Range: The net can be thrown underwater about 30
feet (9 m) or dropped from above up to 1 000 feet (305 m); any farther
and the net is -4 to strike and the intended victim can dodge with ease.
On dry land the net can be thrown about 40 feet ( 1 2 m). The electric
burst can be activated up to 1 200 feet (365 m) away .
Payload: 8 electric bursts/shock attacks; regenerates within 30 minutes .
Cost: 6,000 credits from naut'yll settlements, the Black Market, Atlan­
tis, pirates and merchant sailors.

Self-Propelled Explosives (DPSE)
The naut' yll use special rocket/torpedoes that can operate both un­
derwater and in the air.
Mega-Damage: They are roughly the equivalent of plasma/heat mini­
missiles and torpedoes in terms of damage.
Rate of Fire: Available in LAW style, one- and two-shot rifle launchers
and small, portal backpacks with a payload of four and which can be
fired one at a time or in volleys of two, three or four. These launchers
and missiles can also be attached to underwater sleds and vehicles.
Range: When underwater, use the range and speed of the equivalent
mini-torpedo class. On the surface, use the range and speed of equiva­
lent plasma missiles.
Cost: Same as equivalent mini-torpedoes or mini-missiles; roughly
2000 credits.

Techno-Wizard Grenades
Theses are ordinary looking canisters that release magic spells when
activated. All have a six second delay and are dropped or placed in an
Black Water Grenade: Same as the spell.
Sonic Blast: 4D6 M.D. to a 20 foot (6. 1 m) blast diameter.

Shell Body Armor

The typical body armor worn by naut'yll soldiers resembles a com­
bination of shells joined together to form articulated plate. Unlike mod­
ern body armor, these suits have no integral computers or
communication systems (they are carried as separate, hand held size
communicators) . The armor has no life support systems as known to hu­
mans. Instead they contain a water circulation system to keep the wearer
from dehydrating when out of water. The circulation of water also en­
ables the wearer to breathe by drawing air from the water. The suit also
has a temperature control system and is pressure resistant. Soldiers are
usually armed with a Pulse Wave Rifle or an energy Trident.
• M.D.C. 90
• Good Mobility, - 1 0% penalty to prowl and the performance of most
other physical skills, excluding swimming.
• Market Cost: 30,000 credits outside naut' yll settlements; suitable for
most human-shaped bipeds of an aquatic nature.

ties. It has the same basic systems as the shell armor. Also, any koral
Korallyte Armor shaper or wizard with the shape koral spell can repair it. Remember,
This suit of armor is made of pure Korallyte secretions, shaped by koral shapers are symbiotically linked to their armor and can modify the
naut' yll techno-wizards or koral shapers. This armor is lightweight and armor to have spines, fins and even to grow blade weapons as desired
specifically molded to the body of the wearer, giving no prowl penal- (see that O.C.C. for details).

• M.D.C. 1 50
• Full mobility; no prowl penalty.
• Market Cost: 80,000 to 1 50,000 credits outside naut' yll settlements,
but are scarce. Sometimes offered by renegade naut 'yll koral shapers
(several live in Tritonia) and occasionally by merchants in Atlantis
or pirates who have acquired a suit through salvage or battle.


Torpedo Power Armor
This light scout armor is issued to raiders, explorers and comman­
dos. It is little more than a powered suit of body armor that provides the
wearer with greater armor protection, robot strength, enhanced endur­
ance, and enables the naut' yll to survive the pressure at depths of 2.5
miles (4 km); an additional half mile deeper than their normal level of
tolerance. Its most notable feature is a thruster system that enables the
pilot to travel at high speeds underwater. The jet thruster is located on
the back, while tiny, concealed directional thrusters are located in the
bottom of the feet, back and chest. The amphibian power armor is
sleeker in appearance than the shell body armor and offers less resis­
tance and drag when travelling at high speeds.
Model Type: APAL- l O
Class: Light combat exoskeleton
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:
Jet Thruster ( 1 ; back) - 35 standard, or 50 if Korallyte.
* Helmet - 70 standard, or 1 1 0 if made of Korallyte.
** Main Body - 1 80 standard, or 300 if made of Korallyte.
* Destroying the helmet destroys the sensor and communication
systems and all power armor bonuses are lost. Furthermore, the
character' s head is exposed and vulnerable to attack. Hitting the hel­
met or the head requires a called shot at -4 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
completely, rendering it useless.
Speed :
Running: 44 mph (70 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does
tire out its operator, but at 1 0% the usual fatigue rate, thanks to the ro­
bot exoskeleton.
Flying: Not possible, but thruster assisted leaps can carry the wearer
1 00 feet (30.5 m) high or 1 20 feet (36.6 m) lengthwise.
Underwater: The thruster system allows the suit to travel at up to 60
knots (69 mph/ I l l kmph) underwater.
Maximum Safe Depth: Two and a half miles (4 km) deep.
Statistical Data:
Height: 7 to 8 feet (2. 1 to 2.4 m) tall.
Width: 3 feet (0.9 m)
Length: 3 feet (0.9 m)
Weight: 300 lbs ( 1 36 kg).
PhySiCal Strength: Equal to a P.S. 30
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear or techno-wizard; average energy life of 1 0
Sensors & Internal Systems of Note: The power armor is filled with
water that covers the naut'yll and keeps the wearer from dehydrating
when fighting on the surface, out of water. The water circulation system
also enables the wearer to breathe by drawing air from the fluid. It also
has temperature control, depth/pressure gauge, radiation shielding, heat
and cold shielding, and an internal communications system (200
mile/320 km range), short-range sonar (2 mile/3 .2 km range), ultra
sonic hearing, and a computer targeting system all built into the helmet.
Weapon Systems: It has no integral weapon systems; soldiers are usu-
ally armed with a pulse wave rifle, harpoon rifle, energy trident, and
a knife, energy net, or sidearm.

Bonuses & Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pi­ Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 30; may be augmented by magic.
lot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and Cargo: None.
elite power armor combat training in the Robot Combat section of Power System: Nuclear or techno-wizard (magic); average energy life
Rifts Ult Ed., p. 3 5 1 -352. All abilities are the same except as follows: of 1 0 years.
+ 1 to strike with range weapons from targeting system. Sensors & Internal Systems of Note: See the APAL- l O Torpedo Power
+ 1 to parry and dodge underwater. Armor for mechanical systems . The following magic systems are stand­
+ I attack per melee underwater. ard (most suits of armor have abilities equal to 6th, 7th or 8th level
Normal Punch or Kick - I D6 M.D. spells) :
Power Punch - 2D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks. Armor of Ithan (60 M.D.C.) or Superhuman Strength: Both cost 1 0
Thruster-Assisted Body Block/Ram- 4D6 M.D. plus a 1 -50% P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. t o activate; pick only one.
chance of slightly stunning one ' s opponent for one melee round Chameleon: Costs 6 P.P.E. or 12 I.S.P.
(victim loses initiative, one melee action and is - 1 to strike and Fly as the Eagle: Costs 25 P.P.E. or 50 I.S.P.
parry). Counts as two melee attacks/actions. Sense Evil: Costs 2 P.P.E. or 4 I.S .P.
Market Cost: Never sold to outsiders, but would fetch one to three mil­ Sense Magic: Costs 2 P.P.E. or 4 I.S.P.
lion credits on the Black Market or at Atlantis; cost includes modifi­ Speed Doubler: Costs 8 P.P.E. or 1 6 I.S .P.
cations for use by humans or other surface dwelling humanoids. Tongues: Costs 12 P.P.E. or 24 I.S.P.
Weapon Systems: Magic or handheld weapons only.
Fire B all (4D6 M.D.): Costs 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P.
Sonic Blast (6D6 M.D.): Costs 15 P.P.E. or 30 I.S .P.
APTW -20 Naut'Yll Sonic Stun: Costs 20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P.
Water Pulse (S.D.C.): Costs one P.P.E. or 2 I.S.P.
Techno-Wizard Power Armor Note: All magic attacks are typically equal to a 6th, 7th or 8th level
spell. Each spell counts as a hand to hand melee action/attack and not
as spell casting. The only limit to the number of magic attacks possible
From its outward appearance, this armor looks just like the light
is the pilot ' s own reserve of P.P.E. and/or I.S.P
Torpedo power armor, however, this is a techno-wizard creation that
Also note that some special suits created and used by techno-wiz­
melds magic and technology to create a more deadly fighting machine.
ards or made for koral shapers, mystics or mages may have spells as
Only characters who are major or master psionics, or practitioners of
powerful as l Oth level and the appearance of the armor may be custom
magic, can operate the armor to its full potential. Like all TW devices,
designed to suit the tastes and needs of the owner. However, such suits
to active the magic systems the operator must expend I.S.P. or P.P.E.
are comparatively rare, perhaps one in 500; most common among Spe­
points. Otherwise, similar to the APAL- l O Torpedo Power Armor.
cial Forces operatives.
Model Type: APTW-20
Bonuses & Hand to Hand Combat: Same as the APAL- l O. Remem­
Class: Medium techno-wizard combat exoskeleton
ber, practitioners of magic with the power to shape koral can also
Crew: One
form blade and blunt weapons out of their armor and cover their ar­
M.D.C. by Location (always made of Korallyte) :
mor with spikes and blades.
Thruster ( 1 ; back) - 50
Market Cost: Never sold to outsiders, but would fetch 20 to 40 million
* Helmet - 1 1 0
credits on the Black Market or at Atlantis.
** Main Body - 300
* Destroying the helmet destroys the sensor and communication
systems and all power armor bonuses are lost. It also exposes the
head of the wearer. Hitting the helmet or head requires a called shot Sea Hunter Robot Vehicle
at -4 to strike. In this case, the wearer can "grow" a new helmet,
without the sensor and communication systems for the cost of 40
The Sea Hunter is a small, all-terrain robot vehicle designed to oper­
I.S .P. or 20 P.P.E. (only 1 0 P.P.E. for koral shapers). The "growing"
ate on the sea floor or on dry land. It resembles a mechanical crab with
process requires 1 5 minutes of concentration and inactivity.
four legs and two huge arms ending in crab-like pincers. Although it
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
can float and travel underwater, it loses a great deal of maneuverability
completely, rendering it useless/dead. Otherwise, the wearer can re­
if its feet aren ' t firmly planted on solid ground. The pilot sits in a cock­
generate 20 M.D.C. per every 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. expended, plus
pit in the center of the robot. A cramped space behind the seat is large
the living Korallyte armor will automatically regenerate I D6 M.D.C.
enough to squeeze in one human or naut ' yll-sized occupant. This robot
per minute (total M.D.C. cannot exceed the maximum of 300) .
and its larger cousin, Deathbringer, is inspired by a predator that haunts
Speed : shallow waters in the naut ' yll ' s homeworld.
Running: 44 mph (70 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does Half of the Sea Hunters are made of conventional metals while the
NOT tire out its operator. other half are covered by thick Korallyte armor plates, making them
Flying: Via magic only. Thruster assisted leaps can carry the wearer even more dangerous. Its weapon systems include a heavy particle wave
1 00 feet (30.5 m) high or 1 20 feet (36.6 m) lengthwise. gun, two torpedo/missile launchers and a blue-green laser for long­
Underwater: The thruster system allows the suit to travel at up to 60 range attacks. They are often used by large-scale raiding parties and
knots (69 mph/I l l kmph) underwater (double when the speed doubler strike forces against underwater and land settlements, as well as for ex­
spell is engaged). If damaged, magic propulsion can be used as a substi­ ploration, rescue and defense. A Sea Hunter warband typically consists
tute. of four to eight robots. A typical raiding party has at least one Sea
Maximum Safe Depth: Two and a half miles (4 km) deep. Hunter warband, one Deathbringer and an additional 8- 1 6 infantrymen
Statistical Data: clad in body armor or power armor.
Height: 5 to 10 feet ( 1 .8 to 3 m) tall; magically conforms to the size of
the wearer. Model Type: SH-7
Width: Magically conforms to the size of the wearer. Class: Heavy combat exoskeleton
Length: Magically conforms to the size of the wearer. Crew: One
Weight: 300 Ibs ( 1 36 kg), regardless of size.

M.D.C. by Location: Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Anns (2) - 90 each Mega-Damage: I D6x l O M.D.
Pincers (2) - 70 each Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, or 4 missiles.
Legs (4) - 1 00 each Maximum Effective Range: I mile ( 1 .6 km)
Rear Jet Thrusters (2) - 60 each Payload: 8 total .
* Tiny Directional Jets (20) - 5 each 4. Concealed Laser Gun : Mounted in the right arm, behind the pincer
* Mini-Torpedo/Missile Launcher ( 1 , left forearm) - 30 each claw, this gun is used mostly against infantrymen or enemy power
* Medium Torpedo/Missile Launchers (2, top) - 50 each armor. It is also used for sharpshooting.
* Particle Wave Gun ( 1 ; top) - 1 00 Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel.
* Laser ( 1 , right forearm) - 25 Secondary Purpose: Defense.
** Main Body - 300 Mega-Damage : 606 M.D. per blast.
* All small or difficult targets to hit. An attacker must make a Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
called shot and even then is -3 to strike. Maximum Effective Range : 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down Payload: Effectively unlimited.
completely, rendering it useless. Note: Increase all M.D.C. by 40% 5. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en-
if composed of Korallyte. gage in mega-damage hand to h and combat.
Speed : Restrained Punch - 1 06 M.D.
Running On Dry Land: 50 mph (80 km) maximum. Full Strength Punch - 306 M.D.
Running Underwater: 30 mph (48 km) maximum. Full Strength Pincer Attack - 406 M.D.
Flying: Not possible. Power Punch - I D6x l O M.D. (counts as two attacks)
Underwater: Thrusters give it a maximum underwater speed of 39 knots Kick/Stomp - I D6 M.D.
(45 mph/72 kmph). Body Block/Ram - 206 M.D.
Maximum Safe Depth: Two miles (3.2 km) deep.
Statistical Data:
Height: 10 feet (3.0 m)
Width: 10 feet (3.0 m)
Deathbringer Combat Robot
Length: 12 feet (3 .65 m)
Weight: 2 tons
Essentially, this is a larger version of the Sea Hunter, with heavier
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 45
ann or and more weapon systems. It is designed for use by a pilot and a
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 15 years.
� unner to maximize its firepower. Typically, the Deathbringer operates
m. warbands of four to eight robots, or as part of an armored platoon
Market Cost: Not sold to outsiders; would fetch 8 to 10 million credits
with 8 to 1 6 Deathbringers and 24 to 32 Sea Hunters; this force may
from the Black Market, Atlantis or pirates.
also be supported by infantry or power armor troops. Like their smaller
Note: The Sea Hunter can completely or partially bury itself under
brothers, the Deathbringers are used as offensive and defensive/support
the loose sand of the sea floor. This tactic can be used to conceal the bot
forces, as well as for escorts, guard duty, exploration and rescue. They
from visual detection (95% if completely buried or 5 5 % if partially bur­
are the key defense force of naut' yll cities and also used to watch over
ied) and even sonar/sonic means of detection (75% if completely cov­
slaves; the looming presence of the crab-like robot is usually enough to
ered or 35% if partially covered). Even completely uncovered, the
stop any thoughts of escape or rebellion.
small, sand colored robot can quietly scurry along the ocean floor and
Model Type: DD-2
easily hide among rocks and debris; 60% prowl ability when moving at
Class: Assault Robot
1 0 miles mph ( 1 6 kmph) or slower.
Crew: Two; a pilot and a gunner, with seating to accommodate two ad­
Weapon Systems ditional passengers .
M.D.C. by Location :
1 . Particle Wave Gun: A heavier version of the standard issue rifle. Arms (2) - 1 50 each
This single barrelled weapon is mounted on a turret housing that can Pincers (2) - 1 00 each
rotate 360 degrees and has a 30 degree arc of fire. It is capable of Legs (4) - 1 40 each
damaging armored vehicles at long distances. Considered the main Rear Jet Thrusters (2) - 1 40 each
gun of the Sea Hunter. * Tiny Directional Jets (30) - 7 each
Primary Purpose: Anti-Annor * Mini-Torpedo/Missile Launcher ( I , left foreann) - 50 each .
Secondary Purpose: Defense * Medium Torpedo/Missile Launchers (2, top) - 1 00 each
Mega-Damage: I D6x l O+ 10 M.D. per blast. * Heavy Torpedo/Missile Lauchers (2) - 70 each
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot. * Particle Wave Gun ( I ; top) - 200
Maximum Effective Range : 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) * Laser ( I , right foreann) - 35
Payload: Effectively unlimited. ** Main Body - 500
2. Medium Torpedo/Missile Launchers (2) : Two dual-purpose torpe­ Reinforced Pilot ' s Compartment - 1 00
dos/missiles are in launchers located on the back/top of the robot. * All small or difficult targets to hit. An attacker must make a
They are used against enemy ships, subs, or aircraft (on the surface). called shot, and even then is -3 to strike.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft completely, rendering it useless. Note: Increase all M.D.C. by 40%
Mega-Damage: 2D6x l O M.D. if composed of Korallyte - only 25% are made with this substance.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two. Speed :
Maximum Effective Range: 10 miles ( 1 6 km) Running On Dry Land: 50 mph (80 km) maximum.
Payload: Four total; two per missile launcher. Running Underwater: 25 mph (40 km) maximum.
3. Mini-torpedo/Mis sile Launcher (1): A mini-missile launcher is lo­ Flying : Not Possible.
cated on the left forearm/claw of the robot. Underwater: Thrusters give it a maximum underwater speed of 30 knots
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel. (35 mph/56 kmph).

Maximum Safe Depth: Two and a half miles (4 km) deep. Maximum Effective Range : 20 miles (32 km) underwater, 500 miles
Statistical Data: (800 km) on the surface.
Height: 20 feet (6. 1 m) Payload: 16 total; 8 per launcher.
Width : 25 feet (7.6 m) 3. Medium Torpedo/Missile Launchers (2) : Mounted in lower on the
Length : 30 feet (9. 1 m) body below the heavy launchers are a pair of medium missile
Weight: 20 tons fully loaded launchers.
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 55. Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and heavy armor.
Cargo: None, other than areas allotted and used for weapons. Secondary Purpose: Defense
Power System: Nuclear or techno-wizard; average energy life of 1 5 Mega-Damage: 2D6x l O M.D.
years. Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4 missiles.
Market Cost: Not sold to outsiders; would fetch 25 to 40 million credits Maximum Effective Range : 10 miles ( 1 6 km)
from the Black Market, Atlantis or pirates. Payload: 16 total; 8 per launcher.
Weapon Systems Maximum Effective Range: 1 0 miles ( 1 6 km)
1. Triple Barrelled Particle Wave Cannon Turret : This devastating Payload: 16 total; 8 per launcher.
weapon is mounted in a turret housing that can rotate 360 degrees 4. Mini-torpedo/missile launchers (1): A mini-missile launcher is lo-
and has a 45 degree arc of fire. It can fire a single, double or triple cated on the left forearm/claw of the robot.
blast at the same target. Operated by the gunner. Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor and ship. Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Defense Mega-Damage: 1 D6x l O M.D.
Mega-Damage: Single blast: 1 D6x l O+6, double blast: 2D6x l O+ 1 2 and Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, or 4 missiles.
triple blast: 3D6x l O+20 M.D. ! Maximum Effective Range: 1 mile ( 1 .6 km)
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner. Payload: 8 total.
Each shot from the cannon, whether one shot or two or three simultane­ S. Concealed Laser Gun: Mounted in the right arm, behind the pincer
ous blasts, counts as one melee attack/action . claw, this gun is used mostly against infantrymen or enemy power
Maximum Effective Range : 5000 feet ( 1 325 m) armor. It is also used for sharpshooting.
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel.
2. Heavy Torpedo/Missile Launchers (2) : Mounted below the particle Secondary Purpose: Defense.
wave turret are two box missile/torpedo launchers, each with two Mega-Damage: 6D6 M.D. per blast.
launch tubes. Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor and anti-aircraft. Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet ( 1 830 m)
Secondary Purpose: Defense Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Mega-Damage : 4D6x l O M.D. 6. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en­
Rate of Fire : One at a time or in volleys of two. gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat.

Restrained Punch - 206 M.D.
Full Strength Punch - 606 M.D.
Pincer Strike - 706 M.D.
Power Punch - 2D6x l O M.D. (counts as two melee attacks)
Kick/Stomp - 206 M.D.
Body Block/Ram - 406 M.D.

Leaper Submersible Fighter

Named after a species of flying fish on the naut' yll homeworld, the Weapon Systems
leaper is a submarine that can fly above water. Although not as fast and 1. Particle Wave Guns: These guns are coordinated to fire at the same
maneuverable as Earth fighter jets, the leaper can fly at decent speeds target simultaneously for increased damage.
and has a great deal of firepower. It also has the advantage of being able Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor, anti-aircraft.
to attack targets from beneath the surface of the water. The Leaper has Secondary Purpose: Defense.
an elongated shape, with tiny wings and a sinuous, organic look. Its Mega-Damage: Each gun does I D6x l O M.D. A simultaneous double
nose has two particle wave guns, and two torpedo/missile launchers. blast inflicts 2D6x l O M.D.
Although the Leaper is very effective against unarmed or lightly Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks of
armed merchant ships or helpless civilians in fishing villages, it hasn ' t the pilot.
fared so well against military forces. A raid against a Coalition town Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m); same undersea or in
failed catastrophically when a wing of Nightwing jets (see Rifts Merce­ the air.
naries) happened to arrive. The CS jets slaughtered the slow and rela­ Payload: Effectively unlimited.
tively fragile Leapers. Likewise, encounters with the New Navy ' s 2. TorpedolMissile Launchers (2) : Two medium torpedo/missiles can
Manta Rays (see Nemo-2 and the Ticonderoga) have also ended up be launched simultaneously; the launcher then reloads from the inte­
badly for the alien ships. At this point, the local Governor Generals are gral magazine.
considering designing a new type of submersible fighter to deal with Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
these tough enemies. Secondary Purpose: Defense
Model Type: L-52 Mega-Damage: 2D6x l O M.D.
Class: Sea-Air Attack Vehicle. Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two.
Crew: One. Maximum Effective Range: 1 0 miles ( 1 6 km) underwater and 40 miles
(64 km) on the surface.
M.D.C. by Location:
Missile/Torpedo Launchers (2, on nose) - 30 each Payload: 8 total; four missiles per launcher.
Particle Wave Guns (2, top and bottom) - 50 each
Wings (2) - 75
** Main Body - 1 50 Red Trident Attack Submarine
Reinforced Pilot' s Compartment - 50
* * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body causes the Leaper to
crash. The Red Trident is the mainstay of the Naut' Yll Navy. It carries two
Speed : companies of infantry or armored troops and can deposit them right on
Driving on the ground: Not possible. an enemy coastline while providing support with volleys of missiles and
Flying: Up to 400 mph (640 kmph). energy blasts. After a successful raid, its cargo hold can carry over two
Underwater: 5 1 knots (60 mph/96 kmph). hundred slaves and tons of loot. Each naut' yll city has over a hundred
Maximum Safe Depth: One mile ( 1 .6 km) of these vessels.
Statistical Data: The Red Tridents has the basic shape of a thick trident, with the cen­
Height: 7 feet (2. 1 m) tral spike being the nose of the ship and the side spikes are two power­
Width: 1 5 feet (4.6 m) from wing tip to wing tip. ful particle wave cannons. Besides these, the ship also has several
Length: 2 1 feet (6.3 m) torpedo tubes and four laser batteries. Despite all this firepower, dozens
Weight: 1 ton. of Red Tridents have been destroyed; the USS Ticonderoga has sunk no
Cargo: None. less than fifteen.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 5 years.
Market Cost: Not for sale; might fetch 1 or 2 million credits on the Model Type: RT-II
Black Market. Class: Attack Submarine.

1 60
Crew: 30 ( 1 2 can operate the vessel at maximum efficiency), plus Secondary Purpose: Defense.
troops and slaves. Mega-Damage: 4D6x 1 O M.D. per single blast, or 4D6x20 M.D. for a
Troops: Standard troop complement is two infantry wartribes ( 1 60 double blast.
troops in shell body armor), an armored wartribe (24 Deathbringers, Rate of Fire: Each gun can fire twice per melee round (or 2 double
32 Sea Hunters, and 24 power armored troops) or a power armor blasts) .
wartribe (40 standard APAL- l O Torpedo power armor, 20 Korallyte Maximum Effective Range: 2 miles (3.2 km)
APAL- I O, and 20 APTW power armor). Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Slaves: 200 slaves/captives can be housed inside the submarine. 2. Heavy Torpedo/Missile Launchers (4) : Mounted on the front of the
M.D.C. by Location: ship are its main torpedo tubes. Like all Naut' Yll ships, these tubes
Particle Wave Cannons (2) - 300 each fire both dual purpose missile/torpedoes.
Heavy Torpedo/Missile Launchers (4) - 1 00 each Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-armor.
Blue-Green Lasers (4) - 80 each Secondary Purpose: Defense
Medium Torpedo/Missile Launchers (4) - 60 each Mega-Damage: 4D6x 1 O M.D.
** Main Body - 1 ,200 Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys or 2 or 4.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the subma- Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km) underwater or 500 miles
rine to sink. (800 km) on the surface.
Speed: Payload: Internal magazine has 40 torpedoes.
Driving on the ground: Not possible. 3. Blue-Green Lasers (4) : These secondary guns are used to knock out
Flying: Not possible. enemy missiles or torpedoes and also to protect the ship from air­
water Surface: 25 knots (29 mph/47 kmph). craft and other vehicles.
Underwater: 45 knots (52 mph/84 kmph). Primary Purpose: Defense
Maximum Safe Depth: Two and a half miles (4 km) deep. Secondary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-aircraft.
Statistical Data: Mega-Damage: I D6x 1 O M.D. per blast.
Height: 30 feet (9. 1 m) Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Width: 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m) Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m)
Length: 300 feet (61 m) Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Weight: 2,000 tons 4. Medium Torpedo/Missile Launchers (4) : Four secondary launch
Cargo: Can carry up to 400 tons of loot and slaves. tubes are mounted on the sides of the submarine.
Power System: Nuclear or TW power system with an average energy Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
life 1 5 years. Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x 1 O M.D.
Weapon Systems Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two and four.
1 . Particle Wave Cannons (2) : These main guns can gut a ship with a Maximum Effective Range: 1 0 miles ( 1 6 km) underwater and 40 miles
couple of blasts. (64 km) on the surface.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship Payload: 1 20 total; 30 per launcher.

The Naut"yll ' s area of greatest dominance.

Horune P i rates
Population Breakdown: An estimated 2.8 million spread over the environment for millions of years. This seems evident by their ability to
oceans and seas of the world. Exact numbers are impossible to calcu­ hold their breath underwater for long periods (3D4 minutes), tolerate
late. depths of up to 500 feet ( 1 5 2 m), vision suited for murky water, plus
Horune Aliens: 1 .4 million they are excellent swimmers, sailors and navigators who feel most at
Naut'Yll : 1 20,000 home on the sea.
Other Pirates: 680,000; includes a variety of misfits including rogue
amphibs, evil ocean wizards, warlocks (mainly air and water), warri­ History
ors, mutants, aquatic or amphibian D-bees, and assorted transdimen­ The horune appeared on Rifts Earth approximately 230 years ago.
sional beings. Since then, they have carved themselves a place on the high seas as no­
Humans Slaves: 200,000 madic warriors. Thousands of ships and scores of underwater and
Other Slaves: 400,000; mostly surface dwelling D-Bees coastal communities around the world have been attacked and plun­
The Horune Pirates are a scuzzy lot of monsters who ride the high dered by them. These D-bee pirates are generally acknowledged to be
seas in search of plunder. They are career pirates who rob, fight and kill the most brutal and savage of them all. They rob, rape, pillage and mur­
for a living. Although many people mistake them for reptiles or am­ der, taking what and whom they please with impunity. None have been
phibians, the horune are multi-eyed D-bees more closely related in able to stop them although many have tried. They honor no truce, flag
physiology to Earth birds. On their homeworld, it seems likely these be­ or boundary and attack without mercy. The only nation safe from these
ings have lived, perhaps as pirate raiders or sea warriors, in an ocean marauders is Atlantis, with whom they freely trade goods, services and

slaves. Atlantis is also the only nation to offer these villains a safe har­ Horune pirates may operate as a solitary predator with one vessel,
bor to visit. small groups of two to six vessels, or a fleet of seven to twenty ships.
Horune pirates never speak about a homeworld, but do occasionally The vessels may be entirely of horune design or a combination of ho­
mention a revered and legendary place called "Mothersea." Most schol­ rune and human, or other design and manufacture. The typical horune
ars have decided that this is probably the horune ' s homeworld and its ship is manufactured through magic by a horune Ship Dreamer, al­
mythical status may mean that the horune are the descendants of es­ though the bio-wizards and engineers of Atlantis have managed to build
caped slaves or refugees who may have been displaced from their reasonable facsimiles that are a close match to the great magic ships
homeland thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of years ago. They (speed and M.D.C. are -30% and do not regenerate). However, they are
seem to accept no place as their home and perpetually ride the seas. costly and time consuming to build; the horune have only commis­
sioned a half dozen such ships from the Splugorth.

Culture & Government Magic & Technology

Like the naut 'yll, the horune are aliens with a militaristic, imperialis­ The horune have a fondness for both high technology and magic,
tic culture. In their own chaotic way, there is structure and an order of particularly as they apply to sailing and combat. As pirates, they have
command, although it is sometimes difficult to recognize through their developed little in the way of manufacturing, science or technology
barbarism. They are lecherous, gluttonous, ruffians who sometimes themselves. Thus, most of the items in their possession have been pur­
seem like the embodiment of pure anarchy. When not engaged in com­ chased, stolen, seized, salvaged or otherwise "acquired" from others.
bat and piracy, they are dishevelled and dirty in appearance, loud, lewd Consequently, the members of a horune raiding party may wield a
brawlers and show no evidence of self-control or discipline. However, strange combination of items from Triax, the CS, Kittani, New Navy,
when involved in pursuit, combat, or when so commanded by their cap­ and Atlantis, and may combine techno-wizard, rune magic and other
tain, they seem to magically transform into the world ' s most masterful items with conventional weapons.
sailors . The horune learn enough to maintain the items and find or enslave
They respect power and ferocity but show only absolute loyalty to skilled people to repair them. It is not uncommon to have a troop of pi­
the horune people and their leaders. The supreme leader of the ship is rates invade a port only to force its technicians to effect repairs and sup­
the captain. His words are never doubted, questioned or defied. All ho­ ply parts. Failure to comply often leads to the torture or slaughter of
rune live by this credo. Any non-horune pirate who fails to give the cap­ innocent people and the destruction of the community . Cooperation will
tain the respect he commands is severely beaten or tortured and slain. result in minimal damage and incident, especially if the Captain gives
Among horune pirate fleets, each ship will have a captain, but it is to the his word. In these instances, the pirates take only what they need, get
Fleet Commander that all show blind obedience. Occasionally, non-ho­ their repairs and leave. Besides, such an "understanding" and "helpful"
rune can become a captain, but only the horune may become a Fleet place may be useful in the future. Much to the dismay of its citizens,
Commander. All horune work and support other horune. They never some of these places become earmarked as safe ports and are visited
kill their own (unless absolutely necessary), never betray their own and several times a year (once every few months).
never accept other beings as their master. Despite the corruption and The horune do have one manufacturing capability, the creation of
evil nature of these beings, the horune live by this law of the sea and their great magic ships. See the Ship Dreamers described elsewhere in
their leaders have never betrayed their people. this section.
The horune may squabble and fight amongst themselves and with ri­
val horune bands, but seldom battle to the death or with the wanton de­
struction they inflict on all others. In case of a serious dispute, it is Foreign Affairs
usually the two Captains or Fleet Commanders who battle to the death
Horune pirates have pillaged seafaring people, ships and communi­
- winner takes all, and nobody questions the results.
ties around the world without prejudice. Humans and many other sur­
Unlike other surface dwellers and pirates, the horune make their face dwellers are favorite targets for raids and slavery because they are
home at sea. Most will spend their entire lives on a boat. In some cases, frequently easy targets.
they enslave coastal villages or seize small islands to serve as outposts
The horune are most active in the North and South Atlantic, Mediter­
or dry docks. Most of these islands and ports are far from civilization
ranean Sea, Black Sea, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean,
and inaccessible without a boat, aircraft or magic. At these locations
and Arabian Sea because these locations are comparatively close to At­
they repair their ships, store supplies and hold slaves, but the horune
lantis, the pirates ' favorite trading port, and because they are near some
seldom linger on soil for more than a few weeks. This life at sea makes
of the fledgling nations that offer the best booty. However, the horune
them the ultimate freebooters, without roots to any nation or people.
can be found in seas around the world; many travel from one comer of
This also means they view surface dwellers and aquatic people with the
the planet to another in a lifetime campaign of piracy.
same sort of ambivalence - both are simply viewed as victims waiting
Nemo-2 & The New Navy: Nemo-2 and the New Navy have had
to be plucked and used.
many clashes with these sadistic aliens. The Navy is especially vigilant
Even the horune ' s association with the Splugorth of Atlantis is
of slave ships and have rescued thousands of people from the clutches
completely self-serving. They, like the Splugorth, drool over their rune
of the horune. Meanwhile, the pirates have learned that the New Navy
magic, symbiotes and Kittani weaponry, and love to visit Atlantis, but
has at least one secret base and would love to find and plunder it.
they feel little commitment or obligation to them. The Splugorth make
their life easier because they offer the horune a safe haven protected Tritonia: The horune pirates do not consider Tritonia an enemy, sim­
from other hostile nations, and a place to sell slaves and booty. The pi­ ply a resource to be plundered. They have never attacked the artificial
rates enjoy many of the same inhuman and inhumane recreation, foods island but frequently raid its ships. The pirates see the intervention of
and pleasures as the monster infested continent, which makes it all the military troops and vessels as a challenge and respond accordingly.
more pleasant to visit, but does not, in the mind of the horune pirates, Japan: The horune have clashed with the various forces around the
establish any bond or commitment. Indeed, the horune are quick to Japanese islands and the China sea.
"sell" their services and information to Atlantis and like freelancing for Naut ' yll: Horune pirates represent yet another obstacle to the
this devious kingdom, but they never do a thing in the name of friend­ naut ' yll ' s plans to control the seas. For one reason or another, the pi­
ship or allegiance. Thus, while they respect the power of the Splugorth, rates have recruited a sizable number of renegade naut' yll to join them
they do not bow before it. in a life of piracy.

1 63
The Lord of the Deep: The horune fear this alien intelligence and its tion to look around in a position other than forward. The eyes in the
minions as much as anybody else. Despite rumors to the contrary, the stalks have hawk-like vision and are able to see details at great distances
horune themselves do not worship the monster or any god. However, (up to two miles/3 .2 km away), but have poor close-range vision (near­
some of the other races among them worship the monster in hopes of sighted). The three eyes fixed in the center of the head are used for
escaping its wrath. Approximately 1 0% of the non-horune pray, wor­ close combat and detail work (roughly equal to perfect human sight) .
ship and kill in the name of the Lord of the Deep, but less than I % of These eyes can also see in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum of light,
these are official members of the Cult of the Deep. The horune may also enabling the character to see in murky and dim water, as well as see the
jokingly sacrifice prisoners and D-bee traitors to the Deep, which ironi­ magically invisible. The nose has a flap of skin to plug the nostrils un­
cally pleases the alien intelligence and does work to escape its acts of derwater. The mouth is extended, like a short snout and filled with
terror. Still, the pirates have had their share of bloody encounters with large, sharp teeth.
the Minions of the Deep. The horune are carnivores who feed on the flesh of animals, human­
Gene-Splicers : These cruel and chaotic beings are not feared by the oids and intelligent life forms. They are also ritual cannibals who will
horune. These two foul races sometimes trade goods, services, slaves, devour the flesh of renegades and rivals after a battle to the death (usu­
and information with each other. The horune pirates are always in the ally between Captains). This is a rarity however, as most horune seldom
market for mutants and oddities to sell to the Splugorth and are glad to face each other in mortal combat.
take the gene-splicers ' misfits off their hands. Underwater, the semi-aquatic aliens swim quickl,y with the same
The Splugorth of Atlantis: The horune ' s favorite port is Atlantis. motions as humans. They do not have gills and must use air tanks,
They have enjoyed decades of trading slaves and pirate booty for alco­ power armor, vehicles or magic to function underwater for extensive
hol, weapons and supplies with the Minions of Splugorth. They are es­ periods of time. Unaided, horune can hold his breath for 3D4 minutes
pecially friendly with slavers, maxi-men, tattooed men, witches and and survive depths of up to 500 feet ( 1 52 m).
gurgoyles. They love Kittani weapons and technology, but most kittani
warriors find the horune to be repugnant and dishonorable. Likewise,
the arrogant Sunaj assassins avoid these brutish pirates unless their
work demands otherwise. Lord Splynncryth provides these villains with
sanctuary to acquire not only ill-gotten booty, but to gather regular re­
ports about activities on the high seas, and hints of things brewing in
other parts of the world.
The Splugorth is the closest thing the pirates have to an ally and will
perform anything asked of them if the payment is satisfactory (that ' s as
loyal as these scoundrels get) . As a gesture of appreciation, they have
sworn to sink every Naruni ship and slaughter every Naruni merchant
they encounter - a hollow promise since Naruni Enterprises has not
begun worldwide trading on Earth and have no presence on the seas.
Triax and the NGR: The horune have attacked a few NGR vessels
and have come to appreciate Germany ' s technology above all others.
Triax weapons and armor are favorites, with Atlantean items, particu­
larly rune items and Kittani weapons a close second. They have also
come to appreciate NGR military might and to avoid combat with them
unless a ship appears to be in distress or is outnumbered.
The Coalition States: Other than the occasional coastal raid and as­
sault against military or cargo ocean vessels, the horune have had little The Horune Pirate
contact with the Coalition States. Note: The horune can be used as a player character, as well as an
NPC villain. As a player character, the horune is likely to be a loner,
South America: The horune will trade with anybody who offers
outcast or rogue. The alignment is not likely to be better than anarchist
them a good deal. This has included trading with demons, vampires, Ci­
or unprincipled, although good alignments are possible, but very rare.
bola and Lagarto (see Rifts South America).
The racial memories and instinctual bonds of this race are so powerful
Whale Singers : The horune seem to take special delight in slaying
that even good horune will try to avoid conflicts and fights with other
Whale Singers, pneuma-biforms and dolphins. They just find these
members of his race. Evil horune are likely to mock and torment those
good and righteous beings unsavory and fun to hunt, torture and kill.
who choose to abandon their race to live with outsiders. If a good ho­
rune is captured, they are likely to be imprisoned or sold into slavery,
but not executed.

Horune Pirate R.C.C. Typical Alignment: Anarchist (40%), aberrant (30%), and other (30% ;
mostly evil).
Optional Player Characters Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+4, M.E. 2D6+4, M.A. 2D6+4, P.S. 3D6+ 1 O, P.P.
3D6+6, P.E. 3D6+6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 4D6+ 10 underwater and on
land. Considered to have supernatural strength and endurance.
The following information applies to the typical horune. Most are of Size: 5 to 6 feet ( 1 .5 to 1 . 8 m)
an evil or anarchist alignment who see nothing wrong with preying on Weight: 200 to 300 Ibs (90 to 1 35 kg).
innocent people. M.D.C. : P.E. plus 1 04x l O and add an additional 1 06 M.D.C. per level
All horune are mega-damage creatures and may be minor supernatu­ of experience. They may also wear M.D.C. body armor or use
ral beings or sub-demons from another dimension, similar to gargoyles. magic .
They are not the creation of the gene-slicers, as some rumors have sug­ Horror Factor: 1 0
gested. They are a stocky race of beings with rough, almost scaly skin P.P.E.: Standard
and a set of five eyes. The two on short eye-stalks can bend to look up, Average Life Span : 1 60 Earth years.
down and backwards without moving the head. However, these short Natural Abilities: Swim at 92%, hold breath underwater 3D4 minutes,
eye-stalks are not flexible tentacles and require thought and concentra- tolerate depths of up to 500 feet ( 1 52 m), nightvision 500 ft ( 1 5 2 m),

see infrared and ultraviolet light, and sharp hawk-like vision (can Standard Equipment: Standard half suit body armor (50 M.D.C.;
read a sign two miles/3 . 2 km away). They also have a good sense of other armor can be purchased or stolen), energy pistols of choice,
hearing, bio-regeneration 1 06 M.D.C. per hour and can regrow energy trident or M.D.C. trident, vibro sword or dagger, and har­
small appendages like fingers, toes, and eyes in 1 06 weeks. Arms poon gun; plus a magic sea-horse scooter, holster, utility belts, four
and legs take 204 months to regrow. large sacks, backpack, and a handful of personal items. Bigger, bet­
Psionic Powers: Considered to be a major psionic of vast ability . All ter weapons, environmental armor, magic items (they love ' em) and
possess hydrokinesis (super), object read, mind block, resist fatigue, equipment can be acquired later.
resist hunger and three physical powers of choice. Money : Pirates tend to spend their loot on weapons, booze and good
I.S.P.: M.E. x5 plus 1 06+2 per level of experience times. Starts with 1 D6x 1 000 worth of valuables.
Magic Powers: Only if a mystic. Horune Mystics get the psionic and Cybernetics: Not applicable because of their supernatural and regen­
magic powers of the mystic O.C.C. (see Rifts VIt., page 1 1 8) and erative nature.
the O.C.C. and Secondary skills described here. Do not select any of
the O.C.C. related skills.
Combat: As per skill and occupation.
Damage: Based on supernatural P.S. (typically 406 S .D.C. on a re­
strained punch, 206 M.D. on a full strength punch, and 406 M.D.
on a power punch).
R.C.C. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, + 1 to strike and parry, +2 to pull
punch, +4 to save vs disease, and +4 to save vs horror factor. All are
in addition to attribute and skill bonuses.
Bonuses Underwater Only : +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry, and
dodge, + 1 to roll with impact.
Alliances and Allies: The horune have no official alliance with any
other kingdom, but are friendly with Atlantis and will come to the
aid of other horune. They may also associate and make deals with
other pirates, villains and evildoers .
R.C.C. Skills:
Basic Math (+ 1 0% )
Pilot: Warships & Patrol Boats (+5 %) Ship Dreamers
Pilot: Water Scooters (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: Water Skiing and Surfing (+ 1 0%)
Pilot Related: Navigation (+ 1 0%) One in every thousand horune is a Ship Dreamer. These alien mys­
Underwater Navigation tics live in trance-like states, suspended between reality and their own
Undersea Salvage dream-world. They don 't eat or drink fluids - they imperceptibly draw
Undersea Survival nourishment from psychic energy and the air and water around them.
W.P. Knife or Sword (pick one) They never speak or open their eyes, but sit like the ancient Earth Hindu
W.P. Harpoon Gun Indians, legs and arms crossed, and float two feet (0.6 m) above the
W.P. Torpedo ground. A large mystic eye will appear above the Dreamer' s head and
W.P. Trident use magic to defend itself (all conventional spell magic, levels 1 - 1 3) ,
W.P. Energy Pistol but even then the Ship Dreamer never moves, opens his eyes o r speaks.
Additional W.P.s: Two of choice The Ship Dreamer' s entire existence is passive, except for the crea­
Hand to Hand: Expert tion of the Dream Ships and acts of self-defense. Even if the ship carry­
Hand to hand: expert can be changed to martial arts or assassin at ing the character is under attack, this horune mystic does nothing to
the cost of one "other" skill. help save it or his fellow horune. If the vessel is sunk, the Ship Dreamer
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select four other skills. Plus select one addi­ will usually survive via self-preserving magic. It is interesting to note
tional skill at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. that once a horune Dream Ship is sunk/destroyed, it seems to disinte­
Communications: Any (+5 %) grate and vanish as if it had never existed at all.
Domestic: Any
Electrical: None
The creation of the Dream Ships: It is believed that the Ship
Dreamers are somehow linked, for they all make the same ships with
Espionage: Any (+5 %)
the exact same specifications and design elements. Ten Dreamers can
Mechanical: None
build one large ship or two small ships annually. In the alternative, as
Medical: None
many as ten ships, regardless of size, can be magically repaired/restored
Military: Any (+5 %)
to look like new. It is believed that if enough (all?) Ship Dreamers were
Physical: Any, except acrobatics
slain, the Horune Fleet could be destroyed once and forever.
Pilot: Any (+5 % ; + 1 0% on all seacraft)
Pilot Related: Any (+5 %) Psychics who have tried to probe the minds of Ship Dreamers, and
Rogue: Any (+4%) survived, all report the same thing. First, they are lost in an ocean of
Science: Math and sea related only (+ 1 0%) swirling colors, mostly reds, blues and purples. The psychic feels a
Technical : Any (+ 1 0%) sense of disembodiment similar to astral projection and floats aimlessly
W.P. : Any among the colors. After what seems to be a few moments, the psychic ' s
Wilderness: Any ears begin t o ring and the mumbling o f a thousand voices can b e heard,
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select two secondary skills although no words can be recognized. The sound and pressure builds.
from the previous list at levels two, four, eight and twelve. These are Numbers and equations flash before the eyes although they too cannot
additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the be recognized or later remembered. The head begins to throb and feels
bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill like it' s going to explode. Try as he might, the psychic cannot break the
level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indi­ connection ! He screams and keeps screaming as the sounds and images
cated in the list. intensify. Suddenly, the grinning or laughing face of the Ship Dreamer

fills the sky. Sometimes he appears to be speaking but his words cannot Magic: Equal to a I D4+ 1 O level wizard. P.P.E. 3D6x l 00. Knows all
be heard over the din. There is a blinding blue flash and the ordeal is conventional spell magic levels, 1 - 1 3 (see Rifts Vlt. Ed., page 1 97).
over. Psionics: Unknown. Impervious to all psionic attacks and probes and
When or if the psionic recovers his senses (many die or fall into a draws on psionic energy around him. Also psionically linked to
catatonic state), he learns that what seemed to be an excruciating hour other Ship Dreamers.
was only a few seconds. Latent Psychic Energy in I.S.P.: 6D6x l 00 !
G.M. Note: Give psionic characters ample warning about the conse­ Average Life Span: 7 7 0 years, but some have lived a s long a s 1 1 00.
quences of probing the mind of a Ship Dreamer. If the character persists
Slave Market Value: None. These strange beings will either magically
in trying a probe (or does so out of ignorance) he must make a roll to escape and rejoin their horune brethren, or die in captivity . No
save vs psionic attack. A failed roll means the psychic has suffered a amount of force, intimidation or magic can force them to create
brain aneurysm and either dies or becomes a vegetable (roll for best two ships for anybody other than the horune people.
out of three if desired). The effect is usually permanent. If the G.M. is
Habitat: They exist on ships scattered throughout the horune pirate
generous or the character was well meaning, then he or she should fleets.
probably be allowed to survive the ordeal without rolling to save. Those O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: Impervious to psionic attack (see the
who survive (or save) vividly recall the horror and helplessness of the outcome of probes above), as well as to cold, heat, fire, poison, dis­
ease and horror factor. Floats a few feet above the ground or above
event and will NEVER try to probe a Ship Dreamer again ! It is impossi­
ble for even a mind melter or mind bleeder to penetrate the alien mind water, has no apparent need to eat or sleep, is +6 to save vs magic,
bio-regenerates I D4x l O per hour, and is constantly in a trance-like
of the Ship Dreamer.
Note: This is a Non-Player Character (NPC) villain.
O.C.C. Skills: Not applicable.
Alignment: Aberrant evil. O.C.C. Related Skills: Not applicable.
Attributes: Unknown ! Secondary Skills: Not applicable.
Size: Standard for horune; may appear smaller because of the sitting po- Standard Equipment: Not applicable.
sition. Money : Not applicable.
Weight: Thin for horune; about half normal weight. Cybernetics: Not applicable.
Hit Points: Mega-damage creature. Note: Ten Dreamers can build one large ship or two small ships an­
M.D.C. : 3D6x l O nually. In the alternative, as many as ten ships, regardless of size, can be
Horror Factor: 1 0; 1 9 when attacking or being probed. magically repaired/restored to look as new, or a 1 000 sea sleds/scooters
Combat Attacks per Melee Round : Two by magic; self-defense only. and magic weapons, or 1 00 combat drones (either type) can be created.

Horune Weapons & Technology

Horune Harpoon Gun Mega-Damage: Same as the sonic blast spell; 6D6 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Single shot; each blast counts as one melee action.
A man-sized underwater rifle that fires harpoons - metal spears. A s
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 ft (6 1 0 m).
many a s three spears can b e housed and fired a t a time. A n additional
Payload: 40 sonic blasts .
quiver of spears can be carried on the back or strapped to a waist belt.
Cost: Low, 1 0,000 credits, since most other beings have no way of re­
Weight: 5 Ibs (2.3 kg)
charging it.
Damage: Standard spear/harpoon: 3D6 S .D.C.
Note: The magic rifle has 1 00 M.D.C. points and is very durable.
Explosive tipped: 2D4 M.D. per spear.
Magic/Techno-wizard: Electrical charge (6D6 M.D.), heat/plasma (4D6
M.D.), or releases a magic net upon impact (same as the spell; 4th level Horune Energy Trident
in strength).
Many of these are stolen from the naut' yll, others are Splugorth
Rate of Fire: Single shot, or a volley of two or three fired simultane­
knock-offs (two prongs as depicted on the cover). The trident can be en­
ergized, firing particle waves or delivering energy strikes in close com­
Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet ( 1 52 m) underwater or in the air.
Payload: Three harpoons. It takes one melee action to reload per each
Weight: 1 2 1bs (5.4 kg)
harpoon. A quiver holds 12 harpoons.
Mega-Damage: Both the ranged particle wave attack and the energized
Cost: 2,000 credits. Manufactured in Atlantis.
strike inflict 5D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the
Horune Sonic Rifle wielder.
Maximum Effective Range: Energy blast: 1 000 feet (305 m). Strike:
This is a short rifle that functions similarly to the naut 'yll weapon. It
hand to hand combat.
is a creation of the Ship Dreamers and as such, registers as pure magic.
Payload: 30 energy blasts or close combat blows (every successful
It can only be recharged by one or by leaving the weapon on a Dream
strike drains one charge). Changing E-clips counts as one melee at­
Ship for six hours, or when in the possession of a dolphin combat drone
(the ships are a magic extension of the Ship Dreamers and continue to
Cost: 70,000 credits.
be influenced by their magic). Once charged, anybody can use the
weapon. It is the standard issue of the dolphin combat drones and may
also be assigned to ships' officers and Captains. Only one in 50 horune Other Weapons
pirates will carry this weapon. As stated previously, the pirates capture, seize, steal, trade and buy
Weight: 6 1bs (2.7 kg) . all types of weapons from around the world. Favorites include items

made by Triax, the Kittani, New Navy, Tritonia, Naut ' yll, Lemuria and
Japan. Horune love magic, and covet magic weapons and equipment of Horune Dolphin Combat Drone
all kinds. They also love Kittani plasma swords, tridents, lances, and
blasters. This bipedal robot and the land shark drone look like something that
walked out of a nightmare. These automatons are also the product of the
Ship Dreamers ' twisted imagination. In both cases, the creation requires
Horune Sea-Horse Sled & Speeder a living host body. In this instance, that host is a dolphin. This is a trag­
edy because the gentle cetacean is transformed into a killing machine
This is another creation of the Ship Dreamers. There are two types, that serves the pirates as a shock-trooper. The drone obediently follows
one that looks more like a sea-horse, complete with a prehensile tail to orders like a magic zombie sheathed in spiny metal armor.
carry or pull cargo, and the "speeder," which looks more like a torpedo In most cases (98%), all remanants of the dolphin' s personality and
with a stylized horse ' s head. B oth are depicted on the cover of this book memory are destroyed, but in some cases, the dolphin retains them and
(the rider in the foreground is a D-bee pilot, the riders in the back­ manages to rebel or escape. Unfortunately, the transformation appears
ground are horune in full helmets and body armor). permanent, so the character is forever condemned to life encased in
Both are one-man vehicles suitable for riding on the water' s surface magic armor, a freak and a misfit. Some of these "free will" drones turn
or diving and propelling underwater. The sea sled is built for maneuver­ to evil, others try to build a new life and continue to fight evil and injus­
ability, silence and towing cargo. The speeder for speed and combat. tice (indeed these poor souls have firsthand knowledge of evil and in­
They are used for reconnaissance, exploration and combat both above justice).
and below the water. At slow speeds (under 20 mph/32 kmph), two or
Model Type: HM-D l
three other SCUBA divers can hold onto the vessel and be pulled along;
Class: Horune magic automaton/combat drone
any faster and they are pulled off.
Crew: One dolphin host body.
Model Type: HM-S2 M.D.C. by Location :
Class : Magic one-man aqua-sleds or scooters. Thrusters (2; back) - 1 5 0 each
Crew: One pilot * Arms (2) - 1 00 each
M.D.C. by Location: * Clawed Hands (2) - 25 each
Main Body - 223 Legs (2) - 1 50 each
Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sled and it Tail ( 1 ) - 1 5 0
vanishes in a puff of sparkling light! Sleds and speeders that are * Plasma Ejectors (3; top) - 2 0 each
damaged will regenerate 406 M.D.C. every hour. * Hip Lasers (2) - 1 5
The pilot is a difficult target to hit. Attackers must make a called * Sonic Rifle ( 1 ) - 1 00
shot and even then are -3 to strike. ** Main Body - 270
Speed : * Locations marked with an asterisk indicate targets that are dif­
Driving on the ground: Not possible. ficult to hit. Attackers must make a called shot and are -3 to strike.
Flying : Not possible. ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the drone
SliIfaCe Water Speed: Sled: 35 mph (56 kmph; 30 knots). Speeder: 90
and kills the dolphin inside. Otherwise, the armor, limbs and all
mph ( 1 44 kmph; 77.4 knots). weapon systems regenerate 20 M.D.C. per hour and destroyed items
Underwater Speed: Sled: 35 mph (56 kmph; 30 knots) and can maintain actually grow back in perfect working order when all M.D.C. is re­
that speed pulling six tons. The speeder can travel underwater at up to stored ! If needed, the entire 20 M.D.C. can be focused to regenerate
60 mph (96.5 kmph; 5 1 .6 knots) and can dive 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) at the one particular weapon or location.
full 90 mph speed. Speed :
Range : Magic; effectively unlimited. Running: 44 mph (70 kmph) maximum. Note that the act of running
Depth: Unlimited. does NOT tire out the creature inside.
Bonuses: + 1 0% to piloting skill - handles like a dream (no pun in­ Flying: Via magic only: Fly as the Eagle (equal to a 1 1 th level spell).
tended), can make quick turns, + 1 attack per melee for the pilot, and is Thruster assisted leaps can carry the wearer 1 00 feet (30.5 m) high or
+2 to dodge for the sled and +3 for the speeder. 1 20 feet (36.6 m) lengthwise.
Statistical Data: Underwater: The thruster system allows the suit to travel at up to 60
Height: Sled: 5 feet ( 1 .5 m). Speeder: 3 feet (0.9 m). knots (69 mph/I l l kmph) underwater (double when the speed doubler
Width: Sled and Speeder are both 2.6 feet (0.8 m). spell is engaged). If damaged, magic propulsion can be used as a substi­
Length: Sled: 7 feet (2. 1 m). Speeder: 10 feet (3.0 m). tute: swim as the fish (superior).
Weight: 200 lbs (90 kg), magically lightweight. Maximum Safe Depth: Three miles (4.8 km) deep.
Cargo: The sled can pull 6 tons, the speeder 3 tons, but speed is reduced Statistical Data:
by half. Height: 1 0 feet (3.0 m) tall.
Power System: Magic, with a 900 year life. Width : 4 feet ( 1 .2 m)
Weapon Systems: Both spit fire balls from the mouth twice per melee Length: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) long when standing straight up.
round from the horse ' s head: 606 M.D., range 300 feet (9 1 .4 m). The Weight: 1 000 lbs (450 kg)
horse heads will also bite those it does not know and will start to shriek PhySICal Strength: Equal to a P.S. 30 (magic/supernatural) .
if being stolen ( 1 06 M.D. from bite; a safety/anti-theft system). The Relative Intelligence: 9
sled can ram or gouge enemy soldiers or ships with the horns on the top Cargo: None.
of its head (306 M.D.). All attacks, except for defense system, must be Control System: Unless the dolphin was able to survive the magical
initiated by the rider and counts as one of his attacks per melee. transformation, a fully functioning combat drone only obeys the horune.
Market Cost: Never sold and only works for horune and horune pi­ It can recognize leaders and will obey them without question unless a
rates (of any race). Ship Dreamer commands (mentally) it to do otherwise. Furthermore,
these drones NEVER fight each other even under direct command.
They are programmed to obey and to capture and fight non-horune life
forms. The foul-hearted pirates like to pit these monsters against Whale
S ingers and normal cetaceans.

1 67
Power System: Magic with a 900 year life. 3. Hip Lasers : A pair of tiny lasers are built into the hip. Each can ro-
Sensor & Internal Systems of Note: Same as the natural dolphin ! tate 1 80 degrees.
Market Cost: Never sold or created for outsiders. Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per single blast or 4D6 per double blast.
Weapon Systems (Magic) Rate of Fire: Single shot or double simultaneous shot.
1 . Horune Sonic Rifle: Standard issue, described previously (6D6 Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) underwater or in the air.
M.D.; 2000 ft/6 1 O m range). Payload: Four blasts per melee round, effectively unlimited.
2. Plasma Ejectors: Mounted on the back of the drone is a three barrel 4. Bonuses & Hand to Hand Combat: Four attacks per melee round
plasma ejection system that fires magic fire balls! with long-range weapons or close combat. +2 on initiative, +5 to
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor strike, +3 to parry and dodge, and +6 to save vs horror factor.
Mega-Damage: I D6x l O M.D. per single blast, 2D6x l O per double blast Elbow with Spikes - 3D6 M.D.
and 3D6x l O M.D. per triple blast. Simultaneous blasts count as one me­ Slashing Claw - 3D6 M.D.
lee attack. Punch or Kick - 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shot, or a volley of two or three fired simultane­ Power Punch - 6D6 M.D.
ously. Shoulder or Head Butt - 2D6 M.D.
Maximum Effective Range : 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) underwater or in the air. The mouth and teeth are painted on and cannot bite.
Payload: 30 blasts per 24 hour period.

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Horune Land Shark Drone
The land shark is another magical, nightmare creation of the Ship * Mouth Plasma Ejector - 1 20
Dreamers. Like the dolphin combat drone, a living tiger or great white * Eye Lasers (2) - 1 5 each
shark is the living component that gives the automaton life. Unlike the * Wrist B laster ( I ; right) - 40
dolphin, this monstrous drone never has a will of its own and is truly a * Chest Lights (2) - 40 each
killing machine. ** Main B ody - 470
Model Type: HM-S 1 * Locations marked with an asterisk indicate targets that are dif­
Class: Horune magic automaton/combat drone ficult to hit. Attackers must make a called shot and are -3 to strike.
Crew: One shark host body. ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the drone
M.D.C. by Location: and kills the shark inside. Otherwise, the armor, limbs and all
* Arms (4) - 1 20 each weapon systems regenerate 20 M.D.C. per hour and destroyed items
* Clawed Hands (4) - 35 each actually grow back in perfect working order when all M.D.C. is re­
Legs (4) - 200 each stored ! If needed, the entire 20 M.D.C. can be focused to regenerate
Tail ( I ) - 200 one particular weapon or location.

Speed : 6. Bonuses & Hand to Hand Combat: Six attacks per melee round
Running: 44 mph (70 kmph) maximum. Note that the act of running with long-range weapons or close combat. +3 on initiative, +7 to
does NOT tire out the creature inside. strike, +5 to parry and dodge, and + 10 to save vs horror factor.
Flying: Via magic only : Fly as the Eagle (equal to an 1 1 th level spell). Elbow with Blades - 6D6 M.D.
Can leap 20 feet (6. 1 m) high or across. Slashing Claw - 5D6 M.D.
Underwater: The monstrosity can fold its legs and swim; 20 mph (32 Punch or Kick - 5D6 M.D.
kmph; 1 7.2 knots) underwater. Power Punch - I D6x 1 O M.D.
Maximum Safe Depth: Three miles (4.8 km) deep. Tail Strike - 5D6 M.D.
Statistical Data: B ite - l D4x 1 O M.D.
Height: 1 8 feet (5.4 m) tall. Head Butt - 3D6 M.D.
Width : 8 feet (2.4 m)
Length: 25 feet (7.6 m)
Weight: 2 tons Horune Dream Ship
PhYsICal Strength: Equal to a P.S. 38 (magic/supernatural).
Relative Intelligence: 7 These ships are sometimes called "whale ships" because they resem­
Cargo: None. ble a diving whale with its tail in the air. They are light grey in color
COritrol System: Only obeys the horune. It can recognize leaders and and marked with arching lines. Dream ships appear to be made of a po­
will obey them without question unless a Ship Dreamer commands it rous metal or carved out of a single, massive piece of stone. The ships
(mentally) to do otherwise. Furthermore, these drones NEVER fight are amazingly fast, heavily armed and can submerge for up to 1 2 hours !
each other even under direct orders by a commanding officer. They are However, most horune prefer to ride on top of the ocean and submerge
programmed to obey and to capture and fight non-horune life forms. only to surprise an opponent, to escape, or to attack underwater vessels
The pirates like to pit these monsters against Whale Singers and cetace­ or communities.
Power System: Magic, with a 900 year life. Model Type: H-l Magic Ship
Sensor & Internal Systems of Note: Same as the natural shark ! Class: Horune assault ship.
Market Cost: Never sold or created for outsiders. Crew: A typical pirate ship will have one captain, 10 officers, 1 or 2 air
or water warlocks (all I D4+4th level), or one dragon or ocean wiz­
Weapon Systems (Magic) ard, and 1 D4x 1 00 pirates. The vessel can hold an additional 1 ,200
1 . Plasma Ejector (1): Fiery balls of magic plasma can be fired from crewmen and 5 ,000 slaves or 70,000 tons of cargo.
the terrible mouth of the mechanical shark. M.D.C. by Location:
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor. Storm Cannon ( 1 ; top) - 1 ,400
Mega-Damage: I D6x 1 O M.D. per single blast; simultaneous blasts * Plasma Cannons (2; one per side) - 350 each
count as one melee attack. * Laser Turrets (2; rear) - 1 50 each
Rate of Fire: Six blasts per melee; each single or double blast counts as Tower ( 1 ; rear) - 2,000
one melee attack. Tail Fins (2) - 1 ,500 each
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) underwater or in the air. Hatches ( 1 0; small) - 200 each
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Cargo B ay Hatches (2; top) - 1 000 each
2. Eye Lasers (2) : A pair of small, but powerful lasers are built into the * Forward Cargo Hatch ( 1 ) - 4,000
eyes. ** Main Body - 20,000
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel * Indicates targets that are small or difficult to hit. Attackers must
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per single blast or 6D6 per double blast. make a called shot and are -3 to strike.
Rate of Fire: Each single or double shot counts as one melee attack. ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the ves­
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) underwater or 4000 feet sel, causing it to vanish in a shower of sparkling light! Damaged
( 1 220 m) in the air. vessels regenerate I D4x 1 00 M.D.C. every hour.
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Speed :
3. Forearm Blaster (1): The upper right arm has a triple-barrel blaster Driving on the ground: Not possible.
that fires mini-lightning bolts . Flying: Not possible.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel SilifaCe Water Speed: 90 mph ( 1 44 kmph; 77.4 knots) .
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per single blast, 4D6 per double blast or 6D6 Underwater Speed: 35 mph ( 5 6 kmph; 30 knots)
per triple blast. Range: Magic; effectively unlimited.
Rate of Fire: Each single, double or triple shot counts as one melee at­ Depth: Unlimited !
tack. Statistical Data:
Maximum Effective Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) underwater or 2000 feet Height: 280 feet (85.3 m) from top to bottom.
(6 1 0 m) in the air. Width: 1 50 feet (45 .7 m) at its widest point, but tapers at the top.
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Length: 400 feet ( 1 22 m)
4. Chest Lights (2) : The chest lights can be used as spotlights or to cre­ Weight: 90,000 tons
ate a blinding flash, globe of daylight or wisps of confusion (same as Cargo: Up to 5 ,000 slaves or 70,000 tons of cargo.
the spell). Power System: Magic - indefinitely.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Damage: Same effects as a 1 0th level spell. Otherwise they are used
like ordinary searchlights.
Weapon Systems
Rate of Fire: Each single or double shot counts as one melee attack. 1. Storm Cannon: The huge turret in the front (top) is a magic cannon
Maximum Effective Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) underwater or in the air. that can fire the following:
Payload: Each can be cast three times per 24 hour period. Call Lightning: l D6x 1 O M.D.; range: one mile (3.2 km).
5. Hand-Held Weapons: The horune land shark can use a sonic rifle, Summon Storm: Same as the spell at 1 1 th level strength.
rail gun or other hand-held weapons in addition to its formidable Whirl Pool: Same as the ocean spell at I I th level strength.
built-in arsenal. Calm Storms: Same as the spell at 1 1 th level strength.

The cannon is mounted in a huge turret that can rotate 360 degrees 4. Heavy Torpedo Launchers (2) : Torpedo tubes are concealed in the
and has a 90 degree arc of fire. forward section of the vessel where the ring design and forward
A small plasma turret is also mounted on each side of the storm can­ cargo hatch are located. Each can fire heavy or medium torpedoes.
non. Each single blast does I D6x l O M.D. and has a range of 3000 feet The "tube" openings are comparatively small and difficult targets to
(9 1 4 m); anti-aircraft/anti-missile. hit, thus an attacker must make a called strike to hit, and even then is
2. Forward Plasma Turrets (2) : At the mid-section on both sides of -3 to strike. Depleting the M.D.C. of a torpedo tube means torpedoes
the Dream Ship are powerful plasma cannons that fire magic fire cannot be launched from that tube (300 M.D.C. per tube). Depth
balls. The guns can rotate 360 degrees and have a 90 degree arc of charges may also be included as part of its armaments.
fire. This means these cannons can fire into the water but the blast Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-armor.
can ' t travel deeper than 300 feet (9 1 .5 m). Secondary Purpose: Defense
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D. each.
Secondary Purpose: Defense Rate of Fire: One at a time or in pairs.
Mega-Damage: I D4x l 00 M.D. per single blast or 2D4x 1 00 M.D. per Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km) underwater.
double turret blast. Payload: 60 torpedoes. Torpedoes can be routed to whichever launch
Rate of Fire: Each can fire five times per melee round. tube is desired.
Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 828.8 m) in the air, but only 5. Missiles : Most Dream Ships will also have 2D4x l O long- or me­
300 feet (9 1 .5 m) below the surface of the water. dium-range missiles and I D4x 1 00 mini-missiles on deck to combat
Payload: Effectively unlimited. ships, aircraft and other dangers.
3. Laser Cannon Turrets (2) : A pair of these heavy laser turrets are 6. Power Armor & Robots : As many as 1 00 of each combat drone is
built into the rear fins of the tail. They can rotate 360 degrees and likely to be on board. The pirates may also use other power armor,
have a 45 degree arc of fire. robots or aircraft acquired during their career. They may also have
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship super-powered beings, mages, demons and monsters as part of their
Secondary Purpose: Defense crew.
Mega-Damage: 4D6x 1 O M.D. per blast.
7. Ramming: The front of the ship is designed to ram vessels while do-
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
ing minimal damage to itself.
gunner (average 4 or 5); each turret has a gunner.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x 1 O M.D. per every 20 mph (32 kmph) the vessel is
Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) in the air, or 3000 feet
travelling. The Dream Ship suffers the equivalent of 1 0% damage itself
(9 1 4 m) underwater.
from ram attacks but regenerates.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Horune Strike Ships Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Defense
These vessels look exactly like the big Dream Ships but are a third Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D. per blast.
of the size. Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
Model Type: H-2 Magic Ship gunner (average 4 or 5); each turret has a gunner.
Class: Horune assault ship. 4. Heavy Torpedo Launchers (2) : Torpedo tubes are concealed in the
Crew: A typical pirate strike ship will have one captain, six officers, forward section of the vessel where the ring design and forward
one or two air or water warlocks or ocean wizards (all I D4+4th cargo hatch are located. Each can fire heavy or medium torpedoes.
level), and 1 00 pirates. The vessel can hold and additional 100 crew­ The "tube" openings are comparatively small and difficult targets to
men and 1 ,000 slaves or 30,000 tons of cargo. hit, thus an attacker must make a called shot to hit, and even then is -
M.D.C. by Location: 3 to strike. Depleting the M.D.C. of a torpedo tube means torpedoes
Top Plasma Cannon ( 1 ; top) - 800 cannot be launched from that tube (300 M.D.C. per tube). Depth
* Plasma Cannons (2; one per side) - 1 25 each charges may also be included as part of its armaments.
* Laser Turrets (2; rear) - 50 each Primary Purpose : Anti-ship and anti-armor.
Tower ( 1 ; rear) - 650 Secondary Purpose: Defense
Tail Fins (2) - 650 each Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D. each.
Hatches ( 1 0; small) - 65 each Rate of Fire: One at a time or in pairs.
Cargo B ay Hatches (2; top) - 350 each Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km) underwater.
* Forward Cargo Hatch ( 1 ) - 1 ,200 Payload : 20 torpedoes. Torpedoes can be routed to whichever launch
** Main Body - 6,500 tube is desired.
* Indicates targets that are small or difficult to hit. Attackers must 5. Missiles: Most Strike Ships will also have I D4x l O long- or medium­
make a called shot and are -3 to strike. range missiles and 1 00 mini-missiles on deck to combat ships, air­
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the ves­ craft and other dangers.
sel, causing it to vanish in a shower of sparkling light! Damaged 6. Power Armor & Robots: As many as 20 of each combat drone is
vessels regenerate 2D6x l O M.D.C. every hour. likely to be on board. The pirates may also use other power armor,
Speed : robots or aircraft acquired during their career. They may also have
Driving on the ground: Not possible. super-powered beings, mages, demons and monsters as part of their
Flying : Not possible. crew.
Surface Water Speed: 1 20 mph ( 1 92 kmph; 1 03 . 2 knots). 7. Ramming: The front of the ship is designed to ram vessels while do-
Underwater Speed: 3 5 mph (56 kmph; 30 knots) ing minimal damage to itself.
Range: Magic; effectively unlimited. Mega-Damage : I D4x 1 O M.D. per every 20 mph (32 km) the vessel is
Depth: Unlimited ! travelling. The ship suffers the equivalent of 1 0% damage itself from
Statistical Data: ram attacks but regenerates.
Height: 95 feet (29 m) from top to bottom.
Width: 50 feet ( 1 5.2 m)
Length: 1 20 feet (36.5 m)
Weight: 30,000 tons
Cargo: Up to 1 ,200 slaves or 25 ,000 tons of cargo.
Power System: Magic - indefinitely.

Weapon Systems
1. Plasma Cannon: The huge turret in the front (top) is a powerful
plasma cannon (replaces the storm cannon on the Dream Ships).
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: I D4x l 00 M.D. per single blast.
Rate of Fire: Fires five times per melee round.
Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 828.8 m) in the air, but only
300 feet (9 1 .5 m) below the surface of the water.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Forward Plasma Turrets (2) : At the mid-section on both sides of
the Dream Ship are powerful plasma cannons that fire magic fire
balls. The guns can rotate 360 degrees and have a 90 degree arc of
fire. This means they can fire into the water but the blast can ' t travel
deeper than 300 feet (9 1 .5 m).
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: I D4x l 00 M.D. per single blast or 2D4x l O0 M.D. per
double turret blast.
Rate of Fire: Each can fire five times per melee round.
Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 828.8 m) in the air, but only
300 feet (9 1 .5 m) below the surface of the water.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
3. Laser Cannon Turrets (2) : A pair of these heavy laser turrets are
built into the rear fins of the tail. They can rotate 360 degrees and
have a 45 degree arc of fire.

Atlant i s Undersea
The influence of Atlantis is felt to some degree almost everywhere km) deep and have the full weapon systems of the vessel at their dis­
in the world, including under the seas. The Splugorth manufacture ma­ posal. The speed of the barge is 5 3 mph (85 kmph) surfaced and 60
rine ships, submersibles and power armor which they sell and trade to mph (96.5 kmph; 5 1 .6 knots) underwater! See Rifts Atlantis and Sour­
humans, D-bees, mutants and pirates. They have dealings with the Ho­ cebook One (barge stats) for more data about the slaver.
rune and other non-human cutthroats. Exploration teams of kittani, ky­ The blind Altara warrior women have the same basic limitations
dians and other minions search the ocean depths for treasures, new as humans and kittani and must wear power armor to survive depths
technology, secrets of magic and exotic life forms such as the amphibs greater than 250 feet (76.2 m).
and Whale Singers for sale and exploitation in their dimensional mar­
kets. The Minions of Splugorth have had their clashes with the Lord of
the Deep and hunt naut ' yll and sea monsters for sport.
All this having been said, their influence undersea is only a fraction Weapons of Atlantis
of what it is on the surface world. They have scanty knowledge regard­ Note: All Splugorth magic and rune weapons function underwater at
ing the scores of aquatic and coastal communities that exist around the any depth. Likewise, many symbiotes can survive depths of up to three
world, particularly those in the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. The Splu­ miles (4.8 km) without artificial protection.
gorth of Atlantis are most active in the North Atlantic and Mediterra­
nean Sea, and, to a much lesser degree, the South A tlantic. Although the
occasional explorer, hunter and merchant will travel above and below
the waves in other parts of the world, they have very limited firsthand Kittani Plasma Weapons
knowledge about the people, nations or technology that exists there. The many different Kittani plasma weapons can be used underwater
Much of the Splugorth' s knowledge about Lemuria, the USS Ticon­ with the following modifications and penalties.
deroga, Tritonia, Japan, the Naut' ylls, Whale Singers, Lord of the Deep Mega-Damage: Reduce by 1 06 M.D.
and others come from second-hand rumors and stories told to them by Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the
pirates, sea-faring merchants, and the fiendish Horune Pirates. Thus, wielder.
much of their information is subjective, inaccurate or only a tiny frac­ Maximum Effective Range: Reduce laser blasts by 25 % ; reduce plasma
tion of the whole story. blasts by 67% (reduced to 33%, so a 1 00 foot/30.5 m range would be
reduced to 33 feet/I O.05 m). Throwing range is reduced by 90% !
Some Notes about Minions Note: All other stats are unchanged.

The most likely Minions of Splugorth to be encountered underwater

are the kydian Overlords, Powerlords, kittani warriors and slavers. The Underwater Rail Gun
occasional Metztla and other minion, assassin, bounty hunter or merce­ A rail gun that is designed to operate at maximum efficiency under­
nary may also be encountered under the sea or along coastlines, but water. The rounds are either tiny metal balls or needle-like spikes.
much less frequently. Weight: Gun 1 25 Ibs (57 kg), plus ammo-drum 45 Ibs (20.25 kg) .
Kydians are the enforcers of the Splugorth and as such, go wherever Mega-""D amage: A burst is 40 rounds and does l D4x l O M.D.; a single
they are needed. They may be sent on missions of exploration, recon­ round does 1 04 M.D.; same damage on ground or underwater.
naissance, rescue, escort/defense, or combat. The magic armor used by Rate of Fire: Standard
the Overlords and Powerlords can be used underwater without modifi­ Maximum Effective Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) underwater, 2500 feet
cation (see description in Rifts Atlantis, page 1 23), but have a maxi­ (76.2 m) in an air environment.
mum depth tolerance of two miles (3.2 km) . Any deeper and the ocean Payload: 1 1 20 rounds. 28 short bursts per ammo drum.
pressure begins to affect the kydian inside the armor (reduce attacks per Cost: 70,000 credits outside naut' yll settlements.
melee and all combat bonuses by half). See the Overlord Whale Killer
Armor described elsewhere in this section for the ultimate underwater
power armor!
Kittani Rocket Grenades
These are small grenade-like explosives that are hooked to ammo­
Kittani are the warriors, scientists and mechanical geniuses of At­
belts or carried in pouches, backpacks or satchels. They can be dropped
lantis. They have invented a number of technological wonders for trav­
from above like depth charges (-2 to strike and automatically detonate
elling and hunting underwater (they are described elsewhere in this
at the depth of one mile/ 1 .6 km), or a very short-range propeller can be
section). In addition, their Manling and Serpent power armors are ex­
activated with the pull of a pin, and send the grenade rocketing through
cellent for use underwater, but have a maximum depth tolerance of 1 .5
the water toward its target. Weight: l lbs (0.45 kg)
miles (2.4 km) and the range of their plasma weapons is reduced to one­
third. Descending deeper will cause the suit to rupture and kill the Mega-Damage: Four types:
wearer. High Explosive (HE) : 506 M.D. with a four foot ( 1 .2 m) blast di­
Slavers are aquatic beings themselves and thrive in the water in or ameter.
out of their magical slave barges and without any special diving gear. Fragmentation: 306 M.D. to a 40 foot ( 1 2.2 m) diameter area.
The maximum depth tolerance of the slaver is 5 miles (8 km) without Concussion grenade: 406 M.D. to a 20 foot (6. 1 m) diameter plus
need of diving gear! They are excellent swimmers and can attain speeds 206 M.D. to an additional area 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) in diameter. Further­
of up to 30 mph (48 kmph; 25.8 knots) without suffering from fatigue more, the concussion grenade has a 1 -35% chance of stunning humans,
(speed attribute of 22 is doubled when in water) ! Of course, those magi­ naut' yll, amphibs, Lemurians, dolphins , and most marine creatures
cally linked to the barge cannot leave it, but can still travel five miles (8 caught in the center of the blast for 1 04 melee rounds; not effective

1 73
against giant-sized creatures, most whales, creatures of magic, super­ (see Aliens Unlimited for some possibilities) . However, many of these
natural beings, and characters inside power armor, robots or submers­ dimensional imports are rare and expensive; G.M.s, use your discretion.
ible vehicles.
Gill Clog: This grenade releases a chemical cloud that fills a
20x20x20 ft (6. 1 x6. 1 x6. 1 m) area. The cloud clogs the gills and chokes
creatures who need gills to breathe. The following penalties apply to
Rune Weapons & Magic Notes
those affected (a saving throw of 16 or higher means the victim caught
in the cloud suffers only half the normal penalties) : -6 on initiative, -6 Most rune weapons which have been designed for use by surface
to strike, parry and dodge, reduce speed and melee attacks/actions per dwellers function well underwater. Damage and standard abilities are
round by half, and skill performance is -50% . The penalties of the gill unchanged. Magic heat and fire attacks are less effective: reduce dam­
clog cloud will diminish by half as soon as the creature flees the cloud, age and range by half, and duration by 80%. Electrical attacks do dou­
but the reduced effects linger for 2D4 minutes. Those who stay in the ble damage but have half range and duration. Obviously certain air and
cloud for more than a minute are likely to choke and die; 1 -79% other spells may not be appropriate when underwater, but most spells
chance ! The cloud is diluted and dissipates after I D4 minutes. such as sense magic, see the invisible, chameleon, curse, shadow meld,
Note: All explosive rocket grenades do half damage and have half repel animals, and so on, work perfectly fine underwater.
the damage radius on dry land and must be thrown, not jet propelled Note: The following weapons are greater and greatest rune weapons
(they cannot fly) . The gill clog grenade has NO effect on dry land and which are rare and expensive; see Rifts Atlantis.
simply covers a 1 0 foot (3.0 m) area with a chemical dust.
Rate of Fire: Each use of one, or two grenades launched simultaneously,
counts as one melee attack. Spiked Sea Helm
Maximum Effective Range: Jet propelled: 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) . Dropped The sea helm is a rune weapon that enables the wearer to function
to float down like a tiny depth charge: One mile ( 1 .6 km). Detonates the underwater without cumbersome deep sea armor. It is an open-face hel­
instant it hits anything or reaches a depth of one mile) . met that resembles a Roman Legionnaire ' s helmet with a pair of two
Payload: Whatever can be reasonably carried; typically two to six if foot (0.6 m) hom-like blades on the top. These blades are used to slash
strapped to a belt, as many as 1 2 if carried in a backpack or large opponents with head butts or stab them with a lunging head and body
satchel. block or a full, headlong charge like a living torpedo. If the helmet is re­
Cost: 1 50 credits for fragmentation, 200 for HE and gill clog, and 350 moved the character retains his abilities for 3 D4 minutes and must re­
for concussion. Available at Atlantis and from the occasional pirate, gain the helm or get to the surface before the magic wears off.
ocean merchant, and some Black Market outposts. Contains water elemental/ocean magic as its source of magic and
power. Possesses the eight standard abilities plus the following:
Kittani Energy Trident • Magically bestows the following underwater abilities: Breathe un­
This powerful weapon is similar to kittani plasma weapons , or the derwater, swim like a fish, Armor of Neptune, and speak underwa­
naut' yll trident. It can be used both in hand to hand combat and as a ter. These abilities are automatically bestowed to the wearer the
ranged weapon. The Trident can be energized to fire blue-green laser instant the helm is put on. Duration is three hours. The helm can be
beams or charged with energy to inflict mega-damage strikes in close activated three times per 24 hour period.
combat. • Head butts do 2D6 M.D.; impaling an opponent with the spike on
Weight: 1 2 lbs (5 .4 kg) top does 4D6 M.D.
Megii-"""D amage: Triple pulse laser blast 6D6 M.D., energized strike in­
flicts 4D6 M.D. and de-energized strike 2D4 M.D. Sea Slayer - Rune Sword
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the
A silvery-blue sword with the gaping maw and head of a shark at
the end of the pommel/handle and a pair of serpentine wings. It pos­
Maximum Effective Range: Laser blast: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m), thrown: 1 00
sesses the eight standard abilities (I.Q. 1 5 ) plus the following :
feet (30.5 m), or hand to hand combat.
Payload: 30 energy blasts or close combat blows (every successful • A drinker of souls/life essences.
strike drains one charge) . Changing E-Clips counts as one melee at­ • 2D4x l O M.D. from blade, 5D6 from biting pommel.
tack/action. • The sword can become completely animated to swim and fight un­
Cost: 55 ,000 credits outside Atlantis. derwater! The weapon functions as if it were being used by an invis­
ible swordsman. Both ends of the weapon can fight and inflict
Kittani Energy Net damage: the blade section does 2D4x l O M.D. and the shark head
bites doing 5D6 M.D. The sword can fight alongside its owner, up to
This a man-sized net composed of mega-damage fibers stronger than 200 feet (6 1 m) away, has three attacks per melee round, +4 to strike
steel. It has 30 M.D.C. and small weights along the edges to provide and parry, and is +2 on initiative. It cannot drink souls when ani­
weight and control. The net is used to ensnare fish, animal and human­ mated.
oid prey. Like the naut' yll net, once prey is ensnared, the net can be ac­
tivated by remote control to release an electrical burst to hurt, stun or
kill its captive(s). Other than being made of a different material and Rune Claw
having more M.D.C., it is fundamentally the same as the naut' yll energy A double blade weapon that fits on a forearm gauntlet or arm plate,
net described in the naut' yll section. and is magically retractable. One or both blades slide forward and back
out of the mouth of a menacing looking, sculpted fish. Possesses the
Naut'yll & Other eight standard abilities plus the following:
• A single blade does 3 D6 M.D. or 6D6 M.D. from a double blade at­
Underwater Weapons tack.
The Splugorth also sell knock-offs of Naut' yll particle wave guns, • Both blades can fire a white bolt of force shaped like the blades
energy nets, energy tridents, and naut' yll style body armor, as well as themselves, so at a quick glance it may appear that the blades have
the items described in the human section and items captured or salvaged been fired like twin torpedoes . Damage is 2D4x l O M.D.; range 1 000
from other aquatic races on Earth, and alien worlds in other dimensions feet (305 m) underwater or in the air.

Rune Trident M.D.C. by Location :
Removable Jet Pack ( 1 ) - 80
A dark red, greater rune weapon with an ornate sea weed design
Maneuvering Jets (8) - 1 5 each
winding up the entire length of the handle. It possesses the eight stand­
Arm Fins (2; one per arm) - 20 each
ard abilities (LQ. 1 5) plus the following :
Leg Fins (2; one per leg) - 1 5 each
• 3D4x l O M.D. Grenade Launchers ( 1 0; shoulder & legs) - 10 each
• Psionic : Possesses all sensitive and physical powers plus hydrokine­
Forearm Gauntlets (2) - 1 00 each (includes magic M.D.C.)
sis, pyrokinesis and bio-manipulation. LS .P. 3D6x l O and all powers
*Head - 90 (includes magic M.D.C.)
are equal to a 6th level mind melter.
• Cursed ! Any aquatic beings who use the trident will immediately * *Main B ody - 230 (includes magic M.D.C.)
suffer from the curse of opposite nature: the character behaves and * Destroying the headlhelmet has a 1 -70% chance of knocking
covets the things which he is not. In this case, an aquatic being is the pilot unconscious. If conscious, the pilot has two problems, one,
suddenly afraid of depths greater than 1 000 feet (305 m), regards no power armor combat bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge, and
aquatic animals and beings with suspicion or fear (even members of two, the human head is now vulnerable to attack. Note: The head is
his own race), trusts humans and surface dwellers , wants to be a small and difficult target to hit (shielded by exhaust tubes and
around them even on dry land, and tries to dress, talk and behave weapon drum). Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a
like them. To avoid succumbing to this powerful rune curse, the called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. The fins, gre­
aquatic user must try to save vs magic ( 1 7 or higher) once every 1 2 nade launch tubes and maneuvering jets also enjoy the same restric­
hours he claims ownership and possession of the weapon. Once a tion and penalty to hit.
roll is failed, the curse is permanent and can only be removed by a * *Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down
Splugorth Rune Master or god with the ability to remove curses. In completely, making it useless. Note: Destroying the jet pack will
addition, the character must relinquish ownership of the cursed make underwater jet propulsion, flight, and power leaps impossible.
weapon or fall victim to it again. Speed
Running: 40 mph (64 kmph) maximum. Note that the act of running
does tire out its operator, but at a fatigue rate of 1 0% .
Rune Harpoon Leaping : The addition of an aerial jet pack enables the power armor to
This spear appears to be made entirely of one long, black rod shaped leap a height of approximately 50 feet ( 1 5 . 2 m) or 300 feet (9 1 .4 m) in a
like the old whaling harpoons with a hooked tip. Only the runes that run jet assisted leap.
along its length are a dark blue color. It possesses the eight standard
abilities plus the following.
• Spell Magic: Can cast these spells as often as three times each, per
24 hours : Agony, life drain, wind rush, summon fog, mask of deceit,
and fly as the eagle. Equal to a 1 0th level sorcerer.
• I D6x l O M.D. from thrown stabbing attacks and an additional 4D6
when the harpoon is removed from its victim because of its hooked
end; 4D6 M.D. from blunt strikes with the side or handle. Double
damage to whales and pneuma-biforms.
• Magical throwing range is 500 feet ( 1 52 m) in the air and 300 feet
(9 1 .4 m) underwater; the weapon magically returns after it strikes.

War Urchin Power Armor

The War Urchin power armor is a Kittani/techno-wizard collabora­
tion that gets its name from the many protruding spines and fins which
are reminiscent of the spiny sea urchin. It is a medium-weight environ­
mental suit designed for comfort, extreme mobility and combat under­
water. It is fast and can be fitted with a detachable underwater jet pack
or aerial jet pack, making this versatile armor suitable for air, sea and
land operations. The jet pack is tied directly into the power armor for its
power source. The leg and arm fins provide greater control and maneu­
verability both in the air and underwater, as do maneuvering jets in the
legs, hips, and back. The urchin-like spines are grenade launchers that
fire rocket grenades (usually a variety of types) and the padded fore­
arms are multi-weapons systems. Of course, it has all the standard fea­
tures common to power armor.
Unlike other Kittani armor, when this suit is finished, it is tumed
over to Splugorth alchemists and techno-wizards to give it a few extra
touches . Thus, the armor is a techno-wizard hybrid with mechanical and
magic weapons, abilities and features, often one backing up the other.
Model Type: Kittani TW-UPA
Class: Light Strategic Environmental Exo-Skeleton
Crew: One - this suit can be worn by kittani, Sunaj, humans and min­
ions approximately kittanilhuman in size and shape. Specially modified
suits can be custom-made for larger beings, but this is rarely done. It is
assigned only to loyal officers and warriors; primarily the kittani and
the Sunaj .
Flying : An aerial jet pack enables the armor to hover in place up to Left Gauntlet:
6,000 feet ( 1 83 m) or fly at a maximum speed of 1 00 mph ( 1 60 kmph). 1 . The top section fires a grappling hook and 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) of strong
The fly as the eagle spell can provide flight capabilities when the flight cable line. Used for hitching rides on vehicles, climbing and fish­
jet pack is not available. ing/hunting. The hook does one M.D. point and requires a P.S. of 24 or
Underwater: 10 mph ( 1 6 kmph; 8.6 knots) swimming, 60 mph (96.5 higher to remove.
kmph; 5 1 .6 knots) with underwatet jet pack, or via the swim like a fish 2. Call Lightning ( 1 5 P.P.E.), same at the spell.
(superior) spell. 3. Befuddle (3 P.P.E.), same as spell.
Maximum Depth: 2.4 miles (3.8 km) . 4. Energy B olt (5 P.P.E.), same as spell.
Statistical Data Magic Limitations: Same as armor, above.
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m) P.P.E. Payload: 40 is available for each gauntlet. P.P.E. regenerates at a
Width: 4.4 feet ( 1 .34 m) rate of 5 points per hour, each.
Length: About 3 feet (0.9 m), four ( 1 .2 m) with jet pack.
Weight: 200 lbs (90 kg) with jet pack. Weapon Systems (conventional)
Physical Strength: Equal to P.S. 30. 1 . Kittani Rocket Grenade Launch Tubes (10): The grenades can
Cargo: None launched from the urchin-like tubes on the right shoulder and legs
Power System: Nuclear and TW, average life is 30 years. and are propelled a short range through the water toward their tar­
Special Sensors & Optics : The helmet is equipped with full optical sys­ gets. Voice activated.
tems including laser targeting, telescopic, passive night vision (light Mega-Damage & Payload: The shoulder has four launch tubes with two
amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization, grenades in each (8 total): Standard combination is four high explosive
short-range radar and sonar, plus all other features common to all power and four concussion grenades.
armor. Each leg has three launch tubes with two grenades in each (6 total
Magic Sensor & Optics : See the invisible, sense magic, and sense evil. per leg). Standard combination is eight concussion and four gill clog
Can be used at will without concern about burning P.P.E. grenades.
Sensor Bonuses : + I on initiative, + 1 to parry and dodge. All bonuses Rate of Fire: One, or a volley of two, three, or four grenades can be
are in addition to attribute bonuses. See Power Armor Combat Training launched simultaneously; counts as one melee attack.
in the Robot Combat section of Rifts Vlt., p . 3 5 1 -352 for other bonuses. Maximum Effective Range: Jet propelled: 300 feet (9 1 .5 m).
Market Price: Not available on the open market (would cost at least 40 2. Fin Blades: Each of the four fins have sharp, vibro-blade edges that
million credits if it were) . Exclusive to the Minions of Splugorth. can be used to cut an opponent, or target by swimming or jetting by
and raking him/it with them. The arm fins can also be used as slash­
Magic Systems ing and parrying weapons.
1. Chest Environmental Multi-System : There are three recessed studs Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. each.
in the chest of the armor. Each activates a different selection of 3. Hand Weapons: The character can use one or two Kittani weapons
magic abilities. In this regard, it functions similar to the Overlord or magic items available at Atlantis .
Power Armor. As many as two spells can be activated per melee 4. Hand t o Hand Combat: Rather than u s e a weapon, the pilot can en­
round. Each is the equivalent of 5th level in potency. The activation gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and elite
of each spell uses up the P.P.E. reserve of the armor (see payload) .
power armor combat training in the robot combat section of the
Top Red Button (right side; combat) engages any of the following: Rifts RPG, page 45 . All abilities are the same except as follows:
1 . Repel Animals (7 P.P.E.), same as the spell. Normal Punch or Kick - I D6 M.D.
2. Escape (8 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
Power Punch - 2D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks
3 . Time Slip (20 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
Top White Button (left side; defense) engages any of the following:
1 . Fly as the Eagle (25 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
2. Invisibility : Simple (6 P.P.E.), same as the spell. Kittani Destroyer
3 . Chameleon (6 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
Center Green Button (underwater) engages any of the followin� Power Armor
1 . Breathe without air (5 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
2. Swim as the Fish: Superior ( 1 2 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
The Urchin-style Destroyer is a bigger, more powerful Kittani/
3 . Impervious to Energy (20 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
techno-wizard collaboration designed exclusively for use by the Splu­
Rate of Fire: Two spells per melee round ( 1 5 seconds).
gorth ' s trusted enforcers, the kydian Overlords and Powerlords. The
Effective Range: Self or per the limitations of the spell.
power armor is big, thick and bulky. It is not as maneuverable as the
Magic Saving Throw: Opponents must save at 13 or higher.
War Urchin but can survive depths of up to 9 miles ( 1 4.4 km) and is
P.P.E. Payload: 1 20 is available for these abilities. P.P.E. regenerates at
bristling with weapons and mystic energy. The head is really a sensor
a rate of 10 points per hour.
cluster, with the pilot ' s real head behind it inside the suit.
Armor Repair: Splugorthian alchemists can repair M.D.C. at a cost of
1 50,000 credits per every 1 0 M.D.C. points. When the kittani builders are done with their work on the suit, it is
Note: The power armor is energized in part by P.P.E. energy as well as turned over to Splugorth alchemists and techno-wizards to give it sev­
a nuclear system. eral magic resources.
2. Forearm Defense Gauntlets: Each of the forearms has gauntlets
with five sections. At the front of each section is a black patch. A Destroyer Deep Sea Power Armor
different weapon can be fired from the four patches; the bottom one Model Type: Kittani TW-UDPA
is an energy cell. Class: Light Strategic Environmental Exoskeleton
Right Gauntlet: Crew: One - exclusive to Overlords and Powerlords (kydian race).
1 . The top section is a concealed blue-green laser that inflicts 3D6 M.D.C. by Location:
M.D., has a range of 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) and a payload of 40 blasts. Each B ackpack Water Jets ( 1 ) - 1 30
shot counts as one melee action. Maneuvering Jets (8) - 1 5 each
2. Magic Net (7 P.P.E.), same at the spell. Main Shoulder Gun ( 1 ) - 200
3 . Fire Bolt (7 P.P.E.), same as spell. Grenade Launchers ( 1 4; shoulder & legs) - 30 each
4. Globe of daylight (2 P.P.E.), same as spell.
Forearm Gauntlets (2) - 1 80 each (includes magic M.D.C.) body. Destroying it causes the pilot to lose targeting sonar, and his
*Head - 1 20 (includes magic M.D.C.) magic sensory abilities (see the invisible, sense magic, etc.). He also
* *Main B ody - 440 (includes magic M.D.C.) loses the armor' s combat bonuses to strike, parry , and dodge. Note:
* Destroying the head/helmet: In this case, the head is a sensor clus­ The sensor head is a small and difficult target to hit (shielded by ex­
ter. The pilot' s real head is safely concealed behind it in the main haust tubes and weapon drum). Thus, it can only be hit when a char-

acter makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. Effective Range: Self, or per the limitations of the spell.
* *Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down Magic Saving Throw: Opponents must save at 1 3 or higher.
completely, making it useless. Note: Destroying the jet pack will P.P.E. Payload: 200 is available for these abilities. P.P.E. regenerates at
make underwater jet propulsion, flight, and power leaps impossible. a rate of 1 0 points per hour.
Also note that destroying the chest panel with the magic activation Armor Repair: Splugorthian alchemists can repair M.D.C. at a cost of
buttons simply makes manual activation impossible; the kydian pilot 1 50,000 credits per every 1 0 M.D.C. points.
can activate spells via a telepathic link with it. Note: The power armor is energized in part by P.P.E. energy as well as
Speed a nuclear system.
Running: 30 mph (48 .2 kmph) maximum. Note that the act of running 2. Forearm Defense Gauntlets: Each of the forearms has gauntlets
does tire out its operator, but at a fatigue rate of 1 0% . with five sections. At the front of each section is a black patch. A
Leaping : The addition of an aerial jet pack enables the power armor to different weapon can be fired from the four patches; the bottom one
leap a height of approximately 30 feet (9. 1 m) or 200 feet (6 1 m) in a jet is an energy cell.
assisted leap. Right Gauntlet:
Flying : The propulsion system built into the back of the armor enables I . The top section is a concealed blue-green laser that inflicts 3D6
air and underwater movement; can hover stationary up to 1 ,000 feet M.D., has a range of 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) and a payload of 40 blasts. Each
(305 m) high and fly at a maximum speed of 60 mph (96.5 kmph) . The shot counts as one melee action.
fly as the eagle spell can provide flight capabilities as an alternative or 2. Magic Net (7 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
if the propulsion system is damaged. 3. Fire B olt (7 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
Underwater: 8 mph ( 1 2. 8 kmph; 6.8 knots) swimming, 60 mph (96.5 4. Globe of daylight (2 P.P.E.) , same a s the spell.
kmph; 5 1 .6 knots) with underwater jets, or via the swim like a fish (su­ Left Gauntlet:
perior) spell. 1 . The top section fires a grappling hook and 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) strong ca­
Maximum Depth : 9 miles ( 1 4.4 km) or any via magic. ble line. Used for hitching rides on vehicles, climbing and fishing/hunt­
Statistical Data ing. The hook does one M.D. point and requires a P.S. of 24 or higher
Height: 1 3 feet (3.9 m) to remove.
Width: 8 feet (2.4 m) 2. Call Lightning ( 1 5 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
Length: 6 feet ( 1 . 8 m) 3. Fire B all ( 1 0 P.P.E.) , same as the spell.
Weight: 2 tons 4. Grow Tentacles (30 P.P.E.), same as the spell.
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 50. Magic Limitations : Same as armor, above.
Cargo: None P.P.E. Payload: 60 is available for each gauntlet. P.P.E. regenerates at a
Power System: Nuclear and TW, average life is 30 years. rate of 5 points per hour, each gauntlet.
Special Sensors & Optics : The helmet is equipped with full optical sys­ Weapon Systems (conventional)
tems, including laser targeting, telescopic, passive night vision (light
amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization, 1. Kittani Rocket Grenade Launch Tubes (14) : They can be
short-range radar and sonar, plus all other features common to all power launched from the urchin-like tubes on the right shoulder and legs,
armor. and are propelled a short range through the water toward their tar­
Magic Sensor & Optics: See the invisible, sense magic, sense evil, and gets. Voice activated.
see aura. Can be used at will without concern about burning P.P.E. Mega-Damage & Payload: The shoulder has eight launch tubes with
Sensor Bonuses : + 1 on initiative and to dodge. All bonuses are in addi­ four grenades in each (32 total) : Standard combination is 10 high explo­
tion to attribute bonuses. See Power Armor Combat Training in the Ro­ sive, 1 0 fragmentation and 1 2 concussion grenades.
bot Combat section of Rifts Ult., p. 35 1 -352 for other bonuses. Each leg has three launch tubes with three grenades in each (9 total per
Market Price: Not available on the open market (would cost at least 1 00 leg). Standard combination is half concussion and half gill clog gre­
million credits if it were). Exclusive to the Minions of Splugorth. nades.
Rate of Fire: One, or a volley of two, three, or four grenades can be
Magic Systems launched simultaneously. Each volley counts as one melee attack.
1. Chest Environmental Multi-System: There are three recessed studs Maximum Effective Range: Jet propelled: 300 feet (9 1 .4 m).
in the chest of the armor. Each activates a different selection of 2. Main Shoulder Gun (1): This is a mUlti-weapon system that can be
magic abilities. In this regard, it functions similar to the Overlord fired from its stowed shoulder locked position or removed and used
Power Armor. As many as two spells can be activated per melee as a giant rifle. The top barrel is a plasma ejector and the lower two
round. Each is the equivalent of 5th level in potency. The activation are high powered lasers.
of each spell uses up the P.P.E. reserve of the armor (see payload) . Primary Purpose: Assault
Top Red Button (right side; combat) engages any of the following: Weight: 300 lbs ( 1 35 kg)
1. Repel Animals (7 P.P.E.), same as the spell. Mega-Damage: Double barreled heavy laser beam cannon I D6x l O
2. Escape (8 P.P.E.) , same as the spell. M.D. per single shot or 2D6x l O M.D. per double blast. Plasma cannon
3. Time Slip (20 P.P.E.), same as the spell. l D4x l O M.D. underwater or l D6x l O M.D. on land.
4. Energy Disruptios ( 1 2 P.P.E.), same as the spell. Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (aver­
Top White B utton (left side; defense) engages any of the following: 1 . age 6 to 8).
Fly as the Eagle (25 P.P.E.), same as the spell. Maximum Effective Range: Lasers: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m), plasma can­
2. Invisibility Simple (6 P.P.E.), same as the spell. non: 1 000 feet (305 m) underwater, but 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) on land/in
3. Chameleon (6 P.P.E.), same as the spell. air.
4. Energy Field ( 1 0 P.P.E.) , same as the spell. Payload: Taps into the power system of the armor, or can use an emer­
Center Green Button (underwater) engages any of the following gency E-clip. Effectively unlimited when tapped into the armor. 50
1 . Breathe without air (5 P.P.E.), same as the spell. blasts (any combination) with a special E-clip (6 blasts from a standard
2. Swim as the Fish: Superior ( 1 2 P.P.E.) , same as the spell. clip)
3 . Impervious to Energy (20 P.P.E.) , same as the spell. Note: Laser targeting: + 1 to strike.
4. Impervious to Ocean Depths (50 P.P.E.), same as the spell. 3. Hand Weapons: The character can use one or two giant-sized weap­
Rate of Fire: Two spells per melee round ( 1 5 seconds). ons, trident, magic staff, or rune weapon.

4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en­
gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and elite
power armor combat training in the robot combat section of the
Rifts VIt., page 3 5 1 -352. All abilities are the same except as follows:
Normal Punch or Kick - 3D6 M.D.
Power Punch - 6D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.

Kittani War Fish

Power Armor
The Kittani are fascinated with unique VarIatlOns and styling of When the pilot leaves the fish section, that portion is placed on auto­
power armor, often blending animal features and motifs with robotics defense. Only the pilot and recognized Minions of Splugorth can come
more than any other manufacturer. The War Fish power armor is an­ near it without it attacking, but even they cannot touch or try to access
other example of this. The upper torso is humanoid while the lower sec­ the suit without it flying into attack mode. Likewise, any attacks leveled
tion resembles a mechanical, jet-powered fish and houses a battery of at it, even by minions, will cause it to leap into attack mode and destroy
weapons. Unlike the Equestrian armor, the upper torso can separate its attackers. B eings it cannot identify are fired upon when they come
from its lower fish body to reveal an entire suit of humanoid armor with within 2000 feet! The automated robot suit continues to attack until the
legs and small jets for maneuvering underwater. In this regard, the suit unidentified individuals retreat to a distance of at least 6000 feet ( 1 828
is really a two-piece integrated vehicle. When the pilot steps into the m). It will fight until they are destroyed if they press the attack from any
fish section, locking mechanisms seal the two together without any ob­ distance. The moment the suit enters into combat, a signal tells the pilot
vious seams or connections. Braces hook to the back, providing sup­ that the self-defense systems are activated and whether it has engaged
port when the unit is rocketing through, or on water at astonishing the enemy. The pilot should come running. When in auto-defense
speeds. Thus, if it is desired or necessary, the kittani pilot can step out mode, the fish armor has four attacks per melee round without combat
of the fish section and walk around, enter small or confining tunnels or bonuses. Typically only energy weapons are fired. The launching of tor­
areas, walk on dry land, and so on. However, all the weapons and un­ pedoes is reserved for the pilot.
derwater speed capabilities are in the fish section, which means leaving
it behind, even temporarily, greatly reduces the abilities of the pilot and
makes him much more vulnerable to attack.

Kittani War Fish Power Armor Market Price: Has never been sold in any marketplace. The Coalition or
Model Type: Kittani WFPA Triax would pay 50 to 1 00 million credits for a complete, undamaged
Class: Heavy Infantry Environmental Exo-Skeleton suit. If the Kittani should sell the armor, they could easily get 30 to 40
Crew: One million credits per unit.
M.D.C. by Location:
Weapon Systems
Shoulders (2) - 1 50 each
1 . Forward Lasers: A pair of forward lasers that can point and fire at a
Arms (2) - 1 1 0 each
45 degree angle up, down, or side to side.
Arm Fins (2) - 50 each
Primary Purpose: Assault
Forward Lasers (2) - 30 each
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Main Gun ( 1 ) - 1 1 0
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per single blast or 6D6 M.D. per double
Mini-Torpedo Launchers (2) - 200 each
Lower Fins (2) - 1 1 0 each
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (aver­
Jet Clusters (2; sides) - 90 each
age 6 to 8).
Lower Jets (2) - 1 1 0 each
Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) in water or on land.
Upper Jets (2) - 300 each
Payload: Effectively unlimited; taps into the power system of the armor
Humanoid Upper body (20 ft/6. 1 m) - 200
or can use an emergency E-clip.
* Head - 1 1 0
2. Main Gun: A heavy plasma cannon with a 45 degree arc of fire.
** Tail Fin & Section - 200
Primary Purpose: Assault
* * * Main Body - 375
Secondary Purpose: Defense
* Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of
Mega-Damage: l D6x l O M.D. per single blast.
optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must now rely
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (aver­
on his own human vision and senses. No power armor combat bo­
age 6 to 8).
nuses to strike, parry, and dodge ! Plus the head of the pilot is vulner­
Maximum Effective Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) underwater, but 3000
able to attack. If destroyed at depths, below 500 feet ( 1 52 m), the
feet (9 1 4 m) on land/in air.
bare head will implode and the pilot will die. The robot suit automat­
Payload: Effectively unlimited; taps into the power system of the armor
ically retreats, taking the dead pilot to the nearest Splugorth outpost.
or can use an emergency E-clip.
Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit, shielded by
3. Mini-Torpedo Launchers (2) : A tube launcher is located on the
spines and shoulder plating. Thus, it can only be hit when an oppo­
front right and left side of the submersible.
nent makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
** Destroying the tail section reduces the maximum speed by
Secondary Purpose: Anti-torpedo
25% and the dodge bonus is also reduced by -2.
Mega-Damage: l D6x l O M.D. per torpedo.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the War
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two, four or six. Each volley
Fish section of the armor down completely, making it useless. How­
counts as one melee attack/action.
ever, the pilot can jettison in full body armor (250 M.D.C.) and con­
Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km)
tinue to fight or attempt to escape.
Payload: 1 2 total; six in each launcher.
4. Fin Blades: Each of the arms has a long vibro-blade that can be used
Running: 40 mph (64 kmph) maximum. The pilot can exit the fish sec­
to cut an opponent or target by swimming or jetting by and raking
tion and maneuver as a humanoid. Note that the act of running does tire
him/it with them. The arm fins can also be used as slashing, stabbing
out its operator, but at a fatigue rate of 20% .
and parrying weapons. They can flip forward, sideways or backward
Leaping: Leaps are not possible.
(pointing behind the elbow) and be locked into place.
Flying: Not possible with the entire vehicle. However, a jet pack can be
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. each.
attached to the back of the humanoid section/pilot.
5. Hand Weapons: The character can use one or two conventional
Underwater: Humanoid, outside the fish section: 10 mph ( 1 6 kmph; 8.6
hand-held weapons or rune weapons.
knots) swimming. Inside the fish section: 1 00 mph ( 1 60 kmph; 86
6. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en-
knots) underwater, or 1 40 mph (224 kmph; 1 20.4 knots) on the surface
gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat.
of the water.
Maximum Depth: 2.4 miles (3.8 km) .
Restrained Punch - I D6 M.D.
Statistical Data
Full Strength Punch - 3D4 M.D.
Height: 9 feet (2.7 m)
Power Punch - 4D6 M.D., but counts as two attacks
Width: 1 0 feet (3.0 m)
Vibro-Blade Slash - 3D6 M.D
Length: 16 feet (4.8 m)
Weight: 4 tons. Vibro-Blade Impaling - 3 D6 M.D. per every 30 mph (48 kmph) of
speed, but counts as two attacks.
Physical Strength: Upper body has a P.S. of 30.
B ody/head B utt - 1 D6 M.D.
Cargo: None
Power System: Nuclear power with a life of 20 years.
Sensors & Optics : HUD, short-range sonar and radar, echo location, la­
ser targeting, telescopic, passive night vision (light amplification),
thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization, and all other
features common to all power armor.
Magic Sensor & Optics : See the invisible, sense magic, and sense evil.
Can be used at will without concern about burning P.P.E.
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +2 to strike (all systems) and +4 to normal
dodge, +3 automatic dodge (works just like a parry; does not use up a
melee action it is so quick), and +2 to roll with impact. All are in addi­
tion to attribute bonuses and combat training. See Power Armor Com­
bat Training in the Robot Combat section of Rifts illtimate E dition '
pages 35 1 -352.
Kittani War Crab
This is one of the more bizarre Kittani robot vehicles. It resembles a * Hydraulic Hands (2; small) - 20 M.D.C. each
mechanical crab with short stubby legs, low body profile, and a mon­ * Directional Thrusters ( 1 6 scattered all over body) - 5 each
strous humanoid body with giant crab-claws. Despite its appearance, a * Concealed Thrusters (4, in underbelly) - 50 each
pilot and a gunner sit inside the crab-like body . The humanoid upper * Concealed Hatches (2; in underbelly) - 90 each
torso is actually a robot controlled by the pilot. The gunner operates the Pilot & Gunner Compartment - 1 00
multitude of weapons that cover its body. ** Main B ody - 600
The Kittani War Crab is designed to crawl along the bottom of the * Indicates targets that are small or difficult to hit. Attackers must
sea and can also crawl on dry land and by means of a special electro­ make a called shot and are -3 to strike.
magnetic adhesion system attach itself to large ships, subs and metal * *Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the vehicle.
platforms of all kind. It is designed primarily for reconnaissance, sabo­ Speed
tage and defense, but can also be used for exploration, repairs, and in­ Running: 20 mph (32 kmph) maximum.
fantry combat. Leaping : Leaps are not possible.
Flying: Not possible.
Kittani War Crab Robot Vehicle UIlderw ater: 20 mph (32 kmph; 1 7 .2 knot) walking or using jet thrus­
Model Type: Kittani ATV-RV ters .
Class: Strategic Robot Vehicle Maximum Depth: 3 miles (4.8 km).
Crew: Two; pilot and gunner.
Statistical Data
M.D.C. by Location :
Right Weapon Turret ( 1 ; large) - 250 M.D.C. Height: Total Height is 20 feet (6 m). Main saucer-shaped body 8 feet
Left Weapon Turret ( 1 ; large) - 200 M.D.C. (50 per barrel) (2.4 m), crab-man adds 9 feet (2.7 m) and stands 3 feet 0.3 m) off the
* Forward Rail Guns Mini-Turrets (2) - 60 each ground.
* Rear Laser Mini-Turrets (2) - 50 each Width/diameter: 16 feet (4.6 m)
* Sensor Cluster (2; front and rear) - 25 each Weight: 24 tons
Crab-Man Torso ( 1 ; Main Body) 300 M.D.C. Physical Strength: Upper body has a P.S. of 50; small arms 25
* Crab-Man Head: 1 00 M.D.C. Cargo: Small storage area behind seats for weapon and a few items.
Giant Claws (2) - 200 M.D.C. each Power System: Nuclear power with a life of 20 years.

Sensors & Optics : HUD, short-range sonar and radar, echo location, la­ 5. Leg Spikes: The sharp spikes on its legs can move forward and back­
ser targeting, telescopic, passive night vision (light amplification), ward and used to gauge opponents in close combat.
thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization, and all other Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D.
features common to all robots. 6. Crab-Man Robot Torso (Main body 300 M.D.C., Head: 100
B onuses : + 1 on initiative, + 1 to strike (all systems), +2 to parry and + 1 M.D. C., Claws: 200 M.D.C. each, Hydraulic Hands: 20 M.D.C.
to dodge. all are in addition to attribute bonuses and combat training. each) : The crab-man that rises from the circular, flat body is a robot
See Power Armor Combat Training in the Robot Combat section of controlled by the pilot. It serves as a close combat weapon, as well
Rifts Ultimate Edition, pages 3 5 1 -352, for other bonuses. as for acts of sabotage (see claws under hand to hand combat) and as
Market Price: Has never been sold in any market place. The Coalition a decoy. The enemy is likely to assume that the crab-man ' s body is
or Triax would pay 50 to 1 00 million credits for a complete, undamaged power armor covering a living pilot and, as such, focus their attacks
suit. If the Kittani should sell the armor, they could easily get 30 to 40 on it in a feeble attempt to disable the War Crab.
million credits per unit. In reality a pilot and gunner are safely seated inside the shell of
the main body. Sensor clusters are located in the front and the rear of
Weapon Systems the shell so even they are not affected if the crab-man weapon decoy
is destroyed. Meanwhile, as attacks are futilely directed at what ap­
1. Right Weapon Turret (1): A multi-weapon system. The two large
pears to be the pilot or most vulnerable location on the robot, the pi­
guns are long-range lasers. The two small guns are short-range ion
lot and gunner press their attack using the many weapon systems at
guns. Operated by the gunner.
their disposal. The head can fire a close-range heat beam from the
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship and Anti-Monster
eyes and has a built in loudspeaker.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Crab-Man Heat Beam : Fired from the eyes.
Mega-Damage: Lasers: 4D6 M.D. per single blast or I D4x l O+8 M.D.
Primary Purpose: Defense
per double blast. Simultaneous multi-blast count as one melee attack/ac­
Mega-Damage: I D6 M.D. per single blast; double damage to aquatic
tion. Ion guns: 3D6 M.D. per single blast or 6D6 M.D. per double blast.
animals and humanoids without protective armor.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
gunner (average 5 to 7).
Maximum Effective Range: 50 feet ( 1 5 .2 m) underwater and on the sur­
Maximum Effective Range: Lasers : 5280 feet/one mile ( 1 609.3 m/1 .6
face . .
km) underwater, double on dry land/air environment ! Ion guns: 1 000
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
feet (305 m) underwater and on dry land.
Crab-Man Shoulder Spikes (6) : A row of three spikes are located on
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
each shoulder. Not only can are they used to look frightening but can
2. Quad-Plasma Cannon Turret (2) : A heavy plasma cannon
also be fired as small projectiles.
mounted on a weapon turret that can rotate 1 80 degrees from side to
Mega-Damage: I D6 M.D. each.
side. 90 degree arc of fire. Operated by the gunner.
Maximum Effective Range: 200 feet (6 1 m); double on dry land.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship and Anti-Monster
Payload: Six total.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Crab-Man Hydraulic, Extendable Hands: Protruding from each mas­
Mega-Damage: I D6x l O M.D. per single blast, 2D6x l O M.D. double
sive claw is a mechanical human-looking hand. First, this is to trick at­
blast, 3D6x l O M.D. triple blast or 4D6x l O per quadruple blast ! Simul­
tackers into thinking a living pilot is hidden in the robot body of the
taneous multi-blast count as one melee attack/action.
upper torso/crab man. Second, they are full articulated and can be ex­
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
tended via hydraulics to pick-up and examine items, artifacts, and can
gunner (average 5 to 7).
use weapons and tools (-3 to strike with weapons and -25% on skill pro­
Maximum Effective Range: 1 000 feet (305 m) underwater, but 3000
ficiencies/use of tools).
feet (9 1 4 m) on landfin air.
Mega-Damage: I D4 M.D. from punches or crush/squeeze; P.S. 25 .
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Range: Can be extended 1 2 feet (3.6 m).
3. Rear Laser Mini-Turrets (2) : A pair of lasers that can point and fire
Crab-Man Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pi­
at a 45 degree angle up, down, or side to side. Operated by the gun­
lot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Restrained Claw StrikelPunch - I D6 M.D.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Full Strength Claw Strike/Punch - 3 D6 M.D.
Mega-Damage: 3 D6 M.D. per single blast or 6D6 M.D. per double
Power Claw Strike - 6D6 M.D., but counts as two attacks
Left Claw Vibro-Blade Scissor Move - I D4x l O M.D. and can cut hu­
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (aver­
manoids and animals in half! Also used to cut/tear/sabotage weapon
age 5 to 7).
barrels, conduit, hoses, tow lines, antennas, and so on.
Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) in water or on land.
Right Claw Crush Attack - 3D6 M.D. per attempt to crush by applying
Payload: Effectively unlimited; taps into the power system of the armor
pressure. Both claws have a P.S. of 50, so an opponent needs a com­
or can use and emergency E-clip.
bined P.S. of 60 to force open a claw
4. Forward Rail Guns (2; mini-turrets) : Each has a 90 degree arc of
Leg Jab with Vibro-Blades - I D6 M.D.
fire and are operated by the pilot.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Butt - I D6 M.D. -""'#
Secondary Purpose: Defense �

Mega-Damage: I D4x l O M.D. per short burst (counts as one melee ac­ ./'
tion) per turret. B oth turrets cannot fire on the same target unless it is
larger than 20 feet (6. 1 m) long or in diameter.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (aver­
age 5 to 7).
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) underwater, but 4000
feet ( 1 220 m) on land.
Payload: 1 000 short bursts each.

Kittani War Shark
Submarine Mk 4
The Kittani, keeping with their love of animal designs, have created
a robot submersible that resembles a shark. It has the body shape, mo­
tions, swimming capabilities and sharp movements of the genuine arti­
cle, including being able to bend its body into a "U" shape to make
sharp turns in a small area. The humanoid upper torso is actually a robot
controlled by the pilot. The mouth can also open and bite, inflicting
mega-damage. Lasers and torpedoes complete its combat capabilities.

Model Type: Kittani S-RV Mk 4 Fleet Submarine

Class: Attack Submarine - full size Water Surface: 29 mph (47 kmph; 25 knots)
Crew: 1 0- 1 2 officers, 60 crew, plus 60 marines/mechanized troops. As Underwater: 52 mph (84 kmph; 45 knots
many as 20 additional people can be accommodated in an emergency, Maximum Depth: 3 miles (4.8 kmph).
but this makes for very cramped and uncomfortable quarters. Statistical Data:
Mk 4 M.D.C. by Location: Height: 30 feet (9 m), but tapers at that the tail.
* Laser Cannon Turret ( 1 ; underbelly) - 200 Width: 30 feet (9. 1 m)
*Torpedo Tubes (7; nose) - 1 00 each Length: 360 feet ( 1 09.7 m)
* Mini-Torpedo Tubes ( 1 0; five per fin) - 1 20 each Weight: 4, 1 00 tons
* Mini-Missile Launchers(4; top) - 50 each Cargo: Minimal; can carry up to 1 00 tons of additional cargo.
* Eyes/Sensors & Optics (2) - 1 00 each � System: Nuclear; average energy life 20 years.
Side Fins (2) - 500 each
Top Fin ( 1 ) - 250 Weapon Systems
** Tail Section ( 1 ) - 950 1. Laser Cannon Turret (1): This heavy laser cannon can only be used
*** Main B ody - 3 ,000 against underwater enemy ships and torpedoes. The turret can rotate
* Indicates targets that are small or difficult to hit. Attackers must 360 degree and has a 45 degree arc of fire.
make a called shot and are -2 to strike. Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
** Knocking out the tail section reduces speed and mobility by Secondary Purpose: Defense
50%; no dodge abilities and piloting skill is -50%. Mega-Damage: 3D4x l O M.D. per blast.
* * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the sub­ Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
marine to sink. At depths greater than 2000 feet (6 1 0 m), the dam­ gunner (average 3 to 5 ) .
aged hull of the submarine will rupture and fill with water; no water Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km)
seals will hold. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Speed : 2. Heavy Torpedo Launch Tubes (7) : Seven torpedo tubes are built
Driving on the ground: Not possible. into the nose section of the main body. Each can fire heavy or me­
Flying : Not possible. dium torpedoes. The "tube" openings are comparatively small and

difficult targets to hit, thus an attacker must make a called strike to
hit, and even then is -2 to strike. Depleting the M.D.C. of a torpedo
tube means torpedoes cannot be launched from that tube.
Shark Mini- Submarine Mk 5
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship, anti-armor.
Secondary Purpose: Defense. This is a tiny, six-man version of the big sub.
Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, 3, or 4. Shark Mini-Submarine
Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km) underwater. Model Type: Kittani S-RV Mk 5 Exploration Sub
Payload: Internal magazine has a total of 48 torpedoes. Torpedoes can Class: Exploration Mini-Submarine
be routed to whichever launch tube is desired. Crew: One pilot and five passengers
3. Mini-Torpedo Launch Tubes (10) : Five mini-torpedo launch tubes Mk 4 M.D.C. by Location:
are located on underside of each side fin. * Laser Pulse Cannon Turret ( 1 ; underbelly) - 70
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship and Anti-Armor. * Mini- Torpedo Tubes (7; nose) - 40 each
Secondary Purpose: Defense. * Mini-Torpedo Tubes ( 1 0; five per fin) - 30 each
Mega-Damage: I D6x 1 O M.D. (HE or Plasma) . * Light Lasers (4; top) - 1 5 each
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2 or 4. * Eyes/Sensors & Optics (2) - 40 each
Maximum Effective Range: Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) . Side Fins (2) - 1 50 each
Payload: 40 total; 4 mini-torpedoes per launch tube ! Top Fin ( 1 ) - 90
4. Mini-Missile Surface to Air Missile Launcher (4) : Four mini-mis­ * * Tail Section ( 1 ) - 350
sile launchers are recessed into the "forehead" area of the great shark * * * Main Body - 850
sub. They can only be used when the sub has broken the surface of * Indicates targets that are small or difficult to hit. Attackers must
the water. make a called shot and are -3 to strike.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Ship ** Knocking out the tail section reduces speed and mobility by
Secondary Purpose: Defense. 50%; no dodge abilities and piloting skill is -50%.
Mega-Damage: I D6x 1 O M.D. per mini-missile. *** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the sub­
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of two or four. marine to sink. At depths greater than 2000 feet (6 1 0 m), the dam­
Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) for mini-missiles. aged hull of the submarine will rupture and fill with water; no water
Payload: 200 total; automatic reloading. seals will hold.
5. Special: Maw & Bite Attack: The jaws open to reveal a gaping jaw Speed:
lined with teeth. Inside the mouth is a battery of short-range lasers to Driving on the ground: Not possible.
combat any intruders who enter the maw or large vessels or mon­ Flying : Not possible.
sters who might get stuck. water Surface: 29 mph (47 kmph; 25 knots)
Primary Purpose: Release of marine troops, robots and power armor. Underwater: 60 mph (96 kmph; 5 1 .6 knots)
Secondary Purpose: Defense Maximum Depth: 2 miles (3.2 km) .
Mega-Damage: B ite - 2D6x 1 00 M.D .. The giant maw can also be Statistical Data:
used to "bite" ships, subs and humongous monsters. Height: 1 3 feet (3.9 m), but tapers at that the tail.
Laser B attery ( 1 00 guns): Attacks can be focused on one huge target or Width: 13 feet (3.9 m)
divided into four different areas/targets. A concentrated assault does Length: 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m)
4D6x 1 00 M.D. Divided attacks do I D6x 1 00 each. Weight: 56 tons
Rate of Fire: B ite: Once per melee round. Lasers : Three times per melee Cargo: Minimal; can carry and additional two tons.
round. Power System: Nuclear; average energy life 20 years.
Maximum Effective Range: Bite: Close combat only. Lasers : 500 feet
( 1 52 m). Weapon Systems
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
1. Laser Pulse Cannon Turret (1): The turret can rotate 360 degree
speciiifRelease of Troops : At the back of its throat is a giant blast door
and has a 45 degree arc of fire.
connected to a robot hanger. The entire troop compliment of the hanger
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
can be released in less than one minute! Standard mechanized troops
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: I D4x 1 O M.D. per blast.
8 Destroyer Power Armor
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
24 War Urchin Power Armor
gunner (average 3 to 5).
1 2 War Fish Power Armor
Maximum Effective Range: 4000 ( 1 220 m)
1 2 War Crab Robots
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2 Shark Mini-Submarines
2. Forward Mini-Torpedo Launch Tubes (7) : Seven torpedo tubes
6. Other Features: A dozen underwater sea sleds, diving equipment,
are built into the nose section of the main body. Each can fire mini­
wet suits, life rafts, sick bay, a brig (prison area), wide-range sonar
torpedoes. Depleting the M.D.C. of a torpedo tube means torpedoes
(50 mile/80 km range) and radar (300 mile/460 km range), echo-lo­
cannot be launched from that tube.
cation system, long-range communications, a full sensor array, life
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
support, and similar systems similar to the USS Ticonderoga and
Secondary Purpose: Defense
most military sea vessels. Don 't forget that the submarine is also
Mega-Damage: I D6x 1 O M.D.
likely to carry power armor troops and robot vehicles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, 3, or 4.
Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km).
Payload: Internal magazine has a total of 48 torpedoes. Torpedoes can
be routed to whichever launch tube is desired.
3. Mini-torpedo Launch Tubes (10): Five mini-torpedo launch tubes
are located on the underside of each side fm.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship

Secondary Purpose: Defense Splugorth Magic Ark
Mega-Damage: I D6x l O M.D. (HE or Plasma) . - Aka Splugorth Sea Skimmer
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2 or 4.
Maximum Effective Range: Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km). Model Type: Magic Ark
Payload: 10 total; one mini-torpedo per launch tube. Class : Multi-purpose sea vessel
4. Special : Bite Attack : The jaws of the mini-sub also opens to bite at­ Crew: A typical Sea Skimmer will have 1 0- 1 2 officers (High Lords and
tackers and other vessels. The teeth are vibro-blades and diameter of Kittani), 2 to 4 air or water warlocks (all I D4+4th level) or one
the bite is roughly 26 feet (8.0 m) ! dragon, 2D4x l O Overlords, I D4x l O Powerlords, I D4x l O+30 gur­
Primary Purpose: Defense goyle or Tattooed Men (human and/or ogre) crew men, I D4x l O gar­
Mega-Damage: B ite - 2D6x l O M.D. goyles (used as an expendable aerial strike force, escort, or
Attacks Per Melee: The bite attack can be used twice per melee round reconnaissance) is the standard, peacetime crew ! The vessel can eas­
and is considered additional attack when they are used. ily accommodate 200 more personnel and 1 00,000 tons of cargo (if
Range: Close combat only. slaves the ark can hold approximately 8,000 human-sized people) . It
5. Other Features: Short-range communication and sensor systems as is also likely to have a few dozen Kittani or TW power armor suits.
are common to military submarines. Sea Skimmer Slave ships will have 6 High Lords and 10 Conser­
vators as officers, 2 air or water warlocks (all I D4+4th level), one
ley line walker or dragon ( l D4+3 level), I D4x l O Overlords,
I D4x l O Slavers, 2D4x l O+60 Altara warrior women, I D4x l O+20
gurgoyles, I D4x l O gargoyles, I D4 Destroyer power armor, 2D4
Splugorth Sea Skimmer War Urchin power armor, 2D4 War Fish power armor, 4D4 Serpent
Also known as The Ark power armor, I D4 War Crab robots. Plus 5-8,000 recently captured
slaves !
Sea Skimmer Warships will have 1 0 High Lords and 1 0 Conser­
vators as officers, 2D4 air or water warlocks (all I D4+4th level),
The Splugorth Sea Skimmer, more commonly known throughout the I D4+ 1 ley line walkers or an adult dragon (all I D4+5 level),
oceans as "The Ark" is a vessel of monstrous proportions. Its unusual I D4x l O+40 Overlords, 2D6+20 Powerlords, I D4xl O+40 Altara
shape and styling gives it an exotic, delicate - even fanciful appear­ warrior women, I D4x 1 00 gurgoyles, I D4x 1 00 gargoyles, I D4x l O
ance. Yet closer examination will show the high tech weapon energy Destroyer power armor, 2D4x l O War Urchin power armor, I D4x l O
cannons and weapon turrets. The sail-like canopy is actually a very this War Fish power armor, I D4x 1 00 Serpent and/or Equestrian power
metal alloy, so that it does seem to ruffle and roll with the wind, espe­ armor, I D4x l O Kittani ATV hover Jets and I D4x l O War Crab ro­
cially when travelling at great speeds. The Splugorth Ark is deceptively bots, Insecton land rovers or K-GTRV land skimmers. There are
innocent looking. Other than its imposing size the vessel doesn' t even also likely to be a handful of specialists including practitioners of
look like it should float, let alone offer any serious threat. Many a dead magic, creatures of magic, dragons, demons, Sunaj assassins,
man lies at the bottom of the sea because of such a foolish assumption. Metztla, tattooed men of all kind, warrior slaves and beings from
The vessel is another blending of magic and technology, thus it can other worlds (see Rifts Atlantis for armor, vehicles and characters
travel at unbelievable speed across the roughest waters and even soar 1 0 not described in this book).
to 50 feet (3 t o 1 5 .2 m ) above the waves! I t can make right angle turns M.D.C. by Location :
and stop on the nose of a dolphin, as well as slice smaller ships in half * Laser Cannon Turrets (2; rear underside) - 400
with one of its bone-like support legs. Legends report that the vessel * Deck Laser Turrets (2) - 1 5 0 each
rides both the wind and the water and its great speed and powerful * B all Plasma Turrets (2) - 500 each
magic creates sudden, unnatural storms in its wake ! ** Eyes of Eylor (30) - 220 each and regenerate.
The vessel is both magnificent and horrifying in its scope and con­ Support Legs (2) - 6,000 each
struction. From a distance the center length of railing seems to be lined Leg Fin (2) - 1 500 each
with 1 3 large shields or circular, shield-like designs. Another one is lo­ Tower ( 1 ) - 2,500
cated on either side of the bow and two in the back. Its only when one is Canopy Horns (3) - 2,000 each
close-up or under attack that he realizes that these are no designs, but Hatches (20) - 200 each
giant, living Eyes of Eylor! The legendary bio-wizard components serve Cargo B ay Hatch (2) - 1 000 each
as the ship ' s power source, sensor systems and vast magic power. Canopy ( 1 ) - 2,500
The incredible vessels usually travels in pairs or with other Atlan­ Force Field ( l 3x per day) - 1 000 each
tean, Kittani, Horune or Earth vessels. When part of a large convoy, it * * * Main B ody - 30,000
will be the lead ship(s). Even the most travelled sailors have never seen * Indicates targets that are small or difficult to hit. Attackers must
more than six Sea Skimmers in the same group, and Atlantis is said to make a called shot and are -2 to strike.
have fewer than 300 of these magic ships. It is most commonly used as ** The Eyes of Eylor are enclosed in protective shielding with 1 00
a transport vessel carrying cargoes of raw materials, weapons, market M.D.C. while each Eye has 1 20 M.D.C. and can regenerate I D4x l O
goods, people and slaves. However, it has also been used as warship M.D.C. every minute. I f seven eyes are destroyed the ship loses its
with devastating effectiveness, and even as luxury cruisers for the magic stealth and sensory abilities. If 13 are destroyed the ship loses
wealthy, elite and even the Splugorth themselves ! These luxury ships its force field and the number of spells is reduced by half. Destroy­
may be escorted by Metztla and have any number of rare, strange and ing 20 eyes eliminates all spell casting by the ship and speed is re­
powerful beings on board (and typically half the normal peacetime duced by 25%. Destroying 27 Eyes will eliminate all magic weapon
crew) . systems and reduce speed by and additional 50%.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the vessel
and negate the abilities of all Eye of Eylor. Destroying one leg sup­
port will reduce speed by 20%, both by 40% .
Driving on the ground: Can hover and fly up to 50 feet ( 1 5 .2 m) above
the ground; see flying.

Flying: 50 mph (80 kmph) double along ley lines and in magic triangles
like the Demon Sea (Bennuda Triangle) ! Flying height is 50 feet ( 1 5 . 2
m) and double along ley lines and in magic triangles.
Water Surface: 50 mph (80 kmph; 43 knots) nonnal, but can magically
summon a stonn to catch and ride on its turbulent winds and energy.
The Ark actually rides just ahead of the stonn with the stonn itself trail­
ing behind it; one mile ( 1 .6 km) wide and I D6 miles long. The en­
chanted vessel can also draw on the energy of existing, natural stonns.
Storm speed is 1 00 mph ( 1 60 kmph; 86 knots) ! And double, 200 mph
(320 kmph; 1 72 knots) riding ley line stonns, along ley lines or in
magic triangles ! ! Note that the trailing stonn provides the magic ship
cover from pursuers because those caught in the stonn will suffer from
reduced visibility (from darkened sky, rain, wind, and waves)!half nor­
mal range, reduced speed (- I D6x l O%), and reduced mobility (-30% on
piloting skills).
Underwater Capabilities : None
Statistical Data:
Height: 80 feet (24.4 m) to the deck at the nose and 200 feet (6 1 m) to
the deck at its highest point. 225 feet (68.6 m) the top of the tower and
250 feet (76.2 m) to the top of the canopy.
Width: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) deck; 360 feet ( 1 09.7 m) overall span with the
two support legs.
Length: 1 200 to 2000 feet (366 to 6 1 0 m)
Weight: 59,000 tons
Cargo: Up to 1 20,000 tons of additional cargo or 8 ,000 slaves.
Power System: Magic: at least 1 0,000 years.

Weapon Systems (conventional)

1. Laser Cannon Turrets (2) : Pair of these heavy laser turrets are built
into the underside in the back of the ark. The turrets can rotate 360
degree and has a 45 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: I D4x 1 00 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
gunner (average 4 or 5); each turret has a gunner.
Maximum Effective Range: Two miles (3.2 km)
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Forward Plasma Ball Turrets (2) : At the mid-section on both sides
of the Sea Skimmer is powerful plasma cannon (plasma always be­
ing a favorite of the Kittani who contributed to the design of the
ship) , built in a ball housing so it can rotate 360 degrees and has a
1 80 degree arc of fire in all directions ! This means these cannons
can fire into the water but the blast can travel deeper than 300 feet
(9 1 .4 m).
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D4x 1 00 M.D. per single blast. 4D4x 1 00 M.D. per
double turret blast, but such an attack is possible only against other
large ships (400 feet/ 1 2.2 m long or bigger).
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
gunner (average 4 or 5); each turret has a gunner.
Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 828.8 m) in the air, but only
300 feet (9 1 .5 m) below the surface of the water.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
3. Deck Laser Turrets (2) : These turrets are used against small flying
attackers and missiles. The turrets can rotate 360 degree and have a
45 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: I D4x 1 O M.D. per single blast. 2D4x 1 O M.D. per simul­
taneous double turret blast at the same target.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
gunner (average 4 or 5); each turret has a gunner.
Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 828.8 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

4. Heavy Torpedo Launch Tubes (4) : Torpedo tubes are concealed in 4. Magic & Sensory Capabilities from the Eyes:
the nose of The Ark below the water line (barely evident even when 1 . Can see seven miles ( 1 1 .2 km)
flying). Each can fire heavy or medium torpedoes . The "tube" open­ 2. Telescopic sight - 300x magnification
ings are comparatively small and difficult targets to hit, thus an at­ 3. Nightvision 6000 feet ( 1 828 m)
tacker must make a called strike to hit, and even then is -2 to strike. 4. Polarized vision and can tell direction and time by looking at the po­
Depleting the M.D.C. of a torpedo tube means torpedoes cannot be sition of the sun.
launched from that tube. 5. Sensory Perception: See aura, see the invisible, sense magic, and see
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship, anti-armor. P.P.E. energy.
Secondary Purpose: Defense. 6. Telepathic Communications : Through the eyes of Eylor, the officers
Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D. can communicate with their crew and passengers via telepathy. Range:
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4. 1 200 feet (366 m)
Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km) underwater. 5. Magic Stealth:
Payload: Internal magazine has a total of 40 torpedoes. Torpedoes can 1 . Moves silently - equal to a prowl skill of 80%; most effective at
be routed to whichever launch tube is desired. night or in a fog or mist.
5. Power Armor & Robots: Remember, these giant vessels almost al­ 2. Chameleon (super) - only applicable when stationary or travelling
ways have scores of power armor troops and super-powered beings at speeds under 12 mph ( 1 9 kmph; 1 0.3 knots). The giant Sea Skimmer
(mages, demons and monsters) . seems to disappear, blending into the background of the sky, clouds and
ocean waves. The ship automatically becomes visible when it comes
6. Ramming and Cutting Blows: The two support legs end in fan-like within 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) of another vessel, port or land mass.
fins that can be used to strike smaller vessels and large beings such
as dragons and whales. These strikes inflict severe damage.
Mega-Damage: I D6x l O per every 20 mph (32 kmph) the vessel is trav­
elling. Double damage from being struck head-on ! Also see magic ram Splugorth Sea Fin
A sleek vessel used for transporting passengers and cargo. In a pinch
Magic Weapon Systems: it can also be used as submersible or warship. It gets its name from the
two prominent fins located in the back of the vessel.
Note: The ships power, sensors, magic defenses, shields and other
features are all tied to the 30 large eyes of Eylor. In many cases, the Splugorth Magic Sea Fin
linking and modifications made by bio-wizards and techno-wizards has Model Type: SF-3 20
increased the power, duration or other aspect of magic abilities and Class: Multi-purpose sea vessel
spells. Crew: A typical Sea Fin will have 1 0-20 officers (High Lords and Kit­
tani), 1 or 2 air or water warlocks (all I D4+4th level) or one dragon,
1. Magic Ram Prow (Energy) : Located in the front of the ship are two
I D4x l O Overlords, I D4x l O+20 gurgoyle, I D4x l O gargoyles, and
long, dark slits. When activated, either a sheet of fire or electricity
I D4x l O+40 slaves is the standard, peacetime crew ! The vessel can
appears as a crackling ram prow that extends 200 feet (6 1 m) in
easily accommodate 1 000 more personnel and 1 00,000 tons of cargo
front of the magic ship. Furthermore, bolts of fire or lightning can be
(if slaves the ship can hold approximately 4,000 human-sized peo­
fired from the energy prow striking targets at a greater distance
ple) . It is also likely to have a few dozen Kittani or TW power armor
(frontal attack only) .
Mega-Damage: Ram: I D6x l OO M.D. (double damage if travel-
M.D.C. by Location:
ling along a ley line or in a magic triangle), plus an 80% likelihood * Forward Laser Turret ( I ) - 400
of flammable materials (sails, wood, etc.) catching fire from the * Rear Laser Turrets (2) - 300 each
flame prow and a 40% chance from the lightning prow. * Deck Laser Turrets (6) - 1 5 0 each
Fire B lasts: 2D4x l O M.D. (double damage to wooden ships and * Forward Plasma Turret ( 1 ) - 600
aquatic creatures. Fins (2; rear) - 1 500 each
Lightning Bolt: 2D6x l O M.D. Tower (2) - 2,500
Rate of Fire: Energy ram prow lasts 1 0 minutes and can be activated 1 3 Hatches ( 1 0) - 200 each
time per 24 period. Energy blast can be fired five time per melee round. Cargo B ay Hatches (2) - 1 000 each
Controlled/directed by one of the officers. Force Field (7x per day) - 5 00 each
Maximum Effective Range: Ram prow 200 feet (6 1 m), energy blasts ** Main B ody - 1 5,000
1 ,200 feet (366 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

2. Ark Spell Casting: Key crew members can calI on the ship to cast
spell magic.
Mystic Knowledge: All spell magic levels 1 -8 as found in the
Rifts RPG; does not include ocean magic or whale spellsongs.
Potency: Equal to a 9th level wizard.
RateOf Fire: As many as 9 spells per melee round. The Captain, First
Officer, and Commander can each activate three ship spells per melee
round. The three usually coordinate their efforts.
Range: As per spell.
Payload: 260 spells can be cast per 24 hour period !
Available P.P.E.: 5200

3. Magic Force Field (Armor of Ithan): A force field with 1 000

M.D.C. can be engaged to cover the entire ship 1 3 times per 24 hour

* Indicates targets that are small or difficult to hit. Attackers must Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 828.8 m) in the air, 2000 feet
make a called shot and are -2 to strike. (6 1 0 m) underwater.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the vessel Payload: Effectively unlimited.
and negate the abilities of all Eye of Eylor. Destroying one leg sup­ 4. Deck Laser Turrets (6) : Three of these turrets are located on each
port will reduce speed by 20%, both by 40% . side of the ship; used against small flying attackers and missiles. The
Speed : turrets can rotate 360 degree and have a 45 degree arc of fire.
Ground: Not possible. Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Flying: Not possible. Secondary Purpose: Defense
Water Surface: 60 mph (96.5 kmph; 5 1 .2 knots). Mega-Damage: I D4x l O M.D. per single blast, 2D4x l O M.D. per dou­
Underwater Capabilities : 30 mph (48 kmph; 25.8 knots) ble blast and 3D4x l O M.D. per triple simultaneous turret blast at the
Maximum Depth: 3000 feet (9 1 0 m) same target.
Statistical Data: Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the
Height: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) to the tallest tower. gunner (average 4 or 5); each turret has a gunner.
Width: 1 30 feet (39.6 m) Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 828.8 m).
Length: 700 to 1 000 feet (2 1 3 .3 to 305 m) Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Weight: 57,000 tons 4. Heavy Torpedo Launch Tubes and Missile launchers (12 & 12) :
Cargo: Up to 90,000 tons of additional cargo or 5 ,000 slaves. Located i n the front o f the ship are concealed torpedo tubes and mis­
Power System: Magic : at least 500 years. sile launchers. Half can fire heavy or medium torpedoes. The other
half medium-range missiles. The launch openings are comparatively
Weapon Systems (conventional) small and difficult targets to hit, thus an attacker must make a called
1. Forward Laser Cannon Turret (1): Pair of these heavy laser turrets strike to hit one, and even then is -2 to strike. Depleting the M.D.C.
are built into the underside in the back of the ark. The turrets can ro­ of a launch tube means torpedo or missile cannot be launched from
tate 360 degree and has a 45 degree arc of fire. that tube.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and Anti-Aircraft.
Secondary Purpose: Defense Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: I D4x 1 00 M.D. per blast. Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D. for both torpedo and missiles.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4 or 6.
gunner (average 4 or 5); each turret has a gunner. Maximum Effective Range: Torpedoes: 20 miles (32 km) underwater.
Maximum Effective Range: Two miles (3.2 km) Missiles: 40 miles (64 km) by air.
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Payload: Internal magazine has a total of 48 torpedoes and 48 missiles;
2. Rear Laser Cannon Turrets (2) : Same as number one. can be routed to whichever launch tube is desired.
3. Forward Plasma Turret (1): At the mid-section on both sides of the 5. Power Armor & Robots: Remember, these giant vessels almost al­
Sea Skimmer is powerful plasma cannon (plasma always being a fa­ ways have at least 20 to 40 power armor troops and a few super­
vorite of the Kittani who contributed to the design of the ship), built powered beings (mages, demons, dragons, monsters, etc.).
in a ball housing so it can rotate 360 degrees and has a 1 80 degree
arc of fire in all directions ! This means these cannons can fire into Magic Weapon Systems:
the water but the blast can travel deeper than 300 feet (9 1 .5 m). Note: The ships power, sensors, magic defenses, shields and other
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship features are all tied to the 20 large eyes of Eylor inside the vessel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D4x 1 00 M.D. per single blast. 1. Magic Force Field (Armor of Ithan): A force field with 500
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the M.D.C. can be engaged to cover the entire ship 7 times per 24 hour
gunner (average 4 or 5); each turret has a gunner. period.

2. Magic & Sensory Capabilities from the Eyes: 3. Magic Stealth :
1 . Can see seven miles ( 1 1 .2 km) 1 . Moves silently - equal to a prowl skill of 80%; most effective at
2. Telescopic sight - 300x magnification night or in a fog or mist.
3. Nightvision 6000 feet ( 1 828 m) 2. Chameleon (super) - only applicable when stationary or travelling
4. Polarized vision and can tell direction and time by looking at the po­ at speeds under 1 2 mph ( 1 9 kmph; 1 0.3 knots) . The giant Sea Skimmer
sition of the sun. seems to disappear, blending into the background of the sky, clouds and
S. Sensory Perception: See aura, see the invisible, sense magic, and see ocean waves. The ship automatically becomes visible when it comes
P.P.E. energy. within 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) of another vessel, port or land mass.
6. Telepathic Communications : Through the eyes of Eylor, the officers
can communicate with their crew and passengers via telepathy. Range:
1 200 feet (366 m)

Top Secret NGR

Mili tary Data
Triax has virtually no "known" presence in the oceans of the world, of sabotage) . They have avoided reconnaissance around the continent of
however, they have been secretly developing, testing and deploying Atlantis, North America and much of the Atlantic for fear of discovery
combat ships, submersibles, cyborgs and power armor as part of their by the Minions of Splugorth or others who might warn their enemies.
secret Navy. At this stage, Atlantis has no inkling that the NGR has a Navy. Even if a
The NGR ' s secret development of a Navy is a tactical maneuver to submarine is sighted, it is assumed to be one of Captain Nemo-2 ' s ves­
give them a strategic edge over their inhuman enemies, particularly the sels.
Gargoyle Empire and the New Phoenix Empire (who has been sup­ The New German Republic (NGR) has recently sponsored five
plying and supporting the gargoyles) . When the NGR Navy is strong small expeditionary forces to the Pacific Ocean. Two in the South Pa­
enough, it hopes to deploy several submersible carriers, submarines and cific have disappeared and are presumed destroyed. One is currently ac­
cyborg troops to the western and southern coasts of France to launch an tive in the South Pacific and has encountered the USS Ticonderoga
attack from three different sides. The gargoyles are used to the front­ (Nemo and his crew rescued them from an attack by minions of the
line of the war being inland, mainly along the French and German bor­ Lord of the Deep, then disappeared). The other two are exploring the
ders. The humans hope they will be completely caught unawares boxed North Pacific and may encounter the forces at work in Japan or one of
in from attacks coming from the Bay of Biscay and Gulf of Corsica, off the Fleets of the New Navy. In either case, any encounter is likely to be
the Mediterranean Sea, combined along with the inland assault. This brief and friendly.
critical plan is the reason for the extreme secrecy. The NGR hopes to
launch "Operation Sea Storm" within two years.
The NGR ' s plan should be a tremendous success, because while the
gargoyles have adapted to the use of robots, energy weapons and ad­
vanced technology for military purposes, these sub-demons of the land
and air have never considered the possibility of attack from the sea.
Their entire rear flank is vulnerable to attack. Before they can adapt to
assaults from the front and rear, they will have to contend with a third
front from the side (Gulf of Corsica) which will throw their forces into
complete disarray. If all goes well (especially if the USS Ticonderoga
and the Fleets of the New Navy should join the fray), this battle plan
will see the destruction of millions of gargoyles and shatter their Em­
pire. Such a devastating defeat will set the monsters back SO years !
Pressing their advantage with sorties and extensive follow up cam­
paigns could see the obliteration of the Gargoyle Empire (and eventu­
ally the Brodkil) within a decade !
The NGR ' s Navy vessels and new weapons are secretly tested in the
Baltic Sea, Arctic Ocean, and occasionally in the Norwegian Sea, and
Mediterranean Sea (especially around Egypt/The New Phoenix Empire
and the coast of France to keep an eye on trade and troop movements of
the Gargoyle Empire and other nemeses; and engage in occasional acts

Triax Underwater Weapons and Vessels

Underwater Bionics
Deep-Sea Environmental Body Armor or HUD system and make warning sounds when the character is within
Depth Gauge 1 00 feet (30.5 m) of his maximum depth tolerance. Cost: 3,000 credits.
Gills Gills: Artificial gills can be implants or built into partial and full
Sonar conversion borgs. Gills are usually placed in the neck or rib cage, or just
Sonic Echo-Location System below the ribs. They enable the recipient of the implant to remove oxy­
gen from the water like a fish and breathe underwater for indefinite pe­
Deep-Sea Environmental Body Armor: Medium cyborg armor riods of time. Note: Triax is even trying to develop bio-system gills, but
that is designed to withstand underwater depths. Often a completely without success thus far. Cost: 90,000 credits .
contained environmental suit that plugs into existing cybernetic armor
Sonar: B asically underwater radar. I t can identify and track u p t o 24
and systems. Cost: 56,000 credits.
targets simultaneously and has a range of two miles (3.2 km) . Cost:
• 1 75 M.D.C. 25 ,000 credits.
• Good Mobility : - 1 0% on the performance of prowl and other physi-
Sonic Echo-Location : A bionic system similar to that of the dol­
cal skills such as gymnastics.
phin. This bionic mechanism is not as sensitive as the dolphin ' s and is
• Maximum Depth Tolerance: 1 .7 miles (2.7 km)
used to determine distance and depth underwater, and to "see" in total
• Market Cost: Not available. Should cost around 75 ,000 credits.
darkness by creating a sound picture. When in total darkness, the cy­
• Colors : B oth types of suits come in black with dull grey helmets,
borg suffers from none of the usual penalties from blindness and can
plates and exoskeletons or in a sea camouflage pattern.
maneuver and fight as normal . Base level of proficiency: 78% in accu­
Depth Gauge & Alarm : An internal implant that can calculate rately gauging distance, depth and shapes; Range : 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) .

depth. A digital counter can indicate the exact depth via internal audio Cost: 60,000 credits.

Marine Weapons & Armor

TXT -10 Ultra-mini Torpedoes TXD-02 Deep-Sea
These are similar to the Kittani rocket grenades , in that they are light
explosives about the size of a grenade and have a range limited to about
Laser/Harpoon Rifle
1 000 feet (305 m). Ideal against small submersibles, boats, lightly ar­ This is a short-range laser weapon equipped with a heavy harpoon­
mored personnel, monsters and missile volleys. Note: Depicted in the like spear. Note: Depicted in the cyborg illustration.
frogman illustration. Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel & Anti-monster. Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per laser blast. I D6 M.D. from a conven­
Secondary Purpose: Anti-missile tional M.D.C. harpoon or 5D6 M.D. from an exploding harpoon.
Mega-Damage: Typically uses high explosive (4D6 M.D. to a 6 Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
foot/ 1 .8m diameter) or concussion charge (3D6 M.D. to a 30 foot/ 1 9 . 1 Maximum Effective Range: Laser: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater or
m radius underwater; half that radius on dry land) . 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) on land. Harpoon: 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) underwater or
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two or four. on land.
Maximum Effective Range: About 1 000 feet (305 km) ; the range is half Payload: Laser: 40 shots with an FSE clip. Harpoon: One, but can be re­
in the air. loaded (takes one melee action) ; a standard quiver holds eight addi­
tional spears.
Black Market Cost: Not available. Top Secret ! But should command a
TXD-Ol Deep-Sea price of 60,000 to 75 ,000 credits.

Sonic Beam Rifle

This is a short-range underwater weapon that is especially effective TXD-03 Deep-Sea
against aquatic animals and D-bees. Note: Depicted in the deep-sea
power armor illustration. Laser Assault Rifle
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel This is a versatile, multi-system weapon designed for use in all sea
Mega-Damage : 5D6 M.D. per sonic blast; 2D6 M.D. on land. Same ba­ environments, as well as being reasonably suitable for land assault (the
sic effects as the sonic blast ocean spell . gun is a bit heavy). The rifle has 1 20 M.D.C. and can survive deep-sea
Rate o f Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner. pressure up to four miles deep (6.4 km) . Standard issue to the Triax
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) underwater or 80 feet Frogman.
(24.4 m) on land. The main weapon is a high-powered, blue-green, pulse laser. It also
Payload: 40 shots with an FSE clip. comes equipped with a small, high-powered infrared light and a vibro­
BlackM arket Cost: Not available. Top Secret ! But should command a blade bayonet that can be fired like a harpoon! Note: Depicted in the
price of 60,000 to 75,000 credits. frogman illustration.

Blue-Green Laser:
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per single shot or I D4x l O M.D. per rapid­
fire pulse (three nearly simultaneous blasts fired one mirco-second after
the other).
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the user.
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) underwater, 3000 feet
(9 1 4 m) on land.
Payload: 60 shots with an FSE clip.
BIaCkM arket Cost: Not available. Top Secret ! But should command a
price of 50,000 to 75 ,000 credits.
Vibro-Blade Bayonet: The blade can be used as a bayonet attached to
the rifle, removed and used as a hand weapon, or fired like a projec­
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel/Close combat.
Mega-Damage : 2D6 M.D. per strike. 3D6 M.D. when fired like a har­
poon or missile.
Rate of Fire: One; intended for hand to hand combat.
Maximum Effective Range: 200 feet (6 1 m) underwater or on land.
Payload: One

TXD-6 & TXD-8 Frogman Armor

TXD-8 Frogman Armor
A bulkier, heavy version of the TXD-6 with more padding, armor
The TXD-6 armor is a medium weight, composite suit made of flex­ plating and a full exoskeleton.
ible spider-web mesh (stronger than iron), padding and metal. The head • M.D.C.: 1 00
is protected by a shatterproof helmet with metal reinforcement to pro­ • Weight: 52 1bs (9.5 kg)
tect the head, shoulders and back. A pair of small searchlights are lo­ • Fair Mobility : - 1 5 % on the performance of prowl and other physical
cated on the top of the helmet and can be angled 30 degrees up and skills such as gymnastics.
down, right or left. The helmet has a mini-computer, depth gauge, do­ • Maximum Depth: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m)
simeter, HUD system, basic life support, built-in radio, insulation and • The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes of the
all features common to medium environmental body armor (as listed in frogman: +6 to P. S . , + 1 0 to spd, and reduces the rate of fatigue by
Rifts Ultimate Edition, page 269).
• Market Cost: Not available. Should cost around 1 20,000 credits.
The backpack contains a detachable air system good for five hours
of constant exertion (six if inactive most of the time). It also has a light Standard Combat Features for the TXD-6 & TXD-8 :
hydro-propulsion system that can propel the frogman at 5 mph (8 1. TX-60 Deep-Sea Laser Assault Rifle: A blue-green laser rifle de­
kmph) . scribed at the beginning of this section.
A pair of "power-kicker" leg exoskeletons help to protect the legs 2. Ultra-Mini Missiles (10): Used mostly against light submersibles,
and feet from injury and enables the diver to swim for twice as long at small boats and lightly armored personnel.
half the fatigue rate of normal skin divers. Primary Purpose : Anti-personnel & Anti-monster.
Mega-Damage: Typically uses high explosive (4D6 M.D. to a 6 foot/ 1 . 8
TXD-6 Frogman Armor (depicted in the illustration). m diameter) o r concussion charge (3D6 M.D. t o a 3 0 foot/ 1 9. 1 m radius
• M.D.C.: 70 underwater; half that radius on dry land).
• Weight: 3 2 Ibs (9.5 kg) Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two or four.
• Good Mobility: - 1 0% on the performance of prowl and other physi- Maximum Effective Range : About 1 000 feet (305 km) ; half in air.
cal skills such as gymnastics. Payload: Ten total; four on each leg and one on each forearm.
• Maximum Depth: 1 200 feet (366 m) 3. Forearm Vibro-BIade Shields (2) : An M.D.C. forearm plate with a
• Market Cost: Not available. Should cost around 75 ,000 credits. retractable vibro-blade. A detachable flashlight or ultra-mini missile
• Colors : Both types of suits come in black, with dull grey helmets, can be attached to a bracket on top of the plate.
plates and exoskeletons or in a sea camouflage pattern. Mega-Damage: Vibro-Blade: 2D4 M.D.; UM-missile varies.

Deep-Sea Power Armor
The Ultra is designed to function as an all-environment power armor
suit for combat underwater, in the air and on land. Its design was in­
spired by the Coalition States ' SAMAS , although it has a very different
appearance and is much heavier and slower in the air.
The armor can survive water pressure up to two miles (3.2 km) deep.
It is propelled through the water by four large jet thrusters built into a
detachable, modular backpack that is also used by the barracuda cyborg.
Smaller directional jets provide greater mobility. It also has wings for
limited flight and a battery of weapons. Underwater, the TXD- l 00 Ultra
is a walking weapon with immense versatility. On land it can function
as a strong support unit or front-line infantry trooper. It is especially ef­
fective against gurgoyles, slow moving armored vehicles and monsters .
However, it is comparatively slow and clumsy out of water, even when
the huge jet thrusters are removed.
It has all the standard Triax power armor sensors and features, plus
sonar, and infrared and ultraviolet optic systems.
Exclusive to the NGR Military
Model Type: TXD- I OO Ultra
Class: Sea-Air-Land Strategic Navy Assault Suit
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:
* Head - 90
* Wings (2) - 90 each
Legs (2) - 1 60
* Arms (2) - 1 00
* Forearm Lasers (2; one on each) - 30
* Sonic Rifle - 1 00
* Head Lasers (2; tiny) - 5 each
Drum Ultra-Mini Torpedo Launcher ( I ; left shoulder) - 1 20
* Chest Lights (2) - 3 each
Jet Thrusters (4; back) - 1 80 each
Leg Thrusters (2) - 50 each
** Main Body - 400
* A single asterisk indicates targets that are small or difficult to
hit and requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike.
Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms
of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must rely on
his own human vision and senses. Any power armor combat bonuses
to strike, parry and dodge are lost. If the helmet is ruptured the pilot
will drown, or if below 500 feet ( 1 52 m) deep, the water pressure
will kill him.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
completely, rendering it useless.
Running: 20 mph (32 kmph) maximum with the propulsion system at­
tached. The large and awkward propulsion system can be detached for
greater mobility and speed (+ 1 0 mph/ l 6 kmph and + I to dodge), but it
takes two power armored assistants and 2D4 minutes to reattach. Note
that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at 20% of the nor­
mal fatigue rate.
Leaping: Not possible without jet thruster assistance; the suit with its
huge back thrusters is too awkward. With thrusters, up to 60 feet ( 1 8 . 3
m) high o r lengthwise.
Flying : 40 mph (64 kmph); maximum altitude is 1 000 feet (305 m). The
large and awkward propulsion system can be detached for greater mo­
bility and speed (+ 1 0 mph/ 1 6 kmph).
Underwater: The thruster system propels the power armor underwater
or a surfaced (semi-submerged) at a speed of 60 mph (96.5 kmph; 5 1 .6
knots) !

Range: Restricted by the needs of the pilot. Typically the pilot can oper­ 6. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can
ate the annor for 1 8 hours at maximum efficiency and up to three to 1 0 engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and elite
days without food and minimal water (has a three day drinkable water power armor combat training in the robot combat section of Rifts Ult.
supply). Air is purged and recycled automatically and will last weeks Ed., pages 3 5 1 -352. All abilities are the same except as follows:
before becoming too stale to breathe. Normal Kick - I D6 M.D.
Maximum Depth : Two miles (3.2 km) . Power Kick - 2D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.
Statistical Data: Body Ram - 3D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m); the ultra-mini missile launcher adds another two
feet (0.6 m) for an overall height of 10 feet (3 m).
Width : 5 feet ( 1 .5 m) with wings lowered or 1 0 feet (3 m) with wings
extended in a flying position. VX-20,OOO Barracuda
Length: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m)
Weight: 1 600 Ibs (720 kg)
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 34. The B arracuda is a heavily anned and annored, full conversion cy­
Cargo: None borg designed for deep-sea reconnaissance and combat. In many re­
Power System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 1 5 years. gards it can be considered a suit of power armor that attaches to the
Market Cost: Not available. Top Secret ! But would cost around 4 mil­ character' s normal cyborg body to provide an outer shell of thick annor
lion credits if it were available. and a full environmental enclosure for deep-sea operations.
The annor can survive water pressure up to two miles (3.2 km) deep,
Weapon Systems but it is suggested not to exceed 1 .5 miles (2.4 km). The mini-torpedoes
or missiles are housed in the shoulders and foreanns and the VX-20,000
1. Forearm Lasers: This is a back-up weapon that fires high-intensity is the only soldier provided with the TXP Quad rifle. In addition, most
blue-green laser blasts. have an electrical and/or chemical discharge system built into their fore­
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel anns/wrists and often a laser into a finger on each hand. The external
Secondary Purpose: Defense helmet (the borg ' s head is inside) is equipped with sonar and echo-loca­
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per burst. tion scanners and HUD system. It has also has all the standard Triax
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. power annor sensors and features, including infrared and ultraviolet op­
Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater or on land.
tic systems.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
The cyborg can be reconfigured for land and air by removing the de­
2. Head Lasers: A pair of light lasers used for soldering, salvage and tachable propulsion system (the same as the one used by the TXD- 1 00)
self-defense in close combat. and attaching a jet pack for flight capabilities.
Primary Purpose : Anti-personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Exclusive to the NGR Military
Mega-Damage: I D6 M.D. for a single blast or 2D6 M.D. per double Note: The following stats are for the "standard" VX-20,000 full
blast. conversion borg. Specific weapons and bionic features may change
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. slightly from borg to borg.
Maximum Effective Range: 600 feet ( 1 83 m) underwater or on land. Model Type: VX-20,000 Barracuda
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Class: Full Conversion Cyborg - Deep-Sea Heavy Assault
3. Mini-Missiles or Mini-Torpedoes ( 10) : Five mini-missiles (when Crew: One human volunteer
designated for aerial or ground targets) or mini-torpedoes (for under­ M.D.C. by Location:
water combat) can be mounted on each of the wings. In some cases, * Helmet/Sonar System - 1 1 0
the bombs may be a mixture of mini-missiles and torpedoes . * Cyborg Head (inside outer helmet) - 90
Primary Purpose: Anti-vehicle and anti-monster. * Shoulder Launchers (2) - 30 each
Secondary Purpose: Defense Legs (2) - 1 70 each
Mega-Damage: Typically I D4x l O or I D6x l O M.D. * Arms (2) - 1 00 each
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two or five. * Forearm Launchers (4; two on each) - 30 each
Maximum Effective Range: About one mile ( 1 .6 km). * TXD-02 Laser/Harpoon rifle - 1 00
Payload: Ten total; five per wing. * TXP Quad Rifle - 1 50
Jet Thrusters (4; back) - 1 80 each
4. TXT-I0 Ultra-mini Torpedo Drum Launcher (1): A drum style
launcher is mounted above the left shoulder for underwater combat Leg Thrusters (2) - 50 each
and beach landings . It is usually detached for inland or aerial combat ** Main B ody of the external Armor - 500
because it impairs the mobility of the armor (-30% piloting skill, - I Main Body of the cyborg inside - 2 1 0
on initiative, and - I to parry and dodge). * A single asterisk indicates targets that are small or difficult to
Primary Purpose : Anti-personnel and anti-monster. hit and requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-missile Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate sonar and
Mega-Damage: Typically uses concussion torpedoes which inflict 3D6 sensory systems, but the cyborg retains its optics and other internal
M.D. to a 30 foot (9. 1 m) radius underwater (half that radius on dry bionic systems. If the helmet is destroyed, the cyborg inside will still
land) . be able to function, but his maximum depth performance level is one
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two, four or eight. mile ( 1 6 km) . If deeper when the external enclosure is destroyed the
Maximum Effective Range: About 1 000 feet (305 km) ; the range is half borg has I D4+4 minutes to get to a safe depth before the pressure
in the air. destroys his head or neural system and kills him.
Payload: 56 Ultra-mini torpedoes. ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts down the pro­
pulsion systems, sonar systems, and integrated launch systems. The
5. A TXD-Ol Sonic Beam Gun is standard issue, but any of the ma­ cyborg ' s own bionic body is now vulnerable to water pressure and
rine rifles or rail guns can be used. Vibro-blades can also be carried for attack! The borg has I D4+4 minutes to get to a safe depth before the
use in hand to hand combat. pressure kills him.

1 96


Note: Depleting the M.D.C. of both main bodies (7 1 0 total) will Leaping : Not possible with jet thrusters attached unless they are en­
effectively destroy the artificial body, but emergency systems will gaged for leap assistance. With the thrusters ' assistance, up to 60 feet
keep the brain and vital organs alive for 36 hours. An automatic flo­ ( 1 8 . 3 m) high or lengthwise. With thrusters detached, 20 feet (6 m) high
tation device and homing beacon automatically engage. Recovery of or lengthwise.
the severely damaged body will enable doctors to place the character Flying : 40 mph (64 kmph), with a maximum altitude of 1 000 feet (305
on a life support system that will keep him alive until a new bionic m), with the underwater propulsion system. However, it can be re­
body (same style or other) is available for full conversion. Failure to moved for greater ground mobility and a standard jet pack attached for
find the damaged borg within 36 hours means the character dies. flight capabilities.
Similarly, massive amounts of damage ( 1 25 points below zero) com­ Underwater: The thruster system propels the cyborg underwater or sur­
pletely destroys the character, with no hope for recovery. faced (semi-submerged) at a speed of 60 mph (96.5 kmph; 5 1 .6 knots) !
Speed : Swimming: 5 mph ( 8 kmph)4.3 knots) without the propulsion system.
Running: 60 mph (96 kmph) maximum with the propulsion system at­ Range: Typically, a cyborg pilot can operate underwater for five or six
tached. The large and awkward propulsion system can be detached for days before requiring food and water to continue.
greater mobility and speed (+ 1 0 mph/ 1 6 kmph and + 1 to dodge), but Maximum Depth: 1 .5 to 2 miles (2.4 to 3 . 2 km) ; one mile if the outer
takes two power armored assistants and 2D4 minutes to reattach. armor is destroyed.

Statistical Data: used to hook it to the waist or slung over the shoulder when not in
Height: 10 feet (3 m). use. Other weapons can be used as an alternative.
Width: 5 feet ( 1 .5 m) Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Length: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) with propulsion system; 3 feet (0.9 m) without Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per laser blast. I D6 M.D. from a conven­
them. tional M.D.C. harpoon or 5D6 M.D. from an explosive harpoon.
Weight: 2 tons Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Physical Attributes : Equal to a P.S. 40 (unique for borgs), P.P. 2 1 , Spd. Maximum Effective Range: Laser: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater or
88 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) on land. Harpoon: 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) underwater or
Penalties: The heavy armor provides incredible mega-damage protec­ on land.
tion but limits the borg ' s maximum speed, prowl is impossible, and the Payload: Laser: 40 shots with an FSE clip. Harpoon: One, but can be re­
character has penalties factored into the bonuses to strike, parry, dodge loaded (takes one melee action) ; a standard quiver holds eight addi­
and roll with impact. tional spears .
Cargo: None Black Market Cost: Not available. Top Secret! B ut should command a
Power System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 1 5 years. price of 60,000 to 75 ,000 credits.
Market Cost: Not available. Top Secret! But would cost around 1 0- 1 2 3. Mini-Missile or Mini-Torpedo Launchers: Mini-missiles (when
million credits with all the standard features. designated for aerial or ground targets) or mini-torpedoes (for under­
Standard Bionic Features (non-weapon types) water combat) are housed in launchers concealed in both shoulders,
Note: These features are all found in the bionic and cybernetic sec­ as well as in the forearms. In some cases, the projectiles may be a
tions of the Rifts RPG and Rifts Bionics Sourcebook. mixture of mini-missiles and mini-torpedoes.
I . Bionic gills Primary Purpose: Anti-vehicle and anti-monster.
2. Bionic lung with gas filter & oxygen storage cell Secondary Purpose: Defense
3. Built-in language translator Mega-Damage: Typically I D4x l O or I D6x l O M.D.
4. Built-in loudspeaker Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two or four.
5. Built-in radio receiver & transmitter Maximum Effective Range : About one mile ( 1 .6 km) .
6. Built-in depth gauge Payload: 24 total; ten in each shoulder and two in each forearm.
7. Clock calendar
4. VX-270 Concealed Particle Beam Weapon Rod (1, standard is­
8. Gyro-compass
sue) : The right or left leg contains a concealed particle beam
9. Concealed energy-clip hand or arm port ( 1 in each arm)
weapon rod. Release, point and shoot.
1 0. Modulating voice synthesizer
Primary Purpose: Assault
1 1 . Multi-optic eyes
Mega-Damage: 6D6+6 M.D. per blast.
1 2. Psionic electromagnetic dampers
Rate of Fire: Equal to the character' s total number of hand to hand at­
1 3 . Radar (short range)
tacks per melee.
1 4 . Rear optics in the back of the head
Effective Range: 300 feet (9 1 .5 m) underwater, but 1 000 feet (305 m)
1 5 . Universal headjack with amplified hearing and sound filtration
on land.
1 6. Sonar
Payload: 48 blasts . Although patched into the borg ' s power supply, the
1 7 . Echo-location system
powerful beam draws a great amount of energy. Its energy payload re­
Weapon Systems charges at a rate of 8 blasts per hour.
1. TXP Quad Rifle: The Quad rifle is a powerful and versatile multi­ 5. Concealed Vibro-B1ade (1): A vibro-sword is concealed in a hous-
weapon that is standard issue exclusively to the Barracuda borg. The ing in the left leg. Remove and use.
three identical barrels fire high-powered laser beams, while the Mega-damage: 2D4 M.D.
fourth, side barrel is a rail gun that can fire normal or depleted ura­ Range : Hand to hand combat.
nium (DU) rounds (the latter is standard). The rail gun has a stand­
6. Wrist Weapon Systems (2) : Each of the bionic arms has a weapon
ard clip that enables it to fire six lights bursts (3D6 M.D.), but can be
one of the following weapon systems. Pick one for each arm or both
connected to a belt-feed ammo-drum for a much greater payload.
can be the same.
Primary Purpose: Anti-vehicle and anti-monster.
Chemical Spray (concealed)
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Electrical Discharge
Mega-Damage: Tri-Iaser: A single blast does 2D6 M.D., a double blast
Wrist Needle & Drug Dispenser (concealed)
4D6 M.D. and a triple blast 6D6 M.D. Rail Gun: I D4 M.D. per light
LGL-3 1 Grapnel & Launcher (see Rifts Triax & NGR).
burst using standard ammo, or 3D6 M.D. per light burst using DU
Climb cord (concealed)
rounds, or 6D6 per heavy burst with DU rounds (only possible with an
Garrote Wrist Wire (concealed)
ammo drum).
Laser Finger
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as a melee attack, but double and triple
laser blasts also counts as one melee attack, as do rail gun bursts. 7. Concealed Storage Compartments(2) : Both lower legs have a con­
Maximum Effective Range: Laser: 3000 feet (9 1 4 m) underwater or cealed storage compartments that typically holds an extra E-c1ip
4000 feet ( 1 220 m) in an air environment. three hand grenade or three ultra-mini torpedoes, or one fusion
1 400 feet (426.7 m) underwater or 6000 feet ( 1 828 m) in an air environ­ block. Other items can be substituted.
8. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the cyborg can
Payload: Laser: 40 triple blast or 1 20 single blasts - recharges three
engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. Unlike the typical
blast per 1 0 minutes if connected to the cyborg ' s power system (detach­
borg, the VX-20,000 can inflict mega-damage from its punches and
able cord) . Rail gun: Standard DU round clip 90 rounds which are six
light bursts. With an ammo drum, the warrior has 3000 rounds and can
Attacks per Melee Round: Equal to the character' s hand to hand combat
fire 1 00 heavy bursts (30 DU rounds doing 6D6 M.D.) or 200 light
skill selection and experience, plus one additional attack/action from
bursts ( 1 5 DU rounds doing 3D6 M.D.).
heightened reflexes.
2. TXD-02 Deep Sea Laser/Harpoon Rifle (1): This is also standard Combat Bonuses : +2 on initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +3 to dodge,
issue. Magnetic clamp can hold the weapon to a leg or a belt can be +2 to pull punch, and +2 to roll with impact.

Damage: * Arms (2) - 1 3 0 each
Restrained Punch - I D6+25 S.D.C. * Forearm Thrusters (2; one on each) - 50
Full Strength Punch - l D6 M.D. * Sub Nose Lasers (2; tiny) - 15 each
Power Punch - 2D6 M.D. (counts as 2 melee attacks) * Headlights (2) - 3 each
Kick - l D6 M.D. * Rail Guns (2, pair) - 30 each
Jump Kick/Leap Attack - 2D6 M.D. (counts as 2 melee attacks) Jet Thrusters (2; feet) - 1 80 each
Judo Style Throw/Flip - l D4 M.D. * Lower Leg Thrusters (2) - 50 each
Full Speed Ram/Body Block - 2D4 M.D., but counts as 2 melee at­ ** Main Body - 420
* A single asterisk indicates targets that are small or difficult to
9. Typical Training/Skills:See the Cyborg Soldier O.C.C. in Rifts
hit and requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike.
Triax & The NGR for complete details.
Destroying the head of the robot eliminates all forms of optical
10. Sensors and Features of Note: I) The Barracuda has full optical
enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must rely on his own
systems, including laser targeting, telescopic, passive nightvision
human vision and senses. All robot combat bonuses to strike, parry
(light amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet and po­
and dodge are lost.
larization, echo-location and sonar.
* * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the armor down
completely, rendering it useless and sinks .
Running: 70 mph ( 1 1 2.4 km).

Triax Submarines Leaping: 20 feet (6 m) high or lengthwise. Thruster assisted leaps can
carry the robot up to 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m) high or lengthwise.
Flying : Not possible.
& Navy Sea Craft Underwater: The thruster system propels the robot in its bipedal con­
figuration at 22 mph (35 km; 19 knots) or 30 mph (48 km; 25.8 knots)
in the submarine configuration.
Range: Restricted by the needs of the pilot. Typically the pilot can oper­
X-6000 Transformable Sub ate the armor for 1 8 hours at maximum efficiency and up to one week
(has a week ' s worth of food rations and drinkable water). Air is purged
The X-6000 is an experimental transformable robot currently under­ and recycled automatically and will last weeks before becoming too
going field tests . In submarine configuration, the robot looks like a stale to breathe.
mini-sub. A pair of lasers are located in the nose, rail guns in the wings, Maximum Depth : Two miles (3.2 km) in bipedal configuration or 2.5
and six mini-torpedoes are attached to the belly. This configuration pro­ miles (4 km) in submarine mode.
vides excellent speed and mobility. Statistical Data:
The second configuration is that of a bipedal robot with a pair of hu­ Height: Sub: 1 2 feet (3.6 m). Bipedal Robot: 22 feet (6.7 m) standing.
man-like arms and legs. The robot configuration is ideal for beach land­ Width: Sub: 8 feet (2.4 m) or 20 feet (6 m) overall, including wingspan.
ings, land and sea operations, boarding ships, sifting through debris, Bipedal Robot: 16 feet (4.8 m)
gathering artifacts and evidence, collecting specimens, making under­ Length: Sub : 20 feet (6 m). Bipedal Robot: 8 feet (2.4 m)
water repairs, planting explosives, and can even carry and use rail guns Weight: 1 600 lbs (720 kg)
and large weapons designed for cyborgs and robots. Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 40.
It has all the standard Triax robot sensors and features, plus sonar, Cargo: None
and infrared and ultraviolet optic systems. Power System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 25 years.
Market Cost: Not available. Top Secret ! But would cost around 60 mil­
Exclusive to the NGR Military
lion credits if it were available.
Model Type: X-6000 Transformable Robot-Sub
Class: Sea-Land Assault Robot Weapon Systems
Crew: One pilot and as many as two passengers. 1 . Nose Lasers (2) : A pair of fixed forward lasers are located in the
M.D.C. by Location: nose of the sub. The lasers point between the legs when in subma­
* Head/Sensor Cluster - 90 rine configuration, which makes their use awkward (-4 to strike) and
* Fins/Chest Plates (2) - 1 40 each often impossible. Both fire high-intensity blue-green laser blasts.
Legs (2) - 1 80 each

Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel 3. Mini-Torpedoes (6) : Six mini-torpedoes can be mounted on each of
Secondary Purpose: Defense the shoulders (on underside when in submarine mode).
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per single blast or 6D6 per double simultane­ Primary Purpose: Anti-vehicle and anti-monster.
ous blast. Secondary Purpose: Defense
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Mega-Damage: Typically I D6x l O M.D.
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) underwater or on land. Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, three or four.
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Maximum Effective Range: About one mile ( 1 .6 km) .
2. X-6000 Rail Guns (2) : A pair of double-barrelled rail gun systems Payload: Six; three per shoulder.
face forward from the front of the wings in submarine configuration,
4. Hand-Held Weapons: The X-6000 often carries one of the underwa­
and have a 45 degree arc of fire. They point forward from the chest
ter guns, rail guns, vibro-blades, or other over-sized robot weapons
when in bipedal mode.
into combat. The weapon can be locked into place on the underside
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
when in submarine configuration.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
S. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en­
Mega-Damage: A full damage burst from one gun fires 30 rounds and
gage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See basic and elite
inflicts 5D6 M.D. or I D6x l O M.D. from a simultaneous burst from
power armor combat training in the robot combat section of Rifts
both sets of guns. A single round does I D4 M.D.
RPG, page 45 . All abilities are the same except as follows:
Rate of Fire: Equal to the character' s hand to hand attacks per melee
round (usually 4 to 6). Restrained Punch - I D4 M.D.
Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater. 4000 feet Full Strength Punch or Kick - 2D4 M.D.
( 1 220 m) on the surface. Power Punch or Kick - 2D6+4 M.D.
Payload: 5 ,000 rounds/ 1 66 bursts each. Body Ram - 3D6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.

Length: 22 feet (6.7 m)
Weight: 2 tons
Cargo: Can carry or pull an additional one ton of cargo.
PoWer System: Nuclear; average energy life of 10 years.
Market Cost: Not available. Top Secret! B ut would cost around 8 mil­
lion credits with all the standard features and weapons.

Weapon Systems
1 . Heavy Torpedo Launch Tubes (2) : Each of the side fins has a
heavy torpedo launch tube.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Mega-Damage: 4D6x 1 O M.D. (HE or Plasma)
Rate of Fire: One at a time or a volley of two.
Range: 20 miles (32 km) .
Payload: Two; one torpedo per fin. The mini-sub must dock to reload.
Reloading takes trained technicians 1 D4 minutes per torpedo.
Cost: 20,000 credits per torpedo.
2. Light Torpedo Launch Tubes (2) : Each of the side fins has a light
XS -20 Sea Mite torpedo launch tube.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Mini-Submarine Mega-Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. (HE)
Rate of Fire: One at a time or a volley of two.
This one-man submersible is smaller than many of the NGR ' s ro­ Range: 5 miles (8 km) .
bots. It is used for exploration, reconnaissance, rescue, escort and com­ Payload: Two; one torpedo per fin. The mini-sub must dock to reload.
bat. The Sea Mite is incredibly fast, maneuverable and deadly ! Reloading takes trained technicians I D4 minutes per torpedo.
Weapons include a pair of heavy, long-range torpedoes, a pair of Cost: 8,000 credits per torpedo.
smaller short-range torpedoes, and rail guns. 3. TXS-600 Rail Guns (6) : Each side fin has three small openings
Exclusive to the NGR Military which conceals a triple-barrelled rail gun system. Fixed forward.
Model Type: XS -20 Automatic feed.
Class: Military Submersible. Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Crew: One pilot Secondary Purpose: Anti-monster
M.D.C. by Location : Mega-Damage: A full damage burst from one fin fires 30 rounds and
Heavy Torpedo Launch Tubes (2; one per fin) - 30 each inflicts 5D6 M.D. or I D6x 1 O M.D. from a simultaneous burst from
* Light Torpedo Launch Tube (2; one per fin) - 20 each both fin guns. A single round does I D4 M.D.
* Rail Gun Openings (6; three per fin) - 10 each Rate of Fire: Equal to the character' s hand to hand attacks per melee
Fins (2) - 1 20 each round (usually 4 to 6).
Tail Fins (2) - 45 each Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater. 4000 feet
Main Rear Thruster ( 1 ) - 1 60 ( 1 220 m) on the surface.
Hatches (2; on sides) - 50 each Payload: 6000 rounds/200 bursts each.
Infrared Spotlights (2; top) - 6 each 4. Systems Note: Standard Sensors Include: Short-range sonar (2
Forward Lights (2; bottom) - 6 each miles/3 .2 km) , radiation detector, mini-computer, laser distancing
** Inner Pilot ' s Compartment (front) - 50 system (4000 foot/1 220 range), distress/homing beacon ( 1 2 hour,
* * * Main B ody - 220 400 mile/640 km range), medium-range directional radio (300
* A single asterisk indicates targets that are small or difficult to miles), and infrared searchlights (200 foot/6 1 m range underwater).
hit and requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Pilot ' s compartment and observa­
tion bubble will destroy the piloting mechanism and activate the
emergency surfacing system and distress beacon. The pilot is ex­ XS -24 Sea Bat
posed to further attacks and may be killed if not in an appropriate
diving suit or power armor.
* * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sub ' s
structural integrity, causing i t t o flood. A t great depths, water pres­
sure will instantly crush the pilot !
Speed : This is another small , one-man submarine designed to slip through
enemy lines to conduct reconnaissance, plant explosive charges and en­
Ground: Not possible.
gage in acts of surveillance and sabotage. The pilot lays in a prone posi­
Flying: Not possible.
Wirtef Speed: 25 mph (40 km; 2 1 .5 knots) surfaced or 50 mph (80.5 tion, with his head and upper body located in a clear observation
bubble. If the bubble is shattered, concealed metal plates slide into place
km; 43 knots) dived.
to protect the pilot and maintain an airtight environment. A sensor clus­
Range: Can stay submerged for weeks and carries enough supplies to
ter on the top and bottom of the submarine provides video imaging on
last for a month.
Depth: One mile ( 1 .6 km) .
B onuses: + 1 0% pilot skill, + I melee attack/action, +2 to dodge, and + 1 A pair of highly articulated mechanical arms are located in the front,
on initiative. underside of the Sea B at. They are used to sift through rubble and de­
Statistical Data: bris, gather artifacts and evidence, collect specimens, make underwater
Height: 9 feet (2.7 m) from bottom to the top of the tail fin. repairs, plant explosives, and can even carry and use rail guns and large
Width : 20 feet (6 m) from fin tip to fin tip. weapons designed for over-sized borgs and robots.

Exclusive to the NGR Military
Model Type: XS-24
Class: Military Submersible.
Crew: One pilot
M.D.C. by Location :
* Mini-Torpedoes (8; four per fin) - 1 0 each
* Rail Gun Openings (8; four per fin) - 1 0 each

Length: 1 7 feet (5.2 m)

Weight: 1 .5 tons
Cargo: Can carry or pull an additional one half ton of cargo.
* Tail Fins (2) - 50 each Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 10 years.
Side Fins/Wings (2) - 1 40 each Market Cost: Not available. Top Secret ! B ut would cost around 7 mil­
Main Side Thrusters (2) - 1 00 each lion credits with all the standard features and weapons.
Robot Arms (2) - 90 each
* Hatch ( 1 ; top) - 50
Weapon Systems
1. TXS-800 Rail Guns (5) : Each side fin has four small openings
* Sensor Cluster & Spotlight (2; top & bottom) - 45 each
which conceals a quadruple-barrelled rail gun system. Fixed for­
* Forward Lights (2; bottom) - 6 each
** Inner Pilot ' s Compartment (sliding plates front) - 1 00 ward. Automatic feed.
* * * Main B ody - 260 Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
* A single asterisk indicates targets that are small or difficult to Secondary Purpose: Anti-monster
hit and requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike. Mega-Damage: A full damage burst from one fin fires 40 rounds and
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Pilot' s compartment, observation inflicts I D4x l O M.D. or 2D4x l O M.D. from a simultaneous burst from
bubble will destroy the piloting mechanism and activate the emer­ both fin guns. A single round does I D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the character' s hand to hand attacks per melee
gency surfacing system and distress beacon. The pilot is exposed to
round (usually 4 to 6).
further attacks and may be killed if not in an appropriate diving suit
or power armor. Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater. 4000 feet
* * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sub ' s ( 1 220 m) on the surface.
structural integrity, causing i t t o flood. A t great depths, water pres­ Payload: 8000 rounds/200 bursts each.
sure will instantly crush the pilot ! 2. Mini-Torpedoes (8) : Eight mini-torpedoes can be attached to the un-
Speed : derside of the side fins.
Ground: Not possible. Primary Purpose: Defense
Flying: Not possible. Secondary Purpose: Anti-ship
Water Speed: 30 mph (48 km; 25.8 knots) surfaced, or 35 mph (56 km; Mega Damage: I D6x l O M.D.
30 knots) dived. Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two or four.
Range: Can stay submerged for weeks and carries enough supplies to Maximum Effective Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) .
last for a month; however, the cramped quarters make its operation for 3. Robot Arms (2) : The mechanical arms have a robot strength of 3 8
more than eight hours uncomfortable. and can b e used t o punch and grapple. Their reach is 8 feet (2.4 m).
Depth: 1 .5 miles (2.4 km) . Attacks per melee round are equal to those of the pilot. Punches in­
flict 2D6 M.D. or by weapon.
Bonuses: + 1 0% pilot skill, + 1 melee attack/action, +2 to dodge, and + I
on initiative; is also very silent and can prowl if the pilot has the prowl 4. Systems Note: Standard Sensors Include: Short-range sonar (2
skill. miles/3 .2 km), radiation detector, mini-computer, laser distancing
Statistical Data: system (4000 foot/ 1 220 range), distress/homing beacon ( 1 2 hour,
Height: 5 feet ( 1 .5 m) from bottom to the top of the tail fin. 400 mile/640 km range), medium-range directional radio (300
Width : 1 0 feet (3 m) from fin tip to fin tip. miles), and infrared searchlights (200 foot/6 1 m range underwater) .

XS -30 Torpedo Attack Sub
This i s a small submarine used a s an underwater patrol boat and es­ Statistical Data:
cort vessel. It is fast, maneuverable and armed with torpedoes and Height: 12 feet (3.6 m) from bottom turret to top turret.
weapon turrets capable of sinking other submersibles, small ships and Width: 1 8 feet (5 .4 m).
fighting monsters and power armor. It is also used for exploration, re­ Length: 65 feet ( 1 9.8 m)
connaissance, and rescue. Weight: 23 tons
Exclusive to the NGR Military Cargo: Can pull an additional two tons of cargo.
Model Type: XS-30 PoWer System: Nuclear; average energy life of 20 years.
Class: Military Attack Submersible. Market Cost: Not available. Top Secret ! B ut would cost around 28 mil­
Crew: Five: one pilot, co-pilot, communications officer and two gun­ lion credits with all the standard features and weapons.
ners. It can also accommodate ten passengers or seven light power ar­
mor troops.
Weapon Systems
M.D.C. by Location: 1 . Heavy Torpedo Launch Tubes (6) : Three launch tubes on each of
* Torpedo Launch Tubes (6; three per side) - 50 each the sides of the submarine. Fired by the pilot or co-pilot.
Top Laser Turret ( 1 ) - 1 50 Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Bottom Laser Turret ( 1 ) - 1 30 Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O M.D. (HE or Plasma)
Rail Guns (2) - 25 each Rate of Fire: One at a time or a volley of two, three or six.
Tail Fins (2) - 90 each Range: 20 miles (32 krn).
Main Rear Thrusters (2) - 220 each Payload: 24; torpedoes are cycled to tubes as needed.
* Airlock ( 1 ; front) - 1 20 Cost: 20,000 credits per torpedo.
* Emergency Hatch ( 1 ; rear) - 70 2. Top Laser Turret (1): The turret has its own gunner. This heavy la­
* Infrared Searchlights (4; two per side/front) - 6 each ser cannon faces the rear and rotates 1 80 degrees and has a 30 de­
Forward Lights (2; bottom) - 6 each gree arc of fire.
** Inner Pilot ' s Compartment (front) - 80 Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and armor
* * * Main B ody - 1 ,200 Secondary Purpose: Defense
* A single asterisk indicates targets that are small or difficult to Mega-Damage: I D4x l O M.D. per single blast.
hit and requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike. Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Pilot' s compartment and observa­ Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) underwater or 6000 feet
tion bubble will destroy the main piloting mechanism and is likely to ( 1 828.8 m) on the surface/in the air.
kill the pilot unless he is wearing deep-sea armor or power armor. A Payload: Effectively unlimited.
back-up piloting system is located inside the airtight crew compart­ 3. TXS-600 Rail Gun (2) : A pair of triple-barrelled rail gun systems
ment (which is now exposed), but the sub functions with the follow­ face forward from the front of the top turret. They can befired by the
ing penalties: -20% on piloting skill and - 1 to strike and dodge. gunner or the pilot or co-pilot. Automatic feed.
* * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the sub ' s Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
structural integrity, causing i t t o flood. A t great depths, water pres­ Secondary Purpose: Anti-Monster
sure will instantly crush the pilot ! Mega-Damage: A full damage burst from one gun fires 30 rounds and
Destroying one of the thrusters reduces speed by 50%. inflicts 5D6 M.D. or I D6x l O M.D. from a simultaneous burst from
Speed : both sets of guns. A single round does I D4 M.D.
Ground: Not possible. Rate of Fire: Equal to the character' s hand to hand attacks per melee
Flying : Not possible. round (usually 4 to 6).
Water Speed: 25 mph (40 krn; 2 1 .5 knots) surfaced or 50 mph (80.5 Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater. 4000 feet
km; 43 knots) dived. ( 1 220 m) on the surface.
Range : Can stay submerged for weeks and carries enough supplies to Payload: 1 5 ,000 rounds/500 bursts each.
last for a month. 4. Bottom Blue-Green Laser Turret (1): The turret has its own gun­
Depth: Two miles (3.2 km) . ner. This heavy, double-barreled laser can rotate 360 degrees and
Bonuses: + 1 melee attack/action, + 1 to dodge, and + 1 on initiative and has a 45 degree arc of fire. The weapon can engage vessels, power
to strike for all weapon systems. armor, monsters, or enemy torpedoes.

Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per single blast or I D4x l O+8 per double
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet ( 1 220 m) underwater.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
5. Systems Note: Standard Sensors Include : Short-range sonar (2
miles/3 .2 km), radiation detector, mini-computer, laser distancing
system (4000 foot/ 1 220 range), distress/homing beacon ( 1 2 hour,
400 mile/640 km range), medium-range directional radio (300
miles), and infrared searchlights (200 foot/6 1 m range underwater).

XS- 120 Interceptor

The XS- 1 20 isa hydrofoil hybrid used as a patrol boat/interceptor. It
is deployed to chase down pirates, monsters and enemy ships, as well as
an escort for other vessels, reconnaissance, rescue, and anti-aircraft.
Unlike the secret ship designs, this vessel was introduced into serv­
ice two years ago and has been thoroughly field tested in the B altic and
North Seas.

Exclusive to the NGR Military 3. Rear Particle Beam Cannon : A particle beam weapon is built into a
Model Type: XS- 1 20 turret housing in the rear of the vessel. It has its own gunner and can
Class: Military Attack Submersible. rotate 360 degrees and has a 45 degree arc of fire.
Crew: 1 4 : Captain/pilot, co-pilot, communications officer, three gun­ Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and Anti-aircraft.
ners, two crewmen, and six marines in TXD- I 00 Ultra power armor. Secondary Purpose: Anti-monster
It can accommodate an additional six passengers without being too Mega-Damage : I D6x 1 O M.D. per blast
cramped. Rate of Fire: Equal to the character' s hand to hand attacks per melee
M.D.C. by Location : round (usually 3 to 6).
* Forward Lasers (2; one top, one bottom) - 1 20 each Maximum Effective Range: 2200 feet (670.6 m) on the surface or 800
* Rear Particle Beam Cannon - 1 50 feet (244 m) when shooting into the water.
* Mini-Missile Launcher ( 1 ) - 1 00 Payload: Effectively unlimited.
* Light Torpedo Tubes (2; underside) - 35 each
4. Mini-Missile Launcher (1): The forward mounted mini-missile
* Searchlight ( I ; top) - 8 each
launcher is used against flying targets, enemy ships and land targets. It
Main Rear Thrusters (2; rear) - 200 each is operated by the Captain or co-pilot.
Hydrofoil Supports (2) - 300 each Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Tail Fins - 50 each
Mega-Damage: I D6x l O M.D.
Pilot' s Cabin - 650
* * Main Body - 1 ,400 Rate of Fire: One at a time or a volley of two or four.
* A single asterisk indicates targets that are small or difficult to Range: I mile ( 1 .6 km) .
hit and requires the attacker to make a called shot at -4 to strike. Payload: 24 missiles, cycled to tubes as needed.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Pilot' s Cabin will destroy the 5. Systems Note: Standard combat ship sensors including radar,
main piloting controls, sensor systems and is likely to kill the Cap­ short-range sonar (2 miles/3 .2 km), computer targeting, laser distancing,
tain, co-pilot and communications officer unless they were wearing and long-range directional radio communications.
protective armor or power armor. A back-up piloting system is lo­
cated inside the airtight crew compartment (which is now exposed),
but the vessel functions with the following penalties : -30% on pilot­
ing skill, reduce speed by 1 0% and all sensor and combat bonuses
are lost.
XS-400 Escort Battleship
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the vessel
completely ! Destroying one of the thrusters reduces speed by 50%. The Escort Battleship is a relatively small vessel that functiosn a s a
Speed : destroyer and power armor carrier. Its battery of missiles and energy
Ground: Not possible. weapons, combined with its power armor troops, make the XS -400
Flying : Not possible. ideal in combat against other ships, beach-assaults and troop support.
Water Speed: 1 80 mph (288 km; 1 54.8 knots) ; it is not a submersible.
Model Type: XS-400 Escort Battleship
Range : Effectively unlimited; it carries enough supplies for a month.
Class: Navy B attleship & Escort
Bonuses : + 1 0% on piloting skill, +3 to dodge, and + 1 on initiative, and
Crew: 40 officers, 200 enlisted men, and 244 assigned to the air group.
+ 1 to strike for all weapon systems.
In this case, the air troops are not aircraft but power armor and robot
Statistical Data:
troops suitable for air, ground and undersea combat! They include
Height: 20 feet (6 m)
the following:
Width : 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m).
One XM-270 Mosquito or XM-275 Lightning
Length : 1 00 feet (30.5 m) overall; 65 feet ( 1 9.8 m) for the main body of
40 X-27OO Dragonwings
the vessel.
48 XM- 1 40 Infantry Support Weapon Platforms
Weight: 22 tons
48 TXD- I 00 Ultras
Cargo: Up to three tons of cargo.
24 X- l OA Predators
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 20 years.
24 T -C20 Terrain Hopper Power Armor
Market Cost: Not available; but would cost around 22 million credits
Armored (ground/ship) Troops Include:
with all the standard features and weapons.
24 X-5335 Hunters with TX-862FC Anti-aircraft gun.
Weapon Systems 12 X-60 Flankers
1. Light Torpedo Launch Tubes (2) : Two launch tubes are located un­ 1 2 T-550 Glitter Boys
derneath the hydrofoil on either side of the laser turret. They are op­ 12 T-3 1 Super Troopers
erated by the Captain or co-pilot. 1 2 Sea B at Mini-subs
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship M.D.C. by Location :
Mega-Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. (HE) Small Laser Turrets (6) - 300 each
Rate of Fire: One at a time or a volley of two. Ion Pulse Turrets (3) - 500 each
Range: 5 miles (8 km) . Super Cannon & Turret ( I ) - 1 ,200
Payload: 1 2; torpedoes are cycled to tubes as needed. Missile Turret ( I ) - 950
2. Laser Turrets (2) : A laser turret is mounted on the left side of the Torpedo Launch tubes (4) - 400 each
vessel and in the center on the underbelly. Both have their own gun­ Landing Pad - 1 ,400
ner and can rotate 360 degrees and have a 45 degree arc of fire. Anchor (2) - 700 each
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and Anti-aircraft. Sensor Clusters (4) - 250 each
Secondary Purpose: Defense Rear Engines (4) - I ,800 each
Mega-Damage: I D4x 1 O M.D. per single blast. Rudder ( I ) - 2,200
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner. Ram Prow - 5 ,000
Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet ( 1 828.8 m) on the surface and * Bridge/Command Tower - 4,500
into the air. 4000 feet ( 1 22 m) when shooting into the water. ** Forward Section - 9,000
Payload: Effectively unlimited. * * * Main Body (Rear 2/3 of the ship) - 1 4,000

* Destroying the bridge means the ship must be operated from Rate of Fire: Eight single shots or four double blasts per melee round.
the engine room, but at -30% to piloting rolls and all weapon sys­ Maximum Effective Range: 3 miles (4.8 km)
tems are disabled until a technician can jury-rig a set of controls Payload: Effectively unlimited.
(takes I D6 hours; half that time if a successful weapons engineer 2. Ion Pulse Cannons (3): Located in the forward section of the ship
skill roll is made at -20%). are a pair of double-barrelled turrets. A third is mounted on the top
* * Depleting the M.D.C. of the forward 1 /3 of the ship means of the bridge tower. All are heavy ion beam weapons, each has its
the vessel is crippled and flooding . The forward two ion cannons are own gunner, can rotate 360 degrees and have a 90 degree arc of fire.
gone and speed is reduced by 30%. Plus there is a 0 1 -40% chance Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-ship
that the ship will sink within I D4 hours unless it can make it to dry Secondary Purpose: Defense
dock. Mega-Damage: I D4x l O M.D. per single barrel blast or 2D4x l O M.D.
* * * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the ship ' s from double barrel blasts. The three turrets cannot engage the same tar­
structural integrity, causing i t t o sink. A l l hands must abandon ship. get simultaneously.
Destroying one of the engines (rear) will reduce speed by 25 % . Rate of Fire: Four shots per each turret ( 1 2 total per melee round) .
Destroying the rudder reduces speed b y 3 0 % and makes chang- Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet ( 1 828.8 m )
ing direction impossible ! Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Speed : 3. Double-Barrelled Laser Cannons (6) : Three small turrets line the
Ground: Not possible. deck on each side of the vessel. These are considered secondary
Flying : Not possible. guns used against small vessels, power armor and missile volleys.
water Surface: 60 mph (96.5 km; 5 1 .6 knots); it is not a submersible. Each turret has its own gunner, can rotate 360 degrees and has a 90
Range: Food and fresh water is sufficient to keep the ship out at sea for degree arc of fire.
five months without stopping to resupply. Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and armor.
Statistical Data: Secondary Purpose: Defense and anti-missile
Height: 80 feet (24.4 m) Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. per single blast or l D6x l O M.D. per double
Width : 1 00 feet (30.5 m) blast. More than one turret can engage the same target but they cannot
Length : 440 feet ( 1 34 m) fire simultaneously.
Fllghtde ck: VTOL pad, 80 feet (24.4 m) in diameter Rate of Fire: Five blasts per melee round per turret.
Weight: 82,000 tons Maximum Effective Range : 6000 feet ( 1 828.8 m).
Cargo: Can carry 60 tons of additional cargo. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 25 years. 4. Long-Range Missile Launcher (1): This launch turret is located to­
Market Cost: Not available; but would cost around 1 5 0 million credits ward the center of the vessel and is used to engage enemy aircraft,
with all the standard features and weapons. ships and ground targets
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-aircraft.
Weapon Systems Secondary Purpose: Anti-ground defense.
1. Double-Barrelled Super Laser Cannon (1): The huge turret in the Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O tactical nuke or I D6x l O0 super nuke.
back of the ship, under the landing pad, is the most powerful laser Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 4 or 9 as often as twice per
cannon ever developed by Triax. The turret can rotate 360 degrees melee round.
and has a 90 degree arc of fire. A pair of gunners operate it. Maximum Effective Range: 1 800 miles (2893 km) !
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-aircraft.
5. Torpedo Tubes (4) : A pair of launch tubes is located on each side of
Secondary Purpose: Defense
the ram prow. These tubes can fire heavy or medium torpedoes.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x l O M.D. per single blast or 4D6x l O per double
Primary Purpose : Anti-ship

The NGR Poseidon
Submersible Carrier

The NGR Poseidon is the largest and most advanced submarine in

the New German Republic ' s fleet and the second largest in the world.
Only the USS Ticonderoga is larger. It uses the most advanced, state of
the art technology available to Triax. The giant submersible functions as
an attack sub, troop transport and aircraft carrier. Amphibious and air
assault troops are part of its standard crew. Flying assault troops are dis­
patched through a pair of front facing hangars. Small power armor
troops can exit through the same bay doors or through hatches in the
back or sides.
In addition to the aircraft, tank and troop complements, the Poseidon
has several weapon systems, including air to land missiles, torpedoes,
depth charges and laser cannons.
Model Type: NGRS- I OO series
Class : Submersible Air-Sea-Land Carrier
Note: Five of these giants are currently in service with three additional
under construction.
Crew: 2,200 total (5,7 1 0 with standard troops).
Troop Capacity: 5 ,760 total; one full troop division. Can accommo­
Secondary Purpose: Defense date another 640 people comfortably, more than that causes cramped
Mega-Damage: Heavy plasma: 4D6x l O M.D., or medium HE: 3D4x l O and stressful conditions.
Division of Elite Combat Troops (2080 soldiers) :
Rate of Fire: Up to four torpedoes can be fired per melee round.
One Mechanized Infantry Company: 60 IX-622 B ug, 40 X-82 1
Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km) or 1 0 miles ( 1 6 km) .
Landcrab, 40 XM-350 Leopard III, 40 XM-330 Phantom hover tanks,
Payload: 240 total: 60 per launch tube, any combination or single type.
and 20 MZ- l O Wilderness Crusaders; one full Company.
6. Depth Charge Launchers (2) : This explosive device is used against
vessels and monsters somewhere below the ship. Power Armor Cavalry Companies: 60 T-3 1 Super Troopers, 1 60 X-
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship 535 Hunters (one full company), 60 X-545 Super Hunter, 60 X- l OOO
Secondary Purpose: Anti-sea monster Ulti-Max, 60 X-2000 Dyna-Max, 60 X-6000 Transformable Sub, 6 X-
Mega-Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. - explosive canisters. 2500 Black Knights and 260 TXD- I OO Ultras; five full Companies.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two. One or a pair can be Air Battalion: 1 60 X-2700 Dragonwings (four wings), 40 X- l OA
launched three times per melee round. Predators (two wings), 60 XM- 1 40 Weapon Platforms, 20 XM- 1 80
Effective Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) deep. Dragonflies, 40 XM-270 Mosquitoes, 40 XM-275 Lightning Combat
Payload: 80 total; 40 per launcher. jets, 1 0 XM-280 Fighter jets; 640 troops assigned to make one full Bat­
7. Ram Prow: The front of the ship is designed to be a ram prow to talion.
strike and shred enemy vessel ! Medical Companies: 1 00 doctors, 80 XM-50 Medic Ambulance
Mega-Damage: 2D6x l O per every 20 miles (32 km) of speed) Pods, two XM-250 Medical Hover Stations, plus medical support per­
8. Sensor Systems of Note: sonnel; three large companies (480 troops).
1 . Enhanced Radar: Can identify and simultaneously track up to 96 Other Vehicles Include: 40 Sea Mites, 40 Sea B ats, and life boats.
different targets. Range: 500 miles (800 km) .
2. Sonar: Can detect underwater targets. Range: 500 miles. M.D.C. by Location :
Pop-Up Laser Turrets (8; forward section) - 300 each
3 . Sonic Echo-location System: Use to detect obstacles, objects, ves­
Long-Range Missile Silo Hatches (8) - 350 each
sels and fish (schools and large animals), as well as measure distances
Torpedo Tubes (8; in front) - 300 each
and depth.
Super Cannon & Turret ( I ) - 1 ,200
4. Lon- Range Communications : Standard Forward Hangar Doors (2) - 2,500 each
5. Independent weapon targeting systems. Rear Hangar Doors (2) - 2,500 each
6. Life support monitoring systems. Power Armor Release Hatches (8) - 450 each
7. As well as scores of underwater sea sleds, diving equipment, wet Hull per 40 ft ( 1 2 m) area - 90
suits and life rafts, a sick bay, a brig (prison area), sonar, radar, long­ Forward Fins (2) - 1 ,500 each
range communications, a full sensor array, life support, and similar sys­ Rudder ( I ; underwater) - 3,800
tems common to the Submersible Carrier and most combat vessels. Secondary Flight Deck (Rear) - 5 ,000
* Bridge & Sensors - 2,800
** Main Body- 20,000
* Destroying the bridge means the ship must be operated from
the Main Sensors and Communication Tower without penalty or
from the engine room at -20% to piloting rolls and all weapon sys­
tems are disabled until a technician can jury-rig a set of controls
(takes I D6 hours; half that time if a successful weapons engineer
skill roll is made at -20%).

** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the ship ' s Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km) or 10 miles ( 1 6 km) .
structural integrity, causing i t t o sink. I f the vessel sinks below two Payload: 480 total : 60 per launch tube any combination or single type.
and a half miles (4 km), the pressure will crush it, killing everyone
inside - no survivors ! 5. Depth Charge Launchers (2) : These explosive devices are used
Speed : against vessels and monsters somewhere below the carrier. Located
Driving on the ground: Not possible. on the underside of the secondary flight deck (rear).
Flying : Not Possible. Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
water Surface: 40 mph (64.3 km; 34.4 knots) Secondary Purpose: Anti-sea monster
Underwater: 50 mph (80 km/43 knots) Mega-Damage: 2D4x l O M.D. - explosive canisters .
Statistical Data: Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two. One or a pair can be
Height: 1 50 feet (45 .7 m) launched three times per melee round.
Width : 320 feet (97.5 m) Effective Range : 2 miles (3.2 km) deep.
Length: 1 ,600 feet (487 .6 m) Payload: 1 60 total; 80 per launcher.
Weight: 1 79,000 tons fully loaded.
Cargo: In addition to the standard complement of armor, aircraft and
vehicles, the submarine can carry an additional 1 8 ,000 tons of extrane­
ous cargo. Crew members and passengers have lockers (4x4x4 feet/ 1 . 2
m) for personal effects.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 25 years.
Market Cost: Top secret ! Not available; but costs 4.2 billion credits to
build with all the standard features, weapons and troops.

Weapon Systems
1. Double-Barrelled Super Laser Cannon (1): The huge turret in the
back of the ship, above the secondary flight deck, is the most power­
ful laser cannon ever developed by Triax. The turret can rotate 360
degrees and has a 90 degree arc of fire. A pair of gunners operate it.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-aircraft.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D6x l O M.D. per single blast or 4D6x l O per double
Rate of Fire: Eight single shots or four double blasts per melee round.
Maximum Effective Range : 3 miles (4.8 km)
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Pop-Up Double Barrel Laser Cannons (8) : Eight small turrets can
rise from the deck line the deck to engage the enemy (6 along the
main body and two on the secondary flight deck) . These are consid­
ered secondary guns used against small vessels, power armor and
missile volleys. Each turret has its own gunner, can rotate 360 de­
grees and has a 90 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and armor. 7. Vehicles, Robots & Power Armor: Don't forget that the NGR
Secondary Purpose: Defense and anti-missile Poseidon carries a complement of Manta Ray attack ships, tanks,
Mega-Damage : 506 M.D. per single blast or l D6x l O M.D. per double troop transports, jet fighters, helicopters, power armor (see troop ca­
blast. More than one turrets can engage the same target but they cannot pacity listing described earlier in the stat block) , 50 small boats, and
fire simultaneously. the two detachable submarines (and their 1 00 man crews).
Rate of Fire: Five blasts per melee round per turret. 8. Systems Note:
Maximum Effective Range : 6000 feet ( 1 828.8 m).
Targeting computer network & Bonuses: Calculates, stores and
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
transmits data to all on-board weapon systems, combat stations and
3. Long-Range Missile Launchers (8) : These silo-style launchers are
communications/sensor towers. Operators of all ship weapon systems
located in the front of the vessel and face up toward the sky . Used to
are + I to strike and + I on initiative ! Tied to laser, radar and sonar sen­
engage enemy aircraft, ships and ground targets
sor systems.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and anti-aircraft.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-ground defense. Tactical Combat Network : Part of the communications and sensor
Mega-Damage: 4D6x l O tactical nuke or I D6x l O0 super nuke. network, whose job is to coordinate and distribute combat and sensory
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 6 or 8 as often as four data, strategies, tactics and communications to away-teams and combat
times per melee round. troops in the field (armored troops, power armor, subs and ships).
Maximum Effective Range: 1 800 miles (2893 km) ! Long-range sonar (80 miles/ l 28 km) that can simultaneously track
Payload: 2 1 6 in launch system, with an additional 2 1 6 missiles in stor­ 200 separate targets and identify 9,000 different targets including un­
age. derwater structures/bases, sea vessels, aquatic animals, monsters and
4. Torpedo Tubes (8) : Located in the front of the ship. These tubes can mutants. Both long- and short-range sonar also function as a means of
fire heavy or medium torpedoes; heavy is standard. motion detection.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Secondary Purpose : Defense Short-range sonar ( 1 0 miles/ 1 6 km) that can track 60 specific tar­
Mega-Damage: Heavy plasma: 4D6x l O M.D., or medium HE: 3D4x l O gets and identify 2000 different vessels and key monsters.
M.D. Echo-location sound system : (4 mile/6.4 km range/depth, with a
Rate of Fire: Up to four torpedoes can be fired per melee round. narrow echo scanning field of about 1 00 feet/30.5 m radius) used to aid

in navigation, accurately gauge depth, and locate and identify underwa­
ter terrain and formations, underwater vessels, robots, armor, wreckage,
structures and sea animals.
Thermo-Imager: Range is 2000 feet (6 1 0 m). An optical heat sen­
Underwater Skills
sor that allows the infrared radiation of warm objects and beings to be
converted into visible light. The operator can see in complete darkness,
shadows, and through smoke. Alphabetical list of new skills
Telescopic System : Range is one mile ( 1 .6 km) ; I -SOx magnifica­ Advanced Fishing
tion with a 50 to \ 00 foot ( I S to 30.5 m) field of vision. A telescopic Marine Biology
optical system that is linked to view screens, has a nightvison/passive Ocean Geographic Surveying
light amplification system and is usually tied (80%) to a video recording Pilot: Advanced Deep Sea Diving
system for making permanent records for later study and analysis. Most Pilot: Submersibles
are located near the 24 spotlights. Pilot: Warships & Patrol Boats
External audio pickup: Range is 1 200 feet (366 m) underwater, Pilot: Water Scooters
300 feet (9 1 m) when surfaced. A sound amplification system that can Pilot: Water Skiing and Surfing
pick up and listen to sounds outside and around the vessel. Pilot Related: Navigation
Long-range radar: Range is \ 00 miles ( 1 60 km) . Radar can track Power Armor Skill Note
up to 200 aerial targets simultaneously and can identify 8,000 different Sea Holistic Medicine
targets, including aircraft (pre- and post-Rifts), spaceships, dragons, and Submersible Vehicle Mechanics
flying creatures. Swimming & Fatigue Note
Short-range radar: Range is 30 miles (48 km) and can track \ 00 Track & Hunt Sea Animals
specific targets simultaneously and identify 2400 different aircraft and Undersea Farming
key flying monsters. Undersea Demolitions
Underwater Navigation
Long-range communications: Range is 500 miles/804.5 km; wide­
Undersea Salvage
band and directional , plus coordinated multi-com system .
Undersea Survival
Short-range communications: Range is 50 miles (80 km) ; wide­ W.P. Harpoon Gun
band and directional, plus coordinated multi-com system. W.P. Torpedo
Communications and Sensor System : A complex communications W.P. Trident
network of radios, sensors, and computers that receives, collates, inter­
prets and distributes/sends sensor, communications, targeting and com­ Mechanical : Submersible Vehicle Mechanics: Training in the diagno­
bat data to the appropriate officers, ships, fighters, and navigational and sis and repair of submersible vehicles, including submarines, under­
combat stations as quickly as possible; in many cases, instantaneously water robots, probes and stations. Base skill : 25% +5 % per level of
to a hundred or more different recipients. Part of the job of the commu­ experience. Note: Mechanical engineers can also effect repairs but
nications network is to handle long-range, short-range, person to per­ at - 1 5 % and aircraft mechanics are at -40% .
son, internal ship communications and coordinated communications
Medical: Sea Holistic Medicine: Training in the recognition, prepara­
related to combat, as well as information recording, storage and re­
tion, and applications of natural medicines derived from aquatic
plants/seaweed and animals, including ink, blood, poisons and other
If the main communications and sensor tower is destroyed, all op­ secretions and chemicals. This skill also includes the knowledge of
erations are less effective, delays and errors are more likely, and some where to find the necessary plants or animals, how to extract the
long-range systems may be lost. There is also a 1 -50% chance that there necessary components and some knowledge of legends as they per­
will be a I D4 melee round ( 1 5 to 60 second) period when all but inter­ tain to the healing properties of the sea and sea animals. Otherwise,
nal communication systems are down and the secondary tower takes the skill is fundamentally the same as the standard holistic medicine
over. skill. Note: The standard skill does NOT include medicines derived
Plus 1 200 underwater sea sleds, diving equipment, wet suits, life from the oceans and seas, likewise, the sea holistic knowledge does
rafts, sick bay/hospital with advanced medical facilities, quarantine NOT include most of the land herbs and plants (only a handful of
area, marine biology laboratory, recreation and VR areas, combat simu­ the very most common and basic items). Base Skill: 20% +5 % per
lation rooms (for combat simulations to keep combat skills sharp), a level of experience. A failed roll means the treatment or concoction
brig (prison area), complete environmental system, emergency power did not work.
and life support, emergency lighting, external spotlights/searchlights
Military: Underwater Demolitions: Fundamentally the same basic
(24 scattered around the entire ship; each with I M.D.C.; 600 ft/ 1 83 m
skills and training as demolitions, but with an emphasis on using ex­
range), sectioned with water and airtight sealable compartments, and
plosives in an underwater environment, including underwater tech­
has repair and maintenance stations in the four hangar sections.
niques, area affect, sound wave damage, different types of
explosives, as well as arming, disarming and repairing torpedoes and
depth charges. Base skill: 56% +3% per level of experience. Note:
Any character with the demolitions skill can use explosives under­
water, but is - 1 0% .
Physical: Swimming & Fatigue Note: For humans and similar surface
dwelling D-bees, the act of swimming on the surface of the water
has the same fatigue rate as running and medium to heavy exertion,
especially at great speed or very long periods of time. Swimming
underwater with S .C.U.B.A. equipment or other underwater equip­
ment is considered to be light activity, unless extremely active, in­
volved in combat or fast swimming (in which case it is considered
strenuous or heavy activity).

For most aquatic life forms, including amphibs, naut' yll, Lemuri­ Technical : Advanced Fishing: The normal fishing skill has t o d o with
ans, aquatic D-bees and mutants, sharks, dolphins, whales, and sea the recreational sport of fishing with a hook, pole and line. Ad­
mammals, underwater activities such as fast swimming, diving, vanced fishing is the knowledge of commercial fishing techniques,
playing and underwater acrobatics are considered light activities and including the use of nets, cages (for lobsters and crabs), trolling, ex­
can be conducted for hours without fatigue. Pulling a heavy load and plosives, harpoon guns and other methods and techniques used in
combat is considered medium to heavy activity. commercial fishing of mass catches from the ocean. It also includes
Remember that the buoyancy of water reduces the weight of most a knowledge of baiting, as well as cleaning, preparing, storing and
items by 30% when used/carried underwater. This means the fatigue preserving catches for transport to market. Base Skill : 30% +5 % per
rate for carrying a heavy load is reduced by 30% or 30% more can level of experience. Note: - 1 5 % when dealing with alien creatures
be carried at the normal fatigue rate. Characters can also lift 30% and mutants.
heavier weights. Technical: Undersea Salvage: The character knows how to locate and
Science: Ocean Geographic Surveying: The methods and ability to identify objects (ships, armor, gold, etc.), recognize salvageable
identify natural geographic formations (mountains, trenches, coral components and materials (valuable parts, electronic equipment, E­
reefs, etc.), identify wreckage and underwater cities, identify Earth clips, weapons, coins, magic items, precious metals and gems, etc.),
minerals, damage caused by earthquakes, earthquake zones, deter­ retrieve (with minimal damage and effort) , evaluate (estimate ap­
mining depth, accurate map making, accurate map reading and geo­ proximate resale value based on the item ' s condition), clean/restore
graphic photograph identification and evaluation, as well as a basic (restoration gets top salvage price) , and sell salvaged underwater ar­
knowledge of geology and oceanography. Base skill: 1 5 % +5% per tifacts, equipment, parts, and scrap metal . The salvage skill also of­
level of experience (+ 1 5 % to read maps). fers methods of exploiting and capitalizing on some of the simple
Science: Undersea Farming: The knowledge of cultivating undersea resources under the seas, including rudimentary mining, excavation,
plants, algae, and/or breeding aquatic animals/fish for harvesting and and gathering coral, rocks, seaweed, sponges, clams, oysters, and
production. Undersea farming includes, but is not limited to, grow­ starfish. The character is also familiar with underwater cutting tools,
ing crops (either through hydroponics or on the ocean floor), lobster cranes, pulleys, and tow lines, and can strip/cut apart and retrieve
farms, oyster beds, and fish hatcheries. Base skill: 35% +5% per wreckage and machinery for use as scrap metal. Those with me­
level of experience. chanical engineering can salvage working parts, make repairs on

slightly damaged items, and even raise small sunken ships, subs, and derwater power armor. Robot Combat Elite is required to pilot
bots ! Base skill : 30% +5 % per level of experience; add a salvage heavy combat power armor, underwater robots and advanced robot
bonus of +5 % if a mechanical engineer. vehicles like the Kittani shark-sub.
Wilderness : Track & Hunt Sea Animals: General knowledge of the Science: Marine Biology : This skill is a general knowledge of the ecol­
oceans and seas, with an emphasis on undersea habitats and environ­ ogy of the oceans and seas, with an emphasis on undersea habitats,
ments, and the types of fish and animals attracted to such places. environments, and the types of fish and sea animals attracted to such
The character knows where to look for particular types of fish and places. This skill also gives the character the knowledge of where to
sea creatures (i.e. in coral reefs, under rocks, inside caves, in warm look for particular types of sea creatures (i.e. in coral reefs, under
water, cold water, etc.), the types of food the sea animals eat/prey rocks, inside caves, warm water, cold water), the types of food sea
upon, migration patterns of fish and sea mammals, and notable types animals eat/prey upon, migration patterns of fish and sea mammals,
of seaweed and their uses (edible, poisonous, etc.). Basic Skill: and a knowledge tides, water composition, and ocean plant-life.
35 %/25% +5 % per level of experience. The first number is the gen­ The marine biology skill also gives the character specific medical
eral knowledge, and the second is the character' s ability to locate and scientific knowledge about the behavior, habits, evolution,
and capture small and large undersea creatures (crustaceans, fish, physiology, cells, anatomy, and genetics of fish, marine mammals
eels, sea mammals, etc.). Note: -20% when dealing with mutants and other types of sea life. This knowledge enables the character to
and alien creatures. perform surgery, remove glands and sacs of poison or chemicals,
Wilderness: Undersea & Sea Survival: Methods and information for prepare antidotes to poisons (from sea creatures only) and the care,
surviving in an underwater environment or lost at sea (on the water' s keeping, and medical treatment of marine animals, including dol­
surface). Includes a basic knowledge o f what sea animals and fish phins and whales. Basic Skill : 35 %/25 % +5 % per level of experi­
are edible and easiest to find and catch, how to make simple fishing ence. The first number is the character' s general knowledge. The
hooks and lines, dangerous predators and D-bees to avoid, how to second number is specific medical and scientific applications, in­
protect oneself from the sun, water and food rationing, and funda­ cluding making antidotes to poison, capturing animals without kill­
mental survival techniques. Base skill: 25% +5 % per level of expe­ ing them (+ 1 0% to hunt/kill), surgery (sea animals only; -60% on
humanoids), and the care, keeping and medical treatment of marine
rience. Note: At the G.M. ' s option, this can be included as part of a
animals. Note: -30% when dealing with alien and mutant life forms.
character' s basic wilderness survival skill as found in the Rifts
Requirements: B iology, advanced mathematics and chemistry.
RPG. This is especially likely of Navy men, sailors, pirates, sea dru­
ids, ocean wizards, and aquatic D-bees Wilderness: Underwater Navigation: This skill is the deep sea ver­
sion of land navigation. The character can identify his whereabouts,
Pilot: Advanced Deep Sea Diving: Skill in the methods, techniques
direction, travelling speed, and stay on course by means of observa­
and equipment used in deep sea diving and exploration. Includes the
tion. This method includes mentally marking and recognizing under­
use of most types of diving suits, diving pods (attached to tethers/life
water landmarks (mountain ranges, reefs, sunken wreckage, cities,
lines) and light to medium power armor! It does not include combat
animal habitats, etc.), as well as noting the direction of currents,
tides, determining the time of day, recognizing sounds, surface land­
Pilot Submersibles: The knowledge and skill of piloting all types of marks, the positions of the stars and sun, and other navigational
submersibles, including underwater sleds, mini-subs and most types tricks. The character should roll once for every ten miles ( 1 6 krn)
of submarines, including military submersibles. Base Skill : 40% traveled in order to stay on track. A failed roll means he is drifting
+4% per level of experience. Note: -20% when using alien or un­ off course by I D6x l O0 yards/meters. Consecutive failed rolls means
usual submarines. Does not include power armor or deep sea diving the individual does not realize that he ' s off course and continues in
suits. the wrong direction. His course can only be corrected when he
Pilot: Water Skiing & Surfing: All water skiing techniques, methods makes a successful roll. Base Skill : 30% +4% per level of experi­
and use of most types of recreational forms of "riding the waves," ence.
including skis, ski jet boots, water boards, surf boards and sail W.P. Harpoon Gun: Proficiency with the harpoon gun. The weapon
boards. Base Skill : 40% +4% per level of experience. can be used either with a plain pointed end (2D6 S .D.C. damage) or
Pilot: Water Scooters: The knowledge and skill of piloting all types of with an explosive head (4D6 M.D.). Bonuses: + 1 to strike at levels
one- and two-man water sleds (underwater) and jet skis (surface two, four, seven, ten, and thirteen.
sleds). Base Skill : 50% +4% per level of experience. W.P. Torpedo: Maintenance and a keen understanding of a torpedo ' s
Pilot: Warships/Patrol Boats: Special training in the use of military speed, range, trajectory, and most effective use. Bonuses : + I to
warships, combat hydrofoils, patrol boats and amphibious beach­ strike at levels two, six and twelve. + I to strike with a depth charge
craft/transports. Includes a basic idea of how to use sonar and target­ at level four.
ing equipment, depth charges, torpedoes, and other common weapon W.P. Trident: The practiced use of the trident as a weapon. Bonuses:
systems, as well as evasive maneuvers and piloting. Base skill: 40% + I to strike and parry at levels one, three, seven, eleven and fifteen.
+4% level. Note: Characters with the motor boat or ship skill can "Catch" or "Pin" an opponent ' s arm, hand, foot or weapon between
also pilot these vessels but at a - 1 2% penalty. the prongs : + I at levels two, five, ten and fifteen. If a limb is caught
Pilot Related: Navigation Note: The basic navigation skill described or pinned, the trident user can twist and swing the trident with a
in the Rifts RPG, page 320, will enable characters to pilot ships and quick movement that will force the "pinned" opponent to follow the
other water vessels that ride on the surface of the water by charting movement and be "flipped" off his feet or upside down underwater.
the stars and landmarks and using instruments. Likewise, the charac­ The victim of a body flip is thrown to the ground/down/over and
ter can navigate submersibles using instruments and other data. loses initiative and one melee action/attack. W.P. Trident provides
Navigating marine vessels is an aspect of the standard navigation the body flip move only when using the trident. Typical damage is
skill. 3D6 S .D.C. or 3D6 M.D.C.; can be thrown 50 feet ( 1 5 . 2 m) in the
air or 30 feet (9 m) underwater.
Power Armor Skill Note: The skill described in the Rifts RPG, page
35 1 -352, includes non-combat models of light, medium and heavy power
annor and diving suits, as well as experimental and light combat un-

Dragon Ray, Killer Whale,
Experience Tables Sperm Whale, Rurlel Eelman
Naut'YII Devastator 0,000-2, 1 50
1 0,000-2,050 2 2, 1 5 1 -4,300
Horune Pirate, Amphib, 2 2,05 1 -4, 1 00 3 4,30 1 -8,600
Naut'YII Soldier Navy Marine, 3 4, 1 0 1 -8,250 4 8,60 1 - 1 7 ,200
1 0,000- 1 ,900 Tritonian Scientist 4 8,25 1 - 1 6,500 5 1 7 ,20 1 -25,500
2 1 ,90 1 -3 ,800 1 0,000- 1 ,970 5 1 8 ,501 -24,600 6 25,5 0 1 -36,000
3 3,80 1 -7,300 2 1 ,97 1 -3,940 6 24,60 1 -34,700 7 36,00 1 -52,000
4 7,30 1 - 1 4,300 3 3,94 1 -7,880 7 34,7 0 1 -49,800 8 52,00 1 -73,000
5 1 4,30 1 -2 1 ,000 4 7,88 1 - 1 4,880 8 49,801 -69,900 9 73,00 1 -98,000
6 2 1 ,00 1 -30,000 5 1 4,88 1 -2 1 ,880 9 69,90 1 -95 ,000 10 98,00 1 - 1 34,000
7 30,00 1 -40,000 6 2 1 ,88 1 -3 1 ,880 1 0 95,00 1 - 1 30,000 1 1 1 34,00 1 - 1 84,000
8 40,00 1 -53 ,000 7 3 1 ,8 8 1 -4 1 ,220 1 1 1 30,00 1 - 1 80,200 1 2 1 84,00 1 -240,000
9 53 ,00 1 -73 ,000 8 4 1 ,22 1 -54,440 1 2 1 80,20 1 -230,000 1 3 240,00 1 -295 ,000
1 0 73,00 1 - 1 03 ,000 9 54,44 1 -74,660 1 3 230,00 1 -280,400 1 4 295 ,00 1 -365 ,000
1 1 1 03 ,00 1 - 1 3 8 ,000 1 0 74,66 1 - 1 04,880 1 4 280,40 1 -340,500 1 5 365 ,00 1 -425 ,000
12 1 3 8,00 1 - 1 88,000 1 1 1 04,88 1 - 1 39,220 1 5 340,50 1 -400,600
1 3 1 88 ,00 1 -238,000 1 2 1 39,22 1 - 1 89,440 Ocean Mage,
14 238 ,00 1 -288,000 1 3 1 89,44 1 -239,660 Sea Wolf, Naut'YII Koral Shaper
1 5 288 ,00 1 -330,000 1 4 239,66 1 -290,880 Sea Druid, 1 0,000-2,420
15 290,88 1 -3 3 5 ,000 Sea Inquisitioner 2 2,42 1 -4,840
Navy Seaman, 1 0,000-2, 1 00 3 4,84 1 -9,620
Salvage Expert, Pneuma Biform : Dolphin, 2 2, 1 0 1 -4,200 4 9,62 1 - 1 9,200
Kreel-Lok Warrior Pneuma Biform : Orca, 3 4,20 1 -8,400 5 1 9,20 1 -27,400
0,000- 1 ,925 Pneuma Biform : Whale 4 8,40 1 - 1 6,800 6 27,40 1 -3 8 ,500
2 1 ,926-3,850 0,000-2,600 5 1 6,801 -25 ,000 7 38,50 1 -5 3 ,000
3 3,85 1 -7 ,450 2 2,60 1 -5,300 6 25 ,00 1 -35,000 8 5 3 ,00 1 -75,600
4 7,45 1 - 1 5 ,000 3 5 ,3 0 1 - 1 0,700 7 35 ,00 1 -50,000 9 75,60 1 - 1 00,700
5 1 5 ,00 1 -2 1 ,500 4 1 0,70 1 -20,700 8 50,00 1 -70,000 1 0 1 00,70 1 - 1 40,800
6 2 1 ,50 1 -3 1 ,500 5 20,60 1 -30,600 9 70,00 1 -95 ,000 1 1 1 40,80 1 -200,900
7 30,50 1 -4 1 ,500 6 30,60 1 -4 1 ,800 1 0 95,00 1 - 1 30,000 1 2 200,90 1 -250,400
8 4 1 ,50 1 -54,000 7 4 1 ,80 1 -6 1 ,000 1 1 1 30,00 1 - 1 80,000 1 3 250,40 1 -300,500
9 54,001 -75 ,000 8 6 1 ,00 1 -90,000 1 2 1 80,00 1 -234,000 1 4 300,50 1 -380,600
10 75,00 1 - 1 05 ,000 9 90,00 1 - 1 20,000 1 3 234,00 1 -285 ,000 1 5 380,60 1 -480,700
1 1 1 05 ,00 1 - 1 40,000 1 0 1 20,00 1 - 1 70,000 1 4 285 ,00 1 - 345 ,000
1 2 1 40,00 1 - 1 90,000 1 1 1 70,00 1 -220,000 1 5 345 ,00 1 -4 1 0,000 Sea Titan,
1 3 1 90,00 1 -240,000 1 2 220,00 1 -290,000 Whale Singer
1 4 240,00 1 -300,000 1 3 290,00 1 -400,000 Dolphin, 1 0,000-2,500
1 5 300,00 1 -350,000 1 4 400,00 1 -500,000 Humpback Whale, 2 2,50 1 -5 ,000
1 5 500,00 1 -700,000 Gene-Splicer Mutants 3 5,00 1 - 1 0,000
1 0,000-2,200 4 1 0,00 1 -20,000
2 2,20 1 -4,400 5 20,00 1 -30,000
3 4,40 1 -9,000 6 30,00 1 -50,000
4 9,00 1 - 1 9,000 7 50,00 1 -80,000
5 1 9,00 1 -28 ,000 8 80,00 1 - 1 20,000
6 28 ,00 1 -40,000 9 1 20,00 1 - 1 60,000
7 40,00 1 -60,000 1 0 1 60,00 1 - 1 90,000
8 60,00 1 -80,000 1 1 1 90,00 1 -240,000
9 80,00 1 - 1 00,000 1 2 240,00 1 -300,000
Other O.C.C.s & R.C.C.s 1 0 1 00,00 1 - 1 50,000 1 3 300,00 1 -370,000
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1 4 350,00 1 -425 ,000
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