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Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-66 Filed 09/30/19 Page 1 of 12

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-66 Filed 09/30/19 Page 2 of 12


S&A Capital Partne rs, Inc.


S&A Capita l Partne rs, Inc.

2 I 01 W Corporate Blvd Suite 102
Boca Raton , FL 33431


ON L \'


FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the receipt aml suflic iency of
which arc hereby acknO\-\ !edged. JPMO RGA CHAS E
BANK , N.A., successor by me rger to BANK ONE, N.A., hereby
grants, assigns and transfers to S & A CAPr T AL
PARTNERS, INC., all benefici al interes t under that certain
Deed of Trust for $50,000.00 dated Marc h 1, 2004, and
executed by - Grant or, and recorded as Instrument No, 2004078525
Marc h 26, 2~ , in Book xx, Page xx, on
ords in the Coun t: . t t . • . • I enver, State of Color ado, as descri
said Deed of Trust and more commonly known as bed in
i cnver, CO 80249.
11'\IOR C,.\'\ ( 11,\SL HA\!"- . N,. \ ,. ~u<.:s:l'~M'I' h~
m.:r~cr to B,'\1\ 1' l)':\1.. l\.i\ .. !>c-11~ to /\!>signcc all or Assign
interest in tht! Mongage Luan. Deed ol' Trus1 1 Morhwge ,u1d or's right, title anJ
Nole in "/\s Is" condition, \\ith all foul!~. \\itho111 an) recour
/\:,:,ig.nor whabm:ver and ,, ithout any ,,·iuninty e;:.,prcsscd se 11.l
or implied. charat: tcr or naiun:. .11'1\•I< >RGAN Cl I'\ '-I' l!:\NK
,uccc:.:;01 h, mcr!ln w 11A. 'K lll\l . ..\.. further makes . ~-' ' .
no representations or I\ ammties regarding. th~· Mo11gage loan.
Occd of Trust/ Mortgage. A:.signce confirms that it has taken 1lte or
such ~teps as it deems appropriutc with respect IU rn11ducti11g
due diligence "ith rcspt.!ct to the ~rntus and qua Iii) orrhe \fortg
age Loan, Note and Deed ot Trusl Mo11gagc.

TOGETHER with the note or notes the rein descri bed

or referred to, the mone y due and to becom e due thereo
intere st, and all rights accru ed or to accru e under said n w ith
Deed of Trust.
Dated : March 3, 2010

In .. .....,=,,.. n
150 W. Unive rsity Dr. Floor I, Tempe, AZ 85281

~ O ~,before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said County and
IBI L _ _, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
State, personally appeared,
whose name(s) is subscribed 10 the within instrument evidence) lo be the person(s)
and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the
his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by the signat same in
ure(s) on the instrument the pcrson(s), or entity upon behalf
which the person acted, executed the instrument. of



Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-66 Filed 09/30/19 Page 3 of 12
A-1 ful\N l: Y ,, ·1 LAW
I 159 DEL\\\ ,\RI· SI RI.I, I • DI· \. \'LR. CU LORA DO 80204
Tl: Ll·.l'l lONI; 303.623.4357 • F,\CSl~11LE 720.554.7853

Stephen E. Berken. Esq. stcphc11hcrke11la\, "gmnil.~0111

December I 5.2014

David R. Dought)- Esq. by email and L .S. Mail

9800 S. 'lcridian Blvd. Ste. -l-00
F.nglewood. CO 80 I 12

RL: 14-01212-1·:I 13: Seel) kh , . S&J\ Capital P:.irtners. Inc. et al

This letter is a fol lo\\ up to our recent conversation regarding the pending complaint. I am
enclosing a copy o r a proposed fi llh claim for relier for an a111endccl com plaint. It has not been

As )'Oll can glean from its contents. 111) client n.:mains concerned that the claim li lecl b) )0Llr
dicnt \\as a fabrication. /\nd that the claim ,,as designed to perpetrate a fraud upon the debtor
and the t·otirl. I h1..• indu .... it)n or the (kbtor" s married name on the allonge a name " ·hid, did not
e:-:ist at the t1111c the loan \\3S 111::idc- is e, idcncc that the claim is fraudu lent. /\ re, ie,,, of case
law supports the Plaintirt's posit ion.

The case of' /11 re I ·aro11a. 388 BR 705_ (Bankr. ED Virginia. 2008) is instructive. Relying on the
Fourth Cin;uit cast: l)f Burd,·. 11",t!ten (/11 r<! ll'uftenl. 868 I· .2d 665. 669 (4th Cir. I 989. the
l ·orono t:0urt \\ rote:

lhc Fourth Circuit Court ot" App\.!ab has reeognized th\! authorit) or the 13ankruptc) l oun to
utilize civil con tern r t 10 ca1T)· out the provisionsor
the 13ankruptcy Code pur!)unnt to the
provisions or I I U.S.C. I 05:

\Ve no reason to read into this language [orf3ankrup tC) Code si.::ction 1051 Hn)1thing
othi.!r than its pin i n meaning that a t:ourt or bankruptC) has au thority to issue un) on.Jer
ncccssur) or appropriate to carr> out the provisions or the bankrupt<:) code_ \.\"\! arc or
opinion rhat the urder holding Burd in civil contempt \\:JS appropriate in ca1T) ing out the
pro,·isions ol°thm code. Burd had been engaged in representing a debtor dur ing the
pendcncy of a cnse in bankruptc1 and in connection ,vith the c:ase !'or ,, hich he hnd
chargcJ and recci\,ccl a Ice \\'ithout pre, ious authorit) or appro\al of' the bankruptc>
court. rollm, ing. ,1 hearing on the matter. Burel ,,as ordered 10 rerund $1-L000 or the foe
and had not done sn. We think an order holdin~ him in contempt ror his lailurc to compl)
,, ith the prcviou:-. order 111·11ic court was ::ippropriate in cnrrying out the administrat ion or
the c-;tatc. and thus m1s authorized h~ I I LJ.~.C. ~ I 05(a).

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-66 Filed 09/30/19 Page 4 of 12

ill re J 'unnw. 188 BR 705. (Banl-.r. E.l) Virginia . 2008 ).

In In re Watson. the court held.

\\'hen a creditor files a false or fraudu lenr proof' of claim, that filing comravt!nes
purpose o ra specific bankruptcy statute and ruk. Namdy. under 11 U.S.C. ~ 501.
credi tor i~ allo,,e<l to file a proof of claim . and under* 50'.!(a). the mere tiling ofa
of claim means that it i~ deemed allowed. Under Fed. R. Bankr. P. 300 I (I). a proof
claim Ii led in acrnrdance w ith the Bankrup tcy Ruic~ constitutes primaju cie c,
iuencc of
the val idit) and amount or the cla im. When a creditor files a ll1lse or fraudulent proof or
claim. which is cleem1:d allowed by* 502(a). and entitled to prima.fc,c:ie presu mption
, al idit~ and amount b~ Rule 300 I ( t). the creditor is abusing the bankrup tc) process.
( ·w11phell 1·. C·0111111:nr icle I !0111e lou11s. Inc .. 545 F.3d 348. 356 n. I (5 Cir. 2008) (not ing
that the bankrurt<.:) court ma> use ~ I 05 to impose sanction!> on parties that abuse
procedural mechani:.m related to the filing or a proofof claim): B-Reul. LLC , ..
r/11 re Cha11s., eeJ. 399 H. R. 225. 24 1 ( 13./\. P. 9 Cir. 2008) (.. l IIr a purported crcd itor
abusl!s the cluims proccs:,. \\\.! arc con li<knl that I 05(a) prO\ iJcs an ertccti, c
mcchani:.m for addressing that miscond uct.''): Rojas, .. Cili Co17J Tmst 8011k t-:\B
(/11 re
Rojas). No. 09-7003. 2009 13ankr. LEX IS 2220 al *27 (Bankr. S.D. Tex. Aug 12. 2009)
* s
{holtling that I 05(a) ma) be used in support of 502 and Rule 300 I Lo hold a
in contemp t for filing a fnlse proof of claim): /11 re Varona. 388 R.R. 705. 717 (Bankr.
E. D. Va. 2008) (" [Sect ion] I 05 rnn) bl.! used to sanction the Ii ling a proof of claim
, iolatiH' orthl.! Bankruptc~ Code .... I hi.! tiling of a tnbc or fraudulent claim
u114uestionabl~ constitu te an .ibuse 0 1'!11c c la ims proce:.s as ,, el l as an attempte
d fraud
uron the ..:ourt.").

Watson ,. Sto11e11·all ./ol'kson ,\ /emorial Ilo.\pital Co111pu1~1· et al. f /11 rf! fl'atso11). Case No.
1: IO-
ap-00 I 09. I : I O-bk-01292 (Hankr \i. \V V. 20 I 0).

·1o date. rn~ client ha.., incurred S 15.648 in foes and l..'.O:,ts. \\hid, includes thl..'. preparation
of the
forensic rcrort b) thL· c,pcrt. She is\\ ii ling lO ~ettk the matter,, ith an agreeme
nt nl'
confickn tial it). !or $1.1.000. Said payment ,,ou ld alsu include a l'ull release or
th~ inclchtedn~<;:,,
secured b) her home. Of coursl:. this offer is protcclc d b) the F.R .E. Rule 408.
I look fornard to
hearing from )OU .

Respect ful!).

,. Stephen Berken

Stephen Bcrkl..'.n
Sl3 le

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-66 Filed 09/30/19 Page 5 of 12

Q2 F[~DI ~G

The Q 2 Jocumem is not original or fCmuin~. The Q 2 dvc1~ment fails ,he criteria cf
a standard
Allongc ro a 1..:1)!c: Toe SundarJ AUO;-.;GE LO.: ~OTF.. the criteria !TlUSt Ct'i1tain the
followin g:

Ii '.\IL:ST BE EX.-'\.CT. The Allongc sh0uld c0nr:-tin the follov. ing infc,rrmt ion on l thn.1 7.
1. D:ate ()f Agr eement: 03-01-;004
"' Borrowe r(s) .;\ame(~) must be cxai;tl~ as the~ apj) (•n 61: ~o:e: 011,;a Kw,hner
.,. Ori~ina.J Lender: Bank One N. A. I 00 Broad Street. Columbu s. OH 43271
.i P,·opert y Address exactly as it ~ppcars on the ,01e: J8/08 -";~nd A,,·cnue
Ds:nver CO 80:!49
5. L<urn Amoun t exactly as sho\\n on the ~lite: S50.000 (If)
6. ~umbcr exarll~· as ::.hv\'.'n 0;1 the 1'.(lk: .1J;(ll02-f,296
7. Chain of C us.tod:,. from Original Lender le) prcsem Holder L1f the No1e for ,crificat
ion as ,o
com1eciion to 1he Nole.

The Q 2 ALLONGE to thl.'. HF:LOC has 1hr followir1g discrepanl.."ies:

l be Q 2 Allongc? onl~ indicates thri:-c ihi,i:_ts: ( I 1hru 3) and numb~r -t no Chain of Custody
1. Borrower :'-lame
2. Proper~· Address
3. Loan ~u mber
..t :\:0 Cha in of Custody fon·erificati<in

I. Bor rower . ame: Tht: name on the Allongc indicate!:\: Olr.;a Sed\'kh aka 0)11a Kt1shner
The Borrrw,er J\!ame Should be on t:1c .\l!o~~e as: Olga Kushner. The borro\\l.!r name on
Q 1 i5
Olga Kushncr aka Olga Scd) kh. anJ :-:hou.ld b(' c~ac1 as the Borrower Olga Kushner not
as an
3.k:1 O!ga Scd)kll. Tht: tk,ml\, <!r. Olga 1-:ushnt:r did not bec-t)me Olga Sc<lykh umil Dec
29, 2005
31 10:59 3m. Demer Cowity Color:1<lo a:- in<licalrd un the ~1arriage Certificate. St.ate
Colon.sdo . Marriag~ Liccn~c Nurn her: 1392:; 5.

2. Propert y Address: 18708 52nd ,\\ ~nue Dem er. CO 80~49 is correct.
>. Loan :\umber : ls inJicatcJ ns: ·.!150102-D32Q6. The numbers ha\'C been
:!ddd. The numher:- shoulJ be as inJicaL1:J on the Original i\Nl' ao;: 4151 l).2.1~>196.

The Q 2 d1)cumcn1 has no ,·c:nJicatiM ,~f Cluin {1 f Cuswd:· to indicate :my authorization


!-ORGER\ fRA\ D FOR!::'<S !( DO(UV,f: S:T t.X->.Mlt-.:.;T'ON PHOtJt· 303-952-991(1

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-66 Filed 09/30/19 Page 6 of 12

.:vly professional exprn opinion of 1he Q J and Q 2 Jocu,nc-nts are of1he foliowing:

i. ·1he Q I Bank One Hom,; Euuit, Linc .i!.LC.rnii\ .-\!!-rei::11J,Dl and Discl0r.;u,v Statem~fil indicates tha1
the Q I signatur~ on page 5 of the agrec-11Jcm 0f a ,ignat..i:-e b~ Olga K'.1$.hner is 3 freehand simularion
forge~ ar.d is not genuint: 0r original

2. The Q 2 Allongc dc1l:ument indicate<, ha::;ed upon :he prepond~r:mrc l1 f the e,idcnce subm1ned
.:xamina!ion . •md 10 ihc- bes1 of :11~ h no,, kdgc and !'Chef of Dl'l heing ~enuini: ::iid is fraudu.Iem .

Further. affiant ~aith nfll.

I swear <•r affirm tha1 the ~100\e and fort?gQing 11!p1t::..,<.-nta tic,ns are rrue and correct

~ - ,' o -

Subscrihed and sworn 10. 0 r affim1cd hc!i1rc 1~1e this

Docwnem Di:~criptil )n.

AflidaYit of G:.iry .:\1ichueb. l·orc:nsic 0(,-.umcni b.<.:minl'rre~arding Case "-io. I>-30 ,0 j -EEB
Forensic Documen t E:'iam:n:Hi<,n Report

-, ·, ~ '"") ' ..., .,, ~

.,.- i /. ·=-:.
J. '
I ,v, I . / I.;
\1y Commission Expires
,« •.:."" ,: t: 1;; ' "" - ~ .... .._ ~.,,. - ~ - - - ~
..,. ......

! [,t~l,!!!:L.E: :71 _ !,~!$71;'..!~ ,

.,!:_-,T - ,?\' ~ _If: I_ ,:

,:.·:. -;: :=[,O!(•~ ![•. '

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-66 Filed 09/30/19 Page 7 of 12

Case:13-30301-EEB Doc#:35 Filed:04/30/14 Entered :04/30/1 4 22:47:54 Pagel of 6


In re: Chapter 13

OLGA SEDYKH f/k/a OLGA KUSHNER, Case No.: 13-30301 EEB


OLGA SEDYKH, Adversa ry Case No.:






COMPL AINT FOR RELIE F PER Fed.R.B ankr.P. 7001(2), (9)

COMES NOW Plaintiff, Olga Sedykh, by and through counsel, and for her Complaint.
states unto this Honorable Court as follows:


1. This is a complai nt for declaratory relief brought pursuan t to Fed. R. Banla. P. 700 I(2),
(9) and 11 U.S.C. §727.

2. This Court has jurisdiction in this adversary proceeding pursuan t to 28 U.S.C. § 157
28 U.S.C. § 1334 since this proceedi ng arises in the above-ca ptioned Chapter 13 case
currently pending in this federal judicial distr ict. Th is adversar y proceed ing is a core
proceeding under 28 U.S.C. §157(b)(2)(I). Venue in the District of Colorad o is proper.

3. Plaintiff is the Debtor in the above captione d bankrup tcy case.

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL
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:04/30/14 22:47:5 12
of 6

4. Defendants are putative creditors and putative successors in interest with regard to a
of trust secured by the Debtor's home located at 18708 East 52nd Ave., Denver,


5. That in 2004, the Debtor was known as Olga Kushner, Kushner being her maiden name.

6. That on or about March 2004, the debtor purchased and financed real property located
18708 52nd Ave., Denver, CO 80249.

7. That the purchase of the home was originally financed with lender Homecomings
Financial, with its deed of trust in first position. That Bank One also assisted in the
financing, granting Debtor a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) with its deed of trust
in second position. See Exhibit A, Bank One deed of trust dated March I, 2004, attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

8. The Bank One promissory note is secured by a deed of trust. The deed of trust contains
the following language:

Successors and Assigns. Subject to any limitations stated in this Deed of Trust on
transfer of Grantor's interest, this Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. lf ownership of the
Property becomes vested in a person other than Granter, Lender, without notice to
Granter, may deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Deed of Trust
and the Indebtedness by way of forbearance or extension without releasing
Grantor from the obligations of this Deed of Trust or liability under the

Exhibit A

9. That subsequent to the purchase, Homecomings Financial assigned its interest to Ocwen.

10. That subsequent to the purchase, Bank One allegedly assigned its security interest and
note (hereinafter the "Note"), to several financial institutions, the Defendants herein.

11. That currently, Defendant S&A Capital Partners, Inc., maintains that it is the successo
r in
interest as to Bank One's claim.

12. Plaintiff married Vladimir Sedykh on or about December 29, 2005. Upon information
and belief, no representatives from Bank One, or any successor in interest from Bank
One, was in attendance at the wedding.

13. Plaintiff divorced Mr. Sedykh on or around January 2, 2012. Subsequent to the divorce,
Plaintiff has continued to use the surname and former married name Sedykh.

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL
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14. The Debto r filed for relief under chapt er 7 on Marc

h 12, 2010, case No. 10- 15217-EEB.
The debto r listed her oblig ation owed to Chase , succe
ssor to Bank One. A disch arge
order enter ed on June 30, 20 l 0.

15. Debto r fi led for relief under chapter 13 on Dece mber

11, 2013.
16. That Debto r listed S&A Capit al Partn ers, Inc., as a
claim holde r with regar d to the secon d
deed of trust, as the succe ssor in intere st and assig nee
from Bank One.
17. That on or aroun d Dece mber 12, 2013, Debto r reque
sted of couns el for S&A Capit al
Partn ers, Inc., to inspe ct the original note and allong e.

18. That Debto r retain ed the servic es of Gary Mich aels,

a foren sic docum ent exam iner, to
inspe ct the afore menti oned origin al note and allong e. That
Mr. Mich aels comp leted a
repor t on or about Janua ry 10, 2014 as to his findings.
See Exhibit B, attach ed heret o and
incor porat ed herei n by refere nce.

19. That Mr. Mich aels concl uded that the note purpo rted
to be the origin al, as well as the
allong e are forgeries. See page 12, Exhib it B, (conc lusion
of opinion).
20. That most tellin g, Mr. Mich aels notes that the allon
ge, dated Marc h 3, 2010 , from Launi
Solom on, a repre senta tive of JP Morg an Chase, reflec
ts the name Olga Scdyk h aka Olga
Kush ner. The allon ge shoul d only reflec t the name of
the Plain tiff at the time the note
was execu ted with Bank One in Marc h 1, 2004. Simp ly
stated, the Plain tiff was not
know n as Olga Sedyk.h until after the execu tion of the
note to Bank One dated Marc h 1,

21. That S& A Capit al Partn ers, Inc., filed a proof of claim
( claim numb er 5-1) on Janua ry
27, 2014 using the name BS! Finan cial Servi ces, lnc.


Bearer paper requires that a party "bear the paper"

22. The bankr uptcy code defin es a "cred itor" as an " entity
that has a claim again st the
debto r." 11 U.S.C . §101( 10)(A ). A "claim " is a "righ
t to paym ent." Id. §101( 5)(A).
23. As to the issue of wheth er a credi tor has a right to
paym ent, as the court in In re Mims
held, "(w ]ithin the conte xt of a bankr nptcy proce eding
, state law gover ns the
deter minat ion of prope rty rights ." In re Mims, 438 B.R.
52, 56 (Bank r. S.D.N .Y. 2010) .
In the conte xt of the case at bar, the Colorado U niform
Comm ercial Code provi des
direct ion.

24. A note which is payab le " if it is payab le (i) to the

order of an identi fied perso n or (ii) to
an identi fied perso n or order ." Colo. Rev. Stat §4-3- 109(b
25. Wher e "(a]n instru ment payab le to an identified perso
n may becom e payab le to beare r if
it is indor sed in blank pursu ant to sectio n 4-3-2 05(b) ."
Colo. Rev. Stat §4-3- 109(c).
Furth er, § 4-3-2 05(b) provi des that "[i]f an endor seme
nt is made by the holde r of an

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instru ment and it is not a special indors ement, it is a blank indors

ement . When indorsed
in blank , instru ment becom es payable to beare r and may be negoti
ated by transf er of
possession alone until specif ically indors ed."

26. The negotiation of a note is defined as a " transfer of posses

sion ... to a person who thereby
becomes its holde r." Colo. Rev. Stat §4-3-201 (a). Per this statute
, "if an instru ment is
payab le to an identi fied person, negotiation requires transf er
of posse ssion of the
instru ment and its indorsement by the holde r." Colo. Rev. Stat
§4-3-2 0 l(b). As set forth
in the Official Comm entary to Sectio n 4-3-20 1, negot iation "alwa
ys requires a chang e in
posse ssion of the instru ment becau se nobod y can be a holde
r witho ut posse ssing the
instru ment, either directly or throug h an agent. " Colo. Rev.
Stat §4-l-2 0l(b)( 20)(A )
provid es furthe r direct ion by defini ng a "hold er" of a negot iable
instru ment as a "perso n
in posse ssion" of that instrument.

27. As the Color ado Supre me Court held in Georg v. Metro Fixtur
es Contractors, Tnc., 178
P.3d 1209 (Colo. 2008), "[p]os sessio n is an eleme nt designed
lo preve nt two or more
claim ants from qualifying as holders who could take three of
the other party' s claim of
owner ship." Id.. at 1213.

28. Thus, physical possession of the actua l note, and not a copy,
is essential becau se it
constitutes proof of owner ship and a right to payme nt. Color
ado law has remed ies for
parties who have lost the original instruments. See Colo. Rev.
Stat §4-3-309(a)(i).
29. Enfor cemen t of the terms of the note are not limited to the
original note holder. Thus, a
note may be enforc ed by a transferee. See Colo. Rev. Stat §4-3-1
30. 4-3-203 provides: "Tran sfer of an instrument, wheth er or
not the transfer is a negotiation,
vests in the transf eree any right of the transfer or to enforc e the
instru ment. " Id., §4-3-
203(b). Enfor cemen t by the transf eree, requires delivery of
the instru ment by the
transferor. "An instru ment is transferred when it is delive red
by a person other than its
issuer for the purpo se of giving to the person receiv ing delive
ry the right to enforc e the
instrument." Id., §4-3-203(a). "Deliv ery'' with regard to an
instru ment "mean s volun tary
transfer of posse ssion" of the instrument. Id., §4- 1-201 (14).

31. The word "allon ge" is from the Frenc h meani ng "to draw
out." In the contex t of notes, it
is a slip of paper affixe d to a negot aible instru ment for the purpo
se of receiv ing additional
endor semen ts for which there is insufficient room on the origin
al note to affix. An
endor semen t writte n on the allong e is deeme d to be writte n on
the note itself. An aUonge
must contain, amon g many items, the borrow er's name as it exactl
y appea rs on the note.
32. Bankr uptcy Rule 7017 provid es as follows:

(a) Real party in interest. Every action shall be prosec uted in

the name of the real
party in interest. An execu tor, admin istrato r, guardian, bailee
, truste e of an
expre ss trust, a party with whom or in whose name a contra ct
has been made for
the benef it of anoth er, or a party authorized by statute may sue
in that person's
own name witho ut joinin g the party for whose benef it the action
is broug ht; and
when a statut e of the Unite d States so provid es, an action for
the use or benef it of

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13-30301-EEB Doc#:35 428-66
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anothe r shall be brought in the name of the United States. No action

shall be
dismissed on the ground that it is not prosecuted in the name of the
real party in
interest until a reasonable time has been allowed after objection for
ratification of
comm encem ent of the action by, or joinde r or substitution of, the real
party in
interest; and such ratification, joinder, or substitution shall have the
same effect as
if the action had been comm enced in the name of the real party in interes
Bankr.R. 7017(a).


Declar atory Relief per B.R. 7001(9 )
(S&A Capita l Partne rs, Inc., is not a creditor)

33. Plaint iff incorporates by referen ce each preceding paragraph.

34. Defendant S&A Capital Partners, Inc., asserts , by way of its proof
of claim, that it is
owed funds by the Plaintiff.

35. This court has jurisdiction to determine whether Defendant is a "creditor"

of the
bankruptcy estate. ''Bank ruptcy judges may hear and determine all core
arising under Title 11. The al1owa nce or disallowance of a claim agains
t an estate is a
core proceeding." In re Alternate Fuels, Inc., 20 10 Bankr. LEXIS 2972,
2010 WL
34902 60 (Bankr. D. Kan. Aug. 26, 20 10).

36. To the extent that Defend ant S&A Capital Partners, Inc., does not
have the possession of
the original note, it is not a "credit or" as defined in 11 U .S.C. § 10 I(


Declar atory Relief Pursu ant to Fed.R.Bankr.P. 7001(2 )
(S&A Capita l Partne rs, Inc., does not have a valid and enforc eable

37. The Plainti ff incorporates by referen ce each preced ing paragraph.

38. To the extent that Defen dant does not physically posses s the subjec
t note, it has no valid
lien in the Debto r's real property.


Defen dant S&A Capita l Partne rs, Inc., is Not a Real Party in Intere
39. The Plainti ff incorporates by reference each preceding paragraph.

40. To the extent that Defen dant does not have physical possession
of the subjec t note, it is
neithe r a claim holder, nor a credito r of the Plaint iffs bankrnptcy case.

41. As such, it is not a real party in interest per Bankr uptcy Rule 7017.

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-66 Filed 09/30/19 Page 12 of 12

Case:13-30301-EEB Doc#:35 Filed:04/30/14 Entered:04/30/14 22:47:54 Page6 of 6


Declaratory Relief as to the va.lidity of the Jien
Pursuant to Fed.R.Bankr.P. 7001(2)
(All Defeod9nts)

42. The Plaintiff incorporates by reference each preceding paragraph.

43. Plaintiffs personal obligations vis-a-vis the underlying promissory notes were discharged
in her prior chapter 7 petition. However, to the extent that "liens survive an order of
discharge," the underlying deed of trust follows the true holder of the note.

44. To the extent that the originating lender (i.e., Bank One), or any of the putative
successors in interest may be in possession of the actual note, the P laintiff respectfuJly
request that this honorable court make a detennjnation of its identity, and to the extent
that no one is the holder of the actual note, a finding that the lien has no "validity" per
Bankruptcy Rule 7001(2).

45. That to the extent that the validity of the lien may not be established, that this court enter
an order "extinguishing" the lien.

WHEREFORE the Plaintiff requests that this Honorable Court enter an Order:

a. that Defendant S&A Capital Partners, Inc., is not a creditor of the P laintiff;

b. that Defendant S&A Capital Partners, Inc., does not physically possess the note, and
does not have a valid lien on the subject property;

c. that the Defendant S&A Capita1 Partners, Inc., does not have possession of the note,
and is not a real party in interest in the Debtor's bankruptcy case;

d. that none of the Defendants have physical possession of the actual note, and as such,
the subject lien has no "validity" per Bankruptcy Rule 700 I (2), and that the lien is
extinguished; and

e. granting any further relief that may be just and proper.

RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 301h day of April, 2014.

Isl Stephen E. Berken

Stephen E. Berken, # 14926
Law Offices of Steph en E. Berken
1159 Delaware Street
Denver, Colorado 80204
(303) 623-4357
Fax No. (303) 554-7853
Email: [email protected]
Attorney.for Plaintiff


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