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Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the Development
and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the learners meet
the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social,
and economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the Computer Systems Servicing. The scope of this module permits it to
be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

Content Standards:
Week 3 – The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the use of advanced
tools and techniques found in common productivity and software applications in
developing ICT content for specific professional tracks

Week 4 - How to manipulate text, graphics, and images to create ICT content
intended for an online environment.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. The learners shall be able to: independently apply advanced productivity
tools to create or develop ICT content for use in specific professional tracks
These may be in the form of, but not limited to:
• Calculating spreadsheet of athletic statistics (Sports)
• Layout of catalogue of creative works (Arts)
• Materials/ ingredients projections for batches of baked goods (Tech- Voc)
• Letterhead/ business card design (Business/ Academic)
2. Independently apply the techniques of image manipulation and graphic
design to create original or derivative ICT content from existing images, text,
and graphic elements for use in specific professional tracks. These may be in
the form of, but not limited to:
• Team/ athlete/ league recruitment posters (Sports)
• Logo or crest for a community, school organization or barkada (Arts)
• Labeling and manual of operation for tools and equipment (Tech-Voc)
• Presentation of cafeteria patronage data (Business/ Academic)

Let’s Try
As part of your initial activity, try to assess your prior knowledge and experience related with
the different productivity tools.
I. Multiple Choice: Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Select the
letter of the best answer from among the given choices.
1. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print
or send it out?
a. Address book c. Greeting line
b. Preview Results d. Start Mail Merge
2. The following are formulas that MS-Excel can understand, EXCEPT.
a. =Sum(a1+a2) c. =a1+b2
b. =average(a1+a2) d. =1a+b2
3. Which of the following productivity tool has the red color on its logo.
a. PowerPoint c. MS Word
b. MS Excel d. MS Publisher
4. This error value refers to a cell that contains 0 value or blanks.
a. #N/A c. #NULL!
b. #VALUE! d. #DIV/0
5. Which of the following arithmetic operators is use for exponentiation?
a. + c. ^
b. - d. *
6. Which of the following software are commonly used for presentation that
contains animation?
a. Microsoft Word c. LibreOffice Calc
b. Microsoft Excel d. PowerPoint
7. Which of the following errors will appear if Excel encounters invalid cell
a. #REF! c. #Value!
b. #N/A d. ######
8. Which of the following errors will appear if Excel encounters invalid cell
has inappropriate value was given for the lookup value argument.
a. #REF! c. #Value!
b. #N/A d. ######
9. Which of the following set of effects that can be found in PowerPoint
a. Mailings c. Layout group
b. Custom Animation d. formulas
10. A function used to count the number of cells that contains something if
the criteria are met.

Lesson Developing ICT content using
3 Productivity Tools
In this lesson lesson, learners will be able to learn the use of different Productivity tools in developing
ICT contents. In this time, we have many options to use of to explore productivity software, like MS
Offices, which matches and perhaps could even exceed the overall features, advantages, and benefits of
their counterpart.

Let’s Recall

I- Multiple Choice: Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Select the letter of the
best answer from among the given choices.
1. A web application where a user can communicate, create and share content, and participate in
online communities?
A. Convergence B. Social Media C. Mobile Technologies D. Assistive Media
2. What is the markup language for designing and developing websites?
3. What version of the world wide web that allows interactivity between the
users and the website?
A. Web 1.0 B. Web 2.0 C. Web 3.0 D. Web 4.0
4. A website that allows you to broadcast short message.
A. Social News B. Bookmarking Sites C. Microblogging D. Media Sharing
5. A platform that assist person with disability.
A. Assistive Media B. Social Media C. Convergence D. Semantic Web
II. True or False
Directions: Write “True” if the statement is true and write “False” if the statement is false.
1. We are allowed to copy the works of other people without asking permission.
2. All Information from the internet are free.
3. Search engine is an application used for searching the web.
4. All information from the internet are reliable.
5. Google is an example of search engine.
6. Child pornography is a form of cybercrime.
7. Committing crime on the internet is not punishable by law
8. Do not open suspicious email.
9. Share your password with anyone.
10. Think before you click.

Let’s Explore
In this module, we are going to learn the following tools/techniques:

Tools/Techniques Use Case

1. Mail Merge and label generation Mass email or printed letters
2. Custom animation and timing Enhance viewer experience
3. Hyperlinking in presentations Optimizes use of related content and
references. Applies to Word/Write document too.
4. Integrating images and external Enriches textual content. Also useful in
materials in word processor presentation slides and sometimes in
5. Embedded files and data Seamlessly integrates related files

Productivity Tools - It refers to the software that people use

to create and produce documents, presentations, databases,
charts, and graphs.
- Productivity tools helps you create professional quality
documents, presentation, graphics, and more.
Why should you learn productivity tools?
- While there are a wide range of benefits of using
productivity tools, the best reason is that it just makes
essential, every day we use computer to do different
task for more efficient.
Common productivity tools
1. Microsoft word
2. Microsoft excel
3. Microsoft PowerPoint
4. LibreOffice

Special Features in different Productivity Tools

1. MS Word
a. Mail Merge
- It is a Word’s way of generating mass mailings. It involves
combining a list of names and addresses to individually
address to each person / receiver on the list.
- You can use Mail Merge to create envelopes or address labels,
as well as form letters.
- Mail Merged involved the following documents;
Main document – this document contains text and graphics.
Example body of the letter.
Mailing list – this is your data source that is used to populate
information in the letter. It contains names and address of
the recipients.
Merged document - this document the combination of the
main document.

b. Integrating Images
- In Microsoft word processing you can do a lot of things to
make your documents look good and presentable. One of its
function is to integrate image.
- Word processing refers to an application program for
manipulating text-based documents; the electronic equivalent
of paper, pen, typewriter, eraser, and most likely, dictionary
and thesaurus.
- Word processors run the scope from simple through complex,
but all ease the tasks associated with editing documents
(deleting, inserting, rewording, and so on).

2. MS Powerpoint
a. Custom Animation
Animation - is a simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures, or
frames. Animation on computers is one of the chief ingredients of multimedia
presentations. There are many software applications that enable you to create animations
that you can display on a computer monitor. One of this application software are
presentation software that you can use to create a slide show for your presentation. Some
of the popular software that are available online for free or for purchase are WPS Office,
LibreOffice, and MS-PowerPoint.

b. Hyperlink
A hyperlink or simply a link, is a reference data that the
reader can directly follow either by clicking or tapping.
Hyperlinks are found in nearly all Web pages, allowing
users to click their way from one page to another. In text
hyperlinks are often color blue and
underlined. When you move the cursor over a hyperlink,
whether it is text, button or an image, the arrow cursor
should be change to a small hand pointing to the link.

Hyperlinks have to basic parts:

1. The Address – can be webpage, email address, or other
location they are linking.
2. The Display – can be picture or shape.
• - address
• microsoft - display text
• - address at the same time display text

Change the color of a hyperlink

You can also change the color of a hyperlink. If you want to change the display
text of a link to blue or any other color.
1. Select the hyperlink you want to re-color.
2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, select down arrow next to the Font Color
button to open the menu of colors.
3. Select the appropriate color that you want for the hyperlink.

3. MS Excel
Electronic Spreadsheet
- According to electronic spreadsheet is
probably the most useful general-purpose software for the
microcomputer user.
- Almost all spreadsheets are now packaged in combination
with other applications, such
as database system and graphic capabilities.
- Electronic spreadsheet refers to a collection of text and
numbers laid out in a rectangular grid. It is an application
program commonly used for budgeting, inventory
management, decision making, forecasting and other
finance-related tasks.
- It replaces the traditional financial modeling tools, the
accountant’s columnar
pad, pencil and calculator.
- It a spreadsheet program, data and formulas used to
calculate those data are entered into ledge-like forms (Spreadsheets or Worksheets) for
analysis, tracking, planning, or “what-if” evaluations of the impact of real or proposed
changes on an economic strategy.
Formula – is an equation that performs operation on worksheet data. A formula
in Microsoft Excel always begins with an equal sign (=).

Common Error Values That You Can Encounter from Faulty Formulas
1.#DIV/0! - appears when entering a formula that performs explicit division byzero (0), using a
reference to a blank cell or to a cell that contains zero as the divisor in a formula or function that
performs division or running a macro that uses a function or a formula that returns the #DIV/0!
2.##### - appears when the column is not wide enough to display the content and/or dates and
times are negative numbers. The solution is to increase the column width.
3.#NAME? - Appears when the formula refers to a range name that doesn't exist in the
worksheet. This error value appears when you type the wrong range name or fail to enclose in
quotation marks some text used in the formula, causing Excel to think that the text refers to a
range name.
4.#N/A – appears when
• an inappropriate value was given for the lookup_value argument in the
HLOOKUP, LOOKUP, MATCH, or VLOOKUP worksheet function,
• the VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, or MATCH worksheet function was used to locate
a value in an unsorted table,
• an array formula (array formula: A formula that performs multiple calculations
on one or more sets of values, and then returns either a single result or multiple
• one or more required arguments were omitted from a built-in or custom
worksheet function,
• a custom worksheet function that you use is not available and
• a macro that you run enters a function that returns #N/A.
5.#NULL! - Appears most often when you insert a space (where you should have used a
comma) to separate cell references used as arguments for functions.

6.#NUM! - Appears when Excel encounters a problem with a number in the formula, such as
the wrong type of argument in an Excel function or a calculation that produces a number too
large or too small to be represented in the worksheet.
7.#REF! - Appears when Excel encounters an invalid cell reference, such as
when you delete a cell referred to in a formula or paste cells over the cells
referred to in a formula.
8.#VALUE! - Appears when you use the wrong type of argument or operator in a function, or
when you call for a mathematical operation that refers to cells that contain text entries. For
example, the formula =A1+B1, where A1 contains the string "Hello" and B1 contains the
number 3, returns the #VALUE! error.

Let’s Dig In

True or False:
Directions: In your paper, write the word TRUE if the statement is correct, and write FALSE if the
statement is wrong.
___________ 1. LibreOffice is a free and open source software.
___________ 2. Main document is a data source that is used to populate information in the letter.
___________ 3. The default orientation of the document is a Landscape.
___________ 4. You can change the color of display text in a hyperlink.
___________ 5. Formula is an equation that performs operation on worksheet data.
___________ 6. The hyperlink can be a website address at the same time display text.
___________ 7. The default number of worksheets in an excel is 3.
___________ 8. Times New Roman is the default font style in Microsoft Office 2016.
___________ 9. The data source in a mail merge is your mailing document.
___________ 10. The mouse pointer becomes different shapes depending on the task you are

Let’s Remember
Productivity Tools - It refers to the software that people use to create and produce documents,
presentations, databases, charts, and graphs.
- Productivity tools helps you create professional quality documents, presentation,
graphics, and more.
Why should you learn productivity tools?
- While there are a wide range of benefits of using productivity tools, the best reason is
that it just makes essential, every day we use computer to do different task for more
Common productivity tools
1. Microsoft word
2. Microsoft excel
3. Microsoft PowerPoint
4. LibreOffice

Let’s Apply

Direction: Answer the following questions based on your learning. Be brief and concise.
1. Based on your reading of the discussion, give at least three (3) types of
productivity tools.
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
2. In the list that you provide in number 1, Which productivity tool you used
frequently? Why?

Let’s Evaluate

I. Multiple Choice: Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Select the
letter of the best answer from among the given choices.
1. It refers to an application program for manipulating text-based documents; the electronic equivalent
of paper, pen, typewriter, eraser, and most likely, dictionary and thesaurus.
a. Word Processing c. Greeting line
b. Preview Results d. Start Mail Merge
2. The following are formulas in MS-Excel that could give us the total numbers of a
certain value.
a. =Sum(a1+a2) c. =date
b. =average(a1+a2) d. =max
3. Which of the following productivity tool has the blue color on its logo.
a. PowerPoint c. MS Word
b. MS Excel d. MS Publisher
4. This error value appears when Excel encounters a problem with a number in the formula.
a. #N/A c. #NUM!
b. #VALUE! d. #DIV/0
5. This error value appears when the formula refers to a range name that doesn't exist in the
a. #NAME? c. #NUM!
b. #VALUE! d. #DIV/0
6. Which of the following software are commonly used for presentation that contains
a. Microsoft Word c. LibreOffice Calc
b. Microsoft Excel d. PowerPoint
7. Which of the following errors will appear if Excel encounters invalid cell reference.
a. #REF! c. #Value!
b. #N/A d. ######
8. Which of the following errors will appear if Excel encounters invalid cell
has inappropriate value was given for the lookup value argument.
a. #REF! c. #Value!
b. #N/A d. ######

9. Which of the following set of effects that can be found in PowerPoint apps?
a. Mailings c. Layout group
b. Custom Animation d. formulas
10. According to this is probably the most useful general-purpose
software for the microcomputer user.
a. MS Hyperlinks c. mail merge
b. Electronic Spreadsheet d. custom animation

Let’s Extend

Slideshow Presentation
Direction: Create your own slideshow presentation that consist of 6 slides. You can choose your own
topic for this activity. Also, apply animation effects and motion path to enhance your presentation.
Present your output to your teacher.

Let’s Try
Multiple Choice: Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Write the letter
of the correct answer.
______1. Which principle of design have equal distribution of visual weight?
A. Space C. Proximity
B. Balance D. Alignment
______2. Which principle of design duplicate the characteristics of similar elements?
A. Repetition C. Proximity
B. Balance D. Alignment
______3. Which principle of design refers to lining up the elements?
A. Space C. Rhythm
B. Contrast D. Alignment
______4. Which principle of design use conflicting elements or colors?
A. Space C. Rhythm
B. Contrast D. Alignment
______5. What kind of balance occur when a design has equal graphic weight?
A. Symmetrical balance C. Asymmetrical balance
B. Linear balance D. Radial balance

______6. What kind of balance occur when a design has unequal graphic weight?
A. Symmetrical balance C. Asymmetrical balance
B. Linear balance D. Radial balance
______7. What kind of balance occurs when the design elements swirl out?
A. Symmetrical balance C. Asymmetrical balance
B. Linear balance D. Radial balance
______8. Which element of design defined by points moving in space?
A. Direction C. Shape
B. Texture D. Line
______9. Which element of design refers to the area that an object occupies?
A. Direction C. Shape
B. Texture D. Line
______10. Which element of design refers to the surface quality of a shape?
A. Direction C. Shape
B. Texture D. Line

Lesson Evaluate Existing Websites
Producing a high-quality design project whether designing a website, designing a tarpaulin, creating
banners or logos, first we need to know and follow the basic principles and elements of design. This is
because readers and viewers care about the way things look. Designs matter and attention getter when
we start to create a certain project like website development.

Let’s Recall

True or False:
Directions: In your paper, write the word TRUE if the statement is correct, and write FALSE if the
statement is wrong.
___________ 1. LibreOffice is a free and open source software.
___________ 2. Main document is a data source that is used to populate information in the letter.
___________ 3. The default orientation of the document is a Landscape.
___________ 4. You can change the color of display text in a hyperlink.
___________ 5. Formula is an equation that performs operation on worksheet data.
___________ 6. The hyperlink can be a website address at the same time display text.
___________ 7. The default number of worksheets in an excel is 3.
___________ 8. Times New Roman is the default font style in Microsoft Office 2016.
___________ 9. The data source in a mail merge is your mailing document.
___________ 10. The mouse pointer becomes different shapes depending on the task you are

Let’s Explore
Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout
- The elements and principles of design are the building blocks of a successful beautiful
- The elements of design are the things or tools that make up a design while the
Principles of design are what we do to those elements.

The Elements of Design

These are the materials or tools to make different designs or Arts.

1. LINE – Lines are defined by points moving in
space. It can create a sense of movement or direction
in your design. Line is can be smooth, rough,
straight, curve, broken, thick or thin.
2. SHAPE – A shape is an enclosed space, the
boundaries of which are defined by other elements of
art like lines, colors, values or textures. Shapes can
be used to create patterns and draw the viewer’s
3. DIRECTION – Applying motion to create the
visual illusion of movement. Use horizontal direction
for calmness, stability and tranquility while vertical
direction for emotions of balance, formality and
4. SIZE (SCALE) – Size is basically the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to
that of another. Large elements means more significant than the small one.
5. TEXTURE – Texture refers to surface appearance of an object given by the dimensions,
form, thickness, arrangement, and amount of its basic parts.
6. COLOR – Color is light redirected off objects. It is used to create curiosity and
emotions to the viewers. It has three main characteristics: hue (these are red, green,blue,
etc.), value (lightness/ darkness), and intensity (saturation, or amount of pigment) and
temperature (warm and cool).
The Principles of Design
These are the rules that help you organize and place the materials to make arts or designs.
1. BALANCE – Balance in design is the state of equal relationship. It means equal
distribution of visual weight in a design. It can be achieved by adjusting the visual
weight of each element, in terms of size, color, textures, shapes or contrast.
- Balance in graphic design provides stability and structure to a design.
There are different kinds of balance:
• Symmetrical balance occurs when identical weights are on equal sides of a composition.
• Asymmetrical balance occurs when a design have unequal graphic weight on either side,
but those unequal graphics need to balance each other (un-evenly balanced).
• Radial balance occurs when the design elements swirl out from a central axis (emanating
from a central point)
2. PROXIMITY – Proximity maintains a relationship between items that go together.
It helps creates organization by grouping the same elements together or in close
proximity. The elements should be connected visually.
3. ALIGNMENT – Alignment refers to lining up the elements of a design along the
top, bottom, center or sides of the elements. It allows us to create order and
organization in our design. The whole point of the alignment is that nothing in your
design should look as if it were placed there randomly.
4. REPETITION, PATTERN, AND RHYTHM – Repetition duplicates the
characteristics of similar elements to contribute to design consistency. It
strengthens a design by tying together individual elements; pattern is a regular
arrangement of alternated or repeated elements like shapes, lines or colors;
rhythm--is a combination of elements repeated, but with variations.
5. CONTRAST – Contrast refers to the use of conflicting elements or colors while still
remaining harmonious and unified when the artwork is viewed as a whole. It allows

you to give emphasis to key elements in your design.
6. SPACE – It refers to the area that an object occupies. Both positive and negative
space should be considered in graphic design. White space gives your design
breathing room.

What is Infographic?
Information graphic or Infographic is a
photographic presentations of data and information
that use the different elements of design to make
data easily understandable at a
glance. Infographics make complex messages
become more visually appealing to the viewers.
Visual Message Design can help with effectiveness
of delivery of a message. It can lend
assistance in presenting your ideas clearly.

Principles of Visual Message Design using Infographics

1. Be unique
- Be creative is one of the most important aspect of designing an effectiveinfographic.
2. Keep it simple
- Make a design easy to understand. Straight to the point and focus moreon the message.
3. Less is more
- Focus on what matters. Keep your text minimal will most likely produce more impact than a
page full of words.
4. Sharing
- Share it with your friends. It is the most important and effective thing to do in making

Let’s Dig
I. Directions: Identify every item below if it belongs to the elements of design or the
principles of design. Write E if it belongs to the Elements of Design and write P if it
belongs to the Principles of Design.

________1. Color _________6. Texture

________2. Proximity _________7. Contrast
________3. Direction _________8. Size
________4. Alignment _________ 9. Balance
________5. Space _________ 10. Line

II. Directions: Read the statements below an answer. Write T if the statement
is true and write F if the statement is false.
_____1. Infographic is a presentation of data and information that use the different
elements of design to make data easily understandable at a glance.
_____2. Pixel refers to the number of pixels in an image or the detail an image holds.
_____3. Visual Message Design can help with effectiveness of delivery of a message.
_____4. Lossy compression retains values and manages to lower file size.
_____5. In Elements of Design, large elements gives more significant than the small one.

Let’s Remember
In creating any design, we should always remember the different types of
elements to be used and how to use them properly.
Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout
- The elements and principles of design are the building blocks of a successful beautiful
- The elements of design are the things or tools that make up a design while the
Principles of design are what we do to those elements.

Let’s Apply

Direction: Create an infographic showing the does and don’t in virtual meetings that a
learner like you should apply. You can use different applications or productivity tools.

Let’s Evaluate

I. Multiple Choice: Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Select the
letter of the best answer from among the given choices.
______1. Which element of design is used to create emotions to the viewer?
A. Colors C. Size
B. Texture D. Line
______2. Which element of design refers to the relationship of the area occupied by
one shape to that of another?
A. Direction C. Size
B. Texture D. Line
______3. Which principle of design maintains a relationship between items that go
A. Space C. Repetition, Pattern, and Rhythm
B. Balance D. Proximity
______4. Which principle of design duplicates the characteristics of similar elements

to contribute to design consistency?
A. Space C. Repetition, Pattern, and Rhythm
B. Balance D. Proximity
______5. Which principle of design that is left blank?
A. Space C. Repetition, Pattern, and Rhythm
B. Balance D. Proximity
______6. What kind of balance occur when a design has unequal graphic weight?
A. Symmetrical balance C. Asymmetrical balance
B. Linear balance D. Radial balance
______7. What kind of balance occurs when the design elements swirl out?
A. Symmetrical balance C. Asymmetrical balance
B. Linear balance D. Radial balance
______8. Which element of design defined by points moving in space?
A. Direction C. Shape
B. Texture D. Line
______9. Which element of design refers to the area that an object occupies?
A. Direction C. Shape
B. Texture D. Line
______10. Which element of design refers to the surface quality of a shape?
A. Direction C. Shape
B. Texture D. Line

Let’s Extend

Slideshow Presentation
Direction: Create your own website. It could be in a form of e-portfolio showcasing all your
accomplishments during your journey as a student. You can use any application or websites that offers
free subscriptions and please apply what you have learned in this lesson.

Books, Articles and Printed Materials:
➢ Newlove N. Econg
Empowerment Technologies - Senior High School Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 1: Information and Communication Technologies
First Edition, 2020
Electronic Resources:

➢, “WWW”, Accessed January 7, 2019,


K to 12 ICT – Computer Systems Servicing (NC II) Curriculum.

Module Development Team

Content Editor: MR. SANTIAGO ALVIS
Reviewers: DR.ANGELA K. ALAMAN, Head Teacher IV-SVNHS
Illustrator: MS. JENNY AŇANO
Layout Artist: MS. JENNY AŇANO
SHS Team Leader/Facilitator:
School Head In-Charge:
Content Validator/Editor:
Management Team:
Name of EPS in-charge of Learning Area
DR. Jose F. Abisado Jr.


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