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Currency Converter using JAVA

Mayur Devle [70] Rahul Gaikwad [73] Gayatri Waghmare [74]

Department of E&TC Department of E&TC Department of E&TC
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
Pune, India Pune, India Pune, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Rushikesh Joshi [79] Jenifer Khanvilkar [87] Pratiksha Mandage [91]

Department of E&TC Department of E&TC Department of E&TC
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
Pune, India Pune, India Pune, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: Currency Converter System Android

App is mainly developed for the user to get the I. INTRODUCTION
live currency status of all the country’s
currencies exchange in one app. The main Currency Converter Android App is mainly
aim of this application is to provide a web- developed for the user to get the live currency
based interface for exchanging money from status of all the country currency exchange
one currency (say $) to another currency (say converter in one app. Android app helps the
Rs). The application is developed to represent user to know about the currency value update
dynamic functionality as that of currency regularly with advanced feature and
converter. This Android app helps the user to functionality. Major functions and features has
know about the currency value update been integrated to enhance the performance of
regularly with advanced features and the app to give better results for the users.
functionality. Major functions and features Currency Converter Android App Source Code
have been integrated to enhance the gives accurate corresponding exchange result
performance of the app to give better results value in their user hand. Our Android Currency
for the users. Currency Converter Android Converter Application is necessary for the
App Source Code gives accurate traders to get the real-time all currency value
corresponding exchange result value in their updates with user preferable user interface. The
user hand by utilizing online information user can register their account with their valid
sources. It is used in knowing the currency mail id and password, the account confirmation
value of different countries and make is sent through the user mail. All country details
available to common people quickly and with their flag, currency name, and currency
easily. They can utilize anywhere and at any rate. It is easy to convert the currency updates
time. It helps travelers who are travelling from one to another. Converter Android App
across the borders. It can be further developed Source Code has a navigation menu where the
by including more currency option and by options like home, favorite, chart, setting-
showing currency value table and a graphical Theme, share app, history, decimal digits.
representation for delivering exact
information to the users.
Keywords: Java, Currency Converter Android
App. This application can be used by any user, but it
is mainly useful for business, shares and finance
related areas where money transfer and
currency exchange take place on a daily basis.
The amount of money you’ll get for a given
amount of your country’s currency is based on
internationally determined live exchange rates.
Current international exchange rates are FLOWCHART
determined by a managed floating exchange
rate. The aim of our system is to help people
who need to recognize different currencies and
able to convert then to another currency using a START
known exchange rate.


In finance and exchange rate between two
currencies is the rate at one currency will
exchange for another. It is useful tool which
give the value of certain amount of one
currency to be converted in to a different ASK USER TO ENTER
currency. It is also regarded as the value of one AMOUNT
country currency in terms of another currency.
• JAVA (Eclipse IDE – 64 bit) HAS USER REMAIND
• Processor – Intel Pentium and more ENTER
• Motherboard – Intel Chipset NO. ONLY
Motherboard YES
• RAM – 128 MB and more
• Hard Disk – 16 GB hard disk
recommended ASK USER TO HOME
getCurrency() : ASK USER TO CHOOSE
java.util.Currency.getCurrency() method returns FOREIGN CURRENCY
ISO 4217 currency code of the passed currency
getInstance() : java.util.Currency.getInstance()
method creates currency instance for Currency FOREIGN CURRENCY = HOME
getDefaultFractionDigits() :
method returns default number of argumented
currency fraction digits.
getDisplayName() :
java.util.Currency.getDisplayName() method DISPLAY RATE
generates the currency name of the argumented
currency code.
getSymbol() : java.util.Currency.getSymbol()
method returns Currency symbol for the
argumented currency code. In case, no symbol
is returned then normal currency code will be
converter, a trader can identify the
difference in making or losing money.
All kinds and types of businesses can
OUTPUT use online currency.
 converters for quick and effective
results. As a trader, you can use a
converter to get a good estimate of what
your foreign trip would cost while
traveling abroad.
 It is Efficient One can use a converter to
perform entire tasks of calculations.
Apart from performing calculations, this
tool will always give you regular
updates on rates of exchange. It would
be very difficult for investors to convert
different currencies without using a
currency converter.
 Can be Used Anywhere Traders who
send money overseas can immensely V. CONCLUSION
benefit from this tool. Individuals who
are using an updated converter have Currency value tables for the user currency
access to all the currency exchange converter that the people are using, they will
rates. This means that they can perform always find ways to get the higest possible
their online transactions or businesses profit out of the exchanges.
within no time.
 An online currency converter is a
convenient, easy-to-use tool, making it
an energy ad time-saving proposition for VI. REFERENCES
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 It is Easy to Use An online currency Empirical Estimation of Exchange rate
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