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Version 1.4.1
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

© 2018 WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

All rights reserved.

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Hansastraße 27
D-32423 Minden

Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 0

Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 1 69

E-Mail: [email protected]


Technical Support

Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 4 45 55

Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 84 45 55

E-Mail: [email protected]

Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully
excluded, we always appreciate any information or suggestions for improving the

E-Mail: [email protected]

We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the
trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are
generally protected by trademark or patent.

WAGO is a registered trademark of WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH.

Version 1.4.1
WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Table of Contents 3
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

Table of Contents
1 Notes about this Documentation .............................................................5
1.1 Scope of Validity .....................................................................................5
1.2 Copyright ................................................................................................5
1.3 Symbols .................................................................................................6
1.4 Number Notation ....................................................................................8
1.5 Font Conventions ...................................................................................8
2 Important Notes ........................................................................................9
2.1 Legal Bases............................................................................................9
2.1.1 Subject to Changes ............................................................................9
2.1.2 Personnel Qualification ......................................................................9
2.1.3 Use of the 762 Series in Compliance with Underlying Provisions ....... 9
2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices........................................... 9
2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions) ................................................................. 11
2.3 Characteristics of the CODESYS Web Visualization ............................. 13
2.3.1 Description of the Function "CookieHandling()" ................................ 14
3 Device Description ..................................................................................15
3.1 PERSPECTO WP Web Panel .............................................................. 15
3.2 View .....................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Front View........................................................................................16
3.2.2 Back View ........................................................................................17
3.3 Connectors ...........................................................................................18
3.3.1 X1 – Supply Voltage ........................................................................ 18
3.3.2 X6 – ETHERNET Interface............................................................... 19
3.3.3 X8/X9 – USB Interfaces ................................................................... 20
3.4 Battery Case.........................................................................................21
3.5 Slot for Memory Card ........................................................................... 22
3.6 Operating Elements ..............................................................................23
3.6.1 Service Button..................................................................................23
3.7 Technical Data .....................................................................................24
3.7.1 Housing............................................................................................24
3.7.2 Power Supply ...................................................................................24
3.7.3 Display .............................................................................................24
3.7.4 Hardware .........................................................................................25
3.7.5 Software...........................................................................................25
3.7.6 Interfaces .........................................................................................25
3.8 Approvals .............................................................................................26
3.9 Standards and Guidelines .................................................................... 26
4 Mounting..................................................................................................27
4.1 Front Panel Installation ......................................................................... 27
5 Connect Devices .....................................................................................29
5.1 Supply voltage ......................................................................................29
5.2 Grounding.............................................................................................29
5.3 Peripheral Devices ...............................................................................29
6 Commissioning .......................................................................................30

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4 Table of Contents WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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6.1 Switch on ..............................................................................................30
6.2 IP Address of the Device ...................................................................... 31
6.2.1 General ............................................................................................31
6.2.2 Setting the IP Address ..................................................................... 31
6.2.3 IP Address .......................................................................................32
6.3 The WAGO Control Center ................................................................... 33
6.3.1 Starting the WAGO Control Center .................................................. 33
6.3.2 “General” Tab ..................................................................................34
6.3.3 “Autostart Applications” Tab ............................................................. 35
6.3.4 “Users” Tab ......................................................................................36
6.3.5 “FTP” Tab ........................................................................................37
6.3.6 “HTTP” Tab ......................................................................................38
6.3.7 “RAS” Tab ........................................................................................39
6.3.8 “Backup/Restore” Tab ...................................................................... 40
6.3.9 "Advanced" Tab ...............................................................................41 Read Memory Consumption ........................................................ 41
6.3.10 Saving the Configuration .................................................................. 43
6.4 Optimizing Web Visualization ............................................................... 44
6.4.1 Starting the Java Virtual Machine as an Applet Viewer .................... 44
6.4.2 Starting Internet Explorer in Full-Screen Mode ................................. 44
6.4.3 Adjustments in the WEBVISU.htm of the Controller ......................... 45
7 Service .....................................................................................................46
7.1 Battery Maintenance .............................................................................46
List of Figures ..................................................................................................47
List of Tables ....................................................................................................48

Version 1.4.1
WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Notes about this Documentation 5
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

1 Notes about this Documentation

The WP 57 QVGA 762-1057 shall only be installed and operated according to the
instructions in these operating.

Always retain this documentation!

This documentation is part of the product. Therefore, retain the documentation
during the entire service life of the product. Pass on the documentation to any
subsequent user. In addition, ensure that any supplement to this documentation
is included, if necessary.

1.1 Scope of Validity

This documentation applies to PERSPECTO-Panel 762-1057 (WP 57 QVGA).

1.2 Copyright
This Manual, including all figures and illustrations, is copyright-protected. Any
further use of this Manual by third parties that violate pertinent copyright
provisions is prohibited. Reproduction, translation, electronic and phototechnical
filing/archiving (e.g., photocopying) as well as any amendments require the
written consent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Minden, Germany.
Non-observance will involve the right to assert damage claims.

Version 1.4.1
6 Notes about this Documentation WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

1.3 Symbols

Personal Injury!
Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury Caused by Electric Current!

Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury!
Indicates a moderate-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury!
Indicates a low-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury.

Damage to Property!
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.

Damage to Property Caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)!

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.

Important Note!
Indicates a potential malfunction which, if not avoided, however, will not result in
damage to property.

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762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

Additional Information:
Refers to additional information which is not an integral part of this
documentation (e.g., the Internet).

Version 1.4.1
8 Notes about this Documentation WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

1.4 Number Notation

Table 1: Number Notation
Number Code Example Note
Decimal 100 Normal notation
Hexadecimal 0x64 C notation
Binary '100' In quotation marks, nibble separated
'0110.0100' with dots (.)

1.5 Font Conventions

Table 2: Font Conventions
Font Type Indicates
italic Names of paths and data files are marked in italic-type.
e.g.: C:\Program Files\WAGO Software
Menu Menu items are marked in bold letters.
e.g.: Save
> A greater-than sign between two names means the selection of a
menu item from a menu.
e.g.: File > New
Input Designation of input or optional fields are marked in bold letters,
e.g.: Start of measurement range
“Value” Input or selective values are marked in inverted commas.
e.g.: Enter the value “4 mA” under Start of measurement range.
[Button] Pushbuttons in dialog boxes are marked with bold letters in square
e.g.: [Input]
[Key] Keys are marked with bold letters in square brackets.
e.g.: [F5]

Version 1.4.1
WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Important Notes 9
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2 Important Notes
This section includes an overall summary of the most important safety
requirements and notes that are mentioned in each individual section. To protect
your health and prevent damage to devices as well, it is imperative to read and
carefully follow the safety guidelines.

2.1 Legal Bases

2.1.1 Subject to Changes

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to provide for any
alterations or modifications. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG owns all
rights arising from the granting of patents or from the legal protection of utility
patents. Third-party products are always mentioned without any reference to
patent rights. Thus, the existence of such rights cannot be excluded.

2.1.2 Personnel Qualification

All sequences implemented on Series 762 devices may only be carried out by
electrical specialists with sufficient knowledge in automation technology. These
specialists must be familiar with the current standards and guidelines for the
devices and the automated environments.

All changes to the controller shall always be performed by qualified personnel

with sufficient skills in PLC programming.

2.1.3 Use of the 762 Series in Compliance with Underlying

762 Series modules are suitable for use in the area of time control and
automation. Their use extends beyond residential and commercial areas, as well
as industrial areas. Technical data must be observed for all types of applications.

Radio interference in residential areas

This is a class A device. This device can cause radio interference in residential
areas. In this case, the operator may be required to take appropriate measures.

2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices

The devices to be supplied ex works are equipped with hardware and software
configurations, which meet the individual application requirements. These
modules contain no parts that can be serviced or repaired by the user. The

Version 1.4.1
10 Important Notes WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA
following actions will result in the exclusion of liability on the part of WAGO
Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG:

• Repairs,
• Changes to the hardware or software that are not described in the
operating instructions,
• Improper use of the components.

Further details are given in the contractual agreements. Please send your
request for modified and new hardware or software configurations directly to
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.

Pixel error in TFT display

Any pixel errors of the TFT display due to production reasons do not represent
grounds for complaint!

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WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Important Notes 11
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2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions)

For installing and operating purposes of the relevant device to your system the
following safety precautions shall be observed:

Do not work on devices while energized!

All power sources to the device shall be switched off prior to performing any
installation, repair or maintenance work.

Install only in appropriate housings, cabinets or in electrical operation

The device is an open unit. As such, install it exclusively in appropriate housings,
cabinets or in electrical operation rooms. Allow access to authorized staff only by
means of specific keys or tools.

Replace defective or damaged devices!

Replace defective or damaged device/module (e.g., in the event of deformed
contacts), since the long-term functionality of device/module involved can no
longer be ensured.

Protect the components against materials having seeping and insulating

The components are not resistant to materials having seeping and insulating
properties such as: aerosols, silicones and triglycerides (found in some hand
creams). If you cannot exclude that such materials will appear in the component
environment, then install the components in an enclosure being resistant to the
above-mentioned materials. Clean tools and materials are imperative for
handling devices/modules.

Clean only with permitted materials!

Clean housing and soiled contacts with propanol.

Version 1.4.1
12 Important Notes WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

Do not use any contact spray!

Do not use any contact spray. The spray may impair contact area functionality in
connection with contamination.

Do not use in telecommunication circuits!

Only use devices equipped with ETHERNET or RJ-45 connectors in LANs.
Never connect these devices with telecommunication networks.

Avoid electrostatic discharge!

The devices are equipped with electronic components that may be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge when touched. Please observe the safety precautions
against electrostatic discharge per DIN EN 61340-5-1/-3. When handling the
devices, please ensure that environmental factors (personnel, work space and
packaging) are properly grounded.

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WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Important Notes 13
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2.3 Characteristics of the CODESYS Web Visualization

Depending on the version of CODESYS installed

The functionality of the Web visualization depends on the version of CODESYS
"webvisu.jar" Java applet used.
This file is normally the same version as the CODESYS version installed. The
general function of the file is the responsibility of the company 3S. The version
and function be explicitely checked. Always use the most current CODESYS
version from the WAGO-I/O-PRO-CD released by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH
& Co. KG.
Please also observe the chapter "CODESYS Web Visualization" in the
CODESYS online help.
The file "webvisu.htm" is the base HTML page for Web visualization and is
copied when installing the WAGO-IO-PRO or WAGO-AUTOMATION-COCKPIT
to the subdirectory <3S Software Installation Directory>\Visu.
Settings can be made in this file to optimize and adjust Web visualization.
Observe the CODESYS online help, chapter "Editing the 'webvisu.htm' file" and
chapter "Optimization of the Web Visualization" > "Adjustments in the
WEBVISU.htm of the Controller".

Limitations of the CODESYS Web visualization

The CODESYS Web visualization contains some limitations and particularities.
In connection with the Web panel, the following description must be observed for
continuous operation: To use this file with the WAGO Web panel, the call for the
function "CookieHandling()" is disabled.
Depending on the visualization elements and Web server used, memory
requirements may continuously increase in the panel. Please regularly check the
memory requirements of the panel. Observe the chapter "The WAGO Control
Center" > "Advanced Tab".

Version 1.4.1
14 Important Notes WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

Response time depends on the number, type and form of the objects
This device has been designed for presentation of simple CODESYS Web
visualizations. The device establishes communication with a controller (e.g. from
the series 750-88x or 758-8xx) and displays the visualization pages stored there.
Due to the limitations of the technologies used, the following points should be
The response time depends on the number, type and form of the objects
displayed. The fewer the objects displayed per page, the faster the device
More time is required the first time a visualization page is called up than
subsequent calls.
There is a delay the first time a visualization page is displayed because it is first
fully compiled in the working memory.
Should it take more than 1 second to compile, a message appears with the text
"Loading ..." to indicate that background activity is underway. When switching to
another visualization page, a copy of the page remains in the cache and
subsequent calls of the page are much faster. Because the size of the cache is
limited, it may not always be possible to store all pages in memory entirely
depending on the application. As a result, you may experience delays later when
calling up the same page.

2.3.1 Description of the Function "CookieHandling()"

The use of this Java Script function results in a continuous memory consumption
on the Web panel.

The last set language for dynamic texts is stored by this mechanism and is
automatically reset at the next call-up of the Web visualization.

This function is not possible on the Web panels. The response corresponds with
that of an Internet browser that does not accept cookies.

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WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Device Description 15
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3 Device Description
The 762 Series panels are used to operate and visualize the controllers of the
development environment is used to program the panels and controllers.

3.1 PERSPECTO WP Web Panel

Featuring specialized software, the Web Panel functions as Web browser,
connecting a controller with its own Web server.

With the Web Panels, more control units are easy to add.

The display of CODESYS 2.3 Web visualization is optimized for the Web Panel.

The Web Panels are simple display and HMI devices and have no CODESYS
and HMI runtime of their own.

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16 Device Description WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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3.2 View

3.2.1 Front View

Figure 1: Front View

Table 3: Legend for Figure “Front View”

No. Description
1 Front panel
2 Touch screen display

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3.2.2 Back View

Figure 2: Back View

Table 4: Legend for Figure “Back View”

No. Designation Description
1 - Housing
2 X1 Connection for 24VDC power supply
RS-232 serial interface (COM 3) or RS-485/RS-422 serial
3 X2
interfaces (COM 2) as D-sub 9 connector
4 X3 RS-232 serial interface as D-sub 9 connector
5 X5 CAN-Bus 0 (CANopen) interface as RJ45 jack
6 X8/X9 USB host interfaces
7 X6 ETHERNET interface as RJ45 jack
8 Service Service button
3V Battery
9 Battery case
10 X13 Slot for SD memory card

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18 Device Description WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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3.3 Connectors

3.3.1 X1 – Supply Voltage

Use the X1 connection for the device power supply. More information about the
power supply and power consumption is available in the "Technical Data"

Figure 3: Connector X1 – Supply Voltage

Table 5: X1 Pin Assignment

Pin Assignment Function
1 +24 V Supply Voltage
2 0 V GND Reference potential GND
3 FE Ground conductor

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3.3.2 X6 – ETHERNET Interface

An RJ45 jack is used for the ETHERNET interface.

The connections and cables must meet CAT.5 and the guidelines for ETHERNET

If there are more than 2 devices in a network, then they must be connected to
each other by a HUB or SWITCH. A "1:1" cable is used here.

If there are only 2 devices in a network, a crossover cable can be used.

Figure 4: Connector X6 ‒ ETHERNET RJ45

Table 6: X6 Pin Assignment

Pin Assignment Function
1 TX+ Transmit Data +
2 TX- Transmit Data -
3 RX+ Receive Data +
4 n.c. -
5 n.c. -
6 RX- Receive Data -
7 n.c. -
8 n.c. -

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20 Device Description WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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3.3.3 X8/X9 – USB Interfaces

The interfaces are designed as USB host interfaces, type A.

The following table and illustration provide information on the pin assignment of
the interfaces. The interface connection meets the USB specification 2.0.

Figure 5: Connectors X8/X9 – USB Interfaces

Table 7: X8/X9 Pin Assignment

Pin Assignment Function
2 USB_N1 USB data line N1
3 USB_P1 USB data line P1

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3.4 Battery Case

Do not charge, disassemble or burn the battery!

Incorrect use of the lithium battery contained in this device may cause damage
incurred by fire or chemical burns. The battery must not be charged,
disassembled, burned or exposed to temperatures exceeding 100°C (212°F).

The battery compartment holds a 3 V lithium battery, type CR1/2AA or Z3600A,

that supplies the real time clock and the SRAM with power in case of a power

If you want to change the lithium battery during a power failure, make sure that
you have the new battery ready to hand. For a certain time a gold cap capacitor
provides the required power. The data of the volatile memory (SRAM) is therefore
preserved during a battery exchange.

At room temperature, the battery has a life span of about one year.

Figure 6: Battery Case

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22 Device Description WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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3.5 Slot for Memory Card

The panel 762-1057 is equipped with a Flash memory slot on the side for an SD
card. It supports cards with a 2 GB maximum. Supported memory cards (item no.
758-879/000-001) are available from WAGO.

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WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Device Description 23
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3.6 Operating Elements

3.6.1 Service Button

The service switch on the back of the device is used to call up the Windows CD
desktop. The WAGO Control Center can be launched, for example, to configure
the device.

Figure 7: Service Button

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24 Device Description WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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3.7 Technical Data

3.7.1 Housing
Table 8: Technical Data ‒ Housing
Front panel Plastic, polyester film
Housing material Plastic
Dimensions (W x H x L) 208 mm x 150 mm x 42 mm
Panel cutout (B x H) 198 mm x 140 mm
Fixing means 4 clamping elements
Surrounding air temperature, operation 0 °C ... +55 °C
Surrounding air temperature, storage -10 °C ... +60 °C
Relative humidity (without 10 % ... 85 %
Weight 630 g
Degree of protection Front IP65,
back IP20

3.7.2 Power Supply

Table 9: Technical Data ‒ Power Supply
Voltage supply DC 24 V (18 V ... 30 V)
Max. input current (24 V) 500 mA
Operating power 8 W ... 12 W
Buffer battery CR 1/2 AA

3.7.3 Display
Table 10: Technical Data ‒ Display
Display type TFT
Screen size (diagonal) 14.5 cm (5.7 “)
Display colors 262,000 colors
Graphics resolution 320 x 240 pixels
Contrast ratio 500:1
Angle of view horizontal / vertical -70 ° ... +70 ° / -60 ° ... +70 °
Brightness 400 cd/m²
HBT* 50,000 hrs.
Panel Touch, analog, resistive
Light transmission typ. 75 %
Durability 100,000 activations with touch pen
* HBT (Half Brightness Time) defines the LED chip brightness decrease to
50% original brightness at Ta = 25 ± 2°C and RH = 60 ± 10%.

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3.7.4 Hardware
Table 11: Technical Data ‒ Hardware
Processor 32 Bit ARM9 200 MHz
RAM / Flash / SRAM 64 Mbyte / 64 Mbyte / 1 Mbyte
Memory expansion SD-Card (max. 2 GB)

3.7.5 Software
Table 12: Technical Data ‒ Software
Operating system Windows CE 6.0
Software configuration Internet browser
Java Virtual Machine
panel configuration software

3.7.6 Interfaces
Table 13: Technical Data ‒ Interfaces
USB interface 2 x USB2.0 Host (Type A)
Ethernet interface 1 x 10/100 Mbit RJ-45
Maximum length of connecting cables USB: maximum 3 m
Power supply: maximum 3 m to power

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26 Device Description WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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3.8 Approvals
The following approvals have been granted to 762-1057 panels:

Conformity Marking


The following ship approvals have been granted to 762-1057 panels:

LR (Lloyd’s Register) Env. 1, 2, 3, 4

RINA (Registro Italiano Navale)

3.9 Standards and Guidelines

762-1057 panels meet the following requirements on emission and immunity of

EMC CE-Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2

EMC CE-Emission of interference EN 61000-6-4

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WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Mounting 27
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

4 Mounting
4.1 Front Panel Installation
The devices are intended for installation in switch cabinets, for example.
Vertical installation of the panels is recommended.

Note about differing mounting position!

The operating temperature ranges specified in the technical data apply to the
recommended mounting position. If the panel is mounted in a position different
than recommended, cooling can be affected. Contact WAGO Service for more

The PERSPECTO Series panels are used in the panel cutout provided and
bolted down with the included clamping elements and the intermediate plate from
behind (note the following installation diagram).

Do no forget the intermediate plate!

Insert the included intermediate plate between the clamping screws and the
panel cutout. Make sure that the clamping screws engage in the holes of the
intermediate plate!

Figure 8: Installation of the Clamping Elements

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28 Mounting WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

Figure 9: Detailed Photograph of Installation with Intermediate Plate

Information on the dimensions of the panel cutout is available in the Technical

Data section.

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WAGO PERSPECTO® 762 Connect Devices 29
762-1057 WP 57 QVGA

5 Connect Devices
5.1 Supply voltage
Connect the supply voltage to contact 1 (24 VDC) and contact 2 (GND) of the
included 734-103 female connector. Use an appropriate operating tool to open
the CAGE CLAMP® connections. Feed the 7 mm stripped conductors with a
cross section of max. 1.5 mm² into the connections and remove the operating

5.2 Grounding
Connect the functional earth to the grounding screws or lugs on the housing and
to contact 3 (FE) of the included female connector as described in the previous
section. Plug the female connector onto the X1 male connector (power) and then
verify that the clamping connection is secured.

5.3 Peripheral Devices

The interfaces to the back of the device are used to connect the peripheral
devices electrically. The number and arrangement of the interfaces depend on
the design (note the information in the "Technical Data" chapter or “Connection”

The Ethernet interface is used for connection to a LAN.

The USB master interfaces are used for connecting to a keyboard, mouse or
USB stick. Because there are a large number of USB devices on the market, no
guarantee can be made about the function of individual devices.

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30 Commissioning WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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6 Commissioning
6.1 Switch on
After applying the power supply, the device switches on automatically.

After the boot and self-test phase that lasts about 10 seconds, the programs set
in the WAGO Control Center (e.g. HMI runtime) are launched automatically.

To stop the programs and Windows CE desktop for configuring the panels from
launching automatically, the touch screen must be touched within a adjustable
time period (default setting 3 s) after the boot & self-test phase.

The service switch on the back of the device can be used to launch the Windows
CE desktop at any time.

The WAGO Control Center can be used to change the start behavior of the

Time window for launching the Windows CE desktop!

The WAGO Control Center can be used to set the time window for launching the
Windows CE desktop after the boot and self-test phase.
If the time is set to 0, the Windows CE desktop can only be launched by the
service switch.

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6.2 IP Address of the Device

6.2.1 General
The Web panels communicate with the Web server via the TCP/IP protocol.
Therefore, a TCP/IP connection is required. An IP address must be assigned to
the device after switching it on for the first time.

The WAGO Control Center installed on the device is used to assign the IP
address by default (observe "Setting the IP Address" section).

The device can either draw its IP address from a DHCP server on the network or
the device can be assigned a fixed IP address.

The current IP address can be queried by double-clicking on the network icon in

the system tray in the task bar.

DHCP / fixed IP address

The device must be connected to a network to change the IP address from
DHCP to a fixed IP address.

6.2.2 Setting the IP Address

The WAGO Control Center is used to set the IP address. Call up the WAGO
Control Center from the Start menu:

Start > Programs > Utilities > WAGO Control Center

1. Click the Advanced tab and then on the [LAN] button.

2. In the "Adapter Settings", click on the IP Address tab.

3. Enter the desired IP address and click [OK] to confirm.

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32 Commissioning WAGO PERSPECTO® 762
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Figure 10: IP Address

6.2.3 IP Address
When using a crossover cable to connect between the panel and configuring PC
directly, it is recommended that both devices have fixed IP addresses with an open
address in the range

In this case, the subnet mask is automatically set to There is no

default gateway.

IP Address
The devices must be set to different IP addresses.

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6.3 The WAGO Control Center

The WAGO Control Center can be used to configure the device. Settings for the
Autostart programs, uses, FTP/HTTP and RAS access can be made. General
device settings can also be checked and modified.

6.3.1 Starting the WAGO Control Center

The WAGO Control Center is launched from the Start menu:

Start > Programs > Utilities > WAGO Control Center

The tabs of the WAGO Control Center are explained on the following pages.

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6.3.2 “General” Tab

Figure 11: “General” Tab

Device Information
Information about the device is found here. This information is important, for
example, for support cases.


A watchdog can be configured here, which can restart the device if it
crashes after a set time.

Don’t start Windows CE Shell:

If the checkbox is enabled, the Windows CE desktop can no longer be
launched. The task bar is no longer displayed.

Simple Network Time protocol:

If there is an Internet connection, the system clock of the device can be
synchronized via an SNTP server.

Client Only
If the checkbox is enabled, the internal SNTP server is disabled.

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6.3.3 “Autostart Applications” Tab

You can enter programs here that should launch automatically after booting. The
HMI runtime is entered here by default.

The time window for launching the programs after the boot and self-test phase of
the device can also be set here.

Figure 12: “Autostart Applications” Tab

Enter the program to be called in the "Application:" line and the parameters to be
passed in the "Arguments" line.


Application: Flashdisk\CrEme\bin\CrEme.exe
Arguments: -cf Flashdisk\creme.cfg ''

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6.3.4 “Users” Tab

You can create FTP users, grant rights and assign directories. The menu is
generally self-explanatory.

Figure 13: “Users” Tab

User/Virtual Roots:
A directory from another (protected) tree, for example, can be put in the user's
home directory. By doing so, you gain access to this and subsequent directories.

FTP Home Directory/HTTP directory path:

The user starts downwards from this menu. The use cannot get to higher-level

Access rights assigned to users are displayed here.

Access Rights
If no home directory is set for a user, the user gets FULL ACCESS to the panel
despite disabled write access. Enter at least on \ in the home directory.

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6.3.5 “FTP” Tab

You can configure the FTP server of the device here.

More information about creating users is available in the "Users Tab" section.

Figure 14: “FTP” Tab

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6.3.6 “HTTP” Tab

You can configure the Web server of the device here.

Figure 15: “HTTP” Tab

Application example:

An \httptest directory with the /test alias was created on the flash disk.

A Web page index.htm was created in this directory.

The page can be used in a Web browser to access the following address:

http://[IP address of the device]/test

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6.3.7 “RAS” Tab

The Remote Access Service (RAS) is a service for remote access to a Windows
CE device.

Figure 16: “RAS” Tab

Both RAS functions, server and client, are supported.

The connection between a RAS client and the RAS server can be established via
a modem, VPM or direct connection.

For more information about the Remote Access Service (RAS) of the device,
please contact WAGO Support.

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6.3.8 “Backup/Restore” Tab

You can save and restore the device configuration and project data, for example,
on a memory card.

Figure 17 “Backup/Restore” Tab

The [Backup] button is used to save the parameters defined in the

backup_restore.cfg and entries on the target data carrier.

The [Restore] button is used to restore the parameters defined in the

backup_restore.cfg and entries on the device.

Create backup!
It is recommended that you create a backup after commissioning the device and
to keep the backup in a safe place.

Operating system update!

There is no operating system update for the device.

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6.3.9 "Advanced" Tab

You can perform advanced settings for the device. The menu is generally self-

Figure 18: "Advanced" Tab Read Memory Consumption

Click the [System …] button and select the [Memory] tab.

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Figure 19: Memory Consumption

A progress bar displays the memory consumption.

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6.3.10 Saving the Configuration

After configuring the panel, the settings must be permanently saved in the
registry. Call up the following utility program:

Start -> Programs -> Utilities -> Save Registry

Fail-safe saving of the configuration!

If the settings are not saved as described, they are lost when the device is

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6.4 Optimizing Web Visualization

The following settings have been made to optimize visualization.

6.4.1 Starting the Java Virtual Machine as an Applet Viewer

The following call is enabled by default in the Autostart Applications tab.

Application: Flashdisk\CrEme\bin\CrEme.exe
Arguments: -cf Flashdisk\creme.cfg ''

Change the IP address based on your application.

To connect an IPC to the Web panel, please use the following syntax for the
URL: "".

To keep the call line short and simple, most settings are saved to a configuration
The name of the configuration file with path is passed to the application by the -cf

Recommended start version

This start version is recommended in connection with CODESYS.

Example: Content of the configuration file "Flashdisk\creme.cfg"

(with comments not included in the file)

-x320 Width of the display in pixels

-y240 Height of the display in pixels
-ntb Disables the window header line, full screen mode
-ml 20000 Set memory limit to 20000 KB
-aa 1 Anti Aliasing Level (from 0 (no anti-aliasing)) to 5 (best quality))
-av Start Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as an applet viewer

6.4.2 Starting Internet Explorer in Full-Screen Mode

Internet Explorer can also be started in full-screen mode. The "iesimple.exe" file
is launched.

Make the following settings:

Enter the following command in the Autostart Applications tab for starting
Internet Explorer:

Application: \FlashDisk\SysExtras\Tools\iesimple.exe
Arguments: IP address of the page to be displayed

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6.4.3 Adjustments in the WEBVISU.htm of the Controller

In CODESYS version, changes have been made to the "webvisu.jar"
java applet for the Web visualization.

To optimize performance of the PERSPECTO panel, the following two

parameters have been adjusted in the "WebVisu.htm" and "WebVisu_wago.htm"

<param name="UPDATETIME" value="100">

<param name="USEURLCONNECTION" value="False">

After installation of the WAGO-CODESYS application, the htm files and jar file
are located in the CODESYS installation directory.

Example path: C:\Program Files\WAGO Software\CODESYS V2.3\visu

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7 Service

7.1 Battery Maintenance

Do not charge, disassemble or burn the battery!

Incorrect use of the lithium battery contained in this device may cause damage
incurred by fire or chemical burns. The battery must not be charged,
disassembled, burned or exposed to temperatures exceeding 100°C (212°F).

Replace the battery only with an identical one!

Only replace the lithium battery with an identical one. Use of another type of
lithium battery may present a risk of fire or explosion.

Data loss!
If the device is switched off when the battery has failed or has reached its
capacity without replacing the battery, any settings not saved are lost.

The battery in the device control buffers the adjustable parameters and the time
for a power failure or switched off device.

Replace the battery as follows:

1. Make sure that the device has been on for at least 10 minutes before
replacing the battery, allowing the buffer capacitors to load.

2. Switch off the power supply.

3. Remove the buffer battery and install a new one.

4. Restore the power supply.

5. Dispose the discharged battery immediately in a proper manner.

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Front View ...........................................................................................16
Figure 2: Back View ...........................................................................................17
Figure 3: Connector X1 – Supply Voltage...........................................................18
Figure 4: Connector X6 ‒ ETHERNET RJ45 ......................................................19
Figure 5: Connectors X8/X9 – USB Interfaces ...................................................20
Figure 6: Battery Case .......................................................................................21
Figure 7: Service Button .....................................................................................23
Figure 8: Installation of the Clamping Elements..................................................27
Figure 9: Detailed Photograph of Installation with Intermediate Plate .................28
Figure 10: IP Address.........................................................................................32
Figure 11: “General” Tab ....................................................................................34
Figure 12: “Autostart Applications” Tab ..............................................................35
Figure 13: “Users” Tab .......................................................................................36
Figure 14: “FTP” Tab ..........................................................................................37
Figure 15: “HTTP” Tab .......................................................................................38
Figure 16: “RAS” Tab .........................................................................................39
Figure 17 “Backup/Restore” Tab ........................................................................40
Figure 18: "Advanced" Tab.................................................................................41
Figure 19: Memory Consumption .......................................................................42

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List of Tables
Table 1: Number Notation ................................................................................... 8
Table 2: Font Conventions .................................................................................. 8
Table 3: Legend for Figure “Front View” .............................................................16
Table 4: Legend for Figure “Back View” .............................................................17
Table 5: X1 Pin Assignment ...............................................................................18
Table 6: X6 Pin Assignment ...............................................................................19
Table 7: X8/X9 Pin Assignment ..........................................................................20
Table 8: Technical Data ‒ Housing.....................................................................24
Table 9: Technical Data ‒ Power Supply ............................................................24
Table 10: Technical Data ‒ Display ....................................................................24
Table 11: Technical Data ‒ Hardware ................................................................25
Table 12: Technical Data ‒ Software..................................................................25
Table 13: Technical Data ‒ Interfaces ................................................................25

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 2880 • D - 32385 Minden
Hansastraße 27 • D - 32423 Minden
Phone: +49 571 887 – 0
Fax: +49 571 887 – 844169
E-Mail: [email protected]

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