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Paper Code: BLW-703

B.A.LL.B. (Hons) VII Semester Examination

Law of Evidence

(Session 2020/2021 - Feb 2021- Online OBE)

Question 1: At the time of search for an offence of murder, police recovered a laptop
and some incriminating photos from the hard disk. How the prosecution
shall prove
the relevancy of recovered articles? Discuss the relevant procedure in evidence law.

Question 2: What is the difference between

admissibility and relevancy? Give your
answer with appropriate examples.


Question 3: An admission can be proved against its maker but not

in favour of person
making it. What are the exceptions? And also distinguish between admission and

Question 4: A is an accused prosecuted under Section 302 of the IPC. There is no

direct evidence of the offence but there is circumstantial evidence
against A. Can A
be convicted only on the ground of circumstantial evidence? If
so when? State the
procedure on the above given problem under the Law of Evidence.


Question 5: Who is anexpert? What are the subjects on which an expert is competent
to testify? What is the
evidentiary value of an expert opinion?
Question 6: What do you mean
by hearsay evidence? What the
exceptions to the
rules of hearsay evidence?

Question 7: Explain the doctrine of estoppels and its exceptions.

between estoppels and res judicata.

Question 8: Distinguish

a) Direct Evidence and Hearsay Evidence

b) Oral Evidence and Documentary Evidence


to testify? Explain the competency and admissibility

Question 9: Who is competent
of child witness.

Question 10: A, a client, says to B, an attorney, "I wish to obtain possession of

which I request you to sue". Is this
property by use of a forged deed on

disclosure? Give to your answer.

communication protected from reasons
Total pages: 2

BLW-703 Roll no.

Examination 2018
B.A.LL.B (H) Semester VII
Law of Evidence

Paper No. II1

Time: Three hours

Maximum Marks: 75

Note: Attempt any Five question in total including one question from each unit.

All Questions carry equal marks..

1. Discuss the importance and necessity of principles of Law of evidence and briefly

highlight the salient features of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

2. Explain the doctrine of Res Gestae. Do you agree with the view that this doctrine is
not only useless but is also harmful? When does relevancy of facts form part of the
same transaction?


3. Discuss the law regarding proof of admissions against persons making them and by
or on behalf of them.

4. Write short notes on

a. Custodial Confession
b. Judgment in Rem & Judgment in Personam


5. Distinguish between Primary & Secondary Evidence? State the circumstances in

which secondary evidence may be given.
6. What constitutes "Character"? How far is character relevant and admissible in
evidence in civil and criminal cases?

7. What do you understand by Burden of Proof? On whom does the burden of proof
lies? Are there any exceptions? State the rules of determining Burden of Proof in a

suit or proceeding

8. How does the Indian law of evidence deal with

presumptions especially in case of
sexual offences? Examine critically.
9. Who is hostile witness? Under what circumstances a person is allowed to cross

examine his own witness? What are the limits of such rights of cross examination?
10. Write short notes on the following:
a) Impeaching the credit of a witness
b) Privileged communications
Your Roil No.
B.A., LL B, (Hons.) VIl Semester, Examination, 2016
Paper No. II

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)
Note: Attempt one question from each unit. All questions carry equal
Supply required facts, illustrations and statutory provisions to justify your

1. Explain the role of evidence in civil and criminal litigation process
2. Define and explain (any three)
() Fact
i) Evidence
(ii) Fact in issue
Giv) Proved

SI 8/1
3. Define admission'". Who can make an "admission7 Under what
circumstances can an admission be made? o, L1,
4. Explain confession. What is the evidentiary value of confession?

5. Describe the provisions of Indian Evidence Act relating to facts which
need not be proved.

6. "The contents of document may be proved either by primary or by

secondary evidence." Discuss and explain the constitution and meaning
of primary evidence and secondary evidence.


7. What do you understand by burden of proof? How is it different from

onus of proof?
Explain the Law of
Estoppel. Discuss different types of Estoppe.
9. Can a wife be
court of law? compelled to give evidence
Explain the law governing the
against her husband in a
10. Who is an
above situation.
accomplice?accomplice? What is the
evidentiary value of evidence
of an
Total Pages: 2

Your RolI No. ... ** ******** *********


B.A., LLB. (H), VITh Semester Examination, 2015

Law of Evidence

Paper No.: Iurd

Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

Note: Atempt one question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Supply required
facts, illustrations, case law and statutory provisid

1. "Evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts." Discuss.
2. Explain the doctrine of Res Gestae.

3. What is a dying declaration? Can it be accepted without corroboration?

4. (a) Explain non-admissible confession.

(b) Distinguish between admission and confession.


5. A contract in writing, with B, for the delivery of rice upon certain terms. The contract
mentions the fact that B had paid A the price of other rice contracted verbally on another
occasion. Oral evidence is offered that no payment was made for the other indigo. Is this oral
evidence admissible?

Explain with the help of relevant provision and rule of evidence with exceptions, if any.

R/2 |P:T.OJ
6. Describe secondary evideice relating to documents? When and in what manner,

secondary evidence of documents is admissible?


Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

7. Explain the law and types ofpresumptions recognized under
and meaning of Onus Probandi. How is it different from burden of proof
8. Explain the rules


child admissible ?
9 Who is competent to testify? Is the evidence given by a
What is cross examination of the witness? What is the purpose and object of cross
10. (a)

When may leading questions be asked?

(b) What are leading questions?
Total Pages: 2
BL-173 Your Rol No..
B.A. L.L.B. (Hons.) Semestrer-VII, Examination, 2014
Law of Evidence

Paper No. : IlI

Time: 03 hrs.]
M.M. 75
(Write your Roll No. the top
immediately on receipt of this question paper.)
Note Answer one question from each Unit. All
questions carry equal marks. Supply required
facts, illustrations and statutory provisions as
per rules.
Describe the relationship of Evidence with the substantive law and
2.(a) procedural law.
Define and explain Relevay and admissibility of evidence
(b) Distinguish between relevant fact and facts in issue.

3. Discuss the various Unit-I)

categories of persons who can make an admission under
of The Indian Section 18
Evidence Act, 1872.
4 Explain the term "Confession." Distinguish between
admissibel and non-admissible

5 Define with illustrations, the kinds of secondary
Evidence Act, 1872. evidence, admissible under the Indian
In which cases, can
secondary evidence, relating to documents
6. each be given
Write a note on the
as evidence.
(a) Judicial Notice.

(b) Public document.



What do you understand by the term "Burden ofProof ? How is it different from "Onus

of Proof"2

Explain the doctrine of Estoppel. Describe the diferent types of Estoppel contianed in

the Indian Guidence Act, 1872.


9. What is an Accomplice? What position does evidence of an Accomplice occupy under

The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 ?

10. Discuss the different types of examination of a witness given under the Indian Evidence

Act, 1872.
Your RolI No.

Time Three Hours
Maximum Marks 75
(Write your Roll No. the top immediately on
receipt of this question paper)
Candidates shall be required to answer Five
questions in all,
selecting ONE from each Unit.

1. You and your friend
disagree. According to your friend, the best rule of evidence
rule is the
of reasoning, commonsense and
prudence. For you, however, courts are not
engaged in an academic exercise, but the search of
truth, should involve a well
established methodology of usage and forms.
Analyse whether the truth lies
somewhere, in between, as is a holistic process of evidence
the Indian appreciation recognized by
Evidence Act?
2. (i) A fircd at B. From the Benthamite
classification, identify and discuss the kinds
available to an investigator. of facts
(i) Whether Black Acre belongs to A or to B is the
crux of a
whether it can be controversy in a suit. Analyse
suggested validly that factum probandum and factum probans are the
necessary clogs of establishment of rights and

3 X was seen scornfully walking

down the stairs of a
hands. Blood
building with a long sword in his
smeared on the weapon. He was
been sweet." No one has seen the actual impudently shouting, "revenge has
happening the event. What are the plausible
factors which you shall consider while
clamping upon him the' charge of murder from
the context of circumstantial evidence ?
With reference to case
essential law, analyse the
to the establishment of indirect evidence.

4. In a trial for murder of mother of

child whose cries attracted the
witnesses speak about the nature of the chid's cries and even passers-bý, can the
as to what the child
Discuss comprehensively in the said.
light of the doctrine of Res Gestoe.

The question was whether A lent money B. Do you believe that the hopelessly
to the concept
financial condition of Ais admissible in evidence ? Discuss with reference
defence of an
of Inconsistency. Further, analyse that defence of alibi is often the only

innocent man.


of which an accused person makes a

5. A policeman overhears a conversation in the course

the police is barred

confession to a person other than police officer. Discuss whether

under Section 26 of the Evidence Act to give such an evidence.

he had killed with a

6. An accused told the police officer (while in custody) that
chestnut tree. The weapon of offence was
gun which he concealed under a

in exception to Sections 25 and

discovered. Discuss whether the said can be proved
would be response in case
26 of the Evidence Act ?Analyse what your
the weapon of
the accused identifies the shop from where he had purchased


The deceased (D) was suffering from dengue fever. The accused (A) visited him at night
and following a heated discussion assaulted him leading to a fracture in the right

hand. D had to be admitted in hospital where he made a statement that the injury was

to low blood count. Discuss the essential

caused by A. Two days thereafter D died owing
declaration and the special sanctity attached to it
postulates of the admissibility ofa dying
by law.

immoveable property, is sought to be given in

An unregistered Sale Deed, transferring
evidence ? Discuss further whether oral
evidence. Is the said document admissible in
where the direct issue is based on
evidence can be adduced to prove a collateral fact
documentary evidence.

BL-173 21

A child is born during continuation ofa valid marriage. The husband claims 'non access' to

the wife. He has alleged that the couple had separated. The case of the wife is that there

were many opportunities of physical relationship between them. Do you perceive that S.
112 can afford claims of'bastardisation' on casual pleas of non-accessability of the parties?
Analyse with relation to the intent of law.

10. () A stranger sitting in the chamber of a legal advisor over hears a communication
between the lawyer and his client. Discuss whether the testimony of the third party is

(i) A man communicates (on 1.1.1990) to a woman relevant information about the
commission of a crime. Both of them got maried the next day. Analyse with
reference to law whether the said communication is protected from disclosure ?
YOur Roll No

B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) VIlth Semester, Examination 2009

Law of Evldonce

Papor No.-lI1
Time Threo Hours
Maximum Marks : 76

(Write your Roll No. on the top Immedlately on recelpt of thls quostlon paper.)
Note Attempt one questlon from oach unlt. All
questlons carry equal


Under what provisions of tho Indian Evidence Act, 1872, are the following

(a) Anil was charged for the murder of his wife.

There was evidence to the effect that Radhika had called up the operator
telephonically and had asked him to 'connect her to the
before the operator could connect to the
police. But,
police, the caller who spoke in
distress gave her address and the call ended
suddenly. Thereafter the
police came to the house and found the body of a dead
(b)In a trial of X for raping Y, the prosecution wants to
rely upon a complaint
made by Y relating to the crime and the
details of the circumstances under
which it was committed.

Would it make any difference if instead

of a
complaint it is
narration of events made by Y to her friend A. simply a

R 32/4
Mumbai on a certa
a crime at
is whether 'A
(c) The questions

day ticket of
that day
a railway
that 'A' produced
The fact is
journeyfrom Delhi to ? Give
atleast two
from a 'fait in
? How is it
2 (a) What is a 'fact'
examples of each. Evidence Act.
section 10 of the
Discus the law
relating to
the subject of
and is not
made on oath
is not
e v i d e n c e than
the evidence given
"As a dying
3 (a) a weaker type of
it is
witness box."
witness in a section
by a relevant under
a dying person
statement made by
(b) Is the following
Evidence Act,
32 (1) of the admitted to the hospital
He was
after his injury.
statement soon his
Zmade a about a week of
from there. After
and after treatment
of high fever.
discharge Z died The
committed murder of his brother Rajat.
for having
(a) Arun was charged
4 items against Arun.
produces two
of blood
to the discovery
Arun which led
statement made by
(i) a
and trousers,
axe, shirt blood stained
to the police that
statement of Arun made was used in the
(i) a blood stained axe
him and the
belonged to
commission of the murder.
compassions or
not ? Give
relevant as
Are the above

tb)xplan in brief the law relating to admissions


5 Write notes on the following

(a) Exclusion of oral by documentary evidence
(b) Rule against hearsay evidence.

6 Explain the law relating to primary and secondary documents. Give


7 Explain the doctrine of burden of proof. On whom does the burden of

proof lie ? Is the burden of proof similar in civil and criminal cases. Give
8 (a) What is the basis of the rule of
estoppel ? How is it different from
promissory estoppel?
(b) The university declared saying successful in his B.A. course. He was
allowed to take admission in the LL.B. course.
However, at the time when
he was about to take his LL.B.
degree, he given notice by the
university that he was wrongfully declared as 'passed in his B.A.
examination due to a mistake committed by the staff of the
Can the university take such an action ? Give reasons to
support your

9 Write notes on any two of the following

(a) Privileged communications

3 1 P.T.O
(b) Examination of witnesses

(c) Testing the credibility of witnesses.

10 "The law is not that the evidence of an accomplico doserves outnght

rejection if there is no corroboration. What is roquirod is to adopt great
circumspection and care when dealing with the ovidence of an accompire
Though there is no legal necessity to sook corroboration of accomplie's
evidence, it is desirable that court seeks roassuring circurmstances to
staisfy the judicial conscience that the evidence is true." Explain the above
statement with relevant case law.

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