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Republic of the Philippines

Office of the President

HOllsing and Urban Development Coordinating COllncil


Series of 2015 (~~N \f.. ) 2015)







Pursuant to Section 12 of the Housing and Land Use Regulatqlry Board (HLURB)
Resolution No. 921, Series of 2014, or the "Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations to Govern The Advertisements of Subdivision and Co~dominium Projects
under Presidential Decree No. 957 (P.O. No. 957) Otherwi' e Known as the
"Subdivision and Condominium Buyers' Protective Decree" And All Other Projects
Required By Law To Be Registered With the Housing and Lar k:I Use Regulatory
Board", this Guidelines is hereby issued.


Section 1. Title. - This Guidelines shall be referred to as the \\~ 014 Guidelines on
Advertisements". I

Section 2. Scope of Application. This Guidelines shall apply tq all advertisements
and announcements about any project required by law to be registered with HLURB.

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HLURB Bldg., Kalayaan Avenue corner Mayaman Street, Diliman, Quezen City
--- ~- - - ----

When used in this Guidelines, the word "project" shall include:

2.1 All subdivisions, including residential, commercial, farmlot and industrial


2.2 All condominiums, including residential and commercial condo iniums;


2.3 Any other similar projects, including cemeteries, memq ial parks, and

Section 3. Objective. This Guidelines aims to provide a uni~ rm application,

interpretation, usage, and implementation of Board Resolution N . 921, Series of
2014 in order to ensure that the public and prospective buyer are fairly and
truthfully informed of the development, construction, sales and ope~ tions, and other
facts or activities relating to a project, and that they may not be n1 sled or deceived
through misrepresentations in any announcement or advertisement. :

Section 4. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this Guidelin s, the following

terms or words shall, unless the context indicates otherwise, mean r be understood
as follows:

4.1 "Advertisement" refers to any form of information, wheth~ in words or in

illustrations, relating to a project, its operations or activities disseminated or
communicated for the purpose of marketing and selling the R oject, or any lot,
including any building or improvement thereon, or any unit hereof, through
any of the various media such as but not limited to newspapers, magazines,
television, radio, billboards and tarpaulins, brochures, leafl ts, flyers, digital
and electronic signages and communications, scale models q through buyers'
briefings, seminars, or trippings. .

4.2 "Advertiser" refers to the owner/developer, dealer, or auth rized broker and
salesperson who secured or is supposed to secure the adve isement approval
from the HLURB and caused its dissemination or communicat on.

4.3 "Announcement" refers to any form of information, wheth r in words or in

illustrations, disseminated or communicated in the sam' manner as an
advertisement, solely for the purpose of initially informing or notifying the
public about a project but not for the purpose of marketi 'g or selling such
project, or any lot, including any building or improvement th reon, or any unit

4.4 "Broadcast Advertising" refers to all advertisements or co i mercials that are

disseminated through radios and televiSions. For purpos s of this Rules,

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broadcast advertising shall also include cinema advertisemen or those aired

or exhibited in theaters, as well as those disseminated 0, communicated
through live streaming or other similar methods.

4.5 "Broker" refers to the person who is required by P.D. No. 95~ to be registered
with the HLURB before it can undertake, for comml sion or other
compensation, to sell or negotiate the sale of a real est te belonging to

4.6 "Cease and Desist Order" refers to an order issued by the HLURB directed
against a developer enjoining it from committing certain acts in relation to its
project by reason of a violation of Presidential Decree No. 957, Batas

Pambansa Big. 220, or any of their implementing rules and r gulations or any
guidelines or Circular issued thereunder.

4.7 "Cemetery" refers to a public or private land used for the b rial of the dead
and other uses indicated for cemetery purposes.

4.8 "Columbarium" refers to any structure, either freestanding 0 part of another

building, containing niches for the inurnment of cremated h man remains. A
columbarium may include an "ossuary" which refers to the I ternment space
for the bones of the dead.

4.9 "Commercial Condominium" refers to the entire parcel of real property divided
or to be divided primarily for commercial purposes into mmercial units,
including all structures thereon.

4.10 "Commercial Subdivision" refers to a tract or parcel of i land registered

under Act No. 496 which is partitioned primarily into i i dividual lots for
commercial use with or without improvements thereon an offered to the
public for sale in cash or in installment terms.

4.11 "Condominium Project" refers to the entire parcel of real pr perty divided or
to be divided into condominium units, including all structures Ithereon.

4.12 "Dealer" refers to any person required by P.O. No. 957 to e registered with
the HLURB before it can directly engage as principal in the usiness of buying
and selling of real estate, whether on a full-time or pa rt-ti mel baSis.

4.13 "Developer" refers to the person, natural or juridical, ho develops or

improves for and in behalf of the owner a "project" as defin d or enumerated
under Section 4 hereof. When used in this Rules, "dev loper" shall also
pertain to or include the owner.

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4.14 "Dissemination" refers to the publishing, posting or dis ributing, alnng,

broadcasting or livestreaming, digital or electronic networkinQ or through any
other manner an advertisement is communicated or mad. known to the

4.15 "Farmlot subdivision" refers to a subdivision project prima ily intended for
agricultural production, with a minimum lot area of 1000 .m. and with a
25% maximum allowable buildable area.

4.16 "Industrial subdivision" refers to a tract of land partitioned in 0 lots for sale or
lease to establishments engaged primarily in industrial produ ion or services.
The degree of development may be limited to the provisio of utilities and
allocation of areas for industrial buildings, facilities, and am nities, or it may
also include the provision of buildings, facilities, and amenitie .

4.17 "Land development" refers to land clearing and grubbing, r ad construction,

installation of power and water distribution system, constru ion of drainage
and sewerage system, and other developments contained! in the approved
plans and/or in the brochure and advertisement.

4.18 "Memorial Park" refers to a privately-owned cemetery rovided with a

systematic supervision and maintenance where park-like tmosphere is its
outstanding quality.

4.19 "Out-of Home Advertising" refers to all advertisements i tended to reach


customers or prospective buyers while outside their home' such as but not
limited to photographic and electronic billboards, transit adv rtisements, digital
displays, banners, tarpaulins and posters.

4.20 "Owner" refers to the registered owner of the land subje of a project. An
owner who develops a project by himself shall be consideredias a developer.

4.21 "Print Advertising" refers to all advertisements that are diss minated through
newspapers, magazines, brochures, pamphlets, flyers and I other similar or
related materials.

4.22 "Project" refers to the different real estate development numerated under
Section 2 hereof which are required by law to be registered ith the HLURB.

4.23 "Sale" or "sell" shall include every disposition or attempt to dispose, for a

valuable consideration, of any lot, including the b~ Iding and other

improvements thereof, or any unit in a project. "Sale" an "sell" shall also
include a contract to sell, a contract of purchase and sale an exchange, an
attempt to sell, an option of sale or purchase, a solicitatio of a sale, or an

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offer to sell, directly or by an agent, or by a circular, letter, dvertisement or


A privilege given to a member of a cooperative, corporatio!, partnership, or

any association and/or the issuance of a certificate or rece pt evidencing or
giving the right of participation in, or right to, any land in ; consideration of
payment of the membership fee or dues, shall be deemed I sale within the
meaning of this definition.

4.24 "Salesman" refers to the person registered with the HLURB and engaged or
regularly employed by a broker to perform, for and in his ehalf, any or all
functions of a real estate broker.

4.25 "Subdivision Project" refers to a tract or a parcel of land reg~stered under Act
No. 496, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1529, wh ch is partitioned
primarily for residential purposes into individual lots ith or without
improvements thereon, and offered to the public for sal , in cash or in
installment terms. It shall include all residential, commerci I, industrial and
recreational areas as well as open spaces and other com unity and public
areas in the project.

All other words as may be used in this Guidelines shall e interpreted in

accordance with their normal and popular usage and meanin


Sub-Rule II-A. Truth in Advertising

Section S. Truth in Advertising. Any announcement or adve isement about a

project, or about its operations or activities, must reflect the real ff cts and must be
presented in a manner that will not tend to mislead or deceive the public.
I To
properly inform the public and to enable prospective buyers to ake an informed
choice on their purchase or acquisition, any advertisement abo' t a project must
indicate material facts and may not include any prohibited statem nt or information
as hereinafter set forth. .

Section 6. Design and Standards, Amenities, and Period of Completion.

All representation and description in the advertisement pertaini g to a project's
designs and standards, amenities, facilities, infrastructures and i provements, and
its period of development and completion must strictly conform ith the project's

approved site development plans, architectural plans and work pr ,grams. Only such

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amenities and improvements specified in the approved site d velopment and

architectural plans of the project may be included or illustrated in t~ advertisement.
Otherwise, the owner or developer shall be liable in accordance with Section 22

Section 7. Pictures and Illustrations. Any picture or iIIustrati 'n of the project,
or any of its features, facilities, or amenities that may be included r depicted in the
advertisement shall be captioned as "actual photographs", "archite tIs perspective",
"artist's illustrations" or such other similar captions, as the case may' be.

Section 8. Payment and Financing Schemes. No mode or m .nner of payment

and financing, including the amount of reservation fee, initial deposit or
downpayment, required equity, installment plans, schedule and escalation, and
discounts and interest rates shall be included in an advertise ent unless the
complete payment and financing scheme is fully disclosed in the a vertisement and
in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the purd ase reservation,
contract to sell, or any other form or document relating to or whic i may be used in
the sale of the lots, including any building or improvement thereon any units of the
project, or in the sale of privileges connected with the project.

Any representation in an advertisement on the amount of monthly i stallments which

are dependent on an approved credit or financing scheme, wh ther in-house or
third-party finanCing, must not be misleading and shall state the' financing source
and availability, and the true terms, rates, charges, fees and pena ties prevailing or
applicable at the time of the sale transaction so as to enable a prq pective buyer to
make an informed choice about the actual cost of financing of su h purchase. Any
interest rate must be stated in terms of annual percentage rate. '

Section 9. Location and Distance. The location and distance f a project must
be stated in a manner that will not tend to mislead the public or p ospective buyers
of its proximity, accessibility and value. Any statement of the proj ct's location and
distance in relation to a known place or landmark shall be expr ssed in terms of
kilometers, and any vicinity map illustrating such proximity to I known places or
landmarks must Similarly indicate such distance or distances in term of kilometers.

Sub-Rule II-B. Contents of Announcements and Adve ,

Section 10. Prohibited Statements and Information in an! nnouncement.

Any announcement that may be disseminated by the owner or de loper prior to the

issuance of the project's license to sell shall not include the office' ddress or contact
numbers or information of the owner, developer or dealer or the! names and office
address or contact numbers of any of the project's autho I ized broker/s or
salesperson/s. In addition, an announcement shall not include any other information

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or statement which directly or indirectly conveys or suggests the sal' or marketing of

any of the lots, including any building or improvement thereon, q any units of a
project. .

Any of these prohibited information or statement cannot be included in an

announcement material by inserting, stapling, pasting, attaching, 0 by any manner
that may serve to incorporate such prohibited information or staten1 nt. A violation
hereof shall be deemed as selling without a license and sha~ be subject to
appropriate sanctions and penalties as provided by P.O. 957, its im lementing rules,
regulations, and the guidelines herein provided.

Section 11. Prohibited Statements and Information in an dvertisement.

The following statements or information shall not be included in any!advertisement:

11.1 Disclaimer(s);

11.2 Any other or future project or development not covered by the license to
sell stated therein, unless such other or future projects are included in a
cluster development as provided under Section 15 hereof; an

11.3 Exaggerations or misleading information either by, textf illustration, or


Section 12. Mandatory Contents in Print Advertising. All i print advertising

including out-of home advertisements shall include or indicate aterial facts and
information so as to fairly inform the public about a project. The a vertisement shall

12.1 The name(s) of the owner(s) and/or developer(s) of the proj ct;

12.2 The exact location of the project including street name, bar ngay, and city or

12.3 The License to Sell or Amended License to Sell Number;

12.4 The Advertisement Approval Number;

12.5 The approved project completion date as indicated in the lice se to sell; and

12.6 The maximum selling price in case of economic and cialized housing

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Any printed advertisement that includes the names or offices of the ealer or any the
project's authorized broker/s or salesperson/s shall likewis~ indicate their
corresponding HLURB registration numbers. I

Section 13. Mandatory Contents in Broadcast Advertising1 All broadcast

advertising shall include or indicate material facts and informatio so as to fairly
inform the public about a project. The advertisement shall include:

13.1 The name(s) of the owner(s) and/or developer(s) of the proj~

13.2 The location of the project including the name of the baran ayand
city/municipality); and

13.3 The License to Sell or Amended License to Sell Number and d te of issue.
Section 14. Other Advertising Requirements. In print adve Ising, the license
to sell number must be of the same font type and size, and esolution as the
advertiser's telephone number. In all cases, the mandatory con~ nts as provided
under Sections 12 and 13 hereof shall be readable or comprehensib~ .

Section 15. Cluster Development. In case of an advertiseme. t of a project or

projects included in a cluster development, the other projects, d velopments and
infrastructures included in the project's master plan shall be indicated in the
advertisement. However, such advertisement must clearly speci which of those
projects are already covered by licenses to sell.


Section 16. Who May Announce and Advertise. Only he owner or the
developer may announce about a project before the issuance of ts license to sell.
After the issuance of the project's License to Sell (LS), the owner/. developer, dealer
or the authorized broker/s and/or salesperson/s ( hereinafter colle: ively referred to
as " the advertiser'') indicated in the application for the Certific~ e of Registration
and License to Sell (CRjLS) may advertise about the project. .

Section 17. Requirement of Prior Approval. Advertiseme ts shall only be

allowed after the issuance of the project's license to sell and only ai er the advertiser
shall have secured a prior approval from the HLURB by filing ani application under
oath with the Regional Field Office (RFO) where the project is r gistered or to be
registered. The pro-forma copy of the Application for Advertis ment Approval is
hereto attached as Annex "A".

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Projects licensed by one and the same RFO may be included in ne material and
shall be subject to one advertisement approval. Otherwise, a sing! e advertisement
about several projects registered in different RFOs are required to e approved first
by all of the RFOs where the projects are respectively registered.

Section 18. Documentary Requirements. The following requir ments are to be

submitted for every application for advertisement approval:

18.1 Two (2) copies of notarized application;

18.2 At least two (2) copies of the proposed advertisement materi I;
18.3 Copy of the license to sell, if already issued; and
18.4 Marketing agreement between owner/developer and roker/authorized
registered broker and authorization to advertise, if applicati n is filed by the
broker or authorized registered broker.

Section 19. Fees. Fees shall be collected upon the filing , f application in
accordance with the approved Schedule of Fees.

Section 20. Review and Approval. The contents and represen ations contained
in the submitted material shall be reviewed in accordance wit the guidelines
provided under Sub-Rules II-A and II -B hereof. All applications r advertisement
approval shall be acted upon within five (5) working days fro receipt thereof,
except those applications filed at the time or together with the pr ject's application
for the issuance of CR/LS. In such a case the approval shall be iss, ed together with
the project's CR/LS. The approval shall consist of a letter from th HLURB Regional
Officer authorizing the dissemination of the advertisement and w ich shall further
state all the conditions as may be imposed. The letter of approval nd the approved
copy of the announcement or advertisement shall in all instances b ar the HLURB dry
seal. Further, the copy or material shall be duly signed by the Re ional Officer and
stamped "approved", with the date and number of approval indic ted thereon. The
pro-forma copy of the Letter of Approval is hereto attached as Ann~ "B".

In case the submitted advertisement material is not consistent or c mplying with the
guidelines herein set forth, the RFO reviewing the same shall s nd the applicant
advertiser a Notice of DefiCiency in ReqUirements, stating therein, he reason/s why
the material cannot be approved and requiring the applicant to a: end the same in
order to conform with the guidelines herein set forth.

Section 21. Restriction on Advertisement Approval. No a vertisement shall

be approved or allowed if a Cease and Desist Order (COO) or sus ension of LS has
been issued against the project.

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Section 22. Representations as Warranties. All representati ns made in an

advertisement shall form part of the sales warranties enforceable a ainst the owner
or developer, jOintly and severally. The owner or developer shall b answerable and
liable for the facilities, improvements, infrastructures, or other form of development
represented or promised in any advertising material or sales propag nda, even if the
same are not included in the approved plans, specifications and wor programs.

Section 23. Liabilities of the Owner or Developer. The failur of any owner or
developer to timely and completely deliver all representations mad in the project's
advertisement constitutes an actionable breach of contract and warranties. In
addition to the imposition of the appropriate penalties under Secti n 27 hereof, any
buyer who may have been induced to purchase a lot, including any building or
improvement thereon, or any unit in a project by reason of any fa se or misleading
representation in an advertisement may enforce all the rights and r medies available
for such breach of contract and warranties, including the pa: ment of proper
compensation and damages.


Section 24. Monitoring. In the exercise of its viSitorial powersi the HLURB may,
motu propriO or upon verified complaint, exercise its right to monitor all
announcements or advertisements and impose appropriate san ions in case of
violation or non-compliance with the foregoing guidelines.

Section 25. Prohibited Announcements and Advertise ents. Every

announcement disseminated or caused to be disseminated and n. t complying with
HLURB's existing rules and guidelines, and every advertisemen~ disseminated or
caused to be disseminated without prior approval by the HLURB r which deviates

from its approved advertisement material or which fails to compl with the terms
and conditions of the advertisement approval and other HL RB's rules and
guidelines shall be considered as prohibited advertisement. ach and every
publication or printing of any prohibited announcement or adv rtisement in any
newspaper, magazine, or any other periodicals, brochures, leaf! ts, or flyers, or
every airing or broadcasting thereof shall be considered as a sep~ ate violation and
each shall be subject to separate sanctions and penalties, ex ept out-of-home

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advertisements displaying identical contents or materials which shall be considered
as a single advertising only.

Section 26. Suspension of the Advertisement Approval. A C 0 or suspension

of license to sell issued to a project shall automatically suspend the approval of any
or all advertisements of the project. Upon receipt of such order, th developer shall
immediately desist from advertising the project, until the COO or suspension shall
have been lifted. Any violation of this provision shall constitute elling without a
license and shall be subject to appropriate sanctions and penalties ~ provided under
P.O. No. 957, its rules and regulations, and the guidelines issued he~ under.

Section 27. Revocation of the Advertisement Approval. A . Y deviation from

the approved contents of the advertisement or non-compliance wi h the terms and
conditions of the advertisement approval shall be a ground for r vocation of the
same. Upon receipt of the order of revocation, the developer hall immediately
cease and stop its dissemination. The advertiser whose approv I for any of its
advertisement has been revoked for any of the grounds or reason herein provided
may be authorized anew by the HLURB to disseminate again t e advertisement
provided the developer first re-applies for a new approval, ubject again to
compliance with all the requirements under existing rules and uidelines of the
HLURB and payment of applicable fines and fees.

Any alteration of plan resulting to any change in the am, nities, facilities,
infrastructure or other developments featured in the adverti· ement, whether
approved or not, shall also ipso facto revoke the approval of any or all previously-
approved advertisements of the project and the advertiser shall i mediately cease
from using or disseminating any or all previously-approved advertis ments.

Section 28. Penalties. Any violation of Board Resolution No.9 1, series of 2014
and of this Guidelines shall be penalized in accordance with he provisions of
Executive Order No. 648 and Section 38 (Administrative Fines) and Section 39
(Penalties) of Presidential Decree No. 957. I

All fines imposed in this Guidelines shall be payable to HLURB and enforceable
through writs of execution in accordance with the existing . LURB's Rules of
Procedure. The rights and remedies provided in this Guidelines s all be in addition
to any and all other rights and remedies that may be available und r existing laws.

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Section 29. Separability Clause. The provisions of this GUid~ ines are hereby
declared separable, and in the event that any provision herein is eclared null and
void, the validity of all other provisions shall not be affected thereby1

Section 30. Effectivity Clause. This Guidelines shall take effect i mediately.

Section 31. Transitory Provision. All owners, developers or: advertisers with
existing announcements or advertisements, including billboards, nq complying with
Board Resolution No. 921, Series of 2014 and the foregOing Guidelines shall, within
sixty (60) days upon effectivity of Board Resolution No. 921,1 Series of 2014
immediately cease and desist from using such announcement r advertisement
material until such time the same has been amended, and in the case of
advertisements, accordingly approved by the HLURB.

For strict compliance and implementation.

Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer

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Republic of the Philippines

Office of the President
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
_ _ _ _ Regional Field Office


Pursuant to Sections 19 of Presidential Decree No. 957,
as implemented by Board Resolution No, 921, Series of 201~
(to be accomplished in duplicate)

Pursuant to Section 19 of Presidential Decree No. 957 and its Imple enting Rules and
Regulations, Memorandum Circulars and Guidelines, the undersigned hereby apply for
approval of the proposed advertisement of NAME OF PROJE - T owned
and developed by OWNER ! DEVELOPER which is due for publication !
broadcasting! distribution on _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Attached herewith are the following:

[ ] 1. Two (2) copies of the proposed advertisement;

[ ] 2. Copy of Certificate of Registration and License to Sell; and

If the person/entity advertising is an HLURB-registered broker, the :6' llowing additional

requirement shall be submitted: I

[] 3. Copy of the Marketing Agreement and/or Authorization to Advertise-

I can be reached at :

Telephone No. :

Or through my representative: _ _-----'N--.,;;A...M=E-....,;;O;..,;F-.-RE=P..;;;RE=S=E=N;...;...;;;;.T.;;;.;;A;;.;;;T;..;;I.....

V"""'ft-,_ _ __
Telephone No. :

I hereby attest that all the foregoing infonnation, data, and submitted document are true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and have been given freely, voluntarily and! ithout fraudulent or
deceitful intent and purpose whatsoever, and that I have personally read, fille' -out, understood and
signed the foregoing application fonn.

Printed Name and Signature

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--------- -- - -- - - - - - - -~-- -- --- - - -- -


Place Date

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ __ , affiant exhibiting to

me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ issued in ____ on _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Doc. No.
Book No.
Series of

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Designation / Office
Office Address
Dear _ _ _ __

Relative to your request for approval of the attached proposed advertisement aterial of NAME
OF PROJECT located at , please be inf rmed that the said
DISTRIBUTION, subject to the following conditions:

/ / That the Project's License to Sell No. issued on s all be stated in the
advertisement and must be of the same font type, size, and resolutio as the advertiser's
telephone number indicated in the advertisement.

/ / That all of the mandatory contents in the advertisement must be readablJ or comprehensible;

/ / That the exact location of the Project shall include the street name, 1::/ rangay, and city or
municipality (for print advertisement), or the barangay and city or munid pality ( for broadcast
advertisement) ;

/ / That the Advertisement Approval Number shall indicated in the

advertisement (for print advertisement);
/ / That the Approved Project's Completion Date of _ _ _ __ shalj be indicated in the
advertisement (for print advertisement);

/ / That for socialized or economic housing projects, the maximum selling prj e shall bee indicated
in the advertisement (for print advertisement);

/ / That the OWNER/DEVELOPER shall be answerable and Iiaij e for the facilities,
improvements, infrastructures or other forms of development represe'ted or promised in
brochures, advertisement and other sales propaganda disseminated e en by its authorized
agents, and the same shall form part of the sales warranties enforcea Ie against the owner
/developer, jointly and severally; :

/ / That the pictures or illustrations on said advertisement, showing • he Project, portions

thereof or the facilities should be properly captioned as to whether s id pictures are actual
photographs taken on the site or merely architect's perspective or artist's illustrations;

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I I That no alterationl deviation shall be made in the approved advertisemen. materials when the
same is publishedl distributed and disclaimer shall not be included in the a vertisement;

I I That any misrepresentation made in the advertisement materials shall a valid cause for
revocation of this approval and for all other sanctions.

It is further understood that any violation or non-compliance with the foreg· ing conditions shall
subject the offender to the administrative and lor criminal penalties I provided for under
Sections 38 and 39 of P.O. 957 and its Implementing Rules and Regul tions, Memorandum
Circulars, and Guidelines.

Very truly yours,

Regional Director

Official Receipt No. _ _ _ __

Amount: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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