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Poverty line estimation in India is based on the consumption expenditure and not on
the income levels. Poverty is measured based on consumer expenditure surveys of
the National Sample Survey organization. A poor household is defined as one with an
expenditure level below a specific poverty line.

What are the reasons of Poverty? Or why Poverty

 Inequality and Marginalization- Economic and social inequities such as gender
inequity, caste systems, and marginalisation based on racial or tribal affinities
all result in little to no access to the resources required to lead a full,
productive life. A marginalised community may become even more
susceptible to the cycle of poverty when combined with the various
combinations of susceptibility and dangers included in the rest of this list.
 Conflict- Conflict is one of the most common forms of risk driving poverty
today. However, even little acts of violence can have a significant negative
effect on already troubled communities. For instance, farmers won't invest in
planting if they fear that their harvests will be stolen. Inequality is added to all
conflict because women suffer the most from it: Households with a female
head of home are more prevalent during violent times. And because women
frequently struggle to find well-paying employment and frequently aren't
included in local decision-making, their families are particularly at risk.
 Hunger, Malnutrition and Stunning- You might think that poverty causes
hunger (and you would be right), but if we think from another point of view
that hunger is also a cause and maintainer of poverty. If a person doesn’t get
enough food, their immune system will weaken from malnutrition and leave
them more susceptible to illness that prevents them from getting to work.
 Poor Healthcare Systems- Extreme poverty and ill health are frequently
related. Malaria, diarrhoea, and respiratory infections are examples of easily
curable conditions that can be lethal in nations with inadequate health
systems, especially for young children. And when people have to travel long
distances to clinics or pay for medicine, it depletes the resources of already
vulnerable households and can push a family from extreme poverty.
 Access to Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene is limited or non-existent-
More than 2 billion people in the world live without access to safe water. As a
result, individuals (particularly women and girls) must walk considerable
distances to obtain water for an estimated 200 million hours each day. That is
valuable time that might be spent working or studying to improve one's
chances of finding employment in the future.
 Climate change- Extreme weather events like hurricanes, wildfires, and
droughts are becoming more frequent and intense, endangering lives in these
front-line communities by forcing residents out of their homes and
compromising their access to food and livelihoods. The chance of increased
violence, hunger, and poverty is increased by all of these impacts.
 Lack of Education- Not everyone who lacks a formal education is in dire
straits. The majority of the really poor, however, lack formal schooling. Lack of
funding for uniforms and books, prejudice towards females' education. Only a
few of the obstacles to education that exist globally.
 Poor Public Works and Infrastructure- Imagine that there are no roads
leading to the place where you need to get to work. Or perhaps your path has
become impassable due to recent severe rainfall. In this condition your job or
work will be affected and this will pull back you down against move forward.
 Lack of Government support- Social welfare services that people can contact
if they need medical treatment or food help are well known to many
Americans. However, not every government is able to offer their citizens this
kind of assistance. Without that safety net, there is nothing to prevent
vulnerable families from sinking even further into extreme poverty. Because
they are unable to provide the required infrastructure or healthcare, as well
as guarantee the safety and security of their inhabitants in times of war,
ineffective governments also contribute to numerous of the other reasons of
severe poverty listed above.
 Lack of Works or Live- It would seem obvious to say this: People will
experience poverty if they have no source of income. Many traditional
livelihoods are under growing strain as a result of decreasing access to arable
land (sometimes as a result of war, population growth, or climate change) and
overexploitation of resources like fish and minerals. For instance, the majority
of people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) reside in rural areas
where natural resources have been looted through many years of colonial
control. Land disputes have also driven people from their sources of food and
money. More than half of the population now endures abject poverty.
 Not enough reserves- suppose when suddenly a climate changes and turns
into natural disaster like flood, lack of rainfall etc. Then in this situation people
who have not saved food, money or their needed item will fall into poverty. In
this situation they will start pulling their children out of education to work or
even marry or selling their assets to buy food these things may save them in
their current season but not every time. These will pull them down to more
How does Poverty affect the functioning of the family
Poverty can create considerable stress for families. As per the family stress
model, poverty can contribute to interparental conflict, which plays a key role
in family dynamics and can be a precursor to negative child outcomes. Conflict
can also arise between children and parents because of economic pressures.

What are the effects of poverty in society?

Nearly all the potential effects of poverty impact the lives of children—poor
infrastructure, unemployment, malnutrition, domestic violence, child labour,
and disease.

What are solutions to poverty?

According to the World Health Organization, eliminating malnutrition is one of
the most cost-effective solutions to poverty. The developmental, economic,
social and medical impacts of malnutrition are serious and lasting. It affects
individuals as well as their families, communities and countries.

What is the main cause of poverty?

Dwindling access to productive land (often due to conflict, overpopulation, or
climate change) and overexploitation of resources like fish or minerals puts
increasing pressure on many traditional livelihoods.

Why is poverty a problem in society?

Poverty entails more than the lack of income and productive resources to
ensure sustainable livelihoods. Its manifestations include hunger and
malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social
discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-

What is the conclusion of poverty?

In conclusion, poverty is not the problem of a person but of the whole nation.
Also, it should be deal with on an urgent basis by the implementation of
effective measures. In addition, eradication of poverty has become necessary
for the sustainable and inclusive growth of people, society, country, and
Why is it important to end poverty?
Poverty is associated with a host of health risks, including elevated rates of
heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, infant mortality, mental illness,
undernutrition, lead poisoning, asthma, and dental problems.

Is poverty Good or Bad?

Poverty may be good sometimes like:
Subjective opinion: - When we are in poverty, we have less options and we
have opportunity to work hard, practice and be in discipline.
Objective reality: - We see individuals choosing to become more creative and
discover new methods to do things without relying on riches to do them, but
we also see people respond negatively and create unhealthy circumstances in
response to the stress of having less than we need.
Why poverty is not good
Subjective opinion: - From our point of view poverty is bad because if any one
suffering from poverty he/she don’t have much opportunities to learn. They
have limited options and have a fear in their mind, what if he/she fails?
Objective reality: - Poor infrastructure, unemployment, a lack of basic
amenities, and a lack of income have an impact on people's access to
education, malnutrition, violence both within and outside the house, child
labour, and a variety of illnesses that may be spread through the family or the

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