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Biology Block Test Preparation Worksheet

Grade XI
Name: Louis Bintang Alexis
1. Write down the functions of components of cell below.
a. Carbohydrate Primary source of energy
b. Water Acts as a solvent, biochemical reactions & transport medium, for
lubrication, maintaining body temperature, provide support to the structure of
a cell.
c. Lipid Source of energy, Provides physical protection to major organs.
d. Nucleic acid store genetic information
e. Protein Build new cells for growth & renew damaged tissue, involved in the
synthesis of hemoglobin.
2. Differentiate between the light and electron microscope.
Light microscope: Electron Microscope:
-2000x magnification -500.000~1.000.000x magnification
-Focus beams = lenses -Focus beams = electromagnets
-Resolving power = 200nm -Resolving power = 0.2nm
-Object = Alive or dead -Object = Dead only
-Colour = no staining required -Colour = Requires metal dyes/
3. The diagram shows a type of prokaryotic cell, a bacterium

Which three structures are found in both animal and bacteria cell? DNA,
Cell membrane, Ribosome
4. Label A-D. Where are the enzymes made? Ribosome

A= Ribosome , B= Golgi apparatus, C= rough endoplasmic reticulum, D= Mitochondria

5. Which number shows the characteristics of animal cell?

3. Cell membrane and 4. Ribosomes.

6. Which of the structure below are found in a typical plant cell?

7. Looking at a cell under a microscope, you note that it is a prokaryote. How do you
a. The cell lacks cytoplasm
b. The cell lacks a cell membrane
c. The cell lacks a nucleus
d. The cell lacks genetic material
e. The cell lacks chloroplast

8. Sara would like to film the movement of chromosomes during cell division. Her best
choice for a microscope would be a….
a. Light microscope, because of its resolving power
b. Transmission electron microscope, because of its magnifying power
c. Scanning electron microscope, because the specimen is alive
d. Transmission electron microscope, because of its great resolving power
e. Light microscope, because the specimen is alive

9. Which of the following statements about the nucleus is NOT true?

a. The nucleus stores the coded instructions for making the cell’s proteins
b. The nucleus usually contains a nucleolus region which is where ribosome assembly
c. The nucleus is the site of protein assembly
d. The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear envelope that lets materials in and out
e. The nucleus contains genetic materials that can be pass to the offspring

10. Which sequence correctly traces the path of a protein in the cell?
a. Ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus
b. Ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast
c. Endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome, Golgi apparatus
d. Ribosome, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum
e. Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, ribosome

11. The following diagram show organelles.

1 2 3

What is the role of number 3 on diagram? Centriole

a. Energy production
b. Intracellular digest
c. Storage pigment or food
d. Form the spindle fiber
e. Lipid synthesis

12. Which of the following best describes the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
in eukaryotic cells?
a. Processing and packaging proteins into transport vesicles for delivery to the Golgi
b. Synthesis of lipids.
c. Synthesis of proteins.
d. Synthesis of ribosomes.
e. Controls the activity of the cell

13. The role of lysosomes is as intracellular digesters. Macromolecules and materials that
go into the cell will be taken through small vesicles and lysosomes would then fuse
with the vesicle. The entry process of macromolecules and the material is also called
a. Autophagy
b. Phagocytosis
c. Pinocytosis
d. Endocytosis
e. Exocytosis

14. Which means of particle transport is shown in the figure below?

a. diffusion
b. osmosis
c. facilitated diffusion
d. endocytosis
e. active transport
15. Which means of particle transport is shown in the figure below?

a. Endocytosis
b. Facilitated diffusion
c. Exocytosis
d. Osmosis
e. Diffusion

16. In each cycle the sodium-potassium pumps transfer…

a. two potassium ions in and two sodium ions out
b. one sodium ion out and one potassium ion in
c. three sodium ions out and two potassium ions in
d. one potassium ion out and two sodium ions in
e. three sodium ions in and two potassium ions out

17. The membrane transport mechanism used when an amoeba engulfs a bacterial cell is
a. exocytosis
b. pinocytosis
c. facilitated diffusion
d. active transport
e. phagocytosis

18. Match the descriptions below to the cell that is the best fit [5]
Cells: Descriptions:
1. Muscle cell in the thigh muscle of a a. A large number of
long-distance runner mitochondria
2. Pancreatic cell that manufactures b. Huge vacuoles
digestive enzymes c. Most bound ribosomes
3. Macrophage (white blood cell) that d. A large number of lysosomes
engulfs bacteria
e. A large number of smooth
4. Epithelial cells lining the digestive
5. Ovarian cell that produces estrogen f. The most tight junctions
(a steroid hormone)

1. ___a______
2. __c_______ 3. ___b______ 4. ____f_____
5. _____e____

19. The movement of molecules from a region of greater concentration to lower

concentration is called
a. Osmosis
b. Diffusion
c. Endocytosis
d. Exocytosis
e. Active transport

20. A solution of higher solute concentration than the cell is called

a. Isotonic
b. Hypotonic
c. Hypertonic
d. Osmosis
e. None of the above

21. If a 2% salt solution is separated by a semi-permeable membrane from a 6% salt

a. Water will flow from 2% to 6% solution
b. Water will flow from 6% to 2% solution
c. There is no change because semi permeable membrane blocks the flow of water and
salt molecules
d. Diffusion occurs from 6% to 2% solution
e. Diffusion occurs from 2% to 6% solution
22. Label the structure of plasma membrane no 1-5.

1. Peripheral protein
2. Carbohydrate
3. Integral protein
4. Glycoprotein
5. Phosphate head (polar)
23. Complete the sentence.

Y= Hypotonic

24. What happened to the egg that you put in:

a. Vinegar solution (day 1) It gets heavier because vinegar is higher in water than
insite the egg.
b. Water (day 2-3) Because the solution outside the egg is higher in water, the
water will move into the egg through the membrane.
c. Corn syrup (day 2-3) Because Corn syrup is very low in water, the water from
inside the egg will pass through the membrane and to the corn syrup.
25. Label the phases of mitosis below.

a. Interphase
b. Prophase
c. Metaphase
d. Anaphase
e. Telophase
46 DNA molecules
27. Monkey has 42 chromosomes; how many chromosomes will be found during:
a. Prophase 42
b. Anaphase 42
28. What is structure R and S?

chromosome, S=kinetochore
29. Describe the steps in protein synthesis with the diagram below. Include the label of
each letter in your explanation.

30. Look at the following diagram.

a. What is the function of RNA polymerase? RNA polymerase is an enzyme that
is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, during the
process of transcription.
b. What will happen to RNA strand before it leaves nucleus? The RNA will be
spliced, which is where the unnecessary code is removed.
c. What are the first 3 amino acids formed by the strand above? AUG AUC UCG
Methionine, Isoleucine, Serine.

1. What is the function of different tissue system below:
a. Dermal tissue Outer covering of the plants, thus it protects the plant
b. Vascular tissue conducts water and solutes throughout the plant.
c. Ground tissue carries out photosynthesis, stores photosynthesis products, help support
the plants.
2. What are the characteristics of meristematic tissue? Give the types based on its location.
Active cell division, small cell size, thin cell wall, large nucleus, small or even no vacuole,
no intercellular space.
-Apical meristem (found at the tip of stems & roots)
-Lateral meristems(Found along the sides of roots & stems, increase width or diameter of
stems & roots. – vascular and cork cambium)
-Intercalary meristems (Found at the bases of young leaves & internodes)(responsible for
further lengthening of stems & leaves.

3. Which features below are found in sieve tube and xylem vessels?

No nucleus

4. Identify the adaptation of the structures and the characteristics of the following cell to do
its function?
a. Companion cell living, elongated cells with thin walls lying parallel to sieve tubes.
b. Sieve tube living, elongated tubular cells placed end to end which have large cavities.
c. Xylem vessel wide, long tubes arranged in vertical rows formed of cylindrical cells
arranged end to end. Like tracheids, these vessels are also dead with think and lignified
d. Tracheid narrow, tube-like dead cells with thick and lignified walls. (to conduct water
and minerals from roots to the leaves.)
5. Look at the following diagram.

a. Which structure has the most abundant chloroplast? Y(guard cells)

b. What is structure Y and its function? (Guard cells) Function: Guard cell can change
shape using osmotic pressure to open or close the stomata, which is used to regulate the
amount of water and solutes and gas exchange.
6. Mention the three types of simple permanent tissue and their characteristics.
-Parenchyma: Rounded, have uniformly thin walls found in all parts of the plants,
living at maturity, have large vacuoles, location : Leaf, stem (pith), roots, fruits.
-Collenchyma: composed of elongated cells with irregularly thickened walls, alive at
maturity, have thin cell walls but are irregularly thickened at the corners due to extra
deposition of cellulose and pectin.
-Sclerenchyma: non living, lack protoplasts (content of a cell within a cell membrane)
at maturity, have think, lignified secondary walls, provide strength and support in parts
that have ceased elongating or mature.

7. What is the function of epidermal modification:

a. Spine To protect the plant from predators.
b. Trichomes reduce evaporation, reduce disturbances from animals or humans, helps
seed distribution and germination, helps flower pollination.
c. Velamen To protect the vascular tissue inside the roots cortex, water storage
d. Silica cell gives a hard surface texture to the plant.

8. Direction: Write T if the statement is true and modify the underlined word(s) if the
statement is false.
_______F__________1. Parenchymal tissue which is found in xerophytes is
storage(water) parenchyma.
_________T________ 2. The substance found in the walls of xylem cells but not found
in the walls of phloem cells is lignin.
____________F_____ 3. Sclerenchyma (collenchyma) cell wall are thicken at the
corner due to deposition of cellulose and pectin.
____________F_____ 4. The presence of numerous fibers (sclereids)form the cores of
apples and produce the gritty texture of pears.
______T___________ 5. Grass stem elongates by the activity of intercalary meristem.
__________F_______ 6. Apical (lateral) meristems occur laterally in the axis, parallel
to the sides of stem and root.
____________F_____ 7. The cells of collenchyma(parenchyma) tissue are alive at
maturity, have thin wall, rounded shape and large vacuoles.
______T___________ 8. Secondary phloem – differentiates from vascular cambium &
is commonly called wood.
___________F______ 9. Xylem fiber (Xylem vessels)are wide, long tubes arranged in
vertical rows formed of cylindrical cells arranged end to end.
9. The figure below shows a drawing of an area of phloem from a transverse section of the
stem of a summer squash plant.

a. Label G and H. [2] G= sieve tube cell, H=Cytoplasm

b. Describe three ways in which the structure of a xylem vessel differs from the structure
of cell G. [3]
Vessel has lignified wall while the wall of sieve tube is unlignified.
Vessel has thick walls while sieve has thin walls.
The end walls of xylem vessels are commonly dissolved completely while the end
walls of sieve tubes are perforated to form sieves plate.

c. The liquid extracted from the phloem contains sucrose. Explain how sucrose is
transported along the stem from the leaf to the fruit. [3]
Sucrose is actively transported into the phloem by the companion cells. The sucrose
then diffuses into the neighboring sieve tube cells. Water molecules in the xylem
diffuses into the sieve tube cells increasing the pressure in these cells causing water to
flow carrying any solutes with it. It is this pressure which forces the sugar and water
through the phloem. The sucrose is delivered to fruits, roots and rapidly growing parts
of the plant which need energy.

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