Materi CS2017

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Certifying Staff Training


- Certifying Staff Task Analysis & Competency
- Certifying Staff Qualification & Requirements
B. He / She must additionally attain the following:

1) Be trained in GMF AeroAsia procedures and demonstrate by examination the

understanding of GMF AeroAsia procedures;

2) Take the aviation regulations course and demonstrate by examination the understanding of
aviation regulations;

3) May require to be trained on the Air Carriers procedures in general and specifically on
procedures regarding the performance and recording requirements of the required
inspection items. The training will be done by the contracted operator or, when authorized
by operator the training may be delegated, to GMF AeroAsia;

4) Be trained and passed the Certifying Staff Training;

5) Be trained in safety management system, hazardous material, and human factor;

6) Be trained in Fuel Tank Safety.

7.6.3 Privileges of the Certifying Staff Authorization Holder

The Certifying staff keeps the privileges they had as qualified personnel described in their
Certificate of Competencies. In addition to that the:

A. Category ‘A/P’ (B1 for EASA) GMF AeroAsia Certifying Staff Authorization: Permit the
holder to issue certificate of release to service following maintenance, including aircraft
structure, powerplant and mechanical and electrical systems. The category A/P (B1) also
permits the holder to issue certificate of release to service following minor scheduled line
maintenance and support Certifying Staff category B ( or C ) on base maintenance..

B. Category 'E/A' (B2 for EASA) GMF AeroAsia Certifying Staff Authorization: Permits the
holder to issue certificate of release to service following maintenance on avionics and
electrical systems and also to support Certifying Staff category B ( or C ) on base
NOTE: Line Maintenance Certifying Staff A/P, category permits the holder to issue the Certificate
of Release to Service following line maintenance, provided that any work outside his/her rating
has been certified by properly rated Certifying Staff.

The rectification of defects arising from this scheduled line maintenance check may also be
certified by Certifying staff category A/P or E/A.

The Category A/P and E/A authorization also permit certification of unscheduled defect normally
completed in line maintenance environment.

C. Category 'B' (C) GMF AeroAsia Certifying Staff Authorization: Permits the holder to
issue certificate of release to service following base maintenance on aircraft. The privileges
apply to the aircraft in it’s entirety in a part-145 organization. The basis for this certification
is that the maintenance has been carried out by competent mechanics and both category
A/P and E/A (B1 & B2) Certifying staff has signed for the maintenance under their respective
specialization. The principal function of category B (or C) Certifying staff is to ensure that all
required maintenance has been called up and signed off by category A/P and E/A (B1 & B2)
certifying staff before issue of the certificate of release to service.
NOTE: Test flight observation will be performed by Certifying Staff Category B and/or A/P and/or
Category E/A, and supported by Qualified Engineer as necessary.

D. Category 'D' GMF AeroAsia Certifying Staff Authorization: Permits the holder to issue
certificate of release to service for aircraft components including engines and APU and
Structure repair (See Exhibit 2).

7.6.4 Break in period & special cases.

Certifying staff who, for any reason, does not exercise their duties for a period of more than six
months within 2 (two) years will have to be re-assessed as per these procedures requirements.
The degree of assessment will depend on the break period and as determined by the VP for
Quality Assurance & Safety. Re-training may be required.

Certifying staff who have been assigned to a new type aircraft of similar technology or family
aircraft, will be trained to at least level I of ATA specification 104 providing they have previously
attended and passed at least one full training course to ATA specification 104 level III of similar
technology or family aircraft. A training cover the differences between the two types of aircraft
will be required

Certifying staff who have moved into another function and they do not exercise their duties as
certifying staff must return their Certifying Staff Authorization to the Personnel Qualification &
Licensing. They are not allowed to hold such authorization and they will not be considered
certifying staff.
c) Certifying Staff shall submit his / her personnel experience log book by using Form No. GMF/Q-
251 for Aircraft rating and Form No. GMF/Q-346 for Component/Structural Repair/Engine/APU
rating to Personnel Qualification for validation. For A/C Certifying Staff, Log Book entries shall
cover minimum 100 (one hundred) days total for all type ratings. While for
Component/Structural Repair/Engine/APU, it shall cover minimum of 50 (fifty) days.

d) Certifying staff must have attended and passed examination continuation training module 1
and module 2 respective aircraft rating or module 2 respective aircraft component/structural
repair/Engine/APU. For initial or additional authorizations that have validity for 6 months or
less it is not required to attend continuation training module 2.

e) After passing Module 1 and Module 2, the applicant must pass the Oral Assessment.

f) Renewal of certifying staff aircraft authorization for Base and Line Maintenance assigned to
handle PT. Garuda Indonesia aircraft will follow PT. Garuda Indonesia company maintenance
manual (CMM ) Appendix A: 01 paragraph 5e.
f) The issue of a certificate of release to service knowing that the maintenance specified on the
certificate of release to service has not been carried out or without verifying that such
maintenance has been carried out;

g) Carrying out maintenance activities related with her/his authorization or issuing a certificate
of release to service when affected by alcohol or drugs.

h) The validity of the stamp and Certificate of Competency is limited by expiration date if
applicable or as long as the employee works under the same Job Title and Job competency
and performs the same tasks unless it has been revoked or suspended. Only when the
employee changes job title, the C of C and the stamp will not be valid and must return back
to Personnel Qualification & Licensing. When the employee is promoted to a higher Job
competency level, for the same job title the C of C may be upgraded.


To ensure that all aircraft to meet the applicable airworthiness requirements, all personnel
assigned working on the aircraft are subjected an AME License Holder and no person may sign
maintenance release document unless has been assign and authorized for subject task.

Personnel that authorized to sign off the final maintenance release of aircraft document after
maintenance are qualified and appropriately licenses. Since the Garuda Indonesia Aircraft are
maintained by approved maintenance organizations (AMO), the authorization is issued based
on the request of the AMO or operator Quality Assurance.


Authorization System: The qualified personnel shall have authorization, as authority to carry
out the certification on an aircraft after maintenance work is completed and called maintenance
release. The authorization / endorsement certificate shall bear the following: Name, Personal
Number, Authorization Number, Unit, Validity, Date of Issued, Reference of Authorization, AME
License Numbers, and Signature of the Airworthiness Standard Senior Manager.


65.1 Applicability

This Part prescribes the requirements for the issue or renewal of:

(a) aircraft maintenance licences, certificates and ratings; and

(b) the privileges and limitations of those licences, certificates and ratings.

65.2 Definitions

The following definitions apply to this Part:

A basic certificate is equivalent to a licence without ratings and is issued by the

Director General to persons who meet the age, knowledge, skill and experience
requirements of this Part.
A certificate of maintenance approval is equivalent to a licence, but the group or type
ratings may be limited in respect of validity and scop
A licence is the document described in Annex 1, Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2.

A group rating is a rating covering a group of aircraft or components. Groups of

aircraft or components shall be as determined by the Director General.

A type rating is a rating for a specified individual aircraft or component.

A group or type rating, when added to a basic certificate, is a licence.

The scope of a group or type rating defines the range of aircraft or components for
which the rating is valid. The scope of a licence rating is fixed. The scope of a rating
on a certificate of maintenance approval may be limited as the Director General

When referred to in this Part, a workshop engineer, is a person who holds a licence
rating or a certificate of maintenance approval granting privileges for the certification
of specified aircraft or components after overhaul or repair.
65.3 Conformity with International Standards

Licences, certificates and ratings issued under this Part conform to the minimum
standards of Annex 1 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

65.5 Licences and certificates

The following licences, certificates and ratings are issued under this Part:

(a) basic certificates in one or more of the following categories:

(b) licences in one or more of the following categories:

(1) airframes
(2) engines
(3) electrical
(4) instrument
(5) Radio

(c) certificates of maintenance approval

(d) type and group ratings listed in Appendix A

(e) aircraft and component ratings.

65.11 Validity and renewal of licences and certificates

(a) Unless suspended or cancelled by the Director General, a licence or certificate

shall remain valid for the period specified in the document and such period shall
not exceed two years from the date of issue or previous renewal of the document.

(b) Upon application to the Director General, and showing compliance with this Part,
the period of validity of such licences and certificates may be renewed for a
further period not exceeding two years.

(c) An applicant for the renewal of a licence or certificate and the holder of a valid
licence or certificate shall not exercise the privileges of the document unless,
65.13 Certificate of competency

Each application for a basic examination shall be accompanied by a certificate of

competency, (Form KU-071) signed by a person approved by the Director General
for the purpose, showing that the applicant has complied with the technical skill
requirements of this Part.

65.15 Licence and certificate document

The Director General shall issue to each applicant who has qualifications for the
grant of a licence or certificate under the terms of this Part a licence or certificate
document which shall specify the applicant’s licence or certificate number and the
ratings granted.

65.17 Examinations: General

(a) Examinations prescribed by or under this Part are given at times and locations,
and by persons, designated by the Director General.
(b) The minimum-passing grade for each examination is 70 percent.
(c) An applicant for a licence or certificate shall pass the basic knowledge written,
oral and practical examinations in the subjects appropriate to the category
sought. The Director General shall conduct all basic examinations. The basic
knowledge syllabus for each category is specified in Appendix B.
(d) The Director General may issue a licence or certificate to persons who pass the
basic knowledge examination.
(b) The commission by any person of an act prohibited under paragraph (a) of this
section is a basis for suspending or revoking any licence or certificate and rating
held by that person.

65.25 Change of address

Within 30 days after any change to a permanent mailing address, the holder of a
licence or certificate issued under this Part shall notify the appropriate office of the
Director General, in writing, of the new address.

65.27 Suspension or cancellation

Upon the suspension or cancellation of a licence or certificate the holder shall return
the licence or certificate document to the appropriate office of the Director General.

65.29 Medical fitness

Holders of a licence or certificate shall not exercise the privileges of that licence or
certificate if they know or suspect that their physical or mental condition renders them
unfit to exercise such privileges.

65.31 Display of licence or certificate

Each person who holds a licence or certificate shall keep it within the immediate area
where that person normally exercises the privileges of that licence or certificate and
shall present it for inspection upon the request of an authorized representative of the
Director General.
(f) Has satisfactorily completed ONE of the following :

1) A traineeship in an aviation technical trade, of forty eight months of practical

aviation related experience, including formal technical training with the
procedures, practices, materials, tools, machine tools, and equipment
generally used in constructing, maintaining, or modifying airframes,
powerplants, or avionics equipment, gained at any time; or

(2) A traineeship in an appropriate non-aviation technical trade, and thirty six

months of practical aviation related experience with the procedures, practices,
materials, tools, machine tools, and equipment generally used in constructing,
maintaining, or modifying airframes, powerplants, or avionic equipment,
gained following completion of the traineeship; or

(3) A total of sixty months of practical aviation related experience with the
procedures, practices, materials, tools, machine tools, and equipment
generally used in constructing, maintaining, or modifying airframes,
powerplants, or avionic equipment; or

(4) A course of integrated training, including at least thirty-six months of

supervised training and experience, conducted by the holder of an approved
maintenance training organization certificate issued under CASR Part 147
that authorizes the conduct of such course.
65.47 Privileges

(a) Subject to paragraph (b) and the requirements of Part 145, an aircraft
maintenance engineer licence authorises the holder to:

65.51 Applicability

(a) This Subpart prescribes the regulations governing group ratings and type
(b) Each licence category may be granted ratings as specified in this Subpart.
(c) The Director General may issue a licence and rating with such limitations as
considered necessary.
(d) The privileges and limitations of a licence issued under this Part are as
prescribed in this Part and in Part 43.

65.53 Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for the grant of a group or type rating a person shall:

(a) hold a current aircraft maintenance engineer licence in the category to which the
rating relates, and

(b) has completed at least:

(1) six months practical experience on the type or group of aircraft or
components for which the rating is sought, and
(2) submit a schedule of experience in a format approved by the Director
General, and

(c) has successfully completed:

(1) examinations acceptable to the Director General, or
(2) a course of training relevant to the type of aircraft or components for which
the rating is sought:
i) conducted by the holder an aviation training organisation certificate
issued under Part 147 which authorises the conduct of such a
course, or

(ii) conducted by the manufacturer of the applicable aircraft or

component, or

(iii) approved by the competent authority of a foreign contracting State.

65.55 Privileges

(a) A group rating authorises the holder of an aircraft maintenance engineer licence
to exercise the privileges of that licence on any aircraft or component falling
within the definition of the applicable group in Appendix A.

(b) Subject to the requirements of Part 145, a type rating authorises the holder of an
aircraft maintenance engineer licence to exercise the privileges of that licence
on the type of aircraft or component specified on that rating

65.61 Applicability

This Subpart prescribes regulations governing the issue of certificates of

maintenance approval and the privileges and limitations of that certificate.

65.63 Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for a certificate of maintenance approval a person shall:

(a) be not less than 21 years of age and have practical experience, acceptable to
the Director General, for the particular type or group of aircraft or components
for which the certificate of maintenance approval is sought, and

(b) for the particular type or group of aircraft or components for which the certificate
of maintenance approval is sought,

(1) have successfully completed a course of training acceptable to the Director

General, and

(2) have passed examinations, including an examination in Air Law and

Airworthiness Requirements, that are acceptable to the Director General.
(c) Electrical

Group 1: electrical systems in pressurised aeroplanes of 5700 kg or less and

unpressurised airframes which have as their primary source of power:

(i) DC generators, or
(ii) Starter generators, or
(iii) Alternators with self-contained rectifiers

Group 2: electrical systems which have as their primary source of power:

(i) DC generators, or starter generators, and have frequency wild

alternators installed for secondary services, or

(ii) constant frequency AC from alternators driven by constant speed drive

Group 1: general aircraft instrument systems; basic flight instrument systems;
oxygen systems; cabin pressurisation and air conditioning systems other than
those fitted to pressurised aeroplanes of 5700 kg or more

Group 2: autoflight and navigation systems including air data computer

systems, servo driven instruments, remote gyro systems including remote
reading compasses, automatic flight control systems and inertial navigation
systems other than those fitted to pressurised aeroplanes of 5700 kg or more.

(e) Radio

Group 1: airbornes communication systems including VHF, HF, CVR, audio

and ELT

Group 2: airborne navigation systems including ADF, VOR, ILS, VLF,

Omega, marker beacon, GPS and GNSS

Group 3: airborne primary and secondary radar including weather radar,

doppler, radio altimeter, DME, transponder and TCAS.
2. Types

Ratings for the following aircraft or components shall be issued by the Director
General as type ratings for the individual aircraft or component types:

(a) Airframes:
Pressurised aeroplanes and helicopters that the Director General considers
are not included in the Airframe Group 5 and 6 rating

(b) Engines:
Turbine powerplants

(c) Electrical:
Electrical systems and equipment installed in pressurised aeroplanes of more
than 5700 kg

(d) Instruments:
Integrated flight systems installed in pressurised aeroplanes of more than
5700 kg

(e) Radio:
Complete radio installations installed in pressurised aeroplanes of more than
5700 kg

(f) Components:
Overhaul and maintenance of aircraft components listed in 145.31 and 145.33.
(d) Aircraft Maintenance

Tasks required to ensure the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft including

methods and procedures for the overhaul, repair, inspection, replacement,
modification or defect rectification of aircraft structures, components and systems in
accordance with the methods prescribed in the relevant Maintenance Manuals and
the applicable Standards of airworthiness.

(e) Human Performance and Limitations

Human performance and limitations relevant to the duties of a licence or certificate

Amdt. 1
Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are legally enforceable rules issued by the Authority to correct an unsafe
condition in a product as an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance.
Authority and assigns responsibility for the development and issuance of AD in accordance with applicable
statutes and regulations.
All Aviation Safety aerospace engineers, aviation safety inspectors, office of rulemaking, office of the chief
counsel, and the office of information services

Authority, Type Certificate Owner, and Aircraft Owner/Operator are responsible for the continued operational
safety of products for which it has responsibility.
An Airworthiness Directive is a notification to owners and operators of certified aircraft that a known safety
deficiency with a particular model of aircraft, engine, avionics or other system exists and must be corrected.
If a certified aircraft has outstanding airworthiness directives that have not been complied with, the aircraft is
not considered airworthy. Thus, it is mandatory for an aircraft operator to comply with an AD.
Aircraft owners and operators are responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of all Ads
that comply to their aircraft. Anyone who operates a product that does not meet the requirements of an
applicable AD is in violation of regulation.

ADs usually result from service difficulty reporting by operators or from the results of aircraft accident
investigations. They are issued either by the national civil aviation authority of the country of aircraft
manufacture or of aircraft registration.

When ADs are issued by the country of registration they are almost always coordinated with the civil
aviation authority of the country of manufacture to ensure that conflicting ADs are not issued.
In detail, the purpose of an AD is to notify aircraft owners:

• That the aircraft may have an unsafe condition, or

• That the aircraft may not be in conformity with its basis of certification or
• Other conditions that affect the aircraft's airworthiness, or
• That there are mandatory actions that must be carried out to ensure continued safe operation, or
• That, in some urgent cases, the aircraft must not be flown until a corrective action plan is designed
and carried out.

ADs are mandatory in most jurisdictions and often contain dates or aircraft flying hours by which
compliance must be completed .
Different approaches or techniques that are not specified in an AD can, after authority approval, be used to correct an
unsafe condition on an aircraft or aircraft product.
Although the alternative may not have been known at the time the AD was issued, an alternative method could be
acceptable to accomplish the intent of the AD.
A compliance time that differs from the requirements of the AD can also be approved if the revised time period
provides an acceptable level of safety that is at least equivalent to that of the requirements of the AD .
AD divided into of categories:

• An emergency nature requiring immediate compliance prior to further flight, and

• A less urgent nature requiring compliance within a specified period of time.

The issues ADs by three different processes:

• Standard AD process: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), followed by a Final Rule

• Final Rule and Request for Comments
• Emergency airworthiness directives - issued without time for comment. This is only used issued "when an
unsafe condition exists that requires immediate action by an owner/ rapidly correct an urgent
safety of flight situation.
Emergency AD is issued when an unsafe condition exists that requires immediate action by an owner/operator.
The intent of an Emergency AD is to rapidly correct an urgent safety of flight situation.
Content and format AD consist of two parts, the preamble and the rule. The preamble provides the basis and
purpose of the AD. The rule portion provides regulatory requirements for correcting the unsafe condition.

Generally, ADs include:

• A description of the unsafe condition

• The product to which the AD applies
• The required corrective action or operating limitations, or both
• The AD effective date
• A compliance time
• Where to go for more information
• Information on alternative methods of compliance with the requirements of the AD.

ADs have a three-part number designator (2012-10-13).

• 2012 - The first part is the calendar year of issuance.

• 10 - The second part is the biweekly period of the year when the number is assigned.
• 13 - The third part is issued sequentially within each biweekly period.
53 – Emergency Airworthiness Directive.
Airworthiness Certification of Maintenance

A Maintenance Release is an airworthiness certification conducted after the

completion conducted of a maintenance task certifying that the maintenance action
was performed in accordance with the applicable maintenance manual or approved
modification instruction. A Maintenance Release signed by a person who has been
assigned Maintenance Release Authority (MRA) for the specific task and aeronautical
product type is required for all maintenance tasks except servicing and elementary

• Aircraft Release.
The final airworthiness-related requirement in the conduct of maintenance is the
signing of an Aircraft Release prior to the release of an aircraft to operations
following the completion of all maintenance, servicing and elementary work tasks.
The purpose of the Aircraft Release is to ensure that only those aircraft that are
considered airworthy are released to operations. This provides the basis upon which
the pilot-in-command or aircraft captain determines the acceptability of the
particular aircraft for the intended mission.
Initial Airworthiness/ Continuing
Original Airworthiness.
Airworthiness .
Initial Airworthiness Continuing Airworthiness
includes the processes and involves those activities
activities necessary to necessary to ensure that
ensure that aeronautical aeronautical products
products are airworthy continue to meet the
when they are initially appropriate airworthiness
designed and rules and standards
manufactured. throughout their
operating life.
Maintenance release – Authority requirements

Certification of maintenance or Maintenance

Release, is a document that contains a certification
confirming that the maintenance work has been
completed in a satisfactory manner i.a.w approved
data and procedures (FAA 129-4A)

EASA Part 145.A.50 (a)

’Endangers (hazards) the flight safety’ means where safe operation could
not be assured or which could lead to an unsafe condition.
It typically includes (but is not limited to):

✓ significant cracking,
✓ deformation,
✓ corrosion or failure of primary structure,
✓ any evidence of burning,
✓ electrical arcing,
✓ significant hydraulic fluid or fuel leakage
✓ any emergency system or total system failure.
✓ airworthiness directive overdue

EASA AMC 145.A.50 (a)

The aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, or appliance identified above was
repaired and inspected i.a.w current CASR is approved for return to
service with respect to the work performed. RSM 2.16.4

The aircraft identified on the reverse side or above was repaired and inspected i.a.w
current FAR and is approved for return to service with respect to the work
performed. RSM 2.16.5

‘Certifies that the work specified, except as otherwise specified, was carried out i.a.w
EASA Part-145 and in respect to that work the aircraft/aircraft component is
considered ready for release to service’. MOE 2.16.4
Minor check
“I certify that this aircraft has been maintained and inspected in accordance with
the requirements of the Indonesian Civil Aviation Safety Regulation applicable
there to the aircraft is in airworthy condition and safe for operation.” GA CMM
Chapter IX.
Major check
“I certify that the aircraft identified above has been maintained and inspected in
accordance with the approved continuous airworthiness maintenance program
Doc. No . . . .Rev. No. . . . routine and detail inspection were performed, there to
the aircraft is in airworthy condition and ready for return to service.” GA
CMM Chapter IX.
What is the meaning of ''in respect to that work''?

In respect of that work means that the certifying staff verifies

compliance to the work requested by the operator/customer as per
the work order and issues release to service document stating that
the work requested has been performed i.a.w the applicable
Deferred items

AMOM / MOE 2.16

EASA part 145.A.45
Deferred items

➢ AMO does not have the authority for

exemption (“pengecualian”) process for a
maintenance interval and/or to defer
extension of defects that found during
maintenance of customer's aircraft.
➢ The operator is responsibility to arrange
for an extension of an interval or to defer a
defect with the Authority of aircraft

AMOM / MOE 3.9

Deferred items

AMOM / MOE 3.9

- Operator Procedure

All maintenance, preventive maintenance, alteration of the aircraft, engines, components and
appliances carried out by contracted Approved Maintenance Organization for Garuda Indonesia,
that shall be performed in accordance with the method techniques as prescribed in the Garuda
Indonesia Company Maintenance Manual, current manufacturer’s maintenance manuals for
continued airworthiness or other methods techniques, and practices acceptable to the DGCA.

Tool and equipment and test apparatus necessary to assure completion of the work in
accordance with accepted industry practices shall be used. Where special equipment or test
apparatus is recommended by the manufacturer involved, and that equipment or apparatus or
its equivalent if acceptable to the Director General, must be use.

Any maintenance organization or any person performing maintenance, preventive maintenance

and alteration shall do that work in such manner and use material of such quality, that the
condition of the aircraft, engine, appliances work on shall be at least equal to its original or
properly altered condition and shall responsible for task their performed.

All work perform shall be done by qualified person and verified by inspector, adequate and use
of the standard tool & equipment, facilities described in the manufacturer maintenance manual.

Maintenance personnel/ Inspection personnel are required to be thoroughly familiar with all
inspection methods, techniques, and equipment used in their area of responsibility to determine
the quality of airworthiness of the aircraft, engines, components and appliances undergoing
maintenance, preventive maintenance or alterations.

All inspectors, supervisors, and mechanics are required to be thoroughly familiar with the
requirements of this Manual, CASR and Int. Aviation Regulation (part 21, 43, 65, 91, 121, 145),
Airworthiness Directives, Manufacturer Maintenance Manuals, Service Letters & Bulletins, and
Working Instructions. The requirement of the certifying aircraft qualification personnel is
described in the chapter VII-2.

Assigned personnel above when abroad, must know that they have to comply with the laws,
regulations, and procedures of those states where the operations will be conducted. Those
personnel shall be brief in according with chapter VII-1 Technical Training.

All maintenance, preventive maintenance, alteration process activities shall be plan to ensures
that the instructions, documentation, material, facilities, tools and equipment necessary to
perform the task available and manuals are accessible at the working area.

Inspection program and program covering all maintenance, preventive maintenance, and
alteration shall be developed by considering human factor principle to meet the plan, to provide
a safe, to prevent mistake and environmentally friendly working environment for all staff.

The Maintenance Programs shall be translated in to Job Card’s, detail reference of maintenance
manual, material, tools and equipment shall be included in the Job Card. Additionally the
Airworthiness Directive and the selected Service Bulletin will also be translated in to Working
Instruction then in to Job Card by responsible Engineering function of the contractor.

During work process, at any stage of maintenance work, inspection, test, and relevant details
shall be recorded on the Job Card’s or accompanying documentation. Final inspection shall
include verification that all required stages of work, including inspection, testing and recording
of related data, have been taken place.

The Aircraft shall be release to service following maintenance by a person a specifically

authorized by Airworthiness Management. Detail procedure of the :
1) Maintenance release is describes in the chapter IX.
2) Aircraft Document is describes in the App. A-06.
3) Maintenance Check is describes in the App. C-02.


The Quality Assurance organization shall ensure that inspection and functional test activities are
carried out in accordance with the manufacturer maintenance manual to verify that the
specified requirements are met to the CASR. Provision is included for the recording results of
inspections and identifying by qualified accountable person for carrying these out.
Preliminary Inspection

In determining the amount and nature of preliminary inspection, consideration should be

given to the control exercised at source and documented evidence of quality
conformance is provided.

All aircraft undergoing maintenance shall have a preliminary inspection to determine the
state of preservation (functional test as appropriate) and to note any obvious defects.
The results are recorded on the AML that will the aircraft it is released for service.
The preliminary inspection process for aircraft consist of physical inspection including
followed by the convening of an input review committee which will determine the work
plan for the aircraft based on the maintenance program requirements, modification,
special inspections and physical condition.

Before working on any airframe, engine or part thereof that has been in involved in an
accident, thorough inspection for hidden damage, involved the areas next to the
obviously damaged parts and the results documented as above.
In-Process Inspection

The quality control inspector shall do inspection, test and identify aircraft system as
required by the manufacture maintenance manual, establish aircraft conformance to
airworthiness requirements by use of monitoring and control methods.

The process control system provides for continuity of the stage inspections, and
functional test in accordance with applicable manufacturer’s maintenance manual or
approved methods and procedures.

All required inspection items after stage of completion shall be performed to verify correct
assembly. These are mandatory verifications and are called out whenever the appropriate
assembly stage is complete. See chapter III-2-2 in this manual for detail.
Shift Task Hand Over Procedure

To ensure that required inspections, other maintenance preventive maintenance, and

alterations that are not completed as a result of shift change or similar work interruptions
are properly completed before the aircraft is released to service.

Inspection continuity during personnel assignment or shift changes will be maintained by

adequate written statements in the hand over book and supplemented by personnel
At line and base maintenance, hands over books are used to record the status of
progress maintenance at the end of each shift. The supervisory staff in charge of the shift
(e.g shift leader or duty engineer ) is responsible to ensure that the Hand over Book is
duly completed.
Final Inspection

After completion of all maintenance a general verification must be carried out prior to
issuing Return To Service to ensure the aircraft or component is clear of all tools,
equipment and any other extraneous parts and material, and that all access panels
removed have been refitted (EASA 402).

After determining satisfactory completion, the authorization holder shall certify with
respect to the work performed.
In making this determination the authorization holder will satisfy himself by: Direct or
indirect supervision of the maintenance task/ process; and examination of all Job Card
and master check list that all required work inspection and functional test have been
performed, all work record are present and correct and that all required inspection item
and certifications have been completed.

No aircraft shall be released until all the activities specified in work order or quality plan
have been satisfactorily completed and the associated data and documentation is
available and authorized. And has been inspected or otherwise verified as conforming to
the airworthiness requirements.
Inspection and Test Records

In accordance with chapter IV, this manual provides control documents, which give
evidence that the aircraft has been maintained and inspected, a functional test are
performed with defined acceptance criteria and identification of quality aircraft inspector,
which is used to control the work and record completion.

f. Inspection and Test Status

The inspection, functional test status shall be identified by using the authorized stamps in
the job card. This identification shall indicate conformance or non-conformance of
aircraft, engine and it components with regard to inspection and functional test.
Inspection and functional test status shall be maintained to ensure that only aircraft that
has been maintained and inspected is ready for issuing maintenance release.

Aircraft, engine and its component documentation includes certification records of all
inspections and test completed at each stage together with test status or data if required.
Records of supplementary or outstanding work are also held with the aircraft or
component for acquittal at subsequent stages.
Job Card Certification

In order to clear and traceable of the discrepancies, do not leave the discrepancy column
blank. Write the column with discrepancies or NIL when an inspection has been made
and stamp the column.

There are two certification column on the job card: Mech. and LAME. Its mandate to the
mechanic and LAME to complete the certification after finished the job. However, when
the appropriate mechanic is not available doing the job, the LAME should take the
responsibility and certify in the LAME column, the mechanic column may be crossed then
the responsibility rest to the LAME. Particularly for minor inspection the job card that only
one column shall be certified by GA Authorization Holder.
Special Condition

When the aircraft is Return to Service for urgent operation, and some item have not
performed yet due to some reason, but still under the airworthiness limitation. The item it
shall be positively identified and recorded in order to permit immediate recall and
replacement in the event of non-conformance to specified requirements and recorded in
the AML book.

When the aircraft is on the ground more than 1(one) month and the test flight is not
required, the flight crew may perform ground acceptance check prior the authorization
holder to release the aircraft returned to service.

Navigation Data Base

The aircraft is equipped with Electronic Navigation Data base therefore the Navigation
Data Base (NDB) of all operational aircraft shall have current inserted navigation data
base prior to the first flight on effective of the date.

The Navigation Data Base validity shall be check at night stop (daily check/service check),
every inserting current/ updating Navigation Data Base shall be recorded in the Aircraft
Maintenance Log book by Authorized Personnel.
Required Inspection Items

Required Inspection Items (RII) is defined as those maintenance and alteration items
that, if not performed properly, or improper parts or materials are used, could result in
failure, malfunction or defect endangering the safe operation of the aircraft.
Detail Procedure is described in the chapter III-2-2.

This procedure contains required inspection method, procedures, limits, and standards
necessary to comply with such inspections and list of minimum Required Inspection Items.
Required Inspection Items (RII) is defined as those maintenance and alteration items that, if
not performed properly, or improper parts or materials are used, could result in failure,
malfunction or defect endangering the safe operation of the aircraft.

The Airworthiness Management shall responsible for the administration and control of the RII
management. Each person performing the required inspection on any aircraft, engine or
component thereof, shall be under control of quality assurance function that is separated from
the other maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration functions. The authorised RII
personnel list shall be kept by Airworthiness Management office.

At line station where the Authorized RII does not exist, an authorized maintenance personnel
may perform the Required Inspection Item. In such cases, entry will be made in the AML to the
effect that an inspection item was bought back by an authorization holder.

The Authorized inspectors shall consult all publications that normally used in the course of
maintenance to assure themselves that all work accomplished on RII conforms to applicable
manual, procedures, standard and limits.

Unless more specific inspection instructions are contained within the applicable manual, the
inspector shall perform a visual inspection of each installation for security, safety, standard
practice and workmanship.

Repairs and alterations shall be inspected for proper material, fasteners, workmanship, and
conformity with engineering publications. Fuel, oil, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems disturbed
must be pressure checked. Authorized Inspector must witness the functional checks of all
system installation on RII as listed in the paragraph 10 & 11.

Any person who is authorized to perform required inspections shall be appropriately licensed,
properly trained, qualified, and authorized to do so. The Airworthiness Management shall
maintain a current listing of qualified inspectors who are authorized to perform Required
Inspections. The list will include inspector’s name, occupational title, station, and type of
aircraft/ engine that the inspector is authorized on, and any inspection limitations imposed.

Garuda Indonesia recognizes that inspectors employed by Principal Authorized Agencies are
qualified to perform Required Inspections on its aircraft according to its ratings requirements as
stated in this manual, however Principal Authorized Agencies shall submitted their candidate RII
personnel to GA Airworthiness Management for evaluation to issuing the RII Authorization.
Airworthiness Management shall maintain a listing authorization of assigned Agency Inspectors.


All discrepancies or rejection during maintenance & operation, an inspection findings written up
during which is falls under the category of RII must be identified as RII signed by “R”.

Upon accomplishment of the rectification must be re-inspected by authorized RII inspectors, in

such cases, entry shall be made in the Aircraft Maintenance Logbook.

No person, who performed any maintenance, preventive maintenance, repair or alteration work
identified as a RII may perform the required inspection of that work. The Inspector who is
performing required inspection is not permitted to inspect his own work.
As the expertise capacity of authorization holder may perform the aircraft maintenance (work
perform), he may not allows to inspect his own work for the RII categorized, than the RII
inspection shall be done by the other Company Authorization Holder.


No aircraft may be release for return to service undergoing maintenance; preventive

maintenance, repair or alteration until all Required Inspection Items has been performed
completely. Person authorized to release for return to service is responsible to assure all RII are
performs properly by authorized personnel.
RII inspection and certification shall not be postponed, prior to issuing the maintenance
release. Any violation from this procedure, the holder of authorization, who is issuing the
maintenance release will be noted and processes accordingly.

To assure a continuing inspection, maintenance, preventive maintenance and alteration

responsibility, which may span over more than one work shift, a work order form is provided in
the work place. The work order will be used as status report of each concerned person
informing to the next shift of the status of inspection, maintenance, preventive maintenance
and alteration completed during crew shift briefing.
In addition the turnover books shall be used to describe the shift’s activities and to record
outstanding maintenance and inspection items, which are being turned over, to the next shift.
Person authorized to release for Return To Service is responsible to assure that all inspection,
maintenance were not completed, as a result of employee shift changes or similar work
interruptions, are properly completed before the aircraft is release to service.


All work packages scheduled maintenance to be accomplished on an aircraft engine, component

or appliances shall be accompanied by a Work Order, which is listed in detail, the contents of
the work package. The Job Card Master List will listing the detail job cards.
Upon completion of maintenance, the authorized person who will release the aircraft, shall
cross-check the contents of the work package against the Work Order and Job Card master list,
to ensure that all items are completed, all discrepancies has been rectified.

RII personnel are distinguished between RII Personnel of Line Maintenance (LQ Stamp) and
RII Personnel of Hangar Maintenance (Q Stamp) depends on their experience. RII personnel
can perform RII activities based on their authorization or privilege which can be shown below.
Maintenance Job Card Certification System

The higher degree of maintenance personnel is the holder of Q stamp/sign, therefore

certification of the Required Inspection Item shall have the first person to perform the work and
certify by LAME in the MECH column then Q or LQ Stamp/sign in the LAME column after
Inspector doing the inspection.

Normal Inspection: MECH stamp holder shall perform the work and stamp in the MECH column,
If the MECH stamp holder does not present, the LAME column shall be stamped by LAME
holder, the mechanic column may crossed by LAME then the responsibility rest to the LAME.
In order to clear and traceable of the discrepancies, do not leave the discrepancy column are
blank. Write the column with discrepancies or NIL when an inspection has been made and
stamp the column.

Minor maintenance Job Card has only one column certification, that must be certified by GA
Authorization Holder.

When an aircraft experiences damage or defect, which can not be rectified at the place of origin
occurrence, and when this damage or defect is not covered by:

a. The Minimum Equipment List, or

b. The Configuration Deviation List, or
c. The appropriate Manufacturer’s Manuals.

And when the Pilot in Command, after due consideration of all factors, deems that the airplane
is safe for flight, he may, as his sole discretion, and after conferring with the Authorization
Holder-in-charge, arrange for the application of Dispatch Authorization (DA).
A damage or defect released under a DA must be rectified when the airplane next returns to
the main base.

a. The Authorization Holder, in consultation with the Maintenance Control Center on Duty,
shall initiate a request for Dispatch Authorization; prior to apply the dispatch
authorization the MCC shall discussed with the quality control and aircraft engineering
function of the maintenance provider then after having verification submit the DA
application to Airworthiness Management.

b. Where possible, the request for application of DA should be by telex or e-mail. In cases
of expediency, the request for a DA may be made by telephone or radio. In such an
event a follow-up telex/ e-mail on the request made shall be urgent. MCC should forward
the follow-up telex/e-mail to authorization holder where the aircraft are on the ground
after approved by Airworthiness Management of Garuda Indonesia.

c. The DA application shall be made by MCC on duty.

d. Dispatch Authorization approval follow up telex/ e-mail shall be sent after DA has been
approved by VP of Airworthiness Management, however, if the VP of Airworthiness
Management were absence at the time of occurrence, the responsibility will fall to one
level below.

a. The authorization holder in charge shall initiate request for DA only after due consultation
and agreement with the MCC on Duty. This does not, however, preclude the
authorization holder-in-charge of the airplane from discussing the defect with Pilot in

b. The authorization holder-in-charge of the aircraft shall provide full details of the damage
or defect report be transmitted to the Maintenance Control Center and Airworthiness
Management including reasons for inability to effect a repair. To minimize the delay,
details of the request for a DA may be made by telephone, SMS or radio to the MCC and
followed by a telex/ e-mail message.

c. On receipt of a DA, the authorization holder-in-charge of the aircraft shall enter the
maintenance action required in the “ACTION” block of the Aircraft Maintenance Log,
including any conditions or limitations specified in the DA, and quote the DA number.

d. In addition, the damage or defect and the DA number shall be entered in the Hold Item
List (HIL), together with any conditions or limitation issued in conjunction with the DA. If
there is no special condition or limitations, “NO SPECIAL CONDITIONS” shall be recorded
in the HIL.

e. Where a condition of a DA is repair or modification are not detailed in the appropriate

manufacturer’s manuals, the repair or modification instructions shall be authorized on the
appropriate document.

a. If an aircraft departs under a Dispatch Authorization, a special telex must be dispatch to

that station and to all en route stations.
b. The Dispatch Authorization telex will be in addition to any delay or other telexes, and
serves as confirmation that conditions and limitations of issue have been complied with
and as an alert to all en route stations.
c. Dispatch Authorization telexes/email will be dispatched using “QX” priority code.
d. The Dispatch Authorization telex format will be as indicated in the paragraph 5.





(enroute sta) JKTOMGA

In order to maintain flight schedule integrity, it occasionally becomes necessary to defer the
rectification of minor discrepancies to a more opportune time. Deferral shall be permitted under
controlled conditions defined in the Garuda Indonesia Dispatch Deficiency Guide (including
Minimum Equipment List, Operation Procedure, Maintenance Procedure and Configuration
Deviation List).

The purpose of Deferred Maintenance Procedures is to control deferred discrepancy rectification,

to avoid deferred discrepancy over due according to DDG.
The Deferred Maintenance Procedure is documented with the use of:

a. The Hold Item List Control Sheet Form (MZ-2-25), which is used by MCC to defer
discrepancies and to assign them to maintenance for corrective action.
b. The Hold Item List Extension Monthly Report (MZ-2-25.1), which is used by MCC to report
status of deferred items and extent due date.
c. The Hold Item List Extension Application (MZ-2-25.2), which is use by MCC to request
approval to Airworthiness Management for extending repair interval of the HIL.
The Maintenance Control Center (MCC) has the authority to defer items, which meet one or more
of the following criteria:

a. The malfunctioning system or component is specifically addressed in the Minimum Equipment

List (MEL) or Configuration Deviation List (CDL).
b. The limitations for continued safe operation with the inoperative item are provided in the
Dispatch Deficiency Guide.
c. The item is of a non-airworthy nature. Non-airworthiness items do not affect the continued
safe operation of an airplane, and may therefore be deferred until the next maintenance
If the item does not meet the above criteria, the Airworthiness Management of Garuda Indonesia
must be contacted for deferral authority.


a. For the purpose of deferrals, discrepancies may be classified as follows:

1) Non-airworthiness item.
2) MEL items which require placard in the shape of sticker or metal plate.
3) MEL items which require maintenance action.
4) MEL items which require flight crew action.
Detail discrepancies classification is described in the Chapter VIII Maintenance Log. Para 4.
b. MEL discrepancies also fall into one of the following repair interval categories (A, B, C, D).
The intervals specific the maximum time limit prior to which the discrepancies must be
repaired. Detail repair interval category is described in the Chapter I - 4 Part D 95 Minimum
Equipment List.
MCC Responsibility

MCC is responsible for authorizing maintenance deferral of non-airworthiness items and

MEL/CDL items. MCC is also responsible for tracking each HIL and scheduling timely

c. Technical Operation Control (MLT) Responsibility

1) Monitor and control accomplishment of closing the Hold Item List.

2) Acceptance for the application of Hold Item List extension from MCC.

d. Airworthiness Management of Garuda Indonesia Responsibility

MCC shall seek Airworthiness Management of Garuda Indonesia for authorization of the
deferral items that, not covered by the MEL/CDL manuals.

e. Pilot-in-Command (PIC) Responsibility

At line stations which are not staffed by maintenance personnel, the PIC has the authority to
defer non-airworthiness items and MEL/CDL items which do not require specific maintenance
action. The PIC will contact MCC at the earliest opportunity to assure that the deferred item is
properly documented and deferred at the next staffed line station.
c. HIL Extension, all deferral will be authorized for a specific repair interval. If the repair can not
be implemented within the repair interval, the discrepancy shall be referred to the
Airworthiness Management of Garuda Indonesia for extension.

Airworthiness Management of Garuda Indonesia is authorized to use a continuing

authorization to approve extensions to the maximum repair interval for category B and C
items. Airworthiness Management of Garuda Indonesia shall notify DGCA of any extension
and record extension in the appropriate document within 24 hrs.

The Airworthiness Management of Garuda Indonesia is not authorized to approve any

extensions to the maximum repair interval for category A and D items. The DGCA may deny
the use of this continuing authorization if abuse is evident.

d. Non-airworthiness items
At home base and at line stations which are staffed by maintenance personnel, the deferral of
Non-Airworthiness items shall be authorized by MCC for a specific repair interval.

e. MEL items which require placard or maintenance action

The deferral of these MEL items may be authorized by MCC for a specific repair interval,
provided MCC assures that the maintenance action and/or placard are carried out prior to

f. MEL items which require flight crew action.

The PIC has the authority to defer MEL items which require flight crew action only (no
maintenance action). The PIC will contact MCC at the first opportunity to advice discovery of
the discrepancy.

g. The only valid reason for dispatching an airplane from home base with an open MEL
discrepancy is the lack of the required parts. Before an airplane departs home base with an
open MEL discrepancy, MCC shall:

1) Obtain confirmation from Material that the required part or component is not in stock.
2) Complete a Material Requisition form indicating the status as “AOG” and return it to
Material for action.

3) Complete the Hold Item List form.

Note: No parts shall be cannibalized or robbed from another airplane or engine to facilitate
repair of an MEL item without the prior approval of MCC and/or the Airworthiness
Management of Garuda Indonesia. Part Robbing procedures describe in App. A-07 this
h. Whenever MCC requires authorization to defer or continue the deferral of a discrepancy, MCC
will contact to MLT of Garuda Indonesia:

1) During off hours, on weekends, etc., MCC may request deferral authority by telephone, or
other means.
a) Date and exact time the MLT of Garuda Indonesia was contacted must be indicated
on the application.
b) MCC shall complete the HIL Extension application then follow up to MLT.
c) The NIL material slip, tools/ equipment slip and/or Urgent Material Request (UMR)
shall be attached in the HIL Extension Report.

2) Upon the MLT accept the HIL extension application; he will sign and follow up to
Airworthiness Management for approval.

3) Incase Airworthiness Management Inspector approves the deferral, he will sign the HIL
Extension application. Then record and distributed to MCC and DGCA for reporting.
i. MCC shall review Hold Item List status record and evaluate trouble shooting the discrepancy.
There is need further planning of HIL rectification reference to HIL status record, Dispatch
Deficiency Guide and Aircraft Maintenance Manual. If necessary MCC can provide ground
time, spare, special tools and expert personnel/ advice to control and monitor rectification.
j. If HIL extension is over due for the category B and C items, otherwise MCC decide to
grounded the aircraft after receive Airworthiness Management approval.
For detail procedure for recording HIL/CDL recording is describes in the Chapter VIII Maintenance
Log and App A-02 para. 5 Maintenance Log Entry this manual.
d. Maintenance Release on an ETOPS Flight

Prior to issuing Maintenance Release for ETOPS flight, the aircraft must meet all the
requirements in the DDG and must be in compliance with the ETOPS configuration as
defined by the CMP Document.

At the diverted station where no ETOPS Authorized Person, the Flight Crew may perform
ETOPS departure check which shall consist of an ETOPS parameter as stated in the Aircraft
Operation Manual.

Note: The Flight Crew shall not perform any maintenance actions. The ETOPS departure
check shall consist of the Transit Check Job Card.
a) All maintenance on the aircraft, engine and it components has been carried
out and recorded in accordance with maintenance program.

b) All deficiency found during maintenance are corrected, so far is they affect
airworthiness. The maintenance release shall not be sign unless the
appropriate actions have been made and signed off accordingly.

c) Assure that corrective action is taken on the RII discrepancies.

d) After a completion of work, inspection or trouble rectification the authorization

holder shall sign the maintenance action and sign the Maintenance Release.

e) The operational & emergency equipment is carried on board and is functions.

f) The Certificate of Airworthiness of the aircraft remains valid.

The lists of Authorized persons are kept on file in the Airworthiness Management office.

This section provides maintenance release procedures, Aircraft Maintenance Log Book record
entries and fills in the Certificate of Maintenance Form. Aircraft are return to service following
maintenance by person specifically authorized to do so by Airworthiness Management

When returning the aircraft to service, the authorized persons acts on be half of the Airworthiness
Management, therefore certifying that maintenance covered by release was accomplished in
accordance with Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP).

The Maintenance Release signature constitutes a certification that:

a. Inspection to examine the maintenance is properly performed.

b. Be prepared in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Manual.
c. All defect affecting airworthiness have been rectified, the completed works was performed in
accordance with the requirements of this Manual, the CAMP and the related manufacturer
maintenance manuals.

d. No any Airworthiness Directives exceeding its limitation.

e. All sign, stamp in the completed work (package) was made by an authorized person who
determined that work was satisfactorily completed.

f. All items are required to be inspected were inspected by an authorized person, who
determined that the work was satisfactorily completed.

g. No known condition exists which make the aircraft would become unairworthy.
h. So far as the work performed is concerned, the airplane is in a condition for safe operation.
i. The operational and emergency equipment is carried on board the aircraft and is functional.
j. The Certificate of Airworthiness of each aircraft remains valid and displayed.
k. The Certificate of Maintenance Release of each aircraft remains valid and displayed.

No person may sign off a maintenance release unless he or she, which has been assigned and
authorized to subject task by Airworthiness Management Department. The definition of
authorized personnel is use for person who’s authorized to sign the release to service documents
of aircraft after maintenance.

Garuda Indonesia authorizes the following individuals to execute maintenance release provided
the person are properly trained, qualified and certified with authorization issued by Airworthiness
Standard. The following is requirements of issuance authorizations:

a. Holder appropriate government AME license or equivalent for airframe & engine rating or
radio, instrument & electrical.

b. Have a minimum 5 (five) years experience on aircraft maintenance and at least 2 (two) years
continues experienced on aircraft type for which they are seeking.

c. Assigned by quality department and approved/endorsement by Airworthiness Standard.

d. Passed from the qualification/ assessment test conducted by Airworthiness Standard.

Aircraft release after weather diversions or technical reason:

The Pilot in Command may release the aircraft for dispatch after weather diversion at any
stations. Use the Flight Crew Preflight Checklist and sign the release column on the AML Book.
If an authorization holder is not available and that the technical problem has been rectified by
person that not holding an authorization, the PIC may release the aircraft for continued flight.

Note : The PIC shall not perform any discrepancies rectification.


In addition the Certificate of Maintenance Form should be used for the Letter Check Maintenance
Release (A / C / D-Check and A/ C Phase) of an aircraft. The person holding appropriate
authorization shall do a certification, after all works and discrepancies been accomplish and
Major Check Letter Check Maintenance Release

Maintenance release statement in the AML action column

“This (Letter) Check has been performed in accordance with the master checklist (form No +
Aircraft Type Code), pertinent detail are on file in the work order package form.”
The wording how to certify the checks shall be specified in manner prescribed in the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulation Part. 43.9(b) :

“I certify that the aircraft identified above has been maintained and inspected in accordance with
approved continuous airworthiness maintenance program Doc. No . . . .Rev. No. . . . routine and
inspection were performed, there to the aircraft is in airworthy condition and ready for return to

In addition for the letter check (A Check- up to D Check) a Certificate of Maintenance Form
shall be used for additional record.
The original certificate of maintenance shall be inserted in the Aircraft Maintenance Log Book
cover holder, and shall be stationed in the cockpit.
Special Condition

When the aircraft is Return to Service for urgent operation, and some item have not
performed yet due to some reason, but still under the airworthiness limitation. The item it
shall be positively identified and recorded in order to permit immediate recall and
replacement in the event of non-conformance to specified requirements and recorded in
the AML book.

When the aircraft is on the ground more than 1(one) month and the test flight is not
required, the flight crew may perform ground acceptance check prior the authorization
holder to release the aircraft returned to service.


(enroute sta) JKTOMGA



In order to maintain flight schedule integrity, it occasionally becomes necessary to defer the
rectification of minor discrepancies to a more opportune time. Deferral shall be permitted under
controlled conditions defined in the Garuda Indonesia Dispatch Deficiency Guide (including
Minimum Equipment List, Operation Procedure, Maintenance Procedure and Configuration
Deviation List).

The purpose of Deferred Maintenance Procedures is to control deferred discrepancy

to avoid deferred discrepancy over due according to DDG.
The Deferred Maintenance Procedure is documented with the use of:

a. The Hold Item List Control Sheet Form (MZ-2-25), which is used by MCC to defer
discrepancies and to assign them to maintenance for corrective action.
b. The Hold Item List Extension Monthly Report (MZ-2-25.1), which is used by MCC to report
status of deferred items and extent due date.
c. The Hold Item List Extension Application (MZ-2-25.2), which is use by MCC to request
approval to Airworthiness Management for extending repair interval of the HIL.

To ensure that all aircraft to meet the applicable airworthiness requirements, all personnel
assigned working on the aircraft are subjected an AME License Holder and no person may sign
maintenance release document unless has been assign and authorized for subject task.
Personnel that authorized to sign off the final maintenance release of aircraft document after
maintenance are qualified and appropriately licenses. Since the Garuda Indonesia Aircraft are
maintained by approved maintenance organizations (AMO), the authorization is issued based
on the request of the AMO or operator Quality Assurance.


Authorization System: The qualified personnel shall have authorization, as authority to carry
out the certification on an aircraft after maintenance work is completed and called maintenance
release. The authorization / endorsement certificate shall bear the following: Name, Personal
Number, Authorization Number, Unit, Validity, Date of Issued, Reference of Authorization, AME
License Numbers, and Signature of the Airworthiness Standard Senior Manager.

The authorization licenses which are Airframe/Power Plant (A/P), Electrical/Avionic (E/A),
Avionic extension for Airframe/Power Plant, and Dual Airframe/Power Plant (A/P)
Electrical/Avionic (E/A) authorization holder and Required Inspection Item. The scope of
authorization of Avionic extension shall be issued for the person holding Airframe/Power Plant
company authorization up to Weekly Inspection.

The scope of maintenance release:

a. Minor maintenance release may certify up to Daily Inspection or up to Weekly Inspection

including the ETOPS category aircraft, according to the scope of the authorization given.
b. Major (letter or phase A, C) maintenance release may certify A, C, D inspection, according
to the scope of the authorization given.
c. The supplement skill to perform the specific test or maintenance shall have competency as
the following items: Engine Run Up, Auto Land Test, and Compass Compensating.
d. Final Maintenance Release is given to appropriate airframe and powerplant type rating
license holder.

To obtain the authorization, the qualified personnel must fulfill the following requirements:

a. Shall have a minimum age is 21 years old and not more than 65 years old.
b. Holder of Government AME License or equivalent for airframe & power plant or radio,
instrument & electrical.
c. Holder of type rating certificate.
d. Shall have physical and mentality health and at least medical fitness statement signed by
general physician with periodic medical examination period not exceeding 24 months.

Have 5 (five) years experience on the aircraft maintenance and at least 2 (two) years
experienced on aircraft type for which they are seeking, for other type aircraft may be
submitted at least 6 (six) month from the last authorization issued to applicant.
f. Assigned by Quality Assurance of the AMO or other air operator and approved by
Airworthiness Standard.
g. Passed qualification review & test for endorsement license conducted by Examiner of
Airworthiness Management.
h. Avionic Extension for Airframe / Power plant Engineer:

1) Appointed by Quality Assurance of contracted AMO or other air operator.

2) Holder of Airframe and Power Plant Authorization for Final Inspection Release at least
Daily Check for 2 (two) years.
3) Successfully complete the relevant type avionic extension training, which shall include
On the Job Training (OJT) as part of the course and instruction on BITE, CMC, CFDS,
and applicable procedure.

Generally only 2 (two) type of aircraft authorization shall be issued, additional authorization
shall be given base on consideration of work load and the availability of qualified personnel.

Temporary or limited GA Authorization may be issued by VP of Airworthiness Management to

the qualified personnel to perform Release to Service. The authorization may be issue for
special condition (such as aircraft diversion to station which is GA authorization holder has
available or delivery from Lessor or manufacture to home base, etc.)
To diagnose defects where the check to determine serviceability do not require
anything other than operational check, simple functional tests or the use of Built In
Test Equipment.
c) Limited to those components included where identified in relevant Aircraft
Maintenance Manual, printed circuit board or electronic cards, consider as LRU.
This does not permit the adjustment of item supplied as bench tested/ set units or
replacement of internal components within the LRU.

The Maintenance Release signature constitutes a certification that:

a. Inspection to examine the maintenance is properly performed.

b. Be prepared in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Manual.
c. All defect affecting airworthiness have been rectified, the completed works was performed in
accordance with the requirements of this Manual, the CAMP and the related manufacturer
maintenance manuals.
d. No any Airworthiness Directives exceeding its limitation.
e. All sign, stamp in the completed work (package) was made by an authorized person who
determined that work was satisfactorily completed.
f. All items are required to be inspected were inspected by an authorized person, who
determined that the work was satisfactorily completed.
g. No known condition exists which make the aircraft would become unairworthy.
h. So far as the work performed is concerned, the airplane is in a condition for safe operation.
i. The operational and emergency equipment is carried on board the aircraft and is functional.
j. The Certificate of Airworthiness of each aircraft remains valid and displayed.
k. The Certificate of Maintenance Release of each aircraft remains valid and displayed.
- GMF-AeroAsia

(4) When a dual release is being applied to DAAO Form 21-18 to satisfy a CAA or EASA member state authority, the air
agency, U.S. air carrier, or DGCA approval/certification number must be entered in Block 21, along with the following
statement in Block 13:
“[Name of repair station] certifies that the work specified in Blocks 12 and 13 was performed in accordance with
EASA Implementation Rule part 145 approval, and with respect to that work, the aircraft component is considered
ready for release to service under EASA approval number [insert number].”

n. Blocks 14 through 18. Shade, darken, or otherwise mark to preclude inadvertent or unauthorized use.

o. Block 19. Approval for Return to Service. Mark the appropriate box(es) indicating which regulations apply to the
completed work. If the box “Other regulations specified in Block 13” is marked, then the regulations of the other CAA(s) must
be identified in Block 13. At least one box must be marked, or both boxes may be marked, as appropriate.

(1) The regulations of the other CAA must be specifically identified in Block 13. The completed work can be accomplished in
accordance with the regulations of the DGCA, or the regulations of the DGCA and another CAA. The data used to complete
the work must be clearly stated in Block 13 or attached to the form and the attachment identified in Block 13. If the work has
been done in accordance with both the regulations of the FAA and another CAA, both boxes must be checked. (Refer to
paragraph 3-2a(3) of this order for dual release instructions.) Attachments should include the form tracking number of the
corresponding DAC Form 21-18

13 when a PAH rebuilds, alters, or inspects their product in accordance with § 43.3(j) or § 47.7(d).
p. Block 20. Authorized Signature. This space will be completed with the signature of the authorized
person. Only persons specifically authorized are permitted to sign this block. The approval signature must
be applied at the time and place of issuance and manually applied, except as provided in paragraph 3-1o
of this order.

q. Block 21. Approval/Certificate No. Enter the PAH, air agency, or air carrier certificate number (for
example, OTWR165K).

r. Block 22. Name. Enter the typed or printed name of the authorized representative whose signature
appears in Block 20.

s. Block 23. Date (m d y). The date to be entered in Block 23 for approval for return to service will be the
date on which the original work was completed (refer to § 43.9). The date must be in the following format:
first three letters of the month, two-digit day, and four-digit year, for example, Feb 03 2008. This does not
need to be the same as the printing or shipping date, which may occur later.

Lost DAAO Form 21-18 Issued for an Approval for Return To Service. If a copy of a DAAO Form 21-18 is
requested, a file copy of the original form may be provided by an authorized person, if available.




Parts yang dibuat menurut ‘DGCA approved production system’ dan sesuai
dengan ‘DGCA approved data’, sbb :
1. Parts yang dibuat atas dasar PMA (Part Manufacturer Approval).
2. Parts yang dibuat atas dasar TSOA (Technical Standard Order
Authorization) yang dikeluarkan DGCA.
3. Parts yang dibuat dalam hubungannya dengan prosedur sertifikasi suatu
4. Parts yg dibuat sedemikian rupa dan di-approve oleh DGCA, misal, parts
yang dibuat under TC atau PC. Tambahan, parts yang dibuat di suatu
negara di mana Indonesia mempunyai perjanjian ekspor/impor u/ part

1. ‘Standad parts’ seperti bolt dan nut terbukti memenuhi standar atau
spesifikasi yang ditentukan.

2. Parts yang dibuat oleh owner/operator pesawat untuk mempertahankan

atau mengubah produksi mereka yang terbukti memenuhi DGCA
approved data.

3. Parts yang mana inspeksi dan test telah dilaksanakan oleh certificated
persons yang berwenang untuk menentukan kesesuaian dengan DGAC
approved data.


1. N e w .
Product, accessories, parts, atau material yang belum mempunyai
operating time atau cycle.

2. Overhauled.
Mendeskripsikan pesawat, engine, propeller, appliances, menggunakan
metode, teknik, dan praktik yang diterima DGCA :
▪ Telah di diassembled, cleaned, inspected, repaired bila perlu dan
reassembled sepanjang mungkin.
▪ Telah di test sesuai approved standard dan technical data, atau
current standard dan technical data yang diterima DGAC atau
dikembangkan dan didokumen-tasikan oleh pemegang TC, STC,
atau PMA




Who is the most responsible upon the installation of

“un-approved parts” on an aircraft (or product) ?


2. S a l v a g e.
Parts, appliance
s, dan komponen dengan ‘unknown condition’ mungkin saja
dipaksakan dipakai sementara, tetapi mereka bisa jadi
‘permanently unworthy’. Parts tersebut mungkin telah
mengalami ‘excessive heat’, terendam corrosive fluid, atau
benturan yang kuat.



4. Newly Manufactured Parts / Bogus Parts.

Untuk parts yang ketersediaannya sangat terbatas, bisa jadi
telah dibuat secara illegal dan dipasarkan, (ancaman bagi flight
safety). Parts dibuat oleh pabrik yang bukan ‘approved
manufacturer’, sehingga bisa ada penyimpangan (tidak
diketahui) dalam drawing, heat treatment, raw material.


Adalah parts, components, atau material yang
tidak dibuat sesuai dengan prosedure yang approved, atau
diperbaiki dengan prosedure yang tidak memenuhi approved type design, atau
tidak memenuhi spesifikasi standard industri.

Contoh unapproved parts :

Parts, components, material yang palsu (counterfeit) atau diberi tanda
(marked) dengan tujuan mengelabui.
Parts yang dikirim langsung ke users oleh manufacturer, supplier, atau
distributor yang tidak memegang atau beroperasi dibawah authority,
production approval untuk part tersebut.
Parts yg telah dirawat / diperbaiki dan direlease return to service oleh orang
atau facility yg tidak berwenang (sesuai CASR part 43).



Unidentified parts harus di identifikasi kembali oleh manufacturer atau person

yang berwenang memproses data yang diperlukan untuk menjamin bahwa
parts tersebut memenuhi standard pembuatan. (biasanya berasal dari
surplus parts).

Un-identified parts bisa dalam bentuk :

▪ Identification plate yang hilang.

▪ Tidak ada serviceable tag.
▪ Tida ada data yang mendukung keberadaannya.





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