Online Lesson Idea Template

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Lesson Idea Online Projects, Collaboration Sites and Publishing Opportunities

Lesson Title Statistical Studies

Content Area Statistical Reasoning, High School

Content Standards MSR.CD.3 Students will distinguish between the three types of study designs
for collecting data (sample survey, experiment, and observational study) and
will know the scope of the interpretation for each design type.
i. Determine the type of study design appropriate for answering a
statistical question
ii. Determine the appropriate scope of inference for the study
Technology Standards 1.6.a Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the
desired objectives of their creating or communication
1.6.c Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating
or using a variety of digital objects, such as visualizations models, or
1.6.d Students publish or present content that customizes the message and
medium for their intended audiences.

Integrated Technology  Computers, tablets, mobile devices

 Google Drive
 Audacity
 Padlet
Reference or This is an original lesson plan/idea.
Supporting Resources

Bloom’s Taxonomy  Understanding

Levels  Applying
 Analyzing
 Creating
Integration Level LoTi Level 5: Expansion

Usage Plan In this lesson, students will be creating a study of their choice and pick the
best means of representation for their statistical question. Students will then
collaborate with peers on an google doc or slide to put all of their research in
and their justification for they study type. Students will then get this doc
approved by a teacher before moving on to the next step.
Once student have collaborated with the research and have picked their
study design, students will then begin to formulate their study. This could be
creating a survey to give to students, finding ways to collect data,
collaborating on their presentation and data computations. After they have
reached a conclusion for their statistical question and have modeled it using
the correct study type, they will create a presentation to have displayed in the
school and presented to the class. Lastly, they will create a podcast episode
to talk about their process of finding their question, choosing their study type,
carrying out the study, and their overall findings. These podcast episodes will
be posted to Padlet for the class to listen to and comment on.
Design Features a. Collaboration: Students will be working in small groups with their peers to
create their presentation. There are multiple methods for students to
collaborate online, like google docs, google slide, one drive, and more!
Students are also able to work with the teacher as a mentor for information
they might need. If student’s desired to, they can also find resources online
that support their study to refer to and use to clarify any information.
b. Student-centered learning and knowledge creation: Students will be
taking the lead and creating a meaningful product to them. They will be in
charge of the learning with the teacher there as a facilitator/mentor. Students
are getting to explore the material and make their own connections.

c. Higher-order thinking: Student are asked to preform multiple steps in the

lesson. They will have to find their statistical question, use their knowledge to
find the best study, evaluate their findings, find the best representations for
their findings, and create a podcast to explain their thinking,

d. Students publishing original work: Students are being asked to create

their own study and question, find their data, and make their own podcast.
They will then get to post and present their original work to the class/school.

Universal Design Students are able to pick their own question and find one that is meaningful to
Rationale them. In addition, they are allowed to choose what form of presentation they
want to create for their results. A podcast episode is assessable to students,
but, if necessary, they may turn in a paper answering the same questions if
they prefer. Overall, this is a student-centered learning experience where the
teacher will act as a facilitator to guide students as needed. They are in
charge of what they choose to do.
Lesson Idea The standards will be addressed through the activity, as they have to choose
what study design will best match their statistical question. Students will
complete a student led project that will lead them through the standards and
the teacher will act as a facilitator to guide the students as needed. The
project will be introduced after the students have been given information on
the study designs. The students will be given a week of class time to
complete the project, as it is extensive. Student learning will be assessed
through their completed final projects, presentation, and podcast. Students
are allowed to choose their topic, question, mode of delivery, so differentiated
is built into this project. Students are asked a variety of questions and have
check points to meet that will allow for higher learning to be addressed as
needed. Students will be encouraged to come up with their own unique
questions, which will force them to truly work through the material. The lesson
will conclude with presentations of projects and a day were the students listen
to another groups podcast and give feedback. Teacher feedback on
presentations and podcasts will also be given.
Internet Safety The students will be given a quick talk about what is appropriate internet
usage and not. The students are also not publicly posting anything so their
identities and likeness are protected. This plan does comply with internet
usage policies.
Design Reflection I feel like the activity created will allow students to explore the material and
make their own connections with it. This lesson could be easily modified to
include more technology, like adding a component where students post their
findings to the world or get to collaborate with researchers.

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