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1) What is Talend?

Talend is Data Integration & Management Tool. It allows users to convert, merge and update data
in various areas of their business.

2) Which language Talend is written?

Talend application developed using Java language.

3) When was Talend tool launched?

Talend Open Studio (TOS) was Launched in the year 2006

4) Can we save our personal settings in the DQ Portal?

No, it is not possible to save our setting in the DQ Portal.

5) Give some advantages of using the Talend

• Talend open studio tool can automate the tasks and offers faster development and
• Talend has everything that you might need to meet today’s marketing need as well as in
the future.
• It is free, and it is backed up by the huge online community. They are mostly professionals
or learners who share information, experiences, queries, etc.

6) Define Component concerning Talend open studio

A component is a functional unit which is used to perform a single operation in Talend. You can
use them with the help of simple drag and drop functionality. The component can be a snippet of
Java code which is generated as a part of a Job.

7) What is Code Generator in Talend?

Talend offers a GUI, which allows you to drag and drop the components to design a Job. Simply, it
translates these jobs into a Java class. That’s why it is known as a code generator.

8) Can we execute a Talend Job remotely?

Yes, we can execute Talend job remotely using the command line. For that, you need to, export
the job along with its dependencies. After that, you can access its instructions files from the
9) What is tMap?

tMap is an advanced component which can be integrated as a plugin to Talend Studio. This
component can transform and routes data from single or multiple sources to single or multiple

10) What Are the Operations of tMap? tMap performs following operations:

• Data transformation on any fields

• Data multiplexing and demultiplexing
• Fields concatenation and interchange
• Rejection of Data
• Filtering or the field using constraints

11) What is the meaning of MDM with reference to Talend?

MDM stands for Master Data Management. With the help of MDM organization can build and
manage a single, consistent and accurate view of the enterprise data. MDM helps to increase
business value by improving operational efficiency, marketing effectiveness, planning and
regulatory compliance.

12) What is mean by Routines in Talend?

Routines are complicated Java functions, which are used to factorize code. It helps to recover Job
capacities and optimized data procedure.

13) What is Migration Task in Talend?

Migration Task ensures the fullness of a project which was developed using the older version of

14) State the two differences between Built-In and Repository in Talend?

Built-In Repository

All the information is stored locally on All the information is stored in the repository.
the Job. It allows you to enter and edit
all the information.

You can enter all these information Allows you to import read-only information into the
manually. Job from the repository.

Convert the information from Change or edit the information in the Repository.
Repository to Built-in and then edit the When you have to try to make changes, you are
built-in information. prompted to update the changes into the Job.
15) What are the main differences between tMap and tJoin?

tMap tJoin

Can accept only two input links (main and lookup) Can accept multiple input links (one is
main, and rest are lookups)

Can have more than one output links Can have only two output links (main and

Supports multiple types of join models like unique Supports unique join
join, first join, and all join

Can filter data using filter expressions Can’t filter using the tJoin command

16) What the process of scheduling the Job in Talend?

First of all, you need to export the Job as a sperate program. Then you should use OS’ native
scheduling tools like Windows Task Scheduler, Cron, etc. to schedule your tasks.

17) Discuss the use of Expression Editor in Talend

Expression editor allows you to view and edit expressions like input, output, and constraint
statements. This editor comes with a dedicated view of writing any functions or transformation.
The expression needed for the data transformation can be written easily using expression editor.

18) What is the use of the tLoqateAddressRow component in Talend?

This component helps us to rectify mailing address associate with customer data. It helps to
ensure a single customer view and better delivery of their customer mailings.

19) How can you access global and context variable?

You need to click Cntrl+ space key, to access both global and context variable.

20) For sorting data which component we can use in Talend?

To sort data in Talend open studio, ExternalSortRow, and tShortRow.synthesizing commands are

21) is it possible to change the background color of job designer in Talend?

Yes, it is possible to design background by selecting the preferences of the window menus, then
buy just clicking on the color menu you can design background color.
22) What is the importance of tLoqateAddressRow component in Talend?

It is a component of correct mailing address belong the specific customer data to make sure a
single customer views their respective customer mailing.

23) Why use the Palette setting in talent?

The palette setting allows launching Talend Open Studio tool more quickly as only the current
component is needed to load in the project.

24) Is it possible to change the generated code directly in Talend?

No, we cannot generate code directly in Talend open studio.

25) Why String Handling Routines are used in Talend?

String Handling routines allow us to take operations and test on an alphanumeric expression
which is depended on Java methods.

26) What is Configuration Tabs?

It is located in the bottom half of the design workspace. In it, every tab displays certain elements
in the design workspace.

27) How can you expand the performance of Talend job which has a complex design?

To improve the performance of Talend job we can do following things:

• Remove redundant fields/columns using tFilterColumns component

• Remove Unwanted data/records using tFilterRows component
• Use Select Query to retrieve data from the database
• Use Database Bulk components
• Use Talend ELT Components when needed
• Split Talend Job into the smaller Subjobs

28) Define the use of ‘Outline View’ in Talend Open Studio.

Outline View in Talend Open Studio allows you to keep track of return values available in a
component. Moreover, user-defined values configured in a tSetGlobal component.

29) Can you outline a schema at run time?

No, schemas should be defined at some point of layout, now not run time.

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