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Business Research Methods-104

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Research is
(A) Searching again and again
(B) Finding solution to any problem
(C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
(D) None of the above

2. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
(A) Searching sources of information to locate problem.
(B) Survey of related literature
(C) Identification of problem
(D) Searching for solutions to the problem

3. A common test in research demands much priority on

(A) Reliability
(B) Usability
(C) Objectivity
(D) All of the above

4. Action research means

(A) A longitudinal research
(B) An applied research
(C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem
(D) A research with socioeconomic objective

5. A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal
statement is called
(A) Deductive Reasoning
(B) Inductive Reasoning
(C) Abnormal Reasoning
(D) Transcendental Reasoning

6. The essential qualities of a researcher are

(A) Spirit of free enquiry
(B) Reliance on observation and evidence
(C) Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
(D) All the above

7. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by

(A) Statement of Objectives
(B) Analysis of Data
(C) Selection of Research Tools
(D) Collection of Data

8. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on

(A) Primary Data only
(B) Secondary Data only
(C) Both Primary and Secondary Data
(D) None of the above

9. An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is................ .

(A) Bibliography
(B) Directory
(C) Encyclopedia
(D) Dictionary

10. “Controlled Group” is a term used in.............. .

(A) Survey research
(B) Historical research
(C) Experimental research
(D) Descriptive research

11. Testing hypothesis is a

(A) Inferential statistics
(B) Descriptive statistics
(C) Data preparation
(D) Data analysis

12. The method that consists of collection of data through observation and experimentation,
formulation and testing of hypothesis is called
(A) Empirical method
(B) Scientific method
(C) Scientific information
(D) Practical knowledge
13. Information acquired by experience or experimentation is called as
(A) Empirical
(B) Scientific
(C) Facts
(D) Scientific evidences

14. “All living things are made up of cells. Blue whale is a living being. Therefore blue whale is
made up of cells”. The reasoning used here is
(A) Inductive
(B) Deductive
(C) Both A and B
(D) Hypothetic-Deductive

15. The reasoning that uses general principle to predict specific result is called
(A) Inductive
(B) Deductive
(C) Both A and B
(D) Hypothetic-Deductive

16. All research process starts with

(A) Hypothesis
(B) Experiments to test hypothesis
(C) Observation
(D) All of these
17. The quality of a research study is primarily assessed on:
(A) The place of publication.
(B) The ways in which the recommendations are implemented
(C) The rigor with which it was conducted
(D) The number of times it is replicated.

18. Which of the following is not an appropriate source for academic research?
(A) An online encyclopedia
(B) A government-based research organization database
(C) A peer reviewed journal article
(D) A text book

19. 'Research methodology' refers to:

(A) The sampling technique
(B) The tools that the researcher use
(C) The chain of association between the research question and the research design
(D) Qualitative methods

20. A researcher should:

(A) Be constrained by the research of others
(B) Use even anonymous sources if they appear relevant
(C) Use only sources that appear credible

21. Research is
(A) A purposeful, systematic activity
(B) Primarily conducted for purely academic purposes
(C) Primarily conducted to answer questions about practical issues
(D) A random, unplanned process of discovery

22. When conducting a review of literature on a particular subject, the researcher should
(A) Read all available material on the subject
(B) Read the whole journal article and then decide whether or not it is useful
(C) Read strategically and critically
(D) Read fully only those texts that appear to agree with his/her point of view

23. The two main styles of research are

(A) Data collection and data coding
(B) Surveys and questionnaires
(C) Sampling and recording
(D) Qualitative and quantitative
24. Qualitative research is:
(A) Not as rigorous as quantitative research
(B) Primarily concerned with the collection and analysis of numerical data
(C) Primarily concerned with in-depth exploration of phenomena
(D) Primarily concerned with the quality of the research

25. Quantitative research involves

(A) Interviewing people to find out their deeply held views about issues
(B) Collecting data in numerical form
(C) More rigor than qualitative research
(D) Interviewing every member of the target population

26. What is the basis of the scientific method

(A) To test hypothesis in conditions that are conducive to its success
(B) To formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis
(C) To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in carefully controlled conditions
that challenge the hypothesis
(D) To test hypothesis and if they are disproved, they should be abandoned completely

27. Of all the steps in the research process, the one that typically takes the most time is
(A) Data collection
(B) Formulating the problem
(C) Selecting a research method
(D) Developing a hypothesis

28. The concepts in a hypothesis are stated as

(A) Variables
(B) Theories
(C) Indices
(D) Ideas

29. In order for a variable to be measured, a researcher must provide a

(A) Operational definition
(B) Hypothesis
(C) Theory
(D) Scale

30. Which of the following was not identified as a major research design?
(A) secondary research
(B) Surveys
(C) Field Research
(D) ethnography

31. When a number of researchers use the same operational definition to measure a variable and
achieve the same results, the measure is said to be
(A) Instrumental
(B) Reliable
(C) Valid
(D) Factual

32. There are various types of research designed to obtain different types of information. What
type of research is used to define problems and suggest hypotheses?
(A) Descriptive Research
(B) Primary research
(C) Secondary research
(D) Causal research

33. What type of research would be appropriate in the following situation?

Nestlé wants to investigate the impact of children on their parents' decisions to buy
breakfast foods.
(A) Quantitative research.
(B) Qualitative research
(C) Secondary Research
(D) Mixed methodology

34. What type of research would be appropriate in the following situation?

A college or university bookshop wants to get some insights into how students feel about the
shop's merchandise, prices and service.
(A) Secondary data
(B) Qualitative research
(C) Focus groups
(D) Quantitative research

35. The Internet is a powerful mechanism for conducting research. However it does have its
drawbacks. Which of the following signify these drawbacks?
(A) The possible inclusion of individuals not being targeted, that could skew the results
(B) Lack of information about the population responding to the questionnaire.
(C) Eye contact and body language, (two useful research indicators) are excluded from the
(D) All of the above

36. _____________ research is the gathering of primary data by watching people.

(A) Experimental
(B) Causal
(C) Informative
(D) Observational

37. Which is the best type of research approach for gathering causal information?
(A) Observational
(B) Informative
(C) Experimental
(D) Survey

38. The outcome of what is being measured is termed:

(A) Independent Variable
(B) Dependent Variable
(C) Predictor variable
(D) Hypothetical Variable

39. Which of the following would occur in a longitudinal study:

(A) Measures are taken from different participants over an extended period of time
(B) Participation is expected to last for a minimum of 24 hours
(C) Measures are taken from same participants on different occasions usually over
extended period of time
(D) Measures are taken from participants in at least 6 different countries
40. Endeavors to explain, predict, and/or control phenomena are the goal of
(A) Scientific method
(B) Tradition
(C) Inductive logic
(D) Deductive logic

41. Ms. Casillas has been coordinating the Halloween Festival at her school for the last several
years. She wants to be sure the students and parents enjoy the festival again this year. On which
source is she LEAST likely to rely when making decisions about what to do?
(A) Tradition
(B) Research
(C) Personal experience
(D) Expert opinion

42. The scientific method is preferred over other ways of knowing because it is more
(A) Reliable
(B) Systematic
(C) Accurate
(D) All of these

43. Which of the following steps of the scientific method is exemplified by the researcher
reviewing the literature and focusing on a specific problem that has yet to be resolved?
(A) Describe the procedures to collect information
(B) Identify a topic.
(C) Analyze the collected information
(D) State the results of the data analysis

44. Which of the following is the LEAST legitimate research problem? The purpose of this study
is to
(A) understand what it means to be a part of a baseball team at a high school known for its
championship teams.
(B) study whether physical education should be taught in elementary parochial schools.
(C) examine the relationship between the number of hours spent studying and students test scores
(D) examine the effect of using advanced organizers on fifth grade students reading

45. The research process is best described as a

(A) Method to select a frame of reference
(B) Set of rules that govern the selection of subjects
(C) Series of steps completed in a logical order
(D) Plan that directs the research design

46. A research proposal is best described as a

(A) Framework for data collection and analysis
(B) Argument for the merit of the study
(C) Description of how the researcher plans to maintain an ethical perspective during the study
(D) Description of the research process for a research project

47. The purpose of a literature review is to:

(A) Use the literature to identify present knowledge and what is unknown
(B) Assist in defining the problem and operational definition
(C) Identify strengths and weaknesses of previous studies
(D) All of the above

48. The statement 'To identify the relationship between the time the patient spends on the
operating table and the development of pressure ulcers' is best described as a research:
(A) Objective
(B) Aim
(C) Question
(D) Hypothesis

49. An operational definition specifies

(A) The data analysis techniques to be used in the study
(B) The levels of measurement to be used in the study
(C) How a variable or concept will be defined and measured in the study
(D) How the outcome of the research objectives for the study will be measured

50. A statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables is known as the:
(A) Concept definition
(B) Hypothesis
(C) Problem statement
(D) Research question
51. There is no difference in the incidence of phlebitis around intravenous cannulae changed
every 72 hours and those changed at 96 hours' is an example of a:
(A) Null hypothesis
(B) Directional hypothesis
(C) Non-directional hypothesis
(D) Simple hypothesis

52. Which of the following statements meets the criteria for a researchable question?
(A) Is the use of normal saline to cleanse wounds harmful to patients?
(B) Do generalist registered nurses meet the mental health needs of general patients?
(C) Do palliative care patients have spiritual needs?
(D) What are the patients perceptions of the effectiveness of pre-operative education for
total hip replacement?

53. The researcher needs to clearly identify the aim of the study; the question to be answered; the
population of interest; information to be collected, and feasibility in order to decide on the
(A) Design and method
(B) Design and assumptions
(C) Purpose and data analysis
(D) Purpose and assumptions

54. A variable that changes due to the action of another variable is known as the
(A) Independent variable
(B) Extraneous variable
(C) Complex variable
(D) Dependent Variable

55. When planning to do social research, it is better to

(A) Approach the topic with an open mind
(B) Do a pilot study before getting stuck into it
(C) Be familiar with the literature on the topic
(D) Forget about theory because this is a very practical undertaking

56. Which comes first, theory or research?

(A) Theory because otherwise you are working in the dark
(B) Research because that is only the way you can develop a theory
(C) It depends on your point of view
(D) The question is meaningless, because you cannot have one without the other

57. We review the relevant literature to know

(A) What is already known about the topic
(B) What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic
(C) Who are the key contributors to the topic
(D) All of the above

58. A deductive theory is one that:

(A) Allows theory to emerge out of the data
(B) Involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis
(C) Allows for findings to feed back into the stock of knowledge
(D) Uses qualitative methods whenever possible

59. Which of the following is not a type of research question?

(A) Predicting an outcome
(B) Evaluating a phenomenon
(C) Developing good practice
(D) A hypothesis

60. Because of the number of things that can go wrong in research there is a need for:
(A) Flexibility and Perseverance
(B) Sympathetic supervisors
(C) An emergency source of finance
(D) Wisdom to know the right time to quit
61. __________ research seeks to investigate an area that has been under researched with
preliminary data that helps shape the direction for future research.
(A) Descriptive
(B) Exploratory
(C) Explanatory
(D) Positivist

62. Research questions in qualitative studies typically begin with which of the following words?
(A) Why
(B) How
(C) What
(D) All of the above

63. Qualitative researchers seek to analyze which of the following?

(A) Numerical data derived from the frequency of particular behaviors
(B) Statistical associations between variables
(C) The social meaning people attribute to their experiences and circumstances
(D) All of the above

64 . Which of the following is not a qualitative research methodology?

(A) Randomized control trial
(B) Ethnography
(C) Grounded Theory
(D) Phenomenology

65. Which of the following data collecting methods is not normally used in qualitative research?
(A) Participant observation
(B) Focus groups
(C) Questionnaire
(D) Semi-structured interview

66. The following journal article would be an example of --------- research.

“ The benefits of florescent lighting on production in a factory setting”
(A) Applied
(B) Basic
(C) Interview
(D) Stupid

67. The scientific method is preferred over other ways of knowing because it is more
(A) Reliable
(B) Systematic
(C) Accurate
(D) All of the above

68. Quantitative researcher’s preoccupation with generalization is an attempt to:

(A) Develop the law like findings of the natural sciences
(B) Boost their chances of publication
(C) Enhance the internal validity of the research
(D) Demonstrate the complex techniques of statistical analysis
69. What is the basis of the scientific method?
(A) To test hypotheses in conditions that are conducive to its success
(B) To formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis
(C) To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in carefully controlled conditions
that challenge the hypothesis
(D) To test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they should be abandoned completely

70. A literature review requires

(A) Planning
(B) Clear writing
(C) Good writing
(D) All of the above

71. The facts that should be collected to measure a variable, depend upon the
(A) Conceptual understanding
(B) Dictionary meaning
(C) Operational definition
(D) All of the above

72. Which of the following is the BEST hypothesis?

(A) Students taking formative quizzes will perform better on chapter exams than students not
taking these quizzes
(B) Taller students will have higher test scores than shorter students
(C) Students taught in a cooperative group setting should do better than students in a
traditional class
(D) Students using laptops will do well

73. Which of the following is the best hypothesis statement to address the research question?
“What impact will the new advertising campaign have on use of brand B”?
(A) The new advertising campaign will impact brand B image
(B) The new advertising campaign will impact brand B image trial
(C) The new advertising campaign will impact brand B usage at the expense of brand C
(D) The new advertising campaign will impact brand B’s market penetration

74. Qualitative and quantitative research are the classifications of research on the basis of
(A) Use of the research
(B) Time dimension
(C) Techniques used
(D) Purpose of the research

75. Rationalism is the application of

(A) Research Solution
(B) Logic and arguments
(C) Reasoning
(D) Previous findings

76. Why do you need to review the existing literature?

(A) To give your dissertation a proper academic appearance with lots of references
(B) Because without it, you could never reach the required word count
(C) To find out what is already known about your area of interest
(D) To help in your general studying

77. The application of the scientific method to the study of business problems is called
(A) Inductive reasoning
(B) Deductive reasoning
(C) Business research
(D) Grounded Theory

78. An operational definition

(A) One that bears no relation to the underlying concept
(B) An abstract, theoretical definition of a concept
(C) A definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures
(D) One that refers to opera singers and their work

79. According to empiricism, which of the following is the ultimate source of all our concepts
and knowledge?
(A) Perceptions
(B) Theory
(C) Sensory experiences
(D) Logics and arguments

80. Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an article?

(A) Methods
(B) Introduction
(C) Figures
(D) References

81. Which of the following is not a function of clearly identified research questions?
(A) They guide your literature search
(B) They keep you focused throughout the data collection period
(C) They make the scope of your research as wide as possible
(D) They are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument

82. Hypothesis refers to

A. The outcome of an experiment
B. A conclusion drawn from an experiment
C. A form of bias in which the subject tries to outguess the experimenter
D. A tentative statement about the relationship

83. Statistics is used by researchers to

A. Analyze the empirical data collected in a study
B. Make their findings sound better
C. Operationally define their variables
D. Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended

84. A literature review is based on the assumption that

A. Copy from the work of others
B. Knowledge accumulates and learns from the work of others
C. Knowledge disaccumulates
D. None of the above option

85. A theoretical framework

A. Elaborates the researchers among the variables
B. Explains the logic underlying these researchers
C. Describes the nature and direction of the researchers
D. All of the above

86. Which of the following statement is not true?

A. A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project
B. A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting
the proposed research project
C. A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned project
D. A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research

87. Preliminary data collection is a part of the

A. Descriptive research
B. Exploratory research
C. Applied research
D. Explanatory research

88. Conducting surveys is the most common method of generating

A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Qualitative data
D. None of the above

89. After identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in
Theoretical framework, the next step in the research process is
A. To conduct surveys
B. To generate the hypothesis
C. To focus group discussions
D. To use experiments in an investigation

90. The appropriate analytical technique is determined by

A. The research design
B. Nature of the data collected
C. Nature of the hypothesis
D. Both A & B

91. Discrete variable is also called……….

A. Categorical variable
B. Discontinuous variable
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above
92. “Officers in my organization have higher than average level of commitment” Such a
hypothesis is an example of……….
A. Descriptive Hypothesis
B. Directional Hypothesis
C. Relational Hypothesis
D. All of the above
93. ‘Science’ refers to……….
A. A system for producing knowledge
B. The knowledge produced by a system
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above
94. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of scientific method?
A. Deterministic
B. Rationalism
C. Empirical
D. Abstraction

95. The theoretical framework discusses the interrelationships among the……….

A. Variables
B. Hypothesis
C. Concept
D. Theory

96. ………research is based on naturalism.

A. Field research
B. Descriptive research
C. Basic research
D. Applied research

97. Rationalism is the application of which of the following?

A. Logic and arguments
B. Research solution
C. Reasoning
D. Previous findings

98- On which of the following, scientific knowledge mostly relies?

A. Logical understanding
B. Identification of events
C. Prior knowledge
D. All of the given options

99- Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable

A. Opinion
B. Empiricism
C. Speculation
D. Rationalism
100. Research method is applicable in all of the following fields, EXCEPT;
A. Health care
B. Religion
C. Business
D. Government offices

101. All of the following are true statements about action research, EXCEPT;
A. Data are systematically analyzed
B. Data are collected systematically
C. Results are generalizable
D. Results are used to improve practice

102.Which of the following is characteristic of action research?

A. Variables are tightly controlled
B. Results are generalizable
C. Data are usually qualitative
D. Results demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships

103. “Income distribution of employees” in a specific organization is an example of which of

following type of variable?

A. Discontinuous variable
B. Continuous variable
C. Dependent variable
D. Independent variable

104.“There is no relationship between higher motivation level and higher efficiency” is an

example of which type of hypothesis?
A. Alternative
B. Null
C. Co relational
D. Research

105. Which of the following is not a role of hypothesis?

A. Guides the direction of the study
B. Determine feasibility of conducting the study
C. Identifies relevant and irrelevant facts
D. Provides framework for organizing the conclusions

106. Which of the following is not the source for getting information for exploratory
A. Content analysis
B. Survey
C. Case study
D. Pilot study

107. Which of the following is the main quality of a good theory?

A. A theory that has survived attempts at falsification
B. A theory that is proven to be right
C. A theory that has been disproved
D. A theory that has been falsified

108. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable is known as:
A. Discontinuous variable
B. Dependent variable
C. Independent variable
D. Intervening variable

109. Internal validity refers to.

a. Researcher’s degree of confidence.
b. Generalisability
c. Operationalization
d. All of the above

110. In ___________, the researcher attempts to control and/ or manipulate the variables in
the study.
a. Experiment
b. Hypothesis
c. Theoretical framework
d. Research design

111. In an experimental research study, the primary goal is to isolate and identify the effect
produced by the ____.
a. Dependent variable
b. Extraneous variable
c. Independent variable
d. Confounding variable

112. A measure is reliable if it provides consistent ___________.

a. Hypothesis
b. Results
c. Procedure
d. Sensitivity

113. ______ is the evidence that the instrument, techniques, or process used to measure
concept does indeed measure the intended concepts.
a. Reliability
b. Replicability
c. Scaling
d. Validity

114. Experimental design is the only appropriate design where_________ relationship can
be established.
a. Strong
b. Linear
c. Weak
d. Cause and Effect
115. In which one of the following stage researcher consult the literature?
a. Operation test
b. Response analysis survey
c. Document design analysis
d. Pretest interviews

116. Two variables may be said to be causally related if

a.they show a strong positive correlation.
b.all extraneous variables are controlled, and the independent variable creates consistent
differences in behavior of the experimental group.
c.they are observed to co-vary on many separate occasions.
d.they have been observed in a laboratory setting.

117. Theories explain results, predict future outcomes, and

a.rely only on naturalistic observations. research for future studies.
c.rely only on surveys.
d.rely only on case studies.

118. Characteristics of the scientific method include

a. anecdotal definition.
b. controlled observation.
c. analysis formulation.
d. adherence to inductive thinking or common sense reasoning.

119. A scientific explanation that remains tentative until it has been adequately tested is called

120. The phrase "a theory must also be falsifiable" means

a.researchers misrepresent their data.
b.a theory must be defined so it can be disconfirmed.
c.theories are a rich array of observations regarding behavior but with few facts to support them.

121. The products of naturalistic observation are best described in terms of


122. A psychologist watches the rapid eye movements of sleeping subjects and wakes them to
find they report that they were dreaming. She concludes that dreams are linked to rapid eye
movements. This conclusion is based on
a.pure speculation. observation.
c.deduction from direct observation.
d.prior prediction.

123. We wish to test the hypothesis that music improves learning. We compare test scores of
students who study to music with those who study in silence. Which of the following is an
extraneous variable in this experiment?
a.the presence or absence of music
b.the students' test scores
c.the amount of time allowed for the studying

124. An experiment is performed to see if background music improves learning. Two groups
study the same material, one while listening to music and another without music. The
independent variable is
b.the size of the group.
c.the material studied.

125. The most powerful research tool is a (an)

a.clinical study.
d.correlational study.

126. A major disadvantage of the experimental method is that

a.private funding can never be obtained.
b.APA Ethical Review Committees often do not approve of the research techniques.
c.there is a certain amount of artificiality attached to it.
d.subjects are difficult to find for research projects.

127. In the traditional learning experiment, the effect of practice on performance is investigated.
Performance is the __________ variable.

128. Collection of observable evidence, precise definition, and replication of results all form the
basis for
a.scientific observation.
b.the scientific method.
c.defining a scientific problem.
d.hypothesis generation.

129. Which of the following is not characteristic of qualitative data?

a. Rich descriptions
b. Concise
c. Voluminous
d. Unorganized

130. An interview conducted by a trained moderator among a small group of respondents in an

unstructured and natural manner is a ----------
a. Depth Interview
b. Case Study
c. Focus Group
d. None of the above

131. Which of the following is not a longitudinal study?

a. Cohort Study
b. Trend Study
c. Panel Study
d. Census Study

132. A measure is reliable if it provides consistent --------

a. Hypothesis
b. Results
c. Procedure
d. Sensitivity

133. Following are the characteristics of the research except:

a. Systematic
b. Data Based
c. Subjective Approach
d. Scientific Inquiry

134. Which of the following similarity is found in qualitative research and survey research?
a. Examine topics primarily from the participant’s perspectives
b. They are guided by predetermined variables to study
c. They are descriptive research methods
d. Have large sample sizes

135. As a researcher you need not to:

a. Master the literature
b. Take numerous detailed notes
c. Create a bibliography list
d. Learn your findings

136. The final step in the research process is to:

a. Conduct a statistical analysis of data
b. Report the research results
c. Dismantle the apparatus
d. Clean the laboratory

137. The two functions of a research design are

(A) theory testing and model building.

(B) exploratory data collection and hypothesis testing
(C) hypothesis testing and theory testing
(D) exploratory data collection and model building
138. __________ involves evaluating potential explanations for observed behavior
(A) Exploratory data collection
(B) Data analysis
(C) Theory testing
(D) Hypothesis testing
139. In a __________ relationship, changes in one variable produce changes in another..
(A) causal
(B) correlational
(C) confounded
(D) unidirectional
140. The two defining characteristics of experimental research are:
(A) measuring predictor and criterion variables.
(B) random assignment of participants and measuring dependent variables
(C) manipulation of independent variables and control over extraneous variables
(D) random assignment of participants and control over extraneous variables
141. In an experiment on the effects of noise on problem solving, you have some participants
solve a problem while being exposed to noise, whereas other participants do the same problems
while not being exposed to noise. In this example, exposing or not exposing participants to the
noise constitutes a(n).
(A) independent variable
(B) dependent variable
(C) extraneous variable
(D) correlational variable.
142. In an experiment on visual perception, you make sure that your laboratory is the same
temperature and has the same level of lighting throughout the experiment. This is an example of:.
(A) holding extraneous variables constant.
(B) manipulating an independent variable
(C) randomly assigning participants to conditions
(D) ignoring extraneous variables
143 According to your text, extraneous variables can be dealt with in an experiment by.
(A) holding their values constant across conditions
(B) random assignment of subjects to condition
(C) increasing the power of your independent variables
(D) All of the above
(E) Both a and b
144. which of the following is the greatest strength of the experimental approach?
(A) the ability to study relationships under naturally occurring conditions
(B) the ability to identify and describe causal relationships
(C) the ability to generalize results beyond the original research situation
(D) All of the above
145. A disadvantage of the experimental approach is that
(A) you cannot adequately control extraneous variables.
(B) causal relationships among variables cannot be established
(C) your results may have limited generality
(D) All of the above
146. If your experimental design measures what it is intended to measure, we say that the design
has a high level of:
(A) reliability.
(B) internal validity.
(C) ecological validity.
(D) external validity
147. Alternative explanations for the findings of a study that may become viable because of
flaws in the design are termed:
(A) rival hypotheses
(B) experimental hypotheses
(C) theoretical possibilities
(D) goofs
148. Which of the following was listed in your text as a factor affecting external validity?
(A) history
(B) reactive testing
(C) statistical regression
(D) All of the above
149. you would be most concerned with external validity if you were conducting
(A) applied research
(B) basic research
(C) a demonstration
(D) None of the above
150. Power of the test of significance means probability of what?

(a) Incorrect rejection of the null hypothesis

(b) Correct rejection of the null hypothesis
(c) Incorrect acceptance of the null hypothesis
(d) Correct acceptance of the null hypothesis.
151. In evaluating the significance of the research problem, an important social consideration is

(a) The genuine interest of the researcher in the problem.

(b) Practical value of the findings to educationists, parents and social workers, etc.
(c) Necessary skills, abilities and background of knowledge of the researcher.
(d) Possibility of obtaining reliable and valid data by the researchers.
152. Thinking analogously about hypothesis, a researcher should

(a) First bet and then roll the dice.

(b) First roll the dice and then bet.
(c) Change his bet after the data are in.
(d) Have no bets, but dice only.
153. Why is research in education important for teachers?
(a) It adds to their academic qualifications.
(b) It makes them wiser
(c) It makes them better teachers
(d) It enables them to make best possible judgments about what should be taught and how.
154. Action research is ordinarily concerned with problems
(a) Of general nature.
(b) Constituting universal truths.
(c) Are of immediate concern and call for immediate solutions.
(d) Have long-range implications.
155. Which of the following is not a correct statement?

(a) A test can be reliable without being valid

(b) A test cannot be valid without being reliable
(c) A test can be reliable and valid both
(d) A test can be valid without being reliable.
156. Projective technique is used for measuring

(a) Individual’s need for self-actualization.

(b) Individual’s inventoried interests.
(c) Individual’s dominant feelings, emotions, conflicts, needs which are, generally,
repressed by the individual and are stored up in the unconscious mind.
(d) Individual’s value-system.
157.. Which of the following is not a projective technique?
(a) Rorschach
(b) T.A.T.
(c) Sentence-Completion Test
(d) Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI).
158. Which of the following is not measured by the T.A. T. test?

(a) Personality needs

(b) Emotions
(c) Personality adjustment.
(d) Reasoning ability.
159. Which is a projective test?
(a) Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS)
(b) Allport Vemon-Lindzey Study of Values.
(c) Rorschach Test
(d) Minnesotta Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).
160. What is a research describing developmental changes in personality characteristics by
studying the same group at different age- levels?
(a) Developmental study
(b) Trend study
(c) Longitudinal growth study
(d) Cross-sectional growth study.
161. What is studying different groups of children of different ages simultaneously and
describing their developmental characteristics?
(a) Longitudinal growth study
(b) Trend study
(c) Time series study
(d) Cross-sectional growth study.
162. When is type-I error increased?
(a) When alpha-level decreases
(b) When alpha-level increases
(c) When the sample size increases
(d) When the sample size decreases.
163. What is the modern method of acquiring knowledge?
(a) Authority
(b) Personal experience
(c) Scientific method
(d) Expert opinion
164. What is NOT the goal of scientific method of acquiring knowledge?
(a) Explanation
(b) Fact-finding
(c) Control
(d) Prediction.
165. Theory, as an aspect of research, does not
(a) Serve as a tool for providing a guiding framework for observation and discovery.
(b) Describe the facts and relationships that exist.
(c) Serve as a goal providing explanation for specific phenomena with maximal probability and
(d) Discard facts, specific and concrete observations.
166. “Theory” helps the researcher in
(a) Understanding the research procedure.
(b) Identifying the facts needed to be considered in the context of the research problem.
(c) Understanding the technical terms used in research.
(d) Determining how to make or record observations.
167. Exploratory investigation of management question adapts the following approaches except
a. Films, photographs, and videotape
b. In-depth interviewing
c. Document analysis
d. Street ethnography
e. Survey method

168. ------------ are Questions the researcher, must answer to satisfactory arrive at a conclusion
about the research question.
a) Investigate questions
b) Research question
c) Measurement question
d) Fine-tuning the research question

169. research should be _________________

a) accessible
b) transparent
c) transferable
d) all of the above
170. A ___________________ is conducted to detect weaknesses in research instrument’s
a) Pilot study
b) Questionnaire
c) Interview
d) Sampling

171. What are the two types of arguments

a) deduction and induction
b) exploratory and deductive
c) dejection and injection
d) none of the above

172. What are the qualities of a good hypothesis

a) adequate for the purpose
b) testable
c) better than its rivals
d) all of the above
173. Data collection that focuses on providing an accurate description of the variables in a
situation forms the basis of which type of study
a) exploratory study
b) descriptive study
c) causal study
d) All of the above

174. A condition that exists when an instruments measures what it is supposed to measure is
a) validity
b) accuracy
c) reliability
d) none of the above
175. The major disadvantage with in depth interviews is that because of their time consuming
nature it is usually only possible to carry out a relatively small number of such interviews and
as such the results are likely to be highly ____________
a) subjective
b) objective
c) questionable
d) objectionable

176. A critical review of the information, pertaining to the research study, already available in
various sources is called

a) Research review
b) Research design
c) Data review
d) Literature review

177. ____________________ presents a problem, discusses related research efforts, outlines the
data needed for solving the data and shows the design used to gather and analyze the data.

a.) Research Question

b.) Research Proposal
c.) Research Design
d.) Research Methodology
178. The purpose of __________________ research is to help in the process of developing a
clear and precise statement of the research problem rather than in providing a definitive answer.

a.) Marketing
b.) Causal
c.) Exploratory
d.) Descriptive

179. A systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided
by theory and hypothesis is called _____________

a.) Applied Research

b.) Basic Research
c.) Scientific Research
d.) None Of The Above

180. __________________ is the determination of the plan for conducting the research and as
such it involves the specification of approaches and procedures..

a.) Strategy
b.) Research Design
c.) Hypothesis
d.) Deductive
181. A proposal is also known as a:

a) Work plan
b) Prospectus
c) Outline
d) Draft plan
e) All of the above
182. Every research proposal, regardless of length should include two basic sections. They are:

a) Research question and research methodology

b) Research proposal and bibliography
c) Research method and schedule
d) Research question and bibliography
183. The following are the synonyms for independent variable except

a) Stimulus
b) Manipulated
c) Consequence
d) Presumed Cause

184. The following are the synonyms for dependent variable except

a) Presumed effect
b) Measured Outcome
c) Response
d) Predicted from…
185. Which of the following is not a characteristic of research?

a. It requires the collection of new data

b. It is reiterative
c. It requires reasoned arguments to develop conclusions
d. It aims to increase understanding

186. How many stages are there to the research process?

b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

187. What would NOT be a consideration during the research design stage?
a. The availability of literature
b. The availability of participants
c. The type of methods that would be used
d. The type of analysis that would take place

188. Your conceptual framework is normally developed?

a. Before your literature review
b. During your literature review
c. After data collection
d. After data analysis

190. When assessing a research question, which is not an element of ‘CAFÉ’?

a. Control
b. Access
c.Facilities and resources
d. Expertise

191. What should not be included in a research proposal?

a. A summary of existing work in the area
b. The proposed methods to collect data
c. The results that will be obtained
d. An acknowledgement of any ethical issues

192. Reliability in quantitative research refers to

a. The consistency of any measure
b. The suitability of any measure
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A or B

193. Reliability in qualitative research refers to

a. The consistency of any measure
b. The consistency of the methods used to collect data
c. The suitability of the measure used
d. All of these
194. An experimental research design normally involves
a. Manipulating the independent variable
b. Manipulating the dependent variable
c. A number of repeated measures
d. Data collected over an extended time period

195. Which of the following are not normally a requirement for experimental research design?
a. Demonstrating co variation
b. Demonstrating time order
c. Demonstrating repeated measures
d. Demonstrating non spuriousness
Business Research Methods (BRM) MCQs [set-1]

1. Research is only ………..enquiry into the system of knowledge to

disapprove or approve or to arrive at new conclusions for the betterment
of the existing system.

A. Systematic

B. computerized

o m
C. general
D. none of these
Answer: A

q M
2. Business research means c
the discovery of new knowledge in the field of
…. M
A. Management

B. administration

C. business

D. none of these

Answer: C

3. In ……..research, the researchers try to find out answers for unsolved

questions related with business problems.

A. Management

B. administration

C. business

D. none of these

Answer: C

4. A ………..analysis determines the cost of each production item used to

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produce goods and services.

A. Marketing

B. financial

C. technical

D. investment

Answer: B

o m
5. ……….is a set of logically interrelated statements in the form of
empirical assertions about properties of infinite class of events or things.
A. Abstract
B. theory a
C. conclusion q M
D. none of these

Answer: B
6. A theory explains and predict about a …………

A. Phenomenon

B. principles

C. conclusion

D. none of these

Answer: A

7. ……..theory represents the common view of the nature of the

relationship between theory and research.

A. Induction

B. deduction

C. rational

D. none of these

Answer: B

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8. …….. is regarded as reasoning from the general to particular

A. Induction

B. deduction

C. rational

D. none of these

Answer: B

o m
9. A ……….is an abstraction formed by generalizations from particulars

A. Constructs
B. concept
q M
C. induction
D. deduction M
Answer: B

10. A ………is a statement about observable phenomena that may be

judged as true or false.

A. construct

B. concept

C. proposition

D. hypothesis

Answer: C

11. A hypothesis is a …… about the predicted relationships among events

or variables

A. Statement

B. conclusion

C. prediction

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D. none of these

Answer: A

12. ………..research deals with practical problems.

A. Basic

B. exploratory

C. applied

D. experimental
o m
Answer: C
a with generalizations and with
13. ……………research is mainly concerned
the formulation of a theory.
q M
A. Basic

B. exploratory
C. applied

D. experimental

Answer: A

14. ……………research is a preliminary study of a new problem about

which the researcher has little or no knowledge.

A. Basic

B. exploratory

C. applied

D. experimental

Answer: B

15. The ……………..research leads to discovery of new theories and

development of existing theories.

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A. Pure

B. exploratory

C. applied

D. experimental

Answer: A

16. ……………research is a fact finding investigation.

A. Formulative
o m
B. causal
C. descriptive
D. none of these
q M
Answer: C
17. …………research seeks to explain what is happening in a particular

A. Formulative

B. causal

C. descriptive

D. none of these

Answer: B

18. ……research is a management tool that can be used for creating

business strategies, managing production and managing growth.

A. Social

B. business

C. educational

D. none of these

Answer: B

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19. A set of logically interrelated statements in the form of empirical
assertions about properties of infinite class of events or things is known

A. Theory

B. concept

C. construct

D. hypothesis

Answer: A
o m
20. ………….building broadly consists ofeobservation, induction and
deduction. at
q M
A. Theory
B. concept
C. construct

D. hypothesis

Answer: A

21. ……………follows an approach which is from “general to specific”.

A. Retroduction

B. induction

C. deduction

D. none of these

Answer: C

22. The …………..method consists of studying several individual cases

and drawing generalization.

A. Retroduction

B. induction

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C. deduction

D. none of these

Answer: B

23. ……………follows an approach which is “top-down”.

A. Retroduction

B. induction

C. deduction
o m
D. none of these
Answer: C
q M
24. A …………….is an abstraction formed by generalizations from
particulars. c
A. Theory
B. concept

C. construct

D. hypothesis

Answer: B

25. A ……… is a concept that is not directly observable.

A. Theory

B. concept

C. construct

D. hypothesis

Answer: C

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Business Research Methods (BRM) MCQs [set-2]

26. An ……….is a procedure agreed upon for translation of a concept into

measurement of some kind.

A. Operational definition

B. concept

C. proposition
o m
D. hypothesis
Answer: A
q M
27. A ……….is a statement about observable phenomena that may be
judged as true or false. c
A. Operational definition
B. concept

C. proposition

D. hypothesis

Answer: C

28. ………research is also known as basic research because it is related

with a particular project and problem.

A. Pure

B. exploratory

C. applied

D. action

Answer: D

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29. The ………research leads to discovery of new theories and
development of existing theories.

A. Pure

B. exploratory

C. applied

D. experimental

Answer: A

o m
30. …………research is a preliminary study of a new problem about which
the researcher has little or no knowledge.
A. Pure
q M
B. exploratory c
C. applied M
D. experimental

Answer: B

31. The major use of ………..research is explanation of the state of affairs,

as it exists at present.

A. Formulative

B. causal

C. descriptive

D. none of these

Answer: C

32. The objective of …………research is to test hypotheses about cause

and effect relationships.

A. Formulative

B. causal

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C. descriptive

D. none of these

Answer: B

33. The ………… is always adopted where only little knowledge or

information about a problem is available.

A. Situational

B. causal

o m
C. descriptive
D. exploratory
Answer: D

q M
34. Exploratory research is a c
……….study of an unfamiliar problem.

A. Final
B. preliminary

C. causal

D. none of these

Answer: B

35. ……… a method or technique or an approach of exploring or

analyzing the life of a social unit.

A. Preliminary study

B. secondary study

C. case study

D. pilot

Answer: C

36. A ……….study is a small scale preliminary study conducted before the

main research, in order to check the feasibility or to improve the design of

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the research.

A. Preliminary

B. secondary

C. case

D. pilot

Answer: D

of background information. o m
37. A ………..analysis is a preliminary investigation or informal gathering

A. Situational
B. causal a
C. descriptive q M
D. exploratory

Answer: A
38. ……..research is mainly concerned with discovery and with generating
or building theory.

A. Situational

B. causal

C. descriptive

D. exploratory

Answer: D

39. ………….research helps determine the best research design, data

collection method and selection of subjects.

A. Situational

B. causal

C. descriptive

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D. exploratory

Answer: D

40. Secondary data analysis is another form of ………….research.

A. Situational

B. causal

C. descriptive

D. exploratory
o m
Answer: D
t e
a on a limited scale before the
41. …………is a preliminary study conducted
original studies are carried out in M
c q order to gain some primary information.

A. case study

B. pilot study
C. descriptive study

D. diagnostic study

Answer: B

42. Correctly defining the problem is the essential ……….step in the

business research process.

A. First

B. second

C. third

D. last

Answer: A

43. …………is a tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or

scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.

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A. Theory

B. concept

C. construct

D. hypothesis

Answer: D

44. Plan of study of a researcher is called the…………….. .

A. Research design
o m
B. research method
C. research procedure
D. research problem.
q M
Answer: A
45. If one variable depends upon another variable is termed as

A. Independent

B. dependent

C. extraneous

D. none of these.

Answer: B

46. …………….. Research seeks to find cause and affect relationships

between variables.

A. Descriptive

B. explorative

C. causal

D. none of these.

Answer: C

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47. ………………. Are the variables that may have some affects upon a
dependent variable but yet are not independent Variables.

A. Dependent variables

B. independent variables

C. Extraneous variables

D. none of these.

Answer: C

o m
48. The survey is a non- experimental, ………………. Research method.
A. Descriptive a
B. non descriptive
q M
C. causal

D. none of these.
Answer: A

49. ………….. Surveys gather data over a period of time.

A. Cross- sectional

B. longitudinal

C. sample

D. none of these.

Answer: B

50. ……….. often is used to measure causality.

A. Experiment

B. survey

C. research design

D. none of these.

Answer: A

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Business Research Methods (BRM) MCQs [set-3]

51. ………………. Data can be obtained by communication or by


A. Secondary

B. primary

C. sample
o m
D. none of these.
Answer: B
q M
52. A ……….. Design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given
population. c
A. Research
B. sample

C. popular

D. none of these.

Answer: B

53. Probability sampling is also known as …………. Sampling.

A. Chance

B. non random

C. restricted

D. none of these.

Answer: A

54. Under …………. Sampling method the population or universe is divided

into number of clusters or large groups.

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A. Restricted

B. random route

C. cluster

D. none of these.

Answer: C

55. Research …………is the blue print for the study.

A. variable
o m
B. problem
C. design
D. none of these.
q M
Answer: C
56. If the independent variable is not manipulated, is called ……hypothesis
testing research.

A. Non-experimental

B. experimental

C. working

D. none of these.

Answer: A

57. …………studies does deal with testing of proposition or hypothesis.

A. Descriptive

B. analytical

C. Causal

D. none of these.

Answer: A

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58. ………….research seeks to find cause and affect relationships between

A. Causal

B. Descriptive

C. analytical

D. none of these.

Answer: A

o m
59. The survey is a………….. descriptive research method.
A. experimental a
B. non- experimental
q M
C. both (a) & (b)

D. none of these.
Answer: B

60. ………… surveys are used to gather information on a population at a

single point in time.

A. cross-sectional

B. historical

C. Longitudinal

D. none of these.

Answer: A

61. The ………..method involves a complete enumeration of all units of the

population or universe.

A. census

B. sample

C. both (a) & (b)

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D. none of these.

Answer: A

62. …………………….variables are undesirable because they add error to

an experiment.

A. dependent

B. Extraneous

C. independent

o m
D. none of these.
Answer: B
q M
63. ………………..error is known as non- cumulative error.
A. Unbiased

B. biased
C. technical

D. none of these.

Answer: A

64. ………….. is the generation of continuum upon which measured

objects are located.

A. Ranking

B. measurement

C. scaling

D. rating

Answer: C

65. When a ……………… scale is used for the purpose of the identification,
there is strict one to one correspondence between the numbers and the

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A. Nominal

B. ordinal

C. interval

D. ratio

Answer: A

66. Which of the statistics is not permissible with nominally scaled data?

A. Chi square
o m
B. median
C. range
D. both (b) and (c) are not permissible.
q M
Answer: D
67. In business research, attitudinal data obtained from rating scales are
often treated as …………….. Data.

A. Nominal

B. ordinal

C. interval

D. ratio

Answer: C

68. Which of the following scale is not a type of comparative scale?

A. Semantic differential

B. constant sum

C. likert

D. both (a) and(c).

Answer: D

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69. The term ………… is used to indicate measuring of something.

A. Scaling

B. ratio

C. rating

D. none of these.

Answer: A

70. The …………. Scale places events in order. o m

A. Nominal
B. ordinal

q M
C. interval
D. ratio.
Answer: B

71. …………. Scale is used to draw out a yes or no answer.

A. Lickert

B. rating

C. dichotomous

D. category.

Answer: C

72. This type of scale makes extensive use of words rather than numbers.

A. Sematic

B. likert

C. rating

D. numerical.

Answer: A

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73. A questionnaire is a devise that is most frequently used in collecting
………. Data.

A. Secondary

B. primary

C. both

D. none of these.

Answer: B

o m
74. These questions are also called fixed alternative questions.
A. Open ended a
B. closed
q M
C. both
D. open response-option questions.

Answer: B

75. ……………. Questionnaires contain definite, concrete and direct


A. Unstructured

B. structured

C. closed form

D. none of these.

Answer: B

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Business Research Methods (BRM) MCQs [set-4]

76. Data processing consists of …………., coding and tabulation.

A. Editing

B. entry

C. classification

D. none of these.
o m
Answer: A
q M
77. ………….. helps to become the data accurate, consistent with the intent
of the question and other information in the survey, and to see the data is
complete in all respects. c
A. Coding
B. tabulation

C. editing

D. classification.

Answer: C

78. ………. Is the process of assigning figures or other symbols to answers

so that responses can be put into a limited number of categories or

A. Editing

B. coding

C. tabulation

D. classification.

Answer: B

79. Data classified on the basis of some attributes are known

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A. Qualitative

B. Quantitative

C. Geographical

D. chronological

Answer: A

compact form for further analysis. o m

80. …………. Is the process of summarizing raw data and displaying it in a

A. Classification
B. coding a
C. tabulation q M
D. editing.

Answer: C
81. In statistics, a ………….. is a graphical display of tabulated frequencies.

A. Histiogram

B. bar diagram

C. histogram

D. none of these.

Answer: C

82. If the study is related one variable it is called………… analysis.

A. Bivaralite

B. correlation

C. casual analysis

D. unidimensional

Answer: D

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83. ……………… is the middle value in the distribution when it is arranged
in descending or ascending order.

A. Mode

B. mean

C. median

D. range.

Answer: C

o m
84. ……….. is the most common measure of central tendency.
A. Mode a
B. median
q M
C. mean

D. range
Answer: C

85. When the study is related with more than two variables it is termed as
……………. Analysis.

A. Bivaraite

B. multivariate

C. casual analysis

D. unidimensional.

Answer: B

86. …………. Report is a report prepared for a layman.

A. Technical

B. popular

C. general

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D. specific.

Answer: B

87. A ………. Is a list of the sources used by the researcher to get

information for research report.

A. Bibliography.

B. Content

C. appendix

o m
D. none of these.
Answer: A
q M
88. There are ……… primary scales of measurement.
A. One

B. two
C. three

D. four

Answer: D

89. ………… is a systematic way of assigning numbers or names to objects

and their attributes.

A. Measurement

B. classification

C. scaling

D. tabulation.

Answer: A

90. The ……………. Scale is known as nominal scale.

A. Interval

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B. ordinal

C. ranking

D. ratio.

Answer: C

91. ……………. Scales is also known as the cardinal level of measurement.

A. Interval

B. ordinal
o m
C. ratio
D. ranking
Answer: A
q M
92. Nominal variables allow for ………….. classification.

A. Quantitative

B. qualitative

C. both (a) & (b)

D. none of these.

Answer: B

93. A ………………….. is a device that is most frequently used in collecting

primary data.

A. Schedule

B. questionnaire

C. both (a) & (b)

D. none of these.

Answer: C

94. ………… ended questions are called free answer questions.

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A. Closed

B. open

C. multiple choice question

D. none of these.

Answer: B

95. A ......................refers to one which provides several set of alternatives

for its answers.

o m
A. Closed
B. open
C. multiple choice question

q M
D. none of these.
Answer: C
96. A ………………. Is a set of questions which are asked and filled in by
the interviewer in a face to face situation with another person.

A. Schedule

B. questionnaire

C. check-list

D. none of these.

Answer: A

97. Mail survey is the other method of collecting ……………… data.

A. Secondary

B. primary

C. both

D. none of these.

Answer: B

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98. ……………. Is the process of assigning figures or other symbols to
answers so that responses can be put into a limited number of categories
or classes.

A. Coding

B. editing

C. tabulation

D. none of these.

Answer: A
o m
99. …………….. Is the process of summarizing
a compact form for further analysis. a
raw data and displaying it in

q M
A. Classification.
B. Editing
C. coding

D. tabulation.

Answer: D

100. ……………. Are specialized types of database.

A. Spreadsheets.

B. Microsoft word

C. Microsoft office

D. none of these.

Answer: A

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101. .…………. Measurement has the characteristics of rank order and

equal intervals.

A. Ordinal

B. ratio

C. ranking
o m
D. interval
Answer: D
q M
102. ……………… measurement is the highest level of measurement and is
used for quantitative data. c
A. Interval
B. ranking

C. ratio

D. ordinal

Answer: C

103. A ………….. is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating relative

magnitudes or frequencies.

A. pie chart

B. bar

C. pictogram

D. none of these.

Answer: A

104. The ………….. is a line chart.

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A. Lorenz curve

B. pie chart

C. bar

D. pictogram.

Answer: A

105. …………. Analysis is a mathematical tool which is used to describe

the degree to which one variable is linearly related to each other.

o m
A. Regression
B. correlation
C. variance

q M
D. none of these.
Answer: B
106. Measures of the dispersion are a ………..of the entire group or data.

A. Typical value

B. central value

C. positional average

D. none of these.

Answer: B

107. Mode is the …………….and it is not affected by the values of extreme


A. Positional average

B. typical value

C. central values

D. none of these.

Answer: A

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108. ………….report is a report prepared for specialists who are interested
in understanding the technical aspects of research methodology and
research findings.

A. general

B. popular

C. technical

D. specific

Answer: C
o m
109. The ……………phase in a research report is ordering the parts and
planning in writing. a
q M
A. first
B. second
C. third

D. last

Answer: A

110. The most important part of the research is ……………….

A. Analysis

B. findings

C. suggestions

D. conclusion

Answer: B

111. Research is a ………….endeavor to discover answers to questions.

A. Systematic

B. Collective

C. General

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D. None of these

Answer: A

112. Business research is research undertaken in the field of ………….

A. Management

B. Administration

C. Business

D. Natural science
o m
Answer: C
t e
a based
113. Quantitative research is …………..

q M
A. Variables
B. Attributes M
C. Information

D. None of These

Answer: A

114. Theory is an explanation of observed ……….

A. Features

B. Regularity

C. Events

D. Principles

Answer: B

115. A theory explains and predicts about a ………….

A. Phenomenon

B. Principles

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C. Formula

D. None of These

Answer: A

116. Induction is reasoning from …………. To general

A. Particular

B. Collection

C. Group
o m
D. Some
Answer: A
q M
117. A deductive reasoning works from general to particular, it is
called………… c
A. Bottom-Up Approach
B. Top - Down Approach

C. Balanced Approach

D. Linear Approach

Answer: B

118. Empirical studies are studies based on ………………

A. Imagination

B. Insights

C. Experience

D. Events

Answer: C

119. Concepts are the ……… of theory building.

A. Information

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B. Ideas

C. Equations

D. Basic Units

Answer: D

120. The act of providing a measure of a concept is referred to as…………

A. Hypothesis

B. Construct
o m
C. Proposition
D. Operational Definition
Answer: D
q M
121. HDI is a ………….
A. Construct

B. Concept

C. Hypothesis

D. Proposition

Answer: A

122. The specific value of a variable is called ………..

A. Data

B. Attribute

C. Information

D. Unit

Answer: B

123. Independent variable is deemed to have a ……….on the dependent


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A. Direct Influence

B. Indirect Influence

C. Marginal Influence

D. Casual Influence

Answer: D

124. An intervening variable tells……… there is a relationship between two


o m
A. How
B. When
C. What

q M
D. Why
Answer: D
125. When a proposition is formulated for empirical testing, it is called ……

A. Estimate

B. Theory

C. Principle

D. Hypothesis

Answer: D

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126. …………. Study is undertaken where the information known on a

particular subject matter is little.

A. Exploratory

B. Descriptive

C. Casual
o m
D. Action
Answer: A
q M
127. ………. Research does not follow any formalized pattern
A. Exploratory M
B. Descriptive

C. Casual

D. Experimental

Answer: A

128. Case study is a method of exploring or analyzing the life of a …………

A. Social Unit

B. Statistical unit

C. Several Units

D. None of These

Answer: A

129. A ………… study is a small scale replica of the main study

A. Pilot

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B. Descriptive

C. Casual

D. Focus

Answer: A

130. The person who runs the focus group session is called

A. Umpire

B. Coach
o m
C. Referee
D. Moderator
Answer: D
q M
131. Variables that contain data have only two categories are

A. Interval

B. ordinal

C. nominal

D. dichotomous

Answer: D

132. Research design provides a …… for the collection and analysis of


A. Evidence

B. conclusion

C. frame work

D. guess

Answer: C

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133. The ………. Of data are divided in to primary and secondary

A. Destination

B. details

C. proof

D. source

Answer: D

o m
134. ………. Studies are designed primarily to describe what is going on or
what exists .c
A. Descriptive a
B. casual
q M
C. exploratory

D. analytical
Answer: A

135. Survey is an important ……… of research.

A. Manipulation

B. method

C. result

D. event

Answer: B

136. A field study is always conducted in a ……… setting.

A. Natural

B. artificial

C. controlled

D. uncontrolled

Answer: A

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137. In ………. Surveys, researchers are interested in variation.

A. ad hoc

B. permanent

C. longitudinal

D. cross- sectional

Answer: D

o ……….
138. A complete survey of the population is called
A. Census
B. sample
q M
C. panel
D. trend M
Answer: A

139. The oldest method of data collection is through………..

A. Interview

B. group discussion

C. questionnaire

D. observation

Answer: D

140. In experiment the ………… group get the program.

A. control

B. focus

C. program

D. expert

Answer: C

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141. Measurement validity is also called ………. Validity

A. Internal

B. ecological

C. external

D. construct

Answer: D

o m
142. The Solomon Four- Group Design has ………….groups.
A. One
B. two
q M
C. three
D. four M
Answer: D

143. Random assignment is not adhered to in ………..experimental design.

A. Quasi

B. classical

C. modern

D. factorial

Answer: A

144. Typically data is called quantitative if it is in ………. Form

A. Verbal

B. numerical

C. photographs

D. none of these

Answer: B

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145. The first step in statistical activity is the ………

A. Publication of report

B. processing of data

C. analysis of data

D. collection of data

Answer: D

o both as an observer and
146. In ………… observation, the researcher acts
a participant
A. Structured

q M
B. controlled
C. simple

D. non- participant
Answer: C

147. Data accuracy is ……… in observation than in survey.

A. Lower

B. higher

C. far below

D. none of these

Answer: B

148. Where it is not possible to collect data directly from the

informants………… method is followed

A. Direct personal interview

B. indirect personal interview

C. structured interview

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D. un structured interview

Answer: B

149. When questionnaire is posted to informants, it is called ………….

A. Simple questionnaire

B. open- ended questionnaire

C. mailed questionnaire

D. anonymous questionnaire
o m
Answer: C
t e
150. ………… techniques are designed a to tap the deeper state of
q M of unconscious motivation.
personality of the informant in terms
A. Focus group

B. depth interview
C. schedule

D. projective

Answer: D

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151. The ‘Annual Survey of Industries’ is a document published by ……..




o m
Answer: A
152. Data found from CDs and online journals are called ……….
A. Primary data c
B. electronic data
C. govt data

D. international data

Answer: B

153. Sample means a ………part of an entire population.

A. Small

B. large

C. sizable

D. representative

Answer: D

154. Sampling is the process of selecting units from a ……… of interest

A. Population

B. phenomenon

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C. place

D. space

Answer: A

155. The listing of the accessible population from which the sample is
drawn is called the……….

A. Sample design

B. sample block

o m
C. sample frame
D. sampling premises
Answer: C

q M
c of units to be chosen from the population
156. ………..refers to the number

A. Sampling plan
B. sampling method

C. sampling frame

D. sample size

Answer: D

157. Random sampling is also called ……… sampling.

A. Probability

B. non probability

C. accidental

D. snow ball

Answer: A

158. ……..… is an example of random number table.

A. Tippet’s table

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B. logarithm table

C. Chi- square table

D. none of these

Answer: A

159. If the population is …………. , stratified sampling method is used.

A. Systematic

B. homogeneous
o m
C. heterogeneous
D. scattered
Answer: C
q M
160. Combining different methods of sampling is called…… sampling

A. Simple random

B. systematic

C. multi- stage

D. area

Answer: C

161. ………. Samples are best suited for exploratory research.

A. Systematic

B. convenience

C. judgment

D. random

Answer: B

162. If there is no accessible sampling frame,……… sampling is used

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A. Systematic

B. snow ball

C. judgment

D. random

Answer: B

163. Under …….. ….sampling method, the samples are selected non-
randomly according to some fixed quota.

o m
A. Systematic
B. snow ball
C. judgment

q M
D. quota
Answer: D
164. The greater the sample size, the smaller the …………..

A. standard error

B. mean

C. median

D. mode

Answer: A

165. Respondent errors and administrative errors are examples of


A. Sampling error

B. standard error

C. non- sampling error

D. standard deviation

Answer: C

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166. …………. Is the process of observing and recording the observations
that are collected as part of research?

A. Survey

B. interview

C. scaling

D. measurement

Answer: D

o m
167. The assignment of objects to nu8mbers or semantics according to a
rule is called ………
A. Statistical analysis
q M
B. interpretation c
C. scaling M
D. labelling

Answer: C

168. Social status of the respondent is measured on the basis of …… scale

A. Nominal

B. ordinal

C. interval

D. ratio

Answer: A

169. The ranks obtained by students will be measured on the basis of …


A. Nominal

B. ordinal

C. interval

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D. ratio

Answer: B

170. The Fahrenheit scale of measuring temperature is a ………. scale.

A. Nominal

B. ordinal

C. interval

D. ratio
o m
Answer: C
a zero point.
171. In ………. Scale, there is an absolute

q M
A. Nominal
B. ordinal M
C. interval

D. ratio

Answer: D

172. …… scale is the highest level of measurement scales.

A. Nominal

B. ordinal

C. interval

D. ratio

Answer: D

173. ……… means judging the scalability of the phenomenon under study.

A. Continnum

B. range

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C. standard deviation

D. variance

Answer: A

174. Stability of a measure is tested through ………method

A. Observation

B. interview

C. test- retest
o m
D. schedule
Answer: C
q M
175. The ………. Validity refers to the degree to which the actual program
reflects the ideal. c
A. Construct
B. face

C. concurrent

D. external

Answer: A

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176. ……… scale is also called summated rating scale.

A. Likert

B. semantic differential

C. nominal

D. ordinal
o m
Answer: A
q M
177. a researcher uses paired comparison scaling techniques to measure
consumer preference between 7 brands of toilet soaps . He will
present…………pairs of brands to the respondents.

A. 14
B. 21

C. 35

D. 18

Answer: B

178. Which of the following is a non comparative scale?

A. Paired comparison

B. rank order

C. constant sum

D. continuous rating scale

Answer: D

179. …… the generation of a continuum upon which measure objects

are located

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A. Ranking

B. measurement

C. scaling

D. rating

Answer: C

180. Which of the following is not a comparative scale?

A. Semantic differential
o m
B. constant sum
C. Likert
D. both (a) and (c).
q M
Answer: D
181. A…….scale is used to draw out a yes or no answer.

A. likert

B. rating

C. dichotomous

D. category

Answer: C

182. ……… scale is verbal.

A. Numerical

B. Likert

C. semantic

D. rating

Answer: C

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183. Likert’s scale is an example of ………. Scale

A. Comparative

B. non comparative

C. verbal

D. numeric

Answer: B

o m
184. …………. Is an intermediary stage between the collection of data and
their analysis and interpretation? .c
A. Processing a
B. analyzing
q M
C. reporting

D. designing
Answer: A

185. Editing is the ……….. Stage in data processing

A. Fourth

B. third

C. second

D. first

Answer: D

186. ………. Is the process by which response categories are summarized

by numerals or other symbols?

A. Editing

B. coding

C. classifying

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D. tabulating

Answer: B

187. Classification is the process of reducing large mass of data in to

……… group for meaningful analysis.

A. Various

B. heterogeneous

C. homogeneous

o m
D. different
Answer: C
q M
188. Classification on periodical basis is also called ……classification.
A. Geographical

B. chronological
C. simple

D. manifold

Answer: B

189. If variable can take only exact values, it is called ……variables.

A. Dependent

B. independent

C. continuous

D. discrete

Answer: D

190. When raw data is arranged in conveniently organized groups, it is

called a ……distribution.

A. Normal

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B. binomial

C. poison

D. frequency

Answer: D

191. ……… is the process of recording the classified facts in rows and

A. Editing

o m
B. coding
C. classification
D. tabulation

q M
Answer: D
192. a ……… table may contain data pertaining to more than one

A. Simple

B. complex

C. frequency

D. normal

Answer: B

193. If the variables are measured on nominal and ordinal scales, the tools
of analysis are called ……..statistics.

A. Parametric

B. non parametric

C. descriptive

D. inferential

Answer: B

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194. If a table shows the relationship between two variables in a tabular
form, it is called a …table

A. Frequency

B. simple

C. complex

D. contingency

Answer: D

o m
195. In line graphs, values of dependent variables are taken on the ……….
A. X- axis a
B. Y – axis
q M
C. base line

D. none of these
Answer: B

196. If the area of a circle is divided in two different sectors representing

different categories such that the angle of each sector is proportional to
the frequency of corresponding category, it is called a …………..

A. Pie chart

B. bar chart

C. stacked bar chart

D. multiple bar chart

Answer: A

197. The diagram drawn for presenting the data in picture form is called

A. Chart

B. frequency polygon

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C. pie chart

D. pictogram

Answer: D

198. Data classified on the basis of some characteristics is called ……

A. Geographical

B. chronological

C. quantitative
o m
D. qualitative
Answer: D
q M
199. If the study is related tone variable, it is called ………. Analysis
A. bivariate M
B. correlative

C. casual

D. unidimensional

Answer: D

200. When the study is related with more than two variables, it is termed

A. bivariate

B. multivariate

C. casual

D. unidimensional

Answer: B

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201. atfter processing the data, the next step is its ………..

A. Editing

B. classifying

C. analysis

D. reporting
o m
Answer: C
and ……….statistics. q M
202. The entire domain of statistics is divided in to descriptive statistics

A. Vital M
B. business

C. inferential

D. none of these

Answer: C

203. ……… statistics is used to describe the basic features of the data in a

A. Descriptive

B. business

C. inferential

D. none of these

Answer: A

204. ………. Is a measure of central tendency?

A. Mean

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B. standard deviation

C. mean deviation

D. range

Answer: A

205. If the measure of correlation is zero it indicates ……….. Correlation

A. No

B. perfect
o m
C. imperfect
D. positive
Answer: A
q M
206. The method helps to predict the unknown values of one variable from
the known values of another variable are called ………analysis.

A. Correlation

B. regression

C. factor

D. cluster

Answer: B

207. …………….is the best way of reflecting the central tendency of a set of
scores where the scores themselves are measured on a nominal scale.

A. Mode

B. median

C. mean

D. range

Answer: A

208. ……….is defined as the square- root of the average of the squared

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deviation from the mean.

A. Range

B. standard deviation

C. skewness

D. geometric mean

Answer: B

as …………….estimate. o m
209. If we estimate a parameter with the help of a single value, it is known

A. Point
B. interval a
C. time q M
D. none of these

Answer: A
210. …… a specific statement of prediction.

A. Concept

B. construct

C. proposition

D. hypothesis

Answer: D

211. In testing of hypothesis, if the null hypothesis is rejected ……….

Hypothesis is accepted

A. Alternative

B. relational

C. new

D. none of these

Answer: A

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212. Population measurements are called …………

A. Parameters

B. statistics

C. estimates

D. hypotheses

Answer: A

o a…………..
213. Rejecting a true null hypothesis is committing
A. type- I error
B. type-II error
q M
C. type- III error
D. sampling error M
Answer: A

214. Where the sample size is less than 30 ….is used.

A. F- test

B. Z- test

C. T- test

D. U- test

Answer: C

215. Reporting means ……….through reports

A. Asking

B. answering

C. communicating

D. stating

Answer: C

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216. …………report is reporting verbally in person.

A. Technical

B. popular

C. written

D. oral

Answer: D

o m
217. Popular report is a report prepared for ………
A. Academic audience
B. business managers
q M
C. administrators
D. laymen M
Answer: D

218. ………… is a list of sources used by the researcher to get information

for research report.

A. Appendix

B. bibliography

C. index

D. glossary

Answer: B

219. a……… index includes a detailed reference to all important matters

discussed in the report

A. Name

B. author

C. subject

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D. none of these

Answer: C

220. A list of special terms and phrases used is given in the form of a

A. Glossary

B. bibliography

C. appendix

o m
D. reference
Answer: A
q M
221. A treatise on a single subject is called a ………….
A. Monograph

B. thesis
C. dissertation

D. report

Answer: A

222. ……… is a report prepared for a layman.

A. Technical

B. popular

C. general

D. specific

Answer: D

223. Exploratory research is …………study of an unfamiliar problem.

A. Final

B. preliminary

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C. casual

D. none of these

Answer: B

224. Which of the following are single- variable designs?

A. Pre-experimental designs

B. true-experimental designs

C. Quasi-experimental designs
o m
D. all of these
Answer: D
q M
225. ……………..are characterized by an absence of randomization.
A. Pre-experimental designs M
B. true-experimental designs

C. Quasi-experimental designs

D. all of these

Answer: A

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226. In……………….., the researchers randomly assigns test units to

experimental groups.

A. Pre-experimental designs

B. true-experimental designs

C. Quasi-experimental designs
o m
D. all of these
Answer: B
q M
227. ………..designs are using constructions that already exist in the real
world. c
A. Pre-experimental designs
B. true-experimental designs

C. Quasi-experimental designs

D. all of these

Answer: C

228. Which of the following is not an individual document?

A. Life history

B. diary (

C. letter

D. newspaper

Answer: D

229. Which of the following are public documents?

A. Newspapers

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B. historical documents

C. statistics

D. all of these

Answer: D

230. The purpose of …………is twofold: to organize (stingily) and to

communicate (clearly)

A. Concept

o m
B. theory
C. construct
D. hypothesis

q M
Answer: B
231. When the hypothesis is verified and found to be true it becomes a……

A. Law

B. theory

C. fact

D. statement

Answer: B

232. The theory when works satisfactorily and is generally accepted, it


A. Statement

B. fact

C. Law

D. hypothesis

Answer: C

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233. When law becomes familiar it becomes a…………..

A. Hypothesis

B. theory

C. fact

D. statement

Answer: C

o m
234. When a hypothesis relates to the cause and effect relationship of a
phenomenon it is called………. .c
A. Tentative a
B. descriptive
q M
C. explanatory

D. hypothesis concerning law

Answer: B

235. When a phenomenon cannot be fully understood because of technical

difficulties, the hypothesis made about is called……..

A. Tentative

B. descriptive

C. explanatory

D. hypothesis concerning law

Answer: A

236. ………….hypothesis explains the happenings of a phenomenon.

A. Tentative

B. descriptive

C. explanatory

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D. hypothesis concerning law

Answer: C

237. ………… describes how an agent works to produce a particular effect

or event.

A. Tentative

B. descriptive

C. explanatory

o m
D. hypothesis concerning law
Answer: D
q M
238. The smallest and the largest possible measurements in each class are
known as class…………. c
A. Boundaries
B. interval

C. limits

D. mark

Answer: C

239. The value exactly at the middle of a class interval is called……….

A. Mid value

B. class mark

C. limits

D. both (a) & (b)

Answer: D

240. The number of observations falling within a particular class interval is

called its class…………

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A. Frequency

B. interval

C. limits

D. mark

Answer: A

241. ………… includes letters, questionnaires, tests or other tools used in

collecting the data.

o m
A. Appendix
B. glossary
C. literature cited

q M
D. bibliography
Answer: A
242. A ……….is an alphabetical listing of unfamiliar terms with their
meaning used in the thesis.

A. Appendix

B. glossary

C. literature cited

D. bibliography

Answer: B

243. ……….is a comprehensive listing of the works relevant to the study of

the researcher.

A. Appendix

B. glossary

C. literature cited

D. bibliography

Answer: D

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244. …………is a list of references cited in the text.

A. Appendix

B. glossary

C. literature cited

D. bibliography

Answer: C

ocollected and presentation
245. When there is long time gap between data
. In such cases………… report
of report, the study may lose its significance.
is presented.
A. Summary
q M
B. technical c
C. public
D. interim

Answer: D

246. Process of obtaining a numerical description of the extent to which a

person or object possesses some characteristics

A. Measurement

B. Scaling

C. Questionnaire

D. Interview

Answer: A

247. Measurement that involves monitoring a respondent’s involuntary

responses to marketing stimuli via the use of electrodes and other
equipment is called

A. Projective Technique

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B. Physiological measures

C. Depth Interviews

D. Multi-dimensional Scales

Answer: B

248. Validity that reflect whether a scale performs as expected in relation

to other variables selected as meaningful criteriacriteria

A. Criterian-related Validity

o m
B. Content Validity
C. Construct validity
D. Convergent Validity

q M
Answer: A
249. Scale that indicates the relative position of two or more objects or
some characteristics is called

A. Ranking Scale

B. Ordinal Scale

C. Arbitrary Scale

D. Ratio Scale

Answer: B

250. Method that involves the selection of items by a panel of judges on

the basis of their relevance, the potential for ambiguity, and the level of the
attitude they represent

A. Cumulative scale

B. Arbitrary Scale

C. Item Analysis

D. Consensus Scaling

Answer: D

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251. Even numbered non-verbal rating scale using single adjectives

instead of bipolar opposites is called

A. Semantic Differential

B. Multi-dimensional scaling

C. Stapel Scale
o m
D. Standardised Instruments
Answer: C
q M
252. Instrument’s ability to accurately measure variability in stimuli or
response is known as c
A. Sensitivity
B. Practicality

C. Generalisablity

D. Economy

Answer: A

253. 7-point rating scale with end-points associated with bipolar labels that
have semantic meaning is

A. Semantic differential scale

B. Constant Sum Scale

C. Graphic Rating Scale

D. Likert Scale

Answer: A

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254. Scale in which the respondent directly compares two or more objects
and makes choices among them is

A. Ranking Scale

B. Rating Scale

C. Graphic Scale

D. None of these

Answer: A

o m
255. Scales where respondent is asked to rate an item in comparison with
another item or a group of items each other based on a common criterion
is a
q M
A. Method of paired comparison
B. Forced Ranking
C. Constant Sum Scale

D. All of the above

Answer: B

256. Original source from which researcher directly collects the data that
has not been previously collected

A. Primary data

B. Secondary Data

C. Tertiary Data

D. None of these

Answer: A

257. Technique in which the respondents and/or the clients communicate

and/or observe by use of the internet

A. Online Ethnography

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B. Online Interview

C. Online Questionnaire

D. Online Focus Group

Answer: D

258. Issue to be considered for the secondary data include which of the

A. Sufficiency

o m
B. Reliability
C. Suitability
D. All of the above

q M
Answer: D
259. Method that involves recording the behavioural pattern of people,
objects and events in a systematic manner to obtain information about the
phenomenon of interest

A. Observation

B. Online Survey

C. Schedules

D. Warranty Cards

Answer: A

260. Technique that allow several members of a hiring company to

interview a job candidate at the same time is

A. Panel Interview

B. Self administered interview

C. Mail Interview

D. Electronic Interview

Answer: A

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261. Qualitative methods are probably the oldest of all the scientific
techniques, the method of qualitative research is:

A. Questionnaire

B. Attitude Scales

C. Depth Interview

D. Observation

Answer: C

o m
262. In validity of measurement scales, validity can be measured through
several methods like
A. Content
q M
B. Criterion c
C. Construct M
D. All of the above

Answer: D

263. The test of reliability is an important test of sound measurement. The

methods to evaluate reliability of scales are:

A. Convergent

B. Delegating measurement strategies

C. Split-Halves Method

D. None of the above

Answer: C

264. The most common scales used in research are

A. Nominal

B. Ratio

C. Ordinal

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D. All of the above

Answer: D

265. In scale construction technique, scale can be developed by

A. Ratio Scale

B. Cumulative Scale

C. Nominal scale

D. Ordinal scale
o m
Answer: B
t e
a by
266. The criteria for good scale is developed

q M
A. Reliability
B. Practicability M
C. Sensitivity

D. All of the above

Answer: D

267. The main problem in questionnaire is

A. Accessible to Diverse Respondent

B. Greater Anonymity

C. Shows an inability of respondent to provide information

D. None of these

Answer: C

268. Electronic interview can be conducted by:

A. Telephonic

B. Fax

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C. Personal

D. All of the above

Answer: A

269. Define the correct sequence in the stage of sampling:

A. i) Sampling method selection ii) Population definition iii) Sampling frame development iv)
Sampling unit specification v) Sample size determination

Sampling method selection v) Sample size determination

o m
B. i) Population definition ii) Sampling frame development iii) Sampling unit specification iv)

C. i) Sampling method selection ii) Sampling unit specification iii) Sample size determination

iv)Population definition v) Sampling frame development

D. i) Sample size determination ii) Population definition iii) Sampling frame development
iv)Sampling unit specification v) Sampling method selection
Answer: B c
270. What are the two types of sampling methods?

A. Random or probability sampling and non-probability sampling

B. Probability sampling and random sampling

C. Probability sampling and non-random sampling

D. All of the above

Answer: A

271. It is a special non-probability method used when the desired sample

characteristic is rare, which sampling

A. Panel Sampling

B. Snowball sampling

C. Convenience sampling

D. Purposive Sampling

Answer: B

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272. The university book shop selects 200 of its more than 8000 customers
to participate in a study on service quality in the shop. The book Shop has
established a ________ for use in its research.

A. Population

B. Field setting

C. Dependent grouping

D. Sample

Answer: D
o m
273. A good sampling frame must be
A. Relevant
q M
B. Complete c
C. Precise M
D. All of the above

Answer: D

274. How many different sample of size 3 can be taken from the population
comprising 5 elements?

A. 7

B. 12

C. 5

D. 10

Answer: D

275. When sample size increases, which of the followings correct?

A. The standard error remains unchanged

B. The standard error increases

C. The standard error declines

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D. None of the above

Answer: C

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276. In case the population has a normal distribution, then the sampling
distribution of the mean

A. Has a mean equal to the population mean

B. Has normal distribution

C. Both a and b
o m
D. None of these
Answer: C
q M
277. In which of the following sample designs, maps rather than lists or
registers are used as the sampling frame?

A. Simple random sample

B. Cluster sample

C. Area Sample

D. none of these

Answer: C

278. Suppose that a population with N = 200 has µ = 30. What is the mean
of the sampling distribution of the mean for sample of size 40?

A. Not possible to determine as this information is inadequate

B. 40

C. 25

D. 30

Answer: D

279. A sample study is a study of

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A. Whole population

B. Only representative items

C. 51 items

D. None of these

Answer: B

280. Among the following methods which is not a probability sampling


o m
A. Systematic sampling
B. Stratified sampling
C. Cluster sampling

q M
D. Quota sampling
Answer: D
281. Among the following methods which is not the non-probability
sampling method?

A. Convenient sampling

B. Quota sampling

C. Judgement sampling

D. Systematic sampling

Answer: B

282. Which of the following is the example of random sampling


A. Taking the name of every person in a telephone book

B. Generating a list of numbers by picking numbers out of a hat and matching these numbers to
names in the telephone book

C. Taking every tenth or twentieth name from a list of everybody in the telephone book

D. All of the above

Answer: B

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283. Pat Robertson is running for parliament in the General Election. She
needs to know the intended choices of the voters and will undertake a
survey. All the voters on the Electoral Register in her constituency would
be the study’s

A. Sample

B. Dependent variable

C. Population

D. Independent variable
o m
Answer: C
aprobability sampling?
284. What are the types of Random or
q M
A. Area sampling and Judgemental sampling

B. Stratified sampling and Area sampling

C. Judgemental sampling and Quota sampling

D. Sequential sampling

Answer: B

285. Greg Beck of Quality Market Research tells placement student John
to go out and select for personal interview ten men and ten women. Greg
is using __________ sampling for this phase of the research.

A. Random

B. Stratified

C. Quota

D. Area

Answer: C

286. When there is a significant difference between the statistic and

parametric values, it means that

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A. Sample statistic is representative is representative of the population parameter

B. Static value is used to approximate parameter

C. The difference is real

D. None of the above

Answer: C

287. The process of selecting a number of participants for a study in such

a way that they represent the larger group from which they were selected
is known as
o m
A. Research Design
B. Sampling a
C. Data collection
q M
D. Random assignment c
Answer: B
288. If the standard error of the population is reduced by 50 per cent, the
sample size becomes

A. Double

B. Increase 6 times

C. Increase 4 times

D. None of the above

Answer: C

289. Which type of sampling Mr. Weber use to draw a sample that is not

A. Non-probability

B. Concurrent

C. Random

D. None of the above

Answer: C

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290. Which of the following is not likely to be used to stratify a sample for
a study investigating the use of a computerised algebra program?

A. Gender

B. Ethnicity

C. Socio-economic status

D. Number of siblings in the home

Answer: D

o m
291. Which of the following is not a random sampling technique?
A. Purposive sampling

q M
B. Stratified Sampling
C. Cluster sampling

D. Systematic sampling
Answer: A

292. Which analysis is related with descriptive analysis?

A. Univariate Analysi

B. Bivariate Analysis

C. Multivariate Analysis

D. All of the above

Answer: D

293. Involves the orderly and systematic representation of numerical data

in a form designed to elucidate the problem under consideration

A. Coding

B. Classification

C. Editing

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D. Tabulation

Answer: D

294. Which frequency expresses the number of items in an interval as a

proportion or fraction of the total number of items in the data set?

A. Relative frequency

B. Percentage Frequency

C. Cumulative frequency

o m
D. None of the above
Answer: A
q M
295. Which steps involves in processing operations of data after collection
of data? c
A. Coding
B. Classification

C. Editing

D. Tabulation

Answer: C

296. Which is type of frequency distribution?

A. Continuous or grouped frequency distribution

B. Discrete or ungrouped frequency distribution

C. Cumulative Frequency Distribution

D. All of the above

Answer: D

297. One where measurements are only approximations and are expressed
in class intervals ie within certain limits is

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A. Continuous Frequency Distribution

B. Discrete Frequency Distribution

C. Cumulative Frequency Distribution

D. All of these Frequency Distribution

Answer: A

298. In which Graphical Representation, way of preparing a two-

dimensional diagram is in the form of circles?

o m
A. Pie Chart
B. Histogram
C. Candle Stick

q M
D. None of the above
Answer: A
299. In which analysis, when there is a single measurement of each of the
n sample objects or where there are several measurements of each of the
n observations but each variable is analysed in isolation?

A. Univariate Analysi

B. Bivariate Analysis

C. Multivariate Analysis

D. None of these

Answer: A

300. If a group of N observations is arranged in ascending or descending

order of magnitude, then the middle value is called

A. Mean

B. Median

C. Mode

D. None of these

Answer: B

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Business Research Methods (BRM) MCQs [set-13]

301. Which is the type of correlation on the basis of number of variables?

A. Positive correlation

B. Multiple correlation

C. Linear Correlation

D. Non-linear Correlation
o m
Answer: B
Correlation? q M
302. Which characteristics come under Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of

A. Does not tell anything about cause-and-effect relationship

B. Independent of change of origin and scale

C. Varies between -1 and +1

D. All of the above

Answer: D

303. If one knows that the yield and rainfall are closely related then one
want to know the amount of rain required to achieve a certain production.
For this purpose we use analysis

A. Regression Analysi

B. Coefficient of Correlation

C. Scatter Plots/Diagram

D. None of these

Answer: A

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304. When two attributes are present or absent together in the data and
actual frequency is more than the expected frequency is called

A. Positive Association

B. Negative Association

C. Independent Association

D. None of these

Answer: A

o m
305. Which is not type of test of significance for small sample ?
A. t- test a
B. z-test
q M
C. F-test

D. Q-test
Answer: D

306. Which test is the part of the parametric test?

A. Sign Test

B. Run Test for Randomness

C. Kruskal-Willis Test

D. z-test

Answer: D

307. Which analysis comes under inferential analysis?

A. Univariate Analysi

B. Bivariate Analysis

C. Multivariate Analysis

D. Hypothesis Testing

Answer: D

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308. The procedure of classifying the answers to a question into
meaningful categories is called

A. Coding

B. Classification

C. Editing

D. Tabulation

Answer: A

o m
309. Which of the following constitute the essential elements of coding ?
A. Mutually exclusive

q M
B. Single Dimension
C. Code Sheet

D. all of these
Answer: D

310. Which among the following is type of frequency?

A. Relative frequency

B. Percentage frequency

C. Cumulative frequency

D. All of the above

Answer: D

311. A bar chart or graph showing the frequency of occurrence of each

value of the variable being analysed is called

A. Bar Chart

B. Histogram

C. Candle stick

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D. None of these

Answer: B

312. A chart is a style of bar-chart used primary to describe price

movements of a security, derivative, or currency over time is called

A. Leaf and stem

B. Histogram

C. Candle Stick

o m
D. Bar chart
Answer: C
q M
313. A group of observations is the quotient obtained by dividing the sum
of all the observations by their number, is called

A. Mean
B. Median

C. Mode

D. None of these

Answer: A

314. Which analysis is the simultaneous analysis of two variables?

A. Univariate Analysis

B. Bivariate Analysis

C. Multivariate Analysis

D. None of these

Answer: B

315. Which Statistical tool comes under Bivariate Analysis ?

A. Linear Regression Analysis

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B. Association of Attributes

C. Two-way ANOVA

D. All of the above

Answer: D

316. The assumption of normal distribution for the variable under

consideration or some assumption for a parametric test is not valid or is
doubtful then we use

A. Parametric Test
o m
B. Non-Parametric Test
C. Both Parametric Test and Non-Parametric Test

D. All of the above

q M
Answer: B c
317. What is abbreviation of ANOVA?

A. Analysis of variance

B. Analysis of variation

C. Analysis of variant

D. None of these

Answer: A

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