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School of Graduate Studies



Thesis Adviser:                                                       

Thesis Title 

Organizational Culture and Quality Management System


Quality Management System provides tools to an organization in enhancing client satisfaction by providing

consistently quality services and framework for continual improvement in view of QMS implementation.

Organizations implement Quality Management System to gain competitive advantage over others and business

resources. Likewise, Quality Management System offers benefits of improved customer-focus, communication,

team work and effectiveness; these benefits are due to combined problem solving, management commitment and

employee empowerment. It has been one of the most applied organizational change approaches that is primarily

centered on increasing organizations’ effectiveness by setting quality objectives.

The ISO 9001 certification is an international quality control management system that set by the International

Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is widely recognized as a benchmark for organizations in

demonstrating continuous improvement and consistent provision of products and services that meet customer and

regulatory requirements. ISO Certification is not an obligatory component of ISO 9001 however many

organizations opt to become certified because it is an independent proof and validation of their commitment to

offering a quality service that is centered on customer satisfaction consistent with internationally accepted

management standards.

Implementing QMS involves the understanding the organization and its internal context that can be facilitated

by considering issues related to values, culture, knowledge and performance of the organization. Mukhopadhyay

(2021) mentioned that organizational culture is "the way things are done around here" in organizations. It is

perceived as the personality of the organization and is the sum of values and rituals which serve as 'glue' to

integrate the members of the organization. It is an internal factor that influences their behavior, performance and
action in managing their system, resources and dealing with their stakeholders.

Smith (2021) stated that every organization has a culture and it is up to management whether that culture

supports a highly productive workplace. Management has to quantify their end goal whether their current culture

allow them to achieve that objective. Once this is done, they need to redefine the manner in which is best to

achieve the end goal. Redefining a culture is a long-term challenge and requires flexibility and understanding.

Everyone must keep working together. In the final analysis, the culture is one of the most important factors for

understanding and achievement.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is anchored on the Values of Passion, Integrity, Creativity,

Competence, Synergy, and Love of Country. The mission of the agency is to be government’s main economic

catalyst in enabling innovative, competitive, job-generating, inclusive business, and empowering consumers so as

to attain their Vision 2022 of “A more inclusive and prosperous Philippines with employment and income

opportunities for all.” As stated in their quality policy, they embrace their core values that shape their

organizational culture and strategies, and commit to comply appropriate regulatory and statutory requirements as

they continuously strive for improvement of Quality Management System (QMS) to meet clients’ expectations

(DTI Quality Policy).

The aim of this study is to evaluate theoretical aspects of organizational culture and Quality Management

System, their interrelation and impact on continuous improvement and development of Department of Trade and

Industry Region 4A.

Statement of the Problem

The study would aim to assess relationship between the organizational culture and quality management system of

Department of Trade and Industry Region 4A. Therefore, the following generalized problems should be focused:

1. What is the level of manifestation of the organizational culture of Department of Trade and Industry Region

4A in terms of:

1.1 Dominant characteristics

1.2 Organizational leadership

1.3 Management of employees

1.4 Organization glue

1.5 Strategic emphases

1.6 Criteria of Success

2. What is the level of implementation of Quality Management System in Department of Trade and Industry

Region 4A in terms of:

2.1. Context of Organization

2.2. Leadership

2.3. Planning

2.4. Support

2.5. Operation

2.6. Internal Performance Evaluation

2.7. Continual Improvement

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of manifestation of organizational culture and level of

implementation of Quality Management System of Department of Trade and Industry Region 4A?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what enhancement program will be proposed in terms of Organizational

Culture and/or Quality Management System?

Proposed Research Methodology

Research Design: The researcher will use the descriptive correlational research design method which refers to a

type of study in which information is collected without making any changes to the study subject.

Respondents of the Study: There were 40 regular employees and 5 contractual staffs excluding the utility clerks,

messenger and drivers for the purpose of the study. In this regard, the researcher decided to use purposive

sampling in this descriptive type of research.

Research Instrument: Survey Questionnaires

Statistical Treatments of Data:

 For the first and second statement of the problem, the study will use the methods of Frequency, Likert-

Scale and Mean.

 For the third statement of the problem, the study will use the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation to

test the significant relationship between the level of manifestation of organizational culture and level of

implementation of Quality Management System of Department of Trade and Industry Region 4A.

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