Pretest Physical Science

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NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _____________________________________
GRADE: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________________________________

1. The accepted theory about the origin of the universe which accounts for its continuous expansion and the
probable existence of a primordial atom.
a. big bang theory c. steady state theory
b. divine creation theory d. oscillating theory
2. The following are light elements EXCEPT;
a. helium c. lithium
b. hydrogen d. iron
3. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linear particle accelerator.
a. Ernest Rutherford c. Dmitri Mendeleev
b. Ernest Lawrence d. John Dalton
4. It is also known as nuclear fusion and the formation of new nuclei actions in the early stages of development
of the universe.
a. Nucleosynthesis c. R-Process
b. S-Process d. Singularity
5. These are elements with atomic numbers beyond 103.
a. Super Heavy Elements c. Lightest Element
b. Gases Elements d. Halogens
6. What type of chemical bond holds the atoms of water molecule together?
a. Hydrogen bond c. Polar covalent bond
b. Ionic bond d. Nonpolar covalent bond
7. Which of the following molecule is nonpolar?
a. NaCl c. CO2
b. HCl d. NH3
8. What is the molecular shape of BeF3?
a. Linear c. Tetrahedral
b. Trigonal d. Trigonal bipyramidal
9. Which of the following is TRUE of polar molecules?
i. Have high boiling point
ii. Have high melting point
iii. low surface tension
iv. High vapor pressure
a. I only c. II and III only
b. I and II only d. IV only
10. The following are examples of viscous substances EXCEPT:
a. blood c. vinegar
b. honey d. syrup
11. Forces that are present between and among molecules
a. ionic c. intermolecular
b. covalent d. intramolecular
12. Forces that are present between an ion and a polar molecule
a. ion-dipole c. dispersion forces
b. dipole-dipole d. hydrogen bonding
13. Liquids can form spherical elastic film to minimize surface area. What intermolecular force is responsible for
the formation of this film in water?
a. H-bonding c. dipole-induced dipole
b. ion-induced dipole d. London dispersion force
14. The amount of energy required to stretch or increase the surface of a liquid by a unit area
a. specific heat c. vapor pressure
b. surface tension d. heat of vaporization
15. The ability of water molecules to move against gravity
a. viscosity c. surface tension
b. temperature d. capillary action
16. Which group of biomolecules carries and passes on the hereditary information of the organism?
a. carbohydrates c. nucleic acids
b. lipids d. proteins
17. Which biomolecules are significant components of the cell membrane?
a. carbohydrate and nucleic acid c. nucleic acid and protein
b. lipid and nucleic acid d. protein and lipid
18. What are the elements that make up carbohydrates?
a. C and H c. C, H and O
b. C, H and N d. C, H, O and N
19. A chemical change that occurs when two or more substances combine to form a new substance.
a. Activation Energy c. Chemical Reaction
b. Chemical Kinetics d. Product
20. The measure of how fast is the change in the concentration of the reactants or products in a chemical
a. Activation Energy c. Chemical Reaction
b. Activation Rate d. Concentration
21. How does a catalyst work in speeding up a reaction?
a. It lowers the activation energy. c. It creates more reactants.
b. It provides more energy d. It increases the temperature.
22. The minimum amount of energy needed for colliding particles to react is called the
a. chemical energy c. kinetic energy
b. activation energy d. potential energy
23. A substance that increases the rate of a reaction without being used up during the reaction is called
a. catalyst c. product
b. reactant d. solute
24. The reactant which was not used up after the completion of the chemical reaction.
a. Reactants c c. Limiting Reagents
b. Solute d. Excess Reagents
25. It is the reactant that produces a lesser amount of product.
a. Excess Reactant c. Limiting Reactant
b. Percent Yield d. Co-Factor
26. Which of the following describes relationship of of the number of moles and mass or reactant and products
in a chemical reaction?
a. Molality c. Balancing Equation
b. Stoichiometry d. Percent Yield
27. It is the maximum amount of product you would expect from a reaction based on the amount of limiting
a. Theoretical yield c. Excess Reactant
b. Limiting Reactant d. Product Difference
28. It can be converted in form, but not created nor destroyed.
a. atom c. force
b. energy d. matter
29. Energy that comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes—or even in
many, many lifetimes
a. kinetic c. potential
b. non-renewable d. renewable
30. Organic matter from plants and animals (microorganisms)
a. batteries c. geothermal
b. biomass d. wind power
31. The type of cleaning products which many of the ingredients can be manufactured from plants.
a. astringent c. detergent products
b. bleaches d. dishwashing liquid
32. An active component of bleach can remove stains.
a. chlorine c. potassium
b. magnesium d. sulfur
33. This cleaning product provides the chemical energy to help clean and remove food soil from different types
of cooking and serving items.
a. astringent c. detergent products
b. bleaches d. dishwashing liquid
34. This helps to disinfect and sanitize the materials and furniture in our home.
a. astringent c. detergent products
b. bleaches d. dishwashing liquid
35. This can prevent the spread of infectious diseases and control allergens, such as dust and mold.
a. cleaning product c. electrical appliances
b. cooking utensils d. vehicles
36. Aside from the active ingredient, there are also other ingredients included in cleaning agents. This ingredient
helps in keeping the minerals out of the way of the surfactants.
a. builders c. pH adjusters
b. fragrance d. solvents
37. Depending on the chosen ingredient used in a product, what is the ingredient that helps to be more effective
on certain microbes?
a. antibacterial c. foam enhancer
b. enzymes d. preservatives
38. Adding of this ingredient in a certain liquid cleaning agent will decrease the viscosity of the liquid. What is
this ingredient?
a. dye c. solvents
b. enzymes d. thickener
39. Many people feel bubbles show that a product is working. What is the ingredient that creates suds in a
cleaning agent?
a. dye c. pH adjuster
b. foam enhancer d. preservatives
40. What is the group of ingredients that came in a natural or synthetic compound which gives pleasant smell to
the product?
a. antibacterial c. fragrance
b. foam enhancer d. thickener

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