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Journal of Dentistry 109 (2021) 103630

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Review article

3D printing parameters, supporting structures, slicing, and post-processing

procedures of vat-polymerization additive manufacturing technologies: A
narrative review
Wenceslao Piedra-Cascón a, f, Vinayak R. Krishnamurthy b, Wael Att c, Marta Revilla-León d, e, f, *
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States
Department of Prosthodontics, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, United States
Comprehensive Dentistry Department, College of Dentistry, Texas A&M University, Dallas, TX, United States
Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
Researcher at Revilla Research Center, Madrid, Spain


Keywords: Objective: To review the elements of the vat-polymerization workflow, including the 3D printing parameters,
3D printing support structures, slicing, and post-processing procedures, as well as how these elements affect the character­
Additive manufacturing istics of the manufactured dental devices.
Data: Collection of published articles related to vat-polymerization technologies including manufacturing
Printing parameters
Vat polymerization technologies
workflow description, and printing parameters definition and evaluation of its influence on the mechanical
properties of vat-polymerized dental devices was performed.
Sources: Three search engines were selected namely Medline/PubMed, EBSCO, and Cochrane. A manual search
was also conducted.
Study selection: The selection of the optimal printing and supporting parameters, slicing, and post-processing
procedures based on dental application is in continuous improvement. As well as their influence on the char­
acteristics of the additively manufactured (AM) devices such as surface roughness, printing accuracy, and me­
chanical properties of the dental device.
Results: The accuracy and properties of the AM dental devices are influenced by the technology, printer, and
material selected. The printing parameters, printing structures, slicing methods, and the post-processing tech­
niques significantly influence on the surface roughness, printing accuracy, and mechanical properties of the
manufactured dental device; yet, the optimization of each one may vary depending on the clinical application of
the additively manufactured device.
Conclusions: The printing parameters, supporting structures, slicing, and post-processing procedures have been
identified, but additional studies are needed to establish the optimal manufacturing protocol and enhance the
properties of the AM polymer dental devices.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The understanding of the factors involved in the additive manufacturing workflow
leads to a printing success and better outcome of the additively manufactured dental device.

1. Introduction three-dimensional (3D) model in a layer-by-layer building process

[11–14], which allows the manufacturing of complex geometries while
The computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing spending less time and material [2].
(CAD-CAM) workflow includes three steps: data capturing, data pro­ AM processes have been categorized in seven families [11,12]:
cessing, and manufacturing [1–5] including subtractive and additive vat-polymerization, material extrusion, material jetting, binder jetting,
(AM) techniques [6–10]. AM methods implement the fabrication of a powder-based fusion, sheet lamination, and direct energy deposition.

* Corresponding author at: 3302 Gaston Avenue, Room 713, Dallas, TX, 75246, United States.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Revilla-León).
Received 26 January 2021; Received in revised form 1 March 2021; Accepted 3 March 2021
Available online 5 March 2021
0300-5712/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Piedra-Cascón et al. Journal of Dentistry 109 (2021) 103630

Table 1 Table 2
PICO question and Boolean search. Summary of the CAM manufacturing workflow for processing polymers using
PICO Question Boolean search strategy
vat-polymerization 3D printers.
CAM workflow for processing polymers Parameters
P (problem or population) comprised ("Dental Model"[MeSH] OR “dental cast”
the polymer additively OR “Diagnostic cast” or “Definitive cast” - Layer thickness
manufactured dental devices OR “Custom tray” OR “silicone index” OR - Fill spacing
including casts, custom trays, “interim restoration” OR “Provisional - Fill cure depth
silicone indexes, interim dental restoration” OR “Occlusal Splint"[MeSH] - Hatch overcured
restorations, occlusal devices, and OR "Dental Night Guard"[MeSH] OR - Border overcured
Printing parameters
surgical guides “Occlusal device” OR “Mouthguard” OR - Exposure time
I (intervention), included the different “Night Guard” OR "Surgery, Computer- - Lifting height
printing parameters Assisted"[MeSH] OR “Surgical Guide” OR Data processing (CAM - Lifting speed
C (comparison), was determined as “Guided Surgery”) AND (“Printing, Three software programs) - Lowering speed
milling or subtractive Dimensional”[MeSH] OR “Three- - Delay
manufacturing procedures Dimensional Printings”[MeSH] OR “3- - Uniform or adaptative slicing
Dimensional Printings”[MeSH] OR - Position of the object in the
“Printing, 3-Dimensional”[MeSH] OR “3D Slicing and support building platform
Printing”[MeSH] OR “Vat-polymerization” parameters - Printing orientation/
OR “Additive Manufacturing”) AND angulation
(“Dimensional Measurement - Supportive structures
O (outcome), corresponded to the Accuracy”[MeSH] OR “Manufacturing Manufacturing
manufacturing accuracy, surface accuracy” OR “Accuracy” OR “Surface - Remove
roughness, mechanical properties of roughness” OR “Compressive - Clean
the polymer vat-polymerized dental Strength”[MeSH] OR “Flexural Post-processing procedures - Post-polymerization
devices Strength”[MeSH] OR “Hardness”[MeSH] - Removal of the supportive
OR “Porosity”[MeSH] OR “Shear structures
Strength”[MeSH] OR “Stress,
Mechanical”[MeSH] OR “Tensile, CAM, Computer-aided manufacturing.
Strength”[MeSH] OR “Mechanical
resolution along the Z- axis determines the layer thickness which can be
modified depending on the material and the printer selected.
The accuracy and properties of the AM dental devices would be
influenced by the manufacturing trinomial namely technology, printer,
and material selected [33–38]. A clinician can influence on the accuracy
of the AM devices by handling decisions such as printer calibration,
Vat-polymerization methods have been selected to fabricate a wide ambient temperature, or storage conditions of the printing material. In
range of dental devices [15–22]. Vat-polymerization involves hardening addition, different factors of the manufacturing workflow can impact on
a bulk liquid to build an object [11,12]. The strategy behind the 3D the characteristics of AM devices such as geometry and thickness of the
photopolymerization is founded on using a resin in a liquid state that is device [35–39], printing parameters [33,35,37,40–51], support pa­
polymerized upon exposure to a light source of specific wavelength [23, rameters [33–37,40–42], slicer software [41], and post-processing
23]. This procedure typically results in material shrinkage [23,24]. procedures [41,42,44,52–55].
Vat-polymerization technologies can be divided into different categories A systematic manufacturing workflow that includes the 3D printing
depending on the light source employed on the printer: stereo­ parameters, support parameters, slicing methods, and post-processing
lithography (SLA), direct light processing (DLP), and liquid crystal procedures based on the clinical application of the manufactured
display based (LCD) printers also called daylight polymer printing (DPP) dental device is lacking. The understanding of the AM elements and how
[11,12,23–27]. Continuous liquid interface (CLIP) [28] is a DLP varia­ clinicians can maximize the properties of the AM devices are recom­
tion that is also considered a vat-polymerization technology [10–12]. mended to facilitate the integration of chairside printers in private
In the SLA, a building platform is submerged into a liquid polymer practices and lead to a successful accurate printing. The goal of this
resin which is polymerized using ultraviolet (UV) light in a layer-by- article was to review the vat-polymerization workflow including the 3D
layer manner [29–32]. In SLA, a laser traces a cross-section of the ob­ printing parameters, support parameters, slicing, and post-processing
ject on the surface of the liquid photosensitive resin and polymerizes it procedures, and how all these elements affect the characteristics of the
[29–32]. In DLP printers, the polymer is exposed to light from a pro­ AM dental devices such as surface roughness, printing accuracy, and
jector or a digital micromirror device (DMD) to project a mask of light mechanical properties.
that polymerizes the whole layer at the same time [25]. The DPP tech­
nology uses light from LCD screens to polymerize the photosensitive 2. Material and methods
resin [28]. The CLIP technology uses a DMD to polymerize the resin
through an oxygen permeable window made of fluoropolymer that PICO question that defined the search strategy and Boolean is pre­
creates an area called “dead zone” where polymerization is inhibited sented in Table 1. All titles and abstracts were first assessed, only the
between the window and the polymerized part [28]. articles that evaluated the influence of the printing parameters on the
Accuracy is defined by trueness and precision [33–35]. Trueness manufacturing accuracy, surface roughness, and mechanical properties
relates to the ability of a printer to reproduce an object as close to its of the polymer vat-polymerized dental devices were included. Two
virtual form and precision indicates the reproducibility of a printer calibrated reviewers (W.P.C., M.R.L.) gathered the data from the
manufacturing a device under the same conditions [33–35]. The printer selected articles into structured tables. Disagreements were resolved by
accuracy is determined by the resolution of the x-, y-, and z- axis, which consensus and a third examiner (V.K.) was consulted.
is related to the characteristics of the printer’s light source. XY resolu­
tion is defined as the minimum feature size that can be reproduced by a 3. Results
printer horizontally. In SLA printers, the resolution is defined by the
diameter of the laser spot while in DLP, CLIP, and DPP technologies, it is The search strategy yielded 188 articles. After revising the titles and
determined by the pixel size of the projector or LCD screen. The abstracts, 48 articles were identified, 7 of which were excluded after full

W. Piedra-Cascón et al. Journal of Dentistry 109 (2021) 103630

Fig. 1. A, Schematic view of printing parameters concepts in vat-polymerization AM technologies. B, Hatch spacing. C, Fill spacing. D, Fill cure depth. E, Hatch
overcured. F, Border overcured.

Fig. 2. A, Failed 3D printing because only the support structures were 3D printed. B, The printing parameters selected on the failed printing where the exposure time
was correctly determined but no correlation between printing parameters and printing zones, lifting height and lifting speed. C, Successfully printing where printing
parameters were re-calculated for each printing zone of the sliced model. D, 3D printing parameters determined on the successfully printing.

W. Piedra-Cascón et al. Journal of Dentistry 109 (2021) 103630

Fig. 3. A, Failed 3D printing because only the support structures were 3D printed. B, The printing parameters selected on the failed printing where the exposure time
was correctly determined but no correlation between printing parameters and printing zones, lifting height and lifting speed. C, Successfully printing where printing
parameters were re-calculated for each printing zone of the sliced model. D, 3D printing parameters determined on the successfully printing.

text revision. A total of 41 articles were reviewed. The selected articles polymerizations.
were classified into 4 groups depending on the manufacturing variables The setting of the different printing parameters will influence the
analyzed listed as printing parameters, support parameters, slicing, and photopolymerization of the selected resin. The customization of the
post-processing procedures. The terminology used in dental literature to printing parameters has the objective of performing a controlled poly­
enumerate the printing and support parameters have been used inter­ merization [56]. Two key elements define the photopolymerization of a
changeably among the different studies reviewed. Printing and support photosensitive resin are the depth of polymerization and the energy
parameters are described in Table 2. required for polymerization. The depth of polymerization for each
polymer depends on the amount of exposure dose which can be adjusted
3.1. Printing parameters by adjusting the power of the light source (by the manufacturer) and/or
the length of time that the light is applied onto the resin (exposure time
When manufacturing dental devices using a vat-polymerization or fill cure depth) [60–69]. The depth of light polymerization may be
printer, there are six printing parameters influencing the dimensional different for each polymer due to the composition differences on
accuracy of the AM part. Those printing parameters were described by photo-initiators, viscosity, pigments, other added UV components, and
Lee et al. in 2001 [56] (Fig. 1). “Layer thickness is the depth of a layer, the the power of the light source of the 3D printer selected [60–65].
region that is solidified at the same elevation; hatch spacing is the dis­ In engineering studies, different semi-empirical approaches using
tance between a couple of adjacent strands, which are the narrow re­ statistical computations or algorithm models have been created to
gions solidified by the laser scanning; fill spacing is the uncured resin establish the optimal printing parameters that would produce the min­
located in the hatch spacing; fill cure depth is the depth of the strands or imum part build error [68–71]. In dentistry, those calculations are
fill cure depth if the strand is located at the top or bottom surface of the dtypically delivered by the manufacturers in a manufacturing guideline
part; hatch overcure is the depth that a strand pierces into the lower to the user or standardized manufacturing protocol [10,21,42,45]. But
adjacent layer; and border overcure is the overcure located at the lateral some dental polymer materials can be processed in different
boundaries of the object”. vat-polymerization printers due to the wavelength compatibility be­
Normally, the printer’s manufacturer provides a printer software tween the material and the printer. In this case, the manufacturing
that allows the customization of those printing parameters [57]. How­ protocol is established by user’s experience (non-standardized
ever, some printer manufacturers provide five more additional printing manufacturing protocol).
parameters to help reduce the complexity of operation and to better Based on the geometry and characteristics of the device being
relate the physical functioning of the printer and the characteristics of manufactured, the optimization of the printing process for each dental
the material being used. These parameters are exposure time, lifting polymer and printer is a fundamental procedure for standardization of a
height, lifting speed, lowering speed, and delay [58,59]. Exposure time manufacturing process (Figs. 2, 3). In other words, the printer parame­
determines the light exposure duration of a single layer; lifting height is ters should be calibrated for each resin available for vat-polymerization
the height reached by the building platform after each layer is poly­ processing. Dental literature lacks information regarding the effect of
merized, giving enough time for the detaching layer processed; lifting the different printing parameters on the printing accuracy, superficial
speed is the speed at which the platform moves once the resin layer has roughness, and mechanical properties of the vat-polymerized dental
been polymerized; lowering speed is the speed at which the platform devices [44–49,72]. The investigations present disparities on the
moves towards the vat; and delay is the time needed between layer(s) research protocol which makes it difficult to draw comparison between

W. Piedra-Cascón et al. Journal of Dentistry 109 (2021) 103630

Table 3
Summary of the dental literature that evaluated the influence on the printing orientation and supportive structures on the printing accuracy and mechanical properties
on the vat-polymerized dental materials. Some studies’ details regarding printing parameters, slicing procedures, and/or supportive materials was not provided by the

SLA Technology Layer thickness: 50μm

DW028D Printer Compressive strength for vertically
Alharbi et - Printing orientation Compressive (DSW) printed specimens was 297 ± 34 MPa
Bar (n = 20)
al37 (vertical, horizontal) strength − 95% ethanol compared with 257 ± 41 MPa for the
Temporis A1
- Polymerization: S2 unit horizontally printed specimens
(DWS) for 30 min.
Printing orientation and support
- Printing orientation structure configuration had an
(90, 120, 135, 150, influence on the dimensional
SLA Technology Layer thickness: 50μm
180, 210, 225, 240, accuracy of 3D-printed crowns.
and 270) Among the tested angles, the 120◦
Alharbi et Molar crown (n
Printing accuracy build angle showed
al45 = 1)
DW028D Printer
(DSW) a minimal deviation of 0.029 mm for
- Supportive structures
− 95% ethanol 1 m in thin support and 0.031 mm for thick
(thick, thin) Temporis DD-1000
- Polymerization: S2 unit support
(DWS) for 30 min.
- Specimens manufactured with their
- Resin material (3
long-axis positioned distal to the
interim dental DLP technology Post-processing:
printer’s platform showed higher
fracture load than occlusal ones.
- Ultrasonic 96 % ethanol for
- Printing orientation
D20II printer 5 min, except 3Delta temp - Artificial aging significantly
(distal, buccal,
(Rapidshape) that was exposed to decreased fracture resistance.
centrifugal force for 3 min.
Reymus et - Post-polymerization 3-unit FDP*(n
Fracture resistance - Resin material
al41 procedures = 15)
1. Experimental
(GC) - Polymerization 30 min
- Different post-polymerization
2. Nexdent C&B Otoflash unit, except Nexdent
procedures tested significantly
- Aging (distilled water (NextDent) C&B speciemens unit
influence on fracture resistance.
for 21 days at 37 ◦ C) 3. Freeprint temp Printbox.
4. 3Delta temp
- The print orientation influences the
printing accuracy. The parameters
printed along the Z-axis showed the
lowest accuracy. Specimens with 45◦
- Printing orientation
Flexural strength SLA Technology Layer thickness: 50μm orientation were found to be the most
(0◦ , 45◦ , 90◦ )
accurate. Object printed on the
borders of build platform a rather
prone to inaccuracies than those in
the center.
- The 90◦ printing orientation
specimens with layer orientation
- Positioning on the
Flexural modulus Form2 (Formlabs) Post-processing: parallel to the axial load showed the
building platform
superior flexural strength and flexural
− 90% isopropanol solution.
Bar (n = 10) - Polymerization
et al42
Dentacolor XS (Heraeus
Kulzer) curing oven in 5 ×
180 s steps (total = 15 min)
with a wavelength of
320− 520 nm.
- Post-polymerization Polymerization analysis: - The use of different curing unit is
Printing accuracy Dental SG resin
procedure (3 different - Dentacolor XS (Heraeus unlikely to affect the objects printing
on x, y, and z-axis. (Formlabs)
polymerization units) Kulzer) for 15 min. accuracy and flexural properties.
Wavelength 320− 520 nm.
- Speed Laborlight (Hager
&Werken) for 15 min.
Wavelength 320− 520 nm
- Visio Beta Vario (3 M ESPE)
15 min. Wavelength
320− 520 nm.
Model 2 - Surface roughness means values
Arnold et - Layer thickness (25,
Surface roughness abutments for SLA Technology NA** between 0.87 and 4.44 μm. The
al44 50, 100 μm)
4-unit FPD* samples with 15◦ printing orientation
(continued on next page)

W. Piedra-Cascón et al. Journal of Dentistry 109 (2021) 103630

Table 3 (continued )

and 100 μm layer thickness showed

highest superficial roughness values.
- Printing orientation Form2 (Formlabs)
(0◦ , 15◦ ) - Positioning on the building platform
- Positioning on the and hollow/solid model did not
building platform Grey resin V3 influence on the superficial
- Supportive structures (Formlabs) roughness.
- Hollow vs solid model
- Layer thickness (50
DLP technology Post-processing:
and 100 μm)
Model 2 The fit of the 3D printed specimens
45 Internal and − 95% ethanol for 2 min, -
Park et al - Printing orientation abutments for varied depending on the printing
marginal fit D2− 120 printer Post-polymerization in curing
(0◦ , 30◦ , 45◦ , 60◦ , and 3-unit FPD* orientation and the layer thickness.
(Hephzibah) unit (MP100; Hephzibah) 30
90◦ )
Printing accuracy Bar and disk SLA Technology -Layer thickness 100 μm
Printing orientation significantly
Flexural strength Form2 (Formlabs) -Printing parameters and
52 - Printing orientation influenced the printing accuracy,
Shim et al Surface roughness post-processing according to
(0◦ , 45◦ , and 90◦ ) specimens Nexdent Base (3D flexural strength, roughness, and
manufacturer’s instructions
Microbial adhesion Systems) response to C. albicans.
(details NA**)
FDP: Fixed partial denture.
NA: Not available.

Fig. 4. A, Silicone indices positioned on the building platform using the slicer software (Chitubox v1.4.0; Shenzhen CBD Technology Co; China). B, Pattern data set of
sliced STL models to be projected on a SLA-DLP 3D Printer.

them; moreover, the majority of the studies assessed multiple parame­ [46–49]. Dental literature has attempted to standardize the
ters at the same time, which makes it difficult to see the clear effect of manufacturing workflow aiming to provide a better printing accuracy;
one parameter on the results presented. however, the generalization of the manufacturing workflow is not rec­
A previous study has analyzed the influence of the layer thickness, as ommended. It is important to remember that one printer can obtain
well as different supporting parameters such as printing orientation, different printing accuracy by changing the printing and supporting
position on the building platform, and supporting structures on the parameters or by modifying the post-processing procedures [33–55].
surface roughness of the specimens fabricated using an SLA 3D printer Further studies are needed to evaluate the effect of the printing pa­
[44]. Layer thickness and supporting structures characteristics demon­ rameters on the surface roughness, printing accuracy, and mechanical
strated a significant influence on the surface roughness of the specimens properties of dental devices for different applications. Furthermore, the
[44] (Table 3). generalization of results obtained in the different available dental
Different authors have evaluated the accuracy of dental models studies should be avoided as the manufacturing procedures varied be­
manufactured using different printers and dental model resin materials tween the studies.

W. Piedra-Cascón et al. Journal of Dentistry 109 (2021) 103630

Fig. 5. 3D Printing Zones A, The first zone corresponds with the layer 1. B, The second zone corresponds to the layers of the base up to 0.3 mm. C, The third zone is
determined by the first 2 mm of support structures. D, The fourth zone is the rest of support structures and first 2 mm of the object. E, Fifth Zone. F, Sixth zone. G,
Seventh zone. H, Eighth zone.

3.2. Slicing Methods zone would be comprised with the layers that are only for model slices.

Data processing includes not only the determination of the printing 3.3. Supporting Parameters
parameters that will be used to manufacture an object but also the
slicing methods. A slicer is a software used for the conversion of an STL Supporting parameters include the specification of print orientation,
file into the specific instructions for the 3D printer to manufacture the position on the building platform and determination of the amount, size,
object, including position of the 3D object in the building platform, and location of the supportive structures. Previous studies have evalu­
printing orientation, and generation of support structures [44] (Fig. 4). ated the influence of printing angulation and part positioning on the
Once the mentioned requirements are determined, the software slices building platform on the accuracy, surface texture, and mechanical
the STL file automatically, resulting in a set of binary images that define properties of the AM object [37,41–45,51]. However, due to the dis­
the regions occupied by the material of the object. Each image corre­ parities among the protocols, printers, and resins used, or size and ge­
sponds to one layer, that is projected sequentially in order to build the ometries of the specimens, it is challenging to determine the optimal
3D object. The slicing algorithm, which is determined by the printer position on the building platform or printing angulation to manufacture
software, cuts the object into slices of equal thickness based on the a specific device [34,37,42,44–51].
surface of the 3D object specified in the STL file [61,73]. Previous authors have evaluated the relationship between the
There are two main slicing techniques namely uniform slicing and printing orientation and the compressive strength of the SLA AM interim
adaptative slicing procedures. Uniform slicing is the simplest approach dental polymer materials [37,41,42]. The vertically printed specimens,
for slicing a part at equal intervals. Adaptive slicing has been proposed where the layer orientation was perpendicular to loading direction,
to generate a variable layer thickness based on a local surface geometry presents a significantly higher compressive strength than the horizon­
and pre-specified smoothness requirements [74–76]. In the knowledge tally printed specimens [37,41,42]. A previous study demonstrated a
of the authors, the majority of the dental printer users use uniform significant effect of the building angle and supporting structure config­
slicing. However, no reports have been performed in dental literature. uration on the dimensional accuracy of the specimens, where the se­
Once sliced, each 3D model can be divided into different printing lection of building angle determined specific number of supporting
zones where each zone can have different printing parameters (Fig. 5). structures [40].
Different printing zones have been described by printer’s manufacturers The printing orientation also affects the dimensional accuracy of the
[58,59]; however, in the knowledge of the authors, there is no definition AM device [41,42], but the determination of the optimal printing
of such printing zones in engineering or dental literature. Based on orientation may differ based on the application of the resin and the
printer’s manufacturer information, the first zone would correspond to printer used [42,45]. There are limited number of polymers available
the first layer or attachment layer that provides fixation to the building that are CE- and/or FDA-approved for intraoral use and limited amount
platform; the second zone is the zone that comprises the base of the layers of information regarding their compositions and mechanical properties
up to 0.3 mm; the third zone would correspond to the rest of the layers to support their clinical application [21,41,77].
that makes up the first 2 mm of the model, where normally only contains
the support structures; the fourth zone contains layers of supporting 3.4. Post-processing procedures
structures plus a few layers of the model, assuring proper adhesion be­
tween the tips of support structures and the model; lastly, the fifth to eight The post-processing procedures can be divided in four steps namely

W. Piedra-Cascón et al. Journal of Dentistry 109 (2021) 103630

Fig. 6. Post- processing procedures. A, Remove. B, Clean. C, Post-polymerization. D, Support structures removal.

removal, cleaning, post-polymerization, and removal of supporting procedures should be incorporated into the manufacturing protocols to
structures [78,79]. Removal implies the physical removal of the device optimize the accuracy and mechanical properties of the dental device
from the building platform (Fig. 6A), cleaning eliminates the uncured based on its clinical applications. Further studies are needed to deter­
resin on the surface of the object by submerging the device in an organic mine the optimal manufacturing protocol for each dental device and
solvent like isopropyl (IPA) or isopropanol alcohol [80,81] (Fig. 6B), how those printing parameters impact on the accuracy and mechanical
post-polymerization is recommended to complete polymerization of the properties of the printed dental devices.
device using a UV-polymerization machine [82,83] (Fig. 6C), and the
removal of the supporting structures can be performed using a cutting Funding
device, a diamond disc, or an ultrasonic tip (Fig. 6D).
Limited number of dental studies have evaluated the influence of This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
post-processing procedures on printing accuracy and mechanical prop­ agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
erties of the device [39,41,42] (Table 3). Regarding cleaning
post-processing methods, available dental studies are very scarce [53]. Declaration of Competing Interest
Mostafavi et al. [53] evaluated the influence of rinsing solvents (IPA and
tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether -TPM) on the manufacturing ac­ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
curacy of dental model material. Results showed that TPM solvent ob­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
tained higher accuracy values compared to the IPA solvent. the work reported in this paper.
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