Arco - Unit 2

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Christine Joy Manantan Arco BSED 1-D

ED 203-The Child and Adolescent Learner & Learning Principles

Lesson 1 -Prenatal Development


1. In every culture, there are traditional beliefs about pregnancy, many of which are
myths. For example, you may have heard that labor is more likely to begin during a full
moon or that boys “carry high” but girls “carry low.” Other once popular ideas include
the notion that eating spicy foods or having sex will bring on premature labor. Share
any beliefs or practices that you have heard or known about pregnancy. What is your
personal stand on these beliefs or practices?

 Once I hear my grandmother said that if you are pregnant and you eat fruits that
are twins, for example a banana there is a tendency that your baby will become
twins too. For me I don’t really believe this, but it is our tradition to believe what
is said by the older ones because they have more experience compared to us,
young people.

2. Read the article “Life Before Birth” below. What are your feelings about what you
read? Do you agree that which is developing in the womb is a mere “blob of tissue” or
uterine contents as abortionists claim? Share your explanation.

 Well, in my opinion the thing that is developing in the womb is not merely a
“blob of tissue” or uterine contents. I must say that I’m on Dr. Rockwell side,
that I believe life exist in the womb, that human being is being develop there in
that span of time. Life begins at fertilization with the embryo’s conception. And it
can take place as soon as three minutes after sex or it may take five days.
Meaning after you got sex and fertilization occur, there is life that will form and
develop on your womb.


Here are some questions for further discussions:

1. Is it more reasonable to believe that which is developing in the mother’s

womb is a human being?

 Yes
2. What are the proofs that which is developing in the mother’s womb is a living

human being?

 Well, the above article “Life Before Birth” can be a good proof. Dr. Paul Rockwell
is enough witness to prove that which is developing in the mother’s womb is a
living human being.

3. Has any realization from today’s discussion changed your stand on abortion?

Explain your answer.

 Well, from the very beginning I am not into abortion. I believe that those who
did abortions are murderer. They do kill human, an angel. If you don’t want to
have a baby, then don’t engage to such doings that will give you one. The child
that will be form and develop on your womb is a gift. And it is not his or her fault
that he or she is formed.

4. What do you think are the effects of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine on the

developing embryo/fetus?

 Use of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine during pregnancy can have serious
consequences for the fetus, such as low birth weight, congenital anomalies, or
even death.
1. Prepare a Pregnancy Health Care Info graphic which you can distribute
among the pregnant women or expectant mothers in your place to help them
ensure a normal and healthy pregnancy and development of the embryo and
2. What behaviors must a woman avoid engaging in when she decides to try to
become pregnant, or when she finds out she is pregnant? Do you think the ability of a
mother to engage in healthy behaviors should influence her choice to have a child?

 A pregnant woman or want to be pregnant woman should avoid smoking,

alcohol use, and drug use because it is likely to be harmful to the developing
embryo or fetus and the mother should entirely refrain from these behaviors
during pregnancy or if she expects to become pregnant. Harmful substances that
the mother ingests may harm the child. Cigarette smoking, for example, reduces
the blood oxygen for both the mother and child and can cause a fetus to be born
severely underweight. And I think the ability of a mother to engage in healthy
behaviors will influence her choice to have a child.

Answer the following questions as a check on how well you understood the lesson.
1. What are the three stages of pre-natal development and what happens in
each of the stages of prenatal development?

 Prenatal development is the process in which an embryo or fetus (or fetus)

gestates during pregnancy. Normal prenatal development lasts about 38 weeks
and is divided into three stages: germinal, embryonic, and fetal. During these
three stages of gestation, the original single-celled zygote develops into an
embryo and then fetus. The germinal stage begins at conception when the
sperm and egg cell unite in one of the two fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg is
called a zygote. Just a few hours after conception, the single-celled zygote
begins making a journey down the fallopian tube to the uterus. The beginning of
the third week after conception marks the start of the embryonic period, a time
when the mass of cells becomes distinct as a human. Once cell differentiation is
mostly complete, the embryo enters the next stage and becomes known as
a fetus. The fetal period of prenatal develop marks more important changes in
the brain. This period of development begins during the ninth week and lasts
until birth. This stage is marked by amazing change and growth.
2. Give some hazards related to pre-natal development. Use the mind map
template given below.


certain maternal
chronic maternal infections


Lesson 2. Physical, Cognitive, and Socio-Emotional Development of Infants
and Toddlers

Pictures paint a thousand stories. Study the pictures* of Arabella carefully. These cover
the 1st two years of her life as arranged sequentially. What do they tell you? What story
can you make out of the pictures?

Every child is a great gift given from above, and Arabella is to her parents. From
being so tiny and fragile to a cute little woman, she has become her parents’ source of
joy. A few days after her birth, she seems untouchable. She is neither asleep nor
crying. At one month she still loves sleeping. At two she loves sleeping too. More
months have passed, Arabella can now see her parents. She smiles, giggles, and always
moving. She just loves to roll. You will love her more.
Her first birthday is memorable because it was her first party. Her curiosity will
unfold. Pointing things that she finds adorable. Two months after her birthday, you’ll
saw her bit what she holds either a toy or a poo. And by that time, you’ll get tired of
running after her. She’ll run here and there, anywhere she wants to.
At two years old, she can understand you. She’ll look at your face to see how
you react in a situation. She’ll love teasing you. Arabella now has a growing vocabulary
and acquires new words on a regular basis. She can sort shapes and colors and even
show an interest in potty training. She can now go outside and see the world.

Based on the pictures, write a two-paragraph observation report regarding Arabella’s
growth and development during the first years of life.
Arabella’s journey follows the developmental milestones that a child should reach
by a certain age. She is a healthy child. During the second year, toddlers are moving
around more, and are aware of themselves and their surroundings, and as I see in the
picture Arabella is doing such.
Her desire to explore new objects and people also is increasing and it can be
seen. She’s showing greater independence; begin to show defiant behavior; recognize
her selves in pictures or a mirror; and imitate the behavior of others, especially adults
and older children. And I think she can recognize the names of familiar people and
objects, form simple phrases and sentences, and follow simple instructions and

Look for a baby who’s two years old or a little over. Perhaps a cousin,
younger sibling, niece/nephew, family friend or neighbor can be a potential
source of your learning. Please get the permission of the mother or father or
parents and carefully observe the baby’s behavior. Please print and use
the checklist* objectively and tick the demonstrated behaviors in
various areas of development.


Name: Kevin Age: 2 yrs. old Date of
Observation: June 1, 2022
How the child learns, plays, speaks, acts and moves offers important clues about your child’s
development. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age.
Check the milestones that the child has reached by his or her 2nd birthday. Please check (✓) on the line
if the milestone is present and mark (X), if absent.

What lessons have you learned from this activity?

I learned that every child has his or her own personality and milestone. Understanding the child’s
changing growth and development milestones is an important thing. They may encounter physical and
emotional challenges, so they need to be guided properly.
Answers to the following questions.

1. A

2. D

3. B


5. D

6. D

7. D

8. C

9. A

10. C

11. True

12. False

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