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[Complete] Earth and Life Science : Sheet1

1940s The Steady State Theory arose when?

2,200 km The liquid outer core is how many kilometers thick?
4.6 billion years ago When was the universe and solar system formed?
No The dust in the atmosphere is not a part of the geosphere
No The mantle is denser than the core.
Yes Does the mantle undergo convection
All matter was found in a small space in the beginning of the universe,
according to the Big Bang Theory
Metamorphism The following are stages of the ocean basin evolution, except
Tectonic plates Continents move due to the movements of:
Olivine Which is never found in granites?
FALSE Relative dating determines how many years ago the event took place
Iron and Silicates In the beginning, the earth was principally made up of which elements?:
Olivine and pyroxene Peridotites contain the following
FALSE Old rocks will be found nearer the spreading zone.
FALSE Contact metamorphism refers to large areas of rocks that metamorphose
Building up of surfaces What is distrophism?
FALSE Oceans only began to form near the end of the geologic period
Middle The mantle has the following subdivisions, except:
Biosphere Which sphere is made up of living organisms?:
TRUE Sedimentary rocks are derived from igneous rocks
Tensional stress What causes fractures in the litosphere?
Effusion How are magmatic materials transported to the surface?
FALSE Reverse polarity moves from the south pole to the north pole.
TRUE Absolute dating determines how many years ago an event took place
Nuclear Reactions What turned the protosun into a star?
FALSE The mechanical deformation of rocks are called crystallization processes
TRUE Geomorphic agents are agents that move rocks
6 How many groups of silicate materials are there?
Stratification Geologic events can be taken from
The geosphere, also called the lithosphere, is made up of the physical earth,
such as rocks, magma, and soil.
The Steady State Theory predicts that the universe is expanding, but it also
TRUE predicts that new matter is being created enough to fill the empty spaces left
behind by the expansion of the universe.
There are two magnetic fields in the earth which repels solar wind and protects
the earth from solar radiation.
99% The plasma theory observed that ____ of matter is made up of plasma.
What year did Edward Hubble hypothesize that planets and stars are still
moving far away from each other?
8 How many elements are in the crust?:
Solid Metamorphism occurs when rocks are in what state?
15 billion The universe is estimated to be how many billions of years old?
The deformation of the earth's crust is due to the movement of ocean
TRUE Sedimentary rocks are usually composed of just one mineral
troposphere In which layer is the weather found?:
Iron All of these comprised the radioactive material during the creation of the
These are rotary storms that appear as a whirling and advancing funnel or
wind extending downward from a cloud.
Aleksandr Oparin The Primodial Soup Theory was developed by
Index fossils Marker fossils are also called
Exosphere In which layer does the atmosphere merge with space?
FALSE The atmosphere is divided into 3 layers according to altitude.
Wachstershauser proposed which compound as the electron and energy
source of living organisms?
90 km The thermosphere is how many kilometers above the earth?:
Darwin Who proposed the theory of a "cenancestor"?
12,750 km The size of the earth is how many kilometers in diameter?
Below the crust The mantle is found where?
Type of water These are all characteristics of flood, except
Mantle Igneous rocks are found where?
Basaltic magma What causes the formation of new seafloor?
Water Tephra falls can cause damage due all of these, except
Volcanic activity What kind of activity causes seafloor spreading?
Pragmatic The following are parts of the second biography of life, except
TRUE The crust of the earth is brittle and is liable to breaking.
Oparin Who proposed the "primordial soup" theory?
2,900 km How many kilometers deep is the mantle?
Reductionism is the approach of breaking down complex systems into simpler
systems that are more manageable for study.
TRUE Are molecules in the air part of the hydrosphere:
FALSE The hydrosphere is the layer of air that surrounds the earth.
wave height It is the vertical distance between the top of the wave and its trough.
metabolism and
The two main pillars that sustain life are
gale force Cyclones are termed as such when their winds equal or exceed
TRUE The earth's magnetic field changes.
Genomics It is the large-scale study of DNA sequences.
Life can be loosely defined as "a living being is any autonomous system with
open-ended evolutionary capacities."
Tetrahedral The building block of silicate materials are what shape?
TRUE In the simplest case, a living organism is a cell.
Light The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of?
Crust Which is the outermost skin of the earth?
Oxygen The most abundant element in the crust is?
sublimation The following are effects of earthquakes except
2 How many magnetic fields are there on earth?:
All of these comprised the radioactive material during the creation of the earth,
Saturn and Jupiter These two planets are cool because they are farther from the sun. :
No According to the Big Bang Theory, matter and energy were different. :
Chl a and Chl b These are the two types of chlorophyll in plants.
Starch pigments These are all pigments involved in photosynthesis, except
Blue-green algae Eukaryotic cells include the following except
Exosphere In which layer does the atmosphere merge with space?:
Yes The outer layer, or crust, is thinner than other layers. :
It was heavier. Why did iron sink towards the center of the earth?:
Protein vacuoles These are all types of vacuoles, except
90 The thermosphere is how many km above the earth?:
Continental crust and
What are the two types of crust?:
oceanic crust
15 billion The universe is estimated to be how many billions of years old?:
The thickness of the crust underneath the oceans is thicker than underneath
mountains :
No The Steady State Theory predicts that the universe is not expanding.:
Plastids Leucoplasts are types of
12,750 km The size of the earth is how many kilometers in diameter? :
Below the crust The mantle is found where? :
Oxygen The most abundant element in the crust is? :
2,900 km How many kilometers deep is the mantle? :
Edward Hubble It was ________ who stated that the universe is still expanding :
Plasma membrane This is the outermost surface of the cell.
Yes Is the creation of the earth thought to be linked to the creation of the sun?:
Crust Which is the outermost skin of the earth?:
Annuals These plants live for only one year.
Sponges These are all arthropods, except
Allele This is the term for one gene copy
99% The plasma theory observed that ____ of matter is made up of plasma.:
Flower The plant's basic reproductive unit is its
Pituitary gland FSH and LH are secreted by what
Sexual reproduction This gives rise to offspring that are genetically different from parents.
Spores These are special reproductive units that form on ptrerydophites.
Androecium This is another name for the male reproductive part of flowers.
No Plasma is sometimes called the third state of matter. :
Parethenogenesis This type of birth is common in arthropods
Carotenois These are yellow and orange pigments found in organisms.
Movement The flagella functions for
Gametes These are male and female reproductive cells.
Lithosphere and
The earth can be divided roughly into two parts, which are:
No The outer core is made up of liquid iron, nickel, sulfur, and magnesium :
The Big Bang Theory is the most popular theory for the creation of the
Epidermis The outer layer of the microsporangium is known as
Oogenesis The formation of female eggs is known as
Ferns These are all examples of angiosperms except
Summative These are three types of plant reproduction, except
Electromagnetic Fields The plasma theory states that the earth is crossed by electric currents and? :
Nulliparity These are all strategies for fertilization used by vertebrates, except
Microsporagia Four pollen sacs are known as
Ghibberelin This is a hormone that assists in the growth and reproduction of plants.
Flowers These are the plant's vegetative parts, except
Zygospores Zygotes with thick walls are known as
RNA pol III This type of RNA polymerase is responsible for transcribing tRNA.
TRUE Corn is deficient in lysine and tryptophan.
3 How many pairs of salivary glands are there?
The control element and the upstream contol element are rich in guanine and
Glottis The vocal chords are found here
Sodium Osmosis occurs when these ions are pumped out of the lumen.
Ribosomes These are complexes made of both RNA and protein.
Emulsifiers Bile salts act as
RNA pol I Which is the most specialized eukaryotic polymerase?
Ascorbic acid Vitamin C is also known as:
Salad These are sources of nitrogen, except:
TRUE A gastrovascular cavity has only one opening.
TATAAA What is the sequence of the TATA box?
Sugars These are all classes of essential nutrients, except:
TRUE Restriction enzymes occur naturally in bacteria.
Appendix These are all accessory organs for digestion, except
Transport These are stages in digestion, except
Capillaries Microscopic blood vessels that absorb fructose are also known as
This is a carbohydrate-protein complex that protects the oral cavity from
Plasmids These are circular DNA molecules.
TRUE Amylase hydrolyzes starch.
Vitamin K This vitamin is essential for blood clotting.
FALSE Pinocytosis is also known as cell eating.
FALSE The xylem vascular tissue system transports sugars and carbohydrates.
E Internal control regions may be these boxes, except
Mutagenesis What is the technique used to create changes in genes?
Trichomes These are hairlike outgrowths of the shoot epidermis.
Gallbladder Bile is stored and concentrated where?
FALSE All animals complete their digestion extracellularly.
Gene flow The transfer of alleles into or out of a population is called
Parenchyma These cells have walls that are thin and flexible.
TRUE Eukaryotic genes contain exons and intons.
Stems The petiole is part of
TRUE Primary growth is produced by apical meristems.
Gene flow The transfer of alleles into or out of a population is called:
Root cap The tip of a root is covered by a
Linnaeus Who developed the binomial system of naming species?
8 How many types of essential amino acids do humans require from their diets?
Lysosomes These organelles contain hydrolytic enzymes
Meristems This is a perpetually embryonic tissue.
Bacteriophages These are viruses that infect bacteria.
HIV is an example of a virus that can completely be eradicated using
FALSE Wood is also known as secondary phloem.
Jejunum These are all parts of the large intestine, except
Cuvier Who was the father of paleontology?
Lyell Who proposed the principle of uniformitarianism?
Cytoplasm Sieve-tube elements lack all of these, except:
Vitamin E Tocopherol is also known as
FALSE Enzymatic hydrolysis is an example of mechanical digestion.
FALSE Natural selection involves the evolution of individuals.
20 How many types of amino acids do animals require for protein synthesis?
The consumption of water produces the most substantial effect on the
Roots Elongation is composed of the following, except
Lignin This hardening agent is absent from collenchyma cells.
Root cap This covers the tip of the root as it grows.
TRUE Without photosynthesis, organic matter cannot be created.
Periderm This is the protective tissue layer in woody plants.
TRUE A puddle can be considered an ecosystem.
The correct answer is
Elongation happens near the tip of shoots.
The correct answer is
Seive tubes transport phloem.
Axil Another name for the stem is
The correct answer is
The parenchyma cells in woody plants are differentiated.
Autecology This is considered the ecology of individuals organisms and populations.
The correct answer is A root hair is a multicellular organ.
Hydrosphere Give an example of an abiotic sphere.
The correct answer is The reduced surface are of the spines of cacti enable them to survive in
'True'. aqueous environments.
The correct answer is
There is a main root, larger than others, in monocots
The correct answer is
In monocots, the embryonic root persists
The correct answer is
Adventitious roots can grow from leaves.
The correct answer is
Mature sclerenchyma cells cannot elongate.
Titanium These are all macronutrients, except.
TRUE Parasitoids include indviduals from Diptera.
Merismatic The vascular cambium is composed of these cells
Phelloderm The interior of the cork cambium is formed by these cells.
Parenchyma Most of the fruit we eat are composed of what type of cells?
This produces a waxy covering that protects the plant from insects, bacteria,
Cork cambium
and fungi.
Angiosperms In these plants, taproots store carbohydrates and sugars.
Early cellularization was proposed to mean that polymers are segregated
FALSE Urea acts as a binding agent during the reading of DNA sequences.
Actin filaments These are thin, double-stranded, flexible structures.
TRUE Intra-species competition may be one-sided.
Hot gases and materials spewed from volcanoes are part of
Guard Cells These cells regulate the opening and closing of the stomata.
Secondary Sedimentary rocks are classified as what type of rocks?
The separation of the nucleic acid from other cell components is not a
requirement in genetic engineering.
Megasporangia Ovules are called
Morphology This is the external form of a plant.
The competition for one resource may influence the competition for another
Embryonic roots These are all mistaken for roots but are actually stems, except
Regional metamorphism Metamorphism on small sections of rock is called
8% What percentage of the ocean's produce do we use?
Dermal tissue system The outer protective layer of the plant is the
1 Deoxyribose is attached to how many phosphate groups?
TRUE The intensive use of fertilizers is part of land use change.
The mainstay of genetic engineering is the ability to isolate a single DNA
Red blood cells Bile destroys these cells when they are no longer functional.
Androecium This is another name for the reproductive part of flowers.
Gel electrophoreses relies on the fact that nucleic acids are polyanionic at low
Petiole Another term for the leaf's stake is.
1 Pyrimidines contain how many ring bases?
Metabolism The two main pillars crucial for maintaining life include
Caesium What element is used to isolate pDNA?
Caesium-60 These are all common radioactive tracers, except:
Lignin This makes the walls of secondary xylem hard.
TRUE Life on earth is based on carbon.
TRUE Larger DNA fragments move slower than smaller DNA fragments.

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