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Chemistry Student Edition - Basic

Answer Key

Chapter 14: The Properties of Gases

Gas Properties


1. Why do you suppose the pressure of atmospheric gases increases with proximity to earth?
Why aren’t the gases evenly distributed throughout the entire reaches of the atmosphere?
Study the PhET simulation for further illustration here:
2. Draw a diagram showing how particles exert pressure on the wall of a container.
3. If you were to double the pressure of the bicycle tire from 46 psi to 92 psi, what would be
the new pressure in atm?
4. The average atmospheric pressure in Denver is 0.830 atm. Express this pressure in mm Hg.
5. Convert a pressure of 570. torr to atmospheres.
6. Convert 8.5 psi to torr.

1. The main reason for this is that gravity has an effect on gas particles, just as it does on any
other substance that has mass. In the case of gases, they are moving at very high speeds
and their collisions are elastic. However, when look at the scale of atmospheric gases, we
begin to notice a stratification in gas density. Above 5miles of altitude, we see a dramatic
drop in the amount of gas particles present. At 19 miles, the percent of atmospheric gases
approaches zero. Where they are present, however, as in the troposphere, the gases are
evenly distributed.

3. The pressure would be double, so 3.1 atm* 2 = 6.2 atm
⎛ 760 mmHg ⎞
0.830 atm × ⎜ ⎟ = 630 mmHg
4. ⎝ 1 atm ⎠
⎛ 1 atm ⎞
570 torr × ⎜ ⎟ = 0.75atm
5. ⎝ 760 torr ⎠
⎛ 760 torr ⎞
8.5 psi × ⎜ ⎟ = 439 torr
6. ⎝ 14.7 psi ⎠
Gas Laws


1. A sample of a gas has a volume of 4.22 L at 27.8°C and 734 mmHg. What will its volume
be at 24.6°C and 755 mmHg?
2. How many molecules of nitrogen gas are in a 5.20 L vessel at 136°C and 0.43 atm?
3. A 34.8 L tank of Ar gas is connected to an evacuated 87.5 L tank. If the final pressure is
640 mmHg, what must have been the original gas pressure in the 34.8 L tank?
4. A 54.0 L cylinder contains 798 g of chlorine gas at 29°C. What mass of chlorine must be
released to reduce the pressure to 0.78 atm?
5. A sample of gas at 1 atm has a temperature of 15°C and a volume of 2.58 L. The
temperature is then raised to 38°C at 1 atm.
a. Does the volume of the gas increase or decrease?
b. Calculate the new volume.
6. An automobile engine contains a vaporized sample of gasoline. The initial volume in the
cylinder is 0.725 L. After compression, the volume is reduced to 0.075 L. The fuel mixture
initially exerts a pressure of 1.00 atm. Calculate the pressure of the compressed fuel-air
mixture (assuming temperature and the amount of gas remain constant).
7. If a gas is cooled from 333.0 K to 273.0 K at a constant volume, what would the final
pressure be if the original pressure was 780.0 mm Hg?
8. A bag of potato chips is packaged at sea level (1.00 atm) and has a volume of 315 mL. If
this bag of chips is transported to Denver (0.820 atm), what will the new volume of the bag
be? Assume the temperature remains the same.
9. Calculate the volume (in L) occupied by 2.12 moles of nitric oxide (NO) at 6.54 atm and

P1 V1 P2 V2
T1 T2
V2 = 1 1 2
P2 T1
(734 mmHg)(4.22L)(300.8K)
V2 =
(755 mmHg)(297.6K)
V2 = 4.15 L
PV = nRT
(0.43 atm)(5.2L)
2. =
(0.08205 L ⋅ atm ⋅ K -­‐1 ⋅ mol-­‐1 )(409K)
= 0.97 moles x 6.02x1023 molecules / mole
= 5.83 x 1023 molecules
3. P1 = ? P2 = 640 mm Hg
V1 = 34.8 L V2 = 34.8 + 87.5 = 122.3 L
P1 V1 = P2 V2
P2 V2
P1 =
(640 mm Hg)(122.3L)
P1 = 2249 mm Hg
1 mole
4. (789 g Cl2 ) = 11.1 moles Cl2
71g / mole
PV = nRT
(0.08205 L ⋅ atm ⋅ K -­‐1 ⋅ mol-­‐1 )(302K)
n = 1.7 moles still in tank
11.1 − 1.7 = moles to be released
71 grams
(9.4 moles released)( ) = 667.4 grams released
a. The gas volume increases
b. Calculate the new volume.
V1 = 0.725 L V2 = 0.075 L
P1 = 1.00 atm P2 = ?
P2 =

P2 =
(1.00 atm )(0.725 L )
( 0.075 L )
P2 = 9.67atm
T1 = 330 K
T2 = 273 K
P1 = 780.0 mmHg
6. P2 = ?
P2 =

P2 =
( 780.0 mmHg )( 273 K )
330 K
P2 = 645 mmHg
P1 = 1.00 atm P2 = 0.820 atm
V1 = 315 mL V2 =?
T1 = not provided, but same as T2
P1 T2 V1
V2 =
P2 T1

V2 =
(1.00 atm )(315 mL ) = 384 mL
( 0.820 atm )
(2.12 mol)(.08205 L ⋅ atm ⋅ K -1 ⋅ mol-1 )(76 o C + 273)
6.54 atm
8. P = 9.28 L
Gas Mixtures


1. Say you have a closed container containing 10 moles of a mixture of gases. If you removed
2 moles of one of the gases and replaced it with 2 moles of a lighter gas, would the total
pressure in the container increase, decrease, or remain the same?
2. A gaseous mixture consists of 5.2 moles of helium and 2.1 moles of nitrogen. If the volume
of the container is 11.2 L and the temperature is 273 K, calculate the following:
a. The total moles of gas particles
b. The mole fraction of each gas
c. The total pressure of the mixture
d. The partial pressure of each gas
3. A gaseous mixture consists of 11.0 g of CO2 and 48.0 g of O2. If the volume of the
container is 2.24 L and the temperature is 273 K, calculate the following:
a. The moles of each gas
b. The total moles of gas particles
c. The mole fraction of each gas
d. The total pressure of the mixture
e. The partial pressure of each gas
4. A gaseous mixture consists of 80 g of chlorine and 21 g of nitrogen. If the volume of the
container is 11.2 L and the temperature is 273 K, calculate:
a. The moles of each gas.
b. The total moles of gas.
c. The mole fraction of each gas.
d. The total pressure of the mixture.
e. The partial pressure of each gas.
5. Compare and contrast diffusion and effusion. Does the aroma of a sprayed perfume
represent diffusion or effusion?
6. A sharp object punctures a bike tire. Explain which process is responsible for the loss of air
from the tire that causes a flat.
7. The mole fraction of CO in the air in a garage where a charcoal grill is operating can be
dangerously high, about 5 × 10-5. If the barometric pressure is 745 mm Hg, what is the
partial pressure of CO in atmospheres?


1. Assuming the gases are the same temperature, the total pressure would be the same(P =
2. A gaseous mixture consists of 5.2 moles of helium and 2.1 moles of nitrogen. If the volume
of the container is 11.2 L and the temperature is 273 K, calculate the following:
a. As given, there are 5.2 moles of He and 2.1 moles of N2
b. There are 7.3 moles total.
The fraction of He is 5.2/7.3 = 71.2%
The fraction of N2 is 2.1/7.3 = 28.8%
c. Using P = nRT/V,
P = 7.3 moles * R * 273 K / 11.2 L
P = 14.6 atmospheres
d. Since each gas’s partial pressures is proportional to the # of moles,
PHe = 71.2% * 14.6 moles = 10.4 atmospheres
PN2 = 28.8% * 14.6 moles = 4.2 atmospheres
3. A gaseous mixture consists of 11.0 g of CO2 and 48.0 g of O2. If the volume of the
container is 2.24 L and the temperature is 273 K, calculate the following:
a. 11.0 g CO2 * 1 mole CO2/44 g CO2 = 0.25 moles CO2
48.0 g O2 * 1 mole O2 / 32 g O2 = 1.5 moles O2
b. 0.25 mole CO2 + 1.5 moles O2 = 1.75 moles gas total
The fraction of CO2 is 0.25 / 1.75 = 14.3%
The fraction of O2 is 1.5/ 1.75 = 85.7%
c. Using P = nRT/V,
P = 1.75 moles * R * 273 K / 2.24 L
P = 17.5 atmospheres
d. Since each gas’s partial pressures is proportional to the # of moles,
PCO2 = 71.2% * 14.6 moles = 2.5 atmospheres
PO2 = 28.8% * 14.6 moles = 15 atmospheres
80 grams
moles Br2 = = 0.50 moles
159.8 grams / mole
21 grams
a. moles N2 = = 0.75 moles
28 grams / mole
total moles = 0.50 + 0.75 = 1.25 moles
b. 1.25 moles
c. Br2 = 0.5 moles/1.25 moles = 0.40
N2 = 0.75 moles/1.25 moles = 0.60
d. PV = nRT or P = nRT/V
P = (1.25 moles)(0.0821 L•atm•K-1•mol-1)(273K)/11.2 L
P = 2.5 atm
e. Br2 (2.5 atm)(0.40) = 1.0 atm
N2 (2.5 atm)(0.6) = 1.5 atm
5. Both diffusion and effusion occur more rapidly for small molecules. However, diffusion
relates to the re-distribution of molecules, while effusion relates to the escape of molecules
through a small hole. Perfumes undergo diffusion.
6. This is an example of effusion.
7. Pressure CO = (5x10-5)(745 mm Hg) = 0.0375 mm Hg
0.0375 mmHg = 4.9x10 −5 atm
(760 mmHg)

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