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Marking Scheme (2022-23)


TIME: 3hrs. MM: 80

Note: These are not Final Answers. Other relevant points maybe added on same lines.

1 c) Political Movement 1
2 b) Mikhail Gorbachev 1
3 b) Is an informal and cooperative interaction among ASEAN members 1
4 b) Denmark and Sweden 1
5 b) Both (A) & (R) are true but R is not the correct explanation of (A) 1
6 a) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is the correct explanation of (A) 1
7 b) Systematic use of brutal violence that creates an atmosphere of fear in 1
8 c) (i), (iii) and (iv) 1
9 d) P.C. Mahalnobis 1
10 a) i), iii), ii), iv)) 1
11 b) Jagmohan Lal Sinha 1
12 c) Naxalite Movement 1
13 Features of a multi-polar world as visualized by both India and Russia: 2
I) Coexistence of several powers in the international system to collective
security and a collective response.
II) Negotiated settlements of international conflicts and independent
foreign policy for all countries.
III) Decision making through bodies like the UN.
(Explain any one feature)
14 South Asia: 1+1=2
I) South Asia usually includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India ,Maldives
Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (as well as Afghanistan)
II) Peace and cooperation can be enhanced in the region through
organizations like SAARC and initiatives like SAFTA in political, social,
economic and cultural spheres. (Any other relevant point)
15 Two issues that dominate the politics of North – East India are______ 1+1=2
1. Demands for Autonomy
2. Movements for secessions and opposition to outsiders. (Explain)
16 I) The National Front government decided to implement the 1+1=2
recommendation of the Mandal Commission in 1990.The
recommendation was that the 27 percent jobs in the Central
government should be reserved for the Other Backward Classes.
II) This led to violent anti-Mandal protests in different parts of the country
.This dispute between the supporters and opponents of OBC
reservations was known as the Mandal issue.This issue has played an

important role in shaping politics in India since 1989.
17 I)Governments are very sensitive to the balance of power between their 1+1=2
country and other countries.They do work hard to maintain a favourable
balance of power with other countries especially those with
whom they have differences or those with whom they have had conflicts in the
II) A good part of maintaining a balance of power is to build up one’s military
power. Although economic and technological power are also important since
they are the basis for military power.

18 I)The Rajiv Gandhi-Longowal Accord or the Punjab Accord was a step 1+1=2
towards bringing normalcy to Punjab but peace did not come easily or
immediately and the cycle of violence continued nearly for a decade.The
central government had to impose President's rule in the state and the
normal electoral and political process was suspended.

II) It was not easy to restore the political process in the atmosphere of
suspicion and violence. When elections were held in Punjab in 1992 only
24% of the electors turned out to vote. Militancy was eventually eradicated
by the security forces. Peace returned to Punjab by the middle of the

19 I) Extraction of Earth: 2+2=4
a) The mineral industry’s extraction of earth,its use of chemicals,its
pollution of waterways and land, its displacement of community
continue to invite criticism and resistance in various parts of the globe.

b) One example is of Philippines where a vast network of groups and

organisations campaign against the Western Mining Corporation ,an
Australia based multinational company . Much opposition to the
company in its own country , Australia is based on anti nuclear
sentiments and advocacy for the basic rights of Australian indigenous

II) Mega- dams:

a)Today,wherever a mega dam is being built in the world, one is likely to
find an environmental movement opposing it. The early 1980s saw the
first anti- dam movement launched in the North, namely, the campaign
to save the Franklin river and its surrounding forest in Australia.

b) India has had some of the leading anti-dam, pro- river

movements.Narmada Bachao Andolan is one of these best known
movements .
20. Areas of cooperation between India and Bangladesh are as follows: 2+2=4
I) Bangladesh is a part of India's Look East policy.
II) Cooperation on disaster management and environment issues has
always been there.

III) Economic relations have improved considerably.

Areas of disagreement between India and Bangladesh are as follows:

I) River water dispute i.e., sharing of Ganga and Brahmaputra river
waters has been a bone of contention.
II) Indian government is unhappy over the denial of illegal immigration
by Bangladesh.
III) Bangladesh's support to anti- Indian Islamic fundamentalist groups is
not appreciated by the Indian government.
(Any two points in each category)
21 Yes I agree with the given statement. Arguments for the same are as follows: 1+3=4
I) The foreign policy of independent India vigorously pursued the dream
of a peaceful world by advocating the policy of non alignment, by
reducing the Cold War confrontations and by contributing human
resources to the UN peacekeeping operations.
II) During the Cold War, the US- led North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
(NATO) and the Soviet- led Warsaw Pact came into existence. India
advocated non- alignment as the ideal foreign policy and sometimes
the balance did not appear perfect.
III) India did not join either of the two camps. During the Cold War era,
India wanted to keep distance from the military alliances led by the
US and by the Soviet Union against each other.
IV) In 1956 Britain attacked Egypt over the Suez Canal issue, India led
the world protest against this neo- colonial invasion. In the same year
when the USSR invaded Hungary, India did not join its public
condemnation. Despite such a situation, by and large India did take
an independent stand on various International issues.
22 Reasons for imposing emergency in India on 25th June 1975 are: 2+2=4
I) Indira Gandhi’s election to Lok Sabha was declared invalid by the
Allahabad High Court. It meant that legally she was no longer an MP
and therefore could not remain the Prime Minister unless she was
once again elected as an MP within 6 months. But on June 24th, the
Supreme Court granted her a partial stay on the High Court order till
the time her appeal was decided. She could remain an MP but could
not take part in the proceedings of the Lok Sabha.
II) Opposition parties under Jayaprakash Narayan demanded Mrs.
Gandhi's resignation.
III) Jayaprakash Narayan asked army, police and government
employees not to obey orders of the government. He called for a
Total Revolution and became the symbol of opposition to Emergency.
(Explain any two points)
23 The Soviet Union became a great power after the Second World War but very 1+3=4
soon the system became very bureaucratic and authoritarian. I do agree with
the given statement.
Arguments in favor of the given statement are as follows:
I) The Soviet economy after the Second World War was more
developed than the rest of the world except for the US. It had a
complex communication network and vast energy resources. The
soviet state ensured a minimum standard of living for all citizens and
the government subsidized basic necessities including health,
education, healthcare and other welfare schemes. The Soviet system

however became very bureaucratic and authoritarian making life very
difficult for its citizens.
II) Lack of democracy and the absence of freedom of speech stifled
people who often expressed their dissent in jokes and cartoons.
III) Most of the institutions of the Soviet state needed reform; the one
party system represented by the Soviet party of the Soviet Union had
tight control over all institutions and was unaccountable to the people.
The party refused to recognize the urge of the people in the 15
different republics that formed the Soviet Union to manage their own
affairs including their cultural affairs.
IV) Although on paper Russia was only one of the 15 republics that
together constituted the USSR, in reality Russia dominated everything
and people from other regions felt neglected and often suppressed.
Thus, we can say that indeed the Soviet Union became a great power
after the Second World War but very soon the system became very
bureaucratic and authoritarian.

(Any three points or any other relevant point)

24 Passage based question — 1+1+1
(1)------d—----Jacob Zuma +1=4
(2)------d—--- BRICS countries respect mutual equality.
25 Map based question — 1+1+1
Serial. No.of the information Alphabet Concerned Name of the State

(i) C Kerala

(ii) B West Bengal

(iii) D Bihar

(iv) A Tamil Nadu

NOTE: Following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates in 1+1+1
lieu of question number 25 - +1=4
1. Due to difference of opinion among the major leaders.
2. K. Kamraj
3. Congress
4. Ram Manohar Lohia
26 Cartoon based question - 1+1+1
1) a)—-------Mao Tsetung +1=4
2) b)----------Aksai Chin

3) c)---------V. K. Krishna Menon
4) b)-------- Panchsheel Agreement
NOTE: For the Visually Impaired Candidates, in lieu of question no. 26 - 1+1+1
1. a) General Ayub Khan +1=4
2. a) Belgrade
3. b) The Soviet Union remained neutral during the conflict.
4. b) India granted political asylum on humanitarian grounds.
27 A) Cultural consequences of globalization: 3+3=6
I) The cultural effect of globalization leads to the fear that this process poses a
threat to cultures in the world. It does so, because globalization leads to
the rise of a uniform culture or what is called cultural homogenisation. The
popularity of a burger or blue jeans, some argue, has a lot to do with the
powerful influence of the American way of life. This leads to the shrinking of
the rich cultural heritage of the entire globe.

II) But sometimes external influences simply enlarge our choices and
sometimes they modify our culture without overwhelming the traditional.
Blue jeans, on the other hand, can go well with a homespun khadi kurta.

III) While cultural homogenisation is an aspect of globalisation, the same

process also generates precisely the opposite effect. It leads to each
culture becoming more different and distinctive. This phenomenon is called
cultural heterogenisation.

B) Political consequences of globalisation:

I) Political consequences of globalisation at the most simple level, results in

erosion of state capacity, i.e. the ability of the government to do what they
II) All over the world, ‘welfare state’ is now giving way to a more minimalist
state that performs certain core functions, such as ,the maintenance of
law and order and the security of its citizens.
III) One has to keep in mind that globalization does not always reduce state
capacity. State will remain a supreme organisation. Technology may
rather enhance the capacity of the state.

Thus the cultural and political consequences of globalisation are both

negative and positive in nature.


The arguments that have been made against globalization are as follows: 2+2+2
I) Contemporary globalization represents a particular phase of global =6
capitalism that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer is the
argument given by the leftists.
II) Since globalization has weakened the state, it is unable to protect the
interest of the poor.
III) The idea of globalization is contrary to self-reliance and protectionism.
IV) People will lose their age-old values and ways because of

V) Some critics think that globalization is another form of imperialism. The
World Social Forum is opposed to neo-liberal globalization.
VI) Unfair trade practices by the economically powerful states will become
a common phenomenon because of globalisation. In 1999 this was
highlighted at Seattle during the WTO Ministerial Meeting.
28 Yes, in this changing world a strengthened and revitalized UN is desirable. In 1+1+1
fact, reform and improvement are fundamental to any organisation. +1+1+
Suggested reforms for the UN are as follows : 1=6
I) Reforms in the organizational structure and processes of the UN.
II) Review of the issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the UN is
III) Major concern has been the composition of the Security Council,
which has remained largely static while the UN General Assembly
Membership has expanded.
IV) Increase in the number of both permanent and non-permanent
members in UNSC.
V) Proposal to improve UNs budgetary procedures and its administration.
VI) Some countries want the organization to play a greater role in peace
and security missions.
VII) Others want it to play a humanitarian role.
(Explain any six points. Any other relevant
point may be added)


A) Analysis of the Composition of the United Nations Security Council is as

I) The Security Council consists of fifteen members. There are five
permanent members and ten non-permanent 2+4=6
II) Five permanent members are - the United States, Russia, the United
Kingdom, France and China.
III) Ten non-permanent members serve for only two years at a time and
give way after that period to newly elected members. A country
cannot be re-elected immediately after completing a term of two years.

B) Difference in privileges of the permanent and non-permanent members:

I) We must understand the fact that these five states were selected as
permanent members because they were the most powerful states
immediately after the Second World War and were victors in the war.
II) These permanent members have the privilege of Veto power. This
means that they can vote in a negative manner to stall a decision
(because of this privilege.)
III) These decisions are binding on all UN members. Non - permanent
members do not have such privileges.
29 A) With the partition and independence of India, the British Crown gave the 3+1=4
Princely States a choice to join India or Pakistan or declare themselves as
independent nations. But the interim government in India took a firm stance
against the possible division of India into small principalities of different sizes.
The government’s policy for bringing the Princely States with the Indian Union

was influenced by three considerations. These are as follows:
I) The people of most of the Princely States clearly wanted to become
part of the Indian Union.
II) The government was ready to be flexible in giving autonomy to
some regions to accommodate their demands.
III) The government was firm to maintain the integration and
consolidation of the territorial boundaries of the nation.

B) The leader and historic role:

I) The then Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel played an historic role.
II) He reached out to all the princely states.
III) He negotiated with them peacefully and diplomatically and this
effort on his part led to almost all the princely states coming under
the Indian Union. (Any other relevant point)

Reasons for setting up of the States Reorganization Commission:
I) Our national movement had promised the linguistic principle as the
basis of formation of states. In fact after the Nagpur session of 2+2+2
Congress in 1920, the principle was recognised as the basis of the =6
reorganization of the Indian National Congress party itself. Many
provincial Congress committees were created by linguistic zones
which did not follow the administrative divisions of British India.
II) Things changed after independence and partition. Our leaders felt that
carving out States on the basis of language might lead to disruption
and disintegration, so the central leadership decided to postpone the
matter of reorganization of states.
III) This decision of the national leadership was challenged by the local
leaders and the people. Protests began in Telugu speaking areas of
the old Madras province which included present day Tamil Nadu, parts
of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka. This came to be known as
the Vishalandhra movement.
IV) This movement demanded that the Telugu speaking areas should be
separated from the Madras province of which they were apart and be
made into a separate Andhra province. Very soon this movement
gathered momentum.
V) Congress leader, and a veteran Gandhian died after 56 days of
indefinite fast. People in large numbers took to streets and their violent
outbursts in Andhra region. Finally the Prime Minister announced the
formation of a separate Andhra state in December 1952.
VI) The formation of Andhra Pradesh spurred the struggle for making of
other states on linguistic lines in other parts of the country.
These struggles forced the central government into appointing a
States Reorganization Commission in 1953 to look into the question of
redrawing of the boundaries of States.
30 The emergence of coalition governments in India took place in the following 2+2+2
ways: =6
I) During1967 elections, the opposition parties realized that the division
of their votes kept the Congress in power. This led to formation of anti-
Congress fronts and rise of ‘non-Congressism’ in Indian politics. This

brought the opposition together. As a result, coalition governments
were formed in eight states which included Punjab, Haryana, UP,
Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and other states.
II) In the elections of Lok Sabha in 1971 and State Assembly elections in
1972, Congress achieved victories, but the Congress under Mrs. Indira
Gandhi did not have the capacity to absorb all tensions and conflicts
that the ‘Congress System’ was known for.
III) The declaration of emergency in 1975 once again brought the
opposition together.
IV) Janta Party was formed and it came to power in 1977. But the Janta
Party could not remain united. It lacked direction, leadership and a
common programme. Congress once again won elections held in 1980
and 1984. It, however, depended on the appeal of one leader- Mrs.
Indira Gandhi.
V) In the 1989 elections, the Congress was the largest party but it sat in
the opposition. The National Front government, an alliance of Janta
Dal and some regional parties, was formed.
VI) The election of 1989 marked the end of Congress dominance and
beginning of coalition governments because after this, one or two
parties never got most of the votes or seats. No single party secured a
clear majority of seats in any Lok Sabha elections. This initiated an era
of coalition government at the Center in which regional parties played
a crucial role in forming ruling alliances.


The Main developments during the end of 1980s that had a long-lasting 2+2+2
impact on the politics of India are as follows: =6
I) End of Congress System: The main development was the end of
dominance of Congress that lasted for two decades as the party was
defeated in the 1989 elections. Though the party came back in power
in 1991 after Sh. Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination but it lost its dominance
of the political scene as earlier.
II) Mandal issue - This issue started with the National Front government
that recommended its implementation in 1990 which was reservation
of 27% jobs in the Central government for OBC candidates only. This
brought widespread anger and played a crucial role in shaping politics
since 1989.
III) New Economic Reforms - These were announced as the structural
adjustment programme that were initiated by Sh. Rajiv Gandhi but
were more visible under Sh. Narsimha Rao’s tenure from 1991. They
opened up the country’s economy to the world and improved our
foreign reserves and the successive governments have continued to
broadly follow them.
IV) Assassination of Sh. Rajiv Gandhi - He was assassinated during an
election rally in Tamil Nadu by the LTTE group. The elections of 1991
saw Congress emerge as the largest party after this and Sh. Narsimha
Rao was appointed as the Prime Minister.
(Explain Any three points)

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