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Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 350–355

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Powder bed fusion process: A brief review

D. Dev Singh a, T. Mahender a, Avala Raji Reddy b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad 501401, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad 501401, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) is an Additive Manufacturing (AM) process. It is the layer by layer addition pro-
Received 23 June 2020 cess. In the future, it is going to be manufactured all types of products used in automotive, aerospace,
Accepted 16 August 2020 energy sectors and home appliances. These products can be produced using various AM methods. Few
Available online 24 September 2020
of them are Laminated Object Manufacturing, Powder Bed Fusion and Direct Energy Deposition,
Stereolithography (SLA), and Solid Ground Curing (SGC).
Keywords: The present brief review is concentrated on working of PBF process only. It includes Direct Metal Laser
Powder bed fusion
Deposition (DMLS), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Electron Beam Melting
Additive manufacturing
Sintering and melting
(EBM) and Selective Heat Sintering (SHS). In these processes powder lay on the powder bed and it is also
known as built platform. Laser used as heat energy source for SLS, SLM and DMLS processes. But EBM uses
electron beam as source of energy. The SHS process uses heated thermal head for sintering plastic pow-
ders. SLS, DMLS and SHS are powder sintering processes. But SLM and EBM are powder melting processes.
This review paper is also covered historical development and usage of technologies, CNC verses
Additive Manufacturing/Rapid Prototyping, AM process chain, Classification of AM processes; advantages,
disadvantages and applications of PBF process.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Con-
ference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.

1. Introduction data available from Scopus database, there are approximately

2000 journal papers related to the topic of metal additive manufac-
1.1. Basic history turing [2] as shown in the Fig. 1. According to Wohler’s Report
2011 (ISBN 0–9754429-6–1) the usage of AM in different fields is
For fulfilling human needs, day by day new technologies have shown in Fig. 2.
been developing. First basic historical development of technologies
includes mechanization in the year 1770, invention of computer in 1.3. Additive Manufacturing process chain
1946, Numerical Control (NC) machine tool in 1952, commercial
LASER in 1960, commercial Robot in 1961, interactive graphics sys- All Rapid Prototyping (RP) frameworks have a typical data work
tem in 1963, and Rapid Prototyping system in 1988 [1]. process. The RP process chain for the creation of 3D object is as per
the following.
1.2. CNC vs. Additive Manufacturing/Rapid Prototyping (RP)
1. CAD model: All RP components can start from digital models,
The difference between CNC systems and AM/RP systems is which are fully described by their geometries. It uses any CAD
mention in the Table 1. package.
AM is a very quick production process compared to other pro- 2. Export data: The legitimate 3D display is sent out from the CAD
cesses. The production of end products based on traditional and bundle in a nonpartisan configuration, which as a rule is STL.
advanced processes is given in the Table 2. Now Rapid Prototyping 3. 3D model data repair: The sent out information is an estimation
is merged with Additive Manufacturing. of exact inside 3D display. Amid this guess procedure the model
Recently there is rapid increase in publications of metal AM, surfaces are spoken with basic geometrical shapes as triangles.
which led to the continuous progress. Based on the last 10 years Tragically, STL models made along these lines can contain both-
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.
D. Dev Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 350–355

Table 1
Difference between CNC systems and AM/RP systems.

CNC systems AM/RP systems

1 It is a material removal process. It is a material adding process.
2 3D CAD models can be created in 3D CAD models can be obtained by
any suitable CAD packages. modeling or digital scanning of a
part or product and modified in
the desired CAD packages.
3 It can accept IGES files, STEP files It can accept .STL, .SLC, AMF files
etc. etc.
4 3D CAD model data can be First 3D CAD model data can be
transferred to the desired CAM transferred to the desired slicing
software. RP/AM software for slicing the
CAD models and then generate g-
code programs.
5 Part programmer can write CNC Part programmer not required. All
programs for tool path RP/AM software’s can create CNC
movements. Some CAM software’s programs automatically for tool
can generate CNC programs path movements.
6 Writing of part programs can take Part programs can be generated in
hours or days by the Part seconds or in minutes by the Fig. 1. The chart showing 10 years (2007–2017) of journal papers of various alloys
programmer. selected RP/AM software’s. used in AM () Source: [2].
7 Part programmer is responsible for The RP software is responsible for
writing correct programs. generating correct programs.
8 Program editing is possible and Here also program editing is
easier to identify editing blocks possible, but it takes more time for
because of smaller length of the identifying editing blocks due to
program. bigger length of the program.
9 Raw material cost is less or Raw material cost is less or
optimum. optimum for thermoplastic and
more for metal powders.
10 Highly paid programmers and Highly paid engineers and less
operators. paid operators.
11 Time required to secondary Time required to secondary
operations on CNC parts is more. operations on AM parts is less.
12 Wastage of raw material is high. Wastage of raw material is low.
13 Accuracy of parts is lesser /same as Accuracy of parts is generally high.
compared to AM parts.

ersome geometrical bundlers, for example, gaps and covering

regions along the surface limits. Some RP bundles offers for
4. File manipulation: RP frameworks assemble components
through the Z-axis of the STL models. Through reorientation
of the parts with respect to the model organize frameworks;
It enhances exactness, completeness and construction time.
5. Support structure generation: Fluid based Rapid Prototyping Fig. 2. Utilization of Additive Manufacturing for part building [Wohler’s Report
process forms the need to construct overhang territories of
the parts. They are ordinarily created consequently utilizing
particular programming apparatus.
6. Machine setup: Machine parameters are entered to determine 1.4. Categories of AM methods
the manufacturing way and wanted framework qualities. A 2D
slice data generation is carried out. All liquid, solid and powder based AM methods has categorized
7. Part building: Building of components is mostly an automated by the ASTM F42 committee into seven broad areas [3,4,5,6] which
process by any AM system. are shown in Fig. 3 and table 3.
8. Removal of component and secondary operations: Parts can be Details of Powder Bed AM methods/systems researchers,
removed and cleaned. Some components require extra opera- research industries/institutions, related patents and present AM
tions before sending to the market. systems producers are given in the table4 and table5.

Table 2
Basic difference among Traditional, RP and AM processes

Product Design & Development Manufacturing method End Product

Production time
Traditional process Traditional Traditional Manufacturing using conventional machines Slower
Rapid Prototyping Rapid Traditional Manufacturing using NC, CNC, and DNC Better, quick to supply parts
machines. Often, it is most probably Virtual to market and at less cost
Manufacturing (i.e. computer simulation)
Additive Manufacturing Rapid Additive Manufacturing using AM machines Very fast to market, limited
to AM applications

D. Dev Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 350–355

Fig. 3. Classification of AM processes [3,4,5,6].

Table 3 1.5. Advantages, disadvantages and applications

Categorizing of various AM processes (Ian Gibson et al, 2010; Dr. Wei Jun 2013)
1.5.1. Advantages
Process Type Related Technology Material Used
Vat Photopolymerization 1. RP system can allow the development of products in three
Stereolithography Photopolymers weeks since 1998.
(SLA), digital light 2. Use of many structural powders and polymers in SLS.
processing (DLP)
3. Support structures are not required in SLS process.
Material Jetting Multi-jet modeling (MJM) Polymers,
Waxes 4. SLS parts are cheaper than EBM parts.
Binder Jetting Powder bed and inkjet head (PBIH), Polymers, 5. EBM is one of the method for production high-quality metal
plaster-based 3D printing (PP) Foundry Sand, components with free of internal stresses using wide range
Metals of metal powders.
Material Extrusion Fused deposition modeling (FDM) Polymers
6. Fully dense parts with very homogeneous microstructures
Powder bed fusion Electron beam melting (EBM), Metals,
selective laser sintering (SLS), Polymers can be obtained by EBM. But SLM produces only dense parts
selective heat sintering (SHS), and and may be homogeneous microstructures.
direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) 7. Microstructural control is better in EBM compared to con-
Sheet Lamination Laminated object manufacturing Paper, Metals
ventional processes.
(LOM), ultrasonic consolidation
(UC) 8. Alloy components can be made by DMLS with full melting of
Directed Energy Laser metal deposition (LMD) Metals metal powders.
Deposition 9. The above mention AM processes can manufacture complex
parts with little effort.
10. PBF process reduces the raw materials stock and wastage,
material transport costs, inventory.

Table 4
Details of laser sintering and laser melting [1].

S. Process SLS DMLS SLM Selective Laser reMelting (SLrM)

1 Founded (in year) 1987 ———— 2000 ————
2 First granted U.S 4,863,539(1986) ———— 19,649,865(2000) ————
patent (in year)
3 Inventor Carl Deckard, Joe Beaman ———— First successfully demonstration at ————
Fraunhofer ILT in 2008
4 Company University of Taxas; Later EOS EOS University of Liver pool, Later merged with
DTM corp. EOS GmbH, Germany
5 Head Quarter Austin (U.S.A) Germany Europe Liver pool (U.K)
6 First system 1992 1995 2008 ————
7 Feed stock Thermoplastic and Powders metal Powders metal alloys Powders metal alloys
powders of metal alloys
8 Exist 2011: Acquired by 3D ———— ———— ————
9 Initial target Industry Industry Industry Industry
10 Current manufacturer 3D systems EOSINT, EOS GmbH,Germany EOS GmbH,Germany

D. Dev Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 350–355

Table 5
Details of SHS and EBM [1].

S. No Process SHS Two organizations of EBM

1 Founded (in year) ———— 1993 1997
2 First granted U.S patent (in year) ———— 5,786,562(1993) 6,519,500(1997)
3 Inventor Blue Printer SHS Ralf Larson Chalmers University of Technology,Sweden
4 Company ———— Larson Brothers ARCAM
5 Head Quarter 2011 ———— Sweden, Cambridge (MA)
6 First system introduced ———— ———— 2002
7 Feed stock Powders of thermoplastic Powders metal alloys Metal Powders
8 Exist ———— ———— 2000: IPO (Nordic Growth Market)
9 Initial target ———— Commercialization Industry
10 Current manufacturer ———— ———— ARCAM

11. Complex and accurate dimensional parts can be made by

PBF process from different material powders.
12. Desired mechanical PBF parts can be obtained by selecting
required parameters.

1.5.2. Disadvantages

1. SLS process is an expensive relative to Fused Deposition Model-

ing and 3Dimensiona Printing.
2. SLS metal parts quality is lower than EBM parts.
3. EBM requires vacuum operation and it is an expensive.
4. Traditional secondary operations are needed for EBM parts.
5. Cost of PBF equipment’s and materials is high in case of powder
materials usage.
Fig. 4. Selective Laser Sintering [13].
6. SHS process can use only plastic powders as raw materials.

1.5.3. Applications the powders that fuses the powders and solidifies it as end compo-
nents. These methods manufacture accurate and good surface fin-
1. Prototypes for demonstrational purpose. ish parts for small scale production because of smaller beam size.
2. Conceptual Models, Engineering Models, and Functional
3. Production of structural components by SLS, EBM 2.1. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) process
4. Custom-made bio-implants (Ti6Al4V) using EBM and SLM.
5. Applications in mold making and Tooling. The illustration of SLS method with respective to the Fig. 4 is
6. Applications in Aerospace, automotive industries. given here. Powder can be spread on the built platform by roller
mechanism, when the powder delivery piston moves up. The laser
beam can scan the powders selectively and fuse/sinter the powder
2. Powder Bed fusion (PBF) process
particles based on 3D CAD data, forming the first sintered layer.
Part building bed can move down by the required thickness and
PBF process is an advanced production technology that can be
second layer of powder is spread on first sintered layer. Then laser
utilized to fabricate actual parts from the desired 3D solid CAD
beam again scans selectively and forms the second layer by fusion
model data based on layer by layer addition concept
onto the first layer. The process can repeat till the complete build-
[1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. This process uses either laser or electron
ing of physical part. The part is taken from the RP machine cleaning
beam as the heat energy sources for irradiation, fusion and melting
and for secondary processes if required [1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15].
of powder particles. The most commonly used heat sources in PBF
Sometimes CO2 laser beam is used [16].
are various types of lasers. The types of PBF processes are
In metal SLS process a mixture powder is used. It consists of one
powder having low melting point and another high melting point.
1. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
During SLS process only low melting point powders can partially
2. Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
melt and forms the bond with unmelt high melting point powders.
3. Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
4. Selective Heat Sintering (SHS)
5. Electron Beam Melting (EBM) 2.2. Selective Laser melting (SLM) process

Sintering process by laser, again classified based as polymer The working of SLM process is similar to that of SLS process. It
Laser Sintering (pLS) process and metal Laser Sintering (mLS) pro- melts alloy powder particles instead of sintering
cess. These processes were carried out by pLS machine and mLS [1,2,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,17,18]. It is shown in Fig. 5. The manufactur-
machine. Electron Beam Melting is used to create parts with metals ing cycle time of complex part production is rapidly reduced. Finer
and alloys powders in a vacuum built chamber. Almost all PBF microstructure can be observed at high cooling rate compared to
methods involved spreading of powders over previous layers. This conventional manufacturing methods. SLM parts have excellent
can be done by a roller or a blade mechanism. PBF techniques mechanical properties. Aerospace, automobile, and medical appli-
[13,14] start from the spreading of powders and the beam scans cations parts are produced by SLM. Lattice structure can be pro-
D. Dev Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 350–355

Fig. 5. Selective laser melting [9].

Fig. 7. Electron Beam Melting (EBM) [Wohler’s Report 2011].

electrons are emitted from a heated tungsten filament at a high

speed, which can be controlled by two magnetic fields, focusing
coil and deflecting coil. The focusing coil creates a thin diameter
of 0.1 mm electron beam and deflecting coil deflect the focused
beam at desired points for scanning the layer of alloy powder.
The working of EBM is as follows. High vacuum and high tem-
perature can be maintained in the built chamber. Powder hoppers
pour a layer of alloy powders on built chamber. The powder parti-
cles melt in a small volume within the layer by a focused electron
beam. The electron beam is scanned to define a 2D slice of the
object within the layer. The built chamber can be moved down,
and a second layer of alloy powder is poured onto the top of the
Fig. 6. Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) Setup [14].
previous solidified layer. The process repeats till completion of
part. After removal of part from the machine, unmelt metal pow-
duced using Selective Laser Melting [19]. Defects can be identified ders are cleaned and it can be recycled for further use. Corrosive
and evaluated [20]. resistance Hastelloy X can be processed by EBM and also by SLM
2.3. Direct metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) process
3. Conclusions
Fig. 6 showing the DMLS process [1,2,7,8,9,10,12], which is sim-
ilar to that of SLM process. Functional prototypes, short-run com- From this review article the following conclusions are drawn.
ponents, and functionally graded materials (FGM) are
manufactured by direct metal laser sintering. Aerospace parts 1. Here, the working processes of SLS, SLM, DMLS, SHS and EBM
can be produced using less raw materials and with low cost. are described. These processes are part of PBF process.
2. PBF process used for producing precise complex parts and prod-
2.4. Selective heat Sintering (SHS) process ucts. More précised objects can be fabricated using SLM and
Plastic powder particles fuse together by a heated head. The 3. Physical objects obtained from the processes of powder sinter-
heated head touches the powder and moves based on sliced STL ing such as DMLS, SLS, and SHS had less density, than powder
model. This method is used for manufacturing structural parts melting processes (i.e. SLM and EBM).
and conceptual prototypes. The SHS technology is used in Blue 4. This article is also discussed technological development, CNC
printer and it is a desktop 3D printer [9]. It has a built chamber verses AM/RP systems, classification of AM processes; advan-
of size 200mmx160mmx140mm, printing speed of 0.078– tage, disadvantages and applications of PBF process.
0.118 in./hour with a layer thickness of 0.0039 in..

2.5. Electron beam melting (EBM) process Declaration of Competing Interest

Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is an another powder fusion pro- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cess uses beam of electrons as heat energy source for melting cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
metal powders [1,2,3,6,7,9,11,12,17] as shown in Fig. 7. In EBM, to influence the work reported in this paper.
D. Dev Singh et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 350–355

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