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DOI: 10.1111/eufm.



ESG preferences, risk and return

Bradford Cornell

Department of Finance, Anderson School

of Management, UCLA, Los Angeles, Abstract
California, USA There are two primary factors that affect expected re-
turns for companies with high ESG (environmental,
Bradford Cornell, 607 Foxwood Rd., social and governance) ratings—investor preferences
La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011, USA. and risk. Although investor preferences for highly rated
Email: [email protected]
ESG companies can lower the cost of capital, the flip
side of the coin is lower expected returns for investors.
Regarding risk, the jury remains out on whether there is
an ESG‐related risk factor. However, to the extent, ESG
is a risk factor it also points towards lower expected
returns for investments in highly rated companies.
Though ESG investing may have social benefits, higher
expected returns for investors are not among them.

ESG, expected returns, investor preferences, risk

G0; G1


The massive fund flows into ESG (environmental, social and governance)‐related investments
have focused attention on the risk and return from such investments. As examples of the funds
flows, Bloomberg reported on February 8, 2019, that Europe alone has “some $12 trillion
committed to sustainable investing”. Fish et al. (2019) state that sustainable assets under
management (AUM) worldwide were approximately $30 trillion by 2019. Matos (2020) reports
that signatories to the Principles of Responsible Investment accounted for more than
$80 trillion of AUM worldwide by the end of 2019.
Finance theory teaches that premiums over the risk‐free rate arise from three general sources:
(1) rewards for bearing risk, (2) behaviour biases and (3) market impediments, such as limited
liquidity. Because this paper focuses on the relation between risk, return and ESG characteristics,
it is assumed that the securities in question are traded in active developed markets so that
Eur Financial Management. 2020;1–8. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | 1

impediments are of secondary importance. Furthermore, the only behavioural biases considered
here are investor preferences related to ESG characteristics. For this reason, the term bias should
not be thought of as pejorative. For example, investors may prefer common stock issued by
companies with high ESG ratings because they value ESG characteristics, such as reduced carbon
emissions, in addition to the pecuniary return offered by the stock.
One issue that affects the analysis of the relation between risk, return and ESG is the
ambiguity involved with ESG ratings. Ambiguity arises because there are a large number of
organizations that provide ESG ratings. Li and Polychronopoulos (2020) report that as of year‐
end 2019 they had identified 70 different firms that provide some sort of ESG rating. Fur-
thermore, they note that this does not include the multitude of investment banks, government
organizations and research organizations that conduct ESG‐related research that can be used to
create customized ratings. Fish et al. (2019) document that more than 600 ESG ratings were
produced in 2018. This makes it difficult to determine what companies are “high” ESG firms.
For example, do Tesla's Chinese manufacturing operations warrant a high ESG rating? Though
it is true that Tesla cars are zero‐emission, producing batteries is energy‐intensive requiring
significant amounts of electricity. In addition, electricity is required to charge the cars. Because
over 60% of Chinese electricity is generated by coal plants, building and driving a Tesla in
China currently produces more carbon‐related emissions than those produced by standard gas‐
powered cars. Does this mean that Tesla's Chinese operations warrant a low ESG rating? As
will become clear, these ambiguities, along with the short time interval over which ESG ratings
are available, make it particularly difficult to analyze the relation between risk, return and ESG.
Despite the difficulties, there is a large and growing literature on the investment performance
of ESG based investment strategies. Recent papers include Berg et al. (2019), Chatterji
et al. (2015), Dorfleitner et al. (2015), Gibson et al. (2020), Semenova and Hassel, (2014) and Li
and Polychronopoulos (2020) and the list is growing rapidly. The point of this paper is not to add
to the list, but to address the conceptual issues that arise when attempting to assess the relation
between risk, return and ESG. With that objective in mind, the next section analyses the impact
of investor preferences for ESG stocks on expected returns. The following section turns to the
issue of the relation between ESG and investment risk. A key question in that regard is whether
ESG can be considered a risk factor, and, if so, what implications that has for expected returns.

2 | I N V E S T O R P R E F E R E N C E S AN D E S G‐ E X P E C T E D

Following Cornell (2020) and Cornell and Damodaran (2020), there is an important issue that
needs to be clarified at the outset. That issue involves the distinction between equilibrium
returns and actual historical returns that may be observed during a transition period in which
preferences for ESG stocks are changing. To illustrate, start with the observation that in a
reasonably efficient market the value of a company's equity equals the present value of the
expected cash flows to equity as given by Equation (1). In Equation (1), CFn is the cash flow to
equity in year n, k is the discount rate (the cost of equity capital) and E is the expectations
operator. From Equation (1) it is straightforward to show that the

E (CF1) E (CF2) E (CFn )

OperatingValue0 = + + ⋯+ +⋯ (1)
(1 + k ) (1 + k )2 (1 + k )n

expected return from investing in the equity, E(R), is given by Equation (2). The important
point to recognize is that the valuation Equation (1) necessarily implies that the expected

E (P1) − P0 + E (CF1)
E (R) = =k (2)

return equals the discount rate as shown in Equation (2) independent of the cash flow forecasts.
Confusion arises when discount rates are changing due, for example, to a rising investor
preference for highly rated ESG stocks. If the discount rate declines for certain stocks, then
during the transition period when the discount rate is falling, the relative prices of those stocks
will rise and investors holding them will earn superior risk‐adjusted returns. Once that tran-
sition is over, however, the expected realized return drops to the discount rate which has fallen
by assumption. Consequently, the higher average returns during the transition period are not
predictive of higher future returns. In fact, just the reverse is true. Long‐run expected returns
will be less than the returns investors could have expected before the transition began. This
distinction complicates any analysis relating to investor preferences for ESG and stock returns
during short periods of time that may not be representative of long‐run equilibrium. Before
going further, however, it is useful to take a step back and ask from a theoretical perspective of
how investor preferences for highly rated ESG stocks will affect expected returns.
Fama and French (2007) developed a simple framework that can be applied to determine
how investors' preferences for green companies affect expected returns. They show that when
utility functions for at least some investors include variables other than future consumption,
prices deviate from the standard predictions of conventional risk and return models. If a subset
of investors prefers to invest in green companies, the expected return from investing in com-
panies that are greener will be lower, with the magnitude of the effect depending on the
amount of money invested by the subset of investors. With upwards of $30 trillion of invest-
ment being affected by ESG considerations, the price impact is likely to be material. A more
recent and detailed model developed by Pastor et al. (2020) reaches the same conclusion that if
investors prefer green companies, the risk‐adjusted expected returns on those companies will
be less in equilibrium.
As an illustration of this effect, Hong and Kacperczyk (2009) and Dimson et al., (2015, 2020)
studied what they call “sin” stocks, that is, companies involved in businesses such as producing
alcohol, tobacco and gaming. They hypothesize that these are stocks for which investors have
negative tastes. Consistent with Fama and French's (2007) theory, both groups of authors find
that sin stocks are less commonly held by institutions and that they have higher average returns
than otherwise comparable stocks. They conclude that investors must be compensated in terms
of greater expected return for the reputational cost associated with holding sin stocks. The
reverse would be true for highly rated ESG stocks for which investors have a positive pre-
ference. Note that lower pecuniary risk‐adjusted returns on ESG stocks do not mean that the
“total” returns are less. It depends on how the total return is defined. For investors that prefer
investing in more socially responsible companies, holding stocks of highly rated ESG firms
presumably results in a nonpecuniary benefit that increases the total return more broadly
defined. Unfortunately, things get sticky where an intermediary, such as a pension fund, makes
decisions for a large group of investors that have diverse preferences with respect to ESG
characteristics. Those investors with more muted preferences for holding socially responsible
companies will be dissatisfied with lower expected returns.

Theoretical results in the spirit of Fama and French (2007) assume that the market is in
equilibrium. But concern over ESG is a relatively new phenomenon coming to the fore during
the past 10 years or so. Therefore, it is possible that during this period market prices have been
adjusting to a new equilibrium that reflects ESG considerations. As the market adjusts to
incorporate ESG information, and assuming that the information is material to investors, the
discount rate for highly rated ESG companies will fall and the discount rate for low‐rated ESG
companies will rise. Due to the changes in the discount rates, Equation (1) implies that the
relative prices of highly rated ESG stocks will increase and the relative prices of low ESG stocks
will fall. Consequently, during the adjustment period highly rated ESG stocks will outperform
the low ESG stocks, but that is a one‐time adjustment effect. Once prices reach equilibrium, the
value of high ESG stocks will be greater, as given by Equation (1), but the expected returns they
offer will be less as given by Equation (2). This adjustment process means that the measured
performance of stocks as a function of their ESG rating will depend on the sample period. If the
sample is drawn from a time period during which the adjustment is underway, highly rated
ESG stocks are likely to be found to outperform and the reverse for low ESG stocks. On the
contrary, if the sample is drawn from a period after which the adjustment is complete, highly
rated ESG stocks should be observed to have lower average returns. This, along with the
difficulty of defining exactly what constitutes an ESG investment, offers an explanation as to
why reported results regarding the performance of ESG focused portfolios are so heterogenous.
For instance, Khan (2019), Morningstar (2019), Winegarden (2019), Glossner (2017), Nagy et al.
(2015), Barber et al. (2019), Li and Polychronopoulos (2020) and Fish et al. (2019) report
somewhat differing results regarding whether taking account of ESG characteristics adds alpha.
An extensive review by Matos (2020) reports similarly ambiguous results.
There is one possible way that investors can benefit from the adjustment period, but it
requires active engagement. As described by Gollier and Pouget (2014), large investors can
potentially follow a “washing machine” strategy by establishing a significant position in “bad”
ESG companies. They then actively engage with the goal of inducing management to change its
ways and become greener. If they are successful, and if that success leads to a drop in the
discount rate because the company is greener, they can then sell the shares at a profit.
Finally, if the ESG criteria are hard constraints, they must have a downward impact on
investment performance compared to unconstrained investment portfolios. After all, an un-
constrained investor can always choose to hold an ESG constrained portfolio, but the reverse is
not true. In addition, adding constraints limits portfolio diversification which will negatively
impact the risk‐return tradeoff.
The good side of the lower expected returns is an increase in the value of greener companies
because of the lower discount rate. As Pastor et al. (2020) show, this has two desired social
effects. First, firms choose to become greener because greener firms have greater market value.
Second, investment shifts towards greener firms because of their lower cost of capital. It is
worth noting that ESG advocates on occasion conflate these benefits with higher returns for
investors. Unfortunately, the two are inconsistent.
The bottom line is that if a sufficient number of investors have nonpecuniary preferences
for companies with high ESG scores that will lower the discount rate at which the companies'
cash flows are discounted and thereby raise their value relative to that of companies with lower
ESG scores. In addition, the lower discount rate produces an incentive for firms to go green to
increase their value. It also means that holding cash flows constant, projects undertaken by
high ESG firms will have greater value than those undertaken by low ESG firms. This shifts
capital investments towards high ESG firms. All these benefits, however, do not come without a

cost. The cost is that investors in highly rated ESG companies can expect a lower rate of return
on their investments.


Investor preferences are not the only pathway through which ESG can affect the risk‐return
tradeoff. It is also possible that there are direct risks associated with ESG characteristics that
may affect expected returns. For example, fossil fuel producers may face risks associated with
climate or regulatory shocks to which renewable energy producers are immune. Such possi-
bilities have led to questions regarding whether ESG‐related exposure is either a priced risk
factor or a proxy for a priced risk factor, in the sense posited to by Fama and French (1995).
When Ross (1976) originally developed the arbitrage pricing model on which factor models are
based, he identified two characteristics of potential factors. First, the factor must be systematic
in that it cannot be diversified away by holding a large number of securities. Second, the factor
must be “priced”. That is there must be a risk premium associated with exposure to the factor.
However, the risk premium need not be positive. Risk premiums will be positive for risk factors
that investors do not want exposure to but negative for risk factors for which investors desire
exposure. For instance, if inflation is a factor, investors may prefer securities that offer higher
returns when inflation increases and be willing to accept lower returns on such securities when
inflation falls. This would show up as a negative risk premium associated with the inflation
Following Fama and French (1995), Lioui (2018) proposes an ESG factor. He proxies the
factor by first dividing stocks into portfolios along the dimensions of strength and concerns.
The portfolio (LH) is one that is long stocks with low strengths and high concerns. He argues
that his portfolio should be more susceptible to ESG shocks. Conversely, the portfolio (HL)
consists of stocks with high strengths and low concerns. Of course, this breakdown is depen-
dent on his estimates of strengths and returns. As a proxy for the unobservable ESG factor, he
uses a zero‐investment portfolio that is long LH and short HL. Given its construction, highly
rated ESG stocks exposed to this factor would be expected to do relatively well in bad ESG‐
related times and relatively poorer in good times. They, thus, function as hedges against climate
risk. Lioui finds that his constructed factor is priced. Like the hypothetical inflation factor, the
estimated market price of risk associated with the ESG factor negative. This implies that more
highly rated ESG securities have lower expected returns.
Engle et al. (2019) develop a more sophisticated algorithm for constructing what they call
climate change hedge portfolios, but which are equivalent to factor mimicking portfolios. Like
Lioui, they find that the hedge portfolio has a negative risk premium. They conclude that “This
lower expected return corresponds to the insurance premium paid for the climate hedge
One surprising result that emerges from the Engle et al. paper is the composition of the
hedge portfolios. For the portfolio constructed to hedge again negative climate change news,
the largest short position is in “general building contractors”, followed by “water transporta-
tion”. The largest long positions are “building materials and gardening supplies” and “tobacco
products”. This highlights the fact that factor mimicking portfolios will not necessarily conform
with common priors regarding the optimal way to hedge climate risks of going long green
energy stocks and short oil companies.

A word of warning is in order here, particularly given the ambiguity in ESG scores. The
problem is that it is too easy to find priced factors, ex‐post if there is sufficient variation in the
data. For instance, Harvey et al. (2016) report that their review of 313 published papers on the
cross‐section of expected returns found 316 priced factors. An update by Arnott et al. (2019)
reports that over 400 factors had been “discovered” by year‐end 2018. Furthermore, attempts to
reliably estimate an ESG factor are hindered by the fact sample periods are short. Unlike data
on size and value, which can be traced back nearly a century, data on ESG is pretty much
constrained to start about 2009. Both Lioui and Engle et al. recognize this shortcoming and
admit that because of it their estimates are noisy.
For the foregoing reasons, West and Polychronopoulos (2020) argue that the criteria for
selecting risk factors should be expanded to include several ex‐ante considerations. Following
Beck et al. (2016), they propose that a factor must satisfy three criteria:

1) It is grounded long and deep in academic literature. There should be meaningful evidence
that the factor is associated with a reliable risk premium (which could be negative).
2) It is robust across definitions.
3) It is robust across geographies.

Applying these added criteria West and Polychronopoulos reach several conclusions. First,
examining the vast body of research on ESG, the final little agreement regarding its robustness
in earning a return premium for investors. Second, West and Polychronopoulos find that how
the ESG rating is defined has a marked impact on whether it is associated with a significant risk
premium. As an illustration, the authors define four ESG factors: One based on overall ESG
rating, one focused on environmental characteristics, one focused on social characteristics and
one focused on governance. They then build long‐short factor portfolios based on these char-
acteristics using U.S. stock price data. They find that none of the portfolios has a significant
CAPM alpha that could be interpreted as a risk premium. They then repeat the experiment
using data on European companies and find that the results are largely consistent with the U.S.
The points made by West and Polychronopoulos are well taken. Nonetheless, given the
ambiguity in the data and for the sake of argument, suppose that there is a priced ESG factor as
Lioui and Engle et al. suggest. That does not imply that tilting an investment portfolio towards
highly rated ESG stocks is a superior investment strategy. It simply means that an ESG factor
must be included in a multifactor asset‐pricing model. In that context, highly rated ESG stocks
would be good investments only to the extent the premium associated with investing in them
produces returns in excess of the fair risk‐adjusted rate. But that has nothing to do with
whether ESG is a factor. It depends entirely on whether highly rated ESG companies are
properly priced. It does not mean that high ESG stocks have greater expected returns. If the
market price of ESG risk is negative, as Lioui and Engel et al. find, then highly rated ESG stocks
will have lower expected returns, ceteris paribus.
It is theoretically possible that investment managers have failed to recognize ESG risks so
that they are not properly priced. However, that possibility is hardly consistent with the stated
popularity of ESG investing described earlier. Consistent with that evidence, Cerulli Associates
(2019) report that 83% of active U.S. investment managers say they are embedding ESG criteria
into their investment decision making.
The possibility remains that highly rated ESG stocks will be mispriced for behavioural
reasons. But that leads back to the preference analysis of the previous section. In terms of

purely pecuniary risk‐return considerations, the conclusion of that section was that highly
rated ESG companies would not be properly priced—they would have lower expected returns
to reflect positive investor preferences.
The bottom line is that it remains uncertain whether ESG is a priced risk factor. However,
even it is a priced factor that does not support the popular view that highly rated ESG com-
panies are superior investments. That requires mispricing of ESG risk. And to the extent that
there is mispricing, the enthusiasm for ESG suggests the outcome would be overpricing of
highly rated stocks and associated lower expected returns.


Premiums over the risk‐free rate arise from three general sources: (1) Rewards for bearing risk,
(2) behaviour biases and (3) market impediments. The analysis here focused on the first two
sources by analyzing the relation between ESG characteristics, investment risk and expected
returns. The basic conclusion is that investors attempting to improve performance by tilting
their portfolios in the direction of companies with high ESG ratings are likely to be dis-
appointed. To the extent that investors prefer highly rated ESG companies for social reasons,
the result will be higher prices and lower expected returns. However, from the point of view of
the company and society, there will be benefits. The lower expected returns imply a lower
discount rate and, thereby, greater investment in green projects and higher market values for
green companies.
The jury is still out on whether there is an ESG risk factor. There are no noncontroversial
ESG ratings and the available sample period over which ESG data are available is short.
However, even if ESG ratings are related to an underlying risk factor that does not mean they
can be used to identify superior investments. The existence of superior investments requires
that ESG risks are mispriced. Given the intense focus on ESG investing in today's market, such
mispricing seems unlikely. Putting aside mispricing, if there is an ESG risk factor, then stocks
with high ESG ratings that are less exposed to that risk, should provide lower, not higher,
expected returns for hedging reasons.
To conclude, the growing focus on ESG in investing may well have social benefits. Investors'
preferences for companies with high ESG ratings can lead to lower costs of equity capital that
encourage investment in green technologies. In addition, a high ESG rating can function as a
hedge against climate shocks and unexpected changes in environmental regulation. However,
both these benefits come with a cost in the form of lower expected returns for investors.

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How to cite this article: Cornell B. ESG preferences, risk and return. Eur
Financ Manag. 2020;1–8.

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