Day 4-Sept. 5, 2022

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School Poctoy National High School Learning Area TLE

Teacher Ma. Rieza R. Fatalla Grade Level 8

September 5, 2022
1:30-2:30 Faith
Date Quarter 1st
2:30-3:30 Love
and Time

The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles in
A. Content Standard
Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services
The learner independently uses nail care tools and equipment in Nail Care
B. Performance Standard
LO 1. Prepare the necessary tools and equipment for the specific nail care
C. Learning Competencies /
1.2 Identify the uses of tools, materials and equipment in nail care.
1.2.1 Demonstrate steps in preparation for manicure, pedicure, hand spa and foot

II. CONTENT Nail Care Tools and Equipment

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Page 2
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Pages 8-27
3. Textbook Pages
B. Other Learning Resources Manicure, Pedicure, Foot Spa and Hand Spa Tools, Materials and Equipment,
Images, Print Materials, Worksheets, PowerPoint presentation, DLP/TV

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson Call volunteer to recall previous lesson:

or Presenting the New Lesson 1. Differentiate Tools, Materials and Equipment.
2. Give at least 3 Materials used in nail care.
3. Give at least 3 Tools used in nail care.
4. Give at least 3 Equipment used in nail care.
B. Establishing a Purpose for Real objects (tools and equipment) used in nail care services will be presented.
the Lesson Ask learners to identify each.

Ask- Are you aware with the uses of each tools, materials and equipment?

C. Presenting Examples/ “Observe and Tell”

Instances of the Lesson

Show examples of strategies done in nail care services and ask learners to
observe keenly.
AskWhat are the tools, materials or equipment used in the pictures?
D. Discussing New Concepts “What is its Purpose?”
and Practicing New Skills # 1 Class will be divided into four. Each group will be given a box with different
nail care tools, materials and equipment. Each member will pick an item and will
tell in front of the class the use of it. (5 minutes will be given for the preparation
of the presentation of the group. You are expected to make jingle as sign that
you are done and ready)

E. Discussing New Concepts The teacher will provide printed procedures in preparation for manicure,
and Practicing New Skills # 2 pedicure, hand spa and foot spa. Their task is to demonstrate the preparation of
the following:

F. Developing Mastery (Leads “Watch, Focus and Learn”

to Formative Assessment 3) A video showing how nail care is done will be presented (manicure and
Learners will jot down all the tools and equipment used in video and will identify
the uses of each.

G. Finding Practical If you are about to do any of the nail care services, what is the first thing you
Applications of Concepts and need to consider?
Skills in Daily Living
H. Making generalizations and Uses of tools, materials and equipment used in nail care are necessary to learn for
Abstractions about the us to know the purpose of each item and for us to be aware when we are going to
Lesson use each. We can be able to perform the task well if we are knowledgeable
enough with these. (Uses of tools, materials and equipment will be presented
through PowerPoint presentation)
I. Evaluating Learning Quiz
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the answer on your quiz
________________ 1. What do we call the tool that is used to push back or
loosen the cuticles?
________________ 2. What implement is used to shape the free edges of the
nail with the coarse side and bevel the nail with the finer
________________ 3. What hand tool is made of metal and is used to trim
fingernails and toenails?
________________ 4. How do we call the implement used for smoothening and
polishing the nails?
________________ 5. How is a wooden, sand paper-like stick with a fine
texture on one side and a coarse texture on the other
side used to gently grind down the edges of the nails
________________ 6. How do we call the implement with pointed and rounded
ends to remove excess polish?
________________ 7. What electronic gadget is used for soaking, bathing and
massaging the feet during a foot spa?
________________8. What do we call the equipment in a salon that is used for
sterilizing metal implements to kill micro-organisms?
_______________ 9. How do we call the simple seat with three or four legs
designed to provide comfort and elevation during a foot
_______________10. What electronic gadget is used to soothe pain of arthritis,
muscle spasms and dry cracked skin of the hands?
J. Additional Activities for Tell Guide and Act
Application or Remediation Learners will find his/her pair.
Tell- What particular nail care services is to be done?
Guide- Together with your partner choose tools, materials and equipment to be
Act- Demonstrate to each other how each tools and equipment are used.

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I use which I
wish to share with other
Prepared by: Checked / Noted by:


SST-I School Head

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