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Exercise 1: In or Out Directions: Identify whether the following topics can be developed into a
nonfictional text or not. Write YES on the space provided before each number if the topic can be
developed. If not, write NO.

NO 1. The Legend of the Blue Sea

YES 2. Reflective essay on Death Penalty

YES 3. The creation of the Department of Disaster Resilience in the Philippines

YES 4. The legalization of Divorce in the Philippines

YES 5. Sonnet 116

Exercise 2: Identifying the Theme

Directions: Read the debate speech below. Identify at least three (3) topics or lessons you can
learn from the speech. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Furthermore, looking into the experiences of other countries, states in the United States
that do not employ the death penalty generally have lower murder rates than states that
do. The U.S., with the death penalty, has a higher murder rate than the countries of Europe
and Canada, which do not use the death penalty.
2. Our laws and criminal justice system should lead us to higher principles that demonstrate a
complete respect for life, even the life of a criminal. Legalizing the death penalty only
extends the chain of violence.
3. We have to recall that in a civilized society, we reject the principle of doing to the criminals
what they do to their victims. The penalty for rape cannot be rape, or for arson, the burning
down of the arsonist’s house. We should not, therefore, punish the murderer with death.
The notion of life for a life, eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth will only make our world
blind and toothless.

Exercise 3: Identifying the Ultimate Theme

Directions: Below is another debate speech which talks of a certain topic or theme. Identify the
ultimate theme and write it on the space provided.

Government should look into the gaps in existing agencies instead of creating new ones that will
create unnecessary layer in the bureaucracy when in fact existing state agencies are already
performing its mandate.

Exercise 4: Developing Mine Directions: Write an essay by developing one of the topics below.

Effects of Broken Families

The home influences the child at the most earliest possible time of his life, at a time when his mind is
most receptive. It provides the first impression which may last through the whole life of the child. The
child often sees the parents, siblings and things in their immediate environment to be most significant
and they are capable of promoting or diminishing him in self-worth and academic performance. The
family, being a powerful influence on the child and its importance as a primary agent of socialization
could in no doubt enhance or hinder the academic achievement of the child depending on the social
climate in the family. Variance in psycho-social emotional fortification in the family background could be
an indicator to high or low academic performance of students, bearing in mind the intervening effect of
high and low socio-economic status and emotional stability of students which is a pre-requisite to
academic achievement.
When a family breaks up, it is usually difficult for everyone in the family to cope with the situation;
however, children are often the worst victims of family breakup. There are powerful reasons to be
alarmed about the impact of broken home on children. The stability of family creates a building block for
children to progress throughout life. When parents separate, the children are left with no stability
causing them to lose basic concepts of childhood and negative perception that may carry with them
throughout life. Broken families may have profound negative impact on student’s academic performance
as parents play an important role in most children’s academic development. Guardians or single parents
attributed to limit time that has to spend on their child’s academic work . The problem of broken home
are universal phenomenal which affect both developed as well as the under develop country. A home is
the walls of the house but the people who live on it make a home. A house only becomes a home, when if
complete. A home also became a house when is not broken. It pointed out that the family lays the
psychological, moral, and spiritual foundation in the overall development of the child. Structurally,
family/homes is either broken or intact. A broken home in this context is one that is not structurally
intact, as a result of divorce, separation, death of one of parent and illegitimacy. Psychological home
conditions arise mainly from illegitimacy of children , the label of adopted child, broken homes, divorce
and parental deprivation. Such abnormal conditions of the home, are likely to have a detrimental effect
on school performance of the. A broken family refers to a family that has gone through a separation,
abandonment or divorce leaving the children with only one parent instead of the much needed two. In the
beginning of a divorce parents tend to argue non-stop and just have a sense of despair around the
household. Children around that type of atmosphere can get confused and blame themselves for such
arguments and the overall unhappiness. When dealing with divorce the effects on the children vary
depending on their age, time of separation and personality and family relationship. For example infants and
young children may experience some negative development effects, older children and teenagers tend to
suffer more and have a more lasting effect on their social, emotional, and educational day to day life. By
nature divorce not only changes the structure of a family but also its dynamics. Even in some cases when
the divorce goes smoothly without putting the children through too much drama, just by taking a family
that once was happy as is and making two separate households will permanently alter family interactions
and the roles of both the parents and children. In most broken homes older children are forced to grow up
faster and take on more responsibility around the house. Children of broken families generally are more
likely to be resource deprived, especially in female-headed households, and receive less intense and less
consistent monitoring, all of which have been associated to mental development and academic success of
a child.
Broken home is a worldwide problem and it occurs in a situation whereby the parent are not able to
cope with each other may be as a result of financial constraint or incompactibility of their behavior hence
the child live with either of the parents. The parents in order to make bolt ends meet will not be at home
most of the time. The child is deprived of love and affection and parent s enlightenment and motivation on
how to go about things. Although, evidence from experience with people shows that broken home can still
be better than unhappy home. However, it is noted that the way the children perceive the home before
breakage and separation will affect the behavior. For instance, the children that saw the family happy
before separation tends to be more adversely affected after breakage.
Broken home also affects the health of such children as they will not have confidence in telling their parents
of any illness until it becomes complicated and get out of hands. Even when the child reports about this
sickness, the parent may not have money to take him to the hospital and may consult quacks or go for self
medication and this can make the situation worse unlike where the parents are together they co-operate
with each other to seek medical help.
Broken home can be prevented by educating to study each other before going into marriage and not to rush
into it. Also, both parents should endure each other in a situation where there is poor socioeconomic status.
Also the wives should try and respect their husband and avoid disrupting situation.
There should be an action plan implementation in school in order to help pupils under broken family
achieve academic success; a peer facilitating group, team building, trainings and symposia should be
included in the school guidance program to cater the behavioral and academic needs of the pupils; and
the school should create peer facilitating group spearheaded by a guidance counselor/ adviser to have a
regular monitoring and assistance for pupils with special educational needs.

LOAD FOCUS- LITERARY ELEMENTS Activity 1. Directions: The following statements are
descriptions of the different literary elements. Identify whether these statements are true or false.
For statements that are true write T and F for false statements.

______ F _______1. Mood is the author’s attitude towards the audience, the subject, or the character.

______ F _______2. Tone is the feeling the reader gets from a story.

______ F _______3. The denouement is the turning point, the most intense moment in the plot.

______ T _______4. Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is
no plot.

______ F _______5. A story is told through the eyes of a character or narrator—this is the setting.

______ F _______6. The narrator tells the story from one character’s point—we find out what this one
character thinks, feels—this is omniscient point of view.

______ T _______7. Another characteristics of omniscient POV is that the author can enter the minds of the
characters and can describe what all characters are thinking and feeling.

______ T _______8. The place, weather, time of day and season are all included in creating the setting.

______ T _______9. At the heart of every great story is a conflict (or problem).

______ T _______10. Mood is shown through the setting and the atmosphere.

ENGAGE Activity 2. Read the short story “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife,” by Manuel
Arguilla. After reading, identify the literary elements of the story by filling in the table below.

Setting The place where the story happened was in

Barrio Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union, the
province of Baldo and his family
Characters: Major characters: Leon/Noel - Maria's
husband, older brother of Baldo Maria
- Leon's wife Minor Characters: Baldo
- Leon's younger brother, also the narrator
of this story Mother and Father of Leon and
Baldo Aurelia - Leon and Baldo's younger
sister Labang - the carabao
Plot Exposition - begins with a curious mixture
of descriptions as the main character, the
brother, meets his brother and new wife.
The wife is someone no one at home knows
and was quite unexpected.
Rising Action - For a part of the journey
they talk about the wife being able to see
stars in order to show us that the wife is
different from the country region she now
lives in
Climax - the wife admits to being afraid
now that they are nearer to home, unaware
that the father has asked the main character
to test her.
Falling Action - The wife and family meet
discussing many things in a 'get to know'
each other manner.
All the while the brother, the main
character, considers what he has been asked
to do in order to test the new wife and finds
her worthy, perhaps as an example of what
he will someday find in a wife.
Resolution - the main character has
resolved to accept the new wife based on
the tests he provided her.
Conflict The main conflict is Leon's father, he doubt
that Maria can can live in a province
where Leon-her soon to be husband live,
because she grew up in a city.
Point-of-view 1st person point of view
Tone Disappointed and Captivated
Theme “Protecting One's Reputation is Crucial.” /
“To endure journey sacrifices is necessary.”

ADVANCE Activity 3. Directions: The following statements are lines from “How my Brother Leon
Brought Home a Wife.” Identify if the following statements employ figures of speech. With items
containing figures of speech, write FG; for items without figures of speech, write NFG on the space
provided before each number.

__ FG ___1. She was fragrant like a morning when papayas are in bloom.

__ FG ___2. He swallowed and brought up to his mouth more cud and the sound of his insides was like a

__NFG ___3. The sun was in our eyes for it was dripping into the bright sea. The sky was wide and deep
and very blue above us but along the saw-tooth rim of the Katagyahan hills to the southwest flamed huge
masses of clouds.
__NFG ___4. She was smiling at him and I stopped tying the sinta across Labang’s neck to the opposite end
of the yoke, because her teeth was very white, her eyes were so full of laughter and there was a small
dimple high up on her right cheek.

__ FG ___5”. He must have taught her the song because she joined him, and her voice flowed into his like a
gentle stream meeting a stronger one.


Activity 5. Write a short story integrating all the literary elements.

The Story of an Hour

Louise Mallard has heart trouble, so she must be informed carefully about her husband’s death.
Her sister, Josephine, tells her the news. Louise’s husband’s friend, Richards, learned about a railroad
disaster when he was in the newspaper office and saw Louise’s husband, Brently, on the list of those
killed. Louise begins sobbing when Josephine tells her of Brently’s death and goes upstairs to be alone in
her room.

Louise sits down and looks out an open window. She sees trees, smells approaching rain, and
hears a peddler yelling out what he’s selling. She hears someone singing as well as the sounds of
sparrows, and there are fluffy white clouds in the sky. She is young, with lines around her eyes. Still
crying, she gazes into the distance. She feels apprehensive and tries to suppress the building emotions
within her, but can’t. She begins repeating the word Free! to herself over and over again. Her heart beats
quickly, and she feels very warm.

Louise knows she’ll cry again when she sees Brently’s corpse. His hands were tender, and he
always looked at her lovingly. But then she imagines the years ahead, which belong only to her now, and
spreads her arms out joyfully with anticipation. She will be free, on her own without anyone to oppress
her. She thinks that all women and men oppress one another even if they do it out of kindness. Louise
knows that she often felt love for Brently but tells herself that none of that matters anymore. She feels
ecstatic with her newfound sense of independence.

Josephine comes to her door, begging Louise to come out, warning her that she’ll get sick if she doesn’t.
Louise tells her to go away. She fantasizes about all the days and years ahead and hopes that she lives a
long life. Then she opens the door, and she and Josephine start walking down the stairs, where Richards
is waiting.

The front door unexpectedly opens, and Brently comes in. He hadn’t been in the train accident or
even aware that one had happened. Josephine screams, and Richards tries unsuccessfully to block Louise
from seeing him. Doctors arrive and pronounce that Louise died of a heart attack brought on by
Reflection Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by
completing the K-W-L chart below.
What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I have LEARNED
I thought that Literary I want to lern more on The 6 I learned that Literary
elements are the things that Types of Literary Conflict. elements are the
all literature—whether it's a fundamental building blocks
news article, a book, or a of writing, and they play an
poem—absolutely have to important role in helping us
have. write, read, and understand
literature. Further, these are
the “whats” of a work.


LOAD Activity 1. CAPTURE IT! Directions: Complete the given clauses as you infer and interpret
the given art.

1. Something I like about the work is… it was unique enough that it can drove/caught
someone’s attention.
2. I think the artist has made the work by using… just a mere pencil
3. I think the artist’s work is relevant to my work because… we have the same taste in
color combinations
4. I think the artist’s ideas are about… portrayal of human’s uniqueness and different
5. I will use the artist’s ideas in my own work by… trying to make something out of
ordinary with mark making and linear drawings
6. I think the artist made his work this way because… his trying to convey what he felt
inside through creativity of his/her own techniques
7. I think the goal of the artist in doing this work is… to express his/herself in a different
and unique manner that is out of ordinary
8. I think the artist’s belief is that… if he draws this way he might drove attention easily
9. I think the feelings of the artist while doing the work is…. going through some pace of
his/her own emotional quotient because… he/she was able to come up with such an
10.The work of art is related to….. us human beings because… the figure he drew was
clearly a human figure

ENGAGE Activity 2. PROMPT IT! Direction: From your answers in activity one, how do you
describe the artist? Use the chart in analyzing his characteristics, qualities and ideologies.
Desire to Grow The great artists work towards making
Persistence allows better work; he/she is/ are process
the artist to continue driven, not goal driven. Becoming
doing something or better in process will ultimately lead to
trying to do something the completion of goals, so focusing on
the means to get where he/she want to
even though it is
be is always the better choice.
difficult or opposed by
other people. 
Patience the
stereotypical artist is
passionate; either Flexible The artist have the ability to improvise
enthralled or disgusted and riff on ideas, the ability to make
with his/her work. new and interesting work, and the
Patience evens out ability to live an unconventional
those highs and lows. 
Passionate the artist
have a strong liking or
desire for or devotion
to some activity, object,
or concept
A sense of adventure
the artist have a strong Dedicated The artist possesses realism he/she are
liking or desire for or the ones who show up and do the
work, even when it’s hard to find the
devotion to some
activity, object, or
Directions: Track the setting, symbols and symbolism projected in the character, qualities and
ideologies of the artist.

Setting Symbols Symbolism

Flat, uniform, unvarying,  Liner drawing
smooth, plain, Graduated present illusion of
and contrasting. depth and
space using relative
size and position of a
group of objects
 Mark making
present that we
human being are
made up of scar of
 Lines represent the
connection of the
past on to the future
 The human figure
represent being
vulnerable and
naked not literally
but in a way that he
is not meant to hide
anything it portrays
that we are holding
that specific piece of
us that can mend
nor fulfill the
emptiness we have
from within and its
should not come
from external factor
but inside us.

Activity 4. EXAMINE IT! Directions: Examine and analyze the sample autobiography using the
graphic organizer given. Excerpt Nelson Mandela Autobiography The Long Walk to Freedom Part
11 Freedom
Nonfiction Analysis Framework
Title of the text: The Long Walk to Freedom

Author: Nelson Mandela

Give a brief summary of the text (2-3 sentences):

Mandela details the day of his release. He holds a press conference the next day.
Reporters ask whether he hates whites, to which Mandela responds by affirming that he
hates the system not white people, and that whites will play a critical role in rebuilding the
What are the underlying themes of the text? Does the author seem to be implying anything without outright saying

The central theme is “social inequqlity"along with courage and sacrifices to remove it. A

Nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but it’s lowest ones. And as we let our own
light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own
fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Select a line that reflects one of the themes you indicated above. Copy the quote here with quotation marks.

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his
religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love
comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.

Do you feel any connection to the main character or narrator’s feelings or situation?

He had high hopes for the future of South Africa. He pledged to liberate all South Africans
from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other
discrimination. And from that I could say that I felt a connection to the narrator’s feelings or situation.

Does the text engage with any topics or issues that you think are especially important for people to know about?

The history and tradition of African people are presented in a straightforward, transparent way so that
anyone (no matter race, religion or nationality) will finally know the truth of the slavery process that
endured for hundreds of years. Even though today’s world stimulates a different form of slavery,
Mandela showed us that we must fight for justice. That is your answer; we must put the complicated
past behind us and focus on building strong mutual community. Although It may seem difficult to
understand — people should stand up because even in the 21st, century we face different forms of
stereotypes, racism, and cultural intolerance. The book is intended for all people; you have
the power to show the world that every human being deserves equal treatment.
List some positive points about the text that you believe made it an interesting or engaging read.

I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have
discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken
a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come.
But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not
yet ended.

Describe some aspects of the text that disappointed you or caused you to feel frustrated as a reader.

Freedom is indivisible; the chains on anyone of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people
were the chains on me.

How do the ideas in the text connect with the real world and/or your own life?
_________________________________________________________________________ _________
_________________________________________________________________________ ___

Describe anything you saw in this text that you'd like to remember to include in your writing.
_________________________________________________________________________ _________

NURTURE Activity 5: ANALYZE IT! Directions: Now, you are set to write your analysis paragraph
using the information delineated from the text and from the analysis framework. Organize your
paragraph using the three-part structure( Introduction, Body, and Conclusion). You will be rated
using the rubrics below.

Title _______________________________________________________

Author ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the K-W-L chart below.
What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I have LEARNED
I thought that … readers may I want to … I learned that … Analysis of a
find difficulty identifying precise text means decoding or
difference between fiction and interpreting information that is
nonfiction considering that some written in a text. It is examining
authors tend to resonate real how the author presents his or
stories blend with literary her arguments within the text
elements. and a test if these arguments
work or not. For clarification, this
process is not just summarizing a
text or restating an opinion but it
is more than eliciting ideas
behind what is written in the
text. It is leading the readers to
understand better what they are

Writing a Draft

LOAD Activity 1.


Directions: Select one of the prompts below. Remember, clustering is often referred to as mind mapping. This process
allows you to explore how ideas fit together. Write the topic in the center circle and finish completing the outer
circles with ideas that relate to the subject.

Prompt 1: What type or types of technology would you like to see in a college classroom? How would you like to see
this technology used? Prompt

2: If you could create a mobile application for an iPhone or Android, what would it be? Prompt

3: What is your favorite technological device? (Example: computer, phone, iPod etc.)

ENGAGE Activity 2.

Directions: From the ideas generated on the previous activity, write down whatever comes to your mind. In
freewriting you do not need to worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation. The purpose is to write out as many
ideas as you can about the topic. Set a time limit, five or ten minutes, and freely write your thoughts and ideas.
Consider to: Describe it, Compare it, Associate it, Analyze it.

ADVANCE Activity 3. WRITING CLINIC Directions: Since you have already chosen a topic that you are passionate about,
begin to dig deeper on your subject. Organize your thoughts from the freewriting activity and fill out the diagram
below with the ideas that you have generated.


Directions: When you start a paper, you should have in mind a general topic that you wish to write about. A
topic is a general area of inquiry or the general subject of your paper. A thesis statement is an argument that you
present based on your topic. The complexity of your thesis statement will depend on the length and purpose of your
paper. Some people like to try and think of a thesis statement before they start writing their paper or even at outline.
Others start with some version of pre-writing (freewriting or a loose outline) and then work on creating a solid thesis.
A thesis statement is a single, complete sentence that succinctly expresses your view concerning a particular topic. It
will generally be included in the introductory paragraph of your essay, and you must be sure that you support the
statement in the body of the essay. Your thesis statement will very often be the answer to the question: What does
this information mean? Instructions: Work on with your draft by accomplishing the table below.

Areas What to do What to Write

Target Audience
Tone and Motif
Genre/Type Point of View

Directions: Using the template below, start conceptualizing your characters and other essential elements for
your draft.

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the
K-W-L chart below.
What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I have LEARNED
I thought that … I want to … I learned that …


Name of Learner: ______________________ Grade Level: ___________ Section:

______________________________ Score: ________________


Evaluating One’s Draft

LOAD Activity 1. Complete the table below by writing words, concepts or statements associated with evaluating
a piece

Clarity of idea Appropriate Choice of Appropriate Use of Effective combination

Literary Elements Elements of ideas and literary
concise Symbolism Connection Message is understood
by the readers.
clear Imagery Building rapport to the The meaning is
readers interpreted in
meaningful way.
brief Figurative Language Comprehension Find its relevance to
everyday lives
direct to the point Literary Devices Structure of the literary Expand your idea

ENGAGE Activity 2. The following statements enable you to gauge your level of
understanding about clarity of ideas and the literary elements of Creative Nonfiction. The first
column will be labeled “Agree” and the third column is labeled “Disagree.” Place a check mark (√)
if you agree with the statement and a cross (X) if you disagree.

Agree Statements Disagree

1. Accuracy is the same with clarity. ×
√ 2. Appropriateness is a characteristic of a speech or a
prose composition that communicates effectively with
its intended audience.
3. A literary element refers to a literary technique ×
employed by the author to produce an effect (tone,
irony, figurative language, symbolism,
4. A literary device refers to a component of a ×
literary work (character, setting, plot, theme, frame,
exposition, ending/denouement, motif, titling,
narrative point-of-view).
√ 5. Knowing your readers is an important feature of
good writing. The better you know your audience, the
more clearly you can communicate with them.
√ 6. Diction is a literary device which means choice of
words or style used by the writer in order to convey
his message.
√ 7. Everything in a piece of writing is subject to
scrutiny, including word choice.
√ 8. Different techniques such as flashbacks, stream of
consciousness, or different scenes help the writers to
string together for the main idea to be revealed.
9. Understanding how a story is organized is ×
necessary to access the highest levels of critical
thinking related to the story.
√ 10. To successfully interpret and analyze literary
texts, you'll first need to have a solid foundation in
literary terms and their definitions.
ADVANCE Activity 3. Read the poem below. Identify the images and the figurative language
used in the piece.

I Am Proud To Be A Filipino Toribia Maño

A. Recognizing Sensory Images. Write the letter of the phrase that does NOT appeal to the
same sense as that of the phrase in bold print.

____1. the grating of cartwheels on the pebbles

c. vast ridges of forest

____2. gentle swaying of the reeds

a. the eternal note of sadness H

____3. wet grass between my toes

a. dressed in crude and gaudy attire

_____4. chocolate, ice cream and apple pie

b. many sweet thoughts

_____5. scent of cologne, jasmine and body spray

c. guttural twang of the bull frog

B. Recognizing Figurative Language Read each of the five sets of sentences that follow. For
each sentence in the set, write O if the sentence uses ordinary language and F if it uses figurative
language. Write your answer on the blank before the number.

Set 1

_F__1. The wind howled like a wounded animal.

_O__2. The wind blew hard and made noises.

_F__3. The wind was a wounded animal, howling in the night.

Set 2

_O__1. When night ends and daylight begins, people become active again.

_F__2. The dawn of day is like the beginning of a play.

_F__3. The curtain of night lifted and we, the actors come on stage once more.
Set 3.

_F__1. The grass formed a velvet cushion for her head.

_F__2. The grass felt like velvet when she put her head down.

_O__3. She put her head on the grass.

Set 4 .

_F__1. He seeks money like a squirrel seeks nuts.

_O__2. He is selfish and greedy.

_F__3. He is a hungry squirrel storing loot for the future.

Set 5.

_O__1. When I held the ice, I felt shivers down my spine.

_F__2. The ice cube froze my spine.

_O__3. Holding the ice cube was like lying on a frozen pond.

REFINE Activity 4. Let’s evaluate a selection. Read carefully the memoir below in order to
answer the provided questions. (5 points each)

JUST SWINGING - September 12, 2009 by 9CatsPerLife101

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the theme of the memoir?

 The theme of the memoir is about how a simple swing can bring a magical
comfort throughout a lifetime.
2. What is/are the emotion(s) portrayed in the memoir?
 The memoir conveys the nostalgic and contented feeling of being carefree by
forgetting everything and just immersing one’s self to the joy and comfort of
just swinging. While reading the text, it vividly describes how the persona felt
happy and alive once again as he/she began embracing the same old vibe a
swing can bring.
3. How does the writer get you interested and wanting to read more?
 The writer get me interested and wanting to read more by providing me some
vivid images through his/her use of words and writing style. The writer
invites me into the world of the memory as he/she allowed me to envision the
setting, the character and his/her actions.
4. What point of view is used by the author? Is it appropriate? Why?
 The writer used the 1st point of view as manifested in the pronouns used such
as I, my and me. The POV used was appropriate because an effective memoir
should always maintain a 1st POV.
5. Does the memoir show how the learning change the author’s life? Support your answer.
 Yes. It was clearly shown in the memoir how the swing brought changes in the
author’s life as manifested in the last sentence of the 1st paragraph, “It was the
only thing that could truly make me forget life and simultaneously make me


Activity 5. Below is a vaguely written paragraph. Revise each paragraph for a clearer
presentation of ideas. Write your entries on your paper.

1. Did you no that a person can live with out food for more than a hole month a person can
only live four about won week with out water we need water more then we need food. 97
% of earths water is in the oceans. Just 3 % of the earths water can bee used four drinking
water. 75 % of the worlds fresh water is frozen in the North and South polar ice caps?
 Did you know that a person can live without food for more than a whole
month? A person can only live for about one week without water. We need
water more than we need food. 97 % of earth’s water is in the oceans. Just 3 %
of the earth’s water can be used for drinking water. 75 % of the world’s fresh
water is frozen in the north and south polar ice caps.
2. January 21, 1976 was an historic day. On that day, two supersonic Concorde aircraft
made there first flights. One took of from London and the other from paris. Later that
year, the first Concorde flew to New York. The flight from London to New York took about
three ours. Other planes took twice the time to make that flight! The fleet of Concorde's
was retierd in 2003. Over the years, the planes had carryed more then 2.5 million
 January 21, 1976, was an historic day. On that day, two supersonic Concorde
aircraft made their first flights. One took off from London and the other from
Paris. Later that year, the first Concorde flew to New York. The flight from
London to New York took about three hours. Other planes took twice the time
to make that flight! The fleet of Conchords was retired in 2003. Over the years,
the planes had carried more than 2.5 million passengers.
3. Are you familiar with the work of Marie Curie. Born in Warsaw Poland, on November 7,
1867, Curie was a Chemist and physicist. She and her husband, Pierre won the Nobel
Prize in 1903 for there discovery of the element radium. In 1911, Marie becomes the first
person to win the nobel Prize twice she won the second award for her study of
radioactivity. Marie died in 1934 from cancer cause by her long contact with radiation.
 Are you familiar with the work of Marie Curie? Born in Warsaw, Poland, on
November 7, 1867, Curie was a chemist and physicist. She and her husband,
Pierre, won the Nobel Prize in 1903 for their discovery of the element radium.
In 1911, Marie became the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice. She won
the second award for her study of radioactivity. Marie died in 1934 from
cancer caused by her long contact with radiation.

Reflection: Reflect on the learning that you gained after taking up this lesson. Complete the chart below.

Misconceptions about the topic prior to taking up New or additional learning I had after taking up the
the lesson. lesson in terms of skills, content, and attitude.
I thought that …. I learned that…


Name of Learner: _____________________ Grade Level: __________________ Section:

_____________________________ Score: _____

Revising A Draft

LOAD Activity 1. FILL-OUT THE PROCESS Using the concept map below, describe the writing process that you know.

Writing Process


Activity 2. ARRANGE THE STEPS Arrange the following steps of revising a draft based on what are provided in the box.
Write your answers on the blanks provided in each number.

1. Check the transitions used in a text.

2. Skim the paragraphs and identify the main ideas.
3. Determine if the paragraphs help the main ideas.
4. Scan the mechanics of the text
1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________



Below is an excerpt of a feature story published at WHO website in the Philippines. Underline the words or parts of the
paragraph that needs to be revised according to word choice, mechanics and structure. Using the words or parts of the
paragraph you have underlined, write your first draft on the space provided below.



Activity 4. REVISE THE FIRST DRAFT Revise the draft that you have written in activity 3 by considering the aspects of
writing a literary work such as mechanics, substance, style, structure and literary elements.


Activity 5. COMMENT THE LITERARY PIECE Using the literary piece on the previous learning task, write your comments
on the aspects below that you would consider in the final revision of the piece.

Area Comments
Literary Elements


What have you felt after doing the activities? Encircle your feelings using the following emoticons and answer the
questions that follow:

Three things I have learnt about Revising a Draft specifically a short story are:



I still feel that I need to work on….

I feel I have done well at:

I can still improve by:


Name of Learner: Grade Level:

Strand & Section: Date:



LOAD Activity 1. Look at the code table and break the codes by simply looking for the opposite letter to form a
meaningful word. a b c d e f

_______ 1. E R S Y R P G V B A

_______ 2. Z R Z B V E F

_______ 3. Y V G R E N E L – W B H E A N Y V F Z

_______ 4. G E N I R Y – J E V G V A T

_______ 5. R F F N L F

_______ 6. Z N T N M V A R – S R N G H E R – N E D V P Y R

_______ 7. V A G R E I V R J – F G B E L

_______ 8. O V B T E N C Y L

_______ 9. C E B S V Y R F

_______ 10. A N G H E R – J E V G V A T

ENGAGE Activity 2. Read the following commentaries adapted from Cottrell, S. (2003) The Study Skills Handbook
and decide whether they have HIGH or LOW judging quality. Justify your answer.
ADVANCE Activity 3. Read the essays below and write a short commentary considering the guidelines in judging
the quality of a creative nonfictional text.

Essay 1. Technology has highly evolved over time. In fact, nowadays almost everybody has some sort of machine
at hand, be it computers, cars, or even washing machines. But although machinery was devised to benefit mankind, it
has also brought along many flaws to match. Firstly, when it comes to technological equipment such as computers,
disruption most often arises between the person using the computer, and the household he or she is surrounded by, or
living with. For example, many old family traditions such as eating meals with your relatives at the dining table seldom
take place now that one of the family members might be too busy working on his Mac. laptop. Thus, family values and
morals have changed in order to adapt to this technological age. Secondly, having many kinds of machinery at hand is
not only destroying family traditions, but is also very harmful to our environment. Many people are careless about
allowing their car engines to run haphazardly, or leaving their laptops on for long periods of time, however they do not
seem aware of the fact that all this energy and electricity consumption is dangerous to not only our local environment,
but to the world as a whole. Additionally, it is the over-usage of machinery, big or small that is bringing our society ever
closer to Global Warming, and we must stop. As I mentioned in my introduction, technological equipment was never
programmed to damage nature per se, but to help people all around the globe. Now that nuclear families aren’t as
closely intact compared to the 1950s or 1990s, technology has given us an alternative method to keep in touch with our
relatives thanks to computer applications such as Skype, or even cell phone applications such as VIBER or WhatsApp.
Machinery has most definitely done wonders in our lives, and we as people should be grateful to easily possess cars,
and/or phones when poorer countries do not even have the chance to. However, with all the advantages machinery has
brought to us all, I personally believe that possessing too many cars or phones, or even consuming too much of their
energy and battery, is beginning to get out of hand and needs to be controlled.

Essay 2. Traveling and visiting new countries can be an extremely thrilling experience. I usually prefer to take
guided tours to explore a new destination. By doing that I get a chance to visit its most significant landmarks, get to
meet tourists from other countries and learn about the city’s most popular and authentic restaurants. Upon joining
professional excursions, tourists discover the prominent cultural and historical buildings in cities, such as churches,
monuments, parks, and palaces. The tours are usually organized to cover most of these important places. For example,
when I visited Dubai last year, I joined the “Big Bus Tour” to explore this amazing city. While visiting the Dubai Musuem, I
learned that this chief city was only built sixty years ago. Haven’t I taken such a guided tour, I wouldn’t have known this
fact about this metropolis city. The other reason to prompt me in taking tour buses is the opportunity to meet other
tourists. sharing the experience and spending time together gets you close to other people from different nationalities.
This in return provides you with the chance of learning about other cultures and maybe building frienships with them. As
an example, while touring in Mexico two years ago, I was acquainted to tourists from various cultures and learned a lot
about each other. Another important factor to encourage me on taking bus tours is learning about the city’s most
popular restaurants. Although brochures and flyers usually contain such information, yet tour guides who live in they
cities recommend more authentic local places. As an example, one of the best meals I tried was at a local restaurants in
Mexico City where the guide advised us to go. It was a meal to remember. In conclusion, taking professional excursions
is worth the cost of it. You get to visit all the salient landmarks, learn about other cultures and get familiar with popular
restaurants. ____________________________________________________________

Essay 3 It is true that medical doctors are health professionals whose roles are of great importance in the
society. They are usually educated and people generally look up to them to take good care of their health issues. In fact,
whether people live or die depends to a very great extend on the doctors in charge of their health situations, depending
on how serious they are. Almost every one wants a doctor that is vastly knowledgeable in the medical field, especially
those with many years of experience. Although I agree that the level of education of a medical doctor is of much
importance for a doctor to be regarded as a “good medical doctor”, I am also of the opinion that that is not the only
criterion for a doctor to be regarded as a “good medical doctor”. Character and the integrity of the person contribute to
a large extend. I am also of the view that a medical doctor should be a very responsible person in the society because a
lot of people tend to emulate them. Young adults usually look forward to becoming medical doctors in the future. That
being the case, they tend to copy the behaviours of medical doctors they know. The country where I come from, Nigeria,
where the health system has some issues, some medical doctors who lack good character and do not care about their
integrity can, because a patient does not have enough money to pay their medical bills, walk away from a dying patient.
During oath taking, these doctors state that they will put patients first before any thing, but some of them do not keep
up with this. Although I agree that doctors in the third world countries usually face some challenges, I am still of the
opinion that when it comes to saving a patient’s life, a good medical doctor should always swing into action. In Canada,
though I have stayed here for just a year, I think many of their doctors can be regarded as “good doctors” from the little I
have seen. In conclusion, I believe that a well educated doctor without a good character and integrity and also without a
passion to save lives is as good as a “bad doctor” since, with his education but with love for money rather than love for
his patient’s lives, can still lead to the loss of lives.

REFINE Activity 4. Read and analyze the text. Write your comment on the aspects/ areas below. Use the table to
write your answer.

Cheap but golden Cristina Kyla C. Villagen

This place was one of the most talk-about topics especially when it comes to fashion. Most of the people who
went there are prominent vloggers like Angel Dei, The Gold Squad and Tony Gonzaga; you can visit their YouTube
channel to know some information and reviews. According to them, affordable clothes which look expensive at first
glance are offered there. Traveling time is approximately one and a half hour and if you will be commuting you will need
to ride a jeepney going to SM Taytay which will pass through Baras, Morong, Cardona and Angono. Taytay Tiangge is noy
always open, you can see their tarpaulins located in some areas which can easily be seen. But as far as I know, they are
open every Tuesdays and Thursdays. When I get there, I immediately looked for the stalls of “Bagpi” and “Igpai” for the
low costing products according to the YouTube vlogs that I’ve watched. The stalls are really colorful and nice to look at
and just like the typical tiangge, it is noisy, crowded and humid. All of their products, be it shoes, tops, or bottoms, will
surely catch your attention. Various designs are available in many sizes and colors. For women’s clothes starts at 10.00
which are mostly “ukay-ukay” but are still good ones. For men’s tip, price starts at 25.00. for kid’s clothes, price starts at
5.00, I don’t believe it at first but the saleslady sad that it is true. There are also overruns from the famous brands and
clothing lines, with prices you’ve never imagined.
Area Comments
Target Audience
Tone and Motif
Point of View Topic

NURTURE Activity 5. Read and Analyze the text. Make a Critique/Commentary using its four main parts.
(Introduction, Summary, Critical Evaluation and Conclusion) Use separate sheet.

The Forgotten Ones Mary Jade Dondonay Have you ever felt how hard is it to be taken for granted? But what if
the society has totally forgotten you, would it be harder than it already is? It was a humid afternoon Manila when after
almost two weeks of working in Balintawak Market, I’ve decided to unwind and give myself a break. The warmth of sun’s
ray as it kisses my skin felt like hell. It seems like I have stated all types of curses in my head for not bringing an umbrella
as I walk on the banquets and sidewalks of Novaliches, Bayan in Quezon City. The some coming from the vehicle add up
to my irritation as I sneezed every now and then. I regretted going out for a second and realized that it was not the break
that I wanted. It feels like it was the biggest problem in the world that time. As I continue walking on the clothing area, I
saw three children maybe ages five to six wearing their rugged-like clothes holding paper cups asking for coins to every
people that’ll pass by the area. The tiredness and hunger were etched on their faces that they almost want to beg for
they haven’t eaten since last night. Their bodies were that thin like a piece of a bamboo, their big bellies were waving
and it is evident that they lack of nutrients. Then it hits me. At that time, I have realized how stupid I am earlier that time
for ranting such things when in fact those children have all the rights to speak up for experiencing the hardest in such a
young age. Those children who are years younger than me making ways to earn money but there I was, complaining for
heat. It broke my heart seeing those children because I’ve been there. Memory when I was younger flash back. I have
experienced stomach ache for not having to eat because my father lost his job. What hurts me the most was seeing my
parents’ problematic faces thinking where to get food to eat. I learned how to value education and started appreciating
the hard works and sacrifices of my parents as such a young age. They’ve done lot for us that the word “thanks” will
never be enough to express my gratitude for them. I am lucky that our parents are taking good care for us that although
they were not able to finish their studies, they took full responsibility of giving our basic needs. Their parents may be
irresponsible enough to stood up and take responsibility for bringing them to the world that’s why they are the one who
suffers. And I think that’s the saddest. After giving them coins, I continued walking. Upon entering the area where
accessories are located, I saw an old man sitting in the dirty banquet where an umbrella is the only one that protects him
from hellish sun ray. He looks dirty in his black rugged-like tee shirt and ripped shorts with his white hairs waving hello.
The dirt caused by the dust around was present on his wrinkled body, an understatement that he has not taken his bath
yet. I was standing on his back, observing. He lends his hands as if asking for money on every people that pass by and
will utter the word “pangkain lang po”. Out of pity and curiosity, I went in front of him end asked him where were his
children; he answered “may kanya-kanya nang asawa”. I frown in dismay and nodded. Upon hearing his answer, I’ve
realized how ungrateful his children were. At that moment, I promised myself to take care of my parents ‘til the day they
bid their farewell in this world. I can’t afford to see my parents in his situation. And I think, that’s the least that I can do
to pay them back. Life had been really hard to those people who are less fortunate. It seems like they’ve been forgotten
not only by their loved ones but the society. Now, I realized why my parents are working hard for us to send to school
and have a better life because they’ve been there and don’t want us to be in that situation. Those less fortunate people
deserve to experience the best in life for they’ve been through enough. But, no one will help them but themselves. They
should be the one to act first and the rest will follow. For people like us, if we thought that we have the heaviest
problems, think twice or thrice. There were people out there who suffered a lot but are still fighting, and so us too. Take
every problem an opportunity to be stronger and be an inspiration to other people.

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the K-W-L chart below.
What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I have LEARNED
I thought that … I want to … I learned that …

Name of Learner: _____________________ Grade Level: __________________

Section: _____________________________ Score: _______________________


Writing Creative Nonfiction

Activity 1. LOAD Let us test your writing skills. Imagine you are replying to your friend who asks about how you
are doing. Write a note to your human diary, guided with the following questions.

1. What is your most pervading emotion/feeling right now? (Are you happy, sad, mad or excited?)

2. What events made you feel that way?

3. Is there anyone who caused or contributed to the way you are feeling?

4. What are your thoughts about your present situation?

5. What are your realizations about it?

Activity 2. ENGAGE Now, let’s process your activity. With your knowledge on revising a draft, restructure and
revise your output in Activity 1 to come up with a memoir.

Remember the following important points in writing your own memoir.

▪ A memoir can be any significant real-life experience that you want to retell. It can be a picture of an event or a
description of a person, place, or thing in a moment of your life.

▪ In writing a memoir, choose a topic that you think will make your piece more descriptive, emotional, and
creative. Make sure that it will be something that the readers can relate or connect to.

▪ Use descriptions and imagery to help the readers imagine, picture or feel your experience. Use your own voice
in your narrative.
Activity 3. ADVANCE Let us now apply your writing skills in a wider scope. For this activity, interview a barangay
official or person in authority about the latest projects or programs in your community. Fill out the figure with the
information needed.

Questions Information
Who :
What :
When :
Where :
Why :
How :

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