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L&D Kadewaguruan

(Newcomer LD Business Partnert & Employees with passion and future aspiration in Learning
Learning Background

Learning & development adalah hal penting yang

dimiliki organisasi

Di satu sisi, perubahan zaman menuntut praktisi

learning & development juga beradaptasi dengan
perubahan tersebut

Lahirlah mahzab-mahzab dalam learning &


Praktisi learning & development pun perlu

reskilling dan up skilling dengan mahzab L&D yang

Learning Milestone
Preparation Design & Develop Implementation Review & Handover Sustainability :
Team preparation ( team Identify learning Initiatives realization and Program Evaluation, review To keep and boost
selection, project planning, opportunity capturing improvement the change, lesson summary, performance
setup milestone) opportunity and handover to stand alone

Define customer Gathering Data for Launch the program Action after review Set up sustainability
Case Study strategy

Monitoring result Lesson learn

Define Objective
Define Effective &
Communication &
condition leadership
Stand alone

Design & Develop

Learning Program

Learning Milestone
Going To Detail Project Organization Chart

Project Sponsor
1. Suhud Rasodjati
Ayu Gustina 2. Bonardo Pangaribuan
3. Irwan Kurniawan
4. Zakaria Al Anshor
Project Manager
5. EVE Team
6. Moh Abdul Azis
Suhud Rahsojati

Project Facilitator

Novianta Kuswandi
Learning Milestone
Going To Detail

Program Description
1. Adalah program pengembangan Kapabilitas 3. Bagi PIC di L&D L&D model pembelajaran yang akan
bagi PIC di L&D digunakan adalah continuous learning (3Es)
2. Program ini juga berfokus pada 4. Bagi karyawan non L&D, model pembelajaran yang akan
Preparation pengembangan Kompetensi bagi karyawan digunakan adalah Education dan exposure
yang memiliki future aspiration dan passion
di area L&D

Program Deliverable Learning Objective

 SDC strategic initiative  Maximizing L&D Performance
 Learning program design  Minimized competencies gap for new PDS
 Learning method & channel  Equalize understanding of L&D business

Learning Milestone
Going To Detail

Design & Develop Gather Data For Case Study

1. SDC Journey
2. SDC Achievement

Learning Method Learning Evaluation

1. Micro learning (1 video/week) Knowledge test
2. Self Learning

1. One on one coaching Behavior Change

1. Project Assignment Business Impact

© 2019 Solusi Bangun Indonesia

Learning Milestone
Going To Detail

1. Instructional Design (Format, Philosophy, Users, System)

2. Talent Management (Format, Philosophy, Users, System)
Design & Develop 3. Continuous Learning (Format, Philosophy, Users, System)
4. Digital Learning (Format, Philosophy, Users, System)

1. Discussion 1 3. Socialization the program

- Participant : N. Kuswandi, Suhud R - Participant : All team PPM
- Agenda : Brainstorming for the program - Agenda : Share the program & method
- Output : Having some ideas for the program - Output : Having input and agreement for the
02 planning program & method

4. Implementation
2. Workshop 1 - Participant : All trainee
- Participant : All Team PPM - Agenda : Launch L&D Kadewaguruan
- Agenda : Discussion program & method
- Output : Deal with program & method will
be delivered

© 2019 Solusi Bangun Indonesia

Learning Milestone
Going To Detail

Design & Develop


© 2019 Solusi Bangun Indonesia

Learning Milestone
Going To Detail

Design & Develop

Empat kurikulum utama yang akan dibahas pada tiap
pendekatan adalah :

Learning Philosophy Learning User


Learning Format Learning System

© 2019 Solusi Bangun Indonesia

Learning Milestone
Going To Detail

Action Time
Design & Develop Launch The Program W1 Apr
Define Participant 2021 Project Initiative W2 Apr
Learning Evaluation W3 Jul & W3 Des
Monthly Coaching W3 every Month
02 Learning Evaluation W3 every Month
Instructional Design Microlearning W2 Apr – W2 Juni
Learning Evaluation W2 Jun
Talent Management Microlearning W2 Juni – W2 Sept
Learning Evaluation W2 Sept
Continuous Learning Microlearning W2 Sept – W2 Des
Learning Evaluation W3 Des

© 2019 Solusi Bangun Indonesia

Learning Milestone
Going To Detail



Learning monitoring

© 2019 Solusi Bangun Indonesia

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