OptimScan 5M Plus EN 20220624

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OptimScan-5M Plus

High-Precision 3D Inspection system

OptimScan-5M Plus is the High-Precision 3D Inspection scanner with
OptimScan-5M Plus narrow-band blue light source and upgraded high-resolution industrial
lens, it provides better detail performance in scanning and smoother
data quality. Three sets of high-resolution industrial lenses are provid-
ed according to different size objects, making it more flexible and
adaptable. It is widely applied in reverse engineering, quality inspection
and quality control.
Product features

High resolution
Optim 5M Plus uses high-resolu-
tion, high-speed and high-preci-
sion digital blue light projection
module, the light source has
strong anti-interference and can
effectively avoid the impact of the
external environment. It can be
applied in a wider range.

High accuracy
Single shot accuracy can reach up
to 0.005mm, the scanner provides
the function of environmental
vibration detection and effectively
ensure data quality and precision.

Multiple scan range

The system realizes the switching
of the scanning range with differ-
ent focal lens to ensure a finer
scanning performance. Different
scanning ranges have the same
working distance without manual
parameters One-click integration
automatically adjust module function
The exposure and the brightness of the raster The system integrates the "one-click" auto-
machine can be automatically adjusted in matic markers alignment module and the
scanning, which greatly improves the scan GREC global deviation control module,
performance for reflective objects. which effectively reduces alignment errors
and get high-quality data with high preci-
Data presentation Applications

Electronic engineering

Precision molds

Injection plastic

Precision ironware

Integrated appliances

Medical instruments
3D inspection process Reverse engineering
Import Data data processing
Support a variety of data model Data processing method like
formats, compatible with data align, optimize, merge, holes
captured by various mainstream fill, simplify, and smooth can
scanner and CAD digital data of obtain high-quality triangular
various mainstream design mesh models.

alignment compare Feature extraction

The RPS reference positioning Automatically classify the mesh

system and the reference into different colored geometric
alignment function achieve regions based on curvature and
high-precision automatic features of the scan data, extract
alignment. It can effectively design parameters, and
ensure the accuracy of deviation automatically create sketch
analysis. Multiple deviation profiles.
analysis functions can be used to
meet the different needs.

Measurement evaluation exact fit

it supports dimensions of Mesh-based fitting algorithms

ASMEY14.5GD&T tolerance and create NURBUS surfaces, easily
geometric. The software can also and quickly creating 3D free-form
automatically calculate the bodies from free-form shapes of
deviation between reference and meshes.
actual value, and get the accurate
calculation result.

generate report CAD conversion

Automatically generate inspection Create CAD features, hybrid solid

reports based on predefined and surface models from scan
templates. Analysis images and data, it covers different objects to
calculation results can be quickly ensure model accuracy.
exported. it improves inspection

PTB certification Compatible with

mainstream software
It has a high-precision discrete data fitting
algorithm, and has obtained the accuracy support Multiple data formats
certification of Physikalisch-Technische Support mainstream reverse design or
Bundesanstalt (PTB). 3D inspection software
Technical specifications
Product type 5M Plus-400 5M Plus-200 5M Plus-100

Single scan range 400 mm x 300 mm 200 mm x 150 mm 100 mm x 75 mm

single shot accuracy 0.015 mm 0.01 mm 0.005 mm

Point distance 0.16 mm 0.08 mm 0.04 mm

Working distance 560 mm

Camera Resolution 5.0 MPx2

Light source Blue light ( LED )

Scan speed ≤1.5 s

Scan method non-contact structure light scanning

Output Data Format .asc、.stl、.obj、 etc., and compatible with the mainstream 3D software

Working temperature 0°C ~ 40°C

Working humidity 10% RH ~ 90% RH

Scanner weight 6.8 kg

Size 435 mm x 300 mm x 200 mm

Recommended OS:Win7/Win10,64 bit;Graphics card: NVIDIA Quadro series cards;

computer configuration Video memory:≥1 G;Processor:above i7 3770;Memory:≥32 GB DDR3 1600

版本号:OptimScan-5M Plus-EN 20220624-V0.3

www.shining3d.com [email protected]

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