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Industrial Training Report-I


Advanced Traffic Control Management System

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the degree

Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Ajeesha S Nair
Enrollment No. A60205217009

Under the guidance of

Dr. Venkatadri Marriboyina


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Amity School of Engineering & Technology
Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior
November 2019
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Amity School of Engineering and Technology
Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior


I, Ajeesha S Nair , student of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering hereby
declare that the industrial training report entitled “Advanced Traffic Control Management System”
which is submitted by me to Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity School of
Engineering & Technology, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering, has not been previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other
similar title or recognition.

Date: Ajeesha S Nair

(Enrollment No. – A60205217009)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Amity School of Engineering and Technology
Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior


This is to certify that Ajeesha S Nair (Enrollment N0. A60205217009), student of B.Tech (C.S.E.) V
semester, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ASET, Amity University Madhya
Pradesh, has done her practical (for V semester) training entitled “Advanced Traffic Control
Management System” under my guidance and supervision during “30 May 2019 – 14 July 2019”.

The work was satisfactory. She has shown complete dedication and devotion to the given project work.


(Dr. Venkatadri Marriboyina) External Examiner

Head of the Department


I am very much thankful to our honorable Vice Chancellor Lt Gen. V. K. Sharma AVSM (Retd) for
allowing us to carry out my practical (for V semester) training. I would also like to thank Prof. (Dr.)
P. Kaushik, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Amity University Madhya Pradesh for his support.

I extend my sincere thanks to Maj. Gen. (Dr.) S. C. Jain, VSM** (Retd), HOI, Amity School of
Engineering and Technology, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior for his guidance and support
for the selection of appropriate industry for my practical (for V semester) training. I would also like to
thank Dr. Venkatadri Marriboyina, Head of Department(CSE), for his kind concern throughout the
practical (for V semester) training.

I am also very grateful to Dr. Venkatadri Marriboyina, Head of Department(CSE), Department of

Computer Science and Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University
Madhya Pradesh and Mr.Hemant Sharma, VNURT Technology, Banglore. My internal and external
supervisor respectively, for their constant guidance and encouragement provided in this endeavor.

I am also thankful to the whole staff of VNURT Pvt. Ltd. for the co-operation and giving me friendly
environment which made very comfortable for learning and that of ASET, AUMP for teaching and
helping me always. Last but not the least I would like to thank my parents and friends for their constant

Ajeesha S Nair

(Enrollment No. – A60205217009)


One of the most relevant aspects in a big city is Traffic Management and surveillance. The current
traffic control system in the metro cities is inefficient due to randomness in the traffic density pattern.
Traffic signal timers have a fixed time period to switch traffic between different directions. Due to this,
the vehicles have to wait for a long time even if the traffic density is very less. This increases the travel
time for everyone .It’s major impact is seen during the peak hours (Morning and Evening). As everyone
travels by road to reach their respective destinations they face a lot of challenges such as the time
constraints, distance to be travelled and in some case it leads to major problems for an individual.

“Advanced Traffic Control Management System” is basically designed for the better management of
the traffic on roads and to reduce the waiting time of vehicles by introducing a sensor network that will
adapt to the changing density pattern of vehicles and switch the signals accordingly in real time.

Keywords: Magnetic Sensor, GMR, Arduino Mega, Jumper Wires, Arduino Uno, Cable, 7-Segment,
LEDs, BCD, Breadboard, Working Model, Algorithm, Power Source.


Figure No. Figure Caption Page No.

Figure1 Internal Description of the GMR sensors 2
Figure 2 Working of the GMR sensors 2

Figure 3 The basic working of GMR Sensors 3

Figure 4 Air Pollution 7

Figure 5 Layout of GMR Sensors 8

Figure 6 Pictorial representation of the working process 11

Figure 7 Graph of the implementation schedule 12

Figure 8 Overview of our prototype 13

Figure 9 Arduino Uno 14

Figure 10 Arduino Mega 14

Figure 11 GMR Sensors 15

Figure 12 7 Segment 15

Figure 13 Binary Coded Decimal 17

Figure 14 Jumper Wires 17

Figure 15 Bread Board 18

Figure 16 Pre- Amplifiers 18

Figure 17 Light Emitting Diode 19

Figure 18 Traffic Lights 19

Figure 19 Programming Language ( Interface ) 20

Figure 20 Working cycle of the proposed model 22

Figure 21 Complete Algorithm Process Overview 22

Figure 22 Survey 1 24

Figure 23 Survey 2 25


S.No. Terms Expanded Form

1. IoT Internet Of Things

2. GMR Giant Magneto Resistance

3. BCD Binary Coded Decimal

4. LED Light Emitting Diode


Front Page Page No.

Declaration by student i

Certificate by company ii

Certificate by supervisor (Forwarded by HOD/HOI) iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract v

List of Figures vi

List of Abbrevations vii

Contents viii

Chapter 1. Introduction 1-3

Chapter 2.Review of Literature and Definition of Problem 4-9

Chapter 3. Material and Method 10-23

Chapter 4. Survey conducted by us 24-25

Chapter 5. Results and Discussion 26

Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future Prospect 27

Chapter 7. Summary 28

Chapter 8. Reference 29

Chapter 1

Our fundamental goal is to upgrade the postponement in travel of vehicles in a day. We are utilizing
Giant Magnetoresistive Sensors (GMR) which are valuable in identifying the density of vehicles in a
specific path. We are synchronizing the microcontroller with GMR Magnetic sensors so that the
microcontroller can get the quantity of vehicles present out and about and we can apportion the timings
to the separate paths. The center innovation is the assignment of time and exchanging of paths as
indicated by the thickness of vehicles present in a path, which would be checked through the traffic
control room.

Attractive sensors have extraordinary bit of leeway over other discovery frameworks and significant
component is the low value indicators and effortlessness of their establishment. This gathering of
sensors display a high exactness rate (bigger than 99% of identification). For these reasons, most
traditional traffic reconnaissance framework utilizes nosy sensors that should be embedded into the
street for checking. Framework upkeep is more helpful and less expensive than different finders.

Additionally, climate conditions demonstrate not to impact the effectiveness of vehicle identification.
So considering every one of these variables, the locators are relied upon to wind up relevant for the
wise traffic control frameworks later on. The point in this work was to improve the traffic control
framework by presenting sensor arrange with the goal that it can adjust the changing traffic thickness
designs and give essential sign to the controller in a constant activity. In this way, the fundamental
arrangement is to modify the time as per the traffic thickness on specific paths.

This will be finished by detecting the vehicles and knowing the vehicle thickness by means of GMR
attractive sensors. Our primary goal is to streamline the postponement in travel of vehicles in a day.

We will submit a working prototype consisting of Magnetic Sensors, LED’s, Microcontroller,

Transceivers, Voltage Regulator and other components. That would be placed on a cardboard sheet
which would show a working condition of a Four Lane Traffic Management System. It would
demonstrate the switching of Traffic Lights according to the density of vehicles present in a lane.

Figure 1:- Internal Description of the GMR sensors

Figure 2:- Working of the GMR Sensors

Figure 3:- The basic working of GMR sensors

Chapter 2


Street framework has seen reliable improvement over the most recent couple of years. Network has
improved and street transportation has turned into a focal point of fast advancement. Streets are giving
better access to administrations, simplicity of transportation and opportunity of development to
individuals. In any case, in metropolitan urban communities traffic blockage is expanding quickly, it
brings about interminable circumstance in thick midtown zones.

Traffic sign assume a critical job in the urban transportation framework. They control the development
of traffic on urban boulevards by deciding the suitable sign planning settings. Versatile traffic signal
controllers as the guideline part of astute transportation frameworks has an essential job to adequately
decrease traffic clog by making an ongoing adjustment because of the changing traffic organize
elements. Numerous techniques utilized for traffic sign planning streamlining under various criteria's.
In this paper various strategies are proposed by looking into changed research papers for traffic sign
control, which gives best versatility and streamlining thoughts in rush hour gridlock sign control.

Rongrong Tian, Xu Zhang [13] recommended to utilize the TRANSYT traffic demonstrating
programming to locate the ideal fixed-time sign arrangement and VISSIM smaller scale recreation
programming to attest and assess the TRANSYT model and to help survey the ideal sign arrangement;
construct a versatile casing sign arrangement and refined and assessed the arrangement utilizing
VISSIM with VS-PLUS emulator. Through smaller scale reproduction, it was demonstrated that
postponement in the versatile sign control was abbreviated perceptibly than that in the fixed time

Jianhua Guo et al [7] presented another technique for zone wide traffic sign planning streamlining
under client balance traffic. The improvement model was detailed as a multi-dimensional hunt issue
planned to accomplish limited result of the complete travel time related with urban road arrange and the
change of movement time for unit separation of movement. A hereditary calculation was created to infer
the model arrangement.

A reproduction control convention implanted in PARAMICS programming device fit for directing
territory wide miniaturized scale recreation is received to plan the rationale edge and capacity module of
the region wide traffic sign control framework. His outcomes demonstrated that portability
enhancements are accomplished subsequent to applying the proposed model alongside the hereditary
calculation for region wide sign planning streamlining, evaluated by broadened limit proportion, and
decreases in through and turning development delays, just as normal and change of movement time for
unit separation of movement.

Gustav Nilsson _ Giacomo Como [4] concentrated on a class of dynamic criticism traffic sign control
strategies that depend on a summed up corresponding portion rule. There results in a differential
consideration for which there demonstrate presence and, in the extraordinary instance of symmetrical
stages, uniqueness of consistent arrangements by means of a speculation of the reflection guideline.

Solidness is then demonstrated by deciphering the summed up relative distribution controllers as limits
of a specific entropy-like capacity that is then utilized as a Lyapunov work for the shut circle
framework. Junchen Jin and Xiaoliang Ma [8] proposed a gathering based sign control approach fit for
settling on choices dependent on its comprehension of traffic conditions at the convergence level.

The control issue is planned utilizing a structure of stochastic ideal control for multi-operator
framework in which each sign gathering is displayed as a keen specialist.The proposed framework is
assigned to be good with the predominant sign framework. The parameters were disconnected
streamlined utilizing a hereditary calculation. Recreation results demonstrated that the proposed
versatile gathering based control framework outflanks the upgraded GBVA control framework
predominantly in view of that is continuous versatile learning limit in light of the adjustments in rush
hour gridlock request. Nasser R. Sabar et al [11] controlled the development of traffic on urban
boulevards by decided the proper sign planning settings.

Proposed calculation depended on the purported memetic calculation that consolidates the qualities of
the hereditary calculation and neighborhood search in a versatile way. In that utilized two significant
systems for improving the presentation of customary memetic calculations. Initial, a methodical
neighborhood based straightforward drop calculation was utilized as a nearby search to viably abuse the
hunt space.

Second, a marker plan was proposed to control the nearby search application dependent on the quality
and assorted variety of the hunt procedure.

The proposed calculation was coded in the business tiny traffic test system, AIMSUN, and tried on two
contrast certifiable contextual analyses in Brisbane, Australia, and Plock, Poland. The outcomes
exhibited that the proposed calculation was superior to hereditary calculations and fixed-time settings,
showed that the proposed calculation was a viable arrangement technique for traffic signalenhancement

Mohammad Aslani et al [9] used RL (Reinforcement learning) calculations to structure versatile traffic
signal controllers called on-screen character pundit versatile traffic signal controllers (A-CATs

Worked done laid on the joining of three strings: (an) indicates execution looked at of both discrete and
ceaseless A-CATs controllers in a rush hour gridlock coordinate with repeated clog (24-h traffic
request) in the upper midtown center of Tehran city, (b) broke down the impacts of various traffic
interruptions included shrewd people on foot crossing, stopping path, non-repeating blockage, and
various degrees of sensor clamor on the exhibition of A-CATS controllers, and (c) thought about the
execution of various capacity approximators (tile coding and spiral premise work) on the learning of A-
CATs controllers.

Initial a specialist based traffic reenactment of the examination region was completed. At that point six
distinct situations are directed to locate the best A-CATs controller that was vigorous enough against
various traffic disturbances. They saw that the A-CATs controller dependent on spiral premise capacity
systems (RBF (5)) beats others. They said that RBF (5) was benchmarked against controllers of discrete
state Qlearning, Bayesian Q-learning, fixed time and activated controllers; and the outcomes uncovered
that (RBF (5)) reliably outflanks others. Huajun Chai et al [5] caught the collaboration between
explorers' course decision and traffic sign control in a sound system.

They tried their calculation and control technique by reenactment in OmNet++ (A system
correspondence test system) and SUMO (Simulation of Urban Versatility) under a few situations. The
recreation results demonstrated that with the proposed dynamic steering, the general travel cost
altogether diminishes.

It was additionally demonstrated that the proposed versatile sign control decreased the normal
postponement successfully, just as diminished the variance of the normal speed inside the entire system.

Figure 4:- Air Pollution

Ekinhan Eriskin et al [3] proposed another strategy for planning traffic sign planning at oversaturated
crossing points was communicated "the end matching framework". An article work with vehicle
postponement and stop-start numbers has been produced. All out cost worth has been determined by the
article work.

Gotten results were contrasted and Webster as a conventional traffic sign planning structure technique
and Transyt 14 sign planning programming. While Webster gives overstated outcomes, Transyt 14 and
Elimination Pairing Systems gave better outcomes.

Because of that review, the disposal blending framework could be utilized for improving the traffic
signal timings. The creator Shailendra Tahilyani et.at. [16] built up another path sidestep calculation for
course preoccupation given an outcome in smooth rush hour gridlock stream on the urban street
organize. Hereditary calculations are used for the parameter advancement.

Ishant Sharma and Dr. Pardeep K. Gupta [6] proposed to supplant existed traffic signals with a
framework that are observed the traffic stream naturally in rush hour gridlock sign and sensors are fixed
in which so the time feed are made dynamic and programmed by prepared the live location.

Chandrasekhar.M et.al. [2] proposed a framework that execute picture handling calculation
progressively traffic light control which will control the traffic light effectively. Ramteke Mahesh K.
et.al. [12] proposed FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) controller dependent on Neuro-Fuzzy
framework thought gave compelling answer for Traffic Control. It can used to limit downsides of the
ordinary traffic controllers with the exactness of gave

Figure 5:- Layout of GMR Sensors

variety in green cycle interims dependent on the overwhelming traffic stacks that changed at each path
in a four leg crossing point.

Naren Athmaraman and Srivathsan Soundararajan [10] presented a versatile prescient sign control
framework that performed constant line length estimation and utilized an effective sign coordination
calculation with APTTCA-based framework. Pavan Kumar and Dr. M. Kamala kumara [17] considered
versatile traffic control frameworks with VANET.

Focused on solid traffic expectation approaches and different kinds of versatile traffic control
calculations likewise proposed a portable group detecting innovation to help dynamic course decisions
for drivers to maintain a strategic distance from blockage.

Recommended publicly supporting can be probably the best choice for Adaptive traffic control
framework for India. Prof. Jayesh Juremalani and Dr. Krupesh A. Chauhan [18] creator portrayed
different delicate figuring strategies to handle traffic control framework.

Which are fluffy methodologies, neural system and hereditary calculations, subterranean insect state
calculation, molecule swarm improvement, reproduction model.

Chapter 3


One of the most important viewpoints in a major city is Traffic Management and observation. The
present traffic control framework in the metro urban areas is wasteful because of arbitrariness in the
rush hour gridlock thickness design. Traffic signal clocks have a fixed time frame to switch traffic
between various headings. Because of this, the vehicles need to sit tight for quite a while regardless of
whether the traffic thickness is less.

Attractive sensors have incredible bit of leeway over other recognition frameworks and significant
component is the low value finders and effortlessness of their establishment. This gathering of sensors
display an extremely high precision rate (bigger than 99% of discovery). For these reasons, most
regular traffic observation framework utilize nosy sensors that should be embedded into the street for
checking. Framework support is more helpful and less expensive than different locators.

Likewise, climate conditions demonstrate not to impact the effectiveness of vehicle recognition. So
considering every one of these components, the identifiers are relied upon to wind up relevant for the
clever traffic control frameworks later on. The point in this work was to improve the traffic control
framework by presenting sensor arrange with the goal that it can adjust the changing traffic thickness
designs and give fundamental sign to the controller in an ongoing activity. In this way, the primary
arrangement is to modify the time as indicated by the traffic thickness on specific paths.

This will be finished by detecting the vehicles and knowing the vehicle thickness through GMR
attractive sensors. Our fundamental target is to streamline the deferral in travel of vehicles in a day.

As we as a whole know now days uncountable measure of vehicles are available in this world and
traffic the board is a major issue for voyagers. Our principle target is to control traffic the executive’s
framework to defeat from these issues like mishaps, wastage of time and so on. Attractive sensor is
utilized which is equipped for recognizing the vehicles precisely and it doesn't get impacts any climate
conditions. In the wake of recognizing the vehicle, attractive sensor send sign to the microcontroller for
putting away all data to assume their job for exchanging traffic sign as per the quantity of vehicles
present in it.

Figure 6:- Pictorial representation of the working process

In the wake of actualizing this system we can lessen automobile overloads and furthermore decreases the
contamination which advantages our condition.

Implementation Schedule
1. Scheme preparation 1 month
2. Development of algorithm 2 months
3. Setting up control room 1 month
4. Testing and Improvement 15 days
5. Installation of Machinery, electrification
and staff recruitments. 1 month

Some activities may be initiated simultaneously and the project may come to the stage of completion
within 6 months.

Time ( Months )


Testing and improvement

Setting up of control room

Development Of Algoritm

Scheme Preparation

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time ( Months )

Figure 7:- Graph of Implementation Schedule

The Technology Behind the Service

I. Magnetic sensors (GMR AAH002-02E)
II. Microcontroller (ARDUINO MEGA 2560)
III. Preamplifiers(INA826)
IV. Seven Segment Displays and BCD
V. Process synchronization

Figure 8:- Overview of our prototype


1. Arduino Mega: The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board dependent on the ATmega2560
(datasheet). It has 54 computerized input/yield pins (of which 14 can be utilized as PWM yields), 16
simple data sources, 4 UARTs (equipment sequential ports), a 16 MHz gem oscillator, a USB
association, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset catch.

Figure 9:- Arduino Mega

2. Arduino Uno:The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board dependent on the ATmega328 (datasheet).
It has 14 computerized input/yield pins (of which 6 can be utilized as PWM yields), 6 simple sources of
info, a 16 MHz artistic resonator, a USB association, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset catch.

Figure 10:- Arduino Uno

3. GMR Sensors:"GMR can be viewed as one of the principal genuine utilizations of the promising
field of nanotechnology." Although the expression "monster" in mammoth magneto opposition (GMR)
appears to be confused for a nanotechnology gadget, it alludes to a huge change in obstruction
(commonly 10 to 20%) when the gadgets are exposed to an attractive field, contrasted and a most
extreme affectability of a couple of percent for different sorts of attractive sensors.

Figure 11:-GMR Sensors

4.7-Segment Display: The 7-fragment show, additionally composed as "seven section show",
comprises of seven LEDs (consequently its name) masterminded in a rectangular design as appeared.
Every one of the seven LEDs is known as a portion since when lit up the fragment structures some
portion of a numerical digit (both Decimal and Hex) to be shown.

Figure 12:-7 Segment Display

Every last one of the seven LEDs in the showcase is given a positional section with one of its
association pins being brought straight out of the rectangular plastic bundle.

5. BCD ( Binary Coded Decimal ):Binary coded decimal (BCD) is an arrangement of composing
numerals that doles out a four-digit parallel code to every digit 0 through 9 out of a decimal (base-10)
numeral. The four-piece BCD code for a specific single base-10 digit is its portrayal in paired
documentation, as pursues:

0 = 0000

1 = 0001

2 = 0010

3 = 0011

4 = 0100

5 = 0101

6 = 0110

7 = 0111

8 = 1000

9 = 1001

Figure 13:-Binary Coded Decimal

6. Jumper Wires: Jumper wires are essentially wires that have connector pins at each end, enabling
them to be utilized to interface two points to one another without welding. Jumper wires are commonly
utilized with breadboards and other prototyping instruments so as to make it simple to change a circuit
as required. In spite of the fact that jumper wires arrive in an assortment of hues, the hues don't really
mean anything. This implies a red jumper wire is in fact equivalent to a dark one. Be that as it may, the
hues can be utilized furthering your potential benefit so as to separate between sorts of associations, for
example, ground or power.

Figure 14:-Jumper Wires

7. Bread Board:A flimsy plastic board used to hold electronic parts (transistors, resistors, chips, and so
forth.) that are wired together. Used to create models of electronic circuits, the sheets can be reused for
future employments. Breadboards can likewise be utilized to make unique frameworks, albeit business
items set on printed circuit sheets are ordinarily considerably more vigorous and can deal with more
prominent frequencies.

Figure 15:-Bread Board

8. Pre-Amplifiers:An electronic speaker used to improve the sign to-clamor proportion of an electronic
gadget. It helps a low-level sign to a middle of the road level before it is transmitted to the primary

Figure 16:-Pre Amplifiers

9. LED:A light-radiating diode (LED) is a semiconductor gadget that discharges noticeable light when
an electric flow goes through it. The light isn't especially brilliant, however in many LEDs it is
monochromatic, happening at a solitary wavelength. The yield from a LED can extend from red (at a
wavelength of around 700 nanometers) to blue-violet (around 400 nanometers). A few LEDs emanate
infrared (IR) vitality (830 nanometers or more); such a gadget is known as an infrared-producing diode

Figure 17:-Light Emitting Diode

10. Traffic Lights:

A street signal for coordinating vehicular traffic by methods for hued lights, commonly red for stop,
green for go, and yellow for proceed with alert. Additionally called stoplight, traffic signal. one of a lot
of hued lights put at intersection, intersections, and so forth, to control the progression of traffic. A red
light shows that traffic must stop and a green light that it might go: generally a golden cautioning light
is included between the red and the green.

Figure 18:-Traffic Lights

11. Programming language:A programming language is a type of language that is used

to command the things accordingly as we want. Embedded C language is used in Arduino.

Figure 19:-Programming Language


The main plan is to adjust the time according to the traffic density on particular lanes. This will be done
by sensing the vehicles and knowing the vehicle density via GMR magnetic sensors. Our main
objective is to optimize the delay in transit of vehicles in a day.

Magnetic sensors have great advantage over other detection systems and important feature is the low
price detectors and simplicity of their installation. This group of sensors exhibit a very high accuracy
rate (larger than 99% of detection). For these purposes, most conventional traffic surveillance system
use intrusive sensors that needs to be inserted into the road for monitoring. System maintenance is more
convenient and cheaper than the other detectors.

Also, weather conditions prove not to effect the efficiency of vehicle detection. So taking all these
factors into account, the detectors are expected to become applicable for the intelligent traffic control
systems in the future. The aim in this work was to improve the traffic control system by introducing
sensor network so that it can adapt the changing traffic density patterns and provide necessary signals to
the controller in a real time operation.

Everyone who travels by road, as it would increase the efficiency of Traffic Management System in the
area by properly allocating time of different lanes and reducing the congestion during peak hours of the
day. It will drastically reduce the travel time and help solve many problems related to Traffic congestion
and will help achieve proper coordination between travel time and distance to be travelled , so that
the traveler can reach to their respective destinations as early as possible with safety.

Basically, it is an incremental improvement of Modern Traffic Management System if it is to be

considered globally.

But in India it can be stated as a Transformative solution as till today there has been no improvement in
the Traffic Management System by using this technology. To demonstrate the model we will submit a
working prototype consisting of Magnetic Sensors, LED’s, Microcontroller, Seven segment displays,
BCD and other components.

That would be placed on a cardboard sheet which would show a working condition of a Four Lane
Traffic Management System. It would demonstrate the switching of Traffic Lights according to the
density of vehicles present in a lane.

Step By Step Process:-

(1.) Detection of vehicles through the GMR sensors.

(2.) Data will be sent from the GMR sensors to the microcontroller.
(3.) On the basis of the density of the vehicles (Sensor values) present on each lane, the time allocation
and the switching of the traffic signals will be done through our algorithm.
(4.) This process will continue until all the lanes will be covered in one cycle and this
process will go on for each cycle.
(5.) Pedestrian signals are also used to guide the citizens and ensure their safety present
on the crossings of various lanes.
(6.) The components that are used in our system to demonstrate the process are seven segment display,
GMR sensors, jumper wires etc.

Sensor Values Comparison of
sensor values


Data Storing

Storage of data Autonomous

for future references lane switching Algorithm

Figure 20:-Complete Algorithm Process Overview







It would be cost effective as it includes very less management and maintenance. The sensors are
automatically coordinated and keep on working throughout their life time. The initial cost of
installation might be large but in the long run it will benefit us. This would be very helpful for everyone
as it will fulfill the demand and requirements of the modern generation.

The proposed project has many benefits and can solve many of the problems faced by the existing
traffic management system.

 Reduced traffic on roads: At present traffic congestion on roads is very high due to fixed
time of signals, with the comparison based on the density of vehicles present on each lane the
traffic congestion will be reduced to a great extent.
 Better time management: Effective time management can take place as everyone would be
able to reach their respective destinations on time.
 Reduction in environmental pollution: Air and noise pollution will be reduced to some
extent and people will get a healthy environment to dwell.
 Better pedestrian safety: Pedestrian lights are installed at the crossings to help them cross the
roads safely.
 Less maintenance cost: Initial cost of installation will be high but less than the present
installation cost and the maintenance cost will be very less according to the present traffic

It will take time for the citizens to get use to the present traffic management system if implemented.

Internal or an external damage can occur to any of the components.


Proper training and enough safety measures will be taken while the implementation of the project. And
awareness will be spread among the citizens about the new concept through various communication

Proper backup options for any component will be there and the support system will resolve the problem
as soon as possible. 23
Chapter 4


Figure 22:-Survey 1

Figure 23:-Survey 2

Chapter 5


After the successful implementation of the project the waiting time of the vehicles will be reduced
and the pollution in the environment can be controlled to some extent. The traffic congestion will
be reduced on roads and better safety to the pedestrians will be provided by our system.

Our main technology is going to use is magnetic sensor which will detect the vehicles waiting in the
signals. It will give accurate number of vehicles present and also magnetic sensor does not get effected
based on the temperature. Magnetic sensors based on magneto resistors are very sensitive and can
detect the magnetic anomaly in the Earth's magnetic field that results from the presence of a car, but
their continuous operation would drain more than 1.5 mA at 3 V, hence limiting the autonomy of a
battery- supplied sensor.

The most innovative aspect of our proposed solution is that by implementing magnetic sensor for traffic
management system which is not implemented till now. The idea is implementable and also cost
effective for installation. The lifetime of the magnetic sensor is good and also detect the vehicles
accurately compare to other techniques like photo recognition, piezoelectric sensor etc. Our main
objective is to increase efficiency and reduce the drawback occurs during installation.

Chapter 6


Conclusion and Future Aspects:

It would be cost effective as it includes very less management and maintenance. The sensors are
automatically coordinated and keep on working throughout their life time. The initial cost of installation
might be large but in the long run it benefit us. This would be very helpful for everyone as it will fulfil
the demand and requirements of the modern generation.
Everyone who travels by road and also pedestrian will get benefited, as it would increase the efficiency
of Traffic Management System in the area by properly allocating time of different lanes and reducing
the congestion during peak hours of the day.

It will reduce the waiting time of vehicles on different signals and help solve many problems related to
Traffic congestion and will help travelers to achieve proper coordination between travel time and
distance to be travelled, so that the traveler can reach to their respective destinations as early as possible
with safety. By implementing the intelligent traffic management system, we are able to reduce the
number of accidents that occurs which will directly benefit to the pedestrian and travelers too.

After the implementation of this project, we will try to modify and enhance the performance by the use
of analyzed data about the traffic.
Data Analytics: - In which we will try to analyze the data of traffic patterns and will use it to make
smarter time management system. We will also provide this data to the GPS providers for better
prediction about the traffic density in different routes at various places.

Chapter 7

One of the most relevant aspects in a big city is Traffic Management and surveillance. The
current traffic control system in the metro cities is inefficient due to randomness in the traffic
density pattern. Traffic signal timers have a fixed time period to switch traffic between different
directions. Due to this, the vehicles have to wait for a long time even if the traffic density is very

The aim in this work was to improve the traffic control system by introducing sensor network so
that it can adapt the changing traffic density patterns and provide necessary signals to the
controller in a real time operation. So, the main plan is to adjust the time according to the traffic
density on particular lanes. This will be done by sensing the vehicles and knowing the vehicle
density via GMR magnetic sensors. Our main objective is to optimize the delay in transit of
vehicles in a day.

Chapter 8

[1].Black more, F.C. (2001) “Priority at Roundabouts.” Traffic Engineering
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Ajeesha S Nair

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Technologies (ICCPCCT), 2018

2 journals.sagepub.com
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3 mafiadoc.com
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