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Political Law Review 2023 3.

Process of Change (Amendments and

a. Revision – It is the rewriting or
Preliminary Concepts overhauling of the entire instrument.
A. Nature of the Constitution b. Amendment – it is a change or alteration
for the better an amendment or change
within the lines of the original instrument
a. Constitution of Liberty – This contains which will bring about improvement.
the fundamental civil and political rights of
In Lambino Case:
the citizens as well as the limitations on the
powers of the government to secure the 1. Revision – broadly implies a change that
enjoyment of the rights of the citizens alters a basic principle in the Constitution,
like altering the principle of separation of
b. Constitution of Government – It
powers or the systems of checks and
contains provisions that enumerate the
balances, or where the change alters the
powers of government and outline its
substantial entirety of the Constitution, as
when the change affects substantive
c. Constitution of Sovereignty - it contains provisions of the Constitution.
the provisions on how changes in the
2. Revision generally affects several
Constitution may be made.
provisions of the Constitution.
2. Manner of Interpretation
3. Amendment broadly refers to a change
that adds, reduces or deletes without altering
the basic principle involved.
RETROSPECTIVE This test asks whether the proposed change
is “so extensive” in its provisions as to
The provisions of the Constitution are to be change directly the “substantial entirety” of
considered as self-executing because if they the Constitution by the deletion or alteration
are not treated as such, the legislature can of numerous existing provisions.
ignore and practically nullify the direction of
the fundamental law. QUALITATIVE TEST

Self-executing provisions are those which This test inquires into the qualitative effects
are immediately effective without the need of the proposed change in the Constitution,
of legislation. it alters substantially the basic plan of
government from presidential to
Not Self-Executing when it merely parliamentary, and from a bicameral to a
indicates the principles without laying down unicameral legislature.
rules giving them the force of law.
Two Modes of Revising the Constitution: Contents of the Petition on Initiative
a) By the Congress upon a vote of ¾’s of all 1. Contents or text of the proposed law
its Members; or sought to be enacted, approved, or rejected,
amended or repealed, as the case may be.
b) By Constitutional Convention
2. The proposition
If the Congress chooses to call a
constitutional convention to revise the 3. The reason or reasons thereof.
Constitution, it may either: 4. That it is not one of the exceptions
1) Call a Constitution Convention by provided therein.
a vote of 2/3 of all its Members 5. Signatures of the petitioners or registered
2) Submit to the electorate the voters
question or call such a body by a majority 6. An abstract of the summary proposition is
vote of all its Members. not more than one hundred words which
Amendment may be effected: (a) By shall be legibly written or printed at the top
Congress, upon vote of the ¾ of all its of every page of the petition.
Members; (b) By a Constitutional RATIFICATION
Convention; (c) By People’s Initiative.
Article XVIII. Sec. 4.
People’s Initiative
Any amendment to, revision of this
It is the power of the people to propose Constitution under Sec. 1. Hereof shall be
amendments to the Constitution or to valid when ratified by a majority of the
propose or enact legislation through an votes cat in a plebiscite which shall be held
election called for the purpose. not earlier than 60 days not later than 90
What is log-rolling? days after the approval of such amendment
or revision.
There is log rolling when the initiative
petition incorporates a correlated subject Any amendment under Sec 2 (People’s
matter in the same petition. Initiative) shall be valid when ratified by a
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite
What are the elements of a Valid Petition
which shall be held not earlier than 60 days
for a People’s Initiative To Amend the
no later than 90 days after the certification
1987 Constitution
by the Commission on Elections of the
a. there must be a written petition sufficiency of the petition.
b. the petition must have a least 12% of the No amendment under Sec. 2. XVIII shall be
total number of registered voters as authorized within 5 years following the
signatories; ratification of this Constitution nor oftener
c. of the 12% of total registered voters, at than once every five years thereafter.
least every legislative district must be B. The Philippines as a State
represented by 3% of the registered voters as
1) Elements
People – it refers to the entire body of those
d. the draft of the proposed amendment must
citizens of a state or nation who are invested
be embodied in the petition.
with political power for political purposes.

They must be numerous enough to be self- Internal Self-Determination
sufficient and to defend themselves and The right of the people of a state to govern
small enough to be easily administered. themselves w/o outside interference.
Territory – is a fixed area or surface of the External Self-Determination
earth where the inhabitants a state live and
where they maintain a government of their The right of peoples to determine their own
own. political status and to be free of alien
domination, including the formation of their
A territory must neither too big as to be own independent state.
difficult to administer and defend nor too
small as to be unable to provide for the C. Fundamental Powers of the State
needs of the population. 1. Police Power
Government - as the institution by which The sovereign power to promote and protect
an independent society makes and carries the general welfare. It is the most pervasive
out those rules and are necessary to enable and the least limitable of the three powers of
men to live in a social state. the State.
De Jure Government 2. Eminent Domain
An organized government of a State which The right of the State to acquire private
has the general support of its people property for public use upon payment of just
De Facto Government compensation.
Takes possession and control or usurps by 3. Taxation
force or by the voice of the majority, the To raise revenue to defray the expenses of
rightful legal govt. and maintains itself government or for any public purpose.
against the will of the latter.
They are inherent because they are incidents
Sovereignty – it is the supreme power in a of sovereignty and do not depend on any law
State by which it is governed. or the Constitution to be recognized or
Essential Characteristics: enforced.
1. Permanence – the sovereignty continues Requisites for the Valid Exercise of Police
as long as the State itself exists. Power
2. Exclusiveness – there can be only one 1) Lawful Subject – the power will be
supreme power in the State, legally entitled exercised to promote the general welfare of
to the obedience of the inhabitants. the public, or a particular class.
3. All - Comprehensiveness - the 2) Lawful Means – the means employed are
universality of sovereignty within the reasonably necessary for the
territorial limits of the State. accomplishment of the purpose and not
unduly oppressive on individuals.
4. Inalienability – it cedes away of its
essential element without self-destruction. E) Constitutional Exemption Principle
5. Inprescriptability Sec 28. Art. V. Leg. Department
6. Unity

(1) the rule of taxation shall be uniform and 5. Principles of separation of powers and the
equitable. Congress shall evolve a system.
progressive system of taxation SEC. 2. The Philippines renounces war as
(2) Congress, may by law, authorize the an instrument of national policy, adopts the
President to fix within specified limits, and generally accepted principles of
subject to such limitations and restrictions as international law as part of the law of the
it may impose, tariff rates, import and export land and adheres to the policy of peace,
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and
other duties or imposts within the unity will all nations.
framework of the national development SEC. 3. Civilian authority is at all times
program of the Govt. supreme over the military, the AFP is the
(3) Charitable Institutions, churches and protector of the people and the State. Its goal
parsonages or convents therto, mosques, is to secure the sovereignty of the State and
non-profit cemeteries, and all lands, the integrity of the National territory.
building, and improvements, actually, SEC. 4. The prime duty of the Government
directly, and exclusively used for religious, is to serve and protect the people. The
charitable, or educational purposes shall be Government may call upon the people to
exempt from taxation. defend the State. And in the fulfillment
(4) No law granting any tax exemption shall thereof, all citizens may be required under
be passed without the concurrence of a conditions provided by law to render
majority of all the Members of Congress. personal, military, or civil service.
SEC. 5. The maintenance of peace and
order, the protection of life, liberty and
property and the promotion of the general
welfare are essential for the enjoyment by
SEC. 1. The Philippines is a democratic and all the people of the blessings of democracy.
republican State. Sovereignty resides in the
SEC. 6. The separation of the Church and
people and all government authority
State shall be inviolable.
emanates from them.
The separation, merely serves to delineate
the boundaries between the two institutions
thereby avoiding any encroachment by one
1. People choose their representative by the against the other.
vote of the majority and for a fixed period of
SEC. 7. The state shall pursue an
independent foreign policy. In its relation
2. Public Officials are entrusted with the with other states, the paramount
duty to serve the people. consideration shall be national sovereignty,
3. Purpose of a republican government is to territorial integrity, national interest and
promote the common welfare of the people right to self – determination.
according to the will of the people SEC. 8.POLICY OF FREEDROM
4. our government is ruled by law and not of FROM NUCLEAR WEAPON

The Philippines, consistent with the national the fundamental equality before the law of
interest, adopts and pursues a policy of women and men.
freedom from nuclear weapons in its SEC. 15. The State shall protect and
territory. promote the right to health of the people and
SEC. 9. The State shall promote a just and instill health consciousness among them.
dynamic social under the will ensure the SEC. 16. The State shall protect and
prosperity and independence of the nation advance the right of the people to a balanced
and free the people from poverty through and healthful ecology in accord with the
policies that provide adequate social rhythm and harmony of nature.
services, promote full employment, a rising
standard of living, and an improved quality SEC. 17. The State shall give priority to
of life for all. education, science and technology, arts,
culture and sports to foster human liberation
What is social justice? and development.
Social Justice is neither communism, nor SEC. 18. The State affirms labor as a
atomism, nor anarchy but the humanization primary social economic force. It shall
of laws and the equalization of social and protect the rights of workers and promote
economic forces of the State so that justice their welfare.
in its rational and objectively secular
conception may at least be approximated. SEC. 19. The State shall develop a self-
reliant and independent national economy
SEC. 11. The State shall value the dignity of effectively controlled by Filipinos.
every human person and guarantees full
respect for human rights. SEC. 20. The State recognizes the
indispensable role of the private sector,
SEC. 12. The State recognizes the sanctity encourage private enterprise and provides
of family life and shall protect and incentives to needed investments.
strengthen the family as a basic autonomous
social institution. It shall equally protect the SEC. 21. The State shall promote
life of the mother and the life of the unborn comprehensive rural development and
from conception. The natural and primary agrarian reform.
right and duty of parents in the rearing of the
youth for civic efficiency and development
of moral character shall receive the support SEC. 22. The state shall recognizes and
of the Government. promote the rights of indigenous cultural
communities within the framework of
SEC 13. The state recognizes the vital role national unity and development.
of the youth in nation building and shall
promote and protect their physical, moral, SEC. 23. The State shall encourage non-
spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. governmental, community-based, or sectoral
It shall include in the youth patriotism and organizations that promote the welfare of the
nationalism and encourage their nation.
involvement in public and civic affairs. SEC. 24. The State recognizes the vital role
SEC. 14. The State recognizes the role of of communication and information in nation
women in nation building and shall ensure building.

SEC. 25. The State shall ensure the validity of the said legislative measure or
autonomy of local governments. executive act.
SEC. 26. The State shall guarantee equal c. the legislature also checks executive
access to opportunities for public service, action when it confirms or refuses to
and prohibit political dynasties as may be confirm presidential appointments.
defined by law. Delegation of Pwoers
SEC. 27. The State shall maintain honesty 1) What necessitates the Delegtion of
and integrity in the public service and take Powers?
positive and effective measures against graft
and corruption. As a result of the growing complexity of the
modern society, it has become necessary to
SEC. 28. Subject to reasonable conditions create more and more administrative bodies
prescribed by law, the State adopts and to help in the regulation of its activities.
implements a policy of full public disclosure Specialized in the particular field assigned to
of all its transaction involving public them, they can deal with the problems
interest. thereof with more expertise and dispatch
E. DYNAMICS AMONG THE than can be expected from the legislature or
BALANCES OF GOVERNMENT the court of justice.
1. Separation of Powers 2) What is the Rule on the Delegation of
It operatates to maintain the legislative
power to the legislative department, the "Potestas delegata non delegari potest” what
executive power to the executive department has been delegated cannot be re-delegated.
and the judicial power to the judiciary. It is based upon the ethical principle that
There must be independence and equity of such delegated power constitutes not only a
the several departments. The completeness right but a duty to be performed by the
of their separation and their mutual delegate through the instrumentality of his
independence does not however, extend to own judgment and not through the
the point that those in authority in the other, intervening mind of another.
done pursuant to the authority vested in
them, as nugatory and not binding in every When is delegation of power permissible.
other department. 1. Delegation to the People such as:
2. Check and Balances a. Initiative and referendum
One department is given certain powers by b. submission of plebiscite in the creation,
which it may definitely restrain the others division, merger, and abolition of LGU’s
from exceeding constitutional authority.
2. Emergency Powers of the President
a. Legistlative makes the law, the executive
approves it or veto it by the President. 3. Tariff Powers of the President

b. the courts are authorized to determine, in 4. Delegation to Admin Bodies of the power
actions brought to it for decision, the of subordinate legislation.
5. Delegation to Local Govt. Units

What are the tests for valid delegation? instrument for perpetrating an injusctice to
the citizen.
1. Completeness Test – the law is complete
in all the terms and conditions when it What is the Principle of State Immunity
leaves the legislature so that when it reaches The doctrine is also known as the “royal
the delegate, it will have nothing to do but to prerogative of dishonesty” because it grants
enforce it. the State the prerogative to defeat any
2. Sufficient Standard Test – the law must legitimate claim against it by simple
offer a sufficient standard to specify the invoking its non-suability.
limits of the delegate authority, announce The Rationale Behind the Doctrine of
the legislative policy and specify the State Immunity
conditions under which it is be
implemented. This principle also seeks to prevent te loss of
government efficiency as a result of the
F. State Immunity Sec 3. Article XVI. time and energy it would requires to defend
The State has the inherent right to exist and itself against law suits.
to protect itself and its citizens from any act
Why is the Doctrine of State Immunity is
or acts which will defeat the greater interest available to Foreign States?
of the people which it is obliged to serve.
Immunity is enjoyed by all States consonant
Can the State be sued? with the public international law principle of
As a rule, the State cannot be sued w/o its “par in parem non habet imperium” meaning
consent. that all states are sovereign equals and
cannot assert jurisdiction over one another.
Exception: Unless there is consent which
can be given by the state expressly or When are government agencies entitled to
impliedly. immunity.
1. Express Consent – when a law expressly 1. If the agency is INCORPORATED, if the
grants authority to sue the State or any of its charter says it is suable regardless of the
agencies. function I is performing.
2. Implied Consent However, if its charter is silent, then it is
based on the purpose for which such agency
a. When the state enters into a private
was created.
contract, unless is ONLY incidental to the
performance of a governmental function. 2. If it is UNINCORPORATED since there
is no separate personality, as a general rule
b. when the State enters into an business
suits against it are generally against the state
operation, unless such is only incidental to
therefore consent of the State is needed.
the performance of a governmental function.
“There is a need to distinguish between an
c. when the State sues a private party, the
unincorporated govt agency performing govt
defendant may file a counter claim, unless
function and one performing a proprietary
the suit is only to resist claim.
function. If the unincorporated is doing
d. when the application of the doctrine of governmental function, immunity shall be
State Immunity would serve as an upheld. If it is doing proprietary function
there will be an implied consent.

The consent only goes up to the completion
of the proceedings anterior to when the
judgment has been rendered and become
executable, since government funds and
properties may not be seized to satisfy such
judgment. Disbursement of public funds
must be covered by the corresponding
appropriation as required by law.
Before levy on execution may proceed a
claim for payment of the judgment award
must first be filed w/ the Commission on
Audit and must be acted upon within 60
days. The COA has primary jurisdiction to
examine, audit and settle “all debts and
claims of any “sort” due from or owing the
Government or any of its subdivisions,
agencies and instrumentalities including
G. National Territory
Article I of the1987 Philippines
The national territory comprises of the
Philippine archipelago,

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