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Bicol University

Gubat Campus
Gubat, Sorsogon


Welcome to the course Research in Teaching. You will find this course useful in gaining
adequate background regarding your chosen course, Bachelor of Elementary Education.

This material is your guide in successfully navigating and finishing this course. Read this material
before starting any lesson in this course because it outlines all information and requirements that you
need to complete the course.

1. Course Introduction

Research is a scientific and systematic investigation or inquiry especially through search for
new facts in any branch of knowledge. It is widely regarded as providing benefits to individuals and
to local, regional, national, and international community’s involved in the education system (Basu,
2020). This is a practicum research course that introduces the fundamentals of research and
understanding of research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning.

This is a practicum research course that will provide prospective elementary teachers an avenue
to conduct applied or action research that will provide empirical bases to improve teaching and
learning. Furthermore, this course will require the students to craft chapters 1-3 and undergo a
proposal defense before a panel of evaluators or research committee. (CMO 74, s. 2017).
Furthermore, this course will require the students to craft chapters 1-3 and undergo a proposal
defense before a panel of evaluators or research committee.

Course Information

Course Code & Title: EEd 20 Research in Teaching

Course Prerequisite: None
Number of Credits: 3 Units
Course Placement: Third Year, First Semester
Semester / Term: First Semester, SY 2022-2023
On-Site Schedule: BEED IIIA-3-4:30 MW, R6
BEED IIIB-1-2:30 M/W R2/R6
Online Course Site: Google classroom Class Code: BEED IIIB yguaupr; BEED IIIA ul64ayz
FB- Evan Carlo B. Deblois
[email protected]

2. Course Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you are expected to:

1. Describe and explain the nature of research and the ethical considerations involved when carrying
a research activity.
2. Discuss the importance of research in solving problems in education, community, and society.
3. Demonstrate understanding of research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning.
4. Identify issues and problems that can be solved through conducting research.
5. Identify the research design and methodology that is suited in conducting a research.
6. Write chapters 1 to 3 with complete technical requirements.
7. Defend the research proposal before the panel of evaluators.

3. Target Learners and Prerequisites

The target learners for this course are Third year Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)
4. Mode of Delivery
For this semester, the university identified two (2) types of classes under blended learning
based on AO 243, s. 2022.
Types of Class Strategy Activities

Onsite face to Lecture, assessment, and other learning integration

face class activities

Synchronous Consultation activities, guided learning activities

Regular or small classes Learning

Asynchronous Independent study, additional readings, project-based

Distance learning, group-work, and others

Onsite face to Lecture, assessment, and other learning integration

face class activities

Synchronous Consultation activities, guided learning activities

Large Classes

Asynchronous Independent study, additional readings, project-based

Distance learning, group-work, and others

5. Course Structure & Schedule

The course is divided into five (5) chapters/units. Each lesson has its own module with
corresponding lecture (printed/video recorded/fb live), learning activities, and assessment tasks. You
are expected to finish all the topics within the 18-week period. The table below shows your weekly
activity for the whole semester; please refer to it on a weekly basis to ensure you are not missing
any activities and deadlines.

Week Topic Activities

Week 1
Aug 15-19 VMGO Legal Basis, - State the VMGO and Quality Policy of BU and be
Quality Policy and Course able to relate them in their personal goals/dreams as
Orientation and Overview future educator
- Self-introduction
-Orient and familiarize the syllabus, course guide,
and course site.
- Participate in class discussion and activities via
online or offline
-Open forum
-Answer Learning Task #1

Week 2-3 CHAPTER 1 -Submit/upload Learning Task #1

Aug. 21- -Prepare three (3) proposed title of research
Sept.2 Understanding the -Prepare letter to the chosen research adviser
Nature of Research -Answer Learning Task #2

1. Definitions of Research
2. Importance of
3. Goals of Research
4. Purpose of Research
5. Characteristics of
6. The Use of Research

4-5 -Send/upload 3 titles for research, letter to the chosen
Sept 5-16 Classification and adviser and the letter to the chosen research adviser.
Types of Research - Participate in class discussion and activities.

1. Quantitative Research
2. Types of Quantitative
3. Quantitative Research
4. Qualitative Research
5. Types of Qualitative
6. Mixed Method
Research Design
7. Basic Rules for Ethical

-Summative Test -Answer the 2nd Summative test

Week 6-9 CHAPTER 3 Submit/upload assessment tasks/output from the

Sept 19- previous lesson/chapter 2.
Oct 14 WRITING CHAPTER 1 -Prepare/write Chapter 1
The Problem - Participate in class discussion and activities.
-Submit Chapter 1
1. Research Topics
2. Writing the Research
3. Pointers in writing the
parts of Chapter 1
• Introduction
• Statement of the
• Scope and
• Significance of the
• Notes (APA)
-Answer the 2nd Summative test

10 MIDTERM EXAM -Answer the Midterm Examination
Oct 17-21

11-13 Writing Chapter 2
Oct.24- Review of Related - Prepare/write Chapter 2
Nov.11 Literature and Studies - Participate in class discussion and activities
• Related -Submit Chapter 2
• Related Studies
• Synthesis of the
State of the Art
• Gap/s to be
Bridged in the
Study (Proposal)
• Theoretical
• Theoretical
• Conceptual
• Conceptual
• Definition of
• Notes (APA)
Week 14-15
Nov. 14-25

Writing Chapter 3

Research Design and

-Prepare/write Chapter 3
- Participate in class discussion and activities
-Submit Chapter 3
• Research Method
• Sources of data
• Instrument
• Data Gathering
• Statistical
Treatment (for
• Ethical
Week (for quali)
16-18 • Notes (APA)
Dec.16 -Prepare manuscript for proposal defense
-Prepare the preliminary papers prior to the proposal
Proposal Defense -Proposal defense proper by group

6. Course Requirements / Assessment Activities

The assessment that will be used in this course is categorized into four: summative test,
written output, midterm exam and proposal defense. The summative tests will be given at the end of
each chapter. Written output/concept paper will also be asked in each chapter. The proposal defense
is the highlight of this course where students will face a panel of evaluators to defend their research
You will be working by group of 3 and after each discussion, you will focus on
writeshop/output making and submit your output to your research professor or research adviser.
The appropriate forms for the proposal defense will be sent via google classroom. You are highly
encouraged to submit your activities, tasks, modules via google classroom or face-t0-face for easy

Rubrics will also be used for the evaluation of outputs.

In this course Research in Teaching I your course performance will be evaluated based on
the following criteria:


Midterm/Proposal Defense 40%

Summative Tests/Class participation 25%
Concept Paper/Output per chapter 35%
Total 100%

Final Grade = 1/2 (Midterm Grade) + 1/2 (Proposal Defense)

*For the Proposal Defense 70% of the grade will come from the Research professor while 30% from the panel
of evaluators

8. Learning Resources
To aid your learning, resources will be provided along the duration of the course. It will be
available on the course site (Google classroom, fb page, email). However, for those with poor internet
connection or no connection at all, you may ask help from your classmates to download the module
or learning tasks, print them and answer. The learning resources are:

1. Powerpoint Presentations

PPTs will be prepared per lesson and will be uploaded in the course site. Each lesson has a
corresponding learning task that you need to accomplish.

2. Video Lectures/Resources
Video lectures/resources are additional resources to help you better understand the topic.
They are YouTube videos and the links are provided in the module and course site sorted per topic.
You are not required to watch the videos; however, it will be a great resource should you access

9. References

• Almeida, Adelaida B. (2016) Research Fundamentals From Concept to
Output. Adriana Printing Co., Inc. Publishing Division. Quezon City.
• Baraceros, Esther L. (2016). Practical Research 1. Rex Bookstore.

10. Other Guidelines/Netiquette
As we start, I just would like to share some guidelines that we have to observe here as we
learn together:

Ethical Policies: The students are expected to practice honesty, diligence, kindness,
tactfulness, politeness, and all human virtues. In our group chat, they should be cautious of your
words. Topics not related in the subject must not be discussed in the groupchat..

Academic Integrity Policy: Plagiarism shall not be tolerated. Students caught/found

submitting papers copied from others without proper citation and presenting them as their own shall
be given a failing grade of 5.0.

Policies on Absences and Tardiness: Students are encouraged to attend

online/synchronous sessions for better understanding of the topics. If they are experiencing unstable
internet connectivity, they can make use of the FB group chat/messenger to submit their outputs.

Language of Instruction: The language of instruction is English and Filipino both for the oral
and written output.

Use of the Learning Management System: If the BU-LMS cannot be accessed, a google
classroom, BU email, and fb messenger will also be used to send and submit the module or other
reading materials.

Use of Mobile Phones and Gadgets: The use of mobile phones or laptop is a must for the
students to download the readings or articles sent by the teacher. Should a student does not have
the necessary gadget to download the reading material, he may seek help from his classmates to
download the module for him.

Special/Make-Up Quiz/Examinations/Work: Students should take the examinations on the

scheduled dates. Failure to take the examinations without valid reasons would mean 5.0. No special
examinations will be given except for justifiable reasons such as health and other emergencies.
Failure to inform the teacher within 2 days after the examinations would mean 5.0 in the exam.

Dress and Grooming Codes: Should there be a synchronous meeting via zoom or google
meet, the students are encouraged to wear BU uniform or any appropriate attire for that matter.
Students are expected to dress appropriately even if classes are being done at home. Wearing of
BU uniform with black leather shoes (for gentlemen) and black leather shoes with heels (for
ladies), is enforced especially during face- to -face classes. Further, during face-to-face classes, the
male students should wear plain white tshirt inside their polo.

Consultation schedule for this course are as follows:

Online: Tuesday 4:30-6:30 PM thru call, text, or chat.

Onsite (Face-to-face) consultation is by appointment basis, please set an appointment at

least 2 days before your intended date of consultation. Health and safety protocols will be strictly

You are required to use your complete name and recent picture in your accounts when
sending emails and images, or when participating in the digital platforms used for the course. All our
posts, messages, submissions or comments are considered part of the course proceedings and
therefore cannot be shared to any third party without the consent of the concerned and or
permission of the University.

It is my pleasure to be your learning facilitator. I am Prof. Evan Carlo B. Deblois and my

contact details and schedule for consultation are as follows:
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 09199943595
Facebook: Evan Carlo B. Deblois
Facebook group chat: BSED III Research in Teaching I

Thank you for choosing Bicol University Gubat Campus, I am glad to meet you all. I look
forward to being with you in this learning journey. Good Luck and God bless!

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