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Subject: English

Grade Level: 5
Quarter: 2

Direction: Identify the correct signal words. Fill in the blanks with the
correct answer.

How to prepare Maja Blanca

1. ________ , pour the coconut milk in a cooking pot and bring to a boil. 2.
________ , add the sugar, condensed, and whole sweet kernel corn then sim for 8
minutes. 3. _____ , combine the milk and cornstarch and whisk until the cornstarch is
diluted. Pour the fresh milk and cornstarch mixture in the cooking pot and stir
thoroughly. Allow them cook while stirring untilthe mixture reaches your desired
thickness. 4. ______, pour the mixture in a serving tray and arrange and flatten the top
using a flat tool such as a wooden spatula. 5 _____, allow to cool down then
refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
( then next first lastly second )
Directions: Identify the main idea, key sentences and supporting details of the
paragraph. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
The proper eating of soup is rather difficult. One must avoid a gurgling
sound. The
spoon must be held at the proper distance. Carrying it to the mouth without spilling is
an accomplishment. Then, of course, the lips must be wiped with a napkin.

1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Proper way of eating soup C. Proper waste disposal
B. Proper way of drinking D. Proper way of studying
2. Which of the following sentences gives a detail?
A. Proper way of eating soup is rather difficult.
B. One must avoid a gurgling sound.
C. The spoon must be held at the proper distance.
D. Both B and C

Vitamins are essential to the body. Vitamin A helps keep the skin smooth and
soft. When it is absent, the skin becomes thick and rough. Another important vitamin
is thiamine or Vitamins B1. Many people who complained of being tired and irritable
were actually suffering from lack of thiamine.

3. What is the key sentence of the paragraph?

A. Vitamins are essential to the body.
B. Vitamin A helps keep the skin smooth and soft.
C. When it is absent the skin becomes thick and rough.

D. Many people who complained of being tired and irritable were

actually suffering from lack of thiamine.

October 4, 1957 was a big day for scientists. It was the day the Russians
launched Sputnik I into space. Sputnik I went into orbit and circled the earth. It was
the first time that a man-made object had ever orbited the earth. It was a day for

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Russian scientists to celebrate. It challenged American astronauts to come up with the
next big event.
4. One of the supporting details in the paragraph is:
A. The scientists went into orbit.
B.  It was the day the Russians launched Sputnik I into space.
C.  October 4, 1957 was a big day for scientists.
D.  Russians' Big Day
Seated on his throne, King Midas wore a golden crown. He had golden
rings on each finger and held a golden scepter. His vest was embroidered with golden
thread and even his shoes had golden ornaments. He had a golden box filled with gold
coins. He named his daughter Marigold.
5. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
A. King Midas loved gold.
B. King Midas sold lots of gold.
C. King Midas had a heart of gold.
D. King Midas hated gold.

Directions: Rearrange the jumbled words/phrases to form a sentence

with a correct subject-verb agreement.
1. disagree the man the plan of their friends.
2. in the Science Quiz Bee join Maria
3. the children in the backyard play
4. attends Venice the Christmas party.
5. to report selects A lexis a topic

Directions: Write a two - paragraph composition using the Venn Diagram


Directions: Determine which of the following is a positive stereotype. Encircle the

letter of the correct answer.

A. All Filipinos are exceptionally polite.

B. Girls are not good at sports.
C. All teenagers are rebels.
D. All Filipinos are hospitable.
E. All blond women are dumb.
F. All Asians are geniuses.
G. Asians have high IQs.

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H. Filipinos are faithful lovers.

Directions: Determine from which perspective the passage is narrated. If it is third-

person, circle each time characters' thoughts or feelings as narrated. Explain your
answers in the box.

Viewpoints: first-person, second-person, third-person objective, third-person limited,

and third-person omniscient.

1. The wind was strong enough to blow leaves off the trees. A boy was walking down
a blacktop path lined with oaks. The red and brown leaves fell through the air with
each gust. The boy dribbled a ball down the path. "Behind you!" shouted a man on a
bike. The boy dribbled the ball off the path and avoided the biker. "Sorry," shouted
the biker as he sped away. The boy sighed and continued walking down the path,
dribbling the ball.
Narrator's Perspective: _______________________________
Explain how you know:
2. The sun may have been 90 million miles away, but it felt like it was right on top of
me, weighing me down. There wasn't a lick of shade anywhere. Not so much as a
flower to hide behind. The plains were barren and sweltering. A dust cloud whipped
by me. I pulled my shirt over my mouth and nose, stretching out the neck hole. The
shirt was baggier than I remembered it, or I was losing weight. Come to think of it, I
felt a little lankier than usual.
Narrator's Perspective: _______________________________
Explain how you know:
3. It was a foggy night. A dog was barking loudly in a back alley. Empty wooden
pallets and discarded boxes were scattered across the ground. The dog continued
barking. A man with a large mustache and a chef hat opened a large metal door facing
the alley. "Ok! Ok! Quiet down. I hear you." The dog stopped barking and started
hopping in circles. The mustachioed man smiled and threw a few large bones to the
Narrator's Perspective: _______________________________
Explain how you know:

Directions: Determine which of the following are propaganda. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
A. Join the Clean and Green Program
B. Say No to Drugs, Yes to God
C. Avail of a Metrobank Card's Tuition Fee plan in an hour
D. "Big prints demand big vision" Canon printer on the go
E. Call Bantay Bata 163! Should minor be abused?
F. The movement in progress, come, join the group and be a part
of the force
G. Go out and be counted, " JOIN THE World Youth Day"
H. Let's go out SMART, the latest in town.
Directions: Determine a response that observes politeness. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.
1. The candidate for the Supreme Pupil Government hold a campaign

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in your classroom. Their speeches are quit long and most of your classmates are
getting bored. What will you do?
A. yawn very loudly
B. keep on talking with your classmates
C. Roam around the classroom
D. listen patiently
2. There's a group study in your neighbor's house for the coming test. Your brother
turn his stereo very loudly that can disturb the group. What is the right thing to do?
A. leave him alone
B. scold him
C. advise him to lessen the sound
D. tell the group to stop studying
3. You are in a hurry for your next subject. You accidentally bumped
your classmate. What will you do?
A. ignore him
B. reprimand him for being naïve
C. say sorry
D. run away from him
4. How will you answer a phone call?
A. answer with a loud voice
B. answer with a rude voice
C. answer politely
D. never mind the call
5. During the contest, you know you are the winner but sad to say that
your opponent won. What will you do?
A. Respect the decision of the judges
B. File a protest rudely
C. Shout your opponent
D. Ask to review the results

Directions: Match the tactful phrases/sentences in column A to the situation in

column B. Write the letter in the blank before the number.


____1. I have to tell you that I feel A. When you disagree

offended by that remark B. When youre primand
____2. What step would you suggest to C. When you are interrupted
correct that
____3. Perhaps I misunderstood are D. When you express your
saying that… anger
____4. Pardon me, I'm not through just E. When you want to clear up
give me a few seconds to finish confusion
my point F. When you interrupt
____5. It seems to me that the G. When you adjourn the
problem is… session

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Directions: Identify the following. Put a check mark ( ⁄ ) in the blank if it is
informational and X if it is not.

1.___ 2.__ 3.__

4.___ 5.___

Directions: Read the paragraph then answer the questions below.

Flooding occurs most commonly from heavy rainfall when natural
watercourses do not have the capacity to convey excess water. However, floods are
not always caused by heavy rainfall. They can result from other phenomena,
particularly in coastal areas where inundation can be caused by a storm surge
associated with a tropical cyclone, a tsunami or a high tide coinciding with higher
than normal river levels. Dam failure, triggered for example by an earthquake, will
result in flooding of the downstream area, even in dry weather

1.What is flooding?
2.What is its common cause?
3. What other phenomena may cause water to overflow?
4. What other factors may contribute to flooding?
5. What will you do when flooding occurs?

Directions: Identify the denotative or connotative meaning of the

underlined words. Write the letter of the correct answer
1. The disaster destroyed the houses and other properties.
A. catastrophe C. reversal

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B. misfortune D. setback
2. The mall is located at the heart of the city.
A. bosom C. core
B. center D. organ
3. A vast distance of water surrounded the ship.
A. difference C. interval
B. expanse D. remoteness
4. The hotel has a relaxed atmosphere.
A. aerospace C. ambience
B. air D. feeling
5. I didn't have enough brains for the sciences.
A. cerebrum C. mind
B. intelligence D. organ

Directions: Study the card catalog below then answer the questions that

123 Balajadia, Ma. Corazon
B4 The biological sciences by
Ma. Corazon Balajadia
San Francisco, California
Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
C. 1998 XIV, 738 p. 25 cm.

1. What type of card catalog is this?

A. subject card C. title card
B. author card D. card catalog
2. What is the title of the book written by Ma. Corazon Balajadia?
A. Botany C. The Biological Sciences
B. Phoenix Publishing House Inc. D. San Francisco, Clifonia
3. What is the call number of the book?
A. C. 1998 XIV B. 738p. C. 25cm D. 123 B4
4. How many pages the book contained?
A. 123 B. 1998 C. 738 D. 25
5. In what year was the book published?
A. 123 B. 1998 C. 738 D. 25

Directions: Using intervening phrases, form a sentence correctly from each picture
shown below.

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1. 2.

2. 4. 5.

Directions: Write a 5- sentence paragraph using cause and effect relationship. Choose
only one topic.
A. Air Pollution
B. Proper Waste Disposal
C. A Great Place to Live
D. Caring for the Environment

Directions: Read the selection below then answer the questions that follow orally.


Pure water lacks taste and smell. All living things need water in order to
survive. Forty to ninety percent of the weight of all organisms is water. The human
body uses to remove wastes and transport nutrients throughout the body.
Ancient philosophers thought of water as a true building block by which all
other liquids are measured. Until the late eighteenth century when a British chemist
by the name Cavendish made by using a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. We now
know that water is 2 parts hydrogen, the most abundant element in our universe, and 1
part oxygen, the element that we breathe in order to survive.

1. Which of the following is true?

A. Water smells like apples.
B. All living things need water in order to survive.
C. Water smells like orange juice.
D. None of these
2. What percentage of your body weight may be water?
A. 70% C. 30%
B. 95% D. 10%
3. How does water help your body?

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A. it protects you from shock
B. it heals cuts
C. it provides your lungs with oxygen
D. it transports nutrients

Directions: Read the following paragraphs. Write D if it is descriptive

text-type and X if it is not.

____1. Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar winds.
There are blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloons
caught in a blender. The sun moves slowly to hide behind the line of horizon, while
the moon races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow to a
crawl, entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that still must be done. There is a
coolness, a calmness, when the sun does set.
____2. Lions are the only cats that live in groups, which are called prides. Prides are
family units that may include up to three males, a dozen or so females, and their
young. All of a pride's lionesses are related, and female cubs typically stay with the
group as they age. Young males eventually leave and establish their own prides by
taking over a group headed by another male.
____3. Borobudur is Hindu – Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century under
Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang,
Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the
Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist
of eight step like stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by
walls adorned with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular.
____4. On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from the Kennedy Space
Center in Florida. Its mission was to go where no human being had gone before—the
moon! The crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. The
spacecraft landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility, a basaltic flood plain, on July
20, 1969. The moonwalk took place the following day. On July 21, 1969, at precisely
10:56 EDT, Commander Neil Armstrong emerged from the Lunar Module and took
his famous first step onto the moon’s surface. He declared, “That’s one small step for
man, one giant leap for mankind.” It was a monumental moment in human history!
____5. People often install a kitty door, only to discover that they have a problem.
The problem is their cat will not use the kitty door. There are several common reasons
why cats won’t use kitty doors. First, they may not understand how a kitty door
works. They may not understand that it is a little doorway just for them. Second,
many kitty doors are dark and cats cannot see to the other side. As such, they can’t be
sure of what is on the other side of the door, so they won’t take the risk. One last
reason cats won’t use kitty doors is because some cats don’t like the feeling of
pushing through and then having the door drag across their back. But don’t worry—
there are solutions to this problem.

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Study this partial list from a glossary.

Answer the questions below.

1.    How many syllables does thge word mahogany have?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4

2.    What does naive mean?

A. brave B. Complex C. Fair D. simple
3.    A stanza or poem of eight lines is a/an ________________.
A. musical score B. octave C. song D. verse
4.    How are the words in the glossary arranged?
A. alphabetically C. by topic
B. by importance D. chronologically
5.    Which word has two syllables?
A.    Magnitude B. magnitude C. indefinite D. octave

Direction: Construct your own sentence from each given picture using
appropriate verb and irregular noun.

1. 2.

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3. 4.


Direction: Write a short paragraaph showing cause and effect. Choose

one of the topics below.
A. My Summer Vacation
B. Family Bonding
C. The Beautiful Sunset

Directions : Read the selection below, then write F if the statement is a

fact and O if it an opinion.

Trees are an important part of the Biosphere that exists on earth. They provide
shade to men and animals. They help in checking environmental pollution like, air
pollution, soil pollution etc. & trees also are a natural medium to prevent soil erosion.
They give us oxygen to breathe in and absorb the carbon dioxide.

_____1. Trees provide us fresh air.

_____2. Everyone should help in taking care of the trees in our
_____3. Students must plant trees to avoid great flood.
_____4. Trees can prevent soil erosion.
_____5. Climbing trees is fun.

Directions : Read each pair of words. Write the word same if they have the same
pronunciation of vowel letters and different if they have not.

1. kit - key __________

2. pick - sick __________
3. oak - ought __________
4. abroad - airplane __________
5. pit - hit __________

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Directions : Match the meaning in column A to the correct word in column B.Write
the letter only.
1. move rapidly towards tha air A. hoop
2. a large ring for circus performance B. swoop
3. rising to a great height C. extinct
4. no longer in existence D. doze
5. fall lightly asleep E. crude
F. refuse
G. lofty

1. the jury a unanimous verdict returns

2. is rehearsing for today's show the play's cast

3. of the club the members their lines are rehearsing

4. the committee agrees all the responsibilities
at right time to perform
5. migrate to a flock of birds in the summer season
another cool regions

Direction : Change the spelling of the word below the line to make it

Nature is a __________ force. Our man-made weapons are no

match against earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, volcanic ___________,
and tornadoes. Whole towns are buried under water, icebergs the size of small
__________ break off, and gigantic trees
and and big animals are blown away. These __________ are nature's way
of our planet . When we _________ how fragile human life is in the face
of the powers of nature, we will learn how to respect and take better care of our

Direction: Choose the correct response to the ideas and opinions stated.

1. It is important for a student like you to bring mobile phones in school.

A. Yes, for emergency purposes
B. No, for it disturbs ones concentration
C. Yes, to entertain myself
D. No, for it is against the law of the school
2. During school activities/meetings, parents' attendance is a must. Is it
necessary that parents should be present always?
A. Yes, because it is a school policy
B. No, because parents are busy
C. Yes, to show support for the children

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D. No, because it disturbs parents' work
3. Philippines is considered as one of the best places in the world.
A. Yes, because this is the land of my forefathers
B. Yes, it is rich in natural resources and natural sceneries
C. No, because in some places, peace and order is not properly
D. No, because heavy traffic is experienced in the capital city
4. Drug addiction destroys life. Why?
A. Many committed suicide because of it.
B. It destroys proper mind set
C. Crimes happen in the community
D. All of the above
5. The following are the causes of mother Earth destruction, EXCEPT one.
A. Deforestation
B. Illegal fishing
C. Illegal mining
D. Reforestation

Directions: Identify the different meanings of the specified word in the

sentence. Write the letter only.
1.What is the denotative meaning of the word addition?
A. Furthermore explanation,ideas etc.
B. Separating agreeement
C. Process of combining two or more numbers
D. Abbreviated process of adding
2. Division means separating, disagreement between two or more
groups. What does the definition express?
A. description B. connotation C. explanation D. denotation
3. Which definition shows connotation of the word sum?
A. answer of addition C. equation for all value
B. sense or reasons D. totality, whole
4. Multiplication means becoming increased in number. What does the
meaning of the word try to show?
A. denotation B. connotation C. description D. explanation
5. Number is an arithmetical value expressed in word or symbol. How is
the underlined word defined?
A. in denotative way C. connotative way
B. in persuasive way D. in expressive way

Directions: Recall the story having read and sequence the events in
correct order. Number 1-5 on the blank provided for.

_________ The eldest daughter of Filipino immigrants, she attended

Maryknoll School in Honolulu.
_________ Jasmine S. Trias is a Filipino- American singer who rose to fame
as the third finalist in the American Idol talent search.
_________ She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and was raised there.
_________ As representative of the school, she won the Brown Bag to
Stardom 2001 state singing competition.
_________ Then, she bagged the championship in the Road to Fame 2003

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youth talent contest.

Directions: Compose clear and coherent sentences using each

adjective and picture provided below.

1. taller

2. many

3. wide

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4. those

5. my

Directions: Determine what type of propaganda that is explicitly used in

each sentence. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Mega star, Sharon Cuneta endorses “ Lucky Me Hot Spicy” noodles.

A. Glittering generalities B. Plainfolks C. Testimonial
2. Mrs. Perez interviewed about the dishwashing liquid that she used in
kitchen utensils.
A. Glittering generalities B. Plainfolks C. Testimonial
3. Palmolive naturals, “Sulit sa four, ganda pa more”.
A. Glittering generalities B. Plainfolks C. Testimonial
4. Don’t get a rotten apple! Trust what’s inside the Android!
A. Glittering generalities B. Plainfolks C. Testimonial
5. Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach endorses downy perfume.
A. Glittering generalities B. Plainfolks C. Testimonial

Direction: Read the selection, "Joy in Learning English 5", on page 156,
then answer the followning questions.
1. What are the five clusters of Rice Terraces in the Cordilleras?
2. What makes the Rice Terraces extraordinary?
3. Why do you think the Ifugao built the Rice Terraces?
4. How do the Rice Terraces reflect the cultureof the Ifugao?
5. Why do you think the article is entitled "Outstanding Universal

Direction: Read the selection below and answer the following questions.
Write the letter of the correct answer.

Plants are living organisms that get there food from air, water, soil and
sunlight. They can make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. They

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are very important to us. Oxygen, food and shelter for human beings and animas are
provided by the plants. Plants play a vital role in our life.

1.What do you think is the purpose of the selection?

A. to convince B. to compare C. to explain D. to contrast
2. Why is it that plants play a vital role in our life? because they
A. get there food from air, water, soil and sunlight
B. are living organisms in our surroundings
C. undergo the process of photosynthesis
D.provide oxygen,food and for human beings and animals.
3. How do plants make their own food? Through ___________________.
A. livings organisms C. food and shelter
B. the process of photosynthesis D. play a vital role in our life
4. When can we say that a selection expresses an explanation of ideas?
It can answer the questions __________________.
A. where and why C. how and when
B. who and when D. why and how
5.What does it ask if you use the why question?
A. process B. reason C. things D. place

Directions: Read the short timeline of how this year's strongest typhoon
Yolanda developed and hit the country. (
leaders/75257-yolanda-effect), then answer the questions below.
1. What is the international name of typhoon Yolanda?
2. When did the storm become a typhoon?
3. As the super typhoon intensified, what did the government do?
4. On what particular date did Yolanda make an initial landfall?
5. What provinces were given special attention by the National
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)?

Directions: Rewrite the following sentences, and arrange the adjectives

in correct order.
1. Mrs. Cruz has (red, round, three, small) balls.
2. I bring ( big, yellow, one) papaya.
3. There were (white, large, ten) shirts.
4. Maria put ( blue, four, medium) pencils in her bag.
5. I saw (multi-colored, tall ,seven) buildings.

Directions: Write a paragraph showing - comparison and contrast in

each topic below:

1. Reuse and Recycle

2. Death Penalty and Amnesty
3. Reforestation and Deforestation
4. Bio-Intensive Gardening and Inorganic Farming
5. Urban Areas and Rural Areas

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Direction: Read the sentences in column A. Look for denotation and connotation of
the words from column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank provided for.

___1.Denotation: They stuck on an A. used
island without food and suffer
___2.Connotation: Starvation is one
of the major problems in the country. B. hunger
___3.Denotation: Andrew consumed C. eat
all the materials for his projects.
___4.Connotation: Her mind is consumed D. extravagant
by the desire of becoming rich.
___5.Denotation: They binge a lot of food
in the party. E. poverty
F. controlled

Direction: Read each paragraph below then write your generalization in

the blank provided for.

1. Sam has done a lot of work in the field today. His eyes are burning, and feeling
itchy. He is rubbing his eyes, and keeps sneezing.
2. When you eat your fish dinner, it goes from your mouth into a tube in
your throat called your esophagus. As you swallow, strong muscles move the food
3. I saw a man climbing down a water pipe. He had a knife in his hand.
I hit his hand with a brick. He fell down on the ground and I jumped upon him. Soon
others reached there and we handed him over to the police.
4. Trees are very valuable. They give us shade for the rest. They give shelter to birds
and animals. They give us wood to burn. They supply us many necessary things of
everyday life. They take They check soil erosion. They also check floods. In short the
trees are the best friends of man.
5. Smoking is very injurious to health. It is harmful both to a smoker and his
companion. It affects lungs and causes serious diseases. One of the chief causes of
ailment is smoking. It pollutes the environment too. Government should take steps to
fine the people smoking at public places.

Direction: Read the paragraph orally.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day after a heavy meal. It
was sleeping under a tree. After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play on
the lion. Suddenly the lion got up with anger and looked for those who disturbed its
nice sleep. Then it saw a small mouse standing trembling with fear. The lion jumped
on it and started to kill it. The mouse requested the lion to forgive it. The lion felt pity
and left it. The mouse ran away.

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On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a hunter. The mouse came there
and cut the net. Thus it escaped. There after, the mouse and the lion became friends.
They lived happily in the forest afterwards.
Directions: Choose the appropriate adjective in each sentence. Write
the letter for the correct answer.

1. Peter is _________ than Michael.

A. more lazy B. lazier C. lazy D. most lazy
2. It is the ____________ scenery I’ve ever see.
A. less captivating C most captivating
B. more captivating D. captivating
3. For me, Filipino dish is the ____________ in the world.
A. good B. best C. better D. less
4. My story is ______________________ than yours.
A. more interesting C. interesting
B. most interesting D. better interesting
5. Children are ________________ today.
A. happiest B. more happy C. happy D. happier

Directions: Write a paragraph showing -comparison and contrast in

each topic below:

1. Reuse and Recycle

2. Death Penalty and Amnesty
3.Reforestation and Deforestation
4.Bio-Intensive Gardening and Inorganic Farming
5.Urban Areas and Rural Areas

Directions: In a 5 – sentence paragraph, write your stand or opinion

about the paragraph below.

Deforestation in the tropics is a consequence of poor management,

inappropriate agricultural and tax policies, and inattention to significant social and
economic problems. Governments have not placed a high enough value on tropical
forests. There is a summary and identification of causes of deforestation with specific
examples and possible remedial actions to strengthen forest management capability.
The destruction of tropical forests has increased within 10 years to the status of a
serious problem. The result is an increasing risk to natural systems and build up of
carbon dioxide, the loss of habitat for plant and animal species and a severe economic
loss. Fuel wood is lost as well as other forest resources.

Directions: Complete the format below to make an outline from the

given selection.

Harmful Effects of Smoking

‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’. This warning inscribed on the
cigarette packets
actually does not mean anything for smokers. This age-old addiction still keeps
staring at us
with its evil eyes wide open.

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The habit of smoking or burning of tobacco has evolved quite curiously
from hookah
to bidi to cigarette or cigar, etc. Those who undergo this habit are called direct
smokers whereas
the smoker’s mouth are called the passive smokers. The latter are as affected as the
In the smoke, there are gas element such as hydrogen cyanide, carbon
ammonia etc. Besides gas elements, the smoke contains nickel, phenol, etc.
There are several harmful effects of smoking. It affects the human body a
way: It decreases our immunity and on the contrary, increases the chance of affecting
cancer. It is awfully harmful to the heart and lungs causing asthma, bronchitis, etc. It
is also
responsible for heart-attack. Over-smoking may have harmful effect on digestive

I. Main Topic:
II. Main Topic:
Directions: Make an outline about a typhoon using the format
I.Primary Components
II. Hazards brought by typhoon

III. Precautionary Measures


… where empowered school heads produce great schools


Direction: Choose the correct word to make the sentence clear and
coherent. Write the letter only.
1. My friend loves animals. He just brought a puppy _____ a kitten home
with him.
A. and B. but C. or D. yet
2. Do you like tea _____ you like coffee?
A. and B. but C. or D. yet
3. I’d like to thank you _____ the lovely gift.
A. and B. for C. so D. yet
4. I’m getting good grades, _____ I study everyday.
A. because B. so that C. though D. until
5. I won’t stop dreaming _____ I reach my dream.
A. after B. since C. so that D. until

Directions: Read the poem silently, then copy and revise it by correcting
the misspelled words.

Mountain Storm

Cumulonimbus lorking
peering over white-topped peaks
like childhood's hunchbakced monsters
wiating there to pounce

Shadows lick the crebiced slopes

as white and green become gray
lights flash behind drawn shades
of ominous clouds

Darkness pours into valleys

where rows of birches waver
as if nervusoly laughing
on the river shore

Directions: Read the following statements, and give your opinion to each
question below.

The Philippines should handle alone the security of the West Philippine Sea
without any help from any other countries.
         The United States of America should provide direct assistance in the security of
the West Philippine Sea.
        The issue on the security of the West Philippine should be handled only by the
countries of the Southeast Asian Region.
       The USA should only provide military equipment for the security of the West
Philippine Sea and will not directly involve in its security.

… where empowered school heads produce great schools

1.   What is your opinion about each statement you have read?
2.   Should USA have direct involvement in the following issue? Why or
why not?
3.   Why would the Philippines should handle alone the security of its
4.   What can you say about USA giving military equipment for the
security of our territory? Will it benefit us or the US?
5.   Should the security of the West Philippine Sea be handled by the
accepting the direct assistance of our Southeast Asian neighbors?

Directions: Look for the missing information to complete the outline. Write
your answer on the space provided for.

The Dutch
The Dutch are people of Holland. They are serious and hardworking. They are
considered the cleanest people in the world. The Dutch are fond of eating, drinking
and attending parties.
Have you seen a picture of a Dutch girl? She wears big wooden shoes called
klompers. Men wear baggy trousers while women wear flowing skirts, white aprons
and stretched cloth caps. Dutch children are healthy for they drink plenty of milk and
take big amounts of butter. Boys are trained to steer the boats and take charge of the
windmill. Water sports are popular with the Dutch children.
The Dutch
I. Dutch are people of Holland
A. Serious and hardworking
B. Considered the cleanest people in the world
C. (1.)__________________________________
II. (2.)_____________________________________
A.    She wears big wooden shoes called klompers.
Pepper is one of the earliest spices known to mankind. At one time it was so
expensive that a pound of it was considered an appropriate gift for royalty to give or
to receive. It was then made as payment of taxes. Pepper plants were considered rich
Pepper is a tropical vine. It begins to bear fruit in four years. It produces
heavily for fourteen years. Unripe berries produce black pepper and ripe ones
produce white pepper.
I. Earliest spices known to mankind
A. So expensive that a pound served as royal gift
B. (3.)_____________________________________
C. Considered rich property
II. (4.)_______________________________________
A. Bear fruits in four years
B. Produces heavily for fourteen years
C. (5.)____________________________________

Directions: Read and revise the sentences using appropriate punctuation marks and
transitional words to show sequence.

… where empowered school heads produce great schools

Ex: I went to the restaurant. I sat next to my friend.
Ans: I went to the restaurant. Then, I sat next to my friend.

1. Susan played basketball at the park. Susan walked home.
2. John and David went to the movies. They went to get ice cream.
3. The family went to the restaurant. The family went to watch a movie together.
4. First, Michael got in line for the movie. He walked inside to buy popcorn.
5. My mom told me about the great news. She told everyone else.

Directions: Watch the following videos. Write 5 intelligent reactions about the
concept of
how Filipinos speak in English and how they express it.
Refer to week 8 or 9

Refer to week 8 or 9
Fill out this form correctly. Write your answer on the blank.

Information Sheet
Name ________________________Grade and Section ___________________
Birthdate _____________________ Birthplace ____________________________
Father ________________________Mother _______________________________
Residence __________________________________________________________
Purok Barangay Municipality

… where empowered school heads produce great schools


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