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Part 1

IELTS band 4 word count: 107

hello sally

Thanks for your email and well wishes. I'm excited to get there, I miss you all.

next week Saturday at 10 o'clock. My plane will take off, I will text my phone
number and flight number.

Glad to have another student with us. I prefer the small room. I have a sleep
problem. I don't want to disturb the other student.

I will be back in two weeks, I want to visit the historical castle that I couldn't go
last year. Can you organize a hunting party for me, please? my favorite is
fishing.thanks for everything, see you soon

Kinds of Regards.

goran / harun

IELTS band 2.5

Hi  Barnes

Thank for your e-mail. I'm so happy for this.I'm so excited for that.Will  good to see you.

My flight number 29.I will there 3 o'clock. My number  05379184502.

My for is other a human I not problem.I'm want to small room.I'm turn Croatia 1
september.I'm want to travel more very in the united kingdom.

Ömer GÖk 

IELTS band 5

From : Turgut Vural (turgut [email protected])

To : sally barnes
Subject: About my stay and my journey.

Dear Sally,

I am so happy to will seeing you again. First an above all thank you so much for e-
mail. When l recived your e-mail realy l felt happy and l am so sorry l am late for
answer to you so l had a lot of hard work last week. Last year august was very good
for me moreover. l am enjoyet that time with you and your friends.

I bought a fly ticket, second of december, if the flight time has not change. l have to
flay on friday at half past twelve midday. The flight will take four hours to London.
However, departure is Türkiye time do not forget. Why because, Türkiye is two
hour ehead there. I will write at the end e-mail my mobile number.

Sally, I like to meet foreign people but, l want to write something about room. My
priority second option because, I like stay alone in room. I am usually geting up a
lot of time in the night. I have to back in Türkiye ninth of january. I want to vizit
some places over there. When l am come to there maybe we can go together. I am
waiting see you impatiently.

Best wishes

My mobile number is: +90……………

Take care until we meet.

IELTS band 3.5

İ am very glad that we will see ne again.or İ am waiting to Vine.İ'll b at stansted airport at
14:00 on flight number iş mobile nunber iş +905522524147 we will
mert at the international exit.
İ would rather have a separate room of my ön, because İ can be more comfirtabke that
way.İ would like to travel around the UK a lot when İbarrive and İ am looking forward to
visiting its historic sites.İ have arrenged mu return to mu return to Croatia for friday.

Best wishes.

IELTS band 4 word count: 127 words

         Hı sally                                                                                                                           
Thanks for e-mail.I am very happy that we are meeting to again                                         
I was really happy to be with you last  december. I am coming to this year again.İt is
going to be see  great to see you.            I a m arriving stansted  airport 28  dec  2022
fr8722 14.10 pm.My flight details arr: fr8721 at 12.40  my mobil number is 0530.................. 
I am goinwith you g to be you  28.dec 2022 at 14.10. ı want to share a big
bedroom,because ı have going to the some plane to do ın the UK. I want to see the
hıstorical places Engeland and ı want to shop commercially.                                               
Lokıng forwart to hearing you                                                                                               
Best wişhes                                                                                                                             
Ps I am attacting a photo of the family-lukes much talles then last year

IELTS band 4

Hi Sally,
Thanks for your words.
I am very happy too because I am going to study English again and I' II be there with you.
It was a great experience to stay with you and your family, I learned a lot and now I am
going to consolidate my English.
I wonder if you left me a single room you need to change this first part, but if you do not
have one, it is not a problem.
I am flying over on a Thursday evening, at 12:40, my fly number is FR8721; you can call
my phone number 606042172, although, as soon as I arrive there, I' II call you.
People say London is really beautiful at night, and I am looking forward to seeing all
those famous places at night.
I'm going back to Turkey on 28th August at 14:10, it's a bit short travel.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Hope everything is OK
with you.
See you soon.

IELTS band 4.5

From: Ferman Özel (34 [email protected])
To: Sally Barnes
Subject: About your accommodation
Dear Sally,
      First of all, it is so good to see you again. Because we were great time at last year. I got your e-
mail last week. I am sorry for late reply and thanks for e-mail for giving early information. I am
waiting impatiently for to see you.
    I bought a fly ticket three for june to in summer. İf is everthing goes right I will be in London in the
first week of June. My departure is time 16:45 from Turkiye time but Turkiye is two hours ehead of
you, I will be there 19:45 p.m local time. I think get out to fly and passport control takes about one
hour, we can meet over there international arrivals exit to door.
    Finally, I prefer to small room and I am do not need a lot thing. I am so tidy and punctual. If
possible I want to live alone. I snore a bit at night. But especially I want to go walk and shopping with
you. I am so excited to come back there. If you  want to call me it is mobile phone munber; +90………
Best wishes,
Ferman Özel

IELTS band 3.5

Hello, Sally Thanks for your e-mail. I was very happy to receive feedback from you.

I will be traveling to the UK on 20 November 2022 at 2 pm on flight FR5741. I would be

very happy if you would come to meet me at the airport. My phone number:
+905524044157. You can reach me at this number.

 Regarding the room, I prefer to stay in a small single room if it is also convenient for
you. My return date is 11 December 2022. I dream of trekking when I come to England, I
hope you would like to accompany me.
Best wishes

Part 2

IELTS band 4.5

  first of all,how important is the value given to our elderly parents in the family?Shoult
we look after them in nursing homes or ourselves or should the government look after
them?We must first ask ourselves these Question.                                                               
Especialy in America today,how can be this p revented due to the hıgh occupancy rate of
elderlycare homes in european coutries?How can we minimize it?They started to look for
a solution,How can we remove this burdan from the state? In fact , I recently heard that
those who do not look after their elders in England will be punished.                                 
Firstly;if ı need to express my humble opinion on this matter, I would like to express that
it is meaningless to send our elderly people to nursing homes and teach this to the
stade,is  not responsible for takingcare of the elderly in the family.                                     
The second is their 1st degree relatives,who are responsible for taking care of the elderly 
in the family,and their children  vome first.For example,my parents died years ego.They
both saide that they were satisfied and satisfied with me every time.Thie made me very
happy. I was always there for themwhen they needed me,untel they dies.                           
T he only thing that the state should do in this regard is how important the family is for
the society,respect,love and compassion shoud be in the family first,how important the
respect shown to the elderly is and it is also responsible for religious education on these
issues.            For example,islam prohibits disrespecting our elders.In the qur'an,do not
even say ''oh''to our parents.Dont make them angry.If they are satisfied and satisfied with
you ,he says ı wıll be satisfied and satisfied with you.                                                           
After all,we have children too.As we tread our parents, they will do the same to us.We
should not do to others what we would not  want done to ourselves. Let's raise
awaraness of our family which is the smallest building block of society let'snot forget that
the first education     begins in the family.Our elders are not the state,Iwould like to
reiterate that  we need to take care of them and receive theirs prayers.   

IELTS band 4.5

First an above all we must care parents. Every one be old one day and we will need
care. Many people do prepare when they are in sixties or seventies because they are
do not trust their children. However, homeless people are need a hause and control
about healty, in this case Govermant protected them. Some people gives all the
retired salarys to nursing homes. What we must to do this situation.

İn my opinion; first one we have to respect to them on the other hand we have
protected and help to them. Around the Word are living maybe more than fifty
billion people, There are just in my country about eighty five million people. lf are
all old aged people goes to nursing homes, how we can stay at home confortable, as
a matter of fact when we was child they are care of us. Of course we must to care of
parents. We have to keep them our house and lovely.

Therefore goverment is must to pay for all Homeless people but if enother persons
want to live nursing home they have to pay or their kids. We should mainly help to
government because we will be old and we will need the help a day. Some good
economi countrys have aged care homes.

Who want to is live there when old; definitely l do not want. lf l take away to
nursing homes my parents l belive a day my children do it for me too.

Realy some time l do not understand the people; How do they put their parents in a
nursing house when they do not have a money problem. It hurting them, l do not

Turgut vural.

IELTS band 4.5

First of all, I am want to writing about some cultures information. The people
sometimes old father and mother life take care look, because this situation
sometimes for people is necessary. However, sometimes people so for being
impatient father and mother take way nursing house. Actually this stuation ever not
good for old people furthermore, them for life very difficult. In this reasons,they have
old people and young children for care both of goverment and family give support.

      Secondly, I want to tell the about subject. For instance, if I am not mistaken 
sometimes in England elderly people going to nursing house. Because, new
generation it is not good and father and mother do not want to next to. Moreover,
they are incresingly old people alone. When we was a child father and mother we are
good care and grew up in a healthy way.

      Another factor to consider is, we are have to father and mother in take care of
certain age. Not only old father and mother but also is little children needs care.
Because sometimes goverment may not follow all. In my opinion, they are not good 
take care  father and mother a person do not enjoy life

      Last but not least, In Turkiye only in some areas old people go to nursing house.
But especialy Turkiye’s part of east ever have not nursing house. Furthermore, there
is a lot of  people do not need nursing house. Finally, usually muslim people  father
and mother do not take away nursing house because, the right of father and mother
is sacred in Islam.

Ferman özel

IELTS band 5

In many developed countries, people are taken into state protection when they get
old and the cost is debated, should the state or families take care of the elderly? In
fact, GOD gave us the answer a short time ago. Pandemic!

We have seen that when a person's health deteriorates, it affects other people as
well. It doesn't choose rich or poor, young or old. Health and education affect
everyone. Therefore, countries should produce more comprehensive policies.

In my opinion, the family structure should be strengthened, the child should take
care of his parents when the time comes, the state should provide financial
assistance and the state should support it like a mother takes care of her child.
For example, in my country, everyone who has reached the age of sixty-five is
under state protection, if they do not have an income, they can receive an old-age
pension. children who care for them can receive a salary to take care of their
parents. It's a good idea and it works. Older people are more peaceful and family
ties are not broken.

As a result, politicians should pay attention to social problems, laws should be

made to protect the poor and helpless people. And it should not be forgotten that
everyone ages and dies.

"The state should exist for the people, not the people for the state".


IELTS band 6

In developing countries, particularly England, there has a hereditary to put the elders in
Nursing Homes. Nevertheless, this kind of argument is lead to some conflicts, one of
them being, who will pay for the treatments. Is it the government or the family? This
notion will be discussed in its argument and give a brief explanation from the writer's
It is undeniable that elders have become people whom we should look after. However,
government policies state that retired people could have a good facility if they live in a
shelter along with others one. Moreover, it is a tradition for the British to send their
parents if their family members are already old. Additionally, working people find it
difficult to take care of their parents. It would distract their focus, and taking care of their
parents would distract their focus also a priority. The nursing home is the most
convenient place to stay amongst others while there are providing good services and so
reliable. Many people claim that their customers should invest in this place relative to the
government. It is because a place such as this need to earn a bunch of funds since the
maintenance process is expensive. In my opinion, I agree that elders' representatives
should be involved in the financial scheme, hence, it will reduce the burdens of the
government to pay for that process. As a result, it will increase the income of the Nursing
management and be able to distribute its budget for allocating other needs such as
paying nurses higher than usual and improving the infrastructure.
There are several ways for the person in charge to participate in finance. Firstly, an annual
bill that should be paid every month probably will be the best method to adopt.
Secondly, joining the workshops with help from the promotor will add to the number of
participation rates. Last but not least, sending subsidies, for example, food, beverages,
fruits, and snacks, certainly will help the workers for taking care of the elders.
In conclusion, citizens should contribute to pay for the care of the elders. However, the
government also needs to take a role in improving the quality of older life. I believe that
there should need some cooperation programs between to government and the family
to eradicate this problem.
IELTS band 3.5

elders and our old people, the world are our most valuable assets.
in some countries the old people life's carry on for better very spend money.
bence, some the governments before should take care of their own children.that's why
our the children grow up we should give honest ethical and most education and this
subject very impotant.
exactly,we will old at next years to our elders and elders how behave, at next years our
children they will behave same way.
that's why we should grow up merciful and conscious our children.
unfortunately, the people grow up children their old time fathers and mothers can
behave very badly that's why it's opening retirement homes for their.
  whereus the we must look for myself my fathers and my mothers and whereas we must
behave merciful  own my fathers and my mothers.
all the world for countries my wishes we are behave more better and more merciful .
   y ou don't forget at ours will old definitely .my regards the old people                           
sezer Yıldız


In many countries of the world, many services such as accommodation, food and health
are provided to our elderly citizens in need of care. This service, which is provided in
Britain and other countries, is provided under nursing homes in Turkey. ----

In Turkey, this system will not be able to be alone over the age of fifty-one. And if the
families of people who are unable to meet their own needs are unable to take care of
their parents or close family members due to work, life and financial conditions, they can
apply to these organizations to meet their shelter, health, food and many needs by
applying to these organizations. They can meet whenever they want with their request.
Such a system is a very good system to ensure that both the person in need of care and
the relative of the person in need of care do not experience victimization. If we give an
example of Turkey. These organizations are divided into private and insured. to provide
better and quality service according to the income level of the citizen  In the appendix,
people with a good income level generally benefit from this service. Citizens in the first
group, that is, those who will benefit from these services through insurance, receive care
from these nursing homes in return for a part of their pension. ---

When we look at the world data, we see that the elderly population is increasing rapidly.
It shows us that it has started to become a necessity that needs to be considered and
developed. In other words, both the state and the people have to make this payment
according to the income status of the person in need of care.

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