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(Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 144, s.


This form aims to help you develop the structure of your research proposal and to ensure
alignment of your overall approach to your research problem.

DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have a clear outline of your research
proposal, convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your research
proposal. Not that the parts of the research proposal indicated in the Research Management
Guidelines (RMG) (DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2017) should not be taken as chapters like in thesis or
dissertation, but rather as just subsections of the research proposal.


What is the title of your research? Effects of Playing Video Games in one’s
- Answer this later. mental health in today’s climate
- Be creative with your title. Make it
catchy and interesting.
What is the issue / problem/ relationship you - What can we benefit in playing video
want to solve / establish / explore? games in today’s phenomenon
- What is the general situation / - In today's event, there are several
circumstance that makes you develop reports of mental illness suicide. I came
your research proposal? [What is up with this topic because I want to
TRENDING now? What is the ISSUE know what video games can do to help
with this trend?] us.
- Why is this situation / circumstance
important? - Because it talks about our life or mental
health which is very important in aspect
of life.
- What is the significance of the - To be able to address and help not just
research? the gaming community but as a whole
o This is the aim [OBJECTIVES] of discussing their mental health issues
your study. This should also be
embedded in your main
arguments above.

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- What is the significance of the - To help not only the community in
research? gaming but also who needs help to
o Why is your study important? cope with their mental health.
o Who or what industry would
benefit? How? - The gaming community will benefit
from this study. It can help by knowing
what can you really gain from gaming
- What would be the potential - Benefits of video game to cope with
CONTRIBUTION or insight of my mental health issue
o Will it solve a particular - It will solve the problem with mental
problem? health illness. Yes, it will change the
o Will it offer a new way of mindset of people who thinks gaming is
thinking? just waste of time. It will prove
o Will it give a new direction something that gaming also can benefit
towards enhancement of us. Lastly, it will solve the mindset that
practice? gaming is only bad for our health
o Will it prove / disprove
o Will it solve / contribute to a
certain debate?
o Will it add evidence to a
developing body of knowledge?
o Will it develop a new theory,
prototype, model, process, tool,
What are the current / relevant topics and - We are talking about today’s event
literature related to this which is the pandemic. This event
situation/circumstance? had affected our mental health which
- What are the GAPS in the existing is one of the most problem of
literature? peoples. The gap here is how video
- What makes your study different games affects our mental health in
from previous studies? today’s event
o These arguments will
demonstrate that you made an - It makes it different because other
extensive literature review, and studies talk about the pros and cons
you have made a critical analysis of video games. In this study will give
of the literature in relation to the effect in one’s mental health
your proposed research topic.
o The more gaps you have

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identified the stronger your
paper is.

What questions would you answer? 1. Do video games help one’s life to cope
[You can adopt a validated instrument from with their mental health?
existing published studies; Just make sure 2. Do video games make our mental
that all questions are aligned with the title, health better or worse?
introduction & rationale, and methods]
- This section sets the restrictions - Delimitation
of you study due to time, - We will focus on the effect of video
budgetary requirements and games in our mental health and will not
your capability. go beyond it.
o What are the parameters of
your study (data collection
method, analysis, discussion,
[if it is LIMITATION, it is beyond your
control as a researcher; this is the
limit of your study]
[if it is DELIMITATION, it is you, the researcher
who purposively limits your study]
What is the design of your study? - Quasi Experimental Research Design
- A research design is used to create
- Descriptive
cause-and-effect relationships.
- Correlational Experimental manipulation may have
- Ex post facto limited use. Intact groups are used;
- Quasi Experimental there is no randomization of individual

- Experimental participants to care and control groups

- Who or what will be the sample - Convenience Sampling (Man-on the-
street Sampling)
of your study - Because this type of sampling makes
- Why did you choose this/these you choose wherever you can find
sample/s? them and typically wherever is
- How many? convenient
- How will you select your sample? - Sample size = 25
[Use this free online software to - Wherever we can find
obtain your ideal sample size:]


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What tool will you use in gathering your - Surveys will be done through phone.
data? We will use google forms to be
- Document analysis distributed accordingly to the
- Interviews / focus group respondents. Surveys are
discussions questionnaire that is commonly used
- Assessments instrument in research

- Surveys
- Case studies
- Observations
- Statistical datasets
- Etc.
Briefly describe your methods supported
by references to research applying the
methods in similar situations.
Think of the circumstances in which your - Their names must be included in the
respondents/samples’ participation will questionnaire to make the research
compromise their rights to privacy and study true but we will ensure that
confidentiality. Also, consider the data their names will be kept and their
gathering method. Avoid intrusion and do identity.
not put them at risk.
- Our subject does not need to be
Consider your respondents: - Do you need labeled
to obtain informed consent from the
parents, DSWD, and other agencies?
- Do you need to get the name of your
Do you need to label your subjects
(schools, barangays, region, etc.)?
How would you analyze your data? - Gather all the data and organize it in
one place so that it will not get lost.
Briefly describe your data analysis Check the questionnaires if it was
technique supported by references to answered all and nothing is missing. If
research applying the analysis in similar something is not answered it will be
situations. removed. Researchers should record
the decisions of their respondents.

2 Policy Research and Development Division – Planning Service (PRD-PS) CONSULTANT: Dr.
Dennis Alonzo

(Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorandum No. 144, s. 2017)

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